Robert Kelly's You Know What Dude! - Bora Bora with Sam Roberts

Episode Date: August 18, 2014

Sam Roberts takes the YKWD helm with Sam Morril, Dave Smith, Joe List, Luis J Gomez, Kelly Fastuca and Chris Scopo. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hoy es un día de eso de no saber cómo va a acabar el día. Donde nadie pregunta, ¿dónde viene? Si no, ¿por qué no te viene? Y una ronda es el tiempo que pasa entre no conocernos, y no creer olvida. Hoy es un día de eso, que Madrid nos vía. Hoy es un día de eso, que Madrid nos encuentra. Maú, la vida es más vida cuando nos encontramos.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Encuentra los bares de Madrid, la Dición Especial de Madrid nos liga. Un homenaje deage de mal a Madrid. Todo empieza con un paso. En Sanitas fuimos los primeros en ofrecerte video consulta con tu médico de siempre. Con programas especializados. Otro paso, cuida tu mente. Y otro, ficio digital. Cada año queremos que disfrutes de la asistencia médica presencial y digital que mereces. Dal paso a sanitas y disfruta ahora de bluayud durante un año gratis.
Starting point is 00:00:57 Pulsan el banner para saber más. ¿Suéías con un futuro más allá de los estudios de grado? Gracias a las becas de post-grato en el el extranjero de la Fundación La Caixa, puedes estudiar en las mejores universidades y centros de investigación del mundo. Tu talento te mueve. Solicitate tu beca encast Network, What's up, YKWD fans? This is Rob Sprance from Riotcast, the other half of Riotcast, the better half, the brains
Starting point is 00:01:40 of Riotcast, the guy who makes it all happen, the man behind the curtain, the guy with the big balls, whatever you want to call me. You know what YKWD would sound like without me? That, that's what it sounded like, nothing. I'm just here to tell you that I have a show as well called The Hole and I have a very special one-on-one interview with Anthony Cumia. Right now on slash the hole. Go check it out, check my show out.
Starting point is 00:02:10 Bobby doesn't even know I'm doing this commercial, but I own the network. So I'm gonna put it in. And guess what? He can't do anything about it. Nothing! Go to slash the hole. Check out my interview with Anthony Cumier, check out
Starting point is 00:02:25 all my other shows as well, and all the other great shows on the ryecast network. I'm the boss. I'm the boss. Please don was trying to keep it like a comic-can. I have a bunch of guys on. It's just us sitting down. Yeah. And sometimes it's hilarious. Sometimes it's intense. It's rubber-killing. You know what?
Starting point is 00:02:52 It's not topics, not directions. But I love doing it. It's like a cast out. Side. Come on. Ride. Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on!
Starting point is 00:03:07 Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on!
Starting point is 00:03:15 Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on!
Starting point is 00:03:23 Come on! Come on! Come on! This is where we start then. Welcome to You Know What Dude, the podcast on My name is Sam Roberts. I'll be your guest Bob Kelly today. Do we go around the room and introducing everybody? Yeah. Just because the intro was like it was so anti any sort of format or topic list or anything.
Starting point is 00:03:46 I don't want to do anything. It's not very friendly. Yeah, I don't want to do anything that would upset anybody. Well, Kelly is here. Everybody knows Kelly. Hey Sam. Hey, good. How are you? Yeah. Dave Smith. Hello. Hello. Welcome. It's happening. Sam Morrell. Yes. Welcome. Thank you. If that been I trust your leadership abilities. Now good good. I do too Joe list of course. Hello everybody. This is by the way There's no way of doing this show without having somebody mad at you Why in here and at home? Why is that somebody's already mad? They're gonna tweet that you're a faggot Anything something you did already. Oh, okay. All right. All right. All right. People to please and the room itself is pretty brutal So don't even worry about it. I wouldn't worry about it. All right
Starting point is 00:04:26 I know you were a faggot why We just so supportive in here before the mics go on and then everybody changes got a tweet from the hip I'm being supportive. I'm saying these other people are gonna hate you. Oh, thank you, Joe. Yeah, thank you very much And do we introduce Adrian is this is first time on the microphone? Is the actor is he on the show or is he just here? I don't know the difference. I'm just on the time. All right. We're Adrian to the exit. Well, welcome to you know what dude. I don't know where Bob Kelly is this week He just asked me if I would host the show does anybody know where he is? Hopefully right it is just on a vacation. I thought he had like some like work related thing.
Starting point is 00:05:06 He's a busy man. Go look going on. You can't come in for an hour and a half when you're on, where's the vacation? It's a podcast. You can do it for any of you. I see tweeted at a photo yesterday, I've been hiking. So, I've not had a vacation and I can't remember when.
Starting point is 00:05:19 I don't understand vacations. Well, Bobby is a very successful guy. Yeah, I was like, I'm gonna get a job first. Yeah, he's on a TV show. He's a podcast. He's a stand-up comic. Yeah. Uh, he's a kid. Kid is the big one. He's overweight. It's a whole thing goes into it. You know what I mean? And he lives in the suburbs. He does all the suburbs now. He's given up on this lifestyle anyway. Yeah. Uh, well, welcome to you know what dude. I guess. Oh, Thank God. Red, thank God. Red entrance. Before we were done with the intros.
Starting point is 00:05:50 Louis is here. What's going on, guys? How are you? What's up? Everybody didn't know we were going to start without you and then we weren't. But then, are you? No, just start. No, dude.
Starting point is 00:06:00 I had to get my son shot at the doctor today. You gave him the shot? I said we did it. Wow. No, and then I left happy to hear you're pursuing a different field besides comedy medical joe list everyone joe list yeah and then I fucking jumped on the train and then the train was creeping along for like 10 minutes it was all from sorry guys I apologize my was the train creeping along I don't know
Starting point is 00:06:21 dude it was just fucking slow now for some reason the summertime the two three train now just slowly slowly creeps and I'm just I'm just too angry for it so I just scream into the air for no reason. So I creep yeah down by me. Yeah, so that's the one of the ones we all joined in and sent a song from the 90s. No, I was hoping this was musical I enjoyed TLC Like Sam and Kelly's Mike sounds good, but I can't hear myself or anybody. I can't hear mine at all That's your own insecurity. That's a good thing scope. You're so perfect. Thank you So maybe you should keep talking while we're working on oh there I am. Yeah, now I sound fucking hot to truck
Starting point is 00:07:04 Yeah, I don't know about these rest of these guys, but honestly, I mean how much do we really need Dave and Sam's Mike while we're working on uh... there i am yet now i sound fucking hot to try i don't know what these rest of these guys but honestly i mean how much do we really need david sam's might be that was a marille uh... yeah it's the same person we have multiple sams tarrite so i get very unattractive i'm not gonna like as i think jose mike is a little too hot now we're
Starting point is 00:07:22 starting down to the smith yeah now i agree let's bring it down. Let's bring it down quite a bit. Oh boy. I guess we should talk about Robin Williams to start right? What happened? Well he's dead. I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news. He's dead now. It was how does it feel when your best friend in the world beats you to your punchline by one second. I've never had it happen. Big J is here, where's he at? I think you said that he's a bad friend.
Starting point is 00:07:49 Big J? Yeah, and private that time. He is a bad friend. Dave is actually my best friend. And me and J think alike, that's why we're best friends. Oh, that's really sweet. What makes Big J a bad friend? I was kidding, but if you want to get into it, his life is getting better.
Starting point is 00:08:03 I was kidding. Passion. Now he's a good friend. All into it, his life is a good passion. Now he's a good friend. All right, good. He's a good friend. Well, so, so I guess I've been hearing all day from older comics who were kind of around Robin Williams at least to some extent. Everybody in here is a younger comic. Does anybody have any sort of closeness to the...
Starting point is 00:08:24 He owed me like 50 bucks. He did. He did. Classic Williams. I met him once in a seller and he was I talked about 30 minutes. He was really cool. He was just like very, we're just talking about his like his wife and second marriage and a third marriage and he was just he was just so genuine and nice. So just you know talk to every comics like so many comics every comic who met him as a story that he was like he talked to them like they were, and he looks at you in Shakespeare's hand, I met him once here with Soda and Bobby and he was so,
Starting point is 00:08:50 and I've never seen between me and Dan having to keep our shit together because we both wanted to scream but he was just like so nice like, how do you want to name? No, but you know what I mean, like the excitement. Soda is ecstatic, he's gonna be in Mrs. Duffier too, he's gonna be a mister missus that fire to the lead role now Do you think it was you being nice because he's nice to people or was he being nice because you were comic? No, well, I think he just wanted to be around comics. He wasn't even going on stage You just hang out the sellers really around comics. Yeah, he just liked the shooting something nice But one time he told me Kelly the stucous shit quit. He did but that was just he really got it
Starting point is 00:09:25 Fusing rob Williams with everybody. I do I get those two confused all the time. Well, 5.5 minutes in, you guys already into it. I got a Rob Williams story. Mike Assureman, who's a wonderful comedian and improviser and dear friend. He made me go see Rob Williams, like bought a ticket at the old comedy connection in Boston, which was my home club, and I was like, I don't wanna buy a ticket to a show. And he's like, I already bought him. We're gonna go, it's gonna be hilarious. So he bought him early, so we sat in the front row
Starting point is 00:09:53 and Rumbley was called as Faggot's the whole show. I'm like an hour and a minute. He's like, these two Fags. Why don't you come out of the closet, and it was like his thing kept calling back to it. And I was like a comic that works there. I was like six years in, staring at this guy. And the crowd would like lose their mind every time.
Starting point is 00:10:08 He's like, and don't forget these two faggots over here. That was my Robin Williams experience. Is it a weird thing for a comic to go to comedy shows? I have to buy a t- That's probably the last time I bought a ticket and went to a show. No, I saw a stand-hope. And how long ago was that?
Starting point is 00:10:21 In the audience. That was probably, oh, five, maybe, oh six. Before you started doing comedy though, would you buy a lot of tickets to shows I wasn't allowed to go into I was I started on 18 oh okay shows I went to one show I saw Gary goman changed my whole life I love that apparently occasionally yeah I'd go see regain if he came to town or whatever but most places we can just get in for I would I would go see any Murphy if he came back and did a performance I would just go see him wherever it was I would buy a ticket to LA
Starting point is 00:10:46 whatever where he doesn't do comedy that's why I would buy the ticket so you'd come back yeah Robert De Niro did stand up by a ticket that's not true you're an asshole because Eddie Murphy has tears coming back to stand up comedy shut up Kelly saying that you fuck it I hear you think laughing just to get at me um no he's been been saying And he was a stand-up comment. Yeah, no, what was in here was not a stand-up comic and he's not been teasing In the past. I think of comedy Lewis True, I saw Joe list one time. I paid to see Joe list. You really? Yeah, get out of here open for DiPala Oh wow, that's what you came for Joe list. You left after me. I have been nice
Starting point is 00:11:24 Oh, that's what he came for Joe list. You left after me. I have been nice. Oh, that's really sweet What about the depression angle of because that's been the big story that it's horrible. Yeah, that he Happy smell alive. Well, that's already thought I don't think he was What hope does that give us this guy was a movie star. Well, he's second-wrench movie star, he's second winner. I'm doing a bit of that. I have the highest man alive. He hung himself.
Starting point is 00:11:49 He went back to back with the president. At one point, we believe that we're going to like, you want to like make enough money to support yourself. He's a legend. We will look at him as that. There's a place that he can support him.
Starting point is 00:12:01 He's a mental illness that we are not dealing with. But that's what I'm saying. Before how he died, he died though? Did he? Yeah, they can help him downstairs as said it was yeah, did they that he hung himself? But that's an interesting the Joe said about him having him up. He was mentally he had a sickness because most people are just saying Well, you know the thing about comics is they're always happy on the outside and crying on the inside Well, that's the thing. I mean we've all dealt with sad but like an impression even but not to the level obviously that he's Yeah, but you know what who knows? I mean he's at his age and and I'm just saying like I don't know if it's he has a mental illness or not And I don't know that all comics are like that miserable
Starting point is 00:12:38 But it definitely is like a syndrome of whether it's like a Chris Farley or or someone like Who's the fucking guy? It's John Candy or like someone like that. Yeah I mean these guys who are like very kind of happy funny personas and then are really like dark. It makes them more poignant I think when they're this happy person but then when it is a mental illness to take yourself it's just selfish. I don't know if I'm necessarily agree that it's a mental. I've been suicidal before. If you guys not been suicidal at any points in your life, I've tried to convince Lewis to commit suicide.
Starting point is 00:13:09 I'm in a big business. I mean, I'm not saying that. The only reason that like I swear to God, one of my first thoughts after I had a kid was, oh my God, I can't commit suicide now. There's no exit strategy now. It's a really, really, really, really, really, yes, three adult kids though.
Starting point is 00:13:24 It's a little different and I will say, because my first reaction was like, oh, fuck, dude, that's pretty selfish. You're talking about three adult kids with 25 million in the bank for that. It's like, it's not actually the adult. Yeah, it's not exactly, right. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:13:34 But my first thought was like, oh shit, that's kind of a selfish thing. You got a family, and my chick said that. She was like, yeah, but his kids are grown up. And if you're done, you're done. You know, how just grown up and multiple millionaires for the rest of your got to take care of right you have left them like that but when you say no he's been suicidal like i mean you could say
Starting point is 00:13:50 your suicide about how close have you been like if you had a rope around your neck like i'm definitely doing this all there's the doorbell i've done not that not that close but pretty close it was like i think that's got to put the chime in the way that was finished i think there's a i think there's a big difference between now i think I'm gonna do it versus no I'm actually going to do it I just got over 60 years you're you're fine today. This is a guy that had a daily struggle with it It's most definitely a mental illness. I mean, he's a fucking I just look I think to pray
Starting point is 00:14:20 I think all these little you've never watched go post set and been like right there I mean I just think I look at his hair. It is a matter of defect. I just dude. I don't know dude. I think it's just not I'm not going like oh my god. There's poor fucking guy It's like I think that depression it comes in in different levels like some people handle it in a different way than other So you asked a grass flow because he looks at the guy who had everything like he had family money fame He had a great career. So talented, but he still couldn't cope. That should tell you that it's not everything. That's an illness. But no one knows, yeah, but I mean, look, man, at the end of the day,
Starting point is 00:14:53 you can kind of know, no one, all this like, this is a disorder, this is an illness, is all kind of a bunch of bullshit anyway. They change every year what the disorders are and what is in a disorder. So you guys think it's a cop out when they say it's a disorder. Look, we all have experiences in life. Our brains work different ways. Some of us are more fucked up than others. What psychologists do is they look at behavior and they go, well, this is out of the ordinary. This is out of, but it's all just kind of a guessing. But isn't that he was a fucked up guy? Isn't that probably more because we have no idea how the brain works. So every year we figure it out more. So every year there's new diagnosis.
