Review Revue - Hollywood Star Tours
Episode Date: February 16, 2021Reilly and Geoff read reviews about Hollywood Star Tours and discuss today's hottest stars: Bruno Mars, Bradley Cooper, and Kermit the Frog!Click here to purchase tickets to Reilly's new proj...ect, INTO THE MIST!Follow Reilly and Geoff:IG: @reillyanspaugh & @geoffreyjamesTwitter: @reilecoyote & @GeoffBoyardeeAdvertise on Review Revue via Gumball.fmSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
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I just want to know how you feel
For the one love that's so proud and real
You make me wanna go out and steal
I just wanna know
I just wanna know
You You I just wanna It was like a Himalayan
I don't think so
It was like a rock salt in a way
Like the singing bowl
Like the Yeah we should say riley's recording from k2
riley thursday february 11th valentine's day is coming up so i don't know if i mentioned
what's that who are you gonna kiss on the mouth i've been watching gilmore girls and so what's
that so i thought i was a dean but he's turning out to be a troubled team he's a mean team jess
i don't think rory should say yes to his dress because he is no good he really is trouble to her
he's a troubled teen but he's hot chad mich Chad Michael Murray might have to be Rory's guy.
No, I don't think so.
I don't think so.
Because he's a troubled teen?
They're all troubled teens, is what you're saying.
No, I'm not going to have anyone to smooch because I'm in my parents' house.
I'm a troubled teen.
Daniel and I, we're going to a drive-in movie.
That's fun.
We're going to see Lady and the Tramp at a drive-in. Are you gonna bring
spaghetti? We're gonna bring some spaghetti
in a Ziploc
and kind of just like no forks
just pull it out in our hands.
That's what I was worried about. And then feed it to
each other. Like one strand
in each mouth, you know, eating until you kiss?
No, I don't think so. I wish. It's just kind of like I will take
a fistful of spag ball and just kind of like i will take a fistful of
spag ball and just kind of call it that i'm just in a mood today i feel very silly that's good
loopy yeah i feel like a star how jeff today we're talking holly weird star tours riley what's your experience have you ever done one of these
you're a native angeleno have you ever done a hollywood star tour i have never done a hollywood
star tour it's it's been something that like i've kind of always thought would be fun to do in an
ironic way of like being from here that it's like you know when you go to a city and it's like if
you're a tourist and it's like you do the touristy things that back up what do you you know in what you know when you go to a
city meaning jeff's never been anywhere in his life um it's like if you're a tourist somewhere
else you you kind of it's like you know you try and get a mix of the touristy things and also
some things that locals do but if i visit a place like i'll try some things out that
locals would be like oh i've never done that i just kind of always been there and like i've never
thought to do it like i've never done the hollywood uh hollywood sign hike and yeah that's like a
thing that a lot of tourists come and do um so like the open air bus tours i've always thought
i'm like that could be a silly thing to do i I think we should do it. Cause I saw a review one. It's not the one I chose,
but I saw a review being like, I'm a local, like I live in Torrance or something. I've never done
this before. So we had a Saturday afternoon free. We were getting dinner in Hollywood anyways. So
we did the tour and it was fun. And they had like a five star review. Yeah. Jeff, any, any
Hollywood star tour experience? 2009. You did one.
I did one my first time visiting the city of thine ass.
My family and I went to LA because I really wanted to go
and was begging them my entire childhood, basically.
And they're like, fine, fine.
It's 2009.
We'll take you there and we'll have a fine time.
Not everything has to rhyme.
There you go.
