Episode Date: April 1, 2024A conversation about embracing imposter syndrome, fine tuning the energy of your offer, matching the structure with your current capacity in this season, and ACTUALLY making money. What conscious offe...r creation is NOT: ❎ Doing what your coach / favourite biz guru online does ❎ Believing that overdelivering equals more value (less can be more!!!) ❎ Pouring from an empty cup, not compensating yourself, mismatching your energy/capacity What conscious creation is: ✅ Matching your capacity (boundaries, biz hours, etc) ✅ Tapping into the energy of your offer ✅ "profit first" pricing... if you're not making money, your business is just an expensive hobby✅ Save the backend sh*t for later!! Ways to currently work with me: Join HELD - my monthly membership community (only $44/month) for conscious + curious women entrepreneurs desiring a landing place for integration, self exploration, and regenerative biz strategy Join the waitlist for Recalibrate - my annual 6 month long mothermind (aka mastermind) for mother entrepreneurs ditching boss babe bull sh*t for a biz that breathes with every season DM me on IG if you're desiring 1-1 mentorship, I have 2 spots available
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You're listening to Rewild and Free. This is the go-to podcast for conscious and holistic
mother entrepreneurs who are ditching society's to-do list for intentional living, freedom,
and abundance, while creating impact and legacy in their home and business. If we haven't
met yet, I'm Nicole Pasvir, your like-hearted mom friend and biz bestie wrapped in one.
I'm an ex-nurse turned matrescence guide and business coach, leading women just like you
into the new paradigm, where thriving in motherhood is your birthright and so is a successful and sustainable online
business keep listening if you're ready to unsubscribe from patriarchal motherhood bro
marketing and boss babe culture because in this space we use nature as our framework as we move
towards feminine embodied business development cyclical orientation and slow living together
let's rewild and remember as we break
free from survival and reconnect to what truly matters. Okay friend, steep your tea and take
the most loving breath you've given to yourself today and let's go. Hello, hello. I am about to
record a podcast episode here, so I thought I'd jump on live to have it have a home on Instagram as well.
Before I get into the episode which I really want to talk about conscious offer creation
specifically like what it isn't versus what it is and before we get into that I kind of want to
give some context and share my own story and how I've been untangling some of this in real time.
And in full honesty and for the sake of transparency, I also want to share that I felt really nervous coming on to speak about this.
I even wrote some notes, which is really unlike me.
I usually don't write notes or script anything before a podcast episode.
But there's been some really loud imposter-y type syndrome thoughts coming in of like,
who am I to be talking about this?
Because I have literally been working through this in real time.
And it's one of those things that I think with each new offer I create, I am put through kind of these things that I'm about to talk through.
And I think it's important to speak on that, that this isn't something that you ever master.
This isn't something that, in full transparency, I don't think it ever gets easier because it just
shows up in new layers. And I'm learning to embrace some of that and I'm learning to embrace some of that I'm learning to embrace that
the imposter syndrome and the hesitation and the uncertainty and the constant feeling of like I'm
spinning my tires and I'm not actually seeing the action or the propulsion forward like I want to
those are all actually like signposts for me to kind of step back and do the work and do some of
the the inner energetic stuff that not a lot of people are talking about in the business world
and this is what I want to share is some of that stuff um kind of like the the conscious part of
offer creation because it's not as simple as I'm going to just like slap this thing together throw
it on the internet and then boom a billion people join and I'm making six figures a year. Like, oh,
we lost connection. Oh no, what do I do? What do I do? It's never happened before.
Oh, that was weird. It said pause due to connection error and I don't know how long I was gone for um no clue what I was saying shoot
good old technology hey um okay well moving on uh so yeah the context and kind of where I've been
I've been gearing up to launch something and the ironic thing is this
is something that I've launched before so you'd think it would be easier but the thing is is it's
not because it's a new season of my life that I'm trying to fit it into and I also learned so much
from the first time I launched it and learned so much about what I wanted the container and the
the offer itself to to look like. I learned so much from that I wanted the container and the offer itself to
look like. I learned so much from that. There's been a lot of fine tuning happening and there's
been a lot of clarity from that of, yeah, I want to do that again or no, I don't want to do that
again. And so I'm kind of putting all that together and restructuring it. And I've been
realizing that in that process, there's also been a lot of fear coming up, fear of like, oh, can I actually do this again?
