Review Revue - Guitar Picks (w/ The Gregory Brothers!)
Episode Date: October 25, 2022Viral music legends Evan and Andrew Gregory joins the crew while they go on their Rainbow Tour, check into a retirement home, and drink anything but water. Follow at: IG: @reillyanspaugh�...�& @geoffreyjames Twitter: @reilecoyote & @GeoffBoyardee <><> Produced by Daniel Ramos @Schubirds Advertise on Review Revue via  See for privacy information.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
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This is a HeadGum Original. Deep in the bowels of our strange internet
All that is sold is reviewed. From classes of Cotillion to a holiday ice rink, these people can't be here then why not pretend
how the gentle
rib shatters
through the mind
of Jeffrey
somewhere lost
in the clouded annals of head gum lies a podcast that few have listened to
an improv podcast called review review where riley ann spa placates her emotionally stunted
friend slash charity case it's actually starting right do you vet these before you play them
do you know do you check them i try to be able to give our library acts that obviously
came in from erin true sir that was that was incredible a little over the garden wall theme
parody i mean listen how great i mean not that not that they could have known that they were
sending in a theme song in the episode that we are having the Gregory Brothers Zomska
ride to the chase.
Welcome, welcome. I loved it.
Over the Garden Wall.
Could you unpack that? Oh, Over the Garden Wall.
Have you ever heard of it?
It is a wonderful
self-contained cartoon
network show that came out a couple years ago.
It's like, I think, 10 episodes. They're only 10 minutes long.
And it's perfect storytelling. Gorgeous animation. it's a gorgeous piece of it's it's
incredible um so it's halloweeny so highly recommend you watch this weekend or next if
you're going to 10 episodes 10 minutes each it's basically if you can watch them all in one sitting
and it's very good and the music's very good perfect timing perfect yeah i'll watch it right
on so that song is from...
Yeah, it was a parody of the opening title song.
So whatever respect I have for the musicality
of the theme song,
I should just redirect to the original.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
And then the lyrics said,
we should say,
said that I was emotionally stunted
and that nobody listens to our show.
And that you're my emotionally stunted friend slash charity case. and that you're my you're you're my emotionally
stunted friend slash charity case um that i just talked to you on our show that nobody listens to
in the back back back analog of head gum and it's basically as a favor to me yeah yeah yeah yeah
these are your fans that all to me that all reads as facts like he could have been just reading from
a wikipedia article this these are facts Well, you could sing anything and it could sound like matter of fact,
like it's the truth,
but it's obviously hurtful and subjective.
But I mean,
but these guys know best.
We have Andrew and Evan Gregory here,
the Gregory brothers,
the host of punch up the jam creators of,
if you have heard a viral song,
they made it.
So it doesn't matter which one it is.
They made it. That's right matter which one it is they made it
that's right
Taylor Swift's Midnight
Taylor Swift's 3am
you've seen it floating around on Twitter and Instagram
today we made those
albums there's no way
that was your voice congratulations
oh my god
every viral song we made
can we hear a bar
you belong to me yeah it's like she's in the zoom that's how i do it and then we
you bitch you pitch shift it up and it sounds exactly like taylor that's how it works that's
the secret sauce that's the formula now know. What was it like directing that short?
With what's his name?
With Alwyn.
Who's she dating?
A Joe Alwyn.
Yeah, he's dreaming. You know what?
The main thing, my main takeaway from hanging out with Taylor every day is that she is so
kind and so tall.
Extremely tall.
How tall?
Like, she's like 5'11"?
She's 6'7".
Holy shit.
There's no way.
There is.
I just watched the music video drop today for Antihero,
which is the single off of Midnight's,
and there is a shot of giant woman Taylor going down the street and it's the funniest
thing I have ever seen
in my life of just lumbering
around like Godzilla
sized tailors. Like Gumby. Yes.
It's phenomenal. So great work
you guys. Thanks. Yeah. Thanks.
Have you. Namaste to you.
weirdly one time I stood next to Gary
Payton the Seattle Supersonic. Gary Payton the Seattle Supersonics
the Seattle Supersonics Hall of Famer
much taller than you think you see Gary Payton
playing basketball in the 1990s
or watch clips of him doing it and you're like
that's like a normal basketball
height guy that guy's like 6'3 or 6'4
meaning because you've only ever seen him next to
basketball people
he's a shooting guard a point guard he's maybe like
6'2 6'4 he's extremely tall he's 6'7 I also stood next to Taylor people in the world of basketball. He's a shooting guard, a point guard. He's maybe like 6'2", 6'4".
He's extremely tall.
He's 6'7".
I also stood next to Taylor Swift.
Exact same height.
I was standing next to both of them
at the same time,
just right between them.
So she is one Gary Payton tall.
Yeah, I'm also 6'7",
so that's how I knew
they were 6'7".
You knew that they were tall
because you're like,
oh, we're all the same height.
Yes, we're all exactly the same height.
You were in the Starbucks line
and you just touched foreheads
to measure height.
I like the idea of you looking at them
at eye level for you
and still being like,
wow, they're tall.
They're tall.
It was cool to all be that tall,
but it made me feel bad
that the barista gave them their drinks for free
because they're so famous
and I had to pay for my drink.
It was tough.
That sucks. Yeah. That's tough. That sucks.
That's the worst part.
Yeah, that's a suck-a-chino.
So we are here, obviously, we're not talking about Taylor Swift.
We're not talking about suck-a-chinos.
We're here to talk about a little thing, just a little thing that makes a big difference.
We're talking about guitar picks today.
I just want to say on the record, I will never ever go publicly review anything about Taylor Swift because we would get brigaded.
Oh, yeah.
No, that would be the most horrifying thing in the world.
It would be the death of us.
We're not doing that.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
No, I almost made a joke, like a tweet about midnights about a thing
and i was too scared to even post that then you thought it's horrifying it's horrifying um but
guitar picks so you guys are incredible musicians um and jeff has also taken up he learned how to
play the guitar in the pandemic and now is a fantastic guitar player i'm not as good as y'all jeff is this true this i haven't heard your guitar playing yet this is that's
like the best possible use of pandemic time yeah it's very good i well i'm not that good you're
better than me i've been playing guitar for years but don't practice and you did it for a year
intentionally and are better than i have ever been all All right. Yeah, I can get into the idea of being good at guitar, actually.
I been toying with the idea of Mixolydian, Evan.
Oh, okay.
It's sort of interesting.
Let's make this, let's get really esoteric on this podcast about music theory.
