Robert Kelly's You Know What Dude! - 3 Turkeys

Episode Date: November 26, 2018

With Bobby out of town we have an emergency podcast with Yannis Pappas having an in-depth 1-on-1 with The Legend Rich Vos! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Robert Kelly's, you know what, dude, on the Riot? Oh, that's so fun! That was trying to keep it like a comic-can. I have a bunch of guys on. It's just us sitting down and happening. Sometimes it's hilarious. Sometimes it's a tad no talk. Big no direction. I love doing it. Both sides of the coin!
Starting point is 00:00:36 That's not what a host does! You want to do anything? My podcast is popular enough where I might affect somebody's life. You never know. It's Robert Kelly, so you know what, two podcasts on What's up everybody? It's your nuts, so favorite, fill in, host, second string, understudy. Bobby's got the sick.
Starting point is 00:00:59 Well, he's not sick. I said Bobby's got the sick, but he's not sick. No. No. His whole staff is here. Staff keeps growing. I mean, you know, I like this podcast because it's usually eight comics. And now there's,
Starting point is 00:01:11 Well, I am eating more. Eight interns now. Are you guys still considered interns? Or I feel like we're like part time interns, part time staff. I say producers. Producers. Yeah. He's a producer.
Starting point is 00:01:23 Yeah. That's better. And he's a producer yeah that's better okay yeah and and he's like a third mic yeah he's kind of like uh guys that's rich well I'm literally the third mic as if anyone doesn't your voice is well yeah yeah it's kind of like you're calling people you know who I am yeah right who when I start slaubing uh he's like a third mic Uh, he's like a third mic. Hinderance.
Starting point is 00:01:49 Would that be the good word? Yeah, that's a good one. You wouldn't expect that word to come out of my mouth. Hinderance. I'm impressed. Yeah. You are. I'm surprised. Well, today's, uh, it's an impressive day because there's just, it's just me and
Starting point is 00:01:59 Vos. Uh, pretty soon it's going to be just, it's going to be me because you go out, you want to eat your food and you can't eat up here, right? Because Bobby almost killed me once for eating the soup. I know when I saw it. I was here that I know and told me you can't eat up here. I never heard that. Yeah, what's a real that's Bobby's diet plan.
Starting point is 00:02:17 So he goes for an hour and a half. I don't eat. He made that rule. Yeah, but every time he bends out under the table, he takes a bite of a meatloaf. You don't see it. I'm just holding it with my knees. Yes. Oh, it's like that.
Starting point is 00:02:31 That's why he pretends he dropped something. Yeah. And I'll eat a chicken farm dinner by the time he looks back up. Yeah. He used to that. Now he can't bend over. He can't get. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:43 He can't get down there. Yeah. He has a long straw. He'll drink a meatloaf milkshake. That can't get. He can't get down there. Yeah. He has a long straw and he'll drink a meatloaf milkshake. That's the way he's going to do it now. That's the way he's got to do it. Yeah. When Bobby got angry that day, I could really feel his childhood, his foster care coming out. Like he was, you know, he'll take that foster care anger out on you.
Starting point is 00:03:00 But it was all straight out. No, you're not supposed to eat. Why would somebody yell? Why wouldn't they go, hey, we don't allow eating up here. And you go, okay. Yeah. And well, not. Scree. Listen, I'm, you know what I'm going to. You have asthma. Yeah. Look at me. That makes sense. Yeah. Yeah. That's pretty. A little overweight. Yeah. No, it's because my dad smoked all my mom was pregnant. Oh, is that lame to dad? I don't even know that could happen.
Starting point is 00:03:28 Yeah. Well, that's my kids had asthma when they were young, but they exercised their way out of it. So for emergencies, but yeah, I keep that. I keep that in my when I was, I 21 I used to get high and stuff but in a summer for some reason I couldn't breathe the one week I couldn't breathe. Yeah. I was trying everything everything and everybody thought I was on heroin or something. I was just a pothead but there was something that was pretty good. That was when you would just a pothead.
Starting point is 00:04:01 Yeah, just before heroin. took care of it twice. But I bought, I got primatee mist and then I was able to breathe. It opened my lungs, but I know I never knew what the fuck it was. Yeah. Sometimes it's just like an upper respiratory. I can't say that. But it is hard to breathe when you're heavier. Whenever I'm heavier, it's harder for me to breathe.
Starting point is 00:04:20 I snore more, you know, I snore every night and I'm not heavy. Yeah. I snore. I have sleep out in here. Well, that comes with the juthing right a little bit. No, it's just to creep that lease next to me in bed. Oh, makes me uncomfortable. I snore bad too. Yeah. So do why. Yeah. That's why I'm glad I married because I can't pick up girls. They wouldn't put up with that. No, it breaks a lot of people up. Yeah. I, we have a, we haven't cured it yet. Isn't that weird that they haven't cured that? Well, I put this fucking robot's cleaning houses, but you can't cure snoring yet. Yeah. Yeah. You know, I fucking try that sleep apnea mask and just try it. I could work two nights. Then I paid a thousand bucks for it. Just think you put your mouth. You're, it's like you're locked in, you know,
Starting point is 00:05:09 it's just a little hole right here. Not that one. I got that too. But the other one is metal that the, the dentist takes a mold and it costs a thousand bucks and it keeps the bottom, uh, throw out in front. Yeah. And I put that on and I was having anxiety attacks because I got my fucking mouth locked in. Yeah. So and then I put this little plastic thing that you just breathe through a little thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:35 But I spit that out by the end of the night. It's fucked up. Do you actually have sleep apnea where you you stop breathing or just, no, I don't know. I just made you need to mask if you don't have sleep apnea. Well, they say when I want you to sleep apnea clinic, you know, they tell everybody because that's their business. Yeah. It's just so it's to get you the pr, to get you to machine to get you whatever, you know, they're not gonna say, hey, you know, so they go, you have a little bit of it, you know, but I just snore
Starting point is 00:06:02 and wake up. I've always had a hard time breathing in life. Yeah. Anxiety. Why? You're in shape. I mean, I know, but I'm always I get out of breath easily. Right. I guess I don't have a used to smoke cigarettes a lot too.
Starting point is 00:06:17 Yeah, but I probably don't have a just a big lung capacity. Yeah. But I do. Although when I went for a physical and you do the breathing, I don't know if you ever did this physical, you breathe, you suck it and breathe out and a tree, it'll show how many leaves and it'll tell you your long capacity. And he always says, I do well. Beautiful tree. I don't think I get a full tree, but enough where have a good one. Then what's the problem? How can you fill out a room? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:06:44 Maybe you're not breathing right? Yeah,'t know. Maybe you're not breathing right? Yeah, maybe I'm excited. Maybe you're just breathing from like here. And not your gut. Did you do any sports as a kid that builds up your lungs? Yeah. Yeah, he should play it all the time, host. Well, you know, it just sounds like maybe it's in your mind
Starting point is 00:06:58 because if you just said they did the test and you have a good capacity. But I don't breathe through my nose. I breathe through my mouth. You breathe through your nose. That's always my mouth. You breathe through your nose. That's always clogged. This is fucked, you know. I know.
Starting point is 00:07:08 You know, this is all hilarious. We started off hilarious. Okay, here's to think this is riveting. This is amazing. I'm glad I gave up talking to two hot girls downstairs in my salad. Yeah, you can't even eat your food here. You got to just sit with it.
Starting point is 00:07:20 There's two hot girls I was walking out going, you going on tonight. I got to go down and talk to them. Yeah, just just, I have to. Before they leave, they leave they're gonna leave but you married you can't I can still talk you still can't talk yeah my wife goes you never flirt you hate girls yeah no just you but you still got a drive because my drives are already down oh sex drive yeah now I'm the role when I get into a hotel I do yeah and, and you just beat your meat. I Don't really call it that anymore. I'm over
Starting point is 00:07:54 23. Yeah, so what do you call it now? Yeah, what's the mature way to jack off? I call it dessert Are you actually call it master bait now? I just fucking I call it technical term. You told for slang. I just fucking I just hate myself. I just I call it ruining another fucking bath towel. Use the bath towel. I use it in that sock again. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:18 So that's why air drying hotels because you just know and that's why socialism won't work. You look at hotels, you look in public bathrooms, you see the way people treat shit, they don't own. You're like, that's why socialism doesn't work. It's a good point. Yeah. People, it's almost like people try to piss on the walls. It's like, it's not that hard to piss in a bowl. You go into a public restroom. It's just, there's pit. You're like, it's a river of piss in front of your feet. Disgusting. I stopped in a gas station on the way here. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:48 You know, it said, help wanted. I want to go to the guy what to clean your bathrooms. Disgusting. How annoying is it in fucking third world motherfuckers? What? How annoying is it in Jury? You live in Jersey, obviously. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:03 How annoying is in Jersey when you go to the gas station that you got to like wait for the fucking guy and tip him a doll. You do the best thing. It's the worst thing in the world. There's four cars. You got to wait for him. These guys juggling and they got to wait for him to come and and remember yours. And then you hand him a dollar for for slowing your process.
Starting point is 00:09:21 Oh, I never tip them. I was supposed to tip them. No, I feel bad if you don't tip them. No, no, no, it's creating jobs. Oh, I never tip that. Am I supposed to tip up? No, I feel bad if you don't tip them. No, no, no. It's creating jobs. Ah, yeah. I wrote a bit about that. You just reminded me and I have that the only thing good
Starting point is 00:09:34 in jerseys we got, we don't have to pump our own gas. Yeah. And I remember saying, there's people living in Hawaii going, you know, this weather is amazing. The ocean is beautiful, but I am so sick and tired of getting out of my car. Where can, where can a couple go where we don't have to pump our own gas? Fucking jersey. So you like it? Do you really like it? I pull it out. I don't want to get out in the fucking cold and do fucking manual labor. I'm a fucking headliner. Fucking pump my own gas.
Starting point is 00:10:06 So it makes you feel it. It's a nice thing. You feel a lot in Jersey. When I travel on the road, I bring a homeless guy so he could just pump my gas in the other states. Yeah, you don't want to get out. Yeah, I don't mind. You don't feel like it slows you down though.
Starting point is 00:10:17 And you got to wait. When he, you know what I'm talking about when he's pumping three other people. Oh, in a bit. And then he puts yours in, he walks away, and then when it's done, you got to wait for him. You want to a bad gas station. Now it always happens in Jersey. It's a pinch where you away. And then what it's done, you got to go back to a gas station. Now it always happens in Jersey.
Starting point is 00:10:26 It's a pet's way you go. If you go to quick sectors like four guys, but you know what? You're sitting in your car, you read your emails and, you know, and, and, and, and, and, and you want to comment folk to work. You don't want, you know, yeah. I feel like that's a, it's a dumb job to keep around. You're a fucking traction. The guy who does this in the day. He's sitting right across from me.
