Review Revue - Life-Threatening Hikes (w/ Caleb Hearon & Shelby Wolstein!)
Episode Date: January 19, 2021Caleb Hearon and Shelby Wolstein (Keeping Records podcast) join Reilly and Geoff to read reviews about life-threatening hikes and to discuss Reiki, heartbroken sheriffs, and bullies with horr...ible home lives!Subscribe to Keeping Records on your favorite podcast app!Follow Reilly and Geoff:IG: @calebsaysthings, @shelbywolstein, @reillyanspaugh, & @geoffreyjamesTwitter: @calebsaysthings, @ShelbyWolstein, @reilecoyote, & @GeoffBoyardeeAdvertise on Review Revue via Gumball.fmSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
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This is a HeadGum Original.
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Sound good?
At participating restaurants for a limited time. I just wanna know how you feel
I want a love that's so proud and real
You make me wanna go out and steal
I just wanna read you
I just wanna
Oh my god
What's that?
What's that?
You came in really hot
You were chuckling
What were you laughing at?
My god
It's fucking Thursday
Can you believe it?
This is crazy
What happened to you earlier today?
I've never seen you like this i still haven't
gotten a dog yet so i'm just kind of like making up for it so you're floundering because you haven't
adopted a dog after a two-week period a week and a half it feels like even less even less
the beauty is i don't have to deal with this madness myself we have two people
with here with us of the Keeping Records podcast.
We have Shelby Woolstein and Caleb Heron.
I'm Shelby.
And I'm Caleb.
And we're Keeping Records.
Keeping Records.
That's the end of the pod.
Caleb is podcast.
The show somehow turns into an episode of your show.
Yeah, so what are you guys?
We actually brought you here for a reason.
Caleb, has anybody ever called you their red heron no and i hope we're not about to start jeffrey i'll say this yeah people do they just don't say it to his face she's kidding people
don't talk behind my back no we do a lot if i i'm so glad that i don't have the kind of friends
that insist on keeping it real with me i'm pretty sure none of my friends keep it real with me. Can you say more about that?
Yeah, keeping it real is a disgusting concept everyone that meets caleb should treat him like he's their boss and
And that's you know, yeah, that's amazing
It's always being charged. Okay best life to ever live
He asked me to drive more and not in the car sense. He said, I want you to drive more in the spiritual sense.
Because you have to understand,
let me,
let me,
let me step in here for a second and tell a little bit of my truth.
Look at this.
Shelby will walk into the living room.
I will be doing something not related to her at all.
This is Caleb's time.
Shelby will walk into the living room. I'll be watching TV or something and she'll be like should i have brussels sprouts for dinner and i'll be like i don't care and then if i don't
give a definitive answer she'll be like i just don't know what to have for dinner like i have
to tell her that's not how this came up yesterday yesterday this came up because he came into my
room and he said i want to go to the store can we go to the store please come to the store with me please please please i beg you it was 10 30 p.m by the way
and i said i mean yeah and he goes fine but we have to go now it closes at 11 so i get on my
little shoes and i get out the door and he says get in the car and i said okay i'm not driving
and then he said you should drive more and i said you're in the seat and i said okay i'm not driving and then he said you should drive more and i said
you're in the seat and he said not right now not in the car just in the spirit
well i don't know why i brought that up but i stand by it it's exhausting to always be in charge
no you just said you wanted people to treat you like you're their boss
in my house sometimes i want to kick back.
Be domed a little bit by my roommate.
That's what I was going to say, yeah.
You don't want to be the boss all the time.
From here to there, yeah.
I want to bottom to Shelby a little bit.
It's like how big time boss ladies sometimes like to go home
and have a partner who takes charge
because they're in the boardroom all day making deals.
That's who i am
this is your guys's icebreaker at an aa meeting no this is our this is this is very similar to
our couples counseling yeah do you guys were um do you guys go to you go to an mft just for
roommate troubles well no it's more romantic okay no it's not i can't go on with that because i
don't want anyone out there who might want to
sleep with me to even imagine there's an obstacle if you want to sleep i want people who want to
sleep with me to think there's an obstacle that makes me hotter i think i think i'm coming at it
a little allure a little chase yeah it's like oh i have to win so let's go can can we just get this
wild and this will be the cold open show but you say i'm shelby wolstein and there's no way
you're getting with me i'm shelby wolstein and there's no way you're getting with me. I'm Shelby Woolstein
and there's no way you're getting with me.
No notes.
I'm Caleb Heron
and almost anybody who wants it could get it.
If nothing else, it'll be a story.
It's also not true anyway.
Yeah, Caleb's actually pretty picky.
I'm pretty not. Caleb, are you familiar with reiki reiki it's the thing where they like feel your energy from afar and heal you with it why jeff
what what are you what are we getting into let him have it i just wonder what that might do for you
do you think i have bad vibes no no it's no, it's not that you have bad energy.
Yeah, Jeff, why bring up Reiki?
Like, I know you are wont to do a random little segue,
but why that?
I took colored Sharpies,
and according to each color of my chakras,
put one dot down my body,
and that was an afternoon.
That's not Reiki, that's drawing.
That's drawing? That's not Reiki. That's drawing. That's drawing?
That's not Reiki.
That's art.
And do you feel different?
Did it heal you?
We all have different ways of procrastinating.
All right.
You guys constantly on social media are like going,
oh, I'm going into writing mode,
writer's mode.
All right.
That's your advice for me.
Excuse me if I use like a henna tattoo
to make it through the day.
You said it was different colored Sharpies.
So Jeff is sitting down at his computer,
like bald naked,
feeling like I got a bad case of the stripes
with fucking different colors all up and down his body.
Some days it's drawing chakras in crayon
and other days it's a-
It's drawing chakras in henna.
It's Sharpie.
It's Sharpie. It's Sharpie.
You can cast as many aspersions at us
about writer mode as you want to.
You can deflect.
The fact of the matter is,
you brought Reiki up to me specifically
and you haven't given a reason.
And I'm holding your feet to the fire, bitch.
No, to be honest, I want to know why.
It is because of the four of us,
you're the one with the most open mind.
Is that fair to say?
What is that supposed to mean?
I will say, I don't know Riley well at all.
I don't know you that well.
I would say of all four of us, Caleb might have the least open mind.
I'm pretty settled on stuff.
His mind was open for business at a time, and it's been closed for a long time.
Shelby's drinking wine,
but there are ice cubes in it and it does look like it could be a cocktail.
Why would you out me that way?
Why would you do that?
That is the most rude thing.
it's not.
Thank you,
Thank you,
I should have done ice cubes.
This is warm shard.
