RHAP: We Know Survivor - Exit Interview: First Juror Voted Out Survivor 47

Episode Date: November 7, 2024

Rob Cesternino (@RobCesternino) interviews the latest castaway voted off the Survivor 47 island, followed by This Week In Survivor History with Jordan Kalish (@JordanKalish) where Rob plays against an... RHAP patron.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Bet MGM is an official sports betting partner of the National Hockey League and has your back all season long. From puck drop to the final shot, you're always taken care of with the sportsbook Born in Vegas. That's a feeling you can only get with Bet MGM. And no matter your team, your favorite skater, or your style, there's something every NHL fan is going to love about Bet MGM. Download the app today and discover why Bet MGM is your hockey home for the season.
Starting point is 00:00:26 Raise your game to the next level this year with BetMGM, a sportsbook worth a selly and an official sports betting partner of the National Hockey League. BetMGM.com for terms and conditions. Must be 19 years of age or older to wager. Ontario only.
Starting point is 00:00:40 Please play responsibly. If you have any questions or concerns about your gambling or someone close to you, please contact Connects Ontario at 1-866-531-2600 to speak to an advisor free of charge. BetMGM operates pursuant to an operating agreement with iGaming Ontario. Hey everybody, what's going on? Rob Cisternino back with our Survivor exit interview here for episode number eight of Survivor 47. And today we are talking with the latest player voted out of the game.
Starting point is 00:01:11 That is Sierra. Sierra got blindsided when the Lavo and Tuku tribes plus Andy came together and got a tie vote on Sierra and Sam. Ultimately, it's Sierra who ends up going out and we will talk with her about her entire experience coming up here. Then a little This Week in Survivor History with Jordan Kalish. Last night, I got to talk with Dr. Christian Hubicki and it was a great one and breaking down everything from a very fun episode of Survivor. If you missed that recap, definitely check that out. Christian had some interesting thoughts about what was unusual about the way that they did that tie-break vote
Starting point is 00:01:51 between Sam and Sierra. He said that there's definitely some medium term implications about how that all came together. So that was a fun one. On Friday, I will have the Survivor Know-It-Alls. Typically, like, wait, isn't that Thursday? This week, I'm going to have the patron Q&A coming up. On Thursday, I'll be taking calls from our patrons. On Thursday afternoon at 3 p.m. Eastern, Steven was unavailable Thursday. So we're going to have Steven on Friday for the Survivor Know-It-Alls. So a little bit of a programming change. And if you can tell at all, maybe some very astute listeners can tell, wait, Rob, that sounds like he's not really
Starting point is 00:02:31 in the right place. I'm not. I am still in a hotel after a gardener cut my lifeline, my fiber optic internet cable. And so while that is being repaired, I have been in a hotel room for 24 hours recording podcasts. So that's my dedication to what we do here talking about Survivor. So hopefully everything gets back to normal soon. In the meantime, we got Sierra on the line. Let's
Starting point is 00:02:58 go ahead and bring her in. Hey, Sierra. Good morning. Rob Sestradino. And very excited to get the chance to talk with you about everything going on. Sierra, can you start off by talking about that tribal council? And was there anything that you saw either on the beach or at tribal that was tipping you off to where this was going? Rob, that tribal, I'm like watching back. I even watched it back this morning and it like just makes you nauseous you're like how the hell did that end up being me um but i would say leading up to tribal i had a pretty good feeling that something wasn't right and i'm like i i always like trust my intuition it started with andy and genevieve were in the water talking and i'm like kind of like touching base with everybody. Cause I'm like, the vibe was already off. And then when I start walking over to them,
Starting point is 00:03:50 Genevieve like immediately walks away. And you know, when you're just, you feel like you're in high school, I'm like, they're like talking about me and I'm like, I'm like a grown woman. Like I know what you guys are doing. So then Genevieve walks away. It's Andy and I in the water, which they did show kind of where I'm like, Andy, I'm still your island sister. Right. Like, look at me in my eyes and tell me I'm like, kind of like had that this crazy feeling where I'm like, I'm lose. I lost Andy like he's gone. And I wanted that like reassurance. And, you know, that didn't show there. He was like, yeah, you clocked me. We were like already planning on voting you out, like whatever. Wait after later in the game. But that wasn't shown. And then teeny like teeny and I had a great relationship, like so many laughs.
Starting point is 00:04:35 We couldn't even sit next to each other in the shelter without like dying laughing. And right before trial, she couldn't even look me in my eyes. And I'm like, something's not right. And I'm out to Rachel across the shelter. Something is not right. And Rachel's like, I feel weird. And I'm like, I feel weird. Like you just had this feeling. And Rachel obviously had a better feeling than I did willingly to play her shot in the dark. And looking back, I'm like, I knew something was going to go not the way I thought I was. Did Rachel tell you at all that she might play the shot in the dark. And looking back, I'm like, I knew something was going to go not the way I thought I was. Did Rachel tell you at all that she might play the shot in the dark?