Now you got it. As it was coming out of my mouth but yeah we did like uh this guy uh was leading the tour
he was pretty cool it was like a it was like a van it wasn't um the big buses and so drove us
through bel-air and we saw the fresh prince of bel-air house and then literally like down
mulholland all the way to beachwood canyon and I remember because this was 2009 which I think was the year that Spider-Man 3 came out
the original one I might be wrong it might be a year after that but or before but it was the
height of Maguire Toby or otherwise so we drove past to Maguire's house and that was the one
everyone was clamoring like that'd be like if tom holland's house was on
the tour now yeah that's my memory of my hollywood star tour but it was it was fun i remember it took
a long time we were there for like two or three hours and i was like i'm i'm from cleveland ohio
and there's no traffic there so i was like why did it take us this long if we only went like a
couple neighborhoods east?
But now I get it.
And now I get how that was kind of an insane route to even make in that short amount of time.
Well, right.
And being in Angelino, it's like the idea of sitting in traffic for that long. I'm like, why would I pay to do that?
Why would I pay to sit in Hollywood traffic?
Well, you could get a flask a scout package from bespoke post
go to at a 2 p.m star tour i think we should do a star tour i think we should
go to uh pacific park on the pier in santa monica and i think we should do the hollywood sign hike
and universal city i used to go to pacific park all the time when i was little loved that shit
yeah um but i think we should do it as adults yes it's very i i like it but we're not talking
about that we're talking about the star the star tours yeah it's i i think it's really funny um
if i'm driving around beverly hills area like to see over the years like people so not only the
tours but people selling maps, like star maps.
And then like passing by stands that's like updated star maps.
And so where are you getting this information?
Like who, it's Jeff.
It's absolutely, that would be your side gig.
That's how I afforded Dogecoin.
Did you buy Dogecoin?
I did invest in Doge.
Got it.
It's going to be to the moon.
I don't think so.
Hold and spot. Have you bought Doge? i don't think so hold and spot if you have
you bought doge i have not bought hold if you have i'm not gonna do anything okay that doesn't help
or hurt yeah the cause yeah so i do appreciate it and i know that you have my back emotionally
it has nothing to do with you what me taking no action has has no effect on you or me because I'm not doing anything.
No one I know has invested in Doge and I can't help but take it personally.
Let's do our first review.
Jeff, do you want to kick us off?
I will.
Maria F, four stars.
Ultimate Hollywood tours.
Wait, Maria F?
Maria F.
Maria Famford.
Maria Famford writes, four stars.
August 19th, 2017.
This was a really fun tour.
Ryan was a great tour guide.
Just a heads up that they do not go by Bruno Mars' house.
So if you're expecting that, you'll be disappointed.
But we saw many others and that made up for it.
I'm trying to imagine a scenario in which they used to go by bruno mars's house all the
time but something happened and like they're like oh no we don't no we don't go by we don't
go by his place anymore actually you can't sorry yeah i'm the one who asked the question on the bus
um you can't make an exception just this once um i know that some of these stars don't like it that
when the vans go by their houses you know i'm actually local i just uh i would love to see where mars lives no absolutely and and thank you
so much for asking leon um i know i know i mean like you've been you've been begging me to play
his music the whole time but uh it's uh and we do know where he lives we have his address but i'm
great no i i'm not done actually we i looked at the driver, the driver shaking his head.
like wide eyed.
Like we,
we don't do it.
You know what?
Let's go Jennifer Lawrence house.
We know exactly where Jennifer Lawrence lives.
Who wants to go?
Who wants to go to Jennifer Lawrence's house?
Everybody's just kind of like shifting.
Nobody really cheers.
All right.
And what about Bruno Mars?
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I look back down at no no leon such a slow
i look back down at the driver what do you say pete i mean if we get fired for this i'm not gonna get
fired for this if we get fired you're not gonna get fired just you will be fired for it the car
starts going and before we get there now is your last chance to turn around i am warning you
this could be potentially a very unsafe situation bruno mars is a dangerous guy i think we can all
agree everybody's kind of nods and chuckles so we're prepared for anything let's see bruno's
house all right pete let's yeah i'm turning i'm turning yeah i'm cold water they pull up by a
gate all right get a good look let Let's go. Let's go.
Let's head on out.
Everyone got a good peek.
Well, well, well.
Oh, man.
