Review Revue - Cinnamon Flavored Things
Episode Date: September 17, 2024Alf and Reilly finish their science project, feed a foodie, and figure out where they even get things from, in an all new bi-monthly episode of Review Revue! >>>>><<<&;<Follow at:IG: @reillyanspaugh @alfredinnitTwitter: @reilecoyote Join the discord here!Edited by Daniel Ramos @Schubirds 👋Advertise on Review Revue via Gumball.fmSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
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This is a HeadGum Original. Review Review
Review Review
Review Review
Review Review Ooh, review, review Ooh, review, review
Ooh, review, review
Ooh, review, review
Ooh, review, review. Ooh.
Review, review.
Review, review.
Review, review.
That was like, that had a little spice to it well and speaking of spice i just go right into the topic no this is uh that's really funny that was that was the easy stylings of
perry perry says hey hey you still haven't played my first theme song yet oh shit whoops
but in the last episode you had none and, and it became abundantly clear how desperate you are.
So out of the goodness of my heart and desire to exploit the situation for self-promotion,
fantastic, why wouldn't you?
Here's a theme song in the style of Robert Glasper and Erika Badu.
Badu, yeah.
Slightly more high effort.
Badu. Slightly more high effort, Badu.
Slightly more high effort than the last ones,
though I'm still not a vocalist.
That was great.
Would be awesome if you could shout out my Instagram,
where I'm recently starting posting music,
at Perry Saper,
and I'm so sorry for pronouncing your last name wrong.
Sapir, Saper, Sapper.
It's Badu.
At, that was good.
Thank you so much, Perry.
That like, I feel like I want to like be in a lounge,
like with some like mood lighting.
And a martini.
And I don't even drink martini.
Well, I like flavored martini.
It doesn't matter.
I want to be somewhere cool.
I want to be smoking a long cigarette.
And you don't even mean one with a holder.
You want actually like the cigarette itself to be like two feet.
Three, four feet even.
I'm crazy.
I'm crazy.
They can't even put me in a box.
You had to.
Never mind.
You want to bring up what happened to me today. I was. just it's like it's so crazy and would happen to you we don't have to we don't have to talk about it too
much i look i'm not having a great day someone yeah ultimately um much like the melissa mccarthy film um i have been attacked by an identity thief someone has attempted to steal my identity
mother fuck i mean i don't know man what else is there to say i told him i told him like he's the
last person who i wanted to do it too but ultimately
he was the easiest target it's true i mean it what if i'm so sorry that happened i found out
it was a listener because i'm doxing myself on the podcast oh my god i'm so sorry that happened
to you me going i don't know how this happened like cut to every all the
episodes i didn't think that anyone would actually take it um this is i mean the worst thing that
happened to me today is that i almost got my car towed but didn't were you parking somewhere silly
i was parking it was spot there was a good from like uh nine to four or eight to four something
like that and it was 406 I was leaving the nail salon.
Oh, rebel girl.
I was getting a nail fixed.
And I saw, I thought I was just going to get a ticket.
No way.
So I saw him like looking at my thing.
And I saw the dude and I'm running down the sidewalk.
I'm like, that's my car.
I'm like, I'm leaving right now.
I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry.
And he goes, this is a tow zone.
I'm like, oh my God.
He's like, and then he's like, all right, all right.
I'm like, I'm here.
I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry.
I'm leaving.
I'm leaving right now. was like 406 and as i'm getting in my car he literally
points to the sign below me he goes toe zone i'm like i got you i'm sorry i was in a rush and i
left and oh my god my heart rate palpitations so scared it's funny it's a i that it was a toe zone
kind of thought it kind of thought it would be a finger zone.
Because you were getting your nails done, it would be more like a finger zone.
And toes don't have nails?
Well, you weren't getting a toe done.
You were getting a finger done.
I talk in this voice the whole time
but um so here's the thing you guys we're pregnant we have a couple pieces of news we
collectively collectively um we have some news to share and i there was part of me throughout
the week and i'm like oh do i want to like write down notes to share this wouldn't have been in
the spirit would it exactly well quite you read my mind and i'm like, ooh, do I want to write down notes to share this? Wouldn't have been in the spirit, would it?
Well, quite.
You read my mind.
And I'm like, well, since this is an improv show, why start now?
Why start writing notes now?
So we have some bittersweet news after God.
What'll have been?
Five years?
Five years.
Five full years. That's crazy um i'm just gonna come around and
say it and it looks like i'm because i'm like i'm sad but happy but sad but you got it because
they don't know what it is so you gotta say it yeah um after our best of episodes in december
um there will no longer be review review we are and that is our decision it is it we're not being
canceled well alf's been canceled many times um you can't we you can't even have a podcast anymore
that we have just decided that like we feel ready we feel ready to close this chapter
and i want to immediately follow it up by saying watch this space alf and
i are developing a new show that he and i will do together next year um so it is not the end of alf
and riley content it is just the bittersweet end of review review we felt like it's time it's like
you know i have been the host that's been with the show since the beginning and the support oh
it's not even the last you can't do it you can't do it yeah yeah i'm gonna say i'll say more about
all the thing and like um the support over the years it has and the community around the show
has been unbelievable and i'm so grateful for every guest,
every listener for all the years I got to do with Jeff,
for the years I've gotten to do with Alf.
And I feel,
we both feel really good about closing it out on our own terms and starting something new and exciting.
And because like our schedules outside of review review have started to like really
ramp up in a, in a way that I don't think either of us expected like last year or, you
know, even the beginning of this year.
Um, we are, and in the interest of like, okay, if we know the show is going to end at the
end of December, let's fucking like give y'all and each other the best last couple months
of this show that we can so it's
gonna be like a quality over quantity we're gonna be bringing some fan favorite guests back like
if you guys want to pick the topics what things do you want to hear before we take you know take
the show down i mean not down before we take her down before we put her down um and so that being
said we are going to be moving to an every other week release.
So it will not be every Tuesday.
It'll be starting on the 17th.
It'll be every other Tuesday.
So you'll get to spend that one week being like,
oh man.
Yeah, that's the silver lining to paint it as.
Do you want to say anything?
Yeah, I do actually.
I do.
I just go in on you i've always hated you never liked your ass and i can finally fucking say it um there's going to be
a post on reddit about how it's that shows anything because we hate each other now um
no i just yeah i mean everything you said 100 100%, I think, you know, I have been, you know, to come into this thing halfway through, you know what I mean?
And have people accept me and accept the change and the change in energy and the change in vibe that I brought and have people, you know, be supportive and everything.
You know, it's been so much fun.
And I've never, ever taken it for granted
that people would do that.
Because I was coming into a thing
that was already going on
and maybe people would have hated it.
But they didn't.
And I'm forever grateful for that.
And going off of that, I think that's part of why we've made the
decision that we've made right is that we are so grateful to everyone who listens every single
weekend the people who listen sporadically and who've ever listened to a single episode you know
grateful for all of it and we don't take it for granted and you know there is a world in which
we could have continued to keep putting out a,
you know,
worse version of this show down the line.
