Robert Kelly's You Know What Dude! - Bob Arno, Professional Pick-Pocket

Episode Date: November 13, 2010

Bob Arno, Professional Pick-Pocket Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up? This is Robert Kelly. I'm in Calgary. Still on the Just for Laugh store. and I'm doing a special podcast today with A very interesting mother fucker who's been on the tour with me for the last three weeks Mr. Bob Arno I should sweeten should. I should. I should. I should. I should. I should.
Starting point is 00:00:49 I should. I should. I should. I should. I should. I should. I should. I should. I should.
Starting point is 00:00:57 I should. I should. I should. I should. I should. I should. I should. I should. I should. I should. I should. I should. I should. I should. I should. I mean, legal thief. Well, a legal thief, but you're also a comic.
Starting point is 00:01:05 Yeah. You do, uh, get a laugh. You're funny. Vertently. Yeah. Well, I'm not inadvertently. Lots of planning. Yeah, lots of planning.
Starting point is 00:01:14 Swedish planning. Right. Swedish planning, which is close to German planning. You know, that worked out. Yeah, don't get it in our way. But we will walk over. I gotta just say something right now that was was so funny because I'm doing this. We're doing this in the hotel, but Bob is like seven feet tall and I have him sitting
Starting point is 00:01:31 in a chair and he's just, it looks like just a fucking big stick. You're comfortable. I am comfortable. I am. All right. Yes. Yes. Look, I like to be in this position because it makes you feel uncomfortable.
Starting point is 00:01:45 What? With your fucking sack hanging there. It does not play me. Come on. I was molested fucking three times. It does not do me. Listen, I have, I have Italian pants is holding him really nice. Yeah. His fucking sack looks like an old lady's vagina right now. But Bob is actually, he is, he's, he's, I don't know if you know if anybody has been to the show, I don't know how many fucking fans are having Canada, but he's actually a pickpocketer, a professional pickpocketer. I mean, he does it in a theatrical way on the tour,
Starting point is 00:02:18 but you also teach police and government, and you go around and you hang out with thieves. Yep. You've been doing this for how long? 40 years. 40 years. 40. Really?
Starting point is 00:02:32 Yeah. 20 years of those 40 really serious. The other 20 amateurish fumbling stumbling. But okay. But all right. So 20 years serious. I started out looking for bad guys in 1964. Right, Vietnam War.
Starting point is 00:02:47 Okay. And I was a photographer, war photographer. And I had a mentor. I had a guy who was seriously good. Right. And this guy by accident got me pointed to look for some bad guys. So hang on one second, let me stop you one second.
Starting point is 00:03:03 So you were a photographer in the war Vietnam. Yep. And you met this guy who was a professional thief. Well, you know, he was not a thief at all. He was a war, war photographer. A war photographer also. Tell me under his arms, got me into places I would never have got otherwise. I was 23 years old. Right. I have no idea how to finagle, how to position myself, I get good pictured, how to get close to the action. Okay. This guy was close to the action. Right. While we were out there, we by in the same hotel, a flop house hotel,
Starting point is 00:03:34 a major drag guy happened to live there. Right. A drag runner. Right. This guy I got friendly with. Okay. inadvertently, or I would say by plan, however you want to call it, some agency people law enforcement asked me to tack on to this guy.
Starting point is 00:03:52 And that led me into the underworld, into the beast of the belly or however you want to pull. Hang on one second, belly of the beast. But do you know I'm Swedish? You can't say everything backwards. Belly of the beast. that do you know I'm speedy you can't suck is say everything backwards belly the beast that's right of the belly so so you got into hanging out with these thieves that's right because you needed to get for you wanted to get the good shots you want to get well you wanted to and then you got fascinated with these you got to remember that Saigon that's the the Kapala Lindoia, that's where all
Starting point is 00:04:26 the bad guys were hanging. All in Hong Kong. Okay. So from 1965 to 1970, the center of drug running, of money laundering, of all kinds of bad guys, they were hiding in that part of the world. They were making money off the military, the casino from the slots inside the military camps There were hundreds of thousands of dollars to be made through the military. They were cheating No, they weren't cheating. They were just making the money off those machines
Starting point is 00:04:56 They wanted to get it out from them in a illegal manner, right? And so there was a lot of bad guys hanging in Asia in those years I happen to have a room beside this guy. I got friendly with him. You was law enforcement asked me could I tack on to him and through that I got to be very close to various strange law enforcement agencies. Right. That led me to a fascination to look at bad guys around the world.
Starting point is 00:05:22 I was young. I was in experience. I had no idea how to kind of, what we call socially engineer. Social engineer is what hackers do. They get close to people, they pretend to be someone they're not. Well, you've been doing for the last three weeks.
