Episode Date: January 13, 2024

I had the pleasure of sitting down with Marissa, a holistic designer and home coach (@honeylunehivery on IG)In this episode, Marissa shares her inspiring journey of self-discovery, spiritual awakenin...g, to finding her true calling in creating intentional, meaningful home spaces. Marissa's story resonates deeply!! Together, we explore the intersection of modern day witchcraft, nature, and feminine embodiment! Marissa also explains the importance of self expression and intentionality in your space; how to heal through your home; and the cure (and psychology) behind clutter!Listen to the end to hear the impactful meaning behind Marissa’s business name Honey Lune Hivery Meet Marissa: Marissa Lada is a holistic designer and home coach. She specializes in helping women enhance the relationship they have with their space for better health, happiness, and energy. She holds a background in interior design and is a certified Feng Shui consultant. Connect with Marissa (@honeylunehivery)Grab Marisa’s FREE de-stress and de-mess decluttering guide here. . Connect with Nicole (@nicolepasveer)Apply to be a guest on the show here Join Nicole's private membership community, HELD: A playground for conscious + creative female entrepreneurs desiring a landing place for integration, embodiment, self exploration, soul work, AND regenerative business strategy

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Modern witchcraft is just like, we're doing crockpots instead of cauldrons. And we're doing a lot of kitchen, which is, I mean, really witchcraft to me, I mean, maybe to some people, it's more complicated. But to me, it really is like what you're saying. It's so simple. It's reconnecting to yourself and reconnecting to nature. You're listening to Rewild and Free. This is the go-to podcast for conscious and holistic mother entrepreneurs who are ditching society's to-to podcast for conscious and holistic mother entrepreneurs who are ditching society's to-do list for intentional living, freedom, and abundance while creating impact and legacy in their home and business.
Starting point is 00:00:33 If we haven't met yet, I'm Nicole Pasvir, your like-hearted mom friend and biz bestie wrapped in one. I'm an ex-nurse turned matrescence guide and business coach leading women just like you into the new paradigm. Where thriving in motherhood is your birthright and so is a successful and sustainable online business keep listening if you're ready to unsubscribe from patriarchal motherhood bro marketing and boss babe culture because in this space we use nature as our framework as we move towards feminine embodied business development cyclical orientation and slow living together let's rewild and remember as we break free from survival
Starting point is 00:01:05 and reconnect to what truly matters. Okay friend, steep your tea and take the most loving breath you've given to yourself today and let's go. Hello there, this is episode 42 of the podcast. Obviously this is Nicole speaking but I'm going to be joined by a new friend of mine, a new internet friend, Marissa from Honeyloon Hivory. Marissa is a, I really should have the bio pulled up before I start recording. Marissa is a holistic designer and home coach. She specializes in helping women enhance the relationship they have with their space for better health, happiness, and energy.
Starting point is 00:01:42 She holds a background in interior design and is a certified feng shui consultant um i obviously have had the conversation with marissa already i've i've had the pleasure of getting to know her and i can definitely attest to the fact that marissa is so much more than the things that her bio says um she is so fun. Her energy is magnetic and just her story is really inspiring and relatable. Within the episode, you are going to hear little bits of just her experience of how she got to where she is and why she's doing the line of work she's doing she shares her journey of self-discovery from a spiritual awakening back in her college days to embracing her witchiness and really incorporating witchcraft into her lifestyle we go in a lot of
Starting point is 00:02:39 different directions in this episode I hope you can keep up I have no doubt that you are going to fall in love with Marissa just as I have no doubt that you are going to fall in love with Marissa just as I have. Make sure to listen to the end because she shares with us the meaning and significance behind her company name. And that's just really special as well. So enjoy. There's never a not awkward way to start these conversations because we've been talking for a bit. But anyways, hi, Marissa. It is so, so lovely to finally meet you. I shouldn't even say finally, because we are very new friends. We recently found each other on Instagram and I was like, hey, is it too soon to ask you to be on my podcast? And you were like, absolutely not. Let's do it. And so here we are.
Starting point is 00:03:23 Yes. No, thank you so much for having me, by the way. Honestly, I loved when you said that because you're like, is it too soon? And I was like, no, this is like a perfect way to get to know each other. Exactly. Yes, exactly. So I'm really excited. Yeah. To hear your story for the first time, because I really don't know much about you. I have loved what I've been seeing online so far I think what you're doing and just your whole brand is super cool and super inspiring and definitely filling a gap in the industry that I didn't even know existed um so maybe why don't we just dive in why don't you quickly share kind of who you are and what you do um but before we get into that I keep forgetting I've been asking everyone that comes on the show what book they're reading are
Starting point is 00:04:13 you currently reading a book I have a book I'm currently reading and I have a book that I am trying well not trying to start but it's on the docket that should be like the way I ask the question is like what books are on your reading list yes because I will be honest it's one of those things that I am trying to get better at um I personally am not a fiction or not a fiction I'm a not non-fiction reader um so I am trying with that so I prefer fiction it's like my unwind relaxed time so that's kind of what I'm currently reading for fun but I'm trying to do more like learning books it's funny because I'm the opposite like I cannot get enough of like kind of like the personal development business development that
Starting point is 00:05:03 kind of stuff and like I really need to get back into just reading for fun. So complete opposite. Do you tend to read like an actual paper book? Or are you like a Kindle girl or audible? I am a paper book. Like, I'm an old soul. So I do a lot of older things. I don't really qualify myself as a millennial because I'm just like very, not anti-technology, but I'm just like, I prefer the touch and the feel and the smell. Yes. The book smell. Yes. Yes. I get a lot of my books from the library and that's its own smell. I know. Like I, I just can't do a kindle or one of those tablets I'm personally afraid because I you know take it to the beach or I go to the park I'm just like you know a paper book is meant to be aged and loved and you know can get dog ears
Starting point is 00:05:58 and all that kindles I'm like that doesn't that shouldn't go by water. Yeah, no, totally. I hear you on that. That's so funny. I, I'm like sort of laughing. Cause I mean, I, I know where you are and I can see you and you are currently in a van. So maybe let's dive into like, it just speaks to a little bit about, I think like the irony of what you do and just all of it. So let's just dive in. Like, who are you and what are you doing right now? I know. I laugh because I, so many times I just look at my life and like, I am such a walking contradiction. But I love it. I love it so much. I think that's like part of what drew me to like, oh, this person is so interesting. Like, I want to know more it's like this thank you yeah like magnetism well I it's like I don't even know where to start I guess um like origin story I just grew up very sensitive to spaces I am 80 like I am neurodivergent I have have ADHD, like diagnosed when I was six, we did brain scans because my mom was like, she's a little, she's, you know, kind of different. So I, um, I'm just like very sensitive
Starting point is 00:07:12 to my spaces. I'm empathic. So like, you know, environments really stimulate me. And my grandfather, actually the one I was telling you about previous to the recording he was a hoarder um and going over to his house was such a horrible experience for me because the space was so overwhelming on top of you know just the piles of boxes and stacks of newspapers there was like the smells and it just it didn't feel like a cozy like I'm going to grandma's to bake cookies and snuggle up. It was not that. So I had this understanding, really. Yes, it was just, yeah, very early memories of that.