I'm not saying we were there yet. Okay.
Before you jump on and be like,
the show is shit.
but there is,
there is a world in which,
you know,
we're starting to feel this way that maybe,
you know,
it's time to move on to something new.
And we say,
you know what?
they're still listening.
Let's just,
let's just fucking beat this horse till it's dead.
And we didn't want to do that, right?
Because we respect you and we value you.
And we value the fact that you spend an hour to an hour and 23 minutes of your week, you know, with us every week and now every other week. And I truly, you know, I can't wait to show you guys what we're going to do next and have you guys be a part of that.
And I think, you know, it's not the end.
It's only just the beginning.
It's only just the beginning.
And if you're thinking, oh, damn, they're doing another thing.
Like, for those of you who are like, oh, so sad the show's over.
Can't wait to listen next. And then if you're there like, oh, damn, now're doing another thing. Like, for those of you who are like, oh, so sad the show's over. Can't wait to listen next.
And then if you're there like, oh, damn, now I have to listen to whatever they do next.
Yes, you do.
You kind of have to.
This is very much saying we're going to have another show.
Anyway, all that to say, this is going to be the best next couple, like, final hurrahs.
It's only September.
We have time.
Of this show.
So let us know what you guys want to see who you
guys want to see um and we're so excited to write out these last couple months with the podcasts
yeah and and when the time rolls around you know get those votes in for that best of episode oh my
god make them count that's gonna that is gonna be the last thing in the feed
right so you better oh it better be a good one when people go what's this little what's this
little archaeological podcast we've dug up here that hasn't had an episode in in months and years
let me listen to the last thing that was in their feed so please vote well vote with your conscience
and we'll vote with your conscience the debates tonight.
So that's kind of the mindset
at the time of recording.
Imagine it's the other one.
It's the first one.
We were recording this
three months ago.
Yeah, I can't wait to see
what Biden does.
I can't wait to see
what Biden does.
perform really well.
No, I'm like so excited
to see Biden.
so well, actually.
I'm really optimistic.
Yeah, because what they've done
is they've set the expectations
so low, all he can do is like, all he has to do is go there and be vague exactly
exactly um and speaking of let's get right into it because we still have many more episodes to
go you guys we're not done um speaking of joseph robinette biden you know what kind of
flavor i think that man would really enjoy one thousand percent cinnamon cinnamon flavored
things it is decidedly fall for me anytime after september okay sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry i'm
just gonna go back really quick i felt like that was an unceremonious ending we love you we're
excited this is also a normal episode so that's that information and i felt like that was like
just being like haha anyway but we are excited and we still have many more episodes to go so yeah you know this isn't it isn't a sad thing we can
we can no it's bittersweet and it can i'm gonna be sobbing on the last episode but there's time
yet i'm gonna be sobbing pretty much every day well so today we are talking about stolen sorry
that's my thing we're talking about cinnamon
flavored things as i was just saying okay for me as soon as september hits like midnight
oh oh oh oh one on september 1st for me that's fall oh oh oh oh one now what could that mean
like one second into midnight once or i guess just midnight on September 1st.
Yeah, 0001, huh?
I guess 0001.
Zero minutes, one second.
Auto parts.
We're talking about cinnamon flavored things.
We've done pumpkin spice flavored things,
but cinnamon is also a very,
I mean, you're getting like cinnamon in baked goods.
Sorry, someone texted me.
Who was it?
Come on.
Oh my God, it's Biden.
He's like, I'm so excited for the debate tonight.
Joe, oh my God.
Mr. Biden.
I love cinnamon. I put cinnamon in my coffee in the fall
um i love any baked good with cinnamon i i mean listen it's delightful it's delicious
cinnamon flavored things i guess does that to you mean like artificially flavored or just
flavored with cinnamon i I guess both.
The biggest memory for me of cinnamon flavored things is my mom used to be obsessed with cinnamon trident gum.
Oh, and we may see an appearance.
And by cinnamon trident, I mean big red.
It was like that, the smell and taste of big red was such a big part of my childhood.
Well, and so was the smell and taste of other big red, that hide dog you have i don't taste him i just kiss him okay with what with what
stop you're disgusting no your mouth which has taste whatever man oh okay what did you um i also
love when i was in senior year of high school. Whoops. Lock me up.
I liked Fireball because I was a child.
I, yeah, I never liked Fireball.
I think no, Fireball, cinnamon flavored whiskey, nasty stuff.
Nasty woman.
Nasty stuff.
Okay, getting political.
No, I do.
I think when I interpreted the prompt as artificial, I don't know why, but even something like Cinnamon Toast Crunch didn't feel like it counted to me.
Oh, tea.
Okay, well.
Well, are we going to be hearing a little bit about that later?
Or not that it didn't count, but that's not where I was inspired to be taken with it, right?
You're thinking artificial cinnamon i don't like cinnamon in anything other than moderation and pretty much i guess we're never going to do the
cinnamon challenge together i guess there goes the cinnamon podcast we were going to be doing
i uh no i like cinnamon and apple pie i like cinnamon in a little pumpkin bread you know I
like cinnamon and in that kind of thing it as an ingredient in something else you don't like it
when the main flavor is not at all I don't like fireball I don't like big red I don't like red
hot I don't like any of that shit. I used to like Red Hots.
What I do like now is it's an artificial,
oh, it's like a cinnamon oil.
In Fiji, everyone on the crew,
we all chew toothpicks all the time
because you can't chew gum.
You can't eat anything on the beaches or whatever.
And so you'd get flavored toothpicks.
You can't chew gum?
That's so interesting. I wouldn't have thought that. I have get flavored toothpicks you can't chew gum that's so interesting i wouldn't have
thought that um i have cinnamon flavored toothpicks okay and we might be seeing an
appearance later and here's the thing they are really good like there are some the brand that i
have way too hot i will but they're so good but it's like the spiciness of the cinnamon i there
was one time where i was just literally like chain chewing
toothpick this is literally one of the reviews i have is basically the story you're describing
is the bottom my bottom lip was just that's insane like absolutely fucking raw i remember
one time when i was a kid i stayed at somebody's house for a sleepover and also a tiny bit of context my dad british we remember um thinks that americans put cinnamon
in everything hates cinnamon thinks that americans are obsessed with cinnamon it's not a stereotype
at all that's fascinating it's an interesting thing to have been like i've never heard anyone
say that but i took it on whole cloth whatever we were a cinnamon free household has that thing
about peanut butter sorry that my parents have that thing about peanut butter too um although i think peanut butter
it's i think peanut butter is actually a much bigger thing in the uk now than it was when
our parents were kids yes and so they think it's not a thing but it's a thing like my god this
isn't the topic but my parents are like we never had prom growing up what's prom but now in the uk they
have prom like prom is a thing um the same with peanut butter the same with halloween all these
things um my parents did not grow up in the uk they grew up in the north pole um the i mean
ireland is not halloween it's a cultic you know know, whatever, whatever, whatever. Hey, man.
I went over to a kid's house for a sleepover and he had cinnamon toothpaste.