Starting point is 00:05:35 Exactly. You probably have all my passwords. You know my fucking Facebook password. You're gonna fucking rob me blind. That's great. But to make that story shorter uh it it was a see a scenario where I was just fascinated with bad guys right and and in for the next 10 years I was simply an entertainer and a photographer so how did
Starting point is 00:05:57 you get into entertaining from photography I had a passion as a kid as a hobby but what did you do as entertaining how did you entertain like that? The magic act a bad show for the newest military. I stumble your shitty magician. I worked in horror houses where the new is military The main thing is I wanted to find work So I would I could be photographer half the time I wasn't good enough to sell my photos all the time But this guy this mentor had me in unbelievable places. For example, the burning monk, the suicide of burning monk, that picture was on the front of New York Times.
Starting point is 00:06:35 Not because I was good and being there, but because this other guy happened at three o'clock in the morning to get to this place where the suicide was happening, where we're three from. You took that picture. What does it call? It's called the suicide of the monk. I don't know. I can give you a specific name of the monk. It's not interesting because we were three from the same time. If I wanted to Google that, I can give you all
Starting point is 00:06:59 of that information. No, right now. What is it? Not a chance. I can remember the pronunciation. No. I just want people listening if they wanted to go see the photo. June of 1963. Yeah. Three photographers that took it, I was one of them.
Starting point is 00:07:14 Wow. They would have to kind of Google all of that information. Okay, so check. It's boring today because it's history. It's way back. 1963. You're about that day. That's crazy. You took a photo of somebody on fire. Yeah, well, that's pretty crazy. How is that boring? Well, it's boring today because you better remember it's manipulated. Let me tell you guys did not kill himself Because he wanted to it was the other monks. They were like five of them There was a stick like a kind of drew who was gonna be the suicide they dragged him He didn't feel pain.
Starting point is 00:07:49 It was manipulation politically so that they could make a statement against the governmental stock, the war. It wasn't that one man 25 year old the site that I am going to kill myself. Well, I look, I'm not going to get into what's the better way to fucking what's a better suicide. You know, I didn't feel anything. Dude, he fucking died. Whatever. What I'm saying, it wasn't if you didn't feel anything. Dude, he fucking died Whatever what I'm saying it wasn't if you didn't get noticed for a photo of a dumb tool up You you took a photo of somebody on fire. That's fucking crazy It's crazy 10 feet away. Okay, now let me ask you question
Starting point is 00:08:17 So you're you're over here your photographer you meet this guy You get you get into this underworld stuff You you taking you're in a fucking're a young kid in this crazy situation. And you like it. That's right. So now how do you get from there to being a pickpocker? From there I became a semi bad or semi good entertainer. I would say within three years I became a freaking fucking good entertainer.
Starting point is 00:08:45 Right. And you know why? Simply because of the Vietnam War. The Vietnam War made me a great entertainer. I came up with an attitude of, you know, pulling this here and holding up cards and rabbits and crap. I couldn't get the attention, you know, within half a minute on states for this young American GI's up and down yet, now, all you say, you're in a horse, you're in a horse Bob. Yes, it's a large game. I mean, it's pussy. That's right. Some young sweet. That's right. I mean, come on. So I learned fast audience
Starting point is 00:09:20 participation is the only way I could get them dragging them up and doing shit with them. Right. That's what what shaped me so you suck their cocks Well, that's the word that maybe you know more about an idea I'm kidding. How do you translate that into Swedish? You explain to you know I've seen some of your Swedish born so you would you actually said okay I can't I can't physically just have out of it. I have to go and do shit. That's right. Exactly. So pickpocketing is something that I had an interest of as an entertainer. You know, in the beginning, what can you do? The guys aren't dressed with anything.
Starting point is 00:09:54 They're no wallets, they're carrying, they're very little. So in the beginning, you're stumbled, you're fumble, and then you get better. And I realized that the road to this was to look at real thieves, look at real pickpockets in the street. So for a journey of 15 years or so, I was hanging in Hong Kong and Paris in Rome, in between my bookings, in between my serious engagement, looking for the real stuff. So you went from Vietnam to becoming an entertainer. A magician and comedy. Correct. So you do these shows.
Starting point is 00:10:27 And in between these shows, you would go and do research on real thieves. That's true. What is the weird thing is that, OK, you hear about pickpockets. You hear thieves and stuff like that. But it's still, look, I went to the industry. I went to Guatemala. And the guy told me, look, you have to be very careful.