Starting point is 00:10:49 They can at least like clean your window too. That would be nice. They used to do that. That would be nice. They used to do that. Yeah. Now, what did Giuliani do to completely eliminate squeegee men? You would think that it would like make a comeback somehow,
Starting point is 00:11:04 but it's just gone. You know what I'm saying? Like he controlled it. But then like you would expect like people, even like after he came out of office, you'd expect some of the guys. Just go back to the old business. Squeegee men might be before your day. My parents talk about squeegee men all the time because they both worked in the city drove in from New York.
Starting point is 00:11:20 And they said they just pissed in a button, but it bucked and then squeegeeed. Now they got water. It was water, but it button, but it bucket and then squeegeeed. You're fine. They got water. It was water, but it was, yeah, they would start squeeging, like, yeah, they wouldn't ask you. They would just start doing it. Yeah. And so you'd be like, fuck, and then you'd have to dig in
Starting point is 00:11:35 and get money. Or you could hit them with your car. You could hit them with your car as well. That used to happen. Yeah. You hit them? I mean, New York used to be, I mean, New York. Yeah, New York was like a
Starting point is 00:11:45 Serengeti. New York was like the Serengeti. Yeah, it was a wild time. It was a pain in the ass of so many. Yeah, I can see hustling trying to make some money. Yeah. But if the person says, yes, then no, no, then just move the fuck on. Yeah, it was a real New York city hustle though. Yeah, it was. That was, you don't think it was happening in any other states. Probably. But now it's gone. Have you noticed it's just gone? It's gone.
Starting point is 00:12:10 How did it get a new scam? Yeah, what is the new scam? I don't know. It's interesting, right? It got to be something. I remember my parents, the scams used to happen all the time in New York City too. I would come up to you and pretend like he knew you or knew your parents and he'd just fish.
Starting point is 00:12:25 And he got my parents once because my mother actually did go to law school with David Dinkins and knew him. And so this guy came up and convinced my parents that he was David Dinkins son. And that is car broke down. And they just ended up giving him 80 bucks. Why? He just got to that point where you're like, car broke down. And they just, you know, he just guessed right.
Starting point is 00:12:45 Like he just called, you know, what did he call that cold, cold reading or whatever. He just was like, a cold read. Yeah. He got a, he got a, he got a hit. He got a hit and he just, and my parents, you, you hear what you want to hear, you know, because my mom knew him knew his sons,
Starting point is 00:13:00 but didn't really remember what the sons looked like because you know, they were friends from so, like, so it was the perfect, but this fucking guy probably convinced a lot of people that he was David Dick and son. That's a strong idea I was in Vegas Sunday night. No Monday. Yeah, Vegas early money. I'm bragging again Early Monday morning. He's legend in business early Monday morning. I was filling the tank with gear So I pull in the gas station I said get some other guy just had his I pull in the gas station. I said,
Starting point is 00:13:25 get some other guy just had his car. He comes in and he was, hey man, I, I go, no. Before he even got more than three words, I went, no, you know, I don't want to hear your fucking bullshit. Yeah. Whatever you're going to say, you just want to buy fucking crack or meth. Yeah. So shut the fuck up. Yeah, You're a seasoned urban denizen. You can read. You can read these mother. Like if someone comes up to me in the street and says, I'm hungry, I buy a slice of pizza or something. Yeah. You know what I mean? Yeah. But if they go, you know, hey, I need money for it. You want to eat something? Come on. I'll get you
Starting point is 00:13:59 something. And I'm not trying to be a good person. I'm not saying this. I ordered a pair of boots online. I thought they were motorcycle boots. You know, they looked nice online. I got them today, they're from China. They're almost plastic. Right? They're horrible.
Starting point is 00:14:15 So I put them in my car and I'm just trying to find a homeless person that's that size. I don't want to walk around with them. There was some on eBay, or anything? No, no, no, just give them away. And just forget I take the loss, take the hit, yeah, but you know, because I get, wait a second, you wear Michael, you wear motorcycle boots. No, these were nice boots. So they, they would have been nice boots that you could wear with jeans. You know, I got it like four pairs of nice boots.
Starting point is 00:14:41 Yeah, but I go, I was bored. I always buy stuff on fucking online. Yes. I get bored on the road. Yeah. And but you're more of a sneaker guy. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But I got, I got, I got, I got four pairs of Tim's. Yeah. I got a pair of Tim's two years old. I haven't even worn him yet. I sort of got, I had a pair of Tim's that we, we did Bonnarude with the first year at Oak, started the comics. I wasn't even married to Bonnie. So there's 13 years ago. And I warm yesterday, last year for the first time. Like sometimes I'm weird.
Starting point is 00:15:15 Like sometimes I don't want to fucking, we are, I'm a fuck them up. But I just want to know I have them. Yeah, I got crazy. No, because I'm the same way. So you're talking to somebody who gets it. I mean, I have like, yeah, I have some pairs I've worn once, some because I'm the same way. So you're talking to somebody who gets it. I mean, I have like yeah I have some pairs. I've worn once something few I haven't even worn. Yeah, you know, I downsize. I got rid of a lot I got rid of them. I just gave them the salvation army. I'm trying to sell a few. Yeah, well I I told because I just I just figured
Starting point is 00:15:38 I'm never gonna wear these. So what's the point? I got tons of P.F. Liars. They're like converses, but they were before cons. And I had like two of everyone. So I took like five and and put them in like a Christmas where they were collecting shoes and stuff for kids for Christmas. And they were brand new. So you know, what the fuck I'm not wearing them, but there's certain things that I hold onto them. I know I'm going to wear. Although I do have a bunch of Jordans that I won't wear. Cause there were three, four, five hundred bucks.
Starting point is 00:16:09 They're nice. What do you want to happen to all your Jordans, you know, at the end, when you, when you die, you know, I don't know. That's what I'm putting together. You have a will with it. I mean, you can't, you got to leave instructions. I don't know because I got tons of golf clubs. I got a lot of valuable stuff that my stupid wife is going to leave instructions. I don't know because I got tons of golf clubs. I got a lot of valuable stuff that my
Starting point is 00:16:25 stupid wife is gonna fuck up and I mean I gotta I gotta set a clubs at a worth one sense worth like almost three thousand now it's probably worth fifteen hundred because it's a couple years old or a thousand but she won't know what to do with my clubs. Yeah you may have to. My stamp collection she won't know what to do with that. You got a stamp collection. Well I I years ago I collected stamps years ago. Yeah. So I don't know what this worth that. You got a stamp collection? You got a stamp collection? Well, years ago, I collected stamps years ago. Yeah. So I don't know what this works now. It's probably worth a couple grand.
Starting point is 00:16:49 Yeah. You know, I have, you know, there, so I got stamps that I bought 20 years old that were probably already 20 years old or so, you know, I might have stamps that are 50 years old. Mm-hmm. You know, so they could be worth, I could be worth whatever. Yeah. I sold all my old video games before I moved here You did yeah, good on you man. All my
Starting point is 00:17:09 Well, you got it to you got a divorce you had to unload some of the stuff right travel like right? Yeah, I got I got like $10,000 For like me any stuff really yeah, I got about 200 DVDs of, I mean, great movies. Sitting in my basement. What do I do with them? There's, you know, those don't, those probably don't have as much worth as the, as the stamps. No, there's gotta be a place that buys old DVDs.
Starting point is 00:17:37 I'm sure there are. You know, I got to fucking every soprano season and, you know, I mean, just, those right now are like going for nothing. Like you can go on and like, I'll get an entire DB, on DVD, they're like, not worth shit, right? Yeah. Yeah. Cause you know what's going up right now? Like old VHS movies that never went to DVD or Blu-ray.
Starting point is 00:17:54 Really? Who's basically all of the VHS? Yeah, there's people who are like, like, closet, yeah. Yeah. An old player. Yeah. Those old shitty horror movies that never got changed over. This is the most tame and relaxed and clean. You know what, dude, that's ever gone. Yeah. Those old shitty horror movies that never got changed over. This is the most tame and relaxed and clean. You know what, dude, that's ever gone. Yeah. So when you name
Starting point is 00:18:10 this, just call it like the tamist ASMR episode. Yeah, I mean, I don't even think we've cursed yet. No, I don't remember one person. Fuck away. I'm a new comic. I don't say fuck back. I'm woke. Yeah, it's a woke time. Cool. You know what I was thinking when we were talking about the squeegee men and how you right when the guys started talking in Vegas, you were like, not now. I did the same thing.
Starting point is 00:18:35 What happened once? I hate when a homeless guy, when you're eating and one of the DVD guys or a homeless guy, if you're sitting outside of homeless guys, you're for money and I did the same thing and I was mean immediately. I was like, come on man sitting outside of homeless guys, you're for money. And I did the same thing. And I was mean immediately. I was like, come on, man.
Starting point is 00:18:47 Like I just was like, come on, man. And then I, he was like, he got a little attitude. I got a little attitude with him. And I got a little angry. And I was kind of like angry. So anything could have happened. And you know, he went to the next table after that, which was a mother and a daughter. And he asked for money. And I don't even know if she said no, she probably said no,
Starting point is 00:19:08 but she did it politely. Whatever happened was polite. And he spit on her. Oh, and I felt bad because I felt like it was my fault because I was the one who riled them up and was mean to him, you know, the table before. Oh, fuck. And so I was like, you know, because he like displaced the end because me, he probably felt like we would have been scrapping. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:29 But he still had that anger and he spit on her. But you cannot, you cannot take responsibility for somebody else's actions. You think so? Cause that situation feels like it was my fault. No, it wasn't your fault. You, he's the one who spit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:44 But he's crazy. I mean, he was a your fault. He's the one who spit. Yeah. But he's crazy. I mean, he was a crazy kid. He was a crazy kid. And he's down on his luck. Yeah. I mean, you can't I shouldn't know better than it. It just it it it hurt me so much. It's something about it. Just urges. It's like, yeah, yeah, because I give money and stuff. But it's like, come on, man. Like, I'm sitting here eating. You know, we're sitting here eating. Like, I don't I don't want to talk to you. You're in my fucking space. And but it was one of those moments where you got to remember, like this guy's fucking probably, you know, I, not probably, he has it horrible. He's probably a little mentally deranged or whatever. And I'm treating him
Starting point is 00:20:19 like a regular guy doing something disrespectful. But you know what? You got to say, New York has less of a homeless problem than other cities. You notice the homeless are a lot less aggressive here than they are in like DC San Diego. They're aggressive. Have you ever seen this? And it's because we set a few on fire. That's all you got to do.
