REWILD + FREE - Lil coaching industry riff including my take on bespoke offer creation + contracts(73)
Episode Date: March 9, 2025I'm jumping on to share a recent epiphany about bespoke offer creation, and the misalignment with the true essence of coaching. As always, I'm here to challenge the normalized coaching frameworks that... feel more prescriptive than relational, and perpetuate the gross profit over people mentality that's laced in how many of us have been taught to create and package offers. Looking forward to creating more bite size musings like this so let me know if you like them too! Connect with me on IG (@nicolepasveer)All current offerings can be found here:'s be Pen Pals! Join my email list: .
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You're listening to Rewild and Free.
This is the go-to podcast for conscious and holistic entrepreneurs who are ditching society's
to-do list for intentional living, freedom, and abundance.
If we haven't met yet, I'm Nicole Pazvir.
I'm an ex-nurse, turn-matrescence guide, and business coach, leading women just like
you into the new paradigm.
Keep listening if you're ready to unsubscribe from patriarchal motherhood, bro marketing,
and boss babe culture.
Because in this space, we use nature as our framework
as we move towards feminine embodied business development,
cyclical orientation, and slow living.
Together, let's rewild and remember
as we break free from survival
and reconnect to what truly matters.
Okay, friend, steep your T
and take the most loving breath
you've given to yourself today, and let's go.
Okay, I'm on my computer getting some stuff done
and Dylan just took Aubrey to the swimming pool.
So I have a pocket of time
and there's some stuff swirling in my head
that I want to talk out loud about
and just share, I suppose,
some of the things that I'm working on right now,
but also just a big epiphany about and just share, I suppose, some of the things that I'm working on right now, but
also just a big epiphany I've recently had in my business.
And maybe we'll start there.
I have obviously been on this ongoing evolution in my business and playing around with like
different packages and playing around with, should even say playing around with, but like
really subscribing to this idea that I think a lot of us are fed in the coaching industry where we are quote unquote supposed
to create these offers, create these containers and outline how many weeks and obviously like
the details of how many calls and the structure and who it's for and what they're going to
get out of it.
And it's just so wild to me how that has become so like normal and accepted in my brain.
Like I almost wasn't even allowing myself to create something more simple than that.
I truly bought into the idea that like I have to and it's also this obsession of knowing who your ideal client avatar is and I
don't subscribe to the language at all but like really tapping into who is this for and how can
I basically translate what I know to benefit them? What's the solution that I can give them?
And that requires obviously clarity on on on knowing so deeply what they're struggling with that you can hand them.
Like, here's the silver platter, here's the solution, you have to pay me and then I'll give it to you.
And it's funny to name that out loud because that's not what coaching is. This is another thing I've been chewing on is just the lost art of coaching that I think
many of us are witnessing and maybe even being a part of without realizing it.
And when you think about what coaching truly is, it's about holding space for someone,
It's about helping them to see their blind spots.
It's about meeting them where they're at
and helping them transform and expand
and hold themselves through whatever they are meeting, right?
It's not about having a flashy solution.
It's not about having a flashy solution. It's not about giving them advice and like this foolproof step by step strategy
and do this and this, and then you'll get XYZ, right?
Any coach I know doesn't actually approach their coaching like that, but we do see
that in the coaching industry in the sense of offer creation.
that but we do see that in the coaching industry in the sense of offer creation. And why this is feeling really alive for me right now is because I just basically created a bespoke, is that how you
say it? Bespoke? Bespoke? Is that the right word? It sounds like so feminine and I don't know,
elegant when I see it written in my head but when I just said it out loud it sounds really weird.
Anyways, like this bespoke package, like I asked her what she needed.
I asked her what's worked well in the past and I met her there and I said, okay, this
is also what I'm willing to offer, right?
This is what I have the energetic capacity to give and this is like the price point and
we even went back and forth on pricing and that felt really clean for me. Like why is it that me as the coach
and I'm talking about like the the generalization in the coaching industry
is that like we determine this is what you need, this is how much it's gonna be
and if you're not willing to spend that money, if you're not willing to invest
then there's something wrong with you. And obviously like this, this kind of narrative that like, as coaches, we need
to charge what we're worth.
And that doesn't even make sense, right?
When you actually dig into what the fuck does that mean?
I'm priceless.
But like, when I really just sit with who this client is, what they are expecting
of me and what my energetic capacity is right now. It felt really clean to find a
price point that didn't feel completely stretchy for her and also felt like a clean exchange for
me. And I think it's really beautiful that it gets to be unique for that client because there's
going to be another client who maybe has slightly different expectations of me and the price
point that they're willing to exchange is going to be different because they are living
a completely different life.
And I don't know, obviously, like I need to have a bare minimum, right?
I need to have terms and conditions for myself that I'm not necessarily willing to waiver
But within that, there just gets to be some flexibility and I'm not necessarily willing to waver on. But within that, there just gets to be some flexibility.
And I'm not necessarily seeing the option for flexibility
if all we're teaching is create this container
and say how many weeks it's gonna be
and how long the calls are gonna be
and how often you get to meet
and structure out exactly like who it's for
and what we're gonna talk about.
Like, who is that actually serving?
Truly, who is that actually serving? Truly, who is that actually serving?
