Review Revue - Moleskine Notebooks

Episode Date: June 15, 2021

Reilly and Geoff read reviews about Moleskine notebooks and discuss science fairs, stealing movie ideas, and family group chats.Follow Reilly and Geoff:IG: @reillyanspaugh &&nbs...p;@geoffreyjamesTwitter: @reilecoyote & @GeoffBoyardeeAdvertise on Review Revue via Gumball.fmSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is a HeadGum Original. Get that Angel Reef Special at McDonald's now. Let's break it down. My favorite barbecue sauce, American cheese, crispy bacon, pickles, onions, and a sesame seed bun, of course. And don't forget the fries and a drink. Sound good? Ba-da-ba-ba-ba. At participating restaurants for a limited time. The Container Store Laser pointers Air prolongers Sir that table Haunted houses Dave and Buster's
Starting point is 00:00:45 Leather jackets Hollywood star tours These left off delis Turkey trots Winery's Birkin Tuck into nuts Wigs and beginner guitars
Starting point is 00:01:01 Rolling backpacks Lingerish Beginner magic Kids Color beat My monopoly Tripoli Park sidebar We didn't need and beginner guitars rolling backpacks languish beginner magic kids color be my monopoly tripod leap park sidebar
Starting point is 00:01:08 we didn't need this podcast but that didn't stop them Jeff and Riley forged on Nick Turney trying to sue them
Starting point is 00:01:17 but his daddy's cool I just wanna rip you we didn't need this podcast oh my god yeah hearing all of the episode topics back to back sounds like someone's having a stroke in a way and i'm like what are we doing what are we doing what are we doing it's a It's a weird sociological experiment. We're toying with the listener.
Starting point is 00:01:48 We're toying with the listener and with each other. Hi, welcome to Review Review. We're changing the entire fucking show today. Today it's going to be politics. Let's talk about honestly that the U.S. needs to distribute vaccines to the world. Yeah, we're getting real today. We're enough of the ha-has. I mean, after we had Schwartz on last week,
Starting point is 00:02:07 it's like that was the end of comedy for the show, and now we're going into, like, what the people need to know. Yeah, it's a news show in a certain way. Like, I want to be an anchor, man. It's a new show. It's a new me. It's a new show. It's a new me. It's a new time. For your ears.
Starting point is 00:02:33 And I'm hearing. Spot. That was apostrophe P-A-U-G-H. That was really, I love that we sang the same lyrics together. Jeffrey, you're having a smoothie. This is actually coffee now. I had a smoothie and now I'm having coffee. Yeah, fuck me, right?
Starting point is 00:02:54 Trying to make conversation. No, it's all good. It's all drinks. It's all, I have four more to go. Don't talk to me like that. I'm 25 now. i won't be taking any of your shit actually any of my shit i said i have i had two drinks how's that shit to you don't correct me on the air live it's not live i can edit it out this is unbelievable you have a new
Starting point is 00:03:18 air about you now that you're 25 on my birthday jeff did say's like, you do seem older to me now. And I hate that that stuck with you and gave you some kind of gas. This is a hierarchy, and since there's only two of us, and since age before beauty. Yeah, you're wearing a t-shirt, and it says seniority rules. But seniority is spelled wrong. It's O-I. It's seniority. spelled wrong it's o-i seniority oh god jeffrey what's up with you god it's been ages i haven't seen you since you were a baby not really i saw you on saturday in person ad nauseum well because i'm so much older now it's like you are baby to me. Yeah, I love having baby skin.
Starting point is 00:04:06 Like the thing is now is that I'm a prodigy to you. Because you're like the right age for the success that you have. And I'm like young to have it. No. Fuck me. Yes. No. Yes.
