Review Revue - The Bean (w/ Adal Rifai, Erin Keif, and John Patrick Coan!)
Episode Date: July 14, 2020The hosts of Hey Riddle Riddle join Reilly and Geoff to discuss Chicago's famous art installation "the Bean", bad real estate decisions, and Beatsaber! Also, be sure to listen to Hey Riddle R...iddle, with new episodes every Wednesdays!Listen to Hey Riddle RiddleFollow Reilly, Geoff, Adal, Erin, and JPC:Reilly: @reillyanspaugh on IG & @reilecoyote on TwitterGeoffrey: @iamgeoffreyjames on IG & @dontplaynojames on TwitterHey Riddle Riddle: @heyriddleriddle on IG & TwitterAdal: @adalrifai on IG & TwitterErin: @erinkeif10 on IG & @erinkeif2 on TwitterJPC: @sharkbarkman on IG & @JohnPatrickCoan on TwitterAdvertise on Review Revue via Gumball.fmSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
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This is a HeadGum Podcast.
Get that Angel Reef special at McDonald's now.
Let's break it down.
My favorite barbecue sauce, American cheese, crispy bacon, pickles, onions, and a sesame seed bun, of course.
And don't forget the fries and a drink.
Sound good?
At participating restaurants for a limited time. I just want to know how you feel.
I want a love that's so proud and real.
You make me want to go out and steal.
I just want to feel.
Paul McCartney's Fuh You from the album Egypt Station.
Honestly, I loved it.
I think we should go dancing.
Let's put a quick pause on this and go dancing.
Jeff, we have new voices on the pod today.
We have new voices, inside voices.
Welcome to three separate versions of Kevin T. Porter.
No, you are hearing the three hosts of HeadGum's own Hey Riddle Riddle.
Once you get it in the middle, swing it like you didn't care.
Would you guys care to go in alphabetical order?
That's the full title of the pod.
This here is Adelrafine.
I'm Erin Keith.
We didn't do this right.
Yes, you are A, E, and then J.
We're not going by your last name?
And I'm John Patrick Cohen.
I go by JPC.
Welcome to us.
Thank you guys for coming.
We just got done doing your guys' very fun show,
Hey Riddle Riddle.
And like I was saying in the break, we've had a lot of people DM us, post to the subreddit being like, hey, you got to get on Hey Riddle Riddle.
And we made it happen.
That sounds like bullying.
It was me and I created a bunch of different emails to get you guys on here.
And now Hey Riddle Riddle's getting on us.
We're riddled with them.
You know?
Come on.
And you're going to have to explain to us what a subreddit is.
And we are proud to be.
So, hey, Jeff, it's been a minute since we caught up.
What's that?
You're really going to do this in front of them?
Like, what did you have for breakfast, lunch?
What time is it for everyone?
What's happening?
I'm still in Cleveland, but I'm still on Pacific time. So what I'll do is i'll sort of wake up at around 11 15 which is 8 15 my time
uh which is early for me um i don't get a lot done and by the time i'm done with my editing
and content work for the network it's like midnight cool erin um i uh have been staying at my boyfriend's house in the suburbs,
so I drove back to the city to record this today.
And it is nice.
That's my day.
I had a bagel.
What kind?
I had a bagel too.
I had an everything bagel with some hummus on it,
because that's what I could find.
And I'm feeling pretty good.
And was this at your city apartment, so it's kind of been there for two months?
It was basically a rock but you know what?
I got through it.
A stale savory donut with a side of hummus.
With a side of chickpeas.
I was just thinking about how can I make money off putting hummus
on a donut?
And you do have a Mr. Monopoly bleached mustache
we should say.
I have a big bleached mustache. This is my
millionaire's mustache.
It looks fantastic. JBC, what has
your morning and afternoon been like?
What's the best thing you've eaten today?
Damn, the best thing I've eaten today.
So my girlfriend and i last
night we made um we got some costco uh cheese bread and we put like some asparagus and fake
meat on it and so we made like some plussed up cheese bread and there was one piece uh left and
i opened it up out of its tupperware container and from across the room i pointed at it and she went
what what are you pointing at and i was like i to eat this. And she was on the phone and
she was like, what's going on? And then I ate it. And then later she was like, you ate that
cheese bread, didn't you? And then I made a chicken sandwich and she was like, is this the
last of these, uh, fake chicken? Uh, cause I'm a vegetarian, but she was like, is this the last
of these fake chicken sandwiches? And I was like, yeah. And she was like, you're eating that too.
And I was like, I'm eating everything, baby. It's all going to be. I'm going to be the biggest boy.
I've had two meals today and she's had zero.
It's a Hunger Games in every sense of the word.
It's Hunger Games for sure.
They're both pretty good.
I got to say, they're both pretty good.
You're eating for two and she's eating for zero.
Adel, food, day, morning. eating for zero yes addle food day morning first of all this is chiboy addle and i am in that
central standard time just had to get out uh it is what is it here it's like 4 p.m all i've eaten
today is uh dunkin donuts hash browns because i'm a bit of a foodie i i do have a i do have a theory
i don't know if it was proven in the last five minutes here but i do have a theory. I don't know if it was proven in the last
five minutes here, but I do have a theory that
over the last few years, I've noticed
that any time you mention food,
no matter what it is, people
will be like, ooh.
You can be like,
I had a Ritz cracker with salt, and people
are like, oh. That actually sounds really
good right now. Your Honor, I will point
you towards hummus on a donut.
And the response is there too.
But anytime. A golden
corral buffet to go.
Anytime I've heard somebody tell somebody else what they've
eaten, it always elicits this
sort of like, oh, yum.
And I don't know.
And I have two theories. One theory is
just like people want them to be done
so they're being nice and they're like, ooh, yes, food.
Like, I don't care.
The other theory is that everyone is constantly hungry.
And so anything sounds good.
So if you're like, I had teriyaki chicken wrapped in prosciutto.
They're like, oh, yeah.
Like, they're hungry.
Wait, let's test this.
All right, you guys, this morning I had blood with a side of blood.
I'm okay. I'm okay.
Just shut. I'm all right.
I'd also like to
posit that it might be
because one of the things that I
like least about making food is the effort
that goes into it. So whenever someone just presents
me with a complete meal that they've already eaten,
my brain's like, ooh.
If I ate that right now, it would be no work.
Just to hear it in my ears,
it's the same as eating it in my mouth.
If I had it, I wouldn't have to make it.
Well, James, now I have to unpause it,
so we're rolling again.
Okay, great, and we're recording?
Just because you had to pause it.
I just imagine, Aaron, to go back to you
eating blood with a side of blood,
just like an American Red Cross blood donation truck is out front,
and you're like, guys, there's a really good food.
It was also not that expensive for what it is.
Her life hack is like, guys, if you just order the side order blood,
it's actually $8 cheaper than the entree blood.
