Review Revue - Reddit Q&A
Episode Date: June 23, 2020Reilly and Geoff respond to questions posed in the Review Revue subreddit! Be sure to follow the show's subreddit at r/ReviewRevue, and see the below links to donate to help support the Black... Trans Femmes in the Arts collective!Black Trans Femmes in the ArtsFollow Reilly and Geoff:IG: @reillyanspaugh & @iamgeoffreyjamesTwitter: @reilecoyote & @dontplaynojamesSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
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This is a HeadGum Podcast.
Get that Angel Reef special at McDonald's now.
Let's break it down.
My favorite barbecue sauce, American cheese, crispy bacon, pickles, onions, and a sesame seed bun, of course.
And don't forget the fries and a drink.
Sound good?
At participating restaurants for a limited time. I just wanna know how you feel.
I wanna love that's so proud and real.
You make me wanna go out and steal.
I just wanna feel.
Last night was my parents' anniversary, Anne Spa,
and guess what we listened to?
Fuh You by the Home of Company.
Yes, that's exactly right.
They love it now,
because they sometimes listen to the show,
and they love the song,
because they love the show.
What did you listen to?
Fuh You.
We just went over this, dude.
No, but what?
Come on.
Come on.
It was a playlist that my sister and I put together
of songs by artists that
they've seen live.
Oh, that's really cute.
How long have they been together?
34 years.
So don't tell me love is dead, Dan Reader.
That's amazing.
Long time, no time.
What's been Gucci?
How do you feel about the fact that it's like you probably won't,
uh, achieve that?
What are you talking about, man?
No, I'm just saying it's like, I mean, we can be real with each other.
No, I am being real.
I just, you think I'm never going to find love.
Does it hurt you?
No, I'm not saying you're not going to find love, but it's like.
It's not going to last.
Well, it's not going to last.
It's not going to last three or four years.
Holy shit.
I guess I feel bad.
I wasn't thinking about it until just now.
And I'm sad.
You've made me sad.
You've saddened me.
Well, no.
I didn't make you feel that way.
You did.
I can't make you feel anything.
That's why you just looked out the window.
You couldn't even look me in the eyes.
I'm looking right at you.
I'm looking right at you.
You looked out the window when she said that.
It's an audio medium, but they absolutely know that you're not looking me in the goddamn
It's been a long time without you, Jeffrey.
And I'll tell you all about it when we're talking right now.
You will tell me all about it when we're talking right now.
So I'll, you know.
So I just showed you my bite wound from the dog.
And you said that it didn't look too bad.
It doesn't look too bad.
It's not that bad.
But I do wish that it was over here or even on my eyebrow.
Because then I could be a Charlie Puth type thing.
You know what I mean?
But it is truly in the middle of your forehead.
And I'm drinking a truly into the middle of my forehead.
You told me it was a, oh!
Right into the wound
How are ya
Other than the fact that
A dog bit your face
I'm over it
I'm past it
Basically what you have to understand
Is I'm kind of a macho guy
So for me it's like
I don't have trauma
I don't have
Macho man
What is that
I wanna be
Have you never heard that song. What is that? I wanna be. Have you never heard that song?
No, what is that?
Yeah, now you're realizing how insane that must have been from my perspective.
I have no idea what you're talking about.
Okay, edit that song in here.
Right now.
Right now, let's hear it.
Oh, no.
I can't believe you've never heard it.
Is this a real song?
What is it from?
The world.
It sounds like it has to be a theme song.
It's so low-fi.
I'm going to skip ahead.
The lyrical content is absurd, obscene,
and it's not for my eyes to have been seen.
Yeah, that's what made me think of.
We have another source that we wanted to plug to donate.
Yes, yes.
The Black Trans Femmes in the Arts,
also known as BTFA Collective.
They are dedicated to creating space
for Black Trans Femmes in the Arts and beyond.
So check out both of the Review Review Instagram,
Riley and I's Instagram.
Do you want to plug your Instagram
for where they can find the link?
You can find it on my Instagram at RileyAntspa.
And mine at IamJeffreyJames.
And then the Review Review Instagram
at Review Review.
Link in bio.
Feel free to donate whatever cash you have.
And it's going to a good cause.
And here we are.
Here we aren't.
I hang up.
Holy shit.
Oh my God.
It's a macho, macho man.
Everybody dreams of the body of a macho man.
That's one of the lyrics that I heard.
I think I misspoke just now, but yeah.
This is a different episode.
We're switching it up on the beat today.
This is our, what is it, 22nd episode, I think?
So we've almost been doing it.
Well, it matters.
It's almost been a half a year.
So it was high time and it was high tide.
It is high tide.
So we are not going to be able to walk on the beach because the water's too high.
So because we can't do that,
we are going to just record an episode.
The beach is Yelp.
We can't touch that.
So we have to stay on the yard,
which is Reddit.
The beach is Yelp.
So yeah, so Jeffrey put a little,
last night put a little thing on Reddit.
A feeler.
