Episode Date: January 27, 2024Are you overcomplicating your self development, healing, and/or spiritual journey? Do you find yourself attaching to or outsourcing your intuition to certain "tools" or "methods"? Are you measuring yo...ur worth based off how well or how consistently you "use" these tools/methods? Are you struggling to tune out the noise of the outside world to hear your own truth? Listen up!!! "We are no longer bound to outside methods, structures, or rules for our healing"In this episode, I'm joined by one of my mentor's Hannah Tovar, aka The Primal Priestess who teaches the methodless method to inner mastery! How simple can it be? One of the most impactful things I've taken away from working with Hannah is bringing my awareness to the multidimensionality of literally all realms of my life in reflection of my own inner world. Hannah's work has taught me to simplify my personal growth and become a radical witness and co-creator of my own inner world. With Hannah's guidance, I've began cleaning up my own energetic grid, and am proudly building a stable foundation for my business, my marriage, and my mothering to thrive on. This starts with a commitment to myself and a deepening of self worth and connection to intuition. The work Hannah does is about simplifying and bringing form to some fluffy concepts in the spiritual and personal development space. I trust this episode will serve as a starting point if some of these concepts are new to you or be a humble invitation to deepen the work you've already started. In this conversation, Hannah shines light on some tangible ways to support detaching from outcomes and trusting the Divine (God/Universe/Source) in business, birth, and relationships. Together, we also explore: Recognizing and detaching from the distortion of giving power to others to measure our self-worthThe NEED for validation, support, and connection in personal and professional growthLimitations of above-ground business coaching strategies and the impact of inner mastery on business, relationships, and self-developmentWays to discern whether learning and certifications are driven by the intention of making money or self-discovery 🪞Meet Hannah:Hannah is a mother, wife, entrepreneur, and self-initiated mystic. Her medicine centers the space where birth, sex, and business meet. From here, she guides women in both intuitive frequency and tangible form to tap into free flowing cyclical creation. She is currently enrolling for her signature course, Inner Mastery - the methodless method to energy work. This is a 12-week group journey into guiding consciousnes, somatic embodiment, shadow integration, and practical manifestation through frequency fine-tuning. Join Inner Mastery (affiliate link)Connect with Hannah on IG (@theprimalpriestess) Connect with Nicole on IG (@nicolepasveer)
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The only outcome I'm attached to is like living life
and letting life like, like seeing where my life goes.
That's my only attachment.
Therefore, we never fail.
Even when shit hits the fan,
even when something supposedly falls apart,
I'm like, I'm unattached to my business being successful.
You know, I only think I'm attached to is like,
what's next?
You're listening to Rewild and Free. This is the go-to podcast for conscious and holistic
mother entrepreneurs who are ditching society's to-do list for intentional living, freedom,
and abundance while creating impact and legacy in their home and business.
If we haven't met yet, I'm Nicole Pasvir, your like-hearted mom friend and biz bestie wrapped
in one. I'm an ex-nurse turned
matrescence guide and business coach leading women just like you into the new paradigm.
Where thriving in motherhood is your birthright and so is a successful and sustainable online
business. Keep listening if you're ready to unsubscribe from patriarchal motherhood,
bro marketing, and boss babe culture. Because in this space, we use nature as our framework as we
move towards feminine embodied business development, cyclical orientation, and slow living. Together, let's rewild and remember
as we break free from survival and reconnect to what truly matters. Okay friend, steep your tea
and take the most loving breath you've given to yourself today and let's go. Hello and welcome back to another episode. This is, I think, number 43.
And it's been a while since I've actually sat in front of the microphone, so
this episode feels a little bit raw and a little bit tender because it had just been so long since I had even recorded with someone else um and I am literally
editing and creating this intro and putting this all together in like real time um we recorded
this morning and um it's currently like 7 30 my time on a Friday night and I'm just getting everything together I want to get
this episode out as soon as possible because the conversation is oh I don't even know how to explain
the impact that this conversation could have on your life um maybe what I'll do is I'll try to
explain the impact that Hannah has had on my life. So this episode I am
joined by Hannah Tovar who is the Primal Priestess on Instagram and if you aren't familiar with the
Primal Priestess, she is a mother, a wife, an entrepreneur, and a self-initiated mystic.
Her medicine centers the space where birth, sex, and business meet.
And from here, she guides women in both intuitive frequency and tangible form to tap into free-flowing cyclical creation.
And so if you have paid attention to my space and a lot of what I live and breathe and teach, a lot of that has actually been passed down to me from Hannah if I were to name kind of my own coaching lineage um Hannah would be a part of that tapestry and so
yeah this this conversation and just being able to sit with her and have this conversation and bring a lot of these kind of fluffier concepts into more tangible form
I think is going to be really supportive for a lot of people that are listening and we
we discuss Hannah's upcoming program her signature program called Inner Mastery I was
a part of the first
cohort in the spring of last year, and I'm really excited to be joining again this spring. So if
you're listening in real time, we actually start, I think, like next Sunday, February 4th. So it's
coming right up. So this is your invitation. If this conversation lights you up and if you are really just vibing with the
things that Hannah is talking about I invite you to really consider joining joining myself and the
other council of women that have already said yes to inner mastery because I can pretty much promise
you that it can have an incredible impact on your life. I think one of the most incredible ways that
Hannah has had such an influence on my life is just shining light on the multi-dimensionality
of literally like every realm of our existence, right? It's business, it's motherhood, it's marriage, it's sex, it's money.
It's actually all the same.
And we're going to dive into basically all of that in this episode.
But that just kind of gives you a taste of how impactful Hannah's work in this world is and how impactful Hannah's work has already been on my own life. And just how I've been able to fine tune and really build up or begin developing a clean foundation in my inner world.
And I say this a lot and I think this probably came from Hannah.
That like our business is a reflection of our inner world and so I am
probably like I will to hell I'll die on that like it is so important that if you are creating
a heart-led business and you are building a business in service to other humans that it is
so so important that you are also in service to yourself and yeah Hannah has had a really really big influence a positive influence on me
in creating that foundation and creating that lifestyle and so I'm really excited for you to
meet her and hear her and if you're feeling the pull I'm excited to invite you into the next
cohort of inner mastery I also just want to name and I guess give like a little life
update for me um before we get into the recording I have been experiencing oh gosh um I mean for
those that are listening that are kind of in my inner circle you know you know what's going on
but for those that aren't I guess I just want to name the fact that I am experiencing some intense contraction right now. I am in another version of death and rebirth and taking another leap. And I don't necessarily have language for it yet. It feels like I'm really in this like dilation phase and the discomfort and the luminality that comes with that the darkness
um and I've been it's been reflected to me by a lot of a lot of my friends and a lot of the people
that are kind of holding space for me in this time that I am handling this current situation with so much grace and just really grounded and rooted to my own values.
And it feels really, really good to have that reflected back to me because I feel the same.
I am really, I'm almost like teary-eyed just talking about this because it is
so intense and I'm still kind of in the thick of it. I'm really, really proud of myself.
I'm really, really proud of how I'm handling everything right now.
And honestly, I owe a lot of that to the work I've done with Hannah and the tools I've learned from her
and the foundation that I've begun building and the
lifestyle that I'm, I'm constantly fine tuning. And yeah, I'll just leave it at that. Let's get
into the recording. You just, uh, rebirthed your third baby. Um, you are, I think living near Seattle but previous to that you and your husband um well
you built a house and then you decided to kind of travel around in a camper for a bit so like
you've done lots of things and now you're kind of coming back to your own version of center and
what that looks like in this season of your life. So why don't you?
That's actually a great place to go. Yeah, I think something that has been so freeing and liberating and exciting for my husband and I to jump into
is just being willing to take leaps and take risks and being so detached to the outcome
and really continually coming back to like, there is no such thing as a wrong choice or a wrong
decision. Even if what, like, even if the choice leads to like everything falling apart, like we
literally sold everything we owned. We sold everything we owned twice.
The second time we were like,
we were moving to Hawaii.
We sold everything.
oh my gosh, it was a lot of work to get our asses and our children to Hawaii while I was
We were there for like a month.
And we,
one day we just looked at each other and we're like,
it's not,
this isn't for us
it's not for us anymore and we definitely we can sit down and make lists of like all the things
that are wrong but that always leads us staying leads us to like staying where we're at for even
longer and as we kind of had to learn like as soon as both of our awesome both of us are on
the same page of like this isn't working like we Like we just have to leave. We have to go.
We have to do something different.
So we spent like, I think six weeks in Hawaii and then we moved back to where we started.
And I've had some people say some things to me that are like, oh, like it didn't work
out or like, oh, it was like a failure or like a flop.
