Robert Kelly's You Know What Dude! - Anthony Cumia, Dave Landau | Cy-O-Nara

Episode Date: March 7, 2021

This week YKWD has Anthony Cumia and impromptu guest Dave Landau as we talk why they split, how things stand with them, and how nobody wants to buy Cumia's house! Go Premium: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hoy es un día de eso de no saber cómo va a acabar el día. Donde nadie pregunta, ¿dónde viene? Si no, ¿por qué no te viene? Y una ronda es el tiempo que pasa entre no conocernos y no creer olvidarnos. Hoy es un día de eso que Madrid nos lia. Hoy es un día de eso que Madrid nos encuentra. Maú, la vida es más vida cuando nos encontramos.
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Starting point is 00:01:31 all the other ladybugs and it's a blast. So we also let you watch all the shows live YKWD live all the culture and Kelly's live united, all go on the Patreon. And you also get the 10-minute extra YKWD every week goes on there. I love it live from the shed, one on ones, Tech Talk with Bobby and friends, there's so much content up there. And you know what, it's all for what? A price of a cup of coffee, five bucks, get you in the door. And you're gonna love it. So make sure you go over there,,
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Starting point is 00:03:11 Shut up, you're ruining this Work the program I'm sorry It's a comedy podcast This is an NPR That's the podcast done Is there any better show? This is the original rich world.
Starting point is 00:03:36 Hello. Hello. Welcome. A Rupa Bob is here. He's back from a Rupa. Oh. Looking fucking, I mean, it's almost, it's Puerto Rican Bob home looking fucking I mean it's almost it's Puerto Rican Bob yeah I mean I got the go T it's a little gray the skin is fucking perfect I look like like a little chubby rock I love it and I got my
Starting point is 00:04:00 my German pipe in honor of Anthony oh my my, I'm a tell you, and I don't understand what you mean. I got my, my bomb pipe made in Germany handcrafted. I thought you'd have one of those giant German ones like the guy in the Tarantino movie, which one was that in glorious bastards. Oh yeah, there you go. uh... that tarantino movie which was that in glorious bastards uh... yeah they go all this you're like sure luck homo uh...
Starting point is 00:04:32 god i wish i could fight that one but i am so sidequeer it's not even funny well i i was in a rubah for ten days then i made it twelve because what do i have to come back to fucking shit news Twitter fucking fights and No shows so I stayed in extra two days and That fight is great But anyways, I'm back and I'm excited Anthony is I mean you're on the YK fucking WD and I'm so happy
Starting point is 00:05:08 You got your stupid fucking guinea shandel is behind No one is buying that house Unless they have an iRxie and a fucking fake Rolex. There's a lot of those people around that still drive the iroxie and have a girlfriend called Maria and she burns her legs on the side pipes and you know. You have the fucking the guinea curtains they don't go all the way down what the fuck are those? What a useless you fuck. Holy shit who's not? It's the decoration.
Starting point is 00:05:55 It's the fucking decoration. How many fucking lights do you need? It looks like a high-hat. There are high-hat and then there's a couple of chandeliers kind of very close to each other here Well, that's it's an island see we got like the the table over here and then the The island over there and you need life over each one of course. Yeah, of course you do it when I'm fixing up you need light over each one, of course. Yeah, of course you do. When I'm fixing up,
Starting point is 00:06:25 make a putting some gobbagool and some peppers and... Yeah, when you're in your robe and the morning and you grow like, if you get the paper, I got the paper. I got the paper and I pass out from anxiety attack by the fridge. It looks like a fucking lighting section and home deep over behind you.
Starting point is 00:06:41 Ha ha ha ha. I love you. You're a single-age middleman with a 12th person dining room table, which is all that is is catch off with all your iPads and shit that you find that doesn't fill the hole. What's on that table? Show me what's on that fucking table? Yeah, there's a couple of boxes like There's like some packages A beer case thing and then stuff that came from Amazon because we're in a crisis
Starting point is 00:07:25 You got to order stuff from Amazon constantly. Oh God. I would love to just have the shit that you don't even know you have. It's so bad. I got plenty of it. I put you up nine extra iPads. You probably have shit that's not open. A pair of AirPod Pros that just sit around. I think what I had, those. I own of those at three in the morning a week ago.
Starting point is 00:07:44 I was downstairs I had, though. I ordered those at three in the morning, a week ago. I was downstairs looking for, because I was trying to figure out a way to get many DV tapes converted over to my computer, because like I showed you, I got stuff from the virus tours back in 2007, was it, or whatever it was, through that in the form. And I got these tapes and you don't realize technology has blown past everything. They don't even make shit where you can put that on a computer that's running Windows 10 anymore. So I had to get a Mac and do it that way.
Starting point is 00:08:17 But I was downstairs in my electronics room with all the shit that you were just talking about. And I'm pulling computers out that I had no idea I had. It's like fucking Vista and XP on it. And then there's a little computer that they went out of business years ago. But I finally found it. I'm mixing those things down.
Starting point is 00:08:37 Well, you sent me a text. I got, I was in Aruba when I got back. It came through. And it was, it was, you're going through the video from the virus tour, but you have to go through it on the camera screen. So the screens of two inch by an inch and a half big. It's just my dumb face. You would say it was a handheld. Yeah, it was pretty cool. Like going through the tape. And I just went through one tape from a two-parter from the Boston gig back in 2004. And there's so much shit on it.
Starting point is 00:09:12 And I have tapes from every city we did. So Otto and George and Louis, of course, Patrice, Jimmy, Bobby, you, of course, a Billy., like it's so fucking unreal to see all this shit again, because I haven't even looked at these in 17 years. It's crazy. Do you have the Billy Burr fucking meltdown on tape? I don't know. I'm going to have to go through that Philly thing and see if I have that.
Starting point is 00:09:42 I don't see why I wouldn't. That's fucking crazy. If you have that't see why I wouldn't that's fucking crazy if you have that on tape I mean that's you probably have a demo to take out everybody but Bobby I was saying you and boss both look exactly the fucking same like you look the fucking same in those videos that you look now. Voss, of course, looks the same. Then there's other people, you know, me, and Keith is on there. And he says name.
Starting point is 00:10:13 Say his name. Say it. Say it, you can say it. Keep the cup. OP. Greg, Greg, go ahead. He says, there's OP's on there.
Starting point is 00:10:20 Yeah, of course. We haven't fun. We're on our partners. It's fucking awesome. Club soda candy like all the all this shit. It's really cool Going through this stuff because like I said, I didn't even watch it and they're from Cleveland and Philly and Boston, New York DC wherever the fuck we went Camden. I mean you look at you look like Voss we always talk now and it's like you know
Starting point is 00:10:47 Another regime a regime always takes over and it was stern and all that and then it was open Anthony the virus and all of us And now there's the Joe Rogan regime with all these guys. Yeah, it just so happens that this regime now apparently You can make millions of dollars with this shit and when we would do it You became thousandaires. What happened, right? It's like you can live they handed Joe Rogan one hundred million dollars For first Spotify and a one hundred million dollars to be the new regime. It's amazing Look god bless them because he's one of my favorites and he's one of the guys that I've always looked up to. But it's like, God damn it. If you son of a bitches, coulda, if we, if we were this regime, yeah, I wouldn't be in a shed right now. I'd be in a
Starting point is 00:11:39 a bullhouse. We're like the old NFL and NBA guys that have to look at these guys making multi gazillion dollars and they were getting paid a Per Diem and 40 grand a year Yeah, we we had fucking leather helmets We're fucking son of a bitch a couple years But that's thinking a Rogan we're doing the comedians of the compound down in Austin, Texas on the 14th and 15th of May, May 14th, 50th. But I'm flying in on the 13th to do Joe's show. So I'm very excited about that.
Starting point is 00:12:19 I love that guy. He's a fucking animal. He is a fucking maniac. And yeah, I, funny guy. Yeah, I love Joe because he has, he has, he's like a, he's like a, a 12 speed bike. He has many gears. You know what I mean? Like, he's shifting and out of conversation. And you know, but then he can go to, you know, he can go to six gear or 12 gear and just break your neck.
Starting point is 00:12:49 And just. You know, he has. With his hunting elk with his bare hands and fucking just snapping and else neck and biting into its throat for dinner. Yeah, I want, I want credit because I spent two nights at a KOA. dinner. Yeah, I want I want credit because I spent two nights at a K.O.A. and I a little fire with a fucking with a with a with a with a stick. Yeah, you're you're the man. You're roughing it. It's like, oh, what do you have a rifle? He's like, no, fucking bow and arrow. Like an Indian. He's fucking hunting down
Starting point is 00:13:20 Elk with a bow. It's 2021. It's amazing. It's amazing. And he's never, and it bumps me out because he shaved his head. Why would that be? I was the shaved head guy. Oh, you were that guy. And then he shaved his head now. you want the very early comics with the shaved head. Oh, dude. I shaved my head I knew it was going and I didn't have the money like some friends I know to to To get the old but butchered at this time. She fucking looks very Looks good. I don't have the money to get the Bosley treatment. Right.