That's disgusting.
I'm having it cold.
Jeff has said a lot of shit on this podcast.
Jeff has doxed a lot of people, but that is the worst thing you have ever admitted yeah fuck no my wine is exact i
keep it in a wine fridge and it's the exact temperature it should be no ice we don't have
a wine fridge i'll say that i'll start right now shelby i talk a lot. Can I say, can I out where you're from? Yeah, go off. Okay. Go off.
I rep Sugar and Falls, Ohio on this podcast every week.
Shelby is from Sugar and Falls as well.
Sugar and Falls. Again, wild.
Can you just pronounce where we live?
Sugar and Falls.
Yes, exactly.
No, Shelby pronounced it correctly.
We said the same thing.
Shelby, say it again.
Shelby, can you say it again?
Sugar and Falls.
Sugar and Falls.
No, Jeff, you say it like Sugar and Falls.
I don't think I do.
Shelby says it like Sugar and Falls.
Sugar and Falls.
Caleb, I know that I did the Reiki thing earlier.
It's coming around to bite me right now because you're siding with Riley.
You're siding with Riley and our audience.
Sugar and Falls.
You say it like it's a country song.
Shelby says it correct.
Sugar and Falls.
Sugar and Falls.
Is a song that you would write about sugar and falls i guess
i do say it wrong then and people in the audience keeps posting on our subreddit and in the discord
being like sugar in falls or sugar and falls this is unbelievable much to my chagrin that's what i
say much to my sugar and falls actually that's not true ellen you don't say it like that you say
we're not here to talk about that right we're obviously not here to talk
about that we're here to talk about life-threatening life-threatening hikes that's really good that's
really good no that's really good caleb you sing like that all the time and why are you laughing
at me but because of the way that you and riley have treated me on the pause not riley i didn't
thank you i was just thinking about how much I like
you and hate the others. Oh my god, I know.
This is what Washington was afraid of.
Everyone be quiet. Riley, do you not like me?
No. I love
everyone, but if you want me to hate you, I can
hate you enough to where it's like, do I love them?
What are your guys' experiences with
hikes, life-threatening
or otherwise? I like to do them.
Really? Nice. I love it. Which ones have or otherwise? I like to do them. Really?
Nice. I love it.
Which ones have you done?
I've done a lot.
I mean, I went to school in Vermont, so I was hiking a lot there.
And then I...
Easy, Jeff.
What was that face?
Just let her talk.
He looked at me as if that was an insane thing to say.
Where'd you go to school?
University of Vermont.
Oh, hell yeah.
So I hiked a lot there.
I hiked a lot here.
Caleb and I were hiking every morning for a minute.
We were. Here's what happened.
It actually got life-threatening for Caleb.
It actually did. Look, here's the deal.
I'm a hypochondriac. Let's start there.
I always think something's wrong with me.
I made the brave, sort of iconic
decision one morning.
Well, what he's dropping is I made the decision
to go a separate route and this
is what led to that it wasn't a full-on decision it was there was mostly me though and what happened
was i don't i'm not a runner i decided that i would run up this maybe the steepest incline i've
ever personally ran up okay maybe maybe that but it's not you're thinking maybe you're really really
vertical and it's what what made you decide to like, we're going to pedal to the metal?
I was like, we're out here.
We've been hiking every morning.
I'm trying to get into it.
I want to be a fitness person in LA.
I want to be a Cali boy.
I ran straight up this thing.
I pulled something in my chest, convinced myself it was a heart problem.
Clearly just because I swung my arms too hard on a steep run.
Went to the doctor.
Was out of commission for a week and a half.
Convinced that I was having heart problems.
They did an EKG.
Nothing came up.
We haven't done a hike since.
Well, and then it's not about that.
That was it for a week.
And then after that, it was kind of like, I got scared of COVID again.
So that became my new obsession.
Oh, and the fires.
You couldn't go to the hike because of the fires.
But that was life-threatening to me.
Every hike is life-threatening to me.
You put me in the nature, you make me walk around.
Fuck that.
And that's a death sentence.
It definitely depends on the hike.
But I feel like it's a masochistic endeavor if you're choosing these hikes.
Also, you chose to ran.
You chose to ran. You chose to ran. You these hikes. Also, you chose to ran. You chose to ran.
You chose to ran.
You chose to ran.
Well, you chose to ran.
Kayla, were you familiar with choosing to ran?
Whenever I've done a hike that I feel like is like,
oh, this is so nice.
This is, you know, leisurely,
this is just a nice, you know, little jaunt.
Whoever I'm with is usually like a capital H hiker.
And they'll be like, well, this is just a walk.
This isn't a hike. Yes. I'm like, a nature walk. A nature walk. No, I mean, we usually like a capital H hiker. And they'll be like, well, this is just a walk. This isn't a hike.
Oh, my God.
I'm like, nature walk.
A nature walk.
No, I mean, we're on a trail.
It says hiking trail.
No, you haven't seen.
This is a walk.
Speak on it, sister.
This is a walk.
I went to, so I studied abroad, brag, in South America, second brag, in a row.
And I, on the first weekend abroad was Super Bowl weekend.
And I dislocated my ankle on that day.
I'm waiting to find out if any of the details before I sprained my ankle
will turn out to be important.
South America is hugely important because that factors into the...
Anyway, so I dislocated my ankle and I went to the hospital.
That is a whole other story is going to the hospital because that was really hard and scary.
And I didn't understand where I was supposed to be and how.
And you actually take a number like at the DMV, but I didn't know that. So I waited for like an additional six hours. But anyway,
I dislocated my ankle. They gave me a walking boot. I was in a walking boot for like
two months. The day after I got it off was the day I was scheduled to go to Machu Picchu
on a five day trek. So I was like, yeah, okay, I can do it. The do it the boots off i can do that i don't think so
so we go first day's good fine do the day we are we're good we're in pain but we're killing it
and second day there's the group we did a tour like with a guide and the group was me, five friends
and then two guys that were in the army and they were father and son.
Whose army?
The United States Army.
Oh, you hate to hear it.
You hate to hear it.
These two are sort of, one of them's old, so he's kind of like an adventure man from
the army, but he's also old and then the
other one is young in the army young yeah adventure man in the army is the young one hot neither were
hot but thank you for asking because i think it could have been true so they started go i'm behind
them i'm last i'm in last and i would i'm a little embarrassed about that but at the same time
i had just dislocated my ankle.
So I'm behind these two dudes. And they start going off trail.
And I have to just follow them.
Because you have to follow the person in front of you.
And it's just like a whole thing.
So they jump over a glacial river.
And I said, guess a bitch has to do that too.
