Episode Date: January 17, 2025Taking you on the journey with me as I bring intention and weave my values into some epic sacred offer creation ...
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You're listening to Rewild and Free. This is the go-to podcast for conscious and holistic
entrepreneurs who are ditching society's to-do list for intentional living, freedom, and
abundance. If we haven't met yet, I'm Nicole Pasvir. I'm an ex-nurse turned matrescence
guide and business coach, leading women just like you into the new paradigm. Keep listening
if you're ready to unsubscribe from patriarchal motherhood, bro-marketing, and boss babe culture.
Because in this space, we use nature
as our framework as we move towards feminine embodied business development, cyclical orientation,
and slow living. Together, let's rewild and remember as we break free from survival and
reconnect to what truly matters. Okay friend, steep your tea and take the most loving breath
you've given to yourself today and let's go.
So without even realizing it, I have been restructuring my business and now I'm going to bring some conscious intention to it and I want to share my process out loud. I realize that
sharing things out loud and allowing people to see my process and kind of the behind the scenes
things that I'm working through and the method behind my madness and just the
the kind of real raw things that nobody really shows really is part of my zone of genius and
it's something that I often receive reflections back
to me like, oh my God, it's so helpful to hear your process out loud. I'm so glad you shared
that with me. Like now I feel less crazy. And obviously like me embodying and showing this
stuff out loud widens the permission field for you to do some of this unconventional strategy work in your business. And I've also
been thinking about how for the better part of like the last year as I've been stepping more into
the role of business coach for lack of a better word although I absolutely don't identify with
that because I'm not a business coach but if you have to put me in an umbrella if there's like a drop down menu and I have to pick one I guess that's where I am um
where was I going with that um I dropped something at lunch and so now my dog is looking at it
licking it and it's distracting hey Piper can we clean up later thanks um yeah just reflecting on how kind of
the last let's call it like four or five six months i found myself in this very familiar
loop and belief pattern that says you can't teach this until you have become an expert in it. And I'm so familiar with that,
that belief pattern. It's an old one for me, and it keeps kind of showing up in new levels.
And so yeah, it's creeping up again, where it's like, you can't show this because you don't know
what you're doing yet. And you know what, fuck fuck that I don't think we're ever supposed to know what we're doing I think this whole idea
of like becoming an expert is absolutely like the old paradigm of business and coaching and
mentorship like that's not actually the goal anymore and I think people are actually
not even experiencing epic transformation when they're in containers with a so-called expert
because what's happening is it's perpetuating this like savior victim complex right where the coach
the expert is the savior and the client you if you keep putting yourselves in these containers
are just perpetuating this victim
mentality and always looking outside of yourself for the answers, always looking outside of
yourself to be saved, always looking outside of your soul, your heart, your wild wisdom
for the next cheat code and strategy to your business.
And so we're breaking up with that.
It's 2025.
We are breaking up with that.
And that also includes me breaking up with the story that says that I can't share my processes out loud I can't teach this until I've like completely mastered it I don't even believe
in mastery I think life and this whole like uh realm of entrepreneurship truly as a playground and we're meant to be playful we're
meant to kind of tap into a sense of innocence and yeah just that like playful quality where
you're constantly experimenting and you're constantly just trying things out and there's
less attachment to outcome and less like seriousness and less pressure and obviously
we have bills to pay obviously there is like bottom lines to meet but there's a way to still
achieve all of that without putting a bunch of weight on your shoulders and what we know what I'm sure if you
are in my world you see this too right the the old paradigm the more traditional bro marketing
business lens is like profit over people and not even just like profit over over people in the
sense of customer service but profit over your own well-being, right?
It's normalizing this story that says that success and more money can't come without
You have to give up parts of yourself.
You have to literally extract every last drop of yourself in order to win. And I mean, it's not even about
winning, right? That's not real either. So anyways, breaking up with this, this story that says that I
can't share this unless I'm an expert at it. So I'm absolutely not an expert. Let's start with that.
Don't come to me thinking that I can save you. Don't come to me thinking I have all the answers
because I don't. But what I do know, and again,
this is what I've been reflecting on, is even like way back in my nursing days, one of my favorite things in the job, and this is very much an unpopular opinion because most people hated this,
but I loved when we had student nurses on our unit. I loved having a student working alongside with me where I got to literally
think out loud and share my processes out loud. Again, I remember when I was serving too,
I was always the go-to person to train new servers coming in and I loved it. I love it.