Starting point is 00:10:44 These people can steal your underwear. But in my head, I went to Guatemala and the guy told me look you have to be very careful these people can steal your underwear But in my head I went and after I came back nothing happened. I didn't get you know I had I had you know the money belts and I was hiding my I'll tell you a funny story I literally had four hundred dollars cash in two money belts and you wanted to touch you now because you haven't been touching it a long time That and that was a good one Bob. No, I was so paranoid I kept counting it to make sure nobody took some. Right. I went to the bathroom at a restaurant and and Tee-guah. Okay. I took the, it's a little far away from
Starting point is 00:11:14 from Guatamala but never mind. Well it's in Guatamala. I thought you said antigua. And Tee-guah, what's in Tee-guah? What is it? I'll have to google it now. And Tee-guah. And Tee-gu and T I'm not sure either of us whatever ignorance for you. Okay. Yeah, well, it's both wrong But listen I'm in this little town and go out of fucking mall All right, you fucking yeah fucking goddamn precise cock sucker and I checked my money in the bathroom
Starting point is 00:11:39 I left the 400 on the toilet 400 American by mistake all the toilet. I was so paranoid I kept checking it. I left it on the toilet we left. We're in Chichi custom on though. And so when you come and knock on your door and say, no, sir, you're from I was I was three hours away in the mountains. I robbed myself in Guatemala. Right. Literally what happened. So it's like these thieves. You know, I you know, you never hear of it. It's like this almost like underworld, but it's almost doesn't exist like like a folklore But it really does it does it does it. You know, I mean today
Starting point is 00:12:10 I'm considered maybe one of the world's foremost expert at street crime, right? I haven't always been that way so for the last 20 years. I've been very deep in this shit. I mean seriously deep, right? But you don't get there simply by just having a passion. It's a long road in order to get the respect in order to get the money to afford to go in and do the research and to get the law enforcement agencies to pay for the work that you're doing. So it's a very long road, but don't kid yourself. This crime does exist in some places more than others. Now, it doesn't, it's not everywhere. It doesn't mean that if you walk in the street of Aruba in the night time that you for sure are gonna get robbed,
Starting point is 00:12:50 you're not. But there are some places where you walk in the wrong street at 11 o'clock in a certain city that's chances of getting robbed is 75%. You just need to know the statistics of one country, one city versus another. But there's two getting robbed. There's, you know, Rio de Janeiro getting robbed, which you get. Yeah, hit you over the
Starting point is 00:13:11 head, kidnap you, kill you. And then there's your rob, which is, you don't even feel them. You're an hour later, you're looking for you wallet and you're sipping espresso somewhere. Right. That's what you're talking about. But you got to remember that what you think about pickpocketing or what most people think, which is that smooth stuff, the thing that you don't feel, it doesn't happen when you walk in the street. It's going to happen when you step up on a bus, when you little crowd it or an escalator
Starting point is 00:13:38 and elevate, there may be 11 o'clock in the casinos on Broadcoming and Rubs or Bomb against you on one side and you think that she's coming on while the other do this working from the side. So if you backtrack, every time that you lose your wallet or lose your cash, you lose your credit card, there is a very precise moment when they used the seat and misdirection, the seat of the highest caliber because remember we are animals. If you look on all of these animal national geographic, the prey wolf running around the lions, they look for the weak for the moment when you're most weak. That's what the people, the gangs would do pickpocketing. Now where are the where's the most where are the most
Starting point is 00:14:20 pickpocketers? Where would you find them? Wow. You know there's two way of looking there. You can look at the sheer statistic volume or where it's happening. And you can also say, where am I mostly impressed because of the cleverness, do the as the devious way. I'm going to say that Barcelona is going to be extremely high in terms of your sheer shit shit happening every day. Okay. If you take a website, travel website, people going to Barcelona, you're going to see of
Starting point is 00:14:45 a hundred people, fifteen of them, people have tried to steal. Not necessarily succeeding, but at least fifteen percent, someone is trying. Now you take Oslo, for example, in the summer. You're not going to have that kind of numbers, not even New York. A French tourist goes to New York. He's not going to get pickpocketing. But if it goes down in the underground subway, at the road five hour rush hour,
Starting point is 00:15:10 well, maybe there's a small chance you get pickpocketing. The same thing would happen. So, if you're asking for sheer numbers, yes, that's gonna be something like Barcelona. Now, what about finesse? What about the actual article? Style, the art of it.
Starting point is 00:15:23 I'm gonna say Russia, Saint Petersburg.'m going to say Naples in Italy, superb technique. Because the police, they're paying them off. They paid so little money that there's a lot of... If not necessarily corruption, but the legal system is such that they can't afford to put the guy in jail. They have so much other stuff from them. Tax problem or terrorism or burglaries or cars blowing up. That they can't put a guy who's doing a nonviolent crime stealing $60 from your wallet. Even if they catch the guy, the system can't afford to put this guy in jail.
Starting point is 00:15:59 So these guys get really good because they do it day off the day off the day. Now there's a certain code that you've talked about with these guys though. If I got pick pocketed and I caught the guy, I went, whoa, he's going to give me my money back. Or is he going to want to fight me? 19, well you see in the... Shoff America and that means all the way from our border down. Pickpocken, they call them Lansatos, which is basically speed magging.