Starting point is 00:20:37 Yeah. It's just, it's wanted to, to let the word spread. Like you don't want to, it's like, look, not saying you're going to get set on fire, but it sends a message like there's a line between, you know what I mean, the word gets out, and it's like, because in New York, they don't know, New York,
Starting point is 00:20:54 you don't know who you're fucking with. It's kind of thing. Like, you always gotta watch what you say and whatever, because you don't know who you're fucking with. And home is kind of know that they can't really get to aggressive, because you don't know which one I'm just gonna set you on fire. I'll turn it a fuel source.
Starting point is 00:21:05 I can't just have to go out every city has a set one or two on fire. I'm kind of just a set of message. That's so funny. I'm trying to think what city I was in. I don't know if it was Sacramento, but all along, there was tens. I mean, it was like tens and homeless people
Starting point is 00:21:21 all under over underpasses. I mean, I like and blocks while L well, LA too, but it was probably somewhere in California. San Francisco is bad. Yeah. Seattle's not Seattle Vancouver is fucking horrible with with all the methodics downtown. And I'm just so sick of everybody. Yeah. You know, so that lady, you spit on that lady, you want to get up and just fucking knock them out. What can you do? You know what I mean? This lady's probably a tourist. She was a nice lady with her daughter with like four or five, six year old daughter or something. It, I still feel bad about it. And the guy scurried off quick. So, and I didn't, I was sitting
Starting point is 00:22:00 this way. So it kind of happened. I heard her reaction and he was just gone. And then I got to admit part of me was like, I didn't, he's been on her. So I wasn't going to like, I wasn't going to go be a good citizen and risk my, you know, to be a fucking flight. I'm not going to be honest. It's like she got spit on. It's like, I'm not going to take it. I might have a nine.
Starting point is 00:22:21 I just let it happen. Okay. So she has hepatitis yeah, I just let it happen. I mean, okay. So she has hepatitis now, but at least you didn't get cut. And that's what matters. But the thing was I just felt so bad that that happened to her in front of like her kid and she was vulnerable like that. And I know that I created the energy that she paid for.
Starting point is 00:22:41 It just seemed like, but what if you don't know maybe she's the maybe when someone spits on her she comes. Oh, only for daughters there. That would be weird. You know, like, the chances all these things came together. It's actually her husband. That's how they roll play. Yeah, that's how they roll.
Starting point is 00:23:01 That would be fun. That was your husband. Yeah. Honey, be fucking funny. Yeah. And that was your husband. Yeah. Yeah. Honey, spin on me in public. You know how we have to do it in public. Yeah, pick a fight with that guy first and then come over here and spin on me.
Starting point is 00:23:15 The only way she comes if the guy before is really aggressive with it. Don't clean off the top of your cans. Oh, my God. What the fuck can you get to die? Why? Rats, rats, pianos and warehouses and then you get that disease. You just help the also shitting hats. No, they don't. That's what you got. Shut up. Let us handle this.
Starting point is 00:23:38 It does happen on this podcast. You didn't do a good one. And then you took another swing and this is that that one was a little breaking ball. Just went into the dirt. But I respect the swing. You got to clean off the top. So I'm worried about you now, but here's the deal. You got to admit, I haven't really truly been six since 2015.
Starting point is 00:23:57 What? Yeah. Nothing. And I think, yeah, I think a part of that is New York and it's actually saying this is true. New Yorkers get sick less because our immune systems are stronger because we probably encounter a bacteria all the time.
Starting point is 00:24:11 Like we're like super people. Cause like the amount of rat piss that's in the city, it gets on everything. And it's like infested with bacteria and we just have built up these super immune systems. I clean off. Listen, I before I go down to my wife, I fucking power watch her pussy. In case her rat pissed on it.
Starting point is 00:24:31 Yeah, you gotta be careful of that, right? They never tell you that. I keep a power watch. Yeah, they never tell you. It's a bunch of other stuff, but you never really think about the rat that might have got there. Yeah. You know, everything.
Starting point is 00:24:48 And truly did not see that one coming. That was funny. Yeah. Oh, poor body. You guys got the greatest relationship. It's like admirable how you just shit on each other. It's hilarious. It how you just shit on each other. It's hilarious. It is so fucking funny.
Starting point is 00:25:08 Yeah, he's cool. Yeah, he's got a great relationship. Yeah, 13 years now. Yeah, yeah, I got to get past my resentment, harboring my resentment that she's doing all these comedy central tapers and I only got one. I got one. I just 35 tough crowds. I think I know what I'm doing. You guys deal with it. Well, I know. Yeah. She's so brilliant. And you know what I mean? She's one of my favorite
Starting point is 00:25:32 comments. Thank you. Hands down. Yeah. Why are you saying thing? I'm talking about her. Yeah, I know, but I wouldn't have married up to that comment. Yeah. Yeah. She's great. She's actually one of my, I, I, she's just so fucking funny. It's unreal. And on and off stage, which is always like, I heard she had a good time up here with our Jared. What happened? It was not there. There was a little bit of a running. He said something.
Starting point is 00:25:57 She kind of shot him down. It was pretty fun. Yeah. Yeah. Did it get serious? No, no, no, fun. But I mean, she's such a a like, he's so mean like, and this I had, you know, he said something and he goes disagree with it goes, that's fucking stupid.
Starting point is 00:26:15 Apologize or something or and he goes, oh, and maybe this isn't the right time. Maybe I'll leave. And he goes, we did a little baby going to leave. doesn't the right time maybe I'll leave and he goes, we did a little baby gonna leave. Yeah. But people don't get it. You know, the problem is it's such a male business that when a lady comic is that aggressive like we are, who the fuck does she think she is? She's a gun, but no, she's a comic. So if you could tell you know what I mean, if I did that,
Starting point is 00:26:51 to him, he would laugh or just fucking, but nobody thinks she's nobody thinks she's a conner me. No, no, no, no, no, no, new comics. No, there's comics that see if, yes, comics that have been around that no comedy. Yeah. But these new comics that are very thin skinned. Yeah. And the, you know, they're not used to funny people. Yeah. And when it comes from a lady, like who's this bitch? You know, and other lady comics, even are like that. Yeah. You know, I was sitting at a table. I was like, you're playing a lady. Yeah. He started playing female. And then my body said, don't say female for some reason. You just struggling. You just you get to a point. You get to a certain age. You're struggling
Starting point is 00:27:32 to find what the right word. He's going to start calling broads and they're broad comics. I'm not coming. You got comics. Yeah. Well, the comics got up. They told a couple jokes. It was a comic last night. I said how Bonnie helps a lot of female comics and she goes made it. I rolled. What? I roll late and I go what? She, she's never helped me in what she has. And one, just because she hasn't helped you doesn't mean she hasn't helped female com. She's very pro female comic. I'm obsessed with Bonnie. Well, I'll tell you what, if you want to
Starting point is 00:28:05 taste a little bit, let me tell you. I do that. Always come in. I came out of my mouth. I was like, that's what's going on. Wait till you see what those comes out of it. A little bit of a, so you know what I mean? Yeah. She's pro. She's a feminist. Yeah. But she sees the hypocrisy amongst. She's a I mean? Yeah. She's pro, she's a feminist, but she sees the hypocrisy amongst people. She's a normal person. Yeah. You don't feel like you're dealing with a zealot. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:31 That's the thing now. I mean, it's like, it's okay to disagree. I used to be people could just kind of disagree, but now you feel like you're talking to a zealot where they just are like, shut you. What does a zealot? A zealot is someone who's just like thinks in absolutes and is like finadocate, it's like, yeah, you're like, no, you say one thing like you hate women. You're like, Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:28:51 Yeah. Fucking I said, well, you're talking about one issue. We may have a slight disagreement again. You jump right to, I'm a, you know, I'm saying you hate women. You're like, you know, just both parties have been hijacked by extremists. And people too are like both political parties have been hijacked by extremists. And people too are both both political parties have been hijacked by extremists. There's no such thing as moderation. If you're a moderate, then they both will get you like you're fucking a pussy. You know, if you don't take a side, it's the other day I went on
Starting point is 00:29:16 Facebook and I went after Trump about a couple of things. I was pissed off, and people write, you're a comic stand of politics. And then one, I said, one, I could talk whatever I want, but two, I go, I wasn't talking politics. I go, I didn't bring up pro life pro choice. I didn't bring up the environment. I didn't bring up the economy. I just said, I don't like this person.
Starting point is 00:29:42 So that's not talking politics. Just because you know, if you didn't like Bush, if you didn't like this person. So that's not talking politics. Yeah. Just because you know, if you didn't like Bush, if you didn't like Bush and you said it, the whole world didn't come down on you like they want to burn your house down. But if you don't like Trump, they're thinking, what the fuck are you,
Starting point is 00:29:57 anti-American, you anti this, anti that? Go fuck yourselves. He's not a good person in my opinion. So I'm not saying the whole Republican party's fucked up. I'm saying I don't like this man. So, you know, it's just, they're so brainwashed and so hypnotized by this fucking snake oil salesman. Yeah. You know, and it's, it's fucking ridiculous. He's entertaining as fuck that you got to admit.
Starting point is 00:30:27 He's been on a roast for two years, but he's the fucking president. And, okay. I know it's sad, but I mean, I don't know if we're going back to normal after this. He's looking, he started to look like the guy from mighty Python, another way for thin mincer. Yeah. No, if I eat another explode. But can you, I think the seal's been broken at this point. Yeah, we can't go back to normal. Can you imagine
Starting point is 00:30:48 like a normal Yale educated former senator running for office now he gets up to speak. We're all just gonna be like, boring. Like, are you fucking a porn star? Yeah. So can you threaten nuclear war on Twitter? Get my adrenaline going. Here's what I want to come. I thought about this in the car. I got a star. You got to admit he moved tickets. Yeah. He had spawns, but I have my news of good heel like in wrestling. Here's my premise. Here's my new premise. And I may about write something about it. But you know how people like they just said that they saw spaceships a couple of different airlines sorts, I think in Ireland or somewhere. But I think the thing is you get in for this is true. Look at it. They three three or four. Oh, yeah. So what I think it is is we're just a board game for aliens right now. Yeah. And somebody had to go back three
Starting point is 00:31:46 spaces and and Trump. Yeah. We're back. We're all for new. No, no, no, you know, we're just a board game. That's become a popular theory. The simulators, like, there's simulators that we're all in a video game and we're kind of, it kind of seems like it could be true because it seems like this thing is set up as a game. Especially when you think about like the protein that life needs to survive is in the flesh of other animals. It almost, that's like whoever set this up was a little say, this thing, it's almost like the hunger games. It's like, all right, you guys go have at it, see if you can figure it out. But what keeps you alive is in the flesh of that thing. You have to kill.
Starting point is 00:32:25 Good luck. Yeah. You know who's on top of it? Mortimer and, uh, I'm from training places. Yeah. Yeah. Mortimer and, no, but one of the most underrated, not underrated people love it. But I'd say probably top comedy movie, would you say?