Starting point is 00:07:58 But with that, actually, I kind of recognized that I was very sensitive to my environment and kind of didn't really like have that click, but just that seed was planted early on. And then in high school, I think I discovered, you know, I was very fortunate to go to a school that had a lot of extracurricular activities and different things for, you know, 4-H and all that. So there, I, that's where I discovered interior design and I fell in love with it. I was like, you can do this for a career. What? So got my degree. Um, and then after, right after college, I got my degree and I'm just like, Oh my gosh, yes, I'm going to, you know, do what I love to do.
Starting point is 00:08:39 Um, which I was also very fortunate to find my passion so early on, because 18 is an age where you don't know what you want to do. I kind of went through a spiritual awakening. Now, anyone who's had a spiritual awakening, it most of the time just flips your world on its head. And I started to question what I wanted to do in life. And I really still love spaces. I loved, you know, how you, it can be so creative and such a reflection of a personality and tell a story and all of that. But there are some things that I really do not like about the industry. It is very vain. It is very like trend driven and keeping up with the Joneses and consumeristic. And there were so many things
Starting point is 00:09:26 I did not like. And it actually turns out that I could not get a job in my field, like right after college. So I ended up working at a crystal shop. And that's where like my spiritual awakening was just like full on expanded, like big bang. I learned about chakras and different energy modalities and like ancient texts and all of this stuff. And that's where I discovered feng shui. And I was like, this is perfect. It blends my love for spaces, like the looks, but with the energy. So I knew I always wanted to blend both of those together. I just didn't quite know how to do that. Like, I feel like my journey, I got little bits and pieces and breadcrumbs. And I was like, okay, I have more to this puzzle now, but it's not fully solved.
Starting point is 00:10:15 So I didn't really do anything with that knowledge for quite a bit. I ended up working in a bunch of design firms and architect firms throughout the country. And then flash forward to 2020. Everyone's story has like a big chapter starting in March 2020. I know you can just, I just say March 2020 and everyone's like, oh yeah, I know, I know where this is going. So that, like the pandemic happened for those of you who, I don't know, were not affected. Yeah. But I ended up losing my job.
Starting point is 00:10:54 And I just, like, so much of my life kind of came crumbling down. I lost my job. I didn't know how I could afford my apartment because I lost my job. And I couldn't find anyone just with, like, lockdowns and everything. My friend group, like my relationship ended two weeks previous. It was definitely like universes. Like you are, you are having a death moment and just, you know, everything's falling apart, a tower moment, if you will. Um, but that in that week, I just decided I'm going to start my own business. Um, so that's how my business, which I do today was born in just kind of like
Starting point is 00:11:26 that tower moment of death and then rebirth. And that's also when I decided to build out my van because I am someone that just, yes, that it was a very strategic, like either universe and me kind of coming together and like, this is what we're going to do. So I, yeah, one of those reasons was like, I had no idea where I was going to live. And I've always actually wanted to do a tiny house ever since design school. That was one of our projects was designing a tiny house. This was like back in 2012 when tiny houses were catching on like the tiny house movement, flatbed trailers, all of that. And I was just so captivated by,. I was like, this makes so much sense. It's sustainable. It's very minimal impact on the environment. You get to customize it. It's
Starting point is 00:12:12 affordable. I just love the idea. So when I had kind of that opportunity with 2020 and the pandemic and me losing my job and starting this business, I also recognized I really miss traveling. And I actually had this trip I was going to go on and it, you know, of course got canceled and everyone with the shutdowns and lockdowns, like you couldn't go anywhere. So I was like, you know, I can still travel the country in this van. I can work, you know, online, which is what I want to do. I'm someone who lives, you know, very like what I want to do. I live through my heart. I follow to do. I'm someone who lives, you know, very like what I want to do. I live through my heart. I follow my heart. So that kind of had me decide the van, which is why I built it out.
Starting point is 00:12:51 You know, in 2020, fall of 2020, I got a van. I was so scared. I didn't know what I was doing. I, I will, I share this a lot prior to building out this van. I had never used a power tool. I remember calling my friend and being like, what did I just do? What am I doing? And he's like, oh, it's easy. You get the monkey wrench. And I had to Google what these tools were. I was like, well, I don't.
Starting point is 00:13:18 I was so overwhelmed. But I just followed. I really wanted to do this. And I am someone who is usually very ambitious. And I'm like, I just have to do it for the sake of doing it. I want to know I'm capable of doing it. So I did it. I built out my van all by myself, had no idea what I was doing to the electrical, did the cabinetry. Yeah, it was quite the experience. Blood, sweat, tears went into that is badass for sure. I'm curious if like, so you're saying like, at this point, you very much like live by your heart and just kind of followed your heart's desires. Have you always been like that? Or it was definitely a part of my spiritual awakening. So we're unpacking a lot here. Therapy! I know. Well, this is like, I am someone that is very like, let's talk about the deep stuff. I'm a double Scorpio, like moon and rising. I love this. That being said, also Scorpio is like, you you got to ask me so you're asking the right
Starting point is 00:14:26 question I love it and I I personally find the podcast itself very therapeutic so I joke that this is like cheaper than therapy so happy to go in any direction you want to go we can totally like dive right into things um it's just so cool hearing kind of the domino effects that happened for you to even get to where you were in 2020. And it's funny because I feel like so often we can clench on to this dream that we have. And I imagine for you, like coming out of high school and going into interior design school and then graduating, you probably had this like visual of yourself working at, I don't know, some fancy interior design school and then graduating, you probably had this like visual of yourself working at, I don't know, some fancy interior design school, maybe, I don't know, fill in the blanks for me, like other things that very likely might've been part of society's to-do
Starting point is 00:15:15 list. And then, yeah, things just happen and it's like, oh, okay, we were never actually supposed to go there. I was never supposed to have that job. I was supposed to go work go work at this crystal shop and like it all makes sense now that we can look at it like hindsight truly is 2020 so it's really cool just to hear everything unfolding the way that it did yeah I mean I should get that tattoo because like I mean 2020 is when it happened and really like in those moments I was, my world is fully coming down. What am I going to do? How am I going to pay rent? How am I going to build this? Like, there were so many things that I was questioning and yeah, now looking back, I totally see why it had to happen. But to answer your previous question. So no, this, I was, oh my gosh,
Starting point is 00:16:02 I was never like a follow my heart. I mean, in some ways, yes, because I found interior design and I loved that. And I remember actually my mom tells this story how when I decided in high school that I was going to pursue interior design, like I was that very, I'm a eldest child, like goody two shoes, get good grades, you know, appease the parents sort of. So I was really good at math. I don't know if I am now, but I was really good at math. And my math teacher was like, why isn't she pursuing that? And my mom's like, well, she really loves interior design. And I'm fortunate to have parents who supported me. But for me, there was definitely a lot of those
Starting point is 00:16:43 societal pressures, probably also family pressures of like, get a good job or go to school, get good grades, you can get a good job. And I did have that image. I was actually so afraid to even leave my hometown. I thought I was going to live in my hometown forever. Like I could have never imagined like how my life is now where I'm in a van traveling. I've like traveled abroad solo. I've done so many things. But really, yeah, when I had my spiritual awakening. So for some context with that, actually, like in college, I had an eating disorder.
