Right About Now with Ryan Alford - BUSINESS NEWS & TRENDS: The Rise of Trading Cards - Trump's address to Congress - Skype's Discontinuation

Episode Date: March 7, 2025

SUMMARYIn this episode of "Right About Now," host Ryan Alford and co-host Chris Hansen discuss key business news, including Donald Trump's address to Congress, the discontinuation of Skype, and the im...pact of tariffs on the U.S. economy. They reflect on the decline of Skype in favor of platforms like Zoom and WhatsApp, and explore the evolving job market influenced by AI. The conversation also touches on the importance of diversity in hiring, the benefits of entrepreneurship, and the volatile nature of cryptocurrency markets. The episode emphasizes staying informed and adaptable in a rapidly changing economic landscape.TAKEAWAYSBusiness news highlights and current events overviewKey takeaways from Donald Trump's address to CongressImplications of tariffs on the U.S. economyDiscontinuation of Skype and its impact on communicationPolitical climate and its influence on business decisionsEconomic insights, including discussions on tax cutsDiversity in hiring practices and merit-based hiringThe role of technology and AI in the job marketThe importance of entrepreneurship and brand building on social mediaThe evolving landscape of communication platforms and their alternatives If you enjoyed this episode and want to learn more, join Ryan’s newsletter https://ryanalford.com/newsletter/ to get Ferrari level advice daily for FREE.  Learn how to build a 7 figure business from your personal brand by signing up for a FREE introduction to personal branding https://ryanalford.com/personalbranding.  Learn more by visiting our website at www.ryanisright.comSubscribe to our YouTube channel  www.youtube.com/@RightAboutNowwithRyanAlford. 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys on today's episode of Right About Now we've got your weekly business news highlights. We've got six big takeaways from Trump's speech to Congress. We'll call it a speech address, whatever you want. We've also talked about, hey you guys heard of Skype? What's going away in May? Don't Skype no more. Again we're going to talk about tariffs, the impact to the U.S., the stock market, and all the latest hits here on Right About Now. This is Right About Now with Ryan Alford, a Radcast Network production. We are the number one business show on the planet with over 1 million downloads a month. Taking the BS out of business for over six years and over 400 episodes.
Starting point is 00:00:42 You ready to start snapping necks and cash in checks? Well, it starts right about now. What's up guys. Welcome to right about now. It's our weekly business news here on March 7th, 2025 joined as always by my good friend, Chris Hansen. What's up, Chris. What's up brother?
Starting point is 00:01:02 How are you today? I am fantastico here on a Friday. It is we're grinding through March already. February was a flash. March is here. Spring is sprung and hey, the news must be told. Spring has sprung. The spring fling.
Starting point is 00:01:24 Yes. All the spring get togethers, the outings, the 60 to 70 degree weather. That's wonderful. Oh, you know, the, everything turned green. We get rid of some of this gray around here. I need some trees to have some green back on them. You know?
Starting point is 00:01:39 I don't know how you do it. I was there. Everything's lush 24 seven like Miami. No, actually we, we had a, we did have some overcast. Yesterday we had one of those days yesterday. It was like, couldn't decide if it wanted to rain or not. And I'll tell you, it's a dull vibe in the city when it's gray in Miami, people don't know what to do with themselves.
Starting point is 00:02:02 Yeah, I'm sure. It's supposed to always be sunny and hot and awesome in Miami. It's like- Sunshine State. Yeah. Well, you got all the people that moved there for that. And then the, you know, the tourists
Starting point is 00:02:13 and it's constantly coming through there. Yeah. Like at any given time, I know you're kind of in a quasi-neighborhoody, you know- Tourist area. Not tourist area, but you're around it enough. Like, does it always feel like 50-50? 50, or does it feel more tourist?
Starting point is 00:02:33 Oh no. I think where I'm at, it feels like 90-10. People that live there? There's a few Airbnbs and like some hotels, but yeah, I feel like 90% is like more local. You're in midtown, right? Yeah. If you go across the beach,
Starting point is 00:02:52 I mean, if you're by the hotels, yeah, it's gonna be all like, it's gonna be probably more like 60, 40 tourists if you're on the beach side. Yeah. Sunny Miami. A lot of pale British rates in side. Yeah. Sunny Miami. A lot of pale British Brits in Germany. I already get my tail. Pale or extremely sunburnt.