Starting point is 00:14:08 So I was like, either I shave it now before I'm fake, like I was like, I'm gonna get some type of fame. If I get some type of fame with hair, and then I deteriorate, it's gonna be those photos of me just like with a baby curl and fucking. Yeah. So I just preempted everything one night. I shaved my head and I think the last thing you can see me was last comic standing the
Starting point is 00:14:40 second season. I got fucking I got Dushed for some dude. I don't even know. I think it was a janitor and I had here and then that night I shaved it and that was it you decided is it a big decision? Like do you really sit there and go I'm gonna have to do this? It was yeah It was a big decision for me because here's the problem with it and you you'll know this because you were You were going you know your shit was going. Yeah, and you have to you have to start you have to wear a hat or you have to make hair You have to fill in the gaps right and then then you have to pray. It's not windy or rainy
Starting point is 00:15:19 Yeah, you have to look like that or you know, yeah, you kind of go with the wind Yeah, yeah, yeah. Put the head up, go down and yeah, yeah. We had a sales guy at W-A-A-F up in Massachusetts, when me and Hopey were doing that show. And it was sales guy who would spray that shit on his head like it was like spray paint for your scalp. So you scoped on the show through your hair like spray paint for your scalp. So you scalp done show through your hair, but he was so bald, we swore he must have taken
Starting point is 00:15:50 some kind of cardboard and cut a hole in it, put it over his head and just sprayed everything. Like his hairline was sprayed. That's a part of me, if you got a little spot on the back and not sort of place your fucking hairline. And it was raining at an appearance, we did it a bar, an alcohol truck. It started running down his head.
Starting point is 00:16:09 And you just, like, we wanted to make fun of him. And we just felt too bad. Like, we felt too fucking bad for the gun. It was too bad to make fun of him. That's when it's just fucking bad. Yeah, that's like fucking, that's like, like some type of child with a deformity We made fun of lacy Peterson so you know, it's not it's not the shit you won't make fun
Starting point is 00:16:36 But that was just too much That's too much. Let's just fuck it like when Giuliani had the sweat coming down You're like oh god, yeah, the same thing. You're saying New York. Why don't you think and I don't know. Well, let me ask you a question, because I came back from, I was supposed to have to partner on to land out. And I came back and I'm far, and the whole fucking world
Starting point is 00:17:04 is whipped upside down. Well, he's gone. There's nothing we can do about it. There's got nothing we can do. He's gone. But let me ask you question. What the... I, because I talked to Dave and he was like, I will definitely come on the show, but I don't want to cut and I was like, I got to talk to Anthony. I to see if Anthony's okay. I wouldn't care if Dave does anyone's show. Like, I'm not that guy. Yeah, but why? I'm not really making a big, yeah. And here's where it is with Dave.
Starting point is 00:17:34 I think Dave wants like a phone call and we'll hang out and talk about it. And I'm like, dude, I get on the air. And of course, I'm gonna bust his balls. I'm in kind of a weird position. I wasn't happy with the way it went down but this is the business, it's fucked up. But like I don't have a problem with him. I love the guy, he's funny, he's a fun guy and I wish him all the best and this isn't
Starting point is 00:17:59 fucking showbiz bullshit. I really do. But the next day, Monday, when I knew Sunday that he wasn't going to be on my show anymore, Monday, Kevin Brennan just happened to be in our studio. So he came on my show and I think Dave might be thinking I did that on purpose to really turn the screws on him. And I understand it was busted his balls a little, but that's kind of what we do you know it was funny Kevin yeah he's a prick but he's a funny motherfucker and he
Starting point is 00:18:35 did the show he's not gonna be my partner I said here's me David replacement Kevin Brennan everyone and people like oh my, there's no way he's actually having on the show. So it was funny, but I don't know, Dave, he's not insecure personally, but I think he questions a lot of stuff that other people might be thinking about him. And I don't have a problem with him. It's not like we got to sit and have this, you know, man, it's okay, kind of a thing. I like the guy and I wish him the best. I just think things went down a little sideways from my liking. That's okay. Kind of a thing. I like the guy and I wish in the best. I just think things went down a little A little sideways from my liking. That's it. Well, I mean listen and I mean he I was talking to him today
Starting point is 00:19:12 I was like dude you should come on and he was like yeah, I will. I just don't want to you know With whatever and I was like oh you he still Respects you and loves you and I don't know idolizes you and you know and everything that you did. I mean you guys were a great team you know. Years we had a great show. He's uh you know I uh I sent him to broadcasting school on my own expense. How could I not like that? I know it. I know. I'm kidding. That's funny though. With bust and balls over here.
Starting point is 00:19:48 We're just bust and balls. Can I bring them on? Can I bring them on? Can we come on right now? Of course, I wouldn't care. I must see if you'll come on. But listen, here's the thing. Is you're like you right now, you're going to fucking,
Starting point is 00:20:04 you're literally going to South Carolina, right? At some point when I fucking sell my I'm not telling the house take the hit on the house Put it up for 5,500,000 and take it nobody's buying that shit hole look at those lamps There are plenty of guineas around Kelly. Listen, I guarantee nobody in the chat likes those fucking gotty guine-y fucking lamps. That looked good in this context,
Starting point is 00:20:34 but when you look at it overall with the columns and the fricking, I hate your fucking lamp. Let me stare a fountain in my fucking den. It's in fists. Could you please, because I've trashed your house so much, can you please just pan and just show me a fucking dead space, show them the dead space. I unplugged this fucking thing, what happened? He froze for a second.
Starting point is 00:21:03 I do have a picture of it. We're okay now. Let me see. Yeah, I got the den and everything, the TV and the kitchen is over here. Oh my god, if you move, you're fucking whole thing stops. The whole thing stops. Yeah, you've got to be island and everything. So, uh, it's very Italian. They say you have lamps are better than bosses murals. Have you seen bosses, paintings? He's got his pay. What a what a retard if I may use the word. Oh, it really
Starting point is 00:21:42 is like it's pretty sure you're not supposed to. I'm pretty. I'm pretty sure what I'm not supposed to do. But I think I think that if they saw a video of him, they'd be like, all right, we get it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. All right. Is he painting them?
Starting point is 00:21:54 Does he do the painting? No, can I just say something? Some of those to his fucking dumb credit, you know, he, uh, worth money. He found out the guy from the show that your house is themed after, um, the sopranos, who's the guy, the hitman from Italy? What was his name? Oh, um, Furio. Furio is a huge 17th century Italian art guy, okay? So he comes into the studio on Jim and Sam, right? formerly
Starting point is 00:22:27 Opie and Jim, formerly the Opie and Anthony show you fucking morons. I It wasn't if it wasn't for that there'd be no proud boys. Oh wait a minute It's a different thing Where do you go? Oh, he's great. Oh, wait a minute. Oh, wait a minute. He's a different thing. That's a different thing. Where do you go? Oh, he's great. I had him on my show. He's fucking all those sopranos guys are good. So he has a huge art guy. Knows everything about 17th century
Starting point is 00:22:57 and Voss's paintings are 17th century, poor shit. And he looked at his painting and he's like, buddy, that might be a worth around $40,000., my God. And Voss lit up like he won the fucking lottery. Oh, of course. Oh, God, I was so I was hoping he was also the last time he wrote a joke. Yeah, so what are you, what are you drinking? Oh, this is a duvel. It's a Belgian beer, triple hop beer that the Belgian trappist monks make. Do you know when I went to Belgium, which I did,
Starting point is 00:23:39 rented a boat, a riverboat for seven days on the canals, a canal boat and a riverboat for seven days on the canals, a canal boat, and a... What a barge. It's not a barge of fucking cugs. Shit on my house. You got nine fucking lights. Who needs nine lights? Every darkened here.
Starting point is 00:24:02 I mean, you got three hanging down the... Looks like I'm gonna have cafeteria in a prison in the fucking 1920 I can't even argue whenever you say anything about my own so yeah, oh yeah many curtains burn me so bad your little mini Curtain don't like the little curtains Five minutes like the little curtains. What for what? To walk the sun for five minutes? Five minutes a day, the sun doesn't. I literally have sun visors from a car on my windows. I have the door.
