Review Revue - Live, Laugh, Love Artwork (w/ Lauren Lapkus!)
Episode Date: November 10, 2020Comedian Lauren Lapkus (co-host of Newcomers) joins Reilly and Geoff to read reviews about Live, Laugh, Love artwork and to discuss extreme home makeovers, white elephant gifts, and triplet r...ivalries!Follow Lauren, Reilly, and Geoff:IG: @laurenlapkus, @reillyanspaugh, & @iamgeoffreyjamesTwitter: @laurenlapkus, @reilecoyote, & @dontplaynojamesAdvertise on Review Revue via Gumball.fmSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
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This is a HeadGum Original.
Get the Angel Reef Special at McDonald's now.
Let's break it down.
My favorite barbecue sauce, American cheese, crispy bacon, pickles, onions, and a sesame seed bun, of course.
And don't forget the fries and a drink.
Sound good?
And participating restaurants for a limited time.
I just want to know how you feel. And participating restaurants for a limited time.
I just want to rip.
Here we go.
Pop it, baby!
Let's go!
That's some nice Martinelli's cider you got there, dude.
All foam, right?
Of course. All foam.
Way too bubbly.
Holy shit.
Holy shit.
This might be the biggest day of the podcast ever.
For so many reasons.
For so many reasons.
Donald Trump defeated by Sleepy Joe.
Oh my God.
Oh my God.
Holy shit.
Jeff, you're wearing sunglasses indoors.
It's a big day.
I wear my sunglasses.
We won.
With us as never before is lauren j lapkus as a treat
lauren how are you feeling i am feeling very very good i feel very happy it's a great day oh my god
we're all happy how did you how did you find out where were you when you found out well i was in
bed i actually was awake really early at like 6.30
and I was looking at my phone
and there were no updates still.
And so I went back to sleep.
And then when I woke up,
everyone had been texting me and I missed it.
So I was kind of annoyed that I missed it,
but I was still very happy.
And I got up and just watched the news all morning.
But how about you?
Yeah, I was in bed.
Absolutely in bed.
And then I just all like out of nowhere got an insane influx of texts. Yeah, I was in bed. Absolutely in bed.
And then I just all like out of nowhere got an insane influx of texts, like all the same.
And just, yeah, and just immediately started crying.
So, Jeffrey.
Yeah, I woke up to a FaceTime call from mi madre.
And she, I was like, why is my mom calling me?
And then, but I was too tired to pick up the phone.
Checked the texts immediately after in the family group chat.
Donald Trump lost, right?
That is what I was excited about, yeah.
And Jeff, you feel good?
Well, you know, I feel a little gypped because obviously I was a Joe Jorgensen head.
But Joe's a close second.
Yeah, and so I got up.
I showered because I smelled like a fire because we had a little fire last night in the kitchen oil obviously um and then i got in my car and i uh
drove around the neighborhood honked my horn played uh fdt at full volume and felt a kinship
with passers-by oh we love to see it we love to see it and We love to see it. And so today in celebration, God, we have,
Lauren, thank you so much for coming on the show.
Yeah, thank you so much for being here,
especially on this day of all days.
No, I was thinking, you know,
it's a fun little thing to do right now,
and then I'll just go back to watching the news
for the next 24 hours.
So you're not really interrupting anything.
I'm just in a good mood.
So it's great.
And we love, and we love.
So my boyfriend, Daniel Rashid, famously, when he found out that you were coming on,
he's like, oh, he's like, can you tell her?
And you don't have to do this on the pod.
You can do it on the pod or not if you don't want to.
But can you let her know that, like, I was really excited.
I worked with her because he went to ETHS in Evanston.
Are you serious yeah
stop it
oh my god
so he just
is very excited
to have you
oh my god
he's gonna
lose his mind
and Lauren
I'll Venmo you
the hundred dollars
for saying that
thank you so much
it means a lot to him
you'll get an invoice
so yeah
that's so awesome little small world and now we're here
i will and he'll hear this and he'll he'll say hi and he won't realize that he's talking to a
pre-recorded thing but that's fine he has like he doesn't understand when things are recorded or not
no it's we're working through it but that's that's the thing that yeah yeah you know we all have our
quirks he's watching dvR'd CNN election night from Wednesday,
screaming at the TV, call it already.
He's like, everyone's jumping the gun.
What's this week been like for you?
Roller coaster, even keeled?
This week has been pretty good overall.
I feel like it's, I mean, it's definitely been like,
there's a lot of tension in the air
just waiting for this moment.
But I went back to work this week and I'm working on a show and so like that was my first step back into like that whole thing and so that's a little bit a little interesting
but also it feels pretty safe the way everything's going and so I had a busy week for the first time
in a while where I was actually outside of my house and that felt really good and I also looked
at my my phone I looked at my steps for the first time since the pandemic and I don't know why I did
that because it was the saddest I get like under a thousand a day and so I have to figure that out
but so that was kind of a low point but other than that I was just like thinking Biden was
gonna win and feeling really good about it and then he did so i feel happy yeah love yeah how are your weeks well i'm
being audited well yeah so are you serious no no okay although i do need to meet with a cpa though
so and i missed the appointment um was it a zoom it was a zoom and now i feel a sense of doom i
don't know how i'm gonna come up with my 1099 taxes at the end of the year,
because I've spent the cash already, obviously.
I live outside my means, and vice versa.
You have like 30 bottles of VOOV around you.
Not even for today, you just kind of stockpile.
So I thought that I had already paid rent.
I hadn't.
I spent that cash on VOOV.
You have to.
No, it's been good.
It's been a bit of a roller coaster.
My roommates and I have been biding our time, waiting with bated breath.
And here we are.
But they are both busy right now.
So I've been celebrating by myself.
That's annoying.
Riley, where are you?
I am in Utah right now, taking just a little vacay like distance
vacay with the fam so we're truly like just in nature which has been nice but also like I wish
I was in LA to drive around a little honk honk beep beep and like cheer because right now I'm
just yelling to the trees which is great, but also makes me feel insane.
Well, they're yelling back.
Yeah, that's the scary part is that they have been speaking back to me.
But yeah, similarly, I have been checking my steps on my phone,
and there was one God.
I remember at the start of the year, I'm like,
I'm going to be a 10K step girl.
I'm just going to do it every day.
And then, of course, that's not happening.
But there was one day where I was maybe at 9,100 or something.
And it was like 1,155.
And I'm like, I have to get to 10,000 before I go to bed.
And so Daniel's already been, I'm walking around the room.
And then I realize, fuck, it's 1158.
And I still have like, you know, a couple hundred more to go.
And so I start like tiny feet running and he's like, God damn it.
Go to bed.
I'm like, I can't.
So that's kind of been, that's, that feeling is how I've felt all week is tiny step running.
And today we hit 10,000 steps.
