RHAP: We Know Survivor - Survivor 47: James Jones Recaps Ep 4

Episode Date: October 10, 2024

Today we welcome Survivor 43’s James Jones to join Rob for the post-game show for episode 4 of Survivor 47!...

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Starting point is 00:00:45 or someone close to you, please contact Connex Ontario at 1-866-531-2600 to speak to an advisor free of charge. BetMGM operates pursuant to an operating agreement with iGaming Ontario. everybody what's going on rob sestranino back with you after a real banger of a survivor episode here tonight i am thrilled to be talking to you on the post game not of Mets Phillies uh but of Survivor 47 episode 4 and I am
Starting point is 00:01:27 so excited to have back with us from Survivor 43 the godfather James Jones yo Rob thanks for the introduction I'm glad to be back man I appreciate every time I could come on here on this platform that you built and talk about one of my favorite shows and a game that I played and I still love. Yeah, James, and we got a really good one tonight. That we did. I feel like this season, each episode has given great strategic kind of just lessons or thoughts to kind of think about. So each episode has been ended differently.
Starting point is 00:02:02 of just lessons or thoughts to kind of think about. So each episode has been ended differently. And this episode, you had a crazy choice that was printed. That was because of the power that happened, but we're going to get into that probably, but great episode to get to. Yeah. A lot to unpack tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:02:15 We'll have a busy Thursday. I'll have an exit interview with Keyshawn and then a survivor. No, it all's with Stephen Fishback. That's going to be at 3 p.m. Eastern. So we'll find out. I suspect a fishy coming for Genevieve. And not like one of those little baby fishies that Rome caught last week.
Starting point is 00:02:34 Oh, this is Orca. This is a big fishy. This is it. James, what a turnaround for Genevieve. Where one week ago, I sat there and I looked at Asia. And I said, Asia, who is Genevieve where one week ago I sat there and I looked at Asia and I said Asia who is Genevieve and everybody's like oh my god
Starting point is 00:02:51 who is Genevieve who is this person and now this person went in one night went from who is this person to oh my god who is Genevieve? Where has she been hiding?
Starting point is 00:03:09 I think that's what happened tonight. And I think what you saw was that she has really good relationships with everybody that's on the island right now. So everybody there trusts her. And she's the one person that has everybody's trust on the island right now. Yeah. Which you kind of see out there. And I think,
Starting point is 00:03:26 you know, just from a storytelling standpoint, it emphasizes that this episode, it makes it stand out that much more by kind of giving, you know, wrong, giving the other tribe members. So you can see all of them. It is.
Starting point is 00:03:37 See Genevieve is really the person that's really in the middle, getting all the information from everybody and observing and then kind of taking your time to make it make a strategic move so break on episode like she's playing the long term game and you know i applaud it okay so uh we'll talk about genevieve um i want to go back to kishan and i want to go back to teeny okay and there was a lot of first guests and second guests of that duo last week of they were in the middle there was rome and genevieve on one side and then asia and saul on the other side and they were in a situation where they either could have put three votes on Genevieve
Starting point is 00:04:26 and said Rome's not going to play the idol they could have split the vote two two two but they said you know what we think that Saul and Asia are too tight we think that there's more distance between uh the genevieve and rome pair sorry asia we are going to uh go with genevieve and rome hindsight's 2020 that was not looking like such a hot decision tonight so let's go back to that decision because i feel like that's like something that like when you think about when you're in the aisle, you're in the middle. Right. And then you have these two opposing sides. I may have been in the middle with kind of two opposing sides, but kind of in the middle. You're trying to think, OK, either way, you're going to make somebody mad and alienate somebody. The question is, where am I going to have the most power with for the next vote?
Starting point is 00:05:23 power with for the next vote, as opposed to everything else. And the question is, if you're more close with Asia than Genevieve, knowing that you're going into a situation where there's five, with Rome, where there's still a vote, take emotion out of it, take everything out of it from a sense of control. Once you know you make the vote to vote out Asia, you know now Genevieve and Rome have control of the next vote, no matter what you say, think, or do, unless you find the idol. So the question is, how much uncertainty are you willing to play with and how much do you really,
Starting point is 00:05:49 that's a lot of trust you put in Genevieve and Rome. And you kind of have to kind of go through with that trust once you make that move because you're kind of at their whims at that point. And I really do wish that we would have seen more of Genevieve in these first couple of episodes to see how what was Genevieve telling Teenie and Kishan over the first three weeks? How much was she involved with keeping them how he's treating Saul and Asia. Saul and Asia, and maybe they wanted to sort of like, uh, hide Genevieve a little bit from that.
Starting point is 00:06:52 And then when, then this episode where there's some daylight between Genevieve and Rome, then she starts to emerge. I feel like, um, what you're seeing here is interesting. And we can go, we're going to go through the episode. You see a lot of people with like alone time. And I think when you look, when you're looking at the show and you see her, I feel like she's the person that's talking to everybody. And because she's Rome go between, she's having extra conversations kind of to buffer and people expect you to have those conversations. Oh, yeah. Rome just went off. So here's Genevieve. She's going to smooth things out. So that's less suspicious and you're still building relationships. It's always great to be the person that's going over. It's like we're at the bar and like the obnoxious guy comes over here. Oh, you girls.
Starting point is 00:07:31 Then like, you know, the guy goes, oh, my guy's drunk. We're so sorry. You know, that's the guy you want to be. And the second guy's like, oh, yeah, drunk guy. You know, sorry for my friend. You know, he's had a long day. And you swoop in there and say, hey, how you doing?
Starting point is 00:07:45 You want some drinks? And Genevieve is in there literally doing that each time. And you get, you look better and better and better no matter what. Yeah. Thinking about Survivor Cagayan, like Tony and Trish had that kind of relationship.
Starting point is 00:07:59 Now it ends up working out in Tony's favor in Survivor Cagayan. But James, last week we saw a whole big montage of Survivor 46 was very much on the minds of the players in this season. They left during the two-thirds of the way through Survivor 46. Do you think that there is any sort of where maybe Genevieve is thinking that when Q was sort of out in front, that Tiffany and Kenzie were able to hide behind that a little bit. I think she is taking a long term approach. She said it when she voted like this is determining my game.
Starting point is 00:08:38 So she's thinking, you know, she knew she was on the chopping block last week. So like she probably knew that she did the math in her head they could two-two it on me so she's like okay i made it through there now i have the power now i don't want to be thrown out as a you know surrogate vote and how could i maximize my standing going forward and is it with chrishan and teeny together or is break those people up and i have saw now and i still gonna have teeny by default and they still don't like rome so where am i have more where do i have more more strength then you go on to merge with rome as a nice shield in front of you it sounds like a good place to me james tell me when we genevieve heard that okay uh that kishan was the person who said okay well we have to tell saul a name he threw
Starting point is 00:09:27 your name out there and that's really where it was like it was a great edited moment where the just we saw it like inside her head how she was thinking is is that a overreaction on Genevieve's part, or do you think that that was a shrewd perception of like, oh, this cannot happen? That was probably a multi-factor wake-up call because what happened was Krishan had the opportunity to probably tell her, say, hey, there's a decoy vote out there, and me and Rome talked about possibly you or, there's a decoy vote out there, and me and
Starting point is 00:10:05 Rome talked about possibly using you or even me. So you throw yourself in there, you know, because it's just you and her. So you two are the decoy votes, if there are going to be any, right? So, yeah, we talked about being either you or me being decoy votes. Now, when Rome comes to information, it's not as jarring because you said it to her and you said, oh, it could be me. But when that conversation didn't happen, no one wants to be taken off guard with their name. So I think that was the mistake is not when when Rome is having that, you know, attaboy talk with Saul, which went horribly, horribly well when the ultimatum was given. Horribly, horribly well when the ultimatum was given.
Starting point is 00:10:50 That's when you go and tell Genevieve, hey, Rome wanted to kind of, he's going over the sofa and saw it all up. And we had to pitch him on somebody. And we talked about you, maybe me, because those are logical choices. So just so you know, that's kind of what happened. And now when that Rome comes back with that, you know, it's a little less kind of damning. Because you're kind of leaving her out of the plan a little bit. And that's not good when you're in a power position it's kind of a tough spot for kishan of that they have to give saul a name right and it's only five people you can't give him his own name right um you know uh you can't tell him in that spot that the vote is like the decoy vote is Rome when you're trying to vote for Rome.
Starting point is 00:11:31 Or you can't tell Rome that the decoy vote is Rome because that you're trying to get one over on Rome. So the only other person you could do is Teenie. And it wasn't even the real plan. and it wasn't even the real plan it was like that it was the plan to trick rome was that they told saul that it was going to be genevieve and that wasn't even the real plan that they were going to try to do i think in that situation knowing how journeys have been you may just want to and saw saul's the vote so we know saul is the vote, or we think Saul's the vote. So you probably don't want to make any big moves without Tini coming back and knowing where her vote is. Because if Tini comes back with her vote, the plan is to take Saul's vote, right?
Starting point is 00:12:15 No shine in the dark. You have a 3-2, right? You don't need Genevieve to do anything you want to do with this vote. I think that's what you kind of have to do, thinking about this journey with understanding where the numbers are so now when tini comes back she tells you what happened i have a vote i don't have a vote then you have enough time to kind of make your plan but you want to keep things when you're out there the tyson i remember trying to do this as much as possible tyson keep the plan the same as long as possible until it isn't the same and i think when you're out there you want to make a move. And I think Keyshawn really wanted to make a move.
Starting point is 00:12:47 And I think when you give people too much time to think, like who is this best for, I think that's where you're kind of running into some problems. You have a good, you know, because I think that's what happened. Keyshawn seemed like he could have been a really good player. It feels like that he almost got away with this of these last couple of weeks where, you know, if he was able to pull this off where, you know, he broke up Saul and Asia last week,
Starting point is 00:13:13 then if this week this comes through where he gets Genevieve to vote with him and Teenie and Saul and then vote out Rome and then basically leaves it where the other two pairs, he chops them in half and keeps him and Tini in the middle with Saul and Genevieve. In his mind, you know, okay, they're not on the same page, but he could have potentially been in a good spot. Like, he almost would have got away with it if it wasn't for that damn meddling Genevieve.
