Review Revue - Q&A 2

Episode Date: November 16, 2021

This week, Geoff and Reilly abandon the beloved format and instead answer your depraved questions from twitter and reddit! - Follow at: IG: @reillyanspaugh & @geoffreyjames Twitter: @...reilecoyote & @GeoffBoyardee - Edited by Daniel Ramos @Schubirds Advertise on Review Revue via Gumball.fmSee for privacy information.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Get the Angel Reef Special at McDonald's now. Let's break it down. My favorite barbecue sauce, American cheese, crispy bacon, pickles, onions, and a sesame seed bun, of course. And don't forget the fries and a drink. Sound good? Ba-da-ba-ba-ba. And participating restaurants for a limited time. This is a HeadGum Original. so that was a parody of the Soviet Union's national anthem.
Starting point is 00:00:45 Got it. That's all the time we have, actually. No, no, no, wait, we have a... That came in from Greg Turismo. And he says, please explain why I sang the USSR national anthem. It's because we do it on the HeadGum podcast, which is a different show.
Starting point is 00:01:03 Got it, got it, got it. I was going to say, that is nothing to me. Thank you so much for listening and for sending. That is, for me, nothing. And I mean that in the best way. So thank you. Yeah. Hi, Jeffrey!
Starting point is 00:01:22 It's been a minute. It felt good to flex the old, hi, Jeffrey! Yeah, you're right. It's been a minute. Felt good to flex the old, hi, Jeffrey. Yeah, you also have a rainbow Daytona on your wrist. You're flexing a lot recently. Too much. Too much, yeah, yeah, yeah. Ice. What's new, pussycat?
Starting point is 00:01:39 Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. It's November. Daylight savings, so you know I'm getting sad. That's seasonal affective disorder. Your birthday is right around the corner. Who gives a shit? I do.
Starting point is 00:01:52 I hate my birthday. I hate my own birthday. Why? It's the worst kind of attention in the world. The feeling of someone singing to you is the worst because I did nothing. We all live another day, and that day is no different to May. What? It's just another year on the sun.
Starting point is 00:02:11 I'd rather be celebrated every day, not just my birthday. Sorry, so you don't want the attention on your birthday. You want it the other 364 days. No, don't do your paw dance. I love your Ringo shirt you have on, by the way. Yeah, if I ever outgrow this somehow, I'll give it to you.. I love your Ringo shirt you have on by the way. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:25 If I ever like outgrow this somehow I'll give it to you. Thank you. It's a great Ringo shirt. It's Ringo and his all-star band. Of course. Which was my second concert I ever went to.
Starting point is 00:02:33 First one was Reliant K. First one was Reliant K. Cause it's sunny with the high of 75 since you took my heavy heart and made it light. What's new with you pussycat whoa
Starting point is 00:02:46 is that the new segment at the top of the show us catching up is what's new pussycat whoa whoa whoa whoa it sucks to start a podcast every week with like a theme song of like a oh god what is his name Tom Jones yeah um what's new
Starting point is 00:03:06 with me is well glee no i don't know oh i've been singing a lot more recently i've been getting back into um singing lessons which i haven't done in a long time and just i'm just you've had a couple musical auditions yeah i have and that's been very fun. And I'm just like, I just love doing it. It's very earnest. I've just missed it a lot. And it feels good to do and fun to have. And yeah, so that's been really, that's been really nice. And I've missed that. So that's, that's really the only thing that's new is I've been doing more of that. What do you work? Are Are you working on specific songs? For tapes, for specific auditions and stuff. But I mean, at the end of the day, aren't we all just working on a song? Not really. Okay.
Starting point is 00:03:56 A lot of people don't like singing. Or music. I wrote a song. Did I tell you that? No. I'll send it to you. Right now. It's very earnest.
Starting point is 00:04:04 No way. No way. Could you imagine? No. I'll send it to you. Right now. It's very earnest. No way. No way. Could you imagine? It's so sappy. Oh, I can't wait to hear it. And I wrote it while wearing chappies. Assless or otherwise. No.
Starting point is 00:04:18 Right. Don't. Already chaps is fine. I don't think they're chappies.'s a good note that's a really good note assless chaps no there it's because i thought it'd be awesome and then you said it wasn't so now i just have to retool some things i know um you know it's so funny it's like you and i sitting here at the top of the pod or just like we really should have a cocktail it just is 1 30 on a thursday yeah we're just we're just asking each other questions we're giving answers isn't that at the top of the pod or just like we really should have a cocktail it just is 1.30 on a Thursday yeah
Starting point is 00:04:45 we're just we're just asking each other questions we're giving answers isn't that just like a conversation why not use this
Starting point is 00:04:52 time we have okay to answer some more questions to
Starting point is 00:05:03 mull over some queries and give some thoughtful well theories theory yeah we're doing another Q&A episode we did one of these I think last alright we did one of these like last summer I think
Starting point is 00:05:19 you know some people will probably be pissed if we don't do any improv I'm sure there'll be some bits but isn't conversation just improv right now all we're doing is fully improvising we're feeling i don't know what i'm gonna say i didn't know that was going to happen okay i brought written everything i've said so far is to script absolutely yeah and i memorized it so it feels like it's this conversational thing but That's terrifying. But even what I'm saying right now is scripted. You're an incredible actor. I'm really not.
