Episode Date: November 6, 2024Slowing down is radical but it's also a stupid simple way to come home to yourself, try this one out and tag me in your IG stories on your "museum" walk The world is your museum Stop hustling through ...lifeOver-consumed with what's next Indulge in the nowReorient to safety Remember the natural rhythmsRhythms that predate time
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I'm out for a walk right now and I probably look like a complete weirdo because I am walking
at a pace that's slower than molasses.
I keep like spinning my whole body around and looking up in the sky and just giving
myself like, I feel like it's not even a 360 degree view, it's like whatever, all around
me in all directions, whatever view that's called
um and I can't help but think like we we are just constantly hustling through life we are
like walking fast we are holding on to so much tension and
however you're feeling today it might feel like the world is ending it might feel
just like there's a lot of shifts happening whether they are scary or exciting for you
it's just a lot of charge for our body and I invite you to literally take in the world today
as if you are at a museum or an art gallery and just orient your body and your nervous system to safety.
Orient yourself to the natural rhythms of nature
and just the...
I don't even know.
It just feels like a remembrance.
Bring your breath into it too.
Seriously, this is like homework, I'm telling you.
Get outside and go for a walk if you can.
More than just standing in your backyard, go for a walk.
Go for a walk somewhere that's familiar with the intention of noticing new things.
Like I said, literally walking around like you are at a museum or an art gallery
and you want to notice every corner and every inch of the space around you.
And then report back.
Let me know how you're feeling. Let me know what your energy and your frequency and your vibration is like after that practice and um yeah maybe
like this is a petition how about we all walk around the world like weirdos walking at a pace slower than molasses,
really just connecting with our breath and connecting to the rhythms around us.