So that feels really good. Emotionally we hit 10 000 steps so that feels really good emotionally
we hit 10 000 stuff i'm probably like 215 right now i'm hitting zero today yeah i think i've
so far yeah yeah but i guess like the feelings i've had this week i mean today especially
couldn't be more relevant to today's app but i think we should just all you know get really cozy because
today and every day is about living living for sure thing
and loving artwork so so loving artwork so today we're talking live laugh love artwork artwork i've been wanting to talk about this
since this pod was released i've been looking forward to this episode we've pitched this idea
to i think every guest since august and none of them have picked it except for until you and so
we were both very excited i am so happy to do this one with you. I'm so happy you picked this. I'm so excited.
I just really hate that artwork.
And I really hate it.
It's incredible. To talk about it.
Both y'all, any experiences you have with it, any memories, any feelings about it, what comes to mind?
I feel like what comes to mind is bed bath and beyond and i also it's a hard one because when you shit on it
it's like i guess i don't want to say anyone who has that is bad but i think there's like a feeling
that like well you didn't really think about it you just bought that like and it's not like i need
to look at that sign to like remember to do those things so i just don't really get it like i just feel like you i think there are
a lot of sweet like moms who have that and like they're fine or whatever but like i do think if
you're like a 20 something who like decorated your apartment with that like that's a bad move and you
need to change that now um so it just makes me think of like midwest slash southern moms or um
just people who don't want to put that extra effort in to have a little personalization.
People have to look at it to remind themselves to do those things.
And I think about people who probably have tattoos of that.
There's just like that's such a big.
Where did that phrase come from?
Who made it up?
And why do we all start doing this and saying this and writing it on things?
Like, where did this come from?
I Googled, imaged the words live, laugh, love, art,
or whatever, and one of the first things that came up
was one of those things where it's just like
a sunset sky and a quote on it
that, again, kind of middle-aged Midwestern moms
use all the time, and it said live, laugh, love in quotes,
and then it was attributed to anonymous,
so I don't know where it came from.
You can't.
I also think you need to eradicate that. Like from you can't eradicate that like you can't have
anonymous under something stupid like it doesn't matter who said it first of all i'm like most of
the time when the quote is unknown it's not that good so like i just feel like we could just have
it be like that's just like what's what's it called when they're a public domain it's like
a public domain you don't have to attribute to anyone just say it's it's a quote it's a thing
it's something people say i just hate the same world yeah i feel like i feel like it's the same world as like
dance like nobody's watching yes like nobody's listening and like you know whatever the fuck
you know and love your parents or whatever i don't know what the third one is but like it's
that same walk like you don't have an awful gate i actually just remembered i had this piece of art
um when i was in my early 20s that probably was from bed bath and beyond and it was
it said reach for the stars and if you miss you'll land on the clouds or reach for the moon if you
miss you'll land among the stars that's what it was and i remember um i lived in this really
shitty apartment in new york and i was like trying i was like okay i'm gonna hang this above my
window my window didn't have a screen or anything.
And I was standing on a chair and I put it up in the window and then it fell
out like immediately just onto the roof.
And so I just saw it on the neighbor's roof for the whole time I lived there.
Just like reach for the clouds,
the stars.
It landed among the stars.
It fell and it landed among the stars.
Your neighbor's just like,
the fuck?
Yeah. I've never owned live, laugh, love artwork, I can proudly say.
I think my family might used to have had similar things,
like blocks where it's just like a weird mantra
that you get for like $3 at Target.
But 100% it's a Midwestern thing.
I'm from Cleveland.
Oh, okay, I'm from Chicago. I'm from uh cleveland and so okay i'm from chicago as daniel knows yes riley where do you think about thin crust pizza i'm from la um okay you can stop talking but when i moved into my new place my
my mom my mom was helping me like move stuff into my new place and i remember i didn't notice this until
like i was totally moved in and there was like a little black block in my kitchen jeff you've seen
this right it's like the top it's like right by the stove wait yeah and i remember looking at it
and just dying and it's like i know that she like mom if you listen to this but you probably won't
and that's fine but i remember like she bought it with the kindest intentions but it is now the funniest thing i've ever owned and it's
in the same world it's a little black block with like the white block letters and it says
life without dogs i don't think so and i can't get rid of it now because everyone who's come over
it's a chalkboard you can't erase.
That's really sweet.
But it's like, who's even suggesting there is life without dogs?
Like, I just don't even like, who they made that.
Like, can you imagine?
I wouldn't.
Can you imagine?
No way.
And so we've played a good amount of games of like, say it like you're condemning someone.
Now say it like a flirt. Like, it's been a great little party game.
God, I love it.
So that feels in the same genre of, you know,
reach for the moon, sing like nobody's listening.
Oh God, they're so good.
They're so awful.
I love it.
Ultimate kitsch.
Ultimate kitsch.
Ultimate kitsch.
But that's the only thing I've ever owned by accident.
And now I will bring it with me into every place I ever live.
The centerpiece.
For sure.
It will be the centerpiece of my Thanksgiving table.
Oh, and about thin crust pizza really quickly.
I like it.
This has been so cool.
Yeah, I don't know.
I just wanted to answer that question
in case there were listeners
who were like,
oh, she didn't answer that.
That was weird.
So yeah, I just wanted to share that.
Thank you.
And namaste to you.
And namaste, absolutely.
Should we take a break?
Is that crazy?
I don't know.
It's like,
hey, crazier things have happened. Spookier things have happened. Yeah, I don't know. It's like, hey, crazier things have happened, huh?
Spookier things have happened.
Yeah, I don't know.
It's November, right?
Let's take a break.
And when we come back, we'll talk more live, laugh, love artwork for some reason.
And we're back. Lauren, can i ask you a question is the art behind you supposed to look like a jawbreaker oh that's funny i've never thought of it um maybe my friend painted that and i like
thinking that it looks like a jawbreaker it kind of does because i don't know it has layers it does
it does and it has there's sort of these like outlines of like flowers in there,
like the big white bird.
And then I think of it as confetti,
that's cool.
I like that.
So Jeff,
yours was wrong.
I'm never right.
What's the story with the quilt behind you?
I put it up.
So I live in a basement and like,
this is my bedroom.
That's surprising.
It looks cute though.
I made it into a home.
But this is a little like soundproof nook that walls are carpeted because I think a musician
used to live here.
So I just close it off for sound purposes.
That's great.
Also, my original intention was to make the background less distracting, but I i did the opposite because people are just like what's up what's going on
yeah riley would you like to start god there's so many it's all the same but they all look
different if that makes sense so here's this is one of those variations it's more than it's listen
at the end of the day it's more than just living laughing and loving because this one they got specific with it so the title it's live laugh love three-piece canvas
print they're three 12 by 12 panels um so i'm gonna put it's huge it's so big i'm gonna put it
in the chat um just so you guys can get get a little sense what we're talking
about if you want to follow along on the instagram um so this one they have live every moment laugh
every day and love beyond words it's pretty i don't know i think we all need to hear it um so
this review really it's it's really it's. It's so much bigger than it should be.
