Episode Date: December 28, 2024In this episode, I'm joined by Soulful Brand Designer and Creative Wellness Guide, Isabel Bagsik (she/her), founder of Unconventional Bliss. As two gemini sun's we go all over the place in the most ma...gical way. Tune in for an insightful conversation around intuitive and value aligned branding through the lens of the nervous system, how to cultivate a sense of safety within yourself when creating edgy content, and creating consistency and transparency through your brand essenceBasically Isabel is dishing out the secrets of how to get paid without doing discovery calls - because your branding alone can build quick trust and genuine connection Isabel shares her biggest pet peeves in the mainstream branding industry and gives us her top tips for getting off the refinement (perfectionist) hamster wheel And listen to the end to hear the one thing to pour your time and energy into if you’re just starting out OR rebranding! As well as juicy morning ritual ides to incorporate into your creative process Isabel is going to be a guest workshop facilitator in UNDONE, my upcoming 3 month virtual retreat for coaches, doulas and spiritual entrepreneurs done dimming their light and ready to come undone from the "business as usual" paradigm. Click here for details about UNDONE, doors are open until Jan 8 or until spots fill (capped at 20 women). We officially begin with the first full moon of the new year on Jan 13, 2025..MEET ISABEL: Isabel helps compassionate entrepreneurs, wellness practitioners, magical founders and revolutionary leaders like you to amplify your work and get paid for your culture-shifting visions. She designs authentic and attention-grabbing brand assets for your website and social media and helps you to prioritize the strategies that bring your creative visions to life while honoring your wellbeing in the process. Isabel’s unique methodology incorporates creative rituals, rest practices, and original, personalized design strategy. She spent 10 years designing for high profile businesses, brands like Google & Target, organizations like CAIR, LEAD Filipino, and University of California Davis, and changemakers like Stephen Curry and Michelle Obama. Isabel's website unconventionalbliss.comSign up HERE for Isabel's FREE INTUITIVE BRAND EMAIL SERIES: The Intuitive Brand RefreshConnect with Isabel on IG (@unconventionalbliss)..Connect with me, Nicole on IG (@nicolepasveer)And of course let me know what lands or stirs for you after listening to this episode!
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You're listening to Rewild and Free. This is the go-to podcast for conscious and holistic
entrepreneurs who are ditching society's to-do list for intentional living, freedom, and
abundance. If we haven't met yet, I'm Nicole Pasvir. I'm an ex-nurse turned matrescence
guide and business coach, leading women just like you into the new paradigm. Keep listening
if you're ready to unsubscribe from patriarchal motherhood, bro-marketing, and boss babe culture.
Because in this space, we use nature as our framework as we move towards feminine embodied business development,
cyclical orientation, and slow living. Together, let's rewild and remember as we break free from
survival and reconnect to what truly matters. Okay friend, steep your tea and take the most
loving breath you've given to yourself today, and let's go.
Hi, Isabel. I'm really excited to have you on the Rewild and Free podcast. You and I have now known each other or virtually known each other for almost a year. I think we first met
in Sam Garcia's Regenerative Business Creation Lab, which officially would have started January of 2023.
And then we've also found each other in like other containers.
We've both been in Rachel Maddox's spaces and other things like that. and growth this past year and your, yeah, just all the things that you're doing in the weird,
wild place that we call the internet and just the shifts that you're making in other people's lives
in the sense of who you work with and how you help them grow their own businesses. So I would
love to hear from you and maybe just quickly introduce who you are and who you serve.
Yeah. Well, thank you for having me, Nicole.
Hello, everyone who's listening in.
I'm Isabel Plegsik.
I am the founder of Unconventional Bliss,
and I'm a soulful brand designer and creative wellness guide.
And I'm so excited to have the honor of supporting
compassionate founders and magical beings with really bringing
their heart work and their mission and the things that they are here to do and really bring it to
life through brand design and website design and just really get to the heart of your brand essence.
So that's something that I've been supporting folks with in my work.
And it's been so exciting to see who's been joining in to this ecosystem that I've been
crafting and continuing to explore and experiment with. And something that has been really exciting
for me to share with folks is this different approach to branding, which is not just focused on strategy and the design thinking and
all of that, that is typical around that industry, which I've had a background in for over a decade
and being in the agency world and really bringing in the connection to intuition and connection to
remembering our rest and wellness practices and guiding folks through really cool yet so
simple and accessible intuitive branding rituals. Yeah. Oh my gosh. Yes. And I think that's why
you and I have connected in the way that they have, because there is that through line and
common thread of unconventional like business creation and like soulful expression and like you named it
connecting or reconnecting or reclaiming intuition whatever that looks like for the individual
and then of course like how is that actually expressed in a way that isn't like soul-sucking
and stifling and putting you in this box and And yeah, like I said, I've loved witnessing the evolution
that you've kind of been on this past year specifically.
I'm super curious to kind of zoom out a little bit
and walk us through a little bit
of what your entrepreneurship journey has looked like.
Like you said, you've been in this industry for a decade
and obviously
big assumption, but I'm assuming you didn't start out with that beautiful bio like 10 years ago.
So what does, what, what did things look like? I don't know, like five, six, 10 years ago compared
to now. Oh yeah. Great question. Going into big question. And yeah. And it's funny because I got into starting my own business because the universe kicked
me off that ledge, kicked me off the cliff because I probably wouldn't have done it as
soon as I did, or it would have taken me even longer to do so.
Okay, let's start there.
What was that cliff for you?
So I was let go for my job.
It was there was a few layoffs happening. Actually, I didn't know that I was in the first batch,
things are just like unraveling and just among other layoffs that were happening across the
nation. And so that happened. But what was really interesting in that reflection is that in that very moment,
I was being told I had done, you know, the internal work, I had the savings, and I felt
secure enough and prepared enough that in that moment, I felt excited. And I felt this huge lift off my shoulders and this sense of freedom,
this knowing that I get to play now. I didn't know what it was going to be, but I just knew
that this thing that was keeping me quote unquote safe was now removed so that I can actually expand and explore what that is and so that was
what really jump-started my own business and letting that be a different universal liberation
like the universe was like okay Isabel let's go oh yeah the universe was like girl come on it's time you're ready yeah
so in like just yeah that was before you before you keep sharing that story like in in that period
of your life when you were like were you in a corporate role at this point obviously like an
employee versus starting your own business like yeah did you have moments of like I don't want
to do this for the rest of my life or were you very much like no like this is my comfort zone this is good I can
kind of settle here there's safety there's security here or did you already have seeds planted deep
down if I don't see myself here forever I think that the seeds have been planted for years and I just was building up the capacity and the skill
set and experience to feel ready. And so at that time, I was an art director at a marketing and
publicity agency. And so when I was let go and I was exploring what I could be doing,
one of the early thoughts was, wow, I can take all of that energy that I was
designing campaigns and social media assets and brand identities and other digital material for
these high profile organizations and companies, even influencers and celebrities and apply it to
myself. If I've been using that skill set and that experience and knowledge for these big name
brands and people, just imagine what that is if I poured all of that into me.
