Review Revue - Salsa Classes (w/ Ed Jones!)
Episode Date: May 3, 2022Online comedy sensation Ed Jones joins Reilly and Geoff while they read reviews on Salsa Classes.  Find Ed Jones on Instagram Follow at: IG: @reillyanspaugh & @geoffreyjames Twi...tter: @reilecoyote & @GeoffBoyardee <><> Produced by Daniel Ramos @Schubirds Advertise on Review Revue via  See for privacy information.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
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This is a HeadGum Original.
Tonight, gonna have myself
A real good review
It'll be so funny
And the world
I'll make it be my B
I'm googling around
With chagrin so
cause i'm having a good time having a good time i'm a shooting star straight into your mouth
like a podcast defying the laws of comedy I'm a crisis waiting to happen
Like a car crash
I wanna review, view, view, view
There's no stopping me
I'm burning through discography, yeah
128Fs, that's why they call me Mr. I Have No Life
I'm listening at two times speed
I wanna make a five star podcast out of you
Re-view, re-view
I'm having such a good time
I'm having a call
Ryan style
Re-view, re-view
If you wanna have a good time
Just give Jeff a call
Re-view, re-view
Also call Riley too
Re-view, re-view Cause I'm having a good time typical. Review, review. Also call Riley to review, review.
I'm having a good time. I don't want
to stop at all.
I'm a
super fan on my way to your house.
On a collision course,
I'm in a car. I'm out of
control. I'm a sad
machine ready to cry.
Like Riley's career
about to
I'm burning through discography.
128 ebbs, that's why they call me Mr. I Have No Wife.
Listening at two times speed.
I want to make a five-star podcast out of you.
Review, view, review, view, review, view. Hey, hey, hey. Review, view, review, view, review, view.
Hey, hey, hey.
Review, view, review, view, review, view.
Ooh, ooh, ooh.
I like it.
Don't stop me.
Don't stop me.
Have a good time.
Good time.
Don't stop me.
Don't stop me.
Oh, honey.
All right.
Review, review.
Shot out of a fucking cannon that one
that one was high energy style
that was
I am different
now from two minutes ago
if that I am
fucking ready
full voice a little outside of his
range I want to pick the best song of all time.
That's going to be the basis.
That was one of my favorites.
That was really something.
That was formidable.
10 out of 10 lyrics.
10 out of 10 execution.
Especially those high notes.
And the screaming.
Just like, it was grabbing me by the throat.
I want to make a five-star podcast out of you!
The syllables were not in line with the song.
It was threatening.
The song was threatening in the best way.
I loved it.
It was so, it was like, I'm gonna do it!
And I'm like, okay, do it!
So that's no better way to start a podcast than by threatening me that you're gonna listen to it on two times speed.
Bravo. to start a podcast than by threatening me that you're going to listen to it on two times speed.
And I think I'd be more scared by the threat
if we didn't have
an amazing guest
from across the pond.
Oh, yes, man.
Ed Jones on the airwaves.
Yes, man.
I am so fucking excited
that you're here.
I'm so excited.
This is trill. This is dope. This're here. I'm so excited. This is Trill.
This is dope.
This is sick.
I've got hope.
We're going to have a fun time.
This is Trill.
Ed, you're here.
He's going to make a five-star podcast out of you.
Ed, you're fucking funny.
I'm so glad you finally asked me that question.
Let's just get right into it. It's been two minutes. I'm so glad you let's just get right into it it's been two minutes
i'm so glad we've been beating around the bush let's get right into it um you are one of the
funniest people i've ever seen in my life and when i asked you to be on the show i was uh for those
of you who don't know and by those who don who don't know I mean literally everyone except Jeff, Ed and probably Daniel
DM'd Ed I'm just like I was
so nervous to do it I'm like oh my god Riley don't be
a fucking loser I'm like okay
and I'm like hey Ed I think you're so funny
like Jeff and I have this dumbass
little show and we'd love you to be on it
and I'm like and if you want to great
and if not please forget that I ever sent this
to you and just
block me delete me whatever
and you were telling me that you got a lot of like the
sender has unsent this
yeah so I'm actually going to make a couple burner accounts
grey boxes for like six months
kind of once a day at midnight
those underwhelming
message to receive after all that
time so we're so happy you're here
it's so nice to thank you so much for having me on this is this is great message to receive after all that time. So we're so happy you're here.
It's so nice to, thank you so much for having me on.
This is great. And I've been listening to the show for such a long time, so.
To be a small part of this
beautiful machine.
No, you're not giving yourself
enough credit because you are the show now.
You are the successor. Red View, Red View.
Red View, Red View. Red View. A communist now yeah you are the success red view red view red view red view a
we should also say before
we move on that's theme
song came in from Kevin
aka Banksy probably no
there's no way but yeah
there's no way Banksy's also singing.
So laissez faire about it.
There's no way Banksy listens to this show.
I think there's a chance, but it's not, Kevin.
In the dead of night, while he's putting up art,
he's just got this on the head.
That's how he signs all of his checks at restaurants and stuff.
Banksy probably.
Oh, sorry.
I didn't think you would see that. Fuck, that's so embarrassing god kevin thank you that was such
a treat um it accosted my ears and such a brilliant day um but for those of you who and i
honestly i don't know if you're not if okay if you're listening to the show and are not familiar
with ed jones's work literally turn this off and go look up Ed Jones' fucking videos
because I cry laugh.
Or, you know what?
You can listen to the show
and watch it simultaneously.
I think it's going to be a little confusing,
but you can if you want.
It'd be nice to have two voices of Ed.
That's when they're at one best.
On top of each other.
Not talking about the same thing.
Two freight trains at full power.
But yeah, Ed, do you want to plug your stuff up top
so people can go check you out and follow you?
Yeah, so if, I mean, I'd imagine there's very few people out there
who have seen the stuff, but if you have, thanks for watching.
But my handles are Ed Jones UK,
which years down the line feels like a terrible, terrible mistake.
You should have picked a better one early doors.
But I do like, I do, there's skits and there's quips and character impressions and things like that.
It's very silly.
It's very stupid, but it's a nice way to spend 80 seconds, right?
And then you can just go on to whatever you want after that.
You can just forget about it.
Just describing free will.
Take it in and then don't remember my name.
You can watch it and then you can decide what to do after that.
You can do whatever you want after you watch it.
Yeah, you go on a log rabbit hole of what you can do.
Are you coming to us from London or from somewhere else?
I'm in London.
I'm in southeast London.
I'm above a chip shop.
What a dream.
Which is like, it couldn't be more English
but yeah
it's good and bad
because the smell is
is horrific
it's oil
it's 24-7 oil
I can't say
we've had the nicest
track record
me and the
the lovely men
who own the shop downstairs
but you know
bygones will be bygones
come Christmas time we'll put it all behind us.
But it's a terrible place to live.
Yeah, big oil stains on your shirt, right?
They don't throw hot oil at you, do they?
Open the door.
Oh, it's postman.
Morning, guys.
I was talking to my friend's boyfriend is a Britman.
What kind of Britman?
he was from
just north of London
and he
was lamenting that LA doesn't have any
fish and chip shops like anything
is it just completely non-existent out there?
well it's a desert
it's a desert climate and it's a fish and chip desert
it's a fish and chip desert
there's one and we had an episode a while ago about British themed pubs not in the UK.
And there's one in LA, it's in Santa Monica, called the King's Head.
And that's kind of the only real, and not even real, it's the closest thing to, and even then it's not, uh, not the real thing.
It's not up to scratch.
They have,
it's like,
they try and do it all in one.
So it's like they have the pub,
but then they also have a little shop adjacent to it that,
oh yeah,
it sells like a bunch of British.
the store.
It's pretty kitschy.
Do they put on that kind of,
do they go with a,
with a,
like a fake accent as well?
British owned, old couple, as well? British owned.
Old couple.
British owned.
British owned.
Through and through.
Fun fact about that space, and then I'll shut the fuck up.
That space?
It used to be a restaurant called...
Watch this space.
Watch this space.
