Review Revue - Date Spots (w/ Jonah Feingold!)
Episode Date: September 28, 2021This week on Review Revue; Geoff and Reilly are joined by special guest Jonah Feingold and read reviews on the hottest DATE SPOTS while investigating seismic activity and experiencing romance... without pressure. See for privacy information.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
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This is a HeadGum Original. Trico's Speedset Wiper Blades Review, review
Trico's Speedset Wiper Blades, oh, review, review
Riley and Spaz here, Jeffrey James is too
Trico's Speedset Wiper Blades, oh, review, review
No fucking way!
Is that new?
Yeah, we do fan submitted theme songs every week.
That came in from Emily.
That was amazing.
She said, I jumped this up off the top of my dick as quickly as possible to help you guys out because we recently ran out of theme songs.
Like Jeff, I started too low, but I sure as shit wasn't gonna record it twice
it wasn't worth recording it twice
that Trico is
one of our loyal
sponsors it's a wiper blade business
we'll just introduce you right off the top please welcome to the show
Jonah Feingold
alum so very special place in my heart writer director Please welcome to the show, Jonah Feingold. SCA alum.
So very special place in my heart.
Writer, director, comedy participant media.
Sponsored by.
Sponsored by.
Thank you for having me.
Excited to be your shout out SCA.
Shout out comedy as a whole.
Very excited.
Shout out to comedy.
Wouldn't be here without comedy
and for those of you like me who
did not graduate from USC
I just want to like to get everyone in the know
out there that it's like we're
okay it's like we didn't go to SCA
it's a school cinematic arts
for those of you who don't know so you went to Tisch
yeah I did not go to Tisch because those are the two
if you didn't go to Tisch or SCA, what was her?
What was your name again?
No, yeah.
And this has been the past three and a half years of my life.
That's the whole thing.
You don't have to know.
She went to BU.
So it's like you actually don't need contractually.
You don't need to know her name.
A hundred percent.
We are so excited to have you here.
You just came out with
um a little film not a little a feature film dating and new york and dude it is so fucking
funny oh congratulations so like are you dating and in new york is it, you know, I mean, obviously that's the first question.
That's a great question.
It is funny because I get tagged in all the Twitter shit where it's like
dating in New York and like 25% of the time it's about our movie.
The other 75,
it's like literally people complaining about dating in New York city.
And I'm like, fuck Google alerts.
Like I really did something by naming this movie,
like an actual thing that people struggle with
and am I dating in New York?
I just started dating again because
I was so consumed by this film for like two
and a half years where romance
was not even tried to
be attempted because we would
edit every night till fucking 1am
and then I'd be like yeah do you
want to go on a date at 1.30 in the morning
City that never sleeps
that's that New York shit
that's that New York shit
Barstow and Clifton still 4
yeah that's a cool
lifestyle though that's like a rock and roll lifestyle
and I'm not like
that sounded facetious and I'm being so genuine
of like
in school you edit
kind of till midnight and like you
do 310 and that whole thing this is all insider inside baseball stuff but um i do kind of miss
that like you know kind of killing yourself just to like make it past scene five i i i don't know
i'm so like i didn't sleep well last night got it i'm I'm so, I feel step behind. I'm sorry. The, the, I do, the energy of like being in an edit room for a lot of time and it's dark
and you leave the edit room and you go see human beings.
It's a really fun feeling.
It like, it's nostalgic.
I mean, it's the same feeling you can get in your fucking like bedroom office where
you're like just on the grind in the laptop in premiere, premiere crashes, everything
gets disappeared.
Fuck that. You panic. But then auto save somehow works. Everything gets disappeared. Fuck that.
You panic.
But then autosave somehow works
and you're seeing stuff.
And that's the rush.
And that's why we keep coming back.
And that's why we keep making movies.
And that's so business.
Finding the folder where the autosave went
and choosing the one that Premiere
wasn't even going to point you to.
Yeah, which by the way isn't easy.
They don't make it easy to find the folder
where it should be the easiest folder
to find in the world.
Yeah. And we should talk about your folder to find in the world. Yeah.
And we should talk about your teeth.
They are the whitest I've ever seen.
They're whiter than your white shirt.
Yes, correct.
Yeah, there they are.
You have incredible teeth.
You guys both have incredible teeth.
I think it's just the light.
I have a good sort of cloudy day light occurring here.
I haven't been to the dentist.
Actually, curious for you guys.
When's the last time you guys went to the dentist?
I haven't done it since the pandemic started.
Ooh, now we're really getting into it i went a couple
months ago because i uh just for routine cleaning we all know it but i um a couple years ago chipped
my front tooth so every now and again have to get that baby bonded rebonded um so i could feel the
bonding was coming off and i said okay and spa let's get back to the
office and um my dentist i've seen him i've been seeing him since i was a kid and he's very sweet
i think he still thinks i'm eternally like 17 because every single time i visit he's like
you're going to boston you're going to school how is that and I'm like
I have not
lived there in over
three years I am very
much graduated and so every time I'm like
but I'm like trying to be like nice I'm like
yeah no uh
I went there for college yeah and it was
wonderful and I loved it but I actually
I live in Hollywood now
and they're like whoa that's crazy
and all the like
the nurses do they're just like oh my god
so then of course last time I went they're like
East Coast girl East Coast
girl what's going on they literally think
you're about to go to college they think you're like
about to leave tomorrow and this is the last stop
absolutely they're like you're getting all your checkups
done before you ship out
and I'm like afraid not incredible so Jonah on your website it says you love new york yeah what you uh what was it
did you move to new york after right after school or like are you from new york like what's your
connection to new york i'm just curious because i've kind of recently fallen in love with the city
well love that and the city is um it's infectious like that i mean i am born and raised in manhattan
i went to school uh in california i lived in california for seven years after college i lived
in i've done it all i've done brentwood i've done silver lake i've done weho i've done fucking
los feliz and i really just because they told you as a director, as a writer, director, they say to you, you have to be in L.A. to do that.
And I was in L.A. literally fucking any job I could get that would pay me money to direct someone.
And I was doing sketches for YouTubers, you know, which was cool.
I got to work with people like Jason Segel.
But it was like a promo for Casper Lee, who's this random YouTuber thing.
But by the way, I sat and I watched Forgetting Sarah Marshall with Jason Segel,
which was an insane moment of my life.
That's insane.
That's insane.
His idea, by the way, to put the movie on.
That's amazing.
Then I interned for Hans Zimmer.
I didn't get paid a dollar.
I spent more on fucking gas than I got paid.
And I was an assistant.
I was just sort
of gigging and i was like okay things are happening but i want to be doing feature-length studio
movies and to get there you need to do an indie and i pitched a lot everyone said fucking no to
everything because that's our business and i was like that's why we keep coming back and that's
why we love it that's why we love it and i i spent a lot of time in my car being like
i miss new york city i miss trap i miss bacon egg and cheese and i moved back to new york in 2019
i said fuck it if i'm not gonna i should at least be happy where i'm living move back here and
magically we were able to also make the movie because we raised the money independently and
went out and did the thing that's amazing that's's so cool. So did you write dating in New York while you were still living in LA? And then when you moved back, you
made it or did you what was that timeline like? A little bit. I mean, we I wrote a script called
What are we which was sort of the precursor screenplay to that movie where it was a romcom.