He put his little antennas out there there he's a bug of himself and he
he went like well come on i didn't look like that i was kind of hot about it i was kind of like an
eight so he was like he was like no no i was kind of like typing with a sharp jaw line is what i was
doing okay so the jaw was sharp but the sounds were like no the sounds were like mach, macho, macho, man.
And we got some questions.
You've read some of these.
I haven't read any of these.
So this is cold reads for Jeff. Some of these are very funny.
So how do you want to go about?
Let's just switch off choosing one.
Do you want to go first?
What do you mean fine?
No, it's just like, why are we here?
So many reasons to make people laugh, to bring joy to the world.
Joy to the world that Riley pods.
She bought a microphone.
Bought a microphone.
That's it.
I'm going to kind of lump all these together in one because I'm seeing a couple that are basically like,
who is your favorite comedian slash what are your who are your comedy influences?
I look like a rhinoceros.
Look at this.
Yeah, describe how I look right now.
No, it's not even it's not even the bandaid down the T-zone.
It is.
There's a I know this is an audio medium but i'm sure you
guys know what i'm talking about there's a face that jeff does that really makes me laugh every
time and it's what i don't even know you're gonna say it like every time you do it it makes me laugh
it's kind of like you like lean into your hip and you kind of like
let your head rest on your shoulder and your eyes go kind of dead and like your mouth is a little like oh it's the uh it's like the thing
from the profile picture sketch yeah it's it's the thumbnail for that um oh so that's my comedy
influence is jeff doing that um what are my i guess i mean obviously jake and amir we both grew up watching
them um i did i oh like all of david wayne's stuff i like i love like uh wet hot american summer
and um i guess that's it but his sense of humor really gets me like like the whole like the halls
joke that we did in the sketch like that was an homage to like the which one i think that was before you started working full time but the
there was a thing in guy talk where i get turned into a bag of halls and it's oh yeah it's like
how the chef in wet hot american summer gets turned into beans or whatever or a can yeah like
a can can of vegetables yeah like that absurdity i fucking love and then arrested development obviously not obvious but i just love it um just anything
that's absurd like anything that's not grounded at all yeah similarly jake and amir and i want
to emphasize that we grew up with them because we are young and spry and they are old and withered
it's no it's just that it's like saying like we got to age as we watched them
whereas they are they have been aging right so like so when they were in their mid-20s
rate them and then rate them now one to ten i guess like mid-20s they were they were in their
primes yeah both and now have you seen jake um so j Jake and Amir, for sure.
All the college humor stuff I was just obsessed with.
And other than that, anything Christopher Guest has ever done,
anything, he's a Midas.
Anything he touches is gold.
Just the whole crew.
So him, Catherine O'Hara Eugene Levy
Parker Posey yeah um that like Waiting for Guffman's my favorite movie of all time
I think like and I do love absurd stuff too Ari good morning um but there's something about like the groundedness of of people loving a niche thing so much and taking that very seriously.
Yeah. Oh, yeah. And like I love something that it's like something that Christopher Guest has said in interviews.
I know too much about Christopher Guest, but something that he said in an interview on David Rose was,
sorry, Charlie Rose.
I'm thinking fucking shit to me.
On Charlie Rose, he was being interviewed about,
I think it was maybe Best in Show,
or was it Waiting for Government?
I can't remember.
One of the two.
Both of them are very,
like dog shows and community theater are very niche things.
But they were like,
oh, so you have a new mockumentary coming out.
And he's like, I hate the word mockary because like i'm not making fun of them if you're just making fun of people and it's mean it's not funny it's like you have to really empathize with like this
is for these people this is the most important thing and this is their whole world and who are
we to judge that and i just think i think that awesome. And I think it's so fucking funny.
And Eddie Izzard has been a very big influence to me.
Have you seen all of New Girl?
New Girl also really shaped my sense of humor. When I sit down to write a spec anything, I look back at the New Girl pilot and I'm like,
okay, how did they do that?
I love New Girl.
You should really give it a chance because it's like so much of stuff that would make you laugh.
The show that's like that for me is Hello Ladies, which I think you'd really love.
It's on HBO.
There's only one season of it and it was made.
There's one season and a movie special.
No, it's fucking Stephen Merchant.
Stephen Merchant.
I love him.
Who made The Office.
So it is my, it's my favorite TV show.
Oh, like, and also like Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Playback, all that stuff.
But, um.
There's something about Hello Ladies.
I really, I don't love like cringe comedy, but I do love when things, I don't not love
cringe comedy.
Some people take it too far, but I think Stephen Merchant's the fucking king of like.
Stephen Merchant, right, yeah.
You're rooting for him, but he's being the fucking worst.
So it's like, I don't like cringe comedy,
but I love that fine line of like,
right before it gets there.
And I think he does that beautifully.
And it's very funny to me.
So yeah, so those are some.
And Monty Python is a big influence for me too.
The Pinch19 asks,
would you rather fight a Jake-sized Amir
or an Amir-sized Jake?
Oh, that's good.
Not really, they're kind of the same exact size.
They are the same exact size,
but I already know that I would want to fight
a Jake-sized Amir.
Actually, yeah.
Because Amir's kind of gotten jacked
over the last two years.