What if it's not as quote unquote successful as it was last time I launched it?
Or fear of, oh, no, what if people don't buy it this time because I'm upping the price?
Or just, I mean, all the other fears that come with potentially being rejected
when you put something out there.
And I think everyone can relate to that in some capacity
where there is this very real fear of being rejected or being misunderstood
or having crickets and nobody buying your offer,
and that's from allowing yourself to be seen so it's
a lot more comfortable to kind of stay quiet and just not allow yourself to be seen in that light
because then that fear of rejection can never come true so I've kind of been like spinning my tires
in in in that way where it's like oh it's a lot more comfortable if I just don't talk about it
it's a lot more comfortable if I don't actually make decisions and move the needle forward and put
myself out there because that, that keeps me farther away from that fear of rejection.
So kind of coming to terms with that and bringing my awareness to it, not so much in the sense of
shaming and gaslighting myself for it, but just like that's interesting and where is that like lack of
confidence coming from um because like the fear is one thing and I can kind of hold myself through
the fear but that lack of confidence makes it really really sticky in terms of trying to move
forward and so I actually had a session with one of my mentors this morning and she was able to
shine so much light on some of my blonde
spots in the most beautiful way and together we kind of realized that well yeah of course you're
lacking confidence Nicole because you're still feeling super shaky in the structure of this
specific offer so how are you supposed to market something when you don't even know what you're
marketing how are you supposed to be able to portray what is included and what the transformation is going
to be in this offer if you don't even know all the like nuts and bolts to it so it was interesting
just to realize how important it is to have clarity before confidence and I talk about that
a lot where like you don't just wake up one morning with confidence. The confidence comes with the clarity and the clarity comes with action and action comes with the courage.
So basically it all starts with courage, courage to start moving forward, courage to start making little bitty baby decisions with like the information that you have, knowing that more clarity will come with each baby step,
with each step you take, more things are kind of unraveled and unfolded on your path. So it starts
with courage. Courage brings you more clarity and it's the clarity that brings the confidence. And
here I am, I've kind of been spinning my tires, just waiting for that confidence, even though I
know full well that the confidence comes with the courage and the courage brings the clarity, the clarity brings
the confidence. Okay. You know what I'm trying to say. So yeah, in that session today, we kind
of talked about that and kind of just validated the fact that, yeah, of course I don't have
confidence right now. How could I? And really this beautiful reminder that it's not always about all of the energetics
and the shadow integration.
I've spent so much time in that realm that at a certain point, like you also have to
bring it back down to earth and actually start like embodying it and take action.
And that's the uncomfortable part, right?
Because of the fear of being rejected by putting yourself out there.
So that's some of the context. And so I wanted to just share kind of what conscious offer creation
is and what it isn't. And so to start conscious offer creation is not just doing what your coach
did or does or like following someone else's template because you've seen it be successful that is not conscious offer creation
um hi Lauren you love this I'm glad you're here I totally just got distracted because I realized
people are here I'm so awkward with lives because I get focused and then I get in my little like
channel um yeah okay I'm gonna keep talking and not let myself get distracted um so yeah not just following
what someone else has done because the thing with that is it worked for them for a certain reason
it worked for them because of likely the clean foundation that they already had set up beforehand
so whether that is their nervous system's capacity for whatever that's a whole other conversation maybe that's
the resources they have available to them in the sense of like child care or even like access to
I don't even know like finances and their confidence with like some of the back-end
systems and like technology and like creating a like landing page and email sequence I also want
to say that those things are not needed for conscious offer creation but all of those things
do kind of play out in how things actually get birthed um and so if we're just following
the way things have always been done or the way it worked for somebody else,
and it doesn't work for us, then we're kind of left thinking, oh no, something's wrong with me,
instead of thinking, oh, maybe something was wrong with their framework and their strategy.
