REWILD + FREE - From the heart

Episode Date: April 4, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This has been something that's been on my heart for a really long time and I've been letting my head get in the way. I've been letting the perfectionist self within me come out to play and tell me that I need the perfect name, tell me that I need perfect cover art, tell me that I need the perfect launch strategy and instead of letting that narrative rule me, I am saying fuck it. And yeah, I'm gonna swear on this podcast. I'm not gonna filter myself, I'm not going to filter myself. I'm not going to censor myself in any way. I have lived my whole life being watered down and people pleasing everyone around me. And so part of this show is going to be my own journey about becoming the most potent, unapologetic, self-expressed version of myself and I'm so excited to have you along and hopefully inspire encourage normalize um make you laugh um whatever it turns into
Starting point is 00:01:15 I um don't have any promises for you I am not here to have anyone keep me accountable. This is truly for myself. And I'm just trusting that the people that need to listen are going to be here to listen. Welcome to the Not Just a Mom Show, where we have open and honest conversations about the vulnerabilities and the victories within entrepreneurship and new motherhood. If we haven't met yet, I'm Nicole Pazier and I'm going to be your host. I'm a mom and an entrepreneur trying to raise a family and build a business all while figuring out how to live life in alignment. Less in my head and more in my heart is my mantra these days. Here on the show, we don't subscribe to perfection. In fact, being present is the new perfect and showing up
Starting point is 00:02:05 messy is the new norm. We don't live life by default or get stuck in binary thinking. Instead, we make space for connection, curiosity, and nuance. We value growth, expansion, and community over competition, achievement, and independence. My hope is that this podcast serves as a safe space for me and inspiration for you to stop living life watered down. Together, we will uncover versions of our most potent selves where we show up unapologetically, intentionally, and without filter. We are worthy, just as we are, as all that we are, not just the label we put on ourselves. We are more than just a mom and I'm so glad you're here.

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