REWILD + FREE - 45. MUSINGS + MAGICK: A NEW CO-CREATED SERIES (March New Moon Intentions with Nicole and Lauren)
Episode Date: March 11, 2024WELCOME TO THIS CO-CREATED SERIES BETWEEN NICOLE PASVEER AND LAUREN FORTUNA-FLOCH, ANCHORED AROUND CYCLICAL EMBODIMENT AND EXPLORATION OF THE WITCHThis is the first episode of Musings + Magick!!!! Th...e intention is to meet on the full and new moons of each month to do an energy check in and explore nuanced conversations around big topics related to cyclical orientation, feminine embodiment in biz and motherhood, and our own personal explorations related to reclaiming our inner witch . . We are excited to announce that we are hosting a virtual women's circle to honour the upcoming Spring Equinox Join us for 1.5-2 hour immersion to anchor into the energy of spring!Including a somatic drop in, guided prompts + vision casting, sharing circle and take home ritual When: March 19th at 3pm PDT// 6pm EDT Where: On zoom Investment: $33usd Click here to join us and save your seat! . .Connect with Nicole (@nicolepasveer) . .Meet Lauren: Lauren is the founder of Nest and Nourish. She is a bad ass mother, wife, trauma informed somatic guide, doula and host of The Well Nourished Mother podcast Connect with Lauren (@nestandnourish)
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You're listening to Rewild and Free. This is the go-to podcast for conscious and holistic
mother entrepreneurs who are ditching society's to-do list for intentional living, freedom,
and abundance, while creating impact and legacy in their home and business. If we haven't
met yet, I'm Nicole Pasvir, your like-hearted mom friend and biz bestie wrapped in one.
I'm an ex-nurse turned matrescence guide and business coach, leading women just like you
into the new paradigm, where thriving in motherhood is your birthright and so is a successful and sustainable online
business keep listening if you're ready to unsubscribe from patriarchal motherhood bro
marketing and boss babe culture because in this space we use nature as our framework as we move
towards feminine embodied business development cyclical orientation and slow living together
let's rewild and remember as we break
free from survival and reconnect to what truly matters. Okay friend, steep your tea and take
the most loving breath you've given to yourself today and let's go. Hello and welcome to another
episode on Rewild and Free. I think this marks number 45 and this one's going to be a little bit different
than the rest. Basically my friend Lauren and I, Lauren was the one that held space for me
on the previous episode, episode 44, and we have kind of been collaborating and thinking about this for several months and
finally birthing it into existence.
This is going to basically mark the start of a little series called Musings and Magic.
And we get into a little bit of the explanation and significance behind that name in this
episode. a little bit of the explanation and significance behind that name in this episode but I just wanted
to start with a brief introduction I guess to explain the the difference with this episode and
to I guess just formally mark the start of this series. So this is something that Lauren and I are going to
co-create together two times a month. We're going to be joining up on the full moon and new moon
of each month and basically doing an energy check-in and potentially setting intentions or
reflecting on the past cycle and then also opening up space for some bigger conversation
again I don't want to give too much away because we share we share some of these insights and
intentions in this episode but it was important to me to record a quick intro to explain why this
is happening and for those that don't know, Lauren is the founder of Nest and Nourish. Her Instagram
handle is nestandnourish. She, like me, is a former nurse and mother to a almost three-year-old
daughter. Lauren, again, like me, we have very similar journeys. We both met in our doula training program and uh share a passion of birth but not just um
i don't even know what i'm trying to say here we we share the passion of reclaiming
and holding reverence for motherhood and womanhood and reclaiming that into the birth space and bringing the sacredness back
into birth and for Lauren that that does look like actual support in the sense of birth preparation
and for me as you know if you've been here for a while that's more in the sense of birthing
businesses now as I've kind of pivoted into
business coaching but for both of us the the core values are very similar we share we share a lot of
the same interests and passions and we've journeyed together up until this point and it just kind of
makes sense to start collaborating as opposed to just kind of talking silently in our text chat or
doing our private almost weekly Zoom dates. So instead, we're actually going to share some of
these conversations with our community. We think it's going to be really important. We think it's
really potent. We're excited to see where it takes us. And I'm really excited to lean on some of the skills and experience that Lauren has to bring.