So this is a five star review.
What is this?
There's like weird squares behind it
that look like an old AOL background.
I know.
Or a Dell background.
And it looks like the paint got onto the black part
and it wasn't supposed to.
The people who reviewed it,
they got one,
but the colors are reversed.
So it's just, and their wall is dark.
It just doesn't look good.
It's a five-star review from Blue-Eyed Mum.
Jeff, do you want to give Blue-Eyed Mum a made-up last name?
Yeah, so Blue-Eyed Mum is all hyphenated her first name.
That's her legal first name?
Blue-Eyed Mum, yeah.
And then her last name is Chrysanthem first name blue-eyed mom yeah okay um and
then her last name is chrysanthemum okay so her name is blue-eyed mom chrysanthemum yes got it
cool okay so five stars from blue-eyed mom chrysanthemum the title is love these
okay here we go we recently moved into a new house and was looking for the perfect
piece to go on the quote-unquote big wall in the living room that went with our live laugh love
theme and these are just it they're good quality and just the right size but not too big they come
with the hanging accessories but i didn't use them as they hung perfectly without.
Just that your theme is live,
And then you're excited that something that says live,
love is exactly on theme.
It's like the theme is specific and is three words. And this art has those three words.
Like I can't,
I don't know.
I would rather stare at a big blank wall.
Oh my God. You know what I really hate are I don't know. I would rather stare at a big blank wall. Oh my God.
You know what I really hate are those like decals people put on the walls that say like
live, laugh, love.
It's like a sticker, but it looks like it was like painted on.
Oh, that's brutal.
You know what I also noticed on like a lot of reality TV shows, like, okay, so I watched
90 Day Fiance and Angela, she's a famous character from the
show she has these on her walls but they one thing i really notice about people on tv just which is
just a glimpse inside people's homes so probably a lot of people have this things are hung way too
high so it's like above her head it's like live laugh love or something but like weirdly like
it's like not supposed to be above your head like it's like just kind of up there and then there's nothing else here and like so then it
just kind of makes the room look really oddly uh proportioned i know exactly what you mean you know
like people need to yeah the thing like you have to google how to hang a painting even if you're
thinking it's just some whatever thing that you bought it wherever it doesn't matter what it is
there's something about hanging it at the right island that just makes it
so much more attractive and i'm just putting that out there yeah this this review makes me think of
those shows where like the homeowner gets kind of sent away and they remodel their house for them
oh my god all right are you ready for the big reveal? The happy couple newlyweds?
We have been dreaming of this day as long as we can remember.
We're really excited.
Oh my God.
I hope it's exactly what we asked for.
I hope it's exactly that or I will go bananas.
Now, if you're just tuning in, this, as you know,
is Extreme Home Makeovers baton rouge
edition we are here with staniel and evelyn and we are about to do the big reveal we you trusted us
seven days we're gonna completely i didn't want to trust you but staniel didn't want to no he did
not no he did not but we waited very patiently in that Marriott you put us up in. It was beautiful.
How was the buffet?
The continental breakfast?
Very well.
You had an issue.
Well, the eggs could have been warmer.
I'll just say that.
The eggs could have been warmer.
I'll just say we had a chat with the manager.
Cut to them having a chat with the manager.
Hi, can I help you?
Yeah, you can help me.
My wife here has a serious problem
she wants to talk to you about
honey we don't have
we don't have to do
we don't have to do this
say it
it's okay
just say it
sir we really
the eggs were frigid
the eggs were frigid
look me dead in my eye
look me dead in my eye
and tell me that you
are happy that your hotel
serves frigid eggs
I have to say
that's not the standard
that we like to hold ourselves to.
I'm so sorry.
I'd love to pay for your meal and give you more eggs.
All right.
That's almost enough.
That should be it.
You should be so happy.
We're kind of celebrities.
I don't know if you've seen us.
I don't know if you've seen us,
but we're going to be on the next episode
of Extreme Home Makeover Baton Rouge Edition. They edition they haven't announced it oh you guys are interior
designers no we're not interior designers we are clients oh so you're on one episode
how many are you on yeah we're on an episode yeah we're on an episode
you guys are not on the same page can i just just say, can I just say, my wife and I have been together for 35 years
and we can be on different pages
and still be in the same book.
Nice, that sounded rehearsed.
I haven't said that every day.
Again, it's kind of like, yeah.
All right, I'll be right back with the warm eggs.
Cut back.
All right, putting the key in the hole.
And just remember, we spent a lot of time and money on this and
you guys didn't spend a dime so just
kind of like play it up for the cameras you know what I mean
no matter what you actually feel opens the door
it's live laugh love everywhere
I can't stop laughing
I can't stop loving I'm gonna
fuck the couch
wow wow I can't stop loving. I'm going to fuck the couch. Oh my god. Wow.
Oh my god.
This is just what we needed.
Because here's what I want to tell you.
I was going to die yesterday.
I was planning to die today.
You were planning on it?
And when I saw this sign that says live, I thought, nope.
I'm going to live.
So we just saved your life.
Can you look at the camera and say this show saved my life?
No, I see what this means to my family.
What's the name of the show again?
It's Extreme Home Makeovers Baton Rouge Style.
Extreme Home Makeovers Baton Rouge Styles just made it so I didn't die.
That's it.
That's in the trailer.
All right, let me show you guys the master bedroom.
Can you take us around, please?
Let me show you the master bedroom.
Oh, yes.
It's a waterbed.
Wow. Wow, yes. It's a water bed. Wow.
This is...
I've never heard a wow like that.
I love it.
I'm going to get in.
What I love about this is how when I go to the middle, the water rises above my head
on both sides.
Look at him.
He's part in the bed sea.
This feels good. Oh, honey, get in here. Okay. him. He's part in the bed sea. This feels good.
Oh, honey, get in here.
Okay, okay.
Oh, and what I love about...
Oh, we're here.
Oh, sorry.
Gotta get back up
and I can't stop moving.
What I love about it is that,
you know, now when we lie next to each other,
there's a little mound of water between us.
I love that.
Oh, my God.
I live it.
I live it. I live it. I love it. I laugh it. I can't stop. I love that. Oh my god. I live it. I live it. I live it.
I love it. I laugh it.
I can't stop. I laugh it.
I can't stop. Help me up. Help me up.
This is so hard to get out of bed.
Alright, I'm helping you guys up. Let's go check out the backyard.
The whole thing is a slip and
slide. Wow.
Oh my god.
Give it a whirl. Whose idea was this?
This was an accident.
We had a tarp bringing in some firewood for the newly installed fireplace,
and then we just kind of laid it down, and the hose started just going willy-nilly.
