Episode Date: October 16, 2023In this episode, join me outside on my back deck on an unseasonably warm, sunny, October afternoon where I share a bit of how I came to birth the Rewild + Free podcast. I also share my intentions forward with the show! Â Support the showConnect with Nicole on IG (@nicolepasveer) Want to be a guest on the podcast? Fill out this form
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You're listening to Rewild and Free. This is the go-to podcast for conscious and holistic
mother entrepreneurs who are ditching society's to-do list for intentional living, freedom,
and abundance, while creating impact and legacy in their home and business. If we haven't
met yet, I'm Nicole Pasvir, your like-hearted mom friend and biz bestie wrapped in one.
I'm an ex-nurse turned matrescence guide and business coach, leading women just like you
into the new paradigm, where thriving in motherhood is your birthright and so is a successful and sustainable online
business keep listening if you're ready to unsubscribe from patriarchal motherhood bro
marketing and boss babe culture because in this space we use nature as our framework as we move
towards feminine embodied business development cyclical orientation and slow living together
let's rewild and remember as we break
free from survival and reconnect to what truly matters. Okay friend, steep your tea and take
the most loving breath you've given to yourself today and let's go. Holy moly, this has honestly been a long time coming. This is the first episode of the rebranded
podcast, Rewild and Free. I'm so excited to be recording this and actually putting all
of my dreams into action. In this episode, I really wanted to just speak on the conception journey and my, I guess, the birth story of, of this podcast and just all the little, little tiny details that got us to where we are right now.
Um, because it wasn't like I just woke up one morning and had this massive clarity, um, and was ready to take action.
That was not the case at all.
So if you've been in my corner of the internet for a while, you know that after the birth of
my daughter in October of 2021, I quickly became very passionate about birth and specifically birth education and kind of the inside out work
that I believe is really crucial for the preparation of motherhood and the preparation
of birth because our society likes to pathologize birth and make it into something extreme and a medical event and while obviously there's a time and
place for medicine um I do really believe that birth low-risk pregnancy is natural and something
that doesn't really need to be messed with and my own experience my own preparation my own pregnancy
kind of led me to this massive unraveling and this massive
just experience of unlearning and deconditioning and stripping away a lot of societal imprints.
For those that don't know, I am a former nurse. I was working in geriatric mental health for the entirety of my nursing career.
And yeah, up until my pregnancy and my birth, I really didn't see myself doing anything else.
I was very much following society's to-do list and I didn't know it then but I thought that was my ticket to
success I thought if I just continued to kind of follow this to-do list continue to check off the
boxes continue to be successful in in the narrative that modern day society and culture kind of deems as successful. So, you know, buy the house,
have a good job, don't spend money on dumb things, save for retirement, get married,
have the kids, have the dogs. Like I was doing all the things. I was doing everything on paper
that I thought I was supposed to do to find happiness. And the truth was, is that I wasn't,
I wasn't finding happiness. I was, I know now living in survival, I was stuck in this hustle
mode. And again, the more I've learned, the more I've been able to uncover and unravel
all these layers that I had been putting on myself. And yeah, pregnancy, pregnancy and birth, and
I guess early postpartum really was the catalyst for me to undergo this massive personal and
spiritual exploration. And in the early postpartum days, as I was building up my own Instagram page. I thought I was going to get into blogging.
I think I quickly learned that I really don't love typing out things. I prefer to speak them.
And so I had this awesome idea to do a podcast with a friend. And long story short, my friend
Elizabeth and I did a short-lived podcast called The Brunch with Mamas Podcast.
It was awesome. It was so much fun.
She was and still is living in Austria.
So at the time, it was an awesome opportunity for her and I to get to reconnect and chat over Zoom since we weren't able to see each other very often.