And I wrote that in LA. And I was like, I'm gonna move to New York and make a feature in like
20 days. And I ended up making a short film and it was in black and white and it's, it's, it's okay. But that script
was imperative because it was like, okay, as a script, there's a lot here that works. There's
a lot that does not work. And when I moved back to New York in 2019, I moved back in about June
and June, July. And I was like, let me take all the things I've loved that I've put into
scripts that will never get made and sort of put them into something that can be made. And yeah.
So in the course of like a month or so I wrote dating in New York, but it all, it had already
sort of been done. Um, like the groundwork had been done. And so I was in New York city and I
was able to walk around, go to the locations I wanted to film at, start to scout, always be scouting. In New York, you're always sort of just like location scouting.
And then while we were raising the money in casting, I was working on the script because
you get someone like Jaboukie and you're like, okay, this, now I need to go rewrite every
single line of dialogue.
Yeah, of course.
Holy shit.
So it all happened sort of simultaneous.
That's awesome.
And I'd also just like, I mean, like I'm not a new yorker but like i just also love to say that even if you're not in the business if you're
not in the industry like everyone who lives in new york like you are always location scouting
if you're not in the film industry you're always location scouting like if you're a dog groomer
you're always location scouting and so it's like that's what i've always said and i feel like that
remains true and that would just be finding places you like that's what everyone correct
it's just yeah so i guess at the end of the day and that's what i'm saying it's like i've always said this it's
like at the end of the day what are you saying aren't we all location scouts and that's what i
know i saw yeah and i see you talk about that a lot you know a lot that is like so funny like you
can't bottom lip tattoo yeah location scout
um but yeah so uh just uh before we get into the the reviews of it all where can
people catch dating in new york what's the best platform where do you get the most cash where
people rent or buy it you know i'm actually gonna find out today literally the call after this is my
first box office phone call with our ifc which is exciting um that's amazing. I know our box office numbers.
We did $15,000 in theaters,
which to be clear for 30 theaters during the pandemic is like to scale.
Like we made $500 million.
Rentals and online take about a week or two to process,
but I don't actually know what I will say is that whatever people feel
comfortable with, I will say I that whatever people feel comfortable with,
I will say I saw it for the first time in theaters on Friday.
Cause we edited during the pandemic and I got to tell everybody,
I never expected this to be in theaters.
The experience of seeing this film in a theater,
I understand where Chris Nolan comes from now.
It was the way we shot it.
Like the DNA of the movie is supposed to be seen in a theater.
The way that the angles of the camera, the, the, the V it like the dna of the movie is supposed to be seen in a theater the way that the angles of the camera the the the vfx the the score go see in a theater if you can you can go
to the ipic theater if you're in la look cinemas in la if you're in new york ifc center or ipic
theater as well but we have 37 theaters across the country if you don't feel comfortable going
to a theater i totally understand you can go on it iTunes and just rent it on iTunes or Amazon or Vudu,
which is a thing.
But yeah, so it's online and in theaters and
I really encourage the theatrical experience
if you feel comfortable, but no pressure.
It's so funny, y'all. Also,
just like the cast is
unbelievable. Jaboukie,
Cat Cohen, Brian Moeller. Unbelievable.
Like every single frame, every person who
came in, I'm like, no fucking way. And then person who came in, I'm like, no fucking way.
And then like to top it off, I'm like, no fucking way Alex Muffet's in this.
Are you kidding me?
It's so, it's so fantastic.
We just absolutely, it was, it was just such a romp.
It was so fun.
Thank you for watching.
But now let's get like, we're actually not here for fun and games.
We're here for some serious shit
yeah um because today obviously we are talking about something that is not
silly it's not fun it's not light-hearted we're talking about date spots spots it's like pretty
serious fucking shit actually jeff and i really well it's supposed to be fun it's supposed to be
fun romantic you know you're with somebody you kind of care about and I mean it's like you could look
at it that way or it's like it's you're playing battleship and it's like okay this is my move
I'm picking a spot I've never been on a date right that's what i was worried about date spots how do y'all pick them
oh i go to at this point in my life i've been to a lot of date spots and now i go to the places
that i know won't have a weight have dope aesthetic vibes and lighting i call them cute
little spots cls for short um sounds like a horrible degenerative disease.
It does. Yeah, sorry, I've been
diagnosed with CLS.
That's fucking funny.
How long do you have? What?
Oh, no.
It goes well all night.
Oh my god.
They are dimly lit. They have like brick walls they have like smaller
tables are too small yeah you know absolutely right scale um do you do you feel comfortable
outing some of your favorite new york date spots of course i yeah i my favorite one right now is
a place called sauced in Williamsburg. Great name.
I don't know why I'm laughing as I say this, but it's a new favorite spot.
It's a funny name.
Sauced, yeah.
Sauced Williamsburg.
It's really cool.
It's a wine bar.
They got fucking great music.
It's actually just a cool, the owners are there.
They make you feel special.
I really like a place called, I also like places that have tavern energy tavern like like like um
gaston's tavern or like lord of the rings we're taking a quick break big tavern energy yeah bte
i got that big tavern chronic headache how long have you had bte for well it's done from the cls that's so funny abbreviating shit oh sorry but um you know what place in la has it and you guys
will remember the name of it i won't it's got it's two stories it's in silver like the top
looks like you're like in red line tavern that's you that's exactly right yeah that place is
fucking dope i love that place.
Yeah, that place has a great, like, the ground level,
it's like all the floors are off center.
Like, that's the energy.
Like, literally, like, Aragon might be in there, but, like, as Ryder.
Can you please pitch an Aragon reboot?
Oh, my God.
That's your first studio.
Fuck me. You guys not love tour fans? What's happening here? Aragon reboot. Oh my God. That's your first studio. Yeah. Aragon. Multi-million.
Fuck me.
You guys not low tour fans? You got it?
What's happening here?
Get Evanescence to do an original song for it again.
Oh my God.
I did not think I'd hear Aragon before noon.
That's incredible.
Jeff, date spots.
What are some of your favorite L.A. date spots?
I should have thought of this before the record, Jonah.
Tilda is a very good wine bar that's kind of new. LA date spots. I should have thought of this before the record, Jonah. I,
a Tilda is a very good wine bar.
That's kind of new.
And when the next time you come out,
you've probably already been out,
but it's a great spot in Echo Park.
just Tilda,
like Swinton.
And it's a,
it's a tiny wine spot and I walk past it all the time and it's always people on first dates.
And I'm like,
this is a first date spot. I haven't been on a first date there but uh it's like it's like what
you were saying is like the uh the the soft lighting of it all the uh the overhead not only
like soft orange but also red string lights uh which I love and uh sushi I just I always end up
dating pescatarians so we end up going for sushi. I love that.
Soft orange, but also red.
Soft orange and sophomore-ish lighting.
I, listen, obviously some great bars, but I will say for a date spot, I love a park. I love like a little picnic moment.
because then it's like,
I don't know.
I just,
I being able to walk around,
being outside is nice.