Starting point is 00:05:10 No, no, no. We never, never once mentioned it. And you didn't know about her idol, correct? Didn't know about the idol. Okay. I know. I'm like, if I did, I would have tried to like do some like play that, you know, I thought she would have. All right. So when it comes up and it's a tie between you and Sam and you get to revote, are you thinking that, okay, well, they're going to vote out Sam or did you think it was going to be you? I was pretty certain that Sam was going to go because I'm like, why, why wouldn't they? I'm like, he like, this is the perfect opportunity. And especially with me being able to revote, I'm like, well, of course I'm frigging voting Sam. Um, so I, I, in my head, I'm like, okay,
Starting point is 00:05:50 this is, but then Sam felt the opposite. I mean, Sam felt the same exact way. Cause he's whispering to me. He's like, good luck, like good luck in the rest of the game. Um, so we both kind of felt the same way. Like I was like, yeah, Sam, you're a goner, but here we are. felt the same way. Like I was like, yeah, Sam, you're a goner, but here we are. Sierra, I'd love to hear you talk a little bit about Andy and your experience in terms of how we got to this point in the game. Are you feeling like today, Andy, he's all that? I, I'm definitely feeling it where I'm like, I look like a fool looking back thinking like, I'm like, Oh, he's a sloppy player. I'm like, I look like a fool looking back thinking like, I'm like, Oh, he's a sloppy player. I'm going to drag him to the end. And then here we are. He's all that moment. Um, but yeah, so it's interesting because Andy and I, I say that
Starting point is 00:06:36 we did have a great relationship. Like, even though he's older than me, I always explain it. Like he felt like a little brother to me. I was like I did care about him I felt like we had a great like relationship um I think you got a lot more negativity coming from me about Andy than they showed the positivity um but I did you know I felt really good about Andy he brought me information I felt comfortable bringing him information um but then things started to get shaky and I let him slip through my fingers at the merge and even leading into the merge. I'm like one promise I made to myself. I'm like, I can't let him go. Like I can't let him just go off and be this like stray animal and go and make all these
Starting point is 00:07:16 like little alliances. And sure as hell he did. And I look back and I'm like, I wish I just kept him a little closer and like touch base a little more. But yeah. And then he got me. So prior to that, it seemed like at the Anika vote that you were in the position to be able to decide what happened there to keep Andy or to keep Anika. Can you tell us about how you made that decision? Yeah. So in trust, I mean, I knew I was on the bottom of Rachel and Anika. It was like no question about it. Even in the edit, you see like that they're close, but not nearly as close as the like how I felt like always going off with one another.
Starting point is 00:07:59 I always felt like I had to like trail along and touch base like, hey, we're good, right? We're still good, right? Like I just didn't feel that trust that I felt at least with just like Sam. I knew Sam had my back was, you know, going to be truthful to me through and through. And then also there was times like Anika, she found the advantage with Sam. I, Sam flashes me the advantage showed me that they found it.
Starting point is 00:08:24 And then Anika, Rachel and I end up in the water. We're talking. And I ask Anika, like, did you and Sam find anything? Testing her. And she's like, no, we didn't. And I'm like, so she's lying to me. So that's like one red flag right there. You know, blew up my game at the journey.
Starting point is 00:08:41 Just saying like Sam and I formed this really tight, close like alliance. And like that stuck with me the rest of the game. And ultimately is why everybody knew going into the merge, we got to get Sam or Sierra. We got to split them up. Okay, good. I wanted to ask you about that because the, the Sam and Sierra thing really took on a life of its own. And I wanted to know, because that conversation, there was more that she said on the journey than ultimately we got to see on the show. Is that correct? I mean, no. So I think what she said was shown,
Starting point is 00:09:17 at least from what we know. But I think she shut it down as far as when they were making comments, silly comments like, oh, Sam and Sierra are in a relationship. But I just think her going and saying, I mean, that Sam and Sierra are like a close, they formed this close, like I forget her verbiage, but just that we formed this close relationship already off the bat.