I love sharing my process. I love thinking out loud. I love helping you kind of find your own rhythm and way of doing things and
finding ways to be more efficient and creating systems that really work for you, right? It's
not about, okay, this is how I do everything and you have to do it this way too. I've said this
in numerous places and it really continues to be an anchor. Like my approach is not prescriptive.
I don't have a prescription for you. My approach is simply,
genuinely exploration, right? So I love holding the space for you, kind of shining light on maybe
your blind spots, shining light on the things that you're not seeing and helping you really
find your own way. And I was reminded by one of my mentors, She was kind of sharing her why and a light bulb moment for her
was like, I don't want to keep giving people the fish. I want to teach them how to fish, right?
And I think that's exactly what I was getting at with the old paradigm of business where
there's almost harm being done if we continue to just rinse and repeat this cycle of like,
you come to me, I have the answer. You come to me, I have the answer. You come to me,
I have the answer. You come to me, I give you the fish. You come to me, I give you the fish.
You're never actually empowered to learn how to fish yourself, right? So again, yeah, I'm really
leaning into that where like, I don't have the fish for you, but I'm happy to help you learn how
to fish. And I'm also going to learn how to fish beside you and we're fishing
for different fish right and we have different tools that we're using and we're just we're just
figuring it out together right because the world the the realm of entrepreneurship is just our
playground and so we're literally playing around um anyways where this is going is my desire to share my process out loud in the restructuring
of my business.
So one thing that became very clear to me in the last couple weeks is I don't want to
do one-on-one work.
This has been something that I've known for a long time, at least subconsciously.
I don't know if I've really allowed myself to name it.
I'm constantly kind of trying to talk myself back into it.
And it's never been something that lights me up to market. It's always just been something that I've had kind of on the bottom of my website. It's there if you're looking for it,
but it doesn't light me up. And it's not that I don't want to work one-on-one with folks.
It's that I truly believe in the power of community and the power specifically
of women gathering, especially like-hearted women, women sharing similar ambition and vision
and values. And you know what? No, it's not even about having the same values because I actually
think part of the beauty of being in community is reclaiming and remembering the art of disagreeing, right?
Because our society culture has really lost that art and we're so quick to cancel. We're so close
to just like turn our head and close an eye. So yeah, the power of community, the power of
group coaching, group mentorship, the power of being in circle with women who are widening the permission
field and constantly reminding you about the field of possibility, right? Because otherwise,
we get stuck in our heads and we get stuck in the loops of, well, that's not possible for me.
But when we surround ourself with believing mirrors, then reality becomes limitless.
Possibility becomes limitless.
And so I want to pour more of my attention and energy into group mentorship spaces, whether
that's workshops led by me or masterminds or memberships or whatever that looks like.
But part of what I want to incorporate in my
business model is no more one-on-one work the only time I'm going to work one-on-one is if you're
already in the group environment with me and you're desiring like extra one-on-one support
I really don't want to um yeah I just the the power of of group work is incredible and I have both evidence
in myself and evidence with clients that the transformation is both more potent and more
efficient when doing it in community and the whole saying of like, together we rise, like that really is true in the sense. And again, old paradigm of business really was focused and anchored into like hyper individualism and hyper self-sufficiency. And again, we're just not into that anymore. restructuring my business to align with those values and align with like where the excitement
is for me and I was actually just playing around with like okay what is it about offer creation
I'm kind of calling calling this sacred offer creation because again we can fall into the
traps of offer creation really being propelled by this energy of desperation and this energy of needing to fill
a gap and it gets to be a lot more fun and playful and impactful on both ends right
us as the receiving end for what we are able to um earn as profit and also like what we are able to receive in terms of like a level of fulfillment
and like you know when you've been in session and you've done something and it just fucking
lights you up right that's what we're going for we don't want to do any more extractive shit
so the perfect recipe for this sacred offer creation is let let me just pull it up, and this will be evolving, right?
