RHAP: We Know Survivor - TV for Real: Dwight Talks TV Production Pulse

Episode Date: October 10, 2024

In this episode, Mike and Sasha welcome Survivor 43's Dwight Moore on to discuss Good Times, Dragon Tales, and when he was on The Price is Right....

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Starting point is 00:00:45 or someone close to you, please contact Connex Ontario at 1-866-531-2600 to speak to an advisor free of charge. BetMGM operates pursuant to an operating agreement with iGaming Ontario. Hi, everybody, and welcome back to TV for Real, where reality and scripted TV collide. My name is Mike Bloom. I'm joined, as always, by Sasha Joseph. Sasha, how's it going?
Starting point is 00:01:31 So good, as always by sasha joseph sasha how's it going so good as always listen always a pleasure to talk to you mike and and maybe a little bit of a pleasure to talk with our guest maybe what do you mean maybe she's trying to set the bar low that our guests will gleefully hop over of course uh he is used to doling out a lot of roles through his various weekly Blood on the Clock Tower streams. But we're going to be talking about the other roles that he might enjoy. TV roles that is thrilled to be welcoming. And I'm so excited personally to bring this guy in from Survivor 43. I don't wait right more. Thank you, Mike, for being glad I'm here. And, you know hey hey sasha
Starting point is 00:02:05 are you how i hope you're okay i'm doing great do i'm gonna kill me every time on goose goose or it's not great oh no we're doing so good thanks for having me on yeah we're so thrilled to have you here dwight i mean i want to rewind all the way back to the early days of dwight more when you were dwight less uh what what is like the first show you remember becoming a big fan of as a kid as a teenager i was like a kid oh my god i remember i think the show was called dragon tales it's like a kid show yes but love that show as a kid i was like obsessed with that i remember as well like i think it was like my birthday party like three or four
Starting point is 00:02:49 or five my parents like got like cake for the show everything like the characters on it it was like so much because i love the show so much insane um i remember that one very vividly i'm parents remember that birthday party it was so fun um other shows as a kid? Oh, my God. Just the random, like, Disney Channel shows, honestly, a lot of the time, because I was just on. Zach and Cody shows were on a lot of the time. That was fun. I'm a child, okay?
Starting point is 00:03:17 I know. I always forget. I'm about to age out the audience here. You're like, what is he saying? Disney shows don't exist. But no. But no. A lot like cartoons and stuff um so you know a lot of that as a kid and then i also remember uh all the time when i was you know my mom it just has like law and order sbu on so i'm always watching that next to her too so i'm just like watch like 10 seasons of
Starting point is 00:03:42 this show while i'm like a child just do you remember do you remember taking anything in from all the proliferation of sex crimes in your mind believe it or not no uh i'm just like oh cool tv show and then that's it um so just having tv on the background um so yeah just having noise on uh as a kid but i was always on um what else uh but as a kid those were like the like drag tales like the big one that i remember um for sure how about you guys like any like shows stand out i'm trying to think of like sasha did you ever have like the birthday party themed around no unfortunately i don't know that wasn't really a thing in India, I feel like, where it felt very much like,
Starting point is 00:04:29 oh, you have the basic party with the cake and then the samosas. I don't know. And yeah, you literally get a piece of cake and a samosa. And the cake, it doesn't really matter. McDonald's had just opened up in India uh in my city so McDonald's birthdays were like big and I definitely had one where they rent out the whole like floor for your birthday how many floors were in the McDonald's three three floors yeah so that's like what I remember and my mom was very big on birthdays so we always had like
Starting point is 00:05:08 big bashes and I'm an only child but yeah it was they were very much like it's more about like how big it was than the theme but I bet I had a Barbie birthday I'm sure that that was the like thing I'm into even now yeah so Dwwayne what did the cake involve like was it actually in the shape of a dragon head or did they just like take cutouts of the characters and stick them in the cake i think it's like you know how people can do like the scan of like a photo or something kind of like icing oh yeah yeah so they do that for something it's like this the kroger that's like five years from the house like we had like they knew someone at the k-torn who like loved doing stuff for
Starting point is 00:05:51 like the party so they did that for us it was so nice um so yeah i did that when i was a kid um just had you know the birthday party at my house had some folks come over it was always fun and then um it's always nice because i went to the so kind of a derail to my life stuff but like had the same um went to the same school for like K through eight or first grade and everything. And my birthday is in August. And I usually like the first birthday of the year. So it's nice to have like everyone from like my pretty small schools, everyone from the grade comes over. So it's like nice for us to do that.
Starting point is 00:06:19 Also, you know, maximize the birthday gifts by inviting everybody. So amazing work there. So that was always fun to look forward to. Kind of starting off that year with like a nice little party at the house uh with all the all the kids all the children um yeah that was kind of that as a kid um yeah how about you mike any show come to mind like as a child i mean for me it was i i wouldn't have a birthday party around this i'm trying to remember if i had a themed birthday party i don't think 90s kids i don't think i ever did well to your point about mcdonald's sasha yeah it was more so about going we never had a house birthday party it was always going to a place same and then doing doing it. But it's always interesting for me now being a parent as to like,
Starting point is 00:07:08 okay, are we going to have a theme for this? Like we still had a birthday party at a secondary location for my son this past year, but we did provide like decorations that were aesthetically themed around Star Wars. And so like, I don't think we ever did that though. I think back in my day, it was almost always going with like the generic paper plates and
Starting point is 00:07:28 hats and streamers that the place provided rather than any specific pop culture property. Interesting. Yeah. Now I'm like, I gotta ask. I actually texted my mom. Did I have a themed birthday? I'm not because you really unlock something for all of us in the comments. If you're listening to us on YouTube, which you should be, because look at our pretty faces.