No, that restaurant space used to be owned by somebody named Gloria.
It was a restaurant, I think, called Gloria's.
And the Doors song, Gloria, is about that.
Or no, yeah, that song.
Really? That's cool.
What about the Van Morrison song?
Gloria? Yeah. I think that's about
God. Herself.
But we're not here to talk about
British things. We're here to talk about
God. Alright, that's why we're here.
He on most high.
Yes, way.
Father, son.
And in a way, we are talking about something that is close to God.
And we asked Ed, you know, if he had any topics that he wanted to bring to the Red Table Talk today.
And you were very excited about one of them.
Can you tell us what it is and tell us why?
Well, a few years ago, you know, sort of every year January rolls around and you were very excited about one of them. Can you tell us what it is and tell us why? Well, a few years ago, you know,
sort of every year January rolls around
and you think I'm going to completely transform
everything about my personality.
So we, do you have a website called Groupon
out in the States?
So the like where you can just, it's just tap,
just kind of random tap, but heavily reduced.
So you think, perfect, I'll have it. So there was like a block batch of salsa lessons going for like 96% off,
which is always a strange amount.
You'd be like, that's a bad idea.
They're holding on to something.
That 4% has got to pay for some kitten heels.
So me and some friends we uh so we
thought this is great this is great we'll sign up it was a yeah a block of 10 and we turned up to
the first one and never went back so we had like 90 minutes of of salsa dancing and i was this is
this is hell this is hell on really yeah what what was hard was it a hard dance to do or you
just didn't think it was so this was all like pre-covid time as well so it. Really? Yeah. Was it a hard dance to do or you just didn't think it was? So this was all
like pre-COVID time as well. So it was
an incredibly dank basement.
Very humid.
Very wet walls.
Of course.
And you turn up and you're sort of, you're with your
kind of, you're with your gang and you think, this is great.
We're all going to just be dancing together. This will be fun.
And then you just start kind of
doing these weird rotations around the room. That's what I been reading it's a lot of round robin strangers right
and it's just like why have i paid money to come and really like get in an overly close embrace
with someone who i've never met before yeah and it was and you're not like i mean i don't want to
put words in your mouth ed but like did it come naturally to you? I wasn't putting words in his mouth you just asked a question
It felt right? Yeah that's not
I changed in the middle of the sentence
Were you good at salsa dancing?
Did you find that you had a knack for it?
I'm one of those people who's like
I always have a slightly inflated self
of being like this is gonna
this is a piece of piss
Sorry did you say a piece of piss?
A piece of piss
One piece of piss this and you say a piece of piss a piece of piss one piece of piss please
um but it was it was uh it was terrible didn't have the rhythm it was so loud
and i was just kind of just felt like an old man just kept on so is it why is it so loud
oh man have you done any other kinds of dance or was this kind of your first foray into being like, I'm a mover now?
I think it should have started a beautiful love story with the moving word.
Do you know what I mean?
But it died a death.
I've always wanted to do like jazz and tap.
Do you dance?
Do you guys dance?
I am what we call in the industry,'m a mover i thought you were a shaker
well i i can shake upon request um but no it's like i know very very basic tap very basic jazz
because i went to theater school done a lot of musical theater so it's like but i was always
cast in the role that didn't need to do the dancing i would just kind of sing and other people would
dance uh because no one needs to be put through that so um i'm gonna say no but i can do like a
triple time step and people think that i actually can tap but that's like the one cool thing i can
do and that's where it's like the biggest part thing I can do. That's all you really need though, right? And that's where it stops. Yeah, that's like the biggest part, I thought.
So Jeff, what about you?
You love a dance.
Well, I'm sort of genre-less, Ed, when it comes to dancing.
So am I good at salsa?
No, because I can't be boxed in that way.
I shan't be boxed.
So you can't be good at it because you don't want to be boxed into it?
Listen, my hips can move in such a way but it can't
be defined by salsa my hips have lied they will lie they will lie again i can't control what my
hips say that's insane no i love dancing but and i i would say i'm a good dancer but not
yeah like i can't do i truly can't do like types of dance.
I can do a box step, but I like,
everything else is just like movements
that I've never seen anyone demonstrate.
What about a grapevine?
Sorry, what about a grapevine?
But an eye choice.
I shall be boxed.
And I would never say it was ballroom.
I will box.
I can't box.
No, I'll just move my body in ways
that annoy others around me.
That checks out. Yeah. Is the ass prohibitive to dancing or does it help?
Glad you asked
In that way, I'm more of a shaker
Yeah, yeah
No, I will do a full body roll to sort of peacock, really, my mounds
And try to find a lover ever refer to your ass as plural
mounds that is scoops i thought it was gonna be worse i thought we're gonna be like peacock my
mound and i'm like that's par for the course but to refer to the ass as two mounds it's tough
you know it's uh and, thank you for asking.
Because Riley never asks about my ass.
Of course not.
Because I don't have to
because you bring it up so frequently.
You're always like,
oh, I got that dump truck.
Oh, I have the junk.
In front of a guest.
You're really going to put me on blast.
This is how you're going to bring it up.
Listen, Ed,
well, this is,
you unleashed this um you did um
so we so but i've never taken a salsa class riley have you taken a salsa i have never taken a salsa
class but it's like a lot of the reviews i've been reading about them like they're from what
i've seen it's like they're split up into um like here's a beginner class but then at a certain time
it just kind of it turns into like a social dance so it's like anyone who does salsa i mean there's a lot of them like this but it's like
anyone who does it frequently can just come and dance and which is awesome yeah that's amazing i
wish one that i was good enough at it to like that kind of thing to go and just show up somewhere
people i don't know just because i'm let's all, we all love to dance.
I did go to this one club one time where there was that same kind of thing,
but swing dancing.
It was this great live swing band.
And I was,
there was some friends and then it was like,
you know,
the magic hour hit and people just took to the floor.
And what was so wild about it?
they were incredible swing dancers.
Like really,
I could have watched them for hours and I did,
they were so serious.
They were like straight faced,
like fully,
I'm like,
are they even having fun?
That's the best bit,
It was crazy.
It was just,
I'm like doing flips through the legs, all this stuff, but just stone-faced.
And I'm like, it looks like a possession.
It was really, yeah.
I'm like, you've put your life into this.
This is so clearly a passion, but you feel no joy, no visible joy.
I actually hate this.
So I wonder, but I feel like it's just so different.
So I'm excited to get into these.
Well, let's get into some reviews.
Ed, do you want to start us off?
I can kick us off at one.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Let me find it for you.
Here we go.
So this is from a place called Salsa Tropical in London,
which already is setting us off on the right foot.
It's two stars.
And it's from a guy called Aaron M.
Riley, do you have a last name for Aaron
M? Marin.
Aaron Marin.
Aaron Marin.
Aaron Marin said,
we went to the beginners
slash improvers workshop.
The instructors were great.
And I so want to give five
stars to this, but the execution of the class
was such a disappointment.
For starters, they combined the improvers and beginners in the same studio.
There were probably about 35 beginners and 15 improvers.
Initially, two classes were running simultaneously in the studio with two sets of two instructors talking at the same time,
making it quite difficult to concentrate in a big group. Then the beginners were moved outside of the studio and the improvers stayed inside so the
beginners didn't have any music for the whole three hours, save for the time when the studio
door was open and we listened to what the improvers were listening to. The beginner's
instructor did ask the improvers if they could come back in, but the improvers' instructors refused.
How the hell do you become an improver
if you can't even dance as a beginner?
Oh, my God.
Aaron Marron's so desperate to get his improvers badge.
You're just like, hi, Mr. Brown and Mr. Carmichael.
Thank you for seeing me in between classes.
Wow, I didn't know dance teacher offices were so clean.
So, sorry, I'll just cut to the chase.
I've been taking the beginner class for, as you know, about three months.
I have just been, I am so honored to be learning the craft, you know, which is like after the divorce, things were pretty tricky. And so to find something that I could really throw myself and my body into and meet new people has been great.
And I feel like I'm ready to move up a class.
