Episode Date: November 25, 2023My unfiltered musings on AI and the use of Chat GPT in biz/content creation. Exploring how to remain authentic as a spiritual and heart led creative, while also allowing AI to be a supportive tool to... amplify my own intelligence. In this episode, I share my own internal dilemma of using AI and how I'm untangling and discovering my place in this ever-evolving technological landscape. I believe, as conscious and holistic mother entrepreneurs, it's important for us to question the relationship between technology and our well-being. Are these tools truly helping us or are they perpetuating a cycle of busyness and disconnection? Resources mentioned in this episode.. Book - "Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals" by Oliver Burkeman Masterclass with Katya Nova and Nick Sarafa>> Click here to watch the masterclass "AI as a Co-Pilot" Meet the Oracle is a live virtual 2 day event happening Dec 1 & 2 , a collaboration of the top spiritual leaders in the industry sharing their insights and cheat codes on using AI in our biz **lifetime access to recordingsTickets are 50% off until Dec 1 /23- purchase yours here 💃Connect with me on IG (@nicolepasveer)Want to be a guest on the podcast? Fill out this formExplicit
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You're listening to Rewild and Free. This is the go-to podcast for conscious and holistic
mother entrepreneurs who are ditching society's to-do list for intentional living, freedom,
and abundance, while creating impact and legacy in their home and business. If we haven't
met yet, I'm Nicole Pasvir, your like-hearted mom friend and biz bestie wrapped in one.
I'm an ex-nurse turned matrescence guide and business coach, leading women just like you
into the new paradigm, where thriving in motherhood is your birthright and so is a successful and sustainable online
business keep listening if you're ready to unsubscribe from patriarchal motherhood bro
marketing and boss babe culture because in this space we use nature as our framework as we move
towards feminine embodied business development cyclical orientation and slow living together
let's rewild and remember as we break
free from survival and reconnect to what truly matters. Okay friend, steep your tea and take
the most loving breath you've given to yourself today and let's go. Hello, this is Nicole.
Obviously, who else would be doing this podcast except for me?
I actually laugh sometimes when I'm listening to other people's podcasts.
And obviously, they have their pre-recorded intro.
But then they go, like, introduce themselves again.
And it's like, I don't understand.
Why did you do both?
And I almost just did that.
Obviously, you know it's me, Nicole, because this is my podcast.
What I will say is this is just me. I don't have any guests on this episode um I have some things to say and then I'm going to be
sharing a recording that I did in my car a couple days ago it is very raw it is unedited um it's a
bit cringy now that I've listened to it back but all the more reason
that I'm just going to play it um I'm not I'm not going to allow myself to get stuck in trying
to perfect it or potentially even re-recording it because I think there's a lot of um just
just rawness and realness about it and um this conversation is all about using chat GPT and AI in our
businesses and I'll be on very honest that I'm still very torn on how I feel about all of it I
have mixed feelings I can't quite put my finger on why exactly I'm not jumping all in and the recording kind of does does dissect some of
that a bit but I just wanted to also just explain that this is now several days later and I have
continued to swing on this pendulum and go back and forth and I've been posting on my Instagram
stories trying to discuss with you guys a little bit how you feel about this and
it's really interesting because the the polls I was doing are kind of cut down the middle I'd say
around half of you are already using it and loving it and about the other half are like a big fuck
no and you're staying the fuck away and it's really interesting because
there wasn't a lot of people in the middle being curious and I think that's where I am I am
definitely in this phase of curiosity as I'll share in the recording I'm kind of looking at this
as I'm definitely noticing that there's some fears, but I'm swapping fear with curiosity.
I'm allowing myself to kind of tread the waters really lightly, really gently, really cautiously.
And yeah, so it's just interesting to see where everyone's at.
I did do a question box just to see why people are staying the fuck away.