I kind of relate this to baking in the kitchen. And first question is like what are you baking because
if you are trying to bake a cake but then you're following someone else's recipe for like a pizza
you're going to be wildly disappointed when your cake looks more like a pizza so getting really
really mindful and intentional with where you're going, what you're trying to create,
whose definition of success you're following. That's another thing. And I talk about that
with almost all of my clients is getting really, really clear on what your definition of success
is and actually like tangibly outlining what those like signposts are for how you're measuring success, because we are notorious,
like as humans to just move those, those goalposts are not signposts, those goalposts
farther and farther. So we're never actually like celebrating our wins. Um, say anything. Anyways,
the first thing I had on my list for what conscious offer creation is not is it's not
following what your coach or previous coach or like favorite
business guru influencer is doing online because it worked for them for a reason and you guys are
not the same person um again I could go into that like so deeply but I think that will make sense
um and maybe you're kind of sitting there well, like we are so similar and she's totally building the type of business I want.
I want to invite you to really kind of just discern between desire and obligation in that
Like, are you doing things in terms of like launching and strategy?
Are you doing things just because you saw someone else do it?
You saw her do it.
And now there's that like obligation of I should be doing
it this way because that's how it was done or is it actually this like really beautiful like life
force energy behind that desire of I want to do this because it actually feels really good I want
to do this because it feels like really soft really hard to kind of like move through the
blurriness of that if you're kind of in the mindset of following someone else's strategy
and unfortunately I would argue that like the mainstream online business coaching space is setting us all up for failure
because it's really like poaching on our pain points. It's preying on our pain points to
kind of make us feel like we are doing something wrong because we aren't doing the strategy quite
right. And so my argument is, well, maybe that strategy isn't the
right one for us. The next thing I have on my list is over delivery does not equal more value.
I'm going to say it again. Over delivery does not equal more value. This is something that I get
stuck on all the time. And I think it's because I'm still unlearning and detaching from the old paradigm
the old story that like time equals money so I'm constantly catching myself because I will often
think that like I have to give more of myself or I have to offer more value in order to charge more
for those that are here let me know if that lands at all I feel like a lot of us are still
kind of unlearning and detaching from this story I want to say it again over delivery does not equal
more value so you don't need to offer more just to be able to charge what you want to charge
and I kind of want to put a little asterisk behind that and add some nuance because obviously like you can't just charge whatever you want and not have
it be valuable like there still needs to be value and you still need to be like delivering and
serving your clients in your community something there still needs to be that like transformation
but I think for so many of us and I'm gonna kind of give a blanket statement
that I think for a lot of women especially we have been praised for over giving we have been
praised for over achieving and so that's still showing up in our business creation and so that
that is not conscious offer creation because that is something that like is happening on autopilot that is a nervous system protective
response it doesn't feel safe to give um it's not even about like giving a little it's basically
like it's like an a plus versus like an an a and the thing is is like if we just showed up giving
like a work that is still absolutely incredible.
We don't need to be overextending ourselves all the time to be perfecting and overachieving and like doing A plus work.
Oh, gosh, we're getting questions.
How do you know how much is the right amount to deliver the appropriate perceived value?
I think it's like trial and error I always come back to in conscious business in conscious offer creation conscious like business
creation it's about experimenting and playing and again not holding on to this really strict
binary thinking of like good or bad and we can get caught up in that thinking
oh well this is the right price or this is the wrong price and we just have to like play around
and I think there's more to pricing than just like slapping a price on a product or a service
it's also like the energy that comes from comes behind that and um the marketing obviously plays a huge role in
that so like it might not be the price that's the issue it might be the marketing behind the price
and that kind of opens up this whole big can of worms um I feel like pricing offers could be a
whole other conversation um but again like not necessarily being super quick to just copy industry standard
i feel like that's something that is often taught is like do your market research and charge whatever
is like industry norm i see this in the birth work space a lot where new doulas like specifically new doulas um are kind of taught to see what other
doulas are pricing in their community and this gets really tricky for in-person support because
obviously you are competing with other doulas in your area but I think there's other ways to
um make your offers stand out and also like make you you the person you like really big reminder for everyone
that's listening like we're all building personal brands it is so so safe to incorporate the
personalness back into your personal brand we aren't robots so our businesses don't have to
look like everyone else's because then there's no you-ness in your business.