So I'll just have two side orders of blood.
Life hack. an O negative
with what do you want.
It's a client meeting.
Do you have any dietary restrictions?
I'm a universal donor.
Do you guys want to plug anything up top?
Yeah, check out Hey Riddle Riddle.
It's a show where the three of us try and solve
riddies and puzzies and we do improvised
scenes along the way. We have a Patreon. It's slash hey of us try and solve riddies and pussies, and we do improvised scenes along the way.
And we have a Patreon.
It's slash heyriddleriddle,
where we also have 100-plus hours of content there as well.
And then I'll also plug Hello from the Magic Tavern.
And if you listen to Hey Riddle Riddle, we recommend don't go back to the beginning.
Just start.
We're about 100 episodes in.
We've done all the riddles in the world.
We're just going fucking insane at this point.
Yeah, you did nine pilots for the network.
It was kind of bizarre.
We did a lot.
Don't bother listening to those other 100 episodes.
Just plop into like 107 or wherever we're at
and just let it ride.
I'd say start at like episode 72
and then skip ahead to 105
and then go back to one.
Just really, it's a chaos show.
Sorry, you got it.
Bounce around, bounce around. Okay, go 20 minutes
into episode 50. Pause it.
You're going to want to wait. A man will show
up with a canoe. You're going to get on
the canoe. You've died.
That's River Styx. You have to pay him.
I hope to God
we are reviewing, I hope that these are
reviews for like the bean,
the statue in Millennium
Please let it be that.
There's so many iconic Chicago things.
There are.
I mean, there's Deep Dish.
There's the Chicago dog.
There's the Chicago theater.
There's Pete Wentz himself, which is a kind of a staple on this show.
But Riley, why don't you tell our esteemed guests what we are reviewing?
So, Adel, what was the one thing you said?
Because it's that.
I thought it was the sculpture
at Millennium Park, the Cloud Gate,
which is called the Bean. Exactly
right. We are reviewing the Bean
today. The Bean.
Is that real?
Yeah, we are exactly
absolutely doing the Bean
today. Honestly, this is thrilling.
If JPC isn't cancelled
by the end of this episode, then it's just not
when we haven't done our job because this is going to be cloud
gate gate. You guys, this is a little insensitive
because the bean killed all of JPC's
We did a little research.
But you should see what JPC does to a can
of beans. He gets his.
He gets his.
So you guys are in Chicago.
I know being I mean,
I know being like,
like I'm from LA and whenever anyone comes here and it's like,
I want to see the Hollywood sign or like anything that it's just like,
like a tourist thing that you don't want to do.
And like anyone's like,
I want to go to Hollywood.
I'm like,
Hollywood's a trash city and they come and they don't believe me.
And then they come,
they're like,
it is.
I'm like,
I know.
I'm like,
back to LAX I go.
And that was a weekend.
So like place Hollywood with Navy pier. And that's what it is. I'm like, I know. I'm like, okay, back to LAX I go. And that was a weekend. Replace Hollywood with Navy Pier and that's where Chicago is.
No, because I was going to, yeah.
They're like, what should I eat at Navy Pier?
And it's like, oh, you want to know?
Don't go to Navy Pier.
Like Navy Pier and deep dish pizza suck.
But everybody wants it.
Oh, it was last year at HeadGum Live in Chicago.
Somebody ordered deep dish for the green room slash the table,
and it was, to me, a revelation.
It's awful.
I think it's just sad pizza soup, but that's just me.
Deep dish is good, but pizza is great.
So if you could eat pizza every day,
deep dish eating it every day would be a terrible idea.
It's a casserole.
I eat deep dish maybe three times in a week and I'm sick of it.
So you eat it a lot.
But I will say if I order a deep dish pizza, it will take me three or four meals to eat
it all because it's insane.
It's so much pizza.
It's so much pizza.
Can I ask something?
And this should probably be asked off air, but I'm brazen and bold enough to just ask
it right now.
Should the five of us start a Chicago gossip podcast called Deep Dish? probably be asked off air but i'm i'm brazen and bold enough to just ask it right now should the
five of us start a chicago gossip podcast called deep dish oh i thought you'd never ask and it's
just like i heard that al capone's granddaughter didn't get into northwest lots of good chicago
buzzwords there at all also also al Capone's granddaughter would probably be like 85.
She still didn't get in.
I heard Revolution Brewing reopened without requiring masks.
That's deep.
That's probably true.
That's deep ditch.
I would say that the Bean is a lot like one of those tourist trap things where you have a friend come in and they want to see it.
And you're like, fine, I'll get on the train and I will walk there.
Everybody wants a selfie.
They want their reflection in the bean.
Or they want to walk up and flick it.
And they're like, look.
I flick the bean.
What do you mean?
What is that?
You see kids making TikTok videos and they're like, isn't this funny?
I'm the first one to think of this.
Flicking it because it's like an art installation and you're kind of not supposed to touch it?
Or why is that funny?
Yeah, because Flick Art Supplies is an art store.
Nobody told him.
Nobody told him.
Yeah, we chose the Bean because obviously
that's not where you guys are often seen.
As in, you guys don't live anywhere near Millennium Park.
And there's got to be some stories, right?
Do you guys want to kind of talk about your experience with out of town friends with maybe
the first weekend you lived in Chicago?
So for me, the bean I've, I've, a, I've never been there with an out of town friend.
I don't think I've ever, I've ever once like someone, no one from out of town has ever
been like, I want to see the bean.
And my response has been like, cool.
You don't want to take the red line down to, you know, like good luck to you hope you like have fun uh hope you like paying 28 for
parking to see it um but I lived in Chicago probably for four years before I ever went and
saw the bean um because if for me it's like oh I've seen a picture of it like that's good enough
like it's it's gonna be the same thing um but I was put off by all of the people touching it with their dirty hands.
And especially cause I was like downtown,
there's not like no place around there has like just a bathroom that you could
go and wash your hands.
I'm kind of like,
I'm a person who I love me some lockdown because let's wash those hands,
Let's use hand sanitizer all the time.
So just to think about just touching that with your full hand and then just going about your day after everyone else has done that.
Watching it for the first time four years into Chicago just bothered me.
It was awful.
It was an awful experience.
Yeah, I get that.
I get that.
Well, Jeff, you kind of don't get that
because you love a water park, right?
So you're happy to be in everyone else's boat.
Well, for me, it's about bodily fluids
basically trailing down a slope.
You love a water park?
I don't actually love a water park.
We just did.
Our last week's episode was about water parks,
and Riley hasn't been to one, and I have.
So now she says I love them.
Well, no, I say you love them because if you check last week's episode,
I talk about how when we decided that last week's episode would be water parks.
I didn't say that.
You did.
I texted Jeff before he could say anything.
I said, yeah, I have no interest in ever going to a water park.