Starting point is 00:04:15 No. Damn it. We're banking EPS this week. We're both going elsewhere this week. You're in Chicago. St. Louis to Chicago, 30 hours. We're going to midwest angried goes riley goes midwest riley does chicago and you are going to
Starting point is 00:04:36 i don't i don't feel comfortable doing the show anymore we're like we're doing actual like banter I just like let's do what we have to do let's do the reviews what's new with you like how is your Monday it's because it's Tuesday Monday was really good especially compared to just like the past let's say 30 seconds okay how was your Sunday Sunday was ideal because it felt nothing like right now okay this is me in therapy okay um we see each other almost every three days either on zoom or in person that's true um but you turn 25 i turn 25 um biggest thing that happened to me uh this past weekend other than seeing you little baby man elizabeth iced you so on sunday went to my family's house for a little birthday dinner and my uh my stepbrother's girlfriend who's so wonderful she got me a kite
Starting point is 00:05:33 for my birthday which was very thoughtful because we were passing the beach one day and i'm like oh i haven't flown a kite in forever i still have kids and so she got me a kite and so we were flying it in the backyard and red lost his mind meaning i've never like he just flipped on he was chasing after me he was jumping he was so happy and then it's like when the kite would go to the ground it wasn't like he wasn't trying to bite it he just he like would wait for it to go up again he just loved watching it fly like it got him so excited sad i got it i'll send you videos it is the sweetest thing i have ever seen it was like he just he was fucking living it was amazing um how simple life would be if that brought joy to me it was really it was it was very moving because i'm like this
Starting point is 00:06:26 is all i want to do is make red happy and that like brought him so much joy that's awesome um oh i learned the intro to bird song the little riff so that was like really fun to play see that's good and that's what's that's the newest thing with me. That's exciting, Jeffrey. See, there's something going on for you. Come on. Really? This is why I pay you. This is why I pay you, doc.
Starting point is 00:06:50 You know what therapists use? A notebook. Scalpel. They write. What? I said notebook. I think, yeah. Today, we are waxing the ones, the onlys, Moleskine Journals Notebooks pages.
Starting point is 00:07:09 I'm talking Moleskine Notebooks under my arm. As I walk to class first day of college and people think I'm smart, that's right, I'm a well-read nerd with a face that you want to kiss. With the Moleskine Notebook notebook in my arm you want to have my thoughts THOTS um Jeffrey thoughts slash experiences with moleskin
Starting point is 00:07:36 every moleskin I've ever had I've never actually written in are you serious? my handwriting is so atrocious that it never works out to jot down notes because I cannot understand them later on. What about you? They're just, they look gorge.
Starting point is 00:07:53 I love the feel of them. I know they are pretentious as hell. But- They do feel good in your hand. They feel really good. Like, it just just it feels good. And so it's like knowing that it's like I feel the same way about Moleskines that I do about jeans is that it's like I'll spend a little bit more on jeans and Moleskines because it's like I know they're going to last a long time. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:15 And Moleskines, I found, at least for me, are very durable. Sure, sure, sure. If I'm carrying around a lot, you know, it just it can get beat up and um still feels great and i yeah it's i love them i i bought a new planner because i'm like oh my old planner is really beat up and i didn't have a moleskin planner but then because i was online looking for reviews and then i saw they have a cute uh little prince collection of planners that's how i literally got one no you didn't i did as we were looking at reviews, I'm like, oh, I've been needing a new planner. And these are really cute. You know what?
Starting point is 00:08:50 This isn't a Moleskine, but I have this, I forget where company is from, but basically it's a, it's like a Moleskine style notebook. And it's like a, it's a, well, it's a planner. And every three, every day you write down three goals and then it's like a little built-in checklist. I love it. I don't use it because it's almost too formatted. So what I might have to do is get the Moleskine, right? Maybe the little principle collection, and that's how I get my tasks done that day.
Starting point is 00:09:16 Last thing Moleskines make me think of is just like being at a coffee shop, wearing glasses, journaling about how the barista's eyes make me feel drinking a cappuccino uh-oh little foam gets on my upper lip i wipe it off because no one's there to kiss it um shall we get into our reviews? Come on Why are you sad? Why are you sad? I have to be here for this
Starting point is 00:09:56 Do you want to go first or should I? I do and the funny thing is this review is basically what you just did Here we go This is from Jersey M. Jersey Mike's. Is this? That is the name. No, it's not.
Starting point is 00:10:11 It's Jersey Mike, but I think it's a Mike from New Jersey. Okay. Just give me a JM name. Joni Mitchell. Also, is this just for like a regular, like what kind of moleskin is this? This is for like the classic ruled moleskin. And then it doesn't really, there's a lot of colors from Amazon, so it could have been any of them.
