Review Revue - Director's Chairs
Episode Date: July 27, 2021Reilly and Geoff read reviews about directors chairs and discuss Hollywood delusions of grandeur, cemetery orgies, and crumbling families!Follow Reilly and Geoff:IG: @reillyanspaugh ...;& @geoffreyjamesTwitter: @reilecoyote & @GeoffBoyardeeAdvertise on Review Revue via Gumball.fmSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
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This is a HeadGum Original.
Get that Angel Reef Special at McDonald's now.
Let's break it down.
My favorite barbecue sauce, American cheese, crispy bacon, pickles, onions, and a sesame seed bun, of course.
And don't forget the fries and a drink.
Sound good?
At participating restaurants for a limited time. Jeffrey James! Jeffrey James! Jeffrey James! That was awesome.
We just went somewhere else.
We really did.
We were not on this plane.
That came in from Henry Jasper Jeffrey Hoffmanffrey hoffman james hoffman
brother of jasper jeffrey hoffman james god damn it and he wanted me to fully dox his
his ass with his full name um well thank you
so we basically did it so we actually didn't need that because we just did it. We didn't need the electronics, yeah.
I guess that's it between me and Henry Hoffman,
is that I sort of, yeah, I can do it without the gimmicks.
The gimmicks, the gimmicks, the electronics.
Hi, Jeffy!
Hi, Riley.
What's up?
Like, what's going on with you, ass like what's not that crazy right what's
what is going on bitch nothing oh jesus okay yeah sorry i was just trying to be like
interested in your life no you're like attacking me with words wasn't attacking wasn't attacking
no i know i wasn't saying no. I wasn't saying you were. I wasn't saying you were.
We just recorded a bonus Friday episode,
the one that you guys
heard last Friday.
And now we're here.
We're cheers.
Cat is out of the bag.
How so?
Tickets dropped yesterday.
Monday the 26th into the mist chicago illinois
we're doing it live we're doing it live we're doing it um i'm so excited um into the mist for
those of you who don't know is an immersive immersive, jazzy, jazz-fued experience set in 1927.
We had a 13-week run over Zoom, and now we regrouped, and we're doing it live.
And we rented out a pretty big theater space in Chicago.
And if you want more info and tickets, find everything you need to know it into the mist dot net we run for three weekends
in september uh it'll be thursday friday saturday for three weeks starting september 9th um and
we're really pumped and and uh it's a fully vac seat up production um so all of our cast members
all the crew and uh we will be requiring vax cards at the door. But I'm just so pumped, like not only to be doing live theater again, but to be doing this show.
And so if y'all can come out and make it, I'd be so excited to see.
It's going to be, it's just going to be a ball.
There's going to be like, you know, an hour long experience of wandering around, kind of like Sleep No More-esque.
It's basically the online show in person and then at the end is we're going to listen to the cellar boys live and
dance and have a drink and it's going to be a good time that'll be awesome i i cannot wait it is so
surreal um so yeah just wanted to give that a little plug because um i know so many of y'all
listeners um came to the online show many times
and we were so excited to have you.
And so I hope y'all can make it.
And if you don't know what it is,
check it out.
Holy shit.
That'll be fucking awesome.
I'm gonna see it.
I'm gonna come to Chicago and see it.
Don't say if you don't mean it, man.
Come on.
Don't play with me like that.
We've talked about it.
We've talked about it extensively. No extensively no like you saying it on the show
like kind of locks it in in a way sure so it's like if you go back on it that's going to wreck
me it's gonna make it cool if you go back on it after saying that you would do it on the show
because broken promises are kind of like smoking cigarettes. They're bad, but good and cool.
They're bad, but good?
They're bad on the, like, when you first think about it,
you're like, I probably shouldn't do that.
But then when you're lying, when you're going back on promises
and you're smoking that cigarette, it's like, oh, this is so fucking cool.
Lying doesn't cause lung cancer but smoking cigarettes does lying causes worse
pain than lung cancer i don't think so i think i think i'm gonna go on record saying that
um we're talking about director's chairs. Yeah.
We were texting back and forth yesterday.
Sure, sure.
And, you know, as you all know,
the way Jeff and I come up with episode topics is one of us will inevitably send days before recording
or the day before or the day of
being like topic for tomorrow
or topic for the recording.
And then we'll just kind of shoot them off back and forth.