Like I can't get past the P of it all.
And Jeff responds by saying,
yeah, yeah, I used to go a lot as a kid
and I loved it and probably still do.
No, I didn't go as a kid unless it was cool.
Is it cool at JPC?
Hey, you're asking the wrong guy.
I don't know anything about that.
He has a bleach blonde mustache.
He's not allowed near a water park.
He loves water parks.
I listened to Hey Riddle Riddle with an episode where you talked about bleaching your mustache.
And then I just, before you guys hopped on, Adel and Aaron, I was like, so it looks like you bleached your mustache.
And I was about to be like, because I heard this podcast.
And then I was like, you fucking idiot.
He said that.
Yes, I bleached it.
I did it all on my own.
Adel, what's your bean experience?
My relationship with the bean is I feel like of all the touristy things, to me, I'm okay with it.
Because it's a giant sculpture.
There's a cool little area underneath that's very literally cool.
The temperature is lower, so if you're there in the summer, you can hide underneath there.
I've seen people nap under there.
I think it's harmless in terms of... It's not historic.
It's not like the Liberty Bell, and it's also not like a tacky monstrosity like Navy Pier.
To me, it's right in that sweet spot.
I think I've been there once, and I feel like my relationship with it is it's always something
I walk by whenever I go
to like Lollapalooza most years I guess but walking to Grant Park which is just past Millennium Park
you kind of have to walk by that but I think there's even cooler I don't even think it's the
coolest thing in Millennium Park because there's these like giant LED structures with like yeah
kids faces and like water shooting out like i feel like that's way
cool i feel like buckingham fountain which is in grant park i feel like all those things are way
cooler but the bean is just because it's reflective people want a selfie so they can see themselves in
it and and i think the vanity of that is what caused it to be such a hit but i feel like it's
monument to narcissism yes yeah literally a narcissist looking at a reflection in the pond.
But I feel like this would be better suited in Boston, which is known for beans.
Beantown, yeah.
So I'm curious why we have that.
But it's also, the name is Cloud Gate, so I think people called it the bean, so it's our own fault.
Erin, what do you think about that?
You're from Beantown.
Yeah, we'll take it, I guess.
Just throw it anywhere.
Well, I guess we'll buy it.
Yeah, well, whatever.
And Aaron, they said we're not near it,
but I feel like of the three of us,
you're actually fairly close to the bean, right?
Both in proximity and relation.
My boyfriend, when he goes on his runs,
he'll do Millennium Park because it's just pretty.
But I feel like I've been there a lot
for someone who doesn't care very much about it.
I go to the Art Institute a good
amount, and that's right in that area, and you're like,
why not walk right by the bean? Why not see it?
I remember going one
day, and it was like Red Bull day.
Red Bull had taken over
that entire stretch.
I was like, what fresh hell is this?
It was like horrible loud music
was playing, and it was a bunch of dudes in bandanas? It was like horrible loud music was playing.
It was a bunch of dudes in bandanas like throwing Red Bulls at people.
Oh, my.
We're throwing one of our Red Bull blues.
This is blueberry.
We got the red.
This is cherry, which is very cherry.
Which is very cherry.
Here, watch me do a stunt.
It doesn't backflip.
It doesn't. It's cool, right, friend?
It doesn't land it.
It does feel like.
Oh, fuck, fuck.
My neck.
Oh, I swear I landed that in the fucking gym
it does feel like the actual art installation is the people at the bean like that's the reason
the main reason to go to the bean is to people watch because you're going to see a ton of tourists
who are like trying to climb it or trying to do something and i feel like that's the true art
art installation is is it's so fascinating and funny to watch the people interact with it or what they're trying to do with it.
I think that's the brilliant thing.
Or the Red Bull guys who are throwing beers.
The one time I liked it was there's ice skating around Christmas time.
And I was ice skating.
And it was like at night.
And you could see the bean.
And it was lit in a really beautiful way. And I was like, I'm was like at night and you could see the bean and it looked, it was like lit in a really beautiful way.
And I was like, I'm not going to live in Chicago forever.
And this, it's just really beautiful.
It's just nice.
It's like Christmas.
Like for sure had a moment about the bean and then was like, why did I just get emotional
about the bean?
I think as soon as I move away from Chicago, I'll immediately miss the bean.
I'll miss it so much.
I love the bean.
So you don't miss your friends or kind of like your routines over there?
Well, the great thing about my friends is my friend's the bean.
Bean my friends now and be my best friend.
Japes, your friend is Ben.
And he's told you that so many times.
And we've been friends for a very long time.
You're friends with Ben Vereen and you that so many times. And we've been friends for a very long time. You were friends with Ben Vereen, and you shortened it to Bean.
And I believe he's dead.
Has anyone here ever had a bean at the Bean?
Come on, man.
I'm serious.
I'd really like to know, Aaron.
Honestly, I wish I had.
I wish that there was like a person who had like a hot food bean cart and they sold like beans by the beans.
Jelly bean.
Jelly bean cart.
Hot jelly beans?
That'd be a great idea.
No, I'm here with James.
He's like hot jelly beans.
Aaron, I just saw like a guy with like one of the, what's that like the lamb like rotisserie that they shave like falafel meat onto
just that it's like a fucking 40
pound jelly bean just shaven
hot jelly bean into a falafel
and covered in tzatziki sauce
yeah colored corn syrup
do you have any bean experience
Chicago otherwise so what I'll often do
is make little documentary shorts, right?
I would kind of have visual samples to get into an art school, a film school, what have you.
And I directed a little ditty that was actually on the yo-yoing community, competitive or otherwise.
Okay, brag.
So there used to be a yo-yo competition in Chicago.
So the only time I've ever been to Millennium Park was to shoot interviews
of professional yo-yoers
on the day slash in the park. Oh my god.
That's fucking cool. That's
incredible. Really?
Yeah, that's like
you're gonna get a date to the prom.
Yeah, JBC, is that cool?
Yeah, that's cool. I mean, yeah, sure.
Yeah, that's cool. Yo-yo competition interviews, that's it. Yeah, that's cool. I mean, yeah, sure. Yeah, that's cool.
Yo-yo competition interviews, that's it.
Yeah, okay.
Be all of them yo-yoing?
Getting into an art school?
There's nothing cooler than that.
So yeah, that's my bean story.
Which is obviously, would be fine if it was just me and Riley, but I fear that I've just lost at all right there.
Yeah, I'm just picturing you at a dog park with a yo-yo
and saying you're walking your dog.
Which is what I still do today.
Yeah, we should take a break for a quick word from our sponsors.
Yo-Yo Jam.
Thanks, Marty.
What's your guys' relationship with Marty Michael,
a.k.a. Marty Tricle, a.k.a. Marty
Ginger Vitis?