Starting point is 00:16:29 Well, it's not magging as we know it. They don't push you against the wall. They may be a walk behind you. They see that the pocket is gaping. They see the print of the money. They mean the four corners of the wall. They come by, they dash into your little brush. They rip it off quickly. If you look at the speed by which the handle in and out right now you turn around
Starting point is 00:16:49 You felt the brush you felt something well the guy is already 30 yards away, right? You run after this guy well Arty's at the corner of the street is a partner with a knife all this guy has to do is to knife you Now that's a different pickpocketing style than in Paris right the majority of Professional pickpockets do not want confrontation. It's gonna be much easier to just say hey dude Here's your wallet are you gonna try and fight this guy? Or you're gonna say hey? Thank God. I got my ID my driver license Why would I with my wife trying and mess up a guy who may be as under-ox?
Starting point is 00:17:25 So confrontation among pick pockets is unusual, unless you're in South America. Yeah, I expect trouble. Right. Now, you've, the funny thing is, and I've asked you this question before, you've been picked, you've been, you can see yourself on professional pick pocket, right? Well, yes, I do consider my professional pick pocket. Okay, now you've been doing it for how long? 20 years, correct? As a, as a, as a, as a good researcher, as a guy who can be
Starting point is 00:17:53 out in the street and doing it, being accepted by them. Yes. Okay. Now you don't pick pocket people. You will do it and then give it back to inform people. You've never been arrested. Correct. You've never stolen anything. Well, I've stolen lots of things, but it's been under the guise of either a legal department. You know, I'm a unit. Yes. So, all right, let's say I want to get to that. I want to get to that. I want to get to that. You've never
Starting point is 00:18:18 ever, you've never taken a mistake of benefiting myself. You've never stolen anything just to get a sandwich at Subway. No, correct. You've stolen stuff, but it's for a specific jaw. Correct. That you probably can't talk about. Yes, correct. So for whatever, a government, we need these. We need these. Go get them.
Starting point is 00:18:35 Yeah, well, well. And you've done it. But not for you. Correct. Okay, so, but you hang out with these people. On purpose. On purpose. Right. And let me stop right here. You have a person that goes with you.
Starting point is 00:18:47 I love it. You have somebody that goes with you too. Well, that is a complex thing to go into. I don't know how many minutes you, you know, we can go into that little part. But if you, if I'm going out, there are two ways that I may want to hang with these guys. A, simply the respect of the day. I'm looking at the team over a couple of years. I recognize them and I say, hey, these guys are truly unbelievable. I want to dig deeper in how come they are so fucking good. Okay, stop right there.
Starting point is 00:19:14 I want to hear, Scott, remember what you're going to say. So you see these guys, you study them. They don't know. How do you get in with them? How is that? Has to be over a three year period. They're not going to just, you know, you can't just walk up to a guy and say, hey, listen, what here? Look at my iPod. See that? That's me working in Las Vegas. What do you think of that? I mean, I can put the two, three minute clip of an iPod and
Starting point is 00:19:37 go up to a guy who I think is good and say, what do you think of that? He's going to laugh and say, that's very good. So you're Bob Arno and he's going to laugh. That doesn't mean that he's going to spill his guts in the evening and the coffee house, right? You're going to have to kind of figure out. That's why social engineering is important. You take anyone who work in intelligence community or security, you got to understand that the criminal mind is one of suspicion, because they're going to say, I don't want to go back into the joint into the box,
Starting point is 00:20:03 let's say, saying, right, once you're out of the say, I don't want to go back into the joint, into the box, as they say. Once you're out of the box, you don't want to go back in. So anyone who starts a communist conversation with that person, the first thing is going to happen is that red flag. Ambrel or flags go up because they're thinking that you're trying to mess with them and get them to spiel secret. So unless you have a way of social engineer
Starting point is 00:20:25 getting into that mindset, getting them to accept me, it's not gonna work. Right, because it's almost like a cop who infiltrates a biking gang. Whatever. And they don't smoke weed or drink. It's gonna have to be a long time. That's you, because you're going into these guys
Starting point is 00:20:41 and you're not stealing. You know, it would be easier for you if you could be like, dude, I steal too. Let's go get that lady and get her money and be like, split it. You'd be in like fling, right? Well, maybe, maybe not. I mean, they're going to look at me and they're going to know