And all of a sudden, our PA kind of is like, oh, check this out.
Slides on the slip and slide.
A little pebble breaks through the tarp, cuts his leg.
Suddenly, that's a liability issue.
So we left it here on purpose.
Wow, that's really, that's really, that's very creative.
It's very, it's really generous of you guys, actually.
I mean, I think, I think we're gonna have a couple fun date nights.
Couple fun date nights in the backyard.
He barely goes three feet.
He can't get enough of it. Oh, I really got a bruise. Oh, well well let's go see the kitchen the kitchen it's it the
kitchen's actually really tasteful what do you think huh this is the one we we were really
excited for you guys to see because this is like this is gonna be the one that goes in the uh
you guys don't see him where'd you get this tile oh the tile is it's imported it's uh
it's subway tile from that's made in italy it's actually that we spent the most amount of money
here are we early is the kitchen done is it done yeah it's done it's absolutely obviously pristine
so this is just how it's gonna be what are your guys's notes well where'd you get this big oven
and why why is it so that's a bertazzoni so that's actually top of the line again italian
range okay so it wasn't made in america are you guys huge patriots what's happening i like a
country all right all right i can respect that i love that look we have a fort we have a 24-hour
grace period we can change anything you guys hate it won't be on the show what would you want to
change about this it's monochrome i feel like anybody could love this. Can I just... There's an elephant in the room, obviously.
I'm sorry, sir.
I know you're the host, but I cannot remember your name.
My name?
Yeah, Lyle.
Lyle, let's everyone be quiet.
Do you hear something?
Do you hear anything right now?
What do you hear?
I don't hear anything.
Exactly right.
I've stopped laughing.
I've stopped living.
My husband stopped breathing.
And neither of us
are loving any
any part of this
if you don't
get that window
boarded up
and put a live laugh
love sign on top of it
honey come on
let's get you to the living room
let's get you to the living room
this is one of our
can we get one of the ones
from the living room
we're waiting in the living room
and just losing our minds
oh that's better that's better.
That's better.
We took a live, laugh, love, just fix your frame.
We're putting it on the mantle of the stove.
Thank you.
Oh, thank you so much.
It's a start.
It's a start, yeah.
His breath is slowly coming back.
I feel the pulse is going.
I don't think he ever stopped breathing.
What's your opinion?
Well, you know what?
We'll cut this part out.
The kitchen went perfect. We'll just say that. Can we just get a cut this part out we'll the kitchen went perfect
we'll just say that can you can we just get a sound but have you guys saying the kitchen's perfect
uh i can say the words in different order and i'm gonna add one that could work okay yeah let's we Frankenstein it. Kitchen. Not. Perfect.
So you added not.
A modifier that changes the entire sentence.
The live, laugh, love thing falls.
Staniel dies.
For real.
What the fuck?
How did you live in this house before?
He didn't.
You saved him.
And then you killed him.
This is all the credits are rolling over just this end.
Next time on Extreme Home Makeover's Baton Rouge edition,
it's the same fucking thing.
It's perfect. Oh oh that was great
do you guys remember
the show Extreme Makeover
that was just
you get tons of
plastic surgery
it was real
sign me up
it was literally
people who had
low self esteem
and then they would
give them like
a hundred surgeries
and they would have
like they would be
away in a hotel
for like many weeks until they recovered from the surgery and then they'd have an
unveiling with their family and walk out and they looked completely different they had like
liposuction facelift nose job chin implant eye lift like truly it was a hairstyle change
weight loss like i mean it was everything it was truly the weirdest show and there's also a show called the swan
that was like that too where it was women and men getting made over completely top to bottom
that's what what were the were the families like wow i think they were but i would love to see like
a where are they now and like how that affected them because they were away from their lives for
like a couple months and then they went back to their kids and they look totally different and it's like that can't just have been a smooth transition yeah so weird i think they did
extreme homemaker after that because it was like a little more palatable to be like we just made
over your house you think you think it is a direct spinoff it was it was it's the same logo
extreme makeover and then extreme home makeover and i always thought extreme home makeover was
so crazy because they would do rooms and it's like just like what we were doing but they were
so specific like your kid likes cats the whole room is a cat and like it's like just make it
pretty so they can live there like you're gonna have to change this in a year i used to be so
jealous and that's exactly what i thought is that i remember being a kid and watching that and it's like your son likes basketball his room is now the staples center
and like it's it would have like a full court and like everything i remember watching it being like
oh man i wish my room had a 12 foot slide but then years later watching and being like that kid
is gonna be out of this phase in six months yeah he's trying to lose his virginity
while his parents are away sorry what's this oh that's a slide yeah you can see that
all right this is a one-star review from there's no name given so lauren do we have a name for
this reviewer um yes um carl carlson carl carlson do you have do you have a reference image for oh yes i was
gonna say for who that is because i could find it i need a temp image for carl carlson and the
live laugh love art all right this yeah so this is a set of three fake flickering candles, which is a vocal warmup now.
Oh, yes.
And in the photo,
it does show that there is a remote.
Oh, my God.
Oh, the font.
The font.
It's so fake looking.
This is a one-star review.
Title, No Remote in Box.
I gave this as a Christmas gift to to my best friend and there's no remote
so this made me laugh because i'm like just imagining that they think their friend is
upset that they got it for them because there's no remote it's like yeah man it's not because
there's a missing part yeah i don't want this piece of shit dude this is like what you get
when you do like an
office secret santa and you're like i was just thinking yeah it's like a white elephant everyone's
just trying to trade it away it's still my my family um and my husband's family we do like a
white elephant and it's like it was started as like a way to get to know both families because
it was like a game and it's really fun but it's funny because some people do jokey gifts and some people do good
gifts and so you kind of don't know like if this was in there i think i'd be like okay like i i
honestly don't think i could have like a reaction that was honest i'd have to go like oh cool and
then like hope no it's a joke but like you there are so many people there that you're like
this could honestly just be someone's idea of like i want that that's a great thing yeah
oh oh yeah okay live laugh love what do you think yeah it's uh it's so me. That's what I thought. Nancy, you give the best gifts.
Thank you.
You give the best gifts.
Can I just say, like, not to, whatever, but I poured over this.
Like, I was standing in the store for so long at TJ Maxx,
just, like, kind of going between a few different things.
And when I was thinking of you, I just was like, this, is it?
Like, I saw this, and I just was was like I'm done and so you put thought
into it oh my god so much and I and I really thought you know this would go with just your
personality you know I've never seen your home so I don't really know what your what your decor
style is like I mean I'm pretty sure this will fit in but I just like thought about who you were
at your core and I felt like this is kind of you. And maybe
you know, look, I love doing these Secret Santas.
We're a small startup company.
You're our newest hire, obviously.
And so I'm glad that you feel like
you know who I am. I feel like I really got you right away.