And that was interesting too, because I would say formally was in agreement
almost all of these responses but I think there's a common thread with these responses and they are
all coming at it from the perspective of using chat GPT to replace you and your voice to basically
do copywriting for you and I think that was something
that really shifted my view on it is not using it for that purpose but instead using it as more of a
brainstorming tool and a source for soundboarding and yeah once I kind of looked at it in that sense
it opened it opened up the possibilities for me and I allowed myself to kind of looked at it in that sense it opened it opened up the possibilities for me and I
allowed myself to kind of soften into it and again as I share in this recording I talk a little bit
about how I think I think it's really important to be aware of what your intentions are in using
this as a tool and being really careful not to outsource whatever it is
you are trying to get from it not outsourcing it to the tool and I mean this goes this is the same
the same train of thought that I would offer if you are hiring any anything in your business
outright if you're hiring a copywriter if you're hiring a VA if
you're hiring a business coach like it's the same intention like you don't want to be hiring them
to outsource I mean yes you are outsourcing a I'm totally digging myself a hole here I think you
know what I mean if you're listening to this and if you've been in my space for a while and just
the importance of the intention and so if you are if you are giving away
your power to someone else that is very different than delegation and using a tool to optimize
something that's already yours and I think this is where maybe some of the confusion maybe some of the controversy kind of comes in with chat gpt is
it's really really slippery like it's a slippery slope in terms of how you could outsource and how
you could actually allow this thing to do a lot of things for you instead of with you so again
just coming back to that intention I wanted to share some of the responses on my stories
so some people these are these are responses from people that are staying the fuck away.
One person said, it doesn't feel like my voice and it's very generic.
There's info, but there's no personality.
So maybe it's great for getting ideas or getting started, but can't rely on it.
And I mean, I do get that
like it is I don't know if the word generic is right but I've already noticed in the small
stints I've played around with it it has some favorite words um so there's there's a lot of
repetition and and the favorite words it's using are not my favorite words and I've even told it
like I don't like that word can you think of another word and I mean it will replace the word but it's it's still very robotic it's not a human and it
this is where my fear comes in is like okay this is just the start of it so like we can we can tell
ourselves all day long that it is just a robot and it can't replace a human but what if it can and I keep kind of dropping back into that that place
of fear because it's real anyways another response said I feel like everything is getting so
convenient and eventually we're just going to be robots we need to form our own thoughts we are
write our own things and make our own stuff and just live
and again I totally do agree with that and it's interesting to kind of look at this from this
perspective of like hustle culture and this obsession with getting things done and being
productive and scratching things off the to-do list and that's where the appeal I think
comes in is chat GPT or other forms of AI can can make life easier um and it adds to that convenient
piece it makes life more convenient and I totally get why there's so much hype about that because we
are always looking for things to save us time we are always
thinking we don't have enough time and oh man I could totally go on a little rant here I just
read a book called 4,000 weeks all about just the use of time and 4,000 weeks I guess is the average
lifespan for us as humans and it was just a really interesting read kind of
dissecting um kind of like the productivity culture and um all the gurus around like time
hacks and like productivity hacks and the best way to use our time the best way to like um make lists
and like time blocking and all that
stuff it was a really good read I do recommend that book actually um but but in it like there
was a lot of discussion around how each time something new like technology wise comes into
our lives to make our lives easier we end up just replacing it with something else.
So we don't actually like get ourselves more time. We actually just fill our day up even more.
And I think in the book, he gave the example of when washing machines came into our lives. And
obviously back in the day, I don't even know the year, but, the women in the household who were previously doing the laundry by hand
now had this machine to help them do laundry.
And so, yeah, on paper, it's like, cool, we're saving all this time.
But then you immediately just fill that time with something else and it never stops.
It's just kind of this vicious cycle um and I mean if we really went into that that kind of started the
whole um evolution of women entering the workforce and now here we are in 2023 as mother entrepreneurs
conscious and holistic to our past generational cycles and we're like okay we can't do it all and part of this is now because
we've normalized that women should be back at work not back work but women should be working
a nine-to-five and also doing all the other things that they were doing when they weren't working
and it's just kind of interesting how again I warned you I was about to go on a rant it's just
really interesting how there's still this really really big obsession with time we're still constantly feeling like we don't have enough of it and we are just never
content we are never fulfilled and I don't want to give too much away but the book really does
do a good job of offering some different perspectives on this and I'm sharing all this
because I think the piece around AI being used as this tool for convenience and this tool to save time
is kind of perpetuating this vicious cycle that collectively as humans we are already on.