Starting point is 00:24:33 They should flip up. It looks like you hang in fact girl underwear on your windows. It didn't happen. Yeah, right. Well, the actual, all the churches over there were built from beer money. And there's one church that has never got finished
Starting point is 00:24:54 because the fucking monks drank all the beer. So the church has no steeple because they didn't have enough money to finish the fucking thing. That sounds like when I was in the section and we would go to the strip club at lunch and never come back to lock the tools up and finish the job of a
Starting point is 00:25:10 so uh... even here in america we uh... we did the same things you went to belgium how what we do in a gig or what and i went i went on vacation i go on vacation for not gigs sometimes what's the that a tourist would want to see unless like i understand if you're a world I go on vacation for not gigs sometimes. What seems to be the old one? That a tourist would want to see unless, like I understand, if you're a World War II guy or even World War I,
Starting point is 00:25:31 you could go to belt and see some of the great battle fields and whatnot. Well, you're definitely a World War I and II guy, just the wrong side. Yeah, I know. But the side that lost, I'm sorry. I, uh, no, but, uh, no, you're absolutely right. I mean, when you, we go, we went to the shore, uh, new port.
Starting point is 00:25:55 And then you get on these, you take a 45 minute class and they throw you the keys to a fucking 10 person riverboat. And then you go up, you go up the river and you have to open up the locks. You have to call ahead for the bridges. And you were supposed to call this in just a short amount of time. They give you a book and you call up the locks and you're like, they're like, Lutus, Louth, you're like, English, they go, hey, okay, when are you going to be here?
Starting point is 00:26:25 And then they open up the bridge or they do the lock, and you go up all the way to, we went to Bruges the first day. And it took six hours. When we went back and we dropped the boat off, 14 minutes on the train. Took to get there. 14 minutes off.
Starting point is 00:26:42 14 minutes, that's what I got. Did you have to refuel and shit? Yeah, you have to go into we had that we actually pulled into bruge and you parked the boat in downtown because all the cities over in I mean, Amsterdam, France, even England have canals because that's how they got shit everywhere back in the day. Yeah. And now and now you can, uh now you can rent these narrow boats or canal boats.
Starting point is 00:27:07 And you go right into downtown. Your hotel is your boat. You get off, you're right there. And it's like, I mean, dude, it's like where Santa lives for God's sake. Fucking nuts. And when we were back on the beach, I went to the beach in Newport in the North Sea Fucking crazy because here I am. It's a beach, but out there's still pill boxes. Yeah, yeah, yeah All over the beach because the Germans took over Belgium
Starting point is 00:27:39 They built all these pill boxes and they're so You're just like we can't fucking leave it because we can't get it down. They have to get it down the palms. It's not like some crew is going to come in and get it. That was their big Atlantic wall. Yeah. Keep the invasion from coming in and how that was. All the farms, all the farms as you're on the canal have the pillboxes.
Starting point is 00:28:04 So now it's a bike path and you can go into the pill box and it tells you all the history of it. I mean, we're on the North Sea. And then Max was digging in the sand and it's so different, but it's not, you know, because we, you know, we're in a ruby digging the sand, you find a seashell and the North Sea see you find a blood worm looking to fucking alien from the movie Dune. He's a star wars chick. He's like, I'm going to go to the language ship. And then he looked out and there was a lady in a full black Berka in the water. And Max is like, what is she doing? What is that?
Starting point is 00:28:40 I go, it's a scene ninja. She just came out of the water like fucking, like, she's got a bunch of decimates. I call it the scene ninja. This scene ninja. She just came out of the water like fucking looking at a bunch of her decimates. That's a nice scene ninja. Isn't it just freezing cold? Why would you go to the beach? Like the North Sea isn't very,
Starting point is 00:28:56 oh, look at that fling. Yeah, that fling. That fling. No, it was like, dude, I grew up in Boston. So we went to, you know, we went to Maine to York want to main to your beach it took you know soon as you went in your not so many a chest yeah
Starting point is 00:29:10 that you got used to it the same thing like long islands the same thing new yorkas some of the most amazing beaches in the world and it's like even you could be all this that we could have had this blazing hot summer and then you go in the water and it's always freezing fucking cold. If I go into the ocean water, first of all I want to be able to see what's under me. I want crystal clear blue water and the Bah I wish it like that I want Sandy brown water that's freezing cold with waves just smashing on top of you all time Fuck fire Island and John's Beach all at nonsense. Well, that's why I know who's this is this Oh, yeah boss boss was coming in tonight, too. Oh, but he's that he's at a
Starting point is 00:30:03 He's at he's at a he's at a areas. Thank you always. Can you can you hear me? Yeah, we can hear you. Can you hear us? Yeah, I can hear you. I can hear you. And so we're just having done a
Starting point is 00:30:19 podcast together in 15 minutes. Yeah, no. That's not a problem there. What's that? That's not a problem to seeing you on podcasts over a few different podcasts. A few different days. It's nice. You know, what are the odds?
Starting point is 00:30:42 The six books I need to finish my doctor-souce collection Yeah, it's a tell show but a bunch of us go on and I just Is my father-in-law there. Oh my god. I love him. Great. He went on. Your upstairs and your kitchen.
Starting point is 00:31:22 Yeah. Yeah. My girlfriend's playing video games on the computer so I got a fucking sitting on my laptop like some fucking piece of cake. I was scratching his lamp. I was scratching his lamps in his stupid curtains, his baby curtains. He doesn't like my my various chandeliers. He's very racist because of my Italian culture and my my curtains. He doesn't like the fact that my curtains only cover Oh, where did Vosko he didn't make care He cover a few inches of my window. He's he's got the worst connection. He's probably on a Wi-Fi on his phone and
Starting point is 00:31:57 it's Jersey He doesn't come in areas. No't come to areas. There he is. There you go. I wish I was at home because I want to ask you what happened to Dave. Where did he go? We were just talking about that. He went over to Latter with Crowder. He's doing doing No, it's, it's, it's, he's, he's does a video cast from Texas. It's a pretty political. Yeah, he's a very funny, very funny guy. Yeah, he's a funny guy.
Starting point is 00:32:33 He does a lot of filmed, pre-recorded like sketches and things like that. He also has both of the go to colleges and set up those tables, let's say, you know, Joe Biden has Alzheimer's, proved me wrong, and then he'll let college liberals yell at him and shit like that. No, he's a good guy. Dave is fucking funny, he's fucking, he decided to do something else.
Starting point is 00:32:57 I'm kinda, like I said, the way it was handled was, look at this fucking connection, this S. Let me ask you questions, I mean his connection. Kovac Collins calls when you get a better connection yeah right you might have just hung up you would be you'd be in a little wordy but uh...
Starting point is 00:33:12 a number number please yeah i'm an action i'm a i was left my own podcast i uh... no he just went on the thing and it was you know you know you know that i don't know i don't know how to handle it or talk about it. Yes, that's where we get to right there, the Italian. It's your fucking Italian upbringing that you don't know how to communicate. Let's deal with that.
Starting point is 00:33:40 I want to go inside Anthony right now. I want to get into the, who Anthony is. Let's get to where you are. This is what I say happened, ready? And tell me if I'm wrong. All right. You took the last thing you were thinking about was Dave not being with you when you went down to South Carolina.
Starting point is 00:34:04 Probably, Yeah. And you had all this shit, you got to sell that fucking gaudy house, which is not selling because it's way priced way too. I because you have a fucking gambling addiction, your data, 20 year old. Okay. And you have helicopter toys in your garage that you can't get rid of. Okay. Cause you waited too long to put them on eBay
Starting point is 00:34:27 Every asshole has a drone now and you still have a fucking full-size helicopter in your garage That's it work But you you sit to all this shit in the network and you leave in the studio and who's wearing what's happened And this and subscriptions and people and, and here you're going down there and everything and you gotta get out and here you are. And all of a sudden, hey, dude, I'm gonna leave the show. I'm gonna blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:34:57 And he got an offer that is, you know, forget about friends or business, was like this is a solid thing. And I don't know what's happening with you I don't know what's going on I don't and he's like I'm gonna go over here and you're like because you're you're not a fucking dickhead You're not a man. Alright dude. Do what you gotta do. I'll do I would do what I have to do You're gonna do what you have to do so okay, but it hurt con volotea, la región de Murcia nunca ha estado tan cerca, espectacularismos, monumentos, rincones de película y un sincindia aventuras te esperan. ¡Fliparás!
Starting point is 00:35:34 Vuelades de Madrid, a Murcia y a otros destinos que te sorprenderán a partir de 19 euros. Volotea. Tarifa sujeta esa disponibilidad, consulta las condiciones en No, it's didn't hurt. It's frustrating. It's going to make way. Stop before you step over that. Listen to me.
Starting point is 00:35:54 Stop before you. Listen, I'm not Kevin Brennan. I'm the opposite. Okay. I give you, I give love. Love Kelly from Aruba. This is a movie. This is a movie Bob you illima when he did that you it hurt it hurt
Starting point is 00:36:09 And you like fuck man. I didn't I thought everything was all right I thought we you know and now you got to deal with this and it's like fuck that but but Bob I got to step in you're mistaken. I am not hurt. I don't get hurt. I don't get hurt. Everybody gets hurt. You're not a superhero. Body hurts. No, I don't hurt.