Yeah. I'm going to just open
mine. It's been six weeks.
Maybe, you know what? I might have
done too much for this. I'm just going to open it
and I'm sure. No, Devin, you're the best manager ever.
I think, you know, I think it'll be just enough.
I, yeah.
Wow, it's like a Tiffany bracelet.
It's fake.
It's fake.
Let me return it.
I don't think it is.
This is like the real box and everything.
Oh, my God.
Wow, this is really nice.
That's, you really, you really shilled out.
You really shilled out for Christmas.
How much was this, like $250 or something?
I think, I thought we put a limit on it.
Oh, thank you so much.
I feel just loved.
Thank you.
And this isn't, these are for each other.
We're secret sand.
This isn't a trading game, is it?
This is, that's yours. That's Nancy yours that's Nancy this is my name on it yeah
no I mean it is engraved I do
see that that's incredible I lied about
750 it was 1250 because I had to pay the
extra for the engraving but it's nothing it's fake
it's stupid
I love it
it's really almost as personal as what I got
you because honestly
like of course like going to a
big box store kind of like tiffany or like you know it's kind of like you know guys walk in they
walk out like a figure it's not you don't have to think too hard about it but i think this is
stunning and i really love that you spent money like i think that's so beautiful and way too
generous with the amount of money but when i and i'm not trying to toot my own horn but when i think about what i got you i just feel like wow i really put in time sure you know you yeah you stood in tj maxx you put time
yeah and i was probably standing there for a quibby so 10 minutes yeah i was watching this
quibby show i think she was watching quibby while she was in line so i know it was i stood i stood i stood in the aisle for a quibi and i stood in the line for two quibis so tiffany is
a big box store and tj maxx is what small town small potatoes it's so mishmash you have to kind
of go in and really pick something out you have to get really thoughtful and i think at tiffany
you kind of go what would a woman like what would i oh put her name on it show like that like yeah i mean it's beautiful and don't get me wrong i just think my gift like kind of just speaks to who you are and
who i am in a way that like something from a sort of paid by numbers store like really can't you
know why don't we move on nastasia what did you you we obviously fucked this up by the way because
we you and i exchanged gifts and nastasia you had yourself it's okay i did i did you you we obviously fucked this up by the way because we you and I exchanged gifts and Nastassia you had yourself
it's okay
I did
I did you know
I did pull my name from the hat
and um
I did buy actually
Nancy I did buy myself
a paint by numbers
oh my gosh
you were just complaining
about those though
you were just saying
that that was too formulaic
in the sense that
you know
when it's a store
that's kind of paint by number but i think a paint by
number is so fun just to make your own art yeah well that's the thing i went on i went on etsy
and you know what you can do is you can submit your own photo and then did you do that or is
that just something that's possible to do and you got a normal one from target oh i well yeah i saw
that you have the option to make it personal you You know, I could have submitted a photo of my dog or, you know, me and my family or anything.
Well, I mean, I did pick the kind of floral landscape instead.
That's what I thought.
So not personal.
Well, I mean, personal.
I bought it for myself.
So I think I know what I like, Devin. I think actually like in the way that Nancy knows you intimately,
I know myself intimately.
I agree with that.
I think, you know, when I started this company,
you know, my first day I was so nervous.
Started at this company.
When I started at this company, I was so nervous.
I thought, how will I make friends?
Of course, I looked within and I thought,
my natural charm will come through
and people will get to know me and it'll just work out.
And it did.
But I think what really speaks to that
is just how quickly I got to observe and know you
and just go, the second I got the Secret Santa,
I thought, I know where I'm going.
These don't turn on.
The candles do not turn on.
We'll use the remote.
There is none.
Did you look in the box?
You also didn't wrap.
This is such a small thing, but you didn't wrap these.
You handed me a Ziploc bag.
Well, I believe that we should reuse.
I think that's something our company really cares about.
I mean.
Yeah, there was also gazpacho in the Ziploc bag.
So this must be your lunch.
I guess that's sustainable, but gross.
That's your opinion that it's gross. I mean you want to taste it you might see that it was
really good and i did make that and look you can rinse it off those candles are plastic they're not
real candles they're not going to be affected by gazpacho and at the end of the day there is
a remote supposed to be in there i saw a little instruction packet that came with it that i put in
the bag and it has a remote on it so either you lost the remote or you're hiding it because you
want my gift to seem like a failure i think it might be sorry i've been here for a bit and
honestly like the second one seems a lot more like right he is and what your gift actually like
i think at his core he he is a live laugh love
kind of person but i think i've never said these words to you guys before it's more of like a
manifestation completely true because it's like he i know that he could be this is sort of like
an aspirational gift like i know that he could be someone who can live laugh and love but at the
same time he's not fully there yet and when it comes to a just you know even accepting a simple gift he can't really do it
and he kind of had to rub in my face how his gift was better than mine because it was more expensive
and let me tell you even though my gift was less than um i don't know two percent of the cost of
yours that doesn't mean that it doesn't have heart to it and in some ways your gift is more
empty because you just kind of walked in and pointed at something.
Hey, Devin, where's the remote?
Where'd you put it?
Just fess up.
I don't have the remote.
Put it on the table.
Let's just end this.
Turn the candles on.
Just press on.
They turn on.
He pulls his arm from behind his back.
All right.
I wanted to show wealth because I have had a successful year in sales.
And honestly, I'm in love with both of you.
So for you to say, A, that I didn't put any thought into that,
I was in Tiffany for the better part of a day.
Would you have gotten me the same gift
or was that just very specific to Nancy?
Like, would you have also gone to-
That was Nancy.
What would you have gotten her?
What would you have gotten me?
Well, you want to know the SKU of the piece?
It's 2045.
It's a very choice diamond and pearl necklace.
White gold, titanium style
with a linkage that you wouldn't believe.
Carrots, 18 18 so were you like
negging me about my live laugh love gift like you did like you just because you're in love with me
or like i felt hurt i obviously felt hurt because that felt like nothing was put into it you don't
know me i like hobbies oh my god so you're in love with me like what are your favorite qualities
about me well i like that you could be a cosplay partner.
I do love that.
You have the knowledge of Miyazaki films.
Obviously, we could go as the Incredibles, and it would be incredible.
And I have my Snape costume that I look really good in.
And you do wear it sometimes on Casual Fridays.
You know what, guys?
Best Christmas ever. I think so.
I think we should each take one candle.
I fear that then I get a third
of a gift. It's my only qualm.
My fear is that then you'll have to walk
over to our desks and use the remote every day to
turn them on. I'm in. Okay.
It zooms out. There's just absolute carnage
going on outside Trump 1 in this universe.
Full dissociation.
Do we have time for one more review, Lauren?
Let's do it.
Oh, here we go.
Okay, let me get the picture.
God, this is really unfortunate.