It scared the shit out of me.
Because I'd never seen a cinnamon toothpaste before in my life.
You put a little bit of cinnamon on a toothpaste.
You think cinnamon, you think toothpaste can taste like mint.
I only think toothpaste ever...
I'm really starting to like cinnamon toothpaste.
Only thing toothpaste ever actually tasted like before was like say my toothpaste only thing uh toothpaste ever
actually tasted right before was mint and all of a sudden cinnamon toothpaste sounds like
when you're a kid it's like a parent trying to get you to start like i had like bubble gum
flavored toothpaste yeah as a child to like get you to learn to to fucking brush your teeth and that's just fucked up because that's candy there's candy in that in the toothpaste there's gotta be
no way there's how else they do it come on quick tangent again when i was a child i would get my
teeth cleaned uh and they would offer you different flavors now not i've been offering anything not
that i wouldn't pick mint now,
Well, you're a grown up.
You're a grown up.
But I'm just saying
they don't even offer.
They don't even offer
because like,
what if I hated the flavor of mint?
Yeah, right.
But you're a grown up
so I think there's an assumption
that like,
I know, whatever.
When I was a kid,
I used to get the cookie dough flavor.
They did not have that.
That's some fucking bullshit.
They 100% didn't have that.
They had that.
What did it taste like?
But then ultimately,
it tasted like mint chocolate chip.
It was just a regular ass mint toothpaste.
And they were like, yeah, it's cookie dough flavor.
And you were like, ooh, that is.
We're not here to talk about that.
Okay, we're going to talk about, we're going into,
I'm actually really excited to see,
I love when we do an episode topic that's like,
that's pretty wide open for things.
So I'm excited to see what
each of us have but we need to set an intention.
Yeah and I want to set an intention
and I also want to say you know there's a lot of people
in the Discord who are like you guys already
did that intention.
We're allowed to repeat them.
This is our show. Oh sorry.
Did we ever say that intentions
couldn't be repeated? Sure sometimes we say them and then we go we ever did we ever say that intentions couldn't be repeated sure
sometimes we say them and then we go we already did that one to each other in a really accusatory
way and like if you're setting our intention for the day are you like oh i'm not allowed to say
like exactly i want to have a peaceful day oh can't have a peaceful day anymore because i already did
that in may oh i was oh i oh i i was gonna be happy one day in May of 2017, and now I'm never allowed to be happy again.
Used it up.
Used it up.
May 24th, 2017.
This is going to be the spiciest episode yet.
It's going to be fucking spicy.
It's going to be fiery.
It's going to be fiery.
We'll be right back.
And we're going to take a break because we're going to come right back because we're fired up for this fiery spicy episode i don't know why but when you said we're gonna i thought you were gonna go
like this we're gonna take a shit we're gonna take a break and when we come back spicy fiery
like i thought you were gonna do like a kind of a nickelodeon thing you know what i mean
we're gonna take a break and do it do it you can do it i believe in you i like
and when we come back Spicy, fiery reviews
For cinnamon flavored things
And then there's the music goes in
We're back
And you're listening to
You're listening to
And you're listening to
There's Fireball in my coffee
And you're listening to Review Review I want to start my coffee. And you're listening to Review Review.
I want to start.
I want to start.
Daddy, I want to start.
Mr. Wonka, I've got a golden one.
Flavor florist.
Fucking hell.
Flavor florist.
Flavor florist.
Hot cinnamon toothpicks, 200 count.
What is this voice? I've literally...
I've heard you do a lot of voices and this is a new one. Hot cinnamon toothpicks, 200 count. What is this voice? I've literally, I've heard you do a lot of voices and this is a new one.
Hot Cinnamon Toothpicks, 200 count.
I love it so far.
Justin, any last name?
None at all.
Justin Case.
Justin Case, one star.
Lawsuit waiting to happen.
These are toxic stay away lips and tongue swollen after a few uses so i stopped using them for a week until everything went back to normal tried again just to see what
the result would be same as before lips and tongue swollen very painful i purchased the cinnamon and the mint both have been tossed
in the garbage don't waste your money on this dangerous product here's the thing imagine putting
a fistful i am justin no because no because alf i also bought the i i have a cinnamon pack of
toothpicks and a mint pack of toothpicks and And when the cinnamon one makes my mouth raw,
I switch over to the mint for a little bit.
And then I literally have had the same thought of like,
okay, I'm going to give up the cinnamon ones for a couple of days
and then I'll come back.
And then of course, it's still so raw that it's like the first one back,
I'm like, fuck.
No, but what this, whatin case has done is so much worse because
he says try it again just to see what the result would be you're not doing the cinnamon tooth
no it's the same result for a week and then your mouth is like raw and bleeding and you're like
yeah what could have caused this i guess it could have been the thing i put my mouth that burnt like fuck well better
give it a week see what it calms down gotta do the scientific method about it like i was gonna say
well as i am a scientist i only change one variable at a time to be very careful going
forward that we don't disrupt anything gotta eat the exact same thing I ate last week, but no toothpicks.
And this is the control group toothpicks. What's the difference?
Would the control group be the cinnamon
or would the control be the mint?
Okay, high school.
The control group would be like a plain
toothpick. Oh, you're right.
You know what I mean? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Or I guess any toothpick
that didn't make your mouth feel like shit
didn't make you feel like you'd licked the stove
hey billy i know that you're the coolest kid in school and i'm probably the last person you'd
want to be paired up to do this science project with but since we're here you know maybe we can approach this as gentlemen and really work
to put in 50 50 effort on this thing yeah something like that um now i have a couple ideas as to what
we could do but you know unless you want i was wondering you know it's like how can we make a
fully organic cleaning agent that wouldn't um Fully what? That would disinfect organic materials.
That's what I did to your mom last week.
You organic to my mom?
Yeah, she had an organic.
Oh, I see.
You're implying that you gave my mother an orgasm.
It's called an organic.
That's not very funny, Billy.
I really don't like that insinuation.
And I would ask kindly that you stop.
We're scientists now, okay? Please put your thinking cap on for once okay dweeb what's your next idea okay he did not like the
organic cleaning material um i was thinking we could do a self a solar powered go-kart um
you know go-karting is fun and we kids love that kind of stuff, and so
if there was one that we could make that was
powered by, you know, Madam Sun
up in the sky, that could be
pretty rad.
Mom's Madam Sun up in my sky.
That one sounds too hard.
You're right.
If it's a bit more advanced,
maybe if I was with someone a little bit more my speed,
I could make it happen.
But alas, that is not how the...
I just, I only meant that, well, you know,
I'm what one might call a nerd,
and you're the coolest footballer in school.
You don't really have brains for something like
this no offense what you can't play football and be smart well with the amount of times your head
has been hit and invariably the amount of concussions you've received i don't know if
this i don't get hit i'm fast as hell oh I've never watched you play, so...
Yeah, maybe learn a thing or two about the sport
before you start talking shit.
That's a good idea.
Maybe I'll come to your game tonight.
You should.