Starting point is 00:03:12 Yeah, exactly. One or the other. Yeah. That's how you can tell. That's might just some poor schlep that is a tourist falls asleep. He's got the red, you know, the skin tone. I always see that guy at the pool or whatever.
Starting point is 00:03:25 It's my ties at fountain blue. You can kick him back. You know how it is. Oh, I know. I know how it is. We appreciate everyone for listening or watching. Go check us out on YouTube or you can always watch us on Spotify.
Starting point is 00:03:41 We've got the full video versions. You can see Chris and his cool glasses. He's always got, you never know. And Chris is rocking that vibe. And yeah, give us a little subscribe. We'd appreciate it. And if you enjoy the show, tell your friends, leave us a review, shoot us some DMs on social media.
Starting point is 00:03:58 That's what we do this. We appreciate you for listening. We know you got an option. So thanks for choosing us with your time and attention. We've got our weekly news here, Chris. We had Trump's address to Congress, which a lot of business impact from that. I think it's two things are, you know, always interesting to me about that, Two things are, you know, always interesting to me about that, about those, no matter what it is. Like, okay, when it was Biden, the political theater that remains, even after, you know, the public has sort of told people that were kind of over this shit and, you know, the politics of it all. But the whole theater, and I call it theater,
Starting point is 00:04:49 and I call it entertainment to a degree, because it's all very serious topics. We'll start there. But then the whole polarization of the room, clapping or not clapping, based on party divide is- So high school. It's so high school. It's so juvenile.
Starting point is 00:05:09 And it's like grow up and look, it goes both sides. This is not a, it, when Biden was in office, Republicans did it. Now that Trump's an office generational almost at this point, all of us are just like, come on everyone in the room is over 60 years old. Right. We can't clap for a disabled child. Yeah. Like, you know what I mean? Like everyone can't clap for that. We can all support that. You're right. Everyone, the boomers, man, there's a lot of data coming out on, they're not very happy people. Yeah. I wonder why. Say why? There actually was reasons. It was part of like the way they grew up,
Starting point is 00:05:48 but also the economy they grew up in. But there was a study on basically how willing you to leave money for your family. And it asked boomers, millennials and Gen Zers. And millennials and Gen Z were like 50% plus like, yes, I want to leave money. I want to help my kids. Boomers were more like, I want to spend it before I die. Like, like heavily in like 70%.
Starting point is 00:06:12 So the point was like, my parents are boomers. You know, I guess they're not going to leave me anything. Hey, I don't want to believe you. I see it in my folks. I see it in my folks. I'm trying to, I'm not really counting on it. You know, like, you know, whatever.
Starting point is 00:06:27 Like it's make your own way. It was a different time and you know, things. Yeah. Things have changed. And, but the theater of the whole thing is, is sad. And is that, are we going to repeat history? Like are the 30 and four year olds going to do the same shit
Starting point is 00:06:47 20 years from now? Can we just get to a better system? And less, I get that you, the two parties balance each other out. You've got the yen and the gang. And I get why we developed the system, but that's just broken when you can't clap for the kid with cancer, like you mentioned, and just some very obvious things that should not be politicized, you know, and it's just
Starting point is 00:07:15 ugly. It's just, it's not even, I don't know, humane. I don't even know. It's barbaric. Yeah. It's not diplomatic. It's't even it's barbaric. Yeah, it's not diplomatic. It's not it's not. Coos it's you know, I don't even know if that's the right word. You know what I mean? It's just so
Starting point is 00:07:34 we need to clean it up and get it more professional again with respect and dignity really. Imagine if our kids did that. Like if they the whole classroom Oh my god divided into and only supported. Your son goes to a poor presentation. Yeah. And half the class is like, yeah, exactly. And would we support that? Would that be acceptable behavior? No, it wouldn't be acceptable for children. And these are elected politicians. So. Term limits, term limits, we need them.
Starting point is 00:08:07 Term limits and new ideas. And so a lot of that was shared. I mean, the biggest part I think to me is like the taxes, Trump talking about tax cuts and you know, I'll say this, we talked about about a lot with the dosing and, and Musk, if you're going to give tax cuts, it's got to come from somewhere. At least we're starting with the cuts, you know, with finding waste and then talk, you know, like, then do it like we can actually do some tax cuts if we can cut 2 trillion in, in waste, right?