If it isn't Lisa and Pete.
Hi, Mr. Mars.
I know.
Everybody's going crazy taking photos.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Everyone was just begging.
And so we'll turn around right now.
Don't worry about it.
We'll turn around right now. Did you know Lisa is the only person who's ever ghosted me in my life?
Come on.
Come on.
Pete, can you go?
Pete, can you go any way?
I'm trying.
Any way.
I literally, I parked it and the transmission stuck.
What is it about me, Lisa?
Is it that I'm short?
He's not short.
Look how tall he looks compared to the gate.
Yeah, the gate was made half scale, so I look taller on these tours.
Can we not do this right now, please?
I know it's five inches, but the girth is fine.
Can we not do this?
Everyone goes, ooh.
Brune nose girth.
Brune nose girth.
There's slow chanters.
There are really, really slow chanters on this tour.
You really broke me.
He's starting to climb up the bus.
Sorry, I want to be able to. I want to be. Ow, tour. You really broke me. He's starting to climb up the bus.
Sorry, I want to be able to... I want to be eye...
Ow, ow.
Don't hit me.
I want to be eye level, Lisa.
You really hurt my feelings.
I'm sorry,
but I just didn't feel like
we were a good fit.
I mean, like,
I'm a girl with simple taste, Bruno,
and all this 24-karat magic.
In the air! The whole bus.carat magic. In the air! The whole bus. No, Bruno, I want a simple life.
I don't want your mansion. I don't want your caviar, your diamonds. I don't want you giving me
$20,000 a month just to buy whatever I want. That's yours, baby girl. You're handing me a beer case. No, take it.
I don't want it.
You know the password.
You know the password.
We see that the third digit is permanently set to K
and the other two are numbers.
I know the password.
I think everyone has a password.
Bruno, you have to let me go.
You have to let me go.
There are plenty of people in this world
who want to be showered with gifts and love and all your attention.
And you are wonderful, but it's just not me.
I know.
But that's why I want you.
You're not like other girls.
Other girls come in and out of this huge house.
And sometimes they don't even leave and I don't notice for weeks.
But I don't want people
who want my cash.
I want people who want,
well, Mars.
Guys, I'm so sorry.
This is what I'm saying.
Marry him.
On the spot.
Marry Mars. What? On the spot. Mary Mars on the bus.
He didn't even ask.
He didn't even ask.
You are all deciding this.
I think that's a great idea.
No, Bruno, come on.
Gets on one knee.
Lisa, will you make me the happiest man in the world
and put your pinky ring up to the moon?
Everybody goes crazy.
Girl, what you're trying to do?
No, no, Pete, drive.
I'm done.
I'm not going to fall for this again.
Pete, go.
Flora, Pete.
He drives off.
He runs him over.
I'm fine.
I'm fine.
I'm really sorry about that.
Do you need anything?
Do you need help getting back inside?
It's been hard.
Album's going really well,
and touring's been fruitful ever since COVID ended.
The tire is on his stomach.
I can do simple.
Let's move to fucking Altadena where the milk is made this might come
as a total shock to you but lisa i want to marry you no it's not a shock it's it seems very clear
they all have pickerings on they put them to the moon lisa wakes up from a fever dream
oh okay come on me snap yourself out of it he's never gonna go to altadena for you except from a fever dream. Oh, okay. Come on, me.
Snap yourself out of it.
He's never gonna go to Altadena for you.
Turns over,
looks at her vision board on the wall of Altadena.
Her whole vision board is just Altadena and Bruno Mars.
Should we take a break?
Let's take a break.
Marty. This is for Ultimate Hollywood Tours.
It's three stars from 11S11.
Her name is 11S11?
The username.
It's on TripAdvisor.
Her name is L.
Uh-huh. Steven. uh-huh steven uh-huh nine else i don't think so l steven nine okay three stars review of hollywood and beverly hills celebrity homes
and landmark locations and open air buses and then there's a response after okay here we go
i understand some tours see celebrities but this is very luck dependent on the day and
we didn't see any on ours.