It's a big one.
It's North Central.
Big game.
Big game. Bring your mom, maybe okay billy what i i really this project
means a lot to me science is my favorite subject and if you keep making lewd comments about my mom
i'm gonna have to ask the teacher to change partners oh change partners yes and i'm a man of integrity so once i get
when we went to that swinging party last week i'm just fucking with you come on little man
what give me another idea you see i see you got more ideas on there let's do one
i'm sure you got a good one on there set a very clear boundary billy i said if you made any
more comments about my mom okay i promise i have to switch partners i promise i won't pinkies
look it's time for me to head home but maybe i'll see you at your game tonight. Okay, think about the ideas, though. Maybe, you know, maybe you'll come up with a good one.
And maybe when you're sitting on the bench, you could also think of a couple.
Yeah, maybe.
Cut to the game.
I am with my mom because I don't have any other ride.
Oh, hell yeah.
Hey, he brought his mom.
Fuck yeah.
His mom is honestly, it's like, I know you have a, like, I don't know if it's a joke you're doing with him.
It's like, I know we love, your mom material always kills, but like.
It's like half and half.
She's like, oh, okay.
Well, let's cut to the bleachers.
Thanks for coming, mom.
Of course.
You didn't have to sit in the stands.
I just kind of hoped you would just drop me off.
I'm a little nervous that you're here.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Am I embarrassing you?
I'll go.
Mom, stop.
I don't even have to sit next to you.
I don't even have to sit next to you.
You're my best friend.
I don't want you to.
No, you're not embarrassing me.
It's just, well...
Billy, my science fair partner.
He's just been, I don't know,
making some comments about you that I don't really like.
Oh, well...
You can't listen to...
You know, people talk, and they're gonna talk, you know?
And that's not something you need to worry about.
You just keep your eye on your own paper.
Isn't that what we say?
You're always saying that.
That's my favorite phrase you say.
Well, what are you guys doing?
Here they come.
Oh, oh.
I was just wondering what you're doing for the project.
We're still working out some ideas.
But look, I see them running out.
God, he is really fast.
He's already doing, like like laps around the field and the rest of the team hasn't even come out yet.
Who is that?
Oh, well, that's Billy.
Oh, wow.
Oh, I mean, he's, yeah, he's fast, but I don't think he's very smart.
Hmm, probably.
Although he doesn't look like he's getting hit in the head a lot.
Well, that's what I was trying.
Well, maybe if I show him that I'm here to support,
maybe he'll treat me a little bit better next time.
It's worth a shot.
Hey, Billy.
Waving. I made it. Holy shit. Billy, it's worth a shot hey billy billy waving i made it holy shit billy it's me tyler holy fucking shit billy dude oh my god why is tyler the the twerp screaming what were you gonna
call him man that was crazy i was trying to figure out the dirt like it sounded like you're making a dean like sound
tyler the dirt like shut up yeah tyler the dirt why is you know what i sometimes i hate that a
lot yeah that's the thing sometimes you guys are so fucking dumb i swear oh yeah you think you're
so much smarter than us because you're so fast you don't get hit in the head as much as we do?
I'm just worried about you, man.
Straight up.
Like, I know I have a whole thing, but I'm just genuinely concerned about you.
You're way too young. Well, I'm worried about you.
You're way too young.
Way too young for this.
I mean, this is like OJ level, man.
I'm concerned.
Why is Tyler the Dirt yelling your name?
Okay, Tyler the Dirt.
You're not friends with him, are you?
No, we're lab partners, and I'm doing his mom.
Are you?
No, I'm not, and I hesitated to say it because I made him a promise,
and I kind of feel bad about it.
I'm not doing his mom.
Of course I'm not doing his mom.
It would be so creepy and fucked up.
I was going to say, I mean, it's like, yeah, she's hot,
but it's like that would be bad.
Are you kidding me?
She's 40 or something.
I don't know.
That's weird.
Weird as hell.
It's really weird.
Is he May, December?
It's on Netflix.
Honestly, no, I saw it.
You didn't get it?
It was hard for me to follow. Yeah, the jumping around, different characters I saw it. You didn't get it? It was hard for me to follow.
Yeah, the jumping around, different characters, different scenes.
Why don't they just stay in one conversation that goes from that day to the next day?
Harder to tell a story that way, though, huh?
When you think about it.
It's just frustrating.
All right, thanks for the talk, man.
I got to get back out there.
Halftime's over.
Mom, he...
I'm so embarrassed.
He didn't even acknowledge me.
Oh, he probably just didn't see you.
You know, he's wearing that big helmet.
Not that he needs it, never getting hit in the head being so fast and all.
You know what?
I'm going to head down there.
You stay up here.
I just want to let him know that, like, I'm here to support.
Maybe wait till after the game, no?
Don't worry.
It's okay.
He knows me.
Head down.
I'm so fast.
No one's going to catch me.
Ew, Tyler the Dirt.
What are you doing down here?
Oh, hey, Rutger.
I didn't know you knew my name.
And Tyler the Dirt?
I don't really get that one.
But I'm here to show my support for Billy.
Oh my god.
You think you're here?
You think Billy gives a shit that you're here?
You think Billy gives a shit?
I'm so fast.
No one can catch me.
No one can catch me.
I'm so fast.
Look how fast he is.
I just wanted to show him that even though we're different, I'm here to support him.
Well, he's been noting how you and your hot mom who he's been doing are here.
He said that?
Yeah, he's been talking about him doing your mom all night.
I'm so fast, but is Tyler talking to Rutger on the other end of the field?
Better run over there, even though we're in the middle of a play.
is what Rutger is saying true?
What did he say?
I was telling him about how you were talking about Dew and his mom.
Rutger, shut the hell up.
So it is true?
No, I swear I made you a... You promised!
Billy, you said that you wouldn't talk about
tyler i made sexual relations with my mom i didn't have an organic with your mom okay we didn't do
that stuff that would be weird well i obviously know that you didn't but you promised so why are
you bothered about it didn't happen because i know my mom is gorgeous any man would be lucky to have her and i know
that she was probably embarrassed to have such a twerpy little son like me trailing after her
and i just thought that if i could ace this science fair project and and get straight
as a school that maybe one day i'd be i'd be man enough of a son for her. Holy shit. I don't have the muscles like Rutger or the speed like you.
So this science fair project is really important to me.
Rutger, hit the showers.
I gotta talk to Tyler.
Thank God.
I was hoping they wouldn't put me into play anyway.
You should really stop anyway. You should really
stop playing. You should go to a doctor
and stop playing. You have a nosebleed
pretty much all the time.
I feel one coming on right now.
Yeah, well, it's already happened.
There's a problem, right?
Both nostrils are bleeding.
I feel like one's not too far
away. You can probably taste it, actually,
at this point. I hope.
But I don't know.
All right, man.
Yo, Tyler.
I'm sorry.
That I made all those jokes about doing your mom and banging her and, you know,
all that stuff.
You're just saying that because you want me to do all the work on the science.
I'm not just saying that.
Okay, there's more to life than being fast.