Starting point is 00:08:44 Well, it's like, I think about it on a micro level, right? In my own life, I had a conversation with a buddy about just credit card subscriptions, right? All these things we sign up for every month and we forget about. And there was one of these apps, I forget the name, but it'll tell you which ones you're paying for every month and you can cancel it, it'll do it for you.
Starting point is 00:09:03 That's essentially what we're doing. But it's like, if you want to budget, you're going to go for that first. Let's go for the waste. Where is the spending that I might not be completely aware of that's happening that isn't part of my daily life? It makes sense, right? We do it in our own life.
Starting point is 00:09:18 Why is it so freaking crazy that we're doing it on the government level? Yep. So we're cutting on the government level. Yep. So we're cutting a lots of a DEI. I mean, that's a hot topic. Like I just, I don't know how much money you spent on it. Did you? Like I would have never guessed. Yeah. Like, they sneak it in those. Are we not further along than this that we that we need to pay homage to certain groups
Starting point is 00:09:50 versus hiring who's best at the job? Like and I know that it can be polarizing for, you know, white male to say something like that in potentially, but I'm just like, I don't look through that lens. Like, I just look at like my friends, my workers, whatever. You're either, you know, worthy of my friendship, or you're worthy of a job because of your merits. Like, I don't care what diversity or ethnicity is. And I think most America, there's still pockets. But I think most people know how to judge like characteristics of people
Starting point is 00:10:33 that are not their heritage, your or their skin color. Well, and to set policies and continue to like, go down these roads. I I know it can be perceived as like, oh, it's easy for you to say that, but no, I just feel like that's the sentiment that I get being attached to small business, whatever. I was gonna say that's your lived experience and that's mine as well. That's what I was gonna say is,
Starting point is 00:10:58 no part of me has ever cared what color, what country, what your first language is of anybody in any employment situation. I've worked with people in all types of jobs from all over the world. I don't give a shit. I've met awesome people from everywhere. I like the people that do the work and do a good job.
Starting point is 00:11:18 If you are worthy of my friendship or I am worthy of yours, like it's two way street and same thing with work. If you can provide value to me and vice versa. Prime example. That's what matters. I have a great example of sipping. We're in social media, right? You have a digital marketing agency,
Starting point is 00:11:40 tons of people we know in this game. How many people have part of their team in the Philippines, Vietnam, right? They've adapted they learned a skill and they can do it at a competitive rate It's as simple as that. Yeah, it's like You get good at something people will come to you, you know exactly no part of me cares Oh, I want to go work with someone in the Philippines. I don't think you're I give a shit what country it is right. It's like they do a good job and
Starting point is 00:12:10 they do it for a good price. Yep. I don't care what color they are, what language they speak. Like where's the DEI in that situation? No one twisted our hand to start working with companies in the Philippines at times. you know? No, exactly. I got, I love, we, we work with lots of people in the Philippines, Joel and his team, but help our team for years. Most trustworthy, greatest, but honestly, I don't care about like the first, the first, the Philippine, like all I care about trustworthy, reliable, and does a good job. And I will say the only thing that I will say as a small business owner in the industries that we're in, I don't get a lot of
Starting point is 00:12:54 diverse candidate pools. Like I don't have a lot of people apply, like as many. Now, maybe it's, so that, if we could do things to encourage that maybe getting more diversity within certain industries, like I can support that, but not, but I'm not going to hire them for the sake of diversity. Well, and you need to keep in mind percent of population, right? Like, yeah, you're not a small business that has 10 or fewer employees, it sort of falls with the reality of, I don't hire that many people that often. It's just statistics. Yeah, it's just statistics models, unfortunately.
Starting point is 00:13:32 So I'd get behind getting more candidates sometimes. I'd love that. But I just want the best candidates, you know, for what I have, period. I know you don't give a care. You just, you want the job done. Yeah, man. I'm very practical in this, you know? It't give a care. You want the job done. Yeah, man. I'm very practical in this.
Starting point is 00:13:47 You know, it's black and white, like, and not color. As business should be, right? It's just, yes, no, good, bad. Like, are you adding value or not? Money and drinks. Outcomes. Yeah, I don't know, man. And I choose to believe that we reflect the majority in that opinion.