Starting point is 00:05:49 We had people writing questions on, you could say Twitter, and you could also say Reddit. Okay. So those are the two platforms. Yeah, so should we just get into it? Do you want to just pick and choose as we go do it let's just actually fucking do it holy shit fucking do it do you want to start us off luke luke 34 on reddit asks what are your favorite party games oh that's good i love pangea also known as quarters have you ever played this it sounds familiar but i don't know quarter sounds more familiar than
Starting point is 00:06:22 pangea so you you put down like a big piece of cardboard or like newspaper or something, and then you flip a quarter or a coin. Oh, yes. Yeah, and then where it lands, you get to draw a shape at whatever size you want. It can be tiny just around the coin or it can be like half the board. And it's like a question or a prompt for like a story. So it'll be like, oh, like, have you ever had a threesome? Or like, have you ever been to Bora Bora? It's like that that kind of thing and then every time someone flips a coin if it lands there
Starting point is 00:06:48 they have to answer that or tell a story uh and then if it lands on an empty space you draw another little shape um yeah that's just like i think it's like it's my favorite get to know you drinking game i think you can also drink if you don't want to answer it but I've only played it for you there's also a way you can make it a drinking game I played that with a friend and her friends were from out of town so that was nice to just really intimately get to know a stranger who I'll never see again
Starting point is 00:07:15 I love Fishbowl I think it also goes by other names it's a kind of charades not really where it's like everyone you're in two teams and everyone writes down also goes by other names. Like it's a kind of, it's a kind of charades. Not really where it's like, um, everyone it's like you're in two teams and everyone writes down like, uh, either like a pop culture figure or a celebrity or whatever.
Starting point is 00:07:32 Oh, people call it celebrity or fishbowl or something. And so it's like you, um, this is going to be the worst explanation of it ever. And it's not fun to explain a game, but it's like, there's three rounds.
Starting point is 00:07:43 The first round, you can give like a couple couple word description of the person. Oh, yeah, we've played this. Yeah, second round, you can only give one word. And third round, you can only give a look or something. So, yeah, I hope it makes sense. It's very, very fun. It is fun.
Starting point is 00:07:57 I like a game where the first round is broad, the second one's less broad, and the third one's kind of impossible. Yeah, it's really fun. All right, who'd that come in from? That was from LukeLuke34 on on reddit shout out luke luke nolan murphy wrote on twitter my first question's for riley how did you get so talented funny and wonderful as a human being oh stop it i mean it's just it's like i mean it is it comes down a conversation about like nature versus nurture so it's like am i just this way or like was it my family and my community i mean maybe it's a little bit of both i mean there's some elements that you
Starting point is 00:08:29 just can't control either you have it or or you don't um and that part is just not up to me um so thank you for the question yeah and then his second question is for me and it's how are you doing man like are you okay and the answer is no okay yeah because it's hard you know it's like what you were saying with the community and the nature versus nurture it's like i didn't have i didn't have nurture and i'm starting to fear i didn't even have like who am me i'm starting to feel like neither of the options were available to me. Community? Forget about it. Nature?
Starting point is 00:09:07 I don't know her. Oh, that's good. It's actually really good. Thanks, Nolan. I don't know nature. I don't even, yeah. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know nature.
Starting point is 00:09:21 Lived in a city my whole life. It's not even true i lived so close to a national park growing up lived in a city oh thanks nolan i really am the california kid i don't think so okay this is on reddit this is from the matt in the box um is that hasty? Wholesome question. Favorite thing about each other's comedy? Oh, that's good. It's going to take a long time for me to have to think of something because it's so hard. Okay, I said this to Jim. I don't know if I said it on the pod or off the pod, but regardless, I've told you this before.
Starting point is 00:10:04 What I love about your comedy comedy you are human dada like you are just nonsense you are absolute chaos you are you are a walking segue and i love it because it's like it's so i will never get bored listening to you in either conversation or doing comedy because it's like there's always something and it never makes sense and it doesn't have to like it literally doesn't have to and it also doesn't lead to it's a segue that leads nowhere it leads you are a dead end and the best way it's a it's a people mover in an airport but not towards the terminal yes and so it's just it's just it's chaotic joy it's nothing but it's everything that's so funny i think that's accurate i think for you i think it's your timing and you have a brand of timing that you just did it with the nature versus nurture bit of like, you know, it's like you play it like a like a puppet on a string where it's like it's uncomfortable movements for too long, but not too long.
Starting point is 00:11:20 Where it's like the whole thing of like looking off to the side of the huge smile and you're like is it nature i don't know and it's like right when someone else could butt in to get a steer away from a horribly awkward interaction like you kind of take the reins again and it's like but it could be this and it's like um so playing language like a yo-yo oh my god it's like a bullfighter and you pull out the red thing at the very last second which i think is an art in and of itself it's just stupid but it's like with with characters or improv or like you know it's just like and with your snl tape with the um what was it the kid with uh who's like clearly his parents aren't around or something. Oh, the like hype beast kid? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:09 So it's like, yeah, just like the rhythm of that and like the thing of where like a lot of things and then just one thing of like, you know, my home life isn't great. Anyway, I don't know if I explained that right. No, that makes sense. That's very kind. Thank you. Thanks, the Matt in the well box uh
Starting point is 00:12:27 this comes in from bob yule i have not read it but here we go because it's long have you ever had a dream that you um you had you'd you would you you could you'd you do you you would you, you could do so, you do, you could do any, you want you, want him to do you so much you could do anything. Yes. Me too. I love that video. I'll do another one because that wasn't a real question. You could do, you could have, and we keep on. Writing out drunk slurs.
Starting point is 00:13:02 You could do anything. What's a simple thing that makes you cry? I mean, how much time do we have? Yeah, you cry at everything. I cry at literally everything. I cry almost every single day. What is, I mean, the last thing that made me cry is a teaser on Instagram for Clifford the Big Red Dog.
