Review Revue - Littlest Pet Shop
Episode Date: July 30, 2024Join Alf and Reilly as they unlock the secrets of the universe and finally make it in tiny hollywood.>>>>><<<<<Follow at:IG: @reillyanspaugh @alfredinn...itTwitter: @reilecoyote Join the discord here!Produced by Daniel Ramos @SchubirdsAdvertise on Review Revue via Gumball.fmSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
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This is a HeadGum Original.
An ancient man.
So do you ever. An ancient man. An ancient man. So do you ever.
An ancient man.
An ancient man.
An ancient man.
An ancient man.
An ancient man.
An ancient man.
An ancient man.
So do you ever.
For the love of.
Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. The love of, for the love of Christ. Fright.
Ancient man.
An ancient man.
An ancient man.
Have you seen that video?
What, that was just the intro?
What the hell? How long does that, was that the end? Does it keep going? No, that was the entire, that was just the intro? What the hell?
How long does that...
Was that the end?
Does it keep going?
No, that was the entire...
That was the entire...
That was incredible.
I'm trying to figure out what episode that was clipped.
But you were...
This is from...
Yeah, no, I don't remember what episode.
This is from Ren.
Ren says, Hello, this took me several days to make
because I don't understand GarageBand.
Doesn't seem like it.
Don't think you're supposed to use it on an iPhone 12,
even if it comes with the phone.
But I've always wanted to make a theme song.
You guys have been sounding very, very, very, very, very,
very desperate the last few episodes.
Yeah, I'm sorry about that.
No, I'm not sorry, because if if our desperation is generating.
That's true.
Inspiration to make something like this.
I'll I'm desperate.
Every episode we recorded posts.
OK, yeah, well, you look a bit every episode.
Tell me desperate.
You're desperate.
Thank you.
Every episode we've recorded post bank so three um
yeah three fuck off um has been every they're bangers i mean they're always bangers the theme
songs have been absolute bangers sometimes and i don't know if you know this there's a calm
before the storm um it's darkest before before me going christ christ christ christ christ christ christ
christ christ and i think it was that fallow period where you and i were having to do our
own theme songs like when i i think i did review review funny funny to the tune of fruit salad
yummy yummy do you remember that i do um that tragedy inspired the listeners to
get back on the horse
and put out some absolute bangers
so Ren was it was it Ren you said
yeah thank you Ren that was
fucking good the onus is not on
the listeners when this
it's like they got back on the horse
it's like you guys don't have
to do these I mean we really appreciate that you
do because they're so fun statistically most you guys don't have to do these. No. We really appreciate that you do because they're so fun.
Well, and statistically, most of you don't.
But you don't have to.
It's mainly Tyler.
We appreciate you guys doing it.
And it really means a lot.
I am being very genuine.
I am too.
And I'm being genuine when I say this.
No, because I'm actually being genuine.
No, I'm being genuine too.
The theme song is the only part of this I look forward to.
Okay. I was going to say that it's like, you know, after we theme song is the only part of this I look forward to so I was gonna say that it's like you know after we were
hit with the old copyright of you can't use
a Paul McCartney song
it really changed the game
it's so crazy right like
I think he'd be cool
I think
which Beatles you think would like the show the
most assuming they're back
from the dead.
I don't think any of them would enjoy the show, but probably Ringo.
I think Ringo would be like,
this reminds me of when I, you know,
fucked that octopus in its garden.
That's so, like...
Low-hanging fruit?
Is that what you're saying?
Low effort?
Yeah, low effort.
It wasn't even low-hanging.
It was just, like, nothing.
Alf, you're going to the beach today sorry i just like we have to just cut to
the chase you we open the zoom and you are wearing a big sun hat and you're drinking a lemon spin
drift which is my favorite flavor the only spin drift i drink is that true the only one you will
drink it's the only uh no i'll drink more it. It's just, it's like, it's my favorite one. If there is not a lemon Spindrift in my fridge at all times,
then I don't live here anymore.
That and Diet Coke.
For me, it's lemon and grapefruit.
I can't do the grapefruit.
And I'm not supposed to drink the grapefruit
because of the medication that I'm on.
Because you're not supposed to take it.
You're not supposed to eat grapefruit with antidepressants, weirdly.
I've heard that.
It's very strange.
I mean, probably the biggest shock of your life
to hear that I take fistfuls of antidepressants every day.
But I drink the lemons.
I drink the grapefruit spender if anyway.
Hasn't killed me yet.
I just love the grapefruit so much.
I just don't like it.
It sits not great in my stomach.
But are you excited for the beach?
It's summer in the city.
Summer in Chicago.
Hot tub. Summer in the city. are you excited for the beach it's summer in the city summer in chicago hot tub summer in the city i have been to the beach i think this will be my fifth time going to the beach in seven days um and i'm fucking me i'm fucking thrilled about it man i love the beach
um we went on father's day and that was miserable It was so fucking crowded and it was also like 98 degrees in Chicago.
It was and we went at like 1 p.m.
Huge mistake.
Huge mistake.
We all left by we were there like an hour.
But today I wouldn't be there that long.
It's been hot as hell.
We're going to go show up around four, five o'clock.
Oh, oh, it's going to be nice.
Oh, it's going gonna be nice oh it's gonna be nice wow we have such different ideas of like a nice day but we're just gonna sit right sit there spinny in one hand lemon
spinny in one melanoma on the other melanoma in my other hand yeah like that that for me it's like i can't enjoy just sitting at the beach but you
know me i wear long sleeves i wear this big ass hat i get sunscreen all into my eyes so i can
barely see but then it's just like you're just sitting in heat like that's not enjoyable to me
let's go to a park go to the shade or like if we're going to like a lake or something let's be
on the water doing something
let's go tubing let's go swimming like let's but to sit i know i hear you just either covered it
just like because i'm the same way i have to be fully covered like just sitting there sweating
to me is miserable oh my god there was a guy there was a guy when i was at the beach
i can't remember which time it was but one of the last
couple times I was there who had my
complexion right so ginger
pale as hell
he was and it was
like 90 something degrees
middle of the day
and he was wearing just
a speedo no like
that and he was going bald just like my
ass no hat and i watched him kind of
haphazardly kind of like gesture with a spray can of sunscreen the spray can which unless if you
didn't know does nothing and he's just sort of like loosely sprayed it sort of towards his back
and he unless you do it the way i do it which is you spray it on for so long that you see it dripping off and at that point why use the spray um and he got so he was so red by the time
we left he i was like you're gonna wake up tomorrow morning like and you're gonna your
whole body will be just the skin will be sort of slopping off like you're gonna look like the ghoul from fallout tv show it's no it made me really scared
that made me really scared i bet you're wondering why would you say that when you're because there's
a spider web out there i bet you're wondering no um it's like riley why would you say all that
when your job is now you work on a show where you are on a hot beach what some people would say as like that's
the perk of the job that like the thing that is like this is what makes the job cool and different
and fun is that i'm on a beach all day yeah that's actually the reason you don't want that's the
that's your negative it's actually like the hardest part of it yeah um it's so beautiful
and i i am just covered head to toe in UPF clothing and I am sweating out my water weight every day.
But what's new with me is that Jeffrey James for my birthday got me a shirt.
But Jeff texted me because I saw him.
We did like a little birthday hang.
And before I met up with him, he texted me.
He goes, I got you a gift.
You're going gonna hate it and knowing jeff has a
fondness for getting people really bad shirts um i think last time he got me a shirt was like
something about it's in my closet somewhere of like my boyfriend's a crazy hairdresser or
something like that is something very verbose and but this shirt um it's a plain white t-shirt with like a little
stitching on like the left boob area like a chest oh but it's it's a stitch of of what i think is a
gin and tonic with a little lemon slice on the top and underneath it's a gin queen And it's, it's heinous.
It's atrocious.
It's a bad shirt.
It's bad quality.
It's itchy.
Is it really?