But yeah, like I see this in the birth space where
you are kind of looking to see what other people are charging and you potentially are
undervaluing yourself because you think you're new. So you think your service isn't quite as
good as someone that has more experience. And honestly, there might be some truth to that. Maybe not so much in like
the birth space, but in like other like service led businesses, like I would argue that experience
does give a little bit more credibility. Oh gosh, that opens up a whole other can of worms though,
because I'm not a fan of like certification. And I feel like a lot of people will think that
certification gives credibility and then you can charge more if you
have xyz certification or letters behind your name and that's a big no for me um I think there's
a lot to be said on like personal experience and um harnessing and leveraging your intuition as well
and that stuff is really hard to market that stuff is the thing that you just need to be
able to embody and I'm totally going in so many directions right now so much for my notes like
this is why I don't this is why I don't like script my podcasts or usually have notes at a
time because I don't follow them um but um yeah like undervaluing yourself to kind of fit in with industry standards is honestly doing
a disservice to you because you are constantly not filling your cup up financially speaking in
terms of like financial compensation which means you're spreading yourself thin you're pouring from
an empty cup um instead of pouring from like a place of overflow you're actually you're spreading yourself thin you're pouring from an empty cup um instead of pouring from like
a place of overflow you're actually you're actually serving from a place of depletion
and you're just normalizing that already like undervalued number that's floating around in
the industry so nobody's ever actually able to like fill their cup up um and so I feel like that
cycle needs to be broken somewhere
and it gets really hard because if you are the person that stands out with like the highest
highest offer in the sense of something that a competitor has something equal to but at a lower
cost your mind is probably thinking well nobody's going to buy from me and that's where like the
embodiment of like your personal brand is so so important um hopefully that makes sense and that's where like the embodiment of like your personal brand is so so important um
hopefully that makes sense and that like there's so much nuance there because it also depends like
what you're doing that was just an example in like the birth space um and that actually leads
to my third point that I did write a note about and that's like pouring from an empty cup and I see this so often especially in um just like the newer entrepreneur space
the narrative is like oh make sure you're giving away tons of free stuff because if people are
like oh she's giving that away for free imagine what she could give if I like paid for something
from her and that's really cool like there's Like there's some actual like truth to that.
But the thing is,
if all you're doing
is constantly giving things away for free,
and that can include like podcasts and blogs,
like all of that is time consuming.
So if you're constantly giving away
all of that for free
and you're never actually filling your cup back up,
financially speaking, you're going to be serving from a place of depletion and you're going actually filling your cup back up financially speaking you're going to be serving
from a place of depletion and you're going to burn out you're going to be spread thin
you're going to start to resent your offers you're going to start to resent your clients
you're going to basically not be able to continue doing what you're going to do and then you're
going to have to like burn your business down literally so you have to fill your cup up first
you have to be compensating make sure you're being compensated financially in order to keep
building your business and if there's no like money coming in then there's no you and then
there's no service and then there's no business you get the idea it's really important to make
money um if you're not making money then it's just a hobby and I think if you're if you're likely listening to this already
20 minutes in I think you're trying to build a business so you need to be making money um
and ironically this is kind of where I've been getting stuck I've been getting stuck in this over giving state and it's showing up in really sneaky ways. I don't
give a lot of free shit away like I did in the early days. Like I feel like in the early days
when I was still dabbling in like birth education, I was doing free workshops and I was spending a
lot of time creating freebies and all of that stuff and I quickly realized that that was not a good use of my energy it wasn't translating to more sales it wasn't converting and so that could have been
an issue like more business strategy wise but in that time period in that season of my life
it was not fitting in it was not a good use of my energy and instead I've really had to tap in
kind of where my zone of genius is and so as an example
podcasting is really fun for me so even though I'm not at this moment making money from my podcast
it is not an energy drainer for me versus doing a bunch of like free workshops or like free webinars
or creating a bunch of like freebie pdf stuff like that would be an energy drainer for me. So
again, with conscious creation, it's about actually tapping into your zone of genius,
what actually feels good, what actually lights you up when you're doing it, do more of that,
and start beginning to notice like what things give you energy versus what things are depleting your energy and fine-tune