Starting point is 00:09:39 So they took that. Kyle took that right back to Tuku and was like, Sam and Sierra are running Gata. So it's like that right there was like planting the seed of like my death yeah so did you feel that when you came into the merge and was there anything that you could have done to sort of like downplay that the sam and sierra power power duo i mean sam and i we were pretty like we shouldn't really communicate we went and did our own thing I know he started forming a close relationship with Genevieve. I started talking with like even teeny Saul. I felt good about it. And then you hear him tossing my name out. But I felt really good about Lavo. So we kind of went and formed our own alliances and like mingling with the other tribes. So we felt like we did it well, but I just think ultimately it started right then and there at that journey that like we were clocked. So in last week's episode that we saw Saul ends up saving Rachel at that tribal council,
Starting point is 00:10:36 from your perspective, you knew you didn't do it. You probably thought Sam didn't do it. What did you think happened? Who do you think at that point who did you think sent rachel that advantage andy i was like oh it had to have been andy because then i caught him at you see at the um at the when we're out there with the barbecue um i'm like andy you find anything like he was just being odd yeah um and saul was just so great and like discreet but I will say that hurt me because they all turned to me and they're like, it was you like, and Saul kept turning to me. It was like, just giving me a weird look. And I'm like, dude, like ultimately now finding out it was him, but they were all like questioning me. Um, and just being like, was it you? But then
Starting point is 00:11:22 it sounded like, I think Genevieve was the one who was like, I think I know who who found it. And then she ultimately knew who saw. And it probably made you feel better about Andy. It was like, oh, he's protecting Rachel. Yeah, exactly. So I was like, then got a strong. But I was certain it was. But then it was when we weren't finding out who sent it. It was like that was the weird part. I'm like, why wouldn't you just say it? Um, so it didn't really make sense, but. Okay. Well, I'm excited to get to talk to you after this episode, uh, not just because of, you know, how it ended, but you were the queen of the auction. You, uh, found all the money. You're the master of Easter eggs,
Starting point is 00:12:01 eggs, a big part of your survivor story. Uh, and you had the most money coming in. I want to talk about, okay, so first you get the chips, salsa and guac. I think you spent like what? $800 on that. Yes. Okay. How was it? Oh, it was great, Rob. I mean, I got buzzed off a little margarita. I felt like I was at home. Um, it, I mean, honestly, it was amazing, but it looked like I never touched it. Like I remember Saul looking over and I was like, damn it. I wish I could have some of that salsa and guac. Were you able to screenshot the selfie with Jeff? No, I'm going to though. I need to like record it back because I'm like, that is such like an unbelievable moment where you're like, you've watched survivor all throughout your childhood. You see these people
Starting point is 00:12:41 at an auction, which has always been my favorite part. And then I'm like, then I'm standing there with Jeff. It was just like an out of body experience. Okay. So then we, Jeff brings out the big survivor breakfast. Uh, it says, all right, anybody who wants $200, you're in for it. He brings out the grubs. You took one look and you left. I was out. I'm like, I'm not on fear factor. I'm on survivor. Um, and I don't know. I give them mad props, but I already knew in my head, I'm like, in order to get that, I already ate, I was good, but I was just trying to get rid of my money. Um, but I knew that Sam would devour it. Like it was like out of like Sue Caroline, the guy won't try pineapple grub, but no problem. Yeah. It's disgusting. Um, and yeah,
Starting point is 00:13:25 apparently the grubs, they said they were like super cold and like, Oh my God. I'm like, thank God I made the right decision. Yeah. Okay. But then at the end of the auction, you end up getting the chocolate and peanut butter and you have to make the decision of who to invite. And you picked, uh, Gabe and Caroline, could you talk through why those two? invite and you picked, uh, Gabe and Caroline, could you talk through why those two? So I felt that at that time, Gabe and Caroline both have not eaten anything. I haven't really formed a good relationship or any relationship ultimately with Tuku at this point. So I was like, this was my way, my segue of trying to get in with them. Food makes people happy. I'm like, this is a great like starting point. And, um, yeah. And
Starting point is 00:14:05 they both like, obviously they, with their, um, auction items, it just, they sucked. I mean, Gabe got coconut water and he was sitting in front of me the entire time, like, you know, just so angry and like, I'm so hungry. And like, I was like, let me get Gabe on my side. Cause at that point I'm looking at him as like one of the bad guys. And I'm like, if I could be with him and like start this, then why not? Yeah. And he called you the head of the snake after that. I know he did. I, I had the snake. I mean, socially, I would say, I think hearing it back, I mean, I'm like, was I a big threat out there? But I think it was just, I was, I was mingling and I was like,
Starting point is 00:14:40 kind of just like playing my social game as I wanted to going in. And now here I am. So I know you said that you had a good relationship with teeny. How did you end up forming a bond with teeny? So teeny and I, it just clicked. It was something we were sitting in the shelter one day. Um, we've been to similar like restaurants and bars and, um, things as one another, since we're living like here on the East coast together.
Starting point is 00:15:08 Um, so I just think we, we found connections. We knew like a family friend, we found some sort of mutual ground. Um, and we just could kick it. We just talked like she was my best friend, my entire life, just laughing constantly, literally would look at each other, not be able to keep it together. And then, you know, when we started talking each other, not be able to keep it together. And then, you know, when we started talking about that, we wanted to work together. I ultimately, I would have went to the end with Tini. I'm like, I felt so good about her.