And so that's what I've been exploring and experimenting to see how I can really take
that into a different way of approaching business, a different way of approaching design and branding,
and create a life that my parents and ancestors could not ever have comprehended was possible.
So those are things that I've been thinking about. And some of those early seeds that were planted
were just following things that I was passionate about, like community organizing and cultural identity
and connecting with folks through vulnerable, courageous conversation and dialogue.
And I was crafting and putting on events in person in San Francisco, in the Bay Area, and would
travel over an hour some weekends to get there because I didn't live in the city at
the time. And so just following those breadcrumbs of what lit me up and what really excited me and
filled my soul is now just, my business is now just a culmination of all of that.
Oh, I love that so much. And I'm giggling over here because for the longest time I literally
had on my whiteboard in my office, like I follow the breadcrumbs that energize and excite me
because that truly is like our compass, right? When we give ourself the permission and that,
that liberation to break free from whatever it is, the style of conditioning, the limitations,
the expectations from our parents and whoever it is that we've kind
of been essentially trying to please and gain approval of when we actually go after, like you
said, our passions and the things that excite us and the things that actually energize us and fill
our souls up. That's when, I don't know, like the, it's like reality just becomes limitless at that point.
Yes. Yes. And that's, that's really exciting to continue to remember.
Yeah. Yeah. So, okay. Keep taking us through this journey. So at this point you have started your
own brand, your own, your own business. You're infusing all of the things that you had taken
from your role as an art director.
And yeah, what's next?
Yeah, so just going back in time
is all these other experiences as a designer
in these different companies
and these different types of work that I was doing
in digital and in print, working at a magazine and learning how I best work, how I best collaborate,
how I needed to also take care of myself and regenerate my creativity and inspiration and
my physical health and my mental, emotional, spiritual and figuring that
out. And so the past few years too was getting this deeper connection to my spirituality and
creating a relationship with my ancestors and learning more and practicing with divination
tools like oracle card readings or practicing my own meditation practice and figuring that out and
how that really helped me so much in regulating my nervous system and taking care of myself
through challenging moments and so all of that was so important to be able to get to where I am now
and be able to support my clients through their, you know, visioning their brands and figuring out
what is true to them beyond the surface level of what they believe to be their branding or how they
want to show up and get to the root of what really lights them up and what is really going to activate
their dream clients to want to work with them. And so it's all this life experience and personal
learnings and adventures and experiences coming together to be able to support others in getting
to their brand story and their brand essence and what feels true and aligned and congruent to them. Yeah. And what I see kind of as an outside
perspective, like when I look at you and your brand and the business that you've created,
it's this beautiful, I don't know, balance and reflection of your humanness, the multi-dimensionality
that makes you you. I feel I already know so much
about you, even though I don't actually know you that well, but because you've done such a
beautiful job of weaving different aspects of what makes you, you, your essence into your brand,
it obviously has now created that sense of trust and connection for me on the other side of it. And obviously that's
the whole point of having a brand and kind of creating that brand essence, right? And so
obviously this is just validation that you're doing an incredible job, but it's also really
cool to hear just everything behind that, that has led you to not only create your own brand,
but also to support other really cool humans to infuse their
coolness into their brand. Because I feel like all over the internet, we see just these proven
formulas and these, like, here's a one size fits all strategy. And here's a template and just
follow XYZ and then poof. And then we all end up potentially just being regurgitations of each
other or just being different fonts and colors. And that's obviously not actually what branding
is about. Yeah. Well, thank you for that reflection and that mirroring. And also, yes,
all of that I resonate with as well. And I've heard time and time again, as I've connected with different folks of how they've experienced my branding, this continued affirmation that this is really powerful work.
That it is almost like playing with archetypes or putting on this outfit that you're wearing, this analogy that I've played with dressing for the job that
you want or dressing for, yeah, dressing for the job that you want or to manifest the people that
you want to work with and to really put on kind of like this digital persona that you get to,
you know, pull some courage from if you're still feeling hesitant with visibility that's another thing that comes up too how can
you connect with or create this brand digital persona that you can connect with lean on and
have as the face of your brand or a way for folks to really get to know you immediately without
needing to get on discovery calls for, or for folks to know your values
on first impressions.
That's powerful to be able to have that ability with your branding so quickly and develop
that trust and position yourself as an expert or someone that you feel safe to invest in,
for example.
And so all of these things come together of, you know, not just these
one size fits all templates and strategies, but are you also creating a sense of safety and
security within yourself to share what might feel edgy for you to write about, to talk about,
but is actually what your dream people want to hear from you.
So it's all of these things. People want to hear and need to hear.
Right, exactly.
And you're in this position with your business to be that person to say those words or say
those comforting things or guidance for them.
And branding can be really helpful and powerful in creating that sense of courage to do so.
And also being able to be like a lighthouse or signaling beacon to your people of, hey, you're here.
We, you know, they need to find you to be able to work with you.
So those are some things that come to mind.
Yeah. And what's coming up for me there is exactly like they need to be able to find you and they can't find you if you're not standing out in some way.
And so I love the lighthouse analogy because I play with that quite often, too.
We want to be these lighthouses.
We want to be shining our light so that our right fit clients can come find us.
And like you named so beautifully, like we want to be able to name and express our values and all the other things that kind of make us us so that they can have that like instant, like fall in love at first sight, like deep trust.
Like I want to work with you, take my money kind of moment.
But we can't do that if we are being lifeboats, right?
That's where this lighthouse metaphor is so beautiful.
We just need to be like
standing up shining our light as opposed to going after people and I think in like the business and
marketing world I suppose this could be called like attraction marketing and like it's obviously
more relational instead of transactional but I love how you yeah you are helping people
pull what's already inside of them out, right? You're not like
creating something that wasn't there for them. You're literally just like helping them to find
it for themselves. And I imagine a big part of your work then ends up being this beautiful portal
and catalyst for like massive self-exploration for your clients.
Yeah, it is.
And it's been so amazing to, you know, witness what comes through when I guide folks through
these intuitive branding rituals to get to the depths of what the soul of their business
is desiring from them and desiring to be seen or the messages and guidance that they need to
bring that to the surface. And so this has looked like guided meditations, custom to them,
oracle card readings to really channel what are the messages that they need to hear or the next
steps, inner child practices that we get into to connect with their intuition even further
and letting that be the foundation to their brand visions. And then I come in with, you know,
the technical side of things of bringing it to life or guiding them through it and consulting
them through what that looks like in the technical side of things. But all of it comes together even more potently when we start off with quieting down the noise of
what's out there already or the Pinterest boards or the templates that you mentioned
and all these things that exist.
