Review Revue - Foreman Grills

Episode Date: June 28, 2022

This week on Review Revue: Geoff and Reilly read reviews on Foreman Grills and don't bother opening the box, get divorced, and miss some important deadlines.    Follow at: IG: @reillyansp...augh & @geoffreyjames Twitter: @reilecoyote & @GeoffBoyardee <><> Produced by Daniel Ramos @Schubirds Advertise on Review Revue via Gumball.fmSee for privacy information.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Get the Angel Reef Special at McDonald's now. Let's break it down. My favorite barbecue sauce, American cheese, crispy bacon, pickles, onions, and a sesame seed bun, of course. And don't forget the fries and a drink. Sound good? Ba-da-ba-ba-ba. And participating restaurants for a limited time. This is a HeadGum Original. I don't shower in my library for hours
Starting point is 00:00:46 Reading tomes of chowder, of chowder Keep one eye on my soup as it is nigh on Becoming a French onion, French onion Tell me where's my bouillabaisse Something reeks of blobby flame I will try to find my cube In my library of soup But I wish I had
Starting point is 00:01:11 Cute little bulldog freezer Bad That was amazing. It was really good, but so melancholic. It was so, like, it's perfect for this kind of gloomy day. It was really, it was spooky, it was beautiful. I love that the soup library has really taken off in a big way. A hundred percent.
Starting point is 00:01:49 Who did that come in from? That was gorgeous. That came in from Evan Lexel. I think he submitted a theme song before, so thanks so much to Evan. It was haunting. It was a parody of the acoustic Diary of Jane by Breaking Benjamin. That, you made that up. That's a string of words that you just put together that doesn't exist.
Starting point is 00:02:11 What is Breaking Benjamin's main song? I've never heard of them. Let me just look it up on Spotify. I remember that band from like the 2000s. I guess it's the Diary of Jane. We're Banking Apps. Hi, Jeffy! We keep saying it.
Starting point is 00:02:34 It's been a minute since I've done that. Yeah, thank God. You missed it. I hate that. We're Banking Apps. And what's new? I love when we Bank apps because between um what would you just do reading lights between the reading lights episode that we recorded we finished
Starting point is 00:02:51 recording 30 minutes 30 minutes ago what has changed for you in the past 30 minutes how has your life been altered what has like gripped your soul in a way that's like you can't shake it um i'm i got another coffee oh my god that's kind of all i had time to do hell yes yeah that's it holy shit and your i have been changed for good it's for all you wicked heads out there the movie's gonna be in two parts we still don't know the rest of the cast yet um i found out that rihanna had her baby oh good for rihanna good for riri um i'm happy for her however yeah i knew there was a butt coming i think it should be me which part i think i should have no mostly like her success you know i mean especially in the music space because i watch this face i can sing i can sing like this and that's what everyone wants
Starting point is 00:03:54 i can sing i can sing i can sing i can sing i can sing i can sing i can sing i can sing i can sing i can sing i can sing i can sing i can sing you're just saying i can sing i can sing i I can sing, I can sing, I can sing, I can sing. You're not singing. You're just saying shit. I can sing, I can sing. I'm an alto. I can sing, I can sing, I can sing. I'm singing with a baby up inside my gash. Oh my god. What a glorious feeling. I'm having a bash.
Starting point is 00:04:19 No. Okay. That when you send out like a baby shower announcement, there's a baby in my gash. Come celebrate. Baby shower, gash shower. But we're not here to talk about that. Really?
Starting point is 00:04:43 Obviously. We are here to talk about something revolutionary we're here to talk about something that war ripped nope we're here to talk about something that gripped the culture had a chokehold on the culinary world for years and in a way shaped who we are today. How so? And in a way shaped Bobby Flay. I don't think he learned to cook on a foreman grill. Grill, foreman grill. I remember in the noughties, the foreman grill was everything.
Starting point is 00:05:20 Everyone had or wanted to have a foreman grill suddenly. Men wanted them. Women wanted to be them. But everyone wanted to fuck a foreman. We can just say that right now. I'm going to go along with that because I've definitely, I'm sorry, but I've penetrated a foreman. It's like it doesn't matter. And a foreman grill.
Starting point is 00:05:47 So I think that was good. And I think you liked it. It doesn't matter who you are. It's like everyone's wanted to fuck a foreman grill. Everyone has wanted to fuck a foreman grill. A hundred percent. Like, you can't lie to me. There's no room for negotiation.