Anyways, these are just my random thoughts
and something that I'm really going to sit with
in my own business going forward is, yeah,
creating best book packages.
So like having, this is what it starts at,
but also like giving clients the option and the autonomy
to be honest about what they can truly afford
because the narrative
of like, you're not investing in yourself, like that is garbage because that number totally
depends on their unique financial situation.
And I don't think it's our job to dictate that.
The other piece to all of this is just the simplicity of this whole process for me.
So obviously we had a conversation on Zoom, we agreed that this felt in alignment,
and because this was a package that I'm literally creating for her, it means there's no sales page,
there's no fancy links for her to click on, there's no email welcome sequence or automation that I
have to have. I literally created a Stripe link and emailed it to her with a calendar invite.
a Stripe link and emailed it to her with a calendar invite. And it's just so funny to think back on like an older version of me, especially when I
was beginning my business and beginning coaching and just feeling like I had to have all those
things in order to even feel like official.
It's just so funny, right?
Like I don't need the links. I don't need
the email sequences. I don't need the fancy like payment software systems. I literally just sent
her a Stripe link and an email calendar invite. Like it is that easy. And I think I should weave
in here a conversation on contracts. I feel like there's again this everyone's gonna have their own
take on contracts and I don't think there's a right or wrong but for me it's always felt almost
like overkill. Like I feel like I'm in relationship with my clients and even said to this person on
zoom today like when I am working long term with a client like I fall in love with you, I fall in
love with my clients because I so deeply care about them and I've been invited into their inner world and into their vulnerability.
And so how can you not fall in love with them? I don't have contracts with people I fall in love
with. I trust myself and I trust the relationship and the people that I'm calling in to be in relationship with me in this context, to be able to respect boundaries and maturely communicate.
And obviously people are going to have a different stance on this.
But for me, it's just, again, always felt like overkill.
It's always felt like something that's on my to-do list that I can't,
I'm not going to be a real coach unless I have all these like contracts drawn up.
And it almost feels like that like dehumanizes the entire experience because truly it is just
a relationship we're building. Yes, it's a professional relationship. So yes, there's going
to be the financial exchange, right? There's that energetic exchange financially. And I'm very clear
with what I'm offering. And I'm having these conversations and I'm writing them in emails, right, about what that financial commitment and exchange is giving you. But
I don't know. I don't need like a 17 page PDF that nobody's actually going to read,
basically just saying, don't sue me. Maybe this is also because I'm Canadian and like
we don't sue people up here. I know in America people are suing left and center.
So maybe this is my own bias being a Canadian.
But yeah, I just wanted to share some of this
because it was feeling really alive for me
and I had a pocket of time.
And I think, yeah, the conversation just around
like losing the art of coaching is also something
that I'm deeply chewing on.
Truly has been this whitewashed industry.
And when you think of like the big names in coaching, like Tony Robbins, and I can't even
think of their names right now.
Tony Robbins is definitely coming to mind and thinking of like the culture he's built
and the manipulations and little like cult environments he teaches.
It's so interesting because when you think of the lineage of
business coaches, the lineage of people that many of us are
learning how to quote unquote, be a coach from or how to run a
coaching business from, it's all trickling back to that. And that
truly isn't what coaching actually is. We've stripped away the sacredness and intimacy and the
relationality, if that's a word in coaching, and it's become
something that is so transactional and very much putting
like the coach on a pedestal and on a hierarchy and the client
lower down so the coach knows better, the coach is offering
the solution, the advice, and basically continuing to disempower their client to make them feel
like they always need a coach.
And that's obviously where the money making potential is created.
And that's so gross.
That's so gross.
And so I'm very much in alignment with we are just in relationship.
We are actually at the same table.
I'm not like on a soapbox.
I'm not lecturing you.
I am not telling you what you should or should not do.
My approach has always been very explorative as opposed to prescriptive.
But now when I'm thinking about the normalization of just like the business
and marketing side of things, like I was naming, know who your ideal client is and like niche down and be so
clear on what their conscious desires are so that you can offer them this
solution that is a no brainer.
I don't fucking know what the solution is because I don't actually, I can't
come up with that for you.
That is more of like an educator role. That is more of a mentorship role. because I don't actually, I can't come up with that for you.
That is more of like an educator role. That is more of a mentorship role.
That is more of a, that's not coaching.
Coaching is literally, I am like creating this container
to hold space for you, to meet you, to see you,
and to help you see yourself,
to help you see your blind spots,
to help you see where you're meeting resistance
and not looking at how do we like
force our way through that resistance,
but let's actually look at what that resistance
is showing us and let's like follow that energy
and tap into that energy.
And I wanna empower you so that eventually
you don't even need me anymore.
I literally, yeah, isn't that funny
that I literally wanna like coach people out of my job.
Yeah, okay.
This feels complete for now.
I'm going to leave it at that.
I wanted this one to be short.
Just some quick thoughts.
I'm going to try to do more of these just like quick thoughts instead of like hour long
And obviously the hour long rambles are amazing amazing too so I will be doing those but I have
some guests that I'm looking forward to having on the show and having conversations with them
so those will likely be longer episodes and I want to be showing up to this space more with
just some bite-sized musings for you.