She recently just completed her certification in a somatic breathwork.
What am I trying to say here?
Basically, she's a certified somatic breathwork facilitator.
So if you think I can talk nerdy about the nervous system,
Lauren adds her own flair to that and really just helps me to tap into my own embodiment. And
yeah, without me rambling, like, let's just get into the episode. okay we're here um it's Nicole and Lauren do we this is so funny so okay I'm just gonna start
flabbing my loud mouth go for it has been something that we have been I feel like it's
been this beautiful slow gestation I feel like we both have been journeying together in our podcast creation.
We each have our own podcast,
obviously me on Rewild and Free,
formerly Not Just a Mom,
and then you with the Well-Nourished Mother podcast.
And the entire time we've been holding hands
and figuring things out together
and constantly kind of thinking
of like different conversations
and adding to the list of okay yeah
you come on my show and let's talk about that or I'll come on your show and let's talk about that
and then I feel like I don't even remember what it was I reached out to you and said hey like I
want to be a little bit more intentional with um just I suppose adding some ritual around the new
and full moon I've already been doing a lot of
work in terms of like cyclical orientation, but the lunar phases is one thing that I haven't really
clicked into yet. And I hummed and hawed a bit if I wanted it to be a community thing where I was
maybe doing like women's circles on these days and nothing was feeling quite right. And then
finally with Lauren, why don't we like do almost like a shared podcast and we can do these energy check-ins on the new and full moon and you
were like uh yeah that's perfect and this was I think a couple months ago like we've been kind of
simmering on this for a little bit and kind of teetering back and forth and what we actually wanted this to become and it um yeah has kind of morphed into
this beautiful thing and I feel like the last couple days or weeks things have finally landed
and clicked into place it's felt good to make decisions and move forward and I really am
celebrating us for not rushing into this right this could have been something that we forced and birthed really quickly out of, I don't even know, but we've just allowed it to organically become what it's becoming.
And so here we are. This is technically our first call together.
I actually had you on my podcast earlier this week, but that wasn't a part of this.
Just a coincidence that they're going to be back to back on my podcast.
But basically what Laura and I are doing are, I don't even know how to explain it, like a sub podcast.
I don't know.
Yeah, yeah. A podcast within a podcast.
Yeah. Is that a thing? We're doing it.
I think noticing some discomfort for both of us of like, well, what are we doing?
And like, how does this work? How will it work?
Like this isn't modeled very frequently to us. And then I did actually see one of my
current like favorite coaches on the internet right now, Kat Husu Lee, along with another one
of my favorite nervous system coaches, Lindsay Lockett, I noticed do something similar to this. So I was
like, oh, okay, cool. This is the exact like modeling we needed. Not that we needed like
proof that it works, but just to kind of see tangibly how they're doing it. And so basically
our intention moving forward is to do these likely twice monthly check-in calls together.
Sometimes it being a quick, hey hey how are you doing what's up
in terms of your energy and the lunar phase and whether it's new moon full moon intention setting
goal setting whatever it is but then also sometimes we want to have some really big
hard conversations together that don't really feel right to facilitate as a solo podcast on just one of our
own podcasts. So yeah, here we are, we're doing it.
Yeah. And like, we want to, yeah, because in the background, outside of our podcasts,
we're constantly having these incredible conversations and it's like, well, why aren't
we sharing them with the world? Why aren't we, yeah, like doing something with them,
sharing them? Because I know they can, they will be so relatable to a lot of people and i want to celebrate too that yes we've
taken our time but we've also it's not like we've been on the back end like really planning or like
really figuring out what it is we're gonna do i'm proud of us for just kind of diving in as well
like yeah it was organic but also we're not getting stuck in our usual patterns of like overthinking it and planning it and making sure it's perfect.
We're just literally sitting down today and we're like, okay, what are, before we hit record,
we're like, okay, what, what, well, what are we doing? We're like, I don't know, just hit record.