And as much as it might save time on paper, I question if it's actually having a positive impact on our quality of life in the
sense of like how fulfilled and how content we feel um and maybe that's something to explore
as i'm using it and just noticing my own feelings of fulfillment and contentment
anyways that was kind of a rant um one other response I
got was that it's great for brainstorming but it's not me and it's not my authentic voice and I think
that is a very common belief around it and a very common reason why people aren't touching it is
they don't want it to take away their their voice and this was part of my train of thought as well before I kind of allowed myself
to start exploring and playing around with it is I was like I I am very intentional with the
language I use and you're probably laughing because you know I'm I'm not concise I definitely
over explain I likely am usually saying too much but that is how I make sense of
the world and um speaking out loud using my voice out loud I'm a self-projected projector in human
design that self-projected piece is really really important in my decision making and if if I tried to dilute my voice aspects of that would be gone parts of me would literally
be gone and I realized that other people obviously with different um authority types in their human
design like that's not applicable to them but the use of my voice the use of my language the use of
the words I choose and not even choose right because when
you're when you're speaking and you get into this like this flow state it's it's it's it's coming
from like your subconscious like I'm not necessarily logically thinking about what I'm
going to say next it's just kind of flowing through me and I don't want something to take
that away from me what I will say is as I've been exploring, as I've been playing around with chat GPT
as a tool, it's been kind of a fun experiment to allow myself to really flex that muscle
of discernment.
And so as the tool, as the GPT gives a response back, I can kind of decide, okay, is that,
does that feel right? Like I'm trying it on for size and I'm deciding yay or nay and so it's been fun to like I said flex that muscle
because I think it's different than when you're actually having a conversation with a person
and potentially like people-pleasing tendencies come up and just like social norms around how you should respond to them like obviously you're not
just going to um like shut down their idea you're going to be respectful in conversation and yeah
it's just different when it's a robot that you are communicating with it's it's a lot easier to say
no to a robot than it is to say no to a person especially as a recovering people pleaser so yeah
it's been fun to kind of practice flexing that muscle discernment and also just allowing myself
to gain clarity on like my own personal boundaries I guess in terms of what feels right for me and
what I want to use versus not use the other thing that I've been thinking about is how I think even like
a couple weeks ago I almost thought of people who were using chat GPT as lazy and I'm willing to
share that out loud because it truly was one of my thoughts. I thought oh well you're just lazy,
you just don't want to put in the time to come up with your own thoughts.
And I've realized now, again, with some time playing around with it,
is depending on how you're using it,
like, it's not lazy because you still have to use your own brain
and your own heart to determine what kind of prompts you're giving it.
And as long as you're not like I said
outsourcing and like directly asking it to like write something for you it really is just
amplifying and helping you expand on some of your ideas so I am enjoying that part of it and I
I've kind of come full circle and I don't see it as lazy. I think of it as actually this really beautiful tool
if you're using it intentionally.
And so it's kind of like a work smarter, not harder kind of thing.
And I think, I mean, it's not going away.
So a part of me really does think that it's important to figure out
how to use it and allow it to be kind of an asset
and a resource in your business.
Something else I wanted to bring up was also I guess kind of around like the people-pleasing tendencies that many women have from good girl conditioning is also this discomfort around
delegation and I think this this stems from again society's obsession with like productivity
and so many of us um having some distorted views around our self-worth and productivity
and if we're still holding on to some of those beliefs that like we aren't
worthy of whatever it is if we aren't getting things done um part of that also includes
this like hyper independence and feeling like we need to do things on our own to kind of prove our
worth and so I think there's also some discomfort around allowing a tool like this to actually help us um and it's almost it's almost like this inability to
be open to receiving its support and I think oh I think I think that is part of
part of the bigger resistance that I'm meeting for myself is like it feels I can't again I can't quite put my finger on what
it is but I think I think deep down a part of me is like I just need to do it myself and if I'm
allowing something especially a robot to help me then it's almost like I cheated um and I think
that's really interesting and something I want to dissect further.