Again, I'm sharing kind of the work in progress here. This is what I came up with two minutes
ago, and this might change tomorrow. But part of that sacred offer creation blueprint is
recognizing and covering what your zone of genius is, right? And that truthfully isn't something that
you need to learn. This is something that you are just natural at. It's that thing that feels too
easy that it almost feels like you're cheating. It's that thing that you would be doing for free,
but you're really, really good at. And maybe you're even shy about it because
it comes so natural to you, but you see it as a challenge for other
people. So your genius mixed with your joy, what actually feels fun for you? What actually lights
you up? And this actually can be really hard to determine if you haven't really played around with
like what feels good in your body. If you've kind of been disconnected from your body and stuck
in your head for most of your life, because I've been there, I had to go on this journey of like
reconnecting with the sensations in my body and like remembering, oh, this is what like fun feels
like. This is what pleasure feels like. This is what joy feels like. And expanding my capacity to
hold that pleasure and joy. So your zone of genius, your joy. And then the third piece is matching that with your capacity and your embodiment. So capacity meaning like what do you actually have the capacity for? What can you actually show up for, right? If you are still working a full-time job or like a full-time mom
to a baby, then obviously you can't fully book yourself with like two-hour Zoom calls every day,
right? That's not going to be fun. That's also going to be very extractive. I don't even care
what your human design is. It's probably not going to work. It's not going to be sustainable.
So recognizing like what season
of life you're in and what your nervous system's capacity is to show up to the offer um and your
embodiment so like are you actually embodying the stuff that you're teaching so a combination of all
that gets to then be aligned with what your client's desire is, right? What is their conscious desire?
What are they going after? Mixed with what's kind of their... I wrote congestion. And what I mean
by that is like giving language to their congestion, almost like giving them a diagnosis of like I see this is maybe what's going on for you
let's explore it more and again this is from an explorative approach not a prescriptive approach
right but this is also like you're not you're not poking at their pain points and like breaking open the wound even more,
but you are maybe illuminating and validating that pain point and giving language to like,
hey, this is maybe what's going on for you and this is maybe why it's not working.
Let's go here, right?
And then so your client's desire, giving language to their congestion and then ultimately expanding
their field of permission and possibility. So showing them like, hey, there's a new way,
and that comes with your embodiment, that comes with your ability to be a role model and to
empower them to learn how to fish, right? Because again, it's not about giving them the fish.
So I'm going to play with that little formula I've created. And obviously, I'm also not really
for formulas but
I do think it's a fun little way to begin exploring like okay these are the pieces these are the
the ingredients in the recipe and each of us is going to have different ingredients that we're
bringing into this like sacred offer creation soup um and then the other piece that is feeling really really alive for me is bringing language to
I guess like the energetics of money for lack of a better word but not even just the energetics
bringing language to the water we swim in around as women as as as folks that have been raised as female and the stories and beliefs and the conditions that
have been put on us around money, right? And remembering that literally not even like 40,
50 years ago, a woman couldn't even take out like a bank account, take out a loan in a bank without her husband being present. And just like the evolution of women reclaiming power
and reclaiming like space in this world and how generationally and ancestrally,
there's a lot of wounds around money. And so giving language to that, illuminating some of
them, not again, not like ripping them open not not
excavating the trauma related to them but just beginning to notice like what stories and beliefs
am I holding around money and how is this potentially showing up and manifesting in my
business in the sense of me being able to receive money coming in and in the sense of how I'm pricing
my offers and in the sense of how I'm pricing my offers and in the sense of how I'm marketing
myself, right? How am I showing up from this place of desperation, right? We've all been there,
I think. At least I've been there where things aren't working and you are really so desperate
for it to work that that like desperation is palpable in your marketing. What also often
happens is showing up from this need to prove energy
right it might not even be like a need to prove um to something outside of you but like a need
to prove to yourself i need to prove to myself that i can make money or else and then you put
conditions to it and then it just becomes this game of transactions instead of
like the sacred soul work that again if you're in this space that you likely believe and
want in your business so yeah this conversation around money is what's feeling most alive for me
and I'm going to be creating a workshop about it and again this
isn't because I'm an expert this isn't me coming to teach you all about money and how to make
a 6k or a six figure whatever I don't even like this isn't about this isn't about um the below ground stuff that needs to be tended to in order to
bring in the wealth and abundance that you've been calling in um and also to
to kind of break up with like the feast and famine cycle where like maybe you are seeing
money come in but you're not able to hold it so it's also about just exploring that a little bit more and um yeah discerning like is that a
below ground foundational um thing to work through or is it actually more likely like a
more strategic scaling your business having more systems and structures in place to, yeah, just create more efficiency in your business and the flow of money coming in. So,
yeah. All of a sudden, I forget why I'm recording. I guess I wanted to name that I'm restructuring my
business and I want to take you along. I'm actually feeling inspired to maybe make this like a YouTube series. I've never even used YouTube. I usually host my
videos on Vimeo, but that subscription is expiring and I feel like it's a perfect opportunity to
convert to YouTube and maybe start putting my podcasts on there too. So yeah, maybe this journey
of restructuring my business will become a mini YouTube series. I also am very
excited about the workshop. It's not named yet. I don't have any marketing material,
but it is going to be all around like just uncovering and reclaiming kind of some autonomy
and sovereignty around money and like the money making potential and creating meaningful money
in your business. Because that's the other piece to this is I have so much experience with one creating offers and ultimately pricing them
in such a way where it led to resentment and bitterness towards the offer right not necessarily
towards the clients coming in but towards the offer um and also rushing to try to scale my business and
quick story about this so one of the very first offers I made um was a pre-recorded um
childbirth oh Crosby was a pre-recorded basically like mini childbirth course around creating a it was called
birth on boot camp and I was very excited to create this offering I obviously moved through
levels of perfectionism and imposter syndrome and spent way too much time on this thing um
gave up a lot of uh family dinners and evenings to work on this thing because at the time my
daughter was like I don't know like a year I don't even remember anyways made this thing was
really proud of it at the end um quote-unquote successful launch like I had
sales people bought it people had um exciting outcomes from it so like I said quote-unquote
successful but what I recognized from that is every time I had a sale I literally felt nothing
I felt so disconnected to to the women coming into that offer I felt so disconnected to the women coming into that offer.