Starting point is 00:06:02 It's like, even if you say you haven't, it's like, okay, okay, okay. Yeah, right, liar. Holy shit. Yeah, right. Caught ya. This is gotcha journalism, baby. You want to fuck a grill. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:06:24 You don't have to be. It's great. Don't even. It's amazing. Why are you apologizing, bud? It's fantastic. Somewhere between Rachel Green and fucking Michael and fuck. What is his name?
Starting point is 00:06:43 Jason Bateman. Why are you apologizing bud don't apologize to me buddy apologize to the foreman grill for not being in it yet Ross there's money in the banana stand Ross what's your experience
Starting point is 00:07:02 with foreman grills give me a call my my experience with the form and drill is my impression of rachel green but if she was michael bluth um my experience thanks so much for coming in i haven't even done it yet the setup was enough to know that it's going to be a pass from us. Okay. It's not for everybody. It's not for anybody. What about my Monica as Lucille Bluth? All I can do are friends and Arrested Development mashups is a thing.
Starting point is 00:07:46 I didn't hear what you just said. I don't know what happened. I dissociated on purpose. I really left the room for a second by accident. My experience with George Foreman's, I remember my mom. Honestly, I could be making this up. This could be my own mind making it up, But I feel like we had a George Foreman. I remember pressing it down. I feel like everyone had it.
Starting point is 00:08:09 I feel like everyone had it. At the very least, a panini press? Come on, A-Spot. At the very least, a panini press. But I really do. I remember it's just a press. It's honestly depressing if you don't have the press. It's de-press.
Starting point is 00:08:24 Stop the presses foreman grill style um a lot of the reviews said they don't work um but yeah it's i mean like i don't eat red meat but i remember at the time it was like you make a burger you make a steak yeah but you can make a salmon patty. You can make a steak, which, yeah, I guess is red meat. So you can make a steak, you can make a burger, you can make a salmon patty,
Starting point is 00:08:51 you can make a steak. And those are the four staples of the George Foreman Grill. Well, two of those are the same. We didn't have a Foreman Grill. We did have a panini press, which is not the same. Could you not put meat in a panini press? You grill we did have a panini press which is not the same uh could you not put meat in the panini press you can put meat in a panini press you can do
Starting point is 00:09:10 anything you can do anything you can put it in there conflate these when i lobbed this up yesterday with coleman grills which i lobbed up because I just used a Coleman grill over the weekend at the Grand Canyon. Uh-huh. They're amazing. I'd never used a Coleman grill before. What's the difference? By myself.
Starting point is 00:09:32 Coleman grills gas powered. It's like a gas powered stove with a butane like canister. So you basically have like a fucking gas burning stove wherever you go. Oh, wherever you go. Oh, go oh i see i see i see yeah yeah yeah yeah you know what you probably said it yesterday and i only know foreman grills so that's probably how we got to where we are today yeah i couldn't agree more uh should we get into our first review yeah um i love mine may i start us off This is for, there's a bunch of different kinds. This is for the George Foreman nine serving basic plate electric grill and panini press, 144 square inch platinum.
Starting point is 00:10:12 That's way too big. Okay, here we go. Five stars from Melanie B. Melanie Bracewell. Melanie Bracewell or Mel B from the Spice Girls. Melanie Bracewell, five stars B from the Spice Girls. Melanie Bracewell, five stars. The title is Terrific Grill. I had lost this grill during a divorce
Starting point is 00:10:29 among every single thing else I own, including my underwear, honestly. And hey, I could live with that loss, but the grill crossed the line. So now my girlfriend bought me the same grill right here again for Christmas, and I'm very happy. This grill is honestly the best out of all types of indoor grills.
Starting point is 00:10:44 All you need to see is the Foreman name, and that says very happy. This grill is honestly the best out of all types of indoor grills. All you need to see is the Foreman name and that says it all. Foreman invented these types of grills and they only got better along the way. The even heat, the grill space, truly this grill is the best. It makes the best half pound burgers around, merely because of the equal cooking from top to bottom all at once p.s she took my dog too lol um all right here we go day two of uh separation of the assets between uh mr uh bobby frank and um miss comes out uh jenna frank uh actually i would i would prefer to use my maiden name at this point in the separation. So Jenna. That's a bummer.