Starting point is 00:17:21 Okay. Anyone who's experienced that, I mean, women do get a lot of shame and societal pressures about how they look and their image and weight and body and all of that. And for me, like this was almost a snowball from like all the anxiety and depression I got in high school, which manifested into an eating disorder, which I was a shell both physically and just mentally and energetically of who I was. And I got to such a low point where I was contemplating, you know, I don't want to like maybe trigger warning, you know, just ending it. And there was something that just was like, no, there's so much more. I think I really had to hit rock bottom and just,
Starting point is 00:18:07 again, burn it all down. That's a very common thing as a double Scorpio of just like endings, rebirth, endings, rebirth. So that was the first major ending in my life where I was like, I'm so tired of trying to be all of these things that society, my parents that you know I think I need to be and I just started to do which is where I you know really fully embraced the witchiness that I have I'm someone that I think has always been witchy but being in a very like white Christian town I was just you kind of keep that what like your yeah I guess yeah your community growing up so not just your household but yeah like the school you went to and the friends you hung out with if there was any um church religion
Starting point is 00:18:51 any of that stuff like what was that like for you and like when did you realize that you did have an inner witch I'm asking this out of like sheer curiosity because I am totally going through my own spiritual awakening right now and for me motherhood was definitely the catalyst into that but I I keep saying that like I am like a witch coming out of the closet and I still don't even know what that means I'm still totally reclaiming my inner witch and figuring out what that looks like so to hear that you were experiencing some of that at what like the age of like 18 19 20 however old you were at that point is like crazy to me I want to hear more about the context there yeah oh my gosh I love talking about
Starting point is 00:19:32 witchcraft so I'm very excited let's go there um I I will say that I even though I come from a very like middle of the line sort of town, you know, split politically kind of, it wasn't full on Christian. It was not like a small, very conservative, like Bible belt, Christian town. I grew up in the Midwest in a suburb of Chicago, but there still was enough of like almost the traditional, very classic high school, like movies you see where it's very clicky. And I just always felt like a weirdo and an outcast. I was very shy. Like I have some trauma from my childhood. Um, we won't, we don't have to unpack that today, but I was very shy. Um, I was shy. I was, um was um you know being neurodivergent too i knew i was a bit different in some ways um and yeah so i just repressed that and then with witchcraft like i was always kind of interested
Starting point is 00:20:36 in the spooky and the supernatural like halloween was my favorite holiday i I would watch, you know, Charmed for the 90s kids who used to watch that and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. And I was just so like, yes, I love this sort of mysticism and the occult. Again, Scorpio, like I'm just poster child for a lot of Scorpio traits right now, even though I'm a Virgo sun. But what really got me just pursuing that more after my spiritual awakening was one, I was trying to figure out who the fuck I was. Like I knew I wasn't this person that I was trying to pretend to be. So I was like, who am I? Which kind of led me down the spiritual journey because for me, like that is a lot of self-discovery of, you know, what, what are the shadows that I have? What is the thing, you know, what are things are the shadows that I have? What is the thing,
Starting point is 00:21:31 you know, what are things that actually help my anxiety or help all of the, you know, combat sort of the things that I'm dealing with in my day to day? How do I find more peace? So I kind of dabbled in a bunch of different modalities, but I really loved witchcraft because I'm such a nature girl. I'm, you know, love being outside. Nature is a big part of my spirituality and just what's helped me. But pursuing that more, I don't know if it was just intuitive. I'm like, let's look into witchcraft. But I started actually doing tarot. I remember that was something I was always interested in. And I was like, let's look at that. Let's figure out what tarot is. So I remember like being, yeah, 20, just learning about tarot and feeling so just like the chills you get. I don't know if you've ever done like a tarot or an oracle or just whenever you get a sign
Starting point is 00:22:16 from the universe and you're like, whoa, that, that is so reaffirming and how crazy is that? And I just remember it just kept clicking for me but for me I'm kind of going all over the place no I love it I'm following I'm right there with you I'm following it's all good okay because I'm like I could talk about it in so many directions but I love um just how empowering it is and I mean you can go down like a feminist route with it's just, yeah, it is really reclaiming and how, you know, the patriarchy has really repressed women and all of this. But I find it just almost like it balances both my light and my dark side as women, traditionally, like we're not allowed by society to be like problematic or vocal or opinionated or, you know, all of these things.
Starting point is 00:23:08 Yeah, we we are like this is a part of me. I've always been kind of a little fiery, not full on, but I definitely am like I felt just stepping into witchcraft was me accepting that part of me, me reclaiming that side of me. And almost like I am someone that's a little rebellious and into the taboo. So when people are like, oh, my gosh, like witchcraft and, you know, Satan worship. And I was like, whoa, well, first off, this is very different. Like we need to go back to theology school because we're talking about two different things yeah but um I kind of I think after so long of having people like not wanting people to look at me of being afraid of to just like be myself I think it was almost like I wanted to lean into those parts that
Starting point is 00:23:57 weren't maybe accepted by society that I kind of knew I was I I was like, fine, I'm going to be a witch. I'm going to like, you know, do tarot and talk about these things. And I almost, I have this memory too of like, when I decided to come out more about being a witch too, thankfully I was someone who never grew up like in a super religious household. Not to say that's bad, but I know a lot of people who have so much trauma from Christianity now. And I have no problem with it. I actually love like integrating all different modalities, but I think witchcraft, there's just something, something magical about it. What can I say? But I remember my mom, we were talking on the phone and I think I was just posting more about being a witch, especially on my business profile. And she being a concerned parent, she's like, I just,
Starting point is 00:24:53 why are you saying this? Like, why are you, I noticed that you're mentioning you're a witch. Like, um, do you think that's best? Like, I'm concerned for you that people will see this and, you know, they won't want to work with you or they, you know, something like that. Like, you won't get business. I get where she's coming from, but I just had to stand up and be like, mom, like, this is who I am. And honestly, if people can't accept this about me, then maybe they shouldn't work with me. Yeah. But that makes sense sense like that generation very much was taught to be pretty perfect and pleasing and and make sure that you're not rocking the boat and make sure that you can kind of be appeasing to everyone so yes I can see why that would
Starting point is 00:25:38 raise some alarm bells for your mom did your mom like asides from how you were showing up on your business profile did it ever feel like she was I guess like questioning what you were doing or um that's not the right word let me try to reframe that question like I guess was there any resistance from her or was some of that actually modeled to you from her like can you see her inner witch in yourself so yeah to answer because my brain's kind of splitting into two ways to answer this one I do think my mom has some witchiness I kind of looked at her chart a while back and she has the scorpio moon as well which i was like huh i never like we are kind of different i actually so my first tarot deck was her tarot deck in the 70s okay that's cool she has like witchiness she's into the supernatural
Starting point is 00:26:38 she's had paranormal experiences like that generation has had to keep it so hidden yeah and that's where i feel like she didn't fully embrace her witchiness. Yeah. Even though I remember when I was working at the crystal shop, she would, you know, support me in that. She would go and buy crystals and, you know, try to get into meditation. I don't think she fully like went down that path because, yeah, just that generation, that mindset and mentality too plus I both my parents are very
Starting point is 00:27:08 stuck in their way type of creatures they have a lot of earth energy um but yeah in terms of so like I see some of the witchiness in her I don't think she's like fully embraced it but in terms of like the other things that maybe she um supported or didn't support me on just to is that that was one of the questions yeah I actually don't even remember what I asked I think my my bigger question was if if any of it was modeled to you from her and it sounds like kind of yes and no like the the very fact that like your first tarot deck was from her that's saying a lot that's pretty cool it's not like as you already said it's not like you came from a super conservative conservative christian household where like all of that was like an absolute no and you were completely like cut off from your family that was obviously not your experience yeah i mean i will say i didn't because there are some of my friends who like grew up like
Starting point is 00:28:05 third generation witch and i'm like oh my god i'm so jealous like you have a family book of shadow like i'm right yeah i love that but um yeah i had to kind of figure this out myself but i don't i am very confident that this is my first trip around the sun as a witch, like many past lives as a witch. I maybe look too far into this, but there's definitely like some signs like, oh, you were a witch in your past life. I'm not sure if they're clickbaity. If they are like, I'm certainly the one to click on that. I love it. That's hilarious.