Starting point is 00:13:43 I mean, and that comes down to the decision last week. I mean, and which, you know, kudos to Genevieve. I feel like we have to give people credit for staying in the game, even when it doesn't seem like they're doing anything, because clearly they're doing things, even if they may not get a confessional or you may not see it, people are playing the game out there, and you kind of have to read between the lines on who's building relationships. Yeah. I want to ask you a little
Starting point is 00:14:09 bit about the Saul and Rome back and forth. And now in your season, you and Owen had a little bit of a back and forth. Was that at all similar to Rome and Saul? I mean, I feel like it's interesting because you're, you're having this on your, your home tribe, like, you know, but I also think like the Rome assault thing was, I kind of liked it a little bit in the sense of, I don't understand all the alone time that people are having to just find idols and go look for advantages and do things by themselves. Your team Rome. I mean, I feel like you do it with tech, but at the same time,
Starting point is 00:14:51 I think it's also a way to build trust. If they saw does find the idol, you get to say, so you found the idol. Here's how demonstrate trust. I won't tell anybody that you have it. Yeah. You know, it's interesting because, you know, not that i feel like that rome handled this especially well no pun intended but when rome was doing his idol hunting
Starting point is 00:15:12 we saw the rest of the tribe just like following him around they're like oh my god can you believe it he's doing this thing can you believe i can't believe this guy where does he get off but meanwhile he's finding the idol he's going on the journey he's doing all the things and the rest of the tribe is like i can't believe this guy uh but you know rome for better or for worse he's like hey i don't want this to happen i'm getting getting in saul's face i mean i mean and it's like he's walking with them i mean i'm not against it you know at the day it's kind of like you're out there to play the game it's like but but you do want to kind of do things in a respectful manner because yeah i think you know like we'll see with other tribes too everybody
Starting point is 00:15:54 like when you're on the bottom it makes you feel like you're on the bottom right but the bottom and survivor is never as low as you think it is because you don't have all the information yeah right like your bottom like you know you may think the top floor is on the 10th floor you're on the 8th on the bottom it's almost on the 9th you're not that far away so that's kind of change yeah but things change very rapidly yeah you know so you know what i actually think that uh what kishan did here actually was like pretty good where you know we we saw like Boston Rob, for instance, in Redemption Island, where, you know, it wouldn't be Boston Rob that was like, OK, the people from Zapaterra, we got to we got to stop them from doing the thing. He would like give out jobs to people of like, hey, you go follow them
Starting point is 00:16:39 around. You make sure that like and they would get annoyed at like the, the foot soldiers. And, and we saw that with Kishan of like, Hey, I'm here to stir things up. It's like, Rome, you better go follow Saul. You better go make sure that he's like, I think he's, I think he's going off. Somebody better keep an eye on him. And I think that they were doing a good job of like getting Saul mad at Rome, but also keeping Saul from finding the things. Saul mad at Rome, but also keeping Saul from finding the things. I mean, I, I think, I don't know if Rome stops. So I do think you want to just keep people active and not thinking about shit. Like the more people aren't saying your name, you know,
Starting point is 00:17:16 in the one way they keep people not saying your name is not really trying to make the plans up. Cause once you change the plans up, it becomes your plan and not having teeny there it really becomes your plan where it's not like oh we were talking about it it's oh this is kishan's plan and that's kind of genevieve's words too where it's kind of like this isn't a teeny thing this is all kishan yeah and those things we have people enough time to think about it i think that's what what what it is i think you also want to think about just technically speaking, kind of keeping that power structure dynamic.
Starting point is 00:17:48 And, you know, that last vote, knowing Rome had that still a vote, it was dangerous, dangerous, dangerous to keep his number one in the game. So, yeah, James, moving forward, this is such an interesting tribe now of what is going to happen at the next tribal council okay so you have genevieve and rome who are still a duo but we've seen that genevieve also seems to have something going on with saul there's a relationship with teeny that exists that we really haven't seen so much of and rome and saul are on the same tribe, what is going to happen
Starting point is 00:18:26 if they go to another tribal council? I think the question is, who do you feel, who's the safest going to the next tribal council? Genevieve. Genevieve is the safest going to the next tribal council. I believe so. Do you think differently? I haven't even had time to really think about it.
Starting point is 00:18:41 I do. I wonder the dynamics that you can easily just see Saul's not voting. Saul Rome. That's the easy, you can get that to work, but they voted together. They voted together. And I kind of thought that Saul was going to play his shot in the dark and
Starting point is 00:18:56 he didn't. I mean, you know, so at the end of the day, I mean, it's kind of like, you know, you got to figure out,
Starting point is 00:19:03 okay, Cheney, I feel like Cheney's going to work her magic, but she's, but it's kind of also, I mean, it's kind of like, you know, you got to figure out, okay, Cheney. I feel like Cheney's going to work her magic, but it's kind of also, I mean, can you just say take out Rome and now you have. Rome has no advantages left. Rome has no advantage. He served his purpose. So, you know, you got to vote us all. And then if you vote for Rome, Cheney,
Starting point is 00:19:20 what you're going to go to rocks for Rome. So I think like you kind of, Genevieve's in a really good position where, I mean, will Rome vote out Tini? I mean, I don't think Rome really cares too much if it, who he votes out, Tini or Saul, because probably he'll vote for Saul. So if you vote for Saul, then, you know,
Starting point is 00:19:35 Rome's voting, then Tini's in the middle either way. So she's in a great position. I think I need this whole group to make the merge now. I think that would be great because I feel like everybody would split and run and scatter and fight um and it really did look like rome was going to go home uh earlier in the episode and that was probably probably uh that you knew rome wasn't going to go home because it was basically before we saw teeny go to the journey that it
Starting point is 00:20:00 looked like it was locked up against r, that he has this performance in the challenge that he's sort of like in that hero spot of doing the puzzle. He gets zero pieces. It's like very neck and neck. All three tribes get to the puzzle at the same time. Rome, Genevieve's handing the pieces. He gets zero pieces into the puzzle.
Starting point is 00:20:21 James, I would have bet anything we were going to get a confessional. Yeah, I could have done the puzzle if I was trying. I threw it. I'm going after Saul tonight. We never got that confessional. Is it possible Rome was throwing the challenge? I got flashbacks
Starting point is 00:20:38 to... I was waiting for it to come. I'm like, wait, can you just not get any pieces? It's like, any, like zero connectivity, like not even on the board. Like this is very hard to do. Like they practice these things. They have the whole dream team.
Starting point is 00:20:57 Jeff talks about these things. They practice. People that look just like you have the same build doing these things. And not to get one piece i thought he was like you have in your head that you're throwing it and at that point when you have power that's when you want to go to tribal like you don't want to wait until you don't have power to go to tribal over your pipe like so you have a chance to throw it it wouldn't be a bad idea if you were really just dead settled getting somebody out. Because, you know, they tried to do that in 41,
Starting point is 00:21:26 and they didn't give it to Erica, and she ended up winning the season. So it's kind of just like you have to pick and choose your battles. But he didn't say he threw it. He didn't say he threw it, but, James, like two things. Like, one, like he was trying the puzzle pieces. Saul's like, Rome, that's not it. That's not the puzzle piece. Should we switch?
Starting point is 00:21:41 That was hilarious. Do you want to switch out? Do you want to switch out? That's not the puzzle piece. That's not it. And. Should we switch? That was hilarious. Do you want to switch out? That's not the puzzle piece. That's not it. And then after the challenge was over, he kind of did the same sort of like, oh, shucks, I wish I knew, you know,
Starting point is 00:21:53 I'm so embarrassed. I wish I could have done it. Like in the same way that he was like, I lost my vote. What am I going to do? You know, it felt similar to me. I mean, but also from the red tribe like out of everybody no one was really at that point feeling not safe other than salt
Starting point is 00:22:10 like so i mean it's kind of like you know even if you if you feel like you're in a good spot you know you're like i mean you kind of whatever you want to travel but you kind of don't mind it like once you've been you're like all right i know some people i want to get rid of and they're next on the chopping block so right i'm not really gonna you've been, you're like, all right, I know some people I want to get rid of and they're next on the chopping block. So I'm not really going to, you know, try to,
Starting point is 00:22:28 you know, and Rome still has the power. You don't want to kick Rome out of the situation. Image interview. You can just vote you out anyway. And isn't that kind of the metagame right now of like, Hey, you've got people on your tribe that you don't get along with,
Starting point is 00:22:40 go to tribal council and vote them off that. I know I had tevin on last week but i feel like that wasn't like that one of the things that were the takeaways from 46 of like okay if you have a tribe that's not getting along in the pre-merge it's not gonna just start working once you get to the merge like numbers that don't get along aren't numbers i think it's an interesting thing where i think the the reba four also is playing a huge role in this season where you see four people from the same tribe sticking together. So now you actually have a blueprint to going far in the game with your tribe mates. So like you didn't have that blueprint before 46 of seeing, you know, four people from the same tribe with the name Reba 4 really going deep.