Sure, I'm the fastest kid in the school.
Probably the county even.
I saw it.
I'm actually glad I saw it.
It's pretty incredible.
You weren't hit even once.
You're like Sonic the Hedgehog.
I think, okay, we are going gonna have a talk about your references um specifically that one
um but i think maybe i want to be a scientist
um would you teach me how to be a nerd like you? Okay, I really thought we were making headway, and then you started calling me a nerd again.
You're not?
I'm sorry.
Is that not the right word?
No, I'm really smart.
I just, whatever.
So you're not a nerd.
Did you have any ideas?
Dork, then?
I get.
Gadget head?
Fuck it. Fuck it.
Fuck it.
I'll do, I'm going to make a solar powered go-kart and you can take half of the credit.
Solar powered go-kart?
I already said that idea.
This is not new.
That's the position I did with your dad last night.
You never said I couldn't make fun of your dad a normal one a normal one poor rutger i know i'm worried about him i'm really worried gotta get
that guy a cct scan on that kid i think ty Dirt? What are you talking about? What was he talking about?
He was trying to find a name.
It wasn't...
Was he trying to find a name?
Yeah, he was.
I was just wondering if maybe, you know, Rutger, Riley,
they're sort of similar names, autobiographical kind of...
That's actually not very nice.
Sometimes the truth hurts. lizzo taught me that this is for
this is for cinnamon toast crunch flavored pancake mix come on and then it also comes with i guess
like this is a crazy marketing thing it comes with a pouch of a little mini pouch of Cinnamon Toast Crunch. So you can garnish.
To sprinkle on top of, yeah, as a garnish.
A cinnamon, like cinnamon flavored pancake, not flavored, but it's like literally putting cinnamon and vanilla into pancake batter.
Sounds lovely.
I'd be, I don't know.
This actually may not taste that bad.
I don't know.
It doesn't feel like it would taste bad.
It just feels like it would taste unnecessary.
Like I feel like just make cinnamon, just get regular pancake mix and put some cinnamon and sugar on it.
And you're exactly right.
And you're exactly right.
And I think putting a dry cereal on top of pancakes sounds bad.
Here we go.
Three stars from nella r um
nella uh nella r you said um nella are you okay are you okay now
nella are you okay are you okay nella You have to be nice to me.
Someone stole my identity.
Nella, our three stars.
The title is The Kids Will Love It.
Foodies, not so much.
Oh, fuck off, Nella.
A novelty, dot, dot, dot.
A huge hit with kids and maybe easy to make for young adults foodies will not
enjoy this the ingredients tasted stale fun for events with children what the hell well no shit
a foodie isn't gonna be impressed by cinnamon toast crunch flavored pancake mix no one made you order it no one made you buy this
no one made you buy this i also wonder if she's a foodie well i have to imagine right but like
also how fucking weird if she wasn't she's like i mean look this is fun but it's like
foodies aren't imagine like i loved it but a foodie not so much foodie no no not my friends
my friends are foodies and and this is not for them.
Oh, I have the palate of a child.
Or a young adult who can't do complex tasks.
Like, what is that line about?
I love it, and maybe a young adult can make it.
It's crazy.
Maybe a young...
Yeah, I think most young adults could make it.
It's pancake mix.
You could make pancakes.
It's like, what the fuck?
Foodies, not so much much foodies will not like this
it's so pretentious it's such a pretentious review just be like it was fine kids will like
it's like it's at no point i don't know also marketing things to a foodie is really wild
i don't know how one would do that i mean it sounds like foodies i think it's
one of those things of like to self-describe can be tough totally to be like i'm a foodie totally
what does that what does that what does that mean precisely oh it is wild because like you're not a
chef no you enjoy food on a level like maybe you're a home cook.
I know, but I don't even think it is that.
Because I think foodie means specifically like, I like to go to restaurants and eat food.
And like try new restaurants.
I like to go to restaurants and eat food.
And I'm like, that's called being alive.
Everybody likes that.
Nobody doesn't like that no i guess like someone who like has a really expanded palette
and like has tried a bunch and is interested in learning about it but not doing it it's like
there's something so like passive about it's like oh well no the way that they made that is they
flambé the this and that and it's like exactly oh well what did you cook for dinner last night
it's like oh i can't i can't cook. I literally can't.
I can tell you every step of what they did and how they did it and how it's right.
But I know that aerosolized seaweed, buckwheat.
Can't do it.
You know?
Yeah. Well, a couple dates in, I guess, you know,
the me making dinner for this guy I'm dating on stage is here.
So thanks for coming to the grocery store with me.
Of course.
I'm excited to, you know, spend a little time together just one-on-one.
Yeah, I mean, it's so weird because it's like the rest of the other dates that we've had, you've brought your brother.
And so it's really nice that we get one-on-one time for this date.
Yeah, I mean, you know, and you've been so cool about it, right?
I mean, he's a foodie.
And if I go to restaurants without him, I never hear the end of it.
So thank you for indulging.
But rest assured, he has no interest in home cooking.
Um, so tonight.
Oh, I mean, I'm, I'm a pretty good cook.
It's like, it's, it's a hobby I really enjoy.
Oh, totally.
Yeah. Um, like my, like my i'm not trying to
like you know build it up but like my food's pretty good no and i'm sure i'm excited i mean
you know everything you've got to be celery in here i mean what is this a mustard seed i've
never even seen it i don't even know what that is um oh it's mustard seed that's exactly what it's
um what it says right no i just
it's just like he's not like you know it's not like a foodie's not gonna you know you get it
well i guess i mean it's just like you've never tried my cooking
and so i'm not i'm not i'm not trying to be rude about your cooking i'm sorry
no it's okay it's let's just start that i just i i think i've always thought that it's like oh
a foodie just enjoys food it's not you're not like a restaurante you know it's okay it's let's just start that i just i i think i've always thought that it's like oh a foodie just enjoys food it's not you're not like a restaurante you know it's like that's
it's like a foodie just enjoys trying different foods no totally but you know foodies restaurant
yeah but you know they can be a little bit you know totally pretentious maybe you're right maybe
it's it's better i mean hey listen i'm i'm dating you. I'm not dating your brother, right? Why do I care if he tries my food or not?
So, sorry.
Chris, I'm happy that we're doing this.
I'm happy you're here.
And this is going to be the best miso salmon you have ever had.
I can't wait.
And I can't wait to see what those mustard seeds are for.
Me too.
I bet you have a,
I bet you have a mortar and pestle,
One of those.
I do actually,
you know,
it's a little secret.
I add the mustard seeds into the miso,
you know,
normally we wouldn't think to do,
but it adds a nice little zing to it.
It's kind of a secret.
Don't tell anybody.
Don't tell anybody. Don't tell anybody.
Don't keep talking about it.
My brother might hear.
The more you talk about it,
the more I'm starting to think he might like a taste of what you're cooking up.
I think he would.
I just,
I can't get out of my head that you're like,
he's a foodie.
He wouldn't like this.
And I actually, this is the recipe that I feel.
Did I say it exactly like that?