Starting point is 00:15:21 But part of it will also just be like political pressure so they'll be like a well gender identity gets taken out because like Oh, no now people are like offended by the idea So it's not just that we understand the brain better in in Nazi Germany They're talking about how like the white pure races that you know like it's a lot of it's also just like what we kind of want to decide is wrong or right I think we over diagnosed too. Yeah, you do yeah yeah I think you guys are right he's fine obviously right he's a big pussy fuck on selfish yeah selfish is 20 yeah I'm not gonna stop it I'm not a guy is dealing with a sickness that none of us have ever dealt with to that no that's because he just fucking hung himself but I'm
Starting point is 00:16:00 I'm not gonna hang myself at 59 and not 60 there I like you can't say hold on you don't know what anybody in this room is dealing with on what level I think they're pretty close to mental health has been documented like for years He has been it's been said that he's had a horrible depression. I don't know Kelly's fucking mental health Documentation who knows I'm saying you can't say there's nobody in the room fucking knows Yeah, but there's no way anybody here suffered with depression for 50 or 60 years It's just impossible. I'm talking about that.
Starting point is 00:16:26 I think that's how we know that none of that is happening. He wasn't thinking about the last five days. He's been thinking about killing himself for 20 years. I agree with Joe's sentiment that it's like, yes, this guy clearly got to a level. Probably none of us have dealt with that level where we checked out, having millions of dollars, having access to all the things that you could work through this and still deciding to check out is. And the second I got access to these Galvan comedy live, I said I couldn't kill myself anymore.
Starting point is 00:16:51 Did I? I can't really feel it though. Please. Is that freak anyone out at all? Like it? Yes. To think that like, because I'm sure on some, at some point when you work in entertainment, there's that thing of, oh, I just need to get that much farther.
Starting point is 00:17:07 Oh, I just need to grab that thing. It's like these brass rings that you set up for yourself. That you realize that's a guy who would grab everything. There is no point of success you could get bigger than Robin Williams. And it doesn't help. And that goes to Joe's point that it is a mental sickness. I think it's also, it's how you look at it because I've mentioned this story on the podcast before, but I've talked to Bobby many times about just not being satisfied with
Starting point is 00:17:32 whatever you get. It kind of wears off the gratification, the feeling of that wears off very quickly, and he was talking about Louis CK and how, you know, now he has to get another Emmy, otherwise he's failed. So, I think everybody who's successful or anybody who is going towards something like this, you're always trying to reach for the next thing. And no, I don't think,
Starting point is 00:17:52 and it's a glasses half full of the glass half Emmy. I remember Joe's saying that. You can look at that as a very positive thing. You can say, hey, dude, I'm just gonna keep on pushing and keep on, you know, but you're gonna drive yourself crazy. But it's almost kind of like you're always gonna be where you are in a sense.
Starting point is 00:18:03 I remember you telling me this, like a couple a couple years ago in the Caroline's green room And you were Joe you were saying how like everything in your career you keep thinking that's gonna be the thing You're like okay, I got management or I got a team thing. I got this festival. I got this You're like now I'm gonna be here It's always this is gonna be These herfies stop me But it's never kind of really, you're still kind of that guy and it's still the same kind of like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:18:28 You gotta find happiness in the moment. Yeah. And yeah, and look, there are nuns and third world countries who are very happy, you know, you have to look at like what you have and be happy then or you're never gonna be happy. I'm happy right now, I love all of you guys. I love you too.
Starting point is 00:18:41 I don't know you too well, but you seem nice. I love you too. Yeah, thanks buddy. Do you think that, but are you? I know the well, but you seem nice Do you think that but are you the show thank you? Are you all of that mindset that like you think this thing is gonna be the thing like you still I can't help but do it That's always like I'll just be okay when I get this yeah, and that comes and that's logically you know that that's not true Yeah, I do We can send up New York did nothing for you You know that that's not true. Yeah, I do.
Starting point is 00:19:02 I do. Intellectually know. Yeah, we, oh, we can't have Santa New York did nothing for you. Part of that is, uh, is necessary in our thing. You should be happy. I'm a happy guy. I'm happy today, but I also am like, I want to do
Starting point is 00:19:14 let him in again. I want to get a half up. But that I think is healthy because I'm like, I have to make money and keep moving further so I can have a good. Just kind of align those things. Hold it. Happy. But that's the difference.
Starting point is 00:19:24 I think that people, if you were depressed, you wouldn't be happy today because you'd just be, like, like, I'm just gonna have a line. I'm just gonna have a line. I'm just gonna have a line. I'm just gonna have a line. I'm just gonna have a line. I'm just gonna have a line. I'm just gonna have a line. I'm just gonna have a line. I'm just gonna have a line. I'm just gonna have a line. I'm just gonna have a line. I'm just gonna have a line.
Starting point is 00:19:32 I'm just gonna have a line. I'm just gonna have a line. I'm just gonna have a line. I'm just gonna have a line. I'm just gonna have a line. I'm just gonna have a line. I'm just gonna have a line. I'm just gonna have a line.
Starting point is 00:19:40 I'm just gonna have a line. I'm just gonna have a line. I'm just gonna have a line. I'm just gonna have a line. I'm just gonna have a line. I'm just gonna have a line. I'm just gonna have a line. I'm just gonna have a line. I'm just gonna have a line. messed up man like who have you ever met who had like like the typical household with two loving parents white picket fans straight a student hilarious fucking got it's not that jerry Jerry's on the whole every time I hear about Jerry's on the always seems really happy at the I always talks about how he was kind of like a class clown he was always that guy that's not who he
Starting point is 00:19:58 it like I'm telling you it's always a guy like he's in this constant state of irritability yeah yeah yeah he's not a normal guy at all. Nobody's ever, like there are no stories about him just being a nice guy. Like that Robin William story that Sam told a minute ago, that doesn't exist for Jerry. Right. I've never heard it.
Starting point is 00:20:15 You know, do you think that, well do you think being funny is something that people develop for one reason or another? Yeah. Like you don't think people are just like, I happen to ask that question again. I'm sorry. I misunderstood it. Like do you think you have to develop being funny for a reason? Whether it's to avoid. Yes. Yeah. Okay. So it's not like you're just born. Oh, you just happen to be born with a good sense of humor. I think you're born with the
Starting point is 00:20:35 capacity to develop it. Yeah. I think you're you're born. But I don't think that that necessarily would develop into a humor into humor. Like it could just develop into something else. I think it's like, uh, don't get me wrong, there might be like a mentally retarded person can never develop into being funny, no matter what experiences they have. Those are the funniest things. Yeah, because they're born hilarious.
Starting point is 00:20:55 Well, I mean, it's like it's an evolutionary trait. You know what I'm saying? Like, you have funny to get ahead. We do everything to just get ahead. Whatever, if you think of it from like a Freudian standpoint or another standpoint, but it's all just to feel great or to get ahead or to get later, whatever it is. So I think that yeah, it's just another trait to get you there. The same way that being well, doing well in school will get you there. It's got a door ring. It's just like, yeah, like it just kind of like what you have to find some way to survive and and get forward. I
Starting point is 00:21:23 think a lot of times people are put in situations. I think what happens to a lot of funny people, I think this was me, definitely, is that at some point you kind of do, assume the identity of I'm the funny one. At like a young age, you know, like, whether it's second or third grade, well, that's my thing, as I'm funny.
Starting point is 00:21:37 And you just kind of develop that, you know? Because maybe, because I think some of it has to be predisposed though, because I know for me, I know going in, I was never the smart one, like I was never gonna get great grades, I was always gonna be an average student, but I could be an asshole. And that's something I can develop.
Starting point is 00:21:54 So you think the fact that I figured that out early on is to say, well you could have been the smart one, but you decided in second grade that you know. No, I think that's like a physiological thing, like maybe you're just not the smart one, but you decided in second grade. No, I think that's like a physiological thing. Like maybe you're just not the smart one, but you still develop traits that would get you to still be neck and neck with everybody else. Right.
Starting point is 00:22:13 You could have been not smart and not funny. Right. A lot of it's about getting laid too. It's like, well, I'm not going to get laid any other way. I got to be funny. I think that's one of the things that Freud said that I really do believe that almost everything we do just to get laid. You say that literally was that it was Right
Starting point is 00:22:30 Motivating factors were like throughout every Everything like actually said was I want to slam my dick into that plus right right right you want to clean it up But I was with the German accident. Right. He fuck his mother was attracted to his mother. Well that was it's like was attracted to his mother. Well, that was just like, as a theory. He says everyone is attracted to his mother. Freud said that? He was coked up at the time.
Starting point is 00:22:48 Yeah, because within how, I don't think you can quote Freud on being funny because I don't think I want to sleep with my mom. Well, we're talking actually about Chris Scopo's mother. We are all attracted to his mother. Lloyd also said that like laughter is just a release of tension. It's a late next time.
Starting point is 00:23:01 And so much with women is discomfort that you know, if something awkward happens, that's funny. You know what I mean? So I think that plays into it too. Like you just have to laugh it off. Like you just have to know how to take the moment and turn it into something funny. That's the skill you develop.
Starting point is 00:23:15 Girls describe vaginal discomfort after I'm done with it. I'm all sweaty. I'm trying to get laid. All right. I hit my elbow real hard, but I made that fart noise. Sorry to hear that. But that's the thing, you didn't develop athletic skills because you're funny. Oh, I'm a great athlete.
Starting point is 00:23:31 Are you? Yeah, terrific. What's actually really good at basketball, I played with him. Well, and football, remember you were afraid of the ball when I was throwing it to you? Because you're a big girl. I'm afraid of the ball. You were. Why, can you take those glasses off now?
Starting point is 00:23:42 I think that bits of the- Yeah, why are you wearing your sunglasses at the time? Because I'm a real ass dude, Puerto Rico Rettlesnake. Oh. Hey, no, I'm speaking of real ass dudes. I notice no response to the list of Mania t-shirts. You know what? We're working on something right now. I'm not responding until the plan is completely completed.
Starting point is 00:23:57 What are the list of Mania t-shirts? Are your fans working on it? Are you? I don't have fans. I have interns. And I'm making a work on it. You should get fans to know. No, Frank? Why? You should also. Why? Yeah. When they can not only come in and hang out with me but they could also get college credit for it. I guess but fans generally will pay for things that you do. You have a selection to do something like the corporation or something. That's not true at all. I just thought a real ass dude would have retorted
Starting point is 00:24:25 to my list of manias challenge. Well, sometimes it was- What is the challenge? Oh, I had some list of manias, the leader of the list of maniacs, Frankie G. Oh, wow. Showed up, sat front row at my show this weekend with list of manias.
Starting point is 00:24:36 Are you not the leader of the list of maniacs? No, no. I'm just living my own life. I'm just living my own life. They formed in their own. You're an idolist. Is the leader of the Go Mites. He's got inter, it's a whole thing. We doesn't have any fans. We should say that in a minute. Yeah. I'm just living my own life. They formed in their own. Your and I was the leader of the Go Mites. He's got into it. It's a whole thing. We
Starting point is 00:24:46 doesn't have any fans. We should say that a minute ago. I'm just living my own life and some list of maybe is the list of maybe developed beyond my control. That's amazing. And so they showed up with some shirts and real grassroots movement. It's a grassroots and we threw out a challenge
Starting point is 00:24:59 to the Go Mites and nothing. Not heard yet. Where are the Go Mites on this? The Go Mites aren and working hard is there's a fight What do you mean a challenge like is it? Well, he wants me to retort and have my own t-shirt Oh, it's a t-shirt challenge. Just any retort just nothing just mute You know what you know, maybe I'm not gonna fucking respond to every challenge issue Well, I thought I realized it. I realized dude does what he wants to do. That's what a realist who does all right That's true like I came from a 60-year-old Jewish woman they got like
Starting point is 00:25:27 fake condom anties on the side could you get better hold on let her get hung out oh don't they say it's a bad way you guys play to deal with a heckler or Kelly for stew guys terrible could you get better glasses they look like girls glasses could save keep rolling with it that's the fact take your bandana uh... your response
Starting point is 00:25:54 senator you don't have to you know you know that i'm not gonna work with you anymore i'm just i'm overkelly does anybody have a uh... robin lambs movie that they enjoyed growing up i say all the shit that sticks out to me with him is his fucking dramatic I thought he he was an incredible dramatic actor good one good well hunting. Yeah I thought you know, it's a one that people sleep on that I thought it was like an amazing film was what dreams made Yeah, that was a beautiful fucking movie. He was an amazing actor Yeah, I think actually far more than then a funny
Starting point is 00:26:26 Comedia is that what dreams may come it's like Cubicating juniors and dies and he's trying to get his wife back. Oh, I remember that. It's all his whole heavens made out of paint It's like really cool man. We ever see one hour photo. Yes Range like that. Yeah, he is a great actor. He also went to Juilliard. He wasn't like yeah He was just a comic. He was with the Juilliard. He wasn't like, he's just a comic. He was with the Juilliards a big role. Yeah, there was like a time, like the guys who got big back then, like the Eddie Murphy is the Robin Williams.
Starting point is 00:26:51 Like there was that time right there where you had to be like a genuine fucking like Renaissance man. Well, if you go back all the way to like Valdville times, they like expected that you would just do fucking everything. Like yeah, I think that's been wearing away more and more. But like Robin Williams, I mean, this motherfucker could act. He, dude, he was like, you watch what like him and Eddie Murphy did in SNL. And then it's like fucking Pete Davidson is on the second audition for SNL right now.
