Review Revue - Paint and Sip (w/ Matt Apodaca!)
Episode Date: February 20, 2024Reilly and Alf are joined by writer and comedian Matt Apodaca as they celebrate their birthdays.>>>>><<<<<Follow at:IG: @reillyanspaugh @alfredinnitTwi...tter: @reilecoyote Join the discord here!Produced by Daniel Ramos @SchubirdsAdvertise on Review Revue via Gumball.fmThis episode is sponsored by/brought to you by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
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This is a HeadGum Original.
Get that Angel Reef Special at McDonald's now.
Let's break it down.
My favorite barbecue sauce, American cheese, crispy bacon, pickles, onions, and a sesame seed bun, of course.
And don't forget the fries and a drink.
Sound good?
At participating restaurants for a limited time. that went so fucking hard
i was that one was different.
That was crazy.
Get me to the club pronto.
That was the bop it song.
That was from Grant.
Grant says, hey, y'all.
As soon as you announced you needed new original music,
I figured I could put together something really quickly.
That was insane.
Absolute massive fan of the show.
Thank you so much, Grant.
I'm a flight attendant
and have to fly to base from another city
to work my trips.
That's crazy.
Your pod is always right at the front of my list
for those flights.
Oh my God.
And he says,
P.S. Y'all are welcome to read this
if you decide to use the track.
Well, I didn't read that part,
but I'm glad you guys pushed anyway.
Hope y'all like festival trap music.
That was,
it was a mix of the Bop It stuff
and then also this mini spider horse references,
which was not from the Bop It episode.
That was amazing.
I definitely knew that that was festival trap too.
I was like thinking while I was playing.
That's your favorite genre.
Oh yeah, this is festival trap for sure.
I was sort of like more festival trap.
I kind of just like,
I just can't stop hearing this.
It's all I've been hearing lately.
It sounds like all the music right now is festival trap.
It's like nonstop.
And if you're wondering,
it's like,
Now that voice doesn't necessarily sound like festival trap,
but it sounds like in the same vein of festival trap.
That is the one and only the funniest person you've ever met in your life.
One of the hosts of HeadGum,
the HeadGum Network's Get Played.
It is Matt Apodaca!
Hello, hello.
Wow, this is already downhill from here for me.
Shit, really?
Yeah, well, not because of you guys,
but because now everyone's going to be like,
okay, funniest person I've ever heard?
Let's see.
And then now it's, you know,
it's like driving a car off the lot.
It's like I'm just depreciating as soon as they start hearing matt how the hell are you welcome to
the show i'll tell you what i'm feeling really good i'm feeling real pumped up now because i
heard all that festival trap a moment ago yeah that's what festival trap will do to you yeah
and like i always said that if i'm being honest that's typically not my genre. Oh, that surprises me.
Yeah, I know.
You just seem like a festival trap kind of guy.
Well, I'm wearing a bunch of glow sticks, so I can see why that's probably confusing.
You have a binky, a light up binky around your neck.
I have a binky.
You only have those ultraviolet light bulbs in your house, black light bulbs.
Ultraviolet like light bulbs in your house black light light bulbs I do have smart bulbs
that if I asked them to change
colors right now they would
but you don't like festival trap
but I don't like festival trap
but I loved that
hey that's great
and I was like I guess
get me to the playa or something are we going to burning
man what's happening i'm down i'm down um alf how's your morning or i guess it's not morning
for you whatever time zones um in a shocking twist that'll shock everybody listening the time
zone's over it is morning now if you yeah it is yeah, it is. I mean, it is ultimately 12-12 here. If you are flying the plane, like the person who sent that.
Like Grant is.
Like Grant is.
No, Grant's an attendant.
But imagine if Grant had to fly the plane.
Imagine if the pilot got sick.
Who would have to do it?
Probably the flight attendant.
The understudies are flight attendants.
And we all know this.
Don't fact check it.
Don't look it up.
That's true.
If you're flying the plane right now, sit down.
Stop flying it standing up.
Because I haven't had
any coffee today shit i know i know and i haven't had any coffee hear this for a week
why are you done with it i'm detoxing from coffee i it's crazy it got too bad it got too bad i was
now what does that look like for you for me it, it was one, but realistically two 32-ounce iced coffees a day.
64 ounces, it sounds like.
That's quite a lot.
If you're keeping tabs at home, it's half a gallon of iced coffee a day.
I mean, it's an amount that is horrible for you.
My kidneys, my stomach, my everything.
Probably your brain, too, at that point.
That's a lot.
And what I've noticed is I think my body-
Imagine a doctor laughing like that.
Probably your brain, too.
I kind of fucked you up.
But yeah, I was like-
Terrible bedside manner.
I think I've been like, instead of the normal neurotransmitters or whatever that you should
have in your body, I've been using caffeine for a long time. And so I just was like, of the like normal neurotransmitters or whatever that you should have in your body I've been using
caffeine for a long time
and so I just was like can I do it did
I do it and I did do it and now I
feel horrible
every day I feel like shit
it's a drug caffeine is a drug
I tapered I tapered
like an SSRI and I just
did like a little bit of
30 ounces 28 ounces you know and I did it and now I didn't get any headaches or anything and I just did like a little bit, 30 ounces, 28 ounces,
and I did it.
And now I didn't get any headaches or anything, but I do feel like shit.
So that's probably fertile ground for a podcast, I think.
So are you off caffeine completely, or is it like just coffee?
No tea.
No tea.
I feel like usually people swap it in,
but like tea is often more caffeinated than most coffees, too.
And I am a matcha person.
I love a good matcha.
You're a matcha man.
I'm a matcha man.
Come on.
But I haven't done anything.
I've been drinking nothing but water.
It's crazy.
Water's good.
I'm a whole new person.
And I feel worse, which is the opposite of what was supposed to fucking happen.
I mean, without the stimulants in your body and your kidney and your brain.
That's how I feel.
I just finished 25 days of antibiotic for, yeah, perioral dermatitis.
I'll say it.
I will fucking say it.
I had a rash on my mouth for two months. I know, Matt, you're sick of hearing me talk about perioral dermatitis. I'll say it. I will fucking say it. I had a rash on my mouth for two months.
I know, Matt, you're sick of hearing me talk about perioral dermatitis.
It's this and festival trap.
I can't stop talking about it.
It's always dermatitis and festival trap with you.
I finished my last round of doxycycline last night.
And for 25 days, no dairy, no gluten, no alcohol uh no eggs no gluten no it's not that it interacts with
it but my doctors were like you want to take out anything that may have contributed to the
inflammation anything inflammatory and so it um i will say for all you celiac cuties out there
where do you find good gluten-free bread because the gluten-free sourdough I had tasted like ass.
It was so bad and I had to pretend
like it was delicious with jam, but it wasn't.
But now, this morning, my coffee is half and half in it
and I'm new again.
I'm old again.
We are so back.
We are so back.
I'm gonna have a cocktail tonight
and one cocktail's gonna knock me flat out.
That's great.
And we are so back.
And then you're gonna be like, get me the most that's great yeah and then you're gonna be like
get me the most gluten and bread you got they're gonna be like what i'd be like stuff it with the
stuff i want gluten stuff yeah extra gluten please panera bread bowl with an ipa yeah i want the
equivalent of the lemonade but in bread bread form. Supercharged with gluten.
And a wine on the side.
Yeah, on the side.
Speaking of wine.
What a seamless transition.
Oh, my God.
Not going to lie, that's one of the best we've had in a while.
We are here to talk about something a little cheeky, a little creative, a little like it feels like it would be a suburban mother's dream of an
We are here to talk paint and sips.
Paint and sip.
Paint and sip.
Paint and, not Peyton Manning, paint and sip.
Paint and sip.
We are here to talk.
Now when I, we were messaging with Matt about, like, what topic to do this week,
and Alf and I sent a list, and what I actually sent to Matt was,
the title for what I now realize is Peyton Sip is Wine and Paint Experience,
which is not what this is.
It's clinical.
Peyton Sip is like TM, TM. It's a not what this is. It's clinical. Paint and sip is like TM, TM.
It's like a it's a brand.
No, it is a brand.
But I also consider it to be like that's what it is.
It's it's like you guys don't know what that is.
It's it's a class.
It's a painting class where you're also drinking wine.
And it's like it's cheeky and sweet because you're not just like drinking wine
you're you're sipping it you're sipping it yeah yeah yeah you're not gonna be like oh i'm chugging
wine it's like yeah but what if i had another little sip i'll have a little sip when i add
some yellow to this yeah matt have you ever done a paint and sip day or night i you know what i
haven't i there's a lot of those types of things
that i haven't really done before but i sort of look at them like as an outsider looking in and
thinking if i was just basic if i was more basic yes i could be having the time of my life yeah
like that seems great that seems really fun axe throwing seems fun rage room seem really fun yeah
yeah yeah like all that seems great uh i do like um i i guess i haven't really painted um before
but like i like i i like wine wine's good that stuff's fun i'm halfway there i like i like that
i guess put a paintbrush in my hand and see what happens.
What I
love about those is like, as I was
looking through reviews, it's like, the paintings
are not bad. For everyone kind of being
pretty on the way there in terms of drinking,
all the paintings are pretty good.
Alf, when you drank, did you ever do a paint
and sip kind of thing?
Sometimes I would get drunk
and I would do graffiti.
Did you know you could?
In Boston,
when we lived in Boston.
You would do graffiti?
I was a little shit.
I didn't know you were a tagger.
I was tagging.
And then I saw.
What was your tag?
I don't want to talk about it because I can't incriminate.
I don't know what the statute of limitations is on graffiti.
But yeah,
that was the closest thing.