Starting point is 00:32:40 Oh, easily. Training places. Maybe top three. Only, the only scene I places maybe top three only the only Scene I didn't like was on the train with the gorilla that was unbelievable. Yeah, that was the only scene, but And I watched it again the other night the funniest scene in a movie to me. Yeah, was the stuttering lawyer and my cousin Vinnie Oh, yeah, that one scene where the jury is staring at the stuttering. You didn't you don't know that scene. I'm it's Can we pull that up? It's all random huh?
Starting point is 00:33:10 Warner and Randall. Oh this scene is the funniest Well, yeah, I gotta hear it. Are you gonna play it? I can't yeah, yeah, I'm gonna play it up Suddering It's so fucking funny. Yeah. How do I turn this out? That's a pretty little knob right there.
Starting point is 00:33:34 Or which one's the best? Shot working. It hasn't. Here we go. Still can't hear it. All right. They turned it off on there. I fucking can't.
Starting point is 00:33:52 Can you hear that? That's up. How come we can't hear it? Yeah, yeah. Yeah, this is not working. Are you guys? You got a hit play. This is when you wish Bobby was here take a little bit of that foster care aggregate. Yeah, wait, okay Can the people at home here
Starting point is 00:34:13 Okay, yeah, we'll put it in post, but dad you'll have to sink it up and everything on it. I thought we had to do anyway Everything I just says bullshit This is But within that guide you says bullshit. Thank you. Subjection, Yana. This is. The Council's entire opening statement is arched. The objection sustained. The entire open statement with the exception of thank you. We'll be stricken from the record.
Starting point is 00:34:36 I'd love. The jury will please disregard council's entire statement. We just see the black eyed face in the jury. I'm being. You will not use the black eyes face in the jury. You will not use that kind of language in my court. You understand me? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Fred Gwen. It's okay.
Starting point is 00:34:57 Okay. Your statements. I don't. I love the commentator. Rich is laughing already. It's a windy shit of a like I face. I need some gentlemen Why are disability so funny I'm not going to be a little bit little bit little bit little bit we intend to prove that they, the prosecution's case is circumstantial.
Starting point is 00:36:19 Oh, Colin Sedental, thank you. What are you going to go back to the camera? That's it. What better could we talk about? I get a little nervous. Ralph Macho, this I get a little hurt. I'll do it. I'll do it. I'll do it.
Starting point is 00:36:47 Ralph Macho. This movie was a big hit. Yeah. This movie was not Ralph Macho. She wanted Oscar for this. Yeah. She was a tour man. That put her on the map.
Starting point is 00:36:57 So I'm saying, Huck, um, that's Ralph Macho, right? Yeah. That was the other guy in there. Yeah, Ralph Macho was in that movie. Ralph Macho's career at that time was fucking in the, in the, in the, in the, in? Yeah. That wasn't the other guy in the rough. Yeah. Rough, rough match. I was in that movie. Rough match. I was career at that time was fucking in the in the in the in the dips. Right. How come that? How come that didn't bring him? How come he never had another go? I don't know. Till now.
Starting point is 00:37:14 What's the kid to it's a fucking big hit on YouTube? Really? Yeah. I mean, the cover guy, I mean, the kid was just I destined to play to be the karate kid. And no one else. Well, maybe he chose to do something else. A lot of people, you know, yeah, that's a good point. Leave the business. Maybe it was his to sit, you know, just to, to, to, to, maybe he just, maybe he wanted that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:43 You can't have a, if you had had a stutter that would be knowing too much I started on a list. Yeah, I just get the whole earth be like Gallagher I have to have pass out raincoats I think I'd see world brother. I almost respect Gallagher more that whenever someone is able to have a Successful career doing something like that You almost got to respect the hustle a little bit This guy went in smashed a watermelon and was able to like sell out and you got to respect that hustle Whenever I see someone who's truly not funny and they have a big comedy career part of me goes like I respect the hustle
Starting point is 00:38:19 However, you did it. I respect his brother. His brother did it to Gallagher to yeah, he stole his act right my friend said Gallagher to audience nothing Yeah, so I was I was at in Vegas a couple the last I'm a sir and I went over to left after and they have a little party on the Saturday karaoke and stuff yeah and Gallagher to I mean Gallagher to real Gallagher I said something to another got comic karaoke and stuff. And Gallagher too. I mean Gallagher, the real Gallagher. I said something to another comic. He was, what are you practicing material? I go, what are you kidding me? But I didn't go after him and call him a carnival act.
Starting point is 00:38:53 I said, get the fuck out of here. He's a real asshole. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's a dick. I go, you're a fucking, you got a sledgehammer. You fucking, I heard he invested a lot of money in Ninja Turtles. I heard he invested a lot of money in Ninja Turtles I heard he's like one of the original investors and he still has a dick. Yeah, look that
Starting point is 00:39:10 Can you look that up that up weird money doesn't make you happy? How you seem really happy to me I said yeah, you do no time when I'm doing what I like to do Yeah, but you seem balanced and happy and kind of like down because a lot of comics when you get older right I just feel like if you've been in the business a while, you see a lot of people who get a little bitter and you just seem kind of like, well, I try to stay relevant. Yeah. A lot of guys don't. But even if they're still relevant, there's like a twinge of, no, my, I don't, I'm not angry at times I get frustrated. Right. There's a difference between anger because I love doing comedy. But is there some doing it?
Starting point is 00:39:47 Is there something about like prioritizing your life for a comedy is the job, but your real fulfillment comes from family and things like that that keeps you happy? I mean, or is it just sneakers or what is it? I don't know. I guess it's everything combined, you know, certain time. I mean, when my older daughters used to play basketball in that school and I used to go to her games, it was the greatest. Like, you know, watching my kids, you know, my daughter now, she brings a lot of enjoyment besides stress, but she's, you know,
Starting point is 00:40:20 just so funny and cute. And, you know, so there is, yeah, she's going to be fine. At least jeans, huh? You think to be better not. Here's the thing. I'm very responsible. So that keeps me balanced. So when I was a drug addict, I had no responsibility, responsibility was to get drugs. Yeah. You know what I mean? Yeah. Now, you know, I have to be side's bodies help and together the foundation, the wheel to keep the fucking everything turning. So that kind of keeps me going. Do you know what I mean? Yeah, yeah, it kind of keeps me going like today, I sign up for, you know, I have to
Starting point is 00:41:01 re up for health insurance January 1st. Yeah, I got to do that too. 22,000 a year 22 for the kids for everybody for my wife and kid. Yeah, still cheers. He's like the second highest It's 1800 a month. Yeah, so I was getting stressed and I go, you know what? It's just one fucking gig That's right. It's one gig. Yeah, you know And because I could have went for a $1,400 plan, but that would have brought me more stress for what I had, you know what I mean? So that, I guess my happiness is coming from where I was when I was doing drugs to where
Starting point is 00:41:37 I am now. Do you know what I mean? Like that. You gain perspective because of that, because like you say to yourself, if I'm not there, things are good. No, no, no, I don't know. In other words, I could get you. Things were so bad that you don't stress over things like that.
Starting point is 00:41:53 Why stress? The only thing I stress about in this business is, does that beg the question that the only way to find pieces to fucking go through hell and like do drugs? No, no, no, no. I mean, it's because there's people that were drug addicts that came from great families, money and had everything. I mean, I was poor and, you know, DeFore's family, but the only thing that really stresses me right now is aging out in this business again, scared.
Starting point is 00:42:22 Well, what happens if I stop getting work? What am I going to do? You know, because I have a big nut, you know, and there's comics that will come into clubs. They're going to come in for half the price or two thirds of the price. And club owners just go for a quick fix. They don't give a fuck how funny you are. Because when it comes to funny, I'm at the funniest I've ever been in my life. So they don't care about that. They just care about numbers and drinks and so you're going, they're going well, you know, he's been around the circuit for this many years. Let's bring this guy. You know what I mean? So it's harder. Even though I work all the time, it's harder now. But something else is going to come along. It always does.
Starting point is 00:43:07 Something comes along and you regain heat. That's probably the fear everyone has in every business. When you just start to get up there, you've been doing it for a while. And what's the solution for that? Well, it's so weird because And it's what's the solution for that? Well, it's so weird because 12 step, and I've said this before podcast fear stands for false evidence appearing real. Half the time you're you're in fear is just craziness in your head that you've convinced yourself of something that's not really happening. You know, I don't know. I've been on my own my whole life. You know what I mean? I've done everything myself. You know, I've had managers, but you know, I've gotten stuff in this business because I who I am in hustling. You know what I mean? Uh, so at some point you just need to take it easy.
Starting point is 00:44:07 You know what I'm saying? Like, it's hard to explain, but I love doing what I do. So when all the bullshit is done, when I'm on stage, I love doing that. I love doing, I love creating it. I love coming up with. But you also have other passions too. Oh, yeah, I play that part of it. Yeah, because you love golf. I was just
Starting point is 00:44:29 in Vegas. This guy took me to his golf course. Yeah. If I had a pay, it would have cost me 500 to play this course. Yeah, it was amazing. Yeah. I meet people around the country. Yeah, I played golf with this lady Who I became friends with we were have a lunch and she said my father won five Oscars And it's her father's John Williams the composer. I'm friend. I make friends around the country And it's from golf and being on radio or podcast and Good, you know, I mean, when I had my roast,
Starting point is 00:45:07 I am a couple of them flew in, a couple of club owners that I really like, you know, Cory from Rhode Island, Marquette Palito from what do you call from Rochester? You know, what do you call it from Long Island, Jimmy, from governors? So yeah, there is club owners like those people. I make friends. Yeah, I have passions. I play golf, uh, you know, I just, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:45:35 Do you think exercise I go to the gym every day? You got 16 pack, you know, he's got. Have you seen? No, I could lose 10 pounds now. Yeah, but you got you got a six pack. And not really. I mean, a little as good as you can get. I think it gets an age where you get the six pack on a gut. Like, you know, I'm past that age two where it's like even when I get in shape, it's like, there's always a little round here. It's never, I'm never
Starting point is 00:45:57 going to be jacked again. The thing for me is too. I got so much muscle there. It's sticking out. Yeah. Oh, that's what it is. That's what it is. That's what it is. That's what it is. That's what it is. You're a jack snummick. It's body like that. Does she like, does body like that? Or there's just nothing.