But it's interesting how if I'm actually investing in, say, a business coach or a copywriter,
then that doesn't feel like cheating.
Like, I have no problem if it's a real person that I am compensating their time for, likely
through money.
So I wonder if that's a piece of it is the fact
that like these chat GPT tools like obviously there's there's free options available and
yeah I don't know I don't I can't really finish my thought on that something for myself for for
me to dissect further but also would love to hear your thoughts on that um on the flip side to all of this I also just want to share
that I definitely am feeling myself opening up to the idea of using something like this chat GPT or
some tool um more in my business but there is still a immense amount of fear and almost some
frustration that it seems like everyone is getting so excited and hyped up about
this especially like just in the media and I don't know like it just seems like people aren't
realizing like the potential of AI and I think I think it's also confusing because it can be easy to compartmentalize and just be okay
with chat GPT, but not necessarily realizing that that is a aspect of AI. And by using chat GPT,
we are kind of giving permission to continue to advance the technology of AI and I share a bit in the
recording just around some of the fears around the use of AI in terms of like video creation
and like using your voice and potentially like some privacy stuff with our kids and stuff and
it's just really confusing to me because I've seen even some of my own friends who are really excited about chat GPT but also have very strong boundaries around privacy of
like their children and their life on social media and it's just really confusing because how can you
be on one side and not the other um and again I I'm totally just thinking out loud here. I'm, this
is very, very unfiltered and raw. I'm processing in real time. I literally don't know what my own
thoughts are here. But I will say that there's, yeah, almost this feeling of frustration of like,
why aren't people more scared why is there so much excitement almost
like to the point of being naive um to the potential dangers of this and like I said it's
it's easy if you compartmentalize the two and like see chat gpt as this separate thing but the thing
is is it's still just a form of AI and by it, I feel like we are giving this okay that we are on board with AI being
a part of our lives.
I'm going to probably wrap it up there because I'm going to let you listen to the recording
that I did in the car.
I apologize in advance.
The audio is not amazing.
You hear a lot of weird sounds as I'm driving.
It's also hilarious because I think every single
time I say chat GPT, I say chat GTP, I say it wrong. And now that I've pointed that out, you
can laugh with me, not at me, because the first time I listened to it back, I was literally beside
myself like howling. My cheeks hurt so bad because I was laughing so hard. Oh man, it's so funny.
Anyways, I would love to hear your thoughts on all of this and carry on this conversation. I don't
think this is something that we need to have answers for today. I also think it's something
that we are allowed to change our minds on and I'm going to continue to stand by curiosity over
fear. I am really, really intentional about not allowing fear to dictate my actions.
So with that said, I'm going to continue to just be curious about this.
And with that, I'm very open to conversations.
I want to hear your thoughts.
I want to learn from you.
Yeah, here is the recording in the car.
I have 15 minutes of driving and I actually really enjoy recording a podcast while
I'm driving. I'm actually alone. I feel like I'm kind of in this flow state. I don't know if anyone
else feels that way while they're driving, especially in silence, especially driving
somewhere that I've been to many times. So I'm kind of driving on autopilot I'm actually on the way to my massage therapist she actually
doesn't do traditional massage she has a shoulder injury that doesn't matter but
I'm going for craniosacral therapy which I've actually been having been doing I don't know what the proper
verb is there um or adjective verb I don't even know I'm not I swear I graduated high school
um but I've been doing cranial since 2018 I think holy cow that's a long time. But yeah, back in 2018, I actually gave myself a pretty
wicked concussion and was off work for several months. It was kind of a big deal. And one of
the treatment modalities that really helped me find some relief and actually just find some more like root cause healing for my body was
cranial um so yeah I've been going to cranial ever since now it's more just like a maintenance thing
I can totally feel when things just kind of feel the word I always use is gunky like I can feel
my body getting gunky like things are kind of stuck and it's super cool because
cranial really is I actually don't even know how to explain it it's kind of like a mix of like
energetic stuff like it's moving energy in your body but through like the cranial um the what am
I looking for like the I think like the cerebral spinal I don't even know
it's cool it's it's very different than massage but I think a lot of massage therapists um
might have training in it anyways so the lady I've been seeing for several years has loads and
loads of training she's super cool I think it's kind of again I don't know really what Reiki is
but I think it's kind of like Reiki I don't know really what Reiki is, but I think it's kind of like Reiki. I don't know.