Sometimes we hit it right
away sometimes it takes a bit and this one took some digging it took some digging um and mr jeffrey
james suggested director's chairs why if you're an actual director you're not buying your own
chair so anybody buying and leaving a review for a director's chair is probably sad what i did find
a lot of which i kind of didn't expect a lot of makeup artists use these chairs and so a review for a director's chair is probably sad what i did find a lot of
which i kind of didn't expect a lot of makeup artists use these chairs and so a lot of the
reviews were from makeup artists who use these kind and for those of you who don't know what a
director's chair is it's exactly what you think of you're thinking of a director on a set it's
kind of like that fold-out chair with a canvas back yeah um and yeah yeah yeah yeah that x uh that x factor that x factor that x feet and so
a lot of makeup artists were commenting on a lot of people with bad backs i didn't realize that
people were like i had a lot of back pain so i bought a director's chair that is not at all
something there's no lumbar support there's absolutely no lumbar support jeffrey any experiences with director's chairs on or off the set i had one i had one growing up
because i wanted to be a film director so i got a director's chair and it was in the corner of my
room childhood bedroom in a way did you sit in it or was it just kind of there as like a piece to have?
Well, it was beige.
To look at.
That's not what I asked.
I asked if you sat in it or not.
I didn't ask what the color of it was.
I sat in it, but not that often.
Like I would make little shorts,
really stupid videos
and I'd never use it for that.
I would just sit in the back.
Could you imagine like little kid Jeffrey rolls up just like your friend's basement and you're making a little
video and you just like, sorry, I just got it. Oh shit, I drop it down
the stairs. Oh no, sorry, loud. Sorry, Mrs. Click.
Gotta make room for the chair. Any experience, Riley?
Director's chairs. Director's chairs, I mean, those chairs
I've been on a set, I've sat in those chairs, never as a director.
So I'm a hack.
Because it's like you should only sit in it if you're in charge of the bitch.
No, because producers sit in them, 80s actors.
And that's where the problem is, right?
And that's exactly where the problem is.
She has a microphone.
If you're an underling,
if you're not the head honcho,
the big cheese that is the director,
and you're any one of the other lame ass jobs
that don't actually do anything
other than the director who does literally everything
and everyone else who's not the director sucks,
then you shouldn't sit in the chair, right?
In any chair, not even a director's chair?
You shouldn't sit in any chair. You're gonna be on a director's chair you shouldn't sit in any chair
you're gonna be on your feet all day you don't get a chair and what do you think about unions
icky right that's what i was worried about you don't want people to stand the people who do the
most physical labor you want them to not sit they don't get a director's chair i want a chair with
my name on it that says daddy Director and Spa Riley Big Cheese.
You want it to say Daddy Director and Spa Big Cheese.
Riley Big Cheese.
Big Cheese.
Riley Big Cheese.
And Spa comma Riley Big Cheese.
Should we get into those cheeky little comments?
Let's do it.
Let's do it.
Do you want to start us off?
Isn't a review just a cheeky little comment at the end of the day?
No, not really.
I didn't say it was.
It isn't, but yeah, let's do it.
No, it's not.
No, it's not really a cheeky little comment.
It's not really that.
Here we go.
This is for a director's chair on Amazon.
Five stars from Carlos A.
Carlos A.D.
Carlos A.D.
This is such an awesome statement piece in my study.
You feel special sitting in it.
You can go from production assistant
to director immediately.
The directions are a tad
misleading so let me help you out it's simple before screwing on the footstep insert the seat
canvas first as it makes it easier to slide in you're welcome in this chair you go from production
assistant to director immediately he's like a he's like his day jobs being a PA
and he's kind of like
not treated well on set.
Bryce, give me a fucking water.
I asked you like 10 times.
It's so hot out here.
I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry.
Jesus Christ.
Where did you get this guy?
I know he was a friend of a friend.
He needed the work.
Oh my God.
Mr. Gandolfini.
It's room temp.
It is blistering outside.