Jeff is talking about playing a major scale in which the seventh degree is flat
it's very popular in blues songs but also in the 80s i would say huey lewis huge mixolydian guy
yeah and i i love the news oh yeah they're one of the best parts of huey lewis
those guys and then there's also e dorian yeah don't i don't hate dorian it's a it's uh
almost mixolydian you move one scale degree the third one you flat it and you you're into
dorian you guys are just saying things you guys are just making up words they are very they are
very stupid greek words that somehow we're still using when you go study music theory. If you move up the third and then bring it down one,
well, then that's what they did in the 80s.
I will say, here's a thing that is very helpful
about these seven Greek words that label the seven diatonic modes.
And you don't really have to know them to play any instrument.
They come from academic.
But one thing is, there's one mode which is the dumbest
that never occurs in any music because it's the one that starts on a B if you're playing only white keys.
And very helpfully, the word corresponding to that mode also sounds the dumbest.
Is it the Bixolidian?
It is Locrian, which to me sounds like that word doesn't exist anywhere else.
But to me, it just hints of like butt stuff.
You say the word, you say the word Locrian,
and that's how you know it's the worst mode.
And that it starts with a B.
A Locrian to someone who sort of partakes in anal joy.
Like you said, Dorian.
That to me sounds like that's like a type of column
that you'd see at the Pantheon.
You know what I mean?
Or a great first name.
Dorian Gray.
Solid dude.
Locrian sound.
It makes me think of coccyx.
Like it's the same kind of word to me.
So that makes sense for ass stuff,
I guess.
Perfect tie in.
Do you guys have any like guitar pick stories or like any
favorite ones you've i don't know what talk about guitar picks i honestly don't remember how we
landed on guitar picks but i love it because it's just like the tiniest you know like obviously the
tie-in is here we're we're here as like hosts of punch of the jam and guys who do music right so
what's a music thing we could do we could pick anything guitar picks is the most mundane thing
that you get like when you're checking out at the store for you could for you could get five for a
dollar you know and i like what is of note around our studio is how even though they're the most
cheap and free and easy thing maybe because of this this, you never can find one. Of course.
You're always about to start the rehearsal or something
and then there is no guitar pick
and you actually spend maybe up to
like 30 minutes looking in
drawers and under things.
There is...
This is a real thing that is manufactured
and sold to guitar players because
of how desperate they are
for guitar picks, is a little device that cuts guitar picks out of your credit
So when you're really,
so when you're really desperate,
you're like,
I can't find my guitar picks,
but I've got my guitar pick cutter.
I can find some worthless card lying around my house.
And it's better for me not to be able to spend money than to not play guitar.
That is incredible.
So do you, have you guys ever had like a pick that's like been your favorite that it's like,
no, I can't not play without this one.
Or it's like, this is the one I can't lose.
Cause I've had that.
And then I lose it.
So three or four years ago, I made a decision that was one of the best decisions of my entire
Why is this a checkout thing for me?
Why am I buying the five guitar picks at a guitar center while I'm checking
And then I can never find them.
And I ordered a bag of,
I don't know,
a hundred,
200 Fender three 51s Fender mediums,
my favorite pick.
And I,
at home,
at least I have not had a problem finding guitar picks since I bought that
bag of a hundred guitar picks. It rules. And guitar picks since I bought that bag of 100 guitar picks.
It rules.
And around that same time, like-
That's a lot, man.
You could just scatter them around like a ball pit.
They're just pitch tin in each one of my guitar cases.
And about a year later, my mom, for Christmas, bought me like-
She was like, Andrew, this is the finest guitar pick in the land.
Oh, no.
You don't want just one good one,
because you're going to lose it like that.
Lose the golden one.
Like it's handmade, made of wax and leather.
And it came with a case, so you didn't lose it.
It came with something to attach to your keychain,
so you couldn't lose it.
And I think she saw the grief on my face as I opened it,
because it was just like, this is such a sweet gift.
I really did appreciate it.
And I played with it as many as four times,
but I was like, I'm not going to,
this is not going to be a guitar pick
that stays in my life in the same way
that a bag of 100 Fender medias can stay in my life.
It's so thoughtful,
but so like the worst thing you could possibly do.
You don't want to covet a pick.
The saddest part is I think I still have both.
It came with two devices to not lose the pick.
Like one was like a wooden case.
That you like slid open and put the case in.
I have that.
Another one was something that attached to your key chain.
So like, but I'm not going to put it.
I'm not going to put a guitar pick on my key chain.
I don't want to be that guy.
But I have both of those things still.
But not the pick that goes with it. But not the pick things still but not you lost it yeah yeah i lost the pick you did lose it oh my god you have the things
that kept you from losing it but not the thing itself that is amazing now buried in andrew's
uh answer there was a model name i heard heard it. The Fender 351.
Medium weight. That's Andrew's favorite. I like it because it sounds like a gun.
Yeah, it seems like this intense
Fender 351-ish. It's like a little piece of plastic.
It's a caliber. But Fender picks
are good. I like when
you get the packs that have the light, the medium, the heavy.
And I always go heavy. Oh, see,
that's how I know you've been practicing because I feel
like the heavy is perfect for playing lead
You're just playing one note at a time.
If you try to strum and be a rhythm guitar player like I am with a heavy,
this is maybe counterintuitive,
but it's going to fly out of your hand.
The heavy is going to fly out of your hand
if you're strumming.
The light is perfect for strumming.
You can strum really easily
because it's so soft and squishy,
but you can't play lead with it.
It's too bendy.
The medium...
It's too thin.
It's right in the middle. it's too thin it's right
in the middle it's perfect for both that's all around for travel though the heavy one the heavy
one is like you're tearing you're carrying around you know what the heavy one is good for is like
showing up unannounced and undrafted at the brit National Tiddlywinks Championships.
You know, and just stepping into a hot tiddly match.
It's stiff and it's thick.
This show's for everybody.
So it's like we don't want to get into that dirty stuff.
I mean, it's like 12, 15 in the afternoon.
That's the fucking hour.
Jesus. Do we want to get into
some reviews,
Jeffrey? Let's do it.
I have a one-star review
of Didario
celluloid guitar picks.
Now, I've never used these,
but David did. Do we have
a last name for David?
Oh, last name for David? Oh, oh, oh.
Oh, suggestion.
Yeah, just anything.
David D'Agostino.
That's really good.
That sounds like a bitters.
Like a bottle of bitters.
David D'Agostino.
Hopefully I said that right.
It's the second one.
Yeah, stunning.
One star.
I ordered light gauge guitar picks. It's a seko amp. A stunnin'. One star.
I ordered light gauge guitar picks.
I received heavy gauge guitar picks with a sticker labeled light, as you can see
in the photos. I requested a replacement
and received the same item.