Starting point is 00:15:38 We just were always on the same page about everybody on the beach. And yeah, she was somebody I was like, I'm going to keep this one around. And you said that Sam had a good relationship with Genevieve. Were you surprised to see that Genevieve was working so hard to go against the Gata people? I do. I mean, I didn't realize Genevieve at that point felt so had this like perception of Rachel and I didn't same with Caroline. But I think Genevieve also felt great with Sam and her and I, we never really formed that connection. So that's why when it came down to Sam or Sierra, like I already knew if like if there was a choice, she would be getting me out because her and Sam already started forming this connection that her and I didn't have the chance to do. Sierra, have you got any updates on Miss Peppers and how she's doing? I don't know. Miss peppers is alive.
Starting point is 00:16:26 I hope to God she is because I protected her with my whole heart and I really felt so connected to them. And I was like, that made me feel like at home. Um, and just like my little pet that I had to take care of. Was there anything else that you wish people got to see about your time on survivor? You know, I more so it was just something when it came to, um, the whole going with Anika or taking Andy. Um, I think I'm just frustrated with the consensus of it all because ultimately I didn't feel, I knew I was on the bottom of
Starting point is 00:16:57 Rachel and Ani. I just automatically knew, um, that like trust and that connection didn't exactly feel there as like, as to what I had with Sam. Um, so I just think between finding out that she left out the part that her and Sam found the advantage together immediately was a red flag to me. Um, and then also blowing up my game at the journey. Um, so I think, and it just kind of didn't really show through of like this kind of tough situation I was in. So that was just something that just stood out to me that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:30 And I know that you got some, uh, heat from that on social media and it's not right. People let the survivors play their own game. All right, people. Let us play the game. Exactly. All right. Well, Ciara, thank you so much for making some time to, uh us and nothing but the best outside survivor. OK, thanks, Rob. I appreciate it. Great talking with you. Great talking to you, hoping you outlast Sam in that spot. And that hopefully, I think that's what she thought was about to happen before they end up very shrewdly voting out Ciara before Sam so she doesn't have a chance to get back under the radar. Interesting about that she thought Andy had played the advantage on Rachel,
Starting point is 00:18:29 which kind of reinforces, oh, okay, well, Andy's with us. He's saving Rachel. Ultimately, that was not the case and ends up being like a little bit more cover for Andy as he flips away from Gata. All right, we have Jordan Kalish standing by. This Week in Survivor History is coming up next, and we will get into that right after this.
Starting point is 00:18:53 So it's a new year. You know what that means, setting big goals. Maybe you promised yourself you're going to hit the gym every day, or maybe you said you're going to learn to make fire with a flint for once, or the classic, save more money. But let's be honest, New Year's resolutions tend to fizzle out by February. Wouldn't it be great if at least one of those goals could be automatic? That's where Acorns comes in. Today's episode is sponsored by Acorns. You probably heard me talk about them before, and I'm excited to share how Acorns makes
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Starting point is 00:19:53 Using Acorns is a game changer for somebody like me who spends a lot of time thinking about strategy, whether it's on Survivor or behind the scenes. It's refreshing to have an app that makes investing simple and automatic. It's a small step that gives me confidence that I'm building a better financial future without stressing over the details. If you've ever felt overwhelmed by investing, this is a great place to start. Head to acorns.com slash robpod or download the Acorns app and start saving and
Starting point is 00:20:20 investing for your future today. This has been a paid non-client endorsement. Compensation provides incentives to positively promote Acorns. Tier one compensation provided. Investing involves risk. Acorns Advisors LLC and SEC registered investment advisor. View important disclosures at acorns.com slash Rob Pod. Bet MGM, authorized gaming partner of the NBA, has your back all season long. From tip-off to the final buzzer, you're always taken care of with a sportsbook born in Vegas. That's a feeling you can only get with Bet MGM. And no matter your team, your favorite player, or your style,
Starting point is 00:20:57 there's something every NBA fan will love about Bet MGM. Download the app today and discover why Bet MGM is your basketball home for the season. Raise your game to the next level this year with BetMGM, a sportsbook worth a slam dunk, an authorized gaming partner of the NBA. BetMGM.com for terms and conditions. Must be 19 years of age or older to wager.
Starting point is 00:21:20 Ontario only. Please play responsibly. If you have any questions or concerns about your gambling or someone close to you, please contact Connex Ontario at 1-866-531-2600 to speak to an advisor free of charge. BetMGM operates pursuant to an operating agreement with iGaming Ontario. All right, and we're back with another guy. He's all that. The host of this week in Survivor history. It's Jordan Kalish.