When I tried doing it online, it said to talk to you guys directly.
It wouldn't actually let me click on that.
So that's, here we are.
He stands up, walk over to a drinks cabinet,
slowly pours himself whiskey without saying anything.
So you want to improve, huh?
I do, I do.
I really, wow, that's strong. Just, sorry. It's, no do I really um wow that's strong um just sorry it's uh no I really do um
I feel like this has been so great for me and just my mental health physical health and I'm
I'm excited to get better you know it's the only the only way you just get to try and fail try and
fail and so I'm ready to move up from beginners class do you think where can I do sorry do you think you really have what it takes to be an improver I'm just saying we get a lot of
beginners stroll through this office asking the same questions with the same complaints with the
same worries the same fears why should I listen to you ahead of any of them same fears um I uh
wow um sorry I didn't have anything prepared I didn't know this was going to be
kind of an interview portion. He puts his feet up on the desk, like the biggest Cuban heels you've
ever seen, like six inches. Wow. Um, I guess I feel like I'm ready to be an improver because I,
uh, well actually one of, one of your teachers, um, uh, Leanne,
she, she did say to me, she said, Oh, you're, you're really getting a hang of this. You
should move up. And so I, I think that's probably, um, that's what made me think.
Leanne said that to you?
Yes. Leanne said that to me.
All right. I'll talk to her.
Listen, I, I'm the, uh, I mean, manager of the the studio I'm in every class
I bow down to you sir
we don't joke here
oh okay
carry on thank you
thank you I've seen you
improve to be sure thank you
let me finish okay
what I haven't seen
is your love
for the dance
you can learn every step you can learn Um, what I haven't seen is your love for the dance.
You can learn every step.
You can learn every move.
But the improvers class is full of people with passion.
I thought that was.
Let me finish.
Everyone in the improvers class is there because they want it more than anything else.
I don't know if you've ever seen them dance, but they don't even smile. For this to be a post-divorce hobby for you?
I'm sorry, but I'm like, I'm gonna,
Mr. Carmichael, excuse my language,
I'm pissed.
I'm so sorry.
I did not mean to upset anyone.
If anything, I would think that you would be thrilled
that a new student would want to continue with
classes. Beginners are a dime
a dozen. Okay.
Let me finish.
The improvers class,
like my colleague just said, is for people
who have shown the aptitude.
Excuse me. Who have shown the aptitude.
Who have shown the commitment
to the spirit of the dance,
okay? Are you willing
to answer me to this, True?
Are you willing to dance
outside for the six hours
necessary to qualify to be
an improver?
Can you
speak more to dance, like
dance outside of class requirements?
No, no, no, no, no.
A true salsa dancer.
A true salsa dancer doesn't need music.
A true salsa dancer doesn't need a studio.
They don't need shoes.
They don't need steps.
They need heart.
They need soul.
And they need steps.
So, okay.
So I don't need shoes.
So I don't need to dance. And I don't need shoes i don't so i don't need to dance and i don't need music but i need
the heart uh listen i i if i'm hearing you correctly um i really love this i mean i know
it's not just a hot a post-divorce hobby i feel like that's really um watering it down i i came
to this to meet new people and find a new passion. And I, and I am so passionate
about, are you eating? Sorry. Oh, cigar. Um, for me, for all of us. Okay. Cheers.
Cheers. Uh, I'm just going to set it down on the table. I'm good for right now, but, um, I, uh,
I, I do think that I have the passion.
I do have a question, though.
I mean, this is no disrespect.
No disrespect.
I respect you both immensely.
But there are plenty levels that are way higher than the improvers.
I feel like if anything within the name, the improver class is just to get better.
There are the levels of like professional one professional two um that i feel like are really filled with people who are like they take this
i can't see you but i i think i'm reading your face in that agreement no i don't see
the sign with your name on it i see a sign that says las salsa tropical
yes this the sign of the studio does not have my name on it,
nor did I imply that it did.
I work in finance.
Can I show you something?
Lead you over to the window.
Twizzle a little Venetian blind so slowly between his fingers.
It's sort of on the second level overlooking the dance studio.
Do you see them out there?
They were beginners, just like you.
Six weeks ago, they came along thinking this would just be a fun little pick-me-up.
A nice activity to try between work and other hobbies.
They've been there for six weeks. Dancing outside, non-stop.
Because they want to improve.
Orange shirt.
He got a divorce.
Okay, I'm so sorry.
Lost his job working in Formula One.
Oh my god.
Teal heels.
That's Donna.
Donna gave up her children to dance.
Two girls and a boy.
Some of the sweetest kids I've ever seen.
Where are they now?
They're on the street and they're not dancing.
What are you talking about?
The kids are living on the street?
We show you this to see if you maybe want to reconsider
even wanting to be in the improvers class. Because it can be hobby it can be this silly little thing are they in the improver is
that the improvers class because i've seen the improvers class coming in out of the studio having
a great time i've listened to their music they wish they were in the improvers class these
beginners so what class is that they're still beginners and they're dancing outside for
this they're trying to get into the improvers. Did we not make that clear?
That's professional two?
It goes beginners, improvers, professional two,
professional three, expert, beast mode, expert two.
Now where in that chain do you want to be?
Don't give me some candy cane answer here.
Tell me straight.
I wasn't going to give you a candy cane answer here tell me straight i wasn't gonna give you a candy cane answer i don't even know what that would possibly even entail um you know what this has uh i have a
lot to think about i have a lot to think about just kind of staring blankly at the people dancing on the street once once try to catch your
attention um they're like they're mouthing like yeah one of them writes on a big sign
we haven't eaten in three days twizzles the blinds back down sorry you're saying that's
yeah no i you know what maybe maybe i you're right about me maybe this
isn't what I'm this isn't my passion
and so you know what I'm going
you know I think we've been too hard on you
no no you haven't you have been so right
this was just a little post divorce hobby
that I'm not really cut
out for you have it you have the
passion I see the fire now I can hear it in your eyes
I'm actively telling you that I don't have the passion I came in
here saying that I have the passion and you said that I didn't I'm telling you you that I don't have the passion. I came in here saying that I have the passion, and you said that I didn't.
I'm telling you now that I don't,
and now you're saying that I do.
They both take out gold keys from neck chains
from their shirts at the same time,
go to the same place in the wall,
turn them at the same time,
a big safe opens.
Oh, my God.
This is for you.
It's an improver's badge.
It's a dance outfit with an improver's badge. It's a dance outfit. With an improver's badge.
I should have mentioned the dance outfit first.
One comes with the other.
I really, I couldn't possibly.
It feels, if you feel wrong for me to accept this.
It's time.
I don't want to be here anymore.
Put this skort on.
It's a salsa skort.
It's a salsa skort.
I have a family.
Not anymore.
And this is something to be happy about.
This is what I was afraid of.
I have to go pick up my kids from school.
Oh, that's already been handled.
Oh my God, where are my kids?
Where are Jason and Ruby?
Where are they?
Can I just know?
I just need to know that they're okay. I need to know that they're safe. Please, I'll put on the squirt. Just tell me where they are jason and ruby where are they can i just know i just need to know that they're okay
i need to know that they're safe please i'll put on the squirt just tell me where they are
are they with my mom are they at my mom's house put on the squirt now and i'll tell you
you promise please i i'll dance i'll dance as much as i'll go out there with those sick sick
people and i will dance like my life depends on it and like my kids life depends on it just
please let me know that they're okay I'm slowly putting on the
score just let me know that they're
okay outside is like a waiter
with two enchiladas just with his ear
to the door
should I go in
I don't know man
why did you bring me out on
your deliveries by the way I just wanted to show you
you said you had a passion for this
kind of work. I wanted to give you a glimpse behind
the scenes man. I don't have a passion
for delivery driving man. You said you
did. Look it's just
I don't I'll come out here if you need a friend
but just be honest about it. I don't need friends
man I'm trying to help you. I thought
we were friends but yeah wow another blow.
Did they even order this? No man
that's the thing.
Did you even go through an app?