Heavy gauge guitar picks with a light
sticker on it. I'm returning the guitar
picks and will purchase them from a store where I know
I can receive the item that I want.
Being gaslit by
guitar picks.
Yeah, it wasn't just a mistake.
It wasn't a mistake. It was on purpose.
That's a pretty fair... Most one-star reviews, you
read them and you're like, this person is the person at fault.
But in this case, I think we can...
David D'Agostino
was a... I feel bad for him
he was in the right for receiving the light
or I guess for not receiving the light
guitar center customer service line
this is Kelly how can I help
it's David I think maybe we were
chatting on the online David yes you called me yesterday Hey, it's David. I think maybe we were chatting online.
David, yes.
You called me yesterday about your pick order.
Yes, hello.
How's it going?
Been strumming along?
I mean, it's not great.
I'm not great.
At guitar or like your emotion?
Well, feelings.
I'm great. I'm great at guitar or like your emotion well feelings feelings i'm great i'm great at guitar and i
very much know exactly what i want in a product and specifically i want to talk about the picks
that i ordered i ordered a brown pick because i am a very understated player i like to fade
the back nothing flashy and you guys sent me rainbow picks with extra sparkle,
but you labeled it as brown on the box.
And I just want to read it.
I already told you this in the chat, of course,
so I'm sure you're aware it's in my case file.
But this is actually the 10th time this has happened.
Sorry, I'm looking through.
Your case file is one of the biggest that we have on file at and let me just know you're right this is the 10 10 this i'm i'm so sorry about that is let me
just check this order really quick let me just look that up um david i don't know what to tell
you we sent you brown pics we sent you brown pics i mean i can get if you don't believe me i can get
my my supervisor involved,
but like I I'm looking on the screen and looking at,
at the screenshot.
We always take a photo.
I'm actually already on the line.
Oh my God,
This is Jared,
my supervisor.
You know how we,
listening on all calls for orders under $5.
you know,
the way,
and that's what I love about this company.
The way you would love working.
The way we see it is that the people that are spending less than $5 on Brown D'Addario guitar picks, those are the people that eventually are going to be spending $20,000, $30,000 on a single Martin guitar.
And that is why, David D'Agostino, I've been spying on you in this phone call.
Can you,
as a supervisor,
I just want the one issue fixed.
I just want an extremely boring pick.
I want,
I want the brown.
What you're not understanding,
I know you've been listening on the call,
but it's like,
if you,
if you,
I just sent you the link.
If you look,
it's like,
we clearly sent him the brown one.
So I don't know how to fix the issue.
I think the, honestly, so I don't know how to fix the issue.
I think, honestly, I think the issue really here is that it's going to take us a while to read your case file.
It's really, it's really big.
Listen, I'm actually giving up.
I'm giving up on ever getting the brown pick.
I know it's not going to happen for me.
I want you guys to admit.
Just admit to me that you're lying.
What we need is a...
We can get the store owner on the phone as well.
We can get him on the line.
We have Jerry.
We have me.
If you want us to loop in somebody else...
I could loop in every person that had a decision-making role.
I could ping Mr. Sinner.
Mr. Sinner.
I could have Mr. Sinner get on the line.
Hey, guys, I've been on.
Oh, Mr. Sinner, hello.
Yeah, I understand the situation.
Hey, yeah.
Mr. Sinner, thank God.
Party line.
That's funny.
I don't take too kindly to being called a liar.
I mean, that's the one thing that I'll fix this issue for you,
but if you're going to say I don't want the issue fixed
and then call me a liar, that's what I'm not going to stand for. Mr. Sinner never stands for that. Like, if I know him, and I've been working issue for you, but if you're going to say, I don't want the issue fixed and then call me a liar, that's what I'm not going to stand for.
Mr. Center never stands for that.
If I know him, and I've been working here for years,
if I know Mr. Center, he does not stand for lying.
I'm sorry.
If my guy sent out rainbow pics with a brown sticker on it,
then they did it on purpose or not.
Listen, did you come into the store or did you purchase it online?
So it's hard to match because what i
like to do in my franchised singular locations guitar center store is match the guitar to the
player match the skins to the drummer when you order online it might be a grab bag are are you
are you telling me that somebody looked at my profile and labeled me
as a rainbow guitar player they this is like i'm being psychologically profiled
why you're being social media profiled you know you provide your information and i we had the
personal touch so listen if you want brown picks you're gonna have to change something about your
personality first i don't know what else to say now mr center if i may brown picks, you're going to have to change something about your personality first. I don't know what else to say.
Now, Mr. Senator, if I may, have you considered ordering a larger order?
You know, we're not putting this sort of oversight into any order over $5.
If you could just order, you know, 10 picks or this bag of 100 picks that is $17,
we probably wouldn't be scrubbing your social media sites to see what color you are.
Are you still on the line?
David, are you still here?
You're not saying anything, but I can feel disappointment.
I'm still here.
I'm actually on Instagram. saying anything but I can feel disappointed I'm still here I'm actually
I'm on Instagram and no sorry David it's just like that silence spoke volumes and so that's
also going to be going in the file you know I'm going to be I might be quiet for a second just
because I'm I'm marking all this down to go into the file for future purchases uh can I test
something I'm actually uh I'm on your site right now and I'm ordering... Can you test
something? I'm ordering a box of...
Mr. Sutter doesn't like to be tested. I'm ordering
a box of brown picks right now.
I just clicked. I clicked
same day delivery and
I paid for the extra shipping
to get it delivered in the
next hour. Do you see the
Prime Plus Plus upgrade?
And then why don't you refresh the page real fast? Refresh, refresh, refresh. I'm clicking refresh. And then now what product do you see the prime plus plus upgrade and then why don't you refresh the page
real fast refresh refresh refresh i'm clicking and then now what product do you see yeah in the order
rainbow fucking pics so what i uh i don't know what else to say this is a uh we we put the
personal we try to put the personal touch if you don't want the personal touch we try to put the personal touch. If you don't want the personal touch, you go to Sam Ash.
All right,
you can go to a local store.
Oh my God, ew.
Mr. Center,
don't make him do that.
Like I've talked to David
on the phone a couple times now
and like on the chat online,
he is a nice guy.
I'm sorry I'm getting teary eyed right now
because it's just like,
I really believe in him
and like I think he can-
I don't know.
No, no, no,
I think he can do great things.
We scrubbed his social media.
Don't send him to a local shop.
Like do not send him to a local shop.
Like, oh my God, that's disgusting. I can't, Mr. Center, like I believe in everything you stand for, We scrubbed his social media. Don't send him to a local shop. Do not send him to a local shop.
Oh my God, that's disgusting.
I can't.