I don't think I did.
I don't think you did verbatim.
If I did, I'm really sorry.
No, it's okay.
And honestly, you didn't say it like that.
It's just that's how I interpreted it.
What is he doing tonight?
Just out of curiosity.
He, I think, has bowling.
His bowling league is tonight.
You should invite him.
The scary, what?
You should call him.
Oh, I mean, he's totally, he loves you.
He'd be down to come come we can do our first one
on one date
next time we can go to a movie
or something
he's probably already there
though he's probably
frankly he's probably
eating at the alley
he tends to eat at the alley
on Tuesdays
well if he's such a foodie
I think he'd prefer
you know
New York Times recipe
for a miso salmon
compared to
bowling alley food
I mean that is
if he's a true foodie well he is a
food i mean i don't yeah he's a foodie but you know he doesn't need to you know try everything
like i just i'm just saying he's probably had miso salmon before he's a right foodie so okay but i imagine he's had a bunch of things
before he's probably had chicken parmesan like 50 different times look i'm not trying to start
like a argument here do you not think my food's gonna be good no i never like the only thing i've
been saying repeatedly in this conversation is i do think your food's gonna be good i just
i'm just saying that the foodie when you're a foodie you're in search of constantly you're
in search of new tastes new flavor profiles new and exciting right it's that constant
i'm sorry he says at least i'm getting that i'm just saying that it's like i add mustard
seed to a miso recipe who does that i don't know i don't know anyone who does that and i don't know
if that's even good because you haven't tried it and now. Right. And no, and he hasn't tried it.
And I'm going to try it.
And he's not going to try it.
I'm just saying that it's like.
Maybe if it's good, next time you make it, I'll tell him to come over.
Oh, there it is.
There it is.
I'm just saying, you don't know what he's like.
He can take against people.
No, what you're saying is, oh, Sarah, you're a vet tech.
Why would you be good at making food?
You've actually never tried it.
I've never brought your profession into this.
I'm saying that's what you're probably thinking that's not what i'm thinking you're projecting
you're projecting i'm surprised you're a vet tag you should work in a movie theater the way you're
projecting oh he's a comedian oh he's a wordsmith oh oh what are you surprised seventh grade math
teachers could be so witty yeah oh what you're surprised about seven someone who someone who works in education is not allowed to be funny same shit you're never said
that never said that never said that oh but that's what you're saying that i'm saying about you but
that's what you're saying and i'm sorry for swearing but that's i'm sorry for swearing i'm
not allowed to do it all day at work i like to sometimes i like to i'm not gonna call your
brother i'm not gonna call my brother i'll call him he gave me his number after our third date
i i okay i'm just saying this
has happened before and i don't think it's a good idea but what do you mean this has happened before
i in my past i had a remember we were talking when we first started talking i mentioned that
i had recently gotten out of a relationship uh-huh her and i um were together for for a few years and she um things were going great
um and then early on she made a dinner she made a she made a chicken tikka masala pot pie
for my brother and he hated it she's probably a bad cook i thought she was a fine fine fine decent fine
yeah yeah decent i'm not and and she well she scorned him he took he was disgusted by her
and he uh poisoned our relationship. He kind of drove a wedge between us.
And that's kind of why we ended up breaking up.
Things were never really the same.
One of two things needs to happen.
Maybe two, but I'll settle for one right now.
One, you either need to work on the codependency
of your relationship with your brother
and not let his opinion of the food of your partners
influence your opinions about them. Now, is that the one that needs to happen or the bonus
thing that's that that is the well it's one of the two here's two ideally one of these things
happens we're actually be great with both but definitely one of them give me the other one
because i don't like the first one invite him over invite him over have him taste my food because i
promise it's better i don't like the second one either um option three is that this is then this is end of the road well i hate to
think that would happen um okay so then what's it gonna be well i i guess one sounds hard and
it takes a long time and and three sounds awful so i guess two i guess i have to invite him
cut to him arriving.
Oh, Evan, good to see you.
So sorry to pull you away from your bowling.
Delighted, I'm sure.
Of course, we always have so much fun together.
Three frames in, one strike short of a turkey.
Things were going well.
Okay, well, I promise you it is going to be a full strike once you have this meal.
Put the plate down.
And this is?
Don't be coy with me, Evan.
You can see by my impeccable presentation you know exactly what this is. Looks like salmon, no?
Obviously. Miso? Of course. Mmm, mustard seed, clever.
Oh, so you could smell it. Of course, I smell it from a mile away, pungent as ever.
Well, I think you might just be very surprised. Uh, before you take a bite, Evan, I have to ask,
you've never had miso salmon with mustard seed in it, have you?
Not that I can recall.
That's what I figured.
All right.
At your leisure and at your pleasure.
Take a bite.
Is there an aperitif?
Don't need one.
An appetizer?
An amuse-bouche?
Just take the bite.
No amusement for my mouth?
You'll be plenty amused
by this mouthful.
Well, I see I have no choice but to sup.
Noosel, of course.
Salmon. Mustard scene.
Oh, my.
How bold.
Did you hear that, Chris?
Reminds me of a meal I had two or three years ago.
But you like it. You think it's good.
It's delightful.'s uh Quaint
Well I think it's a little better than quaint
You just called it delightful
Delightful and quaint are on very opposite sides of the spectrum I would say
Oh au contraire
I think um
You know it's delightfully quaint
It's like something you'd receive at a French inn.
It's not twee.
It doesn't have thick-rimmed glasses and suspenders.
It's a piece of fish.
May as well.
What can be improved upon?
I'll do it right now.
Oh, I simply couldn't have another bite of fish.
Hey, Chris?
Yeah? I need you to give us the room oh um okay yeah i um i think i'm gonna head out honestly i think that's best chris okay what i've discovered
in feeding your brother is that there is a primal sexual energy that's going on right now and thank
you for going on dates with me and your brother so that i could really tap into this energy and
for introducing us i hope to see you soon yeah um and if we're doing feedback i guess um you have a
terrible vibe you're confrontational you're a perfection. And you annoy the shit out of me.
And honestly, you seem perfect for each other.
Thank you.
You got that third bold in there.
Had to.
Had to.
Roll of threes, honey.
Had to, bitch.
Ever heard of her?
You have time for one quick one?
One less little itty bitty?
One review makes you smaller.
Yeah, sure.
Five stars from L, the letter L, Wills.
So you get to do the first name.
L Wills.
L Wills.
Legal? L wills um legal
legal wills five stars
the title is
it's pathetic how delicious these
bears are
I have so many
extra bags of these in my freezer to
preserve them until I'm ready to devour them
I don't need a lot of sweets but I make an exception because this is cinnamon candy in its truest
form. I eat them at room temperature or I leave a bag in the freezer and just grab a few from there.
Don't worry, they soften up more. They soften up the more you chew. They're addictive either way.