Starting point is 00:14:07 And so gutting some of these DI programs that just feel like the premise was wrong, maybe to begin with. It's like maybe intentions were right, but like anything, once you start to sort of divide the line, you have line, you have to protect the line. And so once you make the stand of the DEI thing, you go to the ends of the earth to protect it, to do these programs, to do all that. And then it's just all about protecting what's there,
Starting point is 00:14:37 not necessarily if the premise was right to begin with. I also think it was set up, it's corporate stuff. Like you go to any small medium sized business owner and have these conversations, it would be like you and I, it would just be like, I don't even think about this. Just I look at applications and whoever's a candidate I'll talk to. And if they're good, they get the job, right?
Starting point is 00:14:59 This is like government people making laws related to like their government jobs that then impact everyone else that it really, this isn't even a topic for in my experience. Yeah. And I mean, the big thing with tariffs, you know, I think this is still negotiation. We're still pushing like to the brink here, I know,
Starting point is 00:15:21 of you with Canada and Mexico. I have a feeling that that will probably work itself out. Yeah. Let's like two months from now, if these are in place and we're truly feeling it on every level, okay, we'll have that conversation and what it means or doesn't mean, I still will feel like we're playing a game of chicken here, uh, and negotiation. China is a whole different thing with a whole lot of different impacts because they are an adversary versus, you know, Canada and Mexico are allies for the most part, you know.
Starting point is 00:15:55 They don't have much of a military. Yeah. We are their military, essentially. We are their military and we would protect them. And so, but there's still the realities of the economics of all this stuff. And it needs to be in line with the baseline reality of how much importing export. Like it's just like, there's equity here. Like we've been paying some of these fees and different things in Europe and all these
Starting point is 00:16:20 other countries for so long. I think it's hard to, it's interesting. I saw a Warren Buffett, you know, had a comment. And this is where I think, you know, it's a calculated comments. Like he was asked about, you know, the terror of some of the things Trump's doing. He's like, my only question is, is what I ask myself when I make decisions. To what end, like what's the end game?
Starting point is 00:16:49 So he said, I don't, I don't pretend to, he was implying that he didn't know necessarily every move that Donald was making and to what end was it leading? Which I think is a fair thing to say. I think- Yeah. I mean, he's not a member of the government. He doesn't know what the military is doing, right?
Starting point is 00:17:09 Yeah. And I think we can all agree a stronger America is a better America. So if we can do that with as little pain as possible, but even if there's a little bit of pain, I think we can all support that that's necessary. I mean, instead of tariffs in the old days, they had war, right?
Starting point is 00:17:30 So this is a better alternative. The whole, I mean, it's not business related. I thought about not even bringing it up. It happened in between last week and this week, but the whole Zelinsky debacle on television. I mean, I didn't, I didn't really didn't like that being. I don't think it was good for really anyone personally. I thought that we, Trump is playing a bigger role here.
Starting point is 00:18:00 And again, I think maybe the ends are the right way. I just, I just didn't like that being aired. That was just my personal, at all. Even if it sort of reflected the position, the strength, position of strength that we should have, and that we shouldn't just keep sending suitcases of cash over to Ukraine with no, you know, end in sight. I can agree with the policy and the end goal without necessarily liking the way it's all been, I don't know, spewed over television. I think he looks like an idiot.
Starting point is 00:18:42 I think. Who? Zelinsky. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. It just, you got a lot of pissed off American taxpayers already, especially as more of this, the Doge stuff is coming undone and more of those inefficiencies are coming out.
Starting point is 00:18:57 And then, you know, it kind of just, it's like, give a mouse a cookie, he doesn't want a glass of milk. Like he just came out very like, well, we need more and you don't care. Kind of threatening in a way too. So I agree. I don't think it was probably conducive for everyone, but it probably also made public opinion about that war not in a positive light. I don't think that helped Ukraine. about that war and not in a positive way. I don't think that helped Ukraine. Yeah. PR stand.