Just didn't meet our expectations, unfortunately.
Chris B., the manager, responds.
Thank you for taking the time to write your review.
We always appreciate the time people take to do so.
Obviously, you were very fond of your tour guide.
Celebrities are happening to be in the right place when they are also. Most are seen at their homes, but others are seen at their
favorite eating locations. It kind of trails off from there. But what really got me is like,
we didn't see any celebrities in their houses. And they're like, yeah, you didn't. And sometimes
you see them in the restaurant. It's like that like that i don't know i think it's so funny
that you're going on the tour to see someone in their home and not just to like see the area and
the house the bus pulls up the guy stands up all right can't wait to hang with bradley cooper
himself i brought snacks i brought his favorite snacks actually why aren't you uh
opening the door oh um this is bradley cooper's house um great if you want to take a picture um
with bradley and his living room i can't wait to see the views i can't wait to see the views
next up we got oprah winfrey stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop i only came on
this tour which is supposed to be bespoke to see cooper and well it's his house is back there so his house and we saw the house and you know what
didn't look like anyone was home so we're gonna head on over to tell me something brad
are you trying to be really glad with me he's gonna be happy if i'm in his living room yeah
you know what, man?
We're not going to see him today.
It looks like.
So we just want to keep this tour rolling.
Keep it going.
Well, I'm not just anyone.
Excuse me?
I'm not just anyone.
Well, I know you're not just anyone.
You know, you're Rodney.
You are a tour patron Rodney, right?
You know what?
Rodney was an alias.
My actual name is Bradley, which I changed from Rodney to be Bradley Cooper's first name.
I'm an entertainment lawyer, so I actually know the industry pretty well.
Some kid.
Who do you represent?
We mostly do Jim Henson.
Jim, like his estate?
Let me out now so I can go hang out with Bradley Cooper.
Well, I remember watching the
muffins oh i'm sure you do old bag you don't know even know who bradley cooper is whoa bradley bradley
rodney bradley rodney bradley rodney just bradley cooper is my middle name so you can call me
bradley cooper i'm gonna call you by your first middle name but bradley listen if you don't keep
it together we're gonna have to kick you off the
bus right and you sign that when you join that would be great that kick me out right now cut
to he's like waiting for his lift the bus is gone down the street he sees something green
bobbing along hi ho rodney hey kermit buddy it's been years how are you holding up not too good
actually kermit want to sit and talk about it with me? Actually, do you live around here?
Can I just come in for-
I live around here.
I was just going out for my daily constitutional, and I'm going to a dinner party later.
That's cool.
Yeah, my friend Bradley Cooper's hosting a wonderful dinner party tonight.
He's got all of his best friends going, and we've got pretty close over the past couple years.
Yeah, that's right.
You know him?
You know what, Kermit?
I think you might have just solved all my fucking issues.
Are you okay there, Rodney?
I see a little glitter in your eye.
I gotta have an invite.
I gotta have an invite to this dinny party.
This dinny party?
Well, I don't know, Rodney.
Bradley kind of said close friends only.
How long have we known each other?
Five years? We've known each other? Five years?
We've known each other five years.
That just seems like enough time to be a close friend for a dinner party.
Well, I mean, close friend.
I grab Kermit by the little collar that he has.
Listen here, you ground fucking frog.
You need me in your living room.
You want me in your living room for this dinner party.
Cut to the dinner party.
Hi-ho, Bradley.
I brought my very close friend.
I hope that's okay.
It's a little bit last minute notice,
but this is Rodney.
He was Jim's lawyer for a long time.
Oh, hey, man.
Nice to meet you.
Hey, man.
Nice to meet you.
I'm Bradley Cooper Drupal.
Oh, yeah, it's funny.
No, I'm Bradley.
What's your name, man?