Starting point is 00:13:22 Anyway, your turn. But do you have like a through line, something that gets you every time? Yes. And you don't want to share it? I mean, I do. Listen. Okay, I'm really going to try and condense it. Any storyline in any show, TV show, film, musical, play, literally any kind of storytelling thing
Starting point is 00:13:47 that involves a person being visited by the spirit of like someone who they love, like a dead person, and then them telling them like it's gonna be okay. Yeah. Waterworks every single time. I cannot watch the film Ghost. Like literally anything with that,
Starting point is 00:14:09 for all you fucking nerds, musical theater nerds out there, the end of Les Mis where Eponine and, Yeah. Oh my God. And Fantine come back and like talk to Valjean. And like they come with me while chains are never behind you like that yeah all immediate immediate tears every time that storyline and
Starting point is 00:14:33 anything i lose i lose it yeah that's a really good answer what about me too i don't cry easily i say that with wet rewetting drops in my eyes right now It's leaking artificial tears I've cried once this year Once? A lot last year But that was because I was going through some stuff You've cried once this year?
Starting point is 00:14:59 Mm-hmm Dear God Not for want of Like I'm not bottling shit up not what i'm trying yeah like there were several times i'm like i wish i feel sad enough to cry right now but i couldn't i think that is partially because of my um tear glands but uh just robert hunter's lyrics are unbelievably beautiful it's a very corny answer uh it's it's corny if you don't like the grateful dead if you do you know exactly what i'm talking about. The one time I cried this year was
Starting point is 00:15:26 at Dead & Company Night 2. They played Broke Down Palace. His lyricism is in the same... The feeling you get from that scene in Les Mis is the feeling I get listening to especially Broke Down Palace, which is the defining song of my life, I would say. The song I want them
Starting point is 00:15:42 to play at my funeral. It just ties into the lyrics themselves are beautiful. They also certain, like you take what you want out of a song and a lot of the imagery in that song is pertinent to my life. There's a lyric that says, going to plant a weeping willow on the bank's green edge, it'll grow, grow, grow. And my parents have a weeping willow tree in their yard.
Starting point is 00:16:04 So it makes me think of them it makes me think of uh i don't know just like growth like i'm in a real growth mindset recently this is so earnest um and uh yeah the through line of your life which is similar to dead loved ones coming back to you and saying it'll be okay it's like ultimately i hear that song and i'm like it nothing that i fret about on a daily basis matters yeah because we always look at things through such a micro scale and that song makes me look at things on a macro level and it's it's all gonna be fine um if you die before me can i play a song on kazoo at your funeral? Okay. No.
Starting point is 00:16:46 And now you've been uninvited from the funeral. Because I know that you will regardless because you'll be like, well, he's gone. He can't stop me. I'll be like, and Jeff, this is what he wanted. And... I'm like, on the other side, no, no, no, no, no, no. He specifically asked for this. I did it.
Starting point is 00:17:02 Liar. It's a wake for some reason. You want to pick another question? This is from Bitter Mandolin on Reddit. Did you have an alternate... Actually, we got a couple questions like this. So, this is specifically from
Starting point is 00:17:19 Bitter Mandolin, but I saw a couple that were like this. Did you have an alternate career path thought out if you didn't go into entertainment so not like i this is still in the question so not like quote i would work as a producer slash editor but something completely outside the entertainment industry i didn't growing up i was very one track minded and like uh deluded still probably am but uh when i was younger i wanted to be a writer director. I wanted to be Wes Anderson basically, but funnier. And that's, you know, very quickly
Starting point is 00:17:51 decided that's not what I'm even interested in more. So now I like either romanticize or genuinely have backup plans. And I think that that's more like in the vein of opening, like moving to Oregon or something and opening a brewery or some kind of like space, like a brewery that has a performance space. So I could still do comedy and could foster comedy in the community. That's awesome. I'm just seeing,
Starting point is 00:18:16 you got the lemon tattoo. I got the lemon tattoo. It looks so good. Yeah, I love it. I love it. It looks so good. I love the placement of it. I was going to get it on my wrist here and I, I love it. I love it. It looks so good. I love the placement of it.
Starting point is 00:18:25 I was going to get it on my wrist here, and I guess we can post a photo to the Instagram. It looks so good, Jeff. I was going to get it closer to the wrist, but then she placed it here with the stencil, and I looked at it in the mirror, and I was like, that's a cool placement. Can you put it down by the wrist, and I'll compare? But I think I might just do it there. She moved it down. I was like, I don't like it as. She moved it down. I was like,
Starting point is 00:18:45 I don't like it as much. Um, but I love it. It's like, I sent it to my mom and she didn't respond for a day. So I was like, she hates it. And then she responded today and said something very nice.
Starting point is 00:18:54 She was like, yes, like it reminds me of max. And also when you, life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. I was like, cool.
Starting point is 00:19:00 How do you get it? You should post a photo to the Instagram. Yeah. Um, yeah, I really, tats are great there. yeah cool how do you get it you should post a photo to the instagram yeah um yeah i really tats are great they're i was so scared to get one before pre-pandemic even though i really wanted one i was too much of a coward and i was but now it's like again post-pandemic nihilism i'm like nothing matters and it makes me feel good good and it's a fun little journey and you meet cool people i was like hanging out at this tattoo shop in a loft in Lincoln Heights and was just talking to people and had a cool conversation.
Starting point is 00:19:28 And then the tattoo artist, Anna, she was awesome. That's so great. Yeah, what about you? Similar. I mean, and I know I've talked about this on the pod before, but food and wine. I passed my level one. You did.
Starting point is 00:19:44 And then you're going to take level two in January, you said? Yes. I'm very excited. So I passed my level one yes um you did and then you're gonna take level two in january you said yes i'm very excited um so i passed my level one award in wines and i'm very excited so yeah i mean like when i was younger i mean i just i love animals and so i i when i was little i wanted to be a vet and i feel like a lot of kids want to be vets and then yeah I mean it's like this isn't even like if if my entertainment career doesn't work out I just like want to be involved in food and wine to some capacity I think I mean I know food is an art and I think it's phenomenal and just the experience of like of just the communal experience of feeding people and creating that sensory experience is just incredible to me. And so, yeah, I like I had thought about like, I want to open a restaurant or like a wine bar or something.