Starting point is 00:10:34 Here we go. Joni Mitchell. Five stars. Entering the last third of my life, I've decided to record some of my memories and I've chosen this moleskin notebook for the task. The size, look, and feel of the memories and have chosen this moleskin notebook for the task the size look and feel of the cover and paper announced that what's within has some significance a set of sharpie retractable
Starting point is 00:10:53 fine point pens three pack included a blue pen strongly reminiscent of the fountain pens i used long ago another layer of dignity and nostalgia if i write at a moderate pace it does not bleed through so the writing space is doubled compared to the most other note paper notebooks a diary needs assured privacy if one is to remember and write the freely the feelings and events of the day the notion of prying eyes feels inhibiting, if not downright frightening. I'm not prepared to have my wife, children, or nanny browsing the intimate details of my life. Research uncovered the NV200 nano vault with key lock. It's called a gun vault, but one could easily choose to call it a personal strong box.
Starting point is 00:11:45 So I will. Now I feel physically prepared to call it a personal strongbox. So I will. Now I feel physically prepared to hold a mirror to my life. Oh my god. All right. Here from Safekeeping Inc., I am Tony. I'll be installing your safe today. So if you could just give me the dimensions of the, I don't know, I don't want want to pry but whether it's usually people
Starting point is 00:12:05 in solar save for firearms um or weapons of any kind um or if we want a smaller one we could do for uh valuables like jewelry or some people do have gold bars i know it's strange but that is something people do uh passports things like that so if you just give me the dimensions i can start i can start carving away right here right now it'll just be like um a couple pieces of paper it's it's it's a list of movie ideas that i'm really scared that people are going to steal from up and under me that's good that's so good so um is it like social security information is it um things uh medical files feature filmsentpole franchises, I would have to assume,
Starting point is 00:12:48 where the merchandising makes me rich. And I don't want someone to steal it and then you pass it off as their own. You get it. I'm sure that you people are doing this all the time. Oh, yeah. No, we are building safes all the time for very, very valuable, valuable things.
Starting point is 00:13:02 Exactly right. Exactly right. And so you get it. Yes, I do. You know what? It is none of my business what you are keeping. I'm just making sure I will keep it safe. No, you know what?
Starting point is 00:13:12 Just so that you know how valuable these ideas are. No, no, no. I'll just tell you one. I'll just tell you one. Mr. Smith, you really do not have to tell me. I won't steal anything. I'm just here to do my job so I can get started. You really do not have to tell me any of these steal anything i'm just here to do my job so i i can get started um you
Starting point is 00:13:25 really do not have to tell me any of these ideas thank you dating young the daryl hannah story so basically it follows daryl hannah and neil young's relationship uh as they kind of shop around different properties in malibu and deal with the fallout between david crosby and neil young's relationship in a certain way. You know what? That's so funny you mentioned that. I saw, I'm not one to read this all the time, but I did see a headline in Variety that they are,
Starting point is 00:13:52 that story has been greenlit at A24. What? That's so. I knew it. You knew what? I knew it, but I didn't get the box soon enough. Well, this came out at least a couple months ago. I don't know when you wrote your zone, but again, none of my business.
Starting point is 00:14:09 I will get started. A couple months ago? So they robbed me of my brain ideas? Because I didn't write it down. I didn't even think about it yet, but it was definitely in there. It was in the notebook. It was in your brain. I don't think that anyone stole your thoughts.
Starting point is 00:14:25 Parallel thinking, I guess. Let's just let me hear more about the box. Oh, well, this box, I'm so glad you asked. This is something that I know about. We have multiple kinds of safekeeping for this safe itself. So one, we have a couple options for you. We can install all of them or as few as you'd like. We do have just your average run of the mill,-mill uh you know code number code in there and then the other end of the
Starting point is 00:14:48 spectrum we do have a retina scanner we have a retina scanner if you want to just pop your little eye in um it will only take one eyes tracing this is unbelievable it is i mean it's the highest technology you found out about my retina scanner idea? It was a movie where people could scan your eye and that's how you get into shit. So the movie was technology that we've been using for a number of years. That they stole from me recently. I wrote this idea down.
Starting point is 00:15:19 Opens his notebook. Yeah. September 18th, 2019. Wow. Well, you know what? I'm sure that that could lead to, I don't know. I'm not one of, 2019. Wow. Well, you know what? I'm sure that that could lead to, I don't know, I'm not one of those franchise.