How do you quiet that down so that we can remember to listen in in your inner
voice inner wisdom that already knows the answers already knows who you are and already knows what
they need to do it's just a matter of remembering and and hearing it yeah and I just want to name
like the the the vulnerability and the courage that it takes to hold yourself in that
place right and obviously if they're working with you they're being guided by you which is beautiful
but if someone is even trying to do a more like DIY approach of trying to figure out wait who am
I like what are my values what are are my desires? What is the soul
of my business? Like asking from me, it's a very vulnerable and courageous place to be in because
it's likely asking you to meet some really big growth edges. And so I love that you talked about
the aspirational archetypes that you have played around with in branding and I'm super excited to share that
you're going to be a guest workshop collaborator inside my retreat Undone and I'm hoping that in
that workshop we can really dive deeper into aspirational archetypes because I think
that is an incredible and potent opportunity like you said it gets to be this this anchoring point
and this thing to kind of lean on to when potentially your your
your self-concept isn't quite there yet and maybe you're still I don't love the language of like
imposter syndrome but right if you're not quite feeling ready yet or you don't quite have the
confidence to say the things that deep down you know you need to say that that brand that you've
potentially created for yourself
can be your anchor and can kind of be your masculine hold for your feminine to flow.
Yeah, I'm so excited to be able to support your community through that retreat and,
and really get into some of those activities and those, those rituals to get to those steps and,
you know, unlock what it is that might feel like a block
yes unlock that is such a beautiful word for that yeah yeah it's not a matter of putting a band-aid
on or bypassing the things that are challenging because that is a temporary or band-aid it's not
going to really make the impact or the effects that you really want it's when we can dance with our
shadows and face those things that are difficult to work with them and not shun or hide them away
and that's when your your voice your expression and the way that you even move in the world will
change yeah oh okay There's been so many
points where it's like, oh, we should go there. We should go there. We should go there. I'm going
to circle back to, you said something around safety, right? And I think we were talking about
how our brand can be this opportunity to ultimately express our values, right? And then
people that come across us can quickly kind of
determine like, yes, this person's for me or no, this person isn't. And I love that because that's
a big part of what I kind of teach and preach about too, is to ultimately like own your biases,
right? And not be scared to repel people because repelling people means you're also attracting people.
But what I want to kind of dive into is like the nervous system piece around that felt sense of safety that gets created
and how that frequency, because ultimately that's what it is.
It's a frequency that gets felt and it's a resonance that gets built
through the brand essence, through potentially the images and the,
well, I don't know, you tell me, what is it about a brand essence that can kind of create that felt
sense of safety and that resonance? Yeah. So there's so much that we can go into. I totally
feel you as a Gemini sun. I'm like, Ooh, one idea. I need to go over here. And then I'm like talking
about another thing that I'm not finishing my thought so with that I think with bringing forth and connecting with your brand essence and the
topic and the conversation around safety is that oftentimes especially the people that I work with
who are often coming from marginalized backgrounds and identities or intersectional identities.
And there is often this historical oppression that we're moving through and this sense of
how we've had to play small or our ancestors have had to play small or assimilate or you know not play not make a big fuss or get attention on
ourselves and so that could be not rock the boat yeah that could be deeply embedded in our dna
and that's something that takes a lot to be aware of and to untangle from because that's not ours to hold anymore and remembering
all of that having that gratitude for the ways that our ancestors did survive so that we can
be here today but having different types of practices and grounding activities to guide us
towards the sense of inner safety and also finding the
external support as well whether it's your therapist your energy healer your community
your coven whatnot and so some really quick things that I've come to learn as I've been
in practitioner trainings and as a somatic, teacher in training at the moment is, you know, creating this sense of felt physical safety where you could simply look around your room and remind your body and your mind that there's in in this felt immediate sense that there's nothing that's going
to happen if I write this Instagram caption that feels edgy and yeah right it's like nothing's
going to happen if I write this down and post it to the world if you can let your body and your
mind know that by just like looking out around your room, behind you, the side of you, in front of you. So that's one thing that can help in just an immediate way.
And the other ways to help support you in this sense of safety within you is having the people
that you feel like you can trust to share the parts of you that feel scared to be seen, to be heard?
What are those words that you're afraid of speaking out loud? Or what are the things that
you're still not sure of piecing together? Or what affirmation and celebration do you need
to feel lifted up to even write anything and to share anything at all? And so
that's where covens or community and peer support is so huge. And what I practiced a lot at the
beginning of this year, that really was a big part of finding clarity in my own work and finding momentum in my own business as well because we can do a lot of
our internal reflection but again like you mentioned there's this work as online service
providers or healers or creatives or people who work with people it is very relational and so how
do we also have that support in a relational way to reflect and to
hear and be mirrored back and to be affirmed and celebrated I love all that and I I feel like I
didn't word my question clearly because that's not what I tried to ask which is funny I'll reword my
question but I love that we just went there because that's so important is really being able to, I think one notice when you're feeling that edginess and maybe that,
maybe it shows up in insecurity. Maybe it shows up in, I can't say that, or maybe it's fear of
being canceled or fear of the unfollow followers or fear of being misunderstood, whatever it is,
that fear of perception ultimately. So yeah, you just named
some beautiful ways to create that felt sense of safety to actually go meet and expand those edges
and go post the post. But what I was trying to ask is in the sense of our clients receiving
our content, the felt sense of safety that our content our branding our brand
essence can create for a client so as I kind of reflect back to you I feel like I already know
so many aspects of you because you obviously have done such a beautiful job with your branding right
I I totally feel like I know your values I know I know some of your quirks like I just I I know
that you're a human
and that builds that sense of trust and that sense of trust equals safety to my nervous system.
So what I was trying to ask is what parts of branding, because obviously it's not about
what kind of font or color you're using. What is it about branding that can help create create that that resonance and that sense of trust for our clients or our community that's receiving our content
yeah thank you for rewording that so glad we went in the other direction because that was equally
important and maybe it needed to be first so we're gonna trust that yeah yes I love that. Okay. So rewinding back to how that shows up on our side for our own branding
and creating trust with potential clients. And so yes, everything that you named, I loved,
and I resonate with as well. And so it's true. It's not just a logo. It's not just the colors.
But, you know, of course, all of that is part of that ecosystem.
But it's also your embodiment and how you're showing up in your work.
And is it consistent in all areas that you're showing up in?
Does it feel and look cohesive across all your platforms? Because if you're not, if it doesn't look the same or feel the same on Instagram, and then you go on your website and it's totally different,
or there's this lack of safety or security in a sense,
because it feels flighty.
It feels shifty and uncertain.