Starting point is 00:28:39 But my grandfather, not the one I talked about with just the hoarder, but great, great, great grandfather on my dad's side. So my dad is Polish from Poland and whole family on that side. I found out that my grandfather or like great grandfather was the town like herbalist slash apothecary. Wow. And I was like, that is so freaking cool it runs in my blood yeah yeah I just got full body chills hearing that that is super cool I like little things like that it just really like sinks everything into place right it's like okay oh this makes sense yeah it just reaffirmed this I think inner knowing that like yes I am a witch like and not just saying
Starting point is 00:29:26 oh you have to have a past life or you have to have like it run in your family or generations like I think a witch it like every woman I think is a witch in some ways it's just kind of if you want to reclaim that or not because there's so many different archetypes that women can pursue. And I just pursue like the witchcraft or witchiness is certainly one of them. But yeah, having those things and just like those synchronicities has really reaffirmed it for me. And also just doing like some spells and magic and then having stuff happen. And you're like, all right, witchcraftcraft is real it's not like Hollywood says it's definitely real stuff is so cool and I love that you just kind of named the fact that every woman has like an inner witch because I truly believe that too and I think part of like this mature feminine embodiment is recognizing that and like you said it's up it's
Starting point is 00:30:23 up to each woman if they want to reclaim it or not the other thing that you said earlier that I wanted to kind of zoom in on was um the connection to nature and for me that has also been like a big part of my own awakening is just deepening that connection to nature and then also like seeing myself as nature and then just again like all of the bigness about it that honestly is so undeniable that like it's like okay whoa like this stuff is like it's almost like mind-blowing once you start understanding it a little bit more but I think in terms of like witchcraft and like witchiness it can almost be that simple like it can almost be as simple as just connecting back to self connecting back to nature and reclaiming that like mature feminine
Starting point is 00:31:13 embodiment that for so many generations we've been told needs to be suppressed yeah I actually reminded me of like a real I just posted joking about like how modern witchcraft is just like, we're doing crock pots instead of cauldrons and we're doing a lot of kitchen, which is, I mean, really witchcraft to me, I mean, maybe to some people it's more complicated, but to me it really is like what you're saying. It's so simple. It's reconnecting to yourself and reconnecting to nature. And I mean, there's so simple it's reconnecting to yourself and reconnecting to nature and I mean there's so many we could put creation in there too like it's like you can call it magic but really like it's any type of creation like nothing into something that is magic but
Starting point is 00:31:59 really that's just creation so whether that's birth and becoming a mom, whether that's cooking in the kitchen, whether that's creating a home out of a house, like all of it, it's, it's magic, but it's also just creation. Yeah. And that, that's a huge connection. Like I have with witchcraft is that creating energy, like whichever it is, I'm someone like talking about the home too. I mean, that's, you know, you know, that's what they do. And I really love like that homemaking and, you know, I, I forage and I make teas and I, you know, I call my crafts that I do like in my home witchcrafts because they really are when you infuse that intention and you're creating something. Um, that's a huge thing with witchcraft too that is lost like think about like salem and how society and like hollywood and everyone perceives witches as like
Starting point is 00:32:54 these ugly women who ate children and you know flew around on broomsticks and whatever whatever um you know danced with the devil and naked and all but really they were healers they were the ones who knew what herbs cured what diseases they you know would make soups they knew like how to work with the land and the energy and that wisdom of just like being in tune with yourself and with nature and with spirit like that is very boiled down witchcraft to me yeah I would agree with that you mentioned very early on in the episode about being an empath and I think that really ties into it too in terms of being so attuned to others other people's energies other people's frequencies but also like your environment and
Starting point is 00:33:45 so I can totally see how all of this plays into your story and just all of it it's like oh yeah this makes perfect sense no wonder she's doing what she's doing it does like I kind of have to catch myself like I'm someone that really loves following red strings and being like oh that's connected and that's connected and yeah you kind of nailed it I feel like my whole life is like oh yeah this is all weaving together to kind of create my tapestry yeah okay let's so why don't we like zoom in now to kind of present day so you've kind of told the context and I love it by the way I love it all um no me. I love it all. No, me too. So present day, Marissa, you are still living in the van that you literally built from like you redid from scratch. Has there been lots
Starting point is 00:34:34 of traveling? How has like the online business gone? Tell us everything from then to now. Yeah. So that was, that's a whole journey to feel like we have like chapters, chapters in the saga. So I let's, so yes, I had just gotten my van and started doing my business online. And does your van have a name it does yes I I'm someone that believes in naming your you know van house giving that energy so my van's name is matchbox um I love it it is he is named that way because it is a older t1 sprinter van which they have this retro look I mean they were built like early 2000s. So it kind of reminds me of the Matchbox cars from the 90s. And then of course, like all the wood. So
Starting point is 00:35:30 I love it. Yes. So me and Matchbox, we're going to start traveling. And that's actually where I met my current partner. We met at a point where I was about to like exit the place where I was living, which was Seattle at the time and start van lifing. And he wanted to pursue me. And I was like, I don't know if this is going to work. And he actually wanted to get into house flipping and real estate. And I was like, yeah, I mean, it kind of sort of aligns with what I want to do. And I, I saw this opportunity to, um, yeah, like use my design skills. Wow. So that took us on a journey. Um, so we did actually do some traveling, but we started off in Seattle and
