Review Revue - Drive In Theaters
Episode Date: July 16, 2024Alf and Reilly are back like that part in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. No not that part, before that, no after that, yeah that one. >>>>><<<<<Follow at:IG:... @reillyanspaugh @alfredinnitTwitter: @reilecoyote Join the discord here!Produced by Daniel Ramos @SchubirdsAdvertise on Review Revue via Gumball.fmSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
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This is a HeadGum Original.
Get that Angel Reef Special at McDonald's now.
Let's break it down.
My favorite barbecue sauce, American cheese, crispy bacon, pickles, onions, and a sesame seed bun, of course.
And don't forget the fries and a drink.
Sound good?
I participate in restaurants for a limited time.
Spin the wheel, spin the wheel.
Uh-oh, it's landed on a doo-wop version.
I love that.
I love that.
No, I love that.
I love that so much.
Super bass.
Well, we did super bass last week, didn't we?
Oh, that's true.
Oh, no, that was...
No, that was just you were just singing super bass.
That's true.
No, I was like podcast...
Here's ones for the podcast.
I did do like a thing.
I don't know if you did.
I did.
But anyway.
Okay, fucking.
Okay, let's do a doo-wop version.
Doo-wop of Imagine by John Lennon.
But it's about the podcast.
Okay, so you're asking me to kind of rub my belly and pat my head and also fucking whistle.
Okay, fine.
Just do Imagine by John Lennon.
There's a podcast.
Review, review.
Oh, woo-hoo.
Woo-hoo. Pretty good, eh? You're amazing. Hi. review review pretty good eh
you're amazing hi
hi oh my god
fucking hell like
are you
Riley right
um yes no
I don't know why I had to think about that yes I'm Riley
and you are Albert
no so close.
We need to...
I thought we were going to speak in unison,
but I guess we had different sentences.
Well, yeah.
We need what?
I thought we were going to speak in unison,
but I guess we had different sentences.
It's so profound.
That's like really profound.
Thank you for saying that.
I think that we talk
too much to each other. Yes.
I don't disagree.
I think it is a level of codependency
not seen
before on this plane. Not seen before
on this plane. On other planes maybe?
Maybe, but not this one.
Between like Sam and Frodo, maybe?
The amount that you and I speak to one another.
Gimli and the...
Gimlet and Barbados.
What's new with you?
Should we talk less?
Is that what you're trying to say right now?
No, I'm just making an observation.
No, because that's what I'm saying about the codependency is that it's like...
No, I mean, awareness is a scene of all change.
I would be in distress if we didn't talk as much as we do.
We've talked on the phone at least three times today.
Oh, he's searching.
I just realized my air purifier is still on.
I can't hear it, but go turn it off.
I bet the listener can, and they're fucking screaming.
What have you been up to since we last spoke 20 minutes ago?
I'm still thinking about what we were talking about,
but we saw,
I mean,
it doesn't matter because this will come out in.
that's true.
If I know,
we saw challengers.
So for the past two episodes,
I've been talking about how excited I am to see Challengers. I loved it.
Horny Cinema is back, baby.
I need Mike Feist in a way that
would concern government
I loved it.
Can't stop thinking about it.
I played tennis in high school
and middle school. Did you know that? I did not know
that, and it doesn't surprise me that you're
in the past tense. Because I broke my ankle in a match oh my god but i still won i broke my ankle in a match
and i still won and i said excuse me coach i think i hurt myself and he's like oh no you just rolled
it it's okay what were you playing a child yes I was a child playing a child. Were they just really shit?
You suck.
No, you broke your ankle.
But I didn't realize it was broken.
I just knew that I'd hurt it.
I was quite good not to toot my own horn
because I'm not really,
I don't consider myself an athletic person.
What was sort of your,
what was your like move?
What was your kind of go to?
What was your like grunt?
Yeah, what was your, no, that's a better question. What was your like move? What was your kind of go to? I thought you were saying what was your like grunt? Yeah, what was your, no, that's a better question.
What was your grunt?
There was like, there was a surprising,
I think they thought it would have been too on the nose
to have too much grunting
because there was really only like a one part of the game
where they were going like.
Oh no, if you, there are cathedrals everywhere.
That was out of the eyes to see.
If you listen for it, you can hear Mike Feist moaning his little head off.
I loved it, but you weren't crazy about it.
Yeah, I would say that's an accurate description of how I felt.
But what else is new with you?
It's been Challengers Who, that's been out for so long now.
That's true.
I'm loving Megan, too.
What have you been up to?
You had a long day at work.
I did.
I was still in the loop, if you can believe it.
You know, I think I have reached a point where I think the only solution to Chicago's problems...
Is more cowbell.
Jesus fucking Christ.
Is to close the roads.
So no one drives.
No driving.
No driving.
I fucking am so sick of it.
I swear to Christ.
There's too many people driving.
Take a bus.
Take a train.
Walk, why don't you?
If we had trains in LA, I'd be on that shit all the time.
And I know there is a train, but not anywhere near me.
No, I mean.
Just downtown.
To suggest that Los Angeles has comprehensive, usable public transit infrastructure would be a lie.
I did a lot of laundry today.
That's what's new with me.
I'm so fucking proud of you.
Climbed Mount Everest the way I'm going up and down to our unit.
The way I'm going up and down to our...
What the fuck?
What was that?
What was going on? I was just being me. I've been am going up and down. What the fuck? What was that? Scottish? What was going on?
I was just being me.
I've been doing a lot of laundry
I am, at the time of recording,
I am leaving
the country on Saturday.
And so it's just a lot of errands
and shit. Whoa.
If you and I... Got married. Got married.
I thought you'd never ask fuck
this is perfect
this is crazy
I can't believe
you're doing it on the
I can't believe this
oh fuck
I'm already married
he's calling it off
no shit
I have to get divorced first
shit fuck
this is gonna be such
oh I have to start a church
I'll get divorced
and then figure it out
gotta start another church
I think you mean
already in already in one already started one church if we what if you and I get divorced and then figure it out. Gotta start another church, I think you mean.
Already in one. Already started one church. If we what? If you and I
what? Sorry, you go
first. No, mine was crazy.
No, you tell me first.
I was just gonna say, you and I have never taken a
flight together. That's true.
That's weird. Isn't that interesting that we've never done that?
That's really interesting. Isn't that interesting? It'll happen someday,
I'm sure. We've never flown together.
Did you know that?
We've never flown on a flight.
Did you know that?
If we were on a plane together, where would you want to sit?
With me or not with me?
I thought you were going to say window or aisle.
Well, I was going to say that.
That was my next question.
With me or not?
With me or not with me?
Would you want to be in the same row with me?