Starting point is 00:20:37 Yeah. If you get really successful, you should like invest in a restaurant. That'd be awesome. That gathering place place no matter who okay yeah your turn jeffy all right um tell us about your worst haircut ever i when i was in college i got a bob or like a lob. Like my hair touched my. What?
Starting point is 00:21:07 Just barely touched my shoulders. Wait, do you have a photo? Probably. I'd have to go back pretty far. And I mean, it was like, we called it the SOT School of Theater girl bob because literally everyone sophomore year cut their hair to that length. And I'm glad I did it And I'm glad I did it. I'm glad I tried it.
Starting point is 00:21:28 My face shape. Listen, anyone can do whatever they want. What I found is I really don't like how I look with that length of hair because my face is so round. I just have a round-shaped face. And so it was not great for me. I'm glad i tried it it then the most awkward part was just it growing out again like that was tough that was tough here you go okay you see what i mean it's not your best It's certainly not my best. Because, I mean, I'm just, when I've, hey, at the end of the day, I'm a long-haired girl.
Starting point is 00:22:09 Yeah. No, me too, yeah. Like, my God. And it was just hard. I didn't know how to style it. I didn't know what to do. Okay, it looks better in that. It doesn't look awful.
Starting point is 00:22:21 I don't think it looks as you as it should. No, it doesn't. Yeah, I'm just such a long-haired person so having that was you're a long hair don't care i'm i'm truly like at the end of the day i'm a long like you don't even give a shit i don't i don't give a fuck about anything because i have long hair anything because of the hair and the hair alone jeff your turn where's haircut i'm just feeling kind of unsafe no i know i know i'm sorry i'm sorry i just want to get ahead of that and say that i that was me that was me okay i was thinking about the bob you good uh
Starting point is 00:23:00 uh um i got a haircut in like 2018. I have my barber, Christina Mack, Bang Bang LA. She's the goat. She gives you a little baby Miller High Life. And she really, when I had short hair, she really knew how to do it. And then at the time, this was right before I was about to graduate.
Starting point is 00:23:20 And so I thought that I wanted, I really wanted to live in Highland Park because it was more affordable at the time. Didn't end up end up doing that ended up living in a really small Airbnb that was very expensive um and uh anyway I was like oh I want to be able to find a barber that's walking distance so I went to blind barber in Highland Park $55 haircut worst haircut of my life life uh i looked like ronaldo and not in a hot way i i don't think i do uh it grew out fine it grew out bad and then when i went back to christina a month later she was like like arms crossed shaking her head she's like you went to someone else i'm like i did i'm sorry she's like this it was bad wasn't it and i was like. And she fixed it. But I texted my then girlfriend.
Starting point is 00:24:06 I was like, I look like a Guatemalan soccer player. And that's not my vibe. I'm not athletic necessarily. I got to see a picture of that. I'll try. I just don't know when it was. So I'll be sitting here for like 20 minutes trying to find it. Got it.
Starting point is 00:24:23 I've recently found out about like the different ways you can look up photos on your photos app. So let me just look up Highland Park. But yeah, that was, it wasn't bad enough that people made fun of me,
Starting point is 00:24:32 but it was pretty bad. Got it. I can't find it. Yeah. If you had to become a character you've played in a Review Review bit, which one would you choose and why? That's from DarkSynth2. It's hard because, like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:24:53 Like, I sort of black out when we improvise, so I don't remember. Like, I'm really looking forward to the year-end episodes this year because I don't even really remember. I think it was also easier earlier in the show because every episode was so monumental at the beginning because it was our seventh episode eighth episode we only had such a small sample size now it's all nothing well no it's like fun like people enjoy it it's a lot of uh no but it's like once you pass 100 it's like right um are there any that stand out of the ones that you can remember right now are there any that you would
Starting point is 00:25:23 become we improvised tragedies i wouldn't want to become any of them if they're all that's not the point of the question jeffrey um for the record darkson 2 says that they would become basilio yeah basil yeah honestly probably basilio and it's not just because that's the only one i can remember right now all the rest of them are like tales of falls from grace like it's not just because that's the only one I can remember right now. All the rest of them are like tales of falls from grace. Like it's people who had a lot and lost it all. Oh, you know what? No, no, no, no, no. I would want to be the boxer who had the threesome.
Starting point is 00:26:00 I forget his name. Oh, Simon. Simon. That's still one of my all-time favorite moments. Also, especially because it wasn't supposed to be a threesome. It was just supposed to be one girl, but then we both said Simon. Simon, come back to bed. No one does that, by the way.
Starting point is 00:26:16 If I'm with a woman and she gets up to go check the door, I don't immediately within seconds come and be like, hey, come back to bed. That's so rude. That's one of my favorite bits we've ever done. Simon. Listen, one, in no particular order, one would definitely be Nog's burnt mouth feel is one of my favorites. He's a loser.
Starting point is 00:26:42 No, but he's everything. He gets to try milk. That's why you want it i don't drink milk anymore by the way i'm so proud of you nogsbert most recently uh leslie man but not the famous leslie man this is from our uh What episode was that? That was recent. I think it was like two weeks ago. Oh, it was the pumpkin spice episode, I think. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:12 Leslie Mann, who just like as an anchor at a local news station, gets confused for Leslie Mann. Oh, never mind. Sam Brownstone, I think that was his name. The manager of the soup plantation, who's like really fucking cool. Oh, that guy was awesome. Yeah, so either Nogspurt to be like a lame little who. Or Sam Brownstone.