No. So you got a to-go order
and you brought it to a salsa dancing studio? Yes.
What's really
going on with you, by the way?
Because this can't be it. This can't be
desperate. He finds out that
his dad was denied
an Improvis badge 20 years ago.
He's just been on one long...
One day.
One day.
Put back inside.
Your children are at my house, which is very large.
Don't worry.
All of our houses are very large here.
I have the score on.
Can I please see my kids
so you want me to give you my address i don't care you can send them over back here i don't
need to go to your house i just need to i need to see my kids let me let's bring one of the
beginners out and just the beginners are one of the improvers sorry let's bring in one of the
professional twos in just to tell you about the program their experience a testimony i don't have
to take our word for it.
Presses on a buzzer.
Yeah, you can bring them in now.
No, this isn't a drill.
I'm in it this time.
Thank you.
She walks in.
He has a shadow behind his eyes.
Color just drained from his face.
Hi. I hear you're looking to improve your salsa dancing.
Um, I guess.
Do you have the passion?
I told them I didn't, but then they made me put on the skort.
You did the right thing.
What are you talking about?
Where's your family?
Are you okay?
Five, six, seven, and let's go.
Keep it tight.
He's not even that good at it.
He's doing disco moves.
He's doing beat-like bad DJs moves.
So I think these are the improvers and not the professional twos.
He just bumped up to professional two,
but this is actually the professional two level.
Giving it your all and being fine at salsa dancing.
Giving up your life
and being just shy of a professional two.
I have slaved to reach a six in this game.
And I almost was a backup dancer for Shakira.
I didn't make it.
Yeah, I didn't make it this time.
I had an audition.
Shakira the hardest?
No, I wish.
Could you imagine?
All right, let's take a quick break.
Thanks to some sponsors,
and we'll be right back with some more salsa dancing reviews.
Just a tiny break.
Just a little one.
And we're back.
This is a four-star review of La Clave at Och Salsa.
We do not have the same review.
We do not?
No, but it's like, oh, yeah.
It's a salsa dancing place in Studio City, California.
Four stars from Adelina M.
Ed, do you have a last name for Adelina M?
Make them laugh.
Oh, wait.
This is the same studio?
Hold on, hold on, hold on.
No, it's not.
No, it's not the same person.
Adelina, make them laugh.
Four stars.
Where has this hidden gem been all my life?
For all my salsa bachata lovers out there,
this place is legit.
Such a fun and diverse group of dancers just there to
have a good time they offer lessons every thursday for salsa at 8 p.m and bachata at 8 50 but you can
skip both and just show up for the social dancing piece why not five stars i called ahead twice to
ask about coat check since it was a chilly winter day and i didn't want to worry about my belongings
and was told that there was no coat check well upon leaving I saw a sign for coat check by the door pool table yes there is one
is on an uneven floor so I blame the floor for losing was expecting live music since many of
the photos posted showed a live DJ band DJ was though. She went to a Soho house.
She didn't go to a dance studio.
Where has this gem been?
She just went to Soho house, Los Angeles.
There's some Tiesto playing.
The pool table.
There's such a nice vibe in here.
There's a great energy.
Like a Latin.
It's like a Latin energy.
Does that feel right? Not really really uh careful by the way um no it's just like a it's a members only club you
know there's like a you know bar and i love it i love it it's such a great energy here uh just one
one tiny little thing i um i suffer from vast swings in temperature i can be incredibly hot
and incredibly cold.
I just want to make sure when I'm having a great time
that that's not going to be affected.
I don't want to put that on you, but...
Is there something that can be done about this?
You're my roommate's new boyfriend.
I wanted to get to know you a little bit, so...
And thank you. Thank you so much.
It really means a lot.
I know you guys have been friends for so long,
and for me to
join this just really spirit can i kind of say spiritual it feels spiritual like the connection
you guys have with each other oh my gosh so not really you're giving it all you're giving
everything too much weight sorry i feel like let's nothing just i only kind of want to be here i just
want to say that she thought it'd be a good idea if we hung out. So let's just kind of make it through the night.
You have vast,
you were saying you have vast swings in temperature.
Is that why you're wearing convertible pants?
I don't even want to make like a whole thing about it.
But if I get cold,
I get angry and violent.
And if I get hot,
I get sad and kind of chatty.
Does that make sense?
Chatty's not the opposite of violent by the way
um excuse me sir uh hello hi yes uh i from the front desk you know a couple minutes ago you came
and asked about our thermostat and i want to let you know that yes um we cannot change it based off
of one customer we do like to keep it at a 72, which we find is right smack dab in
the middle. I'm kind of glad you said warm. I'm sorry, I don't want to kick up a bad energy
because it's so great in here, but that feels like you're kind of ignoring, I don't know can i say my wants i am so sorry you feel that way sir we value all of our
patrons here it is is you know it's one of those things that it's like if you ask for the temperature
change then it's like everyone feels like they can come up and ask for it so we do like to just
keep it at one temperature but we have plenty of outdoor spaces um there's a nice little breeze
coming in let's just i know the bartender over there if you'd like to there's a nice little breeze coming in. Let's just, I know the bartender over there.
If you'd like to,
I'm so sorry about that.
it's totally fine.
I have a table for two right out by the bar,
if you'd like to follow me
if that's something
that you'd be interested in.
and thank you,
thank you,
what was,
I'm so sorry,
what was your name again?
there's such a nice vibe in here.
Are you feeling that?
Thank you.
Thank you.
you know what?
It's the people who make the place. It's the people who make the place.
It's the people who make the place.
And so, you know, you love what you do. You'll never work
a day in your life.
Paul's being really close, seriously.
Seriously, okay?
If I'm not allowed to take my
coat off, I am going to get
chattier than you will ever, ever know.
Yes, you can take your coat off.
You can take your coat off. Please let me go.
Kind of eyeing the security.
You can, yes, yeah.
Let's just go to the table.
I'll lead you outside.
And here you go.
Here is a full bar top table.
There you go.
And if you need something,
please call anyone other than me.
Thank you so much.
Thank you, yeah.
I have taken off all of my coats.
Just wearing like a tiny, tiny vest.
You're pretty intense, man.
I don't know if Lisa told me
that part of you.
I mean, she
is a spirit and a half,
my man.
And when two kindred
can I say flames?
We feel like kind of raw flames.
When they rub up against each other
oh my gosh
it's kind of a similar vibe
to this space.
Do you know what I mean?
Have you ever taken something lightly?
Because I feel like you just kind of treat everything
I noticed not only tonight
but you treat everything with such gravity.
I think for me,
everything has lightness and darkness about it.
Does that make sense?
Like there is grief with every smile.
There is joy with every heartache.
And I mean, that's, but again, that's just me.
That's just me.
And you were saying that you own
a children's birthday party rental company yeah so it's party princesses bounce castles um we do
not we do not do catering and I'm sick to the back teeth of people thinking that these companies
are gonna it's not a it's not a it's not an all-encompassing umbrella. People have got ideas above their station nowadays.
Are you hot?
Are you hot in here?
No, I'm not.
I mean, we're kind of in an indoor-outdoor patio.
I'm feeling a breeze.
I am ice hot out here.
It is insufferable.
So when you get hot, you get chatty,
or when you get hot, you get violent?
I forgot.
I get a bit...
Like I say, man,
there's so many tones to every tune.
Do you know what I mean?
When you play the guitar,
when you play the salsa guitar,
you've got to get the right melody out of it.
Do you know what I mean?
Was that you basically prompting me
to ask you if you play salsa guitar?
Excuse me.
He tries to rip one off the wall.
I'm so sorry.
That's permanent art arts sorry to interrupt um i i i'm sitting couple tables over with my family come join oh no that's not what i was gonna ask that's
so kind um i i just it's my daughter's birthday coming up and i overheard that you are the person
who runs party princesses i'm I'm off the clock.
You kidding me? I just, this is instant business.
I have just sat down.
I'm trying to enjoy a drink.
You're not a doctor, man.
I'm so sorry.
I didn't mean to presume.
It's just.