Starting point is 00:36:34 I'm saying that someone, like I said. Sometimes everybody cries. Even Anthony, everybody hurts. He is so sad. even Anthony everybody has to think he wasn't leaving. No, I don't. It's my grosses so atrocious. The trouble with a lot of fucking people these days is that personally hurt by things. This is business and I understand it 100 fucking percent.
Starting point is 00:37:06 I'm not hurt, but it frustrates me. It may be angry at the way things went down, because it wasn't, hey, I'm gonna go with this guy. It was, hey, I went with this guy. That's how it was. So that got me kind of like, you know, I stepped into the studio Monday, thinking together. Hi, do in the show together. I think you're right.
Starting point is 00:37:50 Trying to say I was hurt, but I swear. He tries, he's trying to analyze me. It isn't a hurt thing. I don't take these things personally, but I was frustrated. Which is hurt. My therapist said frustration and anger is hurt inside out. Got you. Oh God. Turn your head. God's in.
Starting point is 00:38:11 It was inside out. I know. I know. I'm on shitty hotel Wi-Fi and this is such an important conversation. I'm so excited. It's better than bosses fucking Wi-Fi. Oh, rather than here in Vosko, what's that? It sounds like I'd rather do chip show. Yeah. What's that? Right, so he was saying, you're saying that he was not, you would not hurt, you would just frustrate him.
Starting point is 00:38:36 Well, it was frustrating because it really did. We did talk about Crowder and Dave going down and doing Crowder's for week and then Skyping up. And again, I had no fucking issues with that. I wasn't into it happening every week or every other week. Like it was going to be two weeks in a row. That's a little much or one week and then one week here and then a week back in Texas. I was kind of like, eh, that's a little much, or one week, and then one week here, and then a week back in Texas. I was kind of like, eh, that's a little much, but I didn't, I wasn't saying, hey, don't you fucking do that.
Starting point is 00:39:12 And then, with the email, it was just kind of like, hey, I'm doing this now, and I even asked, kind of like, is the crowd-er- is crowd-er-gun in for you and stuff and from the impression i got it was no and then it he did it and again i get it but it just i have to say something i have to be like yeah it's it's what it is i get it you know it
Starting point is 00:39:41 that i get that i didn't mean that i'm trying to it's really like coming in like it sounds like a good tarz in the middle of your voice because I'm on shit Wi-Fi. You're on your phone, right? I was playing every button. No, I'm on a laptop. Is it on Safari? Is it what?
Starting point is 00:39:59 Are you on Safari? I don't think so. You need Firefox or Chrome. Yeah. You need Firefox? Oh, Chrome, yeah. Chrome, I get Chrome. Type of Chrome.
Starting point is 00:40:12 Well, come back, go on Chrome and put the URL in. Let me log back. Go on on Chrome. Yeah, we're going to trash you some more. So go do that. Just trash me while I'm on Chrome. Hold on, just, I'll be back. Oh, hi. Hey, anyways, so you got an open spot. me while I'm on chrome. Hold on. Just.
Starting point is 00:40:31 Hey, anyway, so you got an open spot. Now Kelly's looking for a spot. I'm going to, I'm going to leave Calta for Kumia. I'm coming down. Yeah. Well, I'm not, I'm not openly searching for a coho. That doesn't matter. I'm going to step in. I know you, I know you too. You don't have enough feelings to ask me because you don't wanna hurt Dave's feelings. You're all emotional. I'll step in. I'm all emotional. But let me ask you something, Anthony. Please.
Starting point is 00:40:58 You do have that. I don't know if it's an Italian thing. I don't know if it's an alpha male or a generational thing. But you and as a comic, a lot of us are emotionally connected. We we're our hearts on our sleeve. We give very, you know, you know, and we have to because that's how we analyze things. We take it, we rip it apart, we go fuck that and we go on stage Do you have one of your friends say he's not mad, but he's frustrated? It's fucking mad That's why he doesn't I didn't hurt his feelings go fuck yourself like you you're talking like my wife talks No, I'm not I am not mad. I am frustrated go fuck yourself I'm not it It's just.
Starting point is 00:41:45 Hi. Is that it? Is that better? It's moderately better. Oh, OK. OK. OK. Well, that was like how I felt.
Starting point is 00:41:55 It's really, you know, once people think it's a fucking, you know, a fucking melodrama or a romcom where, you know, we're be through the rom com uh... now i don't get i'm happy this is happy bobby this what i'm happy about for david that he's moving on because now he doesn't you know forcing him to get a uh... hitly youth haircut to do the show anymore he can actually get a regular
Starting point is 00:42:22 uh... uh... yeah because i was actually a lesbian. It's Christ. It's the total opposite. I mean, I had to have a progressive haircut to balance him out. Correct. So now, I mean, you guys made a great couple, if I say it in a, you know, side queer way.
Starting point is 00:42:45 I mean, Dave Landau, when you look at dude, when you were looking for somebody and you picked Dave, I was like, I was like, I love Dave, but I was like, that is so fucking out of left field. But then when I saw him, I'm like, it's so perfect. There's no one in there. I mean, two years ago. So subtle, Really good.
Starting point is 00:43:05 I know. Really great shows. Yeah, I mean, there's no, I'm not, like I said, and that's what I kind of wanted to tell Dave was, you know, obviously, with the way things went down, I, because of the show, I have to get on and have fun with it. and the way we have fun is Boston balls and it wasn't anything personal I'm not gonna sit there and you know bad mouth
Starting point is 00:43:33 anybody about that you are crowded or anything but I got to make some jokes you know I can't just be like oh well I guess yeah I you know, I had to make some jokes. The Kevin Brennan thing, Kevin Brennan snuck into our studio. Oh, I know. I don't blame you on that at all. And went on to the hot order. Aaron actually text me after I go, Anthony, I want you to know, we didn't even book Kevin.
Starting point is 00:43:59 He just came in and said, and I just thought it would be hilarious because everyone's speculating, who's Anthony's co-host gonna be now and it's like Kevin Brennan ha ha never happened so it's funny he's there and go sit in the chair yeah my co-host Kevin Brennan who would never be my co-host but it was it was a funny show it was ball-busting it was whatever it is but Dave I got no fucking problems with you I don't have a problem I understand what you're doing what you you know that you want to move on You have to do what's best for you. I'm not the guy that's gonna hold anyone to anything and go hey
Starting point is 00:44:33 You you don't do that because I said let's you know you sit there and do a show with somebody that presents you Yeah, that's fucking I did that for 20 fucking years. It's not fun So that's not fun. So that's not the issue. I thought it really came out of the blue. I saw it coming, but it's because I saw it coming. It wasn't like I was told or anything. That's the only thing that I have a problem with with this.
Starting point is 00:45:06 And it's not even that big a problem. I still have like utmost respect for you as a comic and a broadcast or just a good guy. Yeah, with me, like I just thought, am I coming through? I hope so, so much. Yeah, exactly. When we talk three weeks ago, I called you because we were trying to talk in studio. And we would sit there and then I look over and like, Loube's just looking over at us. Or we're sitting on the couch like a couple of fruits and people are coming in and out.
Starting point is 00:45:34 And it's like, yeah, no, we kept trying. And then we even tried to have the conversation across the street. And then there's like, bombs coming up. It's just like, God damn it. So when I called you and I said, you know, you said, are they making an offer? I said, yeah. And I was considering it only for the stability
Starting point is 00:45:52 of South Carolina, not that I wasn't going to go back on your show or not anything, but I was what I was considering because I didn't know. You said you weren't 100% sure what was going to go on with that. And I know you're selling your house and at that time I thought that It's gonna fucking be a rust bucket with vines grown through the fucking kitchen nobody's buying that Fucking stupid house. Sorry
Starting point is 00:46:21 You're not you're not helping him Christ. He's the one you're not you're not helping him. Sorry Dave. Go ahead. House of garbage. I'll put this up on pillow. Yes, that's good. Like in the office. The last thing I would ever want to do is not do radio with you or ever disrespect you. And the reason why that it was the resignation letter that I sent earlier shut the fuck up. I'm just going to say the exact what you did. Even though it was the last thing you'd ever want to do. I didn't have to instigate it. I'm sorry. I did. We look, there was no need to be hurt. He's not hurt. If you met him.
Starting point is 00:46:58 I don't get it. The guy is fucking him better. He has a superhero. No, one. You know what I say. You know what my kryptonite is? You know what hurts me? Yes, I do. It's taste. I'm scared. Just girls. No one else.
Starting point is 00:47:13 Nothing else. I'm pretty close. Relationships with girls have hurt me over the years. Anything else? Don't give a fuck. Yeah. That's true. That's true.
Starting point is 00:47:24 And if they do hurt you, you stay. You fight. Yeah. That's true. And if they do hurt you, you're just saying you're fighting. You're more loo. So bad day. So one. Sorry. It's just no expression. Out of day, expression feelings to a person who has no feelings. Expression feelings to a person who has no feelings go. So yeah, and I'm not. Look, I when I. The painting is of the of the tissues days been using the last hour and a half.