So when I first, we had emailed with Marty for forever, but I never saw what he looked
Or what you saw in him.
I never saw what, yeah.
I saw his soul in his emails, but I never saw his face.
And then when we went to the HeadGum Studios last year, RIP,
just the studio space, not Marty.
Right, but the company is hemorrhaging cash.
It's because of Marty's stupendous spending.
But when we saw him,
we had just recorded with Jake and Amir,
and we thought that he was Jake's brother because they look very similar from a
And like Jake had left.
And then like that guy came back with a dog.
And I was like,
is that like,
is Jake's brother here?
Like dropping off a dog?
Like what's happening?
And then he introduced himself as Marty.
And I was like,
Oh yes.
From the emails.
You're not Jake's brother.
You're a different,
I'm Marty from the emails.
He just says that at a bar.
You might know me from emails.
Marty, Marty slides over to your desk. It's like 4 PM at a bar. You might know me from emails. The emails.
Marty slides over to your desk.
It's like 4 p.m. on a Friday, and he's like, hey, the emails.
I'm going to need the emails before you leave today. What are you talking about?
I'm an editor.
But slides is how he moves.
He kind of slithers along, and then he has a standing desk.
He's like Axl Rose, very serpentine. He is very serpentine. He kind of slithers along, and then he has a standing desk. Very serpentine.
He's like Axel Rose, very serpentine.
He is very serpentine.
Serpentine, yeah.
He's like the serpent in the Garden of Eden that is the factory place office.
So we should take a break.
Thank you, Marty.
Jeff just called you the devil.
Anyway, we're going to take a break.
And we're back.
Jeff, would you like to go first?
Oh, and Jeff, thanks for asking.
Yeah, I have been to the Bean, actually, fucker.
Shots fired. So it doesn't matter
Look at his frozen fucking face
Oh yeah thank you so much everyone for asking
Fucking Jeff
Went with my boyfriend's family
Cause they're from Evanston
Did he go?
We left him behind
So it was just kind of me and his parents on a day out
Ferris Bueller style and
um we uh we went and um it was it was fine jeff's face is frozen in the funniest position right now
it looks like he's having a great time i'm gonna take a screenshot of jeff's call this
motherfucker elsa because he is frozen frozen um but yeah i remember like being at the bean i'm
like this is cool and then 10 minutes later i'm
like and i'm ready let's go to the art institute and we're all just kind of like it was nice and
then we were done um can i ask about can i ask about your boyfriend's family and this this might
be personal so don't feel free to not share if you uh don't want to when they are asked do they
say they're from chicago um, they always say Evanston.
Okay, because I meet a lot of people and they'll be like, I'm from Chicago.
And I'll be like, I'm from Chicago.
And they're like, where do you live?
And I'm like, Logan Square.
And I go, where do you live?
And they're like, DeKalb.
And I'm like, that's not Chicago.
That's its own city.
So here's the thing.
If I've been in Chicago for eight years and then I move to Evanston and people ask me where I'm from, do I still stay?
I stay Evanston.
If you get your Amazon packages sent to Evanston, my man, you are from Evanston.
You're from Evanston.
And you've always said that.
This is Adil's stand up.
Sorry, guys.
Adil just lost it.
What else?
What else?
This is his tight tent.
And sir, where are you from?
Oh, Georgia.
Got nothing on that.
Ray Charles.
Who else?
What else is in the news?
What else?
Where are other places?
You heard about this?
Is he implying that Ray Charles is in the news?
Well, he's always on my mind.
What else?
What else?
Sorry for cutting out there.
Our power went out.
Riley, would you like to start us off?
It was my turn.
Did I go first last time or did you go first last time?
It doesn't matter.
It's all material.
It's all billable.
Am I right, gentlemen?
So what Jeff and I like to do is we will make up a last name for the person who wrote the review.
This is from trip advisor it is a five star review uh from ocean w does anyone have a last name ocean w ocean waves
ocean waves ocean waves the literal mr waves okay um five stars from February 2020. The subject line is worth checking out.
This is already funny because they went to Chicago in the winter.
Already I'm laughing.
That's good.
Here we go.
Five stars from Ocean Waves.
Worth checking out.
I didn't know this existed, but somehow my fifth grade daughter did.
And when I told her I was going to Chicago
for work, she told me to make sure I went to see quote unquote, the bean. Luckily, we had beautiful
weather the first day, so I was able to check it out. It was swarming with people when I went in
the afternoon. I went again at night and it was less busy. I'd recommend
going at night if possible since the area
is beautiful when you glow with the city
lights. Ocean waves
went to the bean twice in a
day. He can't get enough.
I get it though.
He didn't know about it before he went. His
nine year old has more
of a cultural knowledge than he
and now he lives I'd like to to imagine he just moved to Chicago,
and he's like, no, this is it.
Did it say where Ocean Waves is from?
Oh, okay.
That makes sense.
That makes way more sense.
I would just love asking a realtor to be like,
I'm looking for a place in Chicago that's close to the Bean,
my favorite spot.
I would love to be with this in the Bean. What? Okay, yeah, because it's mostly
Yeah, it's mostly, and I
want to work with you guys, but it's mostly like
office buildings and retail around there.
It's kind of, and it's expensive if you do want
an apartment. I was thinking,
what's that? Yeah, I said 100%.
It's right by Michigan Avenue, so yeah, it's going to be
very expensive. Okay, yeah, yeah.
This is my partner, by the way. This is Gerald.
Thank you. um well you know
things that are important to me and my family obviously we want to be close to a grocery store
um because it's going to be important for us to get food um we have a dog we'd love to be close
to a dog park but i would say that number one top with a bullet would be being adjacent to the bean
and yeah there it is and and so maybe i'm maybe i'm not saying it correctly but i i don't want to live in a space
that's more than a thought away from the bean i want to be able to at a moment's notice turn and
look and see the bean because i get great comfort from it okay yeah i mean the thing about chicago
though is that we have a great public transit system so like you could still be a thought away
from the bean but maybe be more towards wicker Park, Logan Square, somewhere that might be good for a young family such as yourself.
Oh, okay.
Now, I've heard great things about Logan Square.
Can you tell me what their bean situation is?
Do they have their own bean?
Is it a smaller bean?
Or is it, am I going to have to travel to the regular bean. Because really my commute most days is going to be morning bean, back to work, lunch break bean, back to work, and then bean to cap off the day at night.
And then on the weekends, maybe 10 p.m., 11 p.m., go back to the bean for my fourth meal, as it were.
I'd also love to live near a Taco Bell.
Is there a Taco Bell by the bean?
Sorry, I have to chime in here
we do have to legally ask this do you do you fuck beans legally that's a that's on the paper wow
that's on the paper uh huh it's a coldwell banker staple sure um can you remind me what's the fifth
amendment fifth amendment oh that's that's Bruce Willis, Chris Tucker, the woman
with the blue head.