It was Peter Griffin. I would do a photo realistic not even not no not
accurate to the animation my interpretation of an irl was a real man oh my god horrific on the side
of every restaurant in alston massachusetts um but no i mean my thing with the paint and the
sipping is you do it one time and i live in a studio apartment you do it one time you've got a
like 18 inch by two foot canvas where the fuck what do you hang where do you hang your ugly art
of a horse you do it two times now you've got two like
there's a real like there's a point in which it's like well this is going in the trash
so you guys just keep it i don't even want to take it home can you guys use it'll fill up my
trash can like all right have you been to have have y'all been to disney's california adventure
yes of course are you familiar with uh i can't remember what
it's called but there's an area in the thing where you can draw and they show you how to draw
workshop yes they show you how to do the thing oh yeah yeah yeah so partaking in it myself i was in
the uh i use i go into the beasts library to find out what character i am yes exactly there's plenty to do there uh but i i
my friend group and i we used to go there a lot and um i still go um but it's a good place to go
sit down like after you've had sort of like a day or if it's like really hot they're blasting the
ac right oh my god no it's um it's the best place but the thing you can go do there is like well
you can also you can
buy beers at california venture which is cool so you go have some beers it's like two separate
experiences but you can do it you manufacture your own paint and sip and then you go and you
draw like goofy or you know jack skellington or whatever and i'm bad at that anyway because like
i'm i i'm following the directions even when I haven't had some beers, I'll follow the directions as best as I can.
And then it looks worse than what a kid could do because it's the confidence of an adult trying to do what a kid is trying to learn.
And it's worse.
I love that.
But it's really, really fun.
That's good.
I really like that.
That sounds fun. That's good. I really like that. That sounds fun.
What would you do if you went as a regular matter of course, what would you do with all your ugly goofies?
Well, this is the thing, right?
You fold it up.
They have a little recycling bin afterwards,
but that feels crass.
Yeah, right.
That feels like you're just missing the eye.
And you say, that's what I think of you.
Yeah, garsh, throwing you in the damn trash you say that's what i think of you yeah garsh throwing you in the
trash uh but i would take them home and then just have them folded up and then i'd have like 50 i
used to have like a it used to be a thing i would do a lot more frequently because my friends and i had annual passes um before they were like two thousand dollars sure sure sure
yeah uh like you could have like one good like birthday hall and be like i'm getting a disney
annual pass for like a year and it's like that 250 you're like hot dog it's pretty good but um
now it's like a timeshare yeah exactly, exactly. Yes. But we would go.
I went to Cal State Long Beach and we would leave campus in between long breaks between classes.
That's very cool.
Go on like a ride or something and then go back because it's not very far.
That's what we used to do.
That's way cooler than getting drunk and doing photorealistic Peter Griffin graffiti.
I really like, though, it's like you're not going to do right.
It's like, I'm going to go draw Mickey really quick.
I just have to get this out of my heart.
I just have to.
That class this morning had me fucked up.
I got to go get some stuff,
work some stuff out with Goofy.
I got to go draw Jack Skellington now.
I got to get to off the page and make it happen.
Off the page.
That's what it is.
Yeah, that's so fucking funny.
Speaking of like, you know,
like having like 50 Goofys or like, you know, what you do
with like three like large paintings of like a butterfly.
I've seen like couples go and like photos of like, oh, we both made a multicolored zebra.
And it's like, you're not going to hang up too.
So then it comes to
the point of like whose is better whose are we actually keeping what are we doing with the other
one um you can be able to do a different thing exactly exactly um let's take a quick break and
we'll be right back with paint and sip reviews should we get into the reviews can i do a review because it kind of segues nicely from what you
were just saying you never want to go first i I never do. I do today.
Matt says go.
It's a go.
This isn't for technically a sip and paint.
It's for a hardware store.
He wants to go first because he's breaking the rules.
Yeah, so it's not technically for an actual name brand paint and sip.
This is for Pinot and Palette. Or no,'s palette pino's palette this is where where's that dallas
fort worth area oh shit okay yeah this is from brandy a could i get a last name for brandy a
apple bottom certainly brandy apple bottom jeans, boots with a fur, one star.
So disappointed. One star.
I brought my husband here for his first paint with a twist
and was kind of embarrassed.
I thought by selecting date night with black light dragon,
it would result in a couple painting.
But nothing of the session referenced date night or couple.
I honestly thought women would do a girl dragon
and guys would do a boy dragon and then and then they the pinot and palette replied um brandy so
sorry you were disappointed most of our classes are appropriate for date nights whether designated
or not only one dragon was displayed on our website when you purchase the seats we did not
indicate the gender of the dragons painted and weren't aware that the gender made a difference if you would
like to bring your painting back we'll happily add lashes or other things to make them anatomically
correct so that you have a girl and a boy dragon what the fuck sorry insane you can you go back i
just need to hear the end of the original review. Of course.
She said, I honestly thought women would do a girl dragon and guys would do a boy dragon.
That is unbelievable.
The date night hinged on the gender of the painting.
It's not even real anyway.
It's a dragon. You psycho.
What is a girl dragon?
That's insane.
Well, the girl has the lashes, and she got the lipstick.
Boys don't have eyelashes.
Those dragon, those huge dragon jungle wongos.
Oh, my God.
When the boy dragon, he's packing. Yeah, this person wanted to go to like a deviant art class
like they wanted to go they didn't want to do uh you know pino's palette they wanted to like
do um like nasty sonic pregnant sonic and shrek art it's like it's like um it's like you know those like bakeries that do like
naughty cakes yeah it's like they want absolutely disgusting yeah they wanted that it's also like
i i love that the that penis palette called out they're like didn't realize that the gender of
the dragons was that important to you yeah honestly I'm on the side of the business here. This is, honestly, a first.
A first?
I thought when I bought tickets to Beetlejuice the musical
that there would be a girl version and a boy version
happening simultaneously next to each other.
I was kind of disappointed.
I got to, just as a quick aside,
we saw the Beetlejuice musical,
my fiance and I with my mom and my brother
we the amount everybody was laughing in the audience was unsustainable we were all like
this is the funniest thing we've ever seen in our lives we were like crying
like because the guy every every time beetlejuice would say or do anything
he could have done
anything like he he could have he had us all in the palm of his fucking hand he was a genius
it was incredible anyway that's i'm sorry i had to bring it i love that you had that experience
meanwhile lauren bobert was just uh but see i can see how she almost got there like i uh we're all
pretty close.
You're laughing so hard, you're like,
I guess I gotta jack off.
I gotta do some over-the-pants stuff right now,
I guess, is what I feel. I can't not.
I literally have to. There's no
choice for me.
This is the next thing I'm
supposed to do. You know what happens when you laugh really hard?
You gotta do over-the-pants stuff. Do you guys mind if i vape right now yeah i'm just so it's so
funny i'm laughing so hard i have to vape the vaping is an underappreciated part of that story
i think of the lord you could buy the other thing you can sort of get you sort of get that because
like beetlejuice is kind of like he's you know he's a little he's nasty but he's a little sexy no i fuck beetlejuice for sure and i've always said that i know i'm not even
kidding i'm not being facetious i would fuck beetlejuice out of character no no no all you
gotta do is say his name three times and he's there like that's pretty easy talk about a booty
call yeah and i always do Never stop talking about it.
But anyway, girl dragon, boy dragon.
Girl dragon, boy dragon.
Imagine being on the date and realizing that it's the real time of realizing that it's not girl dragon, boy dragon.
I'm so embarrassed.
So embarrassed.
Okay, and now what we're going to do,'re going to put the finishing touches Everyone's dragons look beautiful
I don't know if you guys are first timers
Or if you guys have been doing this for months
You could have fooled me
So what we're going to do is we're going to do some gold flecks
Some little speckles on your dragon
And they are complete, you guys
Thank you so much for joining
We're done here?
That's it? Yeah, that was an hour and a half
Hope you enjoyed your wine
Hope you enjoyed your wine okay i just
how do you know which dragon's which oh um everyone should have had their names kind of
written on the back no no no that's not what i that's not what i mean that's not what i mean
how do you know which dragon's girl and which dragon's boy they all look the dang same um i guess if you want to name your
dragon you know what's so beautiful about art is that it's like it's imagination based so it's like
you know we have these mythical creatures and you get to decide you know their whole backstory but
you know names can be both like there are some names that can be both like drew i'm gonna name the dragon
drew that's just like a little more i kind of i thought there would be a step where i'm putting
like a blonde wig on the dragon or something like big blonde hair and big like dragon like jugs
okay um you know what?
I thought I was going to be painting a girl dragon.
No, of course.
Hey, everyone, why don't you go check out the front and you two, excuse me, ma'am, are you?
Yes, this is my fiance to be.
Oh, fiance.
So are you engaged or not?
We're going to be engaged at some point, yeah.
We've decided we're going to do it.
So you're boyfriend-girlfriend?
We sort of like fiance to be because it's a little more intentional.
I've never heard that before. It's also gender neutral
which I like. It's not boyfriend-
It confuses me but I allow it.
I was going to say that kind of goes against your whole thing.
How about everyone else, can you go check out at the front and Confuses me, but I allow it. Yeah, right. I was going to say, that kind of goes against your whole thing. It's a difference between us.
How about, hey, everyone else,
can you go check out at the front?
And I'm so sorry, I did not get your names.
And my name is Drew.
Drew, got it.
I had a feeling it would be.
Sandy and Drew,
why don't you come to the back office?
Come to the back office.
You guys, I am,
I just want to say, I'm tamra by the way uh i i'm so
sorry if tonight's experience was not what you hoped it would be that being said this is um we
try and keep this pretty friendly pretty clean and we're just about art and getting a little buzz on
and so you know saying things like i wanted to paint jugs on the dragon, that kind of language
isn't really what we're going for
here at Kino's Palette.
I want to sort of
step in a little bit,
defend my man a little bit.
Thanks, babe.
It's 21 plus, right?
I mean, for the alcohol.
Yeah, right.
We're all adults here.
I mean...
Do you have jugs?
You cannot ask me that. Tamara, do you have jugs? You cannot ask me that.
Tamara, do you have, Sandy, woman to woman, do you have jugs?
Yes, I have breasts.
Okay, does a girl dragon have breasts?
Girl dragons don't exist because dragons don't exist.
I don't see how that's relevant.
When you're just drawing an anatomically accurate dragon, you include all of its bezels and whistles.
Listen, you saw the reference on the website when you booked it.
There was no indication that we would be doing gendered dragons.
I thought that that was sort of maybe not on the website because anybody could look at the website.
You don't have to be 21 plus to look at the website.
Sorry, what does that mean? You thought that anyone could look at the website and that's why
they weren't gendered or that's why they weren't
dragging drugs? I thought, yeah, that maybe
you weren't going to put
drugs on the website.