Starting point is 00:47:57 So you got well, I have. Well, I've been very depressed as if this was a romcom. I'm not going to lie. I called Bobby earlier. I wasn't, you know, I wasn't crying, but I wasn't happy. Well, I think, but no, I was pissed because I think, you know, I honestly, I thought it was more of a blessing thing and I don't think we had communicated that well enough on the phone. And the reason why I had done the letter of whatever you want to call it is explaining it just so I could still come in, neither of us like confrontation with each other, get it out of the way and maybe we could talk about it.
Starting point is 00:48:35 And it wasn't so much a fuck you I'm leaving. It was more of what I thought was an open door and that's why I sent it at the beginning of the weekend. And I know you don't check your email till Sunday. So then this whole thing starts about how I sent an email saying, fuck you, I'm just going to leave. And that's not what it's like. That's not what you know. And it's like, but hold on for two seconds,
Starting point is 00:48:55 save. And then what you're saying, one thing we got to realize, you can't depend on the fans to give you information that's accurate. You've all the fun, you've all the fun, you've all the fun, you've all the fun, you've all the fun, you've all the fun, you've all the fun, you've all the fun, you've all the fun, you've all the fun, you've all the fun, you've all the fun, you've all
Starting point is 00:49:09 the fun, you've all the fun, you've all the fun, you've all the fun, you've all the fun, you've all the fun, you've all the fun, you've all the fun, you've all the fun, you've all the fun, you've all the fun, you've all the fun, you've all the fun, you've all the fun, you've all the fun, you've all the fun, you've all the fun, you've all the fun, you've all the fun, you've all the fun, you've all the fun, you've all the fun, you've all the fun, you've all the fun, you've all the fun, you've all the fun, you've all the fun, you've all the fun, you've all the fun, you've all the fun, you've all the fun, you've all the
Starting point is 00:49:18 fun, you've all the fun, you've all the fun, you've all the fun, you've all the fun, you've all the fun, you've all the fun, you've all the fun, you've all the fun, you've all the fun, you've all the fun, you've all the fun, you've all the fun, you've all the fun, all the fun, you've all the fun, you've all the fun, you've all the fun, you've all the fun, you've all the fun, you've all the fun, you here's the thing, I, with the conversation we had on the phone a couple of weeks ago, I may be misunderstood, but I had, you gave me no impression that when I asked was Crowder gunning for you,
Starting point is 00:49:35 I, the assumption I got was you said, no, like that you weren't being wooed by Stephen Crowder. But maybe I heard that wrong. I'd prunk where you Anthony. I'll just be usual of daily drunk, not crazy. It was, well, I had explained the bridge they wanted both of us, and that they wouldn't do it without any blessing without you. If I would be pissed.
Starting point is 00:50:07 Well, if you let me take the ridiculous I would fucking hate me. That would be a great. I mean, but Kumi, Kumi, a show on the blaze. And that's, they were kind of putting that together as that, but it was a network offer and that was what he was thinking. But I think with the moving and everything else, and then I thought there was more of an open door where I could go back and forth. I've never, I haven't been a radio this long, but I have been a friend of yours,
Starting point is 00:50:37 and I have been in standup where there wasn't any mouse intended, and I just think, we had this really strange miscommunication that like to the last thing I would ever want to do is not to talk to you. That'd be the worst thing. Like that's all I thought about was like OP and shit. Like I don't want to ever have that relationship
Starting point is 00:50:57 where like I have nothing to respect. Hello everyone. I'm on the beat and brother man, brother man. Now you don't show your face Anthony. You show the other Hey, so Dave so you are you saying are you saying sorry Dave? Yes Because no I if I if I Yes. What is he up to say I'm sorry about? Because no, if I communicated that in a way that I shouldn't have,
Starting point is 00:51:27 and obviously went about it in a way that I, I went about it in a way that I thought was going to be best after we spoke. And we both left the conversation with two different ideas. And that is my fault as well. And I am sorry for that. Can I come here, man? Yeah, genuinely. Yeah, yeah. that is my fault as well. And I am sorry for that. Okay. Can I tell you, man? Yeah, genuinely.
Starting point is 00:51:47 Yeah, yeah. But like I said, I don't, I understand this business, I understand how it works. And if, if I were to take things personally, or think because it's business, I just don't do that.
Starting point is 00:52:02 I don't hold people against the will of wanting to do something with the same thing with Gavin. Gavin, I would love to have Gavin on. You know, I haven't built my right yet. I need a fucking terrible name. Jesus Christ. Come on, right is in a bad word. You know, bad commentator.
Starting point is 00:52:20 I love that he's fucking, yeah, no, I'm fine. He's probably drinking Germany. He's absolutely., no, I'm fine. He's having a drink and drinking German here. He's absolutely. I don't feel it at all. But I don't say. It's actually German pills in American beer. Oh, you can't do that. My network started in my basement by myself,
Starting point is 00:52:40 and we built it up into a thing that where there are numerous shows and people and things. And like, if I ever had a totally pull back to the Alamo, it would still be me and a microphone and a camera and that would be that. So I'll never take those things personally and I'll never try to tell somebody they can't do something that they feel they need or want to do to further their career. And that's where I stand. So I don't have a problem with that.
Starting point is 00:53:07 Like I said, miscommunications and the fact that, you know, I check my mail a few days late and the inability to actually have a personal conversation in the studio or outside the studio. And all those things add up and I get it. And I know you respect the show, the network, and what we did for two years. So I don't have a problem, Dave. I never wanted to get that.
Starting point is 00:53:31 If things were like on the air, especially with Bren and yesterday and stuff, like he does. Well, it's not. And I don't care that a guy runs in because his biggest comedy payment last year was a stimulus check. That doesn't bother me.
Starting point is 00:53:44 Yeah, see, Dave, now this is not helping. I'm trying to be the peacemaker here. No, I didn't blame him for that though. The guy that guys hated me for years, I don't care. It is what it is. I mean, I can't help that he waited until I was out of the state. I mean, it is what it is. I mean, I don't know his issue with me. He's always had one. But yeah, that's, I didn't hold that against you at all. I knew what happened. No, it's just fun. And the jokes, the things, you know, like, we were supposed to have Neil to gross Tyson on today,
Starting point is 00:54:23 but he, he had a reschedule. He's going to be on tomorrow's show. And everyone's like, oh, did he go to Crowder? That's just fucking... Well, that's what I mean. And then I keep looking at it. They don't read it, but I mean, I even went on a fair one just to say, look, I wasn't trying to fuck anybody and I read a hate mail at the end which was just it was great because it's just from a guy named YouSuck
Starting point is 00:54:48 so much. I read the email. I got some news in Anthony. Boss said he'll do two days a week 500. Two days a week 500. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:55:08 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:55:16 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:55:24 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm dime. I did. How producers movie. That's right. So, well, the thing is, what I don't like is when, you know, look, the fanbase video. I can't stand everything. And the fucking earth tones you pick too. Look. Honestly, first of all, let me get something through your fucking thick head Second think I did this are you out of your what am I fucking Freddie Mercury?
Starting point is 00:55:55 I hung the lamps I went to the store and picked the shanta fucking leers and the stupid little sunrise accartans Did I get that? A woman did that. And I said, fine, it looks great. How can I be in a passion, Bob? It is true when you go in his basement? You don't feel that, Ed. You don't have a feeling in you.
Starting point is 00:56:20 That's right. I need to put a stick of anything in this whole house. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha You fucking cool Cool thanks to you make fucking tea and you pull for God's sake. The pool is awesome. Oh, sorry It's warm. Sorry. I'll put it up to the temperature of the North Sea of Belden going mother fucker With water woman a robot it's 120 and you're fucking bull Okay, it's a fucking it's a nightmare you go in there and you're fucking you dick goes in your body you can smell heated vagina from all the fucking you know I fucking 70 year old you have 18 18 18 let's say that's a matter with you it's a matter with you listen I'm getting you your house is fucking wonderful
Starting point is 00:57:39 Salt Lou said your house looks like the Jumanji house That's what it's gonna look like when it doesn't sell. Colin was serious. Colin Quinn seriously wanted to shoot a soprano's parody here years ago. He's like, no, it's the same fucking house. You could. You absolutely could do that. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:00 The exact fucking house. Well, listen, the thing that the thing that we got this house. Yes. I'm not too because you two are by far the nicest guys that I know you're so nice. And also the fan base, we can't we need these fucks. We have to stick together. We can't divide each other out. That's why you call them these folks. That's why you've got to call them these folks at every opportunity you can. I'm telling you, we need them. We can't divide this shit up anymore
Starting point is 00:58:33 because they're coming to get every single one of us. Let's take a sound. And if we have a chunk over here and a chunk over there and a big chunk, we need everybody to stick together. This horse shit, you know what? Who gives a shit? Yeah Dave's going to a way better show, successful more money and everything got to go to the
Starting point is 00:58:54 store. They're lying. But it's because of him though and I understand that I've been let them laugh. You're fucking. Yeah. How many lamps? Why? That's not having a kitchen. Yeah, how many lamps is exactly how much dead space does he have in his house?