Starting point is 00:11:30 Gemma Leeway. Okay. Gemma Leeway. You will see, Jenna, that I don't care about custody. You can have the children. You can have the dog. I just want your underwear even my lawyers like that's what so mr um mr bobby i'm so sorry uh you are fully giving
Starting point is 00:12:00 you're dancing you're fully giving up custody of your two children and the dog. I don't give a damn about my five children. I only give a damn about getting Jenna's panties. Bobby, if this is some kind of sick joke, this is unbelievably inappropriate. I wish it was. I wish it was i have you know uh i i don't know about you uh tyson but in my history in my career i have never seen anything quite like you can also like name your price i just take the money i just want the the undies honey well obviously i'm not giving you my
Starting point is 00:12:41 underwear bobby that's that's sick we're going through... We've been married for 25 years. Yeah, we've been married 25 years. As if I haven't already had your underwear in my house. Right. And they are mine. They're my clothes. You're not going to get... Hundreds of thousands of dollars are on the table.
Starting point is 00:12:58 Full custody of our children is on the table. I'm giving you those things on a silver platter in exchange for your thongs. And I think that you'll take that deal What? And it's not my What? What am I supposed to tell the kids? What am I supposed to tell the kids?
Starting point is 00:13:11 That their father Paid me off Tell them what do you want Oh a visitation Uh well no In this deal actually You will not be receiving any sort of visitation Ugh
Starting point is 00:13:22 Okay that's a blow But I can deal with it As long as I get what's down below oh my god what what has come over this is not what i thought was gonna happen this is not what i thought was gonna happen loris can we please have the room can bobby and i just have a second please yeah of course yeah take your time bobby what is going on with you listen i know this has been hard i'm it's taking a toll on me too but i want to work through this with you listen i know this has been hard i'm it's taking a toll on me too but i want to work through this with you okay i want you to be a part of our kids lives then then give me visitation in
Starting point is 00:13:53 your underwear i'm not my underwear is not part of this deal like that is off the table it's a crazy thing to ask for i think you're being selfish are you kidding me are you kidding you think what's more important to you your underwear are our children i could ask you the same thing this and i'll be honest and say both no but you know what i only need to have one of them all the time and the rest of the time i'll just see them once or twice can i also just say you are you filed for divorce against me you are the one who wanted to separate you are the one who is constantly so i don't understand why you would still want to keep my most intimate pieces of clothing in your house in our house you know what everybody has a midlife
Starting point is 00:14:43 crisis i don't care what anybody says some people buy a car right some people get into a weird hobby like skydiving all i want is to have your fucking cheeky briefs for me a cheeky me is that too much to fucking ask? What's crazy is you are asked. It's in the grand scheme of things. No, you're not asking for too much because you are.
Starting point is 00:15:15 No, no, no, no, no. But I'm not. What else could there be? I'm not going to give it to you. Weirdly enough, I want you to fight to have dual custody of our kids. Fine, I'll take it. If I get your underwear, dual custody no we're not bargaining then we're not using my underwear as a bargaining tool for you to get to see your children this is insane well i don't even know you're fucking uh what is it called uh the i don't know what you're asking. The undergarments.
Starting point is 00:15:48 They're so much more fun than mine. You're so obsessed with them and you can't even remember that they're called undergarments? Every day I would open up our top drawer of our dresser and I would see my shit next to yours. And you know what? I'd put on my gray boxer briefs. I'd put on my gray boxer briefs i'd put on my navy boxer briefs but even to just see the fun you could have was all i needed then you should and now that you're gone it doesn't matter no buy your own i don't care what you wear wear whatever you want
Starting point is 00:16:17 go i don't want to wear them i just want to see them then buy in the drawer your own for decor buy your own to dress your underwear drawer what is decor yes decoration for decor are you fucking kidding me just can we bring our lawyers back in here i just want to fuck i have like a meeting after this this should be the most important thing you have to do today what could you possibly have going on after this I'm doing like a yeah I'm doing like a trade with um my tops there's I met somebody off of the tops message boards and this guy might have a Jackie Robinson rookie card so we're doing like a trade which I don't think that I have anything that he'll want to trade with me for, but I do want to see it. That's at 130, so.
Starting point is 00:17:11 Yeah, it's fine. Bring the lorries back in. Sure. All right, we're all set, guys. We are not all set. We are not all set. Great. So my client wants, he will take dual custody if that's what it takes to get your undergarments. Do we have a deal? Everything else is yours.