With you me of course
let's say it's but it's a long one like the one you're about to do how long is the flight you're
about to take 11 hours 11 hours you'd want to be next to me yeah that's incredible the codependency
you would not want to be next to me no i just was i think it's telling um would you want window
or aisle window or aisle window stranger in the middle I'm in the aisle stranger in the middle
come on
the stranger would
want to
kill themselves
your window
if it's a long
haul flight
if it's a short
haul flight
I'm always aisle
because window
I need a place
to rest my head
while I sleep
I am addicted to the sensation of an angry I'm always aisle. Because window, I need a place to rest my head when I sleep.
I am addicted to the sensation of an angry flight attendant ramming the drinks cart into my shin.
I have had that happen too many times, and it's not nice.
My legs are too long to sit in the window.
It's hard to be tall.
Yeah. Tall enough to be tall oh yeah tall tall enough to be for it to be annoying you're tall enough to be
my dad what i was gonna say is have you watched an episode of way taller than your dad have you
have you watched amazing race oh fuck i said i was gonna shitting do that i didn't i knew you
weren't gonna fucking do that well because you't even remember. Well, we're recording tomorrow, so you can watch it tonight.
We'll have to check in on that, love.
We'll have to check in on that.
Speaking of... I don't know if I'm ready.
Long hauls.
Speaking of roads.
Close the roads.
Speaking of driving.
What the fuck?
Speaking of entertainment.
You said that. You said close the roads. Keep going, man. Keep fuck? Speaking of entertainment. You said that.
You said close the roads.
Keep going, man.
I'm not crazy.
Keep going, man.
We're talking about drive-in theaters.
Drive-in movie theaters.
I love a drive-in movie theater.
I have been to a handful since COVID.
Those are the only times that I've been to them.
Daniel and I drove to see my father in the Midwest.
And during like peak COVID,
we quarantined,
drove to see my dad.
And then,
you know,
we want to have some juice.
We went to go to a drive.
I feel like drive-ins had a resurgence in COVID.
We saw the never ending story.
And it was in a Midwestern farm.
We're still there.
we saw shooting stars. It was beautiful. It was so much We're still there. We saw Shooting Stars.
It was beautiful.
It was so much fun.
The three of us had a blast.
And you get, like, you sit and you get the trunk,
and then you get the, or you can bring chairs,
and then you get your blankie and your snacks.
And we had so much fun.
So I saw that one.
And then Daniel and I, for Valentine's Day,
I think maybe 2021, went and saw Lady and and the tramp at a drive-in theater oh
it's funny you uh you remind me a lot of a drive-in theater
i'm careful no you do oh why because you're driving me crazy
i thought it was going to be something about everybody going in i wouldn't make a joke like No, you do. Oh, why? Because you're driving me crazy. Come on!
I thought it was going to be something about everybody going in and out.
I wouldn't make a joke like that.
I think that demeans women.
Like you're the town bicycle kind of vibe?
Like everyone's getting a ride?
What does that mean?
Everyone's getting a ride?
Can you explain that joke?
Oh, my God.
Have you ever been to a drive-in?
I have, but not since a boy.
Not since you watched About a Boy last week at a drive-in.
I know.
I think about a boy.
Great movie.
You never seen it.
it's very good.
I'm mad about the boy.
You know that song?
I went as a kid.
I want to say I saw cheeky,
cheeky chicken run. One of the best films ever made. And I will. I went as a kid. I want to say I saw Chicky, Chicky, Chicky, Chicky, Chicken Run.
One of the best films ever made.
And I will...
I don't want to be a rat.
I don't like gravy.
No, it is one of the best films.
So fucking good.
I love that movie.
When's that second one coming out?
It's out, bitch.
It's on Netflix.
Did I miss it?
It's still out.
It's fantastic.
Damn, I missed it.
Dawn of the Nugget.
It's so good.
I'm going to have to wait for it to
come out on v chest um hey wallace and gromit 2 is coming like there's gonna be a trailer soon i
think fuck that's gonna be huge for us that's gonna be so much content that's gonna be huge
for us sorry so but yeah i think i saw chicken run as a boy um i haven't been since i the idea of it i find incredibly appealing
it's wonderful like i it's so america right it's so kind of it's so americana it's so
it's giving grease lightning it's like that is my touchstone for drive-ins stranded at the drive-in
a fool
what will they say
Alf was telling me
one of his gripes
with Challengers
is that
Mike Feist
and Josh O'Connor
were not believable
as high school boys
that's true
to which I say
John Travolta
Danny Zuko
you're telling me
that was a musical darling
all the rules are different I'm darling. All the rules are different.
I'm just saying.
All the rules are different in a musical.
You're telling me that grown man.
One of the funniest lines in cinema
is John Travolta on the swing at the drive-in
saying, what will they say Monday at school?
I hear you, but.
I'm going to go.
Can't you see? I'm going to go out on a crazy limb here, and I know you but I'm gonna go I'm gonna go out on a crazy limb here and I know you disagree with this but this is my
opinion I know you vehemently
disagree with this but I
think it's a good thing
that Hollywood has moved on
from that period
I think there was some stuff going on
in that period
70s that I think was bad that stuff going on in that period, 70s, that I think was bad, that you think was good.
No, that you think was good, including the casting of John Stavall.
No, you miss old Hollywood, right?
When like Curtis could be artist and you could just, there were no rules, right?
And I get that, but that's not, I actually think that there's been a lot of important safeguards and like the unions have won these huge things.
I know you're very anti-labor, but.
You are, I remember your glue.
Everything you say bounces off me and sticks to you because actually everything you're saying is what you believe and not what I believe.
I love a drive-in.
The thing that is kind of frustrating is the radio situation.
You got to get the radios figured out.
You got to get the radios figured out you gotta get the radios figured out
because no you don't just go and they don't have big loudspeakers no playing no you have to get
the fucking am radio on your car tuned to the right station or you're shit out of luck and is
the video quality good no of course. There's so much ambient light.
But that's why.
And the screen is not as big as it should be.
I was amazed.
I was amazed looking for reviews when people were like, had a fantastic time seeing Barbie
And I was like, such an interesting choice to see a new movie.
You know what I mean?
I totally, I feel like the whole vibe is like, you know what I would love, movies I'd love
to see at a drive-in?
Rocky horror.
like the first screen.
You want like a horror movie,
like a campy older horror.
Uh, or just like older film.
I'm not going to be going to see Oppenheimer at a drive-in.
I'm not going to go see Barbie at a drive-in.
Oppenheimer at the drive-in sounds like the title of a Javelin song.
I love, this is not a drive-in, but if you're in Los Angeles,
Synespia is basically this group that they put on
outdoor movie screenings
in various places
but the main place
they do it
is the Hollywood Forever Cemetery
there's like a big lawn
in the back
and I love those screens
they have a giant
fucking screen
and they make them themed
and so I've seen
one of Daniel
in my early days
they did Yellow Submarine there
and they have like
big like production
themed photo booths
they have drink carts and snacks and like all this stuff and it's submarine there and they have like big, like production themed photo booths.
