Episode Date: October 4, 2024

This is a call in for those on a journey of self-reclamation, who know that a shift in "the way things have always been done" is desperately needed. You are a culture disrupter. You are leading a new ...paradigm whether it be related to conscious business creation, motherhood, or self care. You are worthy of being supported while you pave the path towards inspired impact and legacy. HAPPY HOUR was on pause... but as of February 2025, Happy Hour calls are back and reimagined 🎉 Learn more about Happy Hour HERE *A lil note on pricing: I used to offer these calls for free, and I loved them. But part of my work is about building a world where space-holders, visionaries, and healers are well-resourced. Charging a small amount ($25) for Happy Hour feels more in alignment and allows me to hold this space in a way that’s nourishing and sustainable—for me and for you. (Think of it like buying a drink at an actual Happy Hour..) ..I personally respond to all DMs and emails so don't hesitate to reach out with questions related to anything mentioned in this episode, current offerings, or possible collab ideas Connect with me on IG: @nicolepasveer Email:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Rewild and Free. This is the go-to podcast for conscious and holistic mother entrepreneurs who are ditching society's to-do list for intentional living, freedom, and abundance, while creating impact and legacy in their home and business. If we haven't met yet, I'm Nicole Pasvir, your like-hearted mom friend and biz bestie wrapped in one. I'm an ex-nurse turned matrescence guide and business coach, leading women just like you into the new paradigm, where thriving in motherhood is your birthright and so is a successful and sustainable online business keep listening if you're ready to unsubscribe from patriarchal motherhood bro marketing and boss babe culture because in this space we use nature as our framework as we move
Starting point is 00:00:38 towards feminine embodied business development cyclical orientation and slow living together let's rewild and remember as we break free from survival and reconnect to what truly matters. Okay friend, steep your tea and take the most loving breath you've given to yourself today and let's go. Hello and happy Friday if you're listening to this on the day that this episode is released. I am coming on here today just to use my voice and share some exciting ways that we can hang out this month. In case you missed it or you haven't been around in my world for long, I took about a four-month sabbatical offline and I'm just kind of re-emerging and figuring my new way in this online space and with that comes kind of some clunkiness and some awkwardness um not in like a negative way
Starting point is 00:01:36 just in a like kind of feeling like a baby deer and awkwardly like walking into the weird wild world of the internet and um noticing when things feel scary and unsafe and and resourcing myself to continue to uh speak my light and speak my truth and um just be as unapologetic as possible because I find I can quickly get in my head and kind of filter out my own muse with other people's projections and the societal shoulds and should nots and the really dumb rules that the online coaching space has kind of normalized so if you're new here I welcome you I am oops my phone is on notifications hello mom mom's texting me cool um I um before I took my four months offline I was kind of positioning myself as a conscious business coach. And before that, I was kind of exploring the world of birth work and matrescence and motherhood coaching.
Starting point is 00:03:03 And so when I stepped foot into the more like business mentorship space, it was still kind of niched down to mothers mother entrepreneurs and I really thought that my focus was going to be around conscious creation and so it all made sense to me because birth is obviously one way that a woman creates she's literally creating life and then like business offer, content creation is another way that a woman can create. And so it's kind of tapping into that conscious creation aspect of things. And if I'm being honest, none of those things really fit. I was trying to squish myself into this box that still didn't quite fit, like feel like me and I can so clearly see looking back on kind of all of my experiences over the past year or two in in playing in this entrepreneurship space and um witnessing other people build
Starting point is 00:03:59 businesses and witnessing my own felt sense when I've been trying on their strategies, and sometimes they work and sometimes they don't, and just the constant discernment of, like, does this actually feel like me? And desperately wanting to be able to build a business and create a coaching practice that is supporting other people to really tap into their most authentic self and I should probably turn my phone off um hi mom again um really tap into their most like authentic self and break free from the conditioning that has been keeping them like pretty perfect and pleasing or that has been keeping them small and they're light-dimmed and really ultimately doing a disservice to the people that
Starting point is 00:04:48 they are able to serve because they are constantly feeling like they're taking up too much space or they can't say this or they can't do that or whatever it is and so a part of my new found clarity is that it's not really about business mentorship. It's not really about motherhood coaching. It's not even about like the niche and the label that you might identify in, in the sense of like being a mom or not. What it is about is being a culture disruptor and being someone that knows deep in their core, deep in their bones, that the way things are going in the world right now aren't working. leading a new paradigm and a new way of doing things a new way of of of creating and building and scaling a conscious business a new way of mothering a new way of tending to yourself and
Starting point is 00:05:52 prioritizing self-care and not self-care in the sense of like spending gobs of money on like luxurious items but like in that like deep soul nourishment and selfishly and unapologetically putting yourself first, knowing that the work you do for yourself and that inside out work really ripples out to your community. And in all of this, like these, these culture disruptors, um, they can't unsee what they've seen. And if you're listening and you are resonating with all of this, you have likely been on this path of unlearning and you've been on this path of reclamation and coming back to yourself.