Yeah, there's this uncertain energy.
And it doesn't have to be this fancy brand identity.
You know, I've seen really successful folks with very simple Instagram posts where it's just black text on white background.
But that's like their whole page.
And so you know that you're going to expect that and
okay I know that this is that person's content and they do text carousels and their website is
also very simple and minimal so as long as it feels cohesive and it matches to let's say you're
doing reels and we can hear your voice or someone were to go on to a discovery call
with you does it feel like it's congruent to how you're presenting your digital persona through
your branding as well or does it feel incongruent and so getting a check in on that is also important too for folks to feel that to see that so it's not just it's
this mix of things the feeling the seeing and the consistency the cohesion and you know we can go
into details of your branding as well but those are some of the higher level aspects around how brand can be
really powerful in creating this connection with the people that you want to serve in a way that
makes them feel safe to trust you and so again like what you were saying about my branding
you knew my values because I was consistent talking about it through my newsletter
through my website and my Instagram content for example or and that's not just like how it looks
but it's also my writing for example that's that's another component of your brand can we
get to know your brand voice and that takes practice as well that's a whole other that's a
whole other practice a whole other focus when it comes to branding your brand messaging. But with practice,
you get to discover your brand voice, your writing style as well.
Yeah. I mean, I think what I'm kind of hearing is like, as a client, like looking through
the perspective of our clients they are consuming whether it's
conscious or not they're consuming like with all of their senses right so visually they're catching
that shiftiness right if if if you're super say flashy on instagram but then they go to their
your website and it's super incohesive, like, to our
nervous system, I think that translates as Oh, wait, did I just get dupe? What is this? Right?
So there's that shiftiness there. But then also like, auditory. So am I hearing and also like
reading does your like you said, the brand message, your brand voice? Is it cohesive with everything else? Does
it sound like you? Is it, is there consistency there? Obviously, I guess scent and sense of
smell isn't in there, but like it really is this sensory experience, whether we're aware of it or
not as we're consuming content and making a decision about buying. I feel like there's a lot
of talk about, oh, like buying is emotional and not logical, or maybe it's the way either way, like people talk about it like that, right?
It's like more emotional and not logical.
So we need to speak to the emotions.
And I think a lot of that is true, but it's like we're actually speaking to
the person in front of us like somatically.
So how do we create that somatic experience for them?
Yes, I think that is also really powerful to remember
the storytelling aspect, this relational aspect of branding, this, the emotional side of it.
And you can do a lot of that through the branding side of your business. You can tell a story
through, let's say your brand photos. You can connect
with folks emotionally through the way that you write and in your copywriting and the way that
you talk about your expertise and your values or the way that you uniquely approach your work.
And that helps you continuously stand out and, you know, be the obvious choice in your field because you have a clear stance, you have a clear perspective, and you have a strong conviction in how you want to show up in the world.
That is clearly one of one.
That is not a duplicate.
It's not a template.
And that creates that trust, too.
And remembering that you are human,
you are a person, like you mentioned. It's, oh, okay, this is a full, real person.
They aren't, I don't, I won't be scammed, like all these things. There's more discernment these days
with customers and clients in investing. So, you know, it might feel counterintuitive to some people to not try
to listen as much to all of the things out there, but it's because it's scary to get to the depths
of you. Yeah. Well, it's not, it's scary to get to the depths of you. And it's also scary, like I said, it requires vulnerability and courage to really begin to listen to the whispers that are coming from your heart and from the soul of your business, right?
Because often it is asking us to take some leaps and really meet and expand our growth edges coming back to these aspirational archetypes that we can use in our brands and
like the persona that we can kind of the what did you call it the did you say digital persona I don't
remember what you said but the the the online persona that we can kind of create I think there's
also something to be said there that we're not trying to create something that isn't fake right
because then we're just going to literally self-create feelings of imposter syndrome we're
never gonna feel like we're that person and so you've already named this but like the embodiment
of everything that we've been talking about is also so important because that embodiment really kind of meets or or marries the gap of
that persona yes yeah it's it's really an extension of you and maybe when you think of let's say
I love pop culture and I and I love like seeing how let's say
musicians play up a different style that they have like Beyonce and Sasha Fierce like I think
that's a perfect example right like her alter alter ego of Sasha Fierce she eventually dropped
it and she just became Beyonce but it yeah becomes this I don't want to say crutch, but like this thing to lean onto
and this thing to be an anchor of this is who I want to be.
This is what I want to embody.
And it then becomes this, this, this pillar almost in your brand and in your brand voice
and brand identity to come back to, well, this is how I want to show up in my business.
Yeah. to come back to well this is how I want to show up in my business right yeah it's like this this thing that you can play with or you know create give you a sense of courage or confidence this
alter ego in a way to put on this armor to put on this costume or to put on the cape like whatever it is to make you
yeah have your shoulders back and your your posture standing straighter and taller the
that's what is so fun about brand archetypes for example is that yeah you have something that you
can play with if you're still figuring out what it is that you your personal brand is maybe there's a part of you
that is really embodied and connected with a particular archetype so then you can play with
what does that how does that archetype if I were to embody that dress what perfume are they wearing
how do they walk in the world how would they be and so all these things can help inspire and
influence the way that you want to show up in your work, how you connect with clients, how you even market and promote your work. And so it isn't, like you said, creating this false identity, but it's playing with this small part that wants to be dialed up and experiment and play with and exaggerate,
for example, like an onstage persona. Yeah. Do you have an example of a brand
archetype you've played with in your own business? Ooh, so one that I've been playing with for
myself that I come to time and time again is a creative sensual maven. So that's been really fun to remember and think about. But
other ones could be as simple as like the storyteller, the teacher, the healer. These
are examples. Or you can look to the tarot and think about, you know, the priestess and the
magician. Yeah, I've had the empress card on my desk for a while
yeah so and it doesn't have to be that it could also be movie character archetypes or
it could be cartoon archetypes it could really be anything that you resonate with but it's really
remembering to allow in that play and reflection of, okay, what is this archetype wanting to encourage from me to play up, to dial up, to bring to the surface and share with people?
And just experiment and see how that affects the way that you move in your work and the way that affects your branding and how you show up in the world.
Yeah. Like you said earlier, like it's dressing for the job and we all can probably think of a
time where there's certain pieces of clothing that just make you feel different about yourself,
right? And those clothes make you show up differently. Like you said, maybe your shoulders
are higher and there's just a different like essence and confidence in your aura right so that is very real and it's it's it's not fake
it's just this anchor to lean into and like you said this invitation for playfulness it's no
different than like kids playing dress up and costumes and all of that so I love that so much
I love just the invitation and the idea of incorporating more
play into our business and into our branding and I think something that was coming to mind as you
were speaking is like all of this is really putting the personal back in personal branding too right
it's like bringing the human in us to the center and the forefront so that we don't just, especially I think in the online space where
there is less in-person interaction. And oftentimes people are learning about us and
building that sense of trust in our work through digital mediums. So sometimes it's just writing,
sometimes it's just audio, sometimes it's whatever it is, right? And so, yeah, just again, reiterating everything you've talked about so far.