Let's see what happens. We caught ourselves. We're like, let's not overthink this. Let's just hit
record. Yes. So celebrating us because that is something we're
both you know perpetually working on is getting stuck in that functional freeze so proud of us
for just doing the thing and yeah it's about checking in with our own cycles with the lunar
cycles we're diving into a little bit of those witchy things and I think we're gonna have lots
of juicy conversations about what which even means. And like, I know, Nicole, you have now added it to your Instagram
bio that you're... I am declaring it a closet witch. Yeah, yeah. I'm not completely out of
the closet yet. But I mean, it's something that I'm leaning into. It's something that I'm exploring
and playing around with in my own self expressionexpression and I know again this is probably
going to be woven into the conversations as we commit to this where there's aspects of
witchcraft and magic and those feel like really big words and words that I've never resonated with until recently. And it needed a new, I needed a different like light
shine on them and seeing them from a new perspective, because I think I've grown up.
I mean, okay, long story short, here we go. Also, side note, I have a headphone in, but I just
realized I don't hear you through my headphone. So I don't know why I'm wearing the headphone.
It's coming through my computer. So I don't know why I'm wearing the headphone. It sounds coming through my computer.
So I'm going to take that out of my ear.
But no, long story short, like my background, childhood,
like I come from a, I mean, white, privileged, middle class, Christian.
I went to a private Christian school when I was growing up and so conversations
around like witchcraft and magic and even um I think I've actually done a podcast episode around
this where like for a while even like potentially getting an oracle card deck and playing into any
of those things didn't feel safe because I was told for a long
time that they weren't safe that witchcraft was like from the devil and you and I have both been
exploring some of the history around witches and witchery and witchcraft um and just kind of diving
deeper into what it actually is and where it got lost and where it got demonized and maybe how we can kind of
reawaken and reclaim it into modern day motherhood maybe for you and like um business for me and just
that feminine embodiment aspect of it I think that's something that you and I are both very
passionate about is um reclaiminghood. And so where does
the witch come into that? That's something that we're both kind of playing with right now.
Yeah. And just these like modern day definitions of what that even means. And I think it can be
so far from what you automatically think of when you think of the word witch. So
yeah, I'm excited to explore this more. Me as well, I've never really resonated with that word witch. My only association with the word is like Wicca.
So really, you know, growing up, there was no, I also went to Catholic school as a kid.
That kind of stuff was never talked about. But I always knew that I was a very intuitive person. I always knew that I enjoyed learning
about the more non-mainstream things like astrology, like the moon cycles, and now how
our own menstrual cycles tie into that. So yeah, it's a very broad definition that I think we're
playing with here. But yeah, I'm excited to further explore what it meant and what it means now.
And most importantly, what it means to us individually.
Yeah, exactly.
And how we're embodying it in our work and our mothering and our craft.
I also just saw Zoe's head pop up.
So we could just name right away that like these episodes are not going to be
super curated or polished. We're not going to be heavy in the editing. We are not going to allow
lack of childcare to be the reason we don't sit down and record. So there's going to be
toddler interruptions. Lauren and I both have a daughter of similar age. So yeah, we'll just name that so that it gives you that massive permission slip in case you need to dip out for whatever reason. Okay, where guess I want to name that like, you know, we're talking about new moon
and full moon and a little bit of astrology. I am in no way an expert. I'm not even like a,
I know the bare minimum. I know like the mainstream version of all of this. So again,
we're just, we're playing, we're playing. We're kind of learning and being curious together. And
I mean, yeah, I think that's another intention with this this this show if that's what
we're calling it it's its own show I suppose by the way we're naming it musings and magic
um which I love like obviously the musings piece I think is don't even think we have to explain it
like there's gonna this is a space for us to just really unravel some big conversations that there aren't necessarily answers to.
It's just exploration and curiosity and reflection.
And I mean, like you said, these are things that you and I do together anyways.
So it's really excited to make them a little bit more public and maybe bring our community into it to reflect with us and like just be on this journey with us
um and then the magic piece I think is yeah speaking to that reclamation and exploration of
witch and magic and what that looks like and um I think for me I'll speak for myself here like I
have been on this journey I'd say for the last year
actually I think it was my 2023 one of my new year's intentions when I was still doing intentions
at the new year now we're in spring but prior to unlearning some of that um and kind of making
that declaration that I my declaration last year was
like I want to be more connected to nature and I think when I made that declaration and set that
intention it was a little bit superficial in the sense of okay I want to be outside in nature more
I really want to like just ground with the earth and like be present when I'm outside and so when
I'm outside going for a walk I really want to notice like the trees and the sunshine and the sounds and the scents and all those things I think when I set that intention
that's what I meant but what it turned into last year was this beautiful unraveling and reconnection
to nature's cycles so not just like the seasons of like fall, winter, spring, summer, but also my own internal
So reconnecting with my menstrual cycle and then also beginning to, I guess, like orient
my life to the cycles.