Yeah, I'd love to watch that. Now,
if I get a projection screen,
can I play that on the bean?
Because I'd love... The bean is a mirror.
The bean is a mirror. Sorry to get upset, but the bean's a mirror.
So it's going to bounce it back to the
projector's eye, right?
So the projector would be the one to get to
watch the fifth element of
the beam and not me sure uh mrs rubenstein would you like to maybe say what you would like to have
proximity to or i mean a grocery store i'm sure wasn't his idea because he seems to be all being
everything um i guess like here's what i'm scared about is like having buyer's remorse. Just in general?
Like if the bean ends up going on sale
and we could have like lived inside the bean.
And I feel like that,
I just don't want that to happen
like where we buy a condo
and then like right when we buy it,
like the beans on sale
and we could live inside the bean.
That's a really great point.
Another thing that we're super worried about,
we're from Pennsylvania,
we're moving to Chicago,
we watch nonstop Fox News.
We've heard that there's a lot of crime in Chicago,
a ton of crime, violent crime.
Is there any chance that they will do a violent crime
to the bean and would the bean be okay
if the bean got crimes done to it?
And what's the policy on giving the bean little kisses?
Especially if it's been the victim of a crime.
I would say that's sort of a crime
against your own humanity in a way
because people are constantly
touching the bean. Our bean?
Gerald, I'm...
What do you mean your bean?
Gerald, I think we can confidently say that the bean
will never be on sale, right?
Yeah, it's... No, no.
It's publicly owned and it
cannot legally be used as housing.
Also, can I ask about your shirts?
You both have shirts that say, I'm with Bean,
and the arrows are pointing to each other?
The arrows are not pointing to each other.
They're pointing to the space between us,
which is where the Bean lives in our hearts.
And when we pose for photos with the Bean,
we make sure it all lines up and it Beans in between us.
You know what?
We can find better.
Mom, Dad, did you?
Oh, who is this little bugger?
Sorry, I know you told me to wait in the car.
No, it's okay, Bean.
Say hello to the nice realtors.
You named your kid Bean.
Hello, I'm Bean.
I just, did you, did you,
I'm pulling on your pants like,
dad, did you ask about the school district
because you promised that I could be educated
near the Bean?
What's the Bean's policy on homeschooling our children?
The bean doesn't have a policy, yeah, on homeschooling.
Oh, good, there's no policy.
The city of Chicago does.
The state of Illinois does.
And is the bean a babysitter?
Is the bean like a fun babysitter?
Do not leave your kid in Millennium Park.
I can't stress enough.
Don't leave your kid in Millennium Park.
Oh, I've always dreamed of being nannied by the bean.
Oh, mom, please. You keep tugging at his pants
and you pants him, revealing his underwear
which has two tiny pictures
of the beans on his testicles.
Oh, um, can't unsee that.
Ha ha ha. Well,
you don't have to unsee it. You can just look deeper
into the bean and see it forever.
I'll tell you what, sir. I'll tell you what. I'll make you a deal.
I will outright sell you the bean.
Okay, I lied earlier. I'll absolutely sell it to you I will outright sell you the bean. Okay, I lied earlier.
I'll absolutely sell it to you.
If you can answer me one question, what's your favorite Stain song?
My favorite Stain song.
Can I Google to see if they have a bean-related song?
No deal.
No deal.
So funny.
Ooh, funny.
What's the cutoff? I say ooh.
Ooh, funny.
Funny, funny, funny.
Ooh, funny. So funny. That sounds like me on a first date oh you're so funny don't kill me you're so funny you're so funny uh yeah no sorry i was
just talking about how my my dad tested positive oh my god stop you're killing me stop it that's
so good you're wearing. You're wearing headphones.
Sorry, what was that?
You're listening to Hey Riddle Riddle on the headphones.
You have to.
This is so much more important than what you were saying.
Your dad got a what?
It doesn't matter.
What's this podcast?
Has anybody seen those Bush's Baked Bean commercials in a while?
Remember that guy and his dog?
Oh, yeah.
Those used to be like the number one. You have not seen it, Riley guy and his dog? Yeah. Oh, yeah. Those used to be like the number one.
You have not seen it, Riley.
Those used to be like.
Oh, yeah.
The top three most frequent.
It's just because I mentioned food.
She's doing that.
Those used to be like the most frequent commercials I would see in my area for whatever reason.
But I haven't seen them in forever.
Didn't they do a Super Bowl commercial at one point with that?
It was like a golden retriever who knows the secret to make the beans.
That dog and that man were business partners,
and it was contentious, and that dog killed that man.
That's why they're not in commercials together.
There was a small personal plane crash,
and the dog survived and the man did not,
and no one asked any questions.
And a lot of beans got traded around.
Let's just say that.
It was a regular plane crash,
but you could tell it was personal.
Yeah, it was a personal plane crash.
It was a plane crash with four slices.
It was always disappointing.
Here's something I want to throw out there.
Anytime someone says there's a secret ingredient,
99% of the time it's brown sugar. And I just
want to put that out into the world. If you're
trying to solve...
Adel, you're going to go missing tomorrow.
Don't do this, Adel.
If you're trying to solve a recipe and you're
like, I almost have solved for one
ingredient, the secret ingredient is always
brown sugar. We just hear a knock at Adel's door
and he gets taken away.
Sir, could you come with us? Could you come with us, please?
Hello, every barbecue owner of all time.
It's the dog from the baked beans.
We just see like a little golden retriever paw
put his hand over his mouth.
Jeffrey James, do you have a review?
I do.
This is a review from Rebecca M.
Do we have a last name
for Rebecca?
Rebecca Mbeka.
From Chicago, Illinois.
Rebecca Mbeka.
Rebecca Mbeka.
Hot dog.
Polish sausage.
Rebecca Mbeka.
Please welcome to the stage
Rebecca Mbeka.
Two stars of the Bean, obviously.
What's that?
Jamie's like, really?
Two stars is such a brutal thing to give a review
because it's like you still think that there's hope.
Maybe I just had a bad experience at The Bean.
I've been to the Cloud Gate, also known as The Bean.
If you're visiting Chicago, this is a must-see.
The bad thing is the Bean will get boring right away.
So don't dedicate a whole day to this.
I would say at most 45 minutes to an hour is good.
45 minutes to an hour?
Rebecca, Rebecca.
What the fuck?
Carved out an entire day in her vacation.
She's talking about the bean.
The bean.
The entire day of her vacation, she sat at the bean.
All right.
This is, we kind of got it.
I was thinking that this would be, yeah,
we have nothing to do from now till dinner.
Rebecca, did you not, like, I mean, we're ready to go when you are. I think
we're, I mean, like, you know, I heard that
there's some great sites around here, different kind of parks.
We could go to the Art Institute. Did you plan any
tours or anything?