I was like, oh no, it was exactly like we were supposed to go and we were supposed to
go for that long and we were supposed to go and we were supposed to go
for that long and we were supposed to come home like and everything we learned there and everything
we did there it was supposed to happen um you know we've done this many many times we've before we
even had kids you know we actually sold everything and moved to California on a whim and worked on a
farm and lived off grid and um, you know, then we,
my husband built our house that was like kind of a leap as well, was like building a homestead and
jumping into the homesteading life. And then as soon as that, that one actually took us a long,
longer time to realize it wasn't working and to get out of just because there's so much more
physical structure to move through when you have a homestead and animals and land and all those
things. But being able to just sell something that we had put so much work into and to travel and then sell the
camper. And that is something that I've really mirrored into my business as like, do will I keep
forcing something that isn't working? No, or it doesn't even feel good to me. Do I have to have
a list of tangible reasons why it's
time to change or can I just be like this isn't feeling good anymore I want to do something else
even if what I was doing was really successful before because I did have a really good I had a
really good year last year in my business and there are some things that I was doing that worked
really really well that I'm just like I'm'm not feeling it anymore. And can I just let myself, I can now, I can just let myself let go
and move on to what's next. But that is, I didn't think that's where we were going to go today,
but that feels so important to share. I feel like that is like the ultimate form of self-trust,
like, cause that's what it's coming down to the ability to trust yourself
enough to pivot even though you don't have like those logical reasons or like rationale or like
the language to justify it if someone challenges you on it I think that's where a lot of people
struggle is we we feel like we need this this list to be able to like argue and defend ourselves
when really no it can really just be as
simple as like my heart wasn't in it anymore like it just didn't feel right maybe we can talk about
that like what does it actually feel like more tangibly speaking when you know okay this isn't
this isn't right for us anymore yeah I'd love to say I don't know if it's trust in self or if it's
like trusted God um and when I say God you know it's trust in self or if it's like trusted god
um and when i say god you know it's i'll you know i'll give like the preface like god source
creator yeah um you know universe whatever whatever it is it's like it's trust in the divine
i don't have a lot of trust in self if i was trying to do this based on self, I wouldn't do any of it. But it is, you know, just looking around and feeling,
feeling pulled, you know, talk about all I wanted was to homestead. That's all my husband wanted.
We wanted the animals, we could feel it. And then after a while, like, all we wanted was to travel.
And that it's that simple. I wish I could explain it more. And that's,
I teach this as you know, I always say it's simple. It's literally so simple. Do we have
to actually complicate it and say, what is it going to feel like for you? If I'm realistic to
this, like, you know what it feels like. You have a desire, you have a drive, you have a want,
stop thinking about it. Stop trying to logic it. Like just go for what you want, even if it feels unrealistic.
And it's not that it's going to fix all your problems, but it's that there's something there
for you. And even if that isn't the path, right? I work with a lot of women who will say, but what
if it was like a wounded choice? And what if this is coming from a place of fear or scarcity? And
I'm like, okay, go into it. You're going to actually then master that fear and scarcity. And I'm like, okay, go into it. You're going to actually then master that fear and
scarcity. We, this is what happened when we went to Hawaii. It actually was, uh, I would say a very
wounded choice on my end to go to Hawaii. I had pedestaled a certain lifestyle. I had pedestaled
a certain, a certain thing that I thought if I could get there and get into this community and live this certain way, then I would feel complete and whole. It was a very wounded choice. That doesn't
mean it was the wrong choice because I went there and I don't feel that way anymore. I feel so
fucking confident in where I'm at now because I met my fear and I met the pedestal like face on and I got to find out who I am and what I want.
Yeah, I think you totally answered my question, even though I feel like you were kind of going on the path of saying that's really hard to answer.
I think the answer is it's following impulse and it's following desire so it it what it actually entails is like tuning out the outside noise
enough so that you can actually like hear yourself and hear your own desires and urges and like just
trusting that that pull is for you instead of listing out all the reasons why it might be a bad
idea yes yeah and I do I definitely don't jump on every impulse. I definitely have a lot of impulses and I usually let things sit for a while. You know, it wasn't let a move where do we want to go what do we want to do and then all of a sudden all these opportunities
opened up like there was the perfect home for us that arrived into our field and like all the
things aligned for it to happen so that is also keep unfolding yeah and and following those
synchronicities being tuned into them and being able to notice like okay like we called that
in it's a whenever there's a synchronicity in my life I don't ever think it's a coincidence I'm
like oh that's for me it's for me and if an opportunity arrives like I'm a big yes man right
yes woman I'm gonna say yes but I think it takes like a level of self-awareness and like self-attunement if
that's even a word in being open to even seeing those synchronicities because I think that's
something that a lot of women can kind of they get into this life that is just so like just living on
autopilot and like so closed off because they're really just so attached to a
certain outcome that they can only see it's almost like having blinders on and if the blinders are on
and you are closing yourself up to seeing those synchronicities and seeing those nudges and pulls
then I mean it's really hard to embody everything you're speaking of right now so I feel like even
like taking a step backwards
of like okay well how do you how do you get yourself to a place of being this open and
trusting those synchronicities when they come up how do I guess how do you how do you detach from
the outcome and I'm my mind is already going to birth because I feel like for both of us like birth is really how we can kind of
integrate these really big ideas and I think back to like my own birth experience and how
like step number one is like detach from the outcome like we cannot control the outcome so
as much as you want to create a birth plan and think about all the positions you want to be in and like what you're going to do when your baby is wherever it is in like the birth canal, like we can't decide any of that.
It really is just about being open and following the nudges and the call and the pulls as it's coming and trusting that they're for you if you're listening yeah I love that you bring up birth so I
saw you do the the blinders like this you put the blinders next to your eyes and I was thinking yeah
the ultimate way to do this is actually to just like go like this completely oh my goodness it's
for no one it's it's an internal process and as you talk about birth too, I think women here like
detach from the outcome. And it's like, that doesn't mean just go with whatever anyone says.
Yeah. When I look at the outcome, it's, yes, it's about taking those blinders that look maybe
forward towards what you want and like letting whatever you see guide you there and closing your
eyes completely. I mean like, okay, like what's next for me and my
body. And this really is, um, comes into the embodiment practices and work. Um, you know,
as you say, how do you get to this point? It's not this it's a, it's my, like, it's a spiritual
belief system. Um, and it's a spiritual practice and it's a lifestyle. It's a way of moving through
life that isn't just in my
decisions, but it's in all of the areas of my life is that like, you know, I get to choose
and it's all within me. And when I close my eyes down to what everyone else is doing,
what everyone else, what works for everyone else, And it just is like getting into my body.
Now, this is where it gets really tricky because, you know, if you're living in a body that is dysregulated, malnourished, under supported, depleted, if you're living in a body that has
never processed trauma or wounding, if you're living in, if you're living in a body that you're not living in, if you're not living
in your body, it's going to be impossible. You won't know. Maybe everything feels like tension.
Maybe everything feels like fear. Maybe everything feels like impulse. And also,
intuition can feel dangerous. And so this is really where I come to, you know, with my work with women in
the world. And, you know, I used to be a birth keeper. I used to be a doula. I used to do
midwifery. I was attending unassisted births for a while. I'm still heavily in the birth world,
but I had realized after attending so many births that it didn't actually matter how, it didn't
matter what I did or said in a birth to a woman.
The only thing that actually matters, the only thing that actually drives your experience
of your birth is your connection to your body and your connection to your intuition and
your ability to act based on those things.
And as much as I would love to do, you know, three prenatal appointments with a woman
and teach her how to trust her intuition and in three sessions, that doesn't, that's not how it
works. No, it's not a taught process. It is something that you have to live and embody
every single day and fine tune. It's a, it's a lifestyle. It's not, here's these three lessons
to trust your intuition. It's like, it's an everyday application. It's a lifestyle. It's not, here's these three lessons to trust your intuition.
It's like, it's an everyday application. It's a growing relationship with your intuition and it
ebbs and it flows. And yeah, this is my work with women now is really just, what is it like to get
into your body and to let body lead and to be you know moving through
the limits the codes the woundings as they come up in your life because they will um yeah and I
like something something that really stands out to me that you have I'm pretty sure verbalized
in several spaces and it's all around the idea of like things are coming up not to be
fixed they're just coming up to be tended to and I know for myself and in my own lifestyle and in my
softening era like that has been so so supportive because it's not about fixing and it's not about
um trying to like regain control over things and trying to micromanage and coming
back to like being attached to an outcome. Like it's not about all of that. It's really just about
being so present with what is and trusting that you will be able to
kind of like handle it and hold it as it comes. It's this holding.
Yeah. And what I'll just share a few of the mirrors as soon as you speak that
you know you might hear me if you follow my work you'll hear me use the word mirror a lot because
I believe it's you know the way we do one thing is the way we do everything and so this belief
system of of this not fixing the I call it the quantum midwife the one who can just hold space
and not try to change, fix,
or correct. You know, let's talk about birth really quickly. And there's so many times I've
been at births or even in my own birth where I'm going to shout out, oh, save me. I can't do this
anymore. Do I actually need someone to come in and save me? Or do I need someone to just look at me and be like, yeah, this is really hard. And even like, I didn't even, my husband didn't even say those
things to me in birth. He just rubbed my back and he was like, yeah. And like, that is all I need
is that it's, is that, that person, that anchor that is like, it's like really safe to be
uncomfortable. Um, I think about this with mothering as well you know
i was listening to my my two-year-old this morning having a complete meltdown over who knows what
whatever two-year-old has a meltdown over no one knows do i need to go out there and figure out
what his meltdown is about and fix it for him no I was actually listening to my husband
try to fix the problem and it just spun him out even more yeah oh yeah that's such a perfect
example yeah I walked out and I dropped out and I said you're so frustrated right now and he wiped
his tears yeah he said oh this must be so hard yeah I said oh I'm here with you. And then he like hugged me for a minute. He goes, better now. And then he just walks away. It's all over. Yeah. What do we really need when we're spinning out is to just be seen. It's, to not have control, to not know what's going on,
to have a problem without a solution. Most things are terrifying.