Starting point is 00:23:24 So I think you have, you know, some people from the same tribe with the name Reba Ford really going deep. So I think you have, you know, some teams maybe thinking that way as well. Like, hey, we may actually be able to stick together a little further than normal. So maybe people are trying to build up some more tribe unity, you know? So I think it's an interesting spot where you have that game transposed
Starting point is 00:23:42 with the game we just played, you know? So it's exciting yeah i think that that might be the plan i don't know which of these tribes is going to be able to execute on that it doesn't seem like that we have a very cohesive tribe maybe the closest that we have is the gata tribe and even then we saw some fractures there well but let's we'll come back around to them yeah okay uh let's talk a little bit about the journey tonight okay and so we end up with the amulets are back uh we had them in 42 they came back in 45 with austin sandwich and now here they are again a little bit different that the, in, in 42 and 45, I think that they both have the same mechanic that it was a steal of a, or it was a extra vote, which became a steal of
Starting point is 00:24:33 a, which became a full idol. These are an idol. Anytime you want them, James, that we saw Andy bragging about this and, uh, you know, Caroline and Teenie seemed happy. Do you think that there is more of a chance that we will see these idols used together? I wouldn't want my vote. I wouldn't even want the ambulance. I feel like there's a walk-in vote me out. Cause I feel like now, right. If you're like, if someone, you have to work together, but you're still working your part. So I'm working with Andy.
Starting point is 00:25:05 I want to vote out the other Amulet people. So Andy gets more power. Like, like, so your, your allies members are going to work again. Like, I don't know. I feel like I'm that point, you know, I don't even want the Amulet. Like I would rather just like, we all could just lose this vote or, you know, that's, that's, I mean, yeah. But I did think it was very interesting. They all came back and they all told the truth about what they
Starting point is 00:25:30 had. Actually, did Teenie tell you? I know that Andy and Caroline did. Teenie did too. He's like, yeah, at least I came back with something. Because I think that, James, it's an interesting spot for your allies of that. And maybe if it's like, okay,
Starting point is 00:25:46 uh, I don't like Rob, let me get rid of him now. But it's also sort of like, uh, if we vote, if, you know, if you all are on the tribe and you, you're going to vote me out, I have the amulet. Guess what? You just made people on the other tribes more powerful. Like at least I have some agency. I'm with you. I have some agency in how this thing gets used. You get rid of me. You just made somebody from the yellow tribe and somebody from the blue tribe more powerful.
Starting point is 00:26:14 Yeah, it's kind of... Well, I mean, I feel like some DPS survivors, everything is kind of a good thing. Where, yeah, it may be kind of a partial, you know, immunity. Like, maybe small tribe immunity kind of lower good thing where yeah it may be kind of a partial you know immunity like maybe small tribe immunity kind of lower your threat level a little bit where it's like okay you want to make sure you just person close or it could be you want to vote you out and put the target on those
Starting point is 00:26:36 two other people going into the merge and make them burn whatever bridges they have so people are going to think about it differently because you you know, the merge is probably coming up the next one or two tribals. So at the end of the day, you're kind of like, how do I position myself? So my core three have the majority in these five person tribes. Right. And that's where you kind of want to think about and focus on. Where's my three or where is my majority at going forward? Yeah. I also thought that it was interesting the way that everybody has been talking about where they stand in the tribe. Now, you went on the journey
Starting point is 00:27:08 with Owen and Noel, and, you know, you had seen, you had seen what? Survivor 41 had you seen and some of 42? I saw everything in 40. No, I saw,
Starting point is 00:27:21 I think I saw 42. I saw, no, I didn't see everything in 42 i missed when dre and marianne the dre and marianne vote out i didn't see that okay so when you went on the journey like how were you thinking about like posturing like where you were in your tribe was that something that was on your mind i was just trying to be as non-threatening and get as much information as possible because like noelle was saying everything about her tribe dynamics which made it you know when cody came you're able to kind of put everything together so you have an
Starting point is 00:27:55 idea about what's happening and you kind of can see like so like i was just trying to get as much information as possible i didn't care about you know getting advanced or losing my votes i wanted to keep the power that I had in my tribe where I felt I was in a good position. So I'm like, I'm not risking my vote. And I want to make sure that I'm not trying to make any enemies. Little did I know
Starting point is 00:28:15 when I clearly make enemies. But yeah. So I think that Andy handled it really well where he had the whole meltdown on the mat back in episode one. And he didn't come out and do like a Banu, where it was like, I'm at the bottom, help me.
Starting point is 00:28:33 If you gotta, like, they're so mean to me. He was like very calm about it. He's like, I'm sort of like in a low information position, which I think was good twofold of like, one, he's like signaling to them, Hey, I'm somebody you should pick up. But also it's like,
Starting point is 00:28:48 I don't really have any information to give you. So I did that. I'm sort of like, nobody tells me anything cause I'm at the bottom. And I thought that was like a twofold, like really great thing. And I think that they were like, Oh,
Starting point is 00:28:59 like there was like, they want to work with him. Yeah. That, that's, that's going to be stolen and used again. Yeah. That, that is going to be stolen using, and they may not show it but someone's going to say i'm very just low information low data low something because it does kind of you know put it out there and the way he performed the first challenges you know he's already okay he's pretty
Starting point is 00:29:22 much a straight shooter clearly you know he's willing to do this type of thing. So you already had this built in kind of, okay, he's like kind of likeability, trust factor, just you're being the character that, you know, people have seen. Yeah. So I thought he did a really good job. And then I thought that in terms of who's going to give up their vote, it seemed to me like teeny folded with a lot of time left on the clock. Yeah, if I'm going to tribal, I'm not folding.
Starting point is 00:29:53 I mean, because I lose my vote either way, right? You lose your vote either way. And like, you know, from what Teenie knew going to tribal, and things change, that it looked like they were in a decent spot. But there was a lot. I looked at this twice. There was a lot of sand left in the hourglass. And it looked like Caroline was just about to say, okay, fine, I'll do it.
Starting point is 00:30:22 I think it comes down to, you have the biggest excuse, if all three people lose their vote, right? You can get mad at each other, but you actually have the biggest excuse to everybody else. I was going to tribal. Everybody else seems like you lost your vote for what reason? But she was going to tribal. But if Teenie is even thinking about it,
Starting point is 00:30:42 like there's no advantage in buzzing in early. You got it in your back pocket. There's no advantage for you. You don't get the most powerful advantage for being the first to buzz in. So wait until there's one grain of sand left and say it. But that's the game. You're out there.
Starting point is 00:31:04 You're hungry. You're hot. Maybe you're out there, you're hungry, you're hot, you're like, maybe you want to give back to your tribe. Maybe you're just like, you think that 15 minutes, maybe you're just like, I think I can get in my good graces with these two people at the merge that I may actually want to work with
Starting point is 00:31:18 and maybe they'll remember. But I feel like IOUs get really, don't really work as a survivor, but it may be enough to get you through an emergency situation. Yeah, I just would have waited a couple more minutes or seconds. I don't know how much time was left on the clock, but it seemed like there was some sand left. I mean, I'm not, you know, I'm going to tribal.
Starting point is 00:31:39 I'm losing my vote regardless. Nope, I can't do it. You'd be dug in. You got it, because that's what you have to do you have to dig in you know you dig in that's what's happening and yeah all the day yeah everybody wants to be so friendly i mean but that's like the thing though i mean that's one of the things when like when you when you have clear lines people know where to kind of attack you at which you see roman saw are still in the where to kind of attack you at, which you see
Starting point is 00:32:06 Roman Sarr still in the game because you know exactly kind of where they're at. I think you kind of want five votes, but sometimes it's good to have people on the outside. It's what it is. That's the game, too. And James, Tini's lost vote was the difference tonight.
Starting point is 00:32:22 If Tini doesn't lose their vote, then I don't think Keyshawn goes home. I mean, but that's the thing, though. I mean, that's the tough part about it, where, you know, you never are certain in these shows and these games, and you kind of always have to try to always keep the majority
Starting point is 00:32:40 or always keep the strength. Actually, I mean, that it might, it could have still well been, uh, that, okay. So that Tini and Keyshawn still have their vote and then, and then Rome steals, uh, Keyshawn's vote. So yeah, it definitely, it could have still happened, but it, it felt like that. Okay. Once Keyshawn, once Tini's vote isn't in play, it felt like that it was a more foregone conclusion. Yeah, that's why I think maybe waiting to when she gets when they get back to to make that move is probably when you kind of want to do it to not give so much time to think.
Starting point is 00:33:17 I think kudos for the idea. Yeah. Right. And clearly, I'm pretty sure they've had these Rome conversations before. This isn't the first time they brought up like voting out Rome. Like this has come up before between like on this tribe. You know, so I think it was one of those things where it was a really good idea. I do think that, you know, it was just kind of executed a little early. And sometimes you have times to think on things. It allows people to think through and see the next move beyond that. So it's a new year.
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Starting point is 00:35:40 Too sweaty. We could go skating. Too icy. We could book a vacation. Like somewhere hot. Yeah, with pools. And a spa. And endless snacks. I thought it was wild that the Gata tribe decided they won the challenge. They get to pick who are you going to send on the journey. They sent Andy, which to me seems like the wildest decision to make, to send from their tribe, because he's the biggest wild card. send from one from their tribe because he's the biggest wild card i mean but at the end of the day like he can confirm tribe dynamics that people already think that sierra and sam are close
Starting point is 00:36:33 or the two girls or women are working together like i mean where's his scenario he loses his vote it's andy he can go like hey it's it's a Andy can go. I mean, it's one of those things, you know, from Stan's perspective, Andy's going to tell him everything. Yeah. You know, he's here. How are you feeling about the journey these days? Are you feeling like, you know, the boat comes that, are you getting in the boat these days or are you saying to pass? I'm just, oh, I'm not getting, I'm not trying to go on a journey. Like, I mean, I was mad when I got targeted to go on a journey.