Starting point is 00:06:40 And maybe that's looked like a deeper connection with your intuition. Maybe that's been some inner child healing maybe it's been like a whole big wild spiritual awakening maybe it's been a little bit more subtle and it's just been adding a higher level of consciousness to the actions and no longer just living a life by default and not living on autopilot and really paying attention and being a curious and radical witness to your own inner world whatever kind of flavor that looks like for you you are so welcome here and it's becoming clear to me that my mission in this world at least in this season of my life, is to guide and support these culture disruptors. Because if you as the culture disruptor, if you as the individual that is longing to make
Starting point is 00:07:36 impact and legacy in this world and actually leave the world a better place than you found it if you aren't supported and if you aren't held and if you aren't cheerlead and in environments where people can call you out on your bullshit and help you illuminate your blind spots and provide that like safe space and co-regulation to really meet and expand your edges in a way that doesn't completely knock down your nervous system that that's the kind of people I'm calling in right now and that's the kind of work I want to be providing I want to be that that safe place that space holder for that person and another thing that is feeling really true for me and I've gotten a lot of reflections back from previous clients that I do a really good job of
Starting point is 00:08:36 helping you hear your own voice and I do a really good job of helping you see yourself in ways that maybe you haven't even allowed yourself to see before. And I take those comments, I really take them to heart because it feels very true for me. And I can't even tell you what I do to do that. It's just like who I am. It comes very easy for me. And I think that's been something that I've been limiting myself and stepping into because a part of me thinks that if it's easy, it's not something that I'm worthy of making money doing. If it's easy, it's not something that I am worthy of experiencing like wild success with and I think that's that's part of the issue is that that's exactly what we're supposed to be doing we are supposed to be doing the things that come so easy to us the things that are constantly reflected back to us as our gifts and so this is me kind of declaring that I'm finally stepping into to that that natural gift of mine and that power that I have that that secret power um and with that I've
Starting point is 00:09:47 kind of landed on if you've seen my Instagram bio I've already changed it to this but you could basically consider me as your fairy godmother to your inner genius because I am that that fairy godmother archetype that kind of just could wave my magic wand and sprinkle some fairy dust on you to to shush out the noise and strip off the layers that the world has put on you so you can really see and hear yourself and from that place when you can step into that part of you and hear your inner self your inner, your, your just like life force essence within you, that is where the answers come. And I think we hear a lot kind of this like fluffy narrative out there that like, you have all the answers within you and like, you don't need anyone
Starting point is 00:10:41 outside of you. And those things are like true to an extent but the thing is is we were never supposed to do any of this alone and part of that narrative kind of perpetuates this um idea of like hyper independence and like you need to do it all on your own then you are not worthy of being supported you are not worthy of asking for help and the truth is like we are herd animals we are supposed to be in community and our nervous systems like thrive on being with another individual as a form of co-regulation and another aspect of all of that too is if you think back like historically speaking like way back in the day the way we learned the way that we um took in information and like learned new skills and got
Starting point is 00:11:34 information obviously like there was no internet there was no google there was no chat gpt it was all from being in community with someone and getting to be in relationship with them to like learn from them and see how they do things and so this idea of like mentorship or apprenticeship like we've kind of lost the art of that and we've swung the pendulum to this side of like hyper independence and yeah I'm just here to kind of break that and I'm here to remind you that you are so worthy of being supported you are so worthy of taking up space and investing in yourself and allowing yourself to be in containers where someone else is holding your hand and not holding your hand in the sense of like, I'm going to lead you and tell you exactly where to go but holding your hand in the sense of like I got your back like I got your back and when you fall I am going to be there to like remind you to get back up again and like cut through the bullshit that's been standing in your own way um and like if you're choosing to work with me then I'm also gonna sprinkle that fairy godmother dust on you too so um yeah all
