RHAP: We Know Survivor - Survivor 48 Cast Reveal First Reactions

Episode Date: January 29, 2025

Rob Cesternino (@RobCesternino) and Mike Bloom (@AMikeBloomType) are here to share with the listeners their reactions to the cast reveal of Survivor 48! Join us to learn a bit about the 18 new castawa...ys to be tested on the islands of Fiji

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Starting point is 00:00:32 In the thick of the winter season, you may be in need of some joie de vivre. Well, look no further, honey, because Sunwing's Best Value Vacays has your budget-friendly escapes, all the way to five-star luxury. Yes, you heard correctly, budget and luxury all in one place. So instead of ice scraping and teeth chattering, choose coconut sipping and pole splashing.
Starting point is 00:00:53 Oh, and book by February 16th with your local travel advisor or at... Hey, everybody. What's going on? Rob Sestrino back! We are ready to kick off another season of Survivor Coverage here. Hey everybody, what's going on? Rob Sestrino back! We are ready to kick off another season of Survivor coverage here on RHAP. I am so excited to be back here once again to talk about it all with a man who's taking a quick break from fishing for likes to talk with us about the brand new cast of Survivor 48. His name is Mike Bloom. Yes. Unfortunately, a new era survivor, you have to earn your fishing gear to fish for likes in the first place. So yeah, certainly
Starting point is 00:01:36 have to work in order to attain that. But right now, Rob, I'm feeling pretty 40 great about 48 and I can't already wait to talk to you about these new people. Okay. All right, Mike, thrilled to have you back here, of course, the host of the brand new Reality Flash Breaking News podcast, of course, very excited to have you all here with us. We're streaming live here on a Wednesday afternoon as we are, Mike, but four weeks away? How many weeks? So February 26th is when we're getting our two hour
Starting point is 00:02:12 premiere of a Survivor 48. So yeah, people say that January takes forever and I very much felt that as well. Luckily we have had some nice reality TV to warm us in the winter months, of course, especially for Survivor fans watching some legends on Dondi and on the Traders. But now, Rob, we have a new season, a new cast to look forward to. Of course, this is a big year for Survivor.
Starting point is 00:02:36 It's 25th anniversary. Survivor 50 will be filming even from like a global perspective. We have Australia versus the world coming up. And so this and the other Australia season are the ones that are really kicking us off right now as we have a brand new group of newbies who I have the great pleasure of meeting in person in Fiji last summer. Wow. OK, so this is our time. Great time to be a Survivor fan.
Starting point is 00:03:00 Twenty twenty five. We're doing it. Got it. Look, first off, let's just like let's do a little safety check at the start of the podcast. Okay, microphone, check. Got it. Headphones, check. Podcast listeners, check. Check, make sure your headphones are in securely. Okay, next thing, let's just make sure, okay,
Starting point is 00:03:18 are we subscribed? Did we subscribe to the podcast? Are we ready? Did we do that? Because you can't start the Survivor season until you're subscribed to the podcast? Are we ready? Did we do that? Because you can't start the Survivor season until you're subscribed to the podcast. I didn't make the rules, okay? This might have just come down as a law, okay? There's a lot of stuff. A lot of stuff is happening we don't even really know. Just to be sure, I want to make sure everybody is being safe out there. Go to
Starting point is 00:03:44 robhasawwebsside.com slash subscribe. That's where we have all the links to subscribe to the podcast. I just want to make sure that everybody is locked in, being safe out there, making sure, because they're like, I missed that, I missed that. You won't miss anything when you're subscribed. And if you're watching us here on YouTube,
Starting point is 00:04:02 hit that subscribe button, because you're not going gonna want to miss it. We got a lot coming your way. Yes, we really do and starting tomorrow basically, I mean technically starting today with what we are about to do but for those that are not aware of our typical process here I got the chance to talk with all 18 castaways from Survivor 48 shortly before the season began and beginning tomorrow, those interviews are dropping in your eyes and in your ears for you to learn a bit
Starting point is 00:04:29 about the people we're gonna watch over the next four months. All right, this is huge. We needed this, okay? Mike Bloom's interviews from Fiji are gonna start dropping tomorrow. We're gonna do two a days, and we're gonna do it a little bit different this time around, okay? So we'll be do two a days and we're gonna do it a little bit different this time around, okay?
Starting point is 00:04:45 So we'll be dropping both the YouTube videos and the podcast, two a day, and we're gonna go tribe by tribe. So we'll have three days of dropping the interviews and then Mike and I will come back and talk with you about each tribe. Then we'll start the next tribe. Same thing. You get it. That's why you have to make sure you're subscribed. Exactly. So yeah, it's a little bit of a balance between the ways that we previously done things. Basically what we figured out through doing these, the multiple times that we have is that trying to sort of analyze how people
Starting point is 00:05:20 would do in their tribe is a little tough when you don't know everything about everybody in that group. So we thought it might be the most proper for you, Rob, and for everyone else out there to get to know the six people individually before we come back to a separate podcast where we sort of make our base judgments as to how we think they're going to do as a group, what are their biggest possible friendships, enemies, et cetera.
Starting point is 00:05:44 So we're going to be putting out basically a podcast every weekday for the foreseeable future. So for example, we're going to have tomorrow is two interviews, Friday is two interviews. We're taking the weekend off so everyone can catch up. Monday two more interviews. And then the day after will be Rob and I essentially breaking down, giving our thoughts on those previous six interviews, what we think about the tribe. Then the next day, the cycle continues until we go through all 18 castaways.
Starting point is 00:06:09 Yeah, I would hardly say we're taking the weekend off because we got a lot of stuff coming your way here on RHJP, including an all-timer survivor interview coming later on tonight. So make sure you subscribe and watch this space for a great interview coming later on tonight on the social game podcast when poverty shallow joins Michelle and Kelly on episode 3 of the social game premiering live. I believe at 7 p.m. Eastern Make sure you subscribe for that. Okay. Yes, I'm Rob I believe you and I were some hot subjects of last week's edition of the social game So I can only imagine I have some follow-up questions. I don't put you on the spot Mike, but I were some hot subjects of last week's edition of the social games. So I can only imagine what's to come. I have some follow up questions.
Starting point is 00:06:46 I don't want to put you on the spot, Mike, but I have some follow up questions for you. I mean, I have some follow up questions for those people, but yeah, sure. We can pass the chain along. Okay. All right, Mike, we've got our 18 new cast members. You met them in person. Okay. What else do we know about Survivor at this hour other than the identities of the players anything?