You couldn't go in the fucking cooler and get me
an ice water i did it's just the cooler the the ice melted and so now all of them are wet i know
you don't like wet water bottles don't you know what whatever i'll drink it but this kid what the
fuck is up with it hey hey bryce just maybe like maybe just like lay low for a little bit you're
upsetting mr gandolfini you understand yeah i'm sorry sorry
got to him at home it's like there's a fire going he's like 12 hour day
walks over with his like drink that he made himself sits in the director's chair phone starts
ringing hello mr anderson sir uh thank you so much for picking up uh we just wanted to know uh what time
you wanted the crew called for tomorrow i know that uh you enjoy sleeping in and so we're happy
to bring you breakfast on set but um if you wanted to give us a rundown on call time for everyone
that would be best for your schedule we would be happy to make that happen oh i love this i love
these calls this feels right to have cut to the actual reality of what's happening
She's holding a banana
It's good to be the king
Just kidding
Bryce turn the TV off it is 4 in the morning
It's driving me crazy
Hold for sound
Bryce for the love of god I'm trying to get up in an
hour quiet on set fuck you turn off the tv security yeah they'll take care of it i love
being director back in his dream world and so bryce we understand that you have an entirely
new vision for the project and we are so excited to turn this
brats movie into a noir we think that is brilliant and we cannot we are so honored to have you on
board for this project it really my dream build my dream we will absolutely build your dream and
you know what we have even better news for you unlimited budget because your name is attached
they said no number is too big. Yes, correct.
That is good.
That is right.
Come back to reality.
Hey, Bryce, it's your father.
Your mother, her ears are bleeding.
She needs to be at the hospital in an hour.
Her ears are bleeding.
She needs to go get this checked out.
So I'm taking her to the hospital. You need you need to do something god this is your fault if anything happens to your mother this is on you
what the fuck is wrong with you cut that was really good let's take it again you i mean your
wife is has to go to the hospital and her ears are bleeding that's a really big deal so a little
bit more urgency and just like channel when you guys were having me.
Bryce, your mother is in the car.
Her ears are bleeding.
I'm getting in the car.
If you don't meet us at the hospital, we're kicking you out.
You cannot live with us anymore because clearly you don't care about your family.
Cut, cut, cut, cut.
Because those aren't the lines.
You didn't say the lines that you just did.
Have fun with it.
It doesn't have to be exact, but absolutely stick to the text.
Because if we throw the text out the window we don't even have a movie
in his dream world oh um you're getting uh sorry i'm just getting a call the production office
oh he has been five of them sir you just got nominated for five different academy awards
all for directing that means nothing to me that means nothing to me because i don't do it for the awards i do it for this that they the love of it they heard that comment and they've
just given you the lifetime achievement award in humility that's gonna be named after directing
let's name that after me let's name the award after me and i'll get it yes and they have it
it is now the bryce anderson academy awards and the bryce anderson and that's good and that's
good and this is all good humility this is all good to me back to the reality a fireman's crew
are like banging down the door of this room the fireplace that you lit it's the room is on fire
can we get a union rep are you guys fine doing overtime time and a half that's fine kid you
gotta come with us all right he's got all right chief he's got banana. He's sitting in what looks like to be a little foldout.
And oh, that foldout is made of wood and it is on fire.
All right, start putting you in like a fireman carry.
We're getting you out of here, kid.
Don't worry about it.
We got you.
Cut to his dream reality.
As he's being carried by the fireman,
he's actually like in his mind,
he's in the back of like a limo.
Oh, it's good to have an escort.
It's good to have a car, a driver.
A driver.
Driver or Mr. Anderson?
Mr. Anderson, if you care to look in the back,
we have some glass bottles of Canada Dry ginger ale.
If that doesn't suit your fancy,
we can always pull over and get you whatever snacks of your choosing.
In reality, he's pulling up the partition, cutting him off.
In cut to reality, he's holding his hand over the fireman's mouth
to shut him up
kills the fireman he killed him
cut to like hours later the entire house is burned and he's sitting in the ash
cut that's a wrap on well me
he passes away peacefully
i think it was like rom-com i don't think you've ever seen a
rom-com i haven't seen a lot of movies um should we take a break give me a break give me a break
break me off a piece of that big fat ass marty and we're back uh right this is a five-star review from jen g of it's the director's chair
from target excellent jen g you want to give her a name oh uh jen gunch god jen gunch five stars chic alternative to folding chairs for extra seating easy to fold
up in store when not in use so this one got me because a i've never thought about that being
like folding chairs which is like a really cool idea and it is pretty chic but i'm just imagining
like uh you're at hollywood forever
cemetery watching a movie and it's like a couple they're on those like those janky lawn folding
chairs oh look i'm so i'm so excited i love casablanca this is such a fun date night honey
thanks so much for suggesting this no of course i just figured like you know we could watch it at
home or we could watch it here and just the ambiance and the snacks and you know
it's great to get out of the house every once in a while and plus like you know i know we've been
working on you know our sex life and just getting more attracted to each other and so i just want
to say that this is this is very attractive seeing you take this initiative stop it do you really
mean that i do yeah like maybe tonight we could uh i don't know get a little naughty
adam stop it we're in a cemetery.