I should stop talking because I'm not here to convince you to do anything.
I'm just sharing.
That's where I'm going.
Anyways, I've been wanting to speak on the use of artificial intelligence in the context of online entrepreneurs, content creators,
course creators, whatever you identify as. And I think it's just this really crazy thing that
is going on in this world right now. And personally personally it's been something that I have been really averse to
I've really intentionally been avoiding it I don't think it's good I'm if I'm being honest I'm fearful
of it I'm fearful of its capabilities I'm fearful of what it's going to do not just from the
perspective of like taking out people's jobs but just in the sense of things much bigger and even harder to imagine.
And now with the use of the creation of like video and voice and like,
it's far more than just being a really fancy Google.
And I find that quite scary.
And I also find it confusing why there's so much excitement and buzz about it. Like, I don't understand why, why we can be, I say we as like's so much unknowns about and I it's interesting
because I kind of compare it to the height of the pandemic and how everyone was ridden with fear and
again like that was fear of the unknown why why is there excitement with this unknown why why are we
only talking about like the positive capabilities and potentials of this Why are we only talking about the positive capabilities
and potentials of this? Why aren't we talking about the dangers and the more negative what-ifs?
And maybe I'm just kind of hanging out in the wrong spaces and maybe I'm not hearing
at all. Obviously, I know there's two sides, two camps to be on here and it is kind of
a controversial thing. But anyways, I'm sharing
all this because I've been kind of on this harsh pendulum swing with it myself. Like I said, I've
been very averse to it. I've been avoiding of it. I haven't wanted to touch it. And specifically,
I'm referring to like chat GPT in the context of using it for assistance in like content creation. I really haven't wanted to even touch it.
I don't want it to take over.
I don't want to lose the authenticity
of my own language and my own copywriting.
I am very just intentional with the language I use,
and I trust that the words that come out of me
are coming out for a reason, and so don't really want to mess with that I think the very fact that it's called artificial
intelligence also puts that like yucky taste in my mouth it's artificial and I just do not want
to be artificial I want to be organic I want to be natural I want to be authentic and it's a really
strong value of mine that I'm also like embodying all of that
and I don't really know how to embody something if it's not my own so um yeah that's kind of where
I was literally a week ago and then I had a friend who introduced me to how she's been using chat gtp
in her content um and offer creation and she she kind of helped me see a
different perspective to it seeing it more as this companion to soundboard with and not necessarily
outsource and allow the the technology to take over your voice but instead just kind of like
bounce ideas off of it.
And she showed me some of the prompts that she was inputting into ChatGTP.
And again, it wasn't so much to copy and paste and create content from.
It was more so to actually inspire her own creative flow and to have her start thinking
in ways that she likely never would have thought of before.
And I was like, OK, so this is in my mind, it was taking over a copywriter, but in the use she was using it for, it's almost taking
over a business coach, because these are the things that I go to for like business coaching.
And anyways, it kind of just opened up a can of worms for me. So started um well first of all she sent me a link to a workshop
um from Katya Nova and I will link that workshop in case anyone else wants to watch it because it
was an interesting perspective and it um shares just kind of how artificial intelligence fits
into the more spiritual side of the more spiritual community which I was really interested in and I might follow along just out of curiosity just to see where that conversation goes and
just how that community is using it because on one hand I do see how AI is going to continue to grow
and it's one of those things where like if you don't if you don't jump in you're gonna kind of
be left behind I think of it as like other technologies even like driving like back in
the day when way back in the day when they would have been shifting from like horse-drawn carriages
to cars I imagine there was loads and loads of resistance um to people wanting to learn how to drive a car. And could you imagine
if you stayed that stubborn? So I'm also like trying to stay open in that sense, because I
know this is going to keep going. This isn't just a trend. And I also see how it could help optimize
certain pieces in my business and bring more ease and really just like streamline some things so I can
see how AI can potentially be a useful tool and a useful resource when used very consciously and
very intentionally. So this is kind of the pendulum swing I was on last week after the
conversation with my friend and kind of opening up that perspective for me. And then watching that masterclass with Katya Nova,
I opened up, first of all,
I didn't even know that ChatGCP could be an app on my phone.