accordingly. And again, this is not a one-size-fits-all. This isn't a copy what your very
successful coach or like best friend entrepreneur is doing because we all have different nervous
systems. We all hold different trauma in our body. We all have access to different resources like child care and whatever else we all have different like baselines
of health and well-being in this moment I was talking to a friend about her energy level and
like she ended up going on a thyroid medication and like that completely like skyrocket her energy so like if you are
functioning kind of below baseline there might be other things in your life that you need to
titrate and like fill in to like fill in those gaps um so getting just really intentional about
all of that before you start giving away your stuff and your services um again I'm so going on so many different tangents
I also have like so many things open I have my notes here I have you guys on Instagram I have
GarageBand because I'm recording a podcast come back Nicole who's here hmm okay um so yeah pouring
from any pouring from an empty cup don't do that I think in like the
motherhood space too we hear that all the time and it's almost cliche and annoying to hear
um and we can all agree that we don't want to be like a martyr um in our like personal life right
we don't want to be a martyr to our kids and our families but we also don't want to be a martyr to
our business so really really really getting clear and creative on what that might look like for you
and assessing and taking action accordingly from that point um
yeah so in my own experience right now where I have been noticing myself feeling spread thin, what ends up happening from this place is I begin to notice how it impacts literally other this with some close friends and I'll share it here too where I have been having more and more thoughts of potentially wanting to wean Aubrey and that's
not coming from a place of genuinely wanting our breastfeeding journey to be over that's coming
from a place of I feel so spread thin right now I am constantly getting more irritable than I'd like to and just feeling
like I have less patience in that department because that's like the one thing that is kind
of like a constant in my life right now. And the reality is, is it's because my cup isn't full
enough right now. And yeah, so it becomes just this beautiful invitation of like what needs to be restructured
where can I fine-tune um and also like an opportunity for cyclical embodiment like we
in the northern hemisphere it's spring right now and like spring cleaning like this is an
opportunity and an invitation for spring cleaning in my life and my business and the two go together like they're not separated
I mean maybe they are for like the bro marketers who get to literally just like leave their wife
and kids at home and like stop thinking about their families while they're at work but that's
not my life right like I am constantly mommying even when I'm on a call and thinking about my
daughter and wondering like how she is and maybe what's on our grocery list
and what we're going to have for supper and I don't think that's something to like shame myself
for I I actually think like that's very natural and biologically normal um so yeah again just
being really creative with how you're filling your own cup up. And that can look like delegating,
that can look like optimizing what you already do in the sense of like automation or simplifying.
Simplifying, that's a big one. So many instances, we are overcomplicating things, we are doing
things 10 times harder than they need to be so opportunity and invitation for simplification
um and yeah so again in my own experience like just noticing I'm feeling spread thin
I'm noticing how that's impacting other aspects of my life specifically my mothering
and um it's meaning in my business I'm having an incredibly hard time making decisions
and I'm desperately wanting to just like
outsource to other people I'm wanting my hand to be held I'm wanting a coach or a mentor or someone
in my corner to just like tell me what to do because that feels so much safer safer and again
this is something that I kind of want to normalize that it is biologically normal to want our hand to be held.
It's biologically normal, especially when we're kind of tapping into like our feminine essence.
We want to be held.
We are like open to be received and we just like want someone to like take us and like hold us.
That is so, so normal.
So like when that's creeping into your business, it's not something that needs to be shamed.
It's something that like just bring your awareness to and be like oh I want to get curious about that like that's popping up probably for a reason it's probably here to serve me what is it
asking of me and for me this is where the session today with my mentor so many light bulb moments
of like oh yeah of course I can't make decisions. Of course I'm lacking clarity and confidence. Of course I'm hesitating on every single decision because I don't know what I'm
actually trying to create. So this is where conscious creation comes in. And so number one
thing that I wrote down for conscious creation is matching your capacity. So this starts with
getting really, really clear on like how much you actually have
to give. So I mean, specifically, this might look like your time, like when do you actually have
time to pour into your business? So like maybe setting office hours for yourself, maybe setting
some stricter boundaries around when you are working versus not working. I know as a mom, this gets really, really sloppy
because we try to fit work into little pockets of time.