Starting point is 00:21:50 Yo, Rob, it is. It is good to be home. This is the first time I've been recording from my desk in my house all season. I've been at work this whole time, but now I'm back and I'm at my desk and I sat down at my desk and the first thing that I saw was the last wish that we did the scoreboard of when Zach beat you last season. Literally haven't sat at my desk. Wow. Okay. All right. You haven't sat at your desk since the spring of 2024. I don't think I have. I don't think I have. It's been, I don't know, when was May? Yeah, six months. Yeah. So it's just a waste of space, this desk that you have? I mean, when I'm home and I have a podcast,
Starting point is 00:22:35 it's a nice place to record. And I do most of my paperwork from the couch or from the bed. I like to lie down. Okay. All right. Well, we are back with another one of our patrons to take me on. The patrons have not had the greatest success so far this season,
Starting point is 00:22:53 but we'll see if we reverse it here today with Connor Young. Connor, how are you? Pretty good. Thanks so much for having me. I don't know if I'll be able to reverse it. I'll try my best. We'll see.
Starting point is 00:23:04 Okay. Connor, tell us a little bit about yourself. So I am a medical student from Oklahoma, the OU Texas Alliance that is forming. Started watching Survivor 10 years ago with Kageyan. Actually, my violin teacher is the one who told me to watch Survivor. She might be listening to this right now. Binged Kageyan all in one night and then went back, watched 27. You watched 13 episodes in one night? I did.
Starting point is 00:23:27 Yeah. All of Kageyan. I was like, oh, this is the show I've been missing in my life. And ever since then, biggest fan out there. Have you been to any Saul watch parties? Not yet. I don't know if he's in Oklahoma right now. He's from Oklahoma.
Starting point is 00:23:39 But he's not there. I would definitely go. All right. But I do need to go to the Houston show. Okay. I'll see you in a couple of weeks. Yeah, tickets are available. Robbinswebs.com slash Houston for that one.
Starting point is 00:23:50 It'll be a lot of fun to get together with everybody once again. That's coming up on December 4th. Patron pre-show party on the 3rd. A little meet-up action, Jordan. Yeah, I wish I could make it. You, you know, I always love the, uh, little survivor social for everybody coming up the night before the show would, it would have been nice if I could be there, but I know everyone's going to
Starting point is 00:24:14 have a great time. If you haven't got your tickets yet and you want to go to Houston, go to Houston, baby, go to the show. Okay. All right, Jordan, what is on the roster for today? Would you call it a roster? A docket? It's a docket. I think it's more of a docket than a roster. Connor, unfortunately, no Kageyan. It must hit different to watch Kageyan at night, being that the winner of that season
Starting point is 00:24:35 was famously up all night strategizing. Yes. Connor, did you watch I Stand Kageyan? I did, yes. I had to watch the documentary and bring me back to the first time. What'd you think? It was amazing. Great job. If you haven't seen it yet, go to ISt to watch the documentary and bring me back to the first time. What'd you think? It was amazing.
Starting point is 00:24:45 Great job. If you haven't seen it yet, go to iStanKagian.com. All right. No Kagian, as I said before, but here are the seasons that we have, and I will say them slowly. We have Survivor Samoa.
Starting point is 00:25:00 We have Heroes vs. Villains. We have David vs. Goliath. We have Win versus villains. We have David versus Goliath. We have winners at war. Forty three and forty four. So that was a good pace. That was good. OK, we got that. We got the pace, baby.
Starting point is 00:25:18 We're all good. So and also this is we're not going as far back as we normally go. I was looking at the old seasons. I was like, oh, I'm not really feeling these questions. So the furthest we're going back is Samoa. But Connor, where are you going to be taking us first? I think let's try 44. All right.
Starting point is 00:25:35 So 44, starting with the new era at the final 10 vote, six votes were negated due to an idle play, resulting in Brandon Cottom going home by a tally of four to zero. Who was the idol played on at this tribal council? I need to think about this just a second. So we had six votes that were negated. OK, I think I know the name. I'm not 100 percent sure. I think we're going to go for it.
Starting point is 00:26:00 I think it was Franny. Franny. So Danny was the one who played the idol. But I asked who did who was the idol played on? The answer was Franny. Franny. So Danny was the one who played the idol, but I asked who was the idol played on? The answer is Franny. So Connor, you start with two points. A little bit of a clue in that question that it was not used on the person who played it.
Starting point is 00:26:15 So good job. You're off to a hot start. And Rob, you get to choose the next season. Okay, 44th off the board, I'll go 43. All right, staying in the new era. That has been the trend in this season of this season. I think last season of Twitch as well, starting with the new era seasons.