Starting point is 00:07:49 Jealous. If you had a theme birthday party and like what what like generation are you? Because like what was going on with our parents? I mean, it was the 90s, you know, there were there was a lot that was going on. Economics was booming. Everyone thought that they could just kind of do what they needed to do with no consequences. And so maybe in the future, they're like, you know what? We are going to screen print some of those cakes. And I mean, that was really I remember that being like a game changer to screen print
Starting point is 00:08:20 a photo and be able to make it edible frosting and put it on a cake. screen print a photo and be able to make it edible frosting and put it on a cake uh now in retrospect like good god the resolution on it is so so bad but again you took what you could get back in those days i'm sorry i just always i'm looking when this became a thing like printing a picture on a cake like that's kind of just always been a thing for me so once again sorry for the oh you remember this became a thing that's crazy um i mean like we if we were teen like i'm i was trying to do the math but it's not true but maybe future survivors that if i was a teen parent i could have been we did ask brando his age because i was like i think we missed the vote on Dwight but what about Brandon you don't know how old I am by heart that's crazy yeah I was like I think we're okay on Dwight but a few more years me and Kirsten were having this conversation well I'm intrigued Dwight does seem
Starting point is 00:09:20 like perhaps your indoctrination to more mature content apparently started with uh riding you know uh side saddle watching svu but do you remember like the first quote-unquote adult show that you watched was it you know as a teen was it like you got to college and someone was like oh you never watched this show let me expose you to it um kind of thing was like i got the college i didn't watch too much tv then because not like you would have like a cable tv just like watch stuff on netflix randomly um netflix shows i watched i was in college a lot of also like random disney plus stuff i was like the star wars stuff that comes on disney plus i'll watch that religiously when it comes out like andrew and andrew came out um what's about acolyte um those are those are good um like what do you think what do you think about television
Starting point is 00:10:12 on star wars or star wars on television i should say i mean look i don't think any of us are necessarily levying uh complaints at it and the way that certain people on the internet are but what do you think of the direction that things sort of have been going since mando gray star screen five years ago um honestly i've been enjoying it i'm i'm also to be or not like a diehard star wars fan like i'm just like a casual fan of this of the franchise so i like i watch i enjoy i take it in i'll go to like i'll see the subreddit people just like up in arms of how dare they do x or y or z like this is all wrong they're ruining the lore i'm just like i like the show so i'm gonna watch the show please stop complaining about the show that i like um
Starting point is 00:10:54 but no it's it's i feel like any massive fandom that's attached something will hate everything they do if it's not like exactly what they want to be i think i've stabbed in the star wars they're getting so they're getting a lot more shows also it's just like not their vision for it so they hate it i'm gonna get attacked by star wars fans in the comments for this because i'm saying the shows were good they're just like no they were awful but i like them they were pretty good um i've been i've been really enjoying them so i'm kind of hoping they kind of keep continuing with them honestly ahsoka was just announced to be renewed for season two so that's coming at a certain point i didn't see that nice okay um that's awesome and that's interesting from your perspective though because like i would
Starting point is 00:11:28 imagine i had you seen any clone wars like you just watched ahsoka without any knowledge as to i mean i watched uh i didn't watch the um like the homework no i didn't watch that when i was uh like when it actually came out initially um i watched all the movies but not like the show when i was like when i was when i came out um i was like a jesus i forget my exact age but i didn't watch that no i just kind of just how i'm familiar with the lore of like a token everything um but just like not watching the whole uh show um so i just hopped into it just like okay it'll be fine it's not there's not background research needed before i don't need homework to watch a show i can just watch the show okay that um marvel yeah i'm gonna say marvel of like oh you didn't watch the 20
Starting point is 00:12:14 movies beforehand that's crazy anyways um have fun getting lost no this is really interesting because i'd love to hear from you dwightight, that as someone, right, that just feels like, hey, the property is here. I'm going to consume it. We'll see what happens. And Mike, I feel like on the other hand as well, you come from, I feel like the other side where your knowledge about things
Starting point is 00:12:35 is like so vast, it's ridiculous. So I would love to hear from y'all, you know, this new thing that's coming up, right? Where studio execs allegedly are like talking about uh they want to have um fans come talk and do a uh like a not what is it a focus group uh of the and then you know take out whatever the fans don't like i feel like this is setting up for no diversity no women right like nothing it's gonna be in my opinion it's gonna turn out miserably like i don't see that being a good thing at all i'm like because you go to any four people
Starting point is 00:13:10 complaining about like the the diversity moves like oh this is what you have a problem with randomly that's crazy like you go to like any form it's like why they put in the scene where all like the women are strong cares like because they can be like why is that a problem for you and it happens way too often i'm like okay i don't think we need focus groups people that are saying this so yeah i don't think they need um like fan input can be helpful but no learn limits i hope they set some limits for this practice if they start doing it for sure yeah i mean to be candid i have an issue with it for a few reasons one of them being not to say that fans of a product cannot become creatives in their own right however i do from a certain perspective like there are reasons why certain people are showrunners directors writers
Starting point is 00:14:00 and some people aren't is that they possess that ability to be creative and i mean again like i'm not disparaging that i mean there are fan fiction writers that have gone on to pen you know very popular book series that get turned into film and tv adaptations so yes 50 shades exactly uh so it's not to say that even twilight i think to a certain extent uh so it's not to say that you can't necessarily like rely on fan opinions for creative guidance. But I don't know, like I don't necessarily feel like from a creative pursuit, making things by committee is ever that great. I mean, maybe that's a bit different than like being in a writer's room and having everyone kind of brainstorm ideas. But what's brought to mind for me are just like focus groups that are saying, okay,
Starting point is 00:14:47 so would you want this character or this character? I mean, there's a scene from the Simpsons where they do some, some focus group testing for itchy and scratchy. And the conclusion is like, so you want a zany show that is totally unrealistic and off the wall, yet filled with down-to-earth characters who go through problems that you can relate to and also you win prizes at the end like
Starting point is 00:15:12 everyone is different everyone wants something different out of it so it's going to be impossible to please everybody hell the three of us know uh know, in particular with the group that we run with, that it is an impossible feat to do. And while I understand wanting to incorporate more popular opinion in there, it sounds like they're trying to make it the be all end all. And that just feels like such a fundamental failure on so many levels. Yeah, no, I echo everything everything retweet all of what you've said I also am under or in the camp of what about original IPs you know enough let things be right we don't need the seventh remake of the same thing that we've heard of multiple times because I just watched um Speak No Evil and I was like this is a cool movie whatever i'm frustrated but it was like interesting to watch and then i realized
Starting point is 00:16:09 that's also a remake of a danish one it just nothing is sacred nothing and i'm over it where make original stuff how about that and i think they made those two vastly different as well. Yeah. Yeah. I was like, okay, interesting. So yeah, that was a choice for the American audience, but okay. Made it much nicer. No spoilers, but yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:34 Yeah. I was going to say which one was the nicer one, but yeah, just, you know, the American one. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:41 But also kind of piggyback off this, like maybe they're using old ideas too much. Remind me, there's a show that I watched a lot when i was a kid as well um it was like this um african-american like black sitcom called good times yes so that was love that show it was uh my parents had like all the dvds for it it was like so i watched them a lot when i was a kid um so you know just a older show but then i uh i remember it was a couple months ago or maybe it was sometime this year i was watching something i was like an ad on netflix for an animated version of it and i'm sorry i was so repulsed by just seeing like the ad i'm just like what the why are you using do not attach this to the show that i loved as a kid do not attach
Starting point is 00:17:25 yourself to this and they did and i i did not watch a lick of that animated show but all i read about it was horrible so i feel did you see who the producer was or a story writer right uh i had not seth mcfarland I no this can't no no no no oh and also Steph Curry yes Steph Curry too I forgot about Steph Curry you cannot be serious yeah it was like a bunch of black folks and Seth
Starting point is 00:17:56 McFarlane I believe Norman Lear was there too because I think he originally produced the original series my god why did they who approved this like why would that's why it's like if ai i did not watch it um but it's like if ai like mates it's so like have y'all ever seen the original i've seen a lot a little bit yeah okay yeah i so good i'm not sure why they thought they needed to resurrect it as this bastardized cartoon version that is just, it might be disrespectful.