Starting point is 00:17:29 Listen, my client will not be separating with her unmentionables. Okay. Then we have nothing else to talk about. I mean, we haven't reached an agreement. We do need to find a mutual agreement to close this divorce. We don't have to close this divorce until we reach terms and the terms are non-negotiable thank you um his terms um to have my clients for lack of a better term if you want this divorce i'm gonna have i don't want this divorce you wanted this divorce but you know what because of this. But you know what? Because of this, this makes me. No, you know what?
Starting point is 00:18:06 No, you're right. Let's just. Can we have the room? Of course. Oh, my God. Yeah, yeah. That's all right. Let's do this.
Starting point is 00:18:15 Let's stay married. I don't want to anymore. That is already dual custody. No, you. Well, let's just hear me out. We stay married. Dual custody by definition. And I still get to see your panties every day
Starting point is 00:18:26 because i'm now realizing i don't need to not be with you to have them because i have them if we're together so you didn't fall out of love with me so you didn't find somebody i love you i love you to death so that's what's part is what we said no i don't want to see anybody else i don't i don't want to break up our family i just want to be able to have your underwear and I don't want to see anybody else. I don't want to break up our family. I just want to be able to have your underwear. And I don't know how to be clearer about that. You could have not done anything. You could have just lived our lives just being able to... If you don't even want to wear it, you don't even want to do anything with it.
Starting point is 00:18:58 You don't want to do anything sexual with it. You don't want to do anything, kind of explore your gender identity, anything. You just want to be able to look at them and think about the fun you could have but won't you didn't have to file for this blew up my life this blew up our lives our families know about our friends know about it the kids are devastated how am i so we'll just tell them we'll just tell them tell them what how are you going to explain to our kids and our friends and our family what happened cut to like a big group gathering thank you guys all for coming to our vow renewal um i it's you know it's been it's been a little bit of a rocky year as some of you
Starting point is 00:19:40 may know everybody chuckles but uh ultimately i had what I wanted the entire time. Aw, everyone, aw. And to see what I wanted every morning when I wake up is reaffirming to the highest degree. So Jenna's panties I love you and Jenna you're not too bad yourself we both chuckle everyone else is just like mouths agape
Starting point is 00:20:13 um Bobby but yeah enough speeches everybody have some finger food have some appetizers have some drinks and if you want to see her panties the bedroom door is open full display don't touch don't touch but look as much as you want uh how did you come around you're happy about it now don't touch they're on full display this is my this is my midlife crisis my midlife crisis is in full joy joyous acceptance
Starting point is 00:20:50 uh all right let's take a quick break thanks some sponsors and be right back with my god i'm obsessed with sponsors sponsors are huge i'm obsessed with sponsors i can't get enough yeah you're wearing like a racing jacket with 15 different sponsors on it You're sponsored by Hankook tires Race car But even the windshield is fully covered Can't see Can't drive
Starting point is 00:21:12 I fucking love sponsors That's why I'm in it But this goes against regulation because you cannot see where you're going People won't sponsor you if you can't drive and win If you don't drive and you don't make money If you can't drive and win No one't sponsor you if you can't drive and win. If you don't drive and you don't make money. If you can't drive and win. If you can't drive and win, no one will sponsor you. And we're back!
Starting point is 00:21:39 Grill, grill, grill, grill, grill, grill, grill. Foreman putting meat on grills and the foreman. Foreman grill inside grill grill form and putting form and grill inside a grill and i have tons of salmon patties on a form and grill steak and steak are two different things now for the george foreman five serving multi-plate evolve grill system um that's the evolution they did they they didn't want us to know about i'll tell you that for free that's the evolution they won't teach you in school this is the evolution of the george foreman grill three stars same girl name um no name want to give them full first and last
Starting point is 00:22:16 um forest whittaker forest whittaker three stars the title is christmas gift god for my wife is a christmas gift so we will definitely check it out as soon as she opens it so don't write the review it's still in the box you have three stars middle of the road because he doesn't know if he likes it that's insane we'll check we'll check it out um hey uh brandon thank you so much for coming into my office um i just want to say as you know you are one of our most coveted theater critics here at the new york times and we are just every day we are so lucky to have a writer like you. Can I just say that your insight, your talent just for writing and your love you have of this medium of storytelling.