Starting point is 00:26:32 Five members of the final 11 didn't even participate in this round's immunity challenge due to sitting out as part of the negotiation with Jeff to obtain rice for the tribe. Who won this challenge in which players had to balance a ball on a disc while at various intervals, adding to the length of the pole attached for the tribe. Who won this challenge in which players had to balance a ball on a disc while at various intervals
Starting point is 00:26:46 adding to the length of the pole attached to the disc? I don't know the answer. I am not inclined to take the multiple choice, though. So, hmm. So, hmm. Episode eight. I'm trying to think of who it could have been. and I have it down to, it could only have been a couple of people. I'm going to say,
Starting point is 00:27:56 I'm going to go with, I'll say Cody. Cody is incorrect. So Connor, you can steal one point. You could not get the multiple choice though, because Rob didn't take it. How about that? This is a hard question.
Starting point is 00:28:13 I'm glad I didn't take 43. This is not easy. Very tricky. I'm not even sure who played in the challenge, but my best guess is going to be Owen for this one. Owen, who recently I believe got married over the weekend. So congratulations to Owen. And being that he's a patron,
Starting point is 00:28:29 I felt like it was proper to give him a question on his wedding week. So Owen is the correct answer. Connor, you steal one point. I came very close to saying Owen, but I felt like he won last guess, but I didn't remember Owen winning three immunities. Yeah, so Cody was a good guess. Cody did come in second place in this challenge
Starting point is 00:28:46 and did participate. Janine is the one who gets voted out here. She was actually going to be one of the incorrect multiple choice options if you had gone there. But Connor has a commanding 3-0 lead and also gets to choose the next category. Okay, so we have... What are the seasons left?
Starting point is 00:29:04 We have Samoa, Heroes, Villains, David vs. Goliath, and Winners at War. Let's keep working on the list and go to Winners at War. Okay, Winners at War. Tyson famously won the first Edge of Extinction challenge of the season as he was able to complete the vertical snake maze before anyone else. After Tyson, who was closest to finishing the maze, narrowly missing their shot to re-enter the game at the merge?
Starting point is 00:29:33 That's a good question. You could take a year with two points. I could take a lead here. Also, I could get rid of the option to steal. I'm not 100% sure. I think I'll go with ultimate lead here. Also, I could get rid of the option to steal. I'm not 100% sure.
Starting point is 00:29:47 I think I'll go with multiple choice here. Just a reminder of the rules. If you take the multiple choice, there is still the option to steal. Oh, there's still an option to steal. Yes. Okay. Let's just go for it.
Starting point is 00:30:02 I'm going to go with Rob Mariano. Boston Rob was the second place player in this challenge. So Connor, you get two more points. You have a very commanding. I've zero leader. No, not even second in the chat.
Starting point is 00:30:17 But if they did, they didn't, they didn't milk this scene. You have, you have the scene of Tyson and Boston, Rob maneuvering the ball up the snake. Tyson just gets his ball in and you know, it could have been editing magic there.
Starting point is 00:30:27 We, we don't really know if Boston Rob was that close, but I assume that he was probably second for real, but we can only go by what they show on, on, on the TV show. So Connor five zero. I don't know if you could even be caught at this point,
Starting point is 00:30:39 but Rob, I know, I guess, I guess, no, you, I think you could, you could technically be caught.
Starting point is 00:30:44 So Rob, you have Samoa heroes, villains, David versus Goliath. Um, let's, let's do heroes versus villains. Okay. Which player became the first member of the heroes versus villains jury? Um, I believe it was. um i believe it was i'm gonna say started early jury here on this i'd say it was coach coach i love that you're writing down the answers and this time you are correct rob you get dollar store i like it i should get one of those.
Starting point is 00:31:26 Rob, maybe I should write the questions on there and just hold them up if I ever have a sore throat or something coming into Twitch. It is five to two. The lead has shrunk. Didn't want to get shut out. Can't get shut out. You can't get shut out. Connor, though, I have seen teams blow a 5-0 lead before.
Starting point is 00:31:42 You're not out of the woods here, but Connor, if you get this next question, right, you mathematically don't forget to cover first base when the quiz, yeah, you got to cover first base. You got to make a freaking catch in center field. Got, got, got, got, uh, if you're throwing a third base, you got to make sure you're not thrown into the runner. Uh, very angry still. I mean, when you're listening to this podcast, I might be even more angry than I was about the Yankees based on things happening on Tuesday night, or I'm very happy. Again, you're either going to have a very happy Kalish or a very sad Kalish. I don't know what it's going to be. This one has probably, you know, bigger, bigger implications than the World Series. But okay. Samoa or David versus Goliath? Let's go with David versus Goliath. Let's go with David versus Goliath. All right. David versus Goliath. This could be for the win. Who were the three players
Starting point is 00:32:27 to receive votes, whether negated by an idol or not, at the famous final 12 minority vote split? Ooh, minority vote split. Okay. You gotta get all three for a correct answer. I'm not 100% sure, so I think let's go with multiple choice.