It's not that
type of website, you know, but it's sort of like
it's 21 plus, we're doing dragons.
That means... What you said
is that it's not that type of website, it's not that type of class.
If you want that kind of thing, they do that you know uh on on fourth and main at um at painter's
delight but that's not what we do here is this place not called penis penis palette is this
penis palette it's pinot's palette oh it's pinot's palate, not penis palate.
Oh, my God.
That's not what we do here.
Egg on my face.
Yeah, and so basically all I'm just asking from you guys is we're just a small business.
And I get that.
Please don't take us on Yelp because of your misunderstanding of what this was.
And I do want to step in a little bit. Defend my man a little bit.
Yeah, no, I'm just beyond words.
Yeah, he's barely said anything.
You don't have anything to defend him.
I sort of had the initial complaint, but this is our relationship, right?
I make a mess and she cleans it up.
The tits, if you will.
The breasts.
They don't have to be out.
We never said they were out.
Yeah, we didn't say there'd be nipple.
We said there would be breasts.
We didn't say there's not a shirt, there's not a bra.
And neither did we.
You didn't say there would be this, nor did we.
So I guess that's the whole misunderstanding.
What are you looking from me right now?
Like, do you want you these are paintings
are yours if you would like to take them home and paint drugs and i don't know how on the dragons
can you even have hogs come on if you are looking to have me illustrate to you how to paint hogs
and jugs. It's not a dirty word.
Just say it. Hogs.
We're in the back room. There's no kids
here. We could say hogs and jugs
if we want. I'm not. I, okay.
Listen. You guys
You brought us back here.
It's because I wanted to do this.
The whole thing was your idea.
What? The whole bringing you back here?
You know, we just happened.
My man, my hubby to be, to be.
Fiance to be, to be.
Told me that he was a little insecure about the fact that there was no breasts on my dragon.
And I don't think.
He was insecure about that?
He threatened his you know masculinity
because you know if i'm being honest on a dragon because the regular the plain dragon will call it
don't need to drew you don't know i'll say why i was insecure the plain dragon was making me
horny and i didn't know why and so i was sort of like again it's not even like it's not even like
it's not even I would like it
it's just plain
it's just like a big lizard
that's okay
and you thought maybe
I thought maybe if it had
blonde wig and big jugs
it'd be okay
it'd be explainable It'd be explainable.
It'd be explainable at least.
I am no expert in anything other than wine and paint.
But if you're attracted to playing lizard, that's okay.
You like what you like.
You don't have to put jugs and a wig on it to
make it okay you like just the dragon as it is
i did maybe that was a really beautiful thing that came out of today it today yeah i guess that's you know i feel a little bit better about it um i i don't think i
should be in trouble you're not in trouble and i don't think i should get in trouble for drawing a
hog on my dragon so did you draw the hog on your dragon i did okay that's fine again it is your
painting you do whatever you like okay well it sounded
like i was in trouble earlier yeah you literally called us into the principal you guys were in
trouble because i didn't want you talking about jugs and i'm like back here to get it get spanked
nope that's again at pino's palette we're not in the market of spanking naughty boys and girls and people.
Okay, why am I in trouble then?
I literally, we came back here and I was like crossing my fingers saying,
oh, I hope we don't get the penis palate paddle right now.
Because I thought maybe you were going to.
Don't call my mom.
You both look like you are too old for me to be calling your parents.
She's at work.
She's at work.
She's going to be so mad.
All I would ask of you both is to leave a nice review
and then just go home and do whatever you want to your dragons,
be they gendered or normal lizard.
That's all I'm asking.
Whatever we want?
Yes. I don't care what you do
when it's not in here.
Okay, it sounds...
I know you're saying that we're not in trouble,
but you sound really mad at us.
You're screaming.
I'm trying my best to remain as calm as I can
because, Drew, I can see that you are bursting at the seams.
You're going to cry at the drop of a
I'm not I'm not gonna cry I just
there's other people in the class too
and I
who knows what even they were doing they could have been
drawing something nasty too according to
you I saw the girl sitting
next to me she like she like gave her
dragon like a like a like a tattoo
and it's like that's not real that makes me sick
either so why is she not getting in trouble because that's not right that's not what our bodies are for to have
that on them i think we are misconstruing what we're all saying you guys the reason why i pulled
you aside is because you were using language that i didn't feel was suitable for the class
and so i just like you can again we all, like, you can, again,
we all have free will.
You can draw whatever you want on your dragons.
They are not real.
Neither is gender.
So I don't understand why we are so fixated
on dragon tits and balls.
Hogs too, not just the balls.
Hogs too. Mainly the hogs. Mainly the hogs. Hogs too, not just the balls. Hogs too.
Mainly the hogs.
Mainly the hogs.
Yeah, if I'm being honest, I didn't even draw balls on it.
Just a lone soldier.
Go to your home.
Draw whatever you want on the dragon's.
They are yours now.
I hope you had a good night.
I'm sorry that the lack of
gendering the lizards made it such a bad time i actually had a blast yeah does this mean we can't
come back what the fuck are you talking about i want to do the one for the horses tomorrow
yeah because i know what that's supposed to look like I've seen that before Get out of my office
I have pictures of that
I've seen that
I know what that's about
It was the plane
Just normal
Just a plain Genderless dragon named Drew It was the plain, just normal. Just plain.
Just a plain genderless dragon named Drew.
What am I supposed to do with that?
What am I supposed to do?
Also, the logic of so angrily naming it after yourself is crazy.
Like to prove a point?
Yeah, it's supposed to be me, kind of.
It's supposed to be me, but I don't want to be attracted to me,
so I have to give it boobies. Yeah.
Or else it's weird to do.
What kind of, I feel like these types of classes, like, shouldn't,
dragons is weird, right?
Yes, I know.
I agree.
Shouldn't it just be like a scene, like a scenery,
or like a basket of fruit or something?
I hear you. I hear that. I saw it just be like a scene, like a scenery or like a basket of fruit or something? I hear you.
I hear that.
I saw one that was like UFO in the background.
And like alien, like a traditional like gray alien in the front of the image.
No, and I have seen like rainbow zebras and like hummingbirds.
Like it's very, it's very bad.
Which again adds to the thing of like, I'm not gonna hang that in my house.
Yeah, this is trash.
You gave me like a kid's coloring book page here.
Also a gray alien,
both the scariest and funniest thing you could see.
Like, they're so funny looking,
but if you saw one, you'd be like,
well, my life's over.
Yeah, exactly.
Yeah, I don't know.
Riley, would you like to be abducted by aliens? Would I like to, I thought you were gonna Riley, would you like to be abducted by aliens?
I thought you were going to say, would you like to do the next review?
Riley, would you like to do?
No, I was going with the alien thing mainly.
Have you ever thought about it before?
I've thought about aliens, but I don't want to be abducted.
Have you ever thought about being abducted?
No, I have not.
Have you?
Of course. Of course. All the time. Can't stop thinking about it. have you ever thought about being abducted no i have not have you of course of course
all the can't stop thinking about it matt would you like to be abducted i don't think so only
because i guess a recent i i i don't i don't want something like that not after last time
not after last time last time was not fun um so i don't want to do it again rad yeah it happens to me quite a lot
actually so i'm kind of just over it um i don't want to be in a situation like that where then
people don't believe me like oh yeah like where people are like well you're insane like okay well
i'm not it did happen to me but i also kind of want to see what they got i i i'm interested to
see the technology i don't want them to like do stuff, but I kind of want them,
I want to like,
I'd hang out.
I'd be the most important man alive
if it happened to me.
That is one of the scariest things.
Whenever I've seen like movies
or anything that's like that of like,
everyone else thinks you're crazy,
but you're not crazy.
Because anything you say,
they'd be like,
oh, well, you know.
Well, there we go again.
There we go.
Oh, that's Matt.
And it's like, no, I swear to Christ. Like I was up there was up there like it was happened it was real for me and if they do it i
do hope they kill me because that's right just take me away it's like i don't want to i don't
want to live with the knowledge no it's like that's that's the last thing you see and how cool
yeah how cool like because like i mean imagine you found out ghosts for real
what are you doing what are you what are you gonna do with that great you now i know ghosts are real
they have to kill you yeah well and the stakes for dying have been lowered too so why not oh great i
gotta stick around it's like yeah why not i wonder about that it's like what like I mean hey not to bring it back to
Beetlejuice but like it's truly it's like if you're just undead it's like I'm just gonna scare some
people that does seem pretty fun it's like I'm gonna be a prankster for the rest of that's true
yeah I'm gonna say little like naughty limericks as Beetlejuice I'm gonna honk my ass at people
and stuff but it's like genuinely what's your other option if you're a ghost? I guess you're right.
And the tools at your disposal
are like moving stuff
and making like
you're going to become
a Foley artist.
Like you're a ghost.
Or you do like in the movie
it's like you know
when they make the mouths
I mean no one
who's listening to this
can see what I'm doing
but it's like you know
they pull their mouths open
and they put their eyes
on their tongue.
That was the scariest
shit I've ever seen
when I was a child.
That scared the absolute hell out of me.
And when you were a kid, it looked real.
You were like, they did that.
If that happened, it would look like that.
They did that.
I have a review.
Well, I need it.
Let's see if you can believe it.
Us to take a break.
You do?
Yes, because I've been drinking so much damn water.
Let's take a break then so Alf can take a piss.
I didn't say that, but I am.
You didn't have to.
And we're back.
I have a review.
All righty, go ahead and hit us with it.
For Paint and Sip in LA.
Los Angeles.
This is a two-star review from JC.
I need two initials for JC.
The one, the only, the wickedly talented Jesus Christ.
Two-star review from Jesus Christ.
The wickedly talented Jesus Christ.
Two stars.
Two stars. Two stars.
Went to a paint and sip class, and while the painting experience was relaxing,
we were greatly disappointed that we were unable to consume any alcohol.
My friend received an email stating it was BYOB and snacks,
so we made a quick stop before coming to the class.
However, when we arrived, we were told that they were in the process of getting a license to sell wine,
so we were unable to open our bottles.
I wish we were notified before purchasing our tickets as we would have been able to go somewhere else.
That is awful.
So it was just a paint class.