So an Amir-sized Jake would be the mentality of Jake with, like, thick arms.
Oh, no, sorry.
I meant a Jake-sized Amir.
That's what you said.
No, I'm saying I wouldn't want to fight an Amir-sized Jake.
Because that would be Jake being...
So we agree.
We agree on the...
I would fight a Jake-sized Amir, yeah.
Well, so I don't know how to fight.
Neither does Amir, so I don't know how to fight neither does Amir I think so I think it would
we would just kind of maybe slap each other until we both got tired of it and felt bad
and uh Jake and Amir have told a story on their podcast before about the one time they got in a
fight because Jake pantsed Amir but like you and I have never done that. I mean we haven't worked
together as long as they have but like
that's, we've never, like
I would never fight you. But you're also like
I'm like three times you.
I think if you and I were to fight
I would
it would be like David and Goliath
on your ass. So I would get a slingshot.
What's that?
I'd put some hard gummy bears in a slingshot no
and go for the eyes i would toss legos at your legs in front of you and me so that you kind of
are trapped so you can't step any which way otherwise you'll like step on a really sharp
piece of plastic and then that's good yeah and then i would kind of like hit you with like verbal
insults like hit you in the emotional core say like like right now let's do it right now so i'm like you just got
a haircut and i was like oh that's not layered that's not that layered look that's not that
summer look and then suddenly you're kind of incapacitated because you're like bawling right
and then like you can't step anywhere because of course i'm actually i think we're done wait i think
we're done for the day because of the leg Legos? Yeah, because of the Legos.
I didn't care what you said about my hair.
It's the Legos.
Damn it.
On Reddit the other day, I saw someone put the hand in Montana.
I saw that.
It made me laugh.
Okay, here we go.
Here's a twofer.
So, Agent Michael Scarn said, Riley, how did you and Daniel meet?
Was it like two trains passing in the night? So they didn't meet. Or was it love at first sight? two trains passing in the night or was it love at first sight
two trains passing the night they didn't meet and Jeff what's your favorite Indian food dish as a
fellow brown guy raised in America I remember not liking it much growing up as I got older I started
to appreciate it more good man you can go first because he addressed you first. So we didn't meet like two trains passing in the night because we did meet.
And we met on Bumble.
You know this.
This is not new for you.
Yes, you do.
Well, you tell your story and then I'll tell you my side of it.
So what?
So Riley will tell how she and her boyfriend met and then i'll tell you how my side just my side of their relationship yeah so um we met on
bumble we were each other's first and only bumble dates that we've ever gone on honey it wasn't
daniel's first bumble date that's might have been what he told you, but I get it.
A man like Daniel?
You were his.
I was his first.
So we matched when I was about to enter my spring semester of senior year at college,
and I was home for break.
And we matched in, like, December.
And then we started messaging a little bit.
And as I was, like, in the car going to the airport to leave for six months, he finally was like, oh, can I take you out for a drink?
And I'm like, I mean, I'm going back to Boston for six months.
But if we're both still single and interested in June, let's do it.
Let's June it.
And we did.
And we were.
And so, yeah, we've been together two years, and it's been chine.
What's that?
It's cheese and fine.
Don't put that in your vows, whether it's just for an anniversary dinner or marriage.
Spending the last seven years with you has been cheese.
And fine.
And fine.
Okay, what's,'s sorry what's your
side well I just remember that
we got drinks at Harlow near
your old place and we and
then like you were telling us about how
like you met you match
with this guy you're going on a date with a guy we went to USC
and George Saba and I both
well he knew him more because they were on the same improv
troupe but I didn't really know
but I just remember you talking about him and then i remember it going well that's my perspective uh when daniel
and i matched we realized that we had mutual friends um including george saba because daniel
did improv with george in college yeah and so it's a tiny tiny wee world and he was a senior
when george was a freshman so i i wasn't at usc when. He was a senior when George was a freshman.
So I wasn't at USC at the same time.
Because I'm a year younger than George.
Daniel, I think, is class of 2014.
He's 27.
I think it's 2015.
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, 2015.
But yeah.
So yeah, it's been great.
And Jeff, food?
And then it's kind of the same answer. Because you and I were at Harlow and like George knew about Nasi Lemak and I had no idea.
But I kind of was like, and then you had it and it went well.
Wait, what?
Forget it.
Oh, I see what you mean.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
That's funny.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
No, yes.
No, yeah, I know for sure no yeah my favorite
I guess my favorite
Indian dish
for like takeout
is just like
the classics
like butter chicken
or chicken tikka masala
but my mom
is an amazing cook
my mom's white
and my dad is from
of Indian descent
it's very hard
to explain
my mom is actually
making it tonight
for tomorrow
for Father's Day
a dish called nasi lemak which I don't even know what it is necessarily because I've never made it.
But she makes it with like chicken, beef or shrimp, depending on it.
And it's just basically this like marinated in this great thick sauce over rice, over ice.
And so it's just really good.
Everybody should look it up.