For everyone keeping track, Super Bowl Sunday hasn't been important in the story yet super bowl sunday was only important because that's when i to those who
are keeping records nice that's awesome jeffrey yeah i'm doing you guys's job for you keeping
records on the head gum network right how many episodes i'll say this dislocating my ankle we've
recorded 700 but we've put out four we have barack ob coming out and some other stuff, but we'll get there.
Everybody go listen to it.
It is my new favorite podcast.
It's flirting with the podcast.
Yeah, what the fuck?
I have friends who said it's their new favorite podcast, so don't take my word for it.
Jeff has friends.
Oh, my God.
Have them DM me.
Oh, my God.
Yeah, I'll say this.
Super Bowl Sunday is not coming back up.
That was only important because that's when I dislocated my ankle.
Everything else was important.
So I-
We cut to the ad break right then.
I want to hear about the glacial river, though.
I jump over.
Well, I try to jump over this glacial river
to follow these two dapper men,
and my ankle fully gives out.
I fall into the river.
Oh, Christ.
I have my pack on that has all my clothes for the hike.
We're doing the hardest day yet.
By the top of this, we're supposed to be in the snow where the glacier is. And I am just flailing
in the water trying to get out. I get out, you know, obviously I'm alive, so I didn't drown,
but I got out. I'm soaking wet, dripping wet in the coldest water you've ever seen.
And I have to go on the trail and start campaigning for people to give me clothes.
And then everyone was really scared that I was getting hypothermia because my lips were
purple and my face was red and sort of-
And because I was getting hypothermia and so everyone was a little scared because they
thought I was doing it and they didn't get it.
And so I had to get on one of the mules that was carrying people's gear.
Wait, wait, wait.
Wait, Shelby.
I had a joke.
I had a joke. I had a joke.
I don't want to hear it.
Hold on, hold on, hold on.
Hold on.
Say, will you say back your line about campaigning?
You said, I had to campaign on the trail for people to give me clothes.
Say that back.
Because my joke would make most sense there.
I had to campaign on the trail for people to give me their clothes.
Hey, that gives a new definition to campaign trail.
Sorry, what was that first noise
gives a new definition to campaign trail because you well because you guys were on the trail and
you were campaigning yeah right right right no we got the joke the joke the joke this is
fucking stupid i don't want to do this anymore should we get into the reviews
saved by the bell no it's really quick what happened at the end is
that there's like those mules that people have to carry their belongings and they had to carry
their own belongings because i was put on the mule to be carried up the mountain because nobody
thought i was gonna be okay and then i could hike after that but that's when i had a bad time on a
trail and then had to keep going for like four more days.
This is you on a- And mind you,
Super Bowl Sunday happened before all of this.
Right, and that is, it's like,
as long as you understand the seasons,
the world that's happening around us.
Let that shade the story, if you can.
If you want me to tell the full story
of how I dislocated my ankle,
Super Bowl does come into play,
but it doesn't matter.
I stopped short of that.
I don't know why I'm getting dragged for giving detail.
I'm scared of that. I don't know why I'm getting dragged for giving detail. I'm scared of heights.
I am terrified of fucking heights.
And so every hike I've been on that includes going up somewhere high
makes me want to die.
Wait, that rhymed.
Riley, that rhymed.
Hold, stop it.
Don't lie to me.
Come on, stop.
No, play it back.
That rhymed.
No, stop it.
That was crazy.
It somehow doesn't rhyme the second time.
Wait, what?
I don't trust my balance.
I don't trust myself on anything that isn't like.
You don't have a gymnastics background.
I absolutely do not.
I've broken my ankle three times.
Three times.
Yeah. That's it it so it's like we
keep adding on um so i mean so listen i love a hike and by loving hikes i mean i love a walk
because every time i'm on like a capital h hike i always think god i could be walking around my
neighborhood right now and that would be great to do thank you so you
like moving moving around mover yeah i'm at a dance call i'm i'm more of a mover um mephri
love hikes never done one that threatened my life um also afraid that's awesome yeah it's not
it's actually not interesting so i might even edit that out. You have to keep it now. Caleb, are you familiar with Marty?
Marty Michael.
I don't know Marty.
Marty Michael.
Marty Michael.
I don't think so.
I mean, it feels like a trap.
Do I know them and I don't know it?
He's the CEO of HeadGum.
Oh, he follows me.
Kid Marty on Instagram, famously.
I hadn't, but he's never reached out.
He used to sell most of the ads.
I don't think he sells ads anymore.
Is he really?
Is he going to hear this? He is. Can you cut this out before you get it to him? He doesn't listen. He doesn reached out. He used to sell most of the ads. I don't think he sells ads anymore. Is he really? Is he going to hear this?
Can you cut this out before you get it to him?
He doesn't listen.
He doesn't listen.
He doesn't listen.
Jeff did call him when we were recording once.
Should we call him?
We can call him.
We can, well, we have to ask him if we can take a break.
I want to introduce you guys.
Here we go.
Marty, please.
We're starving.
Can we take a break?
I actually am starving.
All I've had to eat today is a tomato.
Not good.
I had a little goat cheese on a cracker.
You have to go out of your way to only eat one cracker with one slice of cheese, because
that's like assuming that you open a whole pack of crackers.
Here's Marty.
Here's Marty.
The Mart Man.
Caleb, what about this?
Here's Marty.
So it's like the shining.
But with Marty.
I didn't even give time for a reaction.
You're on Review Review with me, Riley Anspaugh,
Caleb Heron, and Shelby Wolstein.
Cut to the break right there.
He loves it.
He's obsessed. let me just make something very clear if you ever called me in the middle of an evening
to do that bit with me you would lose my number post-haste.
The fact that Marty hasn't blocked you yet is shocking.
Jeff has the luxury of being
kind of like, this is his
That's true. They're like, if someone else
did it, it would be not okay.
But because Jeff is like, this is my deal,
they're just like, okay, we'll let it happen.
If I did it to Marty, he would I think the first time be like, oh. I think. Yeah. We're just like, okay, we'll let it happen. If I did it to Marty,
he would like,
I think the first time be like,
I think he'd call the cops on you.
Riley's doing Jeff's thing.
And then if I did it the second time,
he'd be like,
he wouldn't give me that level of patience.
He'd be like,
I'm actually really busy.
So is this important?
you're on your view with Kevin Shelby.
And he'd be like,
I'm the CEO of a fucking company.
So if you could actually hang up the goddamn phone, that'd'd be great maybe if you had a company that you fucking cared
about then you'd understand but you're right no i'm so sorry what's that kim kardashian quote
where she says that to someone oh she says what she says like well if you had a fucking company
that you fucking cared about then you fucking understand that's close i at least got close
i believe that you did.