And when we have people around us who can hold us properly in those spaces,
it makes all of the difference. And so, you know, mirroring that to your own inner world,
what does it look like to do that for yourself? You know, as I think about these leaps,
maybe it's an investment leap, maybe it's a move. Maybe someone's going to be maybe leaving their
partner or quitting a job or whatever it is, like, it's okay to not know. And it's really safe to be scared.
And that is what I've learned
as we talk about these leaps and moves
and selling everything and burning it down.
And I have gotten to a place
where it is so safe in my body to be terrified.
I am so safe to be terrified.
Finding comfort in like the liminal space
and in the darkness, right?
Knowing that as you keep taking, hey, you're right. Maybe comfort is too big of a word,
but no, it's like, it's just, it is. It's surrender. It is surrender, right? We still
want to be like, oh, you can be, no, I'm not going to say I'm happy during it. I wasn't like
smiling during my free birth. I was crying saying, I can't do this the whole time.
I didn't need anyone to be like, you've got this. And maybe like, you're right. I was crying saying, I can't do this the whole time. I didn't need anyone to be
like, you've got this. And maybe like, you're right. I do got this. No, I don't got it. I'm
losing my fucking shit right now. Okay. But there's still like a grounded sense of safety,
right? Like amidst the discomfort, there's still a, I am safe. And I think when we can root down into that truth whatever it is whatever situation it is
I think that's part of what helps hold that that frequency that energy um something I was thinking
about as you were just speaking on kind of like the radical midwife and even like um parenting
a toddler oh Oh my goodness.
I am totally in the thick of it.
Yesterday I got off the couch wrong and it was a whole thing for two hours.
Oh my God.
Something that I was thinking about and something that has been a big part of my own experience
in like unlearning, relearning and embodying is this piece around validation. And I feel like it can be really easy to crave
and have this desire for validation. And that validation can sometimes come in the form of
just being seen and having space held for you. But I think, and this is my own experience,
I went through this season where I didn't think I was worthy of the validation. I thought by wanting that validation,
that meant that there was something,
not necessarily something wrong with me,
but just like, I feel like this kind of goes in line with just,
I don't know, maybe even like toxic masculinity,
where like we're kind of taught to be hyper independent
and like just being able to do things on our own without needing support
so it's this this I had this inability to actually receive deep support I'd like to kind of go in
that direction and hear what your thoughts are on this I really I also come to like the sister wound
and how yeah don't we don't we be little women who want attention
oh she's just attention seeking yeah I'm like yeah you're damn right I'm a human yeah yeah
I'm worthy of being seen I'm worthy yeah of course I want attention of course I want
connection of course I want to be seen of course I want to be heard whenever I see someone say
something like that I'm like are you okay are you really that afraid of being seen yeah and I think
that is what it is it's this fear it's this fear of being seen and then I guess the fear of
ultimately like rejection and yeah misunderstood but ultimately going deeper than
that like rejection and not being lovable I think yes yes unconditional love right I mean that's our
that's a basic human need is unconditional love and coming back to like just biological drive
oh I think you and I have worked on this so many times where you know you brought me something and
I go is that a you think it's like a wound and it's not just you. This is so many of my
clients will bring me a problem that they're having a quote unquote problem. They'll be like,
it's this, you know, this block, this thing I need to remove. And I'm like, it sounds like it's a
biological drive. Like you want to be seen, you want community, you want to be supported,
you want to be loved. That doesn't seem like something we need to clear but it doesn't seem like something that has some distortion around it
right um and that's that's the work that we tend to is the distortion because really you know
it's you can want to be loved you can want to be validated and want to be seen. Those are very healthy things. The distortion that I see is that
if I don't get it, I am, it's, it's giving that power away. If I don't get it from this person
or from these people, then I'm not worthy. It's letting, you know, it's not the problem is that
you have the innate desire, but the problem is giving the power to other people to sway your
own worth.
And so that's really the work, you know, I like to do in session with women as we go into the
body and say, okay, like, let's deal with the solar plexus. The solar plexus is where we hold,
you know, these emotional, the hierarchy that wanting to fit in, that sister wound,
that hierarchy, that's where we hold it. And when we're living from the solar plexus, when we're letting our choices be swayed by how others will receive us, that's when it gets really messy. But then when we move up and we start living from our heart space, which is more like, I want to be loved and it's okay. I love myself enough. And no matter whether you receive me or not,
I still love myself. That's when we're able to continually move forward in that safe space,
you know? And once again, talk about validation. Like I got to a point in my leaping journey and
my expansion journey where it's like the people around me can't validate what I'm doing because
it's actually scaring them. They've never done it. So that's when I personally start investing in, you know, creating relationships with women who
are expanders. Getting at the table with expanders is so big. And then also investing in those
spaces. If I don't have friends who are doing it, I got to invest in mentorships. I got to invest
in courses. I've got to put myself out there. You know, you got to get with people who are doing this. Those are the people who are going to
validate you in the experience. So many people, you know, when I first launched my business and
I said we were going to sell our home and travel, so many people in my life were like,
you know, that seems really sporadic. That doesn't seem very stable. And then I, you know,
I got at the table
with women who took big leaps and they were like, hell yeah, follow your heart. I see this in the
free birth circles too, you know, that I said, and there's so many women who will, you know,
maybe be on the fence about free birth and they'll come to one of my circles, which has, you know,
a dozen women who have free birthed and they sit down like, yeah, I'm not sure. And then they'll
listen to the stories for like an hour. If they look, they're like, all 12 of you have free birth.
Then we're all like, yeah. And by the end of it, they're like, cool, I guess I'm going to do it
too. Like you just need to have that. Like, it's okay. It's safe. It's safe to leap. It's safe to
be uncomfortable. Right. And when you, and it's okay to want the validation in the process.
I think it's really healthy as women to allow ourselves to be in counsel. And also like notice
when you want to curate your counsel and fine tune it a little bit to, to be with people,
you know, to be around, to get around people who are doing the things that you want to do.
Yeah, that's exactly where my mind was starting to head is just how important it is to really fine tune the circle in which you're surrounding yourself in.
Because yeah, like if you are getting validation from people who are just like projecting fears
onto you, that's going to continue to keep you small.
That's going to continue to just heighten the fears that you might already have.
And it's just going to bring them up to
the surface and make them even louder instead of actually helping you to see like the limitlessness
and the expansion, like expansion really is the best word for this.
Yeah. And it's, you know, it's really, really big. One of my mentors at the time when I was,
when we were taking the leap and selling all of our stuff and doing our first really big
move, you know, one of my biggest fears at the time was like, what if my business flops,
you know, my husband was quitting his nine to five and we were going to live off of my income for a while. Um, just so he could, you know,
I really wanted my husband to, he's always worked a nine to five since he was like 16, not 16,
but like 18 years old since he graduated high school, he's been working a nine to five.
And I was like, you know, I want to give you a year to like not, and just completely like reset your nervous system and so we did that and one of my big
concerns that i was always voicing was like well like what if what if it fails what if it flops
what if i can't do it and my mentor at the time she was like okay cool then it fails and flops
and he gets a job at a freaking restaurant for a couple months while you guys get your shit together and I'm like oh yeah and it's not like is that really a fail and a flop exactly that's just
right something to learn and grow and expand from yeah right uh it's so easy to like say these
things especially like in hindsight and looking back and it's like even like your your six week
stint in
Hawaii even though that might have like you thought that was going to be longer and so people might be
saying oh so it didn't work out it's just so interesting because it's so easy once we can zoom
out to realize okay well no that was the next step that was the turning point and like the pivot that
needed to happen and I think we can get so again kind of putting these blinders
up we get so closed-minded to what's happening and thinking that I mean I guess it is a sense
of failure and we automatically equate like a sense of failure as being unsafe and it comes
back to this this felt sense of safety well the failure only exists when there's
the attachment to outcome right exactly this story you're putting outcome to it right my the only
outcome i'm attached to is like living life and letting life like let like seeing where my life
goes that's my only attachment therefore we never fail even when shit hits the fan even when
something supposedly falls apart I'm like I'm unattached to my business being successful
you know I I only think I'm attached to is like what's next you know like where does that and
that doesn't mean like forever chasing and move I think, you know, I'm not moving anytime soon.
But, like, that's not this, like, unhealthy attachment to, like, the grass is always greener.
It's more so just, like, cool, like, let's just, let's live in Hawaii for a bit until we don't want to.
And then we'll see what's next.
You know, let's travel for a bit.
We'll just see what's next.
We'll see what happens.
And I've learned, you know, one of my husband's favorite analogies is like the, the idea of
like a ski slope.
And we talk about like, if you ride the, if you ride the chair up and there's only one
path, you're going to get off the chair and you're going to go down that same path.
And the snow is going to keep piling down and piling down until it looks like there's
nowhere else to go.
And like, if you want to, if you want your life to change, you've got to do something different.
I'm all for like big leaps.
I'm like, do something really big.
Quit your job.
Leave your husband.
Don't, don't, don't just leave your husband.