Starting point is 00:19:27 No, but I mean, did you like, even if Zelensky is like an idiot and looked like overplaying his hand, but did you love that all being aired, that discussion? No, I think that should have just been a private conversation. Yeah, that's right. That's where I even think there's theatrics
Starting point is 00:19:43 and all that, you know? Yeah. I think it's purposeful Obviously, no, you know look They don't let anything out. They don't want to get out So cameras are rolling things are shared. I get why they aired it, right? Yeah, but I don't know. It didn't make me feel good inside, you know No I don't know. It didn't make me feel good inside. You know. No, I don't think so. You know, it's like when you're at the grocery store and all of a sudden you hear people arguing
Starting point is 00:20:10 and you're like, not here, not now, come on guys. You know, you're just like, I don't know. It's just a vibe kill. It's not good. It's not conducive, right? It just was very argumentative and tit for tat. And's like ego clashing. Great. Let's find. Yeah. That's kind of what it felt like more than anything. And it was all bravado.
Starting point is 00:20:31 A lot of rapada On both sides. Inflation and energy policy. Trump blamed Biden for high egg prices and pledged to tackle inflation through oil and gas drilling. Drill, baby drill. There's still no eggs at the Trader Joe's near my house
Starting point is 00:20:48 for months now. Really? No, they've only got- You cannot get eggs. There's no- About other grocery stores. Yeah, if you go to other grocery stores for whatever reason, like Publix, but even Publix,
Starting point is 00:20:59 they have a limited supply, not much organic at all. And then Trader Joe's literally, there's zero cartons of eggs for, I want to say at least the last two months. And there's only like those microwaveable like egg, egg bites. Yeah. Well, so.
Starting point is 00:21:18 All those Trader Joe's, I can't get that organic or whatever make, I don't know, is Trader Joe's all organic? No. Okay. Not all. Skype, no more Skype. I mean, this shit saw this and I was like, I was not surprised. I used to, but I haven't used it all the time. It was last time you use Skype. We use it every Friday, you know, when we catch up on the phone, right? Other than those Skype video calls we do.
Starting point is 00:21:46 I haven't used Skype probably since I was like, you know, 2005. Yeah. Like, I had to sort of like, go look when I saw this article and go, when's the last time I even, you know, now, you know, your phone off boards, apps you don't use. And Skype was definitely in the land of misfit apps. Undownloaded. The big question mark on where the app spot is on your phone. You're like, oh, let's not use that in a while. You know?
Starting point is 00:22:16 So. FaceTime and Google meets Zoom. Yeah. So if you're listening and you're using Skype, it's time to move, baby, move. And if you are listening and you're still using Skype, I have some other concerns for you as well. Yes.
Starting point is 00:22:34 You should definitely listen to our show more often. Yeah. We use Zoom and- And- Google meets. Slack, Google meets. We use Teams occasionally on calls, depending on the client. I would actually argue that the DMs of all the social media apps have probably killed Skype as much as anything, right?
Starting point is 00:22:57 Yeah. Skype was more consumer based and I think most of the DMing stuff like the business stuff like Zoom and other ones. It was international communication. It's how he's talking to my family in Europe. And now WhatsApp, I mean, the WhatsApp's pretty much killed it. They own the international market.
Starting point is 00:23:18 Yeah. If you have, I mean, anyone who ever sees their own WhatsApp for the most part. All my friends outside the US are disgusted that we use iMessage. WhatsApp is like number one, always. Start market is actually up at least here on recording day after the news, some of the jobs market stuff, small business, super small businesses down, medium solid business kind of up services, service businesses up. We talked about the impact of AI and jobs last week.
Starting point is 00:23:51 I think the jobs, jobs is a metric of overall economic, you know, standing of the whole country is going to be an interesting one to monitor because of the whole country is going to be an interesting one to monitor because of the impact that we know and have said that AI will have. The net is probably going to be fewer. It just depends on where these kind of jobs migrate to. Like we talked to. It's not good.
Starting point is 00:24:20 It's not the AI is not taking your job. It's people that use AI is going to are going to taking your job. It's people that use AI are gonna take your jobs. So it will be interesting, the segments, the switches of, you know, someone that used to do this, that gets on the bus, the AI bus, understanding, leveraging it, learning it, where that job exists, you know, in the future, may not be in the exact same category. So and we'll, it's also never been
Starting point is 00:24:54 seemingly more, I don't know, easy to be an entrepreneur and doing your own boss. Just so many damn ways that you can leverage the economy of, I don't know, the gig economy, just and so many different ways, like with the internet and social media and all this stuff, like I don't know that it has to be your day job, but to not be dabbling in it just in case, I just can't imagine with all the tools
Starting point is 00:25:25 there are, right? Yeah. I mean, I tell people this all the time. I mean, we say this all the time. Like if you're a business owner, you should be building a brand on social media, whatever that is, whatever business, pick a platform. I would say, even if you're cleaning pools, shoot TikToks of you cleaning pools and educate people on pool cleaning. Yeah. Like there's guys I follow for content like that. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:25:55 Like, it's like, I would never think I want to follow someone like that until it comes across the feed and you're like, oh, that's interesting, you know? Yep. The world's a big place, just put yourself out there. Anything else big hitting your radar this week, Chris? I mean, crypto is obviously still not moving much.