I don't know anywhere you can even get it. So it's like you can't get it for takeout really because it's hard to find
in the states but like my mom makes it and it's super good and it's with coconut rice
so you have a little bit of spiciness with the with the meat or fish and then you have like
the sweetness from the coconut rice and you kind of eat it with your hands off a banana leaf it's
very cool it's also my only connection between me and indian heritage because my dad like i said so my dad's family immigrated from india to malaysia to kuala lumpur which is
kind of like the new york of the southeast asia so it's a melting pot in and of itself so that's
kind of dilution of indian culture and then he immigrated to ohio for college um after that
so like i'm too I'm like five generations
removed from India.
that's the answer
to that question.
But I agree.
in terms,
like my dad's grandmother
emigrated to Malaysia.
I see,
I see,
I see.
That's my great-grandfather
that's like,
four generations removed. If I'm the fifth,. That's my great-grandfather parents. So four generations removed.
If I'm the fifth, then it's five.
But anyway, I completely get,
growing up in America as a brown person,
I almost didn't want to do Indian things
because I wanted to appear more American,
which I feel like Hasan Minhaj
has also talked about in his stand-up.
So I think that's normal.
Agent Michael Skarn.
But yeah, I love it now.
Yeah. Oh, Turbulent Moose says says what are your guys's aspirations for the future acting singing
marinating serenading you guys are really talented from what i've seen so far so i imagine it'll
naturally be the third option above which was marinating um yeah so what's your answer to that? Um, marinating, uh, is probably the first,
um, just in terms of like meats. Um, yeah. So he asked what your aspirations are and then you say
in, in, in regards to meats, in regards to meats. And if that doesn't work out, yeah, I mean, like, I really like doing a lot generally, producing,
is all very, just very fun,
just to keep making things
and to keep making things with my loved ones
and my friends.
And I really just love kind of the growing network
of once you make one thing with a group of people then
inevitably those people will introduce you to other people and it's like not even in terms of
like a like a network climbing out thing but truly just like developing a a web of really awesome
creators and friends um and so i just want to keep doing that just it's just like it because it's fun and I and I love it
and um and not limiting myself to just doing one thing like in college a lot of like a lot of
professors were just like if you're if you want to be an actor you just only have to do that or
like and it's like I don't think that's true and um I think like learning about all these other aspects of art not even aspects
all these other kind of um trajectories in art like can only help make you a more well-rounded
person and artist and creator yeah um so yeah and also in terms of meats uh i don't eat red meat so i'll be marinating
some chicken or some uh salmon or something like that um what about you i i just want to do comedy
in whatever way i'm able to so if it's music who gives a shit but no i ideally like writing and
acting whether it's on the same thing or on separate things throughout the year um like i got to write for carpool
karaoke and that was fun um but i missed the performing aspect like i need i really want both
if i can eventually but yeah like the eventual goal would be like write for tv and act on tv
if possible um and then until then live comedy and live stuff yeah i mean like we took i definitely
took that for granted like being able to do that like three or four times a year with head gum.
so I'm excited to do that again.
And then George Saba and I are going to start doing like more local backyard
comedy stuff,
ideally in LA after COVID.
but yeah,
like I don't care how or on what medium,
but just writing and performing comedy.
We'll see what,
where that lands.
We should take a break.
So we'll be right back after none of these messages, Marty.
None of them.
Actually, I think we do have an ad that we need to do this week.
So thanks, Marty.
Thanks, Marty.
Such a quick turnaround.
A question? a question marshland monster writes uh if you both had a month this is really funny if if you both had a month to practice who would be better riley at the yo-yo or jeff
at a broadway performance a bizarro of talents exchange.
What do you think?
I think you at a Broadway performance.
I would agree, but not because I think it would be hard for you to learn the yo-yo,
but because like I do sing.
I just don't ever sing.
So like, I don't know.
Like if you'd give anybody rehearsal time, they'll be good at Broadway if they can sing.
I also think just like, I don't think I'd be'd give anybody rehearsal time, they'll be good at Broadway if they can sing. I also think just like,
I don't think I'd be very good at the yo-yo.
I could certainly try.
Let's just say I couldn't.
I probably want people to walk the dog.
That's the easiest thing.
You literally flex, drop your hand,
and let it touch the ground.
Listen, it's not the getting it down there that's hard.
That's hard.
It's the second yo.
If you want to learn, I will gladly teach you how to yo-yo.
No, it's never been a skill that I'm like,
you know what I would really want to know how to do?
Somebody asked me jokingly if it helped me get girls.
There's been two times where it's actually worked like that for me.
Worked like that.
I don't want to be too blue, but I got the wagon.
I ate ass because of a yo-yo jam throw.
But yes, I do think that because Jeff Already is a Performer Jeff would
Jeff would be great at a Broadway performance
We should do the cats number at the
Next Head Gum Live we are going to do that
And then do a review review app
In our cats outfits that'd be
Not talk not addressing it at all
No just finish the number and then sit down.
I just want to rip you.
All right, so welcome you guys to the first live review review ever.
It will make up onesies.
Togum asks, what are your most unlikable qualities?
What's your most unlikable quality?