Starting point is 00:36:19 we were going to go to LA to like, one of his connections was a house flipper in the business and I mean LA thank god we didn't do that because I do not like LA I'm sorry for people that do energetically I it's like a freaking magnet it's it repels me so much I'm like it's a very ugly city underneath all of the sunshine. So we didn't end up going there. But then we found Journey took us to Austin where my partner like to kind of consolidate this. He traded his car for a van as well. His van broke down. He needed to, you you know make money so we were actually in texas for like five months um which i did not plan to we so i feel like my van life has been just a lot of like
Starting point is 00:37:14 dewy like i've still gotten to travel but it's definitely been like more i'm gonna stay in this place for a bit not for my sake but because because like, you know, life things happen. Circumstantial. Yes. So we were in Texas for a bit, but like, yeah, I got to go down highway 101 on the way to California and then went through the Southwest on the way to Texas, which was an experience. Like I've never gotten to see the Southwest and it's gorgeous. I don't think I could live there I'm much more of a green like give me like trees with leaves um sort of girl so I'm trying to understand this so like you and your partner the the plan was he was supposed to have his own van and were you guys going to basically travel in your vans like side by side and just like maybe have sleepovers every
Starting point is 00:38:03 couple nights or like what was that supposed to look like if his van didn't break down so we were traveling yeah I was traveling in my van he was traveling in his um Subaru at the time and my van like when I built it out I was single like I and I kind of had this plan of like I'm going to travel by myself in my van like you know it's custom so it's custom for me just me yeah so I didn't really have plans to you know fit another body in this bed and things like that so um he traveled in his Subaru and it was getting kind of to the point where it's unbearable for him to really do that because I mean he doesn't have the height of my van and things like that so he wanted to trade his Subaru in for a van which he did and he like I he is
Starting point is 00:38:53 somewhat we're very different in some ways like I am someone that even though I've done a lot of things that push me out of my comfort zone I'm still a hey let me try to get all my ducks in a row let me do research so when I was looking for this my current van I'm still a, Hey, let me try to get all my ducks in a row. Let me do research. So when I was looking for this, my current van, I spent probably a month or two, like really doing research on, you know, what I wanted and on the pros and cons. And he's kind of an impulse, like, you know, think now do later or like do now think later sort of person. So he didn't really, in my opinion, make the best decision because his van had some issues that he couldn't afford to get fixed so that's kind of why like he did trade in but because when he traded it in he really could not drive the van
Starting point is 00:39:38 like it broke down on the highway um so we had to be in texas for a bit and then we were in texas trying to figure out like if we wanted to do house flipping and then we kind of heard wind of like you know the rental property uh market and how everyone was like doing air bb and verbo and all of that so we wanted to pursue that because he is someone that wants to generate passive income and like you know i i do as well who doesn't want you know income while i sleep yeah okay so i was like yeah this is yeah this is a great way for me to again utilize my design skills and i was still doing like work with clients and still doing like my own business while trying to, you know, do this other thing. But we ended up last year finding a house in Wisconsin to fix up. So we got the house, spent like seven months fixing it up. And it was, and I like, you know, shared that process on my
Starting point is 00:40:38 Instagram and my TikTok and things like that. Because the house was horrible like i i am someone that is a very intuitive person he is someone that's like logic which is a nice compliment but as someone who's like very intuitive about things like this house was like a no no no and and we ended up doing it i was like oh gosh what did we get ourselves into like which I think is a part of our story like my story as well because it is something I've always wanted to do I've wanted to fix up a house myself like really get into the nitty-gritties not just you know design walls you got to use all your skills that you recently learned with your van. Yes. So I feel like it was the next level up. Like you've done a van. Yeah. You can do a house. Now it's redoing a house. Yeah. I think the next
Starting point is 00:41:32 stage will probably be like building, building a house from scratch. Who knows? Like I, I feel like I just keep taking these giant steps of like, all right, let's, let's level up the skillset. So we did that and fix that house up, which I was, you know, so that's where my van was a little stationary while I was staying in that house as well. So in terms of the traveling, I haven't done as much as I would like to in the van. However, I've been sitting with it, you know, 2024 is just around the corner. And I'm like, I want to fully do this more so now because my business is a little more up and running now. I will say if I don't know who will be listening that might want to do this, like, you know, van life and starting a business.
Starting point is 00:42:19 I think, you know, that's just how my story went, where both of these things kind of got birthed at the same time. But trying to make both of them happen at the same time was very challenging. Oh, I can relate to that so much. But just swap van life with having a baby. I always joke that, like, I was the crazy one that decided to build a business and, like, have a baby all at the same time. And, I mean, there's pros and cons. But it's like, yeah, that's, that's crazy. So yeah, I can imagine that. Yeah. Trying to navigate this new van life,
Starting point is 00:42:51 trying to travel, trying to get all your ducks in a row in that sense, while also building and creating this business literally from scratch is not easy. And for those, I guess we talked about this, I think before I started hitting record, but for those that I guess we talked about this, I think, before I started hitting record. But for those that wouldn't, obviously nobody could hear because we weren't hitting record. But you had mentioned that your van is stationed once again back in your hometown because you were expecting to be an auntie any day now. So that's very exciting. And you'll be staying kind of house sitting your parents' house for a bit. So it is kind of interesting, again, just looking back at the circumstances that had you tried to plan your life out between 2020 and 2023, there obviously would have been a lot more travel. There would have been just a lot more.