Starting point is 00:27:15 It's like, Pete Davidson can just smoke weed and slowly tell jokes and oh my phone. That's all he's got. How is it possible like we've come from Eddie Murphy and right? And by the way, I love Pete. I think he's great. He's a great comic. I think he's the next any mercy but it's working crazy to me that like you had to be that good back then and it's just not the same standard anymore yeah but you didn't have to be good at every like
Starting point is 00:27:32 Joe piscopo was like you know he cool he still he does it was a genius also sign felt couldn't act at all he's terrible at an actor and only did stand up and he was huge from the same time period yeah Rodney danger field I think he just kind of great actor I feel like I felt got big after the like the 80s of it just was doing himself so I was huge before he got the show in 89 so I was a millionaire he done like Johnny Carson like nine times yeah but no he wasn't a lot of people just do it was in huge the same way that Robin Williams and Eddie Murphy were huge in the 80s
Starting point is 00:28:05 Those guys were rock stars in the air. No, but I'm sorry. I'm supposed like a road comic who was a big road But I'm saying you could be at the wildly successful just doing stand up I don't think it's a thing of like what you used to have to do this and no no no I'm not talking about as stand up. Obviously you can give you wildly successful at any time just doing standing I'm just saying like the standard of of what these guys were doing. These fucking rock star comics. It was pretty crazy. They were just doing kind of everything. Well
Starting point is 00:28:29 there are. I mean maybe they're just we're not we're like you guys are all just comics. There are still rock star comics, right? Like Kevin Hart I guess is a rock star comic, isn't he? Russell Peters. Russell Peters. Way. Yeah, but Russell. Is he good actor Russell Peters? He was in he was in a
Starting point is 00:28:44 movie with Jake Jillard Hall on a train was a good remember yeah it's not he played it he played it immediately I think it's a big jump from Kevin I mean like Kevin Hart isn't judging on last comic standing next to him and how it is a fucking you know like that guys a rock star and like Louie can act yeah right right Bill Burr Bill Burr can't like crazy. That movie with Elizabeth Banks that just came out. It was a terrible movie, but he was really good at it. But there was even like, you think about it, there's not like, you look at any Murphy specials. Like how big those specials were. I mean, I don't even think like, I watch it and I know that apparently like the show that Kevin Hart does that was like in the theaters. It's bananas. I didn't see it, but I guess I'd have to see that,
Starting point is 00:29:26 but there's no guys that just kind of like, it feels like a rock star is on stage. I think it's also because like, when Eddie Murphy was putting specials out, there weren't that many different forms of entertainment. It was like everybody's seeing that Eddie Murphy special. Kevin Hart puts out a special and he's in Madison Square Garden and he's in the round and there's Pyro going off
Starting point is 00:29:43 and it's a bigger special. But there's not three channels at home right there's so much shit to watch that yeah who goes to the movie theater but rock star comics are kind of a rare thing I think you get like Kevin Hart does it I do think Eddie Murphy did I think Dane coped it for a minute yeah I think what dice did it for a little bit yeah but yeah more maybe yeah like those arenas style of comic though you know sure picture like a Stephen Wright in a arena
Starting point is 00:30:08 no matter how big shekel got he was never that type of comment well shepell on he's kind of almost like you and his own thing but what he did at a radio city where it was like was like fifteen nights and they have like
Starting point is 00:30:17 Erica but one night the roots one night Kanye and other night pretty cool it's I mean that was the biggest it gets really and he's smart because he realizes I'm a comic I'm not a any smart because you realize is I'm a comic I'm not a rock star. Well, he had but I'm gonna invite some rock stars
Starting point is 00:30:29 Yeah, hang out. I'm gonna have Kanye West on my show a Bismarkey open for Chris rock Like they make it like comics make a show out. Yeah, but that's just Chris rock being like I'd really like to hang out with Bismarkey for a night I'm gonna book him now 1500 bucks not even that bad Bismarkey for a night i'm gonna book him out to turns out fifteen hundred bucks not even that bad market your birthday party was not just a that you're killed the pocket but you had so so i think
Starting point is 00:30:55 i don't know if if comics had to be more before i just think that they all he there's always been an option to do more but some comics are always been just comics like Stephen Wright's been around forever but and he's just a comic he's not like he doesn't have to he doesn't wear red leather you know what I mean the oldest all the comic though because comics now have to do everything
Starting point is 00:31:13 they're like saving Ryan you know you have a conflicting that is why I think he's saying back then comics had to do everything and now I'm saying comics everything now I think I think I think I think I'm saying, comics have to do everything now. Well, I think that we're in the same podcast and stuff like that. We're really I think movies. Yeah, by the way, I also want to say they had to do anything then. I was just saying that there were certain guys that were fucking like, like, how amazing was Robin Williams being an actor. Yeah, but they have who hold on.
Starting point is 00:31:36 Who are the comics now that are doing what he did kind of across the board? I don't know if there's many guys that are doing it. Kevin Hart sort of, but Kevin Hart isn't doing lead dramatic. You're right. He's not. He's got a lot of time. Yeah, he might you know what I'm saying I'm just saying and I'm not saying that you had to do anything that you misunderstood saying I'm saying he did and Nailing dramatic roles like that Adam Sandler tried to do a few different things I thought were pretty good
Starting point is 00:32:02 Dude Robin Williams put out fucking like Amazing dramatic performances However, however like staple however those stand-up specials are unwatchable. Yes, I agree So it's sort of a sliding scale rarely and Louis is doing some great dramatic stuff now and is going to continue I think Burr is too and Kevin Pollock was a comic that's been in great dramatic role. Oh, that's right. So like Rob Lee has a stand up that's like really kind of like like Louie has like really great specials as well. So I'm with you on that. I just don't think I think of all time comedians as dramatic actors. I think Rod Millions was the best. And I think
Starting point is 00:32:38 but Rod Millions was I think you're right. It's probably a better comic and dramatic actor than he was a comedian. Most people. It looks like a Dennis Lurie type. I'd much prefer his act into a standout. But people, when people were remembering Robin Williams like yesterday, it was all his movies. Nobody was like, remember that great special either. Right, right. Dude, we were talking about before the Huffington Post article.
Starting point is 00:32:58 I literally let you know, we're talking about like dead poet society and goodwill hunting and what dreams they come. It goes, Huff Pogos from Mrs. Doutfire and Jumanji. That was crazy. I was at Jumanji. I was at Fox News yesterday doing red eye and I'd watched O'Reilly on the prompter. I watched him do his tribute for... They have the scrambled to get guests to talk about Robin Williams.
Starting point is 00:33:17 And his guest was James Carville to talk about. He was like, he met Robin Williams once. He just told this story for me. He's that again? He's like a punter. The raging Robin Williams once. He just told this story for me, number one. He's out again. He's like a punter. The raging Gage in God. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:29 That was so old school. He's a punter. They probably met it like a Clinton fundraiser. Was that what you were saying? Yeah, he worked for like Bill Clinton. He's like a Democrat. The ball dude, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:38 But I think what Kelly was saying a minute ago was that, like I feel like now, comics actually are expected to be comics all the time Like there's not this thing where maybe 15 years ago you were a comic on stage I think Rodney Dangerfield got to do movies because of the he stand up like after the certain point Then I was like we're gonna make you a big star Lonnie was doing a character was was you know
Starting point is 00:33:59 He's doing that character doesn't stage in all his movies was Robin Williamsin willing to super versatile and different cup of but like now like like a like a comic comics are expected to have podcasts comics are expect like the a because when a comic has to do a podcast expected it's for it to be funny and you're expected to do it every week so you have to come up with material every single week aside from what you're working on on stage which was not the case you know, even 10 years ago. And it's a lot more about like being real.
Starting point is 00:34:28 Like I feel like we live in this post-reality TV world where now it's like, like if Rodney was alive today, people want to hear a podcast about him saying what it was like to do that character. That's what you want to hear. They want to hear from like the real Rodney Dane to feel what it's like to be, you know, like that. People are almost look down on if you're just doing a character all the time and it even affects the way stand-up comedy is on every little nuance like It's like there can't be any there's no more of this did you ever notice or the other day now
Starting point is 00:34:52 It's like it's got to be presented as a real conversation. It's like a real there's still some stuff Jezzel Neck is very absurd Co-bear and does do anything that actually Yeah, so there's still some styles of wacky. I was thinking about this the other day. I had a girl fucking, and I think it all kind of ties into social media in a weird way. And because the availability of the celebrity. And you all have to be on Twitter,
Starting point is 00:35:14 putting out jokes on Twitter all kinds of. Right, all kinds of. Like you get new jokes constantly. I got a piece of hate mail the other day. Some bitch was just fucking tweeted some shit at me. And I just remember the other day, it's like, it is so easy to hate now. like if you hated somebody 20 years ago You would have to fucking write a letter for you're out where to send it like you'd have to
Starting point is 00:35:31 You'd have to be a psychopath Obsessive fucking lunatic to let us liberty know you hate their work now you can literally just fucking with it in a touch of a button Sorry, good night and it comes up on their phone like a text a bunch of forgotten sorry, and it comes up on their phone like a text right into their world. You're having the best day of your life and then this bitch gets in your head for no reason. Would it be so easy for any of us to give that up but we're so eager for somebody to say something good about us that you have to have it on your phone.
Starting point is 00:35:57 Like it'd be so easy so all right so take it off your phone just check Twitter on your computer have it for business purposes or whatever you want to do but you're so eager for the positive feedback. Oh, I don't be like that. Well, it was by the way, it's 99% of it is positive feedback. I mean, look, you get a lot of haters out there, but there's way more people than our fans. It's given honest ratio. Yeah, that's maybe just a bit of a negative.
Starting point is 00:36:16 And I'm really trying to get my run to middle score up. No, but it really is, but the truth is, the negative shit, it eats that you so much more. it hits you so much fucking harder. Oh, yeah Like I did it really fucking I can't even ignore it I've literally just started blocking people like two weeks ago and now that's become my new favorite thing No, you don't block you don't block. There's something way better than blocking No, I don't like mute dude. Why I want them to know their block No, because if you don't if you mute somebody they don't know they don't know
Starting point is 00:36:44 And so they're just sitting there tweeting in the wind and you've left them on an island all by themselves. If you block somebody on some level, they know that they've gotten to you. No, no, no, no. I got them. You was so pissed that they are muted in my world. If they don't know what that means, they got you upset. And it seems that I'm ignoring them. I don't want them to think I'm ignoring them. I want them to, they, here's the thing. I'll tell you, I've been blocked. And I know the feeling of being blocked. Who blocked you? Just some fucking douche. Let's just start off at the beginning.
Starting point is 00:37:09 Jim Gaffigan. No, I would just send some dude blocked me because I was organ with him on Twitter. And I remember I was like, I can't say anything. And it fucking made me so upset that he shut me down. And I couldn't say another thing. Also, blocking, it doesn't necessarily mean it gut to you. It means like, I block someone they're like,
Starting point is 00:37:25 yeah, this is whatever you're gay, whatever the fuck. And I'm like, I don't need this block. It's not like I'm like, fuck, what am I gonna do? I'm upset. I'm just like, I'm in there. Yeah, but in their life, blocks. They can now define that however they want. They can't hit their- I don't care what happens to them.
Starting point is 00:37:39 Sam had before? They're not in my head. I don't think I have knowingly been blocked before. You probably have been muted though, and you don't even give a fuck you're just living life Yeah, but that's but that's good thing. Why is that good? You should feel Oh If you knew you were blocked by some fucking dude you were getting at him and he got the last word in it said fuck you You fucking afro head fucking weirdo and then he blocked you I'm about to block you
Starting point is 00:38:04 Fuck and that's that and then he blocked you I'm about to block you Fuck and that's that and then he wins So I the winning it's the thing I was saying it's all winning and losing you whoever if you're not bothered you're happy in your life Then you win doesn't matter if you Scythalrus Literally only a line because he has a kid I got to eat the night, something like a nice job but you should shave your neck.
Starting point is 00:38:30 I'm like, I just entertained you for free asshole. Right. You're giving me grooming tips? Should it make a blind? Should shave your neck. And I didn't, I should shave my neck. I really don't know what to do with that. We're an open razor.
Starting point is 00:38:40 Oh, yeah. Yeah, I got one. Some of them, actually, the worst part of some of these insults made me laugh. Someone told me I look like Michael Phelps with Down syndrome. And I thought, that's kind of funny. Right. Sam, just wait until your set's been up on YouTube
Starting point is 00:38:54 for like six months and there's like 5,000 comments. And it's the worst she've ever written your life. Is that happened Sam? Did you just wait? Do you think he doesn't have stuff that's in YouTube? There will not be 5,000 comments. No, no, no, no, just let him collect up. Let the comments collect up.
Starting point is 00:39:07 I know, but how do you see your life? Just wait, like I've been doing comedy twice a month. Oh, what are you doing? Just wait for your stuff to spin out there like mine has. Just wait till you have 5,000 shitty comments on your video. Yeah, it's probably never gonna happen to Sam's video. Yeah, we've all got videos on YouTube with not 5,000 shitty comments.
Starting point is 00:39:23 Okay, so it's his adoration. So maybe 200, Sam, and it's horrible. Don't000 shitty comments. Okay, so it's an exaggeration, so maybe 200, Sam. And it's horrible, don't even read it. No, that's a lot. Do you have a lot of comments on your YouTube videos? I don't really put much out there. Oh, I don't put anything out there. So how do you know?
Starting point is 00:39:33 Maybe it's not that bad. Cut that out of the people. I mean, if someone else is that's being up, that's the litigment. And it's like, why is this guy retarded? And I'm like, he's my friend. Your feelings get hurt when... For my friends, yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:43 And we are friends, right? It's horrible. It's horrible, Sam. I love it when my friends fail Your feelings get hurt when... Full of my friends, yeah. Any of you feel that horrible? It's horrible. I love it when my friends fail. Love it. Yeah. By the way, I swear to God, dude, there's nothing more hilarious than watching my friends do poorly in any situation.
Starting point is 00:39:55 It's great. It is. I don't want to see my friends fail at life, but just like bomb on a show. One bad set. If you know they're funny. A single tweet where you're like, I like you, everybody else sucked, you're like,
Starting point is 00:40:05 ha ha ha ha. Yeah. So your friend Phylon Littleman, now you'd be like upset for him. Yeah, I thought I'd let him. Well, let her, man, it's kind of a big reach from some guy on Twitter. Probably.