Starting point is 00:46:12 Yeah, I mean, she's, you know, 13 years, what does she like? Yeah. Yeah, good, good TV show. Yeah, so I make, the only thing is about this business, you get obsessed with this business. It's hard to detach because it's not like I go on vacations. My vacation is this business. I'm well, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:46:38 So it's hard to detach. And you're in a business where you're dealing with rejection on a daily basis a lot. You know what I mean? Oh yeah. A lot. Yeah, fuck it up. So, you know, so you got it. You got it, you know,
Starting point is 00:46:56 and I don't have, I'm not going to go out and fill the emptiness with drinking and party and, you know, and I mean. So yeah, it's a tough business to balance. It really is. You know, and it's a self-centered business. You know, addiction is a self-centered disease. But also too, this is, you know, you're on the phone. If you're selling yourself, you know, if you don't have a, I mean, my manager does some stuff, but if you're selling yourself, it sounds so self centered.
Starting point is 00:47:29 You got to sit there and go, me, me, me, and you feel like, what the fuck? Yeah. You know what I mean? It's a very selfish self centered business because, you know, it's you. You're on the line. Yeah. Even when you're at the table or amongst comics, you know what I mean? It's, hey, what's going on with me or what's going on with it?
Starting point is 00:47:48 You know what I'm saying? Right. So do you think it's important to have escapes from that? Oh, you got to. You got to, right? You got to, you know, to me playing golf and going to the gym is my escape. You know, and my kids, my daughters are older.
Starting point is 00:48:01 So they're gone. You know what I mean? They got their own lives. Once in a while they'll come by, I'll take all my daughters are older. So they're gone. You know what I mean? They got their own lives. Yeah. Once in a while they'll come by. I'll take all my daughters out to dinner. And it's a great, you know, that's a good feeling. You're sitting here with your three daughters having dinner. You know, or I'll come to the house or I call them. I one daughter has such a great sense of humor, you know, and which one the young, the middle one, middle. Yeah, just so, you know, she gets it. So, yeah, you've got to have other things like I know comics like what I go on the road. Like if I don't have playing
Starting point is 00:48:33 golf, I'll go to the archery range and, you know, and bring my my bow and stuff. So you do that too. Yeah. Wow. Yeah. So yeah, that's on you have hobby. You have like hobbies that too. Yeah. Wow. Yeah. So you have hobby. You have like hobbies that you're the thing that the thing that I've that's made me nervous is yeah, you see, I think being single has something to do because like it gets to a point like if you're single, it's a little weird. No. Like if you're just like if you're doing comedy and you're like, you're not coming home to anything, that's probably not healthy after. Yeah. I mean, you know, you start to get into your 40s and your 50s. Like, what am I doing? You're going to be on the bar and that seems to be, so maybe there's something in that in the having a family. I know, like people used to do. No, no, no, no, listen, in life. It's so another
Starting point is 00:49:22 thing. You can't keep what you got, unless you give it away. And maybe with thing, you can't keep what you got unless you give it away. And maybe with family, but also maybe with your comedy too, you know, that one sounds confusing what you just said. You can't keep what you got unless you give it away because if you got it all yourself, you're not sharing it, you're not giving it away. Same with, you know, say you do an album. Yeah. That's part of your legacy. That's part of what you do an album. Yeah. That's part of your legacy.
Starting point is 00:49:45 That's part of what you're giving away. Right. You know, when all is said and done in your God, your stuff will still be out there. Right. Do you see what I'm saying? So with your kids say, say you don't have kids in it. Now, we say you have kids. The fact that you raised them and you built their foundation from what you learn in life
Starting point is 00:50:07 is what you gave to them. You can't keep what you got in life unless you give it back. This whole system in America is set up different than that. It's like keep getting for yourself. Maybe that's why so many people are so happy. They don't have that because I've never heard that adage. I've never heard that. But if you think about it, that's what I'm saying. When you think about it, it's like, if you don't make sense because I've never heard that adage. I've never heard that. And that make up that.
Starting point is 00:50:25 That's what I'm saying. When you think about it, it's like, if you that makes sense, if you were added, if you were sitting down and they brought you three turkeys or whatever, would you be happy of saying this to me, not Mike Swarris, right? Because he just, he licked his lips three times. Maybe this isn't the right example because he would go, I'm eating all three turkeys. And maybe this isn't the right example. No, no, no, it's good.
Starting point is 00:50:49 You had three turkeys. Or whatever. And you can go, well, I could keep these turkeys for three months in the Eater myself. It's seasonally appropriate. This example since four things came in. Or you could sit and wouldn't you feel better feeding a bunch of people with it?
Starting point is 00:51:05 You can't keep what you got in life unless you give it away. Or I could carve it up and sell it at a profit. Like if I got you, if I got the turkey for like $7,000 and send a couple slices. That's human nature's greed. $15,000. Yeah. Maybe that was a bad example. No, it's a good example.
Starting point is 00:51:21 No, it's not a good example. It's not. Say you have three meatloafs. No. Two girls, it's a good example. No, it's not a good example. It's not say you have three meatloafs. No, two girls, two girls, two girls. Let's see if you can think of a good three girls. Three girls. They're all hot. They're all hot. They're all hot. Okay. And one of your friends comes by you're all single. I'll take I'm keeping all three. Okay. So you point two. When you're rather just point two. I don't think I'm concerned if they're disappointed. I'm, I'm, I'm going to keep all three. Think about it.
Starting point is 00:51:52 You can't keep what you got unless you give it away. Yeah. I mean, that's what you do in comedy. You're giving away your, your creativity, what you think. That's when it works best when you're open. You're giving it away. You're, you're giving, you're, you're making an audience forget their bullshit for an hour while they're laughing. And, you're giving something back. Yeah. You know, and everybody that does anything, you know,
Starting point is 00:52:22 the guy who's working on the electrical lines is giving something back. Do you see what I'm saying? Giving something to society, serving other people. You're giving back. Yeah, you're part of, you're useful. You're a useful human being. You're giving back. So maybe the happiness comes from the self-esteem that comes from knowing that you're useful
Starting point is 00:52:41 because you're giving something to the greater good. Yeah, and plus as an artist, as an entertainer, your creativity, you know, that's your creativity that you're giving to people that probably don't even think the way you think. And they're going, oh, fucking, they're laughing and they're having a good time. And you know, after a good set, when you're really on, how you feel after that, well, they're walking out feeling great too. You're going, that was a good show. Yeah. You see, I'm not trying to be some preacher or some fucking philosopher. Yeah. Don't get me wrong. Just many times I leave a gig with tears coming down, going, oh, fuck, I still 30 seats. Yeah, that's really tough. They fucking curtain off the first row.
Starting point is 00:53:26 Yeah. The best is when they try to make you feel like it's because there's a festival in town. Yeah. Yeah, it's normally what it is is the high schools having a pumpkin sale. Yeah. Yeah. Otherwise, I don't know what it is. Maybe the weather, you know, it's outside outside.
Starting point is 00:53:43 So I don't make sense. But I do have certain balances. Yeah. I do, you know, I listen, my, I just look, I got a family of three kids. So, you know, so far, they two of them went to college once getting married, none of them been in jail. Yeah. You know, so I, my ex-wife and I had to do something right. You know. You guys get along? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. We always got along.
Starting point is 00:54:14 We just, you know, whatever. Yeah. That seems like the real success in life though. We were friends. My ex-wife used to babysit my daughter, Reina, when she lived by me. That's awesome. I live two miles just to guys talking.
Starting point is 00:54:27 I live two miles from my ex-wife, because I wanted to be close to my kids. And then Bonnie and I, we would go over, she was remarried, we'd go over her house to barbeque, whatever, what the fuck? It's easier to get along with somebody and fight with somebody. Yeah, well, I'm glad it's good that she thought that way too. Yeah. So that
Starting point is 00:54:47 you were, you know, cause sometimes it's one person wants it and the other person just can't get over it. So that's, that's just lucky that that way. Oh, fucking. Well, I, I feel like you're a happy, successful guy. I think that's what I think. I think it's like the happy, it's succeeding in life is not just, it can't just be dawg. Because you see these guys who are ultra famous, you could tell they're miserable and a lot of them fucking blow, some of them, not a lot of them, but blow their fucking brains out. Not only that. Anthony Bourdain, you're like, what?
Starting point is 00:55:16 Yeah. He killed himself. Look, I know one thing, the challenge, arrogant or I'd rather have respect for my peers, then give a fuck about what the industry thinks. Me too. Because my peers know comedy, right? Okay. And I work for the, you know, Colin is a well respected, you know, I mean, legend.
Starting point is 00:55:42 You know, he's a peer of yours, but for the younger guys, he's like, he's one of the greats. Yeah. And, and, and, and if you can gain respect from your peers, you know, it's, it's, it's, it, then you did something right because I'd rather have comics in the back left and, yeah, then, and, and, you know what I mean? I know exactly what you mean. And, you know, and I know, and there's another thing I know. I'm not a hack. Yeah. You know what I mean? There's, you know, I would rather,
Starting point is 00:56:14 I would rather be happy than famous. If it comes down to it, I would take, in a second, I would take, and I know there's no like constant state of happiness, but there is sort of a state of like peacefulness and perspective. I would take that. If I could survive and continue to do this,
Starting point is 00:56:30 which I love, I would take that over like super fucking, I really would. I'm not just saying that, I mean that. No, no, no, no. It makes sense. It just kind of makes sense. Yeah. What?
Starting point is 00:56:41 Look, especially if I watch what you say, if you're fucking famous and like, it's too much. I wouldn't mind being financially secure where I didn't have to worry about finance. That's always helpful. Yeah. You know, if it came down to selling three TV shows that I couldn't be on, I don't give a fuck now.
Starting point is 00:56:59 Yeah. Because financial, you know what I mean? Right. There was a time in my career where I go, I have to be, I want to be on the show. Right. But if we sold, you know what I mean? There was a time in my career where I have to be, I want to be on the show. But if we sold, you know what I mean? So finance puts stress in your life. Right. And not, I mean, not, you know,
Starting point is 00:57:16 so if I was financially secure, what can I do or write? Yeah. I would take that over fame. I mean, you know, big deal. Right, right. I still take that over fame. I mean, you know, big deal. Right, right. I still get to be funny and, you know, whatever. Yeah. I don't, I don't, you know,
Starting point is 00:57:33 fame doesn't seem like it makes people happy. No, it doesn't. It makes them look paranoid and shit. Yeah. Cause you think everybody is coming after you for something. Everybody wants something. Yeah. You know, that is a nice jacket.
Starting point is 00:57:47 Oh, thank you. I like the way you dress generally. He generally dresses really fucking cool. You look, you like you dress like a cool person. That's a nice jacket. Try to match. She's a great. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:00 Well, no kidding. Yeah. Well, I try to match. That's all I try. That's all I want. Life is to match my clothing. Yeah. I try to match. That's all I try. That's all I want, like, is to match my clothing. Yeah. I got to go do a spot downstairs. This was one of the best podcasts.
Starting point is 00:58:13 Just remember folks, you can't keep what you got unless you give it away. And one way to do that is to go to and buy my fucking roast. Yeah. Awesome roast. Rich Vos everybody. The great rich Vos. That's a roast rich boss every party. The great rich boss. Fuck your dates are Oh shit.