So my business and my womanhood, like all of it, I'm just much more cyclical oriented,
I guess. And maybe this will be another conversation around cycle syncing and my own like journey and experience
with that but um like I said at the beginning of this conversation the one thing that I haven't
really tapped into is the lunar phases the lunar cycle so I'm really excited to bring that intention
here and explore that more and I feel like that was a big tangent I don't
remember why I went there oh I think I just wanted to bring in nature like we kind of talked about
um just witchery and magic and all of that and I think for me my own definition and what I'm
really connected to right now is that nature piece and just holding deep reverence
for how nature not only impacts us, but like how it moves through us. So.
And it's a model for so much, right? Like cycles of contraction and expansion, cycles of death and
rebirth. Yeah. Yeah. I, I resonate with all of that so much, as you can see, and maybe not here yet, but Zoe is now on my lap. So we'll see what happens here. Do you want to say hi?
Hi, Zoe.
Hi. So, yeah, the other piece that I'm interested in, too, and you kind of, you know, spoke to this, but just like where our cycles, our menstrual cycles tie into those lunar cycles.
So why don't we start there and say, like, what day are you on?
Yeah, I'm on cycle day two.
So this has been fun for me.
Like, I didn't get my cycle back postpartum until I think almost 18 months.
It was a long time, almost to the point of like, oh my gosh, is something wrong with
And you and I have talked about this too, this before, like postpartum, not having our
menstrual cycle to orient to it, almost feeling like stuck. Yeah. Stuck like that because the energy is literally stagnant and
so that was really interesting for me to experience um this time last year because I don't think I had
my cycle back um and then when I did it was like oh my god this is like the key to unlocking my
inner world and just like understanding myself a little bit more and being able to trust and
deepen my self-expression um it really opened up this beautiful can of worms and um yeah it's been
really cool to just watch my cycle since since well and really pre pre-pregnancy I was always
on birth control so this is the first time in my life that I am not controlling
my body with any like synthetic hormones. So that's also cool and celebrating that and just
like feeling into the freedom that that has given me. And yeah, specifically what I was trying to
say is it's been cool to kind of watch my cycle steady out and slowly become closer in line with the new moon.
So, yeah, I'm almost – well, I guess I am bleeding with the new moon.
I'm on day two.
And then I'm almost ovulating with the full moon.
So I think that's cool.
I don't really know what that means, but I think it's cool.
Yeah, yeah.
Yeah, and it's funny.
Like somehow we're very close in our cycles as well.
So I'm on day 27.
Yes, Thumbs. You want to say hi again hi Zoe okay um so yeah so I'm on yeah day 27 I'm feeling my energy really dip I'm
I've been kind of sleeping way more than usual I've been skipping my workouts. Yeah, and just feeling very tired.
I think I was also like fighting off a little bit of a cold these last few days. So just really
feeling a big inward kind of shift as I gear up for that cycle day one. I feel like this could
become its own conversation in itself. But I feel like in like the cycle syncing world and I think for a lot of
women that's kind of where they start because that does offer a bit of a framework in how to
understand your cycle a little bit more um for me I ended up shooting all over myself when I
attempted to cycle sync so here's an example like I'm on cycle day two in in traditional,
like language around cycle syncing, like this should be a time of rest, I should be laying in
bed and doing nothing, I should be hiding under a blanket and like cocooning myself and like deeply
nourishing myself and all these things. And while some of that is true, like I have leaned a little
bit farther away from the shoulds and instead just really feeling to like, okay, what do I actually want to do?
And like, I feel like someone might be listening and thinking, Nicole, like you're on cycle day two.
Why are you recording a podcast?
You should save that for when you're ovulating.
And like, yeah, okay, cool.
You could.