I think it's just a beautiful, a beautiful thing.
I want to pivot for a second and come back to talking about the cohesiveness in branding,
And I guess in a literal sense, that can look like fonts and colors and kind of a template
that you repurpose. What is your advice? And I'm
asking for a friend, basically asking for myself, for the people that one, hate Canva and two,
just don't want to be in a box in the sense of like fonts and colors like for me personally I just don't care that's not
stuff that's fun for me it's not stuff that lights me up like I would much rather just randomly post
a reel and then I'll use whatever font comes up on Instagram first because I don't want to waste
my time playing around with it and then I might just screenshot from my notes so that's like a
different font right so what does someone like me who really doesn't enjoy or experience any pleasure in the branding side of things like what do you suggest
for us yeah for those who are like let's say it's instagram focused you know it can be as simple as
choosing one to two instagram fonts that you use in your Instagram reels.
So the consistency there, or maybe a similar filter every time.
Yeah. If you think about some people that you constantly look at their Instagram stories,
they probably are using the same font and you just immediately know, oh, this is that person's
Instagram content. And so just creating that brand recognition from something as simple as that can be really helpful in signaling your
your community in oh this is this is Nicole's content yeah so that's one thing you know you
don't have to go as far as bringing in your font colors though that's something that I've been experimenting with. So the font itself, the Instagram embedded fonts, that can be great to just choose one. And then,
you know, screenshotting from your notes. That's great, too. I think that comes again,
maybe if I have consistency there, because then people will start recognizing, oh,
there's Nicole screenshot again. Exactly. So there's that. And also it's in your brand messaging, the way that
your writing style is that people will connect with as well. And maybe even how you're formatting
your text. Do you have a title? Do you do lists? You can play around with however you write,
but there are those little nuances that you can create that consistency.
Yeah. So there are these little moments that
you can play with. It doesn't have to be this super curated Canva template type of Instagram
feed. Sometimes you're really on the go and you just need, you just feel called to post something.
And so thinking about just those small details are fine. And sometimes you can just throw things out there and the messaging
and just the body of work that you've created can do a lot of work for you as well.
Yeah, I'm just digesting that for a second. Like it really does go to show how important
the brand voice also is, right? So past the color seeing past the font can you tell
for example it's Nicole speaking just by the way it's laid out and like the language that's being
used and maybe how many emojis or right are there is she saying fuck like stuff like that right
there's other things in there that make it sound more like a person so that recognition is there
and the other thing that was coming to mind is obviously a lot of people aren't just on Instagram. There's also threads and TikTok,
and then there's like longer form content like podcasts and Substack. And so oftentimes it's
potentially screenshots or like pieces from that, which just makes things even more
messy and blurry and nuanced, but in also a really beautiful and playful way.
Yes. I think all of that is really continued in, you know, thinking about how you show up in all these different places, whether it's in your brand voice or your brand identity and all these coming
together into play. And I was curious actually to pose a question for you in yeah what what about branding
for Instagram for example makes you feel like what's the word the word itchy comes up just like
uncomfortable sweater um I think part of it is, okay, that's actually a really good question.
Because if I almost just gave myself the permission slip not to use Canva, which ultimately would require me to turn down the noise and stop looking at what everyone else is doing.
Then it's, wait wait it's actually not that
complicated it's not that itchy I can just be consistent with a certain font which I already do
I can just be consistent with a certain filter if I'm choosing to use a filter which I already do
I can continue to be consistent with the way I speak which I already do it's me getting in my
own head when I look around other people. I'm like, oh,
their feed looks prettier than mine because they have all these pretty Canva graphics and they have
covers on their reels. And that's just not me. Yeah. No, I love that. I think it's remembering like when it comes to branding, how we focus on sometimes, oh, the difficult things or the challenging things because it's in comparison.
But if we were to think about, okay, well, what am I already doing that is working for me and feels easy?
And then can you dial that up and focus on that?
Yeah, following that ease, following that.
Again, coming back to following the breadcrumbs
that energize and excite, right?
So following the ease.
The other thing that comes to mind too
in that itchiness is like noticing for myself
that I go through seasons and cycles
of really finding joy in writing.
And then I go through seasons and cycles
of really finding joy in face to camera
and doing like impromptu spontaneous lives.
And then there's times where I'm actually feeling more playful to do like more curated
reels and stuff. And there's, there's these natural cycles that I've begun to pay attention
to in my own cycles of creation, which is a whole other tangent. But because that in itself
doesn't feel consistent, I think that also compounds the itchiness of, oh, there I go again,
a bunch of 12 minute spontaneous lives, as opposed to curated, digestible, short form,
readable carousel posts. And so it doesn't feel consistent in that sense. But again,
recognizing that that's just me. And that's how I flow that's how my energy flows that's how creation wants to move through me and so yeah yeah how do we remember that our brand
evolves and grows with us it's not meant to be static because then that just creates friction
and so it's really the embodiment and sharing that brand essence through however it gets represented or whatever vessel it shows up in.
So it doesn't have to be the same thing that you create for the next five years is the same grid style forever.
Like if you go through my-
Do you imagine that'd be so boring?
Over the past year.
In the past year, I've changed how my layout looks.
Like I, before, was alternating between reposting thread posts,
and then some real and then alternating that. And now it's been experimenting with really like
custom branded design content. And so that might change in the next month. But what it is, is that
my brand voice is staying consistent, the way that you're seeing and interacting with me,
not just on Instagram, but everywhere else is also consistent or, you know, how I continue to show up on a regular consistent basis is going to be something that people can, you know, notice and
expect. But it's also seeing that I too get to experiment and I too also embrace the exploration.
Yeah, where my mind is going now is, okay, cool.
I can totally get on board with brand recognition.
I get why we want that.
