Review Revue - Margaritaville 2 (w/ Georges Saba!)

Episode Date: November 8, 2022

Agent of chaos and friend-of-the-pod Georges Saba returns to Review Revue to launder money, chase storms, and be 16 on yet another Margaritaville Special!     This episode is sponsored by B...etterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self. Follow at: IG: @reillyanspaugh & @geoffreyjames Twitter: @reilecoyote & @GeoffBoyardee <><> Produced by Daniel Ramos @Schubirds Advertise on Review Revue via  See for privacy information.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Get the Angel Reef Special at McDonald's now. Let's break it down. My favorite barbecue sauce, American cheese, crispy bacon, pickles, onions, and a sesame seed bun, of course. And don't forget the fries and a drink. Sound good? Ba-da-ba-ba-ba. And participating restaurants for a limited time. This is a HeadGum Original. All the podcasts listen to this shit.
Starting point is 00:00:43 I love to hear this Podcast in my ear holes Jeffrey, Aaron, James And Riley, Marie To Dance Fall This part is pretty fine It makes me feel alive but kiddo listen up
Starting point is 00:01:07 I'm here shouldn't die that was another one from Andrew Sear and there it is he did that on purpose. That absolute fucker. That was perfect. I think that's a reference to an older episode where we did yams, yams, yams, yams, or something like that. Yams? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:01:40 I don't know. Or it's just sweet potatoes to the tune of Blink-182. I mean, it was gorgeous. And what a fake out. This guy, he sent in the last like three theme songs. Why are you mad? No, it's good. They've all been great.
Starting point is 00:01:56 But I'm just like, I feel like he's getting too much power to be able to like fake us out like that. No, it's perfect. He even said, please feel free to space these out slash ask me to stop well now you have to keep going you have to exclusively be the one to send in theme songs every week the energy is wild right now right now because we're in person we're in person in my bedroom and with our guest who i mean he's here he's on the episode title i just sorry i and i i forget how your guys's podcast works if you're one of those where it's yes don't talk until we say their name i hate when people do that i think it's so strange it's really like there's always like
Starting point is 00:02:37 the with blank like in the episode title yeah you know who's on. Yeah. I guess your audience comes for you, right? They're coming for Jeffrey Aries. Don't say our audience is coming. You have to stop saying our audience is coming. Guys, the fact of the matter is your audience is coming.
Starting point is 00:02:59 We've talked about masturbation so much since Riley got to our house an hour ago. Don't say we. Don't say we talked about masturbation so much. This is my first time at Jeff and George's new... George Saba's here. He's on the episode title. Well, Peter George Saba. Peter George Saba.
Starting point is 00:03:16 This is my first time at their new place, and it's beautiful. And when was the last time we recorded an episode in person. I think it was June. Yeah, that's probably true. Or July. So we're in Jeff's bedroom. That's right.
Starting point is 00:03:32 He was doing his archetype. We're in Jeff's bedroom. When we were setting up, Jeff's like, all right, so what we're going to have to do is we're all going to have to sit as close to each other as possible. So us three are on Jeff's bed right now. Recording this, I feel like we're like at a slumber party it reminds me of uh there was an episode about one of the first
Starting point is 00:03:50 episodes of if i were you i ever listened to was like a video edition with allison williams and the three of them were on a bed and uh it was cool it was a cool vibe it was like 320 somethings a long time ago um they're all old as shit now but uh it's the same vibe it feels like a slumber party george how the hell are you no response to that well i rather i said it felt like a slumber party and so you just felt like you were repeating what she was saying and then adding like yeah i think what's cool is that it actually feels like a slumber party right and then you took that and then called your bosses old but then said the same thing it's almost as if you did what riley did but mean that's true i actually feel
Starting point is 00:04:31 like we're not close enough kick your feet up in the air what's gonna be amazing is doing improv from this position now we're too close and i'm uncomfortable. George, you're back on the pod. It's been so long. It's been, I guess, two years with the exception of one of the, you did a New Year's best of where I was out to dinner and you called me. That's right. And I answered and I was like, what is happening? And then you sort of threw me on the spot. I said, you're being recorded.
Starting point is 00:05:09 Right. It was given no preface. I think Jeffrey like called a bunch of times. And then when I did answer, you texted me like, answer your phone. And I thought it was an emergency. It was. Sure. And I was really caught off guard. But now I'm here and I thought it was an emergency. It was. Sure. And I was really caught off guard,
Starting point is 00:05:27 but now I'm here and I guess prepared. Well, we'll see, because we were just talking about the fact that the last time you were, because, oh yeah, you were on the show, your reviews were some of the worst a guest has ever run in. Sure, but in like a fun way.
Starting point is 00:05:40 It was really fun. It was, I think, I think like no hyperbole, probably the worst review we've had on the show sure and we all kind of sat in stunned silence for a bit if you guys have go listen to margaritaville's one where george b's like oh here's a good one brings a review and we're all waiting for it to get to like a funny part or something that'll incite like any kind of improv we're actually like huh which i think which looking back i'm i want you guys to know i'm really worried i did it again
Starting point is 00:06:12 i i really it's a thing that because i think about that a lot uh it was a very memorable time on your podcast that sounds like i'm saying it sarcastically i am not um the uh but it's i think about a lot because it made me question like my metric for humor and taste and have you found it well it makes me think like oh i will find like a niche weird thing funny and pull that as information yeah and then i'll hear your guys's reviews it It's like, oh no, that one's more clearly funny and a joke. And this one is like they wrote the word no a lot. And I think that's
Starting point is 00:06:52 really, I can run with that. Yeah, that's a good game. Someone who says no to everything. Yeah, it's a really good improv thing. It's really helpful. Well, if you couldn't tell from George being here or the title of the episode, we're here. We're talking about Margaritaville again.
Starting point is 00:07:10 Again. Long time coming. Before we started recording, George made us some frozen margs because we were going to go to dinner at Margaritaville tonight. Yeah. It didn't happen. And so we're like, oh, we'll make margs and record. Who wants to go first in describing the drinks in our hands? So,
Starting point is 00:07:28 okay. I do feel like so much of my, like very little internet presence is food and drink oriented. You are like famously a wonderful, like, like chef, foodie, like mixologist.
Starting point is 00:07:50 Like it is. And this isn't, i'm not like so uh we decided we're not going to margaritaville that's fine uh and then jeffrey's like we'll make margaritas at our house do we have stuff uh and i said i texted jeffrey no and then i meant to say we just need limes and i didn't do that and um jeffrey was based off of that information brought all the stuff you need for margaritas with the exception of limes and brought mix but it's like that's fine that feels closer to margarita authentic experience i will defend margaritaville a little bit. Like, if you get a Cadillac Margarita, it tastes more functionally like a Margarita. But in the video... Functionally like a Margarita? The mix is
Starting point is 00:08:31 so flavorless. It's a... The sin it commits, I guess. It tastes quite viscous. It's viscous. It is bland. It is like sugar water. Sour, but not in a lime way. I wouldn't even... Yeah, it's sour in is bland it it is like sugar sour but not in a lime way i wouldn't yeah it's sour in a milk way it tastes like cream it's really it just it's half and half whipping cream we talked
Starting point is 00:08:55 about how it's like okay we're gonna record and then on the break we're gonna make a real drink well what what could we what could we do and george is just like well i can just make another cocktail and so jeff's like yeah on a break i guess negroni's yeah yeah should we open a franchise called negroni ville peter saba's negroni ville it's like a little in the it not vacation. It's like cigar lounge. That's really good. A chain cigar lounge. A family-friendly destination, but it's a cigar lounge. I mean.
Starting point is 00:09:36 And then there's the Margaritaville theme park, right? Well, okay. Resort. There's a resort. There's a resort in Gatlinburg. That's in Tennessee, right? Yeah. I still think you should have your bachelor party there.
Starting point is 00:09:48 I think it'd be really funny. That would be incredible. It's right by Dollyville, I think. Oh my God. Dollywood. Double feature. Dollywood, sorry. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:56 Double feature. A double feature. And then it's either there or it's in Pigeon Forge. It doesn't matter. No, it's in pigeon forge it doesn't matter no it's important and then they opened the time square margaritaville with like the like four scale replica of the statue of liberty but holding a margarita oh my god it goes up it's like four stories and it's also a hotel when i was in when i was living in new york for a bit you came to visit me like three times i think how did we not go there because it's in times square but in retrospect yeah easy to get to because
Starting point is 00:10:30 free subway stops there so out of the way well yeah and also there was so much it's new york baby there's like nothing to do so we were like margaritaville so margaret what's our experience updated experience with it still nothing but you've never been no i still have never been stop the record but i also saw that there's a margaritaville cruise yeah why haven't we been on it would you do that i would do a margaritaville cruise and then when we kick up negroniville i do think we should do a negroniville airboat tour of the everglades or the bayou of the bayou yeah yeah i guess it's the same drink slopping around everywhere it's like a classy drink. Why is it in the swamps?