They have drink carts and snacks and like all this stuff.
And it's like,
they open the gates like two hours before and you go,
you sit on a blanket and you can like have snacks and drinks and whatever and hang with your pals.
And then once the sun sets,
then they start the movie so much fun.
So we've done that.
We've done,
we did Romeo plus Juliet,
the Baz Luhrmann one.
And then,
probably this will have already happened
by the time this comes out
so my birthday is June 3rd
I'll be home
for a little bit in June
she's turning 29 folks
get ready
I'm turning 28
the big tune
oh no
this is 30 then
fuck I'm off
I'm turning 28
yes you're turning 30
I'm so proud of you
dirty 30
but they are screening
across the universe
and so that's what we're gonna do
for my birthday
that sounds really fucking fun.
But so that, in that kind of situation,
the reason I bring that up,
one, because it's very fun,
and if you're in LA, you should go to them,
the Cinespace screenings,
they're so much fucking fun,
and I love them, they're so cool.
But also, drive-ins are not that.
You're not going for like,
to watch the movie, really.
Like you are, but it's like's you're not going for the quality
of the movie so now it's like outdoor screenings like that they have a screen and sound says it's
about the vibe if like if you leave being like the quality wasn't great what were you expecting babe
you're not going there to like get a full surround sound experience you're outside in your car watching from like many yards away.
Behind the windshield.
Behind the windshield.
Like that's meant for making out or like a fun family friendly night with your loved ones.
And that is the binary that I ascribe to.
So if you're single and childless, fuck off.
It's not for you.
If you're single and do not have kids,
drive-ins aren't for you.
If I see you at the drive-in,
I don't care if you're with your friends.
If I clock that you don't have kids
and you don't have a partner.
Or a partner.
You're getting out of here.
I'm shining the flashlight in the car
and I'm saying,
excuse me.
Hey, excuse me.
Excuse me.
Kids are lover.
You better find someone to kiss real quick.
Otherwise, I'm slashing your tires.
Do you want to get into reviews?
I just have one last question for you.
I am turning 28.
I'm not turning 30.
Yeah, 30.
I have two more years.
Yes, 30.
I'm turning 30 in two years.
30, 30, 30.
30 for 30. When you're. Yes, 30. I'm turning 30 in two years. 30, 30, 30. 30 for 30.
When you're on a plane, ginger ale?
Of course.
Let's do a review.
Ginger ale and the little Biscoff cookie.
You see, I...
But that's only on Delta.
Something bad happened to me.
Did you know that?
Did you know that?
I know what the ax.
In re Biscoff cookie.
What? I was on a flight one time and the crazy lady on the flight she was one of the stewardesses let's say she took a fancy
to me this um probably 60 year old woman who was the flight attendant, and she gave me probably 20 of these fucking things.
I don't know if they were about to expire
or she just was like, he looks hungry.
She probably had to move some items.
Maybe they were drugs and I was a mule.
I don't really know.
But she gave them to me, and I didn't save them.
I didn't savor them.
I aided them over the course of like 12 hours and i oh that's a
long flight though and they're tiny no but they do have two in each got burned out that's 40 cookies
in it that's 40 and also it's a rich cookie it's not like it's a very like one pack it's like
that's great because it's like it's a very rich flavor. It's not one that you can keep pounding.
So I don't really like them anymore because I eat too many.
Which doesn't have to be with all foods.
You had too many Biscoff cookies and I had that with Guinness.
I also had that with, well, in a way.
In a way.
Do you want to start or should I?
Or actually, let's take a break.
Yeah, come on.
We need to take a break.
We need to like just.
My bladder's bursting at the bunch.
Did you know that?
Did you know that?
We'll be right back.
I can start with a review.
Here we go.
This is, I actually forgot to take a screenshot,
but it is a drive-in in Los Angeles.
I'm forgetting what it's called.
But anyway, one star from Jennifer S.
Jennifer Sex.
She's really cool. Jennifer's sex. It's giving popular. I had a horrible experience in this drive-in theater. I was not able to watch the movie
because of bright lights next to the movie screen. I left early with disgust and felt like a victim.
Shame. Shame on youop management for allowing this to
happen i took a photo of the disgusting bright lights and i'll show you the photo that's the
screen next to the big lights so her complaint is just that there was some light there were some
big lights and she felt like a victim of what the lights? Yes. Fucking hell.
I felt like a victim.
I left early and felt like a victim.
That sucks. Isn't that a crazy thing to say about that? Kind of like there are people, right, in the world who go into situations ready to be mad about something.
And, like, I'm just picturing her alone in her car watching the movie.
Again, single, childless.
Of course.
Picture looks good, but good but well sounds okay but
i guess there's some fucking lights over there yeah fucking light like just picking something
to be mad about you know it's literally it's like she's taking the quote-unquote victim mentality
to a very little place and you really don't like that.
I've heard you go on some real rants about like the culture and like the way.
Oh my God.
No, and I, so I get that this is obvious.
Now I get why you picked this one
because it's sort of part of your agenda.
Part of your kind of political agenda
that you're always just.
The show doors.
You know.
Just victim there.
It is really like
I think people who
have a victim
mentality, they never say
the words I felt like a victim.
No, it's true. She's really fucking...
It's really, it's like, well, this always happens
to me or like, I can't believe they
would do that to me. Like, it's really, it's a lot of like, the language is not, well, I'm the victim here.
That's interesting that I'm the victim.
I'm the victim.
Well, it looks like once again, I'm the victim.
Ending a first date.
Thank you.
Yeah, if you could just bring the check, that'd be great.
This has been so nice.
These things don't usually go well for me.
So this has been... I'm surprised to hear that.
Really? God, thank you. That's very nice of you to say. It's a... I don't usually go well for me so this has been surprised to hear that really god thank you
that's very nice of you to say it's uh i don't know it just i find that like things just generally
don't work out well for me for whatever reason it just feels like the world's against me
i'm sorry that sounds like an exhausting uh way to live it is thank you oh shit oh my god oh my god what's wrong with
the bill they charged me for two cappuccinos and i only got one oh that's an honest mistake
here we go it's just like here we go it's sorry it's the longer you stick around these parts you know these parts uh
me uh you will learn that i uh no that's just they've made me the victim yet again it's not
i used to work um in service for a long time i i literally i bet they can just but this doesn't
happen to other people these kinds of things don't happen to lucky people to normal people they happen to sarah
shit out of luck sarah that's what everyone calls me hey um
i really enough about me no it's this has been great. And you are great.
It was going great.
No way.
I just, I don't know.
You called this from a football field away.
You kind of changed on a dime there at the end.
I felt like we were having a really good time.