Cause I kind of looked at it and I thought,
that looks like maybe it's kind of comfortable.
You'd think so,
but no,
it's like the most uncomfortable fabric you've ever put on in your life.
Gin queen.
And Jeff said that he saw it and he goes,
this has to be Riley's.
And like,
it's just,
it really makes me like,
take a step back,
look at what I've done.
Situations I've put myself in,
energy that I have put out into the world that Jeff would see the shirt and
I know.
Like without a second thought, be like, well, dad, Riley has to have that.
Well, it's a little bit like, it's like when you're you know a kid and you like express to like your family one time that you
like owls and for the next decade your aunt is buying you like owl shit i'm still i mean like
i love dogs i was talking about this with daniel this morning that it's like i famously love dogs
a lot but now i get so many dog themed gifts yeah that it's like but what does
it say about you that your friends are buying you alcohol things yeah no specifically gin um
i mean i don't know uh that flag is redder than that man's back at the beach. But we're not here to talk about red flags.
We're not here to talk about gin.
Here maybe to talk about dog gifts.
We are here.
I'm listening.
We're here to talk about something that's like animal centered.
And maybe something,
something itty bitty.
Itty bitty.
Pretty iconic.
The most itty bitty,
the littlest.
The littlest pet shop i have i pitched this idea this morning i have been wanting to cover this topic for years wow i
can may i start please let me tell you about litt Pet Shop. For those of you who don't know,
Littlest Pet Shop is a toy.
It's a, I mean, it's- Lifestyle.
It's a lifestyle.
It is basically, you collect little mini figurines
of like really cutesy animals.
And they're all kind of like baby versions of the animal.
And they have big eyes.
And they have like big heads, tiny bodies.
But they're very small.
They're like little, they're like tiny. You could fit them in the palm of your hand they're
very small and the private is the littlest pet shop and so it's like the original generation
of the game game it's not a game it's a toy and it's like you have you can get it's kind of like
oh my god the same way that like you have barbie's and you can like barbie's dream house barbie
whatever whatever you can get like the actual pet shop for the Littlest Pets.
You can get all the add-ons.
You can get themed ones.
They come in little packs.
It's like you can get the jungle pack and there's like a lion and a tiger and whatever.
You can get the bunny pack.
And so each, it's kind of like Pokemon in the way that it's like they don't have stats or whatever.
But it's like you collect all of them and you collect all of these different little animals.
I loved these fuckers.
I loved Littlest Pet Shop.
Even like, I remember the smell of them.
Even looking through reviews, it got me so excited.
I'm like, look at these new ones.
Like I was so all in on Littlest Pet Shop.
More than like, I had Barbies and stuff growing up.
I had dolls, but I was always much more interested in stuffed animals and like animal
Like that was more fun for me than like dolls.
And then a toy that was a grown woman.
I mean,
when you say it like that,
it makes a lot of sense.
And so even like baby dolls,
like I always gravitated more towards no maternal instinct.
And, um, and I, I love them. I i mean it's like littlest pet shop i i had the actual like pet shop um like play set
and i had maybe i had that and then i remember having like you know the base pack that came with
that like the cup i had like the fish i had a couple cats i had like a couple dogs and then
i also had the add-on pack that was like the snow pack couple cats I had like a couple dogs and then I also had
the add-on pack that was like the snow pack and so you had like a couple huskies and a couple like
cats and like um uh like snow gear and would you like play with them or yeah yeah okay oh I would
play with them no I would play with them and here's I was telling Daniel this morning so on
TikTok people I've seen videos of like people like adults now like revisiting their little sweatshop toys and like remembering
the ones and i was talking with elizabeth valente it's like because she had them too
there are ones that it's like you know the husky is the hot boy you know that the poodle is the
popular girl you know that like the golden retriever is kind of like the cool surfer dude like oh no it
was like it's really amazing how even on tiktok it's like well the husky everyone made the husky
the hot boy like it's fascinating um and so you play with them but i remember there was a girl who
i was in elementary school with um and remember the story i told you made her the pig remember the story i told for the face
painting episode where i did the mask uh i'm smoking face paint at a friend's birthday party
so this is that girl's house she had i remember like she this is the same girl who i did the i'm
smoking face paint at her house for her birthday. She had
tubs, like plastic tubs of Littlest Pet Shop toys. Like she had all of them. I was rolling up with
like 10 of them and the Littlest Pet Shop, like actual like storefront thinking, oh, I'm bringing
in the loot. Like we're having a play date. I am bringing the goods. And she's like, oh, let me get
out my Littlest Pet Shop. She brings out like a full tub from the garage of them and i was like oh and so of course i'm
going home being like mother i need more and my mom bless her she was like you have enough
you're fine i'm like but but i don't have but she's like you don't need that many if you want
to go play with those you can play with them at your friend's house. I'm like, ah!
But good on her.
That was the right move.
Fucking loved it.
I could go on and on about it.
It's the best thing ever.
I love them.
I think the thing I do, because I never had any.
But you clicked it.
You clicked it.
But you clicked it.
Well, because you hearted the message when we texted.
You picked it so quickly.
Yeah, but it was just the other options.
You deliberately sent four kind of medium options.
No, no.
What do you think, have any memories of, any thoughts on Littlest Pet Shop?
The only memory I have of Littlest Pet Shop really is of the commercial.
The Littlest Pet Shop.
That lives rent free in my fucking head.
That is one of those commercial jingles that like it's that and then i remember brats when it would go brats big babies and i was like what the fuck
is that so it's it's brats it's litt is pet shop and then also uh baby bottle pop baby bottle pop
you never had a desire to play with little is pet shop no again i think you know i think the
kind of lenny for mice and men kind of what's the word i'm looking for? But you weren't Lenny vibes when you were a child.
Well, I was a big boy.
I was a big kid.
And I think...
No, I don't know.
I think, honestly, now knowing that there was...
You weren't Lenny vibes when you were a child
is one of the strangest things I've ever said to you.
You weren't Lenny vibes when you were a child.
Also implying that you are Lenny now.
Also implying that you knew me as a child.
That you fully did.
Like, what is that based on when you say, oh oh you weren't lenny vibes when you were a kid no when you you weren't lenny vibes as a kid when you and i would talk to each other in the astral
plane like uh but uh no i uh knowing now what you've just said about there being um a like pokemon-esque element of like gotta collect all of them well
and like i didn't i when i was reading reviews i saw things like people being like got this pack
and i had two rares in it yeah and i was like like that idea like because when i was a kid and i was
obsessed with uh you've activated my trap card you know i was obsessed with, uh, you've activated my trap card. You know, I was obsessed with Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokemon.
And as much as I was like,
whatever about the game,
the card game and the,
it was about like,
the collection is the gambling addiction,
The hit of like,
you open up the card and you're like,
I just got an ultimate foil,
whatever the fuck,
you know,
Charizard or,
or whatever. And so, no no if you rolled up with some
rare littlest pet shops that was like such social capital and i can imagine capital like kids lying
and being like oh no i have like um you guys don't have the unicorn like i actually saw on amazon
i saw like people selling i once i'd never seen there was a swan i'm like
that's a rare one even it sounds like rare swan like sell up selling for so much and there's such
visceral ones like i remember getting the panda and being very excited um there were certain
different kinds of of course i wanted all the dog ones but it's like even getting like the dolphin
or getting um any of the themed ones were really fun to me i mean my god it was just such a
blast you had your um black cat with green eyes you had like the snowy cats you said you had the
panda you had different monkeys you had a little what was your favorite one what was your favorite
like if i went to your house and i said any of the dogs i think we're going to the fallout shelter
you could only bring one of your littlest pets i think there
was a themed of the snow one and it was like a girl like kind of cocker spaniel with like ear
muffs and it was like themed like a little snowy one that i really really liked that one she sounds
like she's really cool she is really cool um did you name god were you like this is snowy
probably probably something like that lost a time or like i think
honestly i would be floored if like the hot husky wasn't named like jake or something like that
yeah you know what i mean that's bleak yeah um yeah god it was so and you still think huskies
are hot no when you see them out and about i have
a friend who has a pet husky and her husky is actually very cute she's a husky mix but i just
they're so loud they just scream yeah i know they're very vocal i mean i also am like in la
it's like that is a constant that's a constant struggle to get that dog not to die a heat stroke like that is
like if you live in alaska sure have a husky yeah have a malmute um that's tough but i think we
should just get into it because i'm really really excited so let's take a quick break oh wait wait
wait wait hit me that you should set an intention because i set the intention for the last couple okay i think um littlest pet shop it's
cute it's tiny um i made the littlest pet shop in me i thought it was yes and you and you
i don't know it's one of them oh i think That is beautiful.