People might hear us.
A really sexy couple with really cool clothes come
and they set out two director's chairs.
Those are cool.
Yeah, so like you were saying,
maybe after the movie we can go home
and get a little, you know,
if you have anything in mind.
What's chic oh the these
chairs they're like director's chairs it's kind of it's like especially for a movie that's pretty
it's pretty awesome why didn't we get those we've just had these for so long i mean they they work
for camping they work for everything i'm so sorry to bother you guys um where'd you get these chairs
oh uh these chairs we just kind of found them it was like out of it was like a flea market we went
to the rose bowl flea rose bowl flea market they were really really marked down it's amazing to find those
kind of chairs for that kind of price the material is canvas so it works for outdoor
indoor that's great they look so comfy honey maybe we can maybe we can go to the rose hey
that could be another day shut up for a second that's um just tell your wife to shut up yeah
i'm just like i'm taken with you guys in these chairs.
I'm wondering, do you have an extra?
An extra chair?
Worth an ask.
We have two chairs of our own.
So we really, he doesn't mean that.
I don't know.
Honey, why are you inserting yourself in there?
They're having their own date night too.
We look like dorks.
We look like dorks.
We don't look like dorks.
They're the only two people here with director's chairs. And they're actually blocking our view because they're so tall. We look like dorks. We look like dorks. We don't look like dorks. They're the only two people here with director's chairs.
And they're actually blocking our view because they're so tall.
We look like fucking garbage.
No, they kind of look like assholes.
We're bringing really tall chairs and sitting right in front of us.
No offense.
But I mean, could you guys sit behind us?
I mean, you do have the taller chairs.
I don't know.
We kind of like this spot.
We were really vibing with it.
I mean, that's on you for not bringing tall chairs.
You guys can move in front of us.
And you could have brought tall chairs. you guys could move in front of us you
can move in front of us well no we like our spot we've been here for about 30 minutes why didn't
i dress like him why didn't i dress like him honey you look hey i grab your face tenderly
you look amazing you look so sexy tonight and i i love you and we're gonna have an amazing night
tonight let's just forget about that it's not even about the movies about us i'm wearing
convertible pants and i knew i wasn't gonna wear them on you
we look like garbage no they you don't look like what i bought those for your birthday you think
the gift that i got you looks like garbage this is for hiking it isn't for being seen
we're watching a movie no one's looking at you except for me you guys need a third
jesus adam sorry you're right my voice was way too desperate do you guys need a third jesus adam sorry you're right my voice was way too desperate do you guys
need a third look at each other how big is your dick it's like average okay i cannot believe what
i'm listening to average we can do average we can do average it could be i mean i can work with that
i mean i haven't had an average one in a long time it could just be like a goof in a way like
wouldn't it be so silly to have no i would be so honored
to use my my my dick as a goof that'd be so cool it's like i don't even care it's like i don't
even care what has gotten into you i can't even believe what i'm seeing right now you are offering
yourself up for sex with this with people we don't even know? I feel like garbage. I love you.
God, I wish you would have told me this.
I didn't know you've been feeling this way
this entire time.
But you can't cheat on me.
That's not the answer.
Let's figure it out together.
You're right, you're right.
Can we do, what about a foursome?
Her vagina's average too.
I don't, I'm so sorry.
You two are, you're both,
you're clearly very attractive and you have nice chairs,
but I love my husband and I've only been with one man. What? Honey, you told me you've been
with enough guys to be sexually experienced and that's why it was kind of good. I'm glad you
thought that, but I just wanted to seem cool to you. Just like you want to seem cool to these
random people. now that's really
interesting you said you've only had one partner throughout your whole life i like stand up i
check the tag of the guy's sweater god damn it i've never even heard of that brand yeah i'm
fucking cool i've only had one partner honey i kind of i'm kind of more interested in her than
the guy with the average dick no it's i mean it's a little more than average it's like girthy short sorry i'm i'm talking to sprout sprout what do you think i mean
we can only go with one i don't even care i care even less than you they start making out well now
we're missing the movie i mean now it's like with both of their faces in front of the screen. How are we going to see what happens? Maybe we...
Are you mad?
Yeah, I'm pissed.
Folding chairs, convertible pants.
You're wearing my T-shirt with the mustard stain on it.
We're not hot.
I thought it was hot.
And we're only 18. I thought it was a hot if a woman wore her partner's shirt
with teeny little shorts underneath.
We're so young to have these issues.
