Episode Date: December 23, 2023This is a recording clipped from the replay of the Winter Solstice women's circle I held on December 22/23. I wanted it to have a permanent spot on the podcast, along with the following to reflect on:...Think back to this time last year, what were your expectations/goals heading into 2023 Reflect on your growth / transformation Did you have a keyword for 2023? Bring that front of mind as you reflect Scan through your year - meditate or look through your camera roll to jog your memory It’s easy to look at the good times, but can you hold space for the hard times too? Notice the challenging moments AND the celebrations. Pick a few prompts below to journal on: What am I proud of? (Don’t dim anything down. Hold space for even the smallest wins) What am I grateful for? Where did abundance show up? (doesn’t have to be financial abundance) What was my biggest challenge? What would bring comfort, care, or completion to this challenge? (Perhaps a Ritual, ceremony, communication, setting a boundary, etc.) What *isn't* working for me?What *is* working for me?Where am I rushing? Or feeling a sense of urgency?Where can I add intentional pauses (microrest) to my life? What does my body need right now?What ‘shoulds’ or stories do I want to release? What am I still harvesting from last season (fall)? What am I letting go of (letting die) this season (winter)?How can I prepare and nourish myself (soil) to be fertile next season (spring)?
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I am going to invite you to get as comfortable as possible.
And if you're in a position where you can close down your eyes,
please do so and just begin to kind of find comfort in your own body
and in the position you're in, the surface that's holding you.
Allow yourself to really be held here.
So again, I just invite you to begin grounding yourself
in this present moment.
And if you haven't yet, have your eyes closed
and take a deep breath here.
No need to change your breath. Just noticing where it's naturally filling up your body, where the energy is moving.
Connecting with the natural rhythm of your breath.
Begin to notice stillness around your current environment.
There isn't.
Notice stillness in your body.
Maybe it feels expansive.
Maybe it feels numb.
Maybe it feels expansive. Maybe it feels numb.
Maybe it feels empty.
Maybe there's tension.
A little judgment here, just witnessing and holding whatever is present in you.
Coming back to the natural rhythm of your breath.
Noticing the darkness.
The darkness of your eyelids.
Maybe the pokes of light coming through in the contrast of light and dark.
You find comfort here.
Now in your mind's eye,
imagine a serene winter landscape.
Dark sky, the snow glistening under the moonlight.
The stillness of winter.
Allow it to settle around you.
Take a deep breath
inhaling the crisp cool air and just connecting with the quiet magic of this sacred season.
Quiet magic of space, realness.
Now with that white blanket of snow surrounding you,
I invite you to picture a blank canvas symbolizing the coming year.
Notice the excitement, maybe the nerves, the uncertainty, whatever's coming up for you
as you just visualize the blankness, the freshness for you.
Now you're going to turn around in this serene winter landscape that you have set off into.
Behind you, you notice in the sky, there's almost like a whole movie playing back the past year's memories, events, hardships, celebration.
You're seeing it all just kind of flow through. If you had a keyword for 2023 or an intention that you set heading into the new year, this
time last year, I invite you to bring it forward.
Just allow its energy to weave into the fabric of your journey,
into the visuals and the movie that's playing before your eyes.
As the movie keeps playing, you scan through the images and the visuals of your year.
Acknowledge the challenges dance of growth and experience. Coming back to your breath.
Beginning to focus on your victories.
Letting the light of recognition shine on you in the smallest winds, the baby steps, the fumbles and the get back up again. Allow a sense of pride to fill you.
Feel into and soak up the warmth of accomplishment.
Allow it to radiate your body, perhaps in a smile.
Maybe holding your shoulders just a little bit higher allowing yourself to really feel that pride
everything you've done in the last year And with your next breath, I invite all moments of fullness, enoughness.
Let the feelings of thankfulness drip over you.
And as your home movie is still playing in the sky above you,
I invite you to call forward your biggest transformation.
Witness the metamorphosis happening within.
The discomfort of the uncertainty.
The self-doubt.
Whatever else might be coming up for you and also holding space acknowledging the strength and the resilience in yourself that kept you
moving forward to this point And again, just allowing that energy, that feeling, that sensation to radiate into your
To embody it, to allow it to manifest into a smile, a hug, holding up your heart, whatever it's feeling.
Connecting back to your breath looking back up into the sky
as the movie keeps playing
calling forward your greatest challenge
maybe it's a moment you aren't so proud of
a moment you wish you could do over differently.
Invitation to soften with compassion for this tender moment. You'll be placing a shun on your body wherever you're feeling called, wherever you're wanting
to be held. From here I want you to imagine a bit more care, compassion, and completion to that challenge?
Whether through ritual,
in communication, setting boundaries,
ceremony, ceremony envision yourself
moving through
those healing steps
needed for resolution
trusting that whatever is coming up
for you is right
and have some
enemy Now, so can it be. Coming back to breath, coming back to the home movie playing in the sky, watching it
as it approaches the present moment, playing scenes between last night or this morning.
Consider the shoulds and the stories you're ready to be released. Visualize them as delicate snowflakes.
Watch them just gently drift away.
Floating by you with ease.
Simplicity. simplicity
leaving space for new narratives and new stories to unfold
no intention
finally as you begin to let go there's the lightness and the freedom that comes with releasing these shits, these stories, weights, burdens.
Knock to your breath, knock to your body. Just embracing the tranquility of this solstice moment, illness.
Knowing and trusting that you carry the wisdom of your journey into the coming year, the coming seasons.
When you're ready, start to come back to this present moment. Be rubbing your arms, rubbing your legs.
And as you open your eyes, taking in your physical environment, just slowly scanning
your room, scanning your environment,
connecting back to breath, grounding, landing in this space
before bringing your eyes back to the screen.