No, I answered first last time. My most unlikable quality no i answered first last time
my most unlikable quality i think i am very particular which is helpful sometimes
but annoying most of the time to people particular about what like my family always gets mad at me
because i always want to put the music on and choose the playlist and like curate the vibe
and if i walk into a room and the lighting
like the overheads are on but the lamps are off
I'm like no no no no no no so I turn the overheads
off and I turn the lamps off this is in someone else's
house a stranger's house but everybody
is always like oh that is better
but like I wish that I didn't have
that impulse like and I can't turn it off
but like when
you're making stuff I think it helps like with
good morning and stuff like it
it'd be better to err on the side of like it's not good enough yet versus like thinking it's good and
it's not yeah i get that but i i get that because that's actually very similar to something that i
don't like about myself which is um i can i mean and it was, it was kind of illuminated more for me when I took the Enneagram test.
There's a lot of shame coming off of you right now.
Because I'm a one. just kind of like if i if i have an idea of like what i think is right um i can kind of get into
like a holier than thou position or like um like judge people for not also like following the rules
or doing what i think is the right thing to do. Yeah. Or just basically like my, my standards,
whether that's like an idea or a practice or whatever,
basically if it's like,
if that's not being,
not even followed,
it's not like I'm giving out rules,
but it's just like,
I can get a little like annoyingly judgy.
and then I have to remind myself like riley not everyone is gonna
do the same like something the same way that you will and that's okay um yeah does that make sense
that makes sense is that because you get stressed out by what might go wrong if they're doing
something yes yes so it's anxiety and it's not like being a good at two shoes. No, no, no, no, no.
It's truly anxiety and Irish Catholic guilt and fear.
The perfect mocktail.
So I guess truly just my anxiety.
Sing anxiety, the word anxiety, to the tone of, whoa, yeah.
But do it.
Okay, again.
Sorry, I'm going to take it again.
Basically, the first note is anxiety, and then the rest of it is ee.
So get that just really fast and then hang on the Y.
I got it.
Eee. All right, and then this one the Y. I got it. Anxiety. Anxiety.
Both of these are great but we just want
alt. This one's going to be
you're going to hang on that A and X
until the very last note and then just kind of
rush it at the end. Hang on
the X basically. Basically.
Something like that and then just really
rush the end.
You heard the note. Take the note. No, you heard the note.
You heard the note.
Take the note.
All right.
This is a stressful working environment.
You know this.
That's the one.
Cut print.
You're not union, right?
You're not union.
I've never heard anyone hold an X in a note.
But we'll do it.
Yeah. So if you want to trim that down,
basically my anxiety, which causes me to think
that if people don't do it my way or the highway,
that it's all gonna go wrong,
and then I'll judge people for not wanting to do it my way,
as I think they will have forgone that
and decided to take the highway.
It's gonna go O'Reilly.
It's gonna go O'Reilly,
and it kind of comes back to the whole thing of,
it's like, well, if something's worth go a riley and it's like kind of brings comes back to the whole thing it's like well if something's worth doing i might as well do it myself um
yeah not proud um
okay um hack okay so this is also kind of an amalgamation of a couple different ones um from richard cranium and hacker6284 um and
togum togum t-o-g-g-o-m uh basically it's uh all of them are kind of asking the same thing of like
oh sorry not richard cranium this is not a richard cranium question this is uh
fuck sorry this is an amalgamation of kind of questions from Togum. I hope I'm pronouncing that right.
It's a username.
If you get it wrong, no one can be mad.
And Hacker6284 are kind of all asking the same things of, like,
how did we discover our chemistry
and, like, ability to kind of, like, improv with each other,
make each other laugh?
How did we, how and when do other make each other laugh how how did we how and when
do we make each other laugh the most like basically like how how we came to be yeah um probably that
summer that like of 2017 when you interned at head gum and we were just having a ball like we both
kind of everyone that interned at head gum that year has agreed that that's like the best year
of our lives like for better for worse that was the best year of my life because it was just like
a group of us all with kind of the same sense of humor and like sensibilities and so we like
would just go out and you know have fun on the weekend and like work was so much fun i was also
interning at a management company at the time and like that was it was a good working environment but it was a lot of work and I was the only intern so like I went from that to going to
head gum yeah with like every so it was just kind of night and day like one job was very fun but I
didn't learn anything and then the other one was like I learned a lot but I didn't I didn't have
any fun um so yeah that was just like probably when we started doing bits for the first time
especially the Gordon sketch the for me what first time, especially the Gordon sketch.
For me, what probably started it was the Gordon sketch because it was it was only the interns and we were all like make just cracking up at John George and pitching alts and stuff.
That was for me.
But then like when you visited in early 2018 in January, I think, and we did the Sommelier sketch.
That was when I was like, oh, it could be fun if you and I just wrote stuff.
And then a few months later, Jake was like, oh, yeah,
and what would you think if we hired Riley?
I'm like, yeah, 100% do that.
I don't know if you even knew that.
But, yeah, Jake and Amira asked me what I thought,
and I was like, please do that. Like, that would be so much fun.
I had no idea. Yeah. Because what I thought and I was like, please do that. Like that would be so much fun. I had no idea.