I just, as someone who seems like they would pay attention to the Kardashians, I don't.
Who wants to start us off with a review?
Shelby, do you want to do one of your, you said you brought six?
He said this bitch drinks wine with ice and has a bath and is way overprepared.
It'll never be as bad as when he asked me if I'm familiar with Reiki and energy fixing.
I cannot think of a more innocuous question.
Here's how we'll choose between the ones I've screenshot.
Do you want short, medium, long?
I'm down for a medium one.
Give me like a little bit of a story that's like just enough, you know?
This is for the Mount Everestest base camp can you give
his first name last initial and then caleb can you come up with the last name okay um nathaniel k
clarp dark nathaniel clark dark when your first kid is born and what's the name again
gotta get rid of clark dark um and, this is referencing the Mount Everest base camp.
This place was way too cold for me.
I foolishly wore jeans and a polo shirt.
Again, Everest base camp.
Unfortunately, everyone else was in winter gear,
so I couldn't even tell which women I could hit on.
We began our climb after spending... We began our climb after spending the night
in some tent and eating canned food.
About halfway up the mountain, it started snowing
and it was so bright I had to wear my sunglasses.
I'm fairly sure a pack of Yetis stalked
us the whole way because I kept hearing odd
howling noises. I soiled my pants and it
froze to my butt because...
After about two days of hiking, i couldn't feel my hands and they
wait okay i'm starting to not believe this they almost fell off the trip only went downhill from
there three fourths of the way up i was hit with a gust of wind and i fell i got frostbite on all
my limbs and they had to be removed.
I will return next year with a sweater.
Shelby's starting to not believe this one.
Getting some inklings about this one
and it's accurate.
I believed it at the foolishly wore jeans
and a polo shirt.
Someone can be stupid.
But this is a review on TripAdvisor.
I did the assignment.
I read a book once called Mad, Bad, and Dangerous to Know by Rana Fiennes,
Ralph Fiennes' distant cousin, and the first man to circumnavigate the globe.
And I feel like explorers, you know, always get a lot of clout.
You know, right, wrong, and different they do.
But I like to think of
somebody's giving a TED Talk, but he doesn't
have any lessons to share because the
mission went horribly.
Alright, everyone, thank you so much for coming to
TEDxAustin. How are we feeling
tonight with this incredible lineup?
Alright, and to
wrap up our week of
give it up for the one, the only, the only man,
the only person, really,
to have conquered every continent,
every mountain, every trail.
He has done it.
All right.
And he's here to tell you all about it and what it's like to live with a purpose and with passion.
Welcome Stephen Gold, everyone.
Give it up.
Stephen Gold.
Explorer. Explorer. Gold, everyone. Give it up, Stephen Gold. Explorer, explorer, explorer, explorer.
All right.
It's remarkable to say explorer.
We, in the audience, mostly go with some easier stuff like USA.
The audience says that all in unison.
But you can say all that at once.
Yeah, it's shorter syllables.
This is not how I wanted this to start, but let's start the interview.
Okay, Stephen.
So I see that you brought a slideshow presentation with us of your adventures.
So this first slide here.
Oh, and there we go.
It's you at the Matterhorn.
Can you tell us what was the most memorable experience about this day?
It was not easy to get there.
I know that I'm smiling in the photo but uh god
almost blew off the the slope you almost blew off the sorry the slope or like the peak well we the
thing is we had to be led by um you know people who live in the region and i didn't learn the
language or get a translator and uh sorry somebody just, I worry that somebody just sighed in the audience.
You, sir.
Yeah, sorry, I'm not trying to be a bitch.
I just, why would you go with no translator and not knowing the language?
It's like, sorry, I feel like I'm being a bitch.
The whole crowd cracks up.
No, that's a great question.
That's a great question.
I'm not trying to pile on, but I have to agree with this really handsome gentleman.
Everyone settle down.
Come on.
Let's give Stephen Gold...
Okay, come on.
Guys, come on.
We have an incredible speaker here.
Let's take it easy.
Let's let him explain himself.
It's all coming up, Joshua.
Who gave you a mic?
Let me take that back.
Everyone can hear you.
No, no, no.
I'll be cool.
I'll be cool.
I'll be cool.
Okay, as long as you just be cool about it. So anyway, no, no. I'll be cool. I'll be cool. I'll be cool. Fine.
As long as you just be cool about it.
So anyway, the speaker was going to talk about how he's culturally incompetent.
I'm not culturally incompetent.
I just like wanted to do something myself for once, you know?
And it didn't work out too well.
I still summited.
I want to hear from the hot guy.
I am speaking.
If that's who you're talking about.
Oh, buddy.
And the whole crowd cracks up again.
It's funny that you think that. No. It's not funny. I summited a lot of peaks. Oh, buddy. And the whole crowd cracks up again. It's funny that you think that.
It's not funny.
I summited a lot of peaks. It is funny.
I mean,
in the way that jokes go.
The spotlight turns
to these two people
in the audience
pulling away
from Stephen Colt.
Come on.
They want to hear a story
from old Josh?
what do you do for work?
You're such a big man.
I am a youth pastor.
Everybody gives him
a huge round of applause for being a youth pastor.
Are you kidding me?
I don't do it for this.
I mean, keep going.
But I don't do it for this.
The applause swells.
Wait, what do you do?
Lady who's obsessed with me, what's your occupation?
I serve at the Cracker Barrel.
I serve at the Cracker Barrel.
Hold on.
Now, this is really interesting.
Not really, though, right?
Because I summited, yeah, Everest, Kilimanjaro.
You summited without learning a language.
Everybody cracks up again.
Somebody casually walks up the audience and punches me in the throat.
What the?
No, don't endorse it, Joshua.
It's been five minutes.
Okay, Stephen, actually, can you take a seat in the front row?
And this two, you know, potentially incredible it couple.
How about you guys come on up to the stage?
You guys have a lot to say.
I feel like that's not fair to me.
The person punches me again in the throat.
Oh, fine.
All right.
I'll sit down.
Is that what everybody wants?
They drag you down.
If everyone wants it.
If everyone screams at the same time, we want it.
We want it.
All right.
If they want it.
I know.
This is incredible.
Everyone's cheering.
Okay, Steven.
Yeah, Steven, if you could just sit down.
This is unbelievable.
What do we do up here?
Do you guys want us to make out or just talk?