Here we go again shit out
of luck victim sarah that's what everyone calls me yeah i don't i don't sarah i hope i hope there
aren't people that call you that right um that it hurts me my heart to imagine that that you would
keep anyone in your life that would call you victim sarah like
fuck um you know i do want to say like you know there is an old adage right um
if you go out in the morning you meet an asshole they were an asshole if you go out and all day long everyone you meet are assholes
the victim
right so okay
it's been really fun
I'll Venmo you for the other cappuccino
don't worry about it
I was here
this is just yet another example of no let
me help sarah no no no no it's okay okay i am i'm sorry that you had to deal with all of this
this you're me you're really really fine i don't i don't i don't know what makes you think you're annoying or.
I never said that.
You think I'm annoying?
No, sorry.
I, I, I feel from you that you're.
You think I'm.
Like you think I'm judging you, I guess.
No, I'm just, I'm always the victim.
I'm shit out of luck, Sarah.
I never said that.
You think I'm a burden?
No, but like you were saying, I'm sorry. You have Like you're a burden. I'm shit out of luck, Sarah. Never said that. You think I'm a burden? No, but like you were saying, I'm sorry you have to deal with all this.
I'm sorry that you have to be around victim Sarah.
Because the thing is, it's like some people are just lucky in this life.
And that's not me.
And not only am I unlucky, people are out to get me in a very real way I don't know what
I did I I'm not particularly pretty I I don't make that much money I how much
you make like I mean you know and normal you don't want to talk you want to talk
about it because they you know I everyone has their own stuff with finances.
But... How much money do you make?
Well, maybe this is why people are out to get me.
Why? Because you're...
Because I make 40k a year.
Okay, that's just...
Okay, yeah.
I don't...
Why would people be out to get you because you make 40k a year, exactly?
That's what I'm saying. Maybe're like pick a lane right um sarah i'm my uber's outside um
i get it i you're gonna just say my can i just say my piece
um i've been on a lot of dates in this city and trust me it's a hard city to date in
um you know that i'm sorry i don't know why i said that um you are really really
i had a really nice time with you until you started all this victim stuff and i think that's probably the reason you're still
single and i just i just want to say like started all no i just want to say like it when you're
dating right it is like you need to be started all this victim stuff no right but like so when
you're single right and you're dating, sometimes you need people to be brutally honest with you.
Like, I used to do a thing on dates because I thought it was cute.
And then someone told me it wasn't, and I realized that they were right, and so I stopped doing it.
What is it?
I used to – it sounds really bad um when someone when like the other person when like you for example like
you would order a drink right and then i would like i would like copy your drink order right
and then like they would come and they'd get the food and i'd like pretend that i was going to
order what you like also were ordering right and so like I was always like copying you but like pretending that it just was because we were
so compact it was really weird it was weird behavior and I was just nervous and desperate
so like anyway I someone told me once like that they knew or noticed I was doing and it was really
off-putting so I'm just telling you like i noticed you were doing this thing i'm really curious how would someone notice that you're doing that i would play it up like i would be like whoa you
also are getting the pork roast that's great you know i do that kind of like cosmos i fucking love
cosmos that's my drink right and then it and no one really drinks those anymore no well i was
going to a lot of dates with older women.
Women who had been, you know, really formative years during the early 2000s, you know.
You couldn't have been more than, what, 19, 20?
I was born in 1989.
So, no, I was even younger than that.
Good to know I look old.
I'm just saying, if you were going on dates. Sorry're getting off topic i wasn't going on dates i wasn't i wasn't going on dates in the
early 2000s okay i was going on dates with women who had their formative experiences it sounded
like you were going on dates in the early 2000s with older women no i'm sorry so i was going on dates like 2013 right so i'm like in my early 30s at
that point um is that right no sorry i was in my early 20s you were in your early 20s i was in my
early 20s that's right and they were in their mid to late 30s right you think that's like older
it is when you're 23, right?
Like dating a 38 year old is older. But in the grand scheme of things, like 38 is not, I would not, I would not consider 38 to be like older.
Well, I would disagree with that.
I guess it's like if you're in your early 20s and you're in the context, yes.
But you were not like, you were not of an illegal, like you were not a minor dating women no and i
was not trying to insinuate that i was i'm not saying you were trying to insinuate that i'm just
saying that that's how it like i got confused weird weird weird no i mean i'll okay oh again
victim sarah we can put it to bed but i just think when you're 20 uh 22 23 year old man and you're dating a bunch of perimenopausal women it is
age gap it just is sorry how did we get to talking about you you were gonna say something about me
being honest about me and now we're talking about you dating perimenopausal women i don't know we
just you and me we just have this like natural kind of rapport, don't you think? I do.
And then you decided to leave.
This back and forth, this tete-a-tete.
I don't know how to say it really.
It's French.
I'm trying to see culture.
Anyway, you are like, you're really great, except for you're really down on yourself.
Here it comes.
And I think that if you could just get over that,
I think you could find the right guy.
You're not the right person for me.
I can already know that.
But I think for somebody, if you just let go of that victim thing,
you could be really awesome.
I would love nothing more.
Nothing more than to, quote, unquote, let go of that victim thing.
I would love nothing more than that.
You think I want to be this?
You think I want to be shit out of luck victim Sarah my whole life?
God no.
What I would give to be super successful.
Awesome, Sarah.
I would love that.
I would also.
But for some reason, everyone is out to get.
Before you go.
Can you just be honest with me about something?
You already are.
What is it?
Why do you think that people have it out for me?
Do you want to know my honest opinion?
First of all, that kind of means you agree that you think, yes, people do have it out for me.
So that's a great confirmation for me.
But to go ahead and see what you're going to say.
I think.
Okay, great.
Yeah, my Uber canceled because I took too long.
I will order another one. I don't know let me guess i think it's because you're brunette that's what i thought too yeah i
was out of feeling you think if you were blonde that you wouldn't be the victim of course leach
i don't know then right dye your hair i'm so pale so pale. If I was blonde, it wouldn't look good.
I think the third country of Sweden would disagree with you.
So you're not going to stay?
I've called two Ubers.
Were you hoping this would go somewhere? No. You you just seem great i think it's just i thank
you am i'm trying to figure out maybe it is a brunette thing honestly if you also had that
thought um i was just telling you what you want to do here i was just telling you what you want
to do here so then what is it then if you don't think that it's that
is my ass too fat my boobs too big like are you jealous i don't i don't think your ass is too big
or or sorry your ass is too fat or your boobs are too big i mean phat fat like right okay i i don't i don't look at you
i've been trying to i feel like i feel like i'm getting trapped here you're like talking about
your body you're like asking me to talk about your body um well how do i look in this outfit
no sorry one to ten what does my body look like if you your body looks like a tan in that outfit.
Yeah, you look so good.
And you mean that?
Yeah, sorry, I just have an Uber.
Maybe this could be a win for me.
Where the fuck is he? He's just going around the block.
He's just going around and around the block.
He won't pull up.
Well, huh.
This could maybe turn things around for victim Sarah.