Starting point is 00:20:54 that I'm a foreigner. You know, obviously I have to speak a few languages in order to be able to accept or to break some of the barriers down. I'm going to have to do something funny in the beginning. I made a have to sometimes offer something that they want. de los varios, vamos a hacer algo funny en la beginning, me ha hecho hacer algo que no se les da, y de course, ese parte no puede ir a la izquierda, pero la opción es sobre los años más interesante, son de un bich,
Starting point is 00:21:15 ¿por qué? ¿Y siquiera se dice? ¿Cómo me quieren? ¿Y siquiera se les da? ¿Qué? Bueno, vamos a ver, un poco ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver,
Starting point is 00:21:30 vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver,
Starting point is 00:21:38 vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a ver, vamos a y compra tu entrada. IFEMA, Madrid, siente la inspiración. association with prosecutor or whatever, you can reduce the time depending on what they talk about. Right. Maybe one can say that I am working on certain security things where if I find a snitch among 10 guys, you know, anyone else in the gang who knows that he is a snitch, obviously he's going to be kept or whatever, hurt, seriously. You're going to find a weakest link among these guys. Right. And the death guy, you're going to have to start getting a relationship with and hopefully be able to dangle a carrot for. Okay so now you
Starting point is 00:22:31 know I mean I don't want to mention your wife too because she's Bambi. She's an intricate part. Yeah she well she's first of all you know she's sexy. Yep sexy lady. She's ballsy, she's getting attitude. And she definitely tells you to shut your sweetest face when you definitely need you, you are a worthy talk sucker, Bob. You fucking ate in the morning. What do you think about the chat talk,
Starting point is 00:23:00 Bob? But she goes with you too. And you say she's an... She's an intricate on the other hand, she draws the line much further from the safety factor than I do. I mean I take fucking chances because I'm older and I feel that I've lived a very long life and there's a bit of a rush factor in what I'm doing. And you know, it comes, but comes. While she's probably is looking more at if something really goes wrong. Do we want to get hurt? Do we want to have something really explored in our face?
Starting point is 00:23:33 Well, I might be not a gambler, but I may look at people's expression and feel that I can read when the explosive moment comes. Right. And what's stay away from it? Does she sit in with you? Does she meet these people with you? Is she involved?
Starting point is 00:23:50 Very, very often. Right. Very often. Not, of course, not every time, because it's just from a language point and many other reasons it's not going to work. But there are times where, you know, I may be up at two o'clock in the morning
Starting point is 00:24:02 in the bar in Johannesburg or whatever and she's not going to come along on that. Most of the time we function as a team. Sometimes she is the front person because you know, sometimes we have to be 40 yards. We have to sort of tag and she is first and walks for a while and if they sense her, I will tag so we kind of shift until we establish that report. Right. And you guys have been together for 20 years.
Starting point is 00:24:25 More, 25 years. 25 years. And has she been a part of this? Is that how it started? Well, I worked before I met Bambi, a long-term in Las Vegas for maybe 15 years in Casinos and Casinos shows. Now, there comes a point where that's not thrilling. You wake up the next day and say, hey, listen, this is the third year in the same contract.
Starting point is 00:24:49 Now, let's see if there's another side here or fun. So, when I married Bambi, obviously, she was quite young and we wanted to see the world. And so, when we started traveling, that's when we decided to take my prior contact with law enforcement and my going back to some of those contact and reestablishing and starting these research. So we published a book, rather than the one who was most instrumental in writing, it on travel security, and then things just like a snowball, we couldn't step off. It just got faster and faster. What's the book called?
Starting point is 00:25:23 Travel advisory, how to avoid theft, cons and scams. Okay. It's by Bob Arno and Bambi. That's correct. So the snowball effect is that we I think not necessarily to buy this and buy fluke. That's a good word for this. We stumbled on an area that had not before had specialist. And so, you know, how are you going to be an expert at Pickpock? Let's assume your loan enforcement officer in New York on the Pickpocketing detail. Most of the time, you stay three, four, five years in that detail, and then they move you on for something else. That means that in five years, you're going to get very good at Pickpocketing in New York. But you're not going to be in global experts.