Starting point is 00:15:29 I know. But, oh, well, I was actually gonna say, yeah, if you wanted to have like a spy franchise or something like that, I'm sure that's technology that could be used. I'm sorry, have I said something to offend you? I can't, this is what, SNL doesn't take unsolicited sketch submissions, right? Because this is why.
Starting point is 00:15:47 Because they don't want one of their sketches to end up being something similar even to what somebody submitted. You work for SNL? No, I don't at all. I don't at all. I just know that colloquially. I can't hear your ideas because I might write down one of them and then pass it off as my own.
Starting point is 00:15:59 And I don't want to sacrifice my integrity. I don't mean to pry. Have you done that before? You've taken someone else. don't want to sacrifice my integrity i don't mean to pry have you done that before you've you've taken someone else you have taken someone else's ideas and cast it off as your own and now you're asking for a safe so that no one steals your ideas i i'm saying subconsciously yeah maybe i did right see i'm let me just, I'll find an example. Yeah, okay, this one's kind of good,
Starting point is 00:16:27 but I have to think that they did a Jurassic World. So basically it'd be like Disney World, but Jurassic Park, and it's like a movie. Maybe they do Chris Pratt. So you watched the film. I might've, and then written this down. Is there a movie called Jurassic World? There is a franchise.
Starting point is 00:16:40 I know Jurassic Park. This was gonna be like my end. You think Jurassic World is gonna be your end to the Jurassic Park franchise? That going to be like my end. You think Jurassic World is going to be your end to the Jurassic Park franchise? That was going to be where I come in. I can have this installed in two days with as many or as few. No, no, no, no, no. That's not going to work.
Starting point is 00:16:53 Because guess what? In two days, all of these ideas could be produced. And I don't get it. They all have been produced. They all have been produced. I'm going to imagine that. They've all been produced. Really?
Starting point is 00:17:01 Okay. Here we go. I would imagine that everything you have in your notebook has already been made. Yeah. Cherry. I was thinking it's a Tom Holland vehicle. Really? Okay.
Starting point is 00:17:09 Yes. Here we go. The Princess Bride Part One. Years ago. Really? Part One. Years ago. Okay.
Starting point is 00:17:15 I didn't know that. Really? You've seen it. Fever Pitch. This one would be like a- No, already made. Already made. Oh, this one's actually really good.
Starting point is 00:17:22 This one's definitely original just because the title's crazy. Mr. McGorham's Wonder Emporium. Yes. You know what? I'm going to stop you right here. How did someone make that one? Yeah. I will make the safe.
Starting point is 00:17:31 You can put this notebook in there. I will, I mean, I will do my job. Okay. You should maybe look into a new line of work. Or you could be like a film reviewer. You clearly love watching movies and you can talk about them. That seems like,
Starting point is 00:17:43 I don't know what you do actually. Is this what you do or is this a hobby? I would never be good at that. What can Roger ever get done that's good? Here is your bill. That's a lot of money. I don't have that. I don't have the amount of money you're asking me to pay right now.
Starting point is 00:18:07 Oh, should we take a quick break and then come back with another review? Quick little break. Marty. That was angelic, Anspa. this is for again your classic um medium-sized moleskin all right five stars from mike r reader mike reader the title is this is what to expect after 912 days of hard use. I have used this notebook as my daily work log for exactly 2.5 years. I'm a courier and work out of my delivery van six days a week. This notebook is beat to heck. Everything about it is worn out, ripped, or flat out broken.
Starting point is 00:18:58 But I'm actually content with how well this notebook held up. Keep in mind, two and a half years is 912 days. During that time, this notebook had many quote-unquote rolls kicking around the cab of my delivery van. Besides being an ordinary notebook, it has also been used as a writing surface, a lunch tray, a bug squisher,
Starting point is 00:19:18 a sun shield, a weapon, and everything else in between. No other notebook would survive half of that as well as this has. Lily, everyone else put a lot of work and thought into their science project for the fair. Oh, absolutely. I'm so proud of what we've been able to accomplish
Starting point is 00:19:37 as a class when we put our heads to it. And I asked you guys to invent something. This is just a notebook. You glued pages to binding. It only serves one purpose. How is that an invention? Oh, Mrs. P, I'm so sorry. I don't want to be fat prodigy.