And I can also see where that in itself can kind of become this limitation in a way because we start to want to maintain that reputation that
we've created for ourself to the point where it doesn't feel safe to pivot and it doesn't feel
safe to evolve. And so I love that you just named that our brands do evolve, right? And we have to
make space and hold space for that evolution. But I just want to express
in my own experience, like that, that evolving is really uncomfortable sometimes, right? And
making those pivots can be really scary, because it ultimately might mean losing followers or being
canceled or whatever else can kind of cascade from that evolution because you might not actually be
aligned with someone within that evolution right that evolution requires
a bit of a death and release in the sense of your community too yeah I that will that is definitely
valid of hearing that fear and those hesitancies around
that change. And I also see, you know, a quote that comes to mind, I think it was Erykah Badu
or some other artists that when asked about what do you think about X, Y, Z opinion,
I think her response or whoever said it, the response was, that's none of my business. And I was like, oh, yeah. Like, how do you focus and remember to stay in this really grounded yet confident conviction or if not confident yet, this deep knowing trust in the way that you evolve or change or the way that you want to show up and have this deep trust that who's meant to be in your world is
going to stay and will reveal themselves if they're not yet and you're just clearing the path if others
just fall off and are no longer you know staying in your following list your email list whatnot
so yeah like yeah yeah when I'm naming experience, because I feel like it does become a limitation
that a lot of people,
at least in my community kind of experience.
And I've had to move through it myself.
I've literally seen and experienced what happens
when I do express that evolution out loud
and I allow my brand to pivot with me.
And literally within the last year, I allow my brand to pivot with me. And literally like within the last
like year, I think my email list has literally had a complete detox in the sense of there hasn't
been any visible growth, but that's because all of the unfollowers have been like trickled in
new followers. So it's just been this like beautiful cleanse. And I want to name that too,
because sometimes we get stuck on the metrics of like how many people are following your, how many people are subscribed to
your list. And it's really not about that metric. It's about the potency of the people in your world.
And again, maintaining, expressing that brand essence is a way to cultivate and nurture
their relationship with our community so that it is potent.
Yes. Yes. I love all of that. Yeah. There's something else I wanted to weave into here.
And of course the train has left the station. Oh, I think I was just going to quote Rachel Maddox,
who talks a lot about like marrying your soul's aliveness. And she says something along the lines
of in order to marry your soul's aliveness,
you have to divorce everything that isn't that, right?
And I think that really also depicts
what we're talking about here too,
where when we're following what excites us,
when we're following those breadcrumbs,
that does mean we're letting go
of the things that no longer excite. Yeah. And that can be scary because that could have been
something that felt comfortable or familiar. Could have been something that like built your
business and made you money. Yes, exactly. And so do you have that deep trust within you to know that evolution in your brand and the way that you're going to show up in this new way of your work is actually going to be strong enough to bring in a question and I'm trying to decide how I want to frame it.
Ultimately, I want to know what is your biggest beef with the coaching online
marketing space? What just gets you fired up and it's like, why are we still doing it this way?
Oh my gosh. I feel like I need to journal about this I know I feel like I've I've
had my fair share of consciousness just flow I know like I've had my fair share of sitting in on
different webinars and different communities for my own personal learning but also out of curiosity to learn and see what is happening out there and yeah yeah so
I've seen some where you know I think it was like some free webinar or something where it was very
I don't even know how to describe it but it's is is his name Tony Robbins like very like a
typical life coach like loud yelling not even yelling but this loud tone the whole way. And it
seems to be super excited the whole time, almost like you're a savior in a way or I don't know,
it's something that I've seen a couple times, or I'll see in some content that pops up. And for me
being super sensitive to different energies, it makes me it makes it seems questionable, or I'll see in some content that pops up. And for me being super sensitive to different energies,
it makes me, it makes, it seems questionable.
Or I'm like, I feel like I need to dig deeper
into who they are or like,
because it feels forced to me.
So that's something that I've noticed and observed.
And not to say that you have to have your tone a certain way but it's
just like this really specific to that that frequency that's felt yeah in our branding
right so like if you are if you are presenting yourself in that way like I'm envisioning someone
like up on a pedestal literally like putting themselves at the top of the hierarchy right and they're they're really taking on that like you said that savior
mentality and I know better than you I'm the expert and that is really belittling as the
potential client and like the person in that person's community and disempowering but what also comes with that is this feeling of if we're not doing that and
we're seeing them have success then are we doing it wrong and obviously we know that we're not so
it comes back to that sense of self-trust and I think it also comes back to bringing the personal
back to personal branding and really showing the human side of us because yelling in like full
throat excitement for an entire workshop or lecture is not human that's like you said that's
forced and that's performance like it's yeah exactly performance almost like manipulation to
to elicit a certain emotion from the people who are listening almost like a church leader pastor yeah
I was just about to say that yeah we're super enthusiastic yeah we're moving away from a
paradigm of being lectured to we don't want to be lectured to anymore right we want to
again this like relational approach this human approach really of being in relationship to the
people we're working with. So even I think from the seats that we're sitting in as like coaches
and mentors, we don't want to be put on a pedestal from our people, but our people also don't want
us on a pedestal. Does that make sense? Right? yeah pedestals get rid of the hierarchy because it's not real and it's very white supremacy
culture which I'm not here for yeah and in that the other pet peeve that comes up is where people
say oh I don't I don't talk about politics or I don't bring that up in my work. And I've seen that a couple of times and I'm like, okay, I get,
you don't have to be talking about how like your focus and your branding or
your business isn't bringing that up in your work, but I want to know you,
who did you vote for? If you voted and what are your values?
We've opened the can of worms that I wanted to get to.
And I didn't know this was where we were
going but this is where I wanted to be because this is it right and when I talk about owning
your biases this is what I'm talking about right voice and express and own whatever side you're on
and don't play into this game of neutrality because that's not real again if we're actually
like stepping into humanness like humans aren't
neutral like we we have sides we have opinions we have beliefs we have biases we also get this
beautiful privilege and honor to like name and own our lived experience and be able to kind of
just express this is the lens in which I view the world from. So I'm not necessarily saying
that if we have differing views, you're wrong and I'm right. I'm just saying this is the lens that
I view the world from. I also want to know what lens you view the world from and then we can
connect or we can agree to disagree or we can learn from each other and be curious and be human.
Yeah. So that's something that is like
when people are explicitly saying,
oh, I'm not going to share or whatever that is.
That's interesting that you have to explicitly say.
You didn't have to say anything at all
if you weren't going to say anything.
Or it's with my continued,
my personal continued discernment
of who I want to invest in and
mentors. And okay, now I know that I really do want to invest in folks where I know where their
values stand and what they care for. So that I feel safe to show my full self because the sport
that I seek will bring in the, the, you know, bringing in the values that I care about or the movements that I want to talk about
into my work. And so there have been spaces where I didn't feel safe to, or feel certain that I
could bring that up. And I had to down, I felt like I had to downplay it.
You're dimming your light.
Yeah. And then that affected even how I showed up in my work because I couldn't be my full self to share all the things that felt true to me and true to how I want to serve the collective fully.
So that's another thing that is important for me that I'm trying to explore and figure out for myself like I'm always learning I'm nowhere near perfect but yeah I try to share that in different ways through my
own lens and my own writing style and something that I'm continuing to learn and observe from
others who are doing it so beautifully yeah I have my own experience that I could share here just to kind of make this land for the people that
are listening, because this is an uncomfortable thing to express, because often it does mean
we're kind of putting the stake in the ground, right? And we're saying, this is what I stand for.