Mr. Center, I believe in everything you stand for,
but if you send him away from your enterprise,
I don't know if I can stand for that.
Well, ultimately, if you leave the team, that's fine.
I just, again, it's about the personal touch.
You're not going to get that at a local store.
And as far as his character goes, we scrubbed his social media,
and there's a couple photos of him kissing people on there.
So how squeaky clean could his reputation be?
Listen, I've tried my hardest to fade into the background as a guitar player,
but it's true that I do love to selfie french which is just french
people on the street take a selfie i post direct to instagram with no caption that's a selfie
french we know and if that labels me if that labels me as psychologically rainbow if that a rainbow guy fine my playing my performing extremely brown cut to cut to david on an arena
world tour it's like the rainbow tour fans are going rapid and his playing is fine concerts just ended yeah yeah
a couple on like a third date in the
crowd where did you say you heard his
music before just like the vibe does not
fit the music I feel like
um I
I saw it on a Spotify
editorial playlist
and it was called POV this music is wrong for me
yeah um and that made me think of you because you're wrong for me that's why and are you saying
that like as like oh it kind of turns you on that i'm like a bad that i'm bad for you are you saying
that we're just not compatible and you're breaking up?
I'm saying I couldn't say it out loud and I brought you to this concert to break up with you.
And the sound of this guitar is our goodbye music.
I already wasn't having a great time because the music is kind of dull.
I don't think you could even tell
that he was playing in Locrian mode.
And that, to me, is goodbye.
Yeah, so I guess I'll...
Excuse me, but could you all both take off your hats?
It's just, at a concert, to have such tall hats on...
Yeah, I just feel like everybody's wearing crazy stuff. It's just at a concert to have such tall hats on.
Yeah, I just feel like everybody's wearing crazy stuff.
I'll take mine off.
I only did it to try and make her happy. And I just don't think you guys get what David D'Agostino is about.
It's not his music we're here for.
This is a very influential selfie Frenchie
The concert's
ended, but everyone's still staying
in their seats. Like, no one is leaving
the arena. It's just a big group discussion.
starts Frenching each other and taking selfies.
I mean,
one more kiss for the road, I guess.
I know we're not
compatible but maybe we do the selfie frenchie
it could never
work but we
have to say
I'm out also
you brought a knife into the
concert I didn't want to bring it up but I was scared already
and then this is also good
if you wouldn't break up with me it was gonna
be a stabbing
and I didn't break up with wouldn't break up with me, it was going to be a stabbing.
And I didn't break up with you.
You broke up with me.
I just need to make that clear.
That's my last time being on
Bumble BFF.
And trying to
turn it into something romantic, which I guess is my
Excuse me, you all didn't meet on Selfie Frenchie?
David D'Agostino's dating app?
So it's an app? I don't understand who this guy is.
He plays dull, the arena's full of rainbows, and he's kissing people on his own camera.
As recently as a month or two ago, he was posting on Instagram,
but ever since his viral tweet thread about the way Mr. Sinter blew up, he has the new dating app, Selfie Frenchie.
What subculture is this that everyone knows this lore?
That this guy had a tweet once?
Do you lick left or lick right?
It's quite famous.
And I'm picking up from your accent that you are also french uh yes i am french this
is a of of the accent of a french man no it's not you're just kind of speaking with an up and down
intonation each sentence it's almost i learned my english in australia, which is why I finish every question, every sentence talking up if it's a question or not.
No one here seems like, at least in this section, feels like they've had a good time.
I want to point that out as well.
Well, the music's bad.
The music is actively bad.
So you agree. The music is bad. The music is actively bad. If you had a bad time, why are we the last three people here at this concert?
Now that everyone has left,
but the three of us,
three of us,
all of us have tongues hanging out.
So you're trying to put this intonation on.
I'm out.
I'm done.
I'm going home.
I bid you guys to do.
I bid you namaste.
And it was really bad to go on a couple of dates with you. I'm done. I'm going home. I bid you guys adieu. I bid you namaste. And it was really bad to go on a couple dates with you.
I'm sorry to be rude, but...
Adieu, c'était vraiment bon de...
So you knew French fluently and you still...
De faire votre reconnaissance.
You knew French the whole time!
So what?
You broke up with me, I still haven't had a chance to leave and now you're mad at him for speaking french i'm mad at him for hiding it yeah yeah i don't know um
here's money for a cab i guess i feel like that's fair because I drove us here. Thanks. Here's your very, very tall
hat back.
Who was that
I was so invested. I want to see him
Who was he?
He doesn't know them,
but he's so invested.
And also not.
I bought that he was invested because of their mutual love
of the music of David D'Agostino.
Oh, no, it was incredible.
It was incredible.
I was picturing a Harry Styles concert, but with worse music.
Yes, 100%.
I should have said this, but for some reason in my mind,
it was at Red Rocks.
I think it was one guy strumming chords on a guitar and not even singing.
Not even playing the guitar, strumming.
The rhythm is the lead.
I'm pretty sure the guy, now that I'm zooming out a little bit and I'm not in it,
it's just the guy from the first Jurassic Park movie with the goatee and the cane.
It's just him.
Yeah, that checks out.
He's just at the answer.
All right, let's take a quick break and we'll be back with more guitar pick reviews reviews that we've picked about picks
you guys good to go back yeah bathroom break i'm good i don't good. I don't, yeah. Never. I don't do that.
Yeah, I don't even pee.
You don't go to the bathroom.
Okay, Daniel, let's cut in when Riley said she doesn't go to the bathroom.
After I asked if anybody needed a pot.
I don't do that stuff.
That's disgusting.
Put like a real dry Wally reverb on Riley's voice so it sounds like she's in a bathroom.
No, I don't do that stuff that's not me um but i do that review stuff that sound when you're on the phone with somebody and you're like you're
pooping right now no that's not me um um i have some reviews i'm not gonna lie lie. Not going to lie. I do. I do. Let's hear them. Here's, come on, be excited.
Let's hear them.
That's better.
This is a five-star review for a Fender Premium Picks sampler.
There are a bunch of, it's like 10 different medium picks sampler.
This is five stars from Robert C.
Castramiano. Robert
Castramiano Spagliato
with Prosecco in it. This is
five stars. The title is
Granddaughter Loved the Assortment.
And here's the review.
Granddaughter loved them.
Plans to sign them and give to her
friends. plans to sign them and give to her friends oh that's it
that's it top to bottom
that's it
that's it
that's my favorite ways I've found
she plans to sign them
and give them to her
is she
it could go so many different ways
is she just like in middle school and
and that means nothing or is she like very famous
you know is robert castromiano like he's he's the granddad of like some somebody who is
like just churning out thousands.