And that's totally okay.
Like if that's the season you're in,
that is absolutely okay.
But I would, I guess, kind of recommend
that it is really, really, really supportive to you
and really everyone around you.
If you can um what am I
trying to say here I guess just like again not like over give to your business um I have an
example here so what keeps popping up for me and this is a tendency that I keep noticing myself kind of fall back into is this again this story around productivity
and the old narrative of my worth being measured on my productivity and this discomfort I have with
like actually resting or like the perceived idea that I'm like lazy and so what ends up happening is I will instead just end up like
scrolling on Instagram or buying another course or binge listening to another podcast
or creating more content because in my mind all of those things are productive.
Even though they're productive, they might not actually be productive in the sense of moving the needle closer to where I want to go.
They might not actually be a good use of my energy.
And so it's like this distorted sense of productivity that keeps my ego at peace.
Because it's like, okay, cool, we're not lazy,
we're like, getting stuff done. But really, like, is that stuff that really needs to get done?
Maybe not, maybe yes, but maybe not. And so again, like the invitation to bring just like conscious awareness to like, what am I doing right now? And am I doing it just because it kind of feels this need of
not wanting to be perceived as lazy when my body actually just wants like rest or to like veg out
on the couch or to go for a walk or to like go plant a garden or to literally go do anything
else that has nothing to do with your business and can that be okay? I feel like I'm so all over the place I shouldn't do I don't know if
this is working I don't know if like a live and a podcast and too many things going on at least for
today um so yeah matching capacity and that's that's something that takes trial and error too
that's not something that you just wake up one morning and be like boom I know exactly how much time I can spend on my business and I know for me like my my schedule specifically
so my time the capacity of time I have is super variable and dependent on other people's schedules
because I'm relying on other people for child care so I've noticed a lot of resistance in that department for me because I almost fall into
like this victimhood, this victim mindset of, oh, well, like I can't do this because
I don't have childcare or because I'm like relying on someone else's schedule.
And this really not true thought of other people's schedules are more important than
That's a loud one for me something that I'm ongoingly trying to untangle and detach from but it totally disrupts um my ability to show up because it's it's allowing me to kind of stay trapped in this like victim triangle and like
continue to be relying on other people when really I need to like hold my own hand and like do the
thing myself and actually um voice my needs and like say hey like I need support right now so I
can go do this thing or being really firm on your boundaries and that
might even look like how you're using your own time like I said like are you are you doing things
to kind of fill that gap of being productive when it's actually not that productive maybe it's about
being more firm on your own personal boundaries of like hey I'm not going to scroll social media
until I've actually finished this like sales page or like send out this email or whatever it is, whatever you're kind of avoiding.
And the next thing I wrote is like tapping into energy. Getting really, really, really close with your intention and like the frequency behind what you are trying to create.
And so this is kind of the opposite of just doing whatever your coach or like a business guru that you look up to is doing.
Because that's you tapping into their energy so you need to tap into
your energy and tap into like the offer that you are trying to create and literally like if this
helps you like visualize that offer as like a separate entity from you and literally asking it
like what do you need today or what how do you want to show up today and you'll be surprised at
like what can actually come through
and then I would say that those two things when you can match your capacity and actually tap into
the energy of the offer those two things alone will totally skyrocket your confidence and when
you have that confidence it's that much easier to start showing up in marketing marketing becomes almost like effortless because you are so excited and so deeply in trust and in tune with that specific offer and then the next
thing on my list I wrote is like profit first pricing I don't really love that like sentence
profit first it feels very masculine but there's a lot of truth here. And this comes back to like not over giving if you aren't filling your own cup first.
It comes back to like being able to serve from overflow, not depletion.
And so making sure that whatever you're pricing your offers at, you're actually being compensated,
not just like getting by, not just like your Zoom and like your whatever other like monthly subscription costs are paid for.
But like, are you actually making a profit?
Because if you're not, it's basically just a very expensive hobby.
You have to be making money.
Again, I'm like constantly reminding myself of this because it feels a little gross sometimes.