I think first date spots,
and this is,
this is something that if,
Daniel could attest to,
is like having in mind a second location for a date spot if the
date's going well like we so our first date so the review I brought is where we had our first date
and it's for Melrose Umbrella Company in West Hollywood which and that's the same thing it's
the same energy of like kind of tavern energy, kind of like brick walls, dim lighting,
small tables, like the whole nine.
It's absolutely the highest tavern.
It's fantastic.
Um, and the date was going well.
And so then of course, like, and this is, you know, I'm, I'm telling Daniel side of
it, but he's like, okay, God, I think like, what's the second place we can go to?
Because like, I don't want the night to end, but I'm not going to be like forward and be
like, let's go back to your house.
So where else could we go?
And he's like, do you like, cause we've been talking about, this sounds so lame.
We've been talking about Halo Top ice cream on our date.
And so he's like, so where can you get Halo Top around here?
And I'm like, usually a CVS.
I think he was imagining like a cute little ice cream shop we could go to after a drink.
And catty corner to Melrose Umbrella is a CVS.
So CVS was our second location on our first date.
That's cute though.
It was going to pick up ice cream at CVS at like 1130.
But yeah, Melrose Umbrella just holds a special place in my heart because it takes off all the boxes of a good first date dimly lit bar.
Bonus points for it sort of smelling like Pirates of the Caribbean water as well.
It sort of smells like splash down.
Oh my god!
It absolutely does!
Am I wrong?
If you know, you know.
Absolutely! If you know, you know absolutely if you know
you know
if you know
the real ones
that those
smells like
a dark ride
at Disney
it's the proximity
to the water
at Disneyland
my god
it absolutely
and it's like
but what's crazy
is that it
maintains that smell
while being like
open air
in the front
like somehow that smell is still open air in the front.
For sure. Somehow that smell is still trapped in there, and it shouldn't be.
Oh, it's so good.
It doesn't make any sense.
So shall we get into it?
Do you want to start us off, Jonah?
Did you bring a review, or do you want us to kind of handle it?
Oh, see, I didn't know if it was a surprise.
I can find it.
Okay, perfect. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to bring a review. I can find out. No, this is perfect.
I wasn't sure if I was supposed to bring a review.
That's my bad.
No, that is so fine.
Riley, do you want to start us off with your Melrose umbrella?
Let's do it.
Let me pull up that sweet, sweet little Melrose umbrella review.
What's been fascinating in looking on Yelp,
and I pulled a lot, but this one I think is my favorite,
but what's been wild about looking at reviews for a bar, because you're seeing like the timeline of like, you know, pre-pandemic, beginning of pandemic, during pandemic now.
And going from like a bunch of people being like, they're really doing their best.
Like, we're in a crazy time, you guys.
And like, they're just trying to make it work to then like one stars
a bunch of one stars are from being like I'm being
discriminated against
because I'm not vaccinated fuck this place
yes you are and good
of course
they're like I'm not coming back and they're probably like
so this is five stars
from 2018 so a simpler time this is five stars from 2018.
So a simpler time.
This is from Juan F.
So Jonah, can you give Juan F. a last name?
Feingold, but he's my cousin.
That's yeah.
Hell yeah.
Oh my God.
Can you believe Juan Feingold?
Five stars from Juan Feingold.
Stopped here for drinks with my wife after dinner in the area it's on
melrose so parking situation isn't ideal but we were lucky to find a meter parking right next to
it and then all caps romance without pressure a romance as sweet as passion fruit gone as sour
as grapefruit with a subtle twist of cucumber and the freedom to choose gin, vodka, rye, or pisco. My wife loved this drink. Really fruity.
All caps.
House Old Fashioned.
House bourbon blend, sugar, Angostura bitter, and sour cherry bitters.
This is one of the better Old Fashions I've ever had.
Really smooth.
This place is great for drinks, light bites, and people watching.
I like the decor and atmosphere.
It's first come, first serve.
It's first come, first serve some snatch as seat
if you see one.
But what caught me about this, it took me like,
I'm ashamed to say it took me like at least
two and a half, three read-throughs
to understand that romance without pressure
is the name of a drink.
Oh my God.
Oh, I thought, yeah, that romance is like,
by the way, romance without pressure. That's a good vibe. the name of a drink. Oh my God. Oh, I thought, yeah, that romance is like, is like,
by the way,
romance without pressure.
That's a good vibe.
every bar is first come,
first serve.
What are you talking about?
Just like,
meeting through and like,
him with his wife
and immediately going to
romance without pressure.
Really got me.
Romance without pressure,
Because I was thinking,
I was actually, as you said that,
I was like trying to visualize like,
oh, I guess there is no pressure to be romantic
at the umbrella club.
But you know what Juan said though
that's actually so true?
Because I used to go to dates to that spot as well.
He is the parking situation there.
Not that great.
Not their fault.
Not their fault. But like, it's like they used to host
blacklist writer events there i remember i've tried to go on dates there all the time and i
was like all right i need to literally circle this like kind of hectic area of west hollywood
yeah four times and park pretty much illegally yep yeah to do it yep i used to live within
walking distance of melrose Umbrella.
And so when I went on, when Daniel and I went on our first date there, I was able to walk
and he drove because he was living pretty far away at the time.
And, but he drove, he had to park far away enough that when like we finally texted, he's
like, I'm here.
It's like, I could see him walking from like, and it was like, we hadn't met in person.
And so it's like, I could see him walking
from like far enough away where it's like,
like, hi.
And he was still walking.
It's the most awkward.
What do you do?
Yeah, what do you do in that 30 feet?
This actually happened to me last night.
And I was like, you know what?
I'm going to look at my phone.
So she'll just come up to me.
Yep. Yeah. What do was like, you know what? I'm going to look at my phone. So she'll just come up to me. Yep.
Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep.
What do you do with the 50 feet?
It's not a video.
The shrug.
I'm here.
It's me.
But absolutely, you go on the phone.
I remember being like, oh, did I get a text?
No text.
I was probably just like rearranging things on my home screen.
Just being like, oh, sorry. That email sorry this is crazy anyway hi hello you're walking down the sidewalk
and like hundreds of yards away you're on your phone hey patricia from the app Hi it's me I'm here I'm almost here
I do a little like a dance
What are we doing
We're here
Jonah's standing next to Patricia
Hey guys
Yeah no I think you're sorry
Juan nice to meet you
Yeah no this place there's no pressure
What did he say there's no love. What did he say? There's no love pressure?
Romance without pressure.
I'm almost there!
I see you!
Sorry, Juan, this is my date.
And, you know, I picked this place.
I saw Yelp that there was, you know, as you said, romance without pressure.
And so I really hope...
Eh, he's still walking.
I can't wait to get to you yes
me too hi you guys no you guys you guys seem cute you guys have a good time there is no pressure
with the romance by the way so if you guys don't like each other you could be friends you could
just come out of it you know totally i mean like i you know that's not really what i'm looking for
so i hope i hope this place has the magic touch. I'm going in hot with the vibes.
Oh, tell them the crosswalk's broken, actually.
The crosswalk is not going to change. The light's been broken
for like a day or so, so you can cross.