If he's a good man, don't leave him. But like, you know, I'm here for like doing really big things. Um, I'm
also like, I don't know, maybe like drive a different road to work that day, eat at a different
restaurant, cook a different meal, listen to different music or just slow down. Yeah. Slow
down, do anything different. And the more you start to make little
tiny shifts, the more your brain can start to, you know, think in new ways. So you can start to
see new things, see new opportunities that weren't there before. Then all of a sudden,
you're carving these new paths, and you get up to the top of the slope, and you've got
endless paths. You know, I get to the top of my slope and I have I feel like I have gone down the entire hill.
And I can go anywhere I want.
That's how I feel limitless is because I'm not like I have to keep doing the same thing.
Like I always say, I commit myself to a life of reinvention.
You know, I've been the the the homemaking stay-at-home mother. I've been like this
years before I had babies, like the traveling
hippie. And then
you go through these different seasons.
Right now, I'm really
in my suburban mom in a minivan
And it's like, okay,
I'm going to be in this era until it's not working
for me. And then we get to reinvent again and again and again. And it's like, okay, like, and I'm going to be in this era until it's not working for me. And then we get to reinvent again and again and again.
And it's like this commitment to self-discovery over attachment to outcome over financial success.
And this is actually what brings me, I would say, amazing abundance is that non-attachment to having it.
Yeah. Oh, so much is coming up you just mentioned like financial abundance and I I can imagine that for someone listening especially if they haven't
really spent a lot of time with you they might be saying like Hannah like your head's in the
clouds like all these things are all fine and dandy, but
those are really big risks and you need money to live. Like we need money. It's 2024. We can't
just trade beads. Like we need money. So maybe let's like bring the conversation there because
money really is a, what's the word I'm looking for for like money does give us that felt sense of safety yes
so to walk into a direction where money is the unknown and that like financial insecurity is
there um I'm even like experiencing some of this in my own life right now.
Like my husband, I think I actually told you this when it first started.
My husband is switching jobs.
He's taking over that boat business.
So starting in March, like we honestly, Hannah, we do not have any money coming in.
Like we don't know when money will be coming in.
And obviously I've done all this work and like I am at a place where I am just in deep trust
that like this is the leap we need to take.
But in the moments when I kind of lose my footing
and I'm not grounded in that foundation,
the real fears of like, oh my God,
how are we gonna pay our mortgage?
How are we gonna pay our utility bill?
Come in.
Like money is a very real mirror. Money is a very, very real mirror. And I,
yeah, I won't even lie or pretend to like love and light that one. Like it's very, very real.
And I think it also has a lot to do with, like I said, like we were, when we, when we quit the
nine to five, you know, we did build up, I built up a foundation.
You know, I don't think this is all just frequent.
I talk a lot about frequency and form.
It's not just all this frequency, play in the ethers.
Everything will be fine if you just trust and leap.
It's like, okay, but like build a good foundation.
So, you know, I built a foundation for money to come in
and then also staying super humble.
Like we were committed.
If shit gets hard, we're going to, we were living in our camper.
I'm like, we're going to park our camper on some free land.
We're going to, you know, probably not have utilities for a while.
We're going to, my husband would get a job at like a restaurant or Walmart, like so humble.
And like, that is okay. I am safe there.
There is always a way to make money. There is always jobs. They might not be the jobs you want,
but also like, if you need it, it's there. I would say anyone can go get a job at McDonald's.
Anyone can go get a job at Walmart.
It's not anything that I personally want to do, but it's possible.
And so being also humble enough to accept the unforeseen natural consequences of your choice
and being willing to surrender your ego to,
I might have to do something I don't want to do to get where I want
to go. That has been a really big leap for us. Now, I have personally found anyone who makes
these leaps, they typically don't end up following into that path. They typically end up following
into the more abundance path. You know, I shared it online, but I actually just I've been on maternity leave, a kind of maternity leave since November.
And I just hit I think I just hit 40K on maternity leave.
So that's taking three months off work.
You know, I'm not just over here talking out my ass.
That was also something that I, you know, had to build a foundation for.
And I had to put a lot of work
into it prior to having the baby to get there. And there are these pathways to abundance, but
first we have to detach from, you know, the outcome. When I looked at maternity leave in
October, I decided I was going on leave. I think the last day of our last call was my last, was
my last work. So like
November, November 4th, I went on maternity leave and February 4th is when I start officially
working again. In October, I told my husband, I don't, I don't know what's going to happen.
We might have like, I don't know if we're going to be able to make our rent. You might have to
go get a job right after I had a baby. And I remember crying and sobbing and shaking
and moving through it. And it was like, okay, cool. We might have to do that. That's okay.
If we have to do that, we'll do it. It's safe. It's safe to not know. Yeah. You know, and that's
also having that trust that like, I guess we do have some trust in self. I trust that we're capable
enough adults and that we're motivated enough that we will do what needs do have some trust in self. I trust that we're capable enough adults
and that we're motivated enough that we will do what needs to get done to handle shit. Yeah.
Um, and then, like I said, I ended up having like a 40 K maternity leave. That isn't something I
could have predicted. That is, um, four times what I thought I would do on these months. I was ready for my husband to go start working some like shit job one week postpartum. I was ready for that.
And it was scary. It's so, it was so terrifying. And I don't know if that like surprises you to
hear me tell you this, but like, I, that's the thing is I'm okay with that. I'm like, cool. If
that is what happens, that's where we're meant to be.
And like, we're meant to be humbled for a bit.
And I trust, I trust God.
I trust the seasons of life.
I trust whatever we're going into.
I trust you.
I trust me.
We can do this.
One word that really stood out to me is commitment. And I think commitment could easily be interpreted as being committed to the outcome
and I know that's not at all what you're saying instead like you are speaking about this like
commitment to self and like this devotion to um just like you've kind of already mentioned like
living life and being okay with the, the seasons that
come your way. And we haven't even talked about seasons and cycles, but like being okay with like
the storms that come and knowing that like, you can still stand. And, and like you said, like,
potentially like being humbled and like just being okay with having to do something that might feel like it's bruising
your ego in the moment I think when we can when we're taking these big leaps into the unknown
and into the darkness yeah it comes with this okayness of like it's okay if if this doesn't
work out like on paper like it's okay it's like let's redefine working out
yeah well exactly that's why I kind of put it in like quotes because like yeah so it's it's really
about not not like I don't even know what I'm trying to say like not putting really big labels
on things and being really really aware of the stories that you're
telling yourself. Cause that's the thing. They are just stories and you are the narrative of
your life. So as things are happening, you get to take responsibility and like decide for yourself
what this means. Yeah. We chose to leave this. This is also, you know, leaving the nine to five.
I think that's probably a lot of your listeners too are either are leaving the nine to five
or they want to.
It's this is the exchange is that you leave the stability, the perceived stability of
an employer.
And you leave the stability of a salary and knowing that every two weeks you're
going to get x amount of money and it's stepping into like the unknown and regulating you know
i've done so much this isn't just something we just do you know i've done my husband and i together
have done so much nervous system work to regulate to be safe here and I'm actually a little bit of
a masochist because when shit does hit the fan in our life I'm like oh something's so good it's
about to happen after this like whenever anything's falling apart and my husband hates it because like
we'll literally be going through like the most traumatic or shitty thing in our life and I'll
be like crying and I'll be like it's gonna be really good in a month I'm so excited I'm so excited for what's next we're making so much space like
because but again that comes back to this like trust right this trust and like you said it's
not necessarily trust in self it's just trust in like the divine timing of everything and like the unraveling of life and creating spiritual practice, you know, what are your spiritual beliefs?
I'm going to always be like coming back to the main question is like, I don't know.
I believe that everything is for me.
I believe I don't believe in good and evil.
I don't believe in heaven and hell.
I don't believe it like this, you know, this like super restrictive
binary linear life. I believe that everything is for me. And I believe the best way to get
better at it and get more of it is to follow my heart. I believe my heart and my body
are my own, the best best compass the only compass really
that we've been given on this earth um besides looking to nature herself which is cyclical which
has so much death so so much death so much destruction um which always breeds so much new
life and talk so much about the tree that falls in the forest that you know is it your even if it's your
favorite tree even if it's your favorite tree that's falling in the forest like it needed to
fall so that it would show your new path yeah well and also like when a tree falls
how many new homes were just made for ground animals? How many mushrooms get to grow? You know, so much
things that weren't there before. There's now so much space. And this really is, you know,
I don't want to say success is a mind frame, because I do think there's so much form. Like
I said, like, I'm not just like, yeah, I'm just super positive. And all of a sudden, I wake up,
and there's 40k in my bank account like it's not that simple
you know I had to build a business I had to learn how to create streams of revenue I had to learn
how to create something with tangible and valuable I had to get uncomfortable I had to put myself out
there I had to I was gonna say also put yourself out there allow yourself to be seen people don't
just like hand money unless like you are giving them a reason to hand you money
and I think that's something that especially I fell into this trap like as a new budding
entrepreneur or whatever you want to call me like I thought oh okay well as long as I have like an
Instagram account like people are just gonna like want to hire me and it's like no you actually have
to do a little bit more than that and maybe we can kind of go in the direction of like masculine hold and feminine flow.
And I guess more tangibly speaking about the masculine hold and like the systems in place.
And maybe you just want to speak from your own experience with maternity leave and like the systems in place to be able to give even the option of the abundance that you're experiencing.
Because obviously without those systems in place, your husband would be working at McDonald's right
now. Well, and to be fair to my husband, he has so many skills. He would not be working.