Hey, that was great, Riley.
Could we get it again?
No, that's so good.
Can we just get it one more time? No consonants.
A little bit more enunciation,
a little bit more at the front of the mouth.
Do you think?
We started so strong.
I think this is going to be the most diva,
the diva-est.
Honestly, that tracks for Lilith's Pet Shop.
I'm so here for it. It's's gonna be the most diva diva est
episode yet we'll be right back with some diva reviews and diva scenes they're gonna be boots
with my diva And we're back.
And we're back.
Alf, do you want to start us off or should I?
You should because you are bringing the hype.
Because you are bringing the diva cup.
Wait, who's bringing the diva cup tonight?
Wait, sorry.
You're bringing charcuterie. You're bringing the wine. Wait, who's bringing the diva cup tonight wait sorry you're bringing charcuterie you're bringing
the wine wait who's bringing the diva cup i've got um okay go for it this is for littlest pet shop
uh this is the beach set it's a new beach friends kit um so you're gonna have a fish you're gonna
have a dog kind of like a jack russell you're to have a baby seagull, a baby pelican, and a dolphin.
And then it also comes with little miniatures of like a little mini watermelon, some binoculars,
a beach tote, um, a little sailboat, um, little kind of beach day thing.
Sounds gorgeous.
It's so cute.
I'm going to show you a photo.
Like they're so, I remember the smell so vivid.
I'm just like, I, it's really taking me back god i love these fuckers their eyes are so beady and they all
look up they all look up and off to the side okay here we go four stars from simon no last name
simon what is that it's it's review review lore. Jeff and I, there was a scene we did years ago
where we both at the same time made the same joke
of a girl coming into the room to tell her.
It was so stupid.
We both at the same time went, Simon.
Simon, come back to bed.
Come back to bed.
I think his name is Simon Cowell, of course.
Simon Cowell, four stars.
The title is Love Them, but the pelican is kind of ugly.
I love Littlest Pet Shop.
Great to get so many in a set,
but I wish they would use better animals.
The dog, seagull, and fish were cute,
but the dolphin was just okay,
and the pelican's kind of ugly.
I'd love to see more sets of just dogs and cats.
I love this one, though.
Great job, Littlest Pet Shop.
What the fuck? These are are great the dolphin was okay the pelican was kind of ugly it's also like what is your take
being i wish there was less variety i wish it was fair just dogs and cats you did want more of the dogs like i get it
you're you're on their side do you think i'm not on their side because i thought the pelican is
kind of weird looking but it's not like oh what an ugly littlest pet yeah i mean it's also like
the silhouette of the littlest pet like the most basic level of what we're working with like
it's much better suited to mammals than it is to like
I mean you see it and it's like
a pelican too
is like pelicans are
I love animals famously
pelicans are scary
yeah well you know a fun fact about the pelican
his beak
can hold more than his bellican
they use
the actually that pouch as like
an airbag did you know that
did you know that no um
but it makes me think of like in
the water they like concuss the fish
is that true yes with the
with the crazy with the big bag
it makes me think of like,
like going so hard on like this pelican's ugly.
Fucking ugly ass pelican.
It really just brought me back to like your,
you know, you have the ones that are hot.
You have the ones that are the popular ones.
And then some brings over, it's like,
well, I got some new littlest pets.
And then it's like, imagine playing with like an ugly littlest. Sam, I'm so glad that our parents agreed that we could finally have our first sleepover.
I feel like 10 years old may just be the perfect age to do it for the first time.
To be away from my mom and feel like I can be over here and just be, you know, I'm a man about town and I'm ready to hang out and no curfew for me.
You and I are going to have an all nighter.
Totally Kyle. And well, I just want to say to set the record straight.
Yes, this is our first sleepover, but it is not my first sleepover.
Of course I was invited to Randy's party in April.
And so I am actually somewhat of a sleepover veteran at this point.
So just want to get expectations set.
Well, I would also like to clarify, if it please the court, I would like to clarify that I was also invited to Randy's.
But I did not want to be away from Mommy for too long.
So I did go.
If you remember correctly, I went over for the daytime portion of the party, but I did not spend the night.
Of course you have jogged my memory.
I would never want to imply that you weren't invited to Randy's house.
Of course it was.
Honestly, you didn't miss out on much i believe um if memory serves
after you left we ate more pizza and went to bed and i woke up in the morning with toothpaste all
over my head oh i have i have heard that so from stories on on the internet of people falling asleep first at sleepovers.
That is a rookie mistake.
So it will not be me this evening.
Well, it won't be me either.
So perhaps we will be up rather late.
That is perfect.
I have brought over many games and many toys that we can play the night away.
Well, um...
Would you like to see?
Sure. Yeah.
Okay. Some people may think that this game
is for girls because it's, you know,
a lot of pinks and purples and they're kind of cute,
but I think it is for any gender
and any age because animals are
timeless and for everyone.
So what I would like to bring to the table
is the Littlest Pet Shop.
And as you can see, I have the jet plane expansion pack.
So they actually are going to be all,
I have them, they can be,
one of them's a flight attendant, one is a pilot.
And I'm going to stop you right there, Kyle.
Just want to get out ahead of something and say,
when we gender toys,
all we're doing is reinforcing the patriarchy.
Okay. And you and I, we love our mommies and our mothers are women and we are going to love them
no matter what. So I think dismantle the patriarchy, bring your purple toy in.
And you know what? I'd just like to add another thing, Sam, is that even if we didn't have moms,
just it's like, I feel like I hear a lot of men be like, hey, oh, I am a son of a mother. I am a brother of a sister. I am a father
of a daughter. Even if we didn't have any women in our family, that's not an excuse to not support
women and also keep dismantling the patriarchy. One thousand percent, my good man. I could not agree more. Kyle, you are so incredibly intelligent and you are always
keeping me educated about social justice and about the world. And I want to say I
really value you as a friend and a teacher. Now, back to the matter at hand As you can see, the baby pig is flying the plane
Whereas the baby eagle is the steward on board
Now, in first class, obviously we have this poodle because she looks very fancy
Well, I just want to commend, first off, your use of the word steward
Many people would be tempted to say stewardess. But steward,
while being more gender neutral, I might encourage us to use flight attendant as it is more of the
modern term. Absolutely. Thank you for being such a good teacher to me as well. This is why I so
appreciate our friendship. And I feel like none of the other kids in our class really understand the social nuance and importance that language has like you
do. Now, you were speaking about a fancy poodle, I believe. Yes, this fancy poodle, I have named
her Missy. But again, as we play, we can change names however we see fit, but clearly Missy is a very pretty pink poodle,
and she looks very fancy,
so she will be sitting in first class,
as pink poodles are wont to do.
Now, in Economy Plus, we have a German shepherd named Toby.
Just to interrupt for a second, just to get out ahead of it, Kyle,
wouldn't Missy being that poodle's name
have anything to do with Missy DuPont in our class?
Well, I, you know, I never thought of it as a one-to-one correlation, my good man.
But if one were to draw the conclusion that it was a la Missy DuPont,
then maybe it wouldn't be entirely out of the question that I had Missy DuPont, then maybe it wouldn't be entirely out of the question that
I had Missy DuPont in mind when I did name Missy the poodle. No judgment. I was simply wondering.