And we got to hang out with some really cool people as they were guests on the
show and overall it was just an awesome experience um for various reasons we we closed that chapter
and as I was still in the midst of pursuing uh my passion of birth education um I was also getting into more like motherhood, matrescence, the whole motherhood
journey, not just birth. I really saw birth as just this tiny moment in time. Even though for
me it was the catalyst for my motherhood journey, I was seeing my work in the world as bigger than just birth education. So I went on to pursue a matrescence training, the Seasons of Matrescence Facilitator Training with Nikki McCann.
And that was amazing.
But in the early days of starting that, I thought, okay, I am going to weave this into birth education. This is going
to be something that mothers can just begin to be immersed in, in the prenatal period.
And I started a second podcast called the Not Just a Mom podcast. And I mean, you are here
listening, so I'm guessing you have been an avid listener of that. And the intention with that podcast was really just shedding light and normalizing both the vulnerabilities and the victories in motherhood, that it's okay to also not enjoy all aspects of motherhood,
but at the same time, finding joy in motherhood is your birthright and that you don't need to
subscribe to martyrdom and self-sacrifice and all those things. I suppose this is kind of where the conception of this podcast starts.
When I was trying to figure out the name for Not Just a Mom,
I kept coming back to this word rewild.
Rewild really felt like it fit into my values and my mission
and the direction I was going.
Everything that I was kind of preaching in my brand
really circled back to being rooted in nature and just kind of going back to the basics and
the simplicity that we can orient to within nature. I've often said things like co-parenting with nature in the context of
motherhood. And that's been a big part of my own motherhood journey. Connecting back to nature was
also a big part of my birth experience and my prenatal period. So yeah, nature has been this
overarching theme in my life for the past couple years. And as I've been creating and developing
this business and blossoming into an entrepreneur, I have continued to use cyclical orientation and
nature as a guidepost and a compass.
And so anyways, this word rewild really held a lot of meaning for me,
but a mixture of things kind of got in my way. I think for me, I was worried that rewild,
the word and its simplicity might be perceived as, in the context of motherhood, it might be perceived as someone that is super crunchy or someone that has completely created a life where they're living off-grid and separated from the government.
And yeah, just this very radical way of living.
And I told myself, well, no, I don't fit into that box, so I guess I can't use that word.
And so I kind of let it go and came up with a new name.
I think the other aspect, though, of the creation of the Not Just a Mom podcast was, It was truthfully like this interim passion project and this experience for me to really get comfortable not only with my own self-expression, but also holding space for others as they share their own story and their vulnerability and and also just learning all the tech because when
I was doing the podcast with a friend with my friend she she obviously helped with a lot of
that and um that was a big concern going into podcasting on my own is just all the responsibility
and the the back end stuff that I really didn't know what I was doing so in hindsight the not
just a mom podcast really became my playground to
practice and gain confidence in all those things. What I learned through the 20 something episodes
of Not Just a Mom is my heart freaking lights up when we are talking about creation whether it's birth whether it's art whether it's business
whatever it is my heart is yeah just completely lit up like a Christmas tree talking about creation
and I guess more specifically business creation because that's what I can closely relate to that's the journey I'm on
right now and my own my own business creation journey has again been oriented the cycles and
use using nature as a compass and I've been on my fair share of pendulum swings going from being a sponge and insatiable to, is that how you say that?
You know when you're satiated? I shouldn't try to use big words on the podcast.
What I'm trying to say though is I was basically a sponge. I was a whore for learning everyone's
strategy, thinking that I could probably find some cheat
code and be extra efficient and be able to build my business quickly and without wasting time,
without wasting money. And I quickly learned that that's not how it goes, especially if you are
heart-centered and soul-led and conscious and intentional and intuitive and I do consider
myself all of those things so following someone else's framework someone else's get quick
quick get rich quick strategy obviously wasn't working for me um I also quickly learned that I am, so my human design type is a self-projected projector, specifically 6-2 self-projected projector.
And if you're into human design, that's probably going to make a lot of sense as I'm sharing a lot of these things.