If he listens to this, he's going to be like like he has so many skills he is he built he built
an entire house he could build an entire car we probably wouldn't be working at mcdonald's but
you know yeah yeah it's just let's go to extremes for the story yeah yeah like worst case scenario
so it's i love this and this is where i always you know one of my current limits and blocks that I'm working through is like I always tell myself that my story and my success is like too it's too
multi-dimensional to explain and I love actually we've gone this entire conversation without you
saying that word it's my favorite word um because everything is it's the mirror it's the micro it's my favorite word um because everything is it's the mirror micro it's the macro and
um you know i didn't know i was gonna get pregnant when i got pregnant last year um
but i had been following spirit and following intuition and following the seasons
for so long of you know cyclical creation and in the, actually long before the spring, I had, I just been
continually doing what was called of me, dropping workshops, creating relationships online,
continuing my mentorship. I started building inner mastery. I actually started building
inner mastery last fall, two falls ago. It wasn't time to launch it. I let it simmer. I let it
simmer. I started working on it in the
spring. I launched it in the early summer, which felt very, very successful for me.
And then I'm pregnant. And so now I have this, this beautiful thing that has been,
it's already been birthed that I can relaunch. So, you know, I love transparency around money
because it's like, okay, 40K on maternity leave, where did that come from? So because of all the work I had done prior to continually build this
life for myself, by the time I went on maternity leave, I had evergreen offering that I could put
out there, which is the Frequency Foundations bundle that I had been working on for a year.
I think that brought in somewhere from like 11 to maybe $17,000.
Just being able to continually sell that.
And this isn't even, see, now I'm getting into something else.
It's not even something I have to sell anymore.
I just, I share my experiences and I share my life. I'm embodied
in my work and I just share my day-to-day life and what I'm moving through. And that is what
sells the frequency foundations for me. I don't actually have to be like, yes.
And embodying the work is the best marketing strategy. Like if you take anything away from
this conversation, like embodying the work is your best marketing strategy and Hannah is doing that
which makes selling so easy right well this is like you know how I made money through my entire
maternity leave was like you know I didn't it's funny because I'm like was it actually maternity
leave because I'm posting on Instagram all the time I'm not like hey everyone buy this thing
I'm like hey here's my life and then it's selling um I think about, I don't know how much, I don't know how much money, but a lot of it was affiliate
sales through relationships with brands that I have been building for years that I was
able to just like share like, hey, this is what I'm doing.
This is the link to it.
And then watch that money come in.
Once again, I've been building that for years.
I didn't start
out having massive affiliate numbers. For a while, I had really low affiliate numbers, but it's just
the consistency there and the embodiment. You know, it's not just like, hey, go buy this. It's
like, hey, this is how I'm utilizing this in my life right now. And then I had a lot of I do a
lot of long term payments with my clients. So I had a lot of clients on reoccurring payments through my entire maternity leave. And then I had inner mastery, which did all of the, the website. I had everything prepared before I had the baby. Um, so that when time was right,
postpartum, I didn't know when I was going to launch. I don't know when I was going to give
birth. I didn't know when I was going to launch it. I just knew at some point, this is coming
into trust at some point I'll feel ready. Um, and I launched it and I was able to book in many, many clients into Inner Mastery because of the foundation of a year plus of really hard work.
So, you know, it's really this cyclical process that has to be built and trusted.
And I didn't know, you know, a year and a half ago when I was creating these workshops that I would someday bundle them.
That wasn't ever a plan.
I just felt called to launch a workshop and I launch it.
And this is kind of where it's like you don't have to know the long term goal of what you're creating.
Right. You feel called to start a podcast.
You just start one.
Yeah. And like see where it takes you and see where it goes.
And I have a
podcast, I record like, one or two episodes every six months, that's okay with me, I don't need it
to be consistent, I will let it go when it goes. It is there when I need it. And it's not there
when I don't need it. And just allowing things to be a little less structured than maybe like
the bro coaching world will teach you. But I know you and I have talked
so much about it. Like, it's okay to not know where these things are going. It's okay to hold
an idea. I have a lot of ideas for things I want to create. My Google Docs page is insane.
Just literally hundreds of documents of things that I will probably never take anywhere. At one point,
I thought I wanted to stop doing my work altogether and write a blog. I wrote like 40
pages of blogs. They're all, that's like a year ago. I'm never doing a blog, like, but they're
all there. If at some point it then like lights me up again, I have it there. And I trusted that
it wasn't, it wasn't a waste of time to write those.
They came through me.
They wanted to be written, you know?
Inner Mastery is something I launched in May of 2023.
I started writing it in probably August 21.
I didn't know what I was writing.
I just knew that there was something in me and I didn't push myself.
Every time I sat down and pulled up Inner Mastery, do I want to write in this? Does it feel
intuitive? Is it coming to me today or is it not? It's not cool. Shelf it, shelf it for later. What
is alive? That's my big question. What's alive in me today? And can I trust that? And can I follow
that? And can I let everything else just move through me? Can you let it move through? Can you
let it just come out and trust that when it's time, it'll, it'll move forward. So there is this
big game of trust and fear. And yeah, coming back to, I never know if it's going to be,
you know, nothing is secure. That was something one of my friends had said to me recently,
as she was like, Oh, you just have such a stable income.
I'm like, girl, my income is so unstable.
Like, I don't know.
I have no idea if I'm going to have money in July.
I do know that I will do whatever it takes to move forward.
There's nothing.
And that's what's stable for me. That feels way more stable and then working the
nine to five where I'm not in control. I'm not in control of, of, um, how, how far I can go the
nine to five. That's up to someone else. I'm not in control of how much money we make. I'm not in
control of how fast we move. I'm not in control of, you know, if my husband gets promoted and how
much that is so limiting. There's
only so far he can go in his line of work. If I was to go get a nine to five job, which, you know,
I had prior to kids, it's only so far I can go. But in this space, I am completely limitless.
I could sign a brand deal and make $500,000 this year. I could also flop and do nothing this year and that is the that's why it's called the
leap you know people want they're like oh I want to leap but I'm so scared I'm like yeah it's the
fucking point it is terrifying yeah one thing that really stood out in the whole year that you kind of just described is obviously because I know you
and I know how cyclical oriented you are um this this preparedness is what I'm seeing and like
you didn't like you said like you didn't know exactly where money was going to come from you
didn't know that okay this much would be from affiliates this much would be from inner mastery
this much would be from the bundle but you knew that you were going to be taking time off work
so you prepared for that season ahead and again if we're kind of relating this and mirroring this
back to nature like I mean it's like if you're like
planting I don't know I don't garden but I'm sure if I did if you plant a garden and you know there's
like a storm coming or you know there's like a drought coming you prepare for that and so again
I feel like this is like really teetering into okay well then are you like attaching to the
outcome and and no no you're not you are just preparing for what's to come.
And again, it's not about fixing what comes.
It's just about tending to what comes in that day
and in that moment.
And it really comes back to this,
not only self-awareness,
but also just this openness to the present moment
and not being like 10 steps ahead.
That's kind of what I'm hearing is just being really present to what's in front of you right
now. We can't be 10 steps ahead. If you think you're 10 steps ahead, you're lying to yourself.
You can't be, you have no idea. Well, especially when, I mean, as women, we're just so cyclical.
You cannot be 10 steps ahead. It's a joke.
But you can.
I mean, so yeah, I do orient to the seasons really well.
That's my only orientation besides like to my heart and to my body is the seasons.
It's the one thing that I can look outside and say, okay, like, what do I know about
Creation is a cycle that involves death.
That's all I know for sure.
And I know the phases
of the cycles. If you look to the four seasons of fall and you know what, yeah, I, I am a gardener,
so I will share this. You know, I had my baby in the dead of winter. Love it. Love having a baby
in winter. Um, I planted the seeds of what I was going to do in spring and blossom the summer. It
was successful. And then in fall, as I'm preparing for the next year,
you know, fall is the time that you are composting, you are taking down your garden,
you are, yeah, you're fine tuning. You're really, really preparing. You're preparing for a long winter's rest. And that's, you know, what I do. And even if I don't have a baby, I think I actually
will do something like this again next year. And I just also right now, right,
I'm already preparing. I'm already preparing for next year. I'm already thinking about, you know,
I don't know how the money is going to come in July. I have a lot of ideas and I have all the
ideas out there. And I'm also like, we'll just see how I feel. I'm not going to attach to any
of them. I've got, um, there's a couple of brands I really love to affiliate for. And I'm like,
okay, I, you know, I could for and I'm like okay you know I could
go really hard on some of those I could also not maybe something will be birthed through me maybe
it won't but I've got all these options and it's kind of like letting it flow you know having the
options but then being really really flexible feels really important um yeah I mean I don't
want to I don't want to oh I'm sorry you go you go no you go okay i was just i don't want to make
it seem like i just like have no plans at all like i do have so many plans but they're just
so like the bigger the bigger plan is like we'll see where spirit takes me right right and then
anchoring to that yeah yeah well i'm just'm just bringing us all back to that visual of being at the top of the ski slope,
You just got off the chairlift and now, yeah, what groove do you want to follow?
And for a lot of people, there's only one track.
And if you create enough for yourself, you've got a lot of options, which is where I'm at.
I didn't have this many options last year for income um but this year it feels explosive and now my husband also has a lot
of um you know because he's been able to move out of the nine-to-five he also has a lot of space for
yeah there's that limitless income as well yeah yeah it's yeah yeah space is so so potent I think we as a society in a culture just do not
create enough space we're always rushing there's always this sense of urgency and I know you and
I have talked a lot about urgency and how that feeling can sometimes be productive.