Maybe we shouldn't be together anymore.
No, that was a test.
No, that's good.
Because then I can reinvent myself.
I can sit in director's chairs.
I can wear the cool flowy linen clothing.
I would like to have a threesome
with Sprout and I'm sorry I didn't
get your name, young lady. I didn't get your
name. Plaintiff. Okay.
Sprout and plaintiff. I
love to join in whatever's going on
here. No, no, but I was the one who... They start
having a threesome. No!
A dork-ish girl walks up. I'll have a threesome thing. No! A dork-ish girl walks up.
I'll have a threesome with you.
No, not you guys.
You guys are dork-
I'm trying to move up.
I'm trying to social climb.
They join in
on the threesomes
and that's an orgy.
I'm not cool enough
to be cool
and I'm not dorky enough
to be ironic.
The undertaker
of the Hollywood Forever Cemetery comes over.
I'd like to join. Are you alive?
I wish.
And then we can't.
He joins somehow.
fucking but me.
I try so hard.
A really normal girl comes up.
You were left out of an orgy too?
Sorry, I'm engaged, sweetheart.
All right, go to another one happening across the field.
Oh, wait, you were the only one.
Oh, wait, come back.
Sorry, sweetheart.
Tied the knot in a way.
All right, your next review.
Okay, this is again for the director's chair sure five stars uh title is
love it in white and it is from m meek so they already have a last name
mason mason meek five stars i wanted a director's chair for my living room i like lightweight furniture
and chairs like these do the trick couldn't stop looking at the white one so i bought it
perfect condition easy to set up and i put a faux sheepskin over it with a pillow
it pops i love and recommend this chair for living room teen bedroom anywhere
it reminded me i mean first of all just it's like the two places that you say are one the
place that you have it in and teen bedroom um and it like made me think of like the very well
meaning like parent it's like you're coming home from college and it's like, I set your room up just the way you like it.
It's like, well, I haven't liked these things since I was 10.
And just a parent who it's like they can't understand
that you have interests that grow past a certain age.
It's like you're coming home from school.
Oh, my God.
He's back.
He's back.
Danny's back.
Welcome home.
Hey, guys. Oh, my God. My little boy. he's back he's back Danny's back Welcome home Oh my god my little boy
He's back I missed you so much
Oh yeah
I missed you guys too
How is my little guy
How is it over there in the big city
I mean my god look at you
You're growing you're a growing guy
Yeah no it's cool i feel like i've
grown a lot in the last uh you know two semesters it's been crazy um new york kind of changes you
because you you have to you have to grow up fast to make it you know what i mean you and you are
just my little man isn't he just our little man yeah he's our little man and i love him so much
i mean we just we love you and we're so happy you're home and i don't know if you can tell
but your father and i cleaned up the house quite a bit this guy even brought out the swiffer i did
that thing's amazing you ever used this you ever used a swiffer yeah uh i i think i i think i did
once oh that's incredible it's incredible i've got I love it. Yes, he really, he really loved the Swiffer.
But honey, well, your room is all set up just the way you like it.
So why don't you put your stuff down and, you know, get changed, take a load off.
And then maybe I'll even.
I might even take a nap, actually.
I'm really tired.
So if you could just show me the room.
Oh, yeah, of course.
Of course.
Our big, our big man, our big growing boy is going to take a little nap.
And then when you get up, maybe we'll all make dinner together.
How's that sound?
That sounds great.
That sounds good.
They go to the room.
You're in there alone.
We're down the hall kind of like waiting to hear.
Jesus Christ.
Oh, you've been in your room yet?
Race car bed.
You saw it.
You saw the race car bed.
Why did you do this?
Do you hear?
Oh, you're so funny, Danny.
You're my boy.
You're so funny.
Not really.
He's so funny, Mike.
He really is.
I don't understand why you did this. Are you guys having to foster a kid or something? Yes. Not really. He's so funny, Mike. He really is. Sorry about that.
I don't understand why you did this.
Are you guys having, are you going to foster a kid or something?
Foster a kid?
We're fostering your growth into adulthood.
You're our little baby boy and you love race cars.
You've always wanted to be a race car driver.
That was when I was like four.
Also, you're done fostering me.
I'm 18.
Well, you'll always be our bouncing little baby boy.
I'll always be your kid.
I just like, whatever.
I just need to get a good night's sleep.
Let me get in bed.
He gets in.
His feet are like, it's like two feet off the end of the bed.
I don't know.
I just don't.
I'm sorry.