Starting point is 00:07:06 Yeah, so what I would imagine is that people assume which would be correct Is that correction correction 8 p.m.. For the social game, but tune in You can join early and chat on YouTube. Okay, exactly. You could build all the it's not a crime to get to the YouTube channel An hour early people. Okay. Yeah,. To be early is to be on time. What I will say about Survivor 48 in general is that largely the structure of what we've seen in the new era is going to continue. We do have three tribes of six people each. I will say as someone who got to see the events of the premiere without going into
Starting point is 00:07:41 much, you could expect it to follow a similar structure as the events of the premiere without going into much. You could expect it to follow a similar structure as the premiere of Survivor 47. What I will say overall about this cast is that first off, this ended up becoming a thing with casting in the new era that the even number seasons tend to contain some of the bigger personalities and characters compared to the odd number season. I would say the trend continues here. This is another personality filled cast. They are a very confident cast as well.
Starting point is 00:08:12 But I do think they are a little more unique than some of the other new era cast that have come before them in a couple of ways. First, this has to be with no offense to the seasons that have come before them, the beefiest cast in the era of Survivor. Yes, there is Fizik out the wazoo. Oh, I didn't get that from them. OK. Yes. So we have some incredibly buff boys to the point that. So meaty.
Starting point is 00:08:42 Yeah. One of the things that I mentioned is, you know, who are you vibing with? Who are you not vibing with? These big boys are ones that almost everyone is pointing out. But even on the other side, you have a hockey player. You have two firefighters. You have an ultra marathon runner like this is actually a very physically heavy cast, which, again, is very interesting compared to
Starting point is 00:09:02 what I think are perhaps some of the unfair stereotypes that are usually thrown in with the new era. And continuing with those stereotypes, we have perhaps a bit more of a diversity in range of fandoms in this season. Of course, we do have our Died in the Wall have been watching since day one, have always wanted to apply, have applied for years. We have of course, some of our people who found the show through the pandemic, fell in love, blitzed through it all and decided this is the time for them.
Starting point is 00:09:31 But there are a couple people who it's not recruiting. But Rob, there is one contestant who watched the first couple of seasons as they happened years ago, did not watch for decades and then then decided on a whim, yeah, I'm going to apply for this. Wait, hold on. So there's not even any podcasters on this season, Mike? They went cold turkey. Do we even have any patrons on this cast? What the hell? I mean, maybe they, they did their experiment, right? They said, well, throw them all on one season. Surely at least one of them will do well. And then when there were
Starting point is 00:10:05 maybe some mixed results, they said, all right, we're done. We're going back to the drawing board. What mixed results? It was a great, it was a great season. I, yeah, listen, I believe so. But for what it's worth, maybe some people will leave at the end of this, uh, bringing about podcasts into the survivor universe. Cause these people are also talkers as well. I will apologize in advance with these interviews because I had a very fun time talking with them. I laughed a lot. And so be prepared for a lot of energy, excitement,
Starting point is 00:10:33 and laughter to come when I talk with these 18 people. Okay. All right. So we're just going to do a little bit of get to know you. And we're going to bring up, we got a slideshow. We're going to meet our 18 people Mike's gonna give a little log line of these 18 faces just what you need to know off the rip and then we will start with our podcast coming tomorrow and we will drop two interviews and these are gonna be some speaking of meaty and beefy these going to... Mike didn't give you any cheapos
Starting point is 00:11:05 this season. Nope. The shortest one is, I believe, about like 16 or 17 minutes. The longest is getting close to half an hour. So, again, listen, not to toot my own horn, but one of the reasons why I'm so grateful that CBS gives me after. Mike, that's halfway to a deep dive. Yeah, exactly. It's basically what? Now it's a shallow dive, working on it. I call it a medium dive. Yeah, but basically why I'm so grateful that you and CBS
Starting point is 00:11:29 gave me the opportunity to do this is look, unvarnished, you know, without the edit, without the structures of the game impacting how they behave, this is an opportunity for us to get to know them as people, what brought them not into the show, but also onto the show, why they think they're going to do well, some opinions that will play out incredibly,
Starting point is 00:11:52 sincerely some that might end up going completely off track from how they came in initially expecting how they would do. But regardless, it's a way for them to show off their personality in a moment where in the pre-season, I am one of the only people they've gotten to speak to in general after days and days of sitting on their hands. So it led to some really fun talks and I'm really excited for people to check it all out. Okay, Mike, we have here a little graphic that says that we're going to first talk about
Starting point is 00:12:21 the Seva tribe. Am I pronouncing that right? It's not a hard C, right? Yes, Seva tribe. This is our orange tribe. Of course, as it is an even numbered season, we're continuing with a tradition that we have in the past couple with 44 and 46. We've got the secondary colors going on, orange, green, purple,
Starting point is 00:12:37 but these players are certainly not secondary. We didn't even know that was a thing, Mike. You just blew my mind. Oh yeah, we got primary, secondary, basically every other season at this point. Yeah, okay, Mike, you just blew my mind. Oh yeah, we go primary, secondary, basically every other season at this point. Yeah, okay. Mike, I'm sorry, I was just today years old when I learned that.
Starting point is 00:12:51 Oh really? Yes, all right. So, I'm gonna think about it more later. I can't stop down the podcast. Okay, Mike, all right, so are these gonna be these first people we're gonna see? Are these in the order that we're gonna get the interviews? No, so this is the tribes in alphabetical order. I'll outline the order of the tribes that we're gonna see, are these in the order that we're gonna get the interviews? No, so this is the tribes in alphabetical order.
Starting point is 00:13:06 I'll outline the order of the tribes that we're going in after all this. But I figured this is the order that I released, of course, everything at parade.com, which includes their bios, their photos, their tribe divisions, as we mentioned, much more to come there in terms of individual interviews. But this is how we're getting to know them
Starting point is 00:13:23 on an alphabetical basis. Okay, let's go. Siva! All right, well, let's start with a nice Siva, the diva of the Sivas as it were. Our first person up for Survivor 48. And we'll see when she asks, give the money to charity, if that will be something literal. I'm talking about charity nouns. Okay.. Okay. So Charity, Charity is a, just looking up her name really quick. Yes, 34 years old from St. Petersburg, Florida. She is a flight attendant,
Starting point is 00:13:54 but also a bit of a fitness coach as well. Charity's story, very interesting about a decade ago. She was on a completely different path. She was in ministry school. She was struggling a lot with her own identity and an eating disorder. And she took her life on a completely different path. She was in ministry school. She was struggling a lot with her own identity and an eating disorder. And she took her life on a completely different path. She lost a hundred pounds.
Starting point is 00:14:11 A hundred pounds? Yeah, she dedicated, you know, her life to health and trying to, you know, pass on the advice that she received onto others. And so charity is now coming into the game to, as you said, sort of make up for lost time, you know, be able to embody that personality that she felt she always could have been, but wasn't able to for the longest time. Okay. Wow. That's quite a story. Yes. Charity has a big story.
Starting point is 00:14:36 People have already clocked. Charity is a big Jane Bright fan from survivor Nicaragua. Well, I just ran into Jane Bright back in the fall. Oh, she's a Carolina woman. Yeah, look, I'm in the North Carolina Alliance. It's me, Jane, and Chase Rice. And I was out at- Three tickets for challengers, please. Yeah, UNC Chapel Hill, and they did a Survivor College viewing party there.