Now, you were moving on to Economy Plus. Toby in Economy Plus? Yes. Toby is a German shepherd. He's
a little bit of a bad boy as you can tell because he's a
german shepherd and so he i think at least in my canon of littlest pet shop he is uh coast so missy
is a movie star and toby is in the movie with her but he does not have star billing in the way that
missy does and he is in love with her he is not exactly equal, but close enough that he's not in the back of the plane.
Okay, now I do have to ask, is this perhaps anything to do with,
well, Toby Wilson from our class at school? Well, again, you are more astute than I
give you credit for sometimes, my good friend. Yes, this would be a direct
relation to Toby from our class. Yes. I know that he and Missy have what we like to call a thing.
And I do believe that he is a kind hearted man. I don't necessarily believe he is good enough
for Missy. But as you can see, in the back of the plane, by the bathrooms, there's a turtle.
And the turtle isn't much to look at, but he's smart and he's gentle.
And his name is Kyle, if you can believe it.
He works on the movie.
He's a line producer on the film that he's starring in. I thought you might say PA, so line producer on the film that okay he's starring in that's not she doesn't i thought you might say
pa so line producer no no no he's a line producer he he takes care of the budget and he that's the
thing he's got a good head on his shoulders but he doesn't have the star power that toby does well
and there's always work you know what i mean for line you know versus you know exactly toby you
know he he might be a one-hit wonder this movie comes out we never hear from him again you know versus you know exactly toby you know he he might be a one-hit wonder this
movie comes out we never hear from him again you know you get it this is why you are dare i say
my closest confidant dare i say my numero uno your best friend even my bestie for the restie?
Of your life?
Of my life.
Is there any chance I've noticed here on the plane we have, well, Missy and Toby and then,
of course, Kyle, the gentle turtle.
I haven't seen any pets named Sam.
Oh, well,
funny you should have mentioned that, because I did
just get a new expansion pack
just the other day, my good man.
Let me just get it out
of my bag.
Ah, here we
go. The rare
littlest pet, a baby
salmon. Now, this baby salmon. Now this
baby salmon is slippery and
sly, full of healthy fatty
omegas, and this salmon
is actually going to be
on the plane, wouldn't you know it,
its name is Kyle, and it's
going to be sitting right next to Sam.
Wait, wait, but no, the
turtle's name is Kyle.
Oh, sorry, I meant the salmon's name is Sam.
The salmon's name is Sam.
I thought you were naming them both Kyle for a minute.
I got confused.
And that's why I need you to keep me grounded.
Now, would you like to pick the job that Sam the salmon has on this film that they're all traveling for the press tour?
Oh, yeah.
And I just want to get ahead of something. I really appreciate you, you know, assigning the rare salmon, baby salmon, to be named Sam,
but it's not exactly the coolest, littlest pet.
I would disagree.
You see anyone else in our class who has the salmon littlest pet with its beautiful silver scales and
its cool
galaxy-like black eye?
and again, I
appreciate it's a cool littlest
pet in the sense of its rarity,
but, well, it's not
much to look at, is it?
I disagree. I think its rarity
exudes the fact that a friend like
Sam is
one in a million. And the
sparkling scales show Sam's
sparkling personality.
And that shouldn't...
That's not for nothing.
Oh, geez.
Well, I think
he's the script supervisor.
I couldn't agree more.
See, isn't this so much better?
What, you could be the hot husky, but the hot huskies come and go, and special salmons are forever.
Yeah, and, you know, some people get annoyed when you watch a movie, and all you do is point out continuity errors, but I think it's kind of fun.
I couldn't agree more and that's also why i feel like when we're done playing littlest pet shop we should watch the emperor's
new groove and i think that as we do i can talk about how much each sequence probably would have
cost and you could say if there were any script discrepancies. Fantastic. I did bring over my bound manuscript of the original screenplay of The Emperor's New Groove.
Sorry, I just, I just got caught up looking at Missy for a moment too long.
I know.
Would it be helpful to, to do some sort of roleplay with the…
To play? Little as pets?
Absolutely. I have been waiting for those words to come out of your mouth.
Okay, I guess I will be Missy.
I'll be the eagle flight attendant.
Very, very good.
Madam Missy, I presume, of the famous new blockbuster series, A Dog and Her Bone.
Oh, yes. Me, Missy the Star. I love to smoke a cigarette on the plane.
Would you like a Tom Collins, Madam Missy, or a Bloody Mary?
I'd like a Roy Rogers on the rocks. I don't drink, because it's not cool to drink, but it is cool to smoke.
Coming right up.
And my gentleman companion
will have raw
Oh, would that be
Mr. Toby in Economy Plus?
I notice that he's not sitting with you in first class.
He's in the doghouse, if you can
believe it.
Oh, well, I don't want to pry.
I'll get those drinks for you and the raw
beef right away. Thank you. Make the beef
extra raw.
I'm putting the eagle back in the
kind of... Okay, Missy's gonna walk
down to her seat
and she's gonna give the cold
shoulder to Toby. Okay, I'm
gonna be Toby and I'm picking Toby
up and he's kind of going through the little
separator. Okay, and Missy's gonna pretend that he's not that she's not i'm not missy's not
seeing that missy's gonna pretend that missy doesn't see that is he is so this is the kind
of plane where that like there's um there actually isn't like she's not sitting next to anyone it's
a long haul flight so they have like first class like really fancy like layout beds and so there
isn't a seat next to her so he's just kind of standing there and she's just like she's
just looking out the window pretending that he's not there are we gonna keep up this act all flight
oh i barely even noticed how are you tobias oh, Missy. Don't pull that crap with me.
Oh, crap is it now?
Yeah, it sure is.
Missy takes a long drag of her cigarette.
Missy, that stuff will kill you.
Won't kill you as fast as dating a downright rotten man.
Oh, come on, Missy.
You've been giving me the cold shoulder ever since we left Seoul. We're on our way to London and come on, I want to take you out on the town when we get
there. It's a hell of a flight and I don't intend to spend it listening to your yapping.
Okay, now I'm going to, he kind of like slams her seat a little bit. Hey, no one,
no one's going to disrespect me on a Boeing this way. Okay.
Missy is alarmed now, and she is going to look around.
Is anybody going to help?
Is anyone from the back of the plane going to save the day?
Okay, okay.
Now, I'm going to be Kyle the Turtle.
And I'm kind of slowly walking up.
I was going to use the bathroom,
but I wanted to use the one that was actually in the first class one,
and they told me, nope, you can't use this one.
That's not for you.
That's not for you.
So the eagle said, hey, actually, sir, that is not for you.
And the salmon in the back also was like,
no, that's not for us.
Oh, that's the voice you're going to use for Sam the Salmon?
Seems fitting.
Seems fitting.
Seems like what he would sound like.
Okay, cool, cool, cool.
Big loser.
Um, hey, no, you're not a loser.
You're the coolest fish in the sea.
And by the sea, I mean the river, because salmon don't live in saltwater.
Must be nice.
Must be nice to what? Not live in saltwater must be nice must be nice to what not live in saltwater you i'm saying you don't live in saltwater sometimes i feel like i live in saltwater so we're in the game excuse me uh
missy is this man here bothering you oh uh yes he is wait minute. I've seen you around. You worked on the set.
Lyle, right?
It's whatever you want it to be, Missy, but it is ultimately Kyle.
You've probably seen me in the production office on set.
Oh, Miles.
I handle the numbers.
Miles, this horrible man is bothering me.
Won't you please ask the flight attendant to escort him out of the plane?
Hey, no one's bothering her.
And who the heck do you think you are, pipsqueak?
Get out of here.
Oh, Toby, don't be like that.
He seems like a nice boy.