Starting point is 00:11:26 Well, we're trying to class it down and make it more accessible. We're taking it outside into the marsh. We're drinking it with the Crocs. In Crocs. There's no through line. But there's no cocktail for the Crocs. Jeff. And the Negroni could be the first one.
Starting point is 00:11:46 I will say, when we were prepping for this, and we were considering whether or not to go to Margaritaville, I don't know, George wasn't in this conversation, but Jeff and I were talking about it, and I'm like, oh, I really want to go. And Jeff's like, it's really bad. And I'm like, but I think it'd be...
Starting point is 00:12:01 I said the food was bad. I know, but I'm like, I think it'd be so fun, I'm sure it's fine and Jeff's like it's fucking bad I got a burger when we went with Evan Dodson yeah and it was mush so I will say the food's gotten worse like the burger was the consistency of
Starting point is 00:12:20 like frozen ice cream like ice cream before you kind of let it sit out I want it to be so hard ice cream before you kind of let it sit out i want it so hard right actually it might be perfect ice cream consistency so it's a spread it was ice cream it was disgusting it was a mush but continue the like they they've changed their menu. When I would go like years ago, I recall like my girlfriend at the time had she currently has celiac disease. So we'd order gluten free. So I would get jambalaya, which is a thing they don't offer anymore. And jambalaya was my go to.
Starting point is 00:13:01 And then the jambalaya was pretty good. And then now I go and I don't get the food because it's like, it's the- How drastically did they change their menu or did they just get rid of jambalaya? They really- George is like, it's all fucking different. It is all different. It's more like shitty pub food now. Yeah. And before it was like, you pub food now. Yeah. And before it was like you're on vacation.
Starting point is 00:13:29 Yeah. The drinks are more or less the same. We'll go and we'll get a drink and chips and guac. Well, yeah, because you go for the drinks and then weirdly enough, you do not go for the margarita. What? Yeah. What? I got like a pina colada or something. Why wouldn't you go for the margarita? yeah yeah what i got like a pina colada or something why wouldn't you go for
Starting point is 00:13:46 the margarita you got one you get a catalog margarita you've never been this is having had the catalog look having ridden in the cadillac which is what you say when you drink the Cadillac margarita. It is not, I won't say life-changing because it's not, but it's not the reason you go, I guess. Someone else at another table, you're both drinking Cadillacs, and you know how people talk to the margarita, but you look over and you're like, how's the ride? And they just get a chance. You give them the car wave.
Starting point is 00:14:23 Smooth. The Jeep wave. The Jeep wave. How, the Jeep wave. How's the ride? Hong Kong. Hong Kong. I get the five o'clock somewhere. I think that's what it's called.
Starting point is 00:14:34 I would have to pull one. What's in it? I don't remember. Got it. Facial shavings. Okay. It's five o'clock shadow somewhere. Should we get into it? Yeah. Why don't we take a break make the real drink and then get into our reviews that sounds delightful we have half a blender of the shitty margarita and i'm so inclined to finish it
Starting point is 00:14:59 i wanted to grow well i just don't like when things go to waste of course i know but just well if justin's still here she said that she would have some mar Well, I just don't like when things go to waste. Of course. I know, but... Well, if Justin's still here, she said that she would have some. Margarita? Yeah. I don't want to pawn off this drink we've well-established as bad. Well, she also said she needed a drink, in air quotes, before she goes and sees this Julia Roberts movie. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:15:19 Oh, Ticket to Paradise? Yeah. Okay. We'll be right back. Wait, hold on, hold on, hold on. I have something to say about Ticket to Paradise. Oh, my fucking fucking god I saw the trailer oh sorry sorry is that
Starting point is 00:15:28 Blenna Green's knocking on the door they gotta get their ad in at the exact mid roll point I the Ticket to Paradise with Julia Roberts and George Clooney make this your what shook me I saw the whole no I have a lot that shook me
Starting point is 00:15:43 I'm in I can't wait until it shook me. George hasn't spoken for two weeks. And this is him. He's finally let it all out. Will you set me up? We're talking Ticket to Paradise. And by we're talking, I'm talking it. I think, and I want to put this out to the viewership.
Starting point is 00:15:59 I think if you look at the trailer, the guy who plays Caitlin Dever's love interest kind of looks like me from some angles. I'll kill him. I'll kill him because that's my celebrity crush. We'll be right back. Caitlyn Dever! Oh! I thinkorge was sounding
Starting point is 00:16:28 well clooney's obviously into like cock and ball torture shit what's sounding oh daniel sorry oh does daniel like sounding three two one now that we're really recording so daniel like we're back we have negronis in hand they're very good um it just kind of makes me miss the margs you know what it just it's like i want to i don't know. Can I trade? Well, you poured yours out, so no. That's cool. The ingredients aren't expensive or whatever. I mean, fuck me, man. Do you want me to like.
Starting point is 00:17:14 You just didn't have to have a drink. If it makes you feel any better, I bought the gin and the vermouth. I actually bought the gin. Really? The beefeater? Yeah. Okay. Well, then I bought the vermouth because your vermouth's in the fridge. Yeah, because you're supposed to
Starting point is 00:17:26 keep vermouth in the fridge. Daniel, cut all this out. Daniel, keep it in. Daniel, keep it in. Wait, this Daniel who edits is not Daniel Rashid. No. Is this Daniel-like sounding?
Starting point is 00:17:40 As much as Daniel Rashid. And we're back. We have Negroni's in hand who wants to kick us off with our first review I'll do it mine is from Daniel S as known for sounding I guess Daniel sounding this is for Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville
Starting point is 00:17:58 at Universal City what's the name and how many stars I forgot that we were recording a podcast what's the name and how many stars? I'm just making sure everyone's paying attention. I am not paying attention. I forgot that we were recording a podcast. One star. This is from 16 days ago. From Jesse D. Hold on. I just need to make
Starting point is 00:18:15 sure that we don't have the same one. Well, you have multiple, right? Yes, this is the one that I have. Perfect. Wait, let me make sure it's not one I have. Two, just because we're that I have. Perfect. Oh, wait, let me make sure it's not one I have too, just because we're all having fun. This is just you wanting to be a part of something.
Starting point is 00:18:31 Yeah, yeah. Well, famously, I have no taste, so 100% I was not going to choose the same as you guys. One's our Jesse D. George, make a last name for Jesse D. Jesse, Jesse. I can already see your overthinking. Jesse D.
Starting point is 00:18:58 Jesse D. No, no, no. I'm still thinking. Jesse D. I was like, just sort of getting in the zone. Jesse Davis. After all that, which I think was a full 30 seconds of you having an aneurysm. Daniel, leave it in.
Starting point is 00:19:19 Jesse Davis. And by the way, you don't have to say leave it in, because anything we don't say leave out or cut out is going to stay in. God, I can't believe this. Jesse Davis. Formerly known as Jesse Deha. Sorry, wait, can I change it? Yes, you get one more change. Sorry, Jesse.
Starting point is 00:19:39 Daniel likes sounding. Jesse Davis. one star. Melissa the GM is ridiculous. Bad attitude. Smart ass. Doesn't know her head from her ass. Jesse, the bartender, was great. But outside of that, this place was a waste of money.