Starting point is 00:26:03 You're not going to know that the guy in Johannesburg or the guy in Hong Kong works similar or telegraph to send the identity theft information to Bulgaria, Romania, and that they max out the cards with new type of sim. I mean, it's just a very, very complex, very large thing. So, in order to, I got this as a field, I would say, global field, where I didn't have any competition. It's that simple right now This is the weird part to me is that it's almost like like being Superman Knowing you can fly, but you you never fly It's like if I know how to can steal people shit You wouldn't be in this hotel room and standing on stage. You would be taking
Starting point is 00:26:44 No, I know I wouldn't be in this hotel room and standing on stage. You would be taking six out some from one dude. No, I wouldn't steal credit cards. I wouldn't want to take people's fucking lives. But would I be in a mall at Christmas and bump into some jackass and fucking steal his $20 in his wallet? You know, 99% of thieves. Because you can take a watch, too. I mean, all right, let me just explain the show. What show what I've seen what I know you bring people up on stage
Starting point is 00:27:09 You take you can take somebody's watch you can take their tie off their neck You can you can steal their wallet. I mean you you can literally take all this shit off of somebody and then even now Bobby, can I stop you in the track? Yeah, what kind of fucking mansion are you gonna live in if you're in the streets and you can steal the tie? What good is that? Dude, that's not the point. You see, that's the thing. I would have my job, Jackass. I would just love to steal somebody's fucking tie. That's some crazy shit, dude. That's like, be on the, I mean, take a guy's watch off his wrist is how much money is that now let me just give you an example right this brother Rolex yeah how many places on this tour how many Rolexes have you seen serial except on your own
Starting point is 00:27:54 wrist and brightly otherwise we've seen serial right to where you're gonna see a Rolex maybe in New York some lawyers some some hip dude in LA in the film industry whatever or or parts of Europe where guys want to show up. The point here is a pickpocket, 99% is not making serious money in the streets, unless they know how to turn the stuff, the social security into identity theft. Now I don't know of any good American pickpocket who is not making at least 3,000 a week and they're doing it simply by
Starting point is 00:28:30 stealing that ID theft getting cash advance. So it's not somewhat you having your pocket It's they want they want who you are They want who you are and they want you good at that The sky is still living so this is a new still so this isn't all of a twist It's not a bunch of kids run around stealing watches and points Right. The sky is still living. So this is a... So this isn't all of a twist. It's not a bunch of kids running around stealing watches and points. Right now there's two guys in Romania and Bulgaria, Gertzikings, who sent 60 young people that they got from poor families.
Starting point is 00:28:57 Sent them into England, steal all across England up and down for two years. Half of that money they have to send back into Romania. They live in in palaces It took the law enforcement close to two years to break the ring Those guys who sit at the top of the heap serious money everybody else right So they do still have pickpockets these kids. Yeah, who steal watches and wallets and all some They send it. Yeah, they send it back in the- Some parts are the one. But I'm just saying, my point is not about making money.
Starting point is 00:29:29 The fact that you have the ability to take somebody's shit at an airport, a movie theater, an escalator, a mall, whatever. And then you don't do it. Just for shit and giggles. Just to be like, do check this out. Pull a fucking, you know, an ocean's 11 on somebody, and they'll be like, check this out. A good pickpocket, they call it have heart. Now you would say, if I used to have heart, you're going to say immediately,
Starting point is 00:29:53 oh, that means that he has compassion, it means exact opposite. There's a rush factor when he puts his money into the pocket of the victim or into the latest handbag. A good pickpocket feels a rush for two and a half seconds while the hand is in there. They call that have a heart. You either have it or you don't. Unless you have that bit of criminal mindset, you're not going to get the rush factor. I think that if you put your hand into somebody else's, you're going to wait a minute he's gonna break my mind right so you're gonna be reluctant a thief loves that woman okay well here's the thing is don't forget I did steal your briefcase at the airport right from under your nose and I could have been gone you cock suck and you didn't
Starting point is 00:30:39 even know how's that make you feel huh at all. I snatched that right from you. How does that happen? Huh? You know, this is your chatty Cathy, and once you get you going, that's all you have to do to steal from you, is just bring it up to, bring up, ask you like three questions. Actually, you know, it's not quite true. When we travel, when we're outside, you know,
Starting point is 00:31:01 our own environment, we think about the 180 degrees or what we're back. Meaning you have 100 degrees forward, 180 degrees back, right? If you're in any form of security scenario, you wanna think about your own shit, you stand so that no one can be behind you and then you watch forward. And you make sure that you have immediate contact
Starting point is 00:31:21 with all of your belongings. Meaning if I'm going to Rome, if I'm checking out from the airport with my bags, I'm pushing the cart, that's how I think. What's behind me? What's in front of me? I contact all the time. You'll let that for one minute slip wherever you are.
Starting point is 00:31:36 Some guy is going to come up and say, hey, did you get this newspaper for today? They'll just do some crap. And for two and a half seconds, that's what you think about. You don't pay attention or behind you. If anything is behind on the floor, sitting down, a busier case, compute the lap case, whatever, bingo, they slide it away. Well, how did I take your briefcase then?
Starting point is 00:31:56 Simply by the being on my side and me forward looking, we were in that lounge. And, you know, yeah, there would be the lost thing there. I tell you what, though, when I was walking up, that launch and uh you know yeah that would be the last thing that I say what though when I was walking up yeah and I saw that you're big silver CIA briefcase that you carry around I felt cool oh man I grabbed that son of a bitch I little I'm like this two ways to do it sneak up I'm walking I said I'm walking up like it's mine, like I own it. I walked up, grabbed it, fucking walk around. Well, that's the right attitude.
Starting point is 00:32:28 That is the kind of confidence factor, which is why a comedian is, for some extent, what I would call a hoax personality. You go into this persona, which is why so few people can do it. Social engineering and standing on stage and being a comedian, that is pretty close. Pretty, pretty close. Well, the thing that you do too is you have a lot of showmanship, like Vegas, which I like.