Starting point is 00:26:17 Like we can do a little quick analysis on that. Yeah, like it was like, okay, it's been down, down, down. We had a little shoot up. I was like, okay, we're back, baby. And then, you know, all off. So it's sitting around 93,900. You know, it's better than it was. But yeah, the big thing was a Bitcoin Federal Reserve, right? That we would essentially now have a new reserve of cryptocurrencies. And he named a list of his XRP Solana, I think Ethereum, Bitcoin. So the market did pump, went up a little bit, kind of on that news and stabilize, and it's kind of still teetering
Starting point is 00:26:56 a little bit down right now. So not much price action, but I mean, short term, it's a roller coaster, but long term, I would still, I'd still get in line and get on the ride. Yeah. My XRP like playing with my emotion. It's like, like literally it was a T it looks like this. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:19 And then the net net is like 3% difference week over week. From Friday to Sunday, it basically went up like 20%. And then now it's probably back down like 10, 15%. Yeah, it's up like three or 4% overall. Anyone that follows my Instagram, I posted a chart yesterday of shows from 2020 and compared to 2025 and it sure repeats itself. It's looking good. So bye. Bye now. Bye low. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 00:27:48 Bye. Bye the wave. Uh, and I just need that extra P to jump, baby. Got a lot of eggs in that basket. And I can't, I can't keep it like, there's no like clear unicorn right now. Like it's not Doge or whatever. Like it's all these things seem to be riding the same curves.
Starting point is 00:28:10 There's no, like I'll go look at like the biggest gainers of the day, trying to find like the winner and then watch it for a couple of days. And then it's the biggest loser two days later. You know, it's like the NBC special, biggest winner, biggest loser, biggest winner, biggest loser. Come on, win baby, win.
Starting point is 00:28:25 I gotta get something on this horse. Spread the love, be diversified. I know. That's the play. What's the Miami vibe these days, Miami business vibe? There's a lot going on, you know, springtime is here. As Ryan mentioned, AI's freaking blowing up. I mean, even I've been going pretty deep down the rabbit hole the
Starting point is 00:28:45 last couple of weeks with crock and chat GPT. It's pretty wild how much time you can spend, but down here in Miami at district five, they're having a free accelerator course on AI. If you're a business owner entrepreneur, you want to learn some more of the platforms, apps, ways you can use this in your business. I think it's up until May 25, so Google that District 5 AI Accelerator. If you're a business owner, like we said, learn this, or you're gonna be hiring someone that does know it, right?
Starting point is 00:29:17 So it's an ever-mineasier time. Even I can tell the last three days, four days, once you kind of learn how to use like say chat, GPT or Grok, the prompts, you can use it for anything. Any question you have, anything. I don't even use Google anymore. I go straight to this. It's way more informative.
Starting point is 00:29:35 But I totally agree on the AI Chris. Like it's sort of like muscle memory. You got to keep doing it and remembering and like the applications are greater than you might think you can generate content. You got to sit down like you're learning a new video game. You know, exactly. Everything's pretty user friendly that I've experienced and it becomes quite intriguing
Starting point is 00:30:01 because you start to realize, wow, this is extremely efficient. I can do a lot with this and you kind of go like down the rabbit hole of exploration, which is fun. Yeah, exactly. So if you've been following along, we're about to start a series. Actually, I'm getting all the players in the sports card game, trading cards. Sorry, Pokemon. When I say sports card, that doesn't include you, but I do mean to include you.