Starting point is 00:18:26 Right? The stereotype. In the little trailer again that I watched. Even in the trailer, I'm just like guys, you took the entire concept and part of the show and missed it. For what reason? Genuinely, make a new IP if you want
Starting point is 00:18:42 to do this so badly. And that's the thing as well is that, and again, cause I don't necessarily think creatives are, are not to blame, but I do think what does cause some of the backlash besides like, you know, the chodes and neckbeards out there complaining about everything is the fact that there are people who will take an IP and use it to kind of disguise the show that they wanted to write. A good example of this, I think, is a recently canceled show, Velma, which has earned a lot of consternation, especially from like,
Starting point is 00:19:15 who would have thought there are true Died in the Wool Scooby-Doo fans out there in our universe? But man, they had a lot to say when that show came out. And like, it really did seem like, okay, you want to make your own adult animated thing, but it was not making it, you know, past the first couple of rounds. So you have to associate it with a popular IP to kind of backdoor your way in there of like, no, it's a modern take on Scooby-Doo
Starting point is 00:19:38 when like, really, it has nothing to do with it whatsoever. No, it's just like an Indian girl that's like sad about life don't get me started and why am i talking about this lady every tv i know it's like sasha's personal vendetta about against mindy kaling is the subtitle of this podcast but no it's just i was really excited for velma again i i do feel like i am a fan not a stan of Scooby Doo and then I watched one episode and I said I got it no this is just another
Starting point is 00:20:10 Mindy Kaling like Ryan Murphy Mindy Kaling what was going on where did that show come out on was it like on Hulu or something HBO or Max whatever the F you want to call it once again saw the ad and was like you know someone will enjoy that. Not me, though.
Starting point is 00:20:26 Y'all have fun. Self-hating Indians, anyway. Yeah, I mean, it's just really interesting, and like, I can't tell, I feel like a vocal part of the internet is tired of the reboots and the remakes, but like,
Starting point is 00:20:44 I don't know know they're still being made so like is there just a healthy part of the population that does indeed go for the low-hanging fruit of like well i know good times so if this is anything like the good times i know i better go check it out and then like for you know the people in the suits that's all that matters to them is how many people ended up watching it no matter whether they liked it or not oh absolutely it's just also probably excuse for like people making these shows to say they did something putting on a resume be like oh i made this product that was uh you know it's good on the resume to say like you worked on this reboot of good times a reboot of scooby-doo or something you know because like oh cool that's name recognition
Starting point is 00:21:21 get your name in the door for future projects so i can definitely see if they want to do it for that reason which is you know angers all the fans when they're just like they're making something that's flop but whatever you're making the money i guess and oh that's so real and i think uh something that i believe was done well but again i'm not black so i want to lead with that is the Everybody Hates Chris yes I watched the first episode and I said no this makes sense
Starting point is 00:21:48 that show so good that show was amazing I love that like everyone I know like reference that show all the time
Starting point is 00:21:55 like just as cool it's so good yeah and now they made the remake I don't know if you saw the first episode I did not I have not seen the remake
Starting point is 00:22:03 it literally picked up where where the last one ended. Really? Like literally the next from the slap. Yeah, I guess that's the question I would have is like, for a lot of these properties, would you rather it be a lot of these properties would you rather it be a sequel where it picks up from where it left off like your fraziers your will and graces or would you prefer it be like an out and out reboot with new characters sort of like
Starting point is 00:22:35 what they're doing with the office i kind of like the continuation honestly but like that's selfish because of course like i've grown at the same rate as the show so i kind of want to see that same story continue on like for my age but i can also see the benefit of you know giving a different generation that same ability to fall in love with the same show that i did in the reboot kind of setting but selfishly i like the continuation part of it more because it's for me so I want the children like when I was younger to be better continue and storyline for me as an older and like as an older person so what about what about you Sasha yeah unfortunately I think I am the drama because yes I also like that better uh because right there's the nostalgia sells at the end of
Starting point is 00:23:22 the day it is what it is but then I'm thinking of a Fuller House. And I was so excited because I love Full House. That's the one show I think, like, I really can't quote most of the episodes and storylines on. But Fuller House was all right. I was like, oh, it's just missing everything. Because in no way that all of these people can live in the same house again. They have to have their own lives. But then that takes away from everything that's exciting about the show.