So that changed things for me too,
because I was really resistant to having another thing
that I would have needed to only access on my computer.
I really don't do a lot of my work on the computer.
Most of what I do is on my phone,
asides from obviously things that can only be done on the computer so that was part of it too and then as soon as I realized that there's this app I'm like oh okay well this is all of a sudden
way more accessible so I downloaded this app and I really just allowed myself to kind of humanize
chat gtp and I started putting in prompts literally as if I was having a conversation with a friend and it felt like texting. So that actually felt really good to me. It felt really
natural. It didn't feel like I was talking to a robot. It didn't, yeah, it didn't feel artificial.
And so that, that was interesting because I wasn't expecting that. And then some of the
conversation, the feedback I was getting from this robot was actually quite helpful. And if it wasn't, I could kind of give another
prompt and it would then give me something more helpful. So again, here I am on this pendulum
swing. Now I'm all the way on the other side thinking, oh my goodness, chat GTP is my new
best friend. Holy cow. And then I'm still kind of unsure where I stand because I'm like I didn't
think I felt this way like there's still kind of an ickiness that I can't put my finger on
and then I was scrolling on Instagram and someone shared a post about how AI um and like the video
um what's the word like how you can literally your, or soon to be able to create video
and like voice, like mimics of your own voice and your own person. It's basically like a
digital avatar of you, but very, very realistic. So like I've seen videos of people using AI to
create a video, and it's not them creating the video,
it's their AI robot. I don't know about that. And anyways, this thing that was shared online
was all about stuff, personal private pictures of family members, kids specifically being
taken and then being used to create video or voice recordings potentially of your kid,
let's say sending you a message that they're in like massive danger and they need money and stuff like that.
So basically being taken for ransom and kidnapped and maybe even worse things.
I won't go there. You know exactly what I'm talking about.
So after seeing that,
I was like, okay, this is why I've been scared because like the potential of it is so frightening.
And so it kind of brought me back to the other side of the pendulum of like, no way,
I'm not touching this at all. This is not for me. I want no part in it. This stuff is scary.
And honestly, like that's the end of the story.
That's where I'm at right now. I'm I'm I'm very confused because on one side I see some of the benefits to it.
If you are very conscious and intentional with it. But I don't know how to continue to be conscious and intentional when the thing is smarter than me.
Like, I think that's the scariest part um and yeah I like I said this
is the end of the story this is where I'm at right now and I don't know how I feel about it I don't
know what this is gonna look like in the near future I don't know what this is gonna look like
in terms of my own use of it I still do have like the chat gtp app on my phone um I don't even know how I feel
about that it's it's also interesting because I I can see how AI is being um integrated into like
everything like I think it's I think it's somehow integrated into zoom now I know in my podcast creation, some of the software, the tech I use, AI is being used
to help create some like subject lines and do the transcription and that kind of stuff. I know even
my email service provider now has an integration with AI to come up with subject lines. And it's
like, it's everywhere. Like, I don't know how to avoid it okay this is hilarious
I had said that I knew where I was going and I was basically gonna drive on autopilot and I told
they just missed my turn that's hilarious um funny funny funny um that's okay they still know where I
am um but yeah it's just I don't know like I said I don't know where I
I stand on this I'm super curious to open up the conversation with you guys I want to hear your
thoughts um the other thing is some of the big things that I've kind of been practicing in my
life are just not allowing myself to take action based on fear and instead instead allow myself to be curious so basically swapping
fear with curiosity so like last week that's kind of what I was intending to do I'm like you know
what I'm not going to be scared of this I'm just going to go in with curiosity I'm just going to
see where it takes me and as I said I was pleasantly surprised I was actually pretty
impressed with the conversation I had with my seemingly new best friend, ChatGTP. And again,
like, it's just, it's, yeah, it's a really interesting thing to try to comprehend. And
maybe that's the scary part is it's not comprehensible. Like, it doesn't make sense.