Starting point is 00:14:59 And it was me, Jane, Sandra, Crystal Cox, Sabrina Thompson, Johnny Fairplay, like what a crew. Dream blunt rotation, yes, absolutely. Jane told me she watches every Survivor episode, Mike, three to four times. Is it like, surely it can't be the only channel that's on her farm She loves it. Jane still on Survivor and she also said that I think she said she watches it in a sauna
Starting point is 00:15:32 I think oh Man, I mean, I guess it's sort of trying to put yourself in that Fijian heat I mean is Jane getting herself in shape for 50. Is that really what that is? I don't know if that like it's like a Fijian environment in the sauna, but I wouldn't know, Mike. You would know better. That's true. That's right. It depends on the time of the year. But Charity is trying to not feel the heat. In fact, she's trying to create some because not to get into too much.
Starting point is 00:15:56 Actually, in an hour and a half, I have a nice compilation piece releasing on Parade.com of everybody's hot takes. Charity's hot take. There have been no villains in the new era of survivors so far, and she might have to be the one to take up the mantle. Oh, she wants to be villain. She says that she might do it if need be. OK, all right.
Starting point is 00:16:15 Please. Thank you. OK. Charity Melms. Next up, Chrissy Sarnowski. And if you could imagine the name for a 55 year old firefighter from the South side of Chicago, it probably would be something like Chrissy Sarnowski. Is she getting last name treatment, Mike?
Starting point is 00:16:34 You think this is a Sarnowski? I don't know, dad. That's pretty dang good. It sounds, I mean, it just feels so appropriate for the firehouse, you know? I think Chrissy is so humble that she would not necessarily insist it. She would not be a Cochrane or a Jalinski. We'll see if Chrissy earns it on her own merit.
Starting point is 00:16:53 She might, because Chrissy is a badass. She is a fire lieutenant. She is someone who saw this gnarly motorcycle accident years ago and was like, well, that's fun. I should become an EMT and a firefighter by proxy. And yeah. And so now she finds herself quite literally in the line of fire. She saw a car wreck and said, that's fun.
Starting point is 00:17:13 Oh, it was a nasty motorcycle accident, Rob. Yeah, we get into it a lot. What's interesting is us speaking to perhaps the diverse set of opinions about the fandom. Chrissy does not like super fans. Chrissy says that those who 3D Pimp puzzles are cheating. Oh, I don't do that. Exactly. What if you host a podcast?
Starting point is 00:17:33 I I don't want to necessarily broad brush Chrissy Sarnowski. I don't know if she knows there are Survivor podcasts out there. OK, if so, welcome to the fold. Chrissy, we're excited to have you. And Chrissy is welcoming herself into the fold of Survivor, hoping that despite being the oldest person on the season, we should also say, Rob, it's all a bit of a sliding scale, but this is a bit of an older cast. Yeah, then in previous seasons, there's only, I think, like three people in their 20s.
Starting point is 00:17:57 Everyone else is in their 30s or older. Three people in their 40s and older. And the oldest person is Chrissy at 55. But she's not going to be the mom but she's not gonna be the mom she's gonna be the cool aunt of the Siva tribe. Okay sounds good. Okay next up David Kinney this is a guy that earned a lot of nicknames this is one of the beefy boys Rob uh he's been called by his cast members Captain America, Superman, Giga Chad. Giga Chad?
Starting point is 00:18:26 Yep, one of his own tribe members. He went Giga Chad on him? Nicknamed him Giga Chad. So David. They actually called me my Sigma Chad. Oh boy, well, you might need to have a discussion with your sons about that if it's calls coming from inside the house.
Starting point is 00:18:43 So David Kinney, 39 years old from Buena Park, California. David is a stunt performer. He actually, you know, we talk about him being compared to superheroes. I believe his job is that he actually plays superheroes in like theme park shows and he has the physique to match for it. OK, so I revealed his story actually a little bit before. David is the guy who has been mentally not watched a lot of survivor. He applied honestly, just on a whim, wanting to challenge himself.
Starting point is 00:19:15 And challenges are really what he is about to the point where he walked into my interview and said, I'm going to break the individual immunity record. He's like, what's the record five? I'll do six. I'll do seven. Okay. Bet. Yeah. So David is also looking at the next step in his career. He is hoping to retire from stunt work in order to become a pilot.
Starting point is 00:19:34 Oh, and so he's hoping that the money will allow him to take flight. On the phone. Yeah, exactly. He was one season off. No, I don't know. We saw what happened with her and Tiana, so maybe not. Yeah. Okay. Now, is David chocolate milk guy? He is chocolate milk guy. Yes This is the guy who said in the trailer for season 48 at the end of the season 47 finale that he only got this big
Starting point is 00:19:56 By drinking chocolate milk. Okay How much did he drink I don't know enough to make a gigachad Joke in and of itself. How many chocolate milks does it take to make a gigachad? I Do I think a lot? Evidently so so I am excited for David again I really feel like he is a very different type of character than we usually see especially in the new era I think that is something that he is very aware of so he's a very fun Interview as well to have him sort of break things down
Starting point is 00:20:26 from, again, a very different perspective than we're used to. Okay. All right. Here's David. All right. Next up, Camilla. This is the person that called David, Giga Chad. Oh! Yes. So this is Camilla Carteguesu. Camilla is 31. She is our Requisite Canadian of the season, originally from Toronto,
Starting point is 00:20:44 but currently living in Foster City, California. Camilla has dreams of being a game developer. Right now, she is a software engineer, but she talks to me about the idea that she has failed a lot in her life, including the dreams that she's wanted to take hold. And she has been able to kind of learn about herself and kind of push against those struggles through her failure. And that includes being on Survivor. She's able to make a dream come true since she was about eight years old by being on the show. Yeah, I read her bio earlier.
Starting point is 00:21:13 She's funny. She's really funny. We stan a short queen. Camilla is that I believe she's five foot one, which is very, very fun. She has a lot of really fun blunt opinions about the show, about the people around her. And Rob, she's looking to make good TV. She said that if she can help it, she is out on the tribe strong mentality.
Starting point is 00:21:33 She wants to subliminally force a fluid season behind the scenes in the coding, if you will. Yeah, an intentional Matt Singh. Is that what she's saying? I don't know if it's like, I'm gonna purposely vote against my tri-mates, but I don't think, I think when she drops that
Starting point is 00:21:47 buff in the sand and picks up a new one, I think it's far from metaphorical. OK, look, we love to see it, Camilla. Yes, absolutely. All right. Let's move on to our next one. Kyle Frazier. Kyle is also our resident lawyer in the cast. Kyle is an attorney. He's 31 years old and he is from lawyer in the cast. Kyle is an attorney. He's 31 years old and he is from Brooklyn in New York.