So it was a painting class.
But not a good one.
Because it's not like.
And it doesn't make sense if they're like, it's BYOB.
But then they're like, oh, you can't open that in here.
We're getting ready to sell wine.
You can bring it, but just to look at it, I guess.
We said bring your own bottle.
We did not say bring your own bottle and then open it and drink it.
That is, if you had read the email, that's not what we said.
So that was very confusing to me.
And I don't understand any of the policies of that
paint and sip that's yeah because like take sip off of it just paint it's a paint class and that's
fine you can paint and have fun what if that was a weird trap of like just trying to get people to
do a sober activity oh you think you need alcohol to have a good time? Yeah. That's actually really sad.
Oh, shit.
Pain and intervention.
People come in like, can't wait to get fucked up at this thing.
Oh, you're one of those who thinks that you can only have a good time if you're intoxicated.
Well, do we have a surprise for you?
Alf's leading it.
So thank you guys for coming to the class today.
Michael, was it?
Yeah. Yeah, that's right.
Hell yeah, dog. It's his 21st birthday, dude. We're so excited
to get fucked up. It's gonna be so sick.
I can't wait to see what kind of crazy stuff we paint
when we're wasted. Oh my
What if I paint something crazy like my mom?
Wouldn't that be insane?
What if I paint something so crazy that they take down the Mona Lisa and then they put up my painting?
It's so good.
And they would have to write on the little plaque, it's like, Michael's 21st birthday.
He doesn't even remember painting this.
Yeah. Yeah. Anyway,'t even remember painting this. Uh, yeah. Yeah.
Anyway, sorry.
Sorry, boss man.
What were you going to fucking say?
That's all right, Damien.
So, first of all, you're each going to have individual painting assignments today.
We're not painting the same thing?
That's good, because actually I didn't want to compete
because I know my boy Damien has the eye
and is, like, actually an incredible artist.
Bro, you don't have to say that.
Like, you don't have to say that.
I didn't want to be in the same league as Damien, dog.
Come on.
No, that's a really valuable...
Michael, stop.
Michael, that's a really valuable insight.
That is a really valuable insight.
No, like, I may have the eye.
Sorry, sorry, Mr. Man.
If I can just interject, I just want to say,
it's like, I may have the eye. Like, yeah, like, that interject i just want to say it's like i may have the eye
like yeah like that may be like a gift that i have that i like to share through like certain hobbies
but like my boy michael here uh talk about the most open heart you've ever seen oh man it's like
he may not have the eye but it's like he feels it all and so it's just beautiful it comes through
like whatever he does this is so so tight, and obviously, like,
I know that we sort of sound like this, and, like,
you're probably thinking that we are some, like,
tough guy dipshits, but we're actually
sensitive souls. I love that.
Who can't wait to get a little
shwasted. Get a little shwasted.
for, um, yeah, so, Michael,
for your assignment, um, you are
gonna be painting your little sister. Alright? Stacey, do you wanna come out here and, um, yeah, so Michael, for your assignment, um, you are going to be painting your little sister.
All right?
Stacey, do you want to come out here?
And, uh...
Whoa, you got...
They have Stacey here?
Whoa, how did Stacey even get here?
This is so crazy.
It's my birthday.
Happy birthday.
Ah, thanks, Stacey.
You know what?
Can I say as your older brother, it's like a real treat to watch you grow up?
Ah. Wow. That's really nice. Stacey, you know what? Can I say as your older brother, it's like a real treat to watch you grow up. Oh, wow.
That's really nice.
How does it, Stacey, how does it feel to hear your brother say that?
No, I mean, like, it feels really good and also really sad.
And it makes me sad because it's like, I wish you would say that more.
I wish you would say that more. Oh. I wish you would say that more.
Do you feel like there's something that stops him from saying that more, Stacey?
No, Stacey.
I have a feeling like I know what you're going to say.
Damien, your turn is coming.
Sit tight.
Sit tight, K. My turn is coming?
Stacey, finish the thought, please.
I feel like, Michael,
I love you so much, but when you
put your hands over your
face, like the goggles, and you say
I want to get schwasty,
I feel like that often,
both the act of you getting
schwasty and also you doing that
really kind of, The hand gesture.
The hand gesture is a big part of it.
It really stops him from seeing what's right in front of him.
How's it feel to hear your sister say that?
Yeah, I mean, no, it's good.
I'm sorry that I've made you feel that way.
In particular, I guess when I do the hand gesture.
The hand gesture is a big part of it. Yeah, the glasses.
Yeah, it's the glasses.
The glasses are a big part of it.
It's hard to do.
No, and it is very hard to do, and he kind of like the best at it that I've ever seen.
Yeah, because like your hands don't go that way really.
But they can, but they don't.
You wouldn't think that they do.
I haven't, you know, it's my 21st birthday.
I thought that maybe I could.
And I'm like fighting the urge right now to do the hand gesture.
I'm just telling you right now, I'm not doing it on purpose.
Michael, Michael, nobody is here.
My hands are shaking.
Nobody is here to tell you you can't do the hand gesture.
I would really appreciate if he's just here to tell you how it makes her feel when you do the hand gesture does that make
sense michael yeah no no no no i um so if you want if you feel like you need to do the hand
gesture right now do that i don't need to do it i'm just saying that it's like to what stacy how
stacy feels when you do right and i don't want to make i can't i don't want to make i don't want to
make stacy feel bad or anything like that i love, Michael. And it's just like when you do the glasses,
I feel like it's like, you know, in life,
glasses are supposed to help you see.
But when you do the glasses,
I really feel like it just puts up a wall between you and the world.
Because, you know, first comes the glasses,
and then next comes I'm getting shwasty.
The thing is, it's my birthday.
I think I could have it.
Yeah, this is getting really sad.
I feel like we need a drink.
We need some glasses and we need to get shwasty.
Stacey, do you want to grab some sparkling water for the boys?
Sparkling water?
I brought a, gosh, what what are those things what are these called
as a tall boy i bought it i brought in a tall boy but like a bottle form of it where it's like a
a handle no but like a beer like a big just pull it out of your bag and we can tell you it's one
of these it's like a big beer you can get it you can get it refilled at like a brewery or something. A growler. You brought a growler.
I brought a growler.
We just turned 21, so we're still kind of like
learning the language. I don't know what all the words are.
Don't get mad at us for not
knowing the words.
I'm going to put on my serious glasses in a second.
And if that's what you feel like you need to...
Now, the serious
glasses, are they
different than the Shwaisty glasses?
They're just, you know, they're not even actually serious.
They're the glasses with the nose and mustache on them.
Groucho Marx glasses.
Yeah, yeah.
And then I say, what you're saying is the craziest thing I've ever heard.
That doesn't sound very serious at all, actually.
It's actually not, so it's actually kind of like...
That's kind of the point.
It sort of puts you on your
toes but then at the end we're all having fun dude and michael like i feel like we've walked
into a bit of a lion's den in many ways like we came here to get schwasty and paint but like all
we're doing to my boy michael is like telling him what he can and can't do in terms of the glasses
like if you actually saw the serious glasses,
you'd be having the time
of your life right now. Michael,
do you want to pull out the glasses?
Yeah. This is a serious moment.
Time for the serious glasses.
There's nothing wrong with that.
No, it's just, it's more conditional. It's more
like, it's
usually like a showstopper. Like, it's like, the thing
is, like, I kind of do it as this, like, thing that's like, I showstopper like it's like the thing is like i kind of do it as this
like thing that's like i pull them out and everyone's like okay here oh man he's really
serious but you know they're coming so it's not gonna have the impact and i think that
i see is gonna really show what it is yeah and i don't think not knowing what the serious glasses
are yeah i have another thing i can do okay which i know can i ask is it a pair of glasses
um yes but it's also a separate other thing too okay what is it okay so like these are
austin powers glasses okay and then i also have these kind of like fucked up british teeth
uh-huh this is my favorite one and then what do you do with them, I guess
I do his famous dance
I put the teeth in and I do like the
Yeah, I do like a
I pretend
Everyday household objects are obscuring my private
So I'm wearing full clothes
Okay, that's good to hear
Yeah, I mean...
I say shagadelic and things like that.
I kind of just become Austin Powers.
Right, you do an Austin Powers impression, right?
Because we'll forget it.
But Michael, I think...
Requires a lot of setup.
Stacey, you can probably speak to this better than I can
but do you feel like
maybe there's something different?
The Austin Powers glasses, the Sirius glasses.
That they aren't quite the same as the Shwaisty glasses, are they?
No, I feel like the Shwaisty glasses are often the first step into the Sirius glasses and the Austin Powers glasses.
You know, it's so funny, Michael, you say the Sir serious glasses are the showstopper but I would argue that the
full-on Austin Powers impression with the you know the food and props covering your genitals
even though you call it you call it glasses but it's really it's more of like a cosplay
like it's more of a whole performance isn isn't it? Yeah, costume entirely. I hate to interrupt,
but like, are you, like, I thought
we were here to learn how to paint.
What is your whole
thing? And if I could be honest, too,
for just a single second, I've
been honest this whole time, but if I could be even more
honest. Please.
Sipping is supposed to be part of this, too, and
frankly, my
mouth is bone dry.
We haven't even popped open the growler.
We have sparkling water.
And we have a growler.
Yeah, the sparkling water is too spicy for me.
Sorry, it's too spicy?
Yeah, it's too spicy for me.
Like TV static on your tongue.
But beer is also carbonated.
Yeah, but not in the same way.
And you can agree.
It's so much less.
It's so much less.
The bubbles are bigger.
You'd never have beer and be like,
ooh, that's a really bubbly drink.
I've never said that.
I don't think I've ever said ow drinking almost anything.
If you're not going to let us sip and drink,
what are we doing here, Mr. Guy?
I was hired by Stacy.
Can I ask?
Okay, I was going to even ask you,
how did you even get Stacy here?
She was the one who hired me, along with Damien.
Damien, your big reveal here is that you also hired me.
I really didn't want it to come out like this.
I really thought that it'd be more fun if we got into the painting first before that reveal came out.