Starting point is 00:59:12 It's all used It's all actually used by people I would love to see you actually had a wing It was a game of a wing of that I don't wing of our own That we were nice. It was a sequestered quarantine. It was a beautiful room, a bathroom and office with books. You don't see it at a library, at least in this country. Well, they're allowed. You know, Dr. No, but honestly, it's wonderful. I will never forget that. And yeah, there it's watching movies and shits. I'll buy I wish I could buy the house
Starting point is 00:59:48 Watching movies on furniture that Joe Dero said jizzed on fucking Really, but everyone has at some point There is so much The fucking eight under racial itina mates I was just walk through the kitchen well both of us were like boy. I hope that's I hope that's a page They can you Can you reach for that cup for me? Yeah
Starting point is 01:00:24 Bringing over 12 of their cousins. It's amazing. Yeah, it was really incredible. The team they had working. Now, when you, so you're, so, yeah, you're not going to get us another host to decide, what do they call them, a fucking side host? What do you call you? I'm a sidekick.
Starting point is 01:00:41 I was the sidekick. No, I'm not actively looking if something happened that has to be very organic with david was very organic it just he was uh... a guest on the show and then it's like wow this guy is really good as as a couple i can't remember oh my god you of your fucking mind? Why? It's like the Pennedy and Lee Harvey Oswald show.
Starting point is 01:01:11 You can't fucking, it will not work. It's just, he can't work with anybody. Yeah. It ain't gonna happen. It's, I'm not gonna be like, I'm saying, oh, we gotta get somebody. We'll, I'll just do the show. We'll have Aaron was on today.
Starting point is 01:01:27 It was fucking great. Had a great time with Aaron Burke. And then tomorrow, I got Neil deGrasse Tyson coming in and let's stall it. No, I'm kidding. I'm fucking. I love that. After that, I'll have Will Noonans coming in.
Starting point is 01:01:41 He's a funny guy. Jimmy's going to be on to tomorrow Jim Norton and then you know Monday is Monday and then we work from there but if somebody comes on and I realize oh wow like Joe DeVito is a great guy he could sit there with him very easily and stuff but I wouldn't go like oh let me make him a co-host it's got to just kind of happen, you know? Right. And when are you planning, when are you going down to South Carolina? I mean, what is, what is the deal? Honestly, without your fucking shenanigans, once, I got to sell the house, and I'm not taking fucking 500,000
Starting point is 01:02:21 for it as long. But once that happens, we're moving down to my sister's already down there. I'll give you. I'll give you. I'm like, yeah, she moved. She got a job. She fucking got a house. She fucking her kids in school. It's amazing. She's great. Yeah. What about Joe? Joe going? My brother's got his daughter still in school up here and stopped so it's you know kind of a bitch to do it but he's gonna want to obviously down sell and then who knows what what South Carolina it's a whole other fucking world down there yeah so well you have to sell you have to sell that, the thing that, that fucking monster. My muscle, and you never think about staging it
Starting point is 01:03:09 for like a regular family. Like how? I don't know, putting fucking regular furniture in and maybe ripping those lamps down and you know, what would a regular family come in and not like like the whole thing the way it looks when the outside you come in and expect it what do you expect it to look like the Brady Bunch house when you fucking walk in look at the love that it's gonna have problems it's gonna have gaudy lighting there are plenty of people that are Italian take the lion whatever lion you have on front get rid of that at least. I do not have a lion out front
Starting point is 01:03:49 No, he's a man. I have a dinosaur in my yard, but that can just be picked up that in a way But you should take the dinosaur I think I will pay the dinosaur. My son, you should. The neighbors need to know what kind of guy I am. Oh God, please. There's a reason that music's blaring. Please do the world a favor. Do the world a favor.
Starting point is 01:04:12 Do South Carolina favor. By land, please don't buy next to somebody. So you torture them with your drones and you're fucking all night, broken parties and you're stupid, very open to it. Everybody else. fucking all night, broken parties, and you're stupid. I'm very open to it. Everybody. Yeah. I want the morning ATV to drive around in the woods.
Starting point is 01:04:30 I want to be able to walk out my back door and just fire a machine gun. Can I just say something that's pretty obvious? Get a compound. Yes, a real compound. Get a real compound by around maybe 50 acres. Yeah, I'm where okay? Build a fucking offense get a wall put a house on it In the video of men with Alphabet in on their back yellow alphabet letters and machine guns rating my house
Starting point is 01:05:05 yellow alphabet letters and machine guns raiding my house wouldn't that be fucking nice You're a welcome tobacco FBI Joe, children's protection agency It's perfect right there You might have seen it Yeah, it's not the wiring problem You're going down to fucking the open mic nights just like David Kuresh did picking up random views. I got a church. I got a preach. You should definitely buy land, put a have a house on it, that's make a studio and fucking
Starting point is 01:05:43 then everybody comes down to the compound. You could, you know what I mean? Everybody moves down there. Lamps for everyone. Please, let me decorate it. Let me come down. Please. God. I's a great idea second of all what the fuck is that me I'm not sure I think I'll find out my god my Bobby. It's Anthony. It's that somebody screaming from a fucking safe room. It's Anthony. Where what's going on? It's anything like it's like an interference noise. What do you have? One of your fillings from the 70s? Taking a harker's family song. No, nothing changed in here. You know what it is? It's the bugs from the FBI.
Starting point is 01:06:49 You Italian motherfucker. He's talking about it. Yeah. What the fuck is that? Well, this is what we get for interviewing Roger Stone. You know what it is? It's Kevin Brennan. Sabotage. He's a sabotage. He's a savage object. He's a savage war.
Starting point is 01:07:06 If that's a French for asshole, then it's accurate. The last thing Kevin wants is for you to be friends again. Yes, exactly. It's just him, right? This makes me so happy that I cleaned the air between you two fucking assholes. And now it's so air that clear we just hadn't even spoke. Not, but then again, yeah, you want a real challenge?
Starting point is 01:07:26 Try doing this with OP. Good luck. That's clearing some fucking air, some India or China air. Wow. It's surprising you could be that. You're sh-bring OP in. We're cleaning house tonight, Anthony. I know better. I know better.
Starting point is 01:07:44 We're gonna do it. That one. He would never. He would never he would never he wouldn't know I've always said I don't give a fuck if he wants to come on I'd have my my show tomorrow. I don't give a shit. He will be the one you showed him are you getting nobody would yeah Oh wait this just thing he went over to crackers Oh wait, this just thingy went over to crackers Does my mic still fucking up or something? No, you're fine now The scanner that fucking yeah yeah fucking radio interference
Starting point is 01:08:27 and having to use a $300 car front a lot of people watch your fucking show Bobby because after I do your show I get a lot of people commenting on it they love it it's fucking
Starting point is 01:08:41 you guys don't know I just wish they were fucking stand up still. Well, unlike Gabe, I'm very grateful for what you did with me. That's true. Oh my God! And I've never left your side. I've been here for a ticket.
Starting point is 01:08:55 So, I mean, if you think, if you think you're gonna get a phone call from Dave, after he picks up on Crowdy or Adi, your mind, listen. That's why once Bobby's effects show ended, he finally went back on yours. Oh my god. Yeah. Yeah. Well, the greatest thing was a Collins show, tough crowd, when we got fired. And it's like, oh, look, we got a new home. Oh, be it who? Anthony what? They all went over to Top Crowd. No nothing.
Starting point is 01:09:28 And then we got the gig at XM. And it's like, oh, OK. I guess they discontinued Top Crowd. And they all came back like slugs. I was never on the original show. So there you go. What on any W? No, never went. That is interesting. I always thought you go. What on any W? No, never went.
Starting point is 01:09:45 That is interesting. I was, I never went. I never went. Yeah, I never went. And then I was about to, I was in the car with Norton in Cleveland. We just did a show for the Cleveland Browns. Both of us took a nice hot one.
Starting point is 01:10:02 It was just a, it was the defensive line just staring at us like who are these motherfuckers? They're all on bean bags. And then LL cool J when I was saying two songs mama gonna knock you out and murdered. They do of CTE. So we were in the limo going back and he got the call that you guys got fucking do and he was talking about dude we're gonna have y'all on I was talking at O.B. and then he got the call that you guys got fucking douche. Oh, it was sissat. Oh, it was quite a moment for all of us. What was your break on that? That was like a year, right? Yeah, we had two years, two years off.
Starting point is 01:10:48 That's what I was. Yeah, we got to get to the right time. Yeah, we got to get to the right time. Yeah, we got to get to the right time. Yeah, we got to get to the right time. Yeah, we got to get to the right time. Yeah, we got to the right time. Yeah, we got to the right time.