This one was one of the more expensive ones that i found of all of them
and that was pretty tough to see how much was um this was like 20 okay um this one was 580 dollars
um so the title actually sort of cute if it didn't say live laugh love like if it didn't say what it
is yeah yeah if it wasn't what it is it could be great
yeah okay so this reviews from christine uh lauren can get a last name for christine christine's with
a k if that changes anything it does her last name is knots with a k christine knots of berry farm
fame yeah christine knots of berry farm fame this is four stars and the title is pretty wall decor
i gave it four stars because they sent me two of the laugh plaques at first they fixed their
mistake quickly and sent me the right ones they really are cute so no complaints after that
i'm sorry it's so funny to get just like live, laugh, laugh or something. Laugh, laugh.
Or laugh, live, lav.
Oh my God, laugh, laugh, live.
Any variation on that just tickles me.
Weirdly enough, I had another review
and it was the same thing where they got two loves.
I'm like, you have one job, shipping department.
They should absolutely be a set in a box.
Yeah, why is someone putting them
together every time? They can modify it based on kind of which one you need a little bit more
reminder of, which one's a little bit more important to you than the others. It really
just highlights how silly it is that they say that because if you got two of one, it makes it so dumb.
But it's like, well, that shouldn't be the case if they all said laugh laugh laugh
it'd be like so hot it's like bad joker cosplay background is laugh laugh laugh
any variation of those three are bad it's either laugh laugh, psychotic. Love, love, love is dumb.
And live, live, live seems really desperate.
It just is the biggest.
It's like, to me, that seems like the biggest red flag.
Like you go home with someone after like a third date.
Tonight's the night.
It's, you know, the vibes are right.
It was a nice dinner.
You guys are, you like each other.
It's a great fit.
Opens the door.
This has been so amazing can i use
can i use your bathroom really quickly yeah okay awesome i'll be i'll be back in the shake of a
lamb's tail i'll be right back nice um do you want um red wine or beer um surprise me you seem like
you seem like you know my taste um which which way to the which way to the ladies room it's just um right there just turn your body oh it's well i'm just i'm just excited i'm just no i'm excited
too i had a great time with you i loved the movie i loved everything about it the new ninja turtles
all female reboot fucking hilaire loved it i'm so glad you like it because i know there's a lot
of people being like we don't we don't need female ninja turds.
So you're different, and that's exciting.
I'm not one of those guys.
No, you're really not.
I'll be right back.
I'll be right back.
I just got to tinkle really quick.
Open the door.
Laugh, laugh, laugh.
Thank you.
Quick, watch my hand come back out.
So you, I guess I didn't ask this at dinner are you like are you
into comedy are you one of those comedy nerds oh um i don't really say that no not wait why
do i seem like i mean i guess i like i like louis
yeah i mean i've seen i've seen their stuff and i think it's funny but what why did you ask i don't
even oh i mean it's just you know your your decor it seems like you're you're a big you're a big
comedy head um so i just figured my art yeah you're well i mean they were candle holders but
yeah my art in the in the in the washroom the art in the washroom what's what's the the
laugh laugh laugh what's what what's the story well it's i don't know if you're ready i mean
we just went on one date i don't know i mean i guess i guess i could well here have a beer
first of all okay thank you you have anything other than ipa no got it but um so here's what happened i guess um okay so you guess i guess
what happened is i'm a triplet um and my god i hadn't that's that's so that's so special it is
so yeah if you like this there's two more just like it um and so my triplet brothers and i all went um to this like run fair one year and are
you ready for this honestly wow no i i mean like i cannot believe none of this came up at dinner i'm
shocked i asked you tell me about your family and you well, there's not much to tell. And I said, well, come on.
Everyone has a story.
And you said, nah, not me.
I'm just a guy.
And then you got pretty aggressive when I pushed on any siblings.
And you said, please, I would rather not.
So I'm glad that you, to trust me with this,
it makes me feel like the luckiest girl in the world.
I'm so ready.
I trust you on one hand, but also you're really pressing about the art.
So I am just going to just tell you.
But so my brothers and I went to this Ren Fair.
And so ultimately we purchased three sets of Live, Laugh, Love tea light holders
to commemorate it.
And we got into one of the nastiest fights
we've ever had a little bit later that day.
I'm so sorry.
Funny enough, I was defending
the all-female Ninja Turtles reboot,
and they both told me I should eat shit and go to hell.
And I said, well, if you ever want to date a woman,
you're going to need to say you like this.
And then they said, I will never compromise my opinion about a film for a chick and I said
that's where you're going to be screwed because I'm going to get sorry to be frank but my dick
wet when I talk about how I like when all the girls were turtles who cares what i really think about it so we get
into a bit of a brawl and we started throwing around our tea light holders at each other and
my brother dale lost one eye and my other brother chip lost two eyes and ultimately i was able to
take whichever pieces were left and they were only the ones that said laugh. And so I did take them and I thought these look really good in the bathroom because they're
really beautiful.
And yeah, I haven't spoken to my brother since.
And, um, yeah, actually I kind of feel a little emotional right now.
I'll be honest.
That's not at all the answer I was expecting.
What did you think I was going to say? I really thought you were just going to say I like to laugh.
I don't really.
You don't like to laugh.
It doesn't come out very often.
It just doesn't really happen.
So when you think something's funny, you just kind of do the old like breath through the nose.
I do like, that's funny.
So you'll say that's funny instead of laughing.
I go like, yeah, I get that. was like i do like that's funny yeah so you'll say that's funny instead of laughing like
yeah i get that yeah it's like what like i'll go to a comedy show once in you know a long while
if someone you know gets me a ticket and i'll go and i'll just go yeah that's what's up yeah
you know when so because you know what it is like when something's really truthful in comedy people
laugh but i just go that's what's up right you kind of acknowledge you you don't laugh at the shared humanity you're
just like i understand yeah yeah so what's up let's make out a little sorry i'm seeing your
phone is blowing up with texts from chip and dale right now um if you want to answer them you can
i'm seeing they're reading like like, pick up now or else.
Pick up immediately.
Let me answer it and just see what happens.
It's an emergency!
We need you right now!
You gotta get down to the gorge!
What is it?
Are you stuck on a leaf again?
Chip's hanging on by a branch!
Hanging on by a branch!
You guys gotta figure out how to get yourself out of these
situations i'm in a girl's pocket right now i'm in a girl's pocket right now and it's going great
we'll put everything behind us you can keep the laugh laugh laugh we need you to come to the
gorge right this second or all hell's gonna break loose all right hold on baby do you care if i go
to the gorge go go immediately Don't even wait for me.
You should be in the car.
I could hear your phone.
It wasn't even on speaker.
I could hear the volume through just how loud it was on your phone.
Please go.
All right, I'm going.
I'm going.
All right, guys, I'll be there in a second.