Starting point is 00:37:07 I feel like you put me on the journey, you're attacking me. That's how I feel. Like, I feel like you're trying to do something. It's not like a save me when you're in a position of power. If you're like a lesser kind of a stout player or you look like you're out, then it may be like, here you go, break up the tribe. James, I think I've come around to, I think I want to go on the journey. Like, I think that in the beginning of the new era, I'm like, here you go, break up the tribe. James, I think I've come around to, I think I want to go on the journey. Like, I think that
Starting point is 00:37:27 in the beginning of the new era, I'm like, nothing good is coming from the journey. I'm going to lose my vote. I think that the journey provides a couple different things. One, I think I have the opportunity to network across. Now, again, in your case, it doesn't always necessarily
Starting point is 00:37:43 work out that way. But I do think that, you know, I thought that what Q did last season was so interesting with sort of like trying to build the alliance across the different tribes. And it hasn't worked yet. But I feel like at some point, like last season, like Maria and Tevin ended up really bonding at the journey. So I think that there is an opportunity for like cross pollination from the journey. And then I also think I, I look, I know that it could make people maybe want to vote me out, but I kind of like the idea of maybe people are like a little more scared to target me. Like, uh, like, uh, you know, he might have something, maybe we go somewhere else. I mean, I think it just depends on how you feel about your try-mates. And I think the thing about
Starting point is 00:38:27 this season that's going to be interesting and I hope is that I feel like the most solid three is going to be able to kind of go deep, but I don't see any solid threes anywhere, which makes me think that you're going to have like a full-fledged blood blab at the blood bath at the merge. It's going to be kind of great.
Starting point is 00:38:44 Oh, yeah, oh yeah that was that was funny oh man yeah so I was very surprised that they ended up sending Andy I also thought that so this was pretty wild okay so
Starting point is 00:38:59 by the way as we talk about the Gaia tribe what did you think of Sam's freestyle? Oh, man. I feel like he did pretty good for just not having any type of nutrients in the system or trying to rhyme words out there when you're hungry. It's tough. So he did all right.
Starting point is 00:39:22 I wasn't, you know, I mean, he's better than Chris Noble. Better than Chris Noble. Okay. I mean, top two in Survivor Reppers. Okay. So we saw where Andy talks to Ciara. Ciara tells Andy about the Breadwinners. That's the all-women alliance.
Starting point is 00:39:43 Then Andy is like, I'm feeling so good about Sam. I'm going to tell Sam about the, that Sierra told me about the breadwinners alliance. I thought Sam made a mistake tonight. I thought that Sam goes to Sierra and tell Sierra, Hey, so you tell Andy about your, the name of the alliance and you don't tell me that I, so you tell Andy about the name of the alliance and you don't tell me?
Starting point is 00:40:08 I'm telling you, like, again, this is, I know that this is not a romantic relationship, but as somebody who's been in many fights in a romantic relationship, I can tell you, like, if Sam wants to keep Andy, don't go to Sierra
Starting point is 00:40:24 with a problem about something that Andy did. Cause now Sierra is going to say, see, I can't trust Andy. Andy's got to go. Yeah. I mean, I think that's the one, I think one of the hardest things that you can do in this game of players, Robert is restraint. It's like having information and sitting on it.
Starting point is 00:40:43 That's why I give Gabler credit for sitting for, I don't know how many days on Ellie going through his bag. It takes a lot to sit on information. Sam couldn't sit like an hour without saying, what's up with this all-girls alliance? But in Sam's position, though, he did vote off John Lovitt when he could have voted on somebody else. He gave up the three, he gave up the three guy alliance type thing that may have been going on or may not have been going on. He gave that up.
Starting point is 00:41:14 And then you start hearing women's alliance. And you know, sometimes it gets people paranoid. But I don't even think that the women's alliance was what bothered him. The fact that she gave him this specific piece of information that she had not told to him and that he had to address it with her. And then now that there's this wedge between them, like he could have just like, oh, interesting. You know, duly noted.
Starting point is 00:41:42 She didn't tell me about that. Still vote out Annika at the next tribal council and then you can bring it up. But now Sierra has options. And if Sam pushes too hard with why didn't you tell me about this? Well, maybe Sierra starts thinking, hey, you know what? This women's alliance isn't such a bad thing. Like nobody's mad at me over here. I mean, I think that's kind of what you want to be that person with options right so now what you have now is who's in the middle now andy's in the middle yeah you know and at one point sam was in the middle one point it was every all the women
Starting point is 00:42:18 were coming to sam or like hey we're gonna vote out andy and and sam was like hey maybe i don't want to vote on andy maybe maybe Maybe I'll vote out Anika. Now it's... Sierra's the person who's the swing in the middle. That's why I feel like it's very interesting where you're trying to figure out who's your three within
Starting point is 00:42:37 these four. It's like, how are you maintaining your majority? At least that's how... I'm thinking, how do you keep my majority or what does my majority look like? And what's my vote after the first vote? Like, which is good to get that first vote out your system. The question is how can I keep the numbers on my side? And it's very hard to keep a target the same. It's hard to keep people pinned down because people are building relationships and it's hard to keep things at status quo. Yeah. So this is a very interesting tribe to watch moving forward and see what happens there. I want to talk about what went on over on the Tuku tribe.
Starting point is 00:43:13 We really just had the one scene with them. First off, it was kind of a wild moment with everything with Sue is lying about her age. with uh sue is lying about her age uh she talked about how uh everybody you know she's she's got them all fooled because you know i think she's actually 58 but she's telling everybody how she's 45 and but she's talking about 45 she is's like, hey, I'm 45. I don't need a wheelchair. I don't need a – I'm like, ma'am. I think Sue – I mean, I feel like Sue – I don't know if people think she's 45. They just – I feel like they know she's older and they know that she's pretty strong and fit.
Starting point is 00:44:08 So I think it kind of comes to the grain of salt. Most women don't talk about their age or a lot of women don't talk about their age so i feel like it's kind of one of those tongue-in-cheek things i do think it's kind of it's good that everybody seems to like want to trust and build a relationship with her at the present moment so she's doing something right and it's funny you know it may maybe being 58 would have been like a good place to be where people do think you're, you're weaker or you're older. Maybe that is the way to go. Yeah. I don't think it would have been like, if she said her real age, I don't think anybody would, uh, you know, help that against her. But anyway, James, this was so interesting and such a great moment on the show when she ends up getting the beware advantage and goes to go look for it.
Starting point is 00:44:50 Now, first off, James, are you surprised that we end up getting a second pre-merge beware advantage on the Tuku tribe? Because now the chat, the beautiful thing about the chat they're gonna correct me if i'm wrong but in the past in the new era okay and we've seen a pre-merge idol play or two that it it just is then a regular idol is hidden i feel like that this is the first time that i can recall that we have a beware advantage gets played and then it gets replaced with another beware advantage. Yeah, I think this is trying to get somebody caught. Like, I feel like this is one of those we want to cause chaos ideas. And I'm here for it where it was like a hard idol to like it was like it was a beware advantage.
Starting point is 00:45:41 But it kind of was like no one's going to randomly look at this random rope and vine. So you're going to find this advantage. The map was very clear. That was the clearest map I've seen of something on an island. So you knew right where to go. So I think they just wanted to see, okay, how are they going to get this advantage and navigate all this red paint around the advantage?
Starting point is 00:46:03 Yeah. I see in the chat uh i'm getting a question about uh what about dre is red-handed idol i believe that was like a secret advantage that was a knowledge is power that we don't need to talk about anymore it's like you know because no knowledge of power with it yes that that was that that was to get the knowledge is power is that what that how she got that? I'm 95% sure, and the chat will correct this if I'm wrong. Yes, okay.
Starting point is 00:46:29 All right, so when the thing falls down and the red paint goes everywhere, that was fantastic. I loved it. Once again, where are people at? Like, Rob, you play you play survivor for those out there that play survivor you leave camp if someone leaves camp with a machete
Starting point is 00:46:51 walking to the water well you're kind of like James in fairness the hidden immunity idol wasn't invented yet when I played survivor okay so if somebody left with a machete you were just like I guess that guy is gonna maybe go kill people with that. You know, my apologies, Rob.
Starting point is 00:47:08 But it's kind of just like, where is this person going? Like for, you know, this nice experience period of time, but clearly there's no rooms on that tribe. So what'd you think of Sue's poker face when Caroline and Tiana comes up? I feel like I don't I feel like they don't think like they're not thinking anything and they may think
Starting point is 00:47:32 about it in the future. It may be something that comes up in the future, but I feel like they feel like it wasn't a good poker face, but I feel like they were really paying attention either. Like, I don't know if they caught on to it or they're just like she doesn't want to really talk about it. Yeah. You know, so I would say only one letter away from sauce, James. No, I mean, but it's kind of like,
Starting point is 00:47:57 I feel like she's got enough equity. You know, she has her tight duo there. Right. So now you have a duo with gate.'s three a duo with tiana that's three a duo but not with kyle so so like she's pulling it like she's in a good place right now yeah i don't think it's gonna come back to hurt her but um they're like oh is that is that blood on you she's like oh nah it's nothing it's nothing i was playing with the machete it's, it's nothing. It's nothing. I was playing with the machete. It's fine. It's fine. Is that, is that, wait, is that, what's up? What's up? I'm like, oh, I bit my tongue.
Starting point is 00:48:30 I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm just like, you know, horsing around. Now, if Sue gave herself a little rock cut, now that would have been a leap. Like that would have been a leap just to cover it up for real. Just like, yeah, I think that Sue needs to like to have it be the perfect crime. Then I think she needs to fake an injury at the end.
Starting point is 00:48:53 No, help, help me. Maybe that goes against the whole thing. Like, Hey, I'm 45. I don't need a cane.
Starting point is 00:49:00 I don't need a wheelchair. But I mean, yo, she like, I mean, she felt like she, she felt the idol. Let's get like, I'm giving kudos. Like, I mean, I think there need a wheelchair. But I mean, yo, she felt like, she felt the idol. I'm giving kudos. I mean, I think there's a lot.