At the senior center?
Yeah, thousands of pieces of merch.
Steven, what are you getting the grandkids for Christmas this year?
I know last year it was all Legos all the time, huh?
Anything they can build is good.
And you've always said that.
You're such a crazy guy.
You've always said that.
Being a retired contractor that I am,
I love when my grandkids build.
That's a beautiful... So what is it for this year?
Well, my granddaughter has built herself quite an audience.
So she tours the world as an act known as Claro.
Okay, Mr. Brown.
That's quite enough for today.
So I gave her, I'm planning to give her some guitar accessories.
Well, Mr. Brown, how cool would it be if your granddaughter was Claro?
How cool that it is. Mr. Richardson, how cool would it be if your granddaughter was Claro, huh?
How cool that it is.
Mr. Richardson, do you have any grandkids?
Yes, is there room for me to sit down here at the old canteen?
Yes, come sit.
Here, let me just get your chair out for you.
So we were talking about grandkids and the holidays.
Do you have any gifts you're giving?
If you have grandkids,
I don't want to assume.
I do.
Yeah, I have 23 grandkids.
Some of them are grown now.
I have actually eight great-grandchildren.
And I have to buy them
all gifts.
And for the little ones,
I usually go for some
violent action figures,
whatever they're watching
on TV these days.
Yeah, classic.
It is getting more violent these days.
Yeah, I go for-
Eight of your grandkids makes up the importance of one of mine.
Sorry, Mr. Brown, today he's going on that his granddaughter is Claro.
She really is.
No, I-
She just never visits.
Oh, and hello, Mr. Stevenson.
Come and sit right down.
Oh, yeah, yeah.
It's so good to see you.
You haven't been to the cantina in a minute.
Do you mind if I just scoot in here at the commissary
and I have my dumpling soup, my chicken dumpling soup.
Oh, that looks delicious.
Scoot in here again.
Mr. Stevenson, we were talking about gift giving and the holidays.
Do you have any special plans?
Unfortunately, no.
No one special in your life to give or get a gift from?
I used to have a family, but they were all murdered by the pop singer, Claro.
I'm feeling pretty awkward.
You know, Mr. Stevenson, I am so sorry for laughing.
I do remember that in your intake porn.
What's funny about today is that Mr. Brown here,
he's playing a little joke saying that his granddaughter is Claro.
Could you believe that? And the accusation
that Claro would lay a,
she lives in Western Massachusetts.
She wouldn't lay a hand on anyone.
Your granddaughter is Claro?
No, his, I, yeah, oh sure.
His granddaughter is Claro.
Let's just go with that
for the day.
I think she's my granddaughter, I do.
If she could be my spawn.
What 80-year-old man knows Claro by heart?
Good God.
All these years we played Mahjong,
Shuffleboard, Rummy Cube.
You guys have played a lot of games together.
That's true.
Oh, he's still going.
The checkers where you can move backwards after you king your man.
You never told me that your granddaughter was Clairo.
Can't believe it's just coming out right now during holiday shopping season.
Yeah, Mr. Robertson, I'm with you.
This is, you know, in my training to work at this senior center.
This wasn't in the handbook.
This wasn't in the handbook.
Well, there's no upward ladder to success, but Claire did it herself.
And she didn't murder anyone.
She only murdered the charts.
And anyone who says otherwise can speak with her lawyer.
And anyone who's following the case knows that you couldn't drive from Western Massachusetts to Boston in two hours.
You just couldn't get there, stab someone, and then get back.
Okay, cut to a classroom now everyone has to make sure that they have covered
chapter 17 by the final exam this is the chapter about what to do when one of your patients
granddaughters has driven from Western Massachusetts to Boston and murdered
another one of your patient's families. This is in the textbook and will be required reading
for the exam. The final. Yes, yes. They're in the second row.
Thank you, sir. Just a quick question, I guess, before we launch into this. I thought that this program would be about what to do when an elderly person's spouse dies, how to handle them in grief.
This feels really specific and unlikely, and I don't know how valuable it would be to spend time on this scenario that seems so impossible.
Get out.
Get out of my classroom.
Get out? Out. I'm. Get out of my classroom. What? Get out?
Get out.
I'm the top student in this class.
I've been accepted by every center to go and teach and be a facilitator and nurse.
If you're the top student in the class, just walk back to whoever you groveled to for your summer internship last summer and just ask for a job running their Canasta game.
You know what?
This is crazy.
This is crazy.
You're not in the class anymore.
You there in the front row.
Great, I'm out then, I guess.
Are you okay?
That's just my question.
This was covered in chapter 16, this sort of scenario.
So if you don't know what's going on here,
you've exposed yourself.
You haven't read chapter 16 of the textbook.
So I'm gone?
Are you going to tell him to leave too?
I'm still in the doorframe.
Are you going to tell him to leave or just me?
No, you didn't talk back.
You just need to make sure you cover chapter 16
before the final.
I'll cover it.
I just feel like this is just the most.
Just brush up on chapter 16 before the final.
This is insane.
I do agree with what she said.
It feels hyper specific.
Get out.
Are you kidding me?
Listen, I don't want to sound too teacher's petty or anything,
but this feels very, very relevant to something that i was experiencing
actually just this last week because i in my free time there's no way outside of classes i was
actually taking care of a bunch of seniors that i met on the street because it's just my passion
it's my heart and that's why i'm in this class and i found a couple of seniors out on the street
and i began found them yes and i began uh just caretaking just doing what I do just following my heart
did they ask you to do that?
but they needed it
it actually turned out
that one of them
did have
that had murdered
the other one's
and we just found it
that's bullshit
I'm sorry
pardon my French
but that's bullshit
there's no way
that that happened
I'm sorry
can I just speak
this is just coming from the heart it's from the truth of my life this is what i experienced and so
what i actually did was i offered them some sedatives that i had on hand you cannot do that
you can't do that and he doesn't get kicked out of class for that for admitting to giving
elderly citizens i don't pocket sedatives i mean i'm not really asking you if I can
or can't do that because I did it.
So you two didn't read
chapter 15 of the
textbook. He drugged
the retired.
That's chapter 15 of the
textbook. It's in the textbook.
Chapter 15, the solution is sedatives.
I would know. I wrote the
So you should also be under arrest.
I never read the kind of bio on the book.
What are your credentials that you can be teaching this class
where part of the book that you wrote was The Solution is Sedatives?
Cut to, like, Vio reading his About the Author bio.
It's a photo of him in a turtleneck sweater by a fireplace
holding a corncob pipe.
I grew up on a corncob pipe farm,
but I...
That's it.
That's not real.
All right.
That one sentence nullifies the entire book.