Starting point is 00:23:12 Yeah, I love it. It comes through in all of your work. Now, because I know we have our deadline, you gotta get this in in an hour. And I know you've already written it. I've taken a look at your latest review for the revival of macbeth um i just had a couple questions i i hope i'm catching you with it i know i'm catching at the midnight hour literally uh or the 11th hour rather um i wondering how
Starting point is 00:23:40 much bandwidth do you have to kind of go in and maybe push this another week do you have anything else you could write about for this week um i mean i'm supposed to see hadestown next week so i could write about that for tomorrow's episode um well right and so that's okay so that's actually the issue that i had with this review of macbeth you correct me if you haven't seen the show no not yet right why I'm seeing it this weekend yes so it I think we can all agree you know we're smart people here it doesn't make sense for you to leave this review your review is three sentences long and you haven't seen the show so all you said is Macbeth is a good play haven't read it since high school haven't seen the show. So all you said is, Macbeth is a good play, haven't read it since high school,
Starting point is 00:24:27 haven't seen this production. I think, listen, I've been in this line of work for a long time. Yes, and you are revered in this industry. And what I've come to realize is the excitement before you see a show is oftentimes the most fun part of the great white way. And it, you know, certainly if a show is not great, of course, like the
Starting point is 00:24:52 excitement beforehand could be the most exciting part of the night if the show is a letdown, which unfortunately does happen. But you know, even if it's amazing, because afterwards you don't have something to look forward to, especially people who come to the city, you know, they want to see a show or maybe people save up or maybe they win a sweepstakes or maybe they win, you don't have something to look forward to, especially people who come to the city. You know, they want to see a show or maybe people save up or maybe they win a sweepstakes or maybe they win, you know, the lottery. I don't even mean for Broadway tickets. The excitement is always better than the show. And so, you know, I just don't think people care what I think about having seen this show. I think they want to hear my thoughts
Starting point is 00:25:25 leading up to it. And you know what? I agree with a good amount of what you said. Great. I'm not done. What I do agree with is that sure, is the idea of a figure critic sometimes you know, doesn't make too
Starting point is 00:25:41 much sense sometimes. Certainly. Everyone can have their own everyone can have their own opinions about something and yes looking forward to something is so amazing but what we do pay you for is to critique the show itself the experience that you had at the show and so i if you want to fire me fire me i have offers all the time from other papers you have written some of the most incredible thoughtful thoughtful, scathing, joyous, uplifting reviews. You run the gamut of all these different reviews. And so I'm just like, what was going on with this?
Starting point is 00:26:12 What changed? Because you are so prolific. And now this is nothing. I just got to say, this is nothing, Brandon. You're saying you're excited to see a show. And then you give it three stars, which is going to hurt the show. It's going to hurt ticket sales. I had family in town, OK? see a show and then you you tell you give it three stars which is gonna hurt the show it's gonna hurt ticket sales i had family in town okay i had family in town so i had to push all of my shows a week
Starting point is 00:26:30 behind but the deadlines didn't change so yes i i had to write about macbeth and i haven't seen it yet you could have just come to me we have you're not the only theater critic we have on the team if you i don't want to lose out a job you have play there do you know how many shows they're on probably you could have you could have just waited we could have given even these two to alice and and she would have totally taken it in with stride we're not gonna fire you man but you gotta let this one go you sound just like the last three people i've tried to date. Cut to him texting with somebody. They have a date planned for Friday.
Starting point is 00:27:07 Hey, it was so nice getting to know you, but I just don't think that this is going to work out. See you tomorrow. We haven't met. Texting back. Ha ha ha. So excited to meet you. Hope it goes well.
Starting point is 00:27:24 Fingers crossed emoji. Cut to him logging a beer on untapped. Haven't tried this amber ale yet. Three out of five stars. Can't wait. Reply to the thread. Hey man, as the manager of this brewery, we would kindly ask that you change your review or remove it until you do try our beers.
Starting point is 00:27:49 We're sure you're going to love it. Because I'm tweeting. Really upset that my next tweet isn't going to do numbers. Stay tuned. Send. That one goes viral. That's like 100,000 retweets. What's resonating with people there?
Starting point is 00:28:08 700,000 likes. There's no way. Seth Rogen replies. He like never tweets. This is huge. And it shouldn't be. It really shouldn't be. Your next review?
Starting point is 00:28:24 Don't mind if I do. That's cool. Yeah, I know. Okay, this is for the George Foreman 2 serving classic plate electric indoor grill and panini press. This is one star from Kayla. Can you give Kayla a last name? Kayla Moriarty. Kayla Moriarty.
Starting point is 00:28:45 Shout out Kayla Moriarty. Kayla Moriarty. Shout out Kayla Moriarty. One star. The title is I hate this thing. I don't know if it's because this is my first George Foreman, but I really deeply hate this thing. It doesn't open up enough to fit a sandwich inside, which is what I bought it for.