Pointing the crosswalk, making like a big X.
It's broken!
You have to go around!
On six.
I'll just wait for the white walking person.
It's broken.
It's not going to work.
I got hit by a car like last month.
I just don't want to risk it.
So Roman's, I mean, like, I, you know, he seems, I don't know.
I don't know why I'm opening up to you like this.
You're just the maitre d', but you seem so approachable.
You know, he seems really nice. You're just, it's because it's first come you're trying to get
you're trying to get in the list aren't you what it's because it's first come first serve
what do you know I'm not one of those girls I can't it's if he looks and the second he gets
over here sorry party hold on it's like I see a party is it the three of you guys you guys
oh two of you guys you have that seat back seat back there? Do you guys want that romantic but non-pressure
spot right there?
Sounds perfect.
I'm going to sit you guys.
I'll be right back.
Second, if you guys are across the street, I can sit you guys down,
but I'm going to take this party right here.
I'm so sorry to interrupt.
I'm so sorry to interrupt on this date right here.
Is there a way that I could sit down at the table
and then he could come meet me once he,
and he's going the wrong way now,
he could turn around.
It hasn't changed.
It hasn't changed.
I'm not going to cry.
I don't want to get a jaywalking ticket.
Just by the way,
tell him it doesn't,
the light doesn't work.
I've really tried.
I don't think he can see me.
is there any way that I could sit down
and just kind of put my coat on his other
chair that's kind of like oh he's here but he's not here yet no you know it's unfortunately it's
a bar it's first come first serve and you can see probably two years want to walk with me by the way
this is the totally and just you know what we'll be right well i'll be right back with you and the
smell your spawn is actually pirates in caribbean water we had former disney engineer imagineer had built this place oh my god i'll walk over here
cut to that meeting so the investors backed the bar they're fine with the name melrose umbrella
company the one thing they demand and i really as your financial advisor guys i really think
you should just go with this i know know it's weird. Sure. They want it to smell They want it to smell like the Pirates of the Caribbean
ride from Disneyland.
And that's their one thing. So there has to be
a vat of that water. Okay, now what's the real thing,
That's funny. By the way, I'm really excited that we're opening.
This is cool. I know, this is huge.
No, it's amazing. Bars never open in Los Angeles.
That's unbelievable. What was the thing?
What was the thing? is it a decor thing
I mean is it something
with the drinks
they want kind of a
liquor license
liquor license
oh my god
what a pain in the ass
weirdly we got that
within a week
and it usually takes months
they need this
it was not a joke
they need it to smell like
an amusement park ride
because they have like
nostalgia for it
the bar
I can go back to them
and say
maybe only some days of the week it
smells like Pirates of the Caribbean
water but they were pretty set on it and
they did say that that's the only reason
they invested the only reason they
invested is because he's so I wish I was
fucking with you he's got to be there's
no way that the one stipulation is that
a bar has to smell like a ride.
I've never heard of that before.
Let me get the investor on the phone.
I'll just get the investor on the phone.
Yeah, Aiden?
Yeah, I'm going to put you on speaker.
Hey, guys.
I'm so sorry to do this to you, but it really does have to smell like Pirates of the Caribbean.
Every day of the week?
Or is there a way we could do
a Monday, Wednesday, Friday? We're really excited
to be opening by the way. We're so excited.
We're so grateful.
I love it. I love the idea for the bar.
And look, I'm a generous
guy. Very much so.
I'm very reasonable.
But on this I will not budge.
Every day.
Can... Juan, can we sidebar so i'm so sorry can we just like take a second this is kind of as much time as you need okay okay okay let's just
say that for example we do listen to him and we we make it smell like pirates of the caribbean
the ride which by the way is a good it is i mean, it's not a bad smell, but it doesn't make sense for a bar.
Does it make sense for like a kind of upscale chic bar on Melrose
in West Hollywood, California?
Like, does that make sense for us?
Financial advisor again, guys.
Hey, guys.
I think it just – I think it sets the tone.
It's like romantic, but there's no pressure, you know?
Like it's romantic and it's highbrow, but also, you know,
you have the smell of dirty water. It's really highbrow, yeah. No, it's really highbrow. It's high it's highbrow but also you know you have
the smell of really high water yeah it's romantic but no pressure i like that i like that so much
we should we should tell the mixologist to make a drink yeah yeah that's no that's something i mean
listen that's something right yeah that's we could we could work with that for sure can i ask you
just a logistical question let's say we agree to. Let's say that we make it smell like parts of the Caribbean water, specifically the area outside the Blue Bayou, wherein before you enter the ride.
How do we do that?
Scientists maintain that it's not possible to truly replicate that smell.
I am an accountant.
I cannot tell you.
Well, you're tossing a lot of ideas our way.
So I'm just sort of trying to come to it.
Well, Aiden, let me get him back
on. Aiden, you're back on?
Aiden, by the way, very excited.
Are we in business?
It's looking like it. We do have a big
question, and
Juan put it. Juan, why don't you tell
him, because you put it so perfectly of the exact
smell we're trying to achieve. Totally.
And by the way, we love this.
This is so fun. We're so excited. Romance without pressure. That's what this is. Yeah, and we're trying to achieve totally and we by the way we we love this this is so fun we're so
excited romance without pressure like that's what this is yeah and we're feeling very lucky and
fortunate how artists open a bar look we want this to smell we hear you we want we can't we
can't yeah we cannot stress that enough um by the way everyone's excited instagram loves it tiktok
is here and tiktok is is here they're in the corner
but they're they're live streaming we agree we're down we want to make it smell like that area
outside the blue bayou restaurant right before you enter the ride in between when you board the boat
and enter through davy jones's hologram my kind of guy he gets it yeah and so this is simple
logistical question quick question our. How do we do this?
Did you have a specific idea?
I mean, that's what we discussed.
Because I know that Disneyland,
like the theme park,
not the bar that we have
because they're not the same.
I know that Disneyland,
they kind of like pump smells into the air
once you get on Main Street USA.
You get the smell, like artificial vanilla.
You get the smells of all these things.
Are you expecting us
to pump smells in here?
Is it kind of like a car, like a tree
thing, kind of thing? We're hanging them around.
Do you have anything that smells like that water?
Like a candle?
I mean, Hollywood's not that
far from Anaheim. We just
cart the water.
We cart the water from the ride?
I'm giving you guys a lot of money.
And I'm reasonable, but I get angry.
Our accountant's on the line.
I think he can attest. Do we think
we have enough money to cart
the water from our end?
Theme park water to our guards.
I mean, Aiden, that will pose
to be pretty expensive.
Money is no object
with me.
That's the Aiden guarantee.
Aiden, you know what?
You have been working so intimately with us over the past couple of years trying to get
this thing off the ground.
And, you know, I feel so rude.
We've never kind of heard your story.
Like, we've never really, you know so much about us and kind of like our passion for
curating an experience and with food and drinks and atmosphere how did how
did you come into all this money you're such a wonderful ideas guy i'd love to just hear a little
bit more about how you made your fortune oh i come from one of the first families to move out west
really gold yeah generational wealth and now this is what i do generational wealth stemming from to move out west. Really? For gold. Yeah. Oh my God. Generational wealth.