Starting point is 00:20:06 So you're the bartender was great, but outside of that, this place was a waste of money. So you're the bartender. Smartass. Doesn't know her head from her ass. And that's obviously just his manager. Hey, Jesse. Thanks for meeting me here in the back office. You obviously know what this is about. Well, I can only assume it's about a number of things oh really okay so yeah what are the what are the things that it could be well okay hold on now that we're talking about this like i
Starting point is 00:20:39 i just assumed it was about all of them i felt like one thing wasn't worth calling me back in the office for i'll decide what't worth calling me back in the office for. I'll decide what's worth calling you back in the office for, but let's have you list the reasons why I would call you back here if there's more than one, because I only knew, I was only aware of one. Sure. Also, I have my trainee shadowing because I
Starting point is 00:20:57 am out of here for pregnancy leave soon. Just pretend like I'm not here. I'm a ghost. Except I'm not haunting you i'm just listening yeah for sure she's a ghost now but she's been like just seems like you two have stuff to work out she's been asking me a ton of questions and i don't obviously care that much because i'm about to quit sure do you think it's like a pregnancy hormone thing i know that's inappropriate to ask we'll get into that we'll add that to the list yeah yeah don't we add that
Starting point is 00:21:24 to the list right now i will write it down no you're shadowing me so i'll write it down and then it's sort of umbrella to one of the things i'm thinking about um but i i just figured you might as well dig i can add it right now so that like i know i'm go i'm like ghosting not ghosting you well we're not dating i'm not shadowing i am shadowing you i'm a ghost do you want me to write it down so it's just like one less thing you have to worry about doing today what did you say to the date i said no i'm pregnant because i'm married all right are you okay am i kidding me you got turned down i got turned down and part of me i i put the asking out of my own file because
Starting point is 00:22:01 i'm like oh it's a workplace thing that probably i shouldn't have done that and so i marked that down for myself so so that you know it didn't need to be you just need to be shadowing me you don't have to like you're doing a great job i would really yeah you're doing a great job being a sponge and absorbing information thank you so much i really appreciate that yeah you're being great but let's just yeah so this is so great why didn't you go on the date hey that's the million dollar question right this no the the billion dollar question is you listing the offenses that i might have to fire you for that's a million dollar question so i know that it's not as important as that because i know the
Starting point is 00:22:33 meeting is about his misdemeanors now it's all about everyone's turning against me am i bad like i don't understand how this happened not turning against you no you're you're being fine there's different prices for questions that's the billion dollar question yes the million dollar question the million dollar question was why you wouldn't go out with me the kind of like hundred thousand dollar question was the asking you out and the billion dollar question is why is he here because i have a whole laundry list of things that you think are wrong with him are you did you retroactively ascribe a hundred thousand dollars to the question of asking me out or when you asked me i know that this is
Starting point is 00:23:09 this isn't worth more than 100k because i would want asking me a lot i know i'm worth a lot i'm probably worth like 7.5 million dollars million what about me because you're asking me out i think you're honestly up in like the 10 range thank Thank you. Of course. Kidding me. Well, you're with child. Right. Yeah. So that's, I mean, inherently that sort of shifts your, excuse your score. Yeah. Up or down?
Starting point is 00:23:32 Up, obviously. Because it doubles because you have another person in you. Right, right. So I think, I mean, it honestly brings out to 5 million. That's still lower than both of your guys' values that you've ascribed to each other and yourselves what was i at before pregnancy oh you knew me longer right i was gonna say yeah what would you say um before the baby well you've just had this glow about you ever since okay but you said it brought me up to five why i was so attracted right i get it it's like
Starting point is 00:24:03 and it's almost like so seldom does someone, and I know we'll add this to the list after I say it. Uh-huh. I got my pen ready. So seldom does, you know, when someone is pregnant and then they have the pregnancy hormones, does their personality get better? I am writing that down, but you have a point.
Starting point is 00:24:21 Like I'm absolutely adding that to the list, but you are so right. Are you kidding kidding me you're like so much more dynamic now compared to what you were before yeah like you want to get to the list i'm writing that on my list too to be fair like i'm not just your list doesn't matter because i'm still acting gm well your list matters to me because i am going to take all of this as constructive criticism. It might just be criticism. Can we take something off the list for that? Because I think that was really mature and showed such a sign of growth
Starting point is 00:24:50 that I feel like that can redact something else. It was a deflected mechanism because he knows that what I'm about to say is that he might be fired. That's also why he keeps asking you questions. I'm hearing might. This meeting's not helping, I'll say. What do you mean? I think it's great that we have this open dialogue it was so you said when i got pregnant i got up to five million what was i before that i just want
Starting point is 00:25:12 to know before we get into your list that's the one thing i want to do and then what were you up to before what was i at pre-pregnancy pregnancy in terms of questions insemination sorry added to the list i'm adding it yeah um the nation the you don't have to repeat it verbally because it actually makes me feel like shit because we had to do ibf it was really expensive and that's part of why i'm leaving do you want me to annotate that i don't want you to know that it wasn't well how much was i worth at least it worked like there's no shame in how anybody gets pregnant i completely agree i love that technology has come this far if i was in your shoes i would be walking on eggshells
Starting point is 00:25:51 you're taking the biggest swings i've ever had an employee take in my office and and sorry just from my no one's listening to me i'm just in the back of the room i'm just training i don't think so from sorry from like what i'm seeing in him and that and that he he's taking big swings, that feels like that would be an asset. Yeah. And this is such a small thing, but like before you start the sentence, clear the air bubble, right?
Starting point is 00:26:10 Like, don't go like, Oh, and that's the thing. I can mark that on my list. I can add it to my list. Mark that. Mark that for sure.
Starting point is 00:26:16 Sorry. You know, if we're talking things with bubbles that need to be cleared, I'm your belly. It's not gas. Oh, I think it was, but I think it's a boat i know i know i'm not dumb and i'm actually if you look at the list of things none of them are none of them none of its incompetence none of its incompetence you don't even know the list when neither of us
Starting point is 00:26:43 know the list that's why i'm so curious all we know is the thing that i talked to you before about the yelp review and a handful of the things i said that we've added since insemination and talking about how you're you're a better personality wise now that you're you're with child yelp review from jesse d your photo is the profile photo melissa the gm is ridiculous bad attitude and smart ass doesn't know her hit from her ass that's obviously unacceptable to do yeah especially at my the my own company and don't take the self-awareness as like a plus that should be taken off the list it's like you can read my mind see this is where i don't understand why the date wasn't accepted because it's like already i'm seeing like oh my god you get it it's like you can see i didn't
Starting point is 00:27:22 even have to say anything i didn't even have to look at you you saw me looking at the list and you're like oh i know what's on her mind no i don't i the only reason i know you is because you've done you did the same thing like five minutes ago and here's what i'll say you guys have great chemistry stop it's like you're rubbing salt in the wound i'm like it feels good but also at the same time it's just like no but i'm trying to validate you putting yourself out there because i want you to put yourself out there in the future. Can I please take something off the list? That's not. No, because the other things aren't commensurate with that. But that was so sweet.
Starting point is 00:27:51 That was sweet. It's in a vacuum. It doesn't have to be about the list. What else did you do? Look at that face. You're going to fire that face? Why don't you guys have sex? Look at that little face.
Starting point is 00:28:00 That's not the vibe. That's really inappropriate. That's really inappropriate. That's going on your list. inappropriate that's going on your list that's so much worse than me laundering money say something you pick up your things cause you're
Starting point is 00:28:20 motherfucking fired and so am I this is your keys to the kingdom. I don't care. And you know what? As long as we're blowing shit up, my husband has a small pee-pee. So, might as well just go with someone
Starting point is 00:28:35 else. Let's go on a date. Really? Let's go on a fucking date. It doesn't matter. I had to spend 10 grand. And by the way way just so you guys know i talked to an ob about this the smaller the dick the less fertile now that i think about it i'm not ready to be a parent i'm not ready for that kind of responsibility i'm not asking you to marry me i'm just asking you to get a drink and you know what it's like then what are you
Starting point is 00:29:00 expecting to happen like where are you expecting it to go it's like i feel like i should have thought this through beforehand and i didn't and so now it's like oh well what are you expecting to happen? Like, where are you expecting it to go? It's like, I feel like I should have thought this through beforehand and I didn't. And so now it's like, oh, well, it can only go one or two ways. How much money did you steal? Are you going to press charges? I don't care enough at this point. I just want to know how much I didn't know about. Let's just say I stole the amount you were worth before the pregnancy.
Starting point is 00:29:24 And what is that amount? Do you want to write it down? You can like pass the number. Or you'd just rather not say. Well, here's the thing. I want you. I'm shipping you two. Why?
Starting point is 00:29:37 I'm shipping you two because of the chemistry. Are we not? I'm so torn. Feel it? I'm feeling it. But it's like, I don't know. It's like, I can't be a mom and you know what that feels like something you can talk out no it doesn't feels like no it doesn't that's an entire
Starting point is 00:29:52 life shift here's the thing i don't want to devalue you i because i'm afraid the number i slide to you yeah is going to be like oh i don't want to be this number but now but now the number is up the number is around five now so it's like what you send the number that you pass through will not be what it is now can I ask what happens after I have the baby do I stay at 5 million it depends how
Starting point is 00:30:15 well okay it depends how good the baby is what do you mean well okay so let's say he has a point with that let's say the baby is bad what does that mean it say the baby's bad what does that mean it means the baby's bad have you ever seen a bad baby like it's wet or like it smells all babies are wet and smell when they come out oh um okay i don't know i'm sorry i was clean and dry when i was born you i was eight pounds. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:47 And I was one foot long. Is that a normal baby length? And then they put dry. And is your mother still alive? Yeah. Yeah, of course she's alive. That's not of course. Dry.