And obviously that comes with risk, that comes with just Yeah, the opportunity
of people not agreeing and then people are mean on the internet. So so many things can happen after
that. But for me, earlier this year, back in January, I shared on my on my personal Instagram
page, my stance on what's happening in Palestine, I was expecting unfollowers. I was expecting people to
be like, oh, like, I didn't see this coming from you, Nicole. Like, I knew disappointment was
coming and disappointment is not something that I have to carry, right? That's on them because
they had different expectations of me. And I think that's exactly why it is so important to
express these parts of ourselves because it closes the gap of what expectations
our people can have of us, right? They know exactly what they're getting. So big learning
experience for me because it really showed me how important it is to show that side of myself.
But ultimately what ended up happening is I got fired from a contract coaching position that I was really excited to be a part of.
And that really illuminated a fracture, let's call it, within that ecosystem where people then
saw what was happening to me. And they're like, wait, what does that mean for my safety? If Nicole
got fired for saying this on her personal Instagram page, what does that mean for me in this community? And I
think that just really speaks to the importance again, of, of naming these things out loud from
the beginning, but also naming these things so that, yeah, I don't know, we could go in so many
directions from this. But again, what you said you said not trying trying to hold this facade of
I'm not political I've been there I've tried to do that and it doesn't work I think especially in
the spiritual space online I see it a lot where people are like I'm not political I'm not getting
into that but like spirituality is political in the birth work space that I am still pretty deep into, like birth work is political.
Motherhood is political.
Like all of these things that we are passionate about and advocating for, that's political.
I mean, everything is inherently political and especially with
spirituality that sounds like spiritual bypassing and a lot of new age spirituality is just
co-opting and appropriating actually indigenous practices so yes yes it's important to you know
think about when you said that you were fired from that teaching opportunity
it is it's like this almost experience to remember within us of what our values are to remember what
we are here to say yes and no to you know what is going to honor our boundaries and trusting in being able to say no or trusting
in losing certain opportunities because where will you draw the line eventually if you don't
say no?
Well, and similar to your story from the beginning of getting laid off from your job and that
really being like this universal liberation of I was pushed off the
cliff but I actually felt free I can completely resonate to that feeling because that's how it
felt it's why I actually don't want to be in this community then if I don't have a right to free
speech like that's not okay with me I think the other piece to this and you briefly talked about this, you named like perfectionism and how you are very aware that like, this is an ongoing process. We're never going to perfect whatever it is we're trying to do. We're never going to be clunkiness. There's always going to be things to learn from. There's always going to be other people's perspectives that we didn't have enough information about. We're always going to risk saying the wrong thing. So when we are holding onto this expectation of ourselves of perfecting it, that's just really keeping us from not saying and doing the things and not showing up messy and clunky. And I think that clunkiness, that messiness, that vulnerability, again,
is what really shows our humanness.
Yes to all that.
Anything else coming up for you?
I feel like we've, as I always do,
we've gone in so many directions.
Any other pet peeves that are feeling alive now that I've opened up that can of worms for you oh gosh that is going to be a
whole other conversation if we continue down that road right and I love that you you kind of closed
off that pet peeve with the the colonization aspect to it and I think you have a line somewhere
I don't know if it's on your website or if it's on your email but I know it was from you because I'm like oh my god I am like holding that in my heart
because that's it it was something along the lines of coming maybe it was like reclaiming
pre-colonial something or other does that sound like you do you have something written like that
and I love that I'm like that's it like that's that's that's my goal yeah I can't recall exactly what piece that is but it might have been an email so it might have
just been like this one-liner that I like magnified for myself I don't remember if it was like
reclaiming reclaiming pre-colonial rhythms or reclaiming pre-colonial something like that I'm like that's it like that's
that's the goal yeah yeah I always think back to and connect with my culture in the Philippines and
think about my pre-colonial ancestors the ancestors before colonization and what was their spiritual
spirituality what was their connection and relationship to the land as well because
that spirituality was animism and being so connected with the land with nature spirits
and that is so beautiful to think about so many indigenous cultures are so connected to the land and how do we remember
that respect with each other and oh you cut you cut out for me there today
yeah where did i stop for you i don't know
you were talking about okay I can hear you now.
You were talking, obviously you're talking about your culture, Philippine animism, being connected to the land, nature.
You're breaking out again.
Oh no.
That is, am I back?
Oh no.
It's totally glitching. Okay, that's good. Hello. Oh no. Hello. It's totally glitching.
That's good.
Can you hear me?
That's good.
That sounds better.
It's like they're telling us to wrap it up.
But yeah, I don't, now I don't remember where this train of thought was going.
What I was taking away from that, though, is like the importance of
rooting back to our culture, because the truth is, is we all have a culture and like ancestry
that we came from. And I know, in my own experience, like, I've been really disconnected
to that. I, I feel like North Americans, European settlers, maybe we'll use that umbrella term like there's been this
I don't know what the right word is but it's like we're cultureless and I heard a quote once where
it's like we don't even know what was it it was something along the lines of or not a quote but
a statistics where like we don't know the name of
our like great great grandmother and I'm like yeah I don't I have no idea who's in my lineage past
um my grandparents oh no no I'm freezing okay you're back you were gone we're just gonna oh
10 seconds oh shoot well just trust I will I will edit what I need to
um okay I was just talking about kind of like this cultureless culture that I think a lot of
descendants of European settlers are experiencing so for myself I literally don't know much about
my ancestry there's a big disconnect to my lineage and I read the statistic or I heard
the statistic and I don't remember the exact thing but something along the lines of so many of us don't know the name of our
great, great grandmother. And it's true. I don't. It stops. My family tree basically stops at my
grandparents. And like, how sad is that? How sad is is that because that is such a beautiful opportunity to root into
again our essence and our humanness and our values and just what makes us us and being able to name
and own that lens in which we view the world from yeah yeah that is really like a huge part of you
know if there is that connection to your culture,
that could be interesting to see how that shows up in the way that you approach your
branding or the way that you, you know, show up and move in the world.
Do you have that connection or not?
Or how has your reflection and relationship to understanding your ancestry show up for
Okay. understanding your ancestry show up for you yeah yeah okay there was one more piece that I wanted to jump back to and with all that freezing I think I lost it give me a second because if it comes back
it's good I think it's gone that's okay that is okay anything else coming up for you
I feel like we really went in interesting places that were really cool to see how they
you know branched off from each other but I think the last the recap essentially is
can you create that sense of safety within you and have your support system
to help support you and celebrate you so that you have the courage to you know show up in your
business in your branding in a way that might feel edgy but yeah it's really so true to
threading all parts of you that are yearning to be seen. And I think that will
really unlock so much in the goals that you have and in the abundance that you're desiring.