Yeah, man.
Well, if my body's a 10 and we're both here.
You're too young.
Should we?
What do you mean?
We're the same age.
You were dating.
Oh, you wanted an older woman.
Yes, exactly.
I took a risk with this and I'm yet again reminded not for me.
And that's okay.
It's not you.
I don't know what's wrong with
me man get to his next date oh thanks for coming out it's kind of late I know Stephen Stephen
Stephen the night is just beginning for little old me and I don't mean old obviously 58 is not old by any means no it's perfect i think i should get going
why is that i know your type you're too eager i can see it in your eyes
the way you're shaking your head you've already ordered a cosmo darling it's not 2005 anymore what are we doing
B for a night if you want you seem like a sweet kid maybe too sweet for me and I
gave up sugar a long time ago I should order an uber so was that like a medical
thing or yes yes diabetes the type eat is the blood the levels I got the the Was that like a medical thing? Yes. Diabetes.
The diabetes, the levels I got, the panel I got from my doctor wasn't looking great.
Sorry, he just seems to be circling the block, which is...
I get it.
No, I get it.
Baby, baby Steven. Always the the baby never the bride i get it
no it's just you're a little too baby no trust me i've done this before like i get what's
happening here i was too eager i get it get to her next date well this was great don't you think yeah i had a really nice time um so your place or
mine i'm too old for these games anymore let's just cut right to the chase look you're you i
had a really nice time tonight um oh i get it this always no, no. You don't understand. Ugly Tracy.
No, no, no.
Ugly Tracy. No, you're not.
No, that's... I get it. That's always what happens.
You're beautiful. You're beautiful.
Ugly dog Tracy.
It's not that you're ugly.
Dog face Tracy.
That's what everyone calls me.
You're a little too...
I don't buy that for a second.
Cut to his next day. I don't buy that for a second. How to hit sex.
I had a really nice time tonight.
this was,
it was great.
I'm glad I got to meet a new friend in the city.
You know,
it's like,
you're old enough to be my dad and I should have known that coming in.
but you're,
you seem very nice and I hope we can, I would have known that coming in. But you seem very nice.
And I hope we can be friends.
I would have been a young father.
You would have been?
Had I been your dad.
Oh, I guess.
But still, I just feel like.
17 year age difference.
I mean, you're acting like I'm fucking 80.
No, it's just for me.
I think I wanted to try dating an older man.
I get it. I get it. I get and then I get it I get it I get it
I get it I'm not rich no that is not no you thought dating an older man would date mean I
was rich I'm a doctor I have a lot of money I make a lot of money oh we're bragging now okay
no that's not I'm saying that I wasn't going after you whoa Whoa, crazy. That's okay. 40K.
Oh, let's do our next scene.
Let's do our last segment.
We found it.
Like a German shepherd finding a bone.
It's from Stephanie.
This is for McHenry Outdoor Theater in McHenry, Illinois.
Like a German shepherd finding a bone.
They're really good at that.
It's from Stephanie what?
Stephanie bitch.
Stephanie bitch?
We've got Jenny or whatever, Jessica Sex and Stephanie bitch.
We're like popular girls at school.
We're doing so good at naming.
Two stars.
The fact that they charge you $5 if your car dies is insanity to me.
The prices are high enough.
You'd think you could at least get a complimentary jump if you needed it.
That is crazy.
That's not crazy to me.
That's so interesting that you're like that's crazy
if your car dies they won't jump it for you i'm like
i'm just like that must happen every day at the drive-in
right right so i'm like at a certain point you gotta charge well yeah but i think some people may might not know i mean it's 2024 some people
might not know about like you need the am radio or it's like with the radio of the car if you're
having the car on to play the radio that's a lot of battery life lost right of the car that's not
my fault i'm just a purveyor of outdoor movies like not my fault you're not
doing your research i guess it's just like this is fascinating we're so at heads about this i'm not
i don't feel particularly either way about it you're pissed that i think five i think five
dollars is a reasonable like if i I was, you know what?
I misheard.
I misheard.
I thought it was 15.
If I was stranded on the side of the highway and I, my car battery was dead and somebody
came and jumped it like a passer by a stranger came and helped.
I would give him $5.
I thought it was 15.
And I'm like, that feels a little steep.
That's okay.
But it's like from a business point of view, at a certain point, the car batteries are dying frequently enough.
You're probably, that's like, an employee's time is being spent doing that.
So, like, you got to charge for it.
Okay, team meeting.
McHenry team meeting.
Come on, you guys.
Come on.
Get it.
Drive in.
Drive in.
All right.
Everybody get in here.
All you animals.
All you crazies.
All right.
We got to talk prices about the theater.
All right.
Things are good.
Since COVID is, you know,
not really, I guess...
Not really real.
COVID is real, Jason.
COVID is very real. It's taken a lot
of lives. COVID, since
people are... A lot of lives.
Jason, how many
times? People are not
coming to the drive-thru as much as since
peak COVID era. So, we need a way to make money times people are not coming to the drive-thru as much as since peak kovat
era so we need a way to make money somehow now we are raising the cost of
jumping the cars from $5 to 15 because it does take a little bit of our
employees time and that's not our fault that they don't read the website and
they aren't bringing their own radios so if anyone can think of any other ideas of how we can make more money off of it, Jason, if you are going to do some like just saying MAGA shit, I'm not going to hear how I'm not even like political.
Everyone. That's a that's a political day. For the record. No, it's everything is political. I think you say that you're not political is political. I'm probably gonna vote independent. So like, everything is political. You saying that you're not political is political.
I'm probably going to vote independent.
That's political.
No, it's not.
Yes, it is.
But what were you going to say?
I think that we can all agree, looking around, that times have changed since 1953 when the theater was founded.
Right? Yes. We're all in agreement. Okay. that times have changed since 1953 when the theater was founded, right?
We're all in agreement.
Nervous about where this is going, but yes. Maybe $7 per car, right, as an admission fee is a little low.
We could raise that a little bit.
So maybe instead of charging by the car
we start charging by the head okay right so like five dollars a person so you come with just your
spouse 10 kids 20 right right i hear that okay and then maybe if somebody, you know, is vaccinated, we charge them a little more.
All right.
That's where.
You know what?
No, no, no.
I don't think.
Could be interfering with the system.
And so we have to charge us.
Why we charge by the cars, because that's the spaces.
The reason why movie theaters charge per person is because those are the butts in seats, cars in spaces.
So we're not going to do by head.
We're going to do by car.
We're going to do by size of car.
If anyone in the car is vaccinated, we charge them more.
No, we're not doing that.
Okay, whatever.
Melinda, you raise your hand.
Melinda what?
Yeah. Melinda? Melinda what? Yeah, listen.
I have been here since the founding days of this drive-in.
And I know I'm just on the board.
I'm not even the chair.
I don't oversee things in a tangible way.