Starting point is 00:31:05 She should have died. Don't say that about my mom. I'm putting that on your list. You fired me and now you're telling me my mom is dead? You just said your mom should have died. That is going like top of your list. I know it was four million. No, because that math doesn't check out. Because what we said is that your value doubled with the baby.
Starting point is 00:31:24 So 2.5 million. Yeah, but there's like, there's like more to it than that. What is that? I, I think, okay. Do you really want to know? No, I think I've decided I don't. Yeah, I don't think you want to know either. But you're 10 million.
Starting point is 00:31:43 I'm 10 million. It makes you 10 million. I'm 10 million. It makes you feel better. I'm 7.5. That makes me feel also bad because you guys are both. Oh, yeah. Oh. That's not the intention. I never want to make you feel bad.
Starting point is 00:31:56 No, and I know you don't. Sorry. I know you don't. Clear your throat midway. Don't get rid of the bubble. Clear your throat before you talk. I'm erasing that off of my list because you just did it too i'm taking my badge my name tag i'm giving it to you you're the acting gm you can stay on for all i fucking care i don't i don't need your name tag
Starting point is 00:32:16 i have my own name at this point what do i what gets me out of the room with severance well i'm fired so i can't really i don't really have a say it seems to be the trainee's position i guess i'm the gm now yeah right can i go um stay you're my trainee no i'm i am leaving for pregnancy and you legally have to have me. Well, when do you need to go? Whenever I have a baby. Great. You're my trainee until then.
Starting point is 00:32:53 That gets you out of the room. You want me nine months pregnant under your wing? I want you nine months pregnant. And I'll add that to my list. I'll add it to my list. I'll add it. You're not coming near my sorry but vag at nine months why are you still here i haven't dismissed him but he doesn't work
Starting point is 00:33:18 here anymore because i fired him you fired him but now i'm in charge okay and what do you feel in this moment well i'm there's a world I'm, maybe I'm rehired. Well, not really, right? There's no way. Are you shitting me? He's worth $10 million. It would be insane to let him go. Even if he has that in his checking account, which you don't, which you don't.
Starting point is 00:33:43 You have 2.5 at most. You don't have much blonder necessarily from other places you're rehiring we haven't even begun to get to the other things what are your other jobs well other jobs i like work as a janitor i play the lottery that's not a job the second one's not a job teach skiing? I teach skiing at the local slope. What? I can't be a janitor, work at a car dealership, and teach skiing? Well, this is the first we're hearing about the car dealership.
Starting point is 00:34:12 You also work at Margaritaville. Yeah. That's too many jobs, I would say. You're here four days a week. Why are you chastising him for, like, hustling? I guess... Well, if you don't like working four looking for jobs you're gonna be a bad mom because you are putting that on your list i lunch for your throat
Starting point is 00:34:33 uh you're fired again you're gone your shit can uh do you want to do your review riley what do you feel who wants to go next i want to hear george's i want to hear the one that george was confident about and is now second guessing i want you to know i have a backup just in case okay this is from david r which margaritaville oh this is from the margaritaville universal city walk yeah city walk um david r yeah david r uh los angeles california universal city walk universal city california i hate that it's its own city david riley david riley ant spa and my dad's name is davidson hi dad my dad listens this is from riley's dad how many stars two oh okay david riley and spa um walked into margaritaville to have a drink and was ignored
Starting point is 00:35:36 by the bartenders they were busy talking amongst themselves one was sitting in a chair i was the only one at the bar i ordered several long island iced teas and each one was different one made one the other made the other i didn't want to yell across the bar to get their attention so i waited a long time in between drinks there's a weird gap in it i'm normally not one to say anything, but service was so bad. I really hope it wasn't because I was a local Mexican-American and not a tourist. Please have your staff treat everyone equal. And then there's a photo and the caption is two bartenders ignoring a customer. Him.
Starting point is 00:36:23 You could say ignoring me it is giving that the image it gives that what's that painting of the like of the diner oh yeah I'm forgetting I forgot
Starting point is 00:36:38 sounds right Edward Hooper Nighthawks Nighthawks that's what it is Hooper, Nighthawks. Hooper, Nighthawks. That's what it is. Yeah, it looks like Nighthawks. Anyway, so. Was this one good? Yeah. That's what you do every time you have sex.
Starting point is 00:37:03 Was this time good? Please give me another shot. Yeah, that was good. You do improv. Like, you know that it's good. Yeah, yeah. First one was an aberration. First one was an aberration.
Starting point is 00:37:17 We made it work. Yeah. Is this a normal sitting position? No, it is not. George is kneeling. No, that's what I do. I do that, too. No, there's no way.
Starting point is 00:37:26 It's a nice stretch for the hip flexor. All right. Well, you know what? I have different ways of stretching my... What's your way of stretching your hip flexor? Sounding. Sounding. So, basically, I'll have someone spread my ass, basically.
Starting point is 00:37:38 Yeah. Do you want to speak to that? No. I'm going to do improv. Okay. Yeah, let to do improv okay yeah let's do it this is also the first time we've like had a drink while recording in a while
Starting point is 00:37:51 and I haven't eaten today beyond a sandwich do you want me to re-read the review? no there's kind of a lot of good stuff in there you don't have to say it why don't you initiate this scene Okay. There's kind of a lot of good stuff in there.
Starting point is 00:38:07 You don't have to say it. Just why don't you initiate this scene? Okay. A lot of. Okay. George is at the foot of my bed. Riley and I are sitting on my bed. George is on his knees face down at the foot of the bed with a Negronian hand. I actually love sitting in this position.
Starting point is 00:38:24 I love like if we're in a group of people and I have like a regular ass chair I didn't get like couch real estate or whatever and it's like you know like a dining table chair. I love like laying across it on my tummy. Yeah I don't know. I think as like a baby I didn't get
Starting point is 00:38:40 enough like tummy time. Or love. So that's when it's like I was in the kitchen and I forgot that I had to bring the lime juice back to the bar right well you know it doesn't matter i know it doesn't matter but i feel like i don't know i feel like it's like it's it's only my second week here and i feel like that was such a rookie mistake of like well i think it's margaritaville it's like how can i not keep replenishing yeah oh i'm sorry i've been here for like 15 minutes i i would just love i think there's like a grace period right so like you're here and people like first of all like you were you were training for the first week right and then now you're your first week fully you get to finish
Starting point is 00:39:15 my team and uh what do you say what can i order i just want to order a drink i just i've had the longest day okay i really need a drink i need a drink right now i need to drink i am ending nine months of sobriety whoa that's how bad i need this drink and you guys are gabbing about lime juice it's your second week okay that's probably fine they're not gonna fire you after two weeks well that's what i was trying to say it's like it's two weeks to two so like okay i get that it's like the customer is also gonna give you that like that makes sense that makes sense um so like even you know here's what i do for a living i'm a storm chaser and i just saw a storm so bad i'm ending nine months of sobriety a thing a job you can't do under any influence i need your strongest drink and it will hit me like a bus because i have not drank in nine months you know what's so funny actually that reminds me the first dark and stormy i made here like it was so bad and that was actually part of my like like audition process for you
Starting point is 00:40:40 don't make me that one then well Well, she's good at it now. I'm just saying on that day. The first one I made here wasn't good. I feel like you're not listening. It was two weeks ago. It was two weeks ago. Well, she didn't make drinks on the first day. Okay, so what?
Starting point is 00:40:56 Was it a week ago? Do you want us to ask you about the storm or do you want us to refuse? Depends. Do you want to hear about one of the horrors that god created not loving the hard g on that one in terms of your worldview created what oh god yes god yeah you said it like god and people say like that are usually a little irritating to me when you've seen the storm i've seen where was it florida then why are you here i had to get away from florida yeah to here south georgia i mean listen
Starting point is 00:41:38 like after what you've been sharing i don't know if i feel comfortable making you a drink yeah there's the sign over there too it says we were reserved the right to refuse service to any customer i'm rich storm chasing's good money i really don't think it is i can't imagine of an organization that has money to put you on salary for that if the storm's really big like this one the payout's really big from who so what exactly you chase the storm? Yeah, are you a photographer? Let's just really nail down what it is you do. Are you a photographer? I don't take the pictures.
Starting point is 00:42:10 That's Mike's job. I would never. I've got shaky hands. So are you a meteorologist? Like you figure out where the storm is going to be? No, if I would do that, if I could do that, I would know the right place to be. I'm chasing the storms. If I were a meteorologist, I'd be there and would I would know the right place to be I'm chasing the storms if I were a meteorologist I'd be there
Starting point is 00:42:28 and the storm would come to me are you the one driving the car? no I'm not allowed to drive it's why it's part of the reason I was sober for so long okay that's personal you basically said it already yeah it's DUIs
Starting point is 00:42:43 which are fine. You're allowed to have as many as you want. I don't think that's true. You get your license. In Florida, you're allowed to have as many as you want. Sorry we can't all have the elegance of South Georgia. So you're not driving the car. You're not taking the photos.