But what I thought happened was I remember that like after that summer of me
interning and I was back at school,
I emailed them saying like if they need any help,
you know,
when I'm back,
when I graduate,
I'm happy to come in like and just help or like write a vid on the side or
like, you know, help shoot something. And then they're like, Oh, we were going to offer you a job. I'm happy to come in like and just help or like write a vid on the side or like, you know, help shoot something.
And then they're like, oh, we were going to offer you a job.
I'm like, that's better than what I said.
But yeah, it I remember writing writing the Psalm sketch with you was like, OK, OK.
And you're all drinking from the same bottle no you don't get wine jeff and i met um
was also my first day at had gum and um we were both roped in at the last minute to be oh yeah
no joke pod with billis kafiri and adam lustick um and where we just kind of cold read pilots that
they had written yeah and um it was just it was i remember that being very fun i think i've said
this on live streams or maybe on if i were you or something before but i remember like um watching
before i even applied to work at head gum watching jeff and videos with jake and amir and i thought
who the fuck is this guy?
You haven't said this in public.
You said it to me when we were both drunk.
Oh, that's right.
When we were with Poppy and Tay.
That's right.
Yes, I remember thinking,
who the fuck is this guy?
Who the fuck does he have the job that I want?
And being very jealous
and thinking that you were 27
and then we met and I'm like,
He's cool.
I'm also almost two,
two years younger than you.
I know.
And then when I learned how old you are,
I'm like this.
But yeah.
And it's just, it's, it's been chine as well um it's been and
oh this is actually like i want to get into this question because this is very funny from talking
yeah question is specifically what slash how slash when do you make the other laugh the most and why?
And other than the thing that Jeff does of like that look and that kind of going.
The bit that always gets me is when I tell you to stop doing something
and as you continue doing it, you're like.
I am.
I know.
I did it just now when Riley was mad at me for being late to the record.
She said, ready whenever you are.
I said, okay, give me seven minutes.
She said, so specific.
I was like, well, it's not going to take ten and I can't do it in five.
Then she said, don't snap at me.
I was like, I didn't.
I know. I am mad. I'm not. I didn't do it in five. And then she said, don't snap at me. And I was like, I didn't. I know.
I am.
I am.
I'm not.
I didn't.
I'm sorry.
I'm doing it.
And I didn't.
I'm done.
And you tell me how fucking hilarious I am.
Well, that's not what the question was. The question is just what makes you laugh the most.
I think what makes. I mean, there's a lot of things,
but just in regards to the videos specifically,
what makes me the most is I love when you are like being,
like kind of like stonewalling Amir
and just kind of like you're being the voice of reason.
And he's like, I know, I know.
Like, no, I know.
He's like, I was just saying the same thing.
Like, and then he like, he's a grown ass man.
He's almost 40 years old.
You're this tiny little woman.
And you're like, don't do that.
No, don't do that.
And he's like, no, I'm not.
I'm not like you.
Like you really put him in his place.
I think that's so fucking funny.
Like in Snacks 3, I think it is. When he just cows down.
It's very funny.
And you're like, we're at work.
That's like my favorite outtake.
I know, I know.
I didn't mean it.
Complete attention says, how did South by Southwest feel like?
I think that's specifically for you.
How fucking dare you?
Absolutely, how fucking dare you absolutely how fucking dare you
um if you want to talk about chicago head gum life no i think they were knowing about austin
so basically austin was the best fucking austin 2017 was the best time of my life it was the best
weekend i've ever had i didn't go i didn't go to south by because i wasn't um part of officially
like part of the company what are
you saying I don't think they can't hear you I didn't I didn't go to South by because I wasn't
I was in Boston and I wasn't officially part of the part of the company yet and um so I actually
didn't go um you know what actually I do think that that that must have been why it was the
best weekend of my life I actually think that Chicago weekend was one of the best weekends of my life.
Worst weekend?
Oh, it was the best for you.
For me, it was the worst.
Well, we actually had a lot of fun.
We got to open for Middle Ditch and Schwartz and Jake Namir and got to watch all of our
friends' podcast and hang out with the team and go out and have all these meals together.
And it was actually a really, really fun time. Didn't have like chicken and waffles for brunch with the dough boys or
something yeah yeah that was too much food or no i think i got like a breakfast sandwich but it was
also really fucking fun no it was really fun it was too much food it was really fun i found the
brunch i'm sharing i'm sharing my favorite memories.
And you're like, oh, it's too much food.
Should we do two more?
One each?
Let's do one more each.
From Sam Pritt B., what's both of your favorite cheese?
Are you more of a cheddar person or is it all about that brie cheddar style?
You can't be all about that brie, different cheese style what is your favorite cheese we love a cheese plate um if done well and not fake gouda i think like like when i went to amsterdam with
my buddies kevin and kevin james and uh we went to like a couple of those cheese stores and the
dutch do cheese crazily.
They just age the shit out of it.
There's little crystals in there of something.
I don't remember the chemistry of it.
So when you slice into a nice hunk of Gouda, put it on a cracker, bite into it, there's no better feeling.
Especially when there's little crackles of a crystal in there.