Starting point is 00:58:27 Look at my dates. Okay. This Saturday I'll be at laugh it up. But next week and I'll be at the comedy connection in Rhode Island. Go to for all my dates.
Starting point is 00:58:39 Believe me, if you see me live, you will not leave unhappy. Is that the way? Yeah. I mean, if you see me live, you will not leave unhappy. Is that the way? Yeah, you guys, they know they know everybody. Listen to us. No, go see Rich Foss. Thanks, Rich.
Starting point is 00:58:53 It's the best. I mean, what we have done if Rich and Foss didn't show up. Take care, Rich. Really? This was us. That was a strange pod. Yeah, we still got, we still got time. So we're just talked amongst ourselves.
Starting point is 00:59:05 Are you guys happy working for Bobby? No, we're on the spot. Yeah, no, it's a baseball area. How much did overseeing, does he, maybe we'll give the people a little insight into the workings of, you know what, dude, I've been doing this show since 2012. Yeah. So I'm a veteran. You're the true veteran right now. True veteran, yeah. So what, what have you noticed is different, because he been doing this show since 2012. So I'm a veteran. You're the true veteran. Right now.
Starting point is 00:59:25 True veteran. Yeah. What have you noticed is different? Because he's been with all the crews. He's been with just him. I was Kelly to a scope. When I came in, it was Kelly was there. I think at the beginning, well, what's changed is the studio. I mean, it went from that wooden table, which was fun to this fucking Darth Vader spaceships that up. Bobby sits in his imperious chair here like a judge. We're all sitting there acting for mercy. God forbid our phone goes off or you have a fucking or a sivlocky slice of oh, there you go. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:59:58 and then he gets mad. Bobby's I love he's one of my favorite people in the world. So why is up Chris, the towel, you tell you this information up there? Oh, because that's his website. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe he didn't update it. Oh, maybe just an update. Yeah. That's that Gallagher thing he was talking about. Gallagher went on Mark Mariner a while ago. That interview where everyone found out he was kind of a crazy racist. Yeah. And he just like said that he owned the intercurtles at one point, but he never actually did. Apparently, he just kind of said a bunch of shit. So he just so Gallagher is out of his mind a little bit as well.
Starting point is 01:00:31 He's crazy. You know, it was wild because I remember as a kid before I even knew anything about comedy, really. I or maybe a little, you know, little later than a kid, but I remember seeing like his specials would be on like he was super fucking famous. Yeah. The big couch one. I mean, he was super fucking famous. He was like one of those comedians who you just kind of knew somehow. And, um, and then I was with comedy at one point. Yeah. Yeah. Cause him and George Carlin are like yearly HBO specials. Yeah. And, um, and then, um, that's what it was right HBO. And that, yeah, because that was like before, even comedy central, was it really a thing? It was a Gallagher or Karlin.
Starting point is 01:01:11 Yeah, I didn't even really know what standard was. I feel like when I kind of knew who Gallagher was. It was. And then one night I was doing just like a set at Gotham. I remember, um, it must have been a Tuesday or something. There was just nobody in the crowd, maybe a Monday. It was just one of those rare light clubs. I always got good people, good amount of people in there. And Gallagher was there. And it was just wild. Why?
Starting point is 01:01:38 Why? Because it's kind of a thing that we're talking about. Like, you know, like his brother and he had massive, famous success, but he didn't seem happy. It wasn't that he was performing in an empty crowd. Him and his brother fucking hate each other, right? Yeah. They sued. He sued his brother.
Starting point is 01:01:56 It just, he didn't have an aura of like, you know, being okay. No, I'm saying he's like, yeah, he had an aura of like, it was like a little sad. Not that he was there on an empty night, but maybe a little bit. Yeah, maybe I'm just being honest. Yeah, maybe it's just like, fuck. Yeah. Like holy shit, this is up and down.
Starting point is 01:02:19 Yeah. But think about how many sacrifices it takes to get that famous and then you're there and you're like, oh, fuck, maybe I should have just, a lot of things. You're right. A lot of the people get really famous. You do have to make a lot of compromises to give. There's that rare where it's just like talent and like that happens. But then there's other people you can kind of be like, you can see they kind of compromise who they were a lot. I don't think he compromises anything. I think you're just kind of just,, you could see they kind of compromised who they were a lot. Mm-hmm. I don't think he compromised anything. I think, yeah, look, you're just kind of just maybe he just wanted to smash watermelons.
Starting point is 01:02:48 Yeah. I mean, he would talk a lot of, like, he had a lot of words he would say, you know, he wasn't just like an hour of smashing watermelons every time. And well, either that or bouncing on a huge couch over that. And some of the things he said, like, if you go back and listen to him, I think, oh, that's still kind of holds up. Yeah. I mean, I hate those stuff. I've become a crazy person.
Starting point is 01:03:07 Yeah. Cause I met him in San Antonio. I was working with Kevin Neal and Gallagher was doing a corporate event for a watermelon festival. Yeah. And he just came to the comedy club and was just wandered in and just kept bothering people about some cartoon show he was kind of pitch about horses that would teach history. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I'm it's more of a personal thing, I think, a personal energy, like not in an at peace. Kind of thing we're just talking about with Rich, where Rich does feel that way to me.
Starting point is 01:03:37 Yeah. He just kind of feels okay. Like he seems happy and he doesn't have a bad energy. Whereas like Gallagher's energy just seemed little. And then you think about how big he was. And yeah, I mean, yeah. I hate those people who say like, you know, they just dismiss like Gallagher or dismiss, caratops and other one that gets it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:03 It's like, not everything can be the style of comedy. You know, sometimes people just want to see a big grown up man, belt's on a huge couch. Yeah, they want something goofy. Yeah, they just kind of, you know, I mean, fucking, what's his name is really good at what he does? Um, which one? Caratops. Yeah. He's really good at what he does. Yeah. I mean, there's nobody else making toilet seats jokes or whatever. He brings the whole toilet seat out and he makes, all right. He requires props. It is what it is. I mean, is it, is it a little bit of a crunch? I guess so a little bit, a little bit, but the people don't know. It's like a guitar. Then whatever. Yeah. It's like a good you ever watch somebody who has a guitar tell those jokes
Starting point is 01:04:45 without the guitar. Oh, yeah. And you're like, Oh, that's why you brought the guitar up. Because these jokes don't work. Yeah, they just don't work. And then you have the guitar and then for some reason to work it's because yeah, because you're fucking hypnotizing them with like some guitar riff. Right. So they're just kind of into it. It's kind of almost antithetical to the point of comedy. Yeah. But you can't say, but you can't say comedy music is not a thing. You know, I think that guy is special when he's playing the piano for half of it is some of the funniest should ever. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:15 But it's because the piano, the way the music goes, you laugh at the rhythm of it. Yeah. Yeah. It is a little bit of a crotch in some ways. Right. But he can do comedy with out. And he's great alone. Yeah. Yeah. It is a little bit of a crutch in some ways, but he can do comedy with out. He's great alone. Yeah. He's. There's a lot of those guys like it. Roddy Karrton shows up in his guitars missing. It's like, well, shows can't sold them. I'm not gonna fucking rap for an hour or so. Yeah. But even if it is the only thing that gets missing,
Starting point is 01:05:38 someone still running cares. I can't do this now. I can't think about fat chicks and pussy. Yeah. In a cowboy hat without my guitar. Yeah, I mean, does it mean it's bad, though? I guess it may be to comics, but who the fuck cares about comics? I mean, it's a solid, but I mean, nobody gives a shit what comics think ever. Yeah. Now for some reason, comics think everyone gives a shit. Everyone's become like Mort Saul,
Starting point is 01:06:03 or like everyone's fucking like, so aware of politics. Nobody gives a shit. Everyone's become like Mort Saul, or like everyone's fucking like, so aware of politics. Nobody gives a shit about what a comedian thinks. You remember when it was like, there was like one political comedian? And that was shit. It was like a thing. You adjust that.
Starting point is 01:06:16 You were that guy. Now it's like, who isn't that? You know, at least on Facebook. I do it too, but that was always kind of my interest. You're sick. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. I don't know. In comedy clubs, I'm like, I don't want to talk about it right now. We're talking about politics every other second of the day. Can we just like laugh at it? Yeah. Something else. I think people are just worn down. That's the Trump has been effective at just wearing people down. I mean, he could, like the news could be like,
Starting point is 01:06:45 he just murdered 20 kids. He did it. We have video of him doing it. I think it would, he'd make it through the news cycle. I think at this point, he's done so much that people are just numb to it. Yeah. He's really numb to everyone out.
Starting point is 01:07:01 He's kind of succeeded in a way. I mean, imagine like 20 years ago, they're being a porn star. I mean, it's actually kind of funny when you think about it. Like, it is a known thing that he had in a fair with a porn star. Yeah. Like, that is, he didn't dispute it and everyone knows it's a thing. And he just fucking rolled right over. Yeah. He just, that would have ruined. How many presidents have there been? However many presidents there have been minus him would have been ruined. Can you imagine Abraham Lincoln?
Starting point is 01:07:31 It just came out like he was banging a prostitute. I don't know if he would have made it. No. Yeah. I mean, it's just because he's entertaining. And he and he doesn't he exists. He's the, I think, opposite equal, but opposite reaction to extreme political correctness. So he because the outrage machine is so, is so prevalent and so consistent and so prolific
Starting point is 01:08:01 that people have kind of become numb to that too. So they kind of have defeated their own, they eat their own. They eat their own purpose because they do it too much. So if you're outraged at everything, then you don't know what specifically to be outraged about anymore. And so he just doesn't cow to it. And he, you can't, he's doing so many outrages things. He's doing exactly what they do. Does outrage is outrageous the only thing that works now? Do you have to be at a 10 all the time for anyone to listen?
Starting point is 01:08:29 I don't know, it's gonna come next, but I do know that he's doing so much outrageous shit and they get outraged over so much shit. So he's the equal but opposite to them. And so those two forces exist because the other one exists. Like he only was elected president because of that. If that wasn't there, if people weren't going like, you can't say this or, you know, just like God, if people didn't get so far left, he would have
Starting point is 01:09:00 never been elected. He would have never even got passed the, he wouldn't have been nominated. Because the first outrageous thing he would have said, they would have been, elected. He would have never even got passed the, he wouldn't be nominated. Yeah. Because the first outrageous thing he would have said they would have been, all the voters would have been like, fuck this guy. But the voters started to like him because they were so annoyed with the other side being like, you can't say this. They're like, now fuck you. We're going to vote for him out of spite because of how extreme you are. There's no way in my mind. Donald Trump would have been president if it wasn't for the far left. He's a reaction to it. He's a reaction to that whole culture of like, you know, you're being Islamophobic. You're going like, I just brought up that, you know, this one particular story, it was
Starting point is 01:09:35 the Muslim guy who blew up some kids. That's Islamophobic. Like, no, I'm just reading the story, you know, just word for word. And so that's, that's, you know, that's just kind of what the culture became. You say anything that's fucking, you know, yeah, you know, that's real or nuanced. So that's where we are. That's the scary part about it is I don't know if it'll ever come back to the middle because it's like a, you got to admit, it's, it's exciting. It is, but I think after a while, people are just going to be so tired that they're like, give us a boring guy.