Yeah. And obviously this is going to be an aspect of where I'm leading women through in the Undone
Retreat. Obviously this is also something that
you support folks through in your one-on-one containers. So do you want to quickly speak
about just where people can find you and what kind of services you're currently offering?
Yeah. So thank you again, Nicole, for having me. Again, for those listening, I'm Isabel.
You can find me at Unconventional Bliss on Instagram or my website, same name.
And if you're curious to learn more, I do have a free three-day email series called
Intuitive Brand Refresh.
So if you're curious about these branding rituals, you get a ritual and prompts delivered
straight to your email, one a day for three days to help elevate your online branding
and really magnetize your soul clients and community. And if you're ready to take it a step further, I'd be so excited to support you
and be your creative partner to bring your wisdom, your medicine, and your gifts to life,
or elevate it to a new level where all of your brand assets will be done for you,
made clear through these branding creative rituals that I
personally guide you through and really get to the heart and soul of your business. So if you're
curious about that, again, you can find me and reach out and learn more at Unconventional Bliss.
Thank you again for having me. You're so welcome. I want to add a PS line to this episode because I
just remembered what I wanted to ask. So consider this the PS line.
My question for you is, okay, context to this question is, I feel like a lot of people in my community have found themselves on this pendulum swing where they start out really wanting to be
strategic in the start and the creation of their business. And so they find themselves in a lot of
just places that are kind of promoting like the more bro marketing traditional
kind of strategy. And there's a lot of weight on, well, make sure you have this website and make
sure you have this funnel. And it's just like a lot of, a lot of strategy and a lot of, in my mind,
it's ultimately busy work. And then they swing on the pendulum to,
because that was more a masculine way
of kind of creating a business.
So they swing to a more feminine side
where it's like, ooh, I'm just gonna be all like flowy
and let things come to me and I'm open to receive.
And I'm just gonna follow my intuition.
And that obviously is another side of the extreme
where I mentioned this,
like we need some masculine
structure for our feminine to flow so finding that balance there what is your advice I guess
for people potentially starting their business or maybe doing a rebrand for their business what are
the I don't know maybe like top three places that they should be putting their time or
energy into is it like the cohesive Instagram social media pieces is it website development
is it brand voice what is it yeah well I love this because you know as a Gemini Sun, Capricorn Moon rising, I have this blend of the structure
and the needing for organization with the flowy and airiness. And so that is something that is
really important to find that balance. And when you're starting off or you're rebranding, I think
it's important to create that space to experiment and to explore and let yourself be free outside of these structures and when you're
brainstorming or you're creating content or you're selling and promoting things the structure to help
hold that flowiness could be a timer for example so maybe you set a timer for 30 minutes to just
free write and not let your pen off the paper and just let yourself write whatever's coming through.
And the timer helps hold that container so that you are held within a certain time and
that you know you can move on to the next step instead of spiraling and just never moving
on to the next step or never sharing it with your people.
So that could be something when you're still figuring things out or you're writing content or you're brainstorming ideas. And another thing that
comes up, let's say for your branding is again, having that time or having certain restraints
as a designer time is a, is one of the constraints that is really helpful because we could be
iterating forever and refining our designs forever. And so for example, I usually say choose no more than five brand colors if you're starting
out. That's usually a good average number to have and two to three brand fonts and sticking to that
because when I've had one client have like literally maybe 20 brand colors and at least half of those colors were almost the same.
And it was so true.
I'm not even exaggerating.
I'm like, oh, okay. amount, that number constraint on the actual feature brand assets will help, you know, with
your process of creating content. So you're not like, oh, what color do I use? You can just pick,
okay, I'm just going to use these two colors and this font. And I'm putting the writing that I did
for 30 minutes together. And that's the post. I think that's so important because I think what can happen is
perfectionism creeps in, right? And so things don't feel good enough. And like you said,
you can kind of be on this like refinement hamster wheel. And yeah, I mean, even if it's
not perfectionism, I think there's also this joy that can sometimes come with creation. So sometimes
we do need to put that time block on
it so we can say, okay, this is done. Now we move on to the next thing. And it also kind of subsides
that overwhelm and that the energy required to make a decision, right? So even thinking to myself,
okay, cool. I'm actually going to give myself the permission to only use that one Instagram font.
So when I go create something, I'm now not trying to make a decision and same thing on Canva, narrowing it down to one or two or three fonts. It just takes
away that, that, that energy drain of making a decision. Yes, exactly. And one, one last thing
that's coming up for me is something that has been really helpful is, you know, starting off
your day with your morning rituals of whatever that might be to help ground you into connecting with your body, connecting with your
intuition. And that awakens your creative energy, the source of your energy, your creative, your
creativity. And so when you get down to actually doing, let's say, admin work, or sending your
emails or working on your new offering, whatever
that is, you'll have this amazing, beautiful, grounded foundation to pull from that it feels
more easeful and that you can show up more relaxed and focused. And so that is also another way of
viewing this blend and balance of the flowiness of that feminine creative energy with the masculine
structures. Yeah. Because that ritual creates that masculine hold. I love that. And I think
you posted on your stories recently asking people what their morning rituals are. And I know I
answered. So one of mine, I'll share this out loud because it's fun. I've been doing it for a couple months now. After I dropped my daughter off at daycare, I literally turn the Otter app on my phone. I love
the Otter app to talk into because it transcribes for me. And I turn that on and I literally just
voice note to the soul of my business. I literally talk to my business. I say,
good morning business. And I catch it up on my weekend and I share kind of what's feeling clunky or sticky.
I share what's exciting. I sometimes ask it questions. Like I love it. It has become such a
beautiful ritualistic practice for me that creates that, that sense of feeling grounded and that like
sense of safety and yeah, just that anchor point. I'm curious what other responses you got. If there's any kind of unconventional rituals people can throw into their morning and then we'll say goodbye. I promise.
I actually can't recall. And you're reminding me to share that. So, okay, I think I'm pretty sure I screenshot it. So now I'm like, okay, let me reshare that and send that because it it feels so long ago but I feel like
it was only maybe a week or two ago so what about your own morning rituals what are your morning
yeah lately it's been yeah it lately it's been journaling what one of my previous mentors calls
money flossing so you write down for three minutes what your limiting beliefs are of around your business, whatever that focus is.
And then the next three minutes, you write down a new narrative. So Sarah Mack was the one who
talked about this practice. And that's been really helpful and really quick too. And then dancing
to one song and then meditation. I think that those are like the main things. So movement, writing, and then
connecting and quieting down. Love it. Love it. Love it. Love it. Okay. Thank you, Isabel. It's
been a pleasure. Thank you for your time and your energy and your wisdom.