Starting point is 00:19:56 I don't want to be that girl. But yes, the assignment was ingenuity. And I said I don't want to be that girl. You said you don't want to be that girl you said you don't want to be that prodigy this is something that's already been invented sorry but you said that the assignment was ingenuity and i couldn't agree more and i really do feel like that's what i did and i'm sorry if you don't have the imagination to see all of the things that this could be. The whole class. Ooh.
Starting point is 00:20:26 What? No, no, no, no. You guys, you guys. No way. I don't want to make it a big fight between me and Mrs. P. It never could be. I really, really don't. I love her, you guys.
Starting point is 00:20:35 Stop. Don't take this out on her. She just doesn't know. She just doesn't know any better. They all laugh. Why is that funny? So yes, did Isaac make a computer with fruit? Of course he did.
Starting point is 00:20:46 He did make a computer with fruit. I think that is one of the most ingenious things ever seen. Let's all give it up for Isaac. It's like mild claps. Are you kidding me? That's incredible. I didn't even see that yet. And Katie, oh my God.
Starting point is 00:20:59 What's there to say about Katie? She did make shoes out of booze bottles. That's right. She used what she had to make it happen. And I think that's really amazing. I think booze bottle shoes are the way of the future. I think this is recycling done right. Everyone, can we give it up for Katie, please?
Starting point is 00:21:18 Again, light applause. That's unbelievable that she was able to turn glass into wearable footwear. And last but not least, well, me. I hold up the notebook. I took pieces of paper, bound them together, put a cover and a back cover on it. And God, where to begin of all the things this thing can do? I take out a pen. I start scribbling in it.
Starting point is 00:21:46 Ever have an idea that you just want to get out of your brain? The whole class reacts. It's not impressive. You all have those in your bag. You can write. The idea that you have in your head, you can see on a page. And you can carry that around with you as long as you want all day. You can you can look at it later if you like.
Starting point is 00:22:08 It doesn't have to just be a fleeting thought. That's only one purpose that's been served for millennia. Oh, well, I'm not quite done. Isaac, can I use you as a volunteer, please? Yeah. Anything you need. I take the notebook. I whack it across his head.
Starting point is 00:22:27 Innovation. He knocks out cold. He's on the floor. Did he yell innovation and pass out? As a young woman in the 21st century, I think it is of the utmost importance that we stay safe at all times. And with this notebook, knowledge is power.
Starting point is 00:22:46 And I mean that literally. You can chuck this baby as hard as you want, and it'll send any person out cold. So yeah, you're going to want to pick these up. And for my girly girls, this comes in hot pink. So you can be safe and stylin'. Okay, so that's a little bit gender normative. And for my boys, it also comes in blue.
Starting point is 00:23:09 God, this is a weird character development. I didn't know that you believed in the binary. Listen, I'm gonna give you a C+, but only because if I give you less than that, I have to have you back or in my office per school rules. So I'm giving you the lowest grade that I can give you less than that, I have to have you back or in my office per school rules. So I'm giving you the lowest grade that I can give you where it doesn't add anything to my plate. I start just like slowly shaking my head. You made a notebook.
Starting point is 00:23:33 I start flipping through the pages. I start doing it so quickly. I hold it over my head and I start hovering off the ground. The hell is that? I start floating around the room. Not possible. I believe that this is the height, I float up higher, of innovation. The ceiling fan rips the book up.
Starting point is 00:23:54 No! Do you not see what it just did? You can't buy that at Staples. I think you're some kind of weird magician kid not a notebook not an inventor you just defied gravity how did you do that boys can get the pink notebook if they want no okay it's insane that that's what taught you that lesson there's no such thing as the gender binary. I'm a wizard. Yeah, there it is. This is five stars.
Starting point is 00:24:28 Same thing. Normal moleskin ruled the whole shabazz. This is from Stormy C. Stormy Kardashian, but with a C. Stormy Kardashian writes, best Christmas goffed. That's it? Yes. Best Christmas goffed. That's it. Yes. That's Christmas goffed.