Starting point is 00:43:40 What's the word? Like, I don't know. I'm picturing like the traveling nomad. And it doesn't sound like you actually got to live that life. It sounds like there was a lot more, as you put it, like stationary van life, you ended up getting to flip a house. And now you're welcoming a new baby into the family. And like, those things can't be planned, right? Like, it's, it's like, it's just this beautiful reminder of, okay, we're not actually supposed to have it all figured out. We're supposed to just like, keep showing up to life and letting like our path unfold in front of
Starting point is 00:44:07 us. Yeah. There's this concept that I really love. It's, I won't say it's kind of feng shui, but it's more Taoist because that's where feng shui originates. And it's this concept of wu wei. Wu wei basically means like action, non-action, which I really love because it kind of represents this balance. Some people are like, yeah, just go with the flow. And some people are like, no, you have to pave your own path. And I really like the balance balance where it's like, yeah, sometimes life just takes hold and you just got to ride that wave. And sometimes when the water's kind of calm, you're the one who has to go in that out and make those waves yeah I love that well and it's just like the importance of intentional and inspired action like so those steps you are taking like not having them be mindless but actually
Starting point is 00:44:57 having some intention and like mindfulness around them so that you are moving in the direction that you want to be moving yeah Yeah. Cause that's a whole other thing too. I mean, like bringing it into even a business mindset, like you can just work, work, work, but are you actually like productive? So with, yeah, just even where I'm going in my life, I want to be intentional about it. And I I've been getting more downloads and more kind of recognition that yeah, 2024, like, you know, our house is up. My sister's going to have a baby. Also like all of my friends are having a baby like 2024 is the year for
Starting point is 00:45:34 babies for me. So I'm excited about that and I am excited because they're all kind of scattered out. So I have this, at least this is my brain. Like we're saying who knows where life will take us. But my plan at least is to do some traveling and just see them and like spend a couple, you know, months or weeks or however long just, you know, seeing all my friends reconnecting. Cause that's also something like with the online world and being nomadic, it can, you know, be lonely. And I'm someone who's a huge community person. So I'd love to just fill my cup up a little with the things that bring me joy because the past couple
Starting point is 00:46:12 of years have been very just like busy, chaotic. I know there's been a lot of astrological things happening too. So maybe that's it, but yeah. Yeah, totally. One again, just bringing that intentionality back into it, right? And it sounds like you're doing that. That's super cool. Tell me a little bit about your business and what's actually going on in your corner of the internet right now. If it's not just me, I'm like, what corner am I in? Cause like, as you were saying, I don't know if it was when you're recording or afterwards. Yeah. I have such a very unique niche business, which I love, but it does come with its challenges. Um, so I will just, you know, for people who haven't heard me before, I am a holistic. Now we get into like what I do. Um, I am a holistic designer and home coach. So I have utilized my interior design skills, but I have woven in the other things like feng shui, decluttering
Starting point is 00:47:12 and organizing since like, you know, having a grandfather as a hoarder, having hoarding tendencies myself, overcoming that. So I really have woven in more of a holistic and intentional approach to how we, you know, how we relate to our homes, what goes in our homes, all of that. And I work with people on so many different levels based on what their needs are for their home. Like, of course, I love to integrate the whole, you know, holistic home package, which includes interior design and the feng shui and the organization and the intention and, you know, what activities and lifestyle we bring in. But, you know, some people just come to me for feng shui consultations. Some people, you know, do a declutter course I have. Some people, you know, want just the more design
Starting point is 00:48:00 oriented space. So I kind of, you know, tailor what I do to fit, you know, people and their needs because we're all different. You know, our homes are all different. Our needs are all different. So that's kind of the corner of the internet I find myself in is like, you know, cross between the design worlds, which I still love. Like I love design. I'm someone that's like all over Pinterest, but I do hate kind of what's behind that, you know, pretty image, which is just like, you know, I mentioned keeping up with the Joneses and trends and, you know, just like waste, waste, waste and all of that. And then I find myself in this like very holistic community too, which I kind of lean into more
Starting point is 00:48:45 just, you know, having conversations about spirituality and holistic medicine and nutrition. And that's like what, where I love to be in. So I love to actually more provide, you know, nutritionists and diet, you know, all of the holistic people, you know, granted I do it for everyone, but I think those are your people. Yes. Like they're the ones that kind of get it like I don't have to explain like your space is important and like the energy isn't like I don't have to they know you're like a sales pitch of like I need to convince you even though I do that sometimes on my tick I think that's why I mentioned that it from my perspective it feels like it's filling this gap
Starting point is 00:49:25 because I guess like in my corner of the internet which is a bunch of like conscious and holistically minded people we are all embodying this very holistic lifestyle but I feel like the gap is that are we actually like curating our home to follow suit and I feel like it's a missing piece and actually creating that like what's the word I'm looking for um again just like an intentional space I actually as you were sharing some of that I pulled up your Instagram because there was a post I don't think it's from too long ago um and you say like, why holistic design is a trend that isn't going away anytime soon. You say in a world that's shifting towards connection and intention, the old ways are dying. People crave more meaning and fulfillment and less on companies and products
Starting point is 00:50:18 that don't align with their values. And again, I think that's huge. Like your community, my community, we are very intentional about who we're buying from and what products we're using. And so that shouldn't go life where we are playing around and really exploring our self-expression and figuring out who we really are and kind of uncovering and unlearning from like good girl conditioning and all the other generational conditioning that has been laid out on us and so we're finding ourselves and I feel like in finding ourselves that also means creating a space that reflects that and then on the next slide you say it brings intention into the home and goes deeper than traditional interior design um and then yeah obviously you are inviting people to come work with you but I just love that because I think both both the intention piece and the reflection of ourself is so important I um I guess some
Starting point is 00:51:27 context for me so like I have also loved interior design most of my life I've always like I remember as a young girl like me and my dad would just go um to like show homes of like new houses being built like I loved that stuff I did like a design studies course in high school and I thought I was maybe going to go into architecture. Have always just loved that kind of stuff. My husband and I renovated our house, of course, March 2020. That was the beginning of our home renovation. Literally like the same day.
Starting point is 00:51:58 Yeah, crazy. It actually ended up being perfect because it meant he was off work a little bit more and we could just like hunker down and get stuff done. But I remember like Home Depot and stuff would close at like 6pm. So we had to be really on the ball for whatever supplies we needed. And yeah, anyways, crazy, but went through like an entire home renovation and got to experience just all of that. And looking back, I can see so clearly I did not go through I had not gone through my spiritual awakening then yet so I was very much still living by society's to-do list and definitely creating this home that would be like show home ready and I was already thinking about resale and art like all of that right I wanted it to be like a magazine and it's just so different now part of it I think is now that I'm a mom like like my my values have shifted, my priorities
Starting point is 00:52:47 have shifted, but also just coming home to self, literally coming home to self and starting to learn, OK, this actually like makes me feel good. This color makes me feel this way. This texture makes me feel this way. Starting to learn all of that, it makes me I'm just so much more intentional about my space now. And I wish, I don't know, I guess I don't necessarily wish that anything was different. It's just really interesting to witness the path that I'm on. So as I said, I feel like what you're doing is filling
Starting point is 00:53:14 this huge gap because I know there's other people like me who are on this journey of really starting to be intentional with their space. Yeah, you can pull, like I say a lot that, you know, your home can be such a shadow working experience because you uncover so much like about who you are from your, your space and how you design it or what your needs are and really getting to understand who you are can help you in creating a better space for you to flourish. This is something I talk about a lot with just like the energetics and that sort of holistic intentional mindset of spaces. So like our spaces are a reflection of ourself, but also they do impact us. Like, you know, I mentioned how I was very sensitive as a kid, like empathically
Starting point is 00:54:06 and with ADHD, but even regardless, like designers actually learn about this in design school of how to shift, you know, certain tweaks in a space to impact, you know, a shopping center for making more money or, you know, fast food restaurant. Like there's so much like secrecy, I guess, or just like subconscious things that design does. It would almost be like psychology, like color psychology. Like color psychology is one of them for sure. Like there are so many studies showing how certain colors do impact our mood. So, you know, adding those to a space,
Starting point is 00:54:44 but even certain things like in our mood. So, you know, adding those to a space, but even certain things like in a fast food restaurant, like they, in a fast food restaurant, like a lot of the colors they use to increase your appetite because it's very stimulating, but they also make it where it's not super comfortable. Like you're not going to sit for a long time there. The point is to get you in and out. So designers and architects and like the industry knows this and has been implementing it a lot into public spaces, but we spend the majority of our time in home. I don't care if you're a homebody or not. Like you spend so much time in your house, sleeping, eating, like basic functions. And then of course, during the pandemic, when we're all like condemned to our homes, like we were spending a lot more time, but it does impact us. So a lot of people be like, oh yeah, my home's
Starting point is 00:55:36 fine. You know, it's not where I want it to be. But it really is like influencing you on a day to day, like your environment does impact you. So that's something that's huge. And also to kind of note on something else you were saying, and I just want to like stress this to anyone that's listening, do not design your space for someone else for like, you know, oh, I'm thinking about resale values. I totally get it. But every single person like wants to have their home their way. Like even if you design it and you're like, I'm going to do the white kitchen because it's, you know, like it'll be good for resale. They're like, who knows? You might have someone that's like, I hate white kitchens. I want a green kitchen, you know, but it totally shines light
Starting point is 00:56:20 on how hardcore my people pleasing tendencies were then that like my home had to be a reflection of that it's so interesting for so many people they do that I mean my my mom was someone that was also like that she hi hi you go see grandpa sorry one second that's okay okay I don't know what we were saying sorry about that no I think I was saying oh yeah so my mom was like that too where she loves to cook but she never touched her kitchen and it was so like poorly designed and she is someone that like she will spend three hours on a meal i don't i would never get to that level like kudos to her but for someone who loves cooking that much she was like
Starting point is 00:57:11 oh well i just you know i don't know it's fine like she kind of suppressed that want of having a really dream kitchen and finally they decided to you know do the kitchen she, I remember her, like I helped her out with that. And she was just like, why didn't I do this sooner? Why didn't I do this sooner? And I get sometimes like, you know, of course don't do it if you have like $0 in your bank account. But for someone who's like, they, this is my childhood home. They haven't lived in like, they've never left.