Yes, actually, Tobias,
I have seen the way you've treated
the beautiful Missy on set and on the press tour,
and I do not think it's right
on the plane is like whoa
I turn all the heads of the littlest
pets to look at them
some of them have heads to Sam
and it's more like all one piece he doesn't really have
a head you can turn but
he's still so cool it's like because
he's all one
he doesn't feel cool to me.
Oh, you're going to talk to me like that, you little nerd?
Why don't you go to the back of the plane with the other trash?
Oh, Toby, that's not very nice at all.
You know what?
It's not very nice, Toby.
And I think that you should back off.
Now the plane's like taking off
in the air and it's like, whoa, this is
getting kind of scary. They should be...
The eagle is like, maybe they should sit down.
Everybody, please take
your seats. Madam, your
drink and the raw beef
for the gentleman.
And then maybe
the salmon
sneaks up behind him and
it's like yeah he's like i'm gonna open the door and you push him out you push it oh i don't know
sam that's actually that sounds really intense just try it just try it maybe okay okay okay hey Okay. Hey, Sam. I'm going to open the door.
Who the hell is that freak?
I'm the script supervisor, goddammit.
It's a very important job.
Movies that don't have script supervisors are a mess. And you'd know that if you'd been in this industry longer to the day, you fucking baby.
Okay, I help him open the door to the plane.
The alarms are going off.
The eagle's freaking out.
And then the salmon, he realizes there's no way this is going to end well.
So he flops around.
He flops around.
He just tackles Toby out of the plane.
They both.
No, no, no, Sam.
You can't sacrifice yourself like that. Sam! I'll do it for you. Okay, so then I quickly close the plane they both they well no no no sam you can't sacrifice yourself like that sam
okay so then i quickly close the plane door and i do it because i'm really strong
and so i actually don't need the eagles help i just i and like they don't even have to do an
emergency landing i fully close it and then i i i don't even hide in my shell this time
no way i go and i and i sit kind of on the floor next to Missy's seat because there isn't
a seat for me that was crazy huh yeah that was really brave what your friend did yeah and I
helped him do it and Missy I I think you're just amazing.
You're talented.
You're beautiful.
You're the funniest girl in our class.
I mean, the funniest person on set.
And I love you.
Oh, that's sweet.
I don't feel that way.
Wait, what are you doing?
What are you doing?
Kyle, Sam. I think it's a good expectation set for feel that way. Wait, what are you doing? What are you doing? Kyle, Sam.
I think it's a good expectation set for you that maybe...
I kind of treat this more as a manifestation project.
Okay, I don't know if that's healthy, but I...
Sure, I can go along with it.
Missy, I love you.
Oh, Kyle.
Kyle, it wasn't...
See, now it just feels fake.
Well, it was going to be fake no matter what, because we're playing the game. Oh, Kyle. Kyle, it wasn't. See, now it just feels fake. Well, it was going to be fake no matter what, because we're playing the game.
I forgot.
What do you mean?
This is stupid.
Maybe I don't want to play anymore.
Me either, really.
After my guy died, it kind of got sad for me.
No, but that's the thing
Your guy didn't die
Because we had taken off
But we actually were then suddenly over the ocean
So you survived and he died
Oh no
The ocean's got salt water in it
Oh no
I died after all
Sam I'm so sorry
It's okay.
Can we watch Ghostbusters and I point out all the
problems again?
Only if I can point out how
expensive all of the special effects
Sounds like a deal.
Let's take a break.
We were on a break.
And we're back.
Go for it, fucker.
Oh, don't like it when you swear, but I suppose we don't have a choice.
Littlest Pet Shop Party Pack.
Spectacular collector pack toy includes 15 pets.
15 pets.
15. 15. That's a lot.
15 pets.
And this is from
Ann W.
W W Ann W. Ann. What?
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Jesus Christ.
This is from Ann.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
One star.
Arrived literally melted.
I ordered two packs of these for my kids and while i understand that
it's hot outside it baffles me that these are so cheaply made that they melted into the plastic
packaging they were held in i was able to salvage a few by cutting the plastic off
but most of them had to be tossed out because of how badly melted they were oh my
god bummer uh oh i yeah i i i didn't um i couldn't figure out how to do the um tommy's um uh the
basketball because it was a circle i couldn't figure out how to wrap that.
That's fine.
We could put that in a bag with all the square stuff I got.
Are they really awake?
I can hear them coming down the stairs.
I said very clearly 7 a.m.
We were going to do presents at 7 a.m.
You're seven years old.
You think they're going to listen to that?
It doesn't matter.
Come on.
He's 5'15".
It's Christmas. I just wanted to make sure that
everything was set that santa made sure that everything was perfectly wrapped and ready for
them this morning yes santa did dude sorry i'm sorry that was really santa thank you
i love you too miss don't take it out on me. No, I know.
We don't need to redo this right now.
Yeah, I hope it's a good year.
What is that supposed to mean?
Mommy, Daddy, it's Christmas!
How are my little elves doing?
Little elves.
We were so excited for the presents!
Yeah, remember what Daddy said about waiting till 7 a.m.? But we couldn't sleep, Papa.
We were so excited.
So excited.
I'm excited too, kiddo.
Of course, of course.
And you should be excited because it's Christmas.
And I think if you guys godo. Of course, of course. And you should be excited because it's Christmas. And I think, oh, if you
guys go into the living room, look at
oh, I think Santa might have brought you
guys some presents. Yay!
That means we were so good!
Did you hear anything in the
night, guys? Do you think Santa
came in through the chimney?
We do!
We do! We think he came down from the chimney
and we followed him on the Santa trucker
Very nice, good job
Hey, kids, why don't you go into the living room
Don't open anything yet
But your dad and I are just gonna go
We're gonna bring out some orange juice and some hot chocolate
How does that sound? Yay!
What, what, what, I'm awake
You need to wake up
We only have so many more christmas
mornings with them where they really believe in santa and they really get excited you know it's
like i can't wait i can't wait we are going to miss this so be present for them the minute they
turn they become teenagers and they don't want anything to do with me it's gonna be the best
day of my fucking life i swear you are going regret saying you are going to regret that you are going to miss that is so what is wrong with you you've
never said anything like this before i just i got laid off yesterday oh on christmas eve they laid
you off yeah right oh i tried to sorry yeah i tried to ask you know hey can you at least
give me till the new year and and no they wouldn't even do that wouldn't even do that so it was
always half of the department i mean fuck them helen mikey bar from a christmas movie laying
off half the department on Christmas Eve fuck that
fuck that
you're gonna find
a better job
and you're gonna find
a job that treats you
the way you deserve
to be treated
I hope so
who values you
yeah we'll see
anyway so
let's have a great day
let's be present
for our kids
I'm just wishing
we hadn't spent
all this
you know
we kinda went big
on the presents
this year
and I
if I'd known I was gonna get laid off I wouldn't have spent all this fucking money.
Hey, you didn't know.
You couldn't have known.
You're right.
You're right.
So we'll budget accordingly.
Just enjoy the day.
And we'll let them enjoy the day.
Just enjoy the day.
Just enjoy the day.
Enjoy the day.
Enjoy the day.
Can we open presents now?
One second, guys.
One second.
Yeah. You. Yeah.
You go down.
I just need a minute to kind of collect myself.
All right.
I'll see you in there.
All right.
Yeah, honey.
Can we open our presents now?
Hey, Ethan, we're gonna go ahead and get started, okay?
Sounds good, I'll be right down
Okay, yes, honey, you guys can go ahead
Open one each, okay?
Just one each for right now while we wait for Dad
Oh, okay
Which one should I open?
I wanna open this one
That has the red ribbon on it Which one should I open? I want to open this one that has the red ribbon on it.
Which one should I open?
You can open whatever one you want, honey.
Tell me which one.
No, honey, I want you to pick.
I know we've been dealing with, you know, the paradox of choice.
I know, but you do have to make...
It's okay.
You can make the choice.
Great choice.
Okay, Sarah, why don't you go-
Is Dad going to come down and watch?
He'll be there.
I don't care if he watches.