Starting point is 00:40:14 He's crazy. He's crazy. I mean, the sound exaggeration. Look, if it was my, here's the thing, it was like one of my best friends. I would actually hurt, I would feel for them, I would hurt for them. But if it was a casual friend. Oh my god I would share with all my friends if we we'd be on a Facebook chain with 30 comics. Yeah, it'd be great
Starting point is 00:40:32 Do you is there pressure amongst you guys to actually be entertaining on Twitter? Yeah, like you you do feel like I have to give these people something to follow Also, even though you're making no money off of it. There's some comics that have booked late night sets because they're funny on Twitter. And I do it and I stink. You're talking about what? Joe, you don't believe this at all? What comic book deletion?
Starting point is 00:40:53 That's the thing. It's a comic book. Oh, that's not what I'm going to say. There's the last six tweets. He's so... A lot of Letterman. Here's his letter. Rob Delaney is popular on Twitter.
Starting point is 00:41:02 Yeah. He has fans, so he submitted a tape to Letterman and got booked off of the tape that he sent. He didn't get booked because of his tweets. You idiot. It's really hurtful, isn't it, Kelly? Hi, what's like a block in now? It's horrible.
Starting point is 00:41:14 Here we go. You keep the things she's submitted for late night 12, 20 times. I'm not seeing my shark NATO tweets. I haven't got a favorite. Let alone a Letterman. ¡No he visto mi choc de nero, twits! ¡No he visto mi choc de nero, twits! ¡I want to be seen! Pluto TV es el servicio de streaming gratuito con más de 120 canales dedicados a películas, series, gremene, realities y contenido infantil.
Starting point is 00:41:39 Pluto TV, ven a verlo, sin pagar nunca! 3 por uno, 3 por uno, 3 por uno, 3 por uno, 3 por uno, 3 por uno, 3 por uno, 3 por uno, 3 por uno... Esta es la 3 por uno señal, que significa que ya puedes aprovecharte del 3 por uno en medianas al omicidio solo pidiendo el line. ¿Saparao? 3 por uno, 3 por uno... ¡No, no, no! ¡Dominos! ¿Pizza? ¿Puede que te parece que te va a enterter en Twitter? Sí, aquí es una cosa que hay que ver. Y tú estás pagando en un buen momento. I don't know. Don't be nose pizza, but you do feel pressure to be entertaining on Twitter. Yeah, here's the thing like you got a and you are being paid in a weird way.
Starting point is 00:42:07 We're being paid as entertainers overall to to bring people out to shows to I mean, that's really what it comes down to. So putting out that content is getting fans keeping those fans. Each fan is is invaluable. They're actually worth over your career. X amount of dollars. I'm sure people have actually like in the music industry. I know they put out studies on how much a fan is worth. So when, like, we're doing a barbecue
Starting point is 00:42:27 at the creek on Sunday for Legion of Skanks, they were like, oh, well, do you want us to add five bucks to the cost so you guys can make money off it? I was like, fuck that. I would rather do it to we have more people and more fans come out and hopefully turn that into more money. Yeah, it's a great time. And then maybe these guys like come out to show us for the rest of their. So yeah, when you say you're not getting paid no I'm not getting paid to write a joke on Twitter But the more people that I have that are willing to come and see me or when Louis CK goes and like play some huge fucking arena
Starting point is 00:42:54 He's not getting paid for that night You know what I'm saying like he's getting paid for the last 30 years that he's put into like developing this ad right So it's not like oh, this is I should just do gigs like this all the time Well, he also is said I heard him say in interviews It'll do like slightly smaller venues and he could because it's just a better show and he thinks people will come back Mm-hmm. He could do huge. That's why I do L.O.L Make sure to get too big
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Starting point is 00:46:19 A free 15-day two-disc trial or go to slash Robert Kelly and click on the gamefly link from there. So there you have it a lot I mean a lot of great stuff. Did great to get. Thank you. That's that's what I'm here for. Recording you read advertisement. I'm on the ads. Good. Good on Letterman. Perfect. Yeah. You know the Kelly got on Letterman just by tweeting how good Sam was repeating it unreal It was actually a retweet that got on me. I'm a loose. I wanted to talk to you
Starting point is 00:46:51 Well, you know what everybody feel free to chime in but About the UFC fight that's coming up your big MMA guy Dave is also a huge you are a day MMA guy like 20% bigger than Lewis is that right? Yeah, no Our day. MMA guy, like 20% bigger than Lewis. Is that right? Yeah. No, I just thought Sam Morales lost complete interest. He's going home.
Starting point is 00:47:09 No, it's just right for the day. He says about MMA. Are you talking about, because there's a few big, big fights coming up. Obviously, Nick Diaz versus Anderson Silva. Obviously. I'm talking about the John Jones. Yeah, do. Kormiate fight.
Starting point is 00:47:21 This is an incredible, incredible MMA fight. It's probably the height of like Athletics in mixed martial arts because you've got a guy who is comes from just this elite Athletic family right John Jones brothers in the NFL Two brothers in the NFL now. I know he had one who was division one and in the NFL So the other ones in the NFL now both okay, so yeah, wow got two NFL And he's that type of guy. I mean, John Jones is a guy who if he had, you know, dedicated his life to basketball, he would be, he's got the two
Starting point is 00:47:50 attributes in his foot. He's, he's got one extra. Right. He's got the two. I think it could be one of the best players in the NBA. I think could be a wide receiver in the NFL. Well, look at that. Athletics. Like, and you look at people like George San Pierre. And I think he's the first guy to really break out in terms of like super athletes. This goes and does size though. He's got size I know but I'm just saying he does like fucking you know, gymnastics had a very very high level if John Jones wants to become a professional dancer He's such a good athlete that he could do whatever he wants to do with his boss. It's just insane
Starting point is 00:48:16 It's like when you see it in like the NBA, you know, they'll be like some talented guys There's like a guy who's a really good player and then there's LeBron James who is a next level There's like a guy who's a really good player and then there's LeBron James who is a next level at the point I do want to want to be a whole Famous Daniel Cormier the guy who he's going up against a limpic wrestler who is I mean, you know in a limpic level Athlete there's basically no higher level of that one a medal so did he metal? No, so there is a higher level of that But he did okay, but there's the ones that win There's almost a higher level of that no higher level of an athlete in MMA and there's a few and they are Olympians like Ronda Rousey Dan Henderson but Dan Henderson's from a different
Starting point is 00:48:50 era as well Matt Lindland did get a medal but I'm so close to the captain of the Olympic wrestling team like eight years ago it's pretty fucking close to the I'm just saying UFC was known and when it got famous for years ago being tank Abbott you know what I mean being some dude who's a bar fighter in the world and this in a lot of ways to me Represent it was all dudes with bodyless bodies like Kelly for stew good now Kelly not to say you can't be an MMA fighter if that's what you want to be you can tweet your way into the game Tweet that you're tough. There's so intimidating these tweets But I've been wondering about like,
Starting point is 00:49:25 what a big MMA fans perspective on what's been going on with the promotion of this John Jones fight is, because I know like when Brock Lesnar was there and he cut, I'm a pro wrestling fan. So when Brock Lesnar was there and he cut a bad guy wrestler promo on the sponsor, I thought it was the greatest thing I've ever seen in my life. I was like, I'm gonna start watching every single UFC thing
Starting point is 00:49:44 if this is what it's like. But every MMA fan that was in the room was like, that's disgraceful, that's disgusting. There's no place in the sport for that. There's nothing but a place in the sport for that. And here's a problem, dude. Let me tell you something. MMA, it's this fucking fringe sport, okay? And I think that there's a, and I said this yesterday on Hammer Fishing, there's a place
Starting point is 00:50:04 in the sport for every role. And that's what's beautiful about this sport. It's a, and I said this yesterday on Hammer Fishing. There's a place in the sport for every role. And that's what's beautiful about this sport. It's a single man sport. You have all these different personality types. You have course, there's a lot of room in the sport for guys like Rich Franklin or George St. Pierre or the guy that's going to put a suit on and be very respectful and show you how humble fighters are. But there's also a place in the sport for the guys like Chelsonin or Brock Lesnar or
Starting point is 00:50:22 Nick Diaz who when they get a microphone in front of them can generate interest in the fights. I think the comparison, look, it's a sport. So the comparison to wrestling is a little flawed. Like I just compared to other sports. Like look, you have like in the NBA, was there anything more exciting than that pistons in Diana fight? Yeah, is it bad for the sport and is it not good? Someone could have gotten seriously hurt.
Starting point is 00:50:39 It's not right. But it's exciting and fun and we all fucking love it. And those things happen every now and then. You have the Dennis Rodman's, you have the Weirdos and then who those things happen every now and then you have the Dennis Rodman's You have the weirdos and then who like promote themselves great and then you have the fucking, you know And by the way, we are not in an era where you flipping through the channel seeing two guys fighting the cage is really a new or unique thing anymore That's right because I like I've never not been entertained watching a UFC show But I'm also I've never been compelled to buy one or to go to a show
Starting point is 00:51:05 unless you have something like Chail Sonnen, unless you have somebody drawing me saying this is why you should care. But the first time you saw two dudes fighting an engage and kicking each other and they're like, oh shit, this is kind of cool. But it wore off a little bit. Of course. And this my theory is to why women's MMA is so exciting right now, because once again, there's this new thing you're like, oh shit, these two hot chicks are in a cage.
Starting point is 00:51:25 Fucking fighting right now. They're beating the shit out of each other. So when you see John Jones and Daniel Cormier, Cormier, how do you call it? Cormier. Cormier. When you see them actually getting to a fist fight at a press conference, you're not rolling your eyes?
Starting point is 00:51:37 I'm not rolling my eyes because I don't think that anything the UFC does is not fairly deliberate. And I'm not saying that they set that up, but the UFC knows is not fairly deliberate. I'm not saying that they set that up, but the UFC knows what's going on. When you have Dave Scholar, who is fucking no bigger than you, Soak and Wet, you know, when he's standing between these two beasts, dude, he's not holding him back. You saw the way they came at each other.
Starting point is 00:51:58 They in a white tweeted once, he landed in Bora Bora, like an hour after it happened, and he tweeted, he was like, I'm sorry, I described this podcast right now. Yeah. Let's have the ring. What's it going to take to get Joe list? What's it going to take to get a Joe list? Interested in MMA.
Starting point is 00:52:18 You watch it. I'm doing it a couple of times. You know, you're buying a guy joke because you're a big sport guy. How do you guys feel about it? You're going to fall. did you see that fight? Were I really the compound fracture in his foot and he's still one? Did you see that one? Yeah. I mean, that wasn't even like a crazy like that. That was when I watched it was a
Starting point is 00:52:34 holy shit. You have to fight. John, John, John, John, said the exact same thing happened. Remember that one, the Chell Sonner fight dude, where you look down and like your toes are like that. And it literally looked like he was doing the fucking Star Trek sign with this foot It was fucked up dude. Yeah, and I won the fight If you didn't finish Chelson in that round Chelson would have ended up being the 205 pound champion because he was not answering the bell between the first and the second round
Starting point is 00:52:55 But why is it boring you Joe list? Oh doesn't bore me. I just met the conversation. I was just trying to be But do you know I do feel like there's probably a huge chunk of the audience that's never watched UFC or is into it? Yeah, right. And we lost them. They just fast forward. That's not true. So we've done fast forward because the Bora Bora line was. And I, if you fast forwarded rewind. We'll make it the name. Yeah, they have to know how we how did we get here from there? That was big. No, I've enjoyed the the fights that I've watched. I just a whole that's another thing I have to consume on my time. Do you you can't you can't
Starting point is 00:53:32 You can't submit yourself to a new hobby at this point. I mean I could maybe at some point But I like I like the classic sports. I'd rather watch a tennis match than two guys fighting really you'd really rather watch a tennis Manthana. I love what? No, it's great. No no it's terrible I mean a marathon match fighting with tennis rackets yeah to the death that's how uh vandus lute killed the second chick with a tennis racket yeah that's right with her tennis racket but like do you find tennis so interesting that you would have a conversation about it yeah it's great you would when you watch like a like years ago there was a uh rafta was in like a five and a half hour like marathon match and it was
Starting point is 00:54:08 a Raffta and it was a no as an as a Rafale in the ball. No Pat Raffta is another tennis player Never heard of that guy. I've never heard of that He won like a win Like three grand lands. So, sir, everybody, that was a good one. Scobo got served. Wow, God, you got to feel like such a dude. Oh, that's not the best.
Starting point is 00:54:33 What does that mean? That's the best thing. Kelly just made up this raft of guy. That would do the other way. Oh, yeah, that's the same raft of guy. No, it's actually a different player. His name, oh, wow. Anyway, it was five and a half hours and it was point for point and it was it's one of the most emotional things
Starting point is 00:54:47 It was like a was it the mayor us open? What's his name the one that you should date Mandy more? I Write it again didn't hear another one as well went for like five hours against the federal That sounds like a nightmare. It's absolutely tennis match for five hours. It's good It's emotionally I would really rather watch five hours. It's good. It's emotionally I would rather watch five hours of your comedy and I really do mean that That's nice
Starting point is 00:55:12 Ignoring Harvey guys away What about Monica Selle she gets stabbed yeah by praise German who was in love with Stiff your graph if you could use you go Slavian. No, she's Yugoslavian. No, she's German. Don't correct Kelly It hasn't been working out. It was a different European altogether German she's you go she's from the former Yugoslav oh Monica's Monica sells yeah from Yugoslavia It's great. I love it. But if you could if you if there was like a stabbing every Seventh tennis game then I would watch every tennis game in case there was one so I Grows. Oh, I'm sorry. You watch 10 you really do watch 10
Starting point is 00:55:45 I see game, huh? Never see me neither I came from pro wrestling and I think that's why MMA kind of spoke to me number one It was just kind of like a real pro wrestling Lewis came from being a fan of pro wrestling I played the ultimate warrior while I was the manager of, the gun and giant for about two years. And then I got into comedy. It's my history, it's my origin story. No, but I wasn't a big sports guy.