Starting point is 00:43:00 You're not a meteorologist. I'm sort of there being like look and are you put in at least in this particular storm did you point in the right direction yes i did i i can see it i sort of have like my thing is i sort of have the most zeal i guess you could say i'm a cheerleader for the storm chasing crew and so i'm like the chaser and that's fine like i'll get out of the car and i'll run at it all of this is fine but you're there's no way you're rich let me show you my bank account uh i don't feel the need because i have no intention of serving him yeah we've kind of
Starting point is 00:43:36 already without even saying it like she just confirmed it but we're not going to give you we're not going to give you a drink you haven haven't even asked my name. We don't ask that of customers usually. Weird. Okay. There goes your tip. I kind of figured you weren't going to tip anyways, which is why I feel comfortable not serving you. If you're a cheerleader for storm chasers, I already know what your bank account looks like. And so that's why I feel like I don't really need to see it. I'm not a cheerleader for storm chasers.
Starting point is 00:44:02 I'm like that. That's sort of my role amongst the storm chasers but i am a storm chaser your title is storm chaser and that's not a title i take lightly that's a title i went to school for you went to school so so you went to school for meteorology no i don't know how it works I go to build the confidence to chase after that which kills. So what was your degree? Theater? The official degree that you got from, and then which university you got it at. Confidence was the degree.
Starting point is 00:44:36 No. I majored in confidence. Bachelor of Arts or what? Bachelor of Arts, yeah. Confidence from where? Harvard. You didn't go to school. What are you talking...
Starting point is 00:44:47 This... You're doubting me. This... Sorry. Are you 21? I'm 21 exactly. Are you sure? Do you want to see my ID?
Starting point is 00:45:00 I do, yeah. So you'll see my ID and not my bank account? Yes. Mess... What a fucking country we live in. I slide across the bar. Not we, right? This isn't an American ID. And the name is
Starting point is 00:45:13 Storm Chaser. I told you you'd want to know my name. We see Judd Apatow at the end of the bar. That's funny. An idea with one name on it. Well, I couldn't just say Storm Chaser, because then he could sue. Hmm.
Starting point is 00:45:33 What about... McFuckin'? No, that's too blue. McLovin'. Cut back to the other end of the bar. Hey! Wait, sorry. You over there. You remain mighty silent.
Starting point is 00:45:53 Do you think they should serve me a drink? He's clearly 18 years old. Yeah. Yeah. You think we should serve this 18-year a drink be funny i don't think so do you guys know leslie man pretty hot right i and honestly i'm not really familiar with her body of work could you list a bunch of things she's done
Starting point is 00:46:27 uh this is 40 that's a good movie uh 40 year old virgin another movie with 40 in the title also really good a thing I'm realizing now that I realize you're Judd Apatow is that you
Starting point is 00:46:43 you looked at an ID said McFuckin's a good idea then you referenced this is 40 which is to say which is to say you know about your movie super bad you already made the character McLovin so
Starting point is 00:46:59 so you you have nothing you have no ideas you don't have any good ideas i already did the mclovin thing yes okay then i'll do mcfucking or whatever no that's so similar okay well then what about uh you already said it was too blue which it is this is tough this is tough what about uh you know how old are you 21 no he's 18 okay well now i'm confused what it's like this is 21 you guys know maude apatow your daughter yeah that yeah we a lot of famous people in my house well they're two of them are certainly like
Starting point is 00:47:48 because of you and then one of them you can't name a single piece of their filmography other than things you've made uh the other woman she is in the other woman are you guys gonna serve me a drink no yeah by the way i've been silent because i was texting um no i'm going to make myself a drink yeah and not come out of the kitchen who were you texting oh just this person i met on none of your business it does not matter you don't know him so and you don't know who he's texting probably do you know how hard it is to find love as a storm chaser? I'd imagine it's pretty difficult. Pretty difficult.
Starting point is 00:48:30 Yeah, it's pretty, you know. Also, you're between the ages of 18 and 21, so it kind of doesn't matter. Oh, sorry. I don't deserve love because I'm a legal adult. That's not what he said. I just meant you're not going to probably end up with the person you start dating now. But I guess that's cynical. You're right.
Starting point is 00:48:43 I'm sorry. Just because you didn't just doesn't mean that you won't. Yeah. I'm not on your side, by the way. Well, you're not on mine after that, right? I noticed there's a tan line on your left hand ring finger as if you just stopped wearing it. I was not a wedding ring. It was a purity ring. So you lost your virginity?
Starting point is 00:49:04 Well, I'm trying. and so i was on raya okay i'm shocked you got on raya you were a bartender at margaritaville yeah but i was like i was a child actor really uh yeah if you have to question his baby I was a Huggies baby. What's it like, though? Have you had sex? Don't ask. He's an adult. I'll tell you if you serve me a drink. No! No way!
Starting point is 00:49:35 He is 18! Hey, if you can drink, I'll tell you how to have sex. Here's what I'm gonna do. I will tell you how to have sex. You don't need to serve this. Don you how to have sex you don't need to serve don't look this way you don't need to serve this 18 year old alcohol i will tell you anyone alcohol i would love to hear all of our versions of how we think sex has had i'm putting this sour apple pucker a liquor never really ordered into a shot glass i'm
Starting point is 00:50:04 reporting it no because I'm putting it on the bar. Now, if anything else happens while my back is turned, it's not on me. And then apropos of nothing, could I also get a couple other cocktail ingredients separated
Starting point is 00:50:19 and then a rocks glass and a shaker? This is illegal. We cannot be doing this. Are you kidding me? Doing weed was illegal? Yeah, you're pretty uptight. I'm not uptight. I work at a bar and you're underage. What's the coolest thing you've ever done?
Starting point is 00:50:38 I've fucked in an airplane bathroom with the door open. Everyone saw and heard. That's like a little too much actually can you are you kidding me can you fly are you kidding me planes oh my god you asked what the coolest thing i've ever done was that was it i've chased storms and i met judd apatow so did i fuck also i would say we didn't really meet i mean you admitted to being on Raya the entirety of our conversation. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:09 In fact, the only people whose names we know are Judds and mine, Storm Chaser. I'm Kim. I'm also... Kim. But, uh... Sometimes I go by my middle name at work because she just got hired and also it's a little more masculine what's your middle name?
Starting point is 00:51:33 Pietro Kim Pietro yes love Kim Petrus by the way it's made googling myself a little bit of a difficult it's different uh googling myself a little bit of a difficult how it's so it's different enough from kim petras but there's a no way well it's because when you type in my
Starting point is 00:51:51 first two names it says did you mean kim petras and uh yeah uh should we make a drink if I give you a handle of Malibu rum will you leave the premises and tell nobody because I don't want that don't give him the handle because I need to hear out how here you go here is a fresh
Starting point is 00:52:19 I just opened it fresh handle of Malibu rum you tell no one about this I'm not going to tell anyone you go you drink the whole thing because that way fresh handle of Malibu rum. You tell no one about this. I'm not going to tell anyone. You go, you drink the whole thing. Uh-huh. Because that way... I drink the whole thing right in one sitting. In one sitting.
Starting point is 00:52:33 Because I need you to learn the lesson. I... I'm going to report you for the lime juice. Are you fucking kidding? You were about... A shot! A shot to hear about how to fuck! Right, I'm reporting you for that!
Starting point is 00:52:49 No. You can't. I can! It's- It's the Audi into the- But that's- Right? In the most cursory way,
Starting point is 00:53:04 I don't think you're wrong but but you're not being specific about what you think the audi is and what you think the indy is my question has always been you know you don't need to speak in hush tones it's been us having this conversation the entire time and i guess judd apatow's here and judd knows i have said judd knows how to fuck for sure i wouldn't be with leslie if i didn't know how to fucking pound so ask judd don't ask let him leave i'm taking this handle back don't let him leave and you can talk to judd apatow who's made so many movies about fucking question for judd yeah you can be with a leslie man just because you know how to pound but you don't know like any of her filmography before your work like you really don't know anything like it's sort of like
Starting point is 00:53:54 she's a career woman like she is she's done a lot yeah she's done a lot and you were able to name three movies of hers. And it seems like, I don't know, your relationship is so physical based, which is good. Yeah, I think we got the kids. I know how you got the kids. I know how I'm talking. Here's what I'll tell the other bartender. Kim, was it? We're both named Kim. Kim too.