I've given them to people and watched their faces brighten up. The first thing they ask is where I
got them
it never fails not to mention that these bears are a little bigger than regular gummy bears so
they're able to be much softer in the middle when you bite into them i cannot say enough good things
what the hell i guess the part that stuck out to me i mean other than the obvious of like that it's like really obsessed with these bears is one the title it's pathetic how delicious these bears are
and two the first thing that people ask when they try is where i got them it never fails like so is
i guess like what's the point or like what's the it never fails it never fails that people ask or like you want them to
ask so you can say you got them off amazon yeah hit me with that passage again okay i have given
them to people and watch their faces brighten up the first thing they ask is where i got them
it never fails yeah i think i guess maybe it never fails is they want them right.
They're asking me where they got them.
It's a bit presumptuous.
That you think every time someone's going to be like, oh my God, I have to have these.
And then it's like, no, you can't.
They're all in my freezer the freezer is
weird have you ever frozen anything gummy i don't imagine it's good and the texture i freeze i freeze
like thin mints like girl scout cookies yeah i freeze grapes i love frozen but don't you feel
like if you froze a gummy and then thawed it out it would not maintain its texture strange i don't
feel like that would be good.
I think, I wonder if the reaction people was like,
oh, where did you even get these?
And he's just like, oh, Amazon actually.
Adding an even changes it entirely.
Where do you even get these?
Oh, where'd you get these? Where did you even get these oh where'd you get these where did you even where did you even get these where'd you even get these on amazon of course you buy food on there i don't think you're supposed
to do that where did you even get these it does it has like it has like
true like exasperated parent like your kid like comes home and it's like
he's been drinking beer you see the cans where'd you even get these
how did you even get your hands on this stuff where did you even get these i mean oh hey
barb don't be hard on yourself he's just a kid hey josh you run along hey as long as you're drinking
in the house okay where did you even get them i don't know it's okay my little ones they get the
strangest shit they come home from school with the strangest shit you wouldn't even believe it
you wouldn't even believe it another kid runs up it's just like
a handful of worms oh trizzabelle trizzabelle where did you even get these come on oh come on
back outside put them back outside worms are for outside trizzabelle you get out there oh my god
see what i mean i think you answered your own question where did she even get them the ground
probably the ground probably it's just like how does she even get them? The ground, probably. The ground, probably.
It's just like, how does she even come up with this stuff?
Oh, let them live.
She's a comedian in the making.
I think we're going to be seeing a lot more of Trissa Bell.
Oh, prop comedian.
We'll see how well that works out for her.
Hey, there's a market for it.
It's small, but it's there.
Yeah, but who wants to see a handful of dirty worms?
Probably other kids.
I guess.
Well, I mean, you know, start with what you know.
Well, how's the husband?
He doing well?
He's fine.
Things have been tough at work again.
But what can you do?
It's a hard industry.
It's a hard industry. It's a hard industry.
You know, it's not for everybody.
And so, I mean, I guess that's what I've always wondered is like, do they feel like, does, do, do the execs at Petco feel, feel intimidated by PetSmart or like, how does that work?
I think there's definitely a rivalry.
I don't know.
Intimidated seems strong.
I mean.
I didn't mean to imply anything no i mean
sometimes he comes home with like you know he comes home with like and i know he works for a pet
company right uh-huh and i know he's you know he's pretty high up right so i don't think
i don't think of him as being in the store all the time he's in corporate totally sometimes he comes home with
these scratches where does he even get those and i think to myself where did you even get
where does he even get those are like are they cat scratches too too deep dog small dog
too like long and god maybe bird maybe like big parent could be talon not not parent have to be
bigger trizzabelle trizzabelle what's it oh my god trizzabelle you are you are covered in paint
where did that even come from oh where did she even get that where did she even get that what
is that lead it's a lead paint Do your kids have lead paint lying around?
Are they playing with those?
My kids don't, but I do.
Do you think they got into it?
Where did she even find it?
Trisabel, you go wash off, okay?
Just like, just rinse off in the sink.
Yes, you're still small enough.
Get in there.
She's pretty big.
She loves a sink bath.
That's fine.
Okay. But yeah, he bath, that's fine. Okay.
But yeah, he comes home with these scratches.
And they're deep, and they're all over.
Maybe reptilian.
Doesn't have to be talon.
There's something there.
Bearded dragon, maybe.
Yes, but there's dirt in the scratches.
Seems like almost something... something back on the bird train
well something from outside something from outside where would he even get that where
does he even get i try and ask him about it what does he say he's never told you where he's gotten
scratches he surely must know he get this this is what he said to me last week. Oh, I tripped going out of the subway.
How would you even get those from that?
Well, and you wouldn't.
And two, we live in Wisconsin.
So that feels like that's strange that.
Well, I thought he meant the sandwich store.
I see.
But then he clarified.
He said, like the train.
And I went, what?
Like the train.
That's very weird.
That's very weird.
I don't know where you've been going.
I think your little boy's coming over.
God, he's getting so big.
Oh, what have you got now?
What is that, a beer bong?
What is that, a beer bong?
Where do we even get that?
Oh, my God.
Where did he even get that?
Do you or Dan do a little, you know?
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
I knew it.
Come on.
Sometimes we relive the college days.
But I don't know where he even got that because we keep that locked away in the safe.
In the safe.
Of course, you should.
And you should.
Well, exactly.
You know, I haven't told this to anyone.
But one day I saw Mike come home.
And I noticed something off about him.
From work?
Yeah, from work.
He had a completely different wedding band on not yours like i know what his look i know what his looks like it's like it's like gold plated
he had like a silver with silver um with like engravings on it where did he even get that
where and i asked him i asked him i said where did you I said, where did you get that? Right. Where did you get that?
What did he say?
He said, I tripped and fell in the park.
Well, that isn't track.
And how would, how would he, how would you trip and fall in the park?
And then I asked, well, where did you, how did you even get that on you?
And he said, I, like I just said, I tripped and fell in the park.
That is bizarre. And it's like, it's almost the engraving is like a language I've never even seen before.
Could it be Elvish?
Maybe your husband's a nerd.
Maybe, but the thing is, he's such a nerd that we have Elvish writing in his, you know, his man cave.
You'd recognize it.
A lot of Lord of the Rings stuff in there.
I'd recognize it.
One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them.
And so it's not even that.
So I was like, where did you even get that what what language even is that and this way you're making me think
about a lot of things because something happened to me i've never told anyone this oh come on you
can tell me anything my husband he came home from work this was about six months ago and it's
genuinely i can't even think about i can't even talk about without shaking oh come on come on i'm here he came home from work yes he walked into the living room
yeah he said out loud oh my here it comes what does that mean got done on all fours
started retching like some sort of sick animal
and an egg came out of his mouth.
Out of his mouth, can you believe it?
Where did he even get that?
And I said to him, I said, where did you even get that?
Where did that even come from?
Where did that even come from?
Did you swallow it and then you came it out?
And you'll never believe what he said.
What did he say? Oh my God, what excuse could he drum up? And you'll never believe what he said. Oh, my God.
What excuse could he drum up now?
You're never going to believe this.
He said he spilled coffee on himself at work.
Where do you even get that from?
Where would he even get that?