Starting point is 00:56:13 But MMA is like the purest sport. It literally is just mono mono. There's no bullshit. And you know what, it's quick. There's no five and a half hour fight. It's like the longest fight is like 25 minutes. And even that, you're hoping that it ends in three. What does that say about the sport is if the best thing about it
Starting point is 00:56:29 is it's over. It's quick. But then there's more than you can do another one. Well, another one. Yeah, but I mean, dude, it's like you have to be, they have to be in better shape than any of these other athletes for that short amount of time because it's so insane what you're doing in that amount of time. You're doing something that is more athletically grueling and challenging than anything else, any other major sport, and you can get a shin to the fucking dome in the middle of it. Yeah, and by the way, it's pretty compelling.
Starting point is 00:56:50 It's a pure sense of fitness and exercise. It truly is, like when you think of concepts like crossfit or muscle confusion, mix martial arts, but you're doing as you're training and multiple disciplines, you're putting your body through all of these different things that you're never truly comfortable. The reason why MMA fighters are in such crazy shape is because your bodies have
Starting point is 00:57:07 haven't adapted to your sport because there is no adapting. It's constantly evolving. In tennis, you're just used to doing it. Swimmers just by the way, one of the craziest, most like the man that he has played. Hold on, hold on. I'm telling you, tennis is in hard for tennis players, though, for us at it. Well, yeah, yeah, but the reason why, like what you're saying, which from like a fitness perspective, tennis is tons of fast. It's hard to it. Well, yeah, yeah, but the reason why like what you're saying, which from like a fitness perspective, tennis is tons of fast, which muscles and you don't know which way the ball is going to go at all times. So you have to be right.
Starting point is 00:57:31 So tennis does get a lot of. In the middle of summer with a hundred degree. In the green. And you got on tennis court. It's all it's all like a like fast twitch muscle. Actually, like it's all about that. That's why tennis players are very young in general. Like what's old?
Starting point is 00:57:44 30 is 30. 31 to 32. Yeah, there's no. That's why tennis players are very young in general like what's old? Yeah, there's no like you know, I really San Chris. I think you played Julie 30 Yeah, but he he was still done Also the conditioning But the average tennis game is not boring. No, because not if you're on meth. If you're only in the majors, only in the majors, you go best out of five. Best out of three.
Starting point is 00:58:15 We're naming it. Let me just go three. Every other tournament's two out of three. So the matches aren't, you know, could be pretty good for two out of three. Scum, would you really look like you would have played tennis until I see your butt? Yeah. You know what? You're betting out of three. Scubo you really look like you would have played tennis until I see your butt. Yeah, I'm really bad thing around.
Starting point is 00:58:28 Scubo just sat on the net on the side to hold it down. I was good at doubles on a windy day. I could be doubles. I need someone to help me out. He was going to win Nationals until like he was 12 under group. He was killing and those hips came in. Did you start getting into more sports once you got into MMA? I don't watch sports at all. Right. I mean, I'll watch the Super Bowl. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:48 Yeah. I mean, baseball is, to me, a horrendously boring game. Yeah. I can't. Baseball is baseball is meant to be a day at the park. Like it's meant to just, no, I could go watch going to baseball. I can go to, yeah, hanging out with somebody and you're having a hot dog. Because it's eating hot dogs and drinking beer and I could do that in a parking lot without the game I would enjoy that if there's a game and people are cheering and having fun. That's just gonna make it more of a joyful atmosphere I know baseball People hate baseball and I understand why it is very boring, but like from someone who played it I kind of watch it differently you watch UFC differently than I watch you have say I
Starting point is 00:59:20 Cuz you find your see to be boring? Analyzed. But the hard on it. Yeah. Raging hard on it. But about you, Seth. I watch it differently. That's why baseball is not boring to me. But other people I can tell it's so boring. Sam, what about you?
Starting point is 00:59:32 Did you play any sports? No. Do I look like I played any sport ever? All of them. Yeah. No. I played soccer for one season in second grade. That was that.
Starting point is 00:59:41 You're called a season in elementary school. Did they put you up? You just sit on the bench the whole time? I don't remember at all. I still have the participation plaque though. But no, I've never, I've never, ever. I think I'm in the same way as you. The only real sport that ever started to appeal to me
Starting point is 00:59:56 was MMA, and that's not even in a big way. Because I think it's because it's so basic, and it's short. I'm big on this short thing. Yeah, and it's like, look dude, that's one of the things about MMA. Like, you know a baseball game is going to, what happened?
Starting point is 01:00:11 What's going on? Just that Lewis, like, touch show. I'm sorry. I've already made that point, like, is it real or like Bill Mar or something like that? He went like, let's do a new comment on it. Really?
Starting point is 01:00:20 Let me do a new face. Like, what the fuck is Lewis? It was really, it was a great moment for me me and Kelly it was a gentlest touch in my life conservative friend is coming from here, but you know look you know, this is the new you know what dude It's like we can have we can have disagreements, but it's not hostile. It's still sensitive and loving All friends. Yeah, you know Rob Williams die. We were all a little sad really right right But in a baseball game You know it's gonna go nine innings you know it's gonna be a long game in MMA
Starting point is 01:00:48 You're on the edge of your seat at all times this could fucking end at the blink of an eye with no When you have the thrill of this could go nine innings or 27 in We could never go home really long day or this could be the longest day of my life Just depending on the way you look at excitement. Are you it. Excitement. Are you sports guy, Sam? I am. I am a big basketball. Well, basketball is a little more fast. Yeah, at least it's fast-paced basketball.
Starting point is 01:01:11 Basketball, baseball, little football. Yeah. Most stuff. Yeah. No, I'm lucky because my wife doesn't watch sports whatsoever. So I'll watch the Super Bowl once a year. Not that post-요. And we've been to 40s. Yeah. So ever so I'll watch she's not the place to watch the Super Bowl like once a year I love a girl that watches my ex-girlfriend would be in the bass. We watch like six hours of basketball together I love that I've never wanted I've never wanted
Starting point is 01:01:39 Watches boys. Do you do eyes that like I don't want them in my ear during a football game? You know what's going on No, no like throwback. I feel like a little Kelly. Is that what it is now? I feel like a lot of girls It's okay, but cool they would be the perfect couple though because Kelly was just like well Of course your wife isn't supposed to watch sports and then Adrian was just like no girl ever understands They're both unfunny That'd be one of those weird couples that has the same body type.
Starting point is 01:02:07 All right. All right. I'm never, a lot of girls that are into sports are only into sports because he's into sports and it's a really fake. Yeah, go tigers. I mean, like, what are you doing in there? They have like the pink jetsters or whatever. I watch sports, yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:21 I think it's nice to take an interest in something I like Kelly I've never I've never wanted a girl to be into the hobbies that I'm into when I'm dating them at all like I've never Like whether it's a video game whether it's pro wrestling whether it's music I like I want our interest to be separate for what kind of female will the piece is in a pro Maybe that's what it is being raised on pro wrestling we realized that hobby should be separate But my chick always gives me shit about that because she was like oh We don't have the the same opinions or tastes on the same type of movies or music or whatever I'm like, but that's what's great about being with a face pain is like
Starting point is 01:02:58 Bigger man to the cage Who's like how come she can't get into this with me? I want to share this you You you bring each other out of your comfort zones and you kind of share and you pick up little things from each other It's writing poetry with his girlfriend and she's like watching age fighting. I wrote poetry before I met her Yeah, good point I don't know but what does it mean to like the same shit like these dating websites that filter people based on you both like Like enjoy guns and roses who gives a shit if you like the same music you know it's
Starting point is 01:03:27 you know values and energy are more important than you know coming up with a guy who has been single for 15 years three months Joe I know I'm just kidding yeah I mean I don't think late back to go up and jokes everybody it's my bad but if you have enough of the same interest, I would think that your energies are pretty much the same. But I like that.
Starting point is 01:03:50 Well, I think it was someone who doesn't have the same interest because then I let to learn stuff. And it's a better conversation because it's more listening rather than just going, yep, you like him? Is that a way I? Good. Yep.
Starting point is 01:04:00 It's like boring. That's how conversations go if you're into the same thing. It's still like Sam and I like comedy. Yeah. Yeah. We know how conversations about it. You remember you have seen for 20 minutes. Let me look at the case where we're all going.
Starting point is 01:04:11 It's more interesting if it's different. It's quite enjoyable. It's great. Let me find somebody who's not into what I'm into so I can talk at them instead of with them. But I guess I don't know. It's probably because when I have a hobby that's like pro wrestling, I don't like most of the people that are into that. You know what I mean? You have to wear a moment when you don't know, it's probably because when I have a hobby that's like pro wrestling, I don't like most of the people
Starting point is 01:04:26 that are into that. You know what I mean? You get the weird moment when you don't like like a mighty Yankee game or something. I'm like, these fans are assholes. Yeah. Sports fans in general are fucking assholes. Like you took a bit in general.
Starting point is 01:04:38 You know, look, I think most dudes in general are kind of assholes. You know, I think about the back to high school. Let's not leave them out of it either An asshole in high school and then there was your little clicker friends that were kind of cool and unique and you're on a weird way And that's that you know, so on some level anyone who's a fan of anything is bound to be an asshole Anybody who defines himself as a fan of something is fucking annoying right like that like that really and K. Vazzy I know you're listening and I know there's a tear going in your face
Starting point is 01:05:04 Yeah, can you not say this to your head? He's in the room right now He's chatted up K Vazzy bro you don't change one thing about yourself. You're the exception of the rule But if you are obsessed with something to the point where it's like your whole life is that I think that's kind of fucking weird Unless you can turn it into something constructive Unless it's comedy then you're totally cool No but you're not a fan no no
Starting point is 01:05:27 you you turn it into something constructive though you're professional medium about the go mites first list of maniacs what are you going off I anyone who's a fan of something if you are a go might you're a little weird I think they've just expanded their down I'm kidding the move is going on with that's why he makes all his fans interns he doesn't like fans. Listen, I'm gonna go for all. Tomorrow, 7am, I need you guys all to be at the office
Starting point is 01:05:50 and bring me coffee. No, but you get what I'm saying. That was, he puts a bomb in it. What are we doing here? Yeah. That's a fucking... I feel like we have a wild bomb. I think we've forgotten to move this thing
Starting point is 01:06:02 like seven or eight times. Yeah, that was the worst kind of a where the whole room is confused. But what happened? I thought maybe he was going to go somewhere with it. It takes you a second to even realize it was a bomb. Oh, that was supposed to be funny. Yeah. That's a weird one.
Starting point is 01:06:15 I was not sure you guys have any attention. Yep. Yep. So do you, I mean, it's like the couple, it's like the second or third time that you brought up being like a comedy fan. Do you consider yourself? No, I just mean. I mean where you're saying defined by being obsessed with one thing I think we're all very comedy obsessed obviously like I'm like trying to make a joke
Starting point is 01:06:32 I don't like talking with guys that love love love comedy. You don't know Guys I mean guys that I'm like you know dating a lot of fuck yeah, but I don't like Like obviously they'll like it but guys that are like big comedy fans if I'm dating in I'm like, you know, dating a lot of fuck. Yeah, but I don't like, like obviously they'll like it, but guys that are like big comedy fans. If I'm dating in them, I'm gonna fuck whatever. I don't like it because they're a little bit off center, they're a little bit weird. And then every conversation ends with them going,
Starting point is 01:06:56 yeah, all my friends say, I should do comedy, I'm really funny. What do you, what do you, I'm sorry. I mean, you say off center, how am I not supposed to mention your tips? I was supposed to sit over here just being asshole Someone should take the bend down a back from there. It's just for that one Boy, that was fun. Anyway, there was a bit weird cuz they're like I should do I could do
Starting point is 01:07:14 Wait, are we on your tits? Pick it up. I get from all right. Do you did a lot of comedy fans? They not really but the ones that I do I can't continue because they're horrible. They're comedy fans until they see her and then they change their minds. Right. Do you fuck them first? No, but it's just because every guy that's a comedy fan wants to start doing comedy and then you start dating him. And they're like, yeah, I'm going to start doing comedy and you're like, I don't think so.
Starting point is 01:07:40 Tell you can't deal with somebody getting better than her. Within the first time they do it. They're on the same level No, that's not it I'm just gonna block it Can I just block everything? Do you date girls that are like any of you guys into your comedy? My ones up in there
Starting point is 01:07:58 I think that's the only way you can get laid Is that right? I'm just touched up at the ball and I don't think they've never picked up a girl at a bar just off nothing What? They could never do it. I don't think they've never done it. They're closer to where I used to get fucking laid way more in whenever. It's true for me.
Starting point is 01:08:12 I was 100% never gotten laid outside of Canada for high school. For high school? Yeah, over karaoke once, but that's... I mean she's fanning her karaoke. I used to talk chicks into fucking me all the time. But in comedy, it's kind of... I was thinking about this. Just talking your karaoke. I used to talk jokes into fucking me all the time. But in comedy, it's kind of what I was thinking about this. Just talking into it. I did it a checker, my mom.
Starting point is 01:08:30 Come on, please. I did it, Alex. Yeah, how do you, wait, wait, wait. How did you talk jokes into having sex with you? Just don't ask and put your dick in it. Yeah, that's all. You're the charmed lawyer. Because you didn't say charmed them.
Starting point is 01:08:42 You didn't say woo them. You're talking me into it, how did you talk? Seriously, how do you because I've never been able to do I've never been good about that No, you just fucking game you game chicks. I don't know we mean Dave. We used to talk to them It just talked to him. It's fun. It was a lot of it is just sales strategy Play the fucking numbers and not be afraid to close if you are legitimately just Lewis by the way say whatever you were about Lewis had a always had more game than me Lewis was like unbelievable a point when Lewis like was a
Starting point is 01:09:12 an impreby at risk days pretty much every other girlfriend never stopped you yeah I think everyone knows that the other girlfriends uh... and be a true and be a true like yeah um Lewis was like just incredible game. He what you are right of hearing I was by the way was not Lewis is in like I find the word no help or stop If you're willing to just scream over those words turns out you can have
Starting point is 01:09:38 Not Lewis by the way, so you can pursue his comedy was You were fat at the time. You were fat at the time. It was not in any any type of good shape at the time. It looks like this is recent. Yeah. Yeah. Well, but I was also in shape before that. I was in crazy. Right. I remember Lewis doing this. Lewis was a fuck. Yeah. He was a beast. What's the story? So Lewis is a fat fuck. He's bald. He's an idiot. But he was a bad guy. Don't get me wrong. Because being an ulcerious right? Lewis is not a bad looking dude. He's never been a bad looking dude
Starting point is 01:10:07 But he was just having things He had things that could easily make a dude get in his own head and go well I can't pull this type of pussy like I'm overweight or I'm bald or on this I said you would never tell anyone that I have a little dick you piece of shit I know what you get in that I skipped that But I'm just saying, but Lewis just never, it was like,
Starting point is 01:10:26 Lewis always really believed in mind over matter. It made them happen. It was, dude, it was genuine sale strategy. Dude, if you're always closing, if you're not, and you're not holding, if you understand it's genuinely a game of numbers.