Listen, I mean, hey uh i i i did not say
it but um you know i mean if this is a life of adventure and everyone here wants some adventure
is that right everyone's like yes that's right we could stand up here silent and it'd be better
than what the last guy did right come on he's. He's a comedian. He's a professor and a comedian. He is funny.
So what's your story?
Where are you from originally?
Yeah, also,
what's your name?
Kim and Joshua. I like that.
I like that.
Steven, what do you think?
This is a Rolex.
All right?
What have you guys done?
Rolex partnered with me
to summit...
Steven, it's not about material goods,
and the fact that you're bringing that up right now
is exactly why I'm more interested in Joshua.
It's more about connection with the world around you.
It's awesome that you have a nice watch,
but honestly, I go by the sun anyway.
Huge strategy.
I'm sorry, but I have a question.
You go by the sun?
I look at the clock on my phone,
but when it's midday, I look up at the sky, and I'm like, okay, a question you go by the sun? I look at the clock on my phone but when it's midday
I look up at the sky and I'm like okay
it seems like it's noon
who doesn't?
you are so interesting to me
I'm like scared
well that's actually not even correct though right
because as the sun twists on its axis
throughout the year
it won't always be directly above you
have you ever heard of a sundial Stephen?
oh he's climbed all the mountains but he won't learn a language and he won't learn a fucking sundial.
A watch won't work in high altitude.
Stephen, let me tell you something.
You walked into this room and within 30 seconds of you being in here, I looked into your eyes and I said,
that's a guy who doesn't know peace.
And you're proving it to me with every passing moment.
You don't know peace brother what are you
gonna do about it joshua what do you what do you suggest we all do i want everyone to boo steven
really quick
they pick him up and crowd surf him out of the auditorium. No way! Are you kidding me?
I thought that was really powerful,
what we just did.
Caleb, would you like to do one of your reviews,
whichever review you choose?
If you brought one, if you didn't, that's fine too.
Et cetera, et cetera.
I brought, as an intellectual,
an article.
Now, this is a review in a sense. is about this this hike in arkansas is near where
i went to college in the ozark mountains it goes by several names whittaker point hawksbill crag
i think there's a couple others but i can't remember them this is a quote from newton
county sheriff glenn wheeler about how he gets 10 calls a year.
About people who have fallen off the edge of the cliff.
At this hike.
This is what he says.
They're not always fatal falls.
But they're injuries in that area.
When I'm talking about that area.
I'm talking about Hawksville Crag.
Or the trail into Hawksville Crag.
Or that bluff line.
So just to be clear.
He's talking about all one thing. And then he talks about a 20 year old student who uh fell to her death she was here
with a group from her college and the professor that led the group have been coming here for more
than 20 years and bringing groups out here it's a beautiful beautiful area but it's also kind of
treacherous and then the last thing i'll read from him is that people on social media have
been begging the sheriff to put in a fence around this risky area because they don't want to see so
many people die and he says it will only hamper our efforts and will take away from the natural
and wild beauty of the place that people go to appreciate it i just had this image like the sheriff who that's the only way he speaks
and everyone's so emboldened at like a press conference like begging him like why won't you
do anything with all with all of the deaths in the area sheriff wilson why haven't you put a fence in
around the area yet the people are dying to know god it would just be such a shame to see a little piece of
metal in this great expanse that i like to look out on and that i mean my wife fell in love with
me looking at this expanse and i'm gonna put a what happened to your wife by the way no one's
she has found another i'm sorry I feel like I was clear.
Next question.
I don't want to get into my wife.
Well, you said you didn't want to get into your wife,
but we asked you about the fence
and you immediately got into your wife.
So it's hard to imagine
that you don't want to get into your wife.
I'm on that reporter side as well.
Oh, yeah.
So my wife's a beautiful woman.
Y'all know her she's the mayor um why is that funny sorry what's funny yeah it's just funny because the mayor and the sheriff we were working
on a children's book and it's like a comedy or why it's not funny that you know it's funny it's like a comedy or why? It's not funny that you guys have to clap. No, it's funny. It's funny because we're going to have to shut it down.
The ending was that we fall in love and now you're going to have to shut the book down?
Instead of just changing the ending, you're going to have to shut the book down.
Oh, you want me to write a children's book about how love isn't real?
You want me to write a children's book saying they used to fall in love and then love doesn't actually exist?
And then it tells the kids about how it feels when your heart gets ripped out in front of you.
You know what, Cher?
You want me to do that in a children's book?
Today is about the hike.
All we want is a wire fence around this dangerous area.
And like I said, it would affect the way that you look out into it.
It would affect the way you look out into it.
It would also affect the way you do. It affects the way anyone would look out into it. It would affect the way you look out into it. It would also affect the way anyone else looks out.
It affects the way anyone would look out into it.
If I stood in front of you
and I held a piece of paper,
you'd see it.
And that's the same with a fence.
Isn't it true that your last campaign
you received $50,000
from a pack that is anti-fence?
Does that have anything to do with your...
It has nothing to do with it.
Yes, I took the grant.
Why wouldn't I?
I don't know if it was a grant.
So that implies that there's a project
that the money's going to go towards.
And you applied for it.
You applied for the anti-fence money.
There's going to be an offense sign
in front of the freaking hike.
I'm sorry, are you intoxicated
right now? You are not
standing up straight. I'm standing up
for what you believe in, right?
leaning on the podium. What happens
if you just take your body weight off the podium
and freestand? Oh, no hands, no hands.
Fucking idiots. I can do it.
Oh my god. The crowd had a idiots i can do it oh my god the crowd a lot of
murmurs oh my god what the hell is going on with you guys what do you say to those who say that
you can get the exact same yeah i don't look so surprised before you hear the end of the question
um what do you say to those who say that you can get the exact same view on a safer
hike such as the stoas gulch those people haven't done both hikes i'm telling you
that right now those people are liars that's like saying you can get the same thing if you eat an
apple and an orange they're two different fruits you could just say it's apples and oranges you
don't have to yeah you don't have to give them about eating sorry that i made up my own saying
some people do that that's how sayings become that's how a saying comes to be is you start
saying it.
You think everyone was born with the understanding of apples and oranges, or do you think someone
started saying it and then everyone started understanding it?
I say it's like eating an apple and eating an orange.
I think we've gotten slightly off topic.
So 700 people died last week on that hike, and you're not really doing anything at all.
Oh, so now we put up a fence, and then what did they die for?
Well, that's the question.
What are they dying for?
They already are dead. They already are dead.
They already are dead.
And what did they die for
if we now put up a fence? They're already gone.
For the future people who would
have died and didn't because of the fence's erection.
It is disrespectful.
If I die,
if I die...
It's not funny.