Starting point is 00:27:38 What an awesome name. It's so awesome. So awesome. That's really good. all right favorite holiday dish holiday dish for short stuffing easy really any kind specifically cornbread or any literally any i love stuffing you yams i really do love. Um, but I also make a truffle mac and cheese. That's unbelievably good. That sounds amazing. That or, or yams, ideally both with a side of sauce. Got it. Oh, this is a really, this one's just like a fun little freebie. This is from a dude.
Starting point is 00:28:20 Corey wrote this one. This is from dude Corey.. C-O-R-E-A. I'm not just pronouncing Korea incorrectly. Okay. Oh, favorite holiday dish came in from Taylor Schultz. This is like a really fun, easy little gimme. Is free will an illusion? That's not a gimme. That's like a philosophical question that's going to have us going for an hour. No, it's not.
Starting point is 00:28:40 I don't think. Or maybe it is. Because I also believe in some kind of predetermined plan i think it's truly a mix and you have different options available to you and there's like those options maybe all have some kind of determined destiny like i i think you're meant to meet certain people uh and have certain things come into your life and it might that might feel like free will when it's not and then i think there's things that feel like you're that feel like predetermined but it's like no you actually chose think there's things that feel like you're, that feel like predetermined, but it's like,
Starting point is 00:29:05 no, you actually chose that. My therapist always reminds me that you have every option open to you. And that's so awesome. That really calms me down. So I think it's a mix. I love that. But it's not an illusion.
Starting point is 00:29:19 I don't know the answer to this, but I do know that free guy is a film that's now streaming. It's not just available in theaters. So that's nothing. That's just a film that's now streaming it's not just available in theaters so that's nothing that's just a movie that's coming out that we had nothing it's already out well that's what i'm saying is like it was only in theaters and even worse even worse than it was streaming now it's on peacock yeah who gives a shit did you love you loved free guy i haven't seen it nobody has did you see uh will ferrell come out in place of Ryan Reynolds on Kimmel? No.
Starting point is 00:29:49 It was really funny. He was like, yeah, I live right near the Magic Castle, so I just came down the hill. Do you like Magic, Jimmy? And he's like, I like it fine. And he's like, well, how about this? Think of a number that's over 20 but under 50. And he's like, okay, 35. 35.
Starting point is 00:30:04 Now, is this your watch? And he's like, no. And he's like, okay, 35, 35. Now is this your watch? And he's like, no. And he's like, oh, okay. Is this your watch? And he's like, no. And he's like, really, okay. What about this one? He's like, I don't wear a watch.
Starting point is 00:30:14 He's like, okay, well, I'm still working on that trick. I love magic. Coors Light says on Twitter. The brand. Yes. Headed to LA in February. What are some of the coolest bars slash spots you would recommend in downtown
Starting point is 00:30:28 LA? I'm going to expand that to in and near because downtown has good spots but also can be annoying. Hold on. You start. There's this one bar that I keep forgetting the name of. Oh, found it. Sorry. The bar
Starting point is 00:30:44 is called 1642 yeah um it is near downtown la um it's beer and wine and they have live jazz and it's just awesome it's a it's just a tiny room great that's like you're in daniel's spot right we haven't been in a long time due to Miss Rona, but it is an incredible, incredible spot. That's awesome. Yeah, I'm going to say near downtown because we don't go downtown. I'm speaking for you. I don't go downtown as much.
Starting point is 00:31:14 No, you can speak for me on that. Well, I feel like you only went downtown because the studio was there. Now the studio is not there, so there's not really as much of a reason. And so same for me. The only reason I go downtown is for the climbing gym, LA Boulders. So if you climb, LA Boulders is a great gym.
Starting point is 00:31:29 I used to say it was the best climbing gym in the world until I went to Vital in Williamsburg. But a lot of my spots are more like Echo Park, Lincoln Heights, because I live in Echo Park. Crawford's is like the best dive bar I've ever been to. If I opened a bar, it would be that, but with a patio. And Tilda has great wine. And Salazar, not in downtown, but Salazar has great Mexican food. You love Salazar.
Starting point is 00:31:54 In Frogtown, yeah. Your turn. Oh, okay. This is from SpaceStationWilly on Reddit. What was the time when you laughed laughed the hardest i'm just gonna think of this like when was a time that i or when it was like a recent time that you laughed really hard or if you think about like what when would you laugh the hardest but to make it easier i'm thinking about when was a time that i've laughed very very hard recently we so it was the last
Starting point is 00:32:23 thing i did before the pandemic it was me my, my friends, Kevin James and Kevin's girlfriend at the time. We went to Steamboat Springs to ski. And then we also went to the actual springs, the hot springs, and it was a clothing optional spot. were nude uh and we were um we had had a couple drinks and we got shuttled to this place and the driver so it's like it's like they this shuttle service takes you there from like where all the resorts are in the mountain and the driver picks us up he's like such a colorado ski bum type guy uh and we were like hey thanks so much man like what's your name and he's like uh he's like my name is like eric but you can people call me wheels we're like wheels hey, thanks so much, man. Like, what's your name? And he's like, my name is like Eric, but people call me Wheels. We were like, Wheels? And he's like, yeah, because I'm the fastest shuttle driver around. I'm like, cool, Wheels.
Starting point is 00:33:12 And then we were like kind of silently doing bits about his name in the back of the van and having some whiskey. And then he starts driving us down this really treacherous road towards the hot spring that had no lights. It was only illuminated by the moonlight. And it was next to this creek, and it had a lot of turns, and he was going so fast. And we were like, you don't have to be wheels. You don't have to be wheels. They're fast. We're on vacation.