Starting point is 00:32:57 I like that stuff. I like old school entertainment, you know, the, there's a little bigger than life, get them over the head. There's a lot more, there's a lot of going into it, you know, you're very, it's fun to watch and this, and you don't know what to expect to. I mean, you see, you're the suits you wear. You wear these red Italian made suits, you walk out, what are you seven, how, seven, eight, how tall are you? Six, five. Six, five, tall, thin, sweet, walks out with a mustache. And they're like, you know, we're in the middle of fucking nowhere Canada And they're like staring up and saying, where did he come from?
Starting point is 00:33:30 Right, and then you start working and then you start and all of a sudden it starts building and building and building Bam and then you're fucking, you know, it's kind of have them in the hand you have to and now you what do you live now? well My home is Las Vegas. Right. 200 days a year we travel and then we have a summer place in Sweden. Really? Sweden is good for the summer because it's, you know, 1510 in Las Vegas.
Starting point is 00:33:54 Who wants to be in July August in Las Vegas? Right, yeah. It does. So it can blow. Yeah. That's how it should be. So now you're leaving the tour tomorrow. This is your last night.
Starting point is 00:34:04 Yeah. Now what do you have fun with that? Me, it was a fun thing. Of course. You know what I learned more? First of all, it was fun because seeing Canada big theater, that's kind of a break from the corporate gigs that I do. I mean, my income stream comes from what they call keynotes, which could be a luncheon type of things where you sort of semi-serious, or in the evening where you're simply just going to be fun.
Starting point is 00:34:24 But this thing gave me a new attack mode. What I learned more than anything and I hope that you feel the same way. We never should stand still. Every day should be an experience for the role that I'm going for. So looking at how each of you guys at how each of you guys took situations and jammed with it. I felt that I'd be a bit stale playing too much inside the box safely because management said, don't you dare do this because that would be politically incorrect. Right. Taking a bit of a chance and taking every individual and kind of attacking it hard. Right. Yeah, I mean, I mean, it's hard for you too, because you had to go out at the beginning. They split your setup.
Starting point is 00:35:10 They made you go out while the people are literally walking. Yeah, correct. And you had to do this. It grabbed them really fast. Well, I'd say I'll tell you this, though, is my favorite part of theater, when I go to theater, is the beginning when you don't this guy, whoever it is, comes out.
Starting point is 00:35:24 And you don't even know if the show started or if this guy's just some drunk ass. And then all of a sudden you realize yeah that this is and then you're watching it you didn't know you're watching it and then it starts and it's like so I mean I don't know how you felt about it but that's one of my favorite parts of it. Actually it worked yeah it worked know, I have no regrets. Would I be able to walk away from this tour if they had allowed me more minutes
Starting point is 00:35:51 to put that early part together with the other one? I would have probably much bigger laughs and all of that. But you know, it's not good carried away, probably not. They, they, probably not. No, you know, you're not as fun. Absolutely. I'm kidding, I'm not a fucking chance But you know, I think the funny is I think the way the funniest thing you said is you stole a guy's
Starting point is 00:36:14 Asma of what is inhaler and the poor guy you like come on up and get it Sure, but he's walking up like he's gonna die. You're like, how do you up? I think you need two puffs of this? I mean Why would you steal this fucking inhaler bomb? I mean, don't you have a chance, right? Have I? Like, have I? But, a heart like the thick fucker to have a heart or the other one? No, no, real fucking heart.
Starting point is 00:36:37 Now you're a fucking adrenaline rush for two seconds. No, I mean, that's what it's all about. You're gonna take a chance, you know? I've had dentures and condoms, not all kinds of crap in my hand from people's pocket. And sometimes you say, well, I'll let that stay because I don't know how personally it gets or whatever. Right.
Starting point is 00:36:56 And the other thing is the demographic because I understand that today, humor, the people to buy the ticket is a very different car. Can I stop you when I say, well, the dentures in the condom in the same pocket? I got it. Forget it. Go ahead. You know that if you want to be a comedian that appeals to 15,000 in a rena, that's a
Starting point is 00:37:17 different car than we'll see a John Cleese presentation. Yes, absolutely. So, you know, I still have to understand that my money comes from the corporate entertainment, so I still have to be inside the box to some extent. Well, you have to find your people. As an editor, you have to find your people, and sometimes your people in the very rare occasions
Starting point is 00:37:37 is these 20,000 big arenas. Some people have comedy clubs. Yeah, the attack is different. But it's, you know, it's um, or otherwise why would only one or two guys be able to feel in arena Right, there's a reason yeah Well not but the thing is I mean you and I would love to be able to feel in arena with 20,000 but neither of us is right right so Certainly that humor has appealed to a huge demographic that decided by a ticket because they want that stuff.
Starting point is 00:38:05 If you tell that comedian, could you turn it down a bit, buddy? He's going to say, well, fuck yourself. This is me, right? Isn't that correct or not? Yeah, absolutely. Right. So now you go back to where? What do you do now?