700 are dead. What's up? You tell us. You tell us, Sheriff. You are dead what's up you tell us you tell us sheriff i don't know what's up
you tell us what's up no this is a public forum y'all are asking questions ask your next question
the reason 700 people die doesn't affect my decision is because they're already dead i
can't bring them back to life why would i try i don't believe in the witch's magic
the witch's magic yeah the witch's magic? Yeah. The witch's magic.
It's called a cauldron.
Look her up.
The witch's magic.
It's called a cauldron.
That's where the potions get mixed.
Where are we at a disconnect?
I don't understand.
Y'all have never read a book.
So if I'm not mistaken, actually, I'm looking through the brief.
The witch's magic, colon, it's called a comma.
That's your ex-wife's latest children's book that she's writing solo.
Is that right?
Yeah, but I wasn't going to bring it up.
I'm not on a press tour for her book.
If I was on a press tour for her book, I would be at a bookstore instead of freaking City Hall.
Is it true you've been spotted around town with a new beau?
Is it true that you're maybe moving on way too quick?
Say their name.
I'm sorry?
Who would you see me around with?
Say their name.
A lot of people have seen you around with Derek, the farmer.
Are you all together romantically?
Romance is such a difficult topic.
Not in definition. It it's pretty the question was
very straightforward is it romantic and that's something that i'm trying to figure out too
i like the guy a lot but i don't know you know because there's so many things you have to
consider is he in the right place am i in the right place if we start now is it too soon if we start later is it too late will his kids like me his kids don't like you they've been on tiktok
doing videos about that next question yeah sorry um just back to the feds we just got an update
17 people have fallen dead to their deaths since the beginning in the past five minutes that's not
true no i just got i just got the alert on my phone. In the past five minutes? That's not true. No, I just got the alert on my phone
in the past five minutes.
How many people? 17?
18 now, but yeah.
We will light a candle.
I don't know what to do for you.
We're telling you what to do is build a fence.
If I build a fence now, they're still dead.
That's what I'm trying to get through to your head.
If I build a fence right now, they're still dead.
They don't come back to life because there's a fence now.
Can I paint a picture for you If I build a fence right now, they're still dead. They don't come back to life because there's a fence now. Can I paint a picture for you?
You build a fence right now,
and then tomorrow we don't get a text that says 17 people have died.
What do you think about that?
I'll say this.
I'll say this.
I'm on the fence about it Riley do you want to do one more review?
Oh my Christ
Okay so this isn't so much about this review
But I looked up so this is a review for Angels Landing
I think it's in Mount Zion
Oh my God so all the reviews I've been seeing
Talk about how it's like it's
a pretty normal just like a you know a hard hike and then you hit the final stretch which is like
where a lot of people turn around but if you don't turn around you are you have to hold on to a like
a chain to pull yourself up like, like it's unbelievable.
And then like with the views, it's amazing.
So worth it.
Well, worth it.
So here we go.
This is from, you know what?
Let's just give them a first and last name because they're, well, their username is pretty good.
Their username is CoyotePack5.
That's their name.
So CoyotePack5, is that their first and last name or just first? CoyotePack5Miller. their username is pretty good their username is coyote pack five um that's their name so coyote
coyote pack five is that their first and last name or just first coyote pack five miller coyote pack
five miller okay coyote pack five miller is from april 2020 it's four stars an amazing trail that
is overused and crowded is the title angel Angels Landing is a steep trail with switchbacks and
dangerous climbs. Everyone wants to say they did it. I'll say that I did not finish it.
There are beautiful views and it doesn't get too dangerous until the end. The amount of people on
the trail takes away from this hike. People are crowded, waiting in line for the final climb,
which requires pulling yourself up by a chain rope it looks like mount everest with
hundreds of people in a row i would not recommend this hike for children or people out of shape
it's a good thrill it's sorry it is good for thrill seekers and those who like crowds
the part that i love is about coyote pack five saying a lot of people say they did it. I'll say I didn't.
I'll say I did not finish the hike.
To be so proud.
People say they've done it. To be so proud.
I was brave enough to turn around.
Let the record show.
I'm a fucking coward.
You know what?
You guys go egg that house.
I'm going to be the one that's brave enough to turn around and go home and say, I didn't
egg that house. Nice. Yeah to be the one that's brave enough to turn around and go home and say, I didn't egg that house.
Yeah, nice, Jamie. Okay, well, we're going to go egg the house.
So you can come if you want,
but that's where we're going to be the rest of the night.
I'm not coming. I already freaking said that I'm not
coming. Oh, you don't have to use that language
with us, Jamie. Sorry.
I'm sorry. That's right. You're right.
Jamie, you're going to live your whole life
and never have done anything exciting
if you keep acting like this.
I think there's some excitement in
going home and hugging my mom
and saying, I did the right thing tonight.
You guys don't think that's exciting?
You could still say that
and egg the house.
Wait, what?
You could flip it. You could say that you went home
and hugged your mom, but you can actually go and egg the house.
And then go hug my mom?
Or not.
How do you?
I take a warm monster energy out of my backpack.
I throw it across the lawn.
Look, Jamie.
No, I'm sorry.
I meant to just lightly toss it.
Look, Jamie, we're all going to get hyper on monster energies and go like this house.
We're going to leave right now.
If you don't chug that while we watch, then I guess you're not part of the pack.
And you can go home and, yeah, you can hug your mom.
Coyote pack.
Coyotes, what do we say?
Coyote pack five miller.
We always say coyote pack five miller. Coyote Pack 5 Miller. We always say Coyote Pack
5 Miller. Coyote Pack
5 Miller. Okay.
I'll come.
I'll come do the bad thing.
Nah, I'm not sure I want to go.
Right? It feels really
bad to go do it. Are you
kidding? Because now Jamie's acting out of character.
Jamie's acting out of character. Jamie's acting out of character
being strange. Well, I just don't want to lose
all my friends and you guys were kind of clear that that's
what was going to happen. Jamie!
What? Don't be vile.
You guys were like, we're a pack, we're
a pack and if you don't come, you're out of the pack.
I don't want to do this in front of everyone
but like, if you
side with Jamie on this,
it's going to just get worse and worse for you.
Yeah, that's true.
Will it stay the same for me or is it going to get worse for me too?
I think you've drawn a pretty clear line in the sand, Jamie.
Whether you come or not.
I know that we are like the bad kids in middle school.
We shove people into lockers. Except for Jamie.
You might be one of the next victims
if you side with Jamie.
And that's not a threat.
It's not that bad in the lockers.
You guys would put me in a locker?
Say locker again.
Where's the W?
School? Locker? Never mind the W? School? Locker?