Starting point is 01:10:57 Yeah, we got to the right time. Yeah, we got to the right time. Yeah, we got to the right time. Yeah, we got to the right time. Yeah, we got to the right time. Yeah, we got to the right time. Yeah, we got to the right time. Yeah, we got to the right time. Yeah, we got to the right time. Yeah, we got to the right time. Yeah, we got to the right time. Yeah, and it was the biggest contract we ever signed in our career.
Starting point is 01:11:05 And they held us to it by paying us to do nothing. And then XM came in to counter Stern, right? Yeah, because Clear Channel, who didn't have Stern, Infinity Broadcasting had Stern, Clear Channel wanted us to do mornings against Stern. And they knew, like, I even knew, we're not beating CERN. But we would take enough listeners away where he wouldn't be number one anymore. One of those Spanish stations would have beat him. And if he's not number one, they can't make the revenue they can from sponsors.
Starting point is 01:11:38 So it was worth it to them to pay us out our contract, then us interfering with any CERN's numbers. It worked out perfectly for us and then right when that ended and we were able to get a job again without any delay we had the XM. Spanish is always I never got Spanish radio is number one in every market and I mean No offense much, but I'm just saying Number one and Spanish people love fucking the radio. Yeah, they love FM radio like yeah Just blasting up with the with the Spanish Disjockey yelling some shit. Yeah, they do like that. Is that racist to say? No, I don't think so. I mean, the Spanish people love radio. That's not racist.
Starting point is 01:12:27 That is not racist. I have an in-house Mexican guy that can tell you. Motion. Are we good? We're good. We're good. We're good, Anthony. You're good.
Starting point is 01:12:38 All right. Good. I also have a 13-year-old on staff, too, just to check. Check it. It's step over any lines. If those comments are past mustard, I get you. Did you see that they did? Why is so old?
Starting point is 01:12:52 Right off the borderline there, third. You see the going after D'Aliah, Chris D'Aliah. I saw that for child. Oh man. Child pornography. 17. Let me tell you. Chris D'Alea. I saw that for child. Oh, man. Yeah, well, pornography 17. Let me tell you 17 is fine for sex, but if you take pictures, that's a problem 18 is fine for pictures
Starting point is 01:13:16 17 you can actually have legal sex with a 17 year old. You just can't take pictures Wow, and that's something you could a, you could be just a statutory lawyer. I was like a statutory law show. Yeah, like Judge Janine and shit like that. Or Wapner, I could just get on in just two cases where guys are, I almost said, how did you know that? Let me tell you, there were literally two instances where I could not snap a picture
Starting point is 01:13:49 for a few months. He has maps in his guest room like a beautiful mind. It's just various maps problems. The work was having to take one of your girlfriends to the pediatric ward of hospital. Fucking yeah, you know, can you go back in and get my lullipop? Maybe two. That's, oh, Jesus, bugs bunny painted on the wall and shit. Like, oh, this is fucking something. It's actually very weird. Um, what the fuck is that? It's very weird.
Starting point is 01:14:25 It's very weird. You did not just say no. Don't give me what you would do doing that thing you're asking me to do. Record fucking Anthony saying crazy shit and then put it on the internet next to Christeliers name. Listen, mushy. Can you, we have to do an extra 10, but we can slice up a 10 minutes there, right? Oh yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:47 Yeah, I do an extra 10 every week, where we stop at an hour, but you guys are so fucking good together. You should do a show. We, I mean, fucking, you're so much fun as a team. I, uh, I know. I'm a show called Umia with Kumia.
Starting point is 01:15:04 I'm trying to call the third chair. Hope it works. You're going to be fine Dave. You're a very talented guy. Yeah. Well, I'm a monster man. Yeah. I owe you a lot of worries, my friend. I'd say it's just it to each other. God say it. I love you, Dave. And I love you, Anthony. Say that's what you wanted. Bobby. That's all I just that's what I know. Bobby wanted it. I want I want this. Bobby's a sweet boy. That's right. We have the jerk off party. Anthony, will you come in one night to the jerk off party? I know you're up, fucking singing karaoke. The jerk off party.
Starting point is 01:15:56 Yeah, Saturday nights we let all the fans come into the Zoom, me and my colleagues. And we let them all come in. Well, it was mostly guys at the first and actually it was two guys that would jerk it off. So it's the jerk off party. It was one fat guy. It looked like he was playing a video game, but he had his fucking put on the desk and he was just cracking it out. You were looking at a mirror, Bobby. Sorry. I'm was gonna get out of the fucking unscathed. We have a lot of beautiful women, Sarah, Melissa, there's a lot of girls that show up now,
Starting point is 01:16:32 thank God. Nice. And making great, but I would like to have both of you guys come in one night. But I have to read the names of the Patreon people. Mush do you have those? Yes we do. Now guys. I read these every week But anybody who gives $10 I do an extra a little extra something to maybe you could fire off a gun Anthony Probably odd sticktate I would hit a lamp
Starting point is 01:17:02 I would hit a lamp. Oh, I'm sick. Oh, we hit that out. Oh, 30B. Thank you for joining. We got Corey Hawk. Thank you for joining. We got Catherine Perry. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:17:14 She's given 50 in a month. People just give you money. Yeah, the same thing that happened. Yeah, the same. No, it's my Patreon. It's like your paywall. Oh, I get it. Except it's not mandatory like the Gestapo. Oh, sorry. So we got to pay the mortgage on my fucking columns and concrete fucking If a jyna pool isn't gonna pay for itself. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha I have so many girls that like me. I'm a sensitive guy Wow, is are you sure that's her giving that to you or did she just send you a bill?
Starting point is 01:18:14 Can't we know you take offense that Quentin T. Mindfield $10 what do you got for him Dave? Quentin T. Mindfield Yeah, what do you got stable guy? I like that the last name is minefield. I would highly recommend Signing up for a seat on compound media I think I'll call a duty with that guy if he says we got We got a girl we thank you for being a member Cyrus Bryant. We're gonna give this one a day. I don't think Cyrus the goddamn virus
Starting point is 01:18:50 That's all I got can I quote Connor isn't that the best way to do it? Yeah, that is no remember the end of Conair the worst ending ever Ready what was the ending of Conair he gets his bunny back? No Conair he gets his bunny back no Turn that stupid song and then they kiss and What the bunny comes down the the sewer? No? Mush Remember the member the ending of Connie I do remember the end because the plane goes into Vegas and kills way more people than they could have saved more people than they could have saved. Oh, I can't remember.
Starting point is 01:19:26 Yeah, and Bouchemi is gambling and he walks away. No, it's something that Nick Cage says. No, but Bouchemi isn't the less seen though. Bouchemi is still like out there and he's always a cable man. No, it's not the last game that I know. It's the saying that Nicholas Cage says before he blows it up, it's the money down in any movie ever. The money put the bunny down. Nope.
Starting point is 01:19:57 That's what the bunny down. Nope. That's nothing that's what the bunny. There's no stop saying bunny. It's annoying Well, it's well if you've seen the scene. It's very memorable Is it Danny Treyow saying these are 13 roses for everyone of my victims. I'm gone. No Well, it's like the last scene ending end or It's it's to the end of the movie when Nick Cage is gonna
Starting point is 01:20:26 fucking blow it up. This has to be horrible because I've seen it 4,000 times and I've blocked it out of my mind. I know it doesn't make sense. I think we've watched it at your house. Yeah. It's awesome. It's a great movie.
Starting point is 01:20:41 Did you get it? I've given up. I swore it was Steve with Shamie just like looking up and he yells. He yells. Oh, daddy's coming home. Oh, no. Isn't that it? Huh? Isn't it daddy's coming home. Daddy's home. No. I'm not gonna cheat and look it up. I'm not gonna cheat and look it up. Every line from this shitty movie. I know everything that I remember.
Starting point is 01:21:16 Yeah. And it's such a shit film. Is it when he's, what is it? He's about to blow it up, but isn't the plane already crashed? He's already all sweaty. He's got a some noise. And what's his name? He's had got squished in the thing.
Starting point is 01:21:37 Melkovich, yes, Cyrus. Melkovich? Cyrus, remember. Yes, Cyrus the virus. Right, so what part of the movie is it? sigh any he goes sigh Oh Nara oh
Starting point is 01:21:55 No, I Don't even think I ever connected that I hate it Head wait after his head squishes I hate it. Oh my God. Literally after his head, wait, after his head squishes. But it's right. Sayonara. Anora.
Starting point is 01:22:10 Oh, Nara. Mahmouds, can you bring that up? Where is it? Oh, no. Oh, no. I don't even think I ever connected that to the fact that his name Cyrus, it's so terrible. Sayonara.
Starting point is 01:22:21 He goes sayonara. Sayonara. Oh, I blocked it up. What a great line. It's the he goes sigh oh Nara I What a great line you go it's the worst line in any movie ever he goes Sigh oh Well That and you're the man now dog is definitely a close second for most uncomfortable. You can be watching.