But what I can say is back in 1953, when this was founded, the concessions, you could get some
popcorn for a nickel. And I think we could raise it even more. We don't charge a nickel for a bag
of popcorn anymore, Melinda. That has risen. No, I think Melinda's on to something.
She's saying raise concession prices, which is what we should be doing right right i i'm not just saying that
i'm not just saying she's not right right right what i'm saying is if you want to be in line to
get pop you have to pay five dollars to get in line no i think you pay you get no lines are free they've always been
free to be in a line for something what about a disney well you have to the park they have to
fast pass i like you could skip the line and get concessions faster if you give us more money
well i don't think we have enough people to justify getting why are you looking
at me like that because you're like asking for ideas and then like all of our ideas aren't good
enough i'm not i know yours aren't good enough melinda i think you're right melinda you are an
angel i'm so glad you're still with us we will be raising hey kimmy can you write this down please we will be rising
raising the price you know what i meant we will we will be raising the concession prices
let's let's bump that up 15 we'll raise the prices 15 okay that's great we could get um
maybe we could get catering from rising canes chicken oh that's funny because i said rising instead of raising uh she's a good one
hey um you gotta stop following her to the bathroom no i'm just like asking her question
did you watch those videos i sent you me no i'm asking her stop you gotta hey kimmy if he's ever
bothering you i'm sorry i'm not bothering you right i'm not bothering you i'm eager to fire
no it's fine boss he's literally not bothering me um i'm not bothering you right I'm eager to fire him I did watch videos
Were they inappropriate?
And no what the hell
Was it porn?
Yes I do
Why would you introduce porn
In a work conversation
I am not the bad guy
Jason is a pervert
I can feel the tensions in the room raising
so i'm going to um just say jason thank you for sending the videos i still think the earth is
round boss jason jason is not sending me porn he's not sending me porn. He's not sending me porn. That's that.
Jason, if you weren't my nephew, you would be out of here so fucking fast.
You're going to... Oh, okay.
Can everybody...
Can we just do a quick go around?
I don't know about quick.
Yeah, Melinda.
Raise your hand.
You've been slowing down. Hey, do not talk to her that i'm just saying we've noticed
raise your hand if you know how to jump a car anyway just just boss okay so
kimmy you don't know how to jump a car right no i guess it can't be that hard to learn um okay melinda jump a car
oh well i haven't jumped the car i haven't jumped oh my god yeah they're not model p's oh my god
in 1969
uh what did you just call police okay jason i'm just saying she's allowed to use that kind of
language what is your point about asking people to jump the car i'm just saying i'm the only one
who knows except you and your lazy bones aren't gonna do it so it's because i'm the manager i'm
the owner and manager i'm not gonna be running around to all these cars yeah yeah yeah hey
ever can everyone have the room i want to talk to jason alone oh oh the boss man's gonna fire me oh i hope you give him a good
spanking nope i'm melinda she's weird man i think she's the one who sent him porn honest to god
look at her searches right but weirdo hey j old lady you gotta fucking cool it okay i told your mother
my sister i told her that i would give you a job here she's still alive i don't know why you're
doing the prayer to heaven she's called me today asking about how you are what am i gonna say i'm
not allowed to pray oh i'm sorry i thought I lived in a country with freedom of religion. I never said that.
Jason, you are becoming such a fucking headache around here.
That if you don't clean up your act, I'm going to have to fire you.
Okay, do it.
Call your bluff.
I'm giving you a week.
If I don't see an improvement in your behavior...
Call my sister.
I think it's time you had the talk.
Ring, ring.
Hey, Janine?
Listen, hey, how you doing?
I feel awful. Oh, shit, I'm sorry to hear that hey, how you doing? I feel awful.
Oh, shit, I'm sorry to hear that.
What do you want?
You got a call?
No, it's just some sad news.
Here, I'll put you on speaker.
I'm here with your son.
You're with Jason?
I'm with Jason.
We're at work, so yes, I'm with Jason.
Ask him why he bought the, why did he buy Caesar?
No, we're not doing this right now.
You said you wanted Caesar. No, I said, doing this right now. You said you wanted Caesar.
No, I said, no, I said I wanted Thousand Island.
Janine, Janine, I'm firing Jason.
I'm firing Jason.
He will no longer be working here.
No, you can't do that.
Yes, I can because I am the owner and manager.
Yes, Janine, he is a menace and he is spreading
conspiracy theories and just bad vibes. He's not a good worker. He's lazy. He's never on time.
He makes everyone feel uncomfortable and he's got to go. I'm sorry. I gave him a chance and
the chance is done. He's my son. You think I don't know all that? Well, I cannot be dealing
with that in a professional environment. Dirtbag, brain poison, TikTok. I don't know all that well i cannot be dealing with that in a professional environment dirtbag brain
poison tiktok i don't know but he's my boy i that's fine you're not gonna fire him well i am
gonna find him janine i love you and you might don't think you understand how this is working
do the math in your head. How many seats on the board
are going to vote for you
to fire?
This isn't...
I don't need board approval for a drive-in.
Answer the question, because I know Melinda's on my side.
I know Aunt Peggy's on my side.
This isn't succession, Janine.
I am the manager of this place.
I'm not selling stocks.
I can fire an employee who's not doing a good job.
Okay, Mr. Fuck Around.
I'm not fucking around.
Mr. Fuck Around.
You're about to meet Mrs. Find Out.
Well, whatever.
You're fired.
I don't give a shit.
She can't hurt me.
I'm really sorry. No, you're not but no i appreciate the gesture
no it's okay you don't have to say that i'd actually rather you didn't say that
no genuinely because that's embarrassing for you no genuinely like
i'm sorry what no genuinely all right you have nothing else to say
listen go clean out your cubicle.
Clean out your cubby.
So I can leave my cubicle?
Well, I just remembered that.
Just the cubby or the cubicle too?
Get it all out.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Your mom isn't going to.
No, never mind. She's sick.
She's bedridden.
Never mind.
I have nothing to worry about.
Yeah, I'm sure.
You ever seen Willy Wonka?
Of course. What do you mean? Charlie and the Chocolate Factory or Willy Wonka?
No, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
Yeah, I've seen it.
I'm gonna re-watch it.
Pay attention to the beginning.
The evil candy maker?
Who doesn't really ever come back?
You interpreted him as evil.
That's interesting.
I never found him evil.
Well, that's telling.
Yeah, I suppose.
No, I mean later.
Second scene, I guess.
Grandpa Joe getting up.
Oh, that's not going to happen.
Yeah, there it is.
Yeah, you found it.
Your mother has been bread ridden for months.
That's not going to happen.
Bread ridden?
Oh, okay.
What's your bacon?
I can misspeak.
You asked me a question a little bit ago.
Melinda, that's for you and me, not for him.
Melinda, can I speak to you on the side?