But Damien, you've been sitting here this whole time and you've been lying to your friend michael
you've been telling him you've been telling him you love the schwasty glasses you think the schwasty
glasses are so funny you you you wish you were as good at it as he was all this stuff but you don't
do you well it's it's not as black and white as that mr dude what it really is is that it's like
i think that with how often he does the schwasty glasses and like with how much he's perfected it
i wanted to call you in because i feel like he's lost sight of his friendships
because it's like he only cares about the Shwaisty glasses.
He only cares about the Austin Powers kind of one-man show.
And he doesn't care about spending time with his one-man bro.
What I'm hearing from you, what I'm hearing from you, David.
I have been thinking about doing like a half Austin Powers,
half Dr. Evil costume.
See, exactly, man.
I think that's a really...
Throw me a freaking go in here.
That's a really creative idea, but
what I'm hearing from you, Damien, is that you think
What was that? I said zip it.
See, it's so good.
And so I don't actually have a problem
with the impression itself. It's more
that it's like, you're losing sight of your family.
You're losing sight of your friends.
The more you kind of like put on these things, whatever glasses they are, it's like those are blinding you.
Oh, ironically.
Think about that for.
Think about that for a second, Michael.
The glasses are blinding you.
And that's not very shagadelic, is it?
That doesn't make me horny or randy at all.
It makes me sad.
Michael, I have a quote I would like to share with you, if that's okay.
Okay, then me next.
Okay, if you have something you'd like to share with the group, I actually love that.
I would actually love it if you participated like that. But this is a quote from, it is a character called, her name is Velma from Scooby-Doo.
And she says, my glasses, my glasses, I cannot see without my glasses.
Is that how you feel?
Yeah, I do sort of feel like...
Without the Shraisty glasses, you can't engage?
Without the Austin Powers glasses,
you don't feel like you fit in?
Yeah, I do think that maybe
the glasses are sort of like a...
You know, like a defense mechanism of
some kind you know it's sort of like a the guy behind the guy right like or you
know the guy in front of the guy I'm the man behind the curtain and the curtain
is the glasses and maybe I don't what I'm learning is I don't actually need that.
Like I don't need to act out all of three of the Austin Powers movies.
Uh, I don't need to do the Groucho Marx classes.
Cause like, frankly, like nobody really even really knows that anymore.
People are starting to know Austin Powers like less
and less too actually kind of falling
out of the cultural zeitgeist
I mean Austin Powers must have come out
when you were if I'm being
honest I shouldn't know either thing
yeah feels out of character
he's an old soul yeah
and then the hand gesture
glasses the
shwasty glasses
it actually really hurts my hands to do it.
But I do it anyway to hide.
Brother, to bend your wrists just so, as often as you do it, it hurts.
It adds up.
Carpal tunnel.
It adds up.
Carpal tunnel. Wait, up. Carpal tunnel.
Wait, he said that he had a quote he wanted to share next.
Yeah, what was that quote you wanted to share?
We were all wondering if you were going to share that with us.
Okay, see if you can guess.
You were so quick to say me next.
Yeah, you were really eager to share something.
Hey, Michael, it's okay.
No, I'm just um
oh michael i'm just so sad um but he's really overcome i'll share my quote now
and you ate the whole wheel of cheese how'd you do that heck i'm not even mad that's amazing
that's from anchorman I'm sorry
It's okay
So that was just a quote you wanted to share
Yeah I didn't have anything to do with it
I just thought we were doing
When you said me next you just kind of wanted to get out there
You wanted a hand on the ball
I kind of just thought we were doing quotes
Wait I actually have one too.
I have one.
Well, when I'm king, what does that make you?
A monkey's uncle.
That's from The Lion King.
That's like a, it's a twofer.
That's like Simba and Scar when Simba's a kid.
That's really, really good.
I love that one.
It's such a burn.
Do you have a quote you'd like to share?
Yeah, I do.
Get in, loser. We're going shopping.
I saw Mean Girls for the first time
and it was the new one,
not the original one, but they still had the line
in from, I'm assuming it was the original one,
so Renee rapped it instead of Rachel McAdams,
but it still worked. Wow.
That's really good, too. Everybody's doing really good.
Mr. Guy, do you have a quote you'd like, another one you'd like to share? I already did my Velams, but it still worked. That's really good, too. Everybody's doing really good. Mr. Guy, do you have a quote?
Another one you'd like to share?
I already did my Velma, but
I guess I could do
snozzberries taste like snozzberries.
That's from Charlie
and the Chaga Factory. The
Willy Wonka from two times ago.
Not the one
that you guys probably know. I'm'm older that's a really good one
that's really good that's really good um i feel like we did a lot of really good work here today
is that crazy to say yeah i won't do the glasses anymore and i don't even actually feel like getting shwasty. I kind of just want to... Wow. That's big.
Do you want to paint?
Are you able to teach us how to paint
or are you just here for the intervention thing?
I forgot if you were at it.
Yeah, do you actually know how to do this?
I'm a multi-eye for that.
I can do anything.
Oh, hell yeah.
What can we paint today?
So today, we're going to be painting
a picture of fat bastard.
Is that going to be okay for you, Michael?
It's not going to be triggering, is it?
No, and also, can I say that our last name is myers oh my god um one of the things i did in the um in the early stages of the pandemic when we thought
it was gonna be only two weeks right i was like
what am i going to do with all this time what am i going to do how am i going to use this time
wisely right like it's like obviously a time to stay safe but it's you know it's maybe a time to
um check some things off the list right like maybe see some movies you've never seen and like you
know do some reading do some writing do some like some work what i did was on one of the days i
watched all three austin powers movies in a row in one day
how did you feel at the end of the day uh i felt amazing and i was like i have no notes these
i had some notes some of it didn't age great.
But on the whole, still really funny.
Oh, my God.
To watch all three of them in a row.
Because I really thought this was going to be my one chance to do this.
And then we did it for two and a half years more.
Oh, my God. So now once a week, I take a day and I half years more. Oh my God.
So now once a week,
I take a day and I watch all three of the Austin Powers.
Yeah, I have to.
I just have to do it.
I have to do it.
It's honestly kind of incredible
that that's one they haven't rebooted yet.
Don't put that out into the universe.
Don't put that out there.
Because his latest output has not been
great uh he did this show the pentavarite on on netflix
no idea what that is it's a spin-off sort of thing of a throwaway line in um so i married an
axe murderer the dad is like this like conspiracy guy and he
mentions this like secret group that runs the world called the pentavarite i have never heard
this is crazy and it sounds like i'm telling you something insane but it's true
uh it's a real show you could watch it and it's just it's it's like very like
um i don't know it's like it's a lot of character work a lot of character work but it's like old
guy misunderstanding current things kind of and like not necessarily like in like a he's bad kind of way but like just doesn't fully get it you
know uh but you know i don't so i i don't think we need maybe more austin powers but in the way
that like you know bill and ted came back um we're getting a beverly hills cop sequel several
years after the fact i wouldn't mind seeing an aged Austin Powers.
He's actually a good guy.
You couldn't remake it with,
you couldn't do a remake of Austin Powers without Mike Myers.
No, no.
You just could not.
Oh yeah, imagine Timothee Chalamet, Austin Powers.
Chagadelic, of course.
I like that.
He is this like,
kind of like young sort of like Riz guy,
but he's also like a kind of like dork.
Like he's kind of a dweeb.
He straddles that line.
Milk chocolate,
totally insane.
it's cause he's a theater kid, right?
So he has that sort of like, that, you know,
benevolent, dorky.
Yes, yes.
Oh, no, sorry.
It's dark, nutty, completely insane.
I fucked that up.
Milk, dark, totally insane.
I didn't see it, so I didn't know.
I didn't know it was wrong
but I have listened to the soundtrack noodle noodle
apple strudel some people don't and some people
doodle anyway Alf do you want to do you have another
give a final one or do you want me to go
I guess I'm gonna see it
little mermaid reference
okay this is also from
paint and sip uh in la five stars from terese g
can you get a last name for terese g uh gold member
what was the first one oh we had brandy apple bottom jeans and then we had Brandy, Apple Bottom Jeans, and then we had Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ.
Teresa Goldmember.
Five stars from Teresa Goldmember.
Love, love, love Brandon's paint and sip lessons.
He is personable and connects with each person, even though it was through Zoom. He drops off the supplies a few days before the event.
It included all paints, the canvas, an easel, brushes, a plastic apron and cup.
You just supply your beverage of choice.
My bestie treated me to this event for my birthday.
She asked which painting I would like to attempt.
I chose a psychedelic sunflower in a starry night.
Everyone experienced success.
He will teach private events too for the group.
Oh, he will teach private events too.
The group right before us wanted to do a portrait of a civil rights activist john lewis another successful night for all
this is what i mean we wanted to do a psychedelic sunflower the group before did
civil rights activist john lewis that's like I do think about this a lot like the idea of
like not to say that I'm not basic in some ways right everybody's a little basic because most
basic things are good like everything that is basic is good if I was this person, I would just be like, everything I do is so fun.
Like that's amazing.
Can you believe I'm doing this?
This is crazy.
That's so fun.
And I did this.
But I will caveat that and say
the fact that it's on Zoom during the pandemic.
That's not as fun.
There, well,
there is a degree to which i found
truly anything that broke up the monotony of the day yes oh yeah we have a visitor somebody's
dropping off paint supplies to my door and now i'm gonna spray him with lysol was like this is
the happy hour over zoom i think it's interesting that this guy the instructor too is like
i'll drop him off it's like does he have to do that part i think it's like you sign up
you're responsible for your supplies here's what you have to get here's an easy um a couple of
links to like the cheapest easiest stuff to get.
Order it in advance of the class.
Order it by this time or you can't participate, right?
It's like, no, I'll come see where you live.
That's weird.
It's also like the psychedelic sunflower,
I could believe that that was one of the generic options.
But it sounds like they picked
john lewis like we'd like to do that the group the group before yeah yeah yeah before that so
i'm like no exactly have to the instructor have to figure out how to paint john lewis
and then teach a group of people to do it yeah And like what was the vibe to you? Were you like having fun?
Right. It's like getting drunk
and painting John Lewis
with a group in a pandemic
over Zoom is fucking
batshit. Also if you get drunk and you do
a bad job painting a
psychedelic sunflower
you do a bad job painting John Lewis
you go to jail.