But again, like, I just don't think it's going anywhere and it's just
going to continue getting bigger and become integrated into things that we almost don't
have a choice and not using it so part of me is like well do I start like using it now start
learning how to use it in a way that fits in with my values and my morals I don't know so yeah super curious to hear your thoughts on
this I will um like I said I'll link that workshop if you're interested in it um that's a whole other
cat of worms Katya Nova I don't I don't follow her um but she apparently is the affiliate queen
and so she's running a whole thing um this workshop that, yeah, like she literally makes money off of this and potentially so do I,
which is why all the affiliate marketing is a whole other can of worms that is kind of controversial.
And I don't know how I feel about it. But at the same time, there's some parts of it that really make a lot of sense to me.
And I think the parts that are feeling questionable are some underlying trauma, PTSD, for lack of a better word, from network marketing, multi-level marketing.
And I do see, see obviously some similarities with affiliate
marketing but also some very big differences so yeah didn't plan to talk about that I'm just
super curious to hear where others stand with AI I think the other thing was in the in the
workshop that I'll link they talk a lot about it being, oh, what's the word they use?
Instead of calling it artificial intelligence, I think they call it like amplifying intelligence.
And that actually kind of resonated with me because the way I was using AI for my short stint,
like literally it was like probably less than an hour that I played around with it.
That's what it felt like. it was amplifying my own intelligence. It wasn't, it wasn't necessarily
giving me the answers. It was just amplifying the stuff that I had already put in, which really is
no different than when you hire like a business coach or someone to help mentor you. I believe
like what makes a good coach, what makes a good mentor is them kind of bringing you back to center, helping you come back to yourself and just shining light on
what's true for you. So that's kind of what I felt like chat GTP was doing. And I think that was in
large part due to the prompts I was giving it, right? I wasn't asking it. I wasn't, I wasn't
trying to outsource to it so again I do
think if if you're using it with intentionality and just in a very conscious way then yeah maybe
it can be beneficial but anyways super curious this is a big can of worms I'd love to hear your
thoughts okay that's it for the car recording Thank you for listening if you made it this far. I know the audio on that was shit and my thoughts were not very concise. So yeah, just thank you for
listening to those rambles. I also just wanted to add that the masterclass, the workshop that I was
talking about from Katya Nova, she has since done I think like one or two more that I believe you have access to for free
and then she also has a full-on um oh my goodness I don't even know what to call it it's like a
several day event with like tons of guest speakers doing their own trainings all around how to use AI, chat GPT in like your spiritual, spiritually led business.
And I think, I know I'm very intrigued by it. Like I keep saying, I'm really approaching this
with curiosity, not fear. But I think I am now technically an affiliate for it because
I signed up for her very first free masterclass so I am
going to leave those links um I really haven't followed too much about any of it like I said
I'm just in this state of curiosity um but I just wanted to have full transparency that since I am
an affiliate and if you do end up purchasing a ticket to her uh several day or event I think it's called meet the oracle um I will get compensated for it
and that's just really weird like I mentioned I have mixed feelings around affiliate marketing and
there are definitely some brands and some product products that I'm a very proud affiliate for and
I think I think they the strategy in itself is brilliant but I think again if we're not approaching it with a conscious and intentional
um just perspective it's yeah it's this whole thing so just wanted to share that um
I don't know if I'm gonna I might edit this out this is now awkward man podcasts podcasts are all fun
and games when you're talking with someone or when you have like a script but when you just kind of
show up and start talking to your computer um and like you probably need more friends in your life
this is the kind of episode that comes out okay someone take this mic away from me
okay before you go I just wanted to say thank you for taking the time
to listen to this episode if you were thinking of anyone while listening please send it their way
and if anything resonated with you or you love these conversations please subscribe and leave
a review this really helps the podcast algorithms put my show in front of more people just like you and the last thing I
would love nothing more than hearing from you so say hi dm me on instagram and give me a follow
at nicolepasvir until next time