And now this is what I do.
Generational wealth
stemming from like
covered wagons coming out.
Yeah, my,
half my family
died of dysentery.
It was such a hard road for them.
Got it.
And now I invest
in experiences
like this.
And I'm picking up
on an accent.
Is there some sort of
Brooklyn heritage or something
or Long Island? No,
I reinvented myself in middle
school to kind of differentiate myself
from other people. Let's get
the water.
We'll do the water thing.
Like we said, we appreciate your support.
We're really excited. Get the fucking water.
Get the water.
Are you guys talking about me? No, no, no, no. Okay. We'll get the water. We'll get the water. I figured push out the fucking water. I'm going to go.
Are you guys talking about me?
No, no, no, no. Sorry.
Have a great day.
This is exactly why
I changed my voice.
Aiden, blessings.
We are so excited.
All right, blessings.
Thank you.
We'll bring the water.
Oh, I spilled the water.
You have it?
I have some all the time.
Just imagine if it's at a bar instead of my house.
Okay, so I think I know what's going on.
You need a way to get this water out of your house.
And you don't know where to put a tank of fire and Caribbean water.
18 buckets in his home office.
What? No.
Just take the million dollars.
Alright, should we take a quick break
and then come back with some more
reviews about date spots?
And we're back.
If you're just tuning in, we're here with Jonah Feingold.
We're not live.
What's that?
We're not live.
Never have been.
Except for one show.
I wish that we did a live portion of the show.
Because, you know, it's always the thing of like Apple Beats 1 where it's like, oh, premiering, you know, Selena Gomez's new song with Zane Lowe.
And we don't have that clout.
BBC Mix 1 here.
Oh, that's good.
Yeah, Jeff, we don't have the clout of Selena Gomez.
I'm sorry to tell you.
I meant of Zane Lowe, which I think is more telling.
You guys have never done a live show before?
We did one virtual live show.
Because we premiered this.
Our show came out a month before the pandemic.
And so it's been all during this.
We've done one live show online.
I mean, your show is so popular.
That's amazing.
That's congrats.
That's like, I can't.
And you launched during like one month.
That's wild.
We did seven episodes in person
and then about 80 plus over Zoom.
Very silly.
We just had our 100th episode.
This is actually 101.
101 Dalmatians.
Oh, that's good.
That's really good.
All right, this is a,
yeah, this is a two-star review.
Oh, shit.
In of the Seventh Array
in a place very near and dear to my heart,
Topanga Canyon.
Have you been to In of the Seventh Array?
What's that? Have you gone on a date there? Because the episode's about date spots. Have you been to Inn of the Seventh Ray? What's that?
Have you gone on a date there?
Because the episode's about date spots.
Have you been there on a date?
I have, yeah.
I have been.
I've been on one date there.
Inn of the Seventh Ray.
No, but I've heard good things.
Yeah, this is like a magical little creek side.
Shut the fuck up.
Does it have Pirates of the Caribbean smells?
It actually is Pirates of the Caribbean vibes.
It looks like the Blue Bayou, I'm not going to lie,
with the little fake fireflies.
Oh, good shit.
And it is literally right by a creek.
This place looks sick.
And wouldn't you know, my review is for the Blue Bayou after this.
Great date spot.
So this is from Kelsey G.
Riley, do you want to give him a last name? Kelsey
Kelsey Gammer.
Just Gam. Kelsey Gammer.
Kelsey Gammer.
No, it's Kelsey Gammer now.
Alright, this is a two-star review from
about a month ago.
I'd give the hostess a 10. She was very nice.
I'd give the ambiance a 10. Very was very nice. I'd give the ambiance a 10,
very romantic and pretty.
I'd give the food a 10 as well.
My review is specifically
for the customer service.
I made reservations for me
and my boyfriend's anniversary
for Sunday, August 1st at 7.15 p.m.
I wanted to take him somewhere really nice
and I've heard great things about this place.
Our server was horrible
and that's the reason for this review.
Our server was Jordan and he took our order.
My boyfriend loves all of his drinks cold,
so he asked for some ice,
and Jordan said he'd bring it right out.
We're both very understanding of it being busy,
and sometimes the staff can be a bit slower because of that,
but we ran out of water, and Jordan didn't bring ice for an hour not only that but he didn't ask about refills or anything he kept actively
checking in with every table around us and then would just look at us and skip us we had to ask
him for the ice again and when we asked he responded with what's up instead of apologizing
for checking in not in checking in with us at all when we asked for the ice he asked
for another server to help us instead of helping us himself the server was rude didn't check in
with us once to make sure everything was good and when we asked he had someone else help us instead
that's it they already said all that but they repeated themselves but that's the end of the
review two out of five you said or two out of ten two out of five my boyfriend likes all of his drinks cold
he likes his drinks cold who makes a reservation for 7 15 p.m yeah for an anniversary why 7 15
if you want to do it at 7 but you don't know what parking is gonna be like give yourself a little
bit of a cushion you can do that no matter what the time is. Just leave earlier.
No, it's not that easy.
You guys are on your anniversary dinner?
Yeah, no, we do all our drinks cold.
Unless it's like a tea or coffee.
You don't have to specify, but it'll be cold.
Oh, I just really want to make sure because this is, you know, it's our third anniversary.
Happy anniversary, sweetie.
Congratulations. Happy anniversary. I love you so much. Absolutely, congratulations. Thank you so much, man. I just really want to make sure because this is you know it's our third anniversary happy anniversary sweetie congratulations happy anniversary
I love you so much
absolutely congratulations
thank you so much man
what's your name again
and thank you for being
you know
so accommodating
I just want to make sure
because you know
Alex here
and I hate to speak for you honey
but it's like
I just
I feel like you know
you are just always so soft spoken
and I want to make sure
you're standing up for yourself
he needs his drinks cold jordan he really
needs it cold and he needs it please i'm just like sometimes restaurants just give you tap water and
that's fine but i'm asking it with ice because and i hate to and alex i hate to put i hate to
put you on the spot like this um to to quote our favorite big green guy you won't like him when he's angry
you won't like alex when he doesn't have cold drinks um incredible hulk you're talking about
the incredible hulk or you mean the big yeah it will be cold it's a marvel move it's a marvel
move and i'm sorry and honey this is gonna be a lovely evening and i know it's nothing like a 716 sunset.
I do need there to be ice.
There will be ice, yes.
Thank you so much. I'll be right back to take your guys' food order.
I'll get those cold drinks, I promise, in just one second.
You walk away.
Excuse me, Alex, one second.
I go up.
I tap you on the shoulder.
Hey, Jordan, me again.
Oh, my God.
Hey, it's me again.
It's Sam.
Hey, yeah.
I just, before the night gets away with us, I slip you a 20.
You need to keep those cold drinks coming one after the other.
You've got to just like send them out like nonstop.
No, we do.
Because I love it.
That man back there is the love of my life.
But he will tear the, hi, honey.
There he is.
He will tear this place to the fucking ground if he does not have cold drinks coming out.
Like one, nonstop, nonstop.