Starting point is 00:29:04 It smells like an industrial factory when turned on and stinks up the whole place. There's more, but it's not worth my time writing about it. Just don't buy it. I deeply, deeply hate this thing. Happy birthday, Tyler, the big three. Oh, man, I cannot even believe it how do you feel i feel i feel okay i feel ambivalent what yeah okay i don't don't push those feelings i mean it's 30 it's 30 it's a big one. Your 20s are gone. Your 30s have just begun.
Starting point is 00:29:46 What? It's nothing. You're here, man. We're here to celebrate you. Come on. Come out. Enjoy the party. I hate my 30s. What?
Starting point is 00:29:56 I already hate my 30s. Come on. Everyone says that. But you know what they say? Their 30s are the new 20s. Your 30s are the new 20s. Everyone's been saying that. And I hated my 20s until I got to 30 and I realized how bad it is.
Starting point is 00:30:11 Okay. All right. Listen, I get it. Turning older can be hard. You know, every birthday I have like my annual existential crisis. But listen, like you're here. Enjoy it. You're in this new phase of your life you got a new job
Starting point is 00:30:26 you just moved in with your with your girlfriend things are looking up what's not to be happy about turning 30 i don't know just a general malaise about life maybe well maybe this will cheer you up brings that little bag i got you a little something, but, you know, hopefully, I just, I saw it in the store, and it just screamed Tyler. You know I love gifts. It just screamed you. Let's see what's in here. I hate this.
Starting point is 00:30:53 You haven't unwrapped it yet. It's still in the wrapping. I already feel it. Fine. Unwraps it. All right. No, that's kind of, yeah. I hate, I.
Starting point is 00:31:02 You hate it? I hate it. It's a $ 150 amazon gift card you can make it anything you want to be what are you talking about i don't know how else to get attention got it then to be negative try being positive do you know like that'll work hey guys thanks so much for coming to my friggin birthday party yeah no you are not no way
Starting point is 00:31:36 pulls out his laptop google's most positive job in the world cut to him at a monastery and when we embrace life with a sense of playfulness by meeting our own needs before the needs of others i help me and i help you namaste the rest of the monks just kind of look at him because they're all doing a silent retreat so they there's no response um that's when you applaud uh holy shit i knew i hated everything i hate silent retreats cut to his 31st birthday tyler the big 3 won wow what a crazy fucking year
Starting point is 00:32:25 you've had dude how was Tibet I hate Tibet what is there to hate about Tibet I didn't get any attention you were interviewed by Time Magazine I
Starting point is 00:32:41 hate Time Magazine what's your fucking problem I want attention I thought if I was negative I hate Time Magazine. What's your fucking problem? I want attention. I thought if I was negative, I would get it. Then I was positive, and you guys gave me a ton of attention. So I googled the most positive job in the world, and I found monks. So I went to a monastery. You think being a monk is a job?
Starting point is 00:33:00 What? I'm sorry. I don't know what I googled. But then I realized I wasn't getting the positive reinforcement. So now I'm back here and I'm back to being negative. And now you guys are paying attention to me. So it fucking worked. Because I think you're going on like a really, really manic depressive episode.
Starting point is 00:33:19 And we're trying to help you, man. What if you just tried the even keel let me try that no it's not something to test out it's not something to just put on what if you just like ain't no thing sorry turning to the 31 ain't no thing okay that's better i guess not really reacting not everything needs to get a strong reaction i do things every day that don't get a strong reaction from people cut to him dropping off a check for habitat for humanity kind of looking around and here you go oh thanks you just put it in the bin over there uh if you uh you should maybe take a look at that that's gonna that's gonna help build uh i'm not authorized to open any of the checks but thank you so much for your donation there's it's
Starting point is 00:34:16 a hundred thousand dollars is it a hundred thousand dollars it could be you need to open it up thank you so much. Cut back. So, listen, take it from me. You're telling me you weren't doing that for attention? Sure. Okay, fine. You know, maybe once. Maybe we'll have a little voice in our head that says, like, pay attention to me.
Starting point is 00:34:40 But you just got to squash it, okay? Because we can't all be the center of attention all the time so just try being you alright let me just channel my inner Jackson your face fully changes um Jackson no
Starting point is 00:35:14 no the name's um Jackson all right man The name's... Jackson. All right, man. Fuck. Listen, I'm the only one. This isn't how I wanted my 30s to go. You're only...