I'm going to open it right now.
Oh, a tiara.
Oh, my God, Sarah.
A little tiara for our little princess.
Look at that.
I declare that every day is Sarah Day.
Oh, that's great. Okay, now
Henry, why don't you open yours? What's the
point? Henry. It's Sarah Day
anyway. It's not even Christmas anymore.
It's Christmas. No, Henry, just
open your present. Is Dad coming down?
Ethan, they're waiting
for you. I'm coming. I said I'm
waiting for you. I said I'm coming.
Your son wants you to watch
open presents. Okay, here I am. Here I am.
The great magician appears.
Ho, ho, ho.
Okay, Henry, you open your present.
Look, look, Sarah loves her tiara.
What do you say? Thank you, Santa.
Oh, you're welcome, Sarah.
Why don't you go ahead,
Sorry. Sorry.
Hey, I'm sorry.
Henry, did you know that when I was pregnant with you,
we were going back and forth between two names.
It was Tim and Henry.
And I love Henry. Your father loved
the name Tim. Well, I did.
But Henry is great
too. And I think you're my little
Hank and I love you for that.
Henry, why don't you go ahead and open
your present? Would you rather
I was Tim?
Would you like me more if I was named
Tim? What? No.
Why would you think?
No, of course.
We love you, right?
Right, honey?
We love Henry.
We love Hank.
Well, Henry's always been the name.
That's always been my favorite name.
Well, yes.
I love you, Henry.
Henry, you are our perfect boy.
We wouldn't change anything about you.
No, darling.
Just open your present, sweetheart. Get out of your head and into that darling. Okay. Just open your presents, sweetheart.
Get out of your head and into that box!
How purple wrapping paper it is.
The classic Christmas color, right, Ethan?
Okay, everyone's a critic!
The Walgreens was sold out when I went last night.
Somebody said that they were going to take care of the wrapping paper.
Santa must have ran out of patience with his wife, who said she was going to get around to it.
Well, Santa knows that his wife is not the enemy.
Well, I don't even remember which one that is.
What is even in that box?
You wrapped it. Ethan, what's, I i mean henry what's in there honey i don't really recognize it can you take it out and show us we all want to see what santa got you um okay
it's just a glob plastic six eyes you can see the eyes are still have not
melted but the plastic is just it's
just a blob oh with eyes
oh wow buddy my god
just um I think
it I think it used
to be a pet shop family
but now it's a
big one big pet shop
monster no and you
know what it is you know what it is.
You know what it is.
What is it?
What is it?
Santa gave you a really special gift.
He gave you the rarest, littlest pet shop creature.
Yes, yes.
Yes, he did.
The rarest one.
The rarest one.
What's it called?
Oh, you haven't seen?
None of your friends have this one?
I don't think so.
It's pretty.
It feels wet.
Oh, my God.
Oil coming out of it.
Maybe don't touch.
Maybe put it down on the table.
Maybe it's one that should just be looked at.
Maybe on the table.
I'm going to put some paper towels
and then you put it on that
oh Henry your friends are gonna be
so jealous
that Santa got this for you
I still don't know what it is
it is
oh Ethan
you've heard of this one before right
oh of course I have you don't know this one
oh I think this one they only right? Oh, of course I have. You don't know this one? Oh, I think this one, they only
play the commercials
on adult TV.
So that parents can get it
or Santa can get it for
very smart kids.
It's only for smart kids.
Why didn't I get one? Sarah,
it's your time will come.
You're too young.
You're too young, honey.
This is a very big kid toy.
Of course.
We all know this is the littlest pet shop.
The littlest pet shop.
And it's the kind.
And we can say it at the same time because we both have heard of it.
We love it.
We're always seeing the commercials. It's called kind, it's the, and we can say it at the same time because we both have heard of it. We love it. We're always seeing the commercials.
It's called the.
It's the key.
The key.
It's the one creature that unlocks the genetic history.
Secrets of the universe.
Of every other pet shop.
Your mom and I thought that for a special bright young man like yourself,
that Santa would want to give you the key.
The key, the part of the DNA that makes up the missing link.
The missing link.
It's the missing link.
That's what it is.
That's why they call it the key. It is the missing link it's the missing link that's what it is that's why they call it the key it is the missing otherwise known as the missing the missing the missing link between what
oh but everything between this that and everything strand of dna and the other and the things that
remember mommy told you about evolution remember Remember mommy told you about evolution?
Remember when mommy told you about evolution?
All of the creatures at the Littlest Pet Shop.
So you actually, Henry, this is the most special one.
Okay, thanks.
But again, because it's so special,
and you know what, when you get a little bit older,
so this is why you have a smart kid, big kid toy,
is that the older you get,
sometimes big kids,
adults even get toys that the whole point is actually to never touch it.
Just to look at it and be glad that you have it.
That's like, isn't that the most fun?
So that's what this one is.
you know,
I think the oil,
the hot oil you feel coming out of it.
That's like,
this is a look at toy.
This is a look at,
we're going to put it in a glass case. And this is one that you can, you, it's a lot of it. That's like, this is a look at toy. Oh. This is a look at, we're going to put it in a glass case.
And this is one that you can, it's a look at toy.
Like how the cake in the freezer is a look at cake?
That's for mommy and daddy's wedding.
And we keep it in there.
And well, you're supposed to eat it on the anniversary,
but then sometimes mommy gets sick and they don't eat it.
And it just says he's in there.
And now it's 11 years later and the cake still in there.
and maybe you never read it.
Maybe you never touch it.
Maybe you never touched the toy.
You just keep it in the freezer in the case.
Like we keep the cake in the freezer.
you know,
it's just sometimes it's like it's just
nice to know that you have it's nice to know that you can look at the cake and have it whenever
it's nice to know that you can look at the toy know that you have the missing link the key
absolutely it's nice to look at the cake and think wow this is this is it Because who actually wants to eat 11-year-old frozen cake?
No, of course, because what's ritual?
What is even tradition anymore?
You know, what is kind of, I mean, any of it.
It's all bullshit, right?
Sorry, it's all language, Dad.
Yes, it's all um it's just uh and you know it's it's also serves as a reminder of like
what is steadfast and what will stand the test of time like a marriage in the face of adversity
in the face of hard times and that you don't take out your anger on a toy that you just look at
no you don't take out your because you don't touch it no you keep it sacred and special and sometimes the pain of getting laid off on your partner and sometimes
what happens is the cake actually um the power goes out because somebody forgot to pay the
electricity bill and the freezer thaws and the cake refreezes so it's still okay it's still in
there it's frozen but it looks a little different now.
It looks a little sadder. It looks a little
deflated, kind of like you wouldn't
want to eat it after all.
How about there?
The cousins are coming over for Christmas dinner
in a little bit, so why don't you guys get ready
for dinner. Can I have a toy to play with?
For dinner. A toy I can get ready. Can I have a toy to play with? For dinner.
A toy I can play with?
It's 6 a.m.
I don't think we should start getting ready for dinner.
Listen to your mother, Sarah, please.
Go get dressed for dinner.
Listen to your mother.
But I don't have any toys that I can actually play with.
You have the key.
You could look at it.
You have the key.
You could look at it.
Well, I kind of want what I can play with, though.
Well, isn't your imagination the most fun toy of all?
You're sure I can't even touch it?
A hundred percent you cannot touch this toy.
I would not.
In this room, he touches it.
And it's like, it's like, you know, and it's like the meme of
the universe expanding.
And then
he understands
the secrets.
All the biological secrets
of the universe.
I see.
The key.
Hey, Henry, can I look at
your key?
Sarah, I don't think you should.
Why? It's cool and purple.
Maybe when you're older.
But for right now, I think we should take it and bury it.
Why? You don't like it anymore?
I think there's stuff in there that man isn't meant to know.
Let it out, woman! I go and
touch it. No, Sarah. I explode.
I knew she wasn't
old enough.
Wah wah.