Starting point is 01:10:37 Right. And this is the truth, dude, let's say it's ABC, but instead of always be closing, those are just three STDS. Yeah, but what was Lewis's like day? What was his ratio for like, you know, 23 year old trim or like 60 year old to say?
Starting point is 01:10:50 Like what was he like two to one? It was like all 23 year old. It was all gungos. Maybe the occasion of one out of every two one. Is it be funny? It's like a 60 year old. Yeah, one out of every two. Yeah, I would know his ratio of 23 year old 10 to 23 year old 10 to 23 year old
Starting point is 01:11:05 five 50 50 That's good I have a bunch of kids in there, I think great man That's an average of seven and a half I dated a chick this really hot chick Alex when I was when I first started comedy like literally she met me when I was in comedy for like six months and it's so funny because I was such a bad comic that I think back now, and I go like,
Starting point is 01:11:26 well dude, I have no respect for her because she was willing to fuck like a shitty comic. But a shitty comic who was killing, like you were always that guy, you were like a shitty comic who had a do good. So there's still a thing, women get very intoxicated by that. She was 20 year old in herself.
Starting point is 01:11:41 She was smelly. She was 17. The fact that she couldn't. I'll try to cover for you here, bro. We're gonna have a good time. Like state. He's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he, but he was just like, I'd be like, oh, it's fucked a girl and lose his like, I had three girls in the bathroom. You're so ridiculous now. You should get back in the game. He can't though. I'll tell you, he fucking, even if B left him tomorrow, I don't think Lewis could recapture it.
Starting point is 01:12:14 It's been happening for too many years. You're saying when you're, I'm now afraid, like, to fucking hit on chicks. And now you need comedy. I couldn't go back to a bar now and just walk up to a girl and be like, hey, what's going on in your heart? We should hook up. That was the it was as simple as that back then. I would be a Like you'd look that's literally what you would just go up to a stranger and just say that and you'd do it enough times to Somebody would say I was doing a way to have a fun and I can't do it the same way I used to it the beginning of cut when I first started comedy Man, and I'm much better comic now than I was back then, But I can't like, I just don't have the shameless young dude thing.
Starting point is 01:12:47 Yeah, it's about you. It's about me. It's dumb. That's the biggest thing. Being just dumb and young. I mean, full of calm. Yeah. But you'll follow whoever the ball or no.
Starting point is 01:12:57 You'll have a boyson you had being like, what the fuck did you just say? You were like, maybe a dumb fuck, you know? And that's the right one time we were at a bar and I met this fucking Asian chick and she did that thing She had a boyfriend, but she was doing that thing We're like, oh, we were doing the thing. We're like taking her phone like looking through it in front of her Like at her pictures and she was like now stop and there was a bunch of naked pictures and And she's like I got a boyfriend. So we ended up we ended up hooking up. We made out that night and When she wasn't looking I emailed myself the picture from her phone. Oh, I'm just a shit
Starting point is 01:13:23 And when she wasn't looking, I emailed myself the picture from her phone. Oh, I just a shit had to move. That's a great move though. So I emailed you. Should you make the classic rookie mistake or did you go into the net? Because everyone knows. I made the rookie mistake.
Starting point is 01:13:31 Rookie mistake, obviously. I'll tell you, you text something from a girl's phone. You email from a girl's phone. But no, you delete it. Everyone deletes it. What you don't do, go ahead, Liz. Oh, no, I didn't even delete it. Oh, well, is delete like the other end of it.
Starting point is 01:13:43 So like the sent mail, you know what I'm saying? Like, you know what I'm saying? You got to delete like the other end of it. So like the sent mail, right? You know what I'm saying? Like, oh yeah, yeah, you know what I'm saying? You got to delete like whatever copy is laying on like her fucking thing. One of that's what I was talking about deleting it on her and I deleted it. Yeah, I think it will come back so. So, yeah. So she went home, dude, and like I guess was hanging out with the boyfriend and he went
Starting point is 01:13:58 through her phone and saw that she had sent this picture to me, dude. So I get an email from her like the next day, like she's a ser estado tan cerca, espectacularismos, rincones de película y un sin finia aventuras te esperan. ¡Fliparás! Vuelades de madrida murcia y a otros destinos que te sorprenderán a partir de 19 euros. Volotea Parifa sujetas a disponibilidad, consulta las condiciones en realize that you could just be a dumb fuck and pick up women like is it's just something like you were just a dumb Fuckin eventually it started working. Well once we were talking about being
Starting point is 01:14:48 Flowing in the beginning it was it's it's this thing good we I genuinely think I was because I was a fact I was a small dick I I had a need to prove myself with women a lot more Mm-hmm, you know what I'm saying? So it was like the for the same reason you develop skills that being funny or you develop skills That at being smart or personal or whatever it is, I developed a skill at being able to get in girls pants. That was, instead of being funny or charming or whatever it is and the end result being getting in girls pants, I figured out the quickest way to that, which is whatever it is just talking a game.
Starting point is 01:15:19 I would rather hook up with a less attractive girl that was willing to fuck me quicker, then put in the time with a really real- Because it was strictly numbers. It was, then put in the time with a really, really much. Because it was strictly numbers. It was numbers, it was the perversion, it was the idea of fucking two girls within a 24 hour period, that was always big to me. Sure.
Starting point is 01:15:33 Like I was wanting to, like, that would like, really turn me on if I can get two girls within a 24 hour period, or do it in public, do it in a bathroom within an hour of meeting her. That was, that was like, that would really turn me on. How long has it taken to step out of that game and you're married now? I'm not married, but I got like this.
Starting point is 01:15:48 But I'm pretty serious chick with a baby. Mine is while we met. So how long is the process of stepping out of that to the point where, because I don't understand how you can go from being in the mindset of, it's almost like a competition with yourself, I need to go out tonight and have sex
Starting point is 01:16:04 with a girl within an hour of meeting. I think I grew up and I stopped being obsessed with getting pussy. That stopped being really, I don't watch porn the same way that I used to. I used to just jerk off a much porn all day. Like any time I was alone, I would jerk off a few times in the day. You know what I'm saying? And I'm just, she validates you too, right? Be a trist. Of course, yeah, I mean, you know, that definitely changed things. Meaning a chick that I was like, wow, I'm like, head over heels, this chick is fucking bananas. Dude, there's a big, this sex drive thing though, I think is a big thing too.
Starting point is 01:16:30 I mean, it's like, well, obviously, you found a good chick and settled down. But like, dude, I don't know, I notice a big, you know when they say the thing about how like, I mean, I really do, if you say from like 18, when it's just like they say like, you always were the horn dog in a relationship. Like when you're 18, you wanted a fuck,
Starting point is 01:16:44 you had to always convince your girlfriend to fuck. When you get to be 30, they never want to stop fucking. And you're like kind of like, oh, we already fucked today. Like that's just, at least in my experience, like it does just start, I'm not saying I'm like a six year old, who isn't interested in sex anymore, but it's like, things have changed, definitely. Like you're just not as...
Starting point is 01:17:03 Yeah, you know, like, I reload time has gone down, it could've been. Yeah, for sure, for sure. Yeah, like once a day. You're just not as dry. You know, my reload time has gone down. For sure. For sure, probably once a day. You're a young Sam. Oh, you're in trouble. But Joe, that's really normal. Yeah, that's right where you should be.
Starting point is 01:17:13 You should go to a doctor. It's fast. I hope you're masturbate. Daily. Yeah. You masturbate every day? A vibrator. No.
Starting point is 01:17:22 You always use stuff about your mouth. Yeah, move your phone? Oh my god I've been even have a guy I stopped using toys and now I just do it myself But most days every day if I miss a day I'll probably go through for the next three or four Yeah, man, I'm 32. I'm at the fucking peak You've messed me four times in one day. I haven't done it today, but I'll go home after You guys all might be in my head though might put me off. I haven't done it today, but I'll go home after it. And there's gonna be a day. You guys are all might be in my head though. It might put me off or might be out of control.
Starting point is 01:17:46 There's a day we've been vaccinated. Four times to completion in one day. Yes. Many times. Many times. See, have you never done that in the last time? I don't know any girls that have done that. No girls are a couple of times a day.
Starting point is 01:17:58 I've done that in my life, but I haven't done that. I'm just talking on it. I'm just talking on it. Wait, wait, wait, wait like the four fucks in a night when I was like 19 or 20 now I'm kind of like one or two. What's fucking sleep guys that are like 26 27 can do that But I can still I can still like go for like a second round most of the time But it is for her like that's the fucking truth about it. It's like I'm not Sad he is I'm not like I'm not fucking
Starting point is 01:18:24 a woman sure talking about this day working up a boner I'm saying is the point I'm saying you're not like really fucking like what if she gets you the right thing I'm saying the same thing you're really hot yeah So how often you jerk off now I mean I definitely jerk off every day I think if I'm not but if I'm gonna fuck or something like that I'll a lot of times I'll fucking save it like if I'm gonna hook up with the chick that day I'll be like oh let me not jerk off so I really really like it. Where is it? That's because you also want to load a busload on
Starting point is 01:18:54 chick's face. I really like to get as big a load as I can in bus. Yeah I love it. It's a pretty big thing for me. Well you're not trying to get the chick pregnant so in my we have the opposite fucking reality. Well I don't. You want less load. I want less'm a little slow will lose all that coming inside a check which I don't even know I like to get something I like to come on the person I'm sure I'm back in that's how you got a baby that's how you're gonna say no I just think it's ready to do the Lewis is like yeah I don't want to get pregnant so I'll jerk off first because I think probably less less burn then right that's probably, that takes more, right? That's probably safe. No, hold on, it legitimately is.
Starting point is 01:19:26 That's an actual medical fact. If you journal shoot is strong. Yeah, the next time you come, well, I don't know how many hours you have to wait for it to be a full load again, but it is definitely less of a load. So far. There's less sperm.
Starting point is 01:19:37 Wait, is it eating in the water? I will. Kelly, what the hell was your point 90 minutes ago? I think I know that they're never gonna go great with this, but I blew my heart. I know every girl I talk to about it as well. Robin Williams has served to die. You piece of shit.
Starting point is 01:19:50 You piece of garbage. All right. When these guys are talking about like Dave, who's saying, you know, the next one's for her, and not as much as it used to be, Ma'am, and getting older, I don't, I think that yes, age is a big part of it, but I think the biggest part of it is weed smokers.
Starting point is 01:20:04 Weeds smokers have the worst libido's. I will never day away from my gut ever again. Smudge, you know, you did it again. I'm gonna tell you a terrible libido that happened to smoke weed. It's all that happens. I know me, I literally know weed sex addicts. I know weed horn. Yeah, I was the biggest part of it.
Starting point is 01:20:20 I'm gonna say sex. It's not true, it's bad for your sperm, but there's no. I've never gone out with a guy smokes Wade But I'm not a hot smoker but pot makes me horny So it's a better fuck to tell you might just seen you naked You know go down a girl when I was high I'm so glad that's like the time I wanted to you know go down a girls when I was high So I don't know yeah, you know down on chicks beyond that no, I will but I'm like I got a date or anything
Starting point is 01:20:51 I don't want to I've done it. I'm like it's not something I love to put my face I think it knows Into but whole tongue yeah Yeah, yeah, my mom loved me She loved me too But you're not really into eating pussy. I'll do it But I gotta like to go I think it's the most intimate thing with it
Starting point is 01:21:15 With a guy you're great, you know, I would you do I'm not gonna let it go I do it unless I really like him and we're at a place No, nobody wants to go down You would you let a guy have sex with you before you let him go down on you? Yeah. That's crazy. I think sex is less intimate than kind of like it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, same.
Starting point is 01:21:31 But you're inside of a person. Well, I think on paper you're right, but just the, the, the, the, the, the song and the sex on paper before. It's always blank in or carbon. Buh-buh, buh-buh, fuck. Thank you, everybody. I'm Joe List. So was your Thank you everybody. I'm Joe List. So was your weed theory just based on one person?
Starting point is 01:21:49 No, it was based on, but see, the thing is though, Sam, I don't believe it's a big weed. Like, he might do it from time to time. And maybe Joe would have done it from time to time. No, yeah, I'm not a dude. I'm talking to guys that, I'm talking to them. And once a day. Yeah, I don't.
Starting point is 01:22:00 Louis, you were addicted to weed and sex at the same time? Yeah. I would literally buy $50 worth of weed every day smoke it and the reason why I for me at least what I was saying I know that Kelly's wrong because my weed level has been consistent this whole time What I'm talking about is an age thing not a weed thing no I spoke to more weed back then I reckon you reckon no all right if I went through the last 20 guys that I dated and I and we We're factored in the weed stuff. It's always the weed thing
Starting point is 01:22:23 I'm not aligned like this. I'm not a weed. A lot of women will fucking, like it's very easy when you kind of look back in retrospect to kind of build that case in your mind. But I think it's just a coincidence for you. I really do. I've never heard from anybody that them smoking weed
Starting point is 01:22:40 does anything so they're levied. Yeah, but you know, I think it's like, you know, when you first started smoking weed and you would get the munchies really, really bad. And, but you know, I think it's like, you know, when you first started smoking weed and you get the munchies really, really bad. And then gradually, I just started doing it every day. That kind of desensitized a bit, you know, I mean, do I eat the munchies?
Starting point is 01:22:53 I reckon it's the same thing. I'm not telling you something. I'm not telling you something. I'm not saying that it's even an effort easy act. I'm not saying that one or the other. I'm just saying that I don't think the two are genuine. Number one, I've never heard that. What you just said, the munchies going away.