Starting point is 00:23:55 So I want, but then Girl Meets World had like a little bit of a continuation, but on its own journey. And then you're just like, okay, that's nice. So yeah, that's the thing for me maybe it's just because like i'm someone who consistently wants to look into you know new ips i know this is a little bit hypocritical considering that like when my main beat is covering survivor which is on season 47 but like i personally would rather go for a british tv model of like shows running for two three seasons and then kind of going away and so i would prefer personally the reboot for a couple of reasons um one of them being as well
Starting point is 00:24:34 that i feel like with revivals sequel series what have you it's almost always you know the same creators working on the show and that also almost always means that they are coming in from like their 1990s early 2000s lens and trying to talk about things in the 2020s and it like never pales well you know like i'm pretty sure like the futurama i know they've they've rebooted several times but like i think they try to tackle a couple of current issues and it's gone about as well as a lead balloon in that regard. Like just having, and again, as a lifelong Simpsons fan, it makes me cringe to like watch some of these older
Starting point is 00:25:16 white men that have been with the show for decades try to make commentary about, you know, diversity to the points that you made earlier. But something that like it serves as a nice example on the other side of that is like the saved by the bell you know reboot which i think you know may it rest in peace from what i saw did a really nice job actually of like being able to tackle current issues that teenagers are facing because they were able to bring in a crop of talent that
Starting point is 00:25:45 admired the old show but also were youthful enough and present enough to bring it into the modern age yeah okay i think that's fair and i think if a degrassi re i don't know part 100 next next next generation were to happen or or the or the degrassi maybe we grew up with which was a remake of the 80s Degrassi uh it it works if you're right if it's topical um and not cringe I just feel like lately and I don't want to sound like a boomer but I just feel like oh it's getting so woke but in that it feels inauthentic and it's just like getting woke for what reason um and i'll give an example for bel-air i feel like that is so i feel like that finally they have made it they're they're you know they they made it into their own show like
Starting point is 00:26:39 season three i believe felt like yeah like i was like oh it feels good it feels like its own show now it's divorce and we'll have random people come in uh from the like paying new characters and you're like wait what that that's that ain't who I think it is and it feels exciting um but they but they have um they have issues that teenagers now would have dealt with. Like Ashley is currently, bless her heart. Her mom is like, you can't close the door with boys in the room. And she's like, well, they don't identify as a boy. And then I was like, wait, but this actually would be a real life issue that parents would now have to
Starting point is 00:27:23 deal with is like gender isn't binary. So what do you do? Yeah. And it was, yeah, I just felt like it was a really interesting conversation. I was like, this is good. Like young adult sequels and it doesn't feel as cringy. What do I do in the next TikTok? Cause that's the thing is that the sequel series again it's a
Starting point is 00:27:45 little bit of who is this for uh i guess you know you're expecting to kind of cash in on the people that know the property but chances are like how many people that are in the frazier demographic know to go to paramount plus to watch the latest episodes as opposed to like creating the show for another generation not as like a direct replacement but almost as an updated version of it it just and also for me as well like being a big star trek fan it's been very interesting that obviously you know that show was very ahead of its time in the 60s but certainly still shows flashes of it back when it was made but now they've made a show that came out before the original series in the 60s that pontificates on themes nowadays as well and so like i just think that is really the perfect way to thread
Starting point is 00:28:38 the needle that if we need quote-unquote nostalgia bait at least package it to me in a way that feels new either a fresh voice or a fresh perspective as opposed to oh this is you know season seven of this show that's coming 20 years later that's fair yeah and then when they do a gilmore girls remake again maybe i'll be sad boom i just got into sorry go ahead no i'm kind of curious because um i was talking to a friend the other day about it but do y'all only watch shows like streaming platforms now or do you have like tv like go to like the channels and stuff or is it only just like you have certain platforms and do you ever discover a show randomly or do you always look for something in particular and that's it hmm yeah do you ever like a surf the algo Sasha
Starting point is 00:29:26 take anything that it throws at you I feel like I am one of the like I said boomers that still has cable um actually and it's really for sports um but still I I enjoy it actually and you're right I don't know Dwight that I specifically look for like oh this is just on I'm gonna watch it but then speaking of your baby mom's favorite show I don't know but Law and Order SVU they do have new shows and I will be like oh my gosh I haven't seen this episode and I'll just start watching it and um I that's how I discovered the floor and one day I will go on that show I swear to god how did you discover the floor I was just again surf like maybe Dwight's right that yeah I was just watching or I turned on uh the tv and then I said what the
Starting point is 00:30:18 hell is this new show on one of the you know those channels and then I was like oh I'm in is that the show where it's like they're just it's a screen and then they're just like okay okay i thought so how this like i'm sorry but is it just hard is it literally just they're doing that the whole time it's just one-on-ones but with like different um with a different and uh skill set or knowledge sets so if dwight you and i um like your like a skill set is survivor right and then and mine would be uh mine would be like tv shows let's just say then i if i you know the thing flow randomly lands on me i'm like either it's you on survivor or or i have to pick mike who has like podcasting as his thing or hobbies maybe would be his thing
Starting point is 00:31:14 and then i have to pick which one and then we are we fight on that and then whichever one doesn't get used that now could become your inherited category or mine oh so so everyone has a category they start with yes an area and then it's almost like a little bit like uh like risk in that you're like trying to invade into someone else's territory to conquer that category and then if you win you sort of take their area and i think it's like your your goal is to like fill up the floor, right? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:46 And can you ever just like say, okay, I've won enough. I got enough space. Okay. I don't think you just kept going until it made sense. I was like, you started one person. You could do one-on-one. It's like, oh, you won 90 in a row and you lost the 91st. Yes, you're eliminated.
Starting point is 00:31:59 Okay. And you will be. That's how it works. Oh, that's. The problem is someone will challenge you and then um you you're like well yeah i guess because i'm some person was only connected to the big person so they had to challenge and then that's it so if the that person lost like who has been working so hard you lost and it was like on country music
Starting point is 00:32:25 someone lost and i would too oh country i'm cooked done for yeah what would be your area of expertise on the floor dwight yeah oh hell oh let me think about mike would kill it on this show i i think i would do pretty well like i am not jeopardy i'm no drew basile but if it's coming to like learning and knowing a little bit about everything i would feel pretty good like I am not Jeopardy I'm no Drew Basile but if It's coming to like learning and knowing A little bit about everything I would Feel pretty good about that I'm in same as Mike I feel confident Like general just general knowledge there's
Starting point is 00:32:53 No like one thing I think oh I killed this it's just On like visual recognition right Depends like some were Like song lyrics Like I'd be quite honest Anything else like any like general knowledge I'd be very confident, to be quite honest. Anything else, any general knowledge, I'd be very confident, just in general. You might watch that show.