Starting point is 00:54:27 Why am I too? You said it a second. The outie does go in the innie, but that's not the only way to have sex. That's not inclusive of any people existing outside the gender binary all right and also sometimes i have an audi and sometimes it's nice when leslie surprises me by putting a different audi often metal in nature into my audi it's called sound i think i'm good we are all adults and why are we referring to genitalia as
Starting point is 00:55:09 emmys and outies well we're at work i don't know why judd was saying it like the way he just talked about sex i think i'm good without having had you don't have to do what he said i don't want to do even the first thing isn't that the point of you just said you're on raya because you're trying to have sex yeah well how do you think you have sex how do i think i know you nice oh you want me to go no uh should we do our last review good time it's been an hour and five minutes I think we can do a quick one. Great. Hold on. Daniel, actually leave this in.
Starting point is 00:55:51 Why? I've been thinking. I've got some stuff to say. We've never given him this much notes, by the way, in episodes. Well, that's sort of the beauty of having me
Starting point is 00:55:59 on the pod. All right, I got mine. I got mine. Okay, perfect timing. Perfect timing. Daniel, leave this in. I got mine. Perfect timing. Daniel, leave this in. Daniel. Daniel.
Starting point is 00:56:12 Cut this out. Cut the stuff about the Negronis out. Cut the watch stuff out. Daniel, cut this out, obviously. If you love me, you're gonna leave this in. Daniel, cut it out. He's never met you, he doesn't know you. No, I know everything I need to know about Daniel. What's his last name? Sounding.
Starting point is 00:56:28 Nope. Alright. I have the last review. It's again from Universal Studios. The best margarita I've ever been to. Two stars from Kimberly A. Kimberly Ass. Kimberly Ass. Two stars. Honestly, the food
Starting point is 00:56:44 is not as described it's not worth it they put canned nacho cheese on your nachos and not enough dressing or items on top and then they put on canned beans we sent it back and then she described a Cuban sandwich as huge big delicious
Starting point is 00:56:59 it was not it was so tiny honestly it looks like a grilled cheese excuse me sorry just flagging you down really quick It was not. It was so tiny. Honestly, it looks like a grilled cheese. Excuse me. Sorry. Just flagging you down really quick. It is my daughter's sweet 16th birthday. And so we wanted to come here just for a special treat.
Starting point is 00:57:14 And we are ready to order. But first, I would love to hear the specials that you guys have here at Margaritaville. Hello. I love to. I love talking about the specials we're talking to the right people you know what
Starting point is 00:57:32 I never expected two servers to come over to my table but they're sort of a team because they don't trust either one of us on our own you guys are so funny here honey aren't they funny yeah they're funny stop embarrassing me. We just, can we just order?
Starting point is 00:57:47 No, we got to hear the specials and they seem excited to give the specials. What are your guys' names? Double Date? Is this a double date? I'm sorry. Between the four, among the four, is this a double date?
Starting point is 00:58:00 We're just asking. We're rejected all the time. So it's fine. If you feel that I'm 16 and he's your age. First of all, please don't lean on the table. Well, I want to make sure you hear me. I hear you. I'm sorry I'm crying.
Starting point is 00:58:19 This isn't just a startle. This isn't a double date. I'm here with my daughter for her sweet 16th dinner. Mom, they're frightening me. No, honey, they're frightening me too. Maybe we better be sat down. No, do not sit down. I want different servers. We need to put a two-top into another two-top.
Starting point is 00:58:44 Together, we are the employees of the month. What? We got employee of the month. You're really not going to get a better service than us. Can you please? God, you pulled up another table. Mom, can we leave? No, honey.
Starting point is 00:58:57 This reservation took so long to get. We're going to sit and we're going to eat. Gentlemen, can you please, please leave the table? I would like to request a different server or else I'd like to talk to the manager. I guess we can get two different servers. We can get two different servers. I don't need two different servers. I need one competent server.
Starting point is 00:59:14 We're going to get two different servers. Hello? Yeah. I hear we have a birthday. Is this a double date? I hear we have a birthday Is Is this Double date? No, it's just you guys in hats
Starting point is 00:59:30 Take those off I know it's you You didn't change your faces at all I heard there was a 16th street 16 I know it's you 16th was my favorite birthday It's how old I am It's most recent birthday and I'm whatever age you are.
Starting point is 00:59:46 Should we pull up a chair? Make it a six-stop? Just in case the other two want to come back. You are the other two! I don't know why I'm continuing to do this, Ben. I know that it's you. You took the hats off. You're the same people.
Starting point is 01:00:00 Say, when do you want to have your birthday? It's not my birthday. Mom, please stop making them talk to me. I don't know what else to do, honey. Sometimes the best birthday gift is a double date. Things really do come true, because we're on one. I'm on a date with your mom. We've all been there.
Starting point is 01:00:20 We've all been there. I drove a horse and bug the end of the station. You want us to get to a different service? We seem like you guys are uncomfortable. You cannot come back again. You have to promise me. First time serving you.
Starting point is 01:00:39 Promise me. Promise me. Promise me that you will get to a different service. I see other people working around this restaurant. I want to watch you go over, tap other people on the shoulder, and direct them over to the table. I do not want to see you over here again. Do we have a deal?
Starting point is 01:00:57 We'll get two different service. You're not going to get two different service. Walk away. They kind of go around a corner so you don't see anything. Mom, I don't understand why we can't just leave. Dress like the Blues Brothers. No. No.
Starting point is 01:01:16 So here we have a birthday sitting in this chair. Two different people everywhere. Looks like the four of us are on a double date that's when you have four different mates I'm your age and he's 16
Starting point is 01:01:36 and that's why we're gonna go off some steam the specials are steam. The specials are we have a really special ranch and we brought the jambalaya back. Take the jambalaya. With the ranch?
Starting point is 01:02:01 Yeah, with the ranch. And what does she want for her birthday? Double date? Just tell them whatever you want, honey. What will get them away from the table fastest? I think if we just say we're on a double date, we don't have to talk to them. We don't have to look at them. We can just keep the conversation between us.
Starting point is 01:02:21 Okay, that sounds good. And as long as we don't maintain eye contact with them we can just get through the dinner fine i'm so sorry that this is what the night turned out to be no mom you couldn't no one could have predicted that this is how the night was gonna go hey sorry you guys are taking kind of a while to order. If you guys could go and get two different customers. I said I wanted the dolls. You guys changed your mind?
Starting point is 01:02:54 The other two do appear. No way! They didn't change their mind without talking to us first. Yeah, we also thought we were on a double date. And we're back to enjoy our double date. With two smoking ladies, we want to date. And if you don't like just us two and you, I'll take a double date with all of us eight. Eight. What do we need to do to leave this table?
Starting point is 01:03:58 Date all of us for a while. I'm for a while? I just like to be able to have a girlfriend. I'm for a while. Just like to be able to say I have a girlfriend. I'm married and my daughter is 16. Why do you think I'm so desperate? Well, we're three 16-year-olds. Three of us are 16.
Starting point is 01:04:13 We established that. And I'm your age. And I am too. And we're all not married. So the fact that you're married and we're not, it's like that's why we're so desperate. You know, because I had always pictured having a family. Your breath is so hot.
Starting point is 01:04:28 I know. I have a lot of sour cream and onion products. Where's your husband? I know that's weird for me, the 16-year-old house, but it's just sort of a morbid curiosity. He's on a business trip that he couldn't reschedule.
Starting point is 01:04:44 That's why. Yeah, what you doing? Look me in the eyes. I'm really uncomfortable ever since everyone here stopped looking me in the eyes. He's, um... He's in, uh... He's in sports.
Starting point is 01:05:04 He's a sports broadcaster and so he he has to travel for work and watch a lot of football games is it mike bream is mike bringing the sports really yeah that's really cool i'd love to be asking my brothers with mike bream when i go to bed and i start to dream. I think that my husband, he's Mike Bream. He's not the only one. I also think my husband's Mike Bream. And it's a dream. I'm Mike Cream.
Starting point is 01:05:34 Thinking about it right now. Must be awful lonely when your husband's away. Seems like the solution is a double date. On her special day, she's 16 years 16, I'm 59? 45. Fuck! I also was gonna say 59. I was gonna say 90.
Starting point is 01:06:06 Isn't it your ages? You said it's the same age. That's why I was gonna say it. I'm 90. And you think I'm 90? I don't know. I didn't know. My favorite part about coming to work is being paired with a 90-year-old.