Starting point is 01:23:04 I've never heard a pot head tell me that number like I'm Look here's what I will tell you and maybe there is a relation to this when you smoke weed There definitely is like a depressing No, yeah, maybe let's make it to try to hit on the girl To go and take her out yeah let's move in and do anything right and have a great conversation including sex or to really impress her and fucking get her in the mood
Starting point is 01:23:32 maybe all that but if she just wants to fuck you're not gonna have to have to lazy getting blown and then that's what we made for but no you're right maybe your experience the guys just stop being like as romantic and the passion was gone maybe that it was only
Starting point is 01:23:44 hold on have they seen your act yet? I just want to do a full study here. The question is Were they more sexual at first? Um, I know I reckon any guy that wasn't a big pot head. I'm talking about the second and third. What was your year masturbating like four times a day? So what do you expect from people? I'm going to not do that if he's there, but...
Starting point is 01:24:08 You want to have sex with you four times a day? Initially, the first one they can do, and then the reload of secondals. Like, we have sex that night, sometimes that kind of has sex in the middle of the night, and in the morning. Sight, to have sex with you three times in one night. I'm just giving him too much. It's a lot, it's the only thing. He's only three times a lot. He's only thing. He's only three times in a lot. He's only three.
Starting point is 01:24:26 Three's a lot in a 24 hour period, do you think? Just ask of them in. With you? I mean, if you're going to run, just get every single time. I'm not like to one of them yet. I mean, if you're, no, in a 24 hour period, if you're like, we're going to wake up at 6am.
Starting point is 01:24:43 Sure. And before the next 6am, but Sure and before the next six a.m But that's not the way it works. You get home with someone. It's like midnight you go home together You fuck that night and then in the middle of the night you kind of both wake up and boom and then in the next day of morning Sex like that's the middle of the night wake up. Oh, the best That's really To ask and it's not like I'm a do anything. I'll make sure you know I'm a good fluffer.
Starting point is 01:25:07 I love a good I love good morning sex. That's always great. Yeah, that's kind of wake up. You know, it's kind of I'd rather that more than the night six. If I know he can't do a second or third round, oh, by the way. You can't blame a guy from not wanting to get up in the middle of the night and fuck because some people just aren't like that.
Starting point is 01:25:21 Look, if the guy does if he fucked you at night and then the morning is coming up with excuses, I'm telling it's not the weed. It's just not a track to do. I might've been saying you, in general, the fans that are fucking listening. If they, if that's the case, it is nothing to do with the fucking thing.
Starting point is 01:25:34 I genuinely the one thing, and I say, I was literally just arguing the other point that like my sex right has gone down in the last decade. I can't wrap my head around the idea of waking up and not wanting to fuck. I mean, that's when you want to fuck. In the morning. Yeah, see, wake up and there's a check next week.
Starting point is 01:25:47 I always want to fuck. Yeah, I always want to. If anything, I do like, this is what I do. If I go on, if we're going out for dinner and then like a party, whatever, I will fuck before we leave the house at like five or six o'clock. Yeah, you will. And then you get drunk, you eat, blah blah blah. And then you go to bed, no sex.
Starting point is 01:26:01 Not shouts. No, no sex when you go home and then you can fucking the mornings. There's no expectation of fucking you get home I'm gonna roll over look at Kelly's naked farting snoring I gotta fuck this. Oh, Kelly just fart yourself away And fuck you right from behind I was good. I was good. I should the nipple. I would show it to you One time not three times in a row I would have made sure it was like I was
Starting point is 01:26:25 There a fifth I would I would do is wake up first thing in the morning if we were together and I would roll over put the pillow case on Put the blankets around your body. I think this how Robin Williams killed himself killed himself. Jesus Christ. I want to bring it there. I will. The hard cast will be out next Monday, not to soon. That was Sam Morell, everybody. He's very impressive.
Starting point is 01:26:50 He's a big Jew face, too. Oh, that's terrible. Call the insensitive Jew face killer. I don't, I don't, I don't. I don't. I'm a shoulders, though. You guys being really hard on Sam. Most insensitive description.
Starting point is 01:27:01 Insensitive person. Oh, I just fired it. I don't smoke weed, but I don't, like I'd like middle of the night. You're good. Sexually? Yeah. Not minding, too.
Starting point is 01:27:13 More than two. No. Okay, but middle of the night. But I like middle of the night sex, but never morning sex. Never morning. I like it in the very beginning. I'm like, yeah, this is a great idea. Aw, and then you'll end.
Starting point is 01:27:23 And then I can never finish. Okay. Can't come in the morning. Sam self-cocks about his hair. This is his... May you come in here? Imagine what it looks like in the morning. Yeah, no, I do start thinking about it. I don't start thinking about my hair, but I start thinking about my breath. I start thinking about all that stuff. I can't come in the morning.
Starting point is 01:27:36 No, you don't kiss in the morning. You just can't turn away my eyes. Yeah, but it's totally enclosed. No, you go, it's a lot of like to the neck. Like, you go, like, ask the mouth and breathe. A lot of like breathing on the neck and stuff. Yeah, you just turn around. It's lot of like to the neck like House the mouth and breathe a lot like breathing on the neck And you just turn a river It's hot in the
Starting point is 01:27:48 I need a sucker dick Like last time I run a six year Anyone this morning? Get somebody else to do Good morning, good on you, Joe Good job, true We had great sex life You finish?
Starting point is 01:28:02 I did In the morning? Good for you man finish good morning Yeah, I'm ready to Joseph. We have sex almost every day. How long have you been with her three years? Wow Keep that going buddy. That's excellent You've got to fuck every day But if I was someone and we don't do it every day, I think it's where we're on the way for like bad things Think so yeah, I'm good for like three times a week at this point. Yeah, but you get up a lot very early
Starting point is 01:28:23 You have early nights. We're talking about good. I think it's a really good one. So we have you remember to check nine years. Yeah, that's crazy. Yeah, I think it's nine plus I'm up before a clock in the morning every morning. I do think it nine years. That's like means like you're crushing it.
Starting point is 01:28:35 Like, thank you. Thank you. You're like, oh, you guys are still like into each other. You're so like, fuck. You're the five o'clock, like the 5 p.m. six because you don't want to have it. Oh, yeah. Like, that's perfect.
Starting point is 01:28:44 And then like when she gets home from work. Yeah, I'm completely right She's not but I'm completely ready for it. What does she what does she do? She works in film But she's like oh she works She's a time when he get home. It was pretty trying But it's something about like a woman like a happy hour like business suit I think is so far. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So true. Oh. Oh.
Starting point is 01:29:08 She's got a job. Good. She's our his home. We've been fucking horny here. Yeah. Looks like there was a girl here. Yeah. Joy, I know.
Starting point is 01:29:20 I'm joking. You're having a great day. What's that gonna be? It's that thing of like, she's being a professional in the business place. I'm a bad place. She's only there to work. She's there to, she's just like everybody else.
Starting point is 01:29:30 No, that's professional. Dude, there's something. There's something about having like really sexy panties underneath like one of those panties. Right. Because it is just so that like, oh yeah, you're taking like this CEO who's very professional, and very in charge, and then you're just making her,
Starting point is 01:29:41 you're dirty. Like you came here for this. It feels like, it feels a fairious. I think that's why it's kind of hard. Professional very in charge and then you're just making her your right you're dirty Like it feels a I think that's why it's kind of hard like the Pantsuit Farius Definitely a skirt rather You like a pantsuit better?
Starting point is 01:29:59 No hot girl would answer the fat ass You know what? I remember I was on a date with a go on finance. And it was just so, it felt so a fairie. She's like, I'll call a car service from work. I was like, oh my god, that's fun. Oh my god, where do you see the bond market going? Guys, you really got a scale Kelly's joke.
Starting point is 01:30:20 I mean, that was a fucking A plus. Thank you, Jerry. I appreciate it. I just I just According to the fastuka curve she got an a plus on that. That was a big one With the best joke she's ever told on the Fistuga curve. Yeah, well, it's still you know, I was born in one for stuka curve by the way I was out of delight. That should have been big
Starting point is 01:30:42 If I'm great at animal Kelly for stuka curve, that was a fucking That was the best one ever I was out of delight. That should have been big. If I'm great at Adam McKellick for StukaCards, that was a fucking eight triple plus. That's whatever. Do you tell girls you're with that that's what you're into? Like, do you bring it up to the CEO fantasy or whatever? I did. Not usually. I'm not usually like you're working finance. That's what fucking does it for me. No, I don't say that's a lyric. But would you say like, why don't you just wear like a little skirt suit today?
Starting point is 01:31:02 They usually are self-conscious about it. And they're just like, I'm so embarrassed in my work clothes, I'm like, no, I think it's hot. Right. Yeah, there's something about someone she's dealing with. The more people she deals with that day, in that outfit, the hotter it is when you're looking at it. Yes.
Starting point is 01:31:14 I feel like my girlfriend's a comedian. I feel like there was just 200 people looking at her. And now I got her naked, it's just us. Right. It's a hot about that. And you know somebody, at least one person, if not many in that crowd wanted to have sex with Oh, yeah, and now you're that person. I'm sorry
Starting point is 01:31:29 Me, but it is look man if there's any and this is a Yeah, I'll tip my ad almost to like the women will say like it is a different kind of like struggle to be a female comedy There is if there's a cute comic chick that you're watching on stage It's pretty impossible for there not to be at least one point in her act Just as a dude staring at a girl for 12 minutes. Yeah, at one point you're gonna go like her like waste is like this her tits are like that Like there's no way to get around sex being a girl, but you know what? I don't think necessarily I think women fucking visually Yeah, maybe not men on the exact same
Starting point is 01:32:28 Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe take in men visually just as much as men but the difference is it's not as important to them once they take it in and compute it. What's more important to a woman is the guy is killing and being personable and owning the room. Us it's way more important that she's hot. There are a lot of studies on this and the way like that men take in physical viewing of women versus women take in men. And they say that I forget exactly what it is, but men tend to see in parts more women kind of take in the whole.
Starting point is 01:32:49 I think there are a bunch of differences. But, but, we break each other down. There are definitely differences, but if you see, as long as the female comedian on stage is cute, like say she's a seven, even if there's a 10 in the crowd, there's something about her being on stage that makes her hotter. She's a seven, she's a comedy eight. I don't think, I don't know any study. This is completely off of my, I don't think any,
Starting point is 01:33:09 I could watch a girl comic do a half hour and I'm enjoying the show and listening, but the whole time I'm thinking about her physically also. I don't think any girl is watching fucking Bill Burr and just picturing his dick. To be honest, I think I'm visualizing the girl's pussy half the time. For real, it's natural, it's in me., I think, I'm visualizing the girl's pussy half the time. I don't know, it's just natural, it's in me.
Starting point is 01:33:26 I don't know, I'm still enjoying the show. I think they're more likely to do that with other chicks. To be honest, I think it's gonna break down with their wearing, with their outfit. I think there's actually all the sexist shit that women accuse men of doing. I think women end up doing just as bad if not first. Kelly, do you have Lesbo fantasies
Starting point is 01:33:42 about female comics, to be honest? Uh, sometimes, I don't know. I knew it. Kelly, do you have Lesbo fantasies about female comics, be honest? Oh, sometimes. I knew it. Oh, if you show you are right. I think I fuck one female comic who would have paid for sticks. I don't know, maybe Glaza. She's pretty hot.
Starting point is 01:33:53 Oh, there it is. Yeah, she got a great body. You're looking girl. Yeah, I don't know, there's a few. Why? You're gonna masturbate two or tonight? No. Seven times?
Starting point is 01:34:01 My friend, I wouldn't do that. If you're listening. But can I ask, what do you guys, like we talk about women? What's the biggest? No, I'm easy me. I'm easy. Yeah K. Vazzy just said that the show. Oh What's the worst thing that a chicken wear when a chick's wearing something because we're talking about body like suits and stuff
Starting point is 01:34:18 I mean I'm Arms besides what I'm wearing right now. All right. Let's get the joke out of the way you've done arms, but sometimes what I'm wearing right now all right let's get the joke out of the way you've done okay Dead serious Stretch pants with regular underwear is like one of the worst Where you can see bunching on it's like granny panties under like you have to wear no underwear or a song with Stretches That's what he's told me now. I think that's a fact because that's a fact. It looks horrible. I said happen out there
Starting point is 01:34:43 It's pretty I think like tank tops and a fact, it looks horrible. I think it happened out there. It's pretty good. I think I think, I think like tank tops and stretchy pants, you know, it's pretty bad. That's not your thing. I just tell you what I'm wearing. I think not tight stretchy pants is another mistake, I've seen like not like your friends stretchy pants or something where they're a little bag too. And it's like no, those have to be tight.
Starting point is 01:35:00 You know what I mean? As a comic for distraction point, like what's the best thing to wear? No, no, no, I'm talking about like, when you see a chick she's like, hot but then she's wearing something, you're like, whenever a girl's wearing a... This doesn't happen as much anymore,
Starting point is 01:35:12 but there was jeans with no back pockets for a while. Oh yeah. I mean, you asked, just look like it was gigantic. She's never ended. There's something about, and I don't, it seems like for some reason it happens more and more often. When a hot chick puts on a fake mustache because she thinks it's funny Even once she takes off the fake mustache it never yeah, I'm done. It's over What about the girls with a tattoo of the mustache on their fingers?
Starting point is 01:35:38 Hey, that's it. I actually hate that too. What's it? I don't understand why they do it What is it? I don't understand why they do it. What is it? All of a sudden, these are joke that's the fucking joke. Yeah, I don't joke. I'm not attracted to it. You remember unless I'm standing the the one chick flexing because you see Kelly fuck. Oh, I usually sit like I don't know what it's hard for the last three. We wrote it. I'd I'da Rodriguez. She wore that yellow dress. It was actually the
Starting point is 01:36:01 most beautiful. Well, what's his name? The windsbrother gave her a shirt about it and he was like, oh, you shouldn't dress so distractingly. And I thought it was an interesting thing. I don't know if I necessarily agree with that. I think that your job and entertainment is to try to use every asset you have to try to get ahead. And if you're a very good looking woman and if you have a nice body and people want to look at you and they want to look at you physically like that I think that's only an asset. It also depends on how you want to present yourself like I don't know
Starting point is 01:36:32 You mean it does kind of sorry Like you're a sexual object, but you might want to present yourself that way if you're sitting there going like you know What I want to be looked at as sexy and funny then you should absolutely dress like that, but if you don't Yeah, you do got to be funny. Yeah, you do have to be funny. Well, she's sexy and, you know, not be funny. Schumer is hilarious. She did an interview.