So for everyone's emotional, physical safety, I'm going to need you to get those drinks out.
Like stat.
I thought you were joking because you mentioned the Incredible Hulk.
It's like, oh, you wouldn't like him when he's angry, but you mean he might.
I am.
At any moment.
At any moment.
At any moment.
And you never know what's going to happen.
He's kind of like a gremlin's going to happen he's kind of like
a gremlin in that way
it's kind of like
that's why I said
like post 715
because it's like
this is kind of
the witching hour for him
so I'm going to go
sit back down
well we're about to
feed him after
I guess it's midnight
isn't it
I'll keep the ice
water coming
honey I'm back
I just was checking in
just making sure
everything's good to go
did you have a chance
to talk to him
I was talking to good news news, by the way.
Happy anniversary.
Happy anniversary.
Good news.
I do want to say I'm getting a bit thirsty.
I was talking to Mr. Stark, and he said that the gamma radiation that was transferred to me during the Sokovia attack,
well, apparently, and I was saving to tell you this during the anniversary, there is a chance that I won't turn into a monster anymore.
I know.
That's incredible.
Just refilling your guys' ice cold waters.
Don't mean to interrupt.
Monster anymore.
Thank you.
Honey, would you mind just asking?
Because I don't want to get it. I don't want my heart rate, would you mind just asking? Because I don't want to get, I don't want my
heart rate. Of course.
Just ask about the drinks.
Hi, Jordan. Megan!
I know you're at our table, so it is me.
Thank you for getting this one. I
can't help but wonder where the second
one is, because it's like we're just starting on this one, but I
think I'd like to make myself incredibly clear.
Once you've poured our
first one, we're going to need the second one coming immediately
like once we've started sipping the first one.
Like what else?
What other things do you need?
Because I'm just like, I want to make sure I get everything right.
What other things do we need?
What other things do we need?
Sorry, that was a rude way of phrasing it.
I'm sorry.
Why is he being so aggressive?
Honey, why is he being so aggressive?
It's okay.
It's okay.
It's okay. He just doesn't know. I'm sorry. Why is he being so aggressive? Honey, why is he being so aggressive? It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.
He just doesn't know.
I'm getting a little bit frustrated.
It's all right.
It's all right.
Take a sip.
Take a sip of water.
Take a sip of water.
There he is.
There he is.
Finish is it?
And I will get you one very soon.
Thank you.
Can I get you guys something started?
Don't worry. Everything that's supposed to be hot will be hot. Everything that's supposed to be
cold will be cold. Is it scan code
still? Let me see.
My phone's loading.
By the way, everything's been a 10 out of 10 so far.
It's been great. I really want it to be because I don't
want anything to, I look at you, go wrong.
I don't think you want that either.
Honey, what were you gonna Jordan what's good
Yeah Jordan what would you recommend
What's good with me
Cause everything's fine
Everything's good with me
You seem nervous
I'm not
I'm at ease
I'm at ease
I love the shrimp cakes
The beef short rib Is sort of our specialty I'm at ease. I love the shrimp cakes, obviously.
The beef short rib is sort of our specialty.
You can look us in the eyes. It's okay to smile.
I can't help but notice that your sweat has melted all the ice in the ice cup that you just brought us.
Yeah, I'll get another one fast. I just am starting to get...
Sorry, I'm really afraid of confrontation. I came from a very volatile household.
Whoa, sorry, Jordan, Jordan, Jordan, Jordan, Jordan.
I am so sorry for what you went through.
I feel like we are not the people you should be talking to about this.
No, and you're right.
It's okay. I think maybe we let Jordan say his piece while he can.
I just don't want him to upset you.
I don't want him to get your heart rate up.
Because if he's telling us about his fucking sob story,
about whatever trauma he had when he was a kid.
And sorry, Jordan.
No offense.
Sorry, Jordan.
No offense, Jordan.
Had a temper.
Jordan, be easy with that.
Because when Alex...
Alex is an empath.
And so when he feels things like 10 times
that other people feel them.
And that's also kind of like that and the cold drinks.
Those are the two things that trigger what's about to happen right now.
I didn't ever know what would set daddy off is all.
Uncle wasn't much different either.
So family gathering, what's that?
Sorry, we would have family gatherings and like every few times there would be a blow up.
All the tables in the restaurant sometimes just start vibrating a little bit.
Oh, shit.
Alex starts shaking.
And I just.
So I just, when conflict might happen or not, I get really nervous.
Or not.
Or not.
When conflict doesn't happen.
Seismologist cuts to, hey, chief, we're getting some sort of seismic work.
It looks like being in the seventh ray in Topanga Canyon.
I'm not tracking.
Sorry, boss, what I've heard, it's a really chic, kind of cute little joint on the edge of a creek.
Took the missus there a couple months ago.
Is it on the fault?
What are you talking about?
Magical fairytale vibes.
Couples can exchange vows in front of what looks like a river creek.
Seems so unrelated to what we do.
You ever been to the Blue Bayou in Pirates?
It's kind of like that, but in real life.
We have to not focus on this.
This is crazy.
We're seismologists.
This is a restaurant you're talking about.
Sir, you said to brain anything that seems suspicious to your attention.
And it looks suspiciously affordable.
I'm looking at the menu on Yelp right now.
Now we're just talking about a restaurant.
What's suspicious?
It's shaking, you said?
We got a 7.1 no traction tectonic plate
movements. That being said, there is a Yelp
review that's a 2 out of 5. Let me find out
why, because there's a lot of 10 out of 10.
You're talking about a
world-changing level
Oh my god.
Alright. My first day
on the job. I'm just excited to be here. Sir, you are
a legendary seismologist.
You are a legend, sir.
All right.
I know.
I know.
I've been around the block.
That's so funny.
We've got a 7.1.
This was the big one, but it only affected the inn at the seventh ring.
Alex got so
mad he caused
San Andreas Fault to
This shook me all
week long!
Jonah, this is the segment of our show where you have the floor to talk about what's been shaking you all week long.
So it could be a new obsession, a new hobby, something that happened to you.
Anything that's been on your mind, the floor is yours.
Holy shit.
How much time do you guys have?
Yeah, 7.1 quake in the seventh race has been shaking me.
I think what's been
shaking me is
two things. One is like I really enjoyed
I got to see Waitress the Musical yesterday.
Oh, fun.
With Sarah. Broadway's back.
Broadway's back. I got to see
D.R. Evan Hansen the movie the night before that.
Amazing. And I'm like
really in a positive way. I'm like
it's so dope to just see art like being put
out there and like consuming it as a consumer again in like different ways like going to a
theater going to a show going just walking through the park and then also this weird thing that's a
little more on like the personal but like the way that the society interprets art like you know i'm
now having gone through a film come out there's a i get i got
email yesterday from someone in katar and i started crying on the street because of this email that
this young teen sent me and it was this most beautiful letter about the movie she's about
the movie we made and i was like oh my god like this is this is like it right but yeah there was
like a 24 hour period of time where when our movie dropped i was like okay cool rotten tomatoes like like first of all we have a great audience score but
like our critics score is like 45 and like that's like i think rom-coms like typically get graded
like that but like i was like that at first you're like what the fuck critics like you know how
fucking hard it is to roll a camera yeah and then And then I know that a movie like Dear Evan Hansen was getting smashed.