You know when you end a scene by having
a little kid explode with all the
secrets of the universe? You chose that.
You did that.
Do you want to do another one? It's just the knowledge was too much.
The key. Yeah, I can do one more.
The key!
The key. It's the key.
Also, I'd like to point out that it wasn't like
that she just became
Strands of DNA.
Thank you for clarifying that.
I think a lot of people were wondering.
She just sort of unraveled.
At a sort of cellular level.
Like cartoony cellular unraveling.
Totally makes it less horrifying.
This is for the farm friends pack.
So you're going to get a goat.
You're going to get like kind of a cat. you're going to get a goat, you're going to get like kind of a
cat, you're going to get a dog.
And there's an ant in there for some reason,
which I actually really hate.
I'm in there, you said?
An ant. But you said I was in there?
What? You said the goat was
in there. This is four stars
from VLA.
VLA? Mm-la valerie always loses poor valerie loses always vla oh well i'm dyslexic so he's always three stars the title is nostalgic but such bad quality control
the goat came with smudges and the paint is chipped around the muzzle and hair
the heads are extremely squishy there was hot glue residue on the dog's neck the goat also
had a weird oval mark indicating different textures the rooster also wobbles a bit when
standing i miss the quality of the old littlest pet shop i hope they take account of the criticism
and make a drastic change in quality. Oh my god.
They used to not be squishy. They used to be hard.
But now they're supposed to be squishy?
I guess it's a quality thing where
they're just like cheaper material. I don't
know. But the fact that there's hot glue
and like different, it's already
fucked up. Jesus.
So I hate to be the bearer of bad news to the
CEO of Littlest Pet Shop.
This is not the way I want
to start my Monday, sir, but
we are receiving a lot of complaints
of quality control, and so I just
wanted to bring that up to you ahead of the creative meeting that you had this afternoon.
Yeah, absolutely.
Thank you for bringing it to my attention.
It's something we're already pretty aware of.
There's been some manufacturing issues on the manufacturer's side, of course, over there.
And so we're working hard with them to get those resolved.
And there's just not much we can do about that right now.
I wonder if, sir, if I may, I know I'm just your assistant,
but I'd like to be a bit more involved in the creative process.
I wonder if while we may not necessarily have the budget
or the bandwidth to fix the quality issues,
we can put more of that energy into the creative side
and maybe distract people with more interesting expansion packs
or play sets that they could add to their Littlest Pet Shop games. put more of that energy into the creative side and maybe distract people with more interesting expansion packs or,
play sets that they could add to their littlest pet shop games.
you know,
I hear you.
I really appreciate your feedback.
you know,
I think,
like I say,
it's an issue we're aware of and we're working hard to address.
you know,
I appreciate your,
drive. Um, uh, well, dress um but um you know i appreciate your um drive um well before you kick me out funny you say drive because i actually had an idea for a race car expansion pack kind of an indie 500
expansion pack so you'd have um that would have to be licensed from indie so that okay well and
that could be a potential partner um but as of right now it's
kind of a race car expansion pack where you could have some of the pit crew and those could be like
badgers or or a deer and then the driver could be like a frog um it's just you know fun and cute and
um you know they're on the roads a lot maybe that's not the... That seems like a dark parallel.
Yeah, no, absolutely.
Maybe the deer should be like the girls with the flags at the end of the race.
You know?
That would make more sense, like, them being on the road.
Why would that make more sense?
Because they're actually standing on the road, right?
The girls with the flags.
You know, in a race, you've never been to a race.
I don't think that's a thing anymore.
Oh, it's been a few years
I used to go with my daddy
It was a good time
Look Ryan
You're a good kid
I really appreciated your
I really appreciated your
You know
Kind of energy this summer
Wait wait wait
Hold on I have more We could do boxing gym expansion pack you know, kind of energy this summer. You have a person. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, hold on.
I have more.
we could do,
we could do boxing gym expansion pack.
And so you could have a trainer and that could be like a kangaroo because,
you know,
like the punching and then maybe the,
the two boxers could be boxer dogs.
what if I let you,
what if I let you,
the girl in the ring with the numbers could be a,
a Pelican.
You know, you like the, the girls in the ring, like the girl in the ring with the numbers could be a pelican. You know, you like the girls in the ring like the girl with the flag.
I don't know.
I thought you'd like that idea.
No, it's not.
I think maybe a flamingo.
Oh, okay.
Rather than a pelican.
But anyway, I...
Well, more feminine.
Is it because they're pink?
Yeah, and they've got those nice, you know, long legs, you know.
Ryan, you know, I stepped away from the creative side, you know, a few years ago.
But, you know, have you ever met Barb?
She's the head of R&D creative.
Oh, my God.
I thought you were going to fire me.
No, I haven't met Barb.
I've heard of her.
I mean, God, I'm a fan of hers.
Yeah, will it get you the hell out of my office
if I say that you can go to the creative meeting
later with me and Barb?
Yes, yes, yes.
Because me and Barb are having a meeting
just to go over this next season of designs.
And I was, maybe you could i would
love to be there and take notes or absolutely would you mind doing that taking notes for us
yeah i would love to do any of that you know ryan i really appreciate your energy but barb you know
i don't know how well she would take to that you butting in so maybe just let's have that be between the two of us right now
cut to the meeting hi barb come on in oh well hello chester good to see you god what's it been
couple months i wish it were longer you and me both you old witch um this is uh my assistant ryan ma'am so nice to meet you oh um chipper yeah oh god you
must not have been working with jester for too long if you have this kind of happy-go-lucky
smile on your face no not too long at all ma'am but um i'm a huge fan of your work and everything
we do here we'll beat it out of him soon enough, Barb. You better.
I don't worry about that.
I will.
I just wanted to go over your designs.
I mean, the next season, is it a good crop?
What are we looking at?
Well, kids, listen.
This world is harder.
This world is colder.
It's a more, pardon the expression for Lillis Pet Shop,
but it's a dog eat dog world
absolutely and i don't want to cut you off but i'm gonna cut you off the um just want to flag
right now just something to be aware of in the back of your mind there are no short notice nothing
you can really do about it we've been having some issues with the manufacturer um we're thinking we
might i don't want to hear about that right now that is a that is a production i know totally
and that's my job but i want to say we might be asking you on creative to maybe limit color usage going forward.
I guess the manufacturer was saying.
You and I have always been on the same page.
Because the manufacturer, I guess they're saying that when we start out using four or more dyes, different color plastics.
Film noir package.
I'm going to cut right to the chase.
So it is going to be an old timey movie set.
Fendi mentioned no color.
There'll be no color at all.
It's going to be a black and white set.
A la the, you know, the movies.
Dick Tracy.
Of Dick Tracy, you know, our generation's films.
Yeah, absolutely. And the kind of backstory of this package
is that all of the actors have lead paint
as a lot of their makeup is filled with lead.
And so it's going to be a bit grittier
than the little spot show.
You're going to have a panda,
but knowing that the white of the panda's face
is actually lead filled,
white makeup.
I feel like that's a bit dark for kids.
Don't you guys think?
remember what we talked about with you taking notes?
You're so right.
And Chester, for you, I threw in, because it's going to be,
there's another pack that goes on with the film noir.
Obviously, there's the film set.
And so you have the beagle as the director.
You have the panda as the lead actor.
And you have the chimpanzee as the DP.
But then where do they go after work?
That's right.
They go to the speakeasy.
And so for you i
threw in a couple of cigarette girls okay walking around well i originally had thought um they were
going to be grasshoppers little baby grasshopper eyes i don't like that at all what would you Cigarette girl, cigarette girl, maybe...
How about cat?
I like that, I like that.
Maybe cheetah?
No, that's not horny enough.
Well, sir, I'm sorry to interject again with another note,
but I thought that, you know,
when I grew up playing Littlest Pet Shop,
it would be, you know,
dogs dressed in earmuffs going down ski slopes
and cats in sun hats laying out on the beach.