I felt so disconnected to the money that was being exchanged.
It was like meaningless money and actually didn't feel good to receive it because I didn't
have that connection with those women.
And obviously looking back, there's different ways I could have structured that offer, right?
There could have been a connection point where I was actually having like a one-off call with them or,
right, there was so many different ways I could have structured it, but it really was illuminating
for me to find out that, oh wait, one of the biggest values in my business is like a sense
of community and connection. And that offer didn't scratch that itch in any way it was also really illuminating
to know that I don't just want your money right it actually doesn't feel good to me to just like
take money if you aren't um kind of like an equal participant in the exchange and this again really
goes against everything that we've taught about business, right? And that profit over people model.
And I feel like nowadays with all this like pre-recorded dogs are barking.
Well, well.
Nowadays, with all this like pre-recorded content and mini offers and and courses digital courses
right almost everywhere there's the little line as you're checking out that like due to the nature
of this offering it will be non-refundable and I've really sat with that like I've basically
copy and pasted that on most of my offerings up until now and I'm actually realizing like no that
doesn't actually feel good
if you aren't aligned with what you just purchased and it's not what you expected like I don't
actually want your money like it doesn't actually feel good to receive your money um and that is
absolutely like countercultural and you might not even agree with that and that's totally fine but being able
to illuminate that for myself helps to refine and drive the way that I show up to future offers
and it anyways the point in this is like meaningful money right so how do we create
meaningful money and how do we create these sacred offers where they're not extracting from
us it's not profit at what cost it's not profit at what cost. It's not success at what cost. It's this beautiful energy of relational connection building and filling yourself up
while also filling up the person that you are in relation to and blah. Anyways, that's it.
I'm going to stop there. So money workshop coming soon um maybe a youtube
series if I actually follow through on that and then the third piece to all this is I want to
fucking like mastermind on this I don't love the word master so let's call it a magic mind I want
to fucking magic mind this stuff so like I said I'm taking you through the process of me restructuring my offer suite, essentially.
And I want to help you do the same.
So if you want to restructure your biz from a more sacred values aligned embodied place,
then I'm going to leave some details somewhere in the show, in whatever, whatever this is linked to,
because we're going to, yeah, we're going to have a little magic mind on this. I'm thinking like a
six to eight week thing, where again, I'm not handing you the fish, but I'm helping you learn
to fish on your own. And we get to just build this community of like believing mirrors and expanding mirrors for
each other, widening that field of possibility, widening the permission field, really thinking
outside of the box and allowing our desires and our joy to be our compass, right?
And breaking up with not just the learnt limitations that have been keeping us small but basically all the shoulds and like
the the rules around what successful business is supposed to look like right because I call
bullshit on all of that it's not working um and again if you're in this space like you know that
the old paradigm of business is not working and you are desiring to be part of the new paradigm
and last thing I'll say is we can be kind of quick to fall into this pattern of trying to
dismantle the old systems right and all of our energy goes into just kind of fighting against
them and I've really been more intentional with my own energy. And it's not about dismantling the
system. It's actually about creating a new one. So if you want to create a new system, a new
paradigm of business creation, conscious, sacred business creation, then stick around.