It's rude at the very least.
And also, it's like, imagine if Brandon, what if Brandon was obsessed?
Like, what if he really, he's like, oh, my God, this group.
It's like, they're really, their hearts are in it.
Yeah, we're going to paint John Lewis.
And the second group's like, we want to do a sunflower.
And he's like, oh.
I mean, the group before you did, civil rights activist John Lewis.
But yeah, we can do a psychedelic sunflower and a starry night, I guess. Yeah, what do you even mean by that?
He's like, we could do anything.
We could paint anything you want.
Alright, class.
You know, I consider myself
a pretty serious artist, and you know i uh i consider myself a pretty serious artist um and you know so thank you
for joining this over zoom not an ideal time to be meeting right now right obviously everything's
very fraught um everything's scary scary um but i think it's good to process um you know our shared grief through art and i think uh you know it's it's
good to just put your feelings out on on the canvas right and so i think the last couple
classes we've been doing um you know pretty serious works we did uh civil rights activist
john lewis uh we've done um you know a lot of very famous portraits of uh various uh
civil rights leaders as well and you know we've been doing um we did one for the um uh
the the hospital workers right now the um the essential workers so important um and you know
so that was like pretty pretty intense too so we're getting a lot of feelings we're doing a
lot of like just reflect a lot of reflection in the art right now and so I always leave it open
to the class to you know what everybody's feeling right now and how can we express that through art
so I'll leave it to you guys. Um,
what would you like to paint this week?
I just want to say before we start,
thank you for giving us this space because it's like,
I feel like spaces like this right now are so needed and like they're few and
far between.
And when you came and dropped off the paints at my house and we,
we like kind of
waved at each other from two blocks away when we were in masks like i know i couldn't see your face
but like i could already tell by your heart that like you are a special special man so i just wanted
to say that right out of the gate that's really beautiful um i can i sorry um no please can i unmute like
am i unmuted okay you can't yeah you're unmuted yeah um the uh i just wanted to say when you
dropped off the paints in my house um i know i left you three loaves of sourdough
and i just wanted to say that i appreciate that three is almost enough to be
I'm asking you for something,
because you can't eat three loaves of bread before they go bad.
so I want to say if you want permission to throw away two of them,
you can have that for me.
actually I really appreciated all three loaves.
I didn't time my grocery shopping uh
between outings you know kind of limit exposure try not to go out as much so i did eat all three
um pretty quickly actually oh i'm really that's i'm really grateful for that so awesome that's
so awesome can we just like celebrate this like before we even get into the painting
can we celebrate this oh yeah i'm so i you know i think uh it's obviously it's like a difficult time
to be uh you know meeting and uh there's fewer and fewer things to celebrate but i think the
small things are worth celebrating too it doesn't always have to be big. Yes. Oh my God.
Oh my God.
Like you get it.
You get it.
So I would,
my internet's cutting in and out.
what a crazy time.
Happy hours getting a little too happy for over there for you.
Come on.
That's enough.
What I'd like to just put out into this zoom right now.
and listen,
like I know it's just the three of us on there.
So at the end of the day, it's going to be, let me just see.
So it's going to be Toby and I, you know, we'll have to decide what we want to paint.
But if I could just put out there.
And I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry to interrupt.
Your Zoom name is Randy Girl.
Could you, is that, is Randy your name or is that a from some other
thing no i'm so sorry my um my boyfriend we we should this is his ipad but because i'm on it
most of the time he likes to differentiate it by being randy and randy girl so i am his girl
so i'm kind of like randy's girl but my name is becca okay becca sorry but i go by randy's girl, but my name is Becca. Okay, Becca. Sorry. But I go by Randy's girl or Becca.
I'll be calling you Becca.
That's okay.
I guess like, again, Toby, like it's up to you, like whatever you feel like you want
to paint, but I feel like something that would be really meaningful to paint.
Like, I know you've already done John Lewis.
I know you've already done the medical care workers.
I think like what if we just did something off the beaten path?
Like what if we found joy in the darkness?
And for that reason, I think we should paint something.
I don't know, like take off our minds off of everything everything like what if we did like a really silly goat like just a goat that's like like you're like oh my god like what is that little
guy doing um you know he could be so sorry to interrupt he could be somewhere that you wouldn't
expect a goat to be and that could also add to like the silliness of it like he could be in a 7-eleven it doesn't matter it's just anywhere that you wouldn't
think there that one would be there that's just yeah no it's i i get what you mean and i get
thank you and i get that that would be like, you know, maybe something like calm and fun and light. understanding, a mutual understanding of our shared grief
and just this
horrific history as well.
Create a safe space
where it's safe
for us to be challenged.
To expand our comfort.
We're all on the same page. We're all agreeing.
So I think a silly goat
doesn't really like
accomplish the same thing kind of it's it is different it's different and it's not
it's just really not the same at all it's not can. Could I, I don't want to, Becca, I don't want to say like,
you know,
we're not going to do that.
I just like was wondering if I could share my.
Well, I'm the,
I'm the charge.
I know,
I know that.
I just meant like I,
I was just going to give my suggestion.
Like if I can bring Silly Goat into the space,
like you can bring whatever you feel like would be beneficial for you
to release through art.
Well, I was, you know, not to get political.
That's okay if you'd like to.
Art is political.
Art is political.
Everything is political.
And with this crazy time that we're in right now,
and, well, now I'm thinking maybe we combine my idea
and Becca's idea um because i was thinking
i would like to do a portrait of anthony fauci um i sort of see him as a hero right now he's
really leading the charge and right now we have a sorry becca no i'm just saying that it's like we've seen that like we are
oversaturated with Anthony Fauci right now okay I kind of wanted to take a step
back I'm just gonna hop in there real quick because I was detecting a tone
that I didn't love thank you Brandon no no no i you keep going becca i fauci this fauci i think that there's a
reason that he's overdone right now i think he's he is leading the country in a way that some other
people aren't who should be and see this is like i guess sorry brandon but Becca, I know how you feel about him.
I didn't say anything.
The certain someone who's in charge right now.
But for me, he's not doing a good job.
For me.
Brandon, sorry.
No, it's okay.
This is like the type of thing that you'd expect to come up in an online Zoom paint and sip class um you know obviously everybody in a class i think right now in particular these things are coming up right we're talking about these things more because it
feels more um we're you know we're on zoom so we're in our own homes we're a little more safe
to sort of say the things that we are you know the things we think a little too comfortable right we're all wearing sweats right
you know um but if we were in an actual class
um if we were in an actual class
we probably this probably wouldn't come up if this like if this time wasn't so fraught we
wouldn't be saying these types of things um and i know that we've done you know historical figures
in the past uh obviously anthony fauci is a contemporary person um temporary person. So time will tell, I guess, his mark on history.
I think it's closer to what we normally do here.
But, you know, hard to...
You're saying closer than the silly goat?
You know, it to... You're saying closer than the silly goat? You know, it's a little...
Because it's a one-to-one, because there's only two ideas in the room.
So if you're saying Anthony Fauci is closer, and then you kind of trail off,
you have to mean in comparison, direct comparison to the silly goat.
Yeah, I mean, does you feel like silly gloat?
Oh, silly gloat.
All right.
Silly gloat.
Maybe I started sipping a little earlier today.
Maybe we all just need to, you know, just take a beat.
I'm not saying that this idea is necessarily better than the silly goat.
I guess it's tough when there are only two.
I mean, I can give another.
Okay, well, then if you give another one,
Becca has to give another one.
And I also can give another one.
Yeah, I guess maybe let's just try it.
Let's just see what else we got here real quick,
and then we can decide.
What else you got, Toby?
I think um,
Gavinor Newsom. Gavinor.
Gavinor. Sully Glow.
Gavinor Newsom. Are we really gonna take
this guy seriously? No more sips, Toby.
I'm just gonna say that. No more sips. Gavinor
Goose Egg. Goofner Gossam
is one of the
he's a leader right now in a time
when I think we can all agree that our
country is slightly devoid
of leadership. Silly fish.
Okay, so just a different
animal but silly? Silly fish.
What kind of fish? Fish isn't an animal.
It's a whole type of animal.
That's the point.
Hold on, what?
Silly haddock.
Silly tuna.
I see.
Okay, so you're being pedantic about it.
There's no such thing as a fish.
There's no such thing as a fish.
Okay, you know.
Paint me a fish.
You can't.
You have to paint a type of fish.
That's what I'm saying.
It can be whatever you want.
It can be a salmon in a top hat.
It can be a mackerel in a monocle.
It doesn't matter as long as it's...
I didn't say that's as silly as I can be, Brandon.
Did you hear that?
That's literally I didn't say that.
What if he's wearing a shoe?
They don't even have feet.
That's great.
And that's very silly.
You know what?
I think I got something that we can do
that is always a home run in my other classes.
We don't have to have competing ideas, okay?
I'm just going to give you guys the prompt.
There are two dragons, one with a huge hog and one with giant jugs.
Do whichever one you want.
I don't have to do the hog one? You can do whichever one you want i don't have to do the hog one you can do whichever one you want
i can do the do i have to do the jugs one because i have jugs i didn't ask and i would never ask
um honestly you ask i'm just wondering if i if that's what i have to do you don't have to do the one that you have um you could do cool you could do it plain
you could do it you could do it like you could do them both like you could just do whatever
but okay okay i guess i guess i see what you're saying and you can make it you want to put a top
hat or a monocle on it to make it silly
and Fauci's there
yeah Fauci could be riding
a dragon with huge jugs or something
yeah that's fine
Fauci's riding it's hog
yeah sure
that would be fun
that's pretty silly
you guys can do that
and I'm gonna just kind of turn my zoom off but you're gonna stay in the call I'm just going to, you guys can do that, and I'm going to just kind of turn my Zoom off.
But you're going to stay in the call?
I'll just stay in the call, and I'm going to just maybe weep over here or something.
Just don't leave the call, because we can tell if it goes from three participants to two.
No, I guess, okay.
So we'd know if you stayed.
No, I won't.
I guess I won't leave.
I guess I'll just, you know, it's just a really hard time
for a lot of us right now
and a lot of artists right here.
We're just having a lot of hard time.
But you guys just paint...
Just paint whatever you want,
but you have to pick between those.