I've seen him give me his card.
Well, yes, we've been looking.
And I just, I just,
we've been trying to book a reservation for months,
but there was no info about the catering aspect um and so i just i couldn't help but one
if i could just if i could i overheard you talking about it just go to the website and just go to the
website and so do you happen to cater do you guys cater they don't they don't cater and i think go
back to your table for sure because i'm like stirring stirring the, just staring into it for so long. We do not cater.
I'm so sorry.
At this point, I would leave the bar.
Sorry about that.
Have a good day.
Oh, my gosh.
The people here are so beautiful.
When you see people dancing.
That's what you're going to say right after that?
That was crazy.
There's such a great spirit here.
People just come in, and I think because they do the social dancing later on.
Oh, my gosh.
Sign me up.
Sign me up.
Waiter comes.
And can I get you guys anything to eat?
Are you feeling anything?
Any noshing?
Any food?
Any food service?
It's, we, I don't want to call it a special,
but we have a veal.
Is it dry?
It's dry-aged, but it's very moist.
Okay, I, sorry, again, I have this thing
where I just like my food to be very kind of curt.
Do you know what I mean?
Very dry, very like kind of, can I say dusty?
Do you think that could be served dusty?
Again, don't make a whole fuss about me.
It is so cold out.
We can do it well done, which will dry it out a little bit.
Yes, so if you do well done, so just kind of like,
imagine doing it well done, then well done again,
well done again, well done again.
Just kind of put it through the system a couple of times,
and that should be fine.
And if, yeah, we can burn
a veal for you. My friend,
I'm so sorry, that's so rude.
Should we share the dusty
veal or do you want to...
I'll get my own for sure. I'll do whatever.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I'll do the wedge.
Okay, the wedge. Thanks so much.
Text comes through
to you. Hey, just checking in. How are much. Text comes through to you.
Hey, just checking in.
How are things going with Trevor?
I hope you guys are getting along.
Sorry, just excuse me one second.
Just responding to a text.
Such a nice guy. He's weird as hell, man.
Where did you meet him?
My niece had a birthday party a couple months ago,
and he was running the bounce house,
and I know it sounds crazy, but we just hit it off that's crazy yeah he just ordered a veal as dry as can
be described it as wanting it to taste dusty and he's threatened two people at this place oh that's
so him right send photos love you guys all. All right. Lisa wants a photo.
Can I take a photo of you?
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
We should get.
Let's get everyone in.
Let's get everyone in.
No way.
Let's get everyone in.
You want everyone at the bar?
There's like 150 people here.
No, no, no.
Not just outside.
The people inside.
The people doing the sounds class inside.
Get them out here.
Get them out here.
Get them out here.
You want me to ask?
I'm not going to do that, man.
If you want to take a photo with everybody, you ask.
I can't because, you know, I get so hot inside.
I don't want to go in there because I get so hot.
This has been one of the worst nights of my life.
I'm going to leave.
Here is cash for the wedge.
And I really hope this relationship does not work out.
I don't understand your story.
You seem to be a very trauma-ridden person,
but you haven't revealed anything to me.
Has anything ever happened in your life
that kind of traumatized you
because you have these weird reactions to temperature,
Pavlobian even.
And, yeah.
Even the way you're receiving this,
I'm being mean.
Come to two months later.
I stopped talking.
You get a save the date wedding invitation
for Lisa and Trevor
it's like RSVP yes no meal options
chicken fish veggie
or dusty veal
angry salsa
fucker did it
asked him to be his best man
I never not wanted this more
alright Riley
our next review
this is for
the studio
called Daniela Dutton
I hope I'm pronouncing that name right.
I guess it's her studio in Hollywood.
Daniela Dutton.
It's five stars from Amy M.
Jeff, can you give us the last name for Amy M?
A lot of M names.
Amy Mansion.
Amy Mansion. Five stars. Amy Mansion. Amy Mansion.
Five stars.
Amy Mansion.
Five stars.
I have an alarm on my phone that goes off every Monday and Friday that just says, all caps,
Go to salsa!
It is so, so good for your mental health.
And man, that alarm is always right.
And you know what else?
You were really rude to my
friends the other night, alright? I'm never like that
when I'm with your friends. I didn't mean
to be. It's just, I don't know.
I've been going through a tough time lately.
Then do the things that you know
are self-soothing, alright?
Go to salsa dancing class, right?
Pump gas for an hour. Salsa dancing is apparently really
good for your health, for your mental
health. I know, and you haven't been doing it. I can only help
you so much. You have to do the things that make you feel good because I can't do those things for you.
Alright? Don't take it out on me that you're stressed. I'm sorry.
I'm trying to be better. I have all those things. You're right.
You're right, Damon. You're right about all those things. Okay? And I have
post-its all over my apartment. I love when you say my name.
Saying, listen to Damon.
Go to salsa class.
Go to pottery class. Ride a horse.
You think I don't want to do all those
things? You think I'm just sitting around
thinking I'm never going to do it?
Of course I want to do it. Those are fun things.
That's what I don't understand.
These are all really fun activities
that you know are good for you
and make you happy.
She would say that.
You would say that.
You would say that.
God, you always, you always make me feel so less than.
And you've done that for years.
You, you were thinking, oh, I'm such, I'm such a glass half full.
And you, Sarah, you are glass half empty as shit.
And I know you've never said that verbatim, but that, that's always what it made me feel.
So it makes me scared to try new things.
It makes me scared because i think oh it's never
gonna be good enough it's never gonna be good enough for damon not for damon never good enough
for damon it's what your parents always said oh you're not good enough for damon even your friends
the other night one of your friends did you know did you know isaac pulled me aside and he said
he whispered he got so close to my ear he he goes, you'll never be good enough for Damon.
Cut to that.
Everyone, everyone like.
Okay, guys, this is like a fun, this is a fun game.
Ah, okay.
You will never be good enough.
So what it is, what it is, it's's it's a kind of fun game
so every time you roll six
you're gonna put on
a piece of clothing
I can't stress enough
everybody thinks the same way
what the fuck
why are you saying this
so you roll a six
everybody you put on
a piece of clothing
and basically
we're just trying to
look as goofy as possible
do you know what I mean
that's so fun
I'm gonna go to the bathroom
I'm gonna go to the bathroom
that's so fun
actually sorry
can I just step over you really quick?
This person smoking outside the bathroom door in full salsa costume.
Are you in line for the bathroom?
I guess we're all in line for something, right?
Yeah, I don't know.
I just kind of really need to get in there.
I just don't want anyone to see me cry.
So if you don't really need to go in there I just don't want anyone to see me cry so if you if you don't really need to go
could I go in
before you please
hands you a
business card
to a salsa class
I run
there's a shadow behind his eyes
I run a salsa class
for people just like you
I've been
what do you
people just like me
you don't know me
people who are in dark places
who want to transform their lives who want to chat chat change the way they act and feel
i run it i run a sales go just that's the whole speech
i heard you i I heard you.
You run a class for people who want to cha-cha change.
Yeah, I mean that.
I don't know how you could see that in me,
but that sounds like exactly what I've been missing.
So thank you.
You have a brother, don't you?
Go back to their argument.
Sarah, I don't know how much else I can take of this.
Honestly, I just.
You're the one who drafted the divorce papers so maybe let's just Fucking do it no
I I changed my
Mind okay I
No now I feel judged no I'm going back on it
Well well maybe
No you're right
You're right you know what you're right you
Are right I thought about it for a second Because I'm just like, oh, I'm going to miss his pancakes.
But you know what?
No, this is real and it's happening.
And you know that friend who I met at your birthday, your salsa friend?
He's the one who actually inspired this.
Mr. Carmichael is the one who inspired this change.
So if you want anyone to blame for the divorce, blame him.
Because he's going to help me cha-cha change my life.
How do you feel about that?
I don't know what that means.
What does that mean?
Cha-cha change your life?
Well, I wouldn't know yet because I haven't been to the class.
But he was very convincing when I saw him at the party and said,
you can cha-cha change your life.
And so that's, you know what?