But like, I think there's different conversations that become more potent at certain
times in your cycle and obviously like if I am let's say about to launch a new program in my
business like I'm likely going to save that closer to ovulation because that confidence and that like
magnetic energy is there but I have no problem showing my face and like using my voice while I'm menstruating, I've actually noticed that
I feel unwavered in my truth. There's almost like less hesitation and less fear, which is a really,
really, really cool feeling. I keep kind of naming it as this inner peace. And I felt this,
I'd say like three or four cycles in a row now and it's beautiful
because I almost crave it and I've spent my entire life dreading um my bleed and now it's something
to look forward to because of this calm inner peace that I get to feel um so yeah I guess I
just want to name that like that that is what I'm experiencing right now obviously I don't have any urge to um yeah like host like a big workshop or
master class right now or like go out and like socialize with a bunch of friends but to I'm like
literally curled up in like comfy clothes with my blanket and my warm tea and it feels so nourishing
to get to sit down and talk with you yeah and like I think the ultimate goal here in like trying to reconnect to your
cycle is to learn to listen to your body. So if you're just, you know, sticking to this prescribed
way of how you should feel, what you should be doing, then that's, that's not it either. You
know, the idea is that yes, as we begin to like tune into our bodies, into our cycles,
give ourselves the rest when we need the rest. Yeah. Then yeah, your energy is going to shift
and change throughout your, your cycle. Like I find I'm in a similar position when I am bleeding
now because I have leaned into it in past cycles and given myself that rest and just loosening of
expectations to do and to keep up to my husband and, you know,
all of that, that I do find that I have more energy now than I used to during that time. So
it's all about listening to your body and learning to flow with it. Whatever your energy up, like
ups and downs and waves and ebbs and flows, whatever's happening. Yeah. Learning to just
really tune into that and trust it and react to it. yeah flow with it I'm excited as we continue these check-ins and um
just kind of create some consistency around it I'm excited to kind of reflect back some of the
patterns that we see in each other and like oh hey Lauren like oh cool you're like experiencing that same thing you experienced like a couple cycles ago and just finding the patterns that we see in each other and like oh hey Lauren like oh cool you're like
experiencing that same thing you experienced like a couple cycles ago and just finding the patterns
because that's something that I'm kind of exploring on my own but I think there's a lot of blind spots
and I think it's one of those things that it can be so so potent to just surround yourself with
another person or a community of people that can be that mirror for
you. And so, yeah, I guess that's one of my intentions too with this collaboration, this
show that we're creating is that because there is that twice monthly consistency around the lunar
cycle, it's also going to allow us to almost collect data within our own menstrual cycle not in a like sciencey way but
in a okay cool like this just helps us understand ourselves more and this helps us also prepare for
like future cycles and seasons because it just it it literally is just shining light on our inner blueprint, which is incredible.
I'm just going to name, I'm so distracted because I have a toddler on my lap who's constantly
trying to grab the microphone, but I'm trying.
I'm trying.
This is real life of being creative and a mom and trying to do it all at once.
I'm actually really impressed that Aubrey hasn't barged through the door yet I said before we were hitting record that Dylan is I think I
think that the deal was that they were going to change the fish water in our fish tank so
I think that's distracting her for a bit I know our intention was to keep these um usually keep
these calls like sort of short unless we're really diving deep into a big conversation do you want to just kind of refocus around the new moon energy and maybe name and set some
intentions going forward into this next cycle I know we have a good doc open that we are kind of
free-flowing some ideas in and like we both said like neither of us are
export experts in any of this so I had pulled something off the internet around what the new
moon in Pisces means so today March 10th is the new new moon in Pisces and one thing that stood
out for me is that the energy of Pisces guides us to go with the flow to be less concerned with
planning and plotting and instead to bring
ourselves into the present moment. While we may not have all of the answers and be in a state of
unknowing, this new moon reminds us that this is where our creative powers lie.
And I don't know about you, but I'm really feeling that.
Yeah, yeah, for sure. I know I was like quickly trying to read up on on what this new moon because
even like the new moon in Pisces that's all kind of new to me too I I don't fully understand it but
you know thankfully there's a million people on Instagram that post really lovely things about it
that I can yeah learn from so I I love that and I'm feeling that too. And in general as well, like the new moon is a
time of new beginnings of untapped potential of manifestation. It's a time to reflect and reset
and set intentions and yeah, kind of get clear on your desires and your intentions for the month
of month ahead. And then the full moon is more of this time
of like letting go and releasing.