I did not. And I know that we're
kind of all, you know, buddies from
college. So I thought that maybe everybody could chip in.
It's not going to be the Rebecca show this time. You promised
me that, Jake. But
Rebecca, you plan the best trips rebecca
rebecca we're all piling on rebecca rebecca rebecca your planning skills are like none
other remember when we took the trip to sandals and like you planned back to back snorkeling scuba snorkeling scuba luau back to scuba we had
a ball three times in a day scuba yeah because you guys didn't bring anything to the table what
was that rebecca nothing nothing no i love being with you guys and this is like an annual thing
um look darren you've been to chicago before Don't you have – you're staring at me with these eyes like you're trying to solve the issue.
Do you have any idea?
Rebecca, I'm sorry.
It just – it feels like what you're doing is maybe sabotaging the vacation because you don't want to plan the vacations anymore.
Because you plan such great activities and this itinerary just says Saturday the bean.
So if you don't want to do it, I mean, we're your friends.
You can just be honest with us.
We'll understand.
I didn't want to plan the next one.
So I did exactly what you said, yeah.
Sabotaged us?
Sabotaged in a way.
But that sounds kind of harsh, so I kind of tricked you somehow, I think.
Well, I think you hit the hammer on the nail with sabotage.
That's literally what you did.
Well, you said sabotage, so you're just complimenting yourself.
This is beyond the point.
Here I am in front of the bean.
All right, let's see what the big deal is.
Excuse me.
Hey, buddy, champ, big guy?
Oh, yes?
How do we turn this thing on?
Okay, I don't need to talk to you anymore.
Bean, what?
What'd you say?
I'm all good on you, man.
Hey, Rebecca, this wouldn't have happened.
Rebecca, this wouldn't have happened if you had planned a trip.
And how are we supposed to even guess what to do in Chicago next?
Do we walk up and down the street?
You stole my boyfriend.
You stole my boyfriend, and we never talked about it.
So you're making us sit at the Bean for six hours
because Lindsay stole your boyfriend?
And to be fair, I've stolen all of your boyfriends.
For sport, because I'm mean.
And also, Lindsay's done it to all of us.
Rebecca, she takes our boyfriends.
I know, it's just, why do we put up with it?
You guys are coming at me.
She is the one who's kind of sewing seats in Division.
Because I'm really rich.
Sir, what are you doing?
There's no light switch on the art.
Oh, I think it's like you have to tap it.
I think it's like a Simon Says.
So you kind of hit this here, and then-
What do you think Simon Says is?
You have to tap?
Yeah, it's an old game. We'll do whatever
Simon says. Let's see here.
Siri, turn on the bean.
It works.
Holy crap!
I want to stay here the rest of the day.
It's beautiful.
Hey, guy, I owe you an apology.
I totally misjudged you and misread the situation.
You're cool by my book
and I'm sorry.
Do you want to hang out with us for the rest of the weekend? No, you. I misread the situation. You're cool by my book, and I'm sorry. It's no problem.
Do you want to hang out with us for the rest of the weekend?
No, no.
I've heard your conversation, and it sounds terrible.
Lindsay, fuck this guy.
But only because I'm the mean friend.
That's so funny.
This is such a good first date.
It's so funny.
Lindsay, fuck this guy. That's so funny This is such a good first date It's so funny Is he
Fuck this guy
Fuck this guy
Sit on this dude's face
Straddle this guy's eyes
I love the
And this happens all the time
On Hey Riddles
I love trying to start
A new scene
And then it's like
You're a tertiary character
In the previous moment
But no It is sort of perfect that the entire time we were talking,
that guy was trying to turn on the bean.
Just the image of that.
How did you know better than us?
You knew.
Where did you read about that?
What Simon Says game have you been playing
till you didn't believe that Simon Says turn on the bean?
Can we talk also about how wild it is that Rebecca Mbeecca said that the bean was a must-go-to.
Her review had so many peaks and valleys.
You had to go to it.
She definitely recommended it, said it was immediately boring, and that it was 45 minutes tops.
Which is like, all of those things are in conflict with one another, and none of those things get to two stars.
She should have given it three or four.
Well, I do want to say, Jake, she didn't say that it's boring.
She specifically said it gets boring.
So she's treating it and reviewing it like it's a Cirque du Soleil show or like a Netflix special.
Well, you guys, I have a question for you two because you've been reading a lot of these reviews.
How many of them are truly just someone's personal stuff and experiences projected onto the thing.
Like someone being like, I hate this restaurant.
It's got to be 80%.
Yeah, that would be the majority of them.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
I mean, a lot of the five-star ones are just,
oh, this thing is great, and they don't editorialize it all.
But we don't usually read a lot of five-star ones
unless it's personal details are the best,
and they're in most of them.
Because the type of person to review anything
is already the type of person
that I want to talk to
who takes the time
we also find that like a lot
of reviews
if they don't
like the product or place
or kind of event or whatever
it's either because they're doing it
wrong or because of their experience
or like they're like
I think it was like a hot yoga class
and was like I hated the class
because I had to pay $7 to rent a mat
and it's like well yeah
you went in there knowing it
and you're giving it three stars
because you're mad at the policy
and sure it's a bad policy
but you did what you said you were going to do
you said the class was great
you were mad that you had to pay of course you had to do. You said the class was great. You were mad that you had to pay.
Of course you had to pay for a mat.
The class was great.
The class was hot.
That's what you wanted.
It was hot.
I started sweating, slipping on the mat.
I couldn't even do downward dog without falling on my jaw.
You've never done yoga.
Done what?
Do we have time for another or should we go into our next segment?
What do you guys think?
You want to do one more?
Yeah, let's do one more.
I'm rearing to go. i got more stuff about the bean i got a back pocket full of scenes i got a pocket got a pocket full of bean scenes i have another review um it is Gemma P. P-E-E. P is better.
Gemma P.
January 2020.
Four stars.
The subject line is,
got to get the photo.
Here we go, Gemma P.
You simply can't go to Chicago without visiting here
and getting your photo taken.
Snowed the day we went, absolutely freezing, but there was no way we were missing it and that's it but i just this i
this and this review jemma p is from liverpool and i just like as soon as i read it i imagine like
this poor woman and maybe like a friend of hers waiting out in the cold. No one's around.
Everyone's inside.
It's January, obviously. But like we can't go home until we get the picture.
Hey, Peter, can we just like stay in the hotel today?
It is like a full blizzard outside.
I feel a little nervous.
We came here all the way from Liverpool.
We have to do we have to get out and see the sights.
What do we have in Liverpool? and see the sites, right? What
do we have in Liverpool? Peter, were you planning on proposing at the Bean and that's why you're
making us go? No. I just like, I've seen like a couple people die from the snow outside of our
window. Like, why are you being so stubborn about that? Okay, fine. I was going to get down on one
knee and I was going to say, do you hear that? Is that a telephone call? And then I was going to open up the box and say,
ring, ring, ring, ring, and say,
and say, Darlene, you are the love of my life.