He like breaks people.
What? He runs breaks people. What?
He runs like the most intense studio I've ever seen.
What do you mean he breaks people?
Cha-cha change your life is not the vibe
that he brings to any event.
How did you meet him?
He was like a friend of a friend in college
and then like we eventually both graduated.
We were living in the same city
and we just kind of grew close a little bit
out of necessity because I didn't have anyone else and now i have my other friends that
are better but i just am too loyal god there we go again there we go again you're so loyal you're
so loyal signing the paper well how's that how's that for loyal how's that for loyalty ding dong
oh my god you invited someone over today? Just go to the door.
Go to the door, Sarah.
That's what you fucking sound like.
All right, hello?
Sarah, hi.
Oh, Mr. Carmichael, hello.
I'm so sorry, now is not the best time.
I hope you don't mind.
He just walks straight in.
Oh, okay.
This is a beautiful house you have here.
Thank you. As he was walking in, he was wheeling in his own drinks tray
With a whiskey on it
Pours himself a glass
Sorry it takes two seconds to set up
You have a beautiful home here
Thank you
What can we do for you
We're kind of in the middle of something really important
I'm going to pack you a bag
Oh my god I'm moving out Can we not do this in front of Mr.'re kind of in the middle of something really important. I'm going to pack you a bag. Oh my God, I'm moving out?
Can we not do this in front of Mr. Carmichael, for the love of God?
Sorry, Mr. Carmichael, what do you need?
This must be your husband.
Well, you've known him for way longer than you've known me.
So, yes.
My name is Mr. Carmichael.
This is Sam.
Yes, we know.
What do you need from us, Mr. Carmichael?
We are, not mince words, we are in the middle of a divorce.
So what do you need from us right now?
That can't wait.
I've come here to stop you from making a terrible mistake.
You're the one who encouraged me to try to change my life.
Sam's packing my bags into a duffel.
Sam, can I call you Sam?
I'd prefer if you called me by my last name like everyone else, Damon.
Sam, Sarah. Sam can I call you Sam Sam I'd prefer if you called me by my last name like everyone else Damon Sam Sarah
I'm not calling you
by that anymore
because we're not
together anymore
he takes both your hands
I came here today
I think the two of you
have a beautiful
beautiful future
ahead of you
I want you to
we are getting a divorce
play a song
we don't have an Alexa
okay play a music what the fuck't have an Alexa. Okay, play a music.
Oh my god!
When did you install that?
This is so not
the mood right now. No, this is better.
Damon, give me your hand. I feel it's heavy.
Thank you.
I want you to place a hand on Sarah's
shoulder. Okay. Sarah,
I want you to place your hand on Damon's waist.
I don't... Fine. Sarah, your right foot is going your hand on Damon's waist. I don't... Fine.
Sarah, your right foot is
going to go forward and Damon, your left foot
is going to go back. Does that sound like something
you can do for me?
She's leading? I feel like this is a
dance class and we don't have the time
at the moment to do... Oh, and
I'm doing it. Spills his drink all over the divorce
papers. Dude!
Come on, Mr. Carmichael!
Those were notaried.
Alexa, turn it up.
It's like very marginally higher.
Still so quiet.
Are you going to charge us for this?
Because I...
What's the next step?
I want you to sway your hips gently from side to side.
Does that sound like something you can do for me?
You don't need to talk like a meditation app.
Just, yes, we can do that.
This is kind of nice.
This is kind of fun.
How does that feel?
It feels free.
Do you remember that night 13 years ago, strolling along the sand,
and you did this same dance in that, in the back of that dive bar.
There was hardly anyone there.
They were putting the stools up on the table.
Are you there?
The barkeep was dusting off the last glass.
How did you see this?
I did not see anyone else in that bar that night.
Oh my god.
We have eternity.
Holy shit.
Oh my god.
Are you?
This is so crazy.
Are you our guardian angel?
He slowly lifts up off the floor,
still spilling whiskey over everything.
Oh my god!
Falling on your knees, just weeping.
I remember when Rock was young.
The lights all get brighter and brighter and brighter
until they shatter and he's gone.
Oh my fuck!
Get on the bed.
Get on the bed, all fours right now.
Already there, already there.
Mr. Carmichael.
No first name ever revealed.
That is his first name. Mr. Carmichael. No first name ever revealed. That is his first name.
Mr. Carmichael.
Holy shit.
Ed, do you have time for one more quick one?
I could do one more quick one.
This is from the same studio.
Daniela Duton.
This is from Nina F. Ed, last name for nina f france nina france
so awful in my accent nina france five stars okay just got back from my first salsa class ever and
daniela is amazing she is upbeat super sweet a great
teacher and leader and she's not afraid to call anyone out and only after only my first class i
feel like i've learned some of the basics the class is a little fast-paced but you're encouraged
to jump right in i was one of the only newbies if not the only newbie but had a great time
not only is daniella awesome but so is everyone else in her class.
Clearly, they had taken many more classes than me, but they were patient and willing to teach me and lead me.
Amazing energy and good people all around.
Can't wait to go back.
And a one, two, three, one, two, three, five, six, seven, five, six, seven, eight.
Sorry, can we stop?
Because you kind of just tore me apart personally, not even about the dancing.
And it's hard for me to come back from that
and go straight into the dancing, Daniela.
Okay, all right.
I'm so sorry, class.
Sometimes with our newbies,
they don't know how things work around here.
Oh my God, man.
How many times?
Are you new here?
Yes, it's my first class.
All right, Martin, what would you like to go over?
I gave you some quite honestly,
some amazing constructive criticism
as I have to everyone else in this class.
And now you are making everyone lose out
on precious time on their toes.
For what?
I just would appreciate dancing notes
because I came here for a dancing class, but you said that I don't have
style. That is a dancing note.
That is. Okay, go on. She said you didn't
have fashion sense.
There's a difference, asshole.
How am I an asshole?
That's rude. Also,
fashion sense, like, I think I dress
fine. I wear plain things. You do not.
You do not. Plain tees
and jeans. What's wrong with that
matthew my god what year is it 2011 you're basic honey if you really want to be a dancer
what is this you need to have flair you need to have style and i can tell in your dancing
if i could even call it that if i can even stoop so low i thought i was doing pretty good at the
dancing you have the steps but you don't have the style.
Now, are we done?
Can we move on?
We have other things to do.
Fine, fine, fine.
Thank God.
Okay, and five, six, seven, eight.
Spin, spin, under and to the right.
Matthew, for the love of God.
There's no way.
I did the same thing.
I did the same thing as Skylar.
Matthew, listen.
You don't love your mother enough. You don't love your mother enough You don't call her enough
You don't think about her enough
When was the last time you sent your mother a text even
It was like two weeks ago
But yeah that's fine
I feel like it's
Oh my god
How about you give it a try
You are one of our best dancers
in the class i know you can give it to him on a silver platter darling go ahead miss right you are
short and i'm 5 10 that's like not that short come on you can do better than that don't embarrass me yeah um you are um loud you are loud and um our teacher does a
wonderful job does a wonderful job week in week out stop it and you you don't appreciate her
i have been i have time on my toes etched out every single week. And it is people like you, short, loud people like you,
who don't appreciate the...
This is not constructive feedback, by the way.
He's just accosting me now.
Leon, this isn't like you.
This isn't the fire, the vitriol I know you have inside you.
I see it in your dancing.
What's happening?
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Why don't you go outside?
Why don't you go with...
Why don't we go with the beginners and just take a second? Oh, no. Please, please, miss don't you go outside? Why don't you go with, why don't we go with the beginners
and just take a second, okay?
Oh no, please, please, miss, don't make me,
please don't make me.
Just, you know what?
I know you'll learn your lesson in no time.
Just go, go out there three or four weeks,
take your time with the beginners
so you can come back when you're done.
Such a loud, echoey, Cuban heel foot break
going through everything.
Clack, clack.
That was super harsh.
This is also my first
class and I guess this is the second level.
You got past through the door.
Oh, sorry.
Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I'm here for the
kind of casual
Am I in the right place?