And we'll get into more of that
on our full moon call, I'm sure.
So yeah, just anchoring into this idea of new beginnings
and setting new goals and intentions for the month ahead.
I just, I love that.
And we're missing ritual in our lives.
Like me personally, like I have none really, you know?
So I just love this idea of being
able to anchor into something as some kind of monthly twice monthly ritual so do you feel
called to publicly name any of the goals or intentions you're setting for this cycle Hmm. I feel like I've, well, today I'm hosting a mother's circle with a good friend, Judith,
locally in Victoria. And I feel like I'm finally kind of taking action on a lot of the things that
I've been thinking about and overthinking about and kind of spinning my
wheels a little bit. I've been in this really, this like really deep winter season of like
growing my roots, really figuring out what it is I even want to do with my business, with my life,
really shifting identities, letting go, all of these things. And I feel like I'm finally in
this place. And again, maybe it's just this lovely luteal face uh kind of fearlessness that I'm also experiencing but
I've kind of taken action on a lot of things lately um like I said I'm hosting a mother circle
today I you know went live and did this little breathe with me thing which was something that
I wanted to try and play with and was feeling kind of, you know, scared about it, to be honest. So I'm, I'm hoping that I can
just give myself the, the space to continue that, but also without pressure, you know,
I'm not pressuring myself into doing it, but I do feel like I'm really coming into this
more of like a spring, like it's,
you know, turning into spring as well, where I want to be more out in the world. I want to be
taking more action. So yeah, just kind of, I don't, I don't know if I have specific goals yet.
Nothing that I've really like sat down and thought about yet. How about what's what's on your heart it's interesting that you
shared some of that because well one I resonate a lot with it we have been on very similar journeys
um and so also kind of coming out of this season of winter I mean literally literally
like physically we both live in Canada so we experience real winter um but then also
just in my business and kind of fine-tuning some of the stuff that I really loved last year I feel
like 2023 for me was a year of exploration and play and trying a lot of new things on for size
and also I think like three different pretty massive identity shifts
like business-wise right like I think at the start of 22 23 I started as a childbirth educator and
then that morphed into a motherhood coach and I did my seasons of matrescence facilitator training
and then I really nerded out on the nervous system and so that became a really big part of
my coaching identity and still is.
I mean, all of these things build onto each other.
I think that's the coolest thing is as much as it feels like a full on identity shift
and like a death and a rebirth, that dead part of you just kind of alchemizes into something
even cooler.
It's not gone.
It's just different.
It informs the next iteration. It's not gone it's just different it informs the next iteration it's not
even really a true death like it's it just kind of morphs into the next step the next yeah so like
even even right now like identifying as a business coach for lack of a better word I'm I'm noticing
how the childbirth educator in me and the motherhood coach in me, like she's still there.
That still weaves into all of this.
And that's really cool.
But anyways, that was 2023 for me.
And so this year there's been a lot of, okay, like what are we actually doing here?
What do I actually want to do?
A lot of discernment between desire and obligation.
And I'm learning some bullshit rules that I no longer choose to subscribe to, which is its own energy
stuck in itself. Like that's really hard work, right? To constantly um right to constantly just be in this season of unlearning and kind of letting go and just this
constant feeling of vulnerability and almost nakedness I feel like there's been a lot of
nakedness in my life not literally just feeling like wow like I really let everything go I'm really putting myself out there and embodying new
versions of myself that have always been there but I've kind of been masking and um and just
like not being not expressing right so just playing around with that self-expression piece but anyways
um coming back to like the question that we're talking about around intention setting for the new moon.
I was going to say, what question?
I don't have necessarily really big specific goals because for the longest time, goal setting hasn't felt really safe for me.
I've found myself almost attaching to this story that like, oh, like, I'm not going to set really
big goals, because that's just setting myself up for failure. And so instead, I set really small
goals. But then it's like, well, what's the point? And it just kind of has become this really
disconnected activity. And I think even removing the word goal kind of helps to instead, if it just becomes an intention, that feels a lot softer.
It also brings intention into the intention.
So I guess for me, some intentions for this month are to actually begin putting myself back out there.
For those that don't know, like the episode on my podcast before this kind of shares some of the experience that I've been through over the past eight or so weeks.
And there was a lot of wounds that were pressed on in terms of fear of rejection and fear of misunderstanding.