Starting point is 01:36:51 I think someone, I didn't see this myself, but someone else said, she dresses, you know, sexy and well, because in her mind, if someone's slipped into the channels, if she's just dressed normal with pants in a sweater, they're just going to flip right by. But maybe they'll stop and go, oh, that's just hot. That's going to listen to them like Exactly what you said she's using jeans like those Promotions for a show on the subway, which was there in jeans and little leather jacket She looks so much sexier than she did in the glittery dress
Starting point is 01:37:17 Yeah, but look most most people don't agree with me. Amy is also doing very sexualized material There you know what I'm like it kind of fits for what she's doing, right? There's also other comics where I get although I'll tell I mean? It kind of fits for what she's doing. There's also other comics where I get, although I'll tell you, I do see some very, very cute comics who really dress down, who I do tend to say to them. I don't know, I just go like, oh man, they're really not taking it.
Starting point is 01:37:34 They're not using the fact that they're good, they're good looking at all. You're good looking dude, you're not using that fact. I think you're really missing an opportunity. Right. Are you all right Sam? I'm just been holding it. It's a bit much. I mean, I think a lot of coffee, so I three times. I've just been holding it in an hour.
Starting point is 01:37:46 I mean, I think a lot of coffee, so I just pick a piece of shit. I piss. I piss. Guys, I'll rate this amount. I piss three times a little course of a night. Really? Like you'll get up? That's diabetes, you get up to pee. What's that?
Starting point is 01:37:58 Do you get up to pee? Literally, twice a night. Really? And I get up. I get up, like at least three or four at least. It's not healthy. Yeah, yeah. It sucks. Yeah. It's not healthy. It's just a thing. We know because it interrupts your sleep. It's unhealthy Oh, but I fall right back asleep. I'm a good sleeper. Oh You're not that good sleep. You wake up like four times
Starting point is 01:38:13 Yeah, you piss so don't piss the bed. Well, I fall right back asleep. I get good sleep Don't everyone worry about me. I'm very healthy. Sam is gonna die Sam more Sam not not Sam Roberts Sam or Ralph. Yeah, I'm gonna die young. Yeah. Sorry to hear that, buddy. I don't know. But I was gonna say guys, I mean, it's harder to tell, does a guy know if he's a good looking guy? Like some guys decide that they're good looking guys. Yeah, I don't normally dicks. No, you know if you're a good looking guy. But because there are guys that definitely dress like, you know what, I'm going looking guy, but because there are guys that definitely dress like you know what? I'm going to comics who are saying I want to get teenage girls to be into me
Starting point is 01:38:50 Yeah, you know what I mean? And so they'll take advantage of that too when a guy dresses like sexy or whatever Try to dress nice, but you're saying show off their thing people usually think they're a douche Where's like a like a tank top? You're wearing it is special every one I've ever heard from every comics like He's a fucking asshole. He's wearing a tank top you're wearing in his special. Everyone I've ever heard from every comic is like, he's a fucking asshole, he's wearing a tank top. But every seven... Oh, it's a stink, it doesn't have good arms. But every 17 year old girl for a period of time had a crush on Dane Cook. Right, and then like, Eddie Murphy's brother was like an open thing.
Starting point is 01:39:17 Dude, I'll tell you what, every time I say, God, we're in the middle of the jacket, always up being a dickhead and a douchebag. I think it was a cool thing for comics to do in like the 90s. Yeah, I think it's awful. People think Jezel Nick is hot and he dresses nice. He dresses like, where do you normally it is? No, but he dresses nice.
Starting point is 01:39:33 He has a style to him. I think like, oh, he's looking at seein' Smith. Seein' Smith dresses nice. I don't think he dresses Gucci. Right. He's in Smith. He's put together, you know what I'm saying? He's gaffs that out.
Starting point is 01:39:41 So it's, you know, like, you know, you are not a stylish dude. I'm not a stylish dude. You know what I'm saying? No way,'s goffs that out. So you know, you know, you are not a stylish dude. I'm not a stylish dude. No, you know what I'm saying? No way, Doc. But girls that are going to be attracted to me aren't attracted to the guy who gels his hair and is stylish. They're going to be attracted to a guy who's
Starting point is 01:39:54 got a little bit more over on the edges. But the truth of the matter is, no, I'm in better shape now than I was six months ago. It is definitely better for my career that I'm in better shape and I'm not a fat fuck. 100% you could tell me I could write as many fat jokes as possible. That shit is nowhere near the level of life. Well, no, no, no.
Starting point is 01:40:11 Chris Farley lose in a ton of weight in his prime, maybe wouldn't have been good for his career. Like, you're not doing a fat guy thing. But you know, how pissed people were with Jonah Hill when he lost weight? Everybody was furious. What the fuck? Yeah. Trying to turn my life into it. It was a funny I was like, what the fuck? Yeah. Trying to turn my life into a funny fat guy.
Starting point is 01:40:26 What happened to him? You want to live? There's a maggot. There's a irresponsibility of the public where you go like, oh wow, you're fucking getting in shape. You're abandoning your funny. Look at you. Shout out.
Starting point is 01:40:38 I want to be funny for another 60 years. Well, I don't want to fucking be funny for the next 20 years and die of diabetes. Well, I think he's these feminists who criticize every, you know, like that, that mother of dr I'm a mother they haven't excused they was in answer. There's another woman who answered yeah I yeah, and she was at a shape and you know not like terribly out of shape kind of like a fastuca and she had And then she had had three kids though shit had three kids. Yeah, oh So that was the every Scotch that's the reason for the not being in great shape
Starting point is 01:41:20 Kelly how many kids have you had No, wow. Well, these are a weird thing where it's like, why do we have to see your photo? I'm embarrassed that I'm a hairy dude. I don't post pictures. But it is a shitty thing to do for that mom to be like, what's your excuse?
Starting point is 01:41:38 I'm not a fitness model. But you know what that was? Yeah. Just because a mom is not a fitness model doesn't mean she's gonna die of malnutrition I just not a fitness model my chick has a fucking six pack right now. She just had a baby a year and a half ago It's because she cares she fucking care But she is it why can't you be proud of an accomplishment? Yeah, but no, but no, but she was going further. She was saying like I'm I'm I'm right near wrong
Starting point is 01:42:01 No, I'm not like hey look how great I've done I know that it's the point that she's making the point is that your kids aren't the excuses what she's saying. She's saying hey if you don't have this fine, but it's not because you're a mother. How many people fucking looked at that and when it's dude I gotta get a gym membership let me go do this. And it doesn't matter if a hundred people are looking for hire people when change their fucking lives.
Starting point is 01:42:21 If a hundred people are offended and one person was inspired then that was a great thing that she fucking dead. Like who cares if I'm a hundred people are offended and one person was inspired then that was a great thing that she fucking dead Like who cares if I'm the end result is the number one the message is correct number two if she inspired people to go out and change Your lives and do something positive with their lives and not use the fact that they have a kid is an excuse Which everybody fucking does then more power to or you know I think the message is an irresponsible message that you send to the public that oh no it's okay to be fat It is not okay to be fat. It is not okay to be fat This come from both of these over 120 pounds overweight. It's not okay. You're going to fucking die Do not send that message to your children
Starting point is 01:42:52 But what if it's okay, but what if it's okay to be of average weight like I'm not in great shape I'm not in bad shape more than 6% body fat you fat fucks So if you're 10% body fat. Don't kill yourselves. Get in shape and live yourself. Because, I mean, if you're just like, I don't want to get in shape. I'd rather spend some time with my kids and not worry about it. And then have this ad come out that says, well, what's your excuse? You'd be like, what are you being an asshole to me?
Starting point is 01:43:18 I wasn't making an excuse. Well, to say it's too me is a very self centered thing. Yeah, it's like you. It's your. Your. I'm reading it. It's like it's your your I'm reading it Okay, someone's just like there was just like a picture of a dude lifting a ton of weights And he's like what's your excuse? It's like I'm not a strong. There's still so it's not like an attack on me I would be like fuck you. I'm not as strong as you know, I'm not an athletic guy
Starting point is 01:43:38 I do feel like though There was an ad like a snippet. What do you call those bullshit internet things? It was like a naked woman who was probably like, yeah, like, probably like 85 pounds overweight and she was like, I have curves. And it was the whole thing comparing to like a whale, how a whale is majestic, because it's not thin. I don't know where it is, but it was like a real thing, but it was like, it was like a thing of like,
Starting point is 01:43:56 it's okay to be overweight and thick, or whatever, love yourself, but it's like, no, but you're unhealthy, you are an unhealthy way. That's the difference. Pride in yourself or whatever, but you are in a Well, this kind of like this like like it's like relativism almost like this idea that it's just kind of like Well, that's a lifestyle and this is a lifestyle. It's like oh, no, I'm sorry. There are better and worse ways to live Like oh you beat your kids and you don't beat your kid like they're a different right and wrong thing
Starting point is 01:44:20 But there's but there is it like and we have a no it's not just it's not just either you have a six pack euro B is summer like I don't go to the gym that much and sometimes I Desert it's normal the ad I think the end of the day was meant to inspire the point of the ad was It's hostile intent. I don't think it was hostile in tone. I think it's Sam Morrell. No, I'm right I could have said I don't lie when people when you know adults is one thing But when it's a kid and when you see a fat kid with an adult and there's stuff and fast food in their face Right that's dangerous That's a beauty that's right because you should find a way to at least get some nutrition into a kid right
Starting point is 01:44:59 That's the same as neglecting him and that's the way to come in them and that I just got 10 grand of protein inside my soul. It wasn't so much of what you said. It was the enthusiasm with which you said it. But that laziness is a similar laziness of letting yourself go as an adult. And that's the connection, you know? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:16 Do something, take some, with your kid. Yeah, and it didn't happen. It's not a powerful, look, look, there's this movement that people aren't talking about. And I think people are talking about it. And I think it did inspire a lot of people. you have people the only people who are who are offended are people who
Starting point is 01:45:28 Don't want to do in the wrong thing to look and we just I feel like we have a lot of this in our cult where like if there's a group Who's offended then we're all like oh, you're not supposed to offend them even if like That's clearly not the most important thing here like an epidemic of, and we're getting worried that some fat people might be offended by someone showing like the right way forward. No, but when you guilt people into stuff, you're going to make them feel worse. And how many people... Guilt is in a very effective motivator. For lots of people, it's one of the most effective human motivators.
Starting point is 01:45:58 Well, no, it's like... Shame, gilt, drinking. Yeah, shame, gilt. These are excellent motivators. What about with the smokers and stuff? Every time you guilt a smoker and going, stop smoking, they're like, I don't want to be cigarette. And I talked about this on the podcast a while ago.
Starting point is 01:46:10 There was a, not an article, it was a thing on 2020. And they did a study on gyms, okay? And basically what they did was they sent a really good looking skinny chicken to three different gyms and they sent a fat chicken to three different gyms. And the point of the study was they came out and they never came in the offices, but they were trying to say that they were trying to charge more money to the overweight people than they were to the skinny people because the good looking people, they want on the floor
Starting point is 01:46:36 because that's going to sell more gym memberships. It's just a bullshit, archaic, old thing. It doesn't exist. I worked in the fitness industry at three different gyms. I sold gym memberships. It's a sales job. You want to fucking make money. If I see a person who's 500 pounds overweight my mind is going I can sell them $10,000 worth of personal training right now Right, so it's you're seeing dollar bills. You're seeing an emotional story. You're seeing emotional tricks to numbers game
Starting point is 01:46:54 Like everything else. I'm if I'm trying to sell you a gym membership I'm trying to figure out why you're here You're here because you want to live to see your grandson fucking graduate high school with a skinny and shaped person It's a little hard to find those emotional triggers. The whole point of the story was completely irresponsible and wrong and the message that they were sending to the public was, hey if you're in shape you're going to be shamed when you walk into these places so don't go in there. They're going to rip you off like a shame you for being fat and people just aren't going to gyms because they want to do money. It's the irresponsibility of doing a story saying that they're treating people with cancer really bad at hospitals and stuff like that when there's no truth to it
Starting point is 01:47:28 So you're you've got people with cancer I'm not encouraging people with something that is killing them. Yeah, to not go to the cure Well, that's it. I mean I outrageous. Yeah, and I definitely agree that there's way people don't get their feelings hurt Yeah, there's way too much sympathy for obese and i wasn't talking about opi's people should not be obese but there is there is kind of with that add a bit of a alright asshole like i got it that shot 600 pan life i have it's fucking unbelievable with the excuses they get made it's horrible to watch because it's great no that wasn't the tv that was a mirror
Starting point is 01:48:00 so mean that's why it's a i mean it was funny save that one because nobody kiss him. I mean, it was funny. I didn't say that one because nobody else laughed. But it was because it was mean. It was that they didn't want to. Yeah, Adrian, if you get a laugh, please laugh into the microphone to the fans now. It's just really upsetting for Kelly
Starting point is 01:48:13 and I feel bad, but at the same time, we feel a bit of an idiot. It's something to come. We know that you do to Steve and A Smith, the ESPN guy, he's like suspended. Yeah, and jobs like this. Yeah, so he just got suspended for what was he, look, what I took is kind of hired by series
Starting point is 01:48:27 next time, it doesn't matter. Oh, man, it's kind of paid way more money, right? Well, look, good for him. He's dope show now. But the thing when he came out and he said, like what I took, it was kind of like, oh, domestic violence is horrible. It's awful to ever put your hands on a woman,
Starting point is 01:48:38 but women, do everything you can to like get away from these men, don't come back. And it's just like, these aren't his words, they're mine and how I took it. But like, if Chris Brown beats the shit out of Rihanna again he is a criminal who should go to jail but she does have a little bit of responsibility like hey and by the way that message may make some women feel bad but it actually might stop some domestic violence out there but there