Starting point is 00:49:09 I feel like, I forgot what former Survivor was talking about, just looking for idols and how they're with this worship, men and women. And you got to sue a 58-year-old woman finding the idol. You know, like, I wanted to find the idol. I didn't do it. So I'm just, kudos to Sue out there. You got to work out there, you know. She's still working, you know like i wanted to find the idol i didn't do it so i'm just kudos to sue out there you got to work out there you know she's still working you know yeah kudos to sue she has a full-powered idol i believe uh that is the only one in the game uh that she has that we end up with the only
Starting point is 00:49:38 other person with an idol uh is the are the amulets that are out there and then sam has a one tribal council idol so sue far and away leader in the clubhouse in terms of uh powerful advantages and who knows about sue's idol at the moment nobody and that's really been the most powerful thing with the hidden immunity idol that and and i'm an advocate so i'm a strong believer in letting your allies kind of know certain things depending on situation and when it's called for um but i feel like you need to have some you need to have someone help you use idol correctly nowadays in new era but i think you want to start off just not having people just know where you have it so you kind of think about it and maybe try to plan a good way that you kind
Starting point is 00:50:25 of think about how you want to use it. James, let me ask you, after last week's episode, you had tweeted, hey, I need to get on a Survivor podcast. I have things to say. What was on your mind so much after last week's episode? I just thought that it was so interesting to vote. Just from a sense of when you're thinking about just how like what was the better situation having like, you know, this whole season has been like a situation of what's the next vote was better for me. So like John versus Nika, you know, like now, how does that really look when like as far as every single like kind of twoosome is like am i really in a better place
Starting point is 00:51:06 because of this vote except for the tk vote where i feel like i don't know if they're going to travel anymore but we don't i feel like they're they just are what they are where it's kind of like you make this vote and now you have the ramifications are i'm in the middle now so you vote out genevieve right we put split the votes now you vote together you vote strong you split the votes you come together now you're a group of four you had this one guy here maybe rome gets the puzzle done you don't go to tribal but but now you have a more comfortable possible three to kind of move forward with same thing with sam you know if that doesn't work out with him now it's like you kind of had john you
Starting point is 00:51:41 kind of had sierra always got an Andy. So you had that for, so that first vote is really setting you up for the kind of the permutations happening afterwards. It kind of what's happening in the game and how you're positioning yourself and moving forward. So I want to make sure I'm following what you're saying. So you're six person tribe, the first vote, what are you looking for? I think you try to look for how do you have the most power going into how like what dynamics can you keep stagnant in your favor going to the next vote?
Starting point is 00:52:12 So if you have two sides, you're like, OK, I want to make sure I have those two sides still bickering and I'm in the middle. How do I keep that going? I could keep that going. I feel like that's probably the best way you want to be with regards to being in the middle, you know, where you're able to
Starting point is 00:52:28 kind of make sure and keep those things in status quo and make things... So, like, the question is, you knew you had two solid women
Starting point is 00:52:35 paired with Anika and Rachel on that team. Right. Now, you had John that wanted to work with you without Anika. So the question is, where was John's
Starting point is 00:52:44 three majority coming from without you and Sierra out Anika. So the question is, where was John's three majority coming from without you and Sierra if Anika goes home? Him and Andy still aren't out. So it's kind of like where can you fit and how can you maneuver those things? And I think it's been interesting watching that. So to go back to last week's episode, did you
Starting point is 00:53:00 like the decision just from a positioning standpoint that Keyshawn and Teenie made last week to go after one of Asia or Saul and leave Roman Genevieve in the game?
Starting point is 00:53:15 I think the problem is they like Genevieve a lot, right? So I think it's the Genevieve thing where it's like if it was Roman, somebody they didn't really vibe with a lot, then you split the two too. But I think Genevieve plays a it's like, if it was Rome and somebody they didn't really vibe with a lot, then you split the two too. But I think Genevieve plays a very important part in that. But I think the best move of
Starting point is 00:53:31 Keyshawn and Teenie there would be to split the votes only because one, when Rome got that still vote, you now know him and Genevieve, you know, have all the power. You know, that next vote. You know, so like, who do you really, you know, want to trust? And that's where Genevieve has really been the hidden person that, you know.
Starting point is 00:53:54 And, and we saw Jenna, like, we saw that Asia was the vote last week and we never really got Genevieve's like finger on the scale. I wonder if Genevieve looked at Asia in that tribe as being like, it's either me or her, like what one of us is going to be the person who's running this tribe. And it's going to be me. I don't even,
Starting point is 00:54:13 I don't think it was that. I think it was kind of more of a, I don't even know if I think for her, she's, she knew she was on the other side of that vote. And I feel like she did the math. I feel like she's thinking long term. I feel like she's trying to make moves that are going
Starting point is 00:54:28 to long term. We put her in a good place and I don't think she cared between Saw and Asia. So I'm trying to, and I think you had challenges and Saw has been a beast in challenges. I think it may came down to challenges. I don't think Genevieve strikes me as the type that is
Starting point is 00:54:43 super intimidated by anybody. So I feel like she is not one of those players that's like, oh, we had to get this player out of here because I feel like they're going to run things. She's playing with Rome. And I feel like, oh, she's confident enough to let Rome be Rome. She can still vote Rome
Starting point is 00:55:00 out, but she chooses not to in that restraint. So I think she's just a really you know chill player that you know sometimes you have to read between the confessional lines and kind of see who's not you know getting the screen time and maybe they are doing a lot of good things i thought that one of the really great moments for genevieve in the episode was the conversation she had with saul and it was like boy like, if there was ever like a post Rome world, like, look at us, like, I really feel like, uh,
Starting point is 00:55:28 wouldn't it be great if you and I could work together? I know we've had our differences. Couldn't we, wouldn't that be great? Yeah. And I think there, I think, I don't, I think Genevieve's in her mid thirties and Saul's early forties. So I think you had, when you had that age group, again, when you have a lot of young energy, I feel like there's something that kind of can bring kind of quote unquote older players together by new survivors together like as far as hey we are adults out here and we can have these conversations and we and saw
Starting point is 00:55:57 as a person and you know that i think everybody can talk to in that tribe except for world you know where everybody kind of likes him except for... And I don't even know if Rome doesn't like him. I feel like it's kind of just like... Rome talked about it like a brotherly... Yeah. I don't think Saul is looking at Rome as a brother. I think he's looking at him as like
Starting point is 00:56:18 some... Who are you to talk to me that way? Is this real life at one point? Yeah. I feel like Rome is like when you're talking trash playing fortnite or call of duty and it's kind of like you you like your friends you just like you're just in their face hey do this do this and you go back to kind of being boys it's all i don't think saw is really from that world saws is like yo bro take it take it i can respect you making the approach. I get it, but come with a little tech.
Starting point is 00:56:48 We're playing the game. I get it, but there's a way you go about doing things, and I get it. There's one other moment I really loved from tonight where they're at the tribal council, and they're talking about, okay, it's very tense, and what's going to
Starting point is 00:57:04 happen next, and Genevieve, uh, just says this spooky, scary season, James. I mean, yeah, tribal is a very scared, scary kind of place to be. And, you know, you're making a move. A lot of skulls, a lot of bones. I mean, there's fire, there's Jeff, you can go home. Like, you don't, you wouldn't. You wouldn't make the merge. Spooky. I mean, yeah, it's dark.
Starting point is 00:57:39 Like, you don't know what's out there. Yeah. You know what? In 47 seasons, I don't think they've ever referred to Tribal Council as spooky. Have we seen the set? I, you know, James, my hot take
Starting point is 00:57:54 on the Survivor Tribal Council set, and you were there. You were there recently and you would know. I've said this last season. They should just build one and leave it. They don't need to knock it down and build the same exact thing every single season. I mean, I don't know. Like, I feel like sometimes they hit with the game.
Starting point is 00:58:14 It's not even like they have players back. We're like, oh, I've seen it already. Every new person, they keep bringing new people in. Rob, I feel like Scary Survivor is going to be season 51. And I'm here for it. Like, I feel like after giving the number error after 50, like like Scary Survivor is going to be season 51. And I'm here for it. I feel like after giving the number error after 50, Scary Survivor, let's fall season. It's so dark, you can't even see it.
Starting point is 00:58:32 No, I like to try to scare contestants. We're walking over the torches. You know, yell at us. We're already hungry. Let's go for it. Fully. Haunted house. Let's integrate this.
Starting point is 00:58:42 Okay. James, let's take some questions. If you have questions for us here on the Post Game Show, you can post them in the chat, and then we can go ahead and take them here. Okay.
Starting point is 00:58:58 Elizabeth is asking, was it a mistake for Rachel to push away Andy in episode one? Now she might be in an alliance of two on a tribe of five. I mean, well, I don't, we don't necessarily know if they haven't recovered yet. You know, not going to tribal council has a way of, you know, healing a lot of wounds. And I don't think Andy is a player player that's not receptive to, you know, being, you know, a third. So we might be seeing that side. Maybe Rachel and Andy are still kind of close together.
Starting point is 00:59:31 And they feel they have a three to where the two girls and Andy and Sierra's the fourth. Like, we don't know. And I think that's the one thing that, you know, I come to look at look at when I'm watching the show is like, OK, what aren't we seeing? Like what relationships could possibly be there that maybe were there before that? It kind of fades to the background where Andy is probably now more of a swing vote than we even believe. Yeah, that's right. I don't think it's necessarily a day one thing. I think it was sort of like a the tribe made a decision thing. the tribe made a decision thing. And I feel like that for Rachel and Annika,
Starting point is 01:00:09 I think they're just feeling like, okay, Andy's the next person to go home, no matter what. Let's just like, you know, there's no point in really trying to, you know, let's just appease him. But, you know, I don't think they feel like Andy is vindictive towards them. Right, you know? And like know i don't think they feel like andy is vindictive uh towards them right you know and like i don't think andy i feel like exactly i feel like they feel like
Starting point is 01:00:31 andy maybe get a vote out of them i wonder who do they they know about sam's idol this tribe is fascinating like so you're not targeting sam you're not targeting andy you're not targeting so like like it's i just i'm fascinated by what's happening on that drive where you think sam's not going home you don't think sierra's going home so like is andy just walking around here like i know i'm the bottom guy like how like which is probably something he is walking around that way um he lost his shot in the dark in this episode uh and there was a funny segment where Sam was calling him the survivor, George Costanza.