Starting point is 00:33:35 And then he kept going on and on about this. He's like, yeah, man, this street is crazy. I saw one of the vans got toppled over in that creek just two days ago. I've seen a four-car pile up around this bend, and we like like swerve around it and we were like all right wheels man and then like we were just doing like got drunk in the hot springs naked and we're just like cracking up about that and doing all these bits like the bit wasn't super funny but like that amount of people we just kept just dying laughing and then when we got back in the van wheels was at the helm again of course and could and he kept doubling down and telling more and more like tragic morose
Starting point is 00:34:11 tales of people toppling over on the street while he's going 60 and we're just like cry laughing um with like a bunch of like 50 something that's amazing year olds it's not it's not that interesting of a story but like one of my favorite memories of my life and definitely the hardest i've ever laughed i can't think of the hardest i've ever laughed because i mean too many times to count but something that really like something that got me this is so stupid the other day that i was wheezing i was i was weeping oh my god god. So Elizabeth and I are making our way through The Flight Attendant on HBO. It's very good. And there's
Starting point is 00:34:49 where this guy, this wonderful co-star who's playing a cop. It's like they're investigating a crime scene. And my man has like maybe three lines. You know, just like generic like, we'll fill out a report.
Starting point is 00:35:06 And like one of the FBI agents is like, oh, my God, I've never seen anything like this before. And then this cop who's not even in the foreground, he's a little bit blurred out. But the way he says this line, Elizabeth is like, that is the most New York thing I've ever heard in my life. And she goes like, I've never seen anything like this before. And the cop just goes, huh, quite the spectacle. Cut. You do not have a line. We were howling.
Starting point is 00:35:33 And then we just like, that's all we've been saying around the house. Because it sounds like a little cartoon, like, mouse is doing it. Like, oh, it's quite the spectacle. Again, sir, you are background. So please, no lines. You're not even mic'd. So we're really just getting this echo that's quite the spectacle. Again, sir, you are background, so please, no lines. You're not even mic'd, so we're really just getting this echo that's uneditable.
Starting point is 00:35:48 We were, like, screaming. Also, like, something that also was killing me that we just say around us that really makes me laugh really hard is, like, anything that maybe happens and then doesn't, or, like, if we almost hurt ourselves or, like, almost trip,
Starting point is 00:36:04 or, like, trip or like, or Elizabeth's like, whoa, that was a dangerous turn in the car. Like that car could have hit me, whatever. We always look at each other and we're like, huh, could have been a different day. Well, that could have been a different day. Even just like in the kitchen and it's like, whoa, it's like, oh my God, I almost dropped a knife. Could have been a different day. That's so funny. Especially with things that really would have changed your life.
Starting point is 00:36:30 Yes. I was like, well, I almost dropped that knife on my foot. Could have been a different day. Could have been a different day. When I flew back from Cleveland to back home here, I had the worst plane landing of my life. We hit the tarmac and bounced up and curved. And I was in a middle seat and the two people next to me, we all grabbed each other. plane landing in my life. We hit the tarmac and bounced up and like curved. And like,
Starting point is 00:36:47 I was in a middle seat and the two people next to me, like we both, we all grabbed each other's forearms. Oh my God. And that really could have been a different day. I should have said that.
Starting point is 00:36:54 Because then it was a lot of like, and then like a lot of, and then we did kind of laughs once you're safe. Could have been a different day. Yeah. That's really funny. Should we do one more each?
Starting point is 00:37:04 Yeah. Also, we should take a break, I guess. Okay. We never did that. We'll be right back with a couple more questions and a couple more answers. And we're back. This one's from Elizabeth Valenti herself. She did as soon as I'm like, okay, I'm going to record.
Starting point is 00:37:28 She's like, answer my question. It's a good question. She says, what's the last sense you would lose and why? Please answer. I just want you to notice me. Elizabeth and I are going to Harry Styles next Friday, and I could not be more excited. That's going to be so much fun.
Starting point is 00:37:46 I've been listening to his first album, which I never really listened to before. And from the dining room table, change. Woke up alone in this hotel room. Played with myself. Where were you? I would like to not lose smell. Because smell activates the most memories and like activates, I think, a lot of other senses and stuff like that. You're right.
Starting point is 00:38:20 God, this is a hard question. I think hearing. I was going to say smell, but I think hearing because music's like truly my lifeblood. It's so annoying that I keep talking about music like this. But at least then I could still play guitar. I could still hear the comedic rhythm of shows, which is really the most fun parts like visual gags I think don't hit for me as much as like words and you know I would sooner go blind I think and still be able to hear like the people who I love's voices more than see them because I already kind of know what they look like and can feel them and touch them and stuff and you know hearing for sure I also know this is a very privileged response to able-bodied people. Correct. Okay, let's end with this.
Starting point is 00:39:09 This is like a really hard-hitting one. This is from Beta Untested on Reddit. You're trapped inside an airplane with only you and a monkey. One of you needs to take the controls of it. Sorry, hold on. You're trapped inside an airplane with only you and a monkey. One of you needs to take the controls of it. Sorry, hold on. You're trapped inside an airplane with only you and a monkey. One of you needs to take the controls of the airplane or it'll crash.
Starting point is 00:39:28 The monkey claims he knows how to fly the plane, but you're not sure you believe him. What do you do? We're gonna end on this. No, we won't end on this. There's one more. There's one more that I really like too. I think, who do you think would be better?