You've never met an old person ever.
I don't even think you had a childhood somehow.
Well, if you know old people so well,
then you get up here and teach the class.
I don't want to.
I don't want to be working this business anymore for you.
And I walk back to the back row of the college classroom
at the Rhode Island Institute of Technology.
That's where it's being taught.
And I sit down and I pull out a corncob pipe
and start smoking it.
Excuse me, sir.
Just on the janitorial stuff.
You can't smoke in buildings in rhode island
uh i'm sorry i don't want to be like too out out there but he can this is what this is medicinal
he it doesn't matter it really doesn't matter you cannot smoke and it's a state law but none of us
students are protesting we're actually in favor.
It's actually, it looks like a corncob pipe, but it's a vape pin.
It's a vape pin that's shaped like a corncob pipe.
Why is there a lighter on the desk?
I'm not sure.
It's actually my lighter.
I left it there after I came to class early and was crushing up some Vicodin
and melting it in a spoon with this lighter to just...
You don't need to do that to intake Vicodin.
You could just swallow it.
Oh, I know.
I was actually just doing it for extra credit.
We haven't gotten to Chapter 19 yet,
but in Chapter 19, derivatives of
there's explicit recipes for all different...
It's actually quite fun. There's lots of
fun, fun stuff in there about different things
you can do to pills, and
different ways of putting them
in different orifices. The lab that week is crazy.
Different ways you can sneak
them into the orifices
of seniors. It's like 3 a.m.
The janitor's coming through.
Forget it.
All right.
Just fine.
Smoking buildings.
I don't want to hear about your weird class.
Do you have time for one more?
We have to try to sneak in one more.
One star from Adolfo C.
Do we have a last name for Adolfo C?
Adolfo Krantz, one star.
Yeah, one star.
This is also for the Daddario picks.
My order was placed on June 16th.
There were some delays in shipping.
Okay, I get it.
Thanks, Corona.
This is from 2020.
And then there were other delays.
Everything else in my order,
including Daddario strings, arrived on time.
It has now been two months since my original order,
and I just received another email
that my picks will be delayed
again. At this point, I've
fully switched to flamenco guitar, and just
grew my fingernails out.
Hey, excuse me, sorry.
I noticed I was in your hair aisle.
You didn't have any hairbrushes.
There's no hairbrushes. It's Corona stuff, you know, supply chain. They didn't have any hairbrushes. There's no hairbrushes.
It's Corona stuff. You know, supply chain.
They just didn't come in.
So what are you saying?
That if I want my hair to be straight, I have to grow my fingernails
out and do a natural hairbrush?
Scratch them through my hair until the strands
aren't as wavy as I want them?
I'm saying you have no choice.
Do you know how crazy you sound?
I'm saying you have no choice. You gotta change your whole lifestyle.
Yeah. Wait, wait. Okay. There's no have no choice. You gotta change your whole lifestyle. You can't. Yeah.
Wait, wait. Okay. There is no hairbrushes.
It's time for dreadlocks. Decision's made for you. I can't do that.
Dunzo. Dunzo, you're going to
Cut to him at the
CVS again with dreadlocks. I
really don't feel comfortable with this haircut, but
if you could just tell me when you guys
restock with the brushes, that'd be great um it's handsome it's handsome i don't think i don't think it even
looks good you look great never mind the cultural insensitivity of it yeah but i got bad news for
you what are you going to give me another assignment that i'm going to blindly tell
we're out of toothbrushes so what do i do you got to stop brushing your teeth
it's denture time just entirely don't brushing your teeth. It's denture time, baby. Just entirely?
Don't replace it with anything?
It's denture time, baby.
Cut to him with wooden veneers and dreadlocks.
Listen, I really just needed a water.
So you guys also seem to be out of that.
Every time I come here with something I need, you guys don't have it.
Gatorade only.
Cut to him, dreadlocks, veneers, 10 pounds heavier.
I haven't had a lick of water for a year.
What I need from you is either a hairbrush, a toothbrush, or water to undo what you've done to me.
Listen, I got some bad news.
What is it?
We're out of toilet paper.
Cut to him a week later waddling in diaper on dreadlocks veneers.
I'm so sorry, boss.
I was just filling the stockroom in the back, and we finally got the hairbrushes back.
You're so beautiful.
Hey, we got the hairbrushes.
The hairbrushes are in.
Yeah, I'll get the brushes, but I've never seen someone so beautiful. Hey, we got the hairbrushes. The hairbrushes are in. Yeah, I'll get the brushes, but I've never seen someone so beautiful.
You define me beautiful?
Dreadlocks down to his ankles.
Thick adult diaper on.
Smiles brown.
This scenario was not covered in the CVS handbook.
So I'm not sure.
Look at the manager. I'm not sure what the best way.
I covered solution to sedatives, but I don't think that applies here.
The best thing is to follow your heart.
Then I'm going to say no to him.
I don't know if that's rude or not, but that's not what my heart is.
Are you worried about starting up an office romance?
Because this is retail and I don't work here.
That's not my worry.
I'm worried that I'm going to catch some sort of disease.
Which one? Giardia?
If you have that answer on hand so quickly, then yes, that.
You did?
No, that's a smart decision.
He said he had that front of mind.
It implies he actually has Giardia.
Maybe worse.
I think you have Giardia.
And I do.
It started happening with my dreadlocks sort of fused to my locum.
I'm actually just standing inside six feet of you.
I feel a little septic.
Just a little septic-y.
We do have a full restock of toothbrushes, toothpaste, a bunch of water.
I know that was out for a while.
We couldn't get any.
Couldn't get any water.
They couldn't ship the water from Japan.
Cut to a break room, you know, like with the tile floor
and a man is standing up in front of a couple of trainees.
So as you see here in the handbook,
we'll turn to the 17th chapter.
And we'll see that this is what happens
when the customer wants to make love to you. the 17th chapter and we see that this is what happens when
the customer wants to
make love to you but he
has the dreadlocks
and he hasn't
had the water and only the
get rid
what happens
this does feel totally
in line with
the goings on right now.
Follow-up question.
What if he wants to make love, as you said, but does have Giardia?
Make the love.
C'est vraiment spécifique.
I don't feel like that's too specific.
Well, Giardia, you know the Hippocratic Oath,
invented by the great medicine.
I know it, but I'm not a doctor.
He says we must do no harm and take care of our patients.
You know that CVS, the great French pharmacy, the CVS is for...
C'est vraiment santé.
It's truly health.
And if the man is sick
but needs love
I'm not gonna have sex with him
that can give him the energy
that's not my job
that's not my job
in the first row
yeah just are you okay
cause like
I am the CEO
of of CVS.