My full name is bradley
cooper droopler so you're bradley droopler everyone laughs everyone at the party all
these ailers just like bradley droopler oh guys come on come on hey man hey i'm i'm sorry i think
i got the better half of the deal but um hey you know what it's all good i'm just messing
the better half of everything i'm just kidding, you know what? It's all good. I'm just messing. Got the better half of everything.
I'm just kidding.
You're totally welcome.
Have a seat at the table.
Come on.
We're just about to get started.
Bradley Cooper's filling his plate.
It's all family style.
I'm actually just grabbing the exact same portions as what he's doing.
All right.
And here we go.
Got place cards for everyone.
Got place cards for everybody.
Everybody feel comfortable?
I think everyone feels good man
i think everyone's doing really good man i go to sit down and like the head of the table
let me get you for you i pull out open the chair oh tuck you in thank you god i go around to the
other end of the table excuse me um i actually really wanted to sorry um what's your name what's
your name i'm angelina jolie do you mind if I actually have the head?
Sorry to interrupt you.
Angie, can I, whatever.
You can't call me Angie.
Sorry, Bradley.
It's such a long table.
Not you, Bradley.
Yeah, Ang, what's up?
I'm so sorry to be rude, but are you,
do you know each other?
No, he's a friend of Kermit's.
Kermit's like sitting at the table.
He's like, yeah, he's a good friend.
Really, really wanted an invite.
So here he is.
I know Kermit really well.
I actually know some of his secrets.
Angelina, I think you could let him sit at the head of the table tonight.
Yeah, okay, whatever you say, Kermit.
She sits like right next to the head of the table and I take the head.
Bradley, do you want to, should you and I maybe toast? I think I'll probably do'll. She sits like right next to the head of the table and I take the head. Ah. Bradley, do you want to,
should you and I maybe toast?
I think I'll probably do the toast, man.
I think I'll probably do it.
I'll probably do it.
You'll probably do it.
I think I'll do it this time.
I stand up.
Clink, clink, clink, clink, clink.
I clink it the exact same way.
Thank you.
Thank you for helping me get everyone's attention.
I just want to say thank you guys so much
for coming to our, you know, Sunday family dinner.
You know, it's so nice to have all my close friends and new friends.
Sorry, actually, Andrew,
let's listen to Bradley Cooper, right, when he talks?
Sorry, you don't have to talk to Andrew Garfield like that, actually.
You know, we got old friends and we got new friends,
very new friends.
I'm excited to just hang out and enjoy each other's company.
It's been a crazy year,
so I'm glad that we're all here together.
And I'm glad that we're all here together. It. And I'm glad that we're all here together.
It's been a wild year.
It really has, guys.
Hey, man, can I talk to you for a second?
Can we have a moment?
Where's your room?
No, we're not going to.
Hey, Kermit, you should come too.
Oh, Kermit just kind of twitches a little bit.
What's up, Bradley Cooper?
I really hate to do this I'm not
this kind of guy but I I think it might be time for you to go I think it might be time for you
to go to pink dot to get some beer for everybody or and come back no man I think like I just I
don't know you super well and Kermit you know I I know you're um your friend Kermit's kind of
shaking his head but um you're making people a little uncomfortable.
So I think it's time for you to go.
Kermit walks me out.
Sorry about that, Rodney.
Sorry about that?
Yeah, I know it didn't go the way you hoped.
It went better than I could have fucking hoped.
Bradley will always remember this moment, Kermit!
I pick Kermit up by the arms, like, dance around with him.
I let go by accident. He goes flying off the hollywood hills what a day should we do another one i i have a three star review from denise b uh let's do it uh what does
the b stand for denise bercciolioni denise bercciolioni three stars december 27th 2018 the tour was okay
our tour guide rich was very pleasant but kind of quiet he was an excellent driver though
a quiet star tours guy great driver he just driving, not really comment throughout the hills, not even really commenting on the houses.
Whoa, look at that mansion.
Mama, whose house is that?
I don't know.