And like Katie Couric, who did the Q&A there, one of the first questions she asked was like,
so you guys are getting bad reviews.
What do you think?
And I was like, who are we?
Which is why I actually love the premise of this podcast, because you guys make fun of
the reviews.
Who are we to be critics of really anything i guess it's freedom
of speech but like i'm just like if you're an artist don't put on the internet your negative
thoughts on any other piece of art because you will be seen and like always just support each
other like it's it doesn't fucking matter if you liked the musical or not i loved dear evan hansen
and i actually did love the movie.
But like you don't come out of there saying that's that was bad.
You just don't.
It's like I don't know if that's been like that's like a new hot take for me.
There's nothing constructive about that.
It's like there's a difference between being like, oh, man, you know what?
It's like like to offer something like that was awesome.
If you would like maybe try this next time or like add this or this like in a supportive way like that was so great and then because you're learning and the
next thing you do like you'll learn from that but it's like just being like that was bad like that
doesn't help anybody that doesn't help a single person with anything it just sucks i also think
that goes for like even beyond art like like something i think about like people i don't know
like this is an example that comes to mind is like when you're driving up and down fairfax and you
see these people in line for like these crazy hypebeast stores i'm like i used to like make
fun of them i'm like you're about to spend like 500 on a t-shirt but it's also like that brings
them like joy so like yeah it's your joy do your thing like i'm not into it i'm not gonna be a part
of it but like do your thing and it makes me happy that it makes you happy. You know,
and that's just like,
we got to have more empathy.
I mean,
we just got to have,
I think we do now.
Cause we all like went through like a,
like a Thanos snap type situation.
A lot of Marvel references today,
but it's like,
I agree with you.
It's like,
That brings you happiness.
You do you.
Nothing's personal.
And we'd also don't all have to like the same stuff,
which is like beautiful.
And like,
yeah. Well,
Jonah, plugs, anything last minute? I know
you have to hop off in a couple minutes here.
Well, I really want to say thank you to both you guys. This is
easily the most fun I've had on a podcast ever.
Love what you guys are
doing. You guys have amazing
comedic talent and chemistry.
And I hope everyone gives our movie a shot
dating in New york on
itunes in theaters if you can and uh thanks for having me on your podcast this is really fun
thank you for coming on this was such a welcome back anytime yeah please and yeah best of luck
with the rest of the of the press tour and uh the release and everything thanks i'm gonna force my
family to watch this movie now please do um shout out SCA shout out
um Daniel Rashid fam um if you're listening love you bro and um let me know if you guys ever need
anything from me I'm here to help however I can oh you're the best Jonah oh yeah thanks so much
Jonah Riley what's been shaking you what's been shaking me what's been shaking me and that's an
excellent question and I should have had time to think about it.
But I was really interested in that discussion we were having.
And so now it is on the brain. I have one if you want to.
Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
I mean, I never need time.
I have it.
But you should go.
You always need time.
We both always need time.
I don't know why you're talking about it.
I used to think about it throughout the week.
And now it just feels like we record and then the week just goes by like that.
And then we're recording again.
And like life is just faster now.
Also we've been banking them a lot more.
So it's like less time has been passing between.
Yeah, we've done five episodes in two weeks, which usually we do one a week.
But yeah, what's been shaking me is I'm doing stand up more.
And it's a lot of fun.
I know, I saw you did a show last night.
And I like, it's like like not i'm not like crushing or
anything but i'm not bombing either which is probably worse i'd rather bomb or crush but
like it's still just for me what's fun about it is like getting back into the world and like the
whole thing of like oh when the pandemic's over i like i want to do these things and like stand up
was i'm near the top of that list and i've been doing it and like seeing what now that I've like I've done three shows now and I know what what works and what was a fluke if
it worked or what didn't work and so like putting together just kind of your own comedic point of
view is so interesting to me like I was talking to my friend last night about it who I went to the
mic with um that like I started doing I started doing improv in 2015 and I was like, you know, did the UCB intensive things.
And I was like, this is so exciting to me. Like, I, like, I want to, I want to get so good at this.
And I'm not saying that I'm like the best at improv, but it's been six years and now like I do it a lot.
And like, you know, I, I'm, I'm kind of as good as what I wanted to be.
And then with standup, it's a new thing. It's like, I'm back at UCB one-on-one and like,
that's how I feel.
I feel like a freshman in high school.
Cause I'm seeing all these people that have been doing it for years.
And like,
you know that this person is really good at it.
Cause they've been doing it for five years.
And I know if I do this for five years,
I'll at least get better.
And that's so exciting to me.
And then also just like the camaraderie of it all.
Standup used to turn me off actually,
because like,
I always thought that standups were were very like self-centered.
And I don't think this anymore, but I used to think that.
And I was like, oh, like it's just the – it's just the – if the guy's Jordan, you know, that's his name.
Oh, it's the Jordan show.
That's why he doesn't do improv, you know.
But it's like, no, you should do comedy in every way that you feel drawn to it.
And also it is a team thing.
It's just that you're doing your thing and then the next person goes up, you support them. So that's a teamwork in a way that you feel drawn to it and also it is a team thing it's just that you're
doing your thing and then the next person goes up you support them so that's a teamwork in a way
that's community and it's about everybody coming together so like once i saw that and these mics
happening where i was like um this is literally communities being fostered at these things i'm
like i gotta be a part of this this is so much fun and uh you know there's just been a part of this. This is so much fun. And, uh, you know, there's just been a lot of new mics that have like popped up with, uh,
since the pandemic, um, quieted, it's still happening, but, um, and, uh,
it's just an exciting scene that's happening, I think. And I, I really like,
I want to get better at standup.
I want to do it on a weekly basis and I want to like be a part of that scene.
And it's just like, uh, it's really, it's really creatively and, um,
uh, it's just like, it's really creatively and it's just creatively exciting and exciting in general.
That's so awesome.
That's so interesting that you say that because that's how I've kind of seen stand-up.
Like that's why it scares, the idea of it scares me so much is that it feels like, and you're on your own, but like that it's such an individual thing.
And that it's like everyone just wants to go.
It's like, well, I want to go there and I want to get the laughs.
And then it's like and then you're kind of done.
And it's like you went there for your own kind of like you doing it, which is fine.
But that's so interesting. And I think that's why I've always been so drawn to improv is that it's like you cannot do it without other people.
And that it's like I think but that's so interesting.
It's like I think that that makes total sense what you're saying about stand-up and i just never saw it
that way also because i've never done it um yeah well it's also the thing of like i just want to
do live comedy yeah and even if there wasn't a pandemic it's really hard to get an improv an
indie improv team together on a weekly basis uh to do it because everybody then you're working
with like four to eight schedules or whatever.
Versus this, it's like, I didn't think I was going to go to the mic last night until 3
And then Danny Sellers invited me from HeadGum.
I was like, oh, fine.
Yeah, I'll go.
I'll challenge.
And then it's like challenging yourself to do something that makes you uncomfortable is
really exciting to me.