I just don't understand this because I had a full-size normal bed before.
You replaced it with this.
Well, we wanted you to come home to your favorite things.
This isn't my favorite thing.
The dad presses a button on the wall.
The floor splits apart to reveal a little electric kind of mini car racing track.
I installed it myself.
You're not even handy with electronics.
You taught yourself how to do this and then did it?
How the hell did you make the floor open?
It looks like it's a wonderful life.
Your father made the floor.
He did it for you. I don't think
you understand how much work we put in just to make
you happy. I understand the amount of
work you put into this. I'm scared by it and I don't
like it. He presses
another button.
The wall lifts.
How? There's a full
Indy car, like,
brand new, like, full size
ready to drive
No fucking way
This was our big present to you
For finishing your first semester of college
Sell it I don't like race cars
I'm studying at Gallatin
But you love
You always said
You always said when I grow up
I want to ride
I want to race in the Indy 500.
That's what you said.
And so what?
What are we supposed to do?
Not take you at your word?
We love you.
We trust you.
I didn't know how to run when I said that.
I'm studying contemplative ecology.
I want to beautify underprivileged areas with, you know, equitable tree cover.
I want to get rid of carceral spaces for the unhoused.
That's what I want to do.
I'm passionate about helping people in that way.
I don't want to race cars, which is dangerous and dumb.
I sold a kidney to buy the IndyCar for you.
I didn't ask you to do that.
What is going on here? Because
clearly it's not about me.
And clearly it's not about
racing. I don't know what you're talking about.
As parents, we want
to do right by you. We want to help you fulfill
your dreams. And
maybe we missed
the mark. Maybe
we missed the mark on that.
So I'm sorry if we were just trying to
love you and support you and listen to you so you know what if you're if you're not happy here then
um you're not wearing your wedding ring mom what what oh she's oh my god lorraine you're not wearing
your ring.
What have you guys done on weekends since I've left?
We've done plenty of things.
Name two things.
Well, your dad used the Swiffer.
I used the Swiffer.
I used the Swiffer.
That's cleaning.
That is an afternoon.
Well, that's one thing.
That's one thing.
Sorry to snap, but you asked, and that's one thing. This is unbelievable.
If you're snapping at me, it's because I'm getting to the core of something.
Your dad used the Swiffer. Sure use the swiffer sure and one i'm saying one
other thing in a 16 week span just one i yeah took a drive right to kroger to pick up some
groceries so not taking a drive,
that's commuting to Kroger and back.
You got groceries is all.
I took the drive.
I took the scenic route.
Listen, just because you're living your life
in the big city doesn't mean
that we are gonna put our lives on hold for you.
That's not what I'm asking.
That's not what you're doing.
You actually are putting your lives on hold for me.
Dad built an electronic race car track underneath my floor.
That's putting his life on hold for me, and I'm not asking you to do that.
I'm saying you guys need to go on a date.
You don't like it?
I hate it.
I can't walk out of the room now because you opened up the thing.
The button's over there.
I can close it.
Can you?
He depresses it.
It starts to close but then kind of malfunctions.
Right. That's what I thought. go i'm gonna sleep i'm exhausted from the flight go have a date night go have dinner with each other when was the last time you even did that
maybe he's right it's been a long time when did you go to college how many weeks ago did you go
16 it's been 16 It's been 16. It's been 16 weeks. It's been longer. Okay, don't back talk me.
Mike, would you like to go on a date with me?
That feels silly to ask in front of you, honey.
I'm so sorry you have to see this.
Well, I'd have to get changed.
No, of course.
Of course.
Right, of course.
If you're fine with that then yeah
cut to them at the restaurant
oh it all looks so tasty i don't even know
where to start i don't even know where to start do you still like peter gabriel
do i still like peter i don't even know you anymore honey
you asked me one you asked me one question mike and it was if i if i still liked peter
gabriel no i think our son is right i think we need to date each other more
well you can be married and not yeah he's always telling us stop never stop dating your wife your
wife i feel like i've forgotten wife i feel like i've forgotten that
i feel like i've forgotten that too you know no one ever says never stop dating your husband
should we should we get a bottle of wine yeah why not if we're gonna resell the indie car
let's let's get their nicest bottle cut to them they're a little bit drunk
and then i said to him i said said, it's just the weekend.
You don't have to treat it like it's a different artist.
And you've always said that.
I know, and the whole office cracked up.
You have always said that.
I feel like you should come visit me at work.
I feel like that's part of my life you never get to see.
Oh, stop.