Starting point is 00:12:46 of this just to say that this is kind of where I'm going in my work and in my approach as a coach or a mentor or a space holder or whatever label you want to throw on me there um and that leads me to some of the exciting offers I have going on this month. So one of them being a free call, I'm calling it happy hour. And my plan is to probably do this monthly or even twice a month, but I'm going to do one call at a time and just see how it goes. I have this tendency to feel like I have to perfect everything before I put things out there. And with that comes almost like over committing and feeling like oh my god this new offering is going to be a permanent thing in my offer suite
Starting point is 00:13:29 forever and ever and so whatever date I choose has to be the same like every month and like I I make it too big and so I've really been intentional about simplifying this and letting it be be easy for me and and the way that's looking right now is just one call we're starting with a call this Sunday October 6th I'd love to see you there this is free I am kind of naming this a virtual council for culture disruptors I really see this as a space to just gather in community and be in council with other women who are sharing similar visions of you as you and sharing similar ambition and again just wanting to leave the better the world a better place than than we found it and it can be a lonely lonely world um or it can also be us like being stuck in this echo chamber online but
Starting point is 00:14:21 I my invitation is to actually like be together on zoom share energy cheerlead offer uh solidarity um and um depending on like how many people are joining the call I really honestly don't know what to expect for this Sunday but I I envision me offering some intuitive spot coaching if it if it feels right and also just like soundboarding with the other women who are coming online because like I said like we we have kind of lost the art of being in community and like learning from the wise women and the elders in our community so allow this this space to be a circle to gather with other wise women and even if you yourself aren't feeling like a wise woman just yet I can almost guarantee that your lived
Starting point is 00:15:12 experience thus far has value for another woman sitting across from the circle as you so um I've always found gathering in circle online to be potent and transformative. I say this a lot, but it really feels true when we gather in community like that, without the hierarchy, without me being coach or educator and actually giving space for the people in the room to share their thoughts and share their wisdom. It offers this opportunity where you get to witness yourself through other people. It's like we're all coming online, sitting in circle together, virtually, of course, holding up a mirror and you walk away just feeling so seen and so heard,
Starting point is 00:15:58 even if you didn't say anything out loud. So that's kind of the first thing. Those calls, like I said, I'm hoping to start doing them on a consistent basis, but we're just starting with one and that's going to be this Sunday, October 6th. It's 4 p.m. Mountain Time. And yeah, we'll go from there. So that's really exciting because that's free. So it's accessible everyone is welcome and then the other thing that I'm trying on for size and this is really exciting because for most of my career for lack of a better word as a coach and all the different hats I've kind of tried on I've never loved offering one-off sessions I've always longed for this like deeper connection with my clients and maybe part of that has been my own imposter syndrome in fearing that we can't go deep enough
Starting point is 00:16:51 in a one call in one call maybe it's been a fear deep down that like we won't be able to connect and we need to kind of get through the the small talk before we can actually get places and all of that has really shifted for me I'm feeling more confident in my ability to really tap in to the depth that we need to get at for you to start seeing results and so with that I'm offering one-off sessions this month another reason this is exciting is because like I said I've been off for a couple months and it's feeling a little bit shaky for me to commit to a longer container right now. There's just like some personal stuff going on that makes me not really sure what my schedule is going to look like in the next couple months. But I do know what October looks like. And so I'm meeting my own reality with where it is and I'm I'm meeting my own capacity with where it is too and with that comes the birth of this beautiful offering
Starting point is 00:17:50 and so these are one-off calls as I said they are intended to be two-hour I'm calling them magic mind calls not master they're like a one-on-one mastermind, but it's really a magic mind because there's going to be some magical transformation happening. These calls are $300 per session. And then they also include a 30-minute follow-up to do like a week or two later together, whether that's on Vox or Zoom, your choice. But really creating that space for the period of integration and just kind of the portal of creativity that we open up in crossroads in their business maybe they see all these different roads they could go down and they're kind of feeling boggled down by