Excuse me.
Hey, I'm so sorry.
I forgot your name.
Rich, yeah.
Rich, whose house is this?
Can we stop here?
Yeah, we can stop.
I'm not sure.
It looks, I mean,. I'm not sure. It looks,
I mean, it's a nice house.
So you have to assume
that it's either a celebrity
or somebody kind of,
you know, independently wealthy.
Start driving again.
And we're off.
Would you look at that?
Oh, come on.
That's got to be,
hey, let's stop here.
Let's stop here, man.
Pulling over.
Everyone take their cameras out.
Take as many photos
as you want, guys.
You got to know whose house this is. This is unbelievable. It's an awesome house. I wish I knew.
Start striving again. Are we close? Excuse me. Are we close to any celebrity homes? We just
passed into Beverly Hills, so you gotta assume there's some power players nearby. Yeah. Mom,
mom, I'm bored. Shani, don't be rude. Don't be rude honey don't be rude don't be rude don't be rude
um how much longer is this tour exactly uh well you know it's scheduled for an hour and a half
but we can go longer or we can go shorter whatever you guys want let's go you said that you would
take us to you know uh famous kind of filming locations we'd love to see we'd love to see some
of those i said i would take you to potential filming locations.
So this could be cool for like kind of this is like a park.
It could be good for like a scene where like somebody's like walking their dog.
Is there any way to get a refund?
We were we were told that, you know, we'd see all these specific celebrity houses.
And, you know, my kid really wanted to see, you know, Jojo Siwa and Miley Cyrus.
And we haven't you actually don't know where anyone lives.
Sorry, you like Miley Cyrus, little guy?
Yeah, I love her.
I have a place that you're gonna fucking love.
Hey, excuse me.
That's great language, please.
Cut to Malibu.
And here we are.
In Hannah Montana, I think she actually was was it was supposed to be somewhere near the beach
so malibu could have been where it was i hate this tour miley isn't anywhere i want to go home
why do we hey hey don't be rude don't be but yeah you know what we are you crying are you crying
i can't do anything right i can't do anything right. I can't do anything right. Listen, this
is your job. You're the one who advertised
best Hollywood celebrity tour
in the city. I'm sorry. I don't mean to cry
in front of everybody. It's just
my wife told me that if I don't become more
assertive in my life and in the bedroom,
she's going to either leave me or
open the
relationship, but I can't see anyone
else. So I've changed the advertising
to go from potential this,
maybe could be this person's house
to being sure of it.
But I'm not that guy
and I'm never going to be that guy.
Take us to your house right now.
What are you talking about?
Just trust me on this.
Cut to his house.
Yeah, this is it.
I mean, it's obviously not
much my wife tells me all the time honk the horn oh there you are rich wow oh great bring your work
home with you hey excuse me rich what's your wife's name annalise annalise we're here to back
him up what what do you mean who are you we are bus people. And we don't like the way you've been
treating your poor tour guide of a husband. Oh, he took you on the tour where he didn't know where
anything is? Yes, he didn't know where anything was. But he's a good man. And he's a good driver.
Lean over to you. Give you a fat kiss on the mouth. Oh oh how do you like them apples annalise how do you
like them apples what the fuck is wrong with you rich what are you you're just gonna let do
anything i'm not assertive enough to stop it i slap you on the face do something about it rich
one way or another everyone the bus do something do something do this or another, everyone on the bus, do something. Do something. Do something.
It's too much!
Gets out of the bus, sprints down the
street. Bruno Mars is
sitting there with tire marks in his chest.
I kind of stumble into
his arms.
Bruno Mars is like,
hey, you wouldn't believe the day I had.
Oh, yeah? Want to compare?
No. Guess what? Somebody kissed me on the lips that wasn't my wife, who's mean to. Oh, yeah? Want to compare? No.
Guess what?
Somebody kissed me on the lips that wasn't my wife, who's mean to me also, by the way.