Starting point is 01:10:06 So what do you think? Snacks. Do you think it's gonna go back to swing all the way back? No, we're gonna have like a rock or some kind of like clown or a wig. I can't see it going back to normal after this. I think in a little bit, but not yet. It's like doing anal and then asking to kiss, you know?
Starting point is 01:10:21 It's like, Trump is anal. I mean, he is. He is. Raw dog anal. You know, it's like Trump is anal. I mean, he is. He's for sure anal. Raw dog anal. You know, it's like I know in comedy sets. It's like one of the one or ones of comedy is like, you know, it's like your opening joke is like a fucking, is like an anal sex joke.
Starting point is 01:10:37 You can't, you can't go after that. So let me tell you about what happened to me in the dentist office in the waiting room. They've been desensitized. They don't care. It's not going to work. You know, you got to save your dirty shift for the end. That's weird.
Starting point is 01:10:50 Yeah. I mean, Trump's going dirty early now. He's like a host who's opening a showcase show and he's just with fucking Dix and fucking asses and saying fucking shit a lot. So when it's not that bad, we don't even notice. And Nate Bargazze's on first. And it's like, it's gonna take a couple minutes for people to get into his hey guys.
Starting point is 01:11:13 I'm clean, clean, clean. On real. Yeah, no one rocks. They what? But I worth no one's knowns. I'm just playing. No, we're making fun of comics now. I'm just fucking around. Sorry. You said it so fast. I made second swings. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:29 I didn't even hear it. No, but you know, but you backed off. You got too scared. You have. You got really that word of throwing rock. But I don't want to make it. You gotta be confident with what you were coming. What'd you say? That word is throwing rocks. But I know it's throwing rocks. And oh, Nate's good. I know I'm playing around. Yeah, yeah, okay But oh my god, I didn't even throw I didn't even throw them a rocks I just said I'm cleany clean clean clean clean and this is the new ykw So like how do you like the changes in crew and everything you see it all like like evil
Starting point is 01:12:00 Hope I should bring it back to that. Yeah, let's go back to's go back to what you do. So tell us about what you think of us. Yeah. I think you guys are great. Yeah. Who's my favorite? That's where I got it if you don't tell me. You're great, especially since you cover it for me once. What time?
Starting point is 01:12:17 Just because like Bobby's thing, you just don't want to deal with it. He's such a close friend of mine. It was the one time where I didn't tell you I was running late or something. And you I shouldn't probably well, yeah, it happened a long ago that he's not going to listen to this whole thing, not even a chance he's going to hear this, but you covered me for me. She was, he was like, he asked you was like, did he let you know he was running late? And you went, he went, and you just covered for me. Yeah. And that's how you knew you were trustworthy.
Starting point is 01:12:46 Okay. And that's why I'm going to tell you fucking some crimes. Like, right now, yeah. All kinds of crime. I'm letting you know, yeah, because you're trustworthy. And then the cops are going to get me in a room and I'm going to be like, did, uh-huh. Do you remember that? You don't remember it, right?
Starting point is 01:13:00 I don't know. It means you were a good person. I really don't know. I know it sounds fucked up because you did a bad thing, but it just showed that you were like, you know what? This is a, it means you were a realistic person. You live in reality. You're like, all right. Look, this is just going to make everything good. So I'm going to do a little white lie here because I know Bobby's a little fuck crazy. You just got to keep the peace. You kept the peace. You got to keep the peace. And he went, he looked at you and did he tell you and you went, I remember, I remember the way you went, aha, too, because it was so funny.
Starting point is 01:13:26 Cause like if he was really paying attention or wanted, he would kept, he could have kept digging because you were like, uh-huh. It was like, uh, yeah. That's cool. You're fierce. That's what that is. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:41 But of course, now Mike's new, right? So I don't, I can't say you're one of my favorites yet you could become I've a history of more of a history here I've been no longer than her. Have you really yeah But I've been gone the two episodes that you were here for you've been here. How's that possible? I started a week. I've been on like tons of episodes with you. Yeah, and there was two episodes you were on that I wasn't here for Oh, that's what it is. Yeah, that's what I've actually been longer. Yeah. Wow. And of course, well, Jihad, he would have bodies. That's yeah. Yeah. That's true. Yeah. He's part of the podcast. So he's in it. Yeah. So I mean, our podcast, history, Hyenas, which is on Ryakass is doing so
Starting point is 01:14:21 amazing. Mm-hmm. History, Hyenas is, I'm not plugging it right now. It's really one of the funniest fucking, and I don't listen to a lot of podcasts, but I listen to yours. It is so fucking funny. Thank you. We have a good chemistry now. We have a good time.
Starting point is 01:14:35 There's good chemistry in you guys. Have your own slang. It's just there's a lot of rapport. Thank you. It's also funny to make fun of history. Yeah. That's what I'm saying. Gotta do more of those web episodes. Yeah, you're right. Yeah. My fiance says we should stop farting
Starting point is 01:14:49 into the mics though. She's wrong. What do you think? As a girl, she says it's just gross. It's when she told me that I said no. I don't listen to every pod. So I don't know. Have you heard a fart on there? I don't think I've heard a fart. Okay. Okay. Yeah. They happen a lot. What'd you say? Yeah. Yeah. Do you stand and fart into the mic? But we go like we just take the mics and put them right to our asshole. Because you could sense that it's coming. That's why we last all these every. Chris started it way. He just had to fart and because Chris just, Chris just lives outside of the rules of society. Sure. Sure. Sure. He just does. So he was the first one and he just kept fart fart and because Christ just, Christ just lives outside of the rules of society.
Starting point is 01:15:25 Sure. He just does. So he, he was the first one and he just kept farting into the mind. So what you're saying is he'll go like that. He'll go like that and he'll just fart into it. Okay. I have not farted into that one because I sit there. Correct.
Starting point is 01:15:37 Yeah. I sit over there. Okay. So I'm, you're safe. Okay. Yeah. I mean, I don't know. I don't care. As long as it's not into this mic. I mean, I can't tell you 100% that that that I just doesn't take that mic and stick it in his
Starting point is 01:15:50 own ass. I can't say that. I mean, I'm not ubiquitous. I'm not Jesus. I don't know what else happens to these mics, but I can't tell you that that's the mic I fart in. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. But I would assume horrible things have happened in here. I wouldn't say any of this is clean by any means. I just don't know what's going on up here. That's the real reason. Who's house is this? Huh? That's the real reason you can't eat up here.
Starting point is 01:16:11 Yeah. Yeah. This place is filthy. Yeah. You will get sick. Why? Well, how did that become such a thing that you couldn't appear? Like, why is it such a violent thing? Cause the buildings old.
Starting point is 01:16:19 Well, someone did eat up here and they left all their dishes and hid them and then people who live like owned this place found the dishes under the bed in there and that would be my thing But but oh, so it was from the top. It was from before us. Yeah, but it was from that the complaint came from yeah The top. Yeah, that makes sense. Who did that? I remember I'll tell you after the show. I don't even remember Well, it's for us. That's why see now I trust you. I like you not a fucking snitch. You like I'll tell you after the show. I don't even remember. I trust you. I trust you. I trust you. I like you not fucking snitch.
Starting point is 01:16:47 You like I'll tell you off the show. You know what I mean? And Zad knows that guy says isn't a snitch. You know, we're not snitches. No. At what point do you feel like your loyalty ends? You know what I mean? Let me give you a scenario.
Starting point is 01:17:02 Let's say like yeah, let me ask you a question. I'll give you a scenario. Okay. You've been friends with give you a scenario. Okay. You've been friends with someone a long time. Right? Probably some girl in Jersey. Hell yeah. You know, you grew up in Jersey, right?
Starting point is 01:17:13 Yeah, yeah. So you guys hung out together, you talk fucking boys together. You guys, you talk boys together. You talk boys together when you were young. You guys grew up quick now, right? Are you in your 20s? I'm 24. So you guys are like, yeah, you were probably like an adult at 13, right? Are you in your 20s? I'm 24. Yeah, so you guys are like, yeah,
Starting point is 01:17:26 you were probably like an adult at 13, right? You had seen it younger. Yeah, kids now they fucking got the internet. It's like, there's no mystery. We didn't have the internet though. You didn't have the internet? No, we didn't do an internet, do internet. We didn't really have.
Starting point is 01:17:39 No, you grew up with the internet. No, we had game boys. We were like the last game boy. What? The generation. No, you were Game Boys. We were like the last Game Boy generation. No, you were, that means you were born in 94. So when you were, Internet like, no, I have the internet in like 95, 96. Yeah. But the internet was like a ubiquitous thing in the early 2000s. Yeah. So you kind of grew up in high school. Yeah. Maybe you don't understand how
Starting point is 01:18:03 much I didn't grow up with the internet. My first year of college, there was like one kid I can remember with a computer. So I'd just give it away my age right there. But I remember having a computer lab to like, I had a word processor. I had one of those fucking brothers that had a little screen.
Starting point is 01:18:23 And which, yeah, I thought it was impressive because you could make a mistake and a race before it hit the page. Okay. So that was big because you stuff to use white. You don't even know what white out is. Yeah, you do know what. Yeah. 100%.
Starting point is 01:18:35 Okay. That's what they do. But you never had to use it. No, yeah. Mikey's taking swings though. Hold up. Can we just take Mikey's taking cuts. It was another bad one, but it was a good attempt.
Starting point is 01:18:45 He said, white out. He said, that's what they're doing to neighborhoods. That was a wide swing. That was like, like he had a blindfold on. It was like a blindfold on. And there was something like it was like a science of the lambs, you know, when he cuts the light out and she has her gun out and she's just like, you just had a bat and you were fucking swinging with that. He's going to be out of swinging out of here. Yeah, that was a wide cut. So, what a crazy, I had a weird childhood though. Your dad's a rock star.
Starting point is 01:19:12 Are you admitting? Yeah, yeah, it's out. It's out. Yeah. When I found that out, when I found that out, I was like, holy shit. How did you find that out? Somebody told me or did it happen on the cast? I don't remember.