Starting point is 00:33:09 I had really, I binged it one day. Because I watched one episode and I said yes. How did you binge? Isn't it just like the show on Fox that's just airing? Yeah, but it's like the surprise, it's like a serialized game. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:27 They like say, okay, this is how far we've gotten in this episode we'll come back and like continue on oh oh i thought it was like they did all the whole thing in like one episode for one floor yeah damn exactly and my my question again this does not matter but like i really want to know if they get to go home at night and think about their category and then they come back or is it shot all in one day i would imagine they're at least shot in like a good handful but yeah because otherwise like you could easily study up on your subject if you need a refresher in between tapings but if I you know challenge someone and then I'm getting country music it's over
Starting point is 00:34:11 because I only know Beyonce country yeah anyway I do have a plan that I will go to the very niche according to sportskita it was five days of filming with two episodes a day for most of it. So not OK. That feels fair.
Starting point is 00:34:27 Interesting. OK, OK. Did you ever want to be on a game show, Dwight? Was that like your your early thoughts about wanting to be on TV? OK, so this is interesting. Funny enough, no. I like found like I found Survivors because I wanted to do that. But I have been on two other game shows. found like when i found survivors because i wanted to do that did it but funny enough i have
Starting point is 00:34:45 been on two other game shows um i was so i'm not sure you some of you will find these out there um i was on price is right with my mom okay um in 2018 um it was the mother's day thing so my mom i was in school in california right so my mom one time she's come to visit me she went to la for a few days beforehand as well went to price is right taping she said it was fun and and i was like oh there's a mother's day taping happening like before christmas break so let's just go to that one together and watch right so we went to that taping they chose us um because okay i'm pulling back the curtain a bit on price is right it's not random it's not completely random guys it's just show some kind of personality in the line and they'll probably
Starting point is 00:35:31 pick you danny to be fair did say that yeah yeah we talked with danny from amazing race he talked about how you had to give like the 30 second pitch on yourself basically when they're going to the line but yeah it was like we went it was like apparently like my mom thinks they recognize her for the first time but to kind of believe that but yeah we just wore like this bright pink clothing she had a flower in her hair we're just like yeah they're gonna pick us they did uh so they picked us we went up there we did we got on the stage we did a game we got some amazon speakers which are still in my parents house like they love them we could have gotten a car but whatever yeah i'm looking right now you you were able to play any number and you could win an amazon echo
Starting point is 00:36:06 show a spot two dots and a plus or a mini cooper hardtop how do you pull this up so fast oh my god how'd you pull this up so quick i've only made it to the bright the price the dark web has all of the price is right info you just gotta ask the right people. Yeah. And then we did the wheel, everything. We spun a 90 and the family, I just spun a dollar. I'm just like, are you kidding me? I'm done. Oh, that sucks. But no, it was, it was, it was like the people who won.
Starting point is 00:36:34 They're so nice. I'm so glad they did. So you've got a little speaker. That was cool. And then even before that, when I was 14, this was all happened like randomly. It wasn't like I sought this out. My mom saw this thing on Facebook.
Starting point is 00:36:49 It was like, who wants to be a millionaire kids edition? I'm just like, ooh. My mom was like, hey, you can look into this. I was like, sure, I'll apply, I guess. Whatever. Then I went to some summer camp. I was doing some...
Starting point is 00:37:03 It was for pharmacy myself because i was just in like chemistry stuff i went to some camp in um i think it was georgia at the time and then my mom calls me last day it's like hey so the two or three million people kind of want to interview you i'm just like oh this is actually we're doing this okay so did that they like it was for eight to fourteen year olds so they they eventually chose me for that it's like okay cool um flew us out to vegas for a couple days and it was like two days of tape there were like 20 of us kids right 8 to 14 years old i was 14 i was like the second oldest kid there um and uh they it was like two days no three days of filming episodes yeah three days filming episodes
Starting point is 00:37:45 wednesday to friday um so and they said okay we'll choose guys in a random order to go film right it's supposed to be three weeks worth of episodes we take three days three weeks worth of filming so it's just all of us get to play we get there they change it to be two weeks only of episodes guess who didn't actually play oh that was fun it was even worse because like so it was 20 i think they ended up doing 14 people got to play but they did eventually call my name i was in makeup and everything i was backstage ready to go on stage next the producers came in and said hey so we just finished filming for the entire two sessions sorry about that um you're not getting the play um so i was obviously not because i literally i was supposed to go on next
Starting point is 00:38:32 um but as a consolation because there was another kid in front of me who was like nine who also i'm sorry i was second in line because there was a kid in front of me who was also who was already had makeup done he was like standing on stage ready to go out they told him why he was going on this kid um like i said was nine or ten was bawling his eyes out um i was upset i was annoyed but i was like damn okay um so uh producers then came to me and said listen you you're fine because i wasn't crying they're just like okay we're gonna do this quick thing we're gonna do a random segment where we pull an audience member to answer a question. So I got randomly pulled from the audience to answer a question.
Starting point is 00:39:09 It's all a sham. There's nothing random in game shows. Yeah. Sorry. NDA is getting breached. But yeah, they randomly pulled me for that. And I answered the question, got it right, got $1,000. That was fun.
Starting point is 00:39:20 Oh, okay. Okay. At least. But I did watch, like watch like because you know i was obsessed i was like i found the episodes and watched them back because like oh if i got to play how would i have done i was reminder i was 14 years old the question for 8 to 14 year olds i played through every single game that the other kids did i and this is not me being like ego to solicit i would not have walked away with less than 250 000 dollars
Starting point is 00:39:49 that hurts so i was like damn that would have been nice um who wants to be like the questions like i don't think i got limited on any other questions the kids watching one kid didn't make like 500 000 question and i was And I was like, okay. The ones who made it pretty far, I knew literally every answer. So it was frustrating to watch back. I think this was on YouTube. I was like, okay, that's fun. Love that. But I
Starting point is 00:40:16 mean, Survivor happened so I was very happy that I did. But yeah, no, it was like, it's funny to me because people on Twitter would be like, you need to have been on the show to go and do Brother Survivor. And it's like, no, it's just, it's funny to me because people on Twitter be like, you need to have been on the show to go on the show. And it's like, no, it's just literally, I guess these happen randomly because I have a personality
Starting point is 00:40:32 and they like, right. You just show a heartbeat and a pulse and you have personality. You'll get on the show. The other one I just applied randomly got on. It's just like it's all right. So you heard it here first. Angela from Big Brother, not a plant just chosen because of her sparkling personality. Yeah, that's the thing.