Will you answer this call?
You're the, I'm sorry.
Because remember we met on the phone?
You just said you're the love of my aunt?
Are you into your aunt?
Fuck, fuck, this isn't happening.
This isn't happening.
It is happening.
I have a fantasy.
I have a fantasy.
Is this an aunt fantasy?
You are my dad's sister.
But you couldn't have even made it your aunt who is married to a parent sibling.
You had to make it a biological aunt.
Guys, this is the room key.
This is the room key. I'm just gonna slide it here. No, sir.
I want you to see this. No, wait. You have to wait.
Alright. I told you
I'm looking for cash so I can give you a tip.
Listen, Darlene.
Hold on. I have some snacks here. Will you stand
on top of this piece of celery with peanut butter
inside of it? What? No.
You have the bug fantasy
too? Here's the bug fantasy too?
Here's the thing.
I love you.
I do.
I really do love you.
But first of all,
who proposes that... Sorry.
We have an audience now.
I invited room service.
I invited room service.
I just want to say...
Who proposes at the bean?
First of all,
don't do that.
Second of all...
I just want to upgrade you guys
to the presidential suite
if you go upstairs right now.
Presidential? No, thank you. Not my not my president we can't stress this enough you are you are equal parts of this sir you are a part of this now i hate that you say that and that that's darling
i just want to say i don't i i'm a little peeved that you kink shame me okay all i want is to either
in your proposal to me you called me your aunt I want to marry someone I want to marry someone who's either
I want to marry someone who's either my dad's sister
Or I want to marry someone who can lift
40 times their body weight
And that's just me
Can aunts lift 40 times their
40 times their body weight? I thought it was 6 times
Their body weight
I'm just a man standing in front of his aunt
Wishing she would fuck him
I'm not going to marry you And I'm just a man standing in front of his aunt wishing she would fuck him. I'm not
going to marry you.
And I'm not going outside. Sir, I will
take the presidential suite key and I will
be there on my own.
That would count as a separate reservation then
is the only issue.
Sorry. Just to clarify,
you said you invited room service.
You ordered room service. You will be charged for this room service. No said you invited room service You ordered room service
You will be charged for this room service
No, we invited room service
You can't invite a hamburger and fries
I told you specifically
If one shows up, I wouldn't be mad
Hey, it's me, the videographer
Did she say yes? I'm so sorry I'm late
I was supposed to meet you guys at the Bean
Alright, everyone start over so the videographer can get in.
Hey, Peter, why do you want to go outside so badly?
Were you planning on proposing?
Hold on.
You want to relive this?
Hold on.
Let me- So, wait.
Hold on.
Can I see the ring?
Let me talk to the videographer one second.
How old are you?
I am 16.
Oh, never mind.
What were you going to say?
No, this took a turn.
This took a turn. This took a turn.
No, hold on.
Hold on.
That's the right response to I'm 16.
Good luck.
I was going to say, how old are you?
You leave the burger.
I thought maybe you'd say in your 60s, and then I'd say, what's your last name, and do
you know who your relative is?
She's in her 16s.
I'm in my 16s.
January through December.
Well, I'm from Liverpool, and I know the song.
She was just 17, so I'm not going to go there.
I've got to say I've never eaten one of these things before,
but this burger is awful.
You've never had a burger?
I've never had a burger from here.
I don't know why people pay $24 for this.
This is a bad burger.
Do you want me to document it or first time and all?
I'm here.
It's already happened.
Stop showing up after things happen.
Let's run it back.
Fine, I'll marry you. Funny, funny, funny. Funny, funny, funny. It's already happened. Stop showing up after things happen. Let's run it back. Fine, I'll marry you.
Funny, funny, funny, funny.
Funny, funny, funny, funny.
You're so funny.
You say you work in marketing?
That's amazing.
I didn't say that.
Yeah, I work at AmeriCorps.
It doesn't matter at this point.
That's so funny and interesting and amazing.
Is that a ring?
You are married.
This happened to you.
Should we do our last segment? Might as well. We did not prep you guys for this happened to you should we do our last segment might as well
we did not prep you guys
for this
so that's good
should be all
week long
anybody have any
food stuffs
what the fuck are you talking about
things that have kind of shook
you in a way take it occupied
your brain space so much so that you feel
the need to recommend it to
honestly podcast
listeners I will or just like get it off your
chest yeah yeah
um I will say absolutely
the other day like two days ago I
got a PlayStation VR
the VR system for the PS4
and I got Beat Saber
and that has been
an obsession for me for the last
couple days. I've maybe put 15
hours into it already. It is so
fun and so
and I know like Mars
at HeadGum constantly
posts videos of her playing it.
And she talks about it all the time.
Mars is unbelievable at that game.
She got jacked from just playing the game.
But I have been every waking moment that I'm not busy, I am putting that puppy on and playing with it.
So I highly recommend the PS.
Or I guess it's probably for like Oculus Quest and everything.
So Beat Saber for any system.
I think it's been out for several years. But I'm to it so pick it up what's your favorite song to play on
beat saber you know what they're all songs i don't know they're all like like djs from burning man or
something like it's like you know like carmex with you know the the booty hour or something so i don't
i don't know the songs at all but i did buy they have like packs you can buy and I bought one song which is
High Hopes by
say it with me now
I don't know the name
so I bought that song and that's super
catchy so I enjoy that as well we talk a lot
about Panic at the Disco on this show
well Jeff talks a lot about Panic at the Disco
we talk a lot about Panic at the Disco
I thought you said you talk a lot about
Pete Wentz
Pete Wentz, Pete Wentz,
Brendan Urie,
Ryan Ross,
John Walker.
I grew up on
thousands emo
pop punk on the day.
Oh, perfect.
but not the Panic at the Disco
that the kids
are listening to now.
Not that TikTok,
not that Beat Saber,
although High Hopes
is fun on Beat Saber.
Don't yell.
We're talking pretty,
I'm not,
I'm not yelling.
I didn't,
I won't.
We're talking pretty odd era.
Sorry, what was that?
Screaming about Panic at the Disco right now.
Jeffrey, were you ever in a band in middle school or high school that emulated that music?
Let me answer that question with not a question but a haircut.
Oh my God.
It's pretty obvious that he was.
Here we go.
Oh, it's him.
2005 man. That's the man that he was. Here we go. Oh! It's him, 2005 man.
That's the man who robbed my gadzooks.
That's him.
That's the man.
That's the man that was nowhere near my daughter.
You were in a band?