Starting point is 01:06:22 I'm 60. Are all the waiters like partners? Hey, Judd Apatow here. I left my keys here yesterday. I guess I lifted them. You say you guys were 90? I'm not
Starting point is 01:06:39 90. But you are. 16. 90s's interesting. Cut to the trailer. Paul Rudd. Leslie Mann. This is 90. Sorry, if we can pause the edit
Starting point is 01:06:58 on this trailer. It doesn't tell me anything. It's just you, Judd. Selfie camera. Just saying just you, Judd, selfie camera, just saying your friend Paul Rudd, who hasn't signed any paperwork, your wife, and you just said this is an ID. And age, neither of them are.
Starting point is 01:07:18 This... I want a proof of concept to take to Universal, all right? We hear you, we hear you, but the... I think when you're making a proof of concept to take to universal. All right. We hear you. We hear you. But the, um, I think when you're making a proof of concept, it would be helpful to see a little bit of the story.
Starting point is 01:07:32 So what is the proof of concept? Yeah. Because this is just a video. You have used exactly what he said that this is talking about your friends. And this is 90, but there is no proof of concept. There is no concept. That's not a concept.
Starting point is 01:07:50 This is 40, right? Everyone loved that movie everyone loved everyone yeah as far as i knew if i could give a pitch of something you could add okay what if there was like a character who was sort of like mcfuckin i don't know if you guys believe in God in God or God yeah but I literally had that same idea McFuckin are you challenging me I'm just clarifying not challenging assistant to the director I keep a track
Starting point is 01:08:18 of all the things that are fireable that they do sure as every good boss does do you keep track of um all of the things they do well i know i just subtract bad things from the list when they do anything else well would you call this a positive work environment today no the past couple weeks have been nice all right but whenever comes in here, whenever Judd comes in here, it is a different place and time entirely.
Starting point is 01:08:50 Sure. Does that make sense? Yeah, I'm getting that. Do you guys know Maude Mapita? Your daughter? I'm just checking, because I feel like she's famous now, and that's pretty awesome.
Starting point is 01:09:01 Yeah, you're sort of an odd shill for your daughter. And now you have your own list. Whoa, hey now. That's not nearly as bad as how I've been laundering money from this editing bay. How much have you been laundering? You probably, your worth as a person out of context oh just like the amount that i view you as that's not clearer now i'm open to having my feelings hurt oh my god uh let's do our last segment okay people are to be really excited.
Starting point is 01:09:46 Oh my god. This shook me all week long. No rhyme or reason. George, what's been shaking you? I've been listening to a podcast um about monsanto what is that monsanto is a it's like a pesticides company but it's like woefully evil and so it's eight parts it's a it's a season of this podcast called the busted business bureau um sorry it's a different podcast no it's fine well they're
Starting point is 01:10:25 already listening to this if they're hearing this recommendation okay well there's a season on monsanto that like is it's like wildly interesting how evil this company is um so for like i'll start with the most atrocious thing but there's a lot of other details and for the sake of time i'll abbreviate it but the most atrocious thing that they did was they created Agent Orange, the pesticide spray that they sprayed all over Vietnam and causes and still causes to this day, like massive mutations and birth defects. Wow. Jesus. And in writings about it, they talk about like, hey, before they sprayed it um they knew it was bad so in the labs developing it um the scientists developed what was known as chloracne which is a new level of acne uh that like would
Starting point is 01:11:15 change your entire skin tone uh so much so that and this is in like the 50s and 60s so it's like racist era that like these racist white scientists would, uh, then be, uh, segregated accordingly because that's how much it was changing their skin. Um, and then it's a thing of like,
Starting point is 01:11:34 scientists would report like taking a shower and like washing their feet and then feeling their bone dissolve in their toe into their hand. And so it's like, they know that this chemical is bad and then when they're like hey we need to get all the people out of there and stop working on this they waited three months and then they're like okay let's study why this is bad so we can do it again and even after three months the lab they studied in people were still getting effects after they went in after so this stuff has like an insane half-life and when they were doing the numbers of all the people who are like suffering from this uh basically they uh like they only count the people who suffer from chloracne and not any other
Starting point is 01:12:17 diseases so like all the other mutations aren't even like accounted for yet that's how much like insane damage is done so anyway shit they have this chemical and they are knowingly spraying it all over vietnam during the vietnam war um and then when uh reporters have gone to uh hospitals in vietnam uh they they've described it as like they've seen like babies preserved in formaldehyde because of the mutations they've had and like the quote they gave is like penises attached to foreheads. Like it is like, that is like the birth defects we're talking about.
Starting point is 01:12:51 Jesus Christ. It is so woefully disturbing. But, and that's like not even the tip of the iceberg. On top of that, there was all this like environmental waste runoff. And this is early on in the development of the company. And so they found the taxes on the waste runoff were so expensive.
Starting point is 01:13:11 So they bought a town. They bought and developed their own town where they made the taxes 13 cents. And so that way they could do as much waste runoff as they could. And in this town, the town that was known as Monsanto, Indiana, and then they change it to Sajet. It has like it has no schools, no hospital because and no fire department because the taxes are 13 cents. But there is a police station where the chief of police is 26 years old and a lot of strip clubs um for like traveling businessmen and the this legal loophole was found by monsanto's attorney uh and monsanto's attorney at the time was clarence thomas this is pure evil and that is truly
Starting point is 01:14:06 just the tip of the iceberg I don't even know what to say I wish you'd gone last I'm gonna say that I no I wanna know what shook you all week long uh yeah that's fucked up I'm gonna listen to this
Starting point is 01:14:24 are you plugging the show or are you just kind of plugging the notion of how horrible this is I suppose you busted Business Bureau it's on Spotify that's where I listen to it I'm sure it's on other platforms that's fucking horrible that is horrible
Starting point is 01:14:38 Jeffrey uh yeah you think how sand is crazy it's fucking rocks jeffrey uh yeah sand is crazy um it's like a camp powwow we're rapping yeah everything seems so small now
Starting point is 01:14:59 um it was i didn't have something in mind i'm just gonna lean into how small this is invest in interesting glassware it really changes the drinking experience riley what about you fuck me um what's been shaking me um is i two small things that happened today one i went to the dermatologist didn't have to get any moles taken off today which was fantastic and while i was driving to the dermatologist i listened to this podcast that i've been loving sounds like a cult um which is very very fun um these these two women host it one's a comedian and one is...
Starting point is 01:15:45 If you guys like the show, I feel like you'll like Sounds Like a Cult. It's very fun. Each episode is about a different cult-y, like, seemingly cult-y thing. And one of the hosts is a comedian and the other's an author and linguist.
Starting point is 01:15:57 And one of the comedian... Or, sorry, the author's dad and parents were in a cult until the dad was 16. And so she's written these books about like the language it's called cultish the language of fanaticism and so it's like the language that goes into drawing people into cults and so the episodes range it's like the other week it was the cult of taylor swift the cult of the kardashians the and then like legit called it's like the cult of mlm and so it's like going into the history of this thing and then a lot of times they'll have guests so it's like they did it the cult of restaurant culture and
Starting point is 01:16:28 then they had um someone from the bear on and so it's it's really fun and then the end of each episode it's like is this a what level is the cult is it live your life watch your back or get the fuck out it's really fun and i've been loving it and if hey isa and amanda if you listen to the show which you probably don't would love to have you on i don't know if you and Amanda, if you listen to the show, which you probably don't, would love to have you on. I don't know if you did improv or if you've done it. You can send an email. No, but it's just like if they hear this, that's
Starting point is 01:16:54 the only way you want to reach out. Yeah. So that show's been very fun to listen to. Second one? It was that and the dermatologist. Oh, right, right, right. I'm glad you didn't have to get any moles removed. It was really satisfying.
Starting point is 01:17:09 Because history shows that there have been many times where I've gone to the dermatologist and it's not been that outcome. I'm a moley girl. George, I don't know what to say. Thank you so much for coming.
Starting point is 01:17:26 This was incredible. Thank you guys for having me again. Of course. It's awesome to do this. Hopefully it's as good as my other one. I don't think anything will ever beat Kerstin Dior, but I think it's up there. Kerstin Dior. It's up there.
Starting point is 01:17:42 You don't think this touches Kerstin Thirsty? It doesn't, but I do think this episode's better. Kirsten Thirsty, baby. And the other one's great, but this one was great. Okay, cool. So it's just, it's better, but less iconic. Can we get a Kirsten Thirsty, baby? I, uh, yeah. Hold on. I have to
Starting point is 01:17:59 drop in. Oh my God. What's your moment before for Kirsten Dior um i put i picture the space that i thought i was in for that character you build a world when you do you build a world yeah no don't because you're gonna make you're gonna fuel his and and i think of being i think of being kershen dior at this i believe the context was it's a party i'm not invited to yes and there's been a murder i think there's yeah there has a little bit been a murder so it's and there's like lightning and stuff it is like it's a whodunit right now uh and i picture it's in the doorway
Starting point is 01:18:40 because i've been barely let inside. And I believe I observed someone is holding a bottle of wine and I said, why don't we drink that? And like a light up shoe, wasn't there like a light up sneaker involved? And then it's like, who the fuck is that? Yeah. Yes. And then I drop it and I say, oh, Kirsten.