Starting point is 00:40:47 I say that about Angela. I was like, guys, it's just she probably just went to the show and they liked her a lot. It's not because she's not a plant from production because Wonder Price is right. Was I a production plant on Survivor? Do you really think I was a production plant on Survivor, guys? Answer your question there. The Amazing Race. We're not production plants.
Starting point is 00:41:04 So, yeah, it's very funny to always see the argument though because i'm like no i it wasn't even my goal it just kind of happened be like what are you gonna do someone call tuesdays hey you want to be on who wants to be a millionaire yeah no thanks i don't want to be on this show where i could win money for answering questions thanks thanks for the offer bye like what i'm gonna do it of course and what a like cool experience i don't know the behind the scenes of all these shows is like always so fun granted i only have like i said limited knowledge in india but still it's just it's so fast you got to go to trl yeah yeah basically i did play and
Starting point is 00:41:37 win but it's just it's so fun like i don't know i really enjoy how all the background stuff works um but you know listen since we're talking about this i feel like dwight must have thought about this or not and now we're gonna make him but if you were you know to be a part of a scripted tv show what do you do you have one that you'd want to be a part of be a part of yeah oh i've never thought about this actually oh um oh that is a tough question actually i can't think of one on my head like fair fair well what are i guess maybe this will help jog like what are some shows that you like to watch now whether it's like stuff to watch now? Whether it's
Starting point is 00:42:25 stuff that's currently on, whether it's stuff that you put on as a comfort show that you've watched a million times? That's interesting because I don't really watch random stuff. I don't have a TV. I don't have cable. I don't throw on a show randomly. To answer my question earlier,
Starting point is 00:42:41 if I have something I want to watch on Netflix, Disney+, it's Target. I will go and and seek it out i don't really do stuff randomly um anymore like it's the star wars stuff random disney plus shows the random marvel shows um i think it was i was watching it back in the old show that i used to watch um leverage it's like a uh i'm sure you heard that it's like a yeah yeah yeah like kind of crime solving oh yeah show that was i would try like when i was younger so i was re-watching some other episodes but that um what else have i watched but yeah it's it's hard because like a lot of the shows are like other shows where it's like you know these marvel star wars i don't want to be a
Starting point is 00:43:19 character in these shows there's just like catastrophic events happening every other week i don't want to be there i'll'll give you plot immunity. You won't die. Oh, plot immunity? Lovely. Yeah, yeah. You can be main character if you want. That's up to you. No, that's too much work. With main character? Nah. Even in these Star Wars shows,
Starting point is 00:43:37 they're getting invites all the time. I just want to chill. I want to vibe. I want to relax. Listen, so. So Roseanne, got it. The Good Times reboot. They were in, like, the ghetto. Like,
Starting point is 00:43:54 what were the other projects? Like, bizarre. I mean, that was in the original, too, but it was, like, more... Oh, okay. Yeah, it was, like, the sequel, they really made it seem like a... I feel like they hammed it up. Maybe that's why. Yeah, and, like, in that trailer, really made it seem like a... I feel like they hammed it up. Maybe that's why. Yeah, and in that trailer,
Starting point is 00:44:08 it may seem like a really... I don't know. It was more of an uplifting message in the original one. It was more so a positive spin. I don't think the second one has a positive spin on it. Even from the trailer,
Starting point is 00:44:17 it just seemed genuinely derogatory. So I'm just like, why are you making this? I will not stop lambasting the show. I think it is horrible that they made it. Good times. Derogatory. It genuinely is. That's what the second one is.
Starting point is 00:44:31 Why did they... I think Ashton Palin was good. I think they did a... On Recap King. Did he watch the Recap of Lord of the Rings? I believe, but don't quote me. I want to text him about that so badly now and see if he
Starting point is 00:44:45 oh my god we just gotta watch it it is interesting to your point about how yeah I don't necessarily like to hear about your differing perspectives Sasha as well and that you seem to still kind of live in kind of the channel surfing model of like yeah I'll throw something on in the background
Starting point is 00:45:02 and then you know whatever pops up will pop up like that still exists somewhere pluto tv is still something that like i think has become a bit popular because of that that it's almost a happy medium where it's like oh i like episodes of star trek the next generation but i don't want to pick a very specific episode let me just kind of throw it on and i really have no power as to pick what i want to watch i'm just going to kind of watch it and then follow it along uh with limited commercial interruption that feels like maybe a nice middle point between having everything specifically tailored for you and you being overwhelmed by so much and just like you know turning on an
Starting point is 00:45:41 electronic device and picking anything that might fall in your lap listen that remote work will have you on cable so fast oh my i just want to watch bar rescue sometimes what's your favorite streaming service dwight is it disney plus because of all that stuff it's been disney plus recently may all mainly i will say because of i can download episodes to my phone. Because I'm on a plane, I can just watch it offline. Because you have to pay for that. Like, premium on the other ones. Disney Plus is like, you want to download 10 episodes to your phone? Go for it.
Starting point is 00:46:13 God said. Love that. So it's kind of just traveling a lot. When I see people are going home, it's nice to be able to go on a flight. I'm not sleeping. I sleep on flights all the time. But how about y'all? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:31 Really goes. good on a flight i'm not sleeping i sleep on flights all the time but how about y'all yeah um really goes i'm you know subscribed to way too many of them but that is sort of like the nature of the beast i am it's tough because i have live tv through hulu so that's the one that i've watched the most i wouldn't say i check out a lot of original content on there but like i always love what fx and its subsidiaries are doing so i would probably say from an original content perspective it's most likely hulu especially given sort of like the direction star wars and marvel has been going in terms of quality that seems to be one of the most like rock solid networks in terms of ip what is what on fx do you like like what is there loved fargo uh when it's like coming out i mean like it's not fx but like you know the bear is a part of that always sunny is a part of that show gun english teacher actually i started watching a couple episodes of english teacher that. That's a very fun show.