It feels a little gross sometimes it feels a little bit selfish um it feels very very
uncomfortable if you are overpricing compared to what's in your industry so like doulas in-person
service providers i see you because it is really really uncomfortable when you have like other
competitors local to you that you are yeah it just gets a little bit messy but honestly like if you aren't
making profit then it's just a very expensive hobby and you're not gonna have a business anymore
and yeah not good um yeah Gina and then the last thing I wrote on my list is save the back end
shit for later and I'm laughing at this because I've honestly spent I don't even want to say how
much time um thinking that I needed to gain the confidence in how to like optimize my back end
like automations and like all the technology pieces and like email sequences and um just
having as much as possible be automated I I fell into a very, again, binary thinking,
black and white, good versus bad. I felt like I couldn't move forward in my business,
that my business couldn't scale unless I had the backend shit figured out.
And there is some truth to that because I would argue the backend shit is kind of like that
masculine containment and it helps our feminine to flow.
But what happens, depending on what kind of season of your business you're in,
if you put all the weight into your back end,
again, it's coming back to like matching capacity
and like being really mindful of how you're using your energy.
If you aren't actually like selling, if you aren't't comfortable with selling if you aren't comfortable with showing up online and actually having that
conversion of like when I speak you give me money like if that conversion isn't happening
the back end shit doesn't matter it doesn't matter how many email sequences you have set up it
doesn't matter how many whatever else you have like automated you have to be able to sell and so this is like I said this is something that I've been caught up in is thinking that I
need some of the back-end shit figured out or else I can't move forward and it's actually like
the two go together and they kind of it's almost like almost like this like scaffolding we're like
okay like get better at selling do more back-end shit get better at selling do more
back-end shit like they kind of go together instead of one before the other um and so yeah
in terms of conscious creation like can you actually like embody your work embodiment is
like the best and easiest tool for marketing can you do that awesome are you actually like
matching your capacity with what you're trying to offer and what you have
so that your cup isn't constantly getting emptier and emptier
each time you show up in your business?
Are you actually making money when you sell?
And are you actually able to sell?
Are you, is your nervous system actually able to like be seen online
and like face the possible crickets and rejection
of when someone doesn't buy like click
on that like buy me link these are all like really big things I feel like like I said I went in so
many directions I hope something in all of this lands for you I think the biggest thing is just of starting to bring your awareness into your offer creation and not just doing things the
way they've always been done like making sure that that offer and the structure behind it
and not like not just like the launch the launch is like its own thing where I mean all of these
things still apply in terms of launch strategy but in the actual offer like how many
calls is there going to be how long is it how much of you need to show up um what is like the
engagement level like making sure all of that actually fits into your life um yeah I'm just
sharing all of this because this is literally what I'm moving through right now these are the kind of
things that I'm fine-tuning and it feels yeah very um
on par with nature being spring so I feel like I'm doing this massive spring cleanup and just
getting really really clear on my own capacity and like the kind of money I actually need to
be making that's another thing too is like I have kind of struggled with thinking that
the moments where I'm feeling a little bit more
desperate for money that that feeling of desperation feels very unsafe and that feeling
of desperation I've always equated to like scarcity and then I shame myself for being
in that scarcity mindset and that energy and I try to like pull myself out of it as fast as possible because I've deemed that emotion as bad that label is bad and the truth is like there's a difference between like scarcity
and reality and there are seasons where our reality is that we need money it's also like
2024 and we can't just trade beads down the street like we do actually have to be making money and um yeah it's not selfish it's
not greedy it's not whatever other label you might be putting on like money making like it's actually
a a source of stability and security and if your reality right now is like mine where you need to
be making money and also if you're running a business not a
hobby I'm gonna kind of assume that you are in that season where you need to be making money
then um yeah just all of this is really important so uh yeah that was basically 40 minutes didn't
intend to go that long thank you for listening okay before you go I just wanted to say thank
you for taking the time to listen to this episode
if you were thinking of anyone while listening please send it their way and if anything resonated
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than hearing from you. So say hi, DM me on Instagram and give me a follow at Nicole Pasvir.
Until next time.