Yeah, of course, honey
What do you want?
Did you, um
Did you watch those videos I sent you?
Oh, I did
And I'm not really into that hardcore stuff, honey
Okay, cause
That's not for me
I think you gotta stop sending me
those because I'm sending you videos about how to like retire with dignity
um and you're sending me and I think it's unintentional probably pornography
oh you dropped your pills um sorry here here we go um no i am watching the whole thing and
the thing is i i'm a generous person and whenever i watch something that i think someone in my life
like i send it i do that on facebook i do that right i don't think the videos that you're sending
me can be posted on facebook oh they, they can be posted on Twitter.
Twitter has X.
Thank you.
God, he's a genius.
Get out, Jason.
Get out now.
I'm just saying, please stop sending me porn and then following it up with, why did you send me this, Jason?
When I can see it's you.
Anyway, I'm heading out um hope hope none of
you guys just fucking batteries die peace that night in bed he's getting uncle's getting ready
for bed what a day oh it's just my shadow it wouldn't be june no, I'm not. She's not Grandpa Joe. She, she broke both her legs and
she, the long COVID. No, she's not getting out of it. I just, just Jason, I just,
he was just trying to scare you. So was she. They're, they're scary side of the family. Just,
just get into bed. Albert, just get into bed and close your eyes. Okay.
I hear breathing.
No, that's just me.
It's just my own breath.
Did I close the window?
Oh no, I left it open to get the night air in.
Yeah, that's nice.
Why would both of the window panes be open?
That's letting in too much air. Maybe I should get up and of the window panes be open? That's letting in too much air.
Maybe I should get up and close the window.
Gets up.
A note.
Oh, shit.
Oh, shit.
Oh, shit. I don't even want to open it.
Oh, shit.
Oh, shit.
Well, I guess I gotta.
Dear Mr. Fuckaround. Oh, no. Dear Mr. Fuckaround. shit oh shit well i guess i gotta dear mr fuck around oh no dear mr fuck around how about you
go ahead and turn around love mrs finder oh janine janine how the hell did you get up here You can't. Janine, your legs.
Janine, you can't just show up at my house without notice, Janine.
That scares me, all right? You can see how that scares me.
You ever watch Willy Wonka?
If you're talking about Wonka with Timothee Chalamet, no.
I've seen Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
Yes, I've seen it.
You remember that part?
The Grandpa Joe part?
No, later.
The blueberry girl.
The chocolate boy.
That was before the blueberry girl.
The TV kid.
The licking the walls.
That was actually in the beginning.
Them burping and floating and then farting their way down.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
You drank a soda that made you fly.
And then you burped your way through the window and propelled yourself into my house.
Albert, that's crazy.
bet you wish you had.
Pushes him out the window.
Got time for one more quick one?
Yeah, I suppose I do.
Do you, though?
Quick one. Jason, Do you, though? Quick one.
Jason, do you, though?
Jason, do you,
Okay. I have one
for the same L.A., unnamed L.A.
Couldn't figure out, what the fuck am I talking about?
Five stars from Joe D.
Joe D.
Joe D. Comer. That's very funny. Five stars. Joe D. Joe D. Comer. Joe D. Comer.
That's very funny.
Five stars.
Thank you.
Good old happy days experiences for me and my kids.
I met the owner five years ago as a complete stranger.
That's how you meet people?
I was not well.
But he gave me an ornament of Mickey Mouse with a camera and a movie reel.
It's on our tree today, and I really appreciate it.
Thanks for your thoughtful touch and your kindness, as it has been paid forward in full over and over.
Happy holidays, Scott.
That man really made an impression.
He really made an impression.
I was not well jesus it was very nice scott gave him a mickey mouse ornament with a with a with a movie camera yeah strange to put in a review but
sweet should have sent a letter.
He could have been like, hey, the owner is such a nice guy.
And such a specific, vulnerable, intimate piece of information to share on a public platform like that. Feels like the kind of information that maybe even your own family wouldn't know.
And then they'd find out through the review.
That's true.
Hey, Grandpa. Hey hey happy birthday grandpa god 92 hey guys can we all agree maybe all be so lucky maybe all be so lucky to be
rocking on as hardcore as you nine decades later grandpa we just wanted to come to your nursing home to just say me and the kids.
And, of course, Peter, you know, he's your son-in-law, but he still loves you just the same.
We all love you.
And we just wanted to say happy birthday.
Right, kids?
Yeah, happy birthday, Grandpa.
Happy birthday, Grandpa.
Peter, right?
You're going to tell my dad happy birthday?
Yeah, happy birthday.
Dad, do you have anything you want to say?
I see, oh, look, he's looking around.
Kids, he sees you.
Thank you, guys, for the birthday wishes.
You visiting here is one of the most special
moments of my week.
Aw, isn't that
nice, kids? That's so
There's a magnet on your fridge
What is that?
St. Louis Obispo?
We've ne-
I thought you never-
I thought you never left New Rochelle!
St. Louis Obispo.
Yeah, Dad, I also thought you've never left the state.
That's why you won't come to Massachusetts to visit us.
You say you-
Oh, no, I'm slipping away.
Dad, come on.
I'm going in another one of my memory
holes? I don't know.
Dementia, right?
Dad, where did you get this magnet?
From the nurse, maybe.
Hey, kids, can you all leave the peter and kids peter can you just
take the kids outside for a second come on guys let's go meg chris why don't you guys just step
outside hey dad um you know i i know i i should be better about visiting you. It's worked out amazing.
Don't start.
Don't start.
I'm just noticing I haven't been here in a while,
and there are some things around the room that really don't look familiar to me.
I'm so sorry.
I can't believe I forgot.
To run it by my interior decorator my adult daughter who apparently has nothing better to do come in here and criticize the way i fucking do my
decor criticizing i'm saying that i remember i remember unloading all of your stuff in here
and helping move you in and like where the fuck did you get this mug from Tanzania?
where did you get this?
what is this postage stamp from Taiwan?
I don't understand.
I know what this is about.
I know what it's about.
And I love,
it just feels like you've had a whole lot,
you know,
I loved your mother.
I really did.
I loved her.
And wait,
and her passing was the most terrible thing.
We're not talking about...
That ever happened.
It was awful.
I couldn't live here and have all of my walls be covered in her memory.
So I redecorated.
End of story.
No more. no less.
Get that fucking Rhode Islander husband of yours back in here
and let's all act like we love each other.
Dad, I don't know how much time I'll have left with you.
I'm sorry if that's morbid, but it's true.
What, you got somewhere to go?
No, you do.
Where's that?
Where's that? Well, who's to say at this point dad i just want to make sure that hopefully you have a lot of years left but
when you die i don't want to not know who my dad was if you've traveled the world and had experiences
i want to know about that why are you entitled to that so have. And you're keeping it from me.