Never mind
We'll do some other thing to bully you
Just stop saying Locker
Well what else would you do to bully me?
Are we going or not?
My dinner is at 9
Okay like I'll do all this bad stuff
But I gotta get home for that brisket
Why does your family have dinner so late?
And you're a peon
They cook brisket for you
It's really nice.
This is funny.
I was kind of the best of both worlds.
What's funny about it, Ian?
Everybody talking about,
oh, my family's having dinner.
None of our parents get home before 10.30.
That's not true about us.
That's not true.
My parents are home at three or four at the latest.
Like I said, my mom's making that brisket.
My dad hasn't been present in my life
for the better part
of a sabbatical.
So he's on
sabbatical. He's been on sabbatical.
He's been taking a solo honeymoon
is what he calls it.
And so that's why I'm so mean at school.
I shove kids in lockers.
I was wondering why you were so mean at school. I shove kids in lockers. I was wondering why you were so mean at school.
I was like, there has to be some underlying cause.
Brent, you're also mean to kids at school,
but you're wondering why Ian's also mean to kids at school.
Yeah, because I know why I do it.
I feel uncomfortable in my own skin.
But I was like, why does Ian do it?
Wait, that makes so much more sense.
Than what? Than what i thought which is just that he did it out of hatred from his heart oh no most people who do shit like that
it comes from somewhere i thought that was true but you do it told me so well no brett said that
he feels uncomfortable in his own skin mine comes from my skin that's awesome i mean it's not awesome
but it's awesome to hear about it
and for you to be open about it. I didn't mean
metaphorically, by the way. When I say in my
own skin, I mean the physical skin that I carry.
That you carry?
It's scaly. It's called eczema.
It's more serious than eczema. Chloe Kardashian
has that. What? She's been tweeting about it.
Yeah, my mom has this thing called Tweeter.
My dad is on a new, he calls it Parler.
Oh, no.
Your dad should stay on vacation.
He was in D.C.
He said that he had a job to finish.
That's the sabbatical.
Oh, no.
Ian, no.
Ian, I gotta tell you something.
What is it? If you wanna come live with me and my mom, she's probably gonnabatical. Oh no. Ian, no. Ian, I gotta tell you something. If you wanna come live with
me and my mom, she's probably gonna be pretty cool
about it. And it'll be better for you, I
almost promise. Cut to me at your mom's
house. Hey, Mrs.
Green. Oh my gosh, Jamie, you
have a friend over. Ian, I haven't seen
you around here in months.
I haven't had anybody give me a ride. Yeah.
His dad's been on a solo honeymoon
sabbatical. A solo honeymoon sabbatical.
You know what?
I've got to be honest.
I've never heard of that.
That sounds really interesting.
I bet he's having a great time.
If I could step in.
That's just, you haven't heard of it because he's actually doing terrorism.
And they're calling it a solo honeymoon sabbatical.
Sorry, I'm here too, by the way.
Oh, hi, Brent.
Good to see you around.
Okay, what Brent says makes a lot more sense. Is that dinner that I smell?
It smells so flavorful.
Sorry, my friends haven't eaten in weeks.
Well, yeah, I mean, we were having roast chicken
and some Brussels sprouts and mashed potatoes.
You've never had roast chicken?
No, I usually put it in the microwave.
I have to poke a hole in it with a fork and then cook it on high for a minute and a half.
Why don't you sit down?
Why don't you serve yourself first, Ian?
Why don't we know what Brent and Jamie, why don't we give him some space?
Ian, you can absolutely plate yourself some food and you can sit at the head of the table
and we will eat in the living room
and we'll give you some time.
I can't sit at the head of the table.
You can, you're my dad now.
I don't think so, Jamie.
That's what you said.
You said when dad died,
you said the next man who sits at the end of the table
will be your new dad.
You said that to me.
Okay, well, I forgot.
Clearly I didn't mean for your boyhood friend to be your new dad.
Okay, I forgot that I said that when your father passed.
So forgive me for saying that your friend keeps it at the head of the table.
I was crying, you were crying, and you said this chair will remain empty until you have a new dad.
And now you're saying that that's not true?
Okay, fine, fine.
Ian's your new dad, Jamie.
That's a lot of responsibility.
I'm not ready for that.
Ian, don't sell yourself short, dude.
You could be Jamie's dad.
You could be my dad.
You can cook chicken in the microwave.
In the what?
In the what?
Say that again.
Is that exactly how you just said it?
You can go chicken in the microwave.
Okay, we'll work on it.
Brent, do you want anything to eat?
You are very, I love having you over.
You are so low maintenance.
Can I fix you anything for dinner?
No, I'm on a hunger strike.
Where's he going to stay?
Dad's spot in bed?
Why am I on a hunger strike?
He's not going to eat dinner in dad's spot in bed.
But why are you hunger striking?
Why are you on a hunger strike, Brett?
No, I thought Miss Green did seriously ask that.
I did ask.
I did ask.
I wasn't teeing myself up.
I thought Miss Green asked.
I did ask.
Are you on a hunger strike?
For what?
For what?
I don't want to get into it.
Hunger strikes don't do anything if no one knows what your mission is.
You're just not eating them.
I want them to put less books in the library.
It's too much choice.
Makes my brain go crazy.
Cut to him at the library.
Hey, honey, could I help you find anything?
You could get some of these freaking books out of here.
He pushes the stacks over Domino.
Whoa. Brett Whoa This
Should be
Who would like to go first
Something that's been shaking you
I will go first
I have been shaken to my core
By Justin Bieber The musician's Instagram presence.
Man, where do I start?
If it's not a picture of his wife half naked
with the caption hashtag proud,
it is 17 Bible verses in a row,
both on his story and on grid.
And then every once in a while,
a video of Jacob Tremblay, the child actor.
it's chaos on Justin Bieber's page,
and I've been shaking. Sorry, the hashtag on photos of Hailey Bieber is proud?
Yeah, he'll post a picture of Hailey
and be like, wow, I couldn't be more proud.
And it's just her looking hot. You know,
when other people being
conventionally pretty makes you proud.
He married her. Yeah, so
he's proud of her for being
hot that's my girl once been with someone that i'm also like damn i'm proud that you're hot
you might be excited by it but to be proud hey i don't know man i've never been married
that was all me right there what she's doing that's all me and to be proud of it weird
beverly hills california 90210 That is where they live. Oh my God.
So Jeff is obsessed with celebrity real estate
and just real estate in general,
but he loves knowing where people live.
So you can do with that what you will.
And now we do.
Shelby, what's been shaking you?
So Caleb showed me this TikTok couple.