Starting point is 00:24:47 Okay. Jesus Christ. I'm set in a group chat with siblings. It's a family group chat. Hey guys. Uh, I've been thinking long and hard about what we should get mom for Christmas. You know,
Starting point is 00:24:59 it's, it's her first Christmas without dad. And I know we all really, really miss him this year. And so I was thinking a perfect goffed for her would be a nice like a really expensive like frame we could put favorite photos of her and dad in there what do you guys think of that oh my god goffed you're such a fucking idiot Caroline what are you doing gift asterix gift sorry too late we're all in on this now hyenas let me hear you purr they all respond hyenas let me hear you purr yeah haha okay i
Starting point is 00:25:35 made a spelling i made a little typo um can we just get back to the to the matter at hand this is a really big deal you know christmas is mom's favorite holiday and i know that it would mean a lot to her if all of her girls if if if the four of us banded together put in you know a good chunk of cash each and made it made it something really memorable for her i think i know it'll be memorable yeah me too oh okay you have an idea stephanie i think we should get something that reminds her of us i think that we should get her something that makes her proud as a mom. That makes her realize that, you know, carrying us for nine months was worth it in the end. Quadruplets were no small feat, for sure. I think she'll really larve that.
Starting point is 00:26:18 Sorry. Love. What the hell was that? Larve? You fucking moron, Caroline. Okay, Stephanie, easy. You're so dumb. You've never made a typo before? I've never.
Starting point is 00:26:34 I know that sincerity makes you uncomfortable, so maybe this is why you're taking, I know you're sad. We're all sad about dad. You're allowed to be sad. You don't have to make it into a joke about me having typos. It's not a joke. You do have typos.
Starting point is 00:26:48 And by the way, dad leaving us for his second family that he's had the entire time didn't affect me at all because I'm strong. I'm the strong one of the four. You have been a terror since dad left. And it's not because you've been crying. It's because you've been pretending like you haven't been crying and you make fun of us for everything that happens because you can't stand to be alone with your with your feelings feelings that's all a voice memo she said what, what even is that, ma'am?
Starting point is 00:27:27 Sorry, I'm typing this while holding my baby in one arm. You don't have a fucking family, Stephanie. You don't have a family. Yeah, because dad had enough for the four of us, didn't he? He had enough family for all of us. Stephanie, this is what we've wanted. Let it out. Krista, you've been awfully quiet.
Starting point is 00:27:43 And Rachel, there's four of us and you guys haven't said a fucking word. Sorry, it's just, it seems like it's your guys' fight. I don't really want to get, I've worked through all this therapy. Yeah, I'm in a meeting, sorry. Okay. We'll respond to this later.
Starting point is 00:27:55 Yeah, love you guys, heart. Stephanie, let this out. Did you spell Stephanie wrong? Stephanie, just don't think about the typing for a second. Okay? I'm sending you a voicemail because I don't want you to look at any typing because I am holding Alex right now and it can get a little... So it's like, why weren't we enough for him, you know?
Starting point is 00:28:15 I don't know. Maybe we'll never know. It's manifested in like my love life too. Cause it's like now I never think that I'm enough. And so I like kind of it's a self-fulfilling prophecy at a certain point because like i overcompensate and then that pushes people away you know and it's all these things that i've been um learning and you know trying to growl through it and uh i don't think that it's going to be conducive to growth.
Starting point is 00:28:48 As you're sending all these, I emphasize Texas's growl. Okay, so now you're being an asshole. Hey, Stephanie. Yes. I actually have to go take care of my family because we're all going to the park for a nice family day, which I know you won't experience because you're not enough for people.
Starting point is 00:29:05 But I know I told you that we said that we may never know why dad left us. And I actually do know because he called me the other day and he said it's because of you and that you were never enough as a daughter. And so he actually considers him as a father to triplets. Run on sentence, man.
Starting point is 00:29:20 That's bad writing. That's bad writing. That's bad writing. This shook me all week long. Sorry, I forgot. I have another spider bite on my face. It is under the opposite eye. Join honey. I have another spider bite on my face. It is under the opposite eye. forward slash spider bite. It is smaller.