But it doesn't have to be which one.
No, cool.
You don't have to do it
the ones you have.
It's the paradox of choice you know when you
when you can pick between everything it's like it's hard to land on something so analysis paralysis
right like you don't know which one to do get to have to choose between uh dragon with tits or
dragon with hog but we can make it silly and we can make it fouchy with it as well or you could
make the dragon look like Fauci if you want.
It doesn't have to even be in it.
Its art can be anything.
Can I just say one thing before we start?
I feel like if I didn't get to say this,
then I would be holding something on my heart for a long time,
and it would not feel good.
Silly goat has been left out of this entire conversation.
Maybe the dragon's eating it because
it's a shit idea i'm sorry i didn't know see this we don't do this on we don't do this no i know i'm
sorry we're at it toby sorry i'm like i'm lashing out you can't look now you have to do the one with the hog. I was really leaning, Doug.
I know, and I could tell, and I just, you know, that's just too bad.
And you have to make it silly now.
No, but Fauci's still there, right?
No, you're not allowed in here.
God damn it!
What would he do?
Like, what would Brandon do
if it's like,
oh, and Fauci's in it?
It's like,
what is that he's not allowed to?
He's not allowed.
No, you're in trouble.
I'm stopping him.
I just like the idea
of adults punishing other adults.
It's so funny.
No, you're not allowed to do that. No. No. You're actually not allowed to do that. Actually, I just like the idea of adults punishing other adults. It's so funny.
No, you're not allowed to do that.
You're actually not allowed to do that.
Actually, you're in big trouble.
That's not okay.
You can't do that.
I saw a TikTok the other day that I'm like,
ooh, this hits home.
It's like, sometimes I have to remind myself that I'm a 27-year-old woman.
I'm not in trouble.
No one's upset with, no one's going to punish me.
I'm not in, I'm like like upset with no one's gonna punish me i'm not and i'm like oh shit you're right i remember having like a an improv instructor like yell at us
like like like yell at us like for doing like a bad group game and then like and then like sort of like singled me
out as like the only one that was like committing to it no and i was like they're like
and i remember exactly what it was i remember i'll remember it for the rest of my life because
of how stupid and insane it was it was was this adult, another adult, someone that's like three years older than me,
yelling at us.
Being like, if you're going to be a dog, be a fucking dog.
Matt's the only one back there actually acting like a fucking dog.
And the rest of you look like idiots.
And even though I was the only one that was singled out when they left,
I did start to cry.
And I was like, wait a minute.
This is stupid.
This is so dumb.
We're all adults.
We're all adults.
We're all wearing socks in somebody's
fucking living room.
And then you have a moment.
And I'm in trouble.
I paid for this.
And I paid.
I paid money to have
another adult scream
at me.
That's really fucking sick.
Al, should we do our last segment?
Let's do it. Why not?
shook me all week long.
We need to figure out a different title
because we don't want to get copyrighted.
We used to do a different thing, and now we can't.
Maybe you can just change where the emphasis is.
This shook me all night long.
That's good.
We can change it every episode, too.
Oh, no.
This shook me all week long.
Yeah, yeah.
Not just a little bit of it.
Festival trap?
Matt, what the hell has been shaking your ass?
For better or for worse, what can't you stop thinking about?
What are you obsessing over?
What are you, like, what's been on your mind this week?
I have two things.
Oh, shit.
One, I'm in the endgame of, and I don't know if this will mean anything to either of you
um i'm in the end game of completing um balder's gate three oh yeah and oh yeah i so i've been
thinking about that i've been playing it until the late hours and love it waking up and being
like excited to get the day going so that i could get to the time where i can play balder's gate
three and um just like sitting at my desk at work being miserable
and being like, I can't wait to go home
so I can play Baldur's Gate 3.
And I've been playing it since I got it.
Like since it came out, I think in,
it came out in August, I think.
And I've just sort of playing it on and off
and on Get Played, we're going to be talking about it,
like doing a whole episode about it pretty soon.
Oh my God, I cannot wait.
And so I've been i sort of lit a fire under my ass to like finish it so i could see
as much of it as i can before we record it um so i've been doing that and thinking about that a lot
and just being like this is just the best and then i'm also like um i'm i'm being so impatient about dune 2 coming out i like i every day being so
i'm getting like mad like i was telling my fiance yesterday i was like i wish i could
see this fucking movie today i was like i'm so mad because i'm seeing all the premiere photos
and everybody looks great yeah uh and uh you know
zedaya was wearing this like armor with like clear c3po yeah i was like what i was like i have to go
see this movie i was like i have to go see it uh we watched the part one um when it came out here
at home and um my my fiance fell asleep like 15 minutes in and then it became my entire personality i was like
i love this i never read the book never seen the original movie uh but i was like this rocks i love
this uh the spice must flow and um you know everything for arrakis um i i can't wait to
see the new one and every day that it's not out
I am mad
because I would like to go see it
I already have two tickets
for myself
one to go see it because I couldn't get an IMAX ticket
weekend of
oh my god
and then one for like two weeks out
in an IMAX theater
you're not going to wait to see it for the first time in IMAX?
I have to see it.
You can't wait.
You can't wait.
I have to see it.
I honestly would be uncomfortable with you waiting.
I think it would be unhealthy for you to wait.
It would be dangerous.
I have to see it as soon as it comes out.
Yeah, it would be dangerous.
Because I know that I'll want to watch it again, too.
So I have tickets for two weeks out on an off at like three in the afternoon to go see it at
uh in imax in actual imax which is exciting but that's those are the things that snl sketch about
the dune popcorn bucket yes yeah and i did get to show uh my fiance the popcorn bucket in person
at our local amc and all she could ask was why did they make this, why did they make this? Yeah. Why did they make this like that? It's really something shocking and a little demented.
It could have just been, there's like a box in the movie.
It could have just been a box.
Yeah, it could have been the box.
Right, the box.
Could have been the box.
Yeah, but you didn't reach in to get popcorn and it hurts your hand all the time.
That's really moving.
And I think that the world will be a safer place once you are able to see dune too because then i'll talk about it with everybody and it's bad though there's no
way it's bad everyone's like that everyone is like the i haven't read like a full review but the
the blurbs that i'm seeing are people being like this is an all-time movie i feel like i should re-watch the first one because i don't i'm gonna re-watch it soon
too just because stuff i don't remember for sure duncan idaho uh the quesadilla
there's so many words so much lore theård in the fucking mud or whatever.
Oh, yeah.
So I am fully caught up.
Fully caught up.
I'm only two days.
I was a day behind.
I watched this past week's episode of The Traitors.
I'm watching.
If you guys are Traitors heads out there, it's so fucking good.
Alan Cumming is just so camp and just fully in it, and it's just a blast.
But I've been thinking a lot about the show
and season one if you haven't seen season one of the traitors or care about spoilers anyway just
skip until you hear alf talking uh in his what shook me but it came out a while ago so sorry
um sari from survivor wins season one of the traitors and she does it in a stunning way i
mean it's just phenomenal and alpha we we've had multiple phone conversations about this, Alpha.
So, Ceri has played Survivor many times but has never won.
But she is known as, like, one of the best to ever play, even though she has never won.
So, this has been, like, the first, like, competition like this that she has won.
And she's, I mean, it's like if you're, so the first season of Traitors was, like, normal people and celebrities.
And now the second season is all celebrities, which I think was the right move.
My theory about the first season is that they wanted to do an all celebrity season and could not get enough people to agree to it.
Because they were like, what is this?
And they were like, let's just do half normies.
And so what's shaking me is like, I still can't believe the responses to season one of sari winning of people especially
in the game taking it so seriously and so personally and even in the after show which i
still don't think they should have done it's not a it's not like a housewives franchise there was
no need for it to be that kind of after show but like the vitriol that came at Seri Fields. Oh no. Of people being like, Andy Cohen was like, is anyone here?
Was anyone here really upset by how Seri played the game?
And like 90% of the cast raised their hands.
And like the response, it was like they, she had killed their family in front of them.
Oh my God.
Like they were like, even during the game, they're like, I can't believe you would do that.
I thought you were my friend.
That is so fucked up. And it's like, it's a game, they're like, I can't believe you would do that. I thought you were my friend. That is so fucked up.
And it's like, it's a game.
It is a game.
And people are like, this is real life.
And it's like, no, it's not.
It is a game.
And also, if you were a traitor, you'd be doing the same fucking thing.
It's like, they're like, how could you lie to me?
It's like, that's the point.
It is the point.
The game is lying.
The game is lying.
When you get there, Alan Cumming is like, okay, from this moment forward,
you can't trust anybody
and that's the game.
And then they get mad
when people are lied to.
And so it's like,
yes, you can be upset
that you got played.
You can be upset
that it's like,
oh man, I fell for that.
I feel so silly.
But don't be like,
how fucking dare you?
You deceitful motherfucker.
And that's the thing
that's crazy about it too
is like,
the prize there is
a quarter of a million dollars, 250K. It's a lot of fucking money for sure. But that's the thing that's crazy about it, too, is, like, the prize there is a quarter million dollars, 250K.
It's a lot of fucking money, for sure.
But that's not even what they're mad about.
At no point is someone coming at her and being like, I could have used that fucking money for a new dialysis machine or whatever the fuck.
They're just like, you lied to me.
You lied to me.
I thought you were my friend.
I thought you were my friend on a TV show.
It's unbelievable.
I am, like, it's so, it's crazy.
That's like when on, I haven't seen all of Survivor,
but I've seen, I watched 10 seasons of it in the pandemic
and then skipped ahead to 42
and I've been watching every season since.
When people are rich on the show
and they don't want anybody to know that they're
rich so that they can win is like it's a really funny thing but also something i like about how
the game has evolved from the early days of i watched the first 10 seasons and then uh jumped
ahead but uh like the thing that i like about how the game has evolved from the early days is that
people used to get really really mad yes with how
you play the game and now it is seen as like a damn that's really good you did a really good
job playing the game and then so when people do get mad like i can't remember what her name was
this last season but she was like upset when she got voted out um i was those those moments pop a
little harder because it's like oh she was actually was actually really mad. Yes. Yes. Yeah.