Starting point is 00:22:09 Okay, look, we love to have, gotta have a lawyer in the cast. Is he gonna say? Yeah, and he would, no, he will be lying because Kyle also taught for two years before becoming a lawyer and that is gonna be the job he goes with instead of lawyer. Okay, all right, what else you got about Kyle?
Starting point is 00:22:26 So Kyle is someone who is playing with kind of a people first strategy, not really like a I'm going to shirk all at one to shirk all advantages, but more so like I'm going to trust in people more so than the trinkets that are around me. And he admits he is a little impulsive, but he hopes that applies more to like throwing himself into the challenges than it is making decisions, you know, at the flip of a dime. Okay. I mean, seems like a solid guy so far.
Starting point is 00:22:52 No, Saul, it was last season, Rob. Kyle was last season. Yeah, that's true. We can see it's been a big streak for Kyle's so far. We're now two for two. All right. Next up and last on the SEiva tribe, we have a rather unique contestant, Mitch Garrah. Mitch is 34 years old from Waco, Texas. And he is a
Starting point is 00:23:12 P E coach. And one of the, the many interesting things about Mitch is that Mitch has a stutter and Mitch is the first contestant in survivor history to play with a speech impediment. Yeah. Look, it's an incredible story for Mitch. I was reading his bio earlier and it seems like he's got a great story. Yeah. So what's interesting, Rob, is that survivor has been a dream for Mitch for a long time. And one of the reasons why he thought he could do it in the first place was a person who's a ouster.
Starting point is 00:23:47 You were able to manufacture in none other than Christy Smith from the Amazon. And so that kind of bolstered this attitude on him of like, just because I am different doesn't mean that I can't show my face on that screen and play just like everybody else. And here he is. Mitch is the person I was mentioning before who is in the best shape of his life. He's an ultra marathoner.
Starting point is 00:24:09 He just ran like a half Ironman before coming out here, but he's also willing and ready to surround himself with as many meat shields as possible, knowing that he himself might be a meat shield as well. Yeah. Okay. Well, Mitch seems like a guy who is going to be very easy to root for this season. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:24:28 He is, without getting into too much about the marooning, he's the first one to speak in the marooning. It obviously was an incredibly powerful moment because it was the first time that everyone in the cast was able to learn about Mitch as well. And so it was a really fascinating opportunity to watch people get to interact with him over those first few days and hopefully many more to come.
Starting point is 00:24:49 All right, Mike, one tribe down. You ready to move on to our second tribe? Yes. Let us not loggy behind and talk about loggy. Loggy is our purple tribe. Okay. Loggy. What does it mean, Mike cannot get into the aesthetic of Survivor 48. There will be details that shall be revealed later on in the preseason. What I will say is that this is one of the wildest Tribal Council aesthetics I've ever seen, Rob. I know you're someone who cut nothing burgers. Like, do they need to change out the Tribal sets every season? Well, if they're going to make it to the Tribal set, they're going to have to change out the Tribal set. this is one of the wildest tribal council aesthetics I've ever seen. Rob, I know you're
Starting point is 00:25:25 someone who kind of nothing burgers the like, do they need to change out the tribal sets every season? Well, if they're going to make it radically different, okay. And what I will say is unquestionably, it is the wildest story behind a tribal council aesthetic I have ever seen. And if you want a bit of a clue, folks, look at the tribe flags, if they are tribe flags to show how different things are. But this is this is our Loggie tribe in purple. And let's get into six very big personalities here. All right, let's do it. Who's on Loggie? Let's start with Bianca. Bianca Roses. Bianca is a PR consultant who actually just recently started her own business. Oh, she's originally she's originally from West Orange, New Jersey.
Starting point is 00:26:07 I can use that mic. OK, well, listen, now you've got some in-house support. She moved down to Arlington, Virginia. She is 33 years old. This is a dream for Bianca Robb. She has been a Survivor fan for so long. Her first screen name was SurvivorFreak815. Hey, let your freak flag fly, Bianca.
Starting point is 00:26:28 Yeah, listen, we support freaks. In fact, we brand freaks here on the RHAP network. So Bianca, suffice it to say, freaks welcome. Bianca, of course, due to her career- That should be the tagline for the podcast though, right, Mike? I mean, isn't it like USA characters? Welcome, RHAP freaks, welcome. Yeah, we get Bryce to sing the song. Yeah, exactly. But Bianca is someone who obviously through her career is a master of being able to spin a story of being able to nurture relationships and multiple egos.
Starting point is 00:26:59 I will also say perhaps true to that screen name, Rob, and I say this with so much love and you're going to find out as soon as tomorrow, Bianca said some of the most out of pocket things I've ever experienced in these preseason. And that's interesting. And I'm very excited for people to listen. Oh, boy. She went full bloom. Her last name is roses. Yes, that's right.
Starting point is 00:27:18 I will say that's not going too much further. Apps are freaking Lutely. OK. Not going to beat around the bush or the Rosebush as it were. OK. All right. All right. Next further, absolutely. Okay. Not going to beat around the bush or the rose bush as it were. Okay. All right. All right. Next up, Eva Erickson. So Eva is one of our rare 20 year somethings in this season.
Starting point is 00:27:35 Eva is 24 years old. She is from Providence, Rhode Island, as she is currently attending Brown and she is a PhD candidate. She's actually studying, I believe it's fluid engineering She does a much better job of explaining it than I do. Hopefully she'll be able to fit in with Camilla's fluid game So Eva also makes a bit of survivor history I believe and people might correct me on this I believe is the first openly autistic player in Survivor history at least from the US perspective
Starting point is 00:28:02 Eva was diagnosed when she was very young to the point where doctors told her family that she would not be able to live on her own. Yeah, but she has been able to really blossom through utilizing sort of like the strengths and weaknesses that come with her autism diagnosis to get a PhD on her way to becoming it. And not only that, Rob, Eva is a huge hockey player and was able to defy the odds in more ways than one when she became the first woman to play on her men's hockey team at multiple schools.
Starting point is 00:28:33 Wow. Okay. And so what's Eva's backstory with Survivor? So Eva, Eva found Survivor, as we all do, when your friends play a drinking game that utilizes survivor rules. Basically, they would play the challenges where the drinking games and the losing tribe would vote someone out. Wow.
Starting point is 00:28:53 Somehow that made Eva fall in love with the game and her fandom went over even the card game works. Is it? I certainly hope not. Please drink responsibly. I haven't opened it yet. Oh, I have not either. We have to find a prime opportunity to do so. But Eva was able to sort of like find love of the show through that very recently. And it's caused her to feel like she could be the one to do it as well.
Starting point is 00:29:18 Maybe there'll be drinking games around Eva's time on Survivor as well. Okay, there's Eva. All right, next up, Joe Hunter. Joe is our other firefighter on this season. Joe is 45 years old from West Sacramento, California, and he is a fire captain. Yeah, okay. I was reading a little bit about Joe earlier today.