Starting point is 01:19:22 It might have happened naturally in the cast. I don't remember. I don't remember. It might have happened naturally in the cast. I don't remember. I don't remember. But when I found out, that's like wild. It's because he's not like a, he's like a, he's not like a, I don't wanna hurt you. I don't know who listens to this, but like, I don't wanna say,
Starting point is 01:19:37 what's like a band who only went like one, you know, a safe one. It may be a guy's dead. Give me one more guy's dead, so I can't offend anybody. White one. One head wonder. Yeah, we're going.
Starting point is 01:19:48 He's not like, yeah, he's not like that or the guy who's some train. Remember that? Not train. Train still going. Train's kicking. Yeah. What was that guy? Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, Run away, Trayne never told them so sound. Is that a safe way? They're not fucking still touring. No, because he's dead. Yeah, okay. Perfect.
Starting point is 01:20:08 It's not like he's so selling. No, no, I'm sorry. I'm thinking of the other of the be girl. Sorry. That guy, but he's not touring fucking him. Yeah, whatever it is. You know who I'm talking about. Yeah, that was so like one song. I mean, it was a hot song. It was everywhere, but it was like one song. It's not like your dad's that guy. It's like your dad, your dad could go sell out. Your dad is like iconic level. Blind melon.
Starting point is 01:20:36 Yeah. No, blind melon. No, that's not blind melon. That's the guy who died. Oh, yeah. No, blind melon's too big of a ban. No, they're dead. They have one song and they were gone.
Starting point is 01:20:44 Did they only have that? Cause he died of a heroin overdose. Okay. All right. Um, but your dad's, uh, do the people know who your dad is? Has that come up room? Yeah. So like, uh, in comedy?
Starting point is 01:20:57 No, on this, these thousands of people listen to this. Oh, yeah, yeah. Okay. So I can say, I think Lewis found out through Reddit from the show. Oh, he did Yeah, Lewis, so you're dancing Bob Jovey So yeah, you dancing fucking by Jovey. It's crazy. I don't really talk about it that much
Starting point is 01:21:15 Yeah, and he's been married to your mom for a while. No step mom, but for a while Yeah, yeah, I is it possible to be a rock star and not be divorced once? No, that's not possible. It's like, wife's going to be like, well, you know, what are you going? He's like, I'm going to work. Like you grew up where your dad was like, I'm going to work and your mom's probably like, when are you going to come home? And he's like, next year, probably a year. Yeah, I'll be back next year. Who are you gonna be with? Who are you hanging out with?
Starting point is 01:21:50 For my best friends, lifelong friends, and everyone from the other sex who, the only way I'm not gonna fuck them is if I don't want to, because yeah, he's in Bon Jovi. And so like, yeah, there's just like, do you have to say how little work do you think you have to do to fuck a chick? Do you mind if I go there?
Starting point is 01:22:12 If you're already fucking here. Yeah, I'm already here. Yeah, that is so disrespectful. I'm like in the room and I'm like, do you mind if I come in? And I'm in your house and there's mud. You're in a bed. Yeah, there's mud on my boots and I haven't taken them off. And I'm on a rug.
Starting point is 01:22:25 Yeah, I apologize. But let me ask you guys opinion, how little work do you think her pops had now making a dumb just going for it? Or like, not even her pop. Okay, I'm gonna show up. Steven Tyler, how little work does any member of fucking Aero Smith have to do? How little work does any member of fucking arrow Smith have to do? How little? Like you think he even has to say hello or do you think he could just take his
Starting point is 01:22:49 dick out and motion to it now like a like a Roman emperor now or then. Huh? I wouldn't work in today's climate. Yeah. But I mean, Stephen Tyler now, I don't think rock stars have ever had a problem with me too. Yeah. Nobody would believe it.
Starting point is 01:23:05 Be like, hey, I got me to my Stephen Talier, like, come on. Did you? I mean, these are these guys get what I'm saying is the level of push that they get is, I think, beyond athlete, it's beyond actor rock star push is top level push. I mean, there's Derek Jeter level. Obviously, you look at what his pedigree is. I mean He did so Derek Jeter is an exception where he did quality. I mean, he did quality But these guys do quality and they do volume. I mean, they're like the Walmart of getting pussed I mean, these guys are like the Costco of pusses. Costco pusses.
Starting point is 01:23:46 Yeah, I mean, you know, you get comedians like a mom and pop shop. Maybe you get an actor who's got a well-established business. Athlete, okay, maybe a legendary pizza place. But Steven Tyler is the Costco of puss. He is the Amazon of puss. I mean, there's packages arriving at his door every fucking day. And they're being brought to him just like that. He doesn't have to lift a finger. He's
Starting point is 01:24:09 got a full, whatever he wants, fucking to his out. He wants a new TV. It's getting brought in and being installed by somebody. Do you think he has girls to unzip his pants for the other girl back then? Yeah, me like it could be that crazy. This is so good to hear about my. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's not like I'm talking to you and you're like 46 and you, you're still almost a child. I'm pretty sure. Yeah, we're 24. The crazy shit that I've seen on the internet my entire life. Yeah, I'm just like my dad and assless chaps when I'm 16.
Starting point is 01:24:45 I'm like, all right. Yeah. It's so cool though. I mean, it is different. Like most people's dads go to work and stuff. Your dad's a rock star. It's pretty wonderful. It's almost like your dad's Jesus.
Starting point is 01:25:02 That would almost be like, if you imagine Jesus, and Jesus didn't even draw numbers like Bon Jovi. I mean, if your dad was Jesus, you'd be like, ah, he's, you know, a couple dudes following him around. He needs to keep touring. He'd have to die to get big and then he's not really a good dad. You know what I mean? You don't get the full effect.
Starting point is 01:25:18 You got the, if Jesus is kid, if Jesus had a kid, Jesus would see the effect of his father after his father, but he would see it and he'd be after his father, but he would see it. And he'd be like, wow, this is getting pretty big. And as friends, you got to like text pictures of Jesus in the 80s to him. And you just kind of like arrive on your phone. It's always the thing when your friends found out that your dad was in Bon Jovi. Well, I lived in the same town my whole life, so everyone knew.
Starting point is 01:25:41 Right. I didn't really get it. It's like Jersey legends. It's like Bruce Springsteen bunch. Crazy. Yeah. But the one saving grace is you could hang out with black dudes. If you wanted to get away from it all, you could go hang out with black dudes. Don't give a fuck. And they would not know who your pops is. No, you could be like, it could come up and be like, yo, babe, my, you know, my, what your parents do, you know, me? And I mean, where you
Starting point is 01:26:03 finally from, you got fat, you know, they like, know, my, what's your parents do, you know, man? And I mean, what you find from Jerry, you got fat, you know, they like, first of all, they just make every girl feel hot. And just this is what it is. No matter what your body is like, they just end to it. Black dudes are just not that picky like white dudes. And so first of all, yeah, he'd be hitting on you. Your mom, my, my, my, you feel real sexy and then you, like, look, you know, you just comfortably real down the earth.
Starting point is 01:26:21 You know, what's your pops? Do you come from, you know what I mean? Cause like, you know, I'm, and you'd be like, yeah, my dad's in Bon Jovi. And he'd be like, oh, that's cool. Your dad runs a company for Anchovies. He would have no idea who Bon Jovi. So that's always the thing you could do. That's true.
Starting point is 01:26:34 But you couldn't go anywhere else. Wherever there's white people, they're gonna know who your pops is. It's true. Is there a white person who does not know? It's like, is there a more famous white band than Bon Jovi? Is there a band that's covered more in bars in Jersey with girls with hairspray hair still?
Starting point is 01:26:52 In Jersey, no. Then Bon Jovi, you ever go to one of those? See a cover band hit the Bon Jovi and the girls with the jeans that are too high and the hair is still there. My wash, huge hair. Doing Bon Jovi. Is there a white person who does not know who Bon Jovi is? jeans that are too high and the hair is still big. My gosh, huge hair. Doing bunjouvy. Is there a white person who does not know who bunjouvy is?
Starting point is 01:27:09 That would be a good thing to find out. I don't think Google has an answer. No, they would. I would be hard pressed to say that anyone over 40, for sure. Oh, for sure. I'm going for for sure now. Yeah, I'm going for for sure. Because I know there might be an occasional third. Especially this. There's some 22 year olds out. You go outside
Starting point is 01:27:27 and they're going to be like, bonhoo, but that's because they don't know. Yeah, they'll try not to know each other because they have to fight women. And like if you watch some of their videos, there's girls with flashing tests and that's not cool. That's patriarchal. But anyone over 40 guaranteed knows who your dad is. Right. That's crazy. I mean, who's your dad? He was in Las Lomas. No, he's no, you don't even know who that is.
Starting point is 01:27:54 No, but you taking cuts. I appreciate it. We're going to name this taking cuts or are we going to name it the saddest episode ever with Rich Foss? Where we talked about it. It might have been the saddest episode. I really picked up once he left, though. Let's be honest.
Starting point is 01:28:07 I think the saddest episode was at one scope, a host of a couple of years ago. Scalpo host, it was. Oh my God, that was a bad episode. He was like, hey, guys, how you doing? They probably people who were listening probably thought this was like a mistake. They were going like, is this a joke? When's Bobby going to say, just kidding. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:22 Anyway, I can't wait to read about this on Reddit. That's always my favorite. It's the best, you know, Bobby does try to tell me that an overwhelming majority of the messages about me are positive. I've never seen them. I just see the three to five fucking psychos who love to just let everybody know. I can't wait to read the comment section and my favorites are no Bobby. I'll skip this one. scale. Yannis. Ah, fucking liberal cock. To fucking loved when Dave Smith really tore him a new asshole on gun control on a fucking get a fucking life. All right, get a fucking life. I'm a happy kid, I'm a cute kid.
Starting point is 01:29:08 All right, I'm well liked. So you go fuck yourself. All right, here's the podcast you need to be listening to. History, Hyenas, all right? History, Hyenas, from what I understand, I think we're the biggest podcasts on the network now. Is that what it is? Why not?
Starting point is 01:29:25 Oh, shit. Yeah. Yeah, go with it. Go with it. Yeah, sure. Yeah, sure. It doesn't have a fake character on it. Right.
Starting point is 01:29:34 Exactly. We're the only one that we're our real names. And we are ourselves on it. So check out history. Hyenas. It's me and Chris DeStefano. And it's going great. It's, um, it keeps growing. It's an awesome podcast. Thank you, Mike. It's me and Chris the Stefano and it's going great. It's um it keeps growing
Starting point is 01:29:46 It's an awesome podcast. Thank you Mike. It's a little bit awesome and of course um Zach ises that you guys if you listen to it, you know jihadi with a body is on our podcast so listen to history hyenas This has been you know what dude with cuck face yannis papis um listen to history hyenas good night everybody Yannis Papis, listen to history and it's good night everybody. Bye. You've been listening to the YKWD podcast. Thanks for listening. Now go back to your shitty jobs. Shitty jobs.
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