Starting point is 00:18:56 the choices they have to make they are finding themselves in a season of overthinking and being crippled maybe with like self-doubt and overwhelm and that's probably manifesting as like procrastination or maybe even like perfectionism and these calls are a beautiful opportunity to kind of like cut through that bullshit and actually find ways to soothe and nurture and support your nervous system because really what's coming up there is communication from your nervous system so we can walk through that and actually take make a like personalized game plan for how you can actually nurture yourself in this season of life I really see these calls as an opportunity to
Starting point is 00:19:46 kick start a a new level whether it's in your business or in your like personal reclamation journey kind of tapping into this season energetically of fall if you're in the northern hemisphere which is obviously a time of like letting go and refinement and creating space for new growth in the seasons to come which all kind of falls into this umbrella of really intentionally building like a foundation and I think that's really important when we're talking about conscious business creation and as culture disruptors like we can't do the things that we want to do if we don't have a strong foundation to anchor into so a part of these calls can also be about curating and like intentionally building that foundation for yourself. Another reason these calls would be good is if you are finding yourself just kind of in that place where you are, how do I want to word
Starting point is 00:21:01 this? What's coming up is like lacking libido and you've kind of like lost you've fallen out of love with your business that's that's what it is if you've fallen out of love with your business um and so these calls can be an amazing deep dive into exploring like what's actually alive in all of that like what's actually coming up for you what's ready to be nurtured or pruned in your life um and really tapping into that like a most emotional and psychological and like spiritual safety that your body and your heart and your nervous system are calling on you to create um because ultimately I think that's what what's going on when we are falling out of love with our business there's something else going on that is kind of telling
Starting point is 00:21:53 ourselves that like that business idea whatever it is is maybe a threat or it's not in service to where you actually want to go and so again it's me coming in and sprinkling my fairy godmother magic on you to really get clear and kind of crack you open to see all that and then of course creating that like game plan together co-creating that game plan together so that you can actually walk away with tangible action steps and aligned action and like the courage and bravery to go do the things that you need to do um so yeah I could go on and on um I will probably continue posting about this online on my social media so make sure you are watching over there and of course dm me or email me if you have any questions about either of these offers um the the two hour magic mind like I said it's just an
Starting point is 00:22:46 October promo I'm just trying it out for this month so I have six spots available for for the month um and they are $300 a session if you're listening to this and you're like oh my god like I actually want to work with Nicole more than one session you can totally book more than one of those like you could book two or three for this month or whatever that looks like for you like we could meet once a week for the rest of the month if you wanted um so that's totally an option too I'm so flexible if if the investment is a barrier for you please reach out too I don't want um I don't want that to be the reason that your head is saying no if your heart is saying yes.
Starting point is 00:23:26 So either way, just reach out. Let's have a conversation about this. Let's actually get clear on what kind of support you're looking for and kind of do a vibe check to make sure that I'm actually like the right fit for you because there's tons of other amazing coaches and mentors in the space that can also provide similar support. And I never want to be coming from a place of like, I know best because I very much do not. Honestly, I don't know what I'm doing half the time. So, okay, that's all I wanted to say today.
Starting point is 00:23:57 I'd really love to see you on Sunday for the first happy hour call. Otherwise, stay tuned for future dates on that. And like I said, reach out if you're feeling a pull to work with me. Hopefully see you in my DMs. Okay, before you go, I just wanted to say thank you for taking the time to listen to this episode. If you were thinking of anyone while listening, please send it their way. And if anything resonated with you, or you love these conversations, please subscribe and leave a review.
Starting point is 00:24:28 This really helps the podcast algorithms put my show in front of more people just like you. And the last thing, I would love nothing more than hearing from you. So say hi, DM me on Instagram and give me a follow at NicolePasvir. Until next time.

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