Let's do this.
Get to the gorge.
Wow, you guys are really stuck on that branch.
We're hanging on by it.
You got to throw something down for us
or it's gonna be lights out for Chip and Dale.
I brought just the thing that could traverse this river.
I don't have eyes because of you.
Okay, it's not just because of me,
but here comes actually those three laugh, laugh, laugh signs.
It hits both of us in the face.
We fall into the ravine.
I've gone lost.
They're long gone.
Who's laughing now?
Obviously not Chipper Dale.
Riley, should we do our last segment?
Oh, good.
Let's do it
that was fun
should be all
week long
anybody have something on the top
of the dome something that's been shaking
you all week long I do and it actually
I used the name Dale in the scene I think
because of this but do you watch The Bachelorette do Do you care about The Bachelorette? I have been following.
I dropped off in high school, but I've been catching up on a lot of the drama of what's
happening with this season specifically. So I know about Dale. Oh, my God. It's so exciting.
So on this season, if anyone out there doesn't know, Claire is this woman who's been on a bunch
of iterations of the show. She finally got made The bachelorette and she fell in love with a guy within the first episode
and then by episode four they're engaged she literally said in episode four like I can't go
with anyone else and then she tells him she's in love with him he looks terrified the whole time
and then he says like I'm in love with you too and then the show is like you have to propose now
and then he's like I guess I'll do that and then they just get engaged and then i follow this um instagram account that has like celebrity gossip called
is it do moi yes yeah so i was on there right after and people were sending in um like texts
that they know people who have gone out with him since this time and they've seen him with other
girls and now i'm and then they both were posting on their Instagram that they're together.
And like, what's next, baby?
Like, they're in a car together and whatever.
And I'm like, this is a lie.
There is something.
They're going to hold up this idea for like a couple more months.
And then they're going to say they amicably split.
And then they're going to let it pass.
Because they can't not have it work immediately during the show.
I bet you the contracts are like, as long as the show is running, you have to say you're together. Yeah. And then when the show is over, you can
say what really happened. But I'm kind of obsessed because it's so crazy. Who are your guys's
favorite Bachelor and Bachelorette contestants or Bachelor Bachelorettes? I don't know that I've
ever really liked people that much. Right. There have been some that were decent, but then they
pick people I don't like. And that's that always feels like a big problem like oh i liked you this whole time then you pick that guy
that feels like oh like no i don't i thought hannah brown was actually really surprisingly
likable like when she was a contestant i didn't like her as much but then when she was made the
bachelor i thought she was really fun and then when she was on dancing with the stars and she
won the whole thing i really enjoyed that i'm i'm very basic american person in this regard i love
watching dancing with the stars i like cry at it and um she was great on that i loved dean yeah
oh yeah a lot dean was fun i saw him in public once what'd you do it's exciting i
gave him a wet kiss on the mouth. Dean! It's my boy! I remember there was one contestant,
I forget what season it was,
but I remember his whole,
he was like terrifying,
like you will shoot someone.
And he like,
he was the guy who was like,
he had like the heart and lock tattoo on his chest
and his whole thing's like,
I'll guard your heart.
I'll guard your heart.
I swear to God,
I'm going to guard your heart.
And I'm like, you have killed and you will strike again yes um and and then he
went he i remember like the bachelor at the time was like that's nice and he's like he like showed
her his chest and he's like i'm serious he's like this means more to me than anything this means
more to me than you have no idea my whole thing is about garden and protecting hearts and so i will i will call me your white knight because i
will guard and protect your heart and then he went home and he could not fucking wrap his head around
it oh my god when they get kicked off i think there's something i have a definite double standard
about it but like when the women are kicked off and they're crying i'm like oh it's weird it's a
lot and then when the men get kicked off and they cry, I'm like, come on. You didn't really fall in love.
Like, I don't know
why I have that feeling,
but it just feels like worse
to watch them like be so invested.
But it should be.
I should like that,
but I just have a problem with it.
I don't know.
Because it's like,
you knew her for two days.
Why are you crying?
I think when I see like,
I mean, it's just,
it's a double standard.
There's no explanation for it.
There's no justification.
So what's cool is to be emotionally detached as a man okay yeah and I don't agree with that at all in real life
but there's something about it on the show where I just go like it doesn't feel like they're
emotionally it doesn't feel like they're actually emotionally connected to themselves it feels like
they're unhinged like there's something like yeah right so that because because they're not connected
when they do cry it doesn't make a lick of sense. Yeah. Yeah.
You're like, you didn't care.
But I also think they're delirious at like four in the morning.
And that's so much.
They're drunk and tired.
And it's like the sun is rising.
And they just got rejected on TV, which is sad.
It is sad.
I got, and this is going to sound really pretentious.
I don't mean it to be.
I got a typewriter.
It's not like one of those old-timey punk shits.
Well, of yore.
But no, yeah, it has a normal keyboard.
It just doesn't, there's no screen.
Because I have chronic dry eye.
I talk about it on the podcast all the time.
That's why my left eye is always bloodshot.
And I was like, I need to figure out a way
to not stare at screens.
But everything I need to do is on the computer. So I was like, if need to figure out a way to not stare at screens, but everything I need to do is on the computer.
So I was like, if I could just have one thing,
if I'm writing something or just like journaling,
I can do it on the typewriter.
That's nice.
It's also just like very fun.
It's very tactile.
It's very satisfying to hear that.
It feels like a fun activity.
Yeah, and you also like, you can't self edit
because like there's no backspace.
So you just
kind of have to go stream of consciousness so for me it's great for outlining just getting all the
ideas out on the page um and that's what's been shaking me i got it for like 100 bucks on uh
amazon sorry uh but uh it's been good that's so fun that is good i do hate that i still use amazon
even though i like know fully that it's bad, but I'm like, but I'll get everything tomorrow.
So been watching Great British Baking Show.
The new season is currently happening right now.
And on Tuesday, on the third, I remember I just got, Daniel, Elizabeth, our roommate and I, we got so overwhelmed with everything that we just binged an old season
of Great British Breaking Show
and then last night watched a new episode.
And last night, I don't know why this is shaking me.
The cast, it happens every time.
And I just, Riley, you open your heart
and then it gets stomped on.
I open my heart to a new cast every season.
Every season, like there couldn't be
a cuter,
sweeter group of people.
And then it happens.
And then we're down to the final six,
final five,
and it just gets so painful.
you know,
tensions are,
tensions were high this past week.
Catch me crying to someone getting kicked off of great British baking show.