Starting point is 00:57:42 So really it was an investment, like in a good investment for for them put that into a space that they use so much um but yeah I'm kind of all over the place but yeah with the shadow work even like I was saying there's there's so much you can uncover there is like when you mentioned the shadow work something that came up for me is like I've been doing a lot of like money mindset work and I'm just noticing where scarcity keeps popping up in my life and one of those things is like with objects I wouldn't necessarily say I'm like hoarding things but I noticed myself wanting to hold on to something for that what if moment and it's like hey that's kind of like scarcity mindset like I can easily just go like it's accessible to me to go by if I need it. I don't need to hold on to it just in case.
Starting point is 00:58:28 So I can see where like, yeah, I can like the layers can just go so deep if you are open to it. And that's really, really cool. So within your work, do you help clients kind of explore some of that? Or is it very much like, let's just, I don't want to, superficial is absolutely not the right word for this context, but is it very much like, let's just figure out how we're actually going to decide what we're putting in the space? Or do you really help your clients explore what their desires might actually be? Does that make
Starting point is 00:59:06 sense? Yeah, no, absolutely. I will say it varies depending on like the work I do. Yes. Like in my program, the Hello Holistic Home program, we have this whole section like at the beginning, which is the discovery phase. it's really diving deep to understand like you energetically what your needs are for your home um like you know this is where we look at astrology and like personality quizzes okay cool so you do absolutely go there yes and i and even just like some things that get uncovered a lot, like that I didn't even purposely target. I remember I was working with this one woman and we were going through and she just had this deep revelation. And this is why I love connecting with people who are into like the personal development and spiritual growth because they're already doing
Starting point is 01:00:03 the work. So it's not like I'm really having to like, you know, be a micromanager of like, you know, let's, you know, or a therapist in that way. Yeah. But she discovered that her home. So like she had so many things like, you know, we all did in 2020 that just happened. And she like went through a lot of marriage issues relationship with issues with her husband and actually got separated and some deaths and things in the family and she had this just like revelation of how her space like there was so much of those memories that were
Starting point is 01:00:39 still tied to that space for her because she hadn't really you know painted a wall or done anything to change up her space so as we were going through this process which we were like you know changing up her her living room which is really meant to be a spot for her and her children she is like such a mom she loves playtime and just all of that so really bringing and transforming her space wasn't just let's find paint color that reflects you let's it was like such a deeper level of work of like I am changing the story and all of these emotions that I've held on because of this space the environment in which it happened and so it was just so powerful to just yeah yeah, I, I, I'm getting chills because I remember her like voice message and like, she was crying and I was like, this is so beautiful. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:31 Probably didn't think that's what you're going to walk into going to interior design school. No, but I love it. Like I said, I'm a squishy, like let's dive deep, do that sort of work. So I, yeah, I would have not done this in interior design school. So I'm really glad that my journey led me to, you know, work on this sort of level and helping people heal through their homes. Like there's so many. That's such a beautiful way to put it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:59 Yeah. And I mean, kind of talking on another point too, because we were talking about like witchcraft and archetypes and all of that. And I've recently, like, not that I'm a mom, but I've been tapping more into that sort of archetype in some sense of like that homemaker sort of. Yeah, that nurturer, like archetype, archetypical mother. Yeah. And motherhood looks different for so many people. But yeah, that kind of traditional archetype mother of like stay at home, be the homemaker, make the house beautiful, nourishing meals for the kids, all of that. And I mean, what is such a beautiful, divine, feminine archetype to step into with the home as well and to like create a home that is so nourishing and supportive for your family
Starting point is 01:02:44 and all of that. That's something I've been recently exploring of just how even archetypes can be reflected with your home too. Yeah. Oh, that is so cool. I am thinking just in my own experience and since I've become a mother, it's interesting to notice how clutter used to really really bug me and I mean it still does but it's also like depending okay no I should kind of like give context so like clutter on my desk right now like there's a stack of books that like I feel like does not need to be the way it is versus like the stack of toys downstairs. It's really interesting to notice how like that stack of toys doesn't bug me because it, it just kind of embodies our life. Like that, that, that's just proof that we are living a
Starting point is 01:03:35 good life right now. And if those toys weren't there, then it's almost like something would be wrong. And so my, my my perspective on clutter which almost doesn't even seem like the right word um has very much shifted yeah yeah and so I guess I'm curious like how all of that comes into play maybe in the context of like feng shui and like energy work but also in your own experience coming from someone that is very sensitive to kind of like that, that sensory and environment overload. And then also the hoarding tendencies, like I'm just, let's talk about clutter. Yeah, no, I, this is, I talk about clutter a lot. So I would say first off, it's kind of the associations we have with it. Like, and this kind of relates to feng shui even because I remember when I was taking my feng shui like traditional cures in feng shui. You've probably heard of them like, you know, place this lucky bamboo here, like add this aquarium here.