You don't want the old ball and chain in your cubicle i know i
don't see you like that i don't i never like other guys they're like all the old wife i'm like you're
my you're my best friend you're my best friend and you know i've been so nervous to tell you this
but i feel like now since we're so happy and and i feel the love's coming back, I can tell you that, you know, remember when I told you
that my wedding ring fell into the sink while I was cleaning?
I dropped it down there on purpose.
I threw the little bugger away.
I was thinking, well, if our marriage is going down the drain,
so is the ring, and I just popped it on down there.
But I love that we can get past that.
Oh, and you know how I said I took a drive to Kroger?
I took Kroger for a drive.
Yeah, oh man, I rode him like a stallion.
But you know, it was all just, we were still figuring ourselves out.
And so I'm so happy that we're finally, I love you so much. I love you so much. I didn't realize
how much I love you. So let's sell the IndyCar. Let's go on vacation. Let me go to your work.
I want to see my big man do his big job in the big city.
Let's just start over.
What do you say?
You've heard me today.
He gets up and leaves without saying anything else.
Oh, come on, Mike.
Like a kind of handsome guy at the bar.
Lisa? Oh, Jesus., Mike. Like a kind of handsome guy at the bar. Lisa?
Oh, Jesus.
No, hey, Kroger.
What do you say you put on those glasses again?
Glasses, yeah.
All right, why not?
Hey, Kroger, can I ask you something?
You like race cars?
Cut to them just going to town on the race car bed the son and the dad are in the kitchen
our family fell apart so fast
and it's not me
I went to college everyone does that
but not everyone tells their parents to date each other
that's not what's happening right now
you're smiling
you're being cucked.
I'm getting,
I'm getting,
I'm getting cucked.
Hey, son,
why don't you say
you and me go for a drive?
In the race car?
Oh, so,
No, like in the actual
Indy car that I bought.
because mom said drive
and then she really meant drive.
No, God,
not like that.
I meant like,
let's you and I take the Indy car
and go 120.
I'm gonna go back to New York.
All right.
All right.
Should we do our last segment?
Why not?
This shook me all week long.
Went to my first concert.
First concert. Since, God god since when would that be i think since john
mayer last year last two years ago october 2019 who'd you see i saw kamasi washingtoni
uh with earl sweatshirt it was a kcrw concert it was amazing it was unbelievable i'm not a huge earl sweat like i don't know a lot of earl sweatshirt songs i don a KCRW concert. It was amazing. It was unbelievable. I'm not a huge Earl sweat.
Like, I don't know a lot of Earl sweatshirt songs. I don't even know a lot of Kamasi songs,
but I know that I like both of their like vibes and you know, the music that I have heard.
And, uh, Kamasi played with Thundercat. It was just like a really good experience,
great vibe. And I think, and it was all outside. It was the Hollywood bowl.
It wasn't anywhere near sold out super covid safe and uh
i had a i had a blast i saw so many people i knew there it was just like it was crazy it was all my
usc friends um and uh god what a good time that's amazing time so that's so fun you know if you're
comfortable with it i would encourage people to to to seek out live music because i think it's one
of the best things we have i'm just gonna plug it at the bottom again now there's not even as a plug i'm just really fucking excited
for into the mist um especially because not only are daniel knight in it but we and daniel's family
uh we're uh producing it and jay and meg right we're we're putting this on and so it's it's like
it's wild how it has turned
into from just like steve having an idea last october yeah to now we are producing this full
thing um and that feels very exciting i feel like i am i had like a while this is actually a pretty
earnest what shook me is like i had a really fun kind of big realization moment and that like i love and
i felt this way about writing but like not nearly to this degree but it's like i what's cool and
exciting and like new is that especially in the past couple months like i found that i love and
get just as excited about um writing and producing as i do acting and that feels like
really empowering to me and very exciting and very cool um so yeah and and just like getting
especially with producing like getting such so much more confident with it um and part of it
feels really satisfying of like all the problem solving and like and what i found is just like
what what brings me the most joy is creating things and collaborating with people
and like team building and like how fucking cool to like,
as a producer or even on anything,
just to like,
it's like,
this awesome person I know is really good at this.
And this awesome person that was really good at this,
it met them together,
making this thing would make it even more special. And it like so it's been really really fun um and speaking of live
music to to get to hear the chicago cellar boys live like yeah and dance with everyone they're
amazing it's just gonna be it's gonna be so surreal um and so daniel and i are just gonna be
like living in chicago for like a month a half. That'll be so much fun.
