Revisionist History - Revisionist History is Back

Episode Date: March 6, 2025

Revisionist History will be back with an all-new season starting March 13th. We’ll be investigating everything from Paw Patrol to the secret behind English muffins to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Plus... much, much more. To start, a two-part series that revisits the death of George Floyd in 2020. That’s next week – stay tuned.See for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Pushkin. Hello, hello. Malcolm Gladwell here to give you a preview of the upcoming season of Revisionist History, where we once again go where no podcast has ever been so foolish to go. Paw Patrol, we're on the double. Whatever the problem, found adventure day. You heard that correctly. Paw Patrol. Me and my three-year-old will defend one of the world's most popular children's television
Starting point is 00:00:39 shows against its critics. Then we get serious. It's been five years since the death of George Floyd. We're gonna go back and tell that story from a different perspective. I can tell you this, that nobody despises bad cops more than good cops. Ben Nadav Haferi, my esteemed colleague,
Starting point is 00:00:59 will launch a detailed investigation into Thomas's English muffins. We've got the 75 year old plus secret of how to bake Thomas' English muffins. We've got the 75-year-old-plus secret of how to bake Thomas' English muffins. It's a half a billion dollar product, and he knows it. You thought you understood all that there was to understand about English muffins? You are wrong. And then Ben takes a raccoon down a rabbit hole. Well, the main challenge is they work at night,
Starting point is 00:01:25 so they're nocturnal. Researchers are typically not nocturnal. Oh, yeah, baby. We're going to have a contribution from the newest member of the revisionist team, Lucy Sullivan. I was like, oh, I have trouble recognizing faces. She goes, is that why you ignored me for a week? I said, what do you mean?
Starting point is 00:01:43 This is my nightmare. Oh, and I nearly forgot to mention, Why you ignored me for a week? And I said, what do you mean? This is my nightmare. Oh, and I nearly forgot to mention, we're gonna spend a lot of time with the newly minted Secretary of Health and Human Services, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Because I listened to Joe Rogan tell the story of how he met Kennedy, and I was riveted. That was the weirdest moment
Starting point is 00:02:01 because we were both staring at each other. Yeah, I noticed you walking. I'm like, that's, yeah, it is. So I said, Hey, what's up? Exactly. What's up with these guys? We have a very full year coming up. Stay tuned my friends.

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