So? Why have you been lying to us our whole lives saying that it's like,
oh, I don't want to leave, do Rochelle, why would anyone ever leave?
Do your children know every detail of your life story?
I have the custard store on the corner, and I have the cigarette shop on the other corner.
That custard store paid for Cornell. Okay.
I'm just saying. But Dad, these are big parts of your life.
Why are you hiding them from everybody?
Especially me. Because they're not for you.
They're for me.
So why were you in Tanzania?
Why were you in Taiwan?
I was on a trip.
I was on a trip.
Were you in the army?
Were you an explorer? How. Were you in the army? Were you on a... were you
an explorer? Were you...
How old do you think I am,
explorer? Fuck, you're
92! No, it's
true. Meet me, Amerigo
Vespucci, your fucking great-great-
great, like...
Then why were you there?
I was there, conducting
On behalf.
No, not.
I was conducting business on behalf of our government.
So you're a spy?
So you're a hitman?
No, I.
You hesitated.
That was a big.
Oh, my God. I don't want to talk about this with you.
Wow. Hi, I am Jessica Flanders and my dad is a hitman. Wow. Okay, that was not a sentence I was expecting to say on his 92nd birthday.
Uh, uh...
How many people? How many lives have you taken?
It's not like that.
Oh, well, then what is it like?
Oh, you're just going to go and give him a handshake?
No, I wasn't.
It wasn't a handshake.
Do you know what a...
I never thought I'd be having this conversation.
Do you know what a, um, honeypot is?
You're not saying.
Just answer the question.
Uh, well, if we're talking...
I don't think we're talking about, uh, Winnie the Pooh's favorite treat.
No, we are not talking about that.
You were the sexual bait.
I never killed anybody.
Oh, that's good.
I seduced them.
I made sure we were alone.
So that then they could be killed.
I slipped a sedative into the drink.
So you did.
And I leave the door unlocked.
And then I go back to my hotel.
And what happens to them after is none of my concern.
Here I thought you were just the sweet townie who ran the Ferris wheel.
And I was.
Year after year.
And I was.
Until you weren't, right?
Ah, all the while.
You think I thought that that custard store paid for Cornell?
It did.
You think that I thought that-
I didn't make a dime from the honey drops.
I did that gratis for my country. I didn't make a dime from the honey drops. What?
I did that gratis for my country.
I don't know you at all.
That's true.
Maybe I should just go.
Jessica. Jessica. Jessica, you'll understand this one day with Chris or Meg or whoever.
Children, they're not supposed to know their fathers or their mothers, not fully.
They're supposed to think they were better than they were less human than they were and then that's the story they tell to their children and that's how
myths are made and families become families and And I think that.
I don't get to decide my legacy.
But I would hope.
That you.
Your children about me.
In a way that is. I'm going to tell them that you fucked war criminals for free.
I'm. When you put it like that.
Let's do our last segment.
This shook me all week long.
I got it.
I'm rewatching New Girl.
Tell me about that.
You're enjoying it, I assume?
It's a blast.
I'm having such a great time i've never
watched it in full i know that it's jeffrey james's like favorite show of all time um i
it's just really bringing me back it's such a time capsule the premiere was in 2011 that's crazy 13
years ago they're like showing each other photos on flip phones.
In 2011?
Like it's really wild.
I guess iPhones weren't widely available.
Like because in the premiere, like in the pilot, it was like, I need to take a picture.
And it's like on a flip phone.
It's really wild.
And then people are like, can I borrow your laptop?
Like there's just certain things that like, can I borrow your laptop I need to look something up like it's just um I'm having a blast it's very fun I haven't watched
just like a sitcom in a while it's lovely I have a crush on Nick Miller of course of course I do
that's um that's the Nick, I remember that one.
I'm having a blast.
It's as good as everyone says it is all the time.
I do have a memory of Megan Fox joining the cast while Zooey Deschanel was away for a while.
Oh yeah, she becomes like the girl.
And like, I think they,
I don't know if Zooey Deschanel was like,
I don't know what she was doing.
I don't know if she has kids or not,
but like she
had to leave for whatever reason you barely know this woman at all but and so they they made it
that she was in she had to be sequestered for jury duty and so that i thought that was a very
interesting way of like taking someone out of the show for a bit without killing yeah that that was
clever and so then met if she's like killing them all. Yeah. But it was new girl.
Killing off.
And they're like, don't worry guys.
Megan Fox is here.
But it was like, oh, my hot friend from college is going to come sublet for me.
And it's Megan Fox.
But anyway, I'm having a blast.
It's really.
New girl's great, but.
Like a similar time.
But what?
Zoe Deschanel is great now, but...
I'm just saying, it's...
It's no Yes Man.
It's no Bob Hart's Abishola.
2008, Jim Carrey.
What's new with you, bitch?
Zooey Deschanel.
Yes Man.
What's been shaking you, bitch?
I fucking loved that movie when I was 10.
What has been shaking you?
The thing... It's true, I did
love it. The thing that's been shaking me ultimately
is I have redownloaded
the iPhone application
known as Marvel Snap.
Oh, no.
I know, I know. What ultimately
happened, and what I'm gonna say here
doesn't leave this room.
I went on a
short little weekend getaway recently
with some friends, and while there,
I started playing Backgammon.
I love Backgammon.
And while playing Backgammon,
I was reintroduced to the concept of a doubling cube.
And the doubling cube is an immensely important part
of Little Snap.
And it gave me that itch and i just had to scratch so i'm sorry to hear that been playing a lot of marvel snap so if you guys want
to like sound off in the discord about that and like let me know what deck i should be running
um just do i'm like collector level like 3200 like, just keep that in mind when you suggest decks.
Like there are a lot of pool three cards I don't have still.
So like, you know, and I have very few pool four and five cards.
So just like keep that in mind, right?
Like when you're suggesting the decks and like, also just generally, like if you have
any like tips, like I'm still not really when I stopped playing the first time, like collector
tokens weren't really a thing.
So I'm still don't really know how those work yet. Like I have a bunch of them, but I'm not really sure what stopped playing the first time like collector tokens weren't really a thing um so i'm still don't really know how those work yet like i have a bunch of them but i'm not really
sure what they're for um and just the whole thing has generally changed a lot in the last like year
so if for whatever reason you want to follow alfred on instagram um after all this you can
find him at alfred in it you can find the show on Instagram at ReviewReview. Reddit, r slash ReviewReview. Discord,
ReviewReview, and Jeffrey James and my
Patreon, where we have Zoom
parties. That's a Zardy every month. slash Riley and Jeff.
you can find Riley on, just the phone
browser, not the web app.
No, I just said the wrong way around.
At Riley and Spa, and on, now known as for as long as it lasts.
At Riley Coyote.
And as we say every single week on the show, we're always saying it.
We're never not saying it.
I get it
I'm ugly
Oh I get it
I'm ugly
We'll see you next week
That was a Hiddem Original