Well, I proposed to somebody twice, and a whole bus chanted slowly for her to say yes, and she didn't. Something green falls right onto the top of him.
Holy shit, Kermit?
I'm old Kermit the Frog.
It's me, Bruno Mars.
Guess this really is the City of Angels.
You saved me.
Cut to Paramount.
I'm going to stop you here, Jason Segel.
I know the first Muppets movie was a fucking hit,
but this is barely about the Muppets.
If anything, the starring characters are more Bruno Mars
and Bradley Cooper as
themselves. There's themes of adultery. There's themes of blackmail and unrequited love, which
just seems a little bit too adult for our audience. Well, hey, man, it's Disney Plus,
right? I figure if we're not going to push the envelope, who is? So many other networks. HBO, Max, Netflix, Hulu.
We specifically don't push the envelope.
That's what the network is about.
I'm taking the shit to stars.
See how you like me then.
They barely exist.
So good luck with that.
This shook me all week long.
It was our friend Avi's birthday last week, week before.
And for his birthday, our friends, we did like a little Zoom game night.
And so we did a couple of Jackbox games.
We played Among Us.
I'm so bad at Among Us.
And it makes me so nervous.
It really stresses me out um but there's this one jackbox game that he found um it's like in the new pack
called uh i think it's called the devil and the details and basically the premise of this game
is that it's like you're a family of demons who are living life on earth. And each person, it's like, you're either like
one of the adults, like one of the parents, one of the little kids, one of the teenagers,
or something. And so basically, it's like, you're trying to I'm trying to think of how to describe
it. It's, it's a team game. So it's like, you get these different tasks. And so it's on the phone.
And it's really fun. It's like, it's's like you get a certain amount of points per household task you do.
So it's like, you know, make the bed or like mow the lawn.
So chores.
It's chores.
And so it's like you have to tap different things on the phone or like, you know, call the pizza delivery place.
And you have to like find the number in the phone book. then there's other things so it's like wow all that's going
on it's like but an asteroid is coming to earth and only you guys know and so then there are other
tasks that are really time sensitive that everyone has to do together and then under all that there's
also quote-unquote selfish tasks that are worth a lot of points so you're simultaneously trying
to get points for you as a family yeah then also you can get points it's like
you want to hit us i'm sure this is such a bad way of explaining it but it's like you're trying
to get points but you reach as a family so you want to hit that goal but also at the end you
tally up who has the most points individually and so there are selfish tasks that you can get like
900 points for but if you do those then it's like the family suffers but this is different than the
game you played with elizabeth and daniel where you just have to like flip burgers and make yes
this is different than that okay it's just what took me is just basically like fuck game like
just a game night and i know it was just a strange substitute but god i love a game night it's so
fucking fun so it's literally a chore based game like i can
see how it'd be fun but describe when you hear someone describe that to you it does not sound
like a game described it so poorly and also it's like we had already played a bunch of games up to
this point and it was like 11 and we're like let's just try one more one more round of this
and what we thought was around this game's so fucking long and so we thought it was just like do these chores in a day but it's
like day three now do this and we're like oh my god and so we had to just start we're like i don't
think i can do chores for a week of course what shook me is the idea of johnson and johnson's
single dose vax.
It really is starting to reach this point of quarantine.
You and I were just talking about it before we started recording,
of just the never-ending of it all.
So, yeah, I'm back in the mode of, like,
when are we going to get this vaccine?
But will it have any effect on the South African variant?
It was discovered in california first cases
yeah it's still good also yeah anyway i can't think about the variants um i meant to offer
a positive perspective in that fauci announced today that uh the general, it'll be open season, as he says,
for scheduling vaccine appointments starting in April, he's thinking,
if all goes well with the Johnson & Johnson emergency approval in two weeks.
So that's offering a glimmer of hope.
And I'm really clinging to that because I can't keep doing this.
I meant this to be positive. I can't keep doing this. Yeah.
I meant this to be positive.