Starting point is 00:39:43 I'm not letting the monkey fly the plane but then it becomes between you and i who do we or is it just i think it's just like just solo and a monkey oh yeah no i'll fucking land the plane but what if like because i don't know how to land a plane but if the monkey doesn't fucking know the monkey tells me like i don't worry i know how to do this and i have no concept of how to do it I think I'd played enough flight simulator as a kid to at least kind of know what to do I've played none so I might let them if the monkey is like trust me I can do it I have no prior knowledge of it he's my best shot he's your best friend he is and that's the real tragedy forget nog spurt me and this little guy all right bring us home what's this last one the gunther folly i'd love
Starting point is 00:40:35 a deep dive into the whole into the whole lemon thing during the podcast portion asking for a friend so this lemon uh either that lemon or me being a lemon on the live. Oh, yes, yes, yes. So let's do your tattoo because we were just talking about it. I think you should post a photo of the tattoo. So Jeff got a tattoo of a lemon. It looks so good.
Starting point is 00:40:57 I got a tattoo of a lemon. I think I already pretty much explained the whole thing last week, but yeah, my childhood dog would never play with toys. He would only play with a lemon if you tossed it across the room and he would be so happy. And he was a very calm dude so you know
Starting point is 00:41:08 to see him so excited was really exciting so it's to remember him by because i've been forgetting about him recently which is really sad and then also you know stay playful and then as my mom said make lemon make lemonade um so make the best out of your fucking situation it also is just i think it's also cool so i try not to describe too much meaning like the smiley face was also like don't take myself too seriously but uh anyway i'm gonna keep getting a couple tats i think it's like a lot of fun to decide what the next ones are get one of my face i don't think so johnny villa it's i also just like all my friends have tattoos so it's fun to like see what they're I don't think so Johnny Villa I also just like
Starting point is 00:41:46 all my friends have tattoos so it's fun to like see what they're getting and be like yeah what's the next one man so Johnny Villa got from HeadGum New York just got two
Starting point is 00:41:55 and they're both very cool one of them's like a full ass chest piece and I'm like ballsy man good for you but I think I'm gonna get this dancing skeleton
Starting point is 00:42:02 in a couple months when I get back from New, that's very new. That's very on my, uh, like tricep. Uh, so we'll see. Um,
Starting point is 00:42:10 for me, um, I was a lemon on Jeff's Instagram live and that was kind of it. My favorite Instagram filter is the lemon filter where it just kind of rolls into frame. You just got the big eyes and the big mouth and you're a lemon. And so Jeff was on Instagram live. He was playing music.
Starting point is 00:42:32 He was sounding gorgeous, just beautiful, playing beautifully, singing beautifully. And I roll in as a lemon. And, um, that's literally it.
Starting point is 00:42:41 And so we were just having conversation, but I was a lemon and it's my favorite. One of my favorite stupid things that's literally it. And so we were just having conversation, but I was a lemon. And it's my favorite, one of my favorite stupid things that's ever happened. It's so funny when you do the fucking animoji shit. I haven't sent you one in a while. I know. That was very fun. That was fun, yeah. I hope it's as fun to listen to as it was for us just to wax.
Starting point is 00:43:05 I think it'll probably be split 50-50. Some people will hate it, some people won't. We'll go back to that improv shit. We have bonus episodes all the time. Don't even worry. Nice change of pace. Don't even fret. We'll go back to the improv.
Starting point is 00:43:17 I think we have a bonus episode next week, so you're going to get two improv episodes. Yeah, so, yeah. Should we do our last segment? Oh, my God, yeah. Yeah, all right. Should we do our last segment? Oh, yeah, oh my God, yes. I have one. This
Starting point is 00:43:33 should be all week long. Eminem's fucking slap. Eminem's are incredible, and I forgot how good they are. So we got Nary a Trick or Treater on Halloween and it was devastating. But that means that we have all that leftover candy. And I'm not a candy person, but I love chocolate.
Starting point is 00:43:54 But I'm not like a candy person. And we had the little fun size bags of M&M's. M&M's are fucking awesome. Melt in your mouth mouth not your hand they are incredible they are so good and I think in a little fun size mini bag like there's maybe 10 of them
Starting point is 00:44:13 I could pound like 4 or 5 of those bad boys in a sitting they are they're just phenomenal I think M&M's are god tier S tier candy chocolate and mix that shit with popcorn I think M&M's are God tier S tier candy Chocolate And Mix that shit with popcorn
Starting point is 00:44:27 Oh forget about it Oh fuck Forget about it I'm gonna have that tonight That's for damn sure Anyway Alright Easy
Starting point is 00:44:34 Easy What? I love M&M's Do you like peanut M&M's Or just the original? I'd fuck with either What we've been having Are the regular M&M's
Starting point is 00:44:44 Cause normally Normally I was just a peanut M&M girl I'm like Oh normal M&M's Whatever the original i'd fuck with either um what we've been having are the regular eminem because normally normally i was just a peanut eminem girl i'm like uh normal items whatever but then i hadn't had them in a long time i had them recently and i'm like oh shit oh shit oh shit easy again i got some combat boots some desert tan suede combat boots for the winter months. Gonna waterproof those little fuckers. Catch me on the G train headed north. And they basically, I've always thought that the... I always thought that the Yeezy boots were cool.
Starting point is 00:45:20 But I am not the type to baby shoes. I don't want to be thinking about what I'm stepping in. That's a horrible feeling. It's the same thing. I tried painting my nails earlier this year, but my two favorite things to do when not working are rock climbing and guitar, and so chipped pretty fast,
Starting point is 00:45:36 and I just don't like the feeling of having to be precious with my extremities. So I was not about to spend fucking $700 on cloudy boots, but I found a pair that I think just directly inspired the Yeezys from Belleville and got them for 75 bucks. So just going to waterproof them with a spray and wear them around. And I'm really excited about that. Hell yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:01 Yeah. You can find Jeffrey on Instagram at Jeffrey James on Twitter at JeffBoyRD you can find the show on Instagram at ReviewReview on Twitter at ReviewReviewShow
Starting point is 00:46:11 and I'm sorry I'm right on rs.reviewreview and you can follow Riley on Instagram at RileyAnspa on Twitter at RileyCoyote
Starting point is 00:46:18 should we thank some VI podcasts? yikes Thank you to... You know what? I'm done with you, Connor. You're a coward and a prick, and from day one, you've irked me. Christian said hugs for chastity.