Starting point is 01:01:06 I'm not sure if I would describe Andy as a George Costanza. He's honestly, he's giving Kramer a little bit more so far than George Costanza. I think Andy's in a great spot, man. Like I wish you could like, there's a way to artificially lower your threat level. And then you could just come up and be everybody's friend.
Starting point is 01:01:24 Like that's a good way to go far in this game. Be everybody's friend. No one's thinking about you. Pro or con. Everybody's Seinfeld. You know what's funny? I've only watched two episodes of Seinfeld. Only two. Which two?
Starting point is 01:01:40 I forgot. It's a while ago. I haven't seen a Seinfeld episode in over 20 years. Maybe I'll send you a couple. Is it on Netflix? Maybe I'll watch that. Maybe I will try a couple episodes. You don't have to watch 178 in order.
Starting point is 01:01:55 I need a top three. I need a top three. Okay. Help me give James Jones the list of top three Seinfeld episodes. Thank you. Appreciate that. Okay. All right. Yeah. That we can do for you.infeld episodes. Thank you. Appreciate that. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 01:02:05 Yeah. That we can do for you, but I'm sorry. Go ahead. Oh no. But yeah, are we talking about eight? I feel like 80 is in this really good spot where you see once you lower
Starting point is 01:02:16 your threat level, people kind of, the game is fast. Like people kind of, it's hard for them to reevaluate, you know, if you're improving. And also some people adapt better like
Starting point is 01:02:26 day one and survivor day two and day three then then someone does sometimes so by the time day seven day eight day nine has come that survivor you know that boxy is kind of evened out a little bit where they're a better player than they were day one they couldn't sleep they didn't have food they were nervous they ate they're a lot better than day one but you still't sleep. They didn't have food. They were nervous. They ate. They're a lot better than day one, but you still look at them like they were day one. So I think there's a lot to kind of starting off slow in the game. James, which of the three tribes do you think will go to Tribal Council? I
Starting point is 01:02:53 expect that there will be one more tribal before we get to the merge. So who do you think is going to go back to Tribal Council before we get to Mergatory? I'm going I think Red makes it a three-peat. Red three in a row. And then who goes home?
Starting point is 01:03:12 I think Rome. Wow. That would be wild. Yeah. I mean, I think that's the case. Or if God goes, I think Hanukkah goes. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:29 But that's kind of... Yeah, I could see that. I also feel like I could see the Blue Tribe at Tribal Council again. I think, you know, I think they have a strong tribe. Like, I just, I don't, I mean, with gabe um gabe and kyle they're strong so like the next challenge is going to be where four people met so gabe like yeah i think they're in tiana is super strong so i feel like they have like a strong tribe that's going to be able to make it through they work they work together but i think that g Gabe has gotten his way so much so far. And I feel like that Gabe says that Tiana is a person that he doesn't want to work with.
Starting point is 01:04:10 And I could see. But we know the previews, Rob. We know the preview. Tell me the preview. The preview of him and Tiana arguing means that neither one of them are going to go home and is not going to be from that tribe. Okay. All right. Let's do some teeny
Starting point is 01:04:25 questions. Janelle said, if you're teeny, what's your next move? Teeny's good. You lost your number one. But it's not necessarily a bad place to be. You have an amulet that you're supposed to bring with two other people.
Starting point is 01:04:42 Now you're kind of still at Rome and you still have Saul beefing. You know, Keyshawn's a wild card. I didn't vote. You know, I mean, I wasn't really for that one. You know, like, however, you didn't vote. So you can stay away from everything. It's a great situation for you.
Starting point is 01:04:58 Yeah, I really thought tonight you saw that Keyshawn could have been a player. I really do think that he had, like had a really high upside in this episode. In the first three episodes, I felt like he made the fire. I didn't really see a ton from him as a player, but tonight I was really starting to see it. I thought he was really starting to come into his own. He's one of the new age, new era survivor beasts,
Starting point is 01:05:22 whereas these players who, you know, you make are very unassuming, like Omar, where you're like, oh, they're unassuming. They're like, they're super polite, but in their head they're thinking like, what move can I make to really like to decapitate your dreams of winning or your alliance, right? And I think now is when you are in a power position,
Starting point is 01:05:44 sometimes you want to keep those players. Right. But sometimes those players are players you want to get out versus a player like Saul, where, you know, exactly where he stands, like where, you know, Saul's against Rome. Like you saw like like no matter what the Saul is against Rome. So that gives you those, you know those factors where Keyshawn has more options than the saw. He's willing to use his options, which may be scary to you that's in power. So what do you do? Do you leave that
Starting point is 01:06:14 person in the game or do you take them out? I think sometimes you're like, oh, they're lower than me. I'm going to keep them in the game. But we see here, sometimes you got to take them out. And I don't think that's a bad move too. Okay. Ben has a question.
Starting point is 01:06:28 Is Teenie set up extremely well now for the merge? They told Andy and Caroline that Rome or Saul was going home. So they clearly appear on the outs and could be easy to pick up. I mean, I had said all along, James, if Teenie gets to the merge, watch out. I had said all along, James, if teeny gets to the merge, watch out. She, they are one of these players where, where it's kind of like, I as a player would be scared of them, but I don't know how many players would be scared of a teeny where I feel like
Starting point is 01:06:58 eventually they may catch on to it, but they may be a casually where I don't see Teenie having that much control, but Teenie is almost like a Marianne where it's hard to maintain control in the game. Sometimes it's better to pick up steam and get it towards the end and that's what we see in a new era where she'll be coming into the merge,
Starting point is 01:07:18 she doesn't have her number one. That also makes her more, makes them more malleable, meaning that they're not coupled to anybody. So now they can make moves with all the tribes. And that's just it. And with Andy. So I feel like they're in a really good place.
Starting point is 01:07:36 And I'm excited to see what Teenie does. So, James, I thought it was also super interesting that we got from Teenie's perspective how Teenie would not vote for Asia last week. That Teenie couldn't bring themselves to vote out Asia at that previous vote and wrote down Saul's name and then felt like, OK, this is really going to come back to bite me. And then ultimately told Saul about that. so I just think that was an interesting part of the Teenie story so far so I wonder how much Keyshawn was pushing for Asia
Starting point is 01:08:13 so I wonder he and Genevieve I think were much more I think that if I had to guess I feel like that Teenie was the person who was the most like hey what about the Asia thing and Keyshawn and Genevieve were like no no no I feel like that Teenie was the person who was the most like, hey, what about the Asia thing? And Sean and Genevieve were like, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 01:08:32 Like, no, we can't work with Asia. Like, we're doing the Rome thing. I think that's what it is. I think that's kind of. So I feel like Teenie is in a place where they're going to be a really good free agent. Because sometimes when you get to the merge, you're tethered to your number one. Good, bad, or indifferent as a duo. But now you have all these juicy targets in front of you,
Starting point is 01:08:55 these juicy duos in front of you. You have Sam and Ciara if they make it to the merge. You have Anika and Rachel if they make it to the merge. You have these nice, juicy Roman and Genevieve if they make it to the merge. You have these nice, juicy Roman Genevieve, and they make it to the merge. Hey, these two are thick as thieves. They were running, and they blindsided me with my number one, and now I'm by myself.
Starting point is 01:09:16 Soul's going to corroborate that story. I hate Rome. I mean, you kind of want to be a wounded little bit going into merge. If you make it past that beginning stage of merge, you become a very dangerous player. Okay. How about Reims28? I thought it was smart for Caroline to tell the truth to her tribe instead of lie.
Starting point is 01:09:39 Better to tell the truth early than to get caught up in a lie later. What do you think about these people that go on the journey, James? I think this is one of those things where three people know. Like, you hide it for, what, six days? And then now you get to the verge of— Did you tell the truth when you came back from your journey? I did, but it was easy. I told them everything. Yeah, Noel had the advantage on it was easy. I didn't, like, I, you know,
Starting point is 01:10:06 I told them everything. Yeah, Noel had the advantage on what was happening. Yeah, I did. But did they believe me? I don't think Lindsey believed me. Like, I mean, like, you can tell the, I feel like that's the one thing you should tell the truth to Survivor.
Starting point is 01:10:17 Lindsey, did you believe James? Lindsey did not believe me. If she's, if Lindsey is still there, I feel like it was like 75% she didn't believe me. Lindsay is still there. I feel like it was like 75% she didn't believe me. She was just like, he can't be this person. I don't believe it. But yeah, so I feel
Starting point is 01:10:34 like you have to think, because you want to lie the least amount as possible. You want to have the least amount of lying you do. You want to lie, but you don't want to just tell lies for no reason out there. Sean has a question. Do we think that Sue will keep this idol
Starting point is 01:10:49 a secret or will she tell Gabe or even Caroline? So if Sue is Gabe's number one and Caroline's number one, I feel like you tell no one until you kind of have a chance to use it. Because I think an idol is, I feel like you tell no one until you kind of have a chance to use it. Because I think an idol, you know, I think Sue is a long-term time fan. Idols is going to be good for changing a vote, especially going into the merge.
Starting point is 01:11:16 Having an idol no one knows about, and if you know the vote, you can impact one vote, and that one vote can get you far. And it may not be saving it for yourself, but it may be using it to stop a vote that you know about or to save an ally. So I think she thinks she's going to keep, she's going to keep it wrapped up until she needs to. But I think she tells Caroline first.
Starting point is 01:11:37 I think she'll tell Caroline. I don't know about Gabe, maybe at the right time she'll tell Gabe, but I wonder if maybe the thing that Kyle told her about how, Oh, Gabe just wants to take it to the end so he can beat you. Maybe that gives her pause. I think that that would give her a pause. But also, I just think her and Caroline, they're together. They have strength.
Starting point is 01:12:00 And I feel like they can also pull in Tiana with all women. So I feel like she's in this really good spot where she, she doesn't have to need to tell anybody and she doesn't feel the pressure to. So I think sometimes I haven't held anything like that, like idle, but not having the knowledge is power. I just wanted a safety for safety without power. I still have a vote, extra vote, any other advantage other than knowledge is power.