Speaking of, really want to skydive soon if you want to do that with me.
Absolutely not.
You could not pay me to do that.
I am deathly-
It's safer than driving a car. I am afraid of heights no all right i am too but
that's fair that is something like everyone's like before i die i'm like no i'm okay that is
an experience that is a life experience that i am so okay not having um but i will watch you do it. I will be on the ground when you come on down. Um, that is, yeah. Um, honestly,
something very similar, um, in terms of what's shaking me. So Daniel and I, uh, and Elizabeth,
she's, she's producing, um, we are filming a short film at the end. I don't know when this
episode's coming out, but at the end of September, we're filming a short, um, that we wrote and I am very excited for many reasons, but like, I mean, you know, haven't, haven't filmed
anything that I've written other than like such as separate, like a short, like since good morning.
And it's like, because, you know, then the pandemic happened and then getting a crew together
was like, you know, we, we almost shot something mid pandemic, but it's like that was pre vaccine. And then it was like coordinating like 16 people schedules to like quarantine. Like it was just tough. And so now we have like a crew of like nine people, three actors, including me and Daniel. And I'm it's a story that like I really love and very excited about. And it's, um, Daniel and I are going to co-direct it.
And so I've,
I had experience.
I've had a good experience like directing,
for kind of like theater or,
or sketches and stuff like that,
but never.
Cause we kind of co-direct.
we co-direct sketches,
but never co-directing kind of like a longer form narrative thing.
and especially directing for film.
And it's like kind of moving past the imposter syndrome of like,
I didn't go to film school.
I don't know.
But no,
I didn't,
I didn't learn anything in film school that helped.
That's not true,
but nothing because with directing only shit with technical.
But I mean,
you know,
just in the kind of like pre-production of it all,
like not knowing as much,
but having to work through that fear of like,
this is something that I feel like I want to learn more about and do.
and then it's like,
it's that,
that catch 22 of like,
I'm never going to learn more about it or do it unless I just kind of throw
myself in and do it.
And I'm grateful that I'm co-directing with Daniel because I respect him so much as a director
as like a filmmaker all around but like especially as a director too and so to get to learn from that
and then also feel more confident of like at first because I was like oh I'll just I'll you direct
and I'll you know I'll still produce and I wrote it and we're in it um yeah I co-wrote it and we're
in it but like I feel like just giving myself like claiming that it's
like okay i'm gonna do this with you already like puts me in position where i'm like and i'm and
we're just gonna do it and not kind of like half-assed and just kind of watch and learn
it's the best way to do it it's like yeah just kind of throwing myself it because it's yeah it's
like trying it's like trying to theoretically learn how to paint instead of just like paint
just start painting you know um so that's really exciting yeah so i'm i'm really pumped i can't wait to
see it um if you want to if you want to read it later you can we need to do one kind of fine
we need to do one more writing pass but yeah i'm very excited um should we thank some
podcasts we can yeah well first of all follow follow Riley on Instagram at Riley and Spa on Twitter
at Riley Coyote and
Jonah on Instagram. He didn't plug it for
him at Jonah Feingold on Instagram.
You can follow Jeff on Instagram at Jeffrey James
and on Twitter at Jeff Boyardee. You can find the show
on Reddit
r slash review review on
Instagram at review review
and Twitter review review show.
Let's thank some VI Show. Let's thank some VIPodcats.
Let's do it.
Thank you to underscore Christian Side Hugs for Chastity.
Aaron Old Dobbin Coogan.
A co in the key of God damn it, I thought I changed my name a week ago,
and now I have to wait like two weeks just to hear this one.
The funny thing is we did two episodes this week,
so she's going to hear that like three times.
Alex Witt.
Anthony Amadeo.
Bob Buell, America's Sweetheart.
Brad Hilde.
I was kind of mean at the end of Amir's Twitter space, and I'm kind of sorry.
Brian Dodd.
Brungus Mink is dead.
Ghoulia Bouie Dreyfus is back.
Caroline the Breadwinner and Kinsey the Bread Sinner.
Chasen Bales.
Chris Forgash.
Connor Finnegan demands an apology from Jeffrey James for the way he was spoken to at this month's Zardy.
Jeff, you may have had.
Consider this an open invitation to Daddy Tuesday night's baby shower.
And honestly, a gift or two wouldn't hurt to bring, Bob.
Damien Kirk, mid-tenure patron, so who would care?
Devin Clark Memmler is a real piece of work
just the worst drink goal every night i shiver praying for a piece of clothing to warm me like
review review hoodie fancy octopus frito-lay gabriel castaneda gray james yeah jeff is his
new step poppy greg berg old patron graham stop gme new patron hey jeff could you please have anyone
from hey riddle riddle on the head gum podcast please holly i literally only subscribed to force
jeffrey and riley to say trans rights xoxo isaac puff new patron jack kwan jake the snake radiff
jake oldman jamison poncia still thinks it was funny as shit when Riley was 11 on Jeff's Live. Congrats on facing Jeff.
Thank you, Jamie.
Jeremy Brunner.
Jesse Tipton.
Jive Gosley.
John Quinonez.
Josh, just kind of a cool guy.
Please don't say otherwise.
I'll be sad, Pike.
JP again.
My sister thought dogs were cuter than babies, so when I was born, she barked for attention.
Caleb Luster.
King Slab.
Nice, Shay. Kirby Cher right back at you. King Slab. Nice, Shay.
Kirby Chur, right back at you.
Lorne Malang.
Lorne Hunter.
The Grey.
Maggie Anderson.
Mark Priest.
Michael Beggle.
Moe Pete.
Mooshu Lasagna.
Nate Porteous, new Puff-tron.
That's right.
Not a new patron, but a new Isaac Puff.
I don't think so.
No, it's Rory and Davey or Zooey Landle.
Nolan Murphy just wants to say,
Oh, rip Norm MacDonald.
He's one of the funniest people ever and I miss him.
That's not Nolan's to say.
Because he didn't know Norm.
It's okay.
No, I'm serious.
No, come on. Just keep going.
I can't move on until Nolan knows his place place oh my god this is not live i can't
believe i have to tell you nothing sometimes isn't even my real name orange you glad it isn't
haley patty freaky mayonnaise quack rooster williams sabrina same armstrong sarah kildiff. Scalpelastis Ramona was high on the Zardian, was, well, anxious.
Sand to the bone.
Sand to the bone.
Sand to the ant spa.
Slickety-doo-dah, rickety-day.
Why, oh, why hasn't Bill paid my stack?
Space ant.
This catnip mask is making me high.
This is a message for Jasper.
DM at Tyrose Sambrow on Instagram and he'll pay for your subscription for six months.
TJ Michael.
Turn your passion into a career.
Don't give advice via this medium.
Uh-oh, Jasper's hemorrhaging cats by the fistful.
And will soon be fun employed.
See y'all later.
I'll miss you, Bobwell willie wonka's
willie wanker xander madsen yarrow bouchard yasmin david you thought i was gone but here i am bringing
up the rear it's agent michael's gone uh so thank you guys for subscribing at the highest tier uh for slash riley and jeff if you're interested. And we'll see you guys again next week.
That was a HitGum original.