I'm here from Paris.
Excuse me.
Listen, I don't want to...
Oh, gosh.
I don't want to come off as so, so, so teacher's petty,
but I've made love to three different customers in CVS.
I cannot do that.
Last week.
You should be back.
Last week alone? Yes. Well, as customer. Last week. You should be fine. Last week alone?
Yes. Well, as customer service.
As a customer service option.
That's not how you should service. And for me,
it doesn't matter what their haircut is.
There's the area with the
shaving creams where it's locked.
It's not about his haircut. I don't care what his haircut
is. It's the fact that he...
You unlock, you knock out all the shaving creams on the
floor, you go inside, and you lock the door again. that can't be what that area is quite uh it's it's
private i don't know it's quite private i just don't understand how any of this applies to just
a normal retail job and i'm sorry i don't want to like make you upset but like i just don't see
how any of this applies like having sex with customers yeah like i guess the shaving cream
is uh but that's because the aerosols right it's that people can buy the aerosol cans and use them for harm i can see
you're getting angry please don't kick me out of class i just want to make sure that we are getting
the right training and not weird french isms also you said c in a french accent that's spanish
and i'm worried about how we're being trained and the fact that you think you're a french ceo
listen i don't oh god i don't want to sound so much like a no at all i don't want to sound like And I'm worried about how we're being trained and the fact that you think you're a French CEO.
Listen, I don't... Oh, God.
Not you again.
I don't want to sound so much like a know-it-all.
I don't want to sound like I know everything.
And you don't know anything, I would say.
Based on what you said.
You're having sex with customers.
Cut to a boardroom.
Guys, undercover bosses,
it's not sustainable like this anymore.
This is going to be the last
season unless we get some tna in yes you got an idea yes you in the front row
it goes a little something like this
they buy it in the room 10 episode order Alright should we do our last segment
You ever want to watch undercover bosses
But don't feel like you're getting enough TNA
Oh my god that's the last segment
Should be all
We want
Evan and Andrew what's been shaking you this week?
I just got back from a trip
from London and
I've been thinking about beheadings
a lot it's just not something that is like
really so not where I thought that was gonna go
yeah not on my mind a lot
and it just
kind of came to the forefront this week
because just walking around a city with a lot of, like,
you know, history from before a time when beheadings became passe.
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. For sure.
You know, so that's just something that's been on my mind.
It's been kind of fresh.
Love that.
Are you guys pro or anti-beheadings?
I mean, I really don't want to give my opinion.
Just because, like, it's a hot-button issue a hot button issue yeah but obviously like if i had my joy you don't want to be out there with the more point um
andrew what's been yanking your chain uh what's been yanking my chain you know i i um
uh i went to a a really good talk.
Is that inbounds?
A talk?
This segment is truly anything.
People can't replicate this.
I guess they could go to London.
I feel like I should be recommending something that someone can just be downloading
on their phone right now.
But I went to a really good talk
by the author, George Saunders,
who I love.
I love his short stories. I love his novel and his
essays and he has a new book of short stories out but he was doing a reading kind of in my
neighborhood here in Brooklyn and I got to go I I really uh I accidentally gave my brother-in-law
extreme FOMO because like the day before I was like hey do you want to come to this reading
with me and he thought it was just one of my like normie poet friends and then
like afterwards he was like oh how was your reading I was like oh it was great
George Saunders was really good and he was like it was
George Saunders
George Saunders is
he's notable he's a man of letters
and it was he's just like
he's a remarkable speaker he's really
eloquent and empathetic
if you want
the non reading version uh book what's
his book evan swim in a pond in the rain he has amazing amazing essays halfway through that yes
his essays and that are so like it's fantastic such a great look into his inner life and um i
don't know he's doing his book tour now so there's probably something on youtube of him doing a
similar talk he's just amazing to listen to.
Swimming in the Pond in the Rain is awesome.
He described his stories at the talk
as moral rat mazes,
which I found to be a very, very humorous way
to talk about short stories.
That's so cool.
That's so fun.
It was.
So we've got beheadings,orge saunders um two things worth
thinking about for sure i finally have one that isn't gonna make daniel oh my god two minutes um
brendan frazier i've just been thinking about brendan frazier a lot last night daniel my
boyfriend and we watched the mummy just because brendan frazier's been on the dome um with his he's coming back with the
whale and every time I see a clip of him on social media I cry like he's just the most earnest man
even even more so now yeah yes and there was a clip of someone being like so how does it feel
like the question was something about it's like your comeback to acting oh and he's just like
well I've always been here but you know I'm so happy to be back doing what I love and I's just like well I've always been here but you know I'm so
happy to be back doing what I love
and I'm just like
it's so
lovely and he's so lovely
and I just want the best for him
and so that's
just been, Brendan Fraser has been
shaking me because I want to give him
the world
I think peak hotness was the hottest person I've ever seen.
Like Mummy Brendan Fraser, 1999 Brendan Fraser?
So hot.
I like that you said that.
I'm glad he's back.
He's very funny.
Did you see that he apologized to the city of San Francisco
for causing a traffic jam once?
It wasn't for the...
You mean decades ago when he was in peak Mummy form?
I don't know exactly the timeline. Oh, wait, was it for george of the jungle i think he did george the jungle yes
he did like some shot on the bridge i just i just love him yeah i like that you're prepping
to watch the whale by watching the mummy
this is very different this is very different cinema totally but they are both cinema let's
be honest they are they're both types of movies um jeffrey what's been shaking you
you know what's been shaking me is it's becoming sweater weather um not wearing one right now but
uh i wasn't scalding hot this morning. Do you guys live in New York?
We do.
Yeah, it's extremely sweatery over here.
Very fallish.
You're in Los Angeles?
Yeah, and it's been scalding this year.
It was 93 two days ago.
Literally, the real feel was almost just high 90s.
But I think that's the last wave of heat.
This is not that interesting, but I'm just really excited to wear.
Yeah, you want to go from sweating to sweater i mean you wouldn't be an la podcaster if you weren't humble bragging about how nice the weather was no we want it to i don't like the
weather i want it to be rainy i don't like it at all i was just wearing shorts and tank tops all
summer i did not like it it was i wanted to be fall i hate shorts i i only wear pants i sunburn
sitting in the car i need it to be overcast and have a sweater on you sunburn at night i've seen
it happen it's the light reflecting off the moon scalds your eyes yes yeah um jeff i love that
because you're so right i checked the weather app and we're gonna go down to the 70s baby
yeah oh yeah you guys are you're like ready to app and we're going to go down to the 70s, baby. Oh, yeah.
You guys are like ready to put on a sweater when it gets down to the 80s.