I'm sorry. I need to get the PR people
on the phone because people are not advertising
this class correctly. This is a beginner
class, but my God, this is the most
serious dancing you'll ever do in your life.
Now, are you ready to commit to that?
I don't think you're ready, man. She's kind of
pulled me apart physically.
Talked about my familial relations.
You kind of want to get out of here. I want my money.
That's pretty cool, man.
No way.
Can you do me?
Can you break me down?
Well, let me see some of your steps first.
And five, six, seven.
He takes one step forward to just even get to the dance floor.
All right, I know everything I need to know.
I know everything I need to know. I know everything I need to know. When you approach a romantic relationship,
you expect it to be,
one would hope it was 50-50, but no.
You only give 20%.
And that's why your partners never show up for you
because they always think,
I'm pulling too much weight.
I'm pulling too much weight.
You need to give more.
And I see that in your dance.
I see that you are not a generous lover.
I see that you're not a generous partner.
I see all of that in just in the way you are on the tips of your toes to the bottom of your heel.
Now, was that too hard for you looking at Matthew?
Oh, was that too hard?
Was that too rough?
Or can you take it like a real dancer?
In one thing,
just rips off
all of his clothes
to reveal a perfect
like spangly
jumpsuit underneath.
I'm ready.
What is this?
That's the kind of
gumption we need.
That's not gumption.
That's just
he wore two outfits.
Mr. Carmichael
is polishing glasses at
the bar just nods slightly bar cart in
the studio he looks up I'm doing pretty
well huh Gabriel straight from hell
all right should we do our last segment? Oh, let's do it.
This should be all we want.
Ed, what's been shaking you?
What's on your mind?
What have you been consuming, thinking about?
Well, I was going to talk about Drive to Survive,
but I know you guys uh
you guys are crazy on this right jeff is i don't know what you're talking about
i love drive to survive have you been talking have you been talking about this recently
i think i talked about it vaguely on the show like last week yeah yeah yeah oh my god but well
there's there's that but there's also uh
Abba Gold
I've been getting back
into Abba
in a big way
and Abba Gold
is back
because you think
all the like um
like compilation albums
have a bit of a bad rap
you think
oh you're not a real fan
but if you put on
Abba Gold
mooning nooning night
mooning nooning night
baby you're gonna have a great there's not one duffer on it they're all great songs to mooning, mooning, nooning night. Mooning, nooning night,
You're going to have a great,
there's not one duffer on it.
They're all great songs.
No. Yeah.
That is,
I mean,
immediately your mood is,
you are a different person.
It's like some weird,
some weird like hallucinogen.
It just sets you on a whole different plane.
I'm thrilled.
I'm thrilled.
Oh my God.
My roommate's throwing a
Mamma Mia themed party
for Memorial Day.
So I need to get a big
flowy shirt.
If you guys have any
Holy shit.
Apropos of nothing.
No, Abba.
No, I know.
Just you had a bar.
Jeffrey, by the way. So quietly. No, I know. Just you at a bar. I'm Jeffrey, by the way.
Talking so quietly.
Music is so loud.
So nice.
Where'd you get this shirt, by the way?
It's not really flowy.
Get off me, man.
Abercrombie and Fitch.
Get off of me, man.
Hell yeah.
Is that on vinyl?
No, just Spotify.
Don't yell.
Just listen to it.
For sure, yeah.
But just like every...
Vu Le Vu, that's the big one.
Oh, Vu Le Vu is sexy.
Yeah, going.
Vu Le Vu is...
Because also I'm thinking of like Vu Le Vu from the movie
and it's like Vu Le Vu, everyone's...
You've got to think about it from the movie.
Vu Le Vu and then everyone's fucking to that song in the movie.
You know they're all getting down to Vulevu.
To the rhythm.
Everyone's swinging to Vulevu and not in the dance sense.
That too.
That's really good.
Especially because most of them are related in that movie.
Well, at least three of them are.
Love that.
Riley, what about you?
What's been shaking you?
So I am not necessarily a marvel person there are like
some things some films some pieces of media and marvel that i do enjoy daniel always gets
frustrated with me because he's just like you do like certain marvel things so don't cut it out
right um but so elizabeth and our friend jay Jay are really caught up today.
There's a new one coming out tonight on Moon Knight, the new series with Oscar Isaac.
And because they're coming over tonight to watch the second to last episode, they're like, oh, Daniel, you should you should get caught up so you can watch with us.
And Daniel the other day last night, he's like, do you want to watch with me?
I'm like, not particularly.
I have no idea what it's about.
I'm like, not particularly.
But then I'm like, oh, fuck it.
I don't want to watch TV in our room on my laptop while you're watching that.
That's fucking dumb.
And so I watch with him.
This is after we started Abbott Elementary.
I know we're a little bit late.
I fucking love it.
It's amazing.
But we started Moon Knight.
We watched two episodes, and I went long-winded way.
Jeff knows what's coming.
Long-winded, I'm saying new celeb crush alert.
Oh, my God.
New celeb crush alert.
On the moon.
Crush of the week is the moon.
Crush of the week is Oscar Isaac.
Crush of the week.
He's got to be.
They're always like obviously attractive people too. It's like
everybody likes these people. Can I just say
that Oscar Isaac is fine.
Is anybody else getting a
Timothee thing? Oh my
God. Oh my God. Yeah.
Everyone. So yeah.
So Oscar Isaac if you're listening
He's a
He's a very very
sexy boy. He is He is also just so fucking talented
I mean my god
that's kind of what shook me
it depends
on what my hair looks like by October
I don't want to cut it unless I have to
but I kind of want to be
Oscar Isaac eating Flamin' Hot Cheetos
that's good
oh the only other
quick thing is it's Daniel's birthday tomorrow
and for his birthday this weekend
we're going to the aquarium.
And I can't wait.
I'm so excited to see a fish.
To see a fish.
haven't been to the Long Beach Aquarium since I was
like nine. A wee lass
I believe. A wee lass.
A twee lass.
I was really into Zooey Deschanel.
Yeah, so can't wait for the aquarium.
And happy birthday, Daniel.
This is ours.
It'll be a week later, but yeah.
Love that.
You at the getting your ticket, about to go to the,
I'm really looking forward to seeing a fish.
Yes, ma'am.
Yeah, it's just through there.
They're like, here's our giant tank in the lobby.
I'm like, oh!
No way!
Looks exactly like Oscar Isaac.
I must have it.
How much for the fish?
Oh, they're not for sale.
This isn't a pet shop. There's a New Girl episode
where Schmidt tries to buy a fish and it's so funny.
Gimme it!
Gimme it. No. Jeffrey, shaking you a fish and it's so funny. Give me it. Give me it.
Jeffrey, shaking you?
What is it?
What's been shaking me has been shaking knees.
And I've had such earth shattering self-pleasure sessions.
God damn it.
No, I'll just do a real one, honestly.
Don't encourage him. Let's tell the story. There's a story to be told. I'll just do a real one honestly let's
don't encourage him
let's tell the story there's a story to be told
there's always a story to be told
no I guess
this is kind of weird but last week
was called X week
for me and a lot of people that I know
I had like two or three friends
have ex partners reach out to them
to like get coffee or get closure
or give them their things back one of my friends two ex-partners reach out to them to get coffee or get closure or give them their things back.
One of my friends, two of her exes reached out specifically.
And then I had my ex reach out to me and just got coffee with her this morning.
Went great.
She's doing well.
But literally it was like total, I think at least eight exes reached out to me or people that i knew uh also my ex
girlfriend sent or my roommate got my ex-girlfriend to send in a call-in thing for the head gum
podcast 100th episode call-in thing wow no so it's actually my high school sweetheart oh my god for
two and a half minutes so i was like this is weird also i had my ex texted me to get coffee today
and then i ran into her at a bar on Friday.
And we hadn't seen each other in two years.
Like, you know, you'd think we would have run into each other.
So it was just like ex week continued.
And I think hopefully it's over now.
Do you think it's something about this time of year,
the changing of the seasons to people?