Yeah, gazelle.
That's what it needs to be.
Gazelle, you love the legs.
You're all about the legs.
What can I say? You are a leg man. Men of my generation., you love the legs. You're all about the legs. What can I say?
You are a leg man.
Men of my generation.
You're a leg man.
You either fall into two buckets.
You're either a leg man or you're a...
Nope, can't say that word anymore.
We cannot say that word anymore.
Anyway, Barbara, I really love this idea.
I moved away from creative side a few years ago, obviously.
And we miss you.
Well, doesn't feel like it with the way you come in.
Anyway, I really love this idea.
But I'm wondering if, and I hate to say this, Ryan might be right, and it might be a little dark for kids.
What if we rebranded it?
We kind of shift our perspective a little bit, and we said maybe no lead paint.
And maybe instead of film noir, we made it maybe like old hollywood
okay i see what you're going for so that feels like a happy medium to me right and then like
obviously the gazelles those can be you know the girls like on the set you know the busby
berkeley type dancers maybe um well i'm gonna be honest i blacked out on all the other animals you said
because those two was also i'm sorry to interrupt again uh no please your ideas have been um fine
uh actually in in the meeting uh mr chester had said that um he also really liked the idea of uh
a race car uh expansion pack but it had to have the girl with the flag at the end.
No, okay.
Well. Oh.
Well, that's interesting. Now, what if
in conjunction with old Hollywood,
it was kind of like old racing,
like when it used to be really dangerous,
you know, like Formula One, like
50s, 60s, like that car does
anything wrong, fucking
firebomb, know just okay and what
animals do we think uh are driving the cars oh i mean it's got to be something that likes to go
fast right i mean maybe that's the cheetah that's the cheetah more of a masculine cheetah um and
maybe honestly chimpanzee i feel like could be um yeah you you know, kind of old, old, crazy.
an old Hollywood,
They were always using monkeys and shit.
Um, like,
you know,
they didn't really have the animal rights stuff.
you know,
and so then who did you guys agree on who the girl with the flag?
I was,
I was thinking deer for that.
that's right.
I thought a little bit dark deer in the headlights. Bambi's mom. I think that got a little bit dark. Deer in the headlights.
Bambi's mom. I think it's a little tongue-in-cheek.
Like, I don't think, um...
I don't know if the kids will get it, but
maybe a joke for the parents, you know?
Sir, if I may,
you didn't really like the idea of having
kind of roadkill elements when
I pitched it.
Well, no, it wasn't that I didn't like it. I just felt like,
you know, deer, they're kind of a, you know.
What, sir?
Kind of a girl animal.
And you had them in the pit stop, which is kind of a boy job.
They're animals, sir.
You make me say it.
It sounds crazy.
I mean,
certainly the drivers can be any gender,
they're animals,
but your logic was that the girls couldn't do the pit stop job,
I mean,
I think the race car drivers should the pit stop job. Right. I mean, I think the race car driver
should probably
be boy animals.
Couldn't we have a Danica
Patrick animal, sir?
I like that idea.
Danica Patrick is
a woman race car driver. Oh, I know who she is.
I'm very familiar with her, Ouvra.
Y'all seen those commercials,
the go daddy commercial,
from the mid aughts.
Of course.
that was really,
let's just say I registered a couple domains.
all right,
I guess we meeting adjourned,
We kind of got the next season sorted out.
It's going to be a whole Hollywood meets old race car driver meets kind of, you know.
I do think we could get a Danica Patrick, maybe a collab.
No, what would she be if she was an animal?
What would she be as an animal?
I think she could be a very pretty skunk.
I like that.
Skunk is a girl animal.
And it's really flipping the Pepe Le Pew thing.
We make it a very successful woman race car driving skunk.
I love that.
I love that.
All right.
This was good.
Who wants a drink?
Maybe a little later.
It's 11 in the morning.
I feel like that may be a little uh back in my day the sets were old hollywood speakeasy
let's do our last segment let's do it fucker this shook me all week long
here's the thing i've been seeing a lot of articles a lot of clickbait about hot rodent
summer about the trend of people being like oh guys who look like kind of rat men are hot now
i'm interested for this now here's the thing
i have gotten so and like people suddenly posting and the amount of and y'all who have been tagging
me and sending me and things about like roddy the rat from flushed away being back in the zeitgeist
as being hot and people so many of y'all have been tagging me in that and i really appreciate
i really feel very seen and validated the flip side of that is that I feel so
frustrated and so
gatekeepy of the fact that everyone now
is like, oh, Roddy
St. James is hot now.
And people coming out of the woodwork. And I'm like, no, for those
of us who have been on the Roddy St. James from
Fleshed Away has always been hot.
And now suddenly people are into
it. And it's like now it's like the
popular in vogue thing.
But now I feel like I can't say that I think Roddy is hot because now it's like, oh, of course.
Well, everyone does because it's in Teen Vogue and it's in like, oh, it's hot rat summer, hot road man summer.
And it's like, no, I'm not hopping on that bandwagon.
I've been here.
I've been wanting to fuck that animated rat.
And so it's like it's just frustrating at this point
to see I don't know I just feel very gatekeep yeah but I feel very frustrated that it's like
everyone has been so blind but now they see totally truth totally and everyone acting as if
it's this new thing but it's like no uh those of us who watched flushed away as children and had a
sexual awakening from Hugh Jackman as a rat was like I don't know know. That's just, I have a big bone to pick about that.
It's been shaking me.
I know.
It's how I feel about Merrily We Roll Along on Broadway.
You know,
it's a musical everyone used to dunk on relentlessly.
And I've said for years,
it was my favorite musical,
favorite Sondheim,
certainly maybe even favorite musical.
And now that's actually wild.
And now it's winning Tony's. Yeah. The actors are winningony's and everyone's going it's incredible i'm so glad i
saw it well guess who didn't fucking see it me me the bitch who's been saying for years i love that
show pro shot though really yep that is wonderful news yeah that's gonna that's you just made my day a little bit better it's getting
approached it's getting the approach of the same production who uh company who did the hamilton and
come from away pro shots okay yap less goon more um is that what was shaking you i wish i wish what
was shaking me was that but i didn't know about it until you just said it i know i meant it was
what shaking you the the the hype for Marilyn.
I wish,
but maybe I should have done that.
I saw a film,
I saw a film and it opened up my eyes and I watched a movie.
That was really good.
It was,
I saw the TV glow.
What's the name of the movie?
is it good?
I really liked it.
I think, um, you you know i don't think
it's for everyone probably um but i really really really liked it i the trailer looks cool yeah
it's like you know it's sad it's quite a it's quite a melancholy uh affair um but i i really
really liked it i thought i mean i don't you know i don't want to
spoil anything give anything away about it but it's a really i think it's really well acted
i think it's really well written and there's some some very fun kind of if you're a person who grew up, um, you know, and was really into television was kind of obsessed in perhaps a less than
healthy way with a TV show.
Or if you,
you grew up,
you know,
in any way kind of isolated or outcast feeling.
I think it's,
I think it's a really good,
really good story and,
and really well told.
I'm glad I saw it although i
probably won't be watching it again soon that's probably what i would say on that but uh yeah
good movie just wish there were more hot girl animals in it you can find alph on instagram
and alfred in it you can find the show instagram uh review review reddit r slash review review
discord review review jeffrey james and i have a patreon slash riley and jeff for And you can find the show, Instagram, Review Review, Reddit, r slash Review Review, Discord Review Review.
Jeffrey James and I have a Patreon. slash Riley and Jeff for monthly Zardes.
That's a Zoom party.
And you can find Riley on
Just the web browser, not the phone app.
At Riley and Sva and on
Now known as for as long as it lasts at
Riley coyote and
as we say every single week on the show we're always saying it we're never
not saying it
the That is the missing link.
That is the missing link.
We'll see you next time for more DNA realness.
Okay, unravel that walk.
Boots. Bye.
That was a Hiddem Original.