Which I'm so excited.
We're not going to be,
it's going to be camp Rashid for a while.
and I'm really,
really excited.
So again,
into the for info,
three weeks in September,
three weekends in September.
if y'all can come,
it is going to be just like,
it's just such an awesome way to kind of,
to come together. Um, um i'm very very excited
right now over again in the mist in the mist um thank you so much for listening as always you
can find jeffrey james on instagram at jeffrey james on twitter at jeff where d you can find Jeffrey James on Instagram at Jeffrey James on Twitter at Jeff Boyer D. You can follow the show on Instagram at Review Review and on Twitter at Review Review Show and on Reddit r slash Review Review.
And you can follow Riley on Instagram at Riley Anspa on Twitter at Riley Coyote.
And you can subscribe to our Patreon at forward slash Riley and Jeff.
Should we thank some VI podcasts?
Big thank you to Aaron Carrico.
Aaron, no jokes here, Coogan. Adam Gray.
Agent Michael saved
20% off Manscaped with
KubeCon code Buell.
A co in the key of, well, G.
Alan taking the piss out of
Jeffrey with my potty humor.
Alex Witt. Alvar
Wallstrom Lindell. Anthony Amadeo.
Austin lost his credit cardston,
but he's back now, baby.
Bob and
Bob, and this
week is your last chance to use that sweet,
sweet, juicy promo code Buell to get your
man well or
Brad Hilde. Brian Dodd.
Chuck. Chasen Bales.
Christian Sidehugs for Purity.
Connor Finnegan. Curbature's keeping it simple today.
Damien Kirk question mark more like Damien jerk exclamation point other host fucking Connor.
Daniel Clough.
Devin Clark Memler is going to find Jeff and, well, fight.
Dorian Sandal.
Douglas Pimlott, who is, and this is completely off the book here, our least favorite VI podcast. Fancy Octopus.
Gabriel Castaneda.
Grey's Ascension is nigh,
and I'm, well, terrified of his
Hallie, I stand with my twin
Grey. Hashtag I love you, Eric Crest.
Holly. I became a VI podcast
so I could more effectively bully Jeff's dumbass,
but not Riley because she's an angel.
I wish somebody would fold me just so, and for lack of a better term,
rail me with a Kit Kat bar.
That turned me on, honestly.
No, I'm serious.
No, I know, and that's what's sad.
Rail me with a Kit Kat, somebody, please.
Isaac Puff, new patron.
I'm JP, and during a pandemic Head gum gay night live stream i tipped you guys
ten dollars for no real reason and i felt ashamed about jack kwan jackson hansel jake the snake
raddiff jake ullman jamie poncia jared jasper jeffrey hoffman james jeremy brunner jesse a
terry robe for this merry bro makes the ladies say oh hello Oh wait hold on Jeremy Brunner new patron
Oh hell yeah
Caleb Luster
Lauren Malang
Lord Hunter the Grey
Mackie Anderson
Mark a priest
Michael Beggle
Mr. Tuesday Night has some big news for my fellow
B.I. podcats at the new next Zardy
Don't miss ya you bish.
Mushu Lasagna.
New patron?
It's just,
it's Matthew Lizama.
Nate Porteous.
New name,
old patron.
Oh my God.
TR is dead.
Now I'm
Brungus Mink.
New patron.
Nolan is canceled for what he wrote here. I
can't even repeat it, but this is too far.
You need to take some time to reflect,
Murph. Nothing sometimes will be the next
host of the HeadGum Podcast like soon.
Pat Scott. Phoebe.
Rooster Williams.
Sam Adams strongly desires a hoodie. That's all he's
ever wanted. Sam Armstrong. Sarah
Kildiff. Space Ant.
Spencer. This spike...
spike protein mew is
longing to tate. Tyler,
our most hated podcast, he's like, he's
the loser whose name cut off last week. Shape
up or I read out your home address.
Why it was bagadoo all along. You
fu... What's that? You knew?
Aw, fuck me in the face.
Xander Madsen.
Yara Bouchard.
Yasmin David.
Thank you all for subscribing at the highest tier.
These are getting really long.
Y'all are insane this week.
I love it.
Cameo videos are coming.
Yes, they are.
We literally, this, last week, at the time of recording, in two two days we are going to bring out a whole batch
yeah so
get fucking hyped for something
that's been meaning to be out
there for a long time and we'll see you guys again
next week thank you so much for listening to this episode
of review review we'll see you guys soon
have a great week review review
soon week
that was a
hit gum original