Starting point is 00:35:37 They were negative and then they were positive and now they're negative again. And now they're neutral, which is worse. It's worse to be numb than to feel sad. I'm not telling you to feel numb. You just, just like be. It doesn't need to be at the height or at the depth of anything.
Starting point is 00:35:54 If you feel that- Where the hell am I supposed to learn to just be? Cut back to him at the monastery. So did you guys have sex before all right should we do our last segment yeah it's hard to come up with these shook me's man it's hard man because it hasn't
Starting point is 00:36:31 oh at the time of recording it's Thursday May 19th I'm seeing Hadestown tonight for my first time nice I'm so fucking excited because I've been obsessed with this musical since it came out haven't seen it yet um nice but i i love the music i love the story it makes me
Starting point is 00:36:51 like listening to the soundtrack makes me sob um and it's my first musical it's my first like show since covid and so it's like this is a very earnest what struck me is that it's like musical theater like theater is such a big part of me and i very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, a very, he like leaves the house for the night it turns into e and i will first of all like we'll maybe watch a tv show that we're watching together and it'll just devolve into us getting drunk and watching youtube like musical theater bootlegs or tony performances or something and so we're obsessed with musical theater um and like this is the first show at least in her recent memory that she has gone to where she doesn't know anything like normally like we'll go to a show we'll already know like the whole score we'll know everything about it she's heard two songs from the show and that's it i mean like she knows the the greek like myth it's based on
Starting point is 00:37:53 but she doesn't know anything and daniel's only heard a couple songs and jay's only heard a couple songs so it's it's they're gonna be experiencing it like fully fresh and i'm so excited to see what they think and if they don't like it then they don't like me and so that's how i've got a lot of stakes on the night you're right too many stakes and we're all driving home together afterwards so it's like oh they didn't like it it's a deal breaker they don't like me it's exciting though so I fucking love it I love musical theater oh can't wait oh New York City Center
Starting point is 00:38:27 is doing parade in the fall it's one of my favorite musicals fuck I can't wait alright you got an aneurysm I did I already asked my rep
Starting point is 00:38:35 something like this it's May send me if they're casting for a show in November let me know let me know that's exciting
Starting point is 00:38:44 um Harry's House comes out at midnight tonight they're casting for a show in November. Let me know. That's exciting. Harry's House comes out at midnight tonight. This episode comes out on the 21st of June but four weeks ago Harry's House came out and I cannot wait. Harry's House. Oh, you're such a fucking bruv in the Harry's House.
Starting point is 00:39:03 I put so much work into this. I had a bunch of chavs on bass, on guitar, on keys. Had a bunch of chavs. We're out with the lads. Talked to a bunch of birds, didn't I? Add some potato meat. As it was, it's about a fish and chip shop. Round the corner, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:39:19 A bunch of football hooligans, right? I walked in, right? I was like, right, what's all this then? I drank Maltwinger for a year. And that's why I sound like this. E is furious because it'll come out when we're in Hadestown. Oh. And she is devastated.
Starting point is 00:39:46 Oh, if this comes out the 21st, I'm from europe today and boy am i changed boy am i changed from my travels you you're gonna be so worldly i'm gonna feel like a fucking chump yeah yeah should we take some vipodcasts oh before that, you can follow Riley on Instagram at RileyAnspa, on Twitter at RileyCoyote, the show on Instagram at ReviewReview, and on Reddit, r slash ReviewReview. You can follow Jeffrey James on Instagram at Jeffrey James, on Twitter at JeffBoyRD.
Starting point is 00:40:15 Oh, my God. And you can follow me, Harry Styles, wherever you get my content. Bruv. Let's thank some VI podcasts with Harry Styles. Thank you to underscore Christian Sidehugs, dogs and cats too. Aaron Carrico.
Starting point is 00:40:33 Agent Michael Scarn is dreading a Coe's upcoming vitriolic username. Oh, here we go. Coe actually had a nice day today. Now if only she had a fucking apology to top it off. 143? By the time this comes out. Yes, Harry.
Starting point is 00:40:49 By the way. Glad you know that fact. Alyssa's birthday's over, but I've got more time. So shout out, well, me. I hear I'm cool, smart, funny, nice, and cool. What's funny about this one is that we've recorded two episodes today, and they changed it between the last record an hour ago and now. That's unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:41:06 And now a patron who needs no introduction, so moving on. Bob Buell and I don't have a nickname this week. Don't read too much into it. It's just... Yeah. There's a whole lot of not- Chuck. Curbature.