Starting point is 01:04:49 And it's, it doesn't have that much depth to it because it might not connect to you on that deep way. There's no intention to kind of literally just crossing something off the list. Exactly. So to bring it to like the clutter and and you know what's clutter versus you know what really shows you know this is my lifestyle this is you know filling my home with better energy so that's you know can be viewed in that sense like you have a more association with like yeah this is showing that like this is i'm a mom and this is you know my home is full of play and that was kind of similar to um the client i was mentioning. Like she was a mom. She wanted to have her kids, you know, doodle fingerprint, you know, school artwork hung up everywhere. And for some people, like, especially those who are like, you know, might be on the interior design, that traditional world, they'd be like, what are you doing? Especially because society too tells us like we have to have these beautiful, pristine, like nothing is a hair out of place sort of homes.
Starting point is 01:05:50 And that's just not realistic for so many people. So that is the big thing with intention with clutter. But also, you know, I mean, clutter from a feng shui perspective, like it does kind of slow down the energy throughout your home, but that's kind of where we can kind of determine like, what, what is clutter versus what is, you know, something that's really bringing that good energy and like that symbolism and connects to you on a way, um, for like you know that's to each I know some moms that go like crazy with kids toys but some are like no this is what like play is all about so that's kind of where
Starting point is 01:06:33 you get to choose your own adventure on like you know the home yeah totally that makes actually perfect sense and again just bringing intention into it like kind of answers my question in itself that's super cool um I'm trying to think if I have like I feel like we could talk forever and I would love to really dive into like feng shui and all that because I don't know much about it but I imagine that's kind of the whole point of the programs you're offering and why people work with you so maybe I don't, is there anything else that you would like to bring into this conversation or do you want to kind of close out with just explaining some of the offerings you currently have? Um, I, yeah, I could, I'm
Starting point is 01:07:18 such a, we could go on forever. Actually, like you're mentioning mentioning so I'm such someone that's a huge just educator like I really believe knowledge is power and I think that is some like that is so empowering when you can create a home that reflects you and you have this knowledge so I mean I do teach like feng shui classes or design like how to create a holistic home like how to bring that intention into your space so those are some of the courses that I have like I have just one-offs where some people might just need problem solving with a weird funky layout or you know need help picking a certain piece so I have consultations as well for both feng shui and design as well as like a huge in-depth clutter course because that is something where like I know we just scratched on the clutter consultations as well for both feng shui and design as well as like a huge in-depth clutter
Starting point is 01:08:05 course because that is something where like i know we just scratched on the clutter surface but like so much of that is mindset so much of that is like the energetics of why we hold on to things and why it's hard for us to let go and like you were even noticing the mental blocks of like oh this is scarcity mindset with like oh i'll use it eventually, or I might need this. So there's so much like shadow work that is with decluttering. So that's the whole course in itself. But like all of these are available to peruse on my website, But also I'm someone that really takes to social media because I love community and I love chatting with people, as you can probably tell. So I do have my
Starting point is 01:08:45 Instagram Honeyloon Hivory as well as my TikTok, but I would say I'm a little more active on Instagram because you get the option to like, you know, voice message and chat and do all the other features. So I prefer that a little more for community. Gotcha. I love all of that. One thing we didn't talk about and I would love to quickly go down is the name of your business, Honeyloon Highbury. Let's talk about that. Oh my gosh, yes. I know there's a story there and I want to hear it. There is a story there.
Starting point is 01:09:14 That's another, life is full of stories. I'm someone that can't just give you like a clean cut answer. My boyfriend gets a little angry at me because I'm a storyteller. But I love it. That's the whole point of this podcast. So this is your space. So I am someone who is, actually, this kind of goes back to when I was in my eating disorder. And one of the things that really helped me break out of that mindset, which is, I don't want to say silly, but my mom is a Mary Kay or was,
Starting point is 01:09:49 I guess, a Mary Kay consultant. And Mary Kay, I guess, used to say this quote about bees, like her symbol is a bee. And I never really was a Mary Kay makeup person, but there is this quote that goes, according to the laws of aerodynamics, a bumblebee is not meant to fly. But a bumblebee doesn't know anything about the laws of aerodynamics. So it just flies anyway. And I just love that quote so much because it just, to me, really proved like, you know, just like doing like following your heart in some sense and not letting others tell you. Yeah, you can't do something. So it just, that quote kind of got me through a lot. And bees is symbolism. Like I'm someone that's really into animals, spiritual symbolism and the messages and all of that.
Starting point is 01:10:38 So for me, the bee is one of my, I don't want to say spirit animal, but it's an animal that I really resonate with because of all of what it represents. And I really, like I say, like I am, I am the bee and the bee is me, but a bee is very creative. Like they're a symbol of creativity and joy. They are a animal of service. Like without a bee, we would not exist or nature would cease to exist. They're pollinators. They're very industrious, very productive. So I also kind of connect to that very, just like go, go, go mentality. So the, and also their, their own architects and designers, the honeycomb shape that they do for their hives is so like if you I just get tweaked out and just like nerd out about this is how like that shape is the most structural but it can actually fill the most
Starting point is 01:11:33 honey out of every shape and I'm just like that is bees man so I I love the bee for all of those reasons and when creating my name I'm someone who's very creative. So I'm like, if architecture design was not my job, I'd probably get into like branding and name naming things. I love doing that so much. So when I came up with my name, I knew I wanted to have the B be that symbolism because it was really like a reflection of who I am. And as an entrepreneur, you're like, my business is me. Like it is on so many levels, like entrepreneur, like the spiritual journey you go with, the personal journey, all of that. So it is a reflection of me. And then the loon part of Honeyloon Hivory comes from just like the moon aspect. I mean, ties so strongly to womanhood and femininity, but also like the moon aspect I mean ties so strongly to womanhood and femininity but also like the subconscious and the intuition and as me I'm like such an intuitive person I'm very empathic I'm
Starting point is 01:12:33 very emotional so I really found that sort of connection to the moon as well I mean French the French word for moon is loon so I wanted to just like add a little bit of flair to the name. So that's where the honeymoon part comes from. And then Hivory is just my own little makeshift word for yeah, like a fancy home slash apothecary. Like I just wanted to bring some like witchy element into my name as well. Yeah, I feel like like mic drop, like it's like the perfect name. And it makes so much sense once you start just hearing your whole story. Like it's beautiful. We had to get there.
Starting point is 01:13:10 Yeah, totally. And I'm actually really glad we did it at the end. Yeah, that wouldn't have been the same impact to have heard you share all that from the beginning. So that was perfect. It was. Thank you. Thank you so much for asking that at the end.
Starting point is 01:13:25 I was just going to say, I was like, divine. Literally. I love it. Okay, before you go, I just wanted to say thank you for taking the time to listen to this episode. If you were thinking of anyone while listening, please send it their way. And if anything resonated with you or you love these conversations, please subscribe and leave a review. This really helps the podcast algorithms put my show in front of more people just like you. And the last thing, I would love nothing more than hearing from you.
Starting point is 01:14:06 So say hi, DM me on Instagram and give me a follow at Nicole Pazvir. Until next time.

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