Starting point is 00:47:26 I know a lot of people compare it to Abbott because they're like, oh, it's about schools. It is not. It's it's it's FX. So it's more like I would say Abbott cross with something like it's always sunny where it's more it's darker. It's more crass, but it's it's very, very fun. I very much recommend it. Oh, OK, I'm going to watch it. I wasn't sure. Yeah very much recommend it. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:47:45 I'm going to watch it. I wasn't sure. Yeah. How we felt about it. Perfect. We'll be adding. For me, funny enough, I think it is Amazon Prime.
Starting point is 00:47:55 Like I was thinking about this because it was Netflix for a while because I think Netflix's UI is one of the best. And I don't know why these other people can't figure it out. That's really, it's like a personal frustration. But I think Amazon Prime has the best shows.
Starting point is 00:48:11 And again, because I like to watch a lot of Indian TV shows and stuff, Amazon just has the best Indian original shows. Like Made in Heaven is so good everyone should watch it um and it's just it's really again feels like fun and topical and amazon prime i think pushes the boundaries maybe that yeah like just like fx where it's not like this cookie cutter did an algorithm write this which is where netflix i feel like is going yeah well especially with like I don't know if y'all have watched Chaos but that got cancelled after one season it's very
Starting point is 00:48:49 it's Jeff Goldblum as a god like where can you go wrong and Emma Thompson what? Chaos? yeah K-A-O-S oh I see yep cool yeah oh i i i see yep cool
Starting point is 00:49:07 interesting all right well seems like an intriguing concept no yeah it's an intriguing concept the problem is is that like because everything gets released at once on netflix it's like you gotta start doing stuff in the first six weeks or otherwise we're gonna get like there's no long tail to this show it's gotta start putting butts in these chairs immediately or else it's getting cut and so it really has to be about overcoming this hill of okay you might not know about this show but you're gonna want to check it out in this weekend or else we can't make another season of it meanwhile emily in paris gets like 17 seasons how do y'all feel about the uh like nowadays people release like batch dropping episodes versus just like releasing weekly like how do y'all feel about that uh the weekly release versus
Starting point is 00:49:55 dropping all at once it depends on the show because i feel like otherwise i'm gonna sound so hypocritical bridgerton how dare how dare you? You know what I mean? Be serious. Shut up, Bridgerton. They give us eight episodes, maybe 10. I don't even know because I'm four and four. Yeah. So four and four.
Starting point is 00:50:13 Yeah. Same with Emily in Paris. Are you kidding me to do like half and half? Maybe I don't remember what happened in the last episode, let alone the last season for Emily in Paris. So I just feel like they're playing me on these silly shows. Just release them. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:50:32 But Shogun was amazing to be week to week. And I feel like a Marvel show, if it's good, is really great week to week. Because I love to get caught up in the online discussion of it all if it's like and shogun specifically i felt like i was learning so much in that week to week where it was like oh this is what the book said and actually this is what japanese feudal culture is and here's where like they're doing it different and And then you'd learn from the people that the showrunners and they would say, oh, here's how we worked really hard on, you know, making this correct, blah, blah, blah. So it if it's a good show, I'll allow it to be weekly.
Starting point is 00:51:15 But Emily and Paris, how dare you? Yeah, I don't know. I am much more of a basic bitch. And with the weekly model, because to Sasha's point, I like the engagement from it. I don't like having to do the sort of tenderfoot. Okay. I'm at this part. Are you at this part? Almost like a book club in that regard of like, okay, how far are you into this? How much can I talk about it with you? The other thing being is that like, I have such a varied diet in my television watching. I am still really used to like watch an episode of this thing, watch an episode really used to like watch an episode of this thing watch an episode of that thing watch an episode of this thing and then the calendar
Starting point is 00:51:48 refreshes and we do it all over again that i'm just not a binger in general look at me i'm alive it doesn't necessarily go through my metabolism and so it's tough for me to like binge through a bunch of stuff and also remember a good amount of the details that happen with it i'll more so take away a general vibe then oh yes i remember in episode four when this specific thing happened even if it is like a very detailed show it just all runs together agreed what about you are you yeah i'm more i'm more of the i like the weekly i don't do like the online discussion for shows a lot more than just the also like if i'm just i'm more of the i like the weekly i don't do like the online discussion for shows a lot more than just the also like if i'm just having to be too busy to watch when the day it
Starting point is 00:52:30 drops like oh and if i even see one tweet about it gives me spoiled for me so i have to avoid like all devices because the twitter algorithm does its thing and it's like i looked up the show one time and suddenly you say oh you looked it up before it came out here are all the spoilers for the people from people talking about it like i can't mute every word in existence like the show yes you try your best yeah so we talked about with mo last week right that like if you don't watch an episode of a show there's a good chance that your algorithm will just take people that are posting video clips from it and put it together so you basically don't need to watch it you just can see all the highlights online yeah that too true i've kind of i think i've watched big brother episodes like that
Starting point is 00:53:08 for the past like year or two but like i'm not gonna watch a lot so just like i have a few accounts that post the clips like the competition clip cool the one fight clip the drama the the meeting okay that's it all i need to do save my time dwight if there was a scripted adaptation of Survivor 43, who would be cast to play you? Oh, Jesus. I have an answer and I'll be intrigued to see if it matches up. Mitch McConnell. Jail. Jail.
Starting point is 00:53:45 Jail. I want her arrested. Well, you know who to talk to about that. I went 52 minutes without making that joke. 52. I was going to be proud of that. You made it 52 minutes and you just not made it. You just held off.