Starting point is 01:12:27 Perfect. I mean, you could have had those things if somebody else had them. Yeah, you know, I'm not going to go back there. Yeah. Alright. Well, I don't mean to bring that up, James. Okay. Thundercats has a question for you, James.
Starting point is 01:12:44 Professor of the threat level, was Rome giving Saul I don't mean to bring that up, James. Okay. Thundercats has a question for you, James. Okay. Professor of the threat level, was Rome giving Saul an ultimatum or was it a threat? I mean, can it be both? I see a big distinction there. I mean, it's kind of both. You know what I mean? At the end of the day, but you're playing Survivor, like some things are matter of fact where
Starting point is 01:13:01 I think that's something that happens where you think about the game like, hey, you don't want to do this, you don't want to do that. But some things are just very matter of fact where i think that's something that happens where you think about the game like you don't want to do this you don't want to do that but some things are just very matter of fact and like you get no matter how they're said it kind of is what it is where braun could have been more tactful but there's no real nice way of saying let me get your shot in the dark or i'll vote you out like i don't in a polite way. And you don't play your shot in the dark. So if you're having this conversation, it's going to be a hard conversation, right?
Starting point is 01:13:30 Regardless of whatever happens. At the end of the day, I feel like from a threat level standpoint, I think Rome knows that people are looking at him and people are looking at him as someone they want to get out. So at the same time, his job and what he's been doing
Starting point is 01:13:44 is trying to keep power. How do you keep power? By being loyal to people, you know, and also doing things to kind of, like Eutini was saying, Rome was out there with Saul protecting the four. People know Rome is bought into the four. Part of the reason why they feel like they can blindside Rome is because Rome was bought into the four. So there's some level of trust that Rome is displaying
Starting point is 01:14:06 that people had to give Rome respect for that in that for his game where he's not he's out there doing his thing, but his thing is demonstrating loyalty. Yeah. And he's not a real villain. Like, come on. I mean, Gabe is talking about this, but I think Rome does have like the Russell thing where
Starting point is 01:14:22 he's very loyal to his people and very like not so nice to the people that aren't loyal to him. I mean, that's that's a rivalry. That's how it's supposed to be. But it's just kind of like we haven't had people that were just more matter of fact. I think everybody wants to be subtle and nice. We like whatever it is. Well, I think that ultimately it's a game about trying to win over favor from the people that you vote out and then ultimately like have options to work with throughout the game, especially in the new era.
Starting point is 01:14:54 So I think that this is like where it didn't even work for Russell back when Russell was doing it. So I can't imagine that now is the right time to bring that style of gameplay back yeah however it is uh it is we're still in i call a group but we're still in small tribes so i mean he has enough time when you get to the merge and maybe it's a small charting maybe it's an emerge and he kind of takes a back seat a little bit at the verge and then comes back up. I mean, with Rome, I don't think we know. So maybe he has another gear to kind of shift down or shift up. Okay. Only time will tell.
Starting point is 01:15:33 And then, James, Stephen Kaz has a question. James Jones, any tips for aspiring chess players? Man, be comfortable losing. Just play people better than you. Do you still play a lot of chess, James? I definitely do not. But I do play when I get a chance to
Starting point is 01:15:58 recreationally. If I see some people playing on the street, I'll stop and stop and play a game. People still do that. It's kind inside and play a game. Wow. But like, yeah, people still do that. It's kind of, it's kind of like, it's like an art, like an old science.
Starting point is 01:16:09 You just walk in down the street and some old guys, typically older guys have a chest set out. You're like, oh. Like a 45 year old? I'm,
Starting point is 01:16:16 as a, as a 40 year old, almost 40 year old. I know I, A 45 year old guy in a wheelchair? I can't call, I can't,
Starting point is 01:16:23 I can't call a 45 year old guy old but yes those 45 year olds us senior citizens in our 40s like playing chess outside the barber shop or at a coffee shop yeah it's always fun running into one of those games and having some fun what was the heyday of your chess career man probably like middle school high school like i mean like i started playing i started playing basketball running track track more so yeah and like just i think people don't really get like when you're playing it especially competitively you're like studying you're in like two or three hours a day like you're memorizing tournament games could be up to six
Starting point is 01:17:02 hours like me with adhd playing a six-hour game and and those things like happen like where you're like you're literally there you're playing seven games a weekend no it's not like that crazy but you're but you really are you could have like two five hour matches in one day like that's not like i heard of and that happens a lot so yeah i kind of burned out a little bit uh chess to be something that was really good preparation for survivor i feel like thinking about just all types of angles where everybody's coming from we're like you want to present options when you're playing like and understand the options you present are bad for other people like so if you have an option and it's a bad option for someone else and it's blatantly bad,
Starting point is 01:17:45 how are you going to position that option? Or do you even present that option? They may look at it as a slap in the face. You know, I mean, hey, I'm a victim
Starting point is 01:17:53 of not thinking, hey, Owen, you want to sit out? Like, I mean, no one is perfect. But I do think trying to be able to figure out,
Starting point is 01:18:00 okay, what is this person trying to do? And then how do I counteract that? Or how can I preemptively strike whatever is happening where I know this is a good move for me, but what's a good move for them? Or how can I frame this as a good move for them? Yeah. Like, and thinking about that with all your conversations you're having out there where
Starting point is 01:18:20 this is good for you and figuring out what that person is trying to do so that's what kind of chess is james i think at first blush you might think about like okay oh all right so if survivor is like chess i'm thinking about it like all the other players are my pieces on the board how do i move these people but but is a better analogy is like you're playing like 17 different chess matches against the other people. And each one is like a different, okay, how do I like, how am I playing against this one? How am I playing against this one? Yeah. You want to constantly reevaluate like who's against the board.
Starting point is 01:18:56 And that's how chess masters can play 17 people or 10 people at once. Cause you're making moves on each individual game. And when you're doing that, you're ascertaining like, what's their style? What's their temperament? And you're trying to figure out what things are going to push them the right way or to your way. And sometimes you calculate right. And sometimes you calculate wrong. Like with me and Noel, I was like, okay, Noel, I know you're an athlete, you're a sports.
Starting point is 01:19:19 You want to play with the big dogs. We're out here. I got your back. XYZ the whole time. she wants me out like you know it's just kind of like you make a bad calculation about kind of what's happening there because you think this is what they want or like you think this gives them security so i think you're trying to figure out okay how can i get the people that i'm playing with to feel secure with me and present options to them that make sense for their security yeah and you know in chess you're trying to get the other player to make a mistake you know or you're trying to you know push the issue either way you're still trying to drive a mistake by their player first
Starting point is 01:19:55 and then that's typically how most games go where the person that makes the first the biggest mistake first loses you're gonna capitalize on that mistake at the same time. James, the chat has one more question for you about James wants to know, do you have any guesses for what the twist that Jeff mentioned in the preview could be? I think we're going to have a little tribe swap action.
Starting point is 01:20:18 I think we have some tribe swap. Tribe swap to three or is it possible that Steven in the chat says that uh were there only two challenge colors in the tribe wait wait three tribes to two tribes that would be epic like if that happens i feel like like that would be a very epic thing to happen. So we're down to what? 14? Two tribes of seven? If we are down to 14, if we are,
Starting point is 01:20:50 I love that. And I feel like it's better, you know me, I hate murder stories, but I hate these half-immune stuff, yo. Have people play and let's play Survivor. Like, these half, like, split people off in halves and let's lower
Starting point is 01:21:06 no like seven let's go i like this let's go like take your seven yeah seven a couple votes let's have it go i like it okay they do it all right james anything else you want to say about uh survivor uh no man i'm thoroughly enjoying this season. I just tell people, like, do not, like, understand that this game is a very hard game. We get up here, we talk, and we say about moves, but there's no right way to play this game. There's no wrong way to play this game. There is dumb stuff you can do, but what you cannot do, what you should not do is chastise the players personally. Yeah, who's doing that? The people on Twitter?
Starting point is 01:21:46 Hey, man, I don't know, but I just want people to, you know, treat our Survivor people with grace. I don't want us to become the Big Brother folks, you know, so. Oh, it's rough out there, James. It's rough in those Big Brother streets, so the hashtag BB26.
Starting point is 01:22:00 It's rough out there. I mean, even like, okay, you know, we talked about Asia last week, and, you know mean, even like, okay, you know, we talked about Asia last week, and, you know, she looks like, okay, she's ready to take this whole game on, ultimately gets on like a tribe that the whole thing goes sideways. But even Keyshawn also, where, you know, what did he do wrong? He said the wrong name in the fake plan. And then that's why he loses. Yeah. Like, you know, so like my, my Al Pacino said it during my favorite speech in a worst
Starting point is 01:22:33 football play movie. It's about inches. Any given Sunday you fight for that inch. And like the one thing, there's like one thing you can say that can literally turn you off to somebody. And that's just kind of what it is. It takes one thing you can say that can literally turn you off to somebody and that's just kind of what it is it takes one thing that can have that lightning bulb go off on that player that wasn't really thinking you know thinking about food was tired it's like you don't know what those things are and that's the thing about survivors like you're walking around on little minds and you never know when you're going to step on one in somebody's head when you when you don't anticipate it you're just a regular conversation.
Starting point is 01:23:06 And all of a sudden, you done triggered them good, bad, or indifferent. James, how's everything going outside Survivor? Everything is good. Landlording is overrated. Yes. The Eagles are definitely not my favorite right now. I'm excited for the Sixers upcoming season. Very excited for that.
Starting point is 01:23:28 Life is good. I'm pretty blessed for the most part. I'm excited about the future of Survivor and all the fake pre-gaming that is happening for 50. I look forward to seeing all the speculation on Twitter and
Starting point is 01:23:44 socials and the Reddits about Trips. Survivor, Alumnus, who's going to go on. That's the place to get it. Yeah. You grilling anything good these days? Oh, good question. For those who don't know, I really do like to make food and cook food. So I probably will be grilling a rack of ribs and some crabs, maybe some lamb this weekend. Wow.