So it has to be from a good cheese store or just a nice grocery store.
But getting it from Giant eagle it's like it just
tastes like weird american cheese okay so jeff's favorite cheese is um crystal gouda um so i guess
mine would have how do you make gouda crystal like meth jim henson's the dark crystal gouda
what What?
We know you're Jim Henson, but we can't just take every idea you have.
You fucking prick.
I guess mine would be like a really nice Irish cheddar or... Like Dublin or 1843 or whatever yeah yeah that's fucking good all right
don't get horny for it i'm not um well maybe maybe this wouldn't be to put on a cracker
maybe a little bit but i fucking love goat cheese i put goat cheese on everything crumble that shit up put it with like some eggs and veggies in the morning put it in a
salad anything there's no joy in your eyes you're actually mad at me like you guys can't see this
but like her eyes are dead and she has holding her hand out like she's giving a political speech
and she's like put it on eggs and veggies in the morning anything i. Put it on anything. I love it. Have you ever had drunken goat? No.
It's goat cheese aged in
wine. That is chine. And that is chine.
It's cheese and wine. Cheese and wine.
It's the most chine cheese.
And if you put it on crackers, it's great.
I used to have that a lot. Alright.
One more question.
Okay. There were a lot of these that we didn't get
to, guys. If there are any...
We'll do another one. Why don't we just, if we missed any,
maybe you and I can just respond to these on the subreddit.
So Riley and I will respond to the ones we didn't talk about on air,
and you guys can check that out at forward slash r forward slash review review.
But what is the last question we are going to do on air?
Pooter Cake asks...
Don't say that.
You can't say that.
Do you guys have any non-comedy
hobbies that COVID is taking a shite on?
Any clubs or sports or anything?
I'll take my answer off the air,
which isn't possible because it's on air now.
I guess, is cooking a
hobby? Yeah, but
you absolutely have free
reign to cook. No, I know. That's what I'm saying
is that it's like cooking and baking.
Like that is a thing I like to do. You still have no life behind your eyes right i'm saying is that it's like cooking and baking like that is a
you still have no life behind your eyes right now what is going on with you the past two questions
they took the life out of you no i got so excited talking about cheese um
see now it's back this isn't really a hobby but i love going to uh go to a coffee shop pretending pretending like I'm going to do work and then actually sitting down and being on like Instagram for an hour or something.
Yeah, it's not a hobby.
So COVID's kind of fucked that up for me.
Not really a hobby, but I like taking up sensitive seat space in a Hollywood coffee shop.
I love going to the movies.
I love going to a movie theater.
I love going with friends.
I love going on my own. I think solo movie dates are very fun i saw uh one of my favorite solo movie outings
was solo was seeing uh no into the spider verse great movie and it fucking amazing movie i had a
fucking yeah so i like i going to the movies is very fun. And so I really miss that.
All the other hobbies I have, I can do at home.
There's not one that you can't do?
I feel like there's definitely one.
Not a hobby.
I think that's a hobby.
Like working out's a hobby in a way.
But I can work out at home and I do.
Yeah, but it's not like Rumble.
I really would love to go back to Rumble. I've lost like 15 pounds since we went to Rumble. So I would crush it at the bag. Yeah, but it's not like Rumble. I really would love to go back to Rumble. I've lost like 15 pounds since
we went to Rumble, so I would crush it at the bag.
Yeah, Rumble's fun. Rumble's open
again. There's no way I'm fucking going right now.
That's the worst place you could be.
That or a choral concert.
I mean, like, what about you? All the other
hobbies I have I can do from home, like play
guitar, bake.
Any clubs? One Oak?
One Oak? One oak?
Bootsy bellows?
Oh, is going out to a bar a hobby?
It's definitely not a hobby, but I think that's what he wanted to hear.
Yeah, like I miss bars.
But I was going to say I miss climbing, which I wasn't doing before quarantine hit, but I literally.
But you could. Well, I was like about to start going with george again which i hadn't been going for the
longest time because i was just like for a multitude of reasons one of which was that i
pulled my pectoral muscle in 2018 and then i just couldn't climb for the longest time but now i'm
doing like a lot of exercises where i'm like okay this is the same movement i think i could climb
again um right so i really wanted to do that to get back in shape
but now I've just had to like walk and do body weight exercises which is good in a different way
uh that and yeah bars and surfing for sure like I could go surf when I get back to LA but I just
am too scared because like especially now people just aren't taken seriously and like people aren't
wearing masks and like it's not. It's getting worse in California.
I think I'll hike,
but I probably won't go to the beach right away.
should be our
week long.
I don't know if I brought this up last time.
I am, for some
reason, unbeknownst to me,
the spirit in me moved me to do this.
I am re-watching all of Glee from the beginning.
Why not?
Riley's been texting me every problematic thing that happened in it,
almost in real time.
It is shocking.
So one of my dear, dear friends, Dylan Wack,
he recently re-watched all of Glee.
And I figure, why not?
Because it's long, bad, and there's so many shows that I've been trying to get you to watch.
And you're like, oh, I'll watch that next.
And then you don't.