But if you're not really into human design, I'm sharing this because projectors are a small percentage of the population most of
the population is um i believe generators and manifesting generators and basically the whole
world is created for for those types of people and those types of people have a lot of energy
and a lot of drive and a lot of motivation and momentum and
although hustle probably still isn't a healthy strategy they can actually handle the hustle
um they can they can handle some late nights they can handle pushing through
until something's created and me as a a projector, I can't do that.
Projectors are unapologetically and shamelessly lazy. We really need to protect our energy.
We really need to cultivate and create space for sacred rest. And that was something that was really hard for me to understand, especially as a former overachiever and recovering
perfectionist and people pleaser um I'm yeah I was just constantly always trying to keep up with
everyone else and not let anyone down and not allow my reputation to be impacted so in the early days of, I just realized there's like kids screaming outside here and I
don't know what can be heard. I'm kind of in my own little zone sitting on my deck, just like
basking in the, in the sun and it's beautiful. Um, anyways, let's just keep going here. Um,
so yeah, projector, I need to be very protective of my energy. I also realized very early on that I can't follow and keep up with the generators, the manifestors, the mani-gens of the world.
And with that, I needed to stop learning or being such a whore for the strategy and frameworks that were being passed down by those people.
Because they quite simply
aren't going to work for me. And so the pendulum swing, the first really big pendulum swing really
started for me when I realized that. And I also realized that the business development,
entrepreneurial world is just very, very masculine. um i mean part of that is because
i would say that we really are the first generation where mothers have the opportunity
to be building their own businesses with just the use of technology and being online and virtual
it's actually accessible for us. It's no longer that like
entrepreneurs are just someone that has a brick and mortar store and yeah, all the things. So I
think part of it is that there really is no framework for a mother building her own business.
The frameworks that women have been following are still from the traditional bro marketing culture or from
boss babe culture. And I'm going to say it right now, that simply does not fit into motherhood.
It doesn't matter what human design type you are, that doesn't fit into motherhood. So kind of the
mix of all that really led me to start seeking a more feminine led business. I was really trying to step away from the masculine
hustle and grind and the masculine individualistic, um, every man for himself kind of vibes.
And instead I was stepping into just this softer essence, this essence of just being able to receive. And instead of chasing
things, allowing them to come with me, or sorry, allowing them to come to me. And when you think of
masculine and feminine, you can kind of think of like an egg versus a sperm. And an egg is kind of
just there being her beautiful egg self and the sperm comes to her.
The sperm is on a mission and does everything it needs to do to get to the egg and the egg simply just has to be.
So long story short, I was on this journey of really navigating the whole being versus doing conflict.
And to make it more complicated complicated also trying to navigate what
that looked like in motherhood um and again long story short to all of that it became this very
harsh pendulum swing where I went from one side to the other and I had a season I call it my
allergy season I was literally allergic to anything with the word strategy.
I wanted nothing to do with it.
I was truthfully just almost testing out, like, hey, how simple can this be?
How little can I do while still actually having some success?
And a part of the story also includes having to
redefine what success means to me um and for me specifically it has a lot less to do with money
and a lot more to do with impact and generational change and just really rewriting the narrative and
and showing people that there's another way. There's a more
blissful, joyful, easeful way. And yeah, I'm kind of getting off on a tangent, but why I'm sharing
all this is because while I was creating the Not Just a Mom podcast, I think I always knew my heart
was moving in the direction of business coaching and business mentorship, but imposter syndrome was
getting in my way. Imposter syndrome in the sense of who am I to be doing this when I haven't
mastered it myself? Especially since I was literally in the process of navigating these
harsh pendulum swings myself. So much so that I created my mastermind from other entrepreneurs I called it recalibrate because I
was literally living in the season of recalibration I was navigating these these swings and coming
back to center and what I've ultimately learned is that there is no mastery to this there is no mastery to this. There is no actual destination.
This is ongoing.
This is something that we get to navigate and swing back and forth on or cycle through for the rest of our lives.