Where would he even get that?
I don't know.
Oh, my God.
Well, since we're sharing things.
I feel so intimate with you.
I do, too.
This is why you're my bestie.
Bestie for the restie.
Bestie for the restie.
I can't believe I'm even saying this out loud.
Because sometimes I feel like it's still a dream.
Sometimes I feel like it's a dream.
But it's not.
But it's not.
One night, my husband got home from work okay and he said i'm gonna take a shower before dinner like of course sure and i you know it's not
strange for me to be in the bathroom as he's showering and so i was i was i I was taking off my makeup. No secrets. And, huh?
In your marriage?
No, none. Well, except
as he's
I hear him start mumbling something.
What's he saying?
Again, I've never, it's like,
it's gibberish, but it seems like
somehow, I didn't know what it was,
but like the grammar of what I was saying was right.
Does that make sense?
There was an interior logic to it.
There was a fluency to it.
Yes, it was consistent.
An interior logic to it.
And the shower door became a portal.
And the devil himself stepped out.
Oh, to hell.
Well, you know what I'm wondering?
Where did that even come from? Where did the did he where did he where did that even come from
where did the devil where did he even come from was he one of god's fallen angels well you wouldn't
believe what my husband said i asked him i said where did that even come from what did he say
what did he say something about gabriel oh my god i wish my husband said oh i got a parking ticket. What does that even mean?
What does that even mean?
He said, oh, it's because I got a parking ticket.
That is insane.
That's crazy.
And since we're sharing, since we're getting intimate, you and I, just between us girls.
My husband came home the other day from work.
And at first I was like, oh, there's my husband, right?
Walking through the door.
I looked a little closer.
Your man.
That's your man.
That's not my husband.
I don't know this man.
I genuinely don't know who the hell this is.
And I looked at him.
He's wearing my husband's clothes, husband's bag, husband's wedding band.
His bowler hat signature.
I look at him and I say,
where did you even come from?
Where did you even come from?
Who even are you?
Who even are you?
And you're never going to believe
what he said to me.
Oh God.
What was it this time?
You're never going to believe this.
He said, oh, I sneeze sneeze so hard i shit a little what men will say anything except go to therapy should we do our last fucking do it this just means all week long
the whole week
I was shaking
in my boots
I was going
I was shaking
in doing it
they did the
monster mash
they did the
monster mash
they did a
quaint y'all smash
I don't think
I'm really liking
the monster mash
I really think
I'm trying to
like the monster mash
I really think I'm starting to like the monster mash.
I really think I'm starting to like the graveyard smash.
I don't think a monster is going to rise from my slab.
I really think a monster is about to rise from my slab.
What's been shaking your ass?
Oh, did I talk about this last week?
I don't remember if I did.
And even if I did, I'm going to talk about it again.
Had a little one.
Friggin' Caspi.
Real Housewives of Salt Lake City.
It's coming back.
It's coming back.
At the time of this recording, we're eight days away.
And the time this episode comes out will be tomorrow.
Tomorrow. Which also be the premiere
of survivors i know i can't i can't i can't to have two things that i'm so excited about
happen on the same day oh my god i know can't believe it where does that even come from
where does that even come from how did they even plan that how do they even plan that
um i can't wait to have our girls back that's gonna be huge
to have my messy girls on the tv at the same time as my messy king jeff brobst
is gonna be pretty pretty thrilling for me and you know shit maybe i'll find out who
sold my identity it was j Jen Shah. Oh my God.
Could have been.
I know her and Elizabeth Holmes are up to something.
Could have been.
Parody, parody, parody, parody.
Parody, parody, parody.
Don't sue me.
Don't sue me for libel, Jen Shah.
Allegedly, allegedly, allegedly.
Jen Shah, you can't sue me for libel.
This is parody.
What's been shaking me is I...
The media that I've been surrounding myself with lately has been unmatched.
And you're always talking about the media.
I am re-watching from the beginning Modern Family and I'm having a hell of a time.
That's a fucking, that's a big commitment.
Are you really going to watch the whole thing?
I'm having a hell of a time.
So far, I forgot how fucking funny it is slash was.
It's so funny this is crazy this is crazy what you brought today what i forgot how your what shook me is i forgot how fan funny mom family was
no it is genuinely so funny but so i've been i've been loving that but it's one of the most
popular sitcoms the last 20 years um on the flip side
of the media that i've been consuming so i famously have been reading war and peace um but
i went on a little trip recently and just the book was too big to bring this sucks and so i was
actually gifted another book recently and i was gifted uh rebecca the novel rebecca that later
a hitchcock movie rebecca was based off of the book rebecca um and i'm fucking loving it
it's it's been the first book in a while that i'm like when i'm it's i love having the feeling of
like being excited to get back to that book later in the day like i think about it a lot i'm excited
it's like the first one in a long time that i'm like oh i wish i was reading right now i wish i
was reading this book right now that's literally never been me even once about anything ever i love it and i can imagine i had a little i had a doctor's appointment this
morning and i'm like to treat myself after my doctor's appointment i'm gonna go get a little
tweet and so i went to this coffee shop that i really like got a cappuccino and a blueberry
muffin 9 a.m sitting there with my book as i was i was elated i was elated. I was elated. And I'm sitting, I literally- It's kind of like a spooky,
like autumnal feeling book too, right?
It's like psychological thriller.
It's fantastic.
And it's so beautifully written.
And I just, I literally, I felt like a kid,
like as I'm reading it
and having my lovely blueberry muffin
and my cappuccino,
I was thinking, I'm like,
I am so happy right now.
It was really lovely so amazing
the novel what it's what that's kind of amazing that you had a moment it was fantastic i had a
beautiful moment that's beautiful um so so modern family and the novel rebecca
it's been shaking me also it's been shaking me is the fact that we're ending our show in december
but i feel like that's not as big of a deal. You can find Alfred on Instagram at alfredinnit.
You can find the show on Instagram at reviewreview.
Reddit r slash reviewreview.
Discord, pop it off while you can.
And Zardes, Jeff and I are still doing them,
monthly Zardes, slash Riley and Jeff.
And you can find Riley on just the web browser not the phone app
at Riley and spot and on
now known as
for as long as it lasts at Riley Coyote and on
TikTok on the clock to the party don't stop
whoa by Kesha
at Riley and spot as you say
every single week on the show we're always saying it whenever I'm not
saying it
where and spot as you say every single week on the show we're always saying it whenever i'm not saying it where where did you do even get that where did you even get that we'll see you next time we'll
see you next week not next week week. Yes, we will.
No, this is coming out on the 17th.
No, this one's coming out.
No, this one.
This one's coming out on the 17th.
Oh, T.
We'll see you not next week, but the week after.
So this is, we'll see you on October 1st.
Spooky. Okay, love you. Spookiest. Spooky.
Okay, love you.
I don't know what happened there.
I literally had a brain fart.
I was like... Ooh, review, review, ooh
Ooh, review, review, ooh
Ooh, review, review, ooh
Ooh, review, review.
Review, review.
That was a Hidgum original.