Starting point is 00:30:24 There's plenty. Those Pokemon say sports card, that doesn't include you, but I do mean to include you. There's plenty. Those Pokemon people, man, are crazy. I, you know, it's one thing sports cards, Chris, but Pokemon, those guys to drive you over. I've been at the Walmart about got ran over by kid like, Hey, he wanted that Pokemon pack, dude. Hey, look out. I'll smack you right in the wind smack a kid shake one but I wouldn't smack him hit the Walmart like dude it's like running in here like hordes gotta get those
Starting point is 00:30:57 Pokemon bro yes I know so that money like you yeah Yeah, no. We have, you gotta go to Breaking Rad, BreakingRad.com. You'll see, the boys and I have set up the site. Go check out that, sign up for our email list. We're gonna be putting all of our best cards up there for sale. As part of the Rad Collective, Chris. You see these hologram stickers you already got here.
Starting point is 00:31:24 You know, this is legit. The rad collective playing around. There's real, Hey, I can't wait around for this crypto market. I got to go where the money is. Sports cards. I'm going to be gambling. I'm going to, you know, at least get to open something with crypto. You know, they may say that digital stuff is as good as physical.
Starting point is 00:31:42 I don't know. I need some like real action in my life. This is like legal gambling for children and adults. But so I've got our good friends at Don Russ. Good friends at Don Russ and Panini, one of one million different types of packs. Let's see what we get today, Chris. Are you feeling lucky? Yeah, lucky. You got see what we get today. Chris, are you feeling lucky?
Starting point is 00:32:11 Yeah, lucky. You got to watch this on YouTube. If you're listening, I'll give you a little ASMR. I think today will be a good day for ripping packs. It was good last time, man. I got like $200 on there. So maybe this is going to be good. I'm going to put it in today. Yeah, exactly. Let's get in here. Get our Burberry glasses in on the picture. So you always start with these base cards that aren't really worth much, they're kind of fun. So you got two, hey, that's fun. But you're really trying to get to the good stuff.
Starting point is 00:32:39 Like this sweater that's, Cade Stover's, like these are called patches. Essentially, he's got material from either like game worn uniforms or other things related to the team. So Kate server rookie for the Houston Texans. I almost called them the Houston Olders. I'm showing my age a little bit. So these are fun cards.
Starting point is 00:33:04 Maybe five- dollar card. Xavier LeGate played at South Carolina, Jordan Morgan, Cortland Sudden. So you're hit of that pack is the sweaters, Chris. Wouldn't you want your own trading card where, you know, a Houston Texans sweater that you had like gets to be featured in. It's kind of thick.
Starting point is 00:33:25 Kind of cool. Yeah. Nice feature. My kids would be excited about that pick, about that pack. Cause you get the whole sweater and all that. So we'll do one more bonus pack just for everyone here. You know, you got to watch this on YouTube. You get the full effect.
Starting point is 00:33:42 Go to breakingrad.com. see all of our cards for sale and links to our whatnot channel where we're going to be doing live breaks. Do that ASMR for you one more time. See, I mean, don't you want to hear that pack opening, Chris? I do if there's money in it. Oh, there's money, baby. Oh there's money baby. There's money.
Starting point is 00:34:06 Hey old Barry Sanders. It's not old though. Just base card Beezer base cards and Julie's peppers old school up there. That looks like Baker Mayfield old card. That would be one. You've got Jevon Baker, Adrian Cooper. This would be called the So So Pack, Chris. That's a So So Pack.
Starting point is 00:34:30 So go for in for two. Anyway, check it out. Breakingrad.com. Chris, any final words today? Everyone enjoy the start of spring. Get out there, get some sunlight, get some sunshine. Get your feet in the grass. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:34:48 Get out there. Hey, let's not make it left and right. Let's make it, you know, about humans. Yeah. Humanity, not politics. Policies, not politics. We appreciate you. We appreciate our sponsors, Independent Center, and of course, not politics. We appreciate you, we appreciate our sponsors,
Starting point is 00:35:06 Independent Center, and of course, Exponent. Go to independentcenter.org, plug in your email, that's where you get the true policies and not the partisan politics. And of course, Exponent powers me and powers the show. We appreciate them, and we most certainly appreciate you for Chris Hansen in Miami. I'm Ryan Alford from here at our studios, at Social House in Greenville, South Carolina. We'll see you next time on Right About Now. Visit RyanisWright.com for full audio and video versions of the show or to inquire about sponsorship opportunities.
Starting point is 00:35:47 Thanks for listening!

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