Starting point is 00:29:53 And you can actually, I sent Jeff a photo of it yesterday. You can see the two little dots from where the pinchers got in. And it hasn't blown up like the other one. But I can't help but feel that whenever I stay at my family's house, I am cursed daniel couldn't fucking believe it uh because we sleep in the same bed in the same room and he's never that's never happened to him before um so i can't help but think that that's not fair to me um and i might just have to wear like a beekeeping outfit when i am unconscious so that's number one two uh the thing that I've watched, because a lot of my watchbook
Starting point is 00:30:26 means there are things I've watched, Bo Burnham's Inside on Netflix. Everyone just go fucking watch it. I'm not even going to talk more about it because it's perfect. And number three, Elizabeth and I were having this conversation last night.
Starting point is 00:30:36 Jeffrey, do you think that you would ever in a real life scenario go on a group date bachelor style? What would happen if you were matching with people on a dating app bachelor style what would happen if you like were matching with people on a dating app got all their numbers put them in a group text and ask them out to a real life group date wait or is the question would i do it in general on either side or would i facilitate do you think it would be just wild or amazing if someone if you were put into a group chat and it was like some girl you've
Starting point is 00:31:05 been talking to and like four other guys and she was just like can you kiss the girl under the sea meet me at the long beach aquarium this friday at five and like no but not because of the group day just because that's kind of far or like i like how much would i have to pay you or like I like how much would I have to pay you or like triple quadruple dog dare you to get a like a group text and be like ladies you all are the ones who have my heart meet me at the silver lake meadow and we'll see this is so funny I I would a thousand percent go on the group date if someone else facilitated it um i would not be the final bacheloree but i would i think make it to the final three i think i'd make it to the last two or three where i'm the option that like the fans maybe were like no no this isn't like i know on the bachelor i know yeah this is like in real life i'm saying in real life i'm the equivalent of the
Starting point is 00:32:02 character on the bachelor where it's like she doesn't choose me but like she'll always have a soft spot for me. Yeah it's like you end up being like a good friend. Yeah yeah and that's fine because like I am such a romantic that I need to find it through the proper channels. It's just like seeing it on The Bachelor the idea of doing a group date in real life is so fucking funny to me. I would do the I would facilitate the group date for the bit for this show for free. I think I'm going to start this week. Jeff. Well, actually, you know what? Because I will lose my mind.
Starting point is 00:32:37 I need to match with a couple people on a dating app. And then I need to get close enough with them to have their number and to have some kind of banter so that I can invite them on a date I'm gonna try I'm gonna try this is fucking unhinged it's like it needs to be like a group chat with all of them in it they all need to know that it's a group date it's not like you inviting them
Starting point is 00:32:57 if you make because I've seen this I feel like I've seen it done before someone did it with like I feel like I saw it on Twitter with like someone put all their exes in a group chat and did a similar thing or something like that um not exes or like i'm not saying you to do it to exes but uh if you did this and like and you can make it as clearly like a joke so that they're not insulted and not think you're like you're an asshole um but you can like do you know like sometimes those those uh text chains that go around with a bunch of emojis like i don't know if it's too it i don't know it might just be funny like oh all you like dirty sluts come to the halloween slut bash or something
Starting point is 00:33:37 yes but do do it like as the bachelor i okay this is a red flag about me is that i've never been broken up with i've only broken up with people so any cash or any uh like social currency i have there i lost like if it was people that had broken up with me i think that you you've earned the right to like fuck with them a little bit but i think if you've if it's a group chat of people that you've ended things with they're not gonna to receive that well. Or instead of maybe doing with people you don't know, because that might be, I don't know if it's taking it too far or not. You could also, it could be like a stage thing. And you just have like a group of, you know, a group of your girlfriends.
Starting point is 00:34:16 And we all like meet up in a place. And it's like, it's more of like, what is everyone else's reaction if they see you on a group date? No one would come to that. I would go. You would go. That's it. If it was like me, Elizabeth, Cecily, Anisha, like if you had like a group of girls like pretending to be on a group date.
Starting point is 00:34:39 Well, then it's a sketch. Then it's a sketch. You just listed all our comedian friends. I don't know what you're talking about. Yeah, so that's been shaking me. I think group dates are fucking hilarious. They're so funny. I'll try.