Starting point is 01:24:05 One of those three. Not all three. Not all three. I'm trying to slim down. You know, I may get that call. Joking. Joking. James, I'm looking forward to seeing you soon because we'll be together
Starting point is 01:24:22 one week from tonight in New York City that we have a couple of tickets left. Go to robinswebsite.com slash NYC 47. All the Survivor stars will be there. So you want to come on out and watch whatever this twist is going to be. We'll find out about it in person coming up next Wednesday night. Very excited for that coming up in just one week's time. Looking forward to that one, James. Hey, I'm going to be up
Starting point is 01:24:56 there, so I look forward to seeing everybody in New York. I know there's going to be a lot of survivors in the building, so alumni is always good to kick it with those folks. So I'm excited. to be kicking with those folks. Yeah. So I'm excited. We might have 47 alumni also, by the way. So it's going to be a jam-packed house at the live show coming up next week.
Starting point is 01:25:14 Rob's website at com slash NYC 47. Patrons, by the way, also, we are doing a meetup on Tuesday night, the night before. It's patron only. That information should be up on Patreon at patreon.com slash R-H-A-P.
Starting point is 01:25:29 I love Gabler. I'm sorry. Gabler's that guy. Let's go back. What's up with Gabler? No, he just sent me a text. Gabler's that person. What was his text? Gabler? No, he was just tuning in. He was just like he just said, go James. Go James! But like, those are the things where he was like, it's Gabler. Like He just said, go James. Go James.
Starting point is 01:25:47 But those are the things where he was like, it's Gabler. That's my guy. Yeah. Sorry. Okay. I had said that I feel like that could Andy potentially go on a Gabler-esque run this season, James. Guy on the yellow tribe looks like down and out in the first episode. People are counting him out, trying to get back under the radar. I mean, I feel like the story he can tell about.
Starting point is 01:26:11 Is he a millennial Gabler? He could be. I think he's Gen Z though. Or whatever after millennial was that? I think he's in his early thirties. I don't know if that's quite Gen Z. Oh, okay. Maybe that is millennial. I'm just an older millennial. He's a baby millennial. I think in this new age, I feel like once you diverge,
Starting point is 01:26:35 it's a whole different game. And it's kind of, are you able to describe and frame your game? And I feel like what Andy's doing a good job of is explaining his game, but not being too down on it. Meaning like I am at the bottom per se, but I'm like not as like upset about it.
Starting point is 01:26:52 And I feel like it's just a kind of path to the end. And I feel like he has a story to say that you guys all counted me out. I started off here. I ended here. And during that path up, he's going to have to make a move or two, or maybe he doesn't have to you know he can frame a story you guys brought me here thank you very much cut me the
Starting point is 01:27:10 check yeah look it's not the craziest thing in survivor to be starting at the bottom and end up at the top you know uh harder to start at the top and stay at the top I completely agree it's hard to keep the momentum of, you know, one having control and then people knowing you have control. Because, you know, it's easy in the beginning, but as time goes on, people aren't like bad players anymore.
Starting point is 01:27:35 The baseline survivor player is pretty like good. So they're not going to continue to be on the wrong side of the vote. And they get down to seven. It lets you keep going and get to the end it doesn't happen okay all right so that's next week we will be uh live in new york city uh shannon gus is going to hold it down in this spot in one week's time then this is very exciting james it's been 10 years since all the brains and brawn and beauty hit the beach on Survivor Cagayan.
Starting point is 01:28:08 It was the spring of 2014. And all year long, we've been working on a documentary called I Stand Cagayan, featuring some of your favorite players and podcasters getting together to talk about a magical season that hit the air 10 years ago. And I'm thrilled to announce publicly for the very first time that we will have the world premiere of the RHAP original I Stand Cagayan, which is a documentary really in the style of James. Did you ever watch the, like,
Starting point is 01:28:47 I love the nineties. I believe so, but that was so far ago too. So I'm excited. I love the two thousands. I love the eighties. So we went back, we,
Starting point is 01:28:59 we did a ton of interviews and, uh, really, uh, the, the brain trust of, uh, Amanda Rabinowitz, Mattott lindsey wilson
Starting point is 01:29:07 uh really put their heads together this is uh people are really gonna love this we are having our world premiere in philadelphia james i'm hoping that you can be there that's gonna be at uh october appropriately 28 on your calendar. Philadelphia, I'll be there. Rob has a website at com slash Cagayan screening. It's not going to be a huge, huge theater like we're doing the New York show. So tickets are limited. If you want to be with us there in person to be the first to screen the film for some Q&A,
Starting point is 01:29:44 maybe a little after party after. Rob is at website.com slash Cagayan screening. Then everybody else can see it when we drop it on the RHAP YouTube channel. Also, James, this weekend we released our very first RHAP Blood on the Clocktower game. Did you see this? I did.
Starting point is 01:30:06 Rob, to be quite honest, I was very sad that I was not invited to be on this, you know, I partake. And out of that, I was very taken aback by it. Yes. But it's okay. You want to be in the next one? I mean, I'm just putting my head in the race, you know.
Starting point is 01:30:23 I saw the names. I know I'm not as big as some of those people that are on there, you know. However, so no, I'm tuned in. Like, it's going to be great. I love playing the game. You would be great on the next one. So hopefully we can work it out.
Starting point is 01:30:38 I'll tell Steven Fishback to hit you up for that. If you've never seen Blood on the Clock Tower, you will hold your hand through it. Check it out on our YouTube channel, Survivors Playing Blood on the Clocktower. Then this Friday, I'll be back taking patron questions on the patron Q&A.
Starting point is 01:30:59 I don't really know. We got the weird image going on there, but okay, sure. We live at, at what time? 3 PM Eastern coming up on Friday. I took about like 30 questions from live from the patrons, uh, call-ins on Friday. We'll see what the patrons have up their sleeve after another jam-packed episode. All right. And of course, all of our Survivor coverage, you can follow it on our, at weknowsurvivor.com, including the exit interview, the know-it-alls, everything that's going on. Of course, the Purple Pants podcast, Survivor News, Survivor Global, Why Blank Lost, the BNB, it's all there in our Survivor feed, weknowsurvivor.com. Okay. Survivor, San Juan del Sur every week. We've been talking about
Starting point is 01:31:46 what's been going on 10 years in the past. Also from 2014. Have you watched the summit, James? I have tuned into the summit. Yeah. Okay. I like it. It's good. Everybody's like, yeah, the summit is better than I thought it was going to be. Chappelle and Taryn are talking about the summit every week. Episode two dropped tonight tonight i heard it was crazy uh they'll have a recap for you coming up uh you can follow that if you go to we know the summit.com tomorrow night cory wertenberger joins us okay uh that is going to be to talk about the final four eviction have you been keeping up with this big Brother season? I feel like I have the perfect equilibrium of watching and reading and seeing clips online
Starting point is 01:32:30 to understand what is happening. But I have been keeping up. I feel like it's been a good season. I feel like, you know, shout out to Cam. I don't like he's playing the most under... Shout out to the dogs at the crib? The dogs at the crib. He's playing most under...
Starting point is 01:32:43 I don't know if he's trying to do this, but the most low profile social game. Not since Gabler has anybody laid so low and like waiting to strike. Gabler won immunity. Gabler won immunity. He could win the last one. Like Gabler could like. He won a veto. Oh, he won a veto?
Starting point is 01:33:01 He did. He won the last one? No, he won a veto, not the final veto. Oh, okay. Yeah. So I didn't remember that. I mean, sorry, Cam. But no, I think everybody's playing a great game.
Starting point is 01:33:12 I like that everybody's in the final. It was the Yankee swap. The Yankee swap? Yeah. That was the veto that he won. Oh. Yeah. Good job, Cam.
Starting point is 01:33:22 Okay. All right. Corey Wernberger is going to join us for tomorrow night's eviction. Me, Taryn, and Corey coming up tomorrow night. Okay. Then, James, how about House of Villains? Do you follow any of this? So, love House of Villains.
Starting point is 01:33:38 Big Challenge fan. Excited to see Wes. Wes. You know, get a chance to play that game. I did watch Jesse season, the big brother. I think he played twice, right?
Starting point is 01:33:47 He did. Big brother 11. Yeah. So he played twice. You know, familiar with his game. So we talked to him today. Me and Jenny and Chappelle talked to Mr.
Starting point is 01:33:59 Pectacular earlier today. I had a little interview to get hyped for the season. Jenny Chappelle. And I also did a preview of the season. Jenny and Chappelle are going to have all of the coverage of House of Villains. You can follow that. Go to WeKnowVillains.com for the House of Villains podcast feed. And then over on Dancing with the Stars, Matt and Sasha are talking with Izzy Gleischer is talking about Dancing with the Stars. Should be very fun.
Starting point is 01:34:30 OK, and that's all I've got. Got nothing else for you. Rob's website, a com slash patron for everything else we've got. James, where can people keep up with you? Follow me on Instagram. J to theJones. Twitter, J2TheJones. Not really on Facebook.
Starting point is 01:34:50 You don't have to really do that. And, yeah, I mean, that's pretty much it. Okay. Oh, Twitch, J2TheJones. I'm going to get that going. But you can follow me on there, too. Playing chess? I'd say video games, maybe some cooking and grilling.
Starting point is 01:35:04 I was thinking about maybe talking about some episodes live with some Survivor. I don't know about Seinfeld, but that's actually a maybe maybe me watching Seinfeld and my reactions. I don't know, but I'm just trying to twist thing out. So, OK. All right. That'll be fun. All right. Looking forward to that. Thank you so much for joining us. We'd love to see what you have to say in the comments here in the YouTube comment section. And then I'll be back with a busy Thursday here
Starting point is 01:35:33 on RHAP. Thank you so much for joining us. Take care, everybody. Have a good one. Bye.

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