Brothers Gregory, what do you guys want to plug?
Obviously, the show.
Yeah, I think what we'd love is for people to go.
I mean, if you aren't familiar with our work, I mean, Riley talked about it a little bit. We
have made a video series called Altered Toon The News
and Songified This for 13 years.
You can check it out on YouTube at the YouTube channel
Shmoyoho this summer.
We popped a little,
because we had, it's Korn's song
Insane. Took over the world.
But if you're here on your podcast app, whether it's
Spotify or podcast apps or whatever,
check out our podcast.
It's a HeadGum podcast called-
Stay in app.
You don't even have to leave the app.
It's called Punch Up the Jam.
Riley was on three or four episodes ago.
Punch Up the Jam.
And we punched up.
We listened to a song.
We talk about a song.
And then we make a better version of it by the end.
It's incredible.
And Riley brought on Octopus's Garden by the Beatles.
The Beatles.
Extremely high bar.
It was very difficult.
We made a better version of it, which you can listen to in the podcast.
The perfect intro for our listeners.
So go check that episode out and subscribe.
Amir's been on it, too.
Yeah, Amir's done several episodes.
He did a Beastie Boys song with us.
We've been hosting the show for about a year. It used to be hosted by
Demi and Miel.
And they did a Beastie Boys song,
right? But we did... What was the Beastie Boys
song we did? I'm only remembering our punch-up.
Brass Monkey. We did Brass
Monkey with Amir.
And Amir rapped on it. We convinced
Amir to rap on it.
No! Very much recommend checking out Amir's rapping. I convinced Amir to rap on it. No.
Very much recommend checking out Amir's rapping.
I'm going to listen to that on the drive home.
That's awful.
I don't want to hear him be musical.
But that's great.
Another good one we did was we finally answered the question of what way do the Backstreet Boys want it?
Oh, that's fantastic.
So that's some crucial listening homework.
And you can follow Riley on Instagram
at RileyAnspa, on Twitter at RileyCoyote,
and the show on Instagram at ReviewReview,
and on Reddit, r slash ReviewReview.
You can find Jeffrey on Instagram at JeffreyJames,
on Twitter at JeffBRD. Guys,
Andrew, Evan, thank you guys
so much for coming
on. This was such a ball
thank you for having us
it was a very musical episode
extremely gratifying
and it gave me a lot to
think about and imagine
I'm gonna go live in David D'Agostino's world
for a little while
and think about that rhythm guitar
we should be so lucky
and then we're gonna thank some of our patrons.
They all have very interesting names.
You're welcome to stick around for it.
Or also, we can let you go.
I'm sticking around.
All right.
None of these are going to make any sense.
Thank you to underscore Christian side hugs so he can hug two people simultaneously.
Ako has quite simply ascended
beyond it all. Any hate thrown her way
will simply not be. Do
not test this out.
At this point, I can't tell if Daddy
chose Tuesdays or if Tuesdays chose
Daddy. It's just, well,
me. Kamisposy. That's spooky and Daddy. It's just, well, me.
Cam is spozy.
That's spooky and cozy because it's October, baby.
Chelsea Clinton, Tony Braxton, family,
Valis, stay, I'm imperial addict
of the abdication of the Qing Emperor and Julius.
Fuck that.
Fuck that one.
Gervature is not loving the fact
that he was called nothing and a bitch, basically, and
he deserves a refund, I think.
Damien Kirk is middle-aged nowadays and lacks the energy to keep up with you.
You twerp zoomer asses.
Fancy Octopus is, according to a co, submissive and breedable.
Follow Austin at ButtButtMipFart on Insta to see moving pictures with Jansport and Meffry.
See you guys on the 23rd.
Gary Bussy. So it's Gary Busey, but, well, you know. See you guys on the 23rd. Gary Bussy.
So it's Gary Busey, but well, you know.
Give me the beat boys and free my soul.
I want to get lost in Pete Bradford's, well, eyes.
Gray's done.
All right, this is over.
Now it's the Michael Myers mask.
Good job, Dave.
Oh, he took it off and the screen mask is under it.
Very fucking funny.
I ate spaghetti and meatballs.
It's like spaghetti and meatballs,
but instead of noodles, I ate the sun.
I'm cheating on my partner.
I thought it'd be a cathartic time to let that out because people think it's a Patreon name.
Oh my god.
I'm Riley Anspaugh and have you ever heard of this new show, The Office?
You know, John Krasinski's kind of zaddy.
Jake Ullman.
James Wagner is getting into, well, sound.
Actually, never mind. that's going too far
Jay's actually in the US for a bit now this whole time
so thing might work out this week
Jeffrey Games Jeff's evil twin but playful
Jesse Tipton
Joe and for lack of a better term
well Malazov
John Daniels he has to be up to something
using his real name like that
JP again all hands on deck to get the real Dame Barrymore
to hear a sound clip of Jeff desperately lying to her about his cock.
Caleb's too busy to come to the phone right now.
Please leave a message after the beep.
Casper Vopasper.
Lord Bob Buell Esquire.
Lord Hunter the Ordained.
Lucas Heinzel.
Michael Beggle.
Nate Porteus has a birthday soon and can cry if he wants to. Happy birthday
Nate, new patron. No you're not.
Nolan Murphy wishes
he could turn back time, wishes
he could find a way. He'd become
CEO of HeadGum and dock Jeff's
pay. Oh hi Mark, well
Priest. Puff Riley.
Raven Schmaven.
Review Ratu, so it's this podcast but a sequel.
Reese Gorg...
Rodney Slasurefield.
So it's Rodney Dangerfield with a bit of, well, sass.
Smoking time on Main Island has closed for the winter,
and Jameson Ponzi has to come up with funny original names now.
Smooth Pete and his new jazz band that used to be popular
is now struggling to remain relevant
and mostly limited to making...
The actual Andre 3000, not Jewel.
T.J. Michael.
And you've said Connor Finnegan's name for two years
and you still don't know who he is,
what he's capable of.
Watch the shadows.
Holy shit.
What a scary one to end on.
Thank you guys for subscribing to our
patreon slash Riley
and Jeff at the highest tier
are these still them
or what are you guys saying still
you know what that's a very fair question
this is now me
and her saying this is now me is still one of them
and me saying this right now is still a different name
if you guys want to come hang out
do monthly Zardies.
That's a Zoom party with us and live streams.
Go to slash Riley and Jeff.
Thank you for subscribing at the highest tier.
And thank you for listening to this episode of the show.
Check out Punch Up the Jam.
Check out the Brothers Gregory's materials.
All their stuff, their socials, everything.
Follow them.
And we'll see you guys again next week arrivederci that was a hit gum original