We don't need to go there right now.
I'm just kind of saying that word and it can plant a seed to whoever's listening to maybe
just start noticing what brings up urgency for you and what story you might be attaching
to it.
But where I did want to go is maybe talking about scarcity
for a second and how I've heard you say this before and I've said it too like we can't thrive
in scarcity um so like in the midst of all this and we kind of talked about money already and
money is often kind of the root of where scarcity might be coming from
but I don't even know if I have a question I guess my my question is just like where does
scarcity fit into your life and I know you probably have no space for it but what do you do when it
tries to creep in oh I have a lot of scarcity in my life it's just it's so it's okay to be there
it's okay right I talk big on
victimhood too and I'm like don't you know don't be a victim it's like also like it's a it's okay
like I play we've talked about this too we're like let yourself be victimy and like see how long it
lasts and the thing is is it doesn't like you can just feel your feelings they move through you and
then you're done like the whiny fit stops my favorite practice is instead of like holding on to my whininess, be like, I tell my husband,
I'm like, I'm going to just like, go.
Can you just hold me?
And I, after a while of just whining and complaining about everything, it's, it's gone.
And I had nothing to whine and complain about anymore.
But it's when we see ourselves feeling whiny and victimy and we get mad.
I don't know why I feel this way.
I don't know how to get out of victimhood.
You're being a victim to your victimhood. Like just be a victim. It's okay.
Good school. We all play. We all play in scarcity. We all play in victimhood. Like allow it to play out, allow it to move through. I think scarcity has a lot to do with worth as well. You know,
I look around the world. There is more than enough money.
There's people who are billionaires.
There's people who are multi-billionaires.
There are women who are 500 times less qualified than me making 500 times more money than I am.
And like, it all comes down to this, you know, I don't want to even call it a mindset.
Because once again, there is so much actual work
that happens with it, but just like claiming it like that I can have that it's for me.
Um, yeah, it's an energy, it's a frequency and also scarcity. Scarcity is comes in with my ego
so much where it's like going back to the job at McDonald's, right? Like there is no scarcity. There is money to be
made. It's just about, you know, what you're, what you're willing to do to make it at this point.
I'm not really willing to go work at McDonald's. There's so many other,
there's so many other avenues and streams for my family.
I'm coming into gratitude for what you have. You know, I had someone ask a question box
the other day about money on my stories. They were like, you know, I just have this feeling
I'll never make any money. I'm like, you've made money. How old are you? 35? Have you ever had a
job? Did you ever babysit? You've made money before. You can make money. It's a lie right off the bat to say, I'm afraid I'll never
make money. It's literally, you have made money. You are capable of making money. So like, let's
just like cross that lie out. And then we have to dive deeper, right? Is it a fear that you're
never going to make X amount of money? And let's say it's like, I have a, and then we get right.
Okay. Let's say it's, I have a fear. I'm never going to make $10,000 in a month. Okay, cool. Like who's the woman who makes $10,000 a month? What does she do?
Do you have a limiting story on why you aren't her? Does she have something that you don't have?
We have to get really curious about our stories. We have to get really playful with our stories.
Some people, you know, we can go both ways on this. Some people have
this story that to make $10,000 in a month, you have to work yourself into the ground.
Yeah. Oh, I'd have to do X, Y, Z. Okay. Well then you're going to have to do X, Y, Z.
You create the streams and revenues, you know, for how you're going to be getting the money.
And, and the other thing, the other side of that
would be like, you know, I don't have the skills for it or whatever. And it's like, okay, then
you're not going to, you, you really do get to create this route reality where you either learn
to value who you are and fine tune it, or you don't. I talked to a lot of women who are also
say like, I don't have a skill that I could monetize and I
don't have, I'm like, you, you definitely do. You just have to get creative. And also
if you can't quote unquote monetize it to 10 K a month right now, get fucking better at it.
Yeah. Right. Like I have, I've always been very intuitive. Um, I've always been able to do energy
work. Was it at the level that I'm at right now?
A couple of years ago?
No, I wasn't ready.
I wasn't doing the work myself.
It wasn't embodied.
And so there's also something to be said
about like the speed of expansion, right?
And like, even if you did turn around
and like in your first launch, you made 10K,
like can your nervous system even hold it
I know mine couldn't like yeah um it's something that I I need to build myself up for and and
increase like that that window of tolerance and the capacity for
yeah and that's the same with like followers and like being seen, like it's all the same things. We kind of, again, attach ourselves to these outcomes of what it means to be successful
and like what measures of success look like.
And again, this is just, I guess, a really massive invitation to get curious about what
stories you might be writing about those things.
The stories about the followers count is always
so interesting to me I know women who have hundreds of thousands of followers who affiliate
really hard and like maybe make dollars a couple hundred bucks yeah yeah nothing yeah I know women
who have a couple thousand followers and kill it on sales. You know, my, one of my mentors who has
less than 10,000 followers charges like 20 K for a container and she books it out.
It's not about the follower count. I won't lie. Like, you know, getting, getting, having more
people and having all your stuff shared, it does matter. And it can help. Of course, like math just makes
it make sense. Math makes it make sense. Yes. But also it's not every, it's not everything.
And to think that that's everything is so, so limiting. You know, I had my first
four figure handful client with less than 3000 followers on social media. Yeah. You know, and it's just these limiting, really limiting
stories we tell ourselves and being able to trust the process. And once again, when we detach from
making a certain dollar amount and having a certain, you know, a certain amount of followers,
we detach from all of that and really just come back into self-discovery. Then we can fine tune
our work. Right. So going back to me saying, you know, I wasn't ready to, to hold women in the way that I, that was worth $10,000 a month. Yeah. A lot of women
have medicine. I say this all the time. A lot of women have so much potent medicine, but can you
actually structure it in a way that's valuable that gives people results? I think so many women
will say to me, Oh, I want to, it's birth workers.
I love, I love birth workers. Um, I want to guide women into their intuition and I'm like, great.
How are you going to do it on an hour long phone call with you? What are they, what are you going
to talk about? You're just going to tell them how powerful they are. Like you said, like three
prenatal meetings isn't going to help them like rebuild their relationship with their intuition.
But what can you do in three meetings?
What could you do in three meetings?
Let's say you only have time and space for three meetings.
What could you do?
And how much value can you pack into those three meetings?
What skill do you have to offer?
You don't have a cool,
go gain some fucking skills.
You know,
go gain some skills.
And this is like, you know, go learn body work,
go learn energy work, go learn hypnosis, go learn herbalism, whatever it is, like you want to offer
something that's high value, you have to have a high value skill more than just like, I gave birth
and I know birth is really powerful. And I know a lot about it. Anyone can get a birth book and read about it.
Anyone can read Ina May.
Anyone can watch The Business of Being Born.
Those things that used to work for doulas, they don't work anymore.
They're not high value.
They're not high value anymore.
Maybe in some spaces, I would say in the free birth realm, at least in the birth circles
that I've been running in for a few years, you know, free birthing women, we don't need to be educated
on the dangers of induction, right? We need women need to be oriented to their body. We need we need
like, really good intuition, intuitive skills, or you know, whatever it is. Not even if you are in
the birth world. It's like, are you actually offering something that can't be found in a book?
I see a lot of women offer things that I could read in a book or I could Google in one second.
And then they wonder why they're not booking out their containers.
And I'm like, where's the tangible structure and what are the results?
And can you convey it?
And to convey it, you have to be living it.
This comes back to embodiment where
is your results where are you proving you know you want to show women how how intuitive they are
are you living by your intuition are you stuck in an abusive marriage you know you want to tell
women how whatever you want to teach them whatever are you doing it is are you the one that's where the multi-dimensionality of it comes in because it's not just because I've heard people say oh well
it's really hard to embody my work because I'm not pregnant and I'm not like if like let's say
if you're a doula and like this might be your argument is I can't embody the work because I'm
not pregnant well no yes you can you need to embody it in all the other aspects and realms of your life, in your marriage, how you handle your money, how you parent, like it's
all these things. There's still a mirror and reflecting like it's, oh yeah, we didn't even
go in that direction. But yeah. Your sexuality is so big as a birth wicker, you know, you're
going to teach women how to listen to their bodies. Are you listening to yours? Are you
having sex you don't want to have? Are you being open and honest with your partner?
Are you self-pleasuring?
Do you have tension in your womb space?
You want to teach a woman how to loosen up her body and give birth and open?
Are you open?
You don't have to be pregnant.
I'm like, oh, it's such a cop out.
You don't have to be pregnant to know how to guide birth.
Like it's all about the embodiment of the work and being that living, breathing example that I talk a lot about a business that's just like
flowing and easeful. And that's really for me. And anytime my money stops and slows down,
Oh, I'm a very grumpy baby who wants to nurse. Um, you know, last year I had like, I think I
had like a $2,000 month, which is like one of my
lowest months. And it was very stressful for my family. And I had to check myself and be like,
I actually haven't been doing any of my practices. All I've been doing is creating
canvas and trying to tell people what to do. All I've been doing is trying to sell to people all I've been doing
is saying hey buy this from me hey pay me okay where's the embodiment show me what it looks like
and as soon as I stop trying to sell something and just live my fucking life and live my medicine
that's when the money just begins to flow in so effortlessly.