Starting point is 00:29:41 Joe is an absolute sweetheart. This is a guy who is certainly a fan of Survivor, but his sister was the much bigger fan, and she was the one that kept encouraging the two of them to apply together. He unfortunately lost her due to domestic violence a few years ago, and so he decided to apply and play on her behalf.
Starting point is 00:30:02 And you could tell Joe is a big guy who wears his heart on his sleeve. He's a father as well. And his big plan is really to, like, create this on-island family, a firehouse, if you will, that he hopes to kind of run into the flames of the game with together. Yeah, I feel like he's got kind of like a Dama-Bate vibe. He is, but I would say, again, like kind of Dama-Bate teddy bear version. Like, he truly is someone that has a lot of sincerity.
Starting point is 00:30:29 And Dom has that side too. Oh yeah, absolutely. But Joe also had a very interesting way of preparing for the game in that he sort of did his own a Snyder edit for the superhero like physique that he has. And he specifically watched all the new era challenges and tribal councils back to back to try to glean any trends between the two. So interestingly, he cut out what I think is probably the most important part,
Starting point is 00:30:54 the stuff at camp, just challenges and tribals. Basically, yeah. I think maybe he's like, every time Jeff Probst is on screen, that's what I need to watch. That's the clips and notes of it. Okay. I gotta be I don't love that That game tape well Well, he'll he'll we'll have him explain it in my interview and see if you're more on his side by the end of it, okay? All right next up
Starting point is 00:31:18 Rob At last he has returned Beard Guy lives! Here she is, folks. Here's Beard Guy. Yes, Shaheen Davari. Okay. History lesson, freaks. Here we are.
Starting point is 00:31:38 So last year, of course, as I mentioned before, I always ask about who people are picking up vibes from in the preseason. And there was one particular person of interest amongst the survivor. Forty six cast one guy that stuck out either for extremely positive reasons or extremely negative reasons. This man did not make his way onto the season, but now he finally has his chance. I can confirm beard guy SD Shaheen Davari here in the flesh and a lot of hair. It's like like seeing like a big foot or an alien of like you only heard of the rumors of the existence. So Shaheen is a big personality. He is 38 years old
Starting point is 00:32:27 from Costa Mesa, California, and he is a speech and debate professor. So suffice it to say, we had a lot to talk about in his interview. Of course, he came in from the very unique perspective as well, in that he explains sort of his reaction to the way other people were perceiving him last year, whether or not, and reveals that maybe that was something he was trying to play up and how that's going to inform this time around. I mean, Rob, let's also take a look at the past year as well. Survivor 46 produces its winner in Kelsey, Kenzie. Sorry, I was pulling a bend there.
Starting point is 00:32:59 Survivor 47 has its winner in Rachel, the female alternate of Survivor 46. We're on a roll here, Rob. Shaheen can make it, no offense to Eva, a hat trick. Mm-hmm. Okay. So, Mike, were they vibing with him this time? You know I'm going to sit on that information. No, nothing!
Starting point is 00:33:21 Well, you better believe he was. He was talked about. He was absolutely talked about again, Rob, because when I read his bio, I'm like, wait, I don't understand why people didn't like this guy the first time. Well, again, you almost universally like, oh, we this guy bad vibes do not like this guy. I mean, listen, you can discern your own opinions. He also admits in the 46 preseason that maybe he was trying to play things up a little bit that he knew he was an alternate. So he had a little bit of meta headspace of like, all right, let me draw some attention to myself because I know that I'm not going out this time.
Starting point is 00:33:54 Maybe they'll sub him in like, Oh, this guy's making a lot of drama. Exactly. It's like a very much like an all about Eve story or like the first season of smash of like, Oh, hold on a second. Yeah. Okay. Got to have a mentor the main stage here. But Shaheen is a lot of fun. Despite the fact that, you know, he is an academic, he admits that he actually is not the biggest brain for strategy. He says, I'm an idea guy. I'm a logic bully. I need a strategist to reign me in here. And so there's gonna be a lot of great stuff to talk about with Shaheen from a very interesting 365 days.
Starting point is 00:34:29 That might be what I need also. The logic bully or the strategist. I've got big ideas, Mike. And I need, ask Sam. I've got a ton of ideas. So you just need that person to actually be able to package it. And might I suggest a PR consultant? I might know one maybe I got there's a lot of people that tell me like no no that's a bad idea
Starting point is 00:34:50 You can't do that, but not a lot of people that say like hey, let me let's let's help make that work Alright, well, maybe you'll be able to see who Shaheen founds finds on the island is sort of like his you know Symbiotic relationship and you'll be able to find that person in your real life as well. Yes, and then I can reach out to them, yes. Oh, that's true as well. You could just say, I just make the direct connection. Like, oh, I saw how well you worked for Shaheen.
Starting point is 00:35:11 Can I just substitute myself? I also have a beard. Yes, yes. And I have ideas too. All right, so I'm excited to see SDNHD finally on our screens playing Survivor. It's been a very fun year. I'm gonna get to hear all about his two times out to Fiji in my chat.
Starting point is 00:35:27 But let's move on to an absolute star. Quite literally, her name is Star. It is Star to me. And she is a star to me. Star is 28 years old from Augusta, Georgia, but originally born in Liberia. And she is a self-proclaimed sales expert. Sales expert. Why do you put that in quotes?
Starting point is 00:35:46 Well, I mean, I don't think that's an actual job. Right. I mean, she basically is kind of like the Hank Hill of cell phones. She sells phone and phone accessories. OK. But Star has such a fantastic kind of like unreplicable energy to her that we'll definitely come across in our interview. She's bouncing in her seat the entire time. She's very bubbly, very positive.