Starting point is 01:22:46 It wasn't the cage. I'm sorry. I fucked you up with it. It was, it was, it was what's his name? Val Malkovich, I believe saying it, right? No, Melkovich is Cyrus. He is Cyrus. Yeah, but he goes, and he goes, Oh, Nara.
Starting point is 01:23:03 Why would he yell his own name? I don't know. Oh, so Melkovich else, and then he goes and he goes onara. Why would he yell his own name? I don't know. Oh So Melcovichiel sigh and then he goes onora and blows up the plane on Nora. Yeah hang on moche you get it I got it once again. Oh, I He's got it way far. It's the one listen. I'm so glad this guy's name was Cyrus It gives me douche chills every time I see it sigh He screams saa Oh, Narra It gives me douche chills I think I might be. I can remember this.
Starting point is 01:23:47 There we go, ready? What is it? Sorry. Anara. Oh, God. Oh, no. I thought it was the end of the movie though. That's right.
Starting point is 01:23:59 I was trying to cover the life. Oh, yeah. Boy, did you have that all fuck got, Bobby? I did. You have the wrong characters? Yeah, the wrong place in the movie yep, so sigh Cyrus is ready to kill that guy. I can do it. Yeah, gonna like steal the planar some shit Anara So thank you, Cyrus Bryant for your $10 Canadian
Starting point is 01:24:20 Nara. Nara. So thank you, Cyrus Bryant, for your $10 Canadian. Yes. I did it. I mean, $5, and I'm fucking extra 10 minutes. Yeah, that was a $6.75 to you. Yeah, that goes for Fred. It's Daniel Newton and Danny C. Thank you for being members of the
Starting point is 01:24:41 Sash Robert Kelly. I do the YKWD here every week. You get an extra 10 you get your name shouted out of course and You get this show unedited and before anybody else live the fans fucking came in tonight. They love you guys And of course Troy donated. Why don't we talk about him now? And his younger brother talk about it? Yeah, exactly. And his younger brother. That's true. What is it?
Starting point is 01:25:08 That's your Tony. That's the thing. That's Nick. I'm not really so. Tony Johnny Kevin Krets, Daniel, and we got Francisco. I did and donny see. Oh, we got more people. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 01:25:21 Wow. Emma. Why are John Reed? We got a little bit of a districtish wire John Reed we got a little a district or feet telephone I love that you're in smiley. It's a Tony you got You get ten lamps like fucking Anthony's god damn kitchen You got a sign to wire Joe Reed Andrew Kubuko Tukaloo You got a sign. You got a sign.
Starting point is 01:25:42 Joe Reed, Andrew, Kubuko, Tukalula. What's his name? And Kelly, Cream, God bless you, baby. Six bucks. I don't know what that gets you, but maybe an extra apple. Six bucks, my friend. I love you, baby. And we got Ben.
Starting point is 01:25:57 Thank you for being a member. You guys the best. We also do Calter and Kelly here Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday, unadded and Live and then we do the J.O. Party on Saturday nights that if you remember this Patreon you get to come in and hang with us And hopefully one of these assholes will be there with us one night too hanging out with you guys and Make sure you a land that will you unblock dickie? It's one of the fans husbands you blocked them you sensitive kind of I did Mean I don't really block there's three more names the ones that their address are sure I mean if you could just read those three real quick
Starting point is 01:26:36 Oh sure. Yeah, let's go Franca 1032 a ten thirty two a j bright man and crags salamon Solomon sloman frah love you guys listen man Dave what do you got besides a new job
Starting point is 01:26:56 uh... uh... besides that in crippling depression uh... this weekend you can see the funny moment. Omaha, Nebraska, that's gonna, that's I, if they open it all the way up, there will be tickets. If it's half full, there will be tickets. Whatever it is. Come on out. Yeah, please go see Dave.
Starting point is 01:27:19 Let me tell you something, man. I can't be more proud of this kid. I met him. He was blowing into his car because he was an alcoholic drunk driving piece of shit and had it was going nowhere fast and since then he's fucking blown past Anthony and Kumia and gone right the Crouter just a more popular show with more money and more stability for his son and his his. So that is fantastic. So much. I have to go to Dallas too instead of shit self-carol on it. I'm glad you drove that point home.
Starting point is 01:27:54 I hope you can see me on the Anthony Cumias show with me again. Just my name won't be up because I think it's gonna be my fucking name. I If I don't to radio with you again, I would be very very very
Starting point is 01:28:11 sad. Yeah. Cool. And Anthony Cumia, one of the mother fuckers. The funny is, one of the funny guys, the fastest guys
Starting point is 01:28:19 and believe it or not, one of the sweetest guys out there. Even though he's an alcoholic and he has no heart, he's just a garbage house he lives in the Long Island. He's just a good... I don't remember these intros on Johnny Carson.
Starting point is 01:28:34 That's brutal. Wow, that's brutal. Anthony, and I'm so glad you're doing the comedy tour, man. You're putting that together. Yeah, a lot of fun today. I'm getting a little bit of a compound tour, man. You're putting that together. A lot of fun today. I'm going to be able to compound. Yeah. Like I said, the videos from the virus tours
Starting point is 01:28:50 are going to be up on my locals channel, slash Anthony Cumia. It's like Patreon only. They don't shovel money at you as well as they do. You, I was amazing. I was just watching like, I'm looking being shoveled at Bob Kelly. It's amazing. mean looking shoveled at bob kelly it's amazing uh... shoveled i mean it's only around twenty people i live in a three-bedroom
Starting point is 01:29:10 ranch okay i have one chandelier uh... uh... it's my favorite you got them right makes a house uh... yeah i think it's great you doing that show man uh... so
Starting point is 01:29:24 like you know hopefully it to get opens up. I'm hearing rumors that New York comedy clubs are going to be opening up in April, April 2nd from when I hear so. Hopefully, yeah, we'll do some New York gigs. Yeah, good. And maybe I'll jump on one. That would be fucking awesome. I swear, I love it. People would die. They would love that. Maybe I'll jump on one That would be fucking awesome
Starting point is 01:29:48 People would die they would love that All right guys, and of course my my producer mush mush what what dates do I have and then please read your dates? Well, you're gonna be at comic store house with he can son. There's a March 4th 3 March 6th Uncle minis and point pleasant New Jersey Saturday March 4th through March 6th. Uncle Vinnie's in Point Pleasant, New Jersey Saturday March 13th. There's a March 18th to Friday March 19th. You'll be in Salt Lake City at Wise Guys. Albany, New York, the funny bone there from March 26th to March 27th. Cleveland, Ohio, Hillarities Friday April 2nd through Saturday April 3rd. And Thursday April 8th, you'll be in McKenry, Illinois at the McK McKenery indoor theater. That's right. I just added four more shows today. I'm back. I got March
Starting point is 01:30:30 booked. I get April booked. I got some stuff in June. I'm fucking happy that I'm doing comedy again. Hopefully I can get my shit together. Remember some of the shit that I talked about and not be one of those fucking boat hacks that just winds up going back to Boston. Hey, hey, how you guys doing here? Oh, I hope I can fucking make them the headway again. But I love the fans of this podcast. I've been doing it for over 10 years. And you guys are the best. All the new people.
Starting point is 01:30:59 Thanks for joining. Stick around. Don't leave every month, your cock suckers. I have to count episodes up on the podcast. One on one, I got Anthony Kumio came up and did one. I got Ron Bennington, I got, we're gonna start shooting one on ones again. I got a bunch of shit in the can that's happening.
Starting point is 01:31:16 Of course, my network that we just signed Lewis Black and his podcast coming out. Oh, good for you. Two, so Dave settled that you already picked a side. Are you not going to know? But you had five in a year earlier. What's that? I'll make sure you follow this.
Starting point is 01:31:33 Do it. Why can't you do it at GM. I can be doing an Instagram. Yes. I'll be at Robert Carly. 11 Instagram. Follow me at Mike Fees words. I'll be at Lafayette Loud in San Antonio with Big J.
Starting point is 01:31:42 Ocarus in the 18th of the 20th of this month. Yeah, go see him. Bush is killing it, man. That's all I'm telling you. He's coming a long way since he moved to New York. He's fight every time I bring him now. He's fucking murdering and everybody that's used him on the road is told me that he's killing it. So make sure you check him out.
Starting point is 01:31:59 And I'm so far. I love when fucking I love, you know, all the I saw the shit. And everybody's going blubbubla Fuck all that life's too short call each other names Call each other fucking mean shit make fun of each other but fucking have some laughs while we're doing it And you guys are fucking no you're the best so I love it. Thanks. You listen to the podcast. You know what dude? We'll see you next week you you
Starting point is 01:32:28 been listening to the yk wd podcast thanks for listening now go back to your shitty jobs shitty jobs you

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