Episode Date: November 14, 2024Here's a whole sermon for ya... I have some shit to say about this virus called hustle culture that's slowly killing usIt shows up in "urgency" and "boss babe" mindset which btw is just bro marketing ...tactics (I know you are grossed out by) disguised in a pretty dress We have to stop extracting ourselves We have to untangle our worth from productivity, achievement and the pace in which we move in this world It's time for a mf boss babe funeral in business, lay that shiiiit to rest and stop overriding our body's innate wisdom Let me know what lands or stirs for you on IG (@nicolepasveer)
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You're listening to Rewild and Free. This is the go-to podcast for conscious and holistic
mother entrepreneurs who are ditching society's to-do list for intentional living, freedom,
and abundance, while creating impact and legacy in their home and business. If we haven't
met yet, I'm Nicole Pazvir, your like-hearted mom friend and biz bestie wrapped in one.
I'm an ex-nurse turned matrescence guide and business coach, leading women just like you
into the new paradigm, where thriving in motherhood is your birthright and so is a successful and sustainable online
business keep listening if you're ready to unsubscribe from patriarchal motherhood bro
marketing and boss babe culture because in this space we use nature as our framework as we move
towards feminine embodied business development cyclical orientation and slow living together
let's rewild and remember as we break
free from survival and reconnect to what truly matters. Okay friend, steep your tea and take the
most loving breath you've given to yourself today and let's go. Okay, there's some shit we need to
talk about specifically if you are a mother, a woman, a human with a uterus, neurodivergent, not a generator or manigen in
human design, and if you are, like, still listen, any and all of those things. I need you to listen
to me when I tell you and talk about this virus that we have all been exposed to as humans collectively
and that's hustle and grind culture and the sneaky ways that it shows up in our life and
the ways that we need to start building immunity to it in order to literally like save humanity because it's
killing us we have not evolved to move at the pace that modern life is asking us to move at
and I say specifically for like mother and women and neurodivergent people because things are just different for us. We aren't white dudes in suits with massive privilege and all the other things that might make the pace of hustle and grind culture actually work for us it doesn't work for us and
i would argue it doesn't work for those white dudes either they just don't have the conscious
awareness to even care they've been they're in that mentality of like do more push more work
harder more more more money money money um and it's quite disgusting actually money is not disgusting but
the the force and the sacrifice in which people will put themselves through to get money is
disgusting um and the harm that we're doing to humanity and to our souls as animal bodies and to the land and earth that we live on.
So anyways, there's some things that I want you to hear. One of them is urgency isn't real.
Urgency is a frequency that is almost this like external pressure feeling outside of us and time isn't real so
this feeling of urgency doesn't necessarily mean that like the antidote to it is moving at a slower
pace it's more to do it's less to do with the
speed in which you are, like, moving through time, because time isn't real, and more to do with the,
like, external pressure and obligation you are feeling around that thing. That's not real. rest and space for pleasure and nourishment and joy and things that don't necessarily have a
gold star like achievement at the end are so so important for our humanity and for our soul's aliveness and for our
channel to
be open to creativity and to life force energy and when we are constantly overriding our body's need for rest
and for pleasure we are disrupting and literally like plugging up that energetic channel that we
all as human beings have access to um and that is doing a huge disservice to, again,
not only our souls and our animal bodies, but also to our community as a whole and to the world
as a whole. And so we really need to start prioritizing rest and pleasure and joy and
things that feel good, things that don't feel like sacrifice and
extraction and I hear you when you say like but Nicole I don't have time but Nicole like I'm a
busy mom and I have all these things and my to-do list is never ending and this this and this and
there's this like external circumstance that you have put yourself into. That makes you believe and hold on to this story that you don't have time.
But also time isn't real.
And what I say back to you if you're saying those things.
Is that it doesn't have to be this like ginormous shift in lifestyle.
It can literally just be like pockets of rest and joy and pleasure micro doses of rest joy and
pleasure it can be giving space for a longer exhale in your body it can be brushing your teeth
in full presence as opposed to like also cleaning your counters and like trying to put socks on I don't know if anybody actually does that but you know what I mean um it doesn't have to be this crazy orchestrated event it doesn't
have to be something that actually feels like an addition to your to-do list it's a way of being
instead of a way of doing um urgency rest I think the other thing I wanted to talk about is
this like entanglement of our self-worth with our achievements and our productivity and our
our belief that like our goodness as a human is dependent on what we do and how we look
and what we say and how we behave and that's just so not true um our inherent worth as a human being is
unconditional like it is always there it is not conditional of those things and the longer we
take to untangle those knots the longer it's going to take to ever experience a sense of freedom
and a sense of fulfillment and a sense of contentment and a sense of just like bliss
and aliveness and insert any other word you want to experience um and yeah i mean i could go on and on and on about
these things but basically i'm here to say that like we have to stop living this way we have to
stop doing things we have to stop mothering we have to stop creating businesses we have to stop
um seeing rest and self-care as rewards We have to stop doing these things because they are
literally killing us. And there's no better time to start than now. Because like I said, it doesn't
have to be this like fast change in lifestyle. It is literally like these micro doses of change.
It is just this heightened awareness to what is going on for
you in your inner world and in your outer world and bringing intention into your way of being
and your um literally like
access to aliveness and sensation in your body it can literally be that simple so
yeah anyways I am in the midst of creating a private podcast series called boss babe funeral
because I think it's finally fucking time to lay this boss babe culture mentality to rest and break free from the chains that it's keeping us
tied to in the sense of like doing more and like in the context of business like I just think about
all of the people who have a launch that didn't go as expected and the immediate translation of that is like oh I did
something wrong I didn't do something well enough I didn't send enough emails I didn't
like post enough on Instagram I didn't have the right blah blah blah and it's it's really none
of that it's actually like nothing to do with needing to do more and it's the opposite it's actually like we need to just
break up with that mentality and I don't want to say the word soften because I think that's like
the other side of the pendulum and I'm not suggesting we go there either it's just this
like connection to to our body's innate wisdom and trusting that like okay it's go time or no
it's time to rest because
we can't always be in these perpetual spring and summers these perpetual go times like society
expects us to um and it's our body's wisdom that can tell us when it's time to rest and
what rest will look like and what actually feels nourishing um so yeah stay tuned for that