They are two people and they are love buns.
Yes. Yes.
And they do these little videos, kind of like vlogs, I'd say, on TikTok.
And it'll just be like them kind of talking about.
You be one, I'll be one.
Hey, everybody.
We are love buns.
Today is our day off.
So we're telling each other what we love about
each other yes you know i love that you are thoughtful and have beautiful eyes yes
that's the rhyme no yeah yes no yes what's do you know what their handle is on tiktok
i can get it for you in a second in two seconds i discovered them through comedian Nori Reid. That's where I'm going to go is her Twitter. That ruined commitment for me.
Well, were people begging?
Were you in a lot of commitments that you had to bail out of?
Caleb, it was unbelievable.
It was a bloodbath somehow.
Just, ah, I want to lock you down.
And not me living in a basement with no suitors their handle is yes
uh i hate the way it dances around lilia things so that's gonna be
um lilia things sorry could you send it to the chat oh oh there we go in the chat what's been shaking
me is calm sleep stories like harry styles has done one right harry styles talked to me to sleep
well he only has one story on the app so what did he say hearing that one story consistently i've
heard it multiple times i've heard it multiple times because his voice sounds like a smoker who gave it up midway through the journey of a usual
nicotine addiction so like is it sexy it's sexy yeah it's like i've listened to it twice to fall
asleep and one of the times i had a sex dream he wasn't in it unfortunately uh but whatever
if you're having trouble sleeping which caleb you tweeted about melatonin or i i dm'd you
about melatonin because you said that melatonin works it does for me and i need something i need
i need to try melatonin but call that some kind of sleep aid plus a calm sleep story you're off
to the races that's what you're off to the races riley what's been shaking you a little show called
bridgerton i'm about halfway through i started it and it's just
everyone in it's just hot every it's just like it's corsets and horses right so everyone's kind
of like running around with their daggers proposing to each other sometimes i say yes
sometimes i say no and everything else in between well that's bridgerton the family or the bridgertons
and everything else in between why that's bridgerton that's bridgerton well that's
bridgerton that's my julie andrews oh yeah so i was i was shocked to learn that the like as soon
as it starts there's a narrator and i'm like huh that sounds a lot like Julie Andrews. To which my mom was like, oh, well, yeah, Julie Andrews is the narrator of Bridgerton,
which blew my mind.
It's really fun.
Everyone's been telling me that episode six is where the softcore porn starts.
So we're off to the races.
I'll tell you that much for free.
Keeping records on the head gum network my favorite
new podcast guys if you liked what
you heard on this episode it's very
fun Shelby Caleb do you have any
social media or projects to plug
the floor is yours go follow me
on Twitter and Instagram
it is my name Shelby
at the before
those both
and then mine would be also follow Shelby
on Instagram and Twitter at Shelby Wolstein.
Oh yeah.
Caleb has enough followers.
She doesn't want any more.
If you haven't followed him yet, you're a hater.
And you're going to hell for eternity.
Into the Mist, which is a new virtual
choose your own adventure kind of show over Zoom.
It is a full evening.
It's like, it's a mix of like, what's it called? Like sleep no more in New York. It's all online it but it's set in the year
1927. And it's 45 minutes of exploring this incredible site that's been designed. And
there's a bunch of there's some pre recorded rooms, there's some live rooms,
Daniel and I have a room where we'll, I'm not going to spoil it. But you know, you're going to come find us in this experience tickets will be live by the time this comes out. If you go to
into the And I will have the link in my bio opening night is Januaryuary 29th it will be every friday at least for the next month
starting at 7 p.m pacific 9 p.m eastern hell yeah and i'll put it in the episode description as well
so if you're on spotify or apple podcast uh just scroll down and click you can still follow riley
on instagram at riley and spa twitter at riley coyote and you can follow the show on instagram
at review review and on twitter at review review show and you can follow the show on Instagram at Review Review and on Twitter at Review Review Show and you can follow Jeff
on Instagram
at Jeffrey James
and on Twitter
at Jeff Boyardee
it sucks that he makes you
say that Riley
it's we always do each other's
and I had such a rhythm
of you can follow
Jeffrey James
at I'm Jeffrey James
and on Twitter
at Don't Play No James
and then he switched both
you changed both
so it's kind of ruined the show
thank you guys
so much for coming on
thank you for having us
big thank you to our VI podcast,
Aaron Carrico, Adam Shea,
Addy Agent Michael Skarn, Akusa
Sarfo, Alex Watts, Alex Witt,
Alton Burkholder, Alvar
Wallstrom Lindell,
Anthony Amadeo, Bagadoo,
Bob Buell, Brad Hill,
Brendan Metz, Brian Dodd,
Cameron Bradley, Chasten
Christian Basketball.
Connor Finnegan.
Damian Kirk.
Daniel Bonney.
Gentleman the 13th. Eric Crust.
Fancy Octopus.
Garrett Glasbergen.
Hot Dog.
Isaac Fletcher.
Jackson Hansel.
No, you're not saying it right.
It's Jackson Hansel. No,cher. Jackson Hansel. No, you're not saying it right. It's Jackson Hansel.
No, it's Jackson Hansel.
Jackson Martin.
Jake the Snake Radiff.
Jake Ullman.
Jamie Ponchia.
Jason Araya.
Jesse Tipton.
Jonah Sanchez.
Josh Tischler.
Jub FPV.
Caleb Luster.
Katie Ross.
Kevin Sunt.
Kerwin. Colby Hollis. Lauren Maluster. Katie Ross. Kevin Sunt.
Colby Hollis.
Lauren Malang.
Mark Priest.
Mark Spalding.
Matt Box.
Matthew Lizama.
Michael Ebach.
Michael Rowland.
Nate Porteus.
Nicolaj Biergaard.
Noel Semido.
Nolan Murphy.
Phoenix McBurnan.
Robert Fridge. Sabrina. Sam Adams. Nolan Murphy. Phoenix McBurnan. P. Robert Fridge.
Sam Adams.
Sam Armstrong.
Sam Lorente.
Sarah Kildiff.
Space Ant.
Steve Faraway.
Sugar and Falls.
And on this episode of all episodes, that's Austin Dew.
TR, a.k.a aka Ghoulia Greedwife
sorry what was that
keep going
Will Phillips
Xander Madsen
Yaro Bouchard
so it's just Owen got it
so yeah thank you guys so much for supporting us
on Patreon at the highest tier
if you also want access to bonus content, comedy sketches, live streams, VIP Zoom parties,
and the opportunity to buy exclusive merch, you can subscribe at forward slash Riley and Jeff.
We'll catch you next time.
That was a HitGum original.