Starting point is 00:38:16 Well, I have a very tight schedule now. There's coming week. I have a two corporate immediately I go down to Dallas, then I go to Las Vegas, then I go to Sweden, and then back to Las Vegas where a film team will meet me and we put the final touch on the film that we've been working on for four months for national geographic. And what's this thing going to be about? About my life.
Starting point is 00:38:39 About your life. Well, how I have met, how I meet with these guys, why they spilled our guts to me. What is it that makes them? Okay, well, we're not gonna go into everything, but is this gonna fuck you man? Yes, I am so you're burning bridges. Yes. I am so you're burning bridge. You're not gonna look at my age You know this is your point in my life where I can say that pay I can start burn my bridges You're right. I mean a hundred fucking. old. So why, so 100 is definitely old. Okay, so, you know, yes, I'm burning bridges. Yes, so you burn in the bridges.
Starting point is 00:39:09 It's over for you. In certain places. No, 100%. Well, you're going to be the guy who fucking did a TV show on National Geographic about these guys. Now, do you think they're going to want to take you out? I mean, no, I don't think so. Now, I think they're going to still look at me as a kind of
Starting point is 00:39:23 a funny clown and they're going to, you know, I mean, some other I'm going to be. Now, I think they're gonna still look at me as a kind of a funny clown and they're gonna, you know, I mean, some of them are gonna be anger, could they're gonna make less money? But the reality is also that the world continues and the information is leaking out and all of that. I think, hopefully, that they're gonna say some of this might in any how become aware. So there's gonna be some places
Starting point is 00:39:42 where they really hostile to me, and I'm gonna stay away from those places Russia, yes, yeah, well, that's crazy man. That's fucking crazy, but now this National Geographic movie is this just on National Geographic is it gonna be on DVD? Of course, they own it who knows they own it. Yes, except that all my foot is my archive I still own. But you know, 90, 85% is going to be fresh made for stuff by them. And so the 15% comes from my archives.
Starting point is 00:40:11 And the rest is their stuff. Okay. So now you're going to give me a video, a little video. I'm going to put that up on the, you got it? On my app and up on the Twitter link to see Bob Arno in action. You've been on, I mean, seriously, I mean, David Letterman, name the shows you've been on over the years.
Starting point is 00:40:31 I haven't been on LEMO, otherwise I've done them all, all of the news program, ABC 2020, you know, Morning Good Morning America, NBC Dateline, all of them. So you know, but it's over the years, you know, and- And you can YouTube, Bob Arno, and see it shit. He's done a lot of stuff. It's pretty crazy But he's gonna give me a little clip so you'll be able to check him out actually what he does on stage and
Starting point is 00:40:54 The other stuff on the internet is actually cool too because he actually goes into crowds and stuff like that and he talks about these these thieves his pickpocket thieves and It's pretty interesting. So it's gonna be sad, you're gonna be off the tour, they'll replace you with some other dude, who's... Hopefully he will fill my shoes. Who's going to fill your shoes? He does not come from Las Vegas.
Starting point is 00:41:19 My name is Bob Arno, I am very analytical. But Bob, it was a pleasure to meet you. Hang away for three weeks. Yeah, and you're an interesting guy. You and Bambi, your hot wife. Yeah, that's what I think too. Yeah, she's very hot. That doesn't make you uncomfortable. No, I mean, I love the fact that my wife, that I look at, get so much fun of just looking at the rest of the world thing
Starting point is 00:41:47 She's attractive to yeah good good and Fucking okay Wouldn't you want the same way with your wife? I'd fucking attack you Fucking tall good looking thing glass of water. Don't you want now? There's to say hey that is a nice Oh, I don't want you to do it I don't look over in your fingerblastener she doesn't even know instead of stealing a wallet you steal a clitoris I smell this robot so I was a pleasure man really and thanks for doing the podcast and what's your what's your website? It's Bob Arno in one word. That's
Starting point is 00:42:27 Now, if you do want the other one, it's simply We have to. Alright, so go check out those website. Interesting motherfucker. Really good guy. I'm glad I got to know him. Spell it up. Should I ban it a little faster maybe? No, I just because I'm not knowing
Starting point is 00:42:46 exactly the quality of who listens on. Right. It's still demographic. Fucking six people. Let's say no. I have no idea of fucking I do this. I have no idea. I don't care. I just do it. And it's my own pleasure. So I can have these art card conversations with people that I like. I actually go back someday and listen to these and be like, oh, that's where I was. You know, so I, this, this people that like them, but I have no idea. But they got me wordy now.
Starting point is 00:43:14 You talk second, you're wordy, sweet. All right. That's the end of the podcast. I'll talk to you. Fuck is later. I hope you enjoyed this one.

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