I'm trying to rein myself in.
I have like two different directions.
I like sort of want to go, but I'm also super mindful of the time.
So maybe I'll kind of spit both out and you can tell me which one feels more alive.
Coming back to the the message around okay if you feel like you don't have something super
high value go out and learn it go out and gain that skill I think that can sometimes be a really
slippery slope again almost where we are outsourcing our credentials past like really
like your biggest credential is your embodiment but what can happen
is people get so focused on oh I need this certification and I need this certification
I need to learn from this person and that's like its own spiral that isn't actually supportive to
anyone that's one direction we could go the other other direction. Oh my goodness. Did I just lose it?
This might answer our question.
Shoot, what we were just talking about.
We were just saying.
Let's just go the other direction.
I'm super here for it.
I found if you're actually embodying and living it,
you don't consistently need you know, need to keep
learning certifications. Yeah. And this also goes, are you taking all these courses and
these certifications with the goal of I need to make money or is it self-discovery? What is the
attachment to outcome? Comes back to the intention. You know, and I, I do this very often. I, you know,
I guess I get sucked into the coaching world all the time on Instagram and
I'm like, oh, I should buy all these courses.
And I'm like, why?
And I have to actually stop, check in with my nervous system, check in with the stories
I'm telling myself, check in with my body and be like, is it to service myself or is
it the attachment to more money and more clients and more followers?
Yeah. Yeah. If it's not service,
if it's not like service to service to self as a, as a funky statement to make, and it's
got some depth, so don't take it too seriously, but like, if it's not in service to my own spirit
and to my own self discovery, um, you know, then there's like that attachment to a specific
outcome. And I'm never going to be happy with a coaching container.
That's a big thing is I get that all the time.
Oh, I've invested in so many courses and I've never gotten the results.
What's different about yours?
I'm like, nothing.
Honestly, it's you.
If you keep investing in courses and you're not getting anywhere, it's actually, are you
embodying your work?
Are you continually just trying to make more money?
What is your attachment?
And that's always the question I ask people is like, what's your goal by taking this? And if they tell me, oh, I just want to make more money. What is your attachment? And that's always the question I ask people is like, what's your goal by taking this?
And if they tell me, oh, I just want to make more money.
I'm like, this is not the space for you.
I hold spaces that are committed to like deep dive self-discovery and surrender.
And you might need to surrender.
You know, I've got a, what I'm working with upcoming in the next couple of months.
And like we've already talked about, it's like,
it's surrendering that it's actually not your season to be making money.
You've been trying to make money quote unquote for so long.
It's actually time to, to deal with self.
And like, can you surrender to stopping your job for a while?
If that is where you're taken.
You might need six months of inner work.
That clean foundation. And like, I think you've
asked me this before, like, are you building a house of cards or are you building like a
fucking like cathedral? Right. They require very different foundations. And it takes time.
They do. Yeah. And can you, can you be okay with the ride? Right. I'm so okay with however long
I'm not, I'm not here. It'm not i'm not here it'd be great to
scale it'd be great to expand this year what does my nervous system want what is my what is my
medicine want you know i'm in devotion to the muse you know i'm in devotion to the mystery i'm in
devotion to the mystic and what does she want a devotion to the medicine not a devotion to money
when i'm in devotion to the medicine i'm in so much alignment i mean the medicine in itself
is rooted in the frequency of abundance and so that is just i always say money is a byproduct
success financial success followers going viral whatever it is you want those are by
products to the inner work,
to the way that you feel about yourself, to the way that you're moving about your inner internal
world. And if you want all of those things, you know, it's really time to get honest and get
clean with like, what are my intentions and where am I going? And if you're just going to keep
chasing, you know, certifications and courses and coaches, it's like, okay, when are you going to keep chasing, you know, certifications and courses and coaches. It's like, okay,
when are you going to stop and apply all those things? Are you going to learn all of the,
let's go back to birth work real quick. Are you going to take all of the birth work courses
on how to hypno, you know, dancing for birth and hypnobirthing and, oh my gosh, I don't even know,
spinning babies, all these things that are supposed to get women into their body, get women into their energy.
You're certified in all of them.
Are you in your body?
Are you in your energy?
If not, your business is never going to go anywhere.
You can't guide someone somewhere you've never been.
This is a perfect segue to inner mastery.
And you've been hinting at it this whole time and like I mean I can kind of
sort of speak about my own experience I'm really still in the midst of integrating everything
and I have decided to sign up and be part of the second cohort which I'm really excited to
just do another deep dive and allow the medicine soak in in this season of my life.
But yeah, that last line you just said about like,
have you even, I don't even know what you said,
but like, have you been in your own inner world?
And really that's kind of what inner mastery is.
It's literally like the key to your inner world.
It is.
Yeah, this really is, you know,
I have a lot of women who come to me who want business coaching.
They see what I've been able to do and they want that. And I've actually found it as a massive
disservice to women to just jump in on business coaching. Because when I have tried to do that,
it's like, it's like trying to build, trying to build a temple atop a house of cards, right?
Trying to build a temple on some sand.
It's not going to work the way you want it to work.
It's just the reflection.
So inner mastery isn't a business course.
I will forever say that.
But you will see some leaps and bounds in your business when you apply
the work, when you learn to be in your own energy grid. And a lot of times, you know, a lot of the
women in Inner Mastery are, they're women's coaches, there's nutritionists, there's body
workers, there's birth workers. And that comes back to what I'm saying is, okay, all of these professions,
you know, you want to serve your client better. You got to serve yourself better. And so that's
really what inner mastery is, is this dive into what it's like to drop in to, to navigate the
stories within your own body, within your own psych, past or even your psych and your body
into your generational line into your, you know, your Akashic posture even your psych and your body into your generational
line into your um you know your akashic records or your karma on earth your contracts that you've
come here with to see them clearly to start moving through them and only then can you
can you guide someone else through that journey yeah it's like an invitation to actually like integrate embodiment it's like an invitation
of okay here's all the things that you have kind of been taking in on a surface level
and actually like seeing them reflected into your own inner foundation and then like
filling in the gaps and actually like building up that foundation in a
really clean like an energetically clean way if that makes sense um yes because I think that's
kind of what's happening in like the business coaching world is like there's all this above ground stuff and all these
like empty promises and all these strategies and like if you just do this then you'll get this
and yeah none none of that works and if it does work it was just luck but none of it works and
none of it is well that too right and um, so like you said, Inner Mastery is not a business course,
but it definitely has impact on your business.
It also has massive impact on your relationships
to self, to your kids, to your partner, to your body.
Oh, it's like everything.
I'd love to do business coaching.
I've been thinking about it.
This is, okay, part of the thing is that I'm brewing and simmering. I'd love to do business coaching. I've been thinking about it. This is okay. Part of the things that I'm brewing and simmering, I'd love to do business coaching. And I was thinking like
inner mastery is a pretty wreck. Like you have, there's no world where I can coach someone before
doing inner mastery because so you can say, you know, sometimes those things work and sometimes
they don't, why doesn't it work for me? Well, if it works for someone else, it's more, most than
more than likely
their energy flows the same way their, their mentor or guides energy flows through them.
Yeah. Right. Creation. Um, I'm going to use my, my sister, for example, um,
we both have, we don't have similar businesses, but we both, we both mentor and guide women. There you go. And her energy is like, if she tried to be online, like I was and sharing all
the time and creating all the time and moving things really quickly, like she goes nowhere.
She depletes, she's exhausted. It's not how her energy moves. My energy does move that way.
Her energy is really slow. She can simmer and integrate
for months and months and months and then drop something and it is electric and women grab it
like crazy. That's how her energy works. And the only way you discover this is through getting into
your body. How does creation move through me? Going down the ski hill. Yeah. Cool. Yeah. I mean,
like I relate it to birth. I love
using birth and sex. I like when I'm struggling in my business, I'm like, yeah, we're not going
to think about business. Let's think about birth and sex. Where am I rigid? Where are my clothes?
What are my expectations? Where are my tents? Where do I project? Where do I whine? Where do
I play victim? If I can discover that in, in my sex life, I, it's the exact same thing in my business. And
then I can just, and then I can practice it with my husband. Cause he's such a, he's such a safe
place for me to, to move through these things. And then I can just take it into my business
and, you know, business and money. This is really, it's just the energetics of receiving,
giving and receiving. It is the only place that it really matters is, is giving and receiving. The only place that it really matters is giving and receiving.
Am I open? Am I closed? Am I honest? Am I vulnerable? Am I willing? Am I scared?
Am I controlling? You know, and you can start to look at the way you view sex and pleasure. This
is a really big part of inner mastery, right? It's like going into, you know, how am I moving with my womb? But when it does work for someone, I really have found it's
because their energy, um, when, when like one of those like, you know, trendy coaching methods
work for someone, I'm like, oh, so great. That's how your energy moves. That's not how everyone's
energy moves. Other reasons I can't do, I can't do like a group business course. Cause I'm like,
you want to discover how your energy moves through you.
And that's what inner mastery is.
How does creation move through you?
You can look to the way you've birthed as well
and what your blocks are when you come up into birth.
You know, as I just birthed my daughter,
she came out and she was perfect and healthy
and she made a little teeny tiny cry and her eyes were open and she was so alert and aware. And I was like, she's gonna die. That's all I can say. I called like two people. I called two people. I'm looking at her. And they're like, is she breathing? Yes. What's her heart rate? It's perfect. Why do you think she's going to die? I don't know.