Starting point is 00:46:39 Aaron. Aaron Coogan. Adam Shea. Agent Michael Scarn's advice of the week. If you're feeling hungry, try eating a pear. Just eat anything. You don't have to eat a pear. Aggie.
Starting point is 00:46:49 Ako is... Sorry for lashing out. That's really not the kind of person Ako wants to be. Alex Witt. Always look on the fried side of rice. Oh, also my watch struck me. Sorry sorry i got my flu shot so get your flu shot hell yeah oh and i got my booster yes so get that too i have mine scheduled for november 30th uh i i know a lot of people that are sick right now thought they had covid but it's just the flu
Starting point is 00:47:17 and they're like really sick so get the fuck i got my flu shot and i got my maternity booster it knocked me the fuck out but it's worth it let me work it and now in patron who needs no introduction so moving on Bob Buell hashtag 10,000 strong for Jeffrey to post a photo of me and him at the head of it's hard because I can't sign into discord on my phone I just need to air drop them anyway
Starting point is 00:47:37 Brad Donaldson dude Brad Hill promises to sneak a review of you reference into Survivor when he makes it on the show. Brian Dodd. Chuck. Chasten Bales. Christian Boulis, question mark?
Starting point is 00:47:52 More like Christian Bowler ass. Cullen. Daddy Back says, find something you can stick to it. How's that for sound? It's not sound. That's just a sentence. Damien Kirk has heard good things but is hesitant. Devin misses Fiona so damn much.
Starting point is 00:48:08 I think Devin has tattoos. Devin's sort of a style inspiration for me. Fancy octopus. Frito pray love. Gabriel Castaneda. Jeff now owes everyone in the Discord $10,000 and I can finally pay my tuition. No way. Give a man a fish.
Starting point is 00:48:23 Feed him for a day. Please, he's hungies. Gray T-1000 Stewart. Really fucking cool, actually. Oh my, I told somebody about Hasty's bit that he's been doing. I was like, yeah, what was it? Greg Renegade Rider Volt. How awesome is that?
Starting point is 00:48:48 Gregberg Chapter 3 Parabellum. Grimstop GME new patron. Hell is empty and all the cluffs are there. Hey Jeff, could you please have anyone from Hey Riddle Riddle on the HeadGum Podcast, please?
Starting point is 00:48:59 Holly. I get slicked down, but I rake up again. I'll never stop hounding. Buell, pay me back. Wait, no, it's the song. I get slicked down, but I rick up again. I'll never stop hounding Buell. Pay me back. Wait, no, it's the song. I get slicked down, but I rick up again.
Starting point is 00:49:12 I'll never stop hounding Buell. I literally only subscribe to force Jeffrey and Riley to say trans rights, XOXO. In a very real sense, TR. Isaac Puff. Jackson. Jake Ullman. Jackson Hansel's back! Oh my god! The prodigal son returns, man!
Starting point is 00:49:29 Jay Chance. Jameson Poncia has always said that when Jeff's live gives you lemons, make Riley Anspa. Jay! Oh, new patron! New patron, dude! Jeff, either give me a hoodie or spell your name correctly. Love, Jack. We have his hoodie packaged up.
Starting point is 00:49:48 I just have to send it because it's international. So we couldn't do it. Jeff A. Oh, my God. Don't do it. Just the entire alphabet, Jeff. Jeff A. Jeff B.
Starting point is 00:49:57 Jeff C. Jeff G. Jeff E. Jeff F. New patron, though. Jeff G. H. Jeff J.
Starting point is 00:50:04 Jesse Tipton. John Gosley. JP again. Vicky Pedretti and Lizzie Olsen would have been Victoria and Elizabeth if Patreon didn't give a goddamn character limit. Justin Concalves. Caleb has found his luster. It was the friends he made along the way. Kaelin, uh, Keelan, me and Riley have the same birthday.
Starting point is 00:50:23 And Jeff, I'm from Columbus, Ohio. Lauren Malang. Lord Hunter the Ordained. That's right, I'm ordained now. Maggie Anderson. Malik. Mark Priest. Michael Bagel. Moe Pete the Cowardly Dog.
Starting point is 00:50:39 Mona Moore Raquel has given up on trying to get Jeff to pronounce her name right, so we'll instead make him say... La... La... Laundis? Also hard to pronounce. Also, am I saying Mauer wrong, or is it more? I don't know. Mushu Lasagna knows what Jeff did and is going to tell the world. My hoodie has finally arrived.
Starting point is 00:50:59 I can forego my plans to kidnap Jeff and chain him in my basement. Nate Porteous noticed that Jeff's last few tweets utilized the word grundle and pop it. Jeff, if you ever need to talk, it's fun. No, it's Rory and Davey or Zooey Landle. Nolan Murphy took me out to dinner and refused to pay the bill. He also ordered $73 in appetizers.
Starting point is 00:51:18 He's a menace. Orange, you glad it isn't Hallie? Phoebe. Quack. Rooster Williams. Shaquille O'Field. So it's Shaq, but with a heightened emotional intelligence. That's really good. Soap.
Starting point is 00:51:31 TJ Michael. Warmed corned beef, specifically. was was Yaro Bouchard. Yasmeen David. And ZZ, and that's the show. Thanks formeen David. And ZZ. And that's the show. Thanks for listening, losers.
Starting point is 00:51:48 Arrivederci. That was a Hiddem original.

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