Is it a Randy time?
It's getting warmer out.
People are showing more skin on the
streets you know how it goes yeah my the
warmer it gets the more my roundies kind
of tend to show yeah yeah yeah it's all
your exes getting on stage doing a bit
and facing their fears which is me you
giving them the X.
Ryan Seacrest. No, all my...
They're all lovely people.
But it was just bizarre.
That's wild.
It was like eight people.
Like, what?
That would give me so much anxiety.
That's got something to do with the moons or Jupiter rising or something, right?
It's something to do with Moon Knight, for sure.
It was like Fleet Week, but for exes.
It's something to do with Oscar Isaac as Moon Knight, I think,
at the end of the day.
He's one of your exes in the aquarium.
I'm pretty sure that one is, what's that called?
I think that's called Oscar Isaac, I think.
Yeah, I mean, it has to be.
It has to be.
Thank you so much. thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
This was such a treat.
Anything else you'd like to plug?
The floor is yours.
So I am edjonesuk on Instagram and TikTok.
Give us a follow.
Come watch some silly, silly videos.
And also, I'm part of a little gang called Crybabies.
Crybabies Comedy.
Sick gang name.
Cry Babies
across the world.
But if you happen to be
at the Edinburgh Fringe
this August,
Oh shit!
we'll be there
for the whole dang time.
Oh my god!
That's so exciting.
So it'll be good.
The show is called
Bag Beard.
Cry Babies Bag Beard.
So if you look it up, you'll find it.
So if you happen to see it, come along.
Say hi.
We'll have a laugh.
My friend Corey is doing Fringe.
So if you're able to see Business Casual.
I will see Business Casual.
Business Casual is going to be at Fringe?
Hell yeah.
You guys would get along.
I don't want to say like gangbusters, but...
Like Ghostbusters. Certainly. like gangbusters but like ghostbusters certainly damn like ghostbusters yeah um hell yeah man we have to have you on again
because literally ed sent us some of the best probably the best list of ideas that a guest
has ever said we'll have you back on maybe in the summer to do another one if you're interested
thank you so much for coming on what a joy all right brava
brava uh we're gonna do some ads and uh close the show out but you're welcome to stick around
if you want i'll hang a bag but uh okay cool this is a little peek behind the curtain
you can follow it falls even though it has dimension to it you can follow Riley on Instagram at Riley Anspa
on Twitter at Riley Coyote the show on
Instagram at Review Review and the show on
Reddit r slash Review Review you can find Jeff
on Instagram at Jeffrey James on Twitter at
Jeff Boyardee
should we
I don't know we do it every week but part of me feels like
we shouldn't because it's like they haven't done anything to deserve it.
Let's skip it this week.
Oh, wait.
We didn't mention that this week.
We're back from the break.
We're back from our hiatus.
Our week-long hiatus.
Thank you guys so much.
Oh, my God, Jeff.
For bearing with us during that.
Every time.
I know that it's the second time we've had to do that recently.
But it feels like, do you not feel like so just like-
Rejuvenated. rejuvenated.
That's what I was looking for.
So thank you guys for giving us that week on hiatus.
and we're so happy to be back after a week away.
so let me find,
I guess we should do it this week because they were so patient because they were so patient with the hiatus.
They were so patient with the hiatus.
okay. They were so patient. Because they were so patient with the hiatus. They were so patient with the hiatus. Yeah. Okay, big thank you to underscore Christian Sidehugs Dogs and Cats 2.
Aaron Carrico featuring Nolan Murphy.
Actor Michael Douglas is getting into pegging at 78 years old.
Agent Michael Scarn realized free will sucks and learned he needs to strict boundaries in life.
Please tell him to think.
Please tell him what to think
A co-won't apologize for being a monster
Have any of the haters apologize
For making her this way
Alex Witt
America's sweetheart Bob Buell
Save 20% on your Baldo
With promo code Buell at checkout
Get your Buell-do now
And now a patron who needs no introduction,
so moving on. Baldo
So it's Lando Calrissian, but you save
20%- no fucking way, you save 20%
on your Baldo by using code Buell.
Etta, Baldo is a
dildo that goes over your balls, so you can
have ball sex.
Chris Supine!
So it's Chris Prime,
but he's sort of lying face up.
Dakota Scott has been thinking about
doing that middle school name
is your last name thing.
Or sorry, middle name
is your last name thing.
Damien Kirk is catching up
on Better Call Saul on Netflix.
But have you guys heard about sex?
Might be worth checking out next.
Edward Snowdenny's
Super Slam is back for a limited time.
Fancy Octopus.
Freya. Frito Prey
Love. Garf, Enemy of the Pod. There are
a lot of ways you can win.
Gail D. Soil and the D stands for Daniel
Rashid. Woo!
Gilk Jonic.
Grey is done with his undergrad
which makes him more than a man
He's a BA
Oh hold on here we go
Hallie the horribly awesome is Gray's twin
Happy birthday Jeff
Use code Jeff for 20% off your Baldo purchase
Happy birthday Jeff
Use code Jeff for 20% off your Baldo purchase
Happy birthday Jeff
Use code Jeff for 20% off your Baldo purchase Happy birthday Jeff Use code Jeff for 20% off your baldo purchase happy birthday jeff use code jeff for 20 off your baldo purchase
happy birthday jeff use code jeff for 20 off your ball happy birthday jeff use jeff for 20
off your baldo purchase it's nowhere near my birthday by the way i couldn't have been further
away happy birthday jeff from daddy tuesday night hey jeff could you please have anyone
from hey riddle riddle on the head gum podcast. Jake Ullman. Jay still can't reliably translate PT to GMT, but that's fine, I guess.
Ed, can you help us out?
Plus eight hours.
Plus eight hours.
Jesse Tipton.
JP again.
Let me know the date you want for the Disneyland moment.
I will get you in there.
You widow babies deserve it.
Caleb is too busy to come to the phone right now.
Please leave a message after the beep.
Casper of a Passport.
Lauren Melang. Loose rice in a bag. the beep. Beep. Casper of a password. Lauren Malang. Loose
rice in a bag. Lord Hunter the Ordained.
Malik. Mark Priest.
Michael Begel. Moe Pete featuring
Nolan Murphy. Moe Pete, duh.
So it's Moe Pete, but second. And also
kind of French. Feet Nolan Murphy.
Nate Porteous thinks this has to be a Riley rename.
Jeff can't be silly. Nolan Murphy
just like, I'm just gonna say it.
Nolan should be the lead of a Spike Lee joint, man.
And I believe that whole fartedly.
Wait, I have different names than you do.
I have Nolan Murphy
isn't allowed in Smoking Time on Main Island.
He knows what he did.
Maybe it hasn't updated, or maybe
he just changed it. Oh god,
oh no, my Baldo is stuck.
Oh god, what do I do?
Help, please. It's cutting off the stuck. Oh God, what do I do? Help, please.
It's cutting off the circulation.
Oh no, I'm passing out.
Oh, so it's lame to advertise your business name through your Patreon name.
Well, come say that to my face at Smoke and Tame on Main Island.
Pete Bradford featuring Nolan Murphy.
Oh my God.
Puffin and Squawk.
That's actually kind of applicable. Puffin's a fish, right? Puffin's aaw That's actually kind of applicable Puffin's a fish right?
Puffin's a bird for sure
You mean of a puffer fish?
So what is this like a job now you're telling me I have to update my name more than once a year
That's a raven
It's the future I can well see
The dulcet tones of Jeffrey's sleep moans
Here we go.
Did you moan in your sleep last night?
I made some weird sound in my sleep.
And I'm so glad Ed is here for this.
Here we go.
Ed, I'm so sorry.
No, no, no, no.
He loves that.
I do love this.
Wait, what?
One more time.
What? One more time. What?
And TJ Michael.
So thank you guys all for subscribing at the highest tier.
If you guys want access to bonus content of all shades, forward slash Riley and Jeff.
And if not, that's okay.
We'll see you guys again next week.
Arrivederci. Chee!
That was a Hiddem Original.