And that has obviously left a, I don't even know how to word it, like huge imprint on how I am showing up right now so
I guess one of the intentions is to orient to safety and really resource myself to begin to
showing up more in the Nicole way and with that I have a workshop training type thing I don't know
the deliverability of it yet, but that is in the
works. I want to get that going. I want to finally launch the next iteration of Recalibrate. So
Recalibrate is my once a year mastermind for moms. And I ran it for the first time last year and
kind of clung on to this idea of doing, because it's six months long, so I clung on to this idea of doing it twice a year and having it back to back.
And there was a lot of discomfort last year as it was ending in December, holding on to the obligation of, oh, well, I committed to doing this twice a year, so I need to run this thing again in December.
That just didn't feel right and so detaching to that letting that go has felt really good and it's given me space to
fine-tune and reflect and really harness in and bring more intention into what I want the next
iteration of Recalibrate to be so I have decided decided to just do it once a year, the next cohort starting May
1st. So that's weaving into the intention for this month is, okay, we actually have to start
talking about the thing, right? In business, like things don't just like fill up magically,
like you have to put yourself out there, you have to show up, you have to allow yourself to be seen. And so, yeah, I think that might be
one of my biggest intentions this month is to find safety and allowing myself to be seen.
Because I have been in this season of winter, I have been kind of hibernating and cocooning
business wise. And then another thing, and we haven't even talked about this yet, we
have decided to collab and do a spring
equinox virtual women's circle together for March I was gonna say May March 19th um so that's
obviously an intention is to actually follow through on that and make it happen uh I mean we
just said it out loud so it's happening I know's happening. We'll put links in the show notes. It's happening.
But even that, like that is a celebration for both of us too, because it's one of those
things where, again, we haven't allowed ourself to fall into that typical pattern of overthinking
and yeah, just falling into that freeze and inaction phase.
We're just doing it.
Out of fear.
It helps that we're leaning on each other.
And it's funny.
So when I started first thinking like, okay, what are my goals?
What are my intentions?
Even those words made me freeze and get stuck.
And I kept thinking, it puts pressure on like, there needs to be an
outcome. There needs to be like, it needs to be a business goal. But you know, if we shift that
language into something more like, what do I want to embrace this month? What do I want to bring
more of into my life this month? And when I think of those questions, it's easy. It's like, well,
what do I want to embrace this month? I want to embrace using my voice more. I want to embrace showing up to serve in the ways that I've always wanted to without that fear of like, is this good enough without that comparison? What do I want to bring more of into my life this month? More collaboration. I've collaborated with my friend Judith on this mother's circle. We're finally we've been talking about collaborating with each other in some way, shape or form for so long. And like you said, we're finally doing it without overthinking
it and planning it to death. So yeah, I want more collaboration. I've really learned that that is a
really big love of mine to collaborate with others, other women. So that's what I want to
bring more of into my life this month, more
collaboration. I can echo both of those things, the collaboration, using your voice, all of that.
And also want to add on to continuing to embrace the communication that my body is always giving
me. So I saw a quote recently where like overthinking is oh shoot I I think I told you what
it was what is it overthinking is basically like not feeling yes like overthinking under feeling
something like that like oh shit I feel called out because I am a notorious overthinker but I also
have been spending so much time and intention with reconnecting to my body.
So it was almost like, oh, shit, like, I can't keep holding both identities.
I can't keep being this overthinker, which I used to reframe as, oh, I'm just really, like, mindful and thoughtful.
I just put a lot of thought into things.
But I can't keep being that person and also be this embodied version of myself that
I want to be I really really do want to be leaning into my body as the source of communication as
opposed to my mind so yeah I still want to be mindful yeah I still want to be thoughtful but
I don't want I guess like the ego my ego and my my very analytical critical mind to be running my show and making
the decisions I want to be really really tapping into and feeling into the expansion or the
constriction or whatever feelings my body is communicating to start making decisions and I've
I've been dabbling with that for like the past year so it, it's not like it's this brand new skill that I'm trying to
do. It's now, okay. Like it's, it's actually trusting myself to do it because I've been
practicing. So now it's like, okay, can we actually do it for some really big decisions?