And like,
I fully get like,
it's like,
being upset that you were voted out,
but then it's like remembering that it is a game.
I don't know.
And again,
I've never played a game like that.
So it's like,
I could also be speaking out of my ass of like,
you really might get in it.
But something,
especially like the traders will be whole point is like,
lying to each other.
It's a game of mafia.
To then be upset at the person who was chosen to be the liar,
to be mad at them for lying,
is crazy.
It's literally like going on to Survivor
and being like,
hey, when I saw that you were practicing making fire,
I was really offended.
Because like, why would you do that?
Why would you try to be good at this thing to win?
It's like so,
because also it's like, yes,
it's like the first, it's like yes it's like the first it's like reality tv competition reality has evolved so much
to the point where it's like oh wow you want to play well and so there is a amount of respect for
it's like oh wow that was really good like you the strategy behind that was really good versus like
oh you were meant to be the liar and you lied to me i hate you it's insane so that's what's been shaking me can't believe it it's beautiful oh me
what's been shaking me thank you for asking somebody um i did already haters out there
will know that i recently bought a nintendo switch seven years late seven years wow yeah
it's very exciting it's my whole new personality and uh i have recently been playing
hollow knight um and it's wow fucking good what is that i don't know it's like a little it's a
2d platformer like little you're a little bug guy with a sword a little famously challenging
like a very hard game yeah it's really hard but i and and i normally don't like hard things
um because i'm lazy but i have been
really enjoying it and there's something about the switch that's just like it's been so i've never
owned like a portable gaming system really like i was not a allowed as a child to have like game
boy anything like that yeah and so to have to realize as an adult like really the thing
that made me do it is like i'm in chicago my chicago heads know you're always on the train
you know what i mean there's always you're always on the train and i would found myself i was like
i'm playing like three hours of games on my phone a day and i was like at that point just elevate it you know what I mean
like and there are good games on the phone
but it's really changed
my whole life
you don't actually have to be sitting
down to play it you could be standing up
you could be walking around you could be moving around
which you could also do with a phone
alright man
alright but yeah that's kind of my whole
thing now so if anyone wants to
sound off in the discord um and sort of tell me what i else i should play go for it super mario
3d world okay is that worth it we got the game king we got okay we got the game king here is
that worth it that is my favorite mario game oh shit i've been really debating whether or not to
you can be you get a cat suit
and you can climb up walls as
Cat Mario. It rocks. But the new Super Mario
Wonder is also really, really great.
I love both of that. I haven't
finished Wonder, so there's
an asterisk on that for it being
up there, but Super Mario
3D World is an absolute
home run.
Super Mario Odyssey,
if you like the Super Mario 64 sort of like vibe a little more.
And, you know,
the new Zelda Tears of the Kingdom is fantastic.
Well, and I was going to ask about that.
I was going to say,
is it worth,
should I even bother playing Breath of the Wild first
since I never played it because I didn't have a Switch? Or should I just jump right in and just say Tears of the Kingdom? bother playing Breath of the Wild first since I never played it because I didn't have a Switch?
Or should I just jump right in and just say Tears of the Kingdom?
I loved Breath of the Wild.
I loved it too.
They're similar and they're different, right?
So, like, Tears of the Kingdom is iterative where, like, it just takes everything you knew about Breath of the Wild and, and like improves upon it and adds new things so
i think i think you would honestly be fine to jump in straight into um uh into tears of the
kingdom but if you want to be a completionist and play like two 80 hour games instead you could you
know you could do it the other way um and do and do
breath of the wild first but if you liked tears and finished it and because that's the thing
do you like are you someone that like sees the end a lot do you like roll credits on games a lot
oh yeah oh yeah okay so if you saw the end of uh tears of the kingdom you could always just go back it's like
it's not like it's like that different maybe plays a little it played pretty much the same
they're almost the exact same game uh but the powers in tears of the kingdom i think are better
like the things you get to do in that are better and cooler because i think my fear was that i
would play tears of the kingdom and then be like, I want more of this. Yeah.
But then be going back to kind of like the more kind of prototype version of the game
and be like, well, this isn't scratching the same as Itch.
Whereas if I play Breath of the Wild first,
I'll be like, I want more.
And then I get to play the better one.
And the thing about both of those games
is like they're first party Nintendo.
So they'll almost very rarely ever be on sale.
So you're sort of making a gamble with your wallet there too.
Maybe start with Breath.
Breath of the Wild is like, I mean, here's the thing.
It's one of the greatest games ever made.
You're going to have an amazing time.
You can't go wrong either way.
They're both two of the most amazing games ever.
So Breath of the Wild is really, really really great there's a ton of really great i'm a uh i have all of the consoles
but uh switch is very near and dear to my heart i love my switch so much a game that i i guess like
i tried and gave up on very quickly because i like a challenge, but this one made me want to break my switch,
over my knee,
repeatedly was cuphead.
That's the hardest cuphead is really,
really hard entire life.
A favorite of Nick Weigert.
He loves that.
He loves that shit.
I don't know how you can love that game.
That game really was made me so angry.
that's a really challenging one
it's just like i try playing with with with my boyfriend who who's he's like he loves games as
well and we both just like we were just getting we're like we have to go to bed because we're
both mad now and yeah it's so punishing um but those are like i mean i i could only i couldn't even really get into that one i loved
everything else about it the way it looked the music the like the way it plays fantastic kind
of animation i love it's my favorite but it just uh it's and the show was fun i watched the show a
little bit on netflix i love the show famously review podcasts out, know that I have a crush on the Cuphead Devil from the show. It's very normal and good.
It's not at all deranged activity.
No, that's okay.
It could be worse.
You could be like my co-host, Nick Weigert, and have a crush on Miss Chalice, the cup.
Miss Chalice!
What if I was like, I have a crush on Father Kettle.
I guess it's fine.
Like, you know, this has happened for forever people's a lot of
people's first crushes were uh it was um the um mine was lumiere from beauty and the beast
lumiere is a big one the fox from robin hood right oh fox yeah oh mrs potts yeah almost all
the characters from beauty and the beast actually yeah. Yeah. But not the Beast. Yuck. Ew.
Well, Human Beast is gross.
Sorry. Yeah, they're both bad.
Regular Beast, good, actually.
Regular Beast is hotter than Human.
I mean, it's the same as Shrek.
She gets the ick for sure.
Human Shrek is off-putting.
Human Shrek, bad.
Regular Shrek is like, at least you know that he has a kind heart, actually.
You get what you get.
Human Shrek looks like he was at January 6th.
What a perfect way to go out.
Matt, do you have anything?
First of all, thank you so much for coming on.
This was such a fucking blast.
I had a blast.
Please ask me again.
I'll come back anytime.
Oh my God.
I loved it.
Do you have anything you'd like to plug?
Where can people find you?
I'm less online than I used to be, which is bad, but also good for me.
Or great, yeah.
But I'm not on Twitter.
I actually, as of this week, deleted my Facebook completely.
That's huge.
Because I realized I was using it for like, I would just check in and I was like, well,
I don't post on here.
I'm just kind of lurking, seeing what's going on.
And then I was like, I don't actually use this at all.
I'm just going to cold delete it and like not feel precious about missing anything.
But how else will you know that someone you haven't spoken to in 15 years had a third child?
It's a, you know, I'm good.
I don't miss him.
But I'm on like, you can find me at Matt Apodaca on the other places.
Instagram, I guess, Threads, Blue Sky.
I don't know what the Blue sky one is but i don't post
there much i mostly am posting that i don't want to post like i was like i don't even want to do
this one i don't want to do this why are you making me do this yeah i don't want to um but
you can also listen to uh my podcast get played which i host with nick weiger who's come up in uh and Heather Ann Campbell um two absolute insane maniac uh
geniuses uh we talk about video games uh and you know sometimes we actually like like I mentioned
earlier we're gonna be uh like reviewing Baldur's Gate 3 which has been a massive undertaking but
sometimes we'll do something like we'll talk about a video game movie or something
or we'll just talk about songs from video games or just kind of anything that's video game related
we'll talk about it uh and then we have a patreon uh slash get played where uh we have
all of our stuff there but we also have a exclusive show there called get animated where we talk about
anime uh and we watch like a series or like a movie in
we'll try to finish a whole series in totality so like there's obviously some that are huge
that we haven't touched yet and we don't know what we're gonna do when we only run out when
we run out of the short ones but uh you know there's there's still a lot there so we're having
a lot of a lot of fun doing that type of stuff well if you need someone to donate a hundred
dollars a month we'll watch one piece yeah we'll watch one piece yeah nick's been threatening to watch one piece
and so far uh has not started um he said it was his new year's resolution and we're about halfway
into february he's not seen a single second of it which is well if you need someone to come on get
played in thirst over the cuphead devil from the show, not the video game. Honestly,
we're due to,
we're due for,
another crush draft,
a horny draft.
Oh my God.
that's my,
like being horny for animated characters is like very near and dear to my
you can find Alfred on,
I have something to plug.
if anyone in la february
29th daniel rashid in my short film chauncey is having our la premiere at the hollywood real
internet uh independent film festival hell yeah um and so i've been posting uh links to tickets
on my stories on instagram so i'll continue to post that there. Uh,
we are,
it is on Thursday,
February 29th at the LA live Regal cinemas,
downtown LA.
We are in comedy block D 29 at 7 PM.
So if you want to come and support and see some independent films and see our
independent film,
we'd love to see there.
but you can find Alfred on Instagram at AlfredInIt.
You can find the show on Instagram at ReviewReview.
Reddit, r slash ReviewReview.
We have a fun little Discord,
the ReviewReview channel on the HeadGum Discord.
And Jeffrey James and I have Patreon, slash Riley and Jeff,
where we have our monthly Zardes.
That's a Zoom party.
So come hang out.
And you can find Rileyiley on just the web browser not the phone app at riley and spa and on now known as for as long as
it lasts at riley coyote and as we say every single week on the show we're always saying it
we're never not saying it
you gotta say it on the show. We're always saying it. We're never not saying it.
You gotta say it.
And we all know it.
And we all know it. And we say it every week.
We say it every week. We say it every single week.
Groovy baby.
Groovy baby. Ruby baby.
Thanks for listening.
We'll see you next week.
That was a Hiddem Original.