Starting point is 00:41:21 Daddy Tuesday night, station out Fardly advice Unsubscribe Dakota Call her Robert The way she downy On my junior Kieber That's the kind of humor You'll get
Starting point is 00:41:32 At At He he he he he Dakota You're a freak For this stunt You know that Harry loves it
Starting point is 00:41:38 You're a bloody Fucking freak Didn't you learn Your lesson last time Three names a week Unbelievable Bruv Damien Kirk Just enjoyed a refreshing Dr. Pepper and cream soda Freak didn't you learn your lesson last time three names a week? Unbelievable bruv Damien Kirk just enjoyed a refreshing dr. Pepper and cream soda. Maybe next time he'll try tasting some sweet Puss instead Watermelon sugar I
Starting point is 00:41:55 Oh my god Fancy octopus Freya Freya pray love I love that book Garf Harry Styles loves Eat Pray Love. Am I huge Elizabeth Gilbert head? That's not what I expected. Garf, enemy of the pod.
Starting point is 00:42:15 I mean, I found the man who created me and tore him limb from limb. Gale's oils. Oh, Gilchonic. Grey Titan of the night, defender of the meek. Hallie, the horribly awesome is grazed to it Dick Van Dyke as Bert in Mary Poppins Happy birthday Jeff My god, thanks, Eric
Starting point is 00:42:39 He's coach F between you for sale. Oh, yeah I'm sorry Use code Jeff for 20% off your Baldo purchase. I'm sorry. Happy birthday, Jeff. Use code Jeff for 20% off your Baldo purchase. Happy birthday, Jeff. Use code... Happy birthday, Jeff. Use code Jeff for 20% off your
Starting point is 00:43:06 Baldo purchase. Pleasing ex-Baldo? The collab nobody asked for. Hey, Jeff, could you please have anyone from Harry Riddle Riddle on the HeadGum Podcast, please? Holy shit. I'm gonna barf. That previous name was so bad,
Starting point is 00:43:24 I'm seriously gonna yawn myself. Fuck that guy, let's move on. Jay Coleman. James Wagner. I hardly know her. Jay's been doing some reading into it, and this whole mess is the fault of Sir Sanford Fleming. So the fact that he got knighted. Jesse Tipton.
Starting point is 00:43:40 Joe, for lack of a better term, well, Malazov. JP again, my name last week Made Jeff laugh Honored So What you guys think of this You guys think you did a good job Caleb is too busy
Starting point is 00:43:52 To come to the phone right now Please leave a message After the beep Beep Casper Bo Basper Lauren Mullane Lauren to the old dame Didn't it
Starting point is 00:44:02 So excited That is ordained in it. So excited. That is ordained. He believes it. Can you do the next one? Oh my god. Alright, here we go. Ludwig Baldwin.
Starting point is 00:44:19 So it's So it's Beethoven, right? But he's entered into a fourth period. The Borgasm period. Okay. Martin Screlizimus Holmes. Michael Bagel. Moe Pete featuring Nolan Murphy.
Starting point is 00:44:41 Oh my God. My otter and the laryngeologist Told me to stop smoking Nate Porteous thinks this has to be a Riley Rename Jeff can't be silly You know Nolan Murphy Is like a young Van Gogh But without the financial
Starting point is 00:44:59 Hardships talent Unique artistic voice oh great cock how do you know a Nolan in the body of an opinion Nolan that was really bad have a better patreon name next week or don't have one at all
Starting point is 00:45:24 oh hi Mark Well priest Oh so it's lame to advertise your business name Through your Patreon name Come say that to my face It's smoking time on main island Pete Bradford patiently awaits the premiere of his theme song Phoebe
Starting point is 00:45:37 Puffin and Spquack Quack Rees Like with a spoon With a Z Pergan Sarah take me back I still love you Quark. Reese, like Witherspoon with a Z. Pergman. Sarah, take me back.
Starting point is 00:45:50 I still love you and we'll always have that knife in the alley behind Arby's. So what? It's just like a job now. You tell me after I've baked my name more than once a year. That was three accounts, not two. I spent $60 this month and I didn't even get a follow? You guys are so stingy. That's so raving. It's the future I can, well, see.
Starting point is 00:46:06 The dulcet tones of Jeff's sleep moans. And TJ Michael. forward slash Riley and Jeff for bonus content, Zoom parties, etc. See you guys again next week. Arrivederci. Chee! That was a hit gum original

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