Starting point is 00:32:44 Multiple choice. Probably smart because you could wrap it up even with one point here. Was it A, Angelina, Dan Rangering, and Christian? B, Angelina, Dan Rangering, and Davey? C, Angelina, John Hennigan, and Christian? D, Angelina, John Hennigan, and Davey? So I'm giving you Angelina.
Starting point is 00:33:06 But who are the other two? Okay, so minority vote split. If I'm thinking correctly, that should be when John goes home. So he needed to get some votes for this to happen. And who was the third person? Davey, Christian. What are the other two options? So you want the two that include John Hennigan in the answer?
Starting point is 00:33:28 Yes. Okay, so it's either Angelina, John Hennigan, and Christian, or Angelina, John Hennigan, and Davy, if you're correct about Angelina and John being the two. This is true. I can't remember who got the idol played on them. I think it was Davy, so I'll go with Angelina, John Hennigan. That is incorrect. Rob, you can seal.
Starting point is 00:33:52 Davey played the idol on Christian. And so I'm going to go whatever the answer is of Christian, Angelina, and John Hennigan. C is correct. Rob, you get one point. It is five to three. And all of a sudden, I could put this into the universe. Rob, if you get two points here, you will tie the game. So I need this Samoa without multiple choice answer. You need and you need two Moa points here to tie the game at the Samoa merge episode. Who did Russell Hans play his first ever hidden immunity idol on?
Starting point is 00:34:32 Hmm. I feel like this is, is this a tricky question? I'm going to say... I'm tempted to... I'm just going to talk it through because if I get it wrong, I lose no matter what. I'm tempted to say that I feel like he played it on himself,
Starting point is 00:35:06 what uh i'm tempted to say that i feel like he played it on him on himself um but it would be a little bit of a tricky question the way that jordan asked that um what would he have played it on natalie i don't think so um i'm gonna say russell played it on himself. Russell played it on Russell is correct. So, Rob, you get two points. That is a little bit tricky. But yes, the first one he played on himself. He didn't get any votes. There were all the votes were there were 10 on Eric and two on Jason from Shambo and Eric.
Starting point is 00:35:40 So he he kind of wasted it, but then ended up finding another one, obviously, in the next round. So we're five to five, baby. It happened happened the five the five run lead is never is never safe and we're going to go to a tiebreaker so what we are going to do here is the tiebreaker that we normally do uh and i am going to give you a random season we've never had a tiebreaker i think like this far in the middle of the season so instead of saying the person who do we want to do the person who got voted out eighth or the post person who got voted out in episode eight because i feel like that's almost impossible we can also do eighth place if we were since we're in season eight we get there's a lot of ways we could go here um
Starting point is 00:36:20 i mean some of these i think eighth place might be the only way to. I think I kind of think that's I kind of agree. I think that's the way to go, because it's really sort of luck if you don't do it like that. So we are looking for survivor eighth placers. And Connor, as the guest, I'm going to go to the season random. The number randomizer here. You're going to get the first season. I am pulling it up.
Starting point is 00:36:46 Make sure it's on 1 through 46. Every season is eligible here except for 40 several. You have to tell me the 8th boot of Survivor Token Jeans. Not the 8th boot. Sorry, 8th place of Survivor Token Jeans. Yes. 8th place of Survivor Token Jeans.
Starting point is 00:37:02 Let's see. I have to think through. Make sure we don't mess it up. I think it's Tyson. We'll just go with Tyson. Tyson Apostle is correct. Connor, you get the point. You were up six to five. Rob, you need to match here.
Starting point is 00:37:21 Let me just check my math here just to double check because I know the fans will be all over me. The stands will even be all over me. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Yeah, Tyson was the 8th place. So Rob, we are going to Survivor Thailand
Starting point is 00:37:37 8th place. 8th place in Survivor Thailand. So eighth place in survivor thailand uh so um all right ted that's all right uh brian clay jan helen ted is five Jake is six. Penny is seven. And I'm going to say Ken Stafford is eighth. Ken Stafford, who was the first player voted out after the real merge, was the eighth place player. That's pretty good for a show that aired like 20-something years ago.
Starting point is 00:38:19 You got the full top eight. So we're going to go to the next season. It is Connor's turn. We're going to 27, which is blood versus water this is actually no we're gonna skip we're gonna skip blood versus water we don't i don't do the redemption island seasons for this so we're gonna do uh season 13 cook islands season 13 cook islands we think through this. Let's see. I think this is when Penner went out. Jonathan
Starting point is 00:38:52 Penner is incorrect. It was Candice Woodcock, not Cody at the time. Jonathan Penner was seventh place, so you were very close. Rob, with the correct answer, you can win the game here and you could complete the comeback. Wow.