I feel like I brought the energy down.
But like, yeah, we might be able to get vaccinated in April or May.
And that's really nice to hear from Fashy.
Oh, what's also shaking me, we're extending Into the Mist.
I don't know exactly for how long, but, you know, people are having a good time.
We're having a good time.
Did it sell out this week again?
I'm not positive yet.
But we're really excited.
You know, it's been so much fun.
Like, I'm so grateful for it.
And word of mouth is spreading.
Like, keep telling people.
Keep sharing it.
It's like now we have, like, friends of friends of friends
and across various states and countries coming.
And so it's, like, it's been really fun.
So if you had a good time or if you haven't seen it yet,
go to for tickets.
That's another thing that broke up the monotony for me
was going to Into the Mist, I think two weeks ago,
was on opening night.
I was just like, I dressed up and it was like,
I had some wine and I saw familiar faces from our Patreon.
It was just so much fun.
And I highly, highly recommend doing it
if you're feeling like us
and feeling like you need a night out on the town.
It feels like a night out on the town.
It is.
Especially with the live band.
The band was so cool at the end.
It's a fun communal experience.
Like at the end with the band,
it's like to see strangers.
It's just really...
It's really beautiful.
Like it made us really emotional,
especially that opening night.
Yeah. Yeah, it's just really special everyone should come yeah but until then big
thank you to our vi podcasts aaron carrico adam shea agent michael scarn acosia sarfo alex witt
alton burkholder alvar wallstrom lindell anthony amadeo bagadu bob buell brad hild brendan metz Bob Buell. Brad Hilde. Brendan Metz. Brian Dodd. Cameron Bradley.
Chasen Bales.
Christian Basketball.
Connor Finnegan.
Damian Feldonio Kirk.
Daniel Bonney.
Gentleman the 13th.
Eric Crust.
Fancy Octopus.
Garrett Glasbergen.
Go Pokes.
Hot Dog.
Isaac Fletcher. Jake the Snake Radiff. Jake Ullman. Hallie. Hot Dog. Holly. Isaac Fletcher.
Jake the Snake Radiff.
Jake Ullman.
Jake Knight.
Jamie Poncia.
Jason Araya.
Jesse Tipton.
Jonah Sanchez.
Jub FPV.
Caleb Luster.
Katie Ross.
Kevin Sunt.
Kobe Hollis.
Lauren Malang.
Mark Priest
Matt Pastey
Matthew Lizama
Michael Evac
Michael Rowland
Nate Porteus
Nicolaj Biergard
Nolan Murphy found a job
Just kidding, that guy sucks and is still unemployed
That is his name, Nolan, no
Phoenix McBurnan
Sam Adams
Sam Armstrong Sarah Kilduff space ant spencer
stefan steve faraway sugar and falls tr aka gulia belidret typhus that's austin dude
theodore giezen will phillips zander madsen and yarrow bouchard Thank y'all so much.
And we love you.
If you'd also like access to bonus content,
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You can follow Riley Anspa on Instagram at Riley Anspa,
on Twitter at Riley Coyote,
and the show on Instagram at Review Review,
and the show on Twitter at Review Review Show.
And Jeff on Instagram at Jeffrey James, and Jeff show on Twitter at ReviewReviewShow. And Jeff on Instagram at Jeffrey
James and Jeff on Twitter at JeffBoyRD.
Thank you guys so much for listening
to this week's episode of ReviewReview.
We'll catch you guys
again next week. Riley, what are you doing this weekend?
This weekend, I told you, I'm gonna go put
a fistful of spaghetti in Daniel's mouth while
we watch cartoon dogs make out.
Yeah. What about you? I'm gonna put a belt around my neck in Daniel's mouth while we watch cartoon dogs make out. Yeah.
What about you?
I'm going to put a belt around my neck and just kind of jack it.
Just try and see what this autoerotic asphyxiation thing
is all about.
All right, we'll see you all next time.
That was a Hiddem Original.