Starting point is 00:34:52 Maybe it won't be like in the next couple weeks, but if I get back in the dating game, but don't care enough to actually make it happen for real, I'll create a group date scenario. I know you won't, Navi, but it is gotta be nice like i don't want or me no like because it's like i feel like you're right and that it could cut like it could be people who genuinely want to connect and then they're thrust into this group chat yeah yeah it is all of them are trying to connect
Starting point is 00:35:26 That's so funny And that's a really good conversation starter What's been shaking me Oh no this is easy New mayor New John Mayer Last train home Running for the last train
Starting point is 00:35:41 Running for the last train home I'm listening. It's really good. It's very 80s, and I've been listening to it. It's like that thing where you listen to a song so much that in the first couple days you ruin it for yourself. So I've been trying to chill. But yeah, if you guys are Mayor Heads or Mayor Heads Adjacent,
Starting point is 00:36:00 check that out on Spotify, Apple Music, wherever you get fine podcasts. You can follow Riley on Instagram, at Riley Anspaugh, on Twitter at Riley Coyote. And you can follow the show on Instagram at Review Review Show. You can follow Jeffrey on Instagram at Jeffrey James, on Twitter at Jeff Boyardee. Should we thank some VI podcasts? Let's do it. Thank you to Aaron Carrico.
Starting point is 00:36:23 Adam Shea. Agent Jack Volt. That's two cool names. So you to Aaron Carrico. Adam Shea. Agent Jack Volt. That's two cool names, so twice as cool as Gray. I've truly reached a nirvana of, well, me. A co-parentheses at the tender age of 48, end parentheses. Alan, PhD in hymbology. Alex Witt. Alvar Wallstrom-Lindell.
Starting point is 00:36:43 Anthony Amadeo. Austin Frost in a cupston cakeston. Bob Buell. But more like... Sasha Baron Cohen playing an 18th century small shrill flute saying, my fife.
Starting point is 00:37:02 Brad Hilde. Brian Dodd. Chuck. Christian Sidehugs for purity. Connor Finnegan. Ker-gay-cher. Nah, doesn't work. Happy pride, though.
Starting point is 00:37:14 Damien M. Tarkander under Gunderson Kirk. Daniel Creampuff Clef. Eric is finally joining the Gray Army, so I will now be known as Gray Crust. Fancy Octopus. Gray is honestly the coolest name mine is tyler how am i even supposed to compete thanks mom real fucking original gray eback aka mr tuesday fright is the season no it's not gray and the only gray and the one and only gray i might add so please don't steal my cool name greg berg hallie hashtag i stand with my twin ray hashtag i love you eric crust
Starting point is 00:37:51 holly hunter b new patron new patron i think uh hello i pay 20 a month to mildly antagonize my favorite comedians. Isaac Puff, new patron. It's not. And the return of the prodigal son himself, Jackson Hansel. Jake the Snake Raddiff. Jake Knight. Jake Ullman. Jamie Poncio. Jared.
Starting point is 00:38:20 Jared Kay. Jasper Jeffrey James Hoffman. Just make your nickname someone else's full name. Jesse, is that my Bessie and a Tessie? Tipton. Is that a Tesla slang? Jonah Sanchez. Caleb Luster.
Starting point is 00:38:35 Kevin Sunt. Kinsey Owes. Laura Brennan. Lauren Malang. Malik. Mark Priest. Matthew Lizama. Michael Beggle.
Starting point is 00:38:45 New patron. Please tell me if we're not pronouncing that correctly. Welcome. Nate Porteus. New patron. Nolan Murphy changed his name to Gray Murphy and went from months of unemployment to having two jobs in a matter of days. Nothing sometimes.
Starting point is 00:39:02 Phoebe. Phoenix McBurnan. Poutine. Nah. A frothy nog of sass. Ray A. Eiley. Rooster Williams. Sam Adams. Sam Armstrong.
Starting point is 00:39:13 Sarah Kilduff. Space Ant. Spencer. The man, the myth, the zaddy, Marty Manley. This vagabond horse is longing to nay-nay. What's the story with all the gray stuff? Lil Benitez. Xander Madsen.
Starting point is 00:39:27 Yara Bouchard. And Yasmin David. So thank you guys for subscribing at the highest tier. And if you also want access to bonus content of all kinds, forward slash Riley and Jeff. And if not, we'll see you guys again next week. Hi, Jeffrey! Hi, Riley.
Starting point is 00:39:44 Thanks for listening to this episode of Review Review Arrivederci That was a Hiddem Original

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