Starting point is 00:54:04 You were saving that. you were just waiting for it i don't believe you um i don't know who was playing oh my god what are you talking about i i can't think of anybody maybe it's because this show was mentioned earlier in the podcast but i could absolutely see tyler james williams playing dw Dwight Moore it's the dry humor it's exactly it's that like low dry oh my it's that nerdiness like it's it really fits you to a tee I think you like gardening I'm just kidding um no it's the way like dwight looks at us when he's like mad and he'll just like kind of just stare us down until we're like okay we're kidding or whatever i am never mad i never get upset at you guys i love my friends so much and i never get upset and you're lying
Starting point is 00:54:57 i mean you lie on this podcast no never. Never. Oh my god, that's so good. Because I was really trying to think who was like funny like Dwight. That's where I was getting stuck. Oh my god, I'm funny now? Oh, I love that. Well, like that dry humor. Yeah. It's like, you're not hilarious. You're just kind of dry humor.
Starting point is 00:55:21 The dead thing. Yeah, that's so good and everybody like really does hate Dwight I get bullied by y'all exactly all the characters work oh my god
Starting point is 00:55:41 well everyone may hate Dwight but we love you and we loved you on this podcast Dwight yeah I guess he's alright yeah I guess he can be here it's a perfect way to bookend the podcast you will not feel bad for Dwight everyone just tune in on Sunday
Starting point is 00:55:56 to see why to see why you see what I deal with here guys have empathy sympathy for me my ordeal. The problems I go through. Oh my God. Outside of a call for sympathy,
Starting point is 00:56:13 Dwight, anything else you want to plug? Anything else you want to talk about in the realm of scripted TV? We're selling series. I can't think of anything. What do you mean? Blood on the Clock Tower. Yeah, I can't think of anything. What do you mean? Blood on the Clocktower. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:27 Oh, you just scripted me. My Blood on the Clocktower is not scripted. It is live. No, you do follow a script in giving out roles to people. Yes. That is true. But, you know, I do that every Saturday and Monday now. Saturday with the RHAP crew of Survivor and Big Brother and other folks.
Starting point is 00:56:42 And then Mondays with the RHAP patrons in in general so that's been going super well uh that twitch.tv slash doing more i have to remember my own channel name for a second because i'm brain fart uh we had doing more is the channel name so yeah if you ever want to insert that come by also there's a game on rob's uh rtp's youtube channel that was edited we made that a couple months ago and it's finally live so watch that if you're interested uh we play the introductory script so i think it's a good way if you've never played the game before to introduce to how the game is played you'll see all the conversations happening like in conjunction with each other so it's a really good way to understand how the game is played and what the roles do and if you like that then come with your stream efforts all right sasha besides demeaning dwight what do you have going on oh my gosh yes if you want to know more about uh celebrity culture why something's trending
Starting point is 00:57:34 you know why we should bully Dwight no I'm just kidding uh check out messmagnets.com where Kirsten McInnes and I are just yapping being girlies um and you know talking about why we're in an alliance you'll know all about it on mess magnets dot com what are what are you covering this week in terms of celebrity gossip oh this week i believe we're gonna um be talking a lot about the what's in the rug follow-up um oh yes because we did cover what's in the rug we talked about it a lot but um is what's in the rug the al capone's vault of the 2020s can you imagine apparently spoiler alert it was nothing yeah so it was the al capone's vault yeah what is this what's in the it's a tiktok thing please listen to mess magnets you'll know I will listen and there's a time
Starting point is 00:58:27 so you don't have to listen to everything else if you don't want to and did you guys know that Stefan Diggs was allegedly allegedly sleeping with Cardi B when she was 8 months pregnant
Starting point is 00:58:41 because again it feels like a follow up episode because I again feels like a follow-up episode because i again was like guys cardi b allegedly was also cheating on offset but i don't know what to and then this comes out what the hell but apparently stefan digs is the hose and um just is it just is everyone he's spinning the ball on him he's playing for a lot of teams yeah correct so ladies apparently if you want to get back at your man Stefan Diggs is waiting for you
Starting point is 00:59:13 if you want the ultimate revenge game get with Stefan Diggs oh my god imagine I mean you're fine it's okay but yeah so for all of this mess check out Mess Magnets and of course we are now going live after the episodes for dancing with the stars. Yeah. And we had such a fun time. Uh,
Starting point is 00:59:34 well at the time of this recording, this was last night, uh, where, uh, Matt, Matt Liguori and Izzy, Queen Izzy joined us to talk about Dancing with the Stars, Gene Simmons Crazy Ass and Brooks and Gleb we were talking with Dwight earlier offline about everything that was going on with Gene Simmons and Dancing with the Stars
Starting point is 00:59:58 and it was quite amusing to see his reaction to it yeah and especially this like the hair metal one oh my god what an episode to yeah soul train night didn't have much aside from dwight howard rocking the like end the mode bob oh that i was twitter told me i didn't know about that that was that was funny oh my gosh but yes oh my god the the hairy metal and listen the fact that it was live with izzy and matt oh my god so good everyone please check that out but yeah that is it what about you mike uh so the usual
Starting point is 01:00:33 stuff from the reality tv perspective survivor big brother the challenge mass singer i posted about this on twitter but a bit nicole brown watched a brenteele. That was a main thing. Then on the scripted side of things, covering The Penguin, which I'm now all in on, and we had Chappelle on Down the Hatch. He has watched all of Lost in about a three-month clip. And so Josh and I basically brought him on to ask him a bunch of questions, and then he asked us a bunch of questions, because Lost he asked us a bunch of questions because loss leaves you with a bunch of questions.
Starting point is 01:01:08 It was a very fun time. Chappelle gets lost, should be coming to your feed soon before we start on a battle star, a Galactica. Besides that, Sasha and I will be back next week with another reality star talking scripted TV. Of course,
Starting point is 01:01:22 for those of you that will be in New York for the live show, you'll see me there. You'll see Dwight there. Let us know how you thought this podcast went. Have some kind words for Dwight, perhaps. See if there's another person you want to cast in his stead in the live action, I say live action remake. Live action remake.
Starting point is 01:01:41 I love it. I love that. Sometimes Modern Survivor kind of seems like a cartoon. So yeah, maybe that seems to be the case. Total drama. Exactly. But feel free to let us know some other reality stars that we might want to
Starting point is 01:01:54 have here talking about their scripted TV tastes past, present and future. Thank you so much, Dwight, Sasha. Thank you. As per usual, we'll be back once again with another episode of TV for Real. Until then, everybody, it's been real.

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