Starting point is 01:19:00 Kirsten? Kirsten. Dior. And then when I remark on the wine bottle, I say, Kirsten Thirsty, baby remark on the mic model I say Kirsten Thirsty Baby just listen to the episode scroll back two years worth of episodes George is also recording a voice memo
Starting point is 01:19:16 on his laptop he's looking at the laptop as he records which you don't have to do I'm not looking at my microphone and it makes it look like you're live on Instagram or something I want to make sure you're just getting the sound waves I'm watching the waves go up
Starting point is 01:19:31 the waveform thirsty baby George where can people find you and what do you want to point them to let's see people can find me on my food Instagram which is now just food George Saba. The word food, George, my name, G-U-R-G-E-S and then S-A-B-A.
Starting point is 01:19:53 You can find me on TikTok. I think I'm just at George Saba. I might be at George Saba zero. Did you post the Jim Morrison one? No, I haven't yet. I thought about it this morning. Post it and then people will go check out your jim morrison tiktok that's very funny well when does this air this comes out next next tuesday a week from today okay and daniel cut that out because i know that's like a faux pas to talk about people keep saying that i feel like that's fine what to be like oh like we're recording this
Starting point is 01:20:18 not the day it comes out like people know that okay um yeah so i'll post it before that you can look at that and maybe i'll post some more tick tocks in between, but I'm trying to get better at that. Let's see. I do a pop-up restaurant in Los Angeles, California with my friend, Sarah called Virginia Moss.
Starting point is 01:20:36 You can find that on Instagram at Virginia, like the state Moss, like the growth underscore. We, Oh, what else is cool um those are the oh you should watch killing it um it's a television program on peacock the streaming service um and you should watch grand crew which is on nbc but also on peacock the streaming service george doesn't even work them these are just suggestions oh and buy fuji film oh yeah and you can uh buy fuji film cameras so they keep casting me in their commercials by the gx rwr and the whatever and employ their camera to cloud functionality. Or whatever.
Starting point is 01:21:31 The GX100RWR, it's a lot of letters and numbers, but it's good. Yeah. Kind of like, yeah. We'll talk off air, but yeah. We're going to say kind of like athletic greens. Oh my God. Daniel, cut that out. Daniel, leave it in.
Starting point is 01:21:45 Anything George has said, leave it in, cut cut it out you can find Jeff on Instagram at Jeffrey James and on Twitter at JeffWard and by the time this comes out the ass pic will be up go check out my full ass is on Twitter and you can follow Riley on Instagram at RileyAnspa on Twitter at
Starting point is 01:22:02 RedditCoyote we're gonna thank some VIPodcats oh also find Reddit r slash review review Follow Riley on Instagram at RileyAnspa, on Twitter at RileyCoyote. We're going to thank some VI podcasts. Oh, also find Reddit r slash review review, Instagram at review review, Twitter at review review show. Let's thank some VI patrons. Do you want to stick around for this? Yeah, I'll stick around. What do you guys do? You just sort of read names?
Starting point is 01:22:19 Yeah. All right. Hell yeah. Hell yeah. Thank you to underscore Christian side hug so he can hug Two people simultaneously Agent! Aggie! Ako has quite Simply ascended beyond it all
Starting point is 01:22:32 Any hate thrown her way will simply Not be. Do not test this out Alright, I'll admit it Good Jason costume But Halloween is over, so Oh wait, Dakota's back there Behaving. Then who's this? Ah!
Starting point is 01:22:47 Amir Blumenfeld. So it's Amir Blumenfeld, but he brings an air of sad, sullen energy. At this point, I can't even tell if Daddy chose Tuesdays or if Tuesdays chose Daddy. It's just, well, me. Ben was feeling bad about his complex names, but then
Starting point is 01:23:03 he remembered the abuse that has been spewed towards Ako for upwards of Blink-182 is back together and all I got was this lousy Patreon name. Camaspose. That's spooky and cozy because it's October, baby. Chop, chop, chop.
Starting point is 01:23:20 God. Kaboom. Sorry to any of those That I just jumped scared Damien Kirk Stepped right into a hole And fell into a cellar This weekend
Starting point is 01:23:30 So his life Is about to As well As he deserves Don't This one Fancy octopuses According to Ako
Starting point is 01:23:39 Submissive And breedable Sorry Ako She lives in Cleveland. Follow Austin at buttbuttmcfart on Insta to see moving pictures with Jansport and Mefri. See you guys on the 23rd. Grace Talk taking it to the streets.
Starting point is 01:23:55 A co is a hack doctor and put a phone in his lungs. I eat spaghetti and heat balls. It's like spaghetti and meatballs, but instead of noodles, I eat the sun. I'm cheating on my partner. Thought it'd be a cathartic time to let that out because people think it's a Patreon name. I'm Riley Anspawn. Have you ever heard of this new show, The Office? You know, John Krasinski's kind of a zaddy.
Starting point is 01:24:18 Jake Ullman. James Wagner is getting into, well, sound, actually, never mind, that's going too far. Jay is actually in the U.S. for a bit now, and this whole time zone thing might work out this week. Jeffrey Games, Jeff's evil but playful twin. Jesse Tipton. Joe, and for lack of a better term, well, Malazov. John Daniels, I've gotta know, man, what is he planning? JP again, all hands on deck to get the real dame barry more to hear a
Starting point is 01:24:45 sound clip of jeff desperately lying to her about his cock caleb is too busy to come to the phone right now please leave a message after the beep beep casper bobasper lord bob buell esquire lord hunter the ordained i gotta say i love the names that are not long. Lucas Heinzel. Michael Begel. My what shook me is that I started reading Moby Dick, and I gotta say Captain Ahab could get it. And when I say it, I mean me. Nate Porteous has a birthday soon and can cry if he wants to.
Starting point is 01:25:22 Happy birthday, Nate. New patron. He's been a patron for a year and a half. Oh, that's really funny. Nolan Murphy probably had something to do with the 1917 Black Sox scandal. He just seems sketchy and into old baseball. Nolan wasn't at the last Zardy.
Starting point is 01:25:38 I missed his ass. I know. He texted me the next day. He goes, I missed it, didn't I? Oh, hi, Mark. Well, priest. Puff Riley. Raven Schmaven.
Starting point is 01:25:48 Review Rattoo. So it's this podcast, but a sequel. Reese Gordgoose Bergman. Smoking Time on Main Island has closed for the winter, and Jameson Poncia has to come up with funny original names now. Smooth Pete and his jazz band that used to be popular, but is now struggling to remain relevant and is mostly limited to making. The actual Andre 3000, not Jewel. Smooth peed in his jazz band that used to be popular but is now struggling to remain relevant and is mostly limited to making...
Starting point is 01:26:09 The actual Andre 3000, not Jewel. TJ Michael. And you've said Connor Finnegan's name for two years, and you still don't know who he is, what he's capable of. Watch the shadows. Thank you everyone for subscribing at the highest tier. backslash Riley and Jeff for Zardes, live streams, and us directing you to where you can find photos of Jeff's ass. And I'm serious. As someone who subscribes to the Patreon, it's worth every penny.
Starting point is 01:26:38 You don't subscribe. I pay you a monthly sum. By you I mean Riley. I was going to say, yeah, because you could just be on those Zardes either way. And you never want to be. You're always about to go out. I get a monthly text from Riley. Yeah. It's a voice and then it goes.
Starting point is 01:26:52 Okay, so I see what happens. Riley solicits Apple cash from you over text. I mean, it's just $1,000. Yeah. That's 500 times. Well, that's what I tell him. I just say, oh, it's just $1,000. Yeah. That's 500 times. Well, that's what I tell him. I just say, oh, it's just $1,000. That's my way of getting him to agree. The way she says it's just $1,000, I don't want to
Starting point is 01:27:12 feel poor. Oh, well, it's just $1,000. George, you can give me $1,000. You know the quickest way to feel poor is giving someone $1,000 for no reason every month. Thanks so much for listening to this episode of Review Review. We'll see you guys again next week. We review Margaritaville's
Starting point is 01:27:29 three! Arrivederci! That was a Hiddem Original.

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