Well, I'm watching Glee.
I know.
I'm saying if that's your only slot, get rid of Glee, dude.
Glee is, oh my God, my computer's going to die in a second.
Glee is not for any right age group.
It is too young for me now.
And at the age that it was right for me, it was too old for me then.
I don't know who it's for.
It's shocking.
It is really, really fucking insane.
But I cannot look away.
It is a 10 car pile up on fire.
And I can't take my eyes off of it.
I watched the first two seasons, but that was just because my theater director, Sarah Lyon, shout out to her if she's listening, which she isn't.
But she loved it.
And so my entire homeroom that she was like the homeroom teacher for, we all just started bonding by watching it.
So that's why I watched it.
It's insane.
To feel something and to be a part of something.
So that's what's been shaking me.
What about you?
I'm so sad to hear that from you.
But not even good for you.
Bad for you.
Bad for you.
I know.
Oh, yeah.
What's shaken me all week long is the Pyle driver.
For those of you who haven't heard the HeadGum podcast or the latest episode, rather,
Andrew Pyle concocted a mocktail for the ages, slash for the road, slash for the gram, slash for the kid, slash for the vine, slash for the culture.
And it's basically, it's a pampelmus lecroy, fresh lemon juice to taste,
and a dash or two of bitters,
ideally Angostura.
It's very good.
It's sour, it's refreshing,
and that's all I need in these hot days.
I think you said something.
I think you said that I was like a pretty talented guy
and that I was definitely going to find love
past 34 years.
No, I didn't say that.
I was kind of more thinking of like- Thinking it. You were more thinking it, right? That's what you were going to say? like that I was like definitely going to find love past 34 years. No, I didn't say that. I was kind of more thinking of like.
Thinking it.
You were more thinking it, right?
That's what you were going to say?
No, I was thinking like, oh, that drink sounds good.
Oh, that drink sounds good.
No wonder Jeff drinks it because he's actually really successful and talented.
Well, this has been fun and we should do this kind of thing again.
Well, reach out.
Tell us whether you guys like this.
If you'd like one of these a month, maybe it could be a bonus episode instead
or maybe it's a once a month thing,
or once every,
twice a year.
We'll figure it out.
We'll figure it out as we go.
Or if you hated it,
we'll delete this episode.
Well, we can't do that.
We can't do that,
because we need to get the money.
Oh, okay.
Then we won't do that.
So, my friends,
oh, I guess we should update that I am moving.
So, you were completely right. I know. I update that I am moving. So you were completely right.
I know.
I know.
You're not even happy that you were right.
You're just like, you're still pissed.
Because it was inevitable.
It wasn't inevitable.
Because I knew I was going to be right.
It wasn't inevitable.
If the quarantine didn't hit, I wouldn't have been moving.
I just got lonely.
And I need to save money because I thought that carpool was going to come back and it
You were the most extroverted person I know.
Of course you were going to move.
I'm not the most extroverted person you know. I love my alone time. Not the most. You are up there. Who's the most extroverted person i know of course you were gonna move i'm not the most extroverted person you know i love my alone time not the most you
are up there who's the most extroverted person you know elizabeth poppy oh of course poppy
shout out poppy beach club luxury swimwear for people of all ages rages and did i mention
stages stages of life uh shout out poppy beach club i'm moving i'm moving you're moving and the place that my
friends who are kind of touring some places while i'm in ohio that they just saw that we all really
like and i hope we get it um the backyard backs up to the alley and in the alley i'm gonna send
you this right now i'm gonna send you this right now just take a look at it it looks like permanent
halloween and you're gonna know it sounds insane
but you're gonna know exactly what i mean when you look at this um it looks like the town from
halloween town and you know how much i love halloween so i really hope we get this place
look at this oh it really does yeah it really really does any how um any party wisdom for
listening um i guess if you don't buy crumbled goat cheese and you just kind
of buy like a block of goat cheese just crumble it with like a fork or your hands like cut or cut
it off cut it off with a knife cut some off with a knife crumble it in your hands or with a fork
and put it in whatever you like you don't have to buy crumbled goat cheese. This is your closing argument of a federal law case.
I rest my case, Your Honor.
All right, we'll see you guys next week.
Thanks so much for listening.
If you want, tell your friends about the show.
We realize nobody really has commutes,
but we could really use your help getting the word out.
And we appreciate you guys.
We appreciate everyone on the subreddit.
Feel free to subscribe to that. We're almost at at a thousand uh and it's popping in there so come
be a part of something it's popping there it's very fun as always jeff is uh i am jeffrey james
on instagram and at don't play no james on twitter at riley and spot on instagram at riley coyote on
twitter the instagram for the show is at review review on Instagram I think that
Gmail is
review review show
we should be better
about checking that
and by we I mean me
yeah send some more reviews
if you like
black trans femme
in the arts
so donate if you can
if not just
maybe check out
what they're doing
and see if you want
to get involved
maybe you fall in that category
and could use their help
and if not.
What's that?
The most timid way to end an episode.
I'm going to plop it in here one more time and then we'll take a sip.
That was a hate gum podcast.