That's something that I want to embrace. And of course, and you know this, but of course,
doing it with so much self-compassion, realizing that that overthinking is a protective mechanism, right? It keeps you safe from having to feel overwhelming feelings,
right? No, so true. There's just always so much duality. I think one other thing that's feeling
alive for me that I want to embrace and really lean into is I'm not actually sure what
the best word is like trust and surrender I want a mix of that because I don't know what I'm
trusting and I don't know what I'm surrendering to but specifically around finances.
As you know, obviously, you know,
but like my husband Dylan just took over a boat repair shop.
So he left his very stable and secure nine to five job as an employee. And he's now jumped into the entrepreneur life.
And obviously that's super exciting.
And there's so much potential.
But in the very present moment and the short term future, there's a lot of constriction, a lot of contraction, a lot of unknown.
We are basically bracing for no income coming in this month. on me to like okay if we want to see some money in the bank like that's on me to show up more and
really launch all the things that I keep talking about launching and just like marketing more and
it's this beautiful invitation for me to really lean lean into a lot of the things that I preach
about a lot of things that I coach other women to do in their business and in their marketing. And part of that
comes with this like trust and surrender piece of not forcing things and not necessarily
taking action from desperation and scarcity. So yeah, trying to figure out what that actually
looks like for me and embodying some of that in my work while also holding space for the reality that we do need
money right it's 2024 we don't just like trade beads anymore we do need money to live we have
a mortgage we have to pay for we need groceries like all the things so like that's another thing
that I've spent a lot of time kind of untangling is my relationship with money and um my relationship with being open to receive
so maybe that's what I'm surrendering and trusting into is that receptorship so like okay my my job
my intention my devotion is to showing up and making myself available and making sure that
my marketing is clear so that people know
what I'm serving, right? Selling is serving. So I just need to continue to serve and give people
an option to pay me and then be open to receiving that payment. And I mean, all this, yeah. And like
all of this, like money stuff, really, it's scary, right right because it touches on these like it touches on safety it
touches on stability it's like a very very potent kind of risk right like it it threatens that
safety on such a real and deep level yeah I think the safety and stability piece is really important to hold space to too especially for us like we both are ex-nurses and
came from stable and secure jobs and kind of came from this belief and mindset that like
that stability and security from money was a benchmark of success yes yes yes so again untangling that and not allowing that to become
a benchmark of our worthiness because that's the other thing is somehow those have been morphed
in together right success and worthiness and productivity and money and it's like okay none
of those things were actually supposed to be in the same.
In the same sentence, right?
And like, what does it mean about you if, you know, your family is not bringing in money this month?
Those are big, big questions to like play with and untangle and like okay can I just lean back and trust
and know that we're gonna it's just a you know a part of our journey like a yeah yeah yeah yeah
that's the hard part okay I think I'm feeling complete for now I know the intention is not to
let these and I think as we are doing them twice monthly and they become more consistent, it won't feel like we have so much rising to the surface. So this feels good for me for today. Is there anything else you want to add?
No, just naming again that I'm so distracted. But thank you for holding us down this week.
Yeah, I feel like we're gonna like take turns on on that
for sure and that's gonna be like absolutely perfect I also like envision this sometimes
becoming like one of us in the car or like one like yeah it's gonna be messy right because we
we we had this conversation of like okay do we really have the capacity to commit to meeting up together
specifically on the new moon and full moon dates and like the quick answer could be no right we
easily could have been like oh like we're too busy like momming is going to get in the way
especially because there's never it's never going to line up with the same days that we have
child care arranged um so yeah I'm I guess celebrating us for moving forward despite
having that stability and instead finding safety in allowing this to be messy allowing it to be
imperfect allowing it to have interruptions allowing it to um allowing us to show up
distracted if we are like I still think that's better than not showing up at all so thank you for being here all of your distracted self and Zoe like it was still a
pleasure to share this space and experience your energy and see you yeah always good to see you
I'm so excited to hear how the in-person circle goes later today. Yeah, I'm getting excited.
And then, like I said, Lauren and I are hosting a virtual women's circle for the Spring Equinox
on March 19th.
All of the details will be in the show notes.
Come join us.
Come play with us.
Bye, everyone.
Bye. already bye everyone bye okay before you go I just wanted to say thank you for taking the time to listen to this episode
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Until next time.