You know, this is where I get to learn so much about myself as a creator. It's like,
I might, what I create is so powerful and perfect that I sometimes literally doubt it. And I'm willing to sabotage it. And I'm willing to then be like, I found this right now. Like I'm doing
really well in my business right now. And I'm like, I be like, I found this right now. Like I'm doing really well in my business right now.
And I'm like, I probably should take a course or hire a mentor or something.
Things are going really well.
Can I just let them be okay?
And so I've been actually for the past couple of weeks thinking about hiring someone or
joining something.
And then I thought back to that birth, my birth moment with her.
And I was like, ooh, can I just let things be perfect and stop sabotaging it? And I just softened into the
moment that things are just really good right now. And if, and when, you know, if, and when
I will leap into something, I always want to join other things, but you know, we have to be able to
connect these, uh, the energetics of giving and receiving and the energetics of creation right
creation is always moving through us it's always moving through nature um and when we can tap into
how we move with creation we can tap into the success in business yeah Yeah. Yeah. I also just want to magnify the importance of who you are circling around with,
who you're sitting in council with, and who's holding the mirror up for you, right? And is
that person vomiting all of their projections onto you, are they like is it a clean mirror
the importance are you are you hiring a coach or a mentor who thinks that you know you should be
moving at a certain speed that's a really good question for the women the business girlies here
yeah well not even like in the scalability, but even like,
this is how you must do things, right? It must be a 10 email welcome sequence and you must show up
on social media this much. Like, obviously that's not going to work for your sister. I love that
example that you just weaved in, right? And how creation moves through each of us differently and
our energies are all different.
And I know for me, like I've really leaned
into human design to understand myself more
in terms of like energy.
And we've talked about this too,
how like there's different tools like human design
where sometimes they're there for us
and sometimes we can use them,
but we can also really teeter
into like outsourcing our power to them and again it's just
this like very fine line of um yeah yeah that's really that's what I think to you Nicole always
like are you playing are you are you having fun if you're not playing you're not having fun your
business is never going to magically get to a point where it's fun where it feels like play if you're starting a foundation on it like rigid and
force it's never going to get to a point where it's fun it's got to start out fun it's got to
start out as how how simple can it be how simple can it be? What if it was really simple? Do you need to build out a 20 module
course with all these deep dives and all these extra calls? And, oh, I've got clients in different
countries and I want to make calls accessible for everyone. And I need to do a six week launch and
like, or can you just, can it be more simple? And maybe that right there, maybe that really
more complex flow feels good for you. Feels good for your nervous system.
It feels good for the exchange, but maybe it doesn't.
And maybe that's not for you.
And how simple can it be?
You know, this is, I always coming back to like business coaching and, you know, the
10, I think you said 10 email sequence.
It's just like, you know, like, what do you want to do?
And also remembering there's no right or wrong way.
Like you can launch something that flops.
I've had 110 women come to a workshop and I've had two women come to a workshop.
Did one of those fail or flop?
Did I learn massive things about myself on each?
Do I give up after either?
You know, it's like you just, you just not trust.
I trust that when I have a workshop and only two people attend, I trust that this is so divinely for these two people.
I channeled this for two women.
How fucking cool.
More than likely, both those women are going to come back to me later on for more one-on-one work.
And you've added another groove to your ski hill yes self-discovery self-discovery and that's always you know my
orientation is for my clients is like how how playful can you get how simple can it be
how fun do you want it to be how detached can you get?
Is there anything else coming up for you?
No, I feel pretty complete on this.
I think I do too. I will definitely share more information about inner mastery in the show notes for anyone that is feeling curious
about that we start on February 4th so I'm gonna get this episode out ASAP so that people have
space um but yeah if you're listening to this and you are falling in love with Hannah I totally
invite you to come join us it's gonna be amazing I have no doubt um thank you I have okay I have a
very random question although maybe it's not random when when I want to hear the story when
did you become the primal priestess and like where did that come from gosh this is
this is so funny um okay I knew something this is how slow it all happened for me so I knew
something in my life had to change in November 2021 um something had to change um everything
was bad in my life or not everything it was. It was actually really good. That's it's multidimensional.
My husband.
My husband was working full time.
I was just drowning at home with my two kids. Like we had our home and we had our home.
This is,
this is how it was so bad.
I had everything I had ever wanted.
And I felt like fucking shit.
I had the homestead.
I had the free birth.
I had the chickens. I had the garden. I had the acreage. I had the homestead. I had the free birth. I had the chickens.
I had the garden.
I had the acreage.
I lived in a beautiful location.
I had a great circle of friends.
I felt like shit.
And it was because honestly, my husband and I are best friends.
And when we decided to get married and have babies, we decided to do it together.
And we weren't doing it together.
He was missing out on our children's lives, essentially. So it wasn't working for me. And I decided that
that winter that something would change. And I kind of simmered in that for a very long time.
And I think it was maybe in like January or February, I was like thinking about re,
you know, branding my Instagram, which was a homesteading page at that time.
And I was like, you know, thinking about getting back into birth work and niching into birth work.
I'm not a nicher. I'm a Manny Jenny. I should never niche. And I was like thinking about all these birth names that I could rebrand my name, my account to. And I was like, you know what? No, because I don't want to, I don't want to limit myself to birth and I don't
want to have to change my name again. And so like I decided, I was like, I'm going to make a brand.
I'm going to make a brand because brands make money, right? This is the form here.
Brands make money, businesses make money. What is the business name? And I was just really trying
to think of like the work that I want to do with women. And so priestess feels very, very important
to me. The priestess is the one who is willing to go into the underworld, to go to the shadows
and to let them be her alchemy, to let them be her medicine and to not be afraid of the power.
And the priestess is also the one who takes that
medicine, that lesson to the collective. So I knew priestess would be into it and, um, really
coming into that, coming into like how I feel about birth, which is very cyclical, very nature
based, um, is how I came into primal primal, right? Like a very primal, it's a very, a cycle,
cyclical dance with shadow essentially is the primal priestess. And a very primal. It's a very cyclical dance with shadow,
essentially, is the primal priestess. And this comes to me while I'm driving on the freeway.
I'm on the way to a birth at the time. And the primal priestess comes to me. And I am immediately
humiliated. I am like, this is so cringy. This is so embarrassing. I'm going to change my name
to the primal priestess. I'm going to claim this. I pedestaled her. I was like, you know, the primal priestess is this type of woman. And I could
see her and I could feel her. I could feel, you know, my brand colors are like really deep red,
deep green, and like deep gold. And I could see that and feel it immediately. The red is the blood,
the green is the earth, the gold is like the fucking abundance. And I could feel this immediately. And I was like, that isn't me. You know, I'm just some, I'm some malnourished
mom. You know, this isn't me. And I just started to anchor more of her every day and ask myself,
what would, what would the primal priestess do?
How would she move their relationships?
How would she create a business?
How would she treat her husband?
How would she treat her children?
And I just started making more choices in alignment with the woman that I wanted to
I found naming her so, so very helpful, naming her and giving her like an energetic signature,
which is these colors and this vibe. She had a frequency to her. I could feel her. Um, and I just remember being
humiliated. I remember like telling it to my husband. I was like, don't laugh at me when I
tell you the new name. And he was like, I love it. And I, I was still, so I'm like, it's humiliating.
And it's funny because now I've been, I've been using the primal priestess for a few years now.
I'm like, I feel like I'm kind of phased out of her.
She kind of feels too extra and needy for me.
So interesting because it's also...
I'm going to keep her.
You should keep her because it's a brand now, right?
And that's how we recognize you and I think what's also cool from that is it gives you
almost like a compass and an anchor to come back to to continually check in like am I
am I like congruent with her am I embodying her um which is really cool. I'm very inspired.
I'm glad I asked.
It's really cool.
I'm glad you are too.
And I think that's also something that I'll share.
Just if you're in the steps of like building a business,
it is like, who is the woman?
Who is the woman who has $10,000 months?
And it's not about becoming someone else.
It's about anchoring.
It's about anchoring a frequency of success,
you know, and, and it does give you something to move forward to. And it does work on social media.
Let's be honest, like a trendy name and a, and a frequency match. It works on social media.
Why are you different than everyone else? You know, when I've got 10,000 women teaching about, you know, intuition and energy, why me? And it's the primal priestess is an encompassed frequency that I embody. And I love to continually fine tune her and give her depth and work with her in the quantum realms and see how she wants to evolve but it is really really
helpful to have that vision because as we talked about you know investing in courses and all this
stuff the primal priestess isn't someone who just continually throws money at certifications
she she hones in on her intuition and she very intentionally invests her energy, her time and her money into places that
will expand her. And, you know, if I'm just operating out of me, out of Hannah, who's got
so much woundings all the time, you know, we all do, I probably would be throwing a lot of money
at a lot of shit that I don't need. But I really try to, you know,
when I'm running my business, I try to, to really remember that intention and move out of,
out of that frequency instead of like my wounded frequencies. So yes.
I think I'm just going to end and say, how simple can it be?
How simple, how simple can it be?
Okay, before you go, I just wanted to say thank you for taking the time to listen to this episode.
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than hearing from you so say hi dm me on instagram and give me a follow at Nicole Pasvir. Until next time.