I need to know the name of it legally uh i was not in a
band i tried to jam with some friends and it didn't work because i didn't know how to play
the guitar but i owned one nice halfway there um yeah but actually i've we've been talking about
things that we've been getting into during quarantine and i afterwards i learned how to
play guitar but now i've been like the past few years i've been really into the grateful dead so
i've just been learning how to like solo the past few months and i've gotten okay because i have
nothing else to do that's awesome um well so i i i think i mentioned this when we were not recording
and if i mentioned it when we were recording what is time and you'll hear it twice uh but the the
band heim put out an album in may
and it's fucking great and i've been listening to that uh todos los dias uh which i believe is
all the days uh but could have gotten that wrong as well uh but it's so good and if you haven't
listened to it uh here's what you do you go to their website you buy it directly from them i
don't think it's on spotify so don't bother looking there first.
It's on Spotify.
Yeah, well, maybe just support the band and you buy it directly from them.
I certainly didn't.
Sorry, are you, and I hate to ask this in front of everybody, but are you working for Heim?
You're one of the sisters.
It would be an honor and a privilege.
If Esty wants to hire me to just talk about high mode podcasts, I'm available.
There are two podcasts that I could do that on.
But it's great.
Go listen to it.
I'm a few episodes into the Monty Python documentary that's on Netflix.
And I'm a huge Monty Python fan.
I don't know.
They had a doc on Netflix.
I love Monty Python.
I think it's pretty new. But I don't know actually how had a doc on Netflix. I love Monty Python. I think it's pretty new.
But I don't know actually how many episodes there are because I was too afraid to look
and have them be like less than five.
So I'm just like hoping that it lasts forever.
But it is it's super duper interesting.
It also just feels like anything.
Anytime you talk about comedy from that time, it looks like a documentary now type joke.
Like all the names of the groups
and all of the it just seems it's so funny and i've been like crying laughing out loud uh hearing
them talk so i would recommend that that's awesome amazing um riley you already have yours
yeah i jeff i was telling this to jeff before uh we got on to do Hey Riddle Riddle. So, my
roommate, my boyfriend and I, we watched
Hamilton the other night,
Disney Plus.
I'm sorry, what? I'm not familiar.
Yeah, so it's a streaming service
actually with all of Disney properties.
Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
You shouldn't be that excited.
Hell yeah, actually.
And we were all crying.
We're like, it's so beautiful.
And my roommate, Elizabeth, she mentioned to me,
and I don't know why.
It's so stupid.
But there's a moment at the end when Eliza is singing
about all the things she did for the world, like for Hamilton's legacy.
And everyone's kind of watching her like, yeah, yes, you did.
You're incredible.
You're amazing.
The story's really about her.
The story's really about, oh, my God, she is Hamilton.
And then she's like, but do you want to know the thing I'm most proud of?
And then she's like, I established the first private orphanage in New York City.
And so she's listed all these things.
But then the fact that the orphanage, that they all just repeat the orphanage three times.
The orphanage.
Three times.
The orphanage.
I don't know why, but when she pointed that out to us, I think that's the funniest thing in the world.
So all week at random times times we've just been saying
I don't know why that part's funny but there's something about like rhythmically in that part
it feels like a joke also my boyfriend and I cry laughing and it's not it's like such a serious
part but it's the delivery of it in the first song when he does a moved him with the cousin
the cousin committed to we cry laughing at that
every time
like some things
that aren't meant to be funny
in that show
are 10 out of 10
so funny
the cousin
the cousin committed
moved in with the cousin
the cousin committed
if you like
if you like that orphanage part
there's another
there's like a companion piece
that was released
if you like this
you'll love
it's like the Hamilton mixtape released. If you like this, you'll love.
It's like the Hamilton mixtape.
And I think, and I want to say it's Ghostface Killer does like a four minute rap about the orphanage on the Hamilton mixtape.
So the orphanage rap, it's the very last track.
It's so fucking good.
So you got to listen to that.
The orphanage rap. If you like the orphanage part, you're laughing at it.
A couple buddies of mine, we actually go down to Riverside.
There's this lost children kind of motel, and we kind of laugh at them.
It's the outside of a firehouse where people just drop their kids off.
I do want to backtrack slightly to say when I bought the High Hope song on Beat Saber,
I had heard it on the radio, and I'm like, it's catchy.
And I just kind of heard the music.
I wasn't listening to the lyrics.
And I realized while playing it, there's a part where where what's the guy's name Brandon
Brandon Urie uh there's a there's a lyric or a part that he said several times where he goes
mama said or something like that and and and I couldn't I started crying laughing while I had
to stop playing VR because it just made me think of waterboy where you're like, Mama said. And now every time I play that song
in the game, I just have to shout out like
Mama said.
It's very...
I cannot
stop thinking about The Orphanage.
I'm going to hear it.
The Orphanage.
God, it's so good and it's the keys up, the steps
up every time. Oh, it's brilliant. So, Hey Rid keys up the steps up every time oh it's brilliant
so hey riddle riddle on the
head gum network new episodes
every Wednesday
anything else
to plug any other I know you
plug things up top you want to plug your socials
Instagram TikTok
LinkedIn exact street address
social security media
you can follow us.
Mother's maiden name.
At heyriddleriddle on Instagram and Twitter.
And if you want to email us original riddles or one that you like,
you can email us at hrrpodcast at
because we're running out of riddles.
I will say that if you do email us, listen to all the episodes first
because we get a lot of emails like,
hey, 20 episodes in, wanted to send you a riddle.
It's like, hang out for a minute, man.
We get to that one. Perfect.
Also check out Deep Dish.
If you have any gossip in the Chicago...
If you have any gossip in the greater Chicagoland
area, please send that our way.
Any dirt. Any dirt.
Any goss. And Deep Dish
unfortunately is a Patreon-only
podcast. You can find that at
slash heyriddleriddle.
$5 a month and you get a bonus episode.
Nice, nice, deep.
That is the show Deep Dish.
Love that the podcast we're about to do next started as a joke.
This is a fun origin story for our five-person podcast.
Started now a joke, now we're here.
That's really good.
I couldn't think of a wetter way to end the show.
We'll see you guys again next week. Be sure to listen to Hey Riddle Riddle. That's really good. I couldn't think of a wetter way to end the show. Come on.
We'll see you guys again next week.
Be sure to listen to Hey Riddle Riddle.
Riley and I just did an episode today that'll be up, I think, is it next week?
Next Wednesday?
It'll be the week after, yeah.
Got it, got it, got it.
So you can listen to this.
So next week, next Wednesday, if you're listening to this on Tuesday.
And until next week, I've been Jeffrey James. I'll continue to be Riley Anspaugh.
I'm Adel Rafai. I want to remember
the name of that person that I said. It's like
Melissa or something.
Rebecca. Rebecca.
Rebecca. Thank you.
And I am also Rebecca.
We'll see you guys next week. Thanks so much.
Bye. Bye.
That was a HeadGum Podcast.