Starting point is 00:39:07 Six to five. Okay. Biggest comeback in Twitch history. It is season nine, Stanawatu, a.k.a. Vanuatu. Okay. Am I allowed to use my, am I allowed to write my notes here on my thing okay all right so
Starting point is 00:39:29 we work backwards okay Chris Twyla is second Scout is third Eliza is fourth um boop boop boop boop uh Amy come in fifth uh am i missing somebody uh oh julie maybe was it julie was fifth uh it doesn't matter. Amy, Julie is in some order. Then Leanne.
Starting point is 00:40:07 Who went out right before Leanne? I'm going to say, I think it was Chad. Chad, for one point, I'm going to say, Rob, you have a leg up on the competition. You are correct. Oh, too soon. Seven to six. Seven to six is the final score. Julie is fifth, right?
Starting point is 00:40:30 Julie was fifth. You got everyone correct. So, very good job. Connor, you came so close, and Rob just stole the victory on some good answers there. And it's tough. It's tough.
Starting point is 00:40:47 I know what it's like to be in this spot going up by a lot of points and then not capitalizing. Not that I'm on the Yankees, but I feel like I am sometimes. It's probably not a healthy thing to think. I would not have gotten eighth place to Cook Islands, for the record. That ends up being
Starting point is 00:41:03 the luck of the number randomizer. But you're both lucky people here on Twitch because, Connor, you said you stan the verbal rebus, and that is where we were going to go next. You're going to like this one. Okay, we're going to start with the first and last initials
Starting point is 00:41:19 of the lifeguard on the Heroes tribe of HHH. Okay. Let me know. Okay. Let me know. Okay. Plus the first name of the season 45 contestant who went on to win several games of jeopardy. Okay. Literally several.
Starting point is 00:41:38 Plus the first three letters of the South Pacific tribe that introduced us to Don and Cochran. So it's the tribe name, but it's only the first three letters of the tribe name that introduced us to Don and Cochran on South Pacific. Okay. Plus, most voted out players on seasons 38 and 40 ended up on the blank of extinction. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 00:42:02 So who do we have? Connor, you want to talk it through i'm not 100 sure okay here i got it i got it then okay so all right um at first i wrote down okay the lifeguard from hhh obviously katrina radke um but we'll come back to that. Um, then drew Olympic swimmer, same difference. I mean, right. Um, then we have drew was from survivor 45, uh, first part of, uh, Savaii and the edge of extinction, but, uh, Kerr drew Savage, uh, doesn't make any sense. So it must be Ashley. Nolan is the person that Jordan's referring to,
Starting point is 00:42:47 which gives us Andrew Savage. Yes. Andrew Savage. That is correct. Uncle of a patron Liska Savage. That is the, the, the correct answer.
Starting point is 00:42:59 Katrina Radke was also on that tribe, but the Olympic swimmer does not make her a lifeguard. Well, what are the chances there were two swimmers on the heroes? I mean, it was a third of the tribe, apparently. I mean, are lifeguards swimmers? I guess you probably need to know how to swim. I've never seen a lifeguard in a pool, by the way. I've seen them in a chair.
Starting point is 00:43:24 I'm sure they know what they're doing. I'm sure that if I started drowning in a pool, by the way. I've seen them in a chair. I'm sure they know what they're doing. I'm sure that if I started drowning in a pool, the lifeguard would be able to save me. But yeah, Ashley Nolan is the lifeguard. We got it. We did it, baby. We did it. All right.
Starting point is 00:43:39 Well, great job, Connor. You took me to the brink. Thank you. it was fun we were like the Dom and Wendell of Swish I know and the tiebreaker was Laurel Candice was Laurel for me yeah okay Connor do you have a plug you want to give to people
Starting point is 00:43:56 not really I'm just out here but I don't really tweet about Survivor so I'm just here come say hi at the Houston show I'll be there alright see you there, what about for you? You can follow me on Twitter at Jordan Kalish. If you want to stop by any of the New York City viewing parties,
Starting point is 00:44:12 we're at St. Pat's on West 46th Street. Always a good time. And yeah, I've started posting a little more on Instagram. I've been posting pictures of my summer trip, which has been fun. And that's also Jordan Kalish. So if you want to check out my, my Europe pictures, you can see those too. Okay. All right. And then we, uh, are going to be having our Survivor No-Dolls on Friday this week. And then I will have the patron Q and A at 3 PM on Thursday. So be sure to join us then. Patrons, you got the link, robbizwebsite.com
Starting point is 00:44:43 slash patron. Thank you so much for joining us. Take care, everybody. You got the link. Rob is website.com slash patron. Thank you so much for joining us. Take care of everybody. Have a good one. Bye. Every show We live by a simple credo If Rob has a podcast We have a hero Rob says to Nino Time to fly
Starting point is 00:45:31 More things make me This is your time

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