And being able to come to that truth has brought me so much peace because it's well first of all it's allowed me to kind of
detach from the outcome and instead actually focus in on being present and intentional and
finding joy in the moment in the journey but it's also just allowed me to completely soften
and allow my nervous system to get the rest that it deserves while also working on my own
self-worth and building my own self-trust and deepening my connection to my intuition
it's yeah it's done all of that for me um and yeah as I was saying I think while I was doing
not just a mom imposter syndrome was getting in my way to really move towards that and to actually declare a business coach as my identity. But thankfully, I've moved
through that. Here we are. We are, I think, basically exactly six months from when Not Just
a Mom started. And yeah, this journey to get here, as I've kind of explained has been a long time coming it's been
it's honestly been more than six months but it's also just been a lot of inside out work um
and yeah it's been it's been me having to embody the work first and really begin to walk the walk, not just talk the talk and practice what I preach.
And actually, yeah, become this embodied, feminine-led business entrepreneur that I am trying to lead others to become.
I had to become her first.
And I feel like, again, I'm not going to say I'm an expert. I'm not going to say I'm a master, but
I feel like I am on that path and I have set and paved the way for that trajectory.
And I'm super excited to actually begin to share more of that process and begin to share, I guess, like the secret,
the secret sauce to it and the cheat codes that I learned along the way to get here.
And I will tell you right now that a lot of it really does have to do with unlearning and
reorienting to nature and reorienting to all of the cycles around us. And it's less to do with
kind of the outside, more masculine strategy and a lot more to do with the inner work and
really deepening your personal and spiritual development. So yeah, i think that kind of explains how we got to where we are today um
this is the rewild and free podcast rewild as i've kind of explained has been a word for me that
has landed for a long time um i really do feel like it encompasses encompasses the paradigm shift of reconnecting and rerouting to nature.
And free being, I guess, in the context of breaking free from survival and actually being able to thrive and be the most alive and embodied versions of ourselves.
Because so many of us are stuck in
survival mode our nervous systems are constantly activated and um we are disconnected from our
bodies we are living in our heads and um again yeah a big part of my journey has been building the trust to allow my actions to be led from my heart and not my mind.
And that was only possible by learning how to soothe and support my nervous system.
So, yeah, that is the conception story of Rewild and Free.
I am coining this, the number one podcast for conscious and holistic mother entrepreneurs.
I feel confident in saying that because I don't think there's any other podcast like this. marry both spirituality and science, masculine and feminine, um, hustle versus rest, um, because
there's a time and a place for both. Um, I'm, I'm really excited to stop compartmentalizing
business versus motherhood. I've said this in other spaces and this has been
a big part of all of my previous and future offer creations. It's really important to me that
this space is open for all things entrepreneurship and all things motherhood. It's not an
either or, it's a both. I also really believe that both personal development and spiritual development, spiritual growth, exploration, whatever you want to call it, is at the foundation of all of this.
If you aren't working on yourself, you aren't going to be able to see the impact and the ripple effect on your business or your mothering. It really
starts from within and it starts with working on ourselves first. So that's what this show is going
to be about. That's the direction we're going. I'm really excited. I'm absolutely honored and grateful to be in your ears right now.
If you've been listening this far, if you are new to the show, welcome.
I'm so glad you're here.
If you have been an avid listener since the beginning, I'm also so glad you're here.
I also just want to mention that I use words like mother and entrepreneur is
i suppose the the word that's most seo friendly but really i'm meaning anyone that's a creator
and i don't care if you are creating for money or if you are just creating for fun.
You are still welcome here.
Apparently Crosby has a lot to say.
You are still welcome here and there's going to be a lot of juice and value for you too.
So all this to say, I'm so glad you're here. I'm so glad to move forward with you
and I can't wait to be in your ears again.
Okay, before you go, I just wanted to say thank you for taking the time to listen to this episode.
If you were thinking of anyone while listening, please send it their way. And if anything
resonated with you or you love these conversations please subscribe and
leave a review this really helps the podcast algorithms put my show in front of more people
just like you and the last thing I would love nothing more than hearing from you so say hi
dm me on instagram and give me a follow at nicolepasvir until next time