How about,
how about, but that show listen i feel like every what shook me is just be plugging a show i like
but um which is fine finish watchman fucking incredible if you haven't seen watchman watch
men it's so good um but yeah great british baking show the episode that came out last night i don't
know why this this this is what i'm getting to it was 80s themed week so it's like they were cooking all these
big so the first challenge was quiches and then it was like a kind of like filled donut are quiches
80s I think so yeah when I think about the 80s I'm like quiche i'm like a filled donut and the main the show
stopper was ice cream cakes fully forgot about ice cream crepes i immediately texted daniel i'm
like that is gonna be what i'm getting for my next birthday um but every time they do like a
kind of temperature sensitive bake it always happens to be the hottest day of the year
on the show
for some reason
and so I was like
was cry laughing in bed
and I felt so bad because it's like
it's such a genuine show
like there's no cash prize
it's truly just whoever wins
like gets a plaque
and it's the sweetest thing
and everyone loves each
it's like it's so sweet
and this one they filmed during COVID so they're just in like this great british baking show bubble and i just love
it wow to watch these six people try and like scoop ice cream back onto a cake oh my god that
sounds so good i want to watch that i've only seen a few episodes but i like it so it's like
xanax i love it yeah it there were some cakes and i felt so bad
because it was like these two women who like i have loved but i was voice memoing daniel cry
laughing because they just looked like bleeds of literal shit and it was so sad but it really god
that episode you don't even have to know the rest of the season to watch this yeah and like some people really killing it but then the other people like with their hands
like trying to push the ice cream back on really it was the only solution in that moment they're
like i just have to push it up like oh yeah start over i mean you can't but that's crazy well it was in the freezer they
opened the freezer and we're trying to like do it open an ice box and shove cream into a sphere
wow that's great so that's god it's all i think about god i love and i'm sitting back as if i know
what to do because they'll mess up yeah with Right. Oh, well that was the issue. Oh, well you're fucking up.
It'll take longer.
It'll take longer to freeze.
what a time to be alive.
We don't want to take too much more of your time,
but last thing plugs,
what do you have going on?
Tell the people.
Oh my God.
you can follow me on Twitter and Instagram at Lauren Lapkus.
And I do bachelorette recaps on my Instagram stories.
So if you don't like watching the show,
but you want to just watch me watch it for like 20 minutes
and you hear all my reactions, some people like that.
And I have a Patreon.
If you go to slash Lauren Lapkus,
you can get like podcasts and watch alongs
that I'm doing with movies and it's fun.
So I guess that's all I want to plug right now.
Cool. Yay. yay oh and my
podcast newcomers with nicole byer which is on headcount so guys if you haven't listened to
newcomers it is the funniest fucking thing i have to say the fanfic episodes i almost crashed my car
twice listening to the star wars one and then the lord of rings one it's so it's very star wars fanfic that you wrote i wept it is disgusting it's really really sexual and um yeah the show is me and nicole byer
watching star wars for the first time and then lord of the rings for the first time and
we weirdly miss star wars right now it's kind of like shocking but we're like oh my god that
was better than this like oh it's a lot we're just going so deep
into it that you just yeah yeah it's like you're doing everything every bit of this it's fun hell
yeah um so listen to newcomers um and uh you can follow riley on instagram at riley anspa on
twitter at riley coyote uh you can follow the show on Instagram at ReviewReview on Twitter
and on Reddit
r slash ReviewReview
also we have a Patreon
forward slash Riley and Jeff
and you can follow Jeff
on Instagram
at IamJeffreyJames
on Twitter
at Don'tPlayNoJames
happy you got your Instagram back Jeff
and I'll also talk to you
I was banned from Instagram
for no reason
for three days
and then luckily
I have friends that work at Facebook and Instagram and they were able to help me get it back and they were like I was banned from Instagram for no reason for three days. And then, uh, luckily I,
I have friends that work at Facebook and Instagram and they were able to
help me get it back.
and they were like,
this was a bug.
You did nothing wrong.
It's crazy though,
because it really is that hard to get it back.
If you get like,
I got locked out when I left the country and had to use a different phone.
And then I had to like send a picture of myself holding up like a
verification number.
It was so involved.
And there were,
and it was the
only way i could even get in touch with that person was through a social media agent at like
my agent my acting agency so it was like they don't make it easy to get in touch with right
not at all and i get it they'd probably be getting calls non-stop but it was still like
it was hard uh it's it's just a non-issue but um but i bet that was really hard for you it's the
hardest thing i've ever gone through
alright we'll see you guys again next week
Lauren thank you so much for doing the show
we really appreciate it
you're welcome back anytime
and I hope you have a great celebration the rest of the season
fuck Donald Trump
awesome thanks guys
thank you to our VI podcasts as well.
Let's shout them out, Rylance.
Thank you to Aaron Carrico.
Adam Shea.
Agent Michael Skarn.
Alex McCullough.
Alex Watts.
Alex Witt.
Alton Burkholder.
Alvar Wallstrom Lindell.
Anthony Amadeo.
Austin Boston.
Charleston Chew.
Sorry. Austin Boston. Charleston Chew. Sorry.
Austin Boston, Charleston Chewston.
Bag of Dew.
Bob Buell.
Brad Hild.
Brandon Batheter.
Brendan Metz.
Cameron Bradley.
Chasten Bales.
Chris Forgash.
Christian B.
Connor Finnegan.
Daniel Boney.
Daniel Boney. Daniel L. Hod Finnegan. Daniel Boney. Daniel
Boney. Daniel L.
Hodson. Dr. Eags.
Elliot Sloma. Eric
Crust. Fancy Octopus.
Garrett Glasbergen.
Jeff Hodson. Spelled
the right way. Holly.
Holly. Isaac Fletcher.
Jackson Hansel.
Say it like a little bit more seductive.
Jackson Martin.
Jacob Kachuk.
Jake Radiff.
Jake Ullman.
Jamie Ponchia.
Jason Araya.
Jasper Hoffman.
Jesse Tipton of Tipton Hotel fame.
Joel Anderson.
Jonah Sanchez.
Josh Tischler.
Caleb Luster. Kerwin. Jonah Sanchez. Josh Tischler. Caleb Luster.
Kevin Sunt.
Colby Holis.
Christian Barron.
Lauren Malang.
Mark Priest.
Mark Spalding.
Matt Box.
Matthew Lizama.
Michael Ebach.
Michael Field.
Michael Rowland. Nate Porteus. Nicolaj Biergard. Michael Ebach. Michael Field. Michael Rowland.
Nate Porteus.
Nicolaj Biergaard.
Noel Sumido.
Nolan Murphy.
Phoenix McVernon.
Robert Fridge.
Sam Adams.
Sarah Kilduff.
Space Ant.
Stephanie Cass.
Shout out Stephanie Cass.
We've been having some good political discord Discourse in the discord
I should say
Theodore Gyson
Will Busey
Will Phillips
Xander Madsen
Yaro Edy
Yugo Style
So shout out y'all
We cannot thank you enough
As we always can't
Thank you guys so much for listening
To this week's episode of our show
We'll catch you guys again next Tuesday
Arrivederci That was a hit gum original