Starting point is 00:36:12 Starr is a relative newcomer to the show. She actually, her and her wife just had a baby a couple of years ago, and she kind of found the show through late nights with the newborn, but then she instantly fell in love with it and decided that this was the thing she needed to do, that she needs to bring some star quality to Survivor 48. Okay. And also a star, she makes some assessments of her cast, namely the logic that because
Starting point is 00:36:39 this is quote, the finest looking cast ever, that means they're very hard to read. Wow, finest looking cast ever. That means they're very hard to read. Wow. Finest looking cast and hard to read. Yeah, it's because they're so attractive that you can't really figure out whether their motives are arterial or not. Hmm. OK, I never thought about that. Yeah, it's an interesting form of logic that I think we'll have to walk through once we take a deep dive
Starting point is 00:37:00 into the core of the star. Mm-hmm. Yeah. OK. Last but not least on Loggy, we have Thomas. Thomas Krodinger. So Thomas is a music executive. He specifically works in A&R,
Starting point is 00:37:14 which I believe stands for artists and repertoire. Essentially, he's in charge of helping recruit new talent to the record label that he works for. He is 34 years old and he is from LA. Okay, yeah, he's in the music industry. I was talking about, it's like a Viper pit in the music industry, which would be a great place to play music. Exactly, I feel like Ben Kathman recently played
Starting point is 00:37:36 the Viper pit, you know, one of the many gigs that he went to. He's played everywhere. I mean, to that point, he feels like he can make the direct transition from the Viper pit to the world of snakes and rats in this sort of culture where he talks about with me how like you can be on the same team as people, but there's still individual competition in there. Thomas is somebody who also feels like already he is going to be a massive social threat
Starting point is 00:37:59 to the point where he is already coming in with a plan, Rob, to manufacture a rivalry with another contestant so that people won't think that he's friends with everyone. Oh, wow. He's gonna force a fight with somebody? He hasn't identified who that is yet. So really his mind is open about that, but it's purely closed on the concept of like, well, if I have an ops,
Starting point is 00:38:20 then that means that people might wanna keep me around because I'm not in good with everybody. Okay, all right, love to see it. All right. So that is our Loggi tribe. Last but not least, Vula Vukushaya Vukmoa. Rob, it is the Vula tribe, our green tribe. Okay. Vula. All right. Vula Vula was saying hello to Vula. Let's get into it. Starting with Cedric McFadden. Cedric is 45 years old. Yeah. Pair him up with young Cedric. Yes, exactly. So 46 years old, actually, I should clarify here. He is from Greenville,
Starting point is 00:38:58 South Carolina, and he is a surgeon. He is a colorectal surgeon. Yeah. Okay. That's no joke. Absolutely not. Get your prostate checked, gentlemen. And so Cedric is somebody who has been a day one viewer of the show. He actually says it helped get him through medical school due to some really tough times. And he finally felt he was in the proper place to actually be on the show himself. And Rob, despite the fact that he is someone who is in a point of his career where he leads a lot of people, he wants to fittingly enough lead from behind.
Starting point is 00:39:30 Yeah, okay. I'm not gonna take the bait, Mike, okay? All right? So Cedric, he is like a day one fan too, right? Yeah, he's I think one of the few day one fans we have on here from 2000. He was on at the time when he was like, I believe in medical school or just finishing up undergrad as well. So it's been a constant in his life ever since. And we'll see if there's a crack that will emerge
Starting point is 00:39:56 in his game down the line. Okay. He's from South Carolina. He's from South Carolina, right over the border. Rob, if you want to bring him in on the Jane Bright farm viewing party, come on, come on Cedric. Yeah. Okay. You can hop in on Jane's fourth time watching. I hear that's the best one, the best round. That's right. She actually acts it. She actually does doves of the dialogue at that time. She'd memorize it all. I couldn't believe she was so into it. I would have thought she hasn't watched the show in like 15 years. Does she still have the big dogs that she likes to carry around? Yes, she's a dog breeder.
Starting point is 00:40:30 Yeah, oh, she still is a dog breeder? Yeah. All right, well, I hope everything's, I hope that mortgage has been paid off at this point. That's what I'm saying about Jane. Sounds like she's doing great, yeah. Good to hear. Bright days for Jane Bright.
Starting point is 00:40:42 And hopefully bright prospects for this next person, Justin Pioppe. So Justin is 29 years old from Winthrop, Massachusetts. For those of you who love the Mass Hole accent, it is out here in Delightfully Full Force with Justin. Justin is the owner or manager, I should say, of a pizzeria, his family pizzeria, Luigi's. Yes. OK. Which I, that's been very interesting popularity, right? Yeah. I imagine he's gotten some, uh, their SEO went through the roof. A lot of phone calls to Luigi's saying like, Oh, I spotted this billboard for Luigi's in the area. I like the phone and a tip. Yeah. Okay. So here's
Starting point is 00:41:21 Justin and yeah, it looks like he's a character, Mike. Justin is a big character and Justin definitely shows that you can be more than meets the eye or what exists beneath the cheese are a myriad of toppings because Justin actually went to Yale. He has an Ivy league education. He briefly pursued a career in law. He is actually the youngest legislative aid in the history of the Massachusetts State House. But then essentially, his parents who own Luigi's fell onto some hard times and health difficulties. And he kind of stepped in taking over. But like, he kind of found his calling card, Rob, like, there are so many times that he mentions Luigi's
Starting point is 00:42:01 and how much he loves getting to be the manager and how much he has kind of been able to to essentially roll out his own family like, you know, a nicely kneaded piece of dough. And now he gets to do so again here on the island. I just hope he makes it long enough to like go to the sanctuary and get the pizza. Oh, you better believe we talk about that. Yeah. He's this pizza. Like, let me just get in there and make it myself at this point. Where's still I like to have a word with stew Yeah, okay So that is JP actually is kind of dressing like a J Jeff probes type of shirt
Starting point is 00:42:34 Yeah, this dark blue hair go it's pretty dang long I mean, it's tied back at the time I talked to him But he talks a lot about fellow to long- haired alumni and Tyson in Malcolm. It's definitely at that length of not longer. He actually, he actually has a story about that too, because this is a, this is a pandemic epiphany. He has not always had the long hair. Oh, okay. All right. Next up, Kevin, we are talking about Kevin Lang. Kevin is 34 years old from a Livermore, California, and he is a finance manager. Okay. All right, Kevin, you know, it looks like a finance manager is a, so I think, you know, job seems like
Starting point is 00:43:13 a pretty smart guy. You got to be able to do that. Right? Yeah. So you could say that and he absolutely agrees with that. And look, he is a fairly analytical person outside of the game. He's already coming in with plans as to like, okay, I want to go to tribal council at least once in the pre-merge. I want to make sure that I don't make my move until the final eight, seven or six. At the same time is Kevin's self-admitted nature of being very chaotic and disheveled if he wants to be. And so while he does come in with these big ideas, he admits there's a fair chance that some of this stuff might get thrown out the window. Rob, he has this very fun plan where he purposely is going to drink more water than he needs to so that he could say, Oh, I got to refill my canteen again and use that as an excuse
Starting point is 00:43:56 to go idle hunting or see who follows him back to the well. Yeah. I think a lot of people have had that plan. Yeah. I mean, listen, it'll be great. I thought you were going to like, I didn't know where that was going when you started Mike that, but then to go, I'm going to go fill my water and go idle hunting was like a pretty, pretty in my opinion, you don't need to drink all the water. Like, can't you just pour it out or fame filling your canteen? Yeah. Like your bladder by the end of this will be like the opposite of when Joe Del Campo got medevaced.
Starting point is 00:44:26 You might be medevaced for peeing too much. But I also, speaking of number ones, Kevin is looking to make a family tree in the game where he's going to try to endear himself in a familiar way. Like on Dongi? Yeah, exactly. To everybody out there. But it's more so that less so like making a family than more so him being like, I'm your brother.
Starting point is 00:44:43 I'm your son. I'm your brother. I'm your son. I'm your uncle. And hopefully that way he can lop off the branches while he himself stays as the solid trunk. OK, all right. Love to see you, Kevin. All right. We'll see if Kevin's left home alone at the end as the sole survivor. All right. Next up, we have a Mary Zhang.
Starting point is 00:45:04 Mary is 31 years old in Philadelphia and she is a substance abuse counselor. Okay. Tell me more. Much like Carolyn was back in the day. Mary has a really interesting story. So Mary is the child of two political refugees. Her parents were actually involved in the organization of the Tiananmen Square incident that occurred back in the late eighties.
Starting point is 00:45:26 And so they became sort of like most wanted within China. So they fled, but their natural, you know, inclinations have kind of emboldened her with this attitude of like, eat last, you know, make sure that everyone else is eating first. And so she's done a lot of charitable work. Maybe she'll work with charity on this season. And so now she's kind of looking for an opportunity to be able to do things for
Starting point is 00:45:49 herself. She'll go from eating last to, I suppose, not eating at all, given the new era elements. Okay. Anything else about Mary's personality? Mary is very fun. Mary has a little bit of like a musical passion as well. Maybe she'll link up with Thomas, get signed to his label. She does admit she has a tendency to over give and has quote a hunger for control. So you know, Mary is obviously someone who is incredibly introspective. She also has a very fun origin story for Survivor, at least wanting to apply for the show. She was filled with this desire
Starting point is 00:46:25 to appear on Survivor when she watched Heroes vs. Villains. And the first thing she took away was, wow, they're such terrible swimmers. And basically said, I bet I could be better than these Survivor legends at swimming. And such began her path that led her in front of me in Fiji. Okay. That's a first. I would definitely say so. Again, everyone has their different path to the beach, right? Everyone answered the call in a different way Yeah, I mean, I don't even remember a lot of swimming in the beginning of heroes versus villains I feel like there were I mean obviously the the infamous Colby whispering to Russell like go see JT at the end of this challenge is when they were swimming back to shore
Starting point is 00:47:01 Yeah, I mean listen any challenge she I didn't say exactly when she was the beginning. But yeah, a lot of a lot of Samoa, particularly because of the surf, they didn't do a lot of swimming stuff, but hopefully she'll get her wish and be able to get thrown into the deep end of the survivor seas. Sure. Yeah. All right. Two left here. So we have saying yeah, but you can call her say this is is say Hulie. And I've got a lot to say about say. And so does she say is 30 years old from a semi Valley, California. She is a marketing professional, but actually right before going out, she had quit her job. She was looking for a bit of a change in her life. And she found a major change through
Starting point is 00:47:41 coming onto survivor. Yeah. What's the change? The change going on survivor. It's just this idea, right? Like she had been working in the same job for a while. You know, a boss and mentor of hers had recently left. And so she was basically figuring out, okay, do I want to change things up or do I want to stay the path that I am going on? And so say as someone who is really inspired by a lot of the black women that have come before her, she cites a lot about Mary Ann and Dre in our interview. And she kind of wants to play as like a combination of the two of them. And resiliency, Rob is basically says middle name because there was an incident
Starting point is 00:48:14 in college where, say, got hit by a bus and just got up and nearly walked away from the entire thing feeling unscathed. You got hit by a bus. Got hit by a city bus. Yes. Wow. So suffice it to say, she knows how to play in a blind cider. Yes. If anybody tries to throw her under the bus that she looks, she's ready for it. Yes. Those say admits, you know, there are a couple of things that she hopes she'll be
Starting point is 00:48:40 able to tamp down on. She admits that she sometimes struggles to ground herself and that she's quote, too nosy for her own good. So we'll see what side of her essentially wins out here. Okay. All right. And then you have one more person. One person left a big bite of burger in Stephanie burger. Stephanie is 38 years old currently lives in Brooklyn, New York, is a tech product lead. And I will say, Robin, this is a reason why you should check out the videos. Top five survivor laugh comes from Stephanie Berger.
Starting point is 00:49:12 Oh, interesting. And we laugh a lot during our interview. She has a really fun presence. We see her talk a little bit about this in the teaser for Survivor 48, that she does not necessarily have the look of a high profile business woman, but that's exactly what she is. She actually did start in teaching, but currently now works
Starting point is 00:49:31 as a tech product lead for an e-commerce company, but she's still very analytical to that point, Rob. She ran survivor Saber metrics before coming out here. And so we will see if she ends up being a one of the athletics and able to take the pennant here at the end. Yes. I'm very curious to hear more about that. Well, and one of the other outcomes that she took away, Rob was actually one of the hot takes coming up in about an hour. She says all advantages are disadvantages. And she says the shot in the dark can oftentimes work better than an idol can, of course, did not see, I don't know how she'd reacts to the fact that eight people gave theirs away
Starting point is 00:50:06 last season, willy nilly. Yeah. I am looking forward to reading the research. Yes, exactly. So hopefully you said the takes were hot. Yeah. Hot like a pizza coming out of the oven at Luigi's. Yes. OK. Yes. OK. Not Gigi's. And that's it, Rob. That's just a brief introduction to the 18 people of this season. But of course, plenty more to come. Just a brief preview. And we are truly going to dive in again, starting
Starting point is 00:50:36 tomorrow. So we're going to start with Loggy actually here in the RHAP video versions that is going to be Bianca and Eva will be the two interviews. They will be in separate videos on YouTube. I think they might be together in podcast. Yeah. I think the plan is that we're going to post the YouTube videos separately for everybody. Last season we did, we did two and Mike came, Mike and I came on to talk. I think what we're doing, what we are doing this season is that we're gonna post the YouTube videos separately. We're not gonna do any sort of thoughts on the people
Starting point is 00:51:12 in the individual YouTube videos. We'll leave that for posterity of, okay, this is their pre-season interview. And then Mike and I will get back together after a whole tribe has been uploaded, then we will do a podcast talking about the tribe as a whole. Right, so for instance, we're starting with Loggies. So tomorrow you will get Bianca and Eva.
Starting point is 00:51:33 The next day you will get Joe and Shaheen. And then Monday you will get Star and Thomas. And then on Tuesday, Rob and I will talk about the Loggie tribe overall. And we will repeat that for the other two tribes. I'm also covering it obviously in written form in parade. I'm doing things a little differently there. First, I am starting with a different tribe just to shake things up. I'm starting with Vula, the green tribe. I'm starting that tomorrow with also doing
Starting point is 00:51:57 two a days with Cedric and Justin, but I'll do one on the weekend. Take a little time off on the weekend. So for example, it'll be Cedric and Justin on Thursday, and then Mary and Kevin on Friday, and then Say on Say Today, and then Stephanie on Sunday. And then we'll move forward with two every weekday and one every weekend until we reach the end of it. Not to mention, Rob, so much more stuff to come from all the time I got to spend out there watching these people
Starting point is 00:52:26 and observing what goes down both before and after the season starts. Yeah, we have a little bit of a longer preseason. Sometimes they play with, okay, it's shorter, it's longer. We have a little bit of a longer one. So we're going to try to savor the preseason a little bit more. And I think this is a really fun way to dish out all of these interviews that Mike did. So I'll give you a chance to like absorb them, catch up, and we'll then talk about each one as we get to it. Make sure you're subscribed. Rob is website.com slash subscribe. Okay, Mike, let me talk about some
Starting point is 00:52:57 of the other big things that we have coming up here today. I don't believe we have a graphic for this but tonight poverty shallow talks with Michelle and Kelly on episode 3 oh wait hold on here it is the social game Kelly and Michelle they've got a great interview. They're gonna be getting personal with poverty shallow in to be getting personal with Parvati Shallow in person. It's a great interview. You're not gonna wanna miss that. Make sure you're there for the live premiere at 8 p.m. coming up tonight. Then, of course, nope, I don't think
Starting point is 00:53:36 these are in the right order. Okay, all right. This is like a jukebox, okay? You don't know what's gonna come up next. Fresh shuffle. Yeah, I know what everything is just put it up in any order Okay traders
Starting point is 00:53:48 Lots of excitement in the world of the traders Puyah and I will be back. We've had a really great coverage Appreciate everybody's been checking out our traders coverage. You can hear all that when you're subscribed We know traders comm will be back again on Thursday night after the next episode and of course the other big show that's going on right now is We know traders.com will be back again on Thursday night after the next episode. And of course, the other big show that's going on right now is Dandy. And on Dandy, that is Deal or No Deal Island for the uninitiated. We, myself, Chappelle and Jenny are talking about it. We've had great recaps.
Starting point is 00:54:19 It was a very fun episode of Dandy this week. There'll be an exit interview today. We are working on some huge Don D podcasts, okay? That's what- Hey, with the interview with the banker? That's all I can say. That's all I can say. All right, you're keeping this within the case, Rob.
Starting point is 00:54:34 You're not letting the amount show anytime soon. All I can say is subscribe to the podcast is all I'm gonna say about that, okay? All right, I jumped over on the Purple Pants podcast. Mike, I got to be like you and jumping in on a brand steel simulation. Oh, Bryce and Jack drafted teams, not for survivor 50, just a generic returning player season. Okay. Interesting. And then you, you brand steeled it to figure it out. So they drafted their teams and then there was a brand
Starting point is 00:55:04 steel. They did it in a very interesting way. There was like a PowerPoint presentation of what had happened and I was just following along. It's not even that long. It's like, it's like 45 minutes. It was my heart where the pod adrenaline was. I was going a Berserko. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:21 For the price of less than an episode of new era survivoror. You can check out this actual, factual season of Survivor. You can listen to that or also that they have a Purple Pants podcast, Bryce's YouTube channel. You can watch the video of that. And then, okay, that's still a social game. We got, ask Rob anything for the patrons. We've been really, it's off season, but people have so many questions. Rob is website.com slash patron I'll also do the patron five for five. So we've been having great chats with our patrons
Starting point is 00:55:50 They call in ask me about whatever you want Rob is website.com slash patron Of course when we get back to the Survivor season That's when we do our survivor Q&A and those have been so great these last couple seasons The the patrons have such great strategic questions about everything. Call in, it's so much fun. The community is all watching live. And of course, we have so many more benefits for you when you become a patron, like access to our
Starting point is 00:56:16 international show watch parties, plus also discounts for our live events when they come up in a couple of months. And so that's going to be a lot of what we have. Plus, Discord, Facebook, you name it. Rob has a website.com slash patron. OK, all right, Mike, what's coming up for you? Well, you mentioned that one of the many perks of becoming a patron is access to international reality shows.
Starting point is 00:56:43 And we've got a big one coming up as much as we are getting into our fields with us survivor Australian survivor is coming back in but a couple weeks time. And so I got a chance to already start flexing my preseason muscles as we'll talk about a lot about flexing muscles in this preseason. In general, I got together with Shannon Gus, we have so far previewed the Brains tribe for Australian survivor Brains versus Braun II. We'll get together in imminent time to also preview the Braun tribe. Very excited for that. That's another fun newbie cast. You can check that out. As you mentioned, Rob, the reality flash, there's a wide world of reality TV out there where a lot of exciting things are happening. But for many of us, we can't keep track of all the things that are happening.
Starting point is 00:57:28 So allow me to be your guide. I may not be fishing for likes, but I am a fisherman in this veritable sea of reality TV. I bring you all the news that you need to know about some of your favorite reality shows, whether it's a leaked cast, whether it's social media drama, whether it's this big thing that happened on a show that everyone is talking about. So you can subscribe at the reality flash.com. It doesn't exactly come out on like a recurring basis.
Starting point is 00:57:54 It's more so when a piece of news drops, I will sign on as soon as possible to record some bite sized tidbits about it, but we've done four episodes so far. And so, uh, you know, I got to talk all about some big pieces of reality TV drama, including one that I wound up at the center. I loved it. You did such a good job with that. Mike's not fishing for likes, but his poles in the water. And it's like, I got something. I got something. Look, they'll be careful. I know that in the Amazon, they advise you against
Starting point is 00:58:19 sticking your pole in the water. That's a lot of piranhas in there. But be sure to check that out. That's the biggest problem. Yeah. Yeah. That's the realityflash.com. And I actually, I don't know when this podcast is coming out. I actually appeared on Drop Your Buffs recently, which was a lot of fun. Another fellow podcast in the Survivor recap space to talk a bit about my origin story with the show, with RHAP, with getting to cover everything. And of course, last but not least is all things Survivor 48.
Starting point is 00:58:47 Again, I've got written versions of all these interviews going up periodically over the next 14 days or so. I've got some nice roundup posts, including one that is dropping in less than an hour, where I did everyone's hot takes from the cast. So you can watch on your own and judge accordingly if you want to. That'll be up in written and video form. Plenty of other stuff as well that I was able to get as boots on the ground during the Survivor 48 preseason.
Starting point is 00:59:14 So check out everything I'm doing at a Mike Bloom type. And I'm so excited. This is always one of my favorite times of the year. I'm so excited for everyone to get to meet these people that I truly had such a fun time getting to know over the course of my time in Fiji. I hope everyone enjoys the podcasts that go alongside it. And thank you to both CBS and Rob Sestrino himself for giving me the chance to have everyone get to know
Starting point is 00:59:38 a little bit more about this fun group of wackadoodles. All right, well, Mike, thank you for all of your hard work. Nobody works harder at this stuff. And Mike, your tireless efforts are all for our enjoyment. So thank you so much for that. We love to hear what you have to say in the comments. And if you're new here, I hope that you are up for having some fun with us of watching Survivor and all of these other crazy shows on the number one
Starting point is 01:00:04 destination to go to for all your reality TV needs. That's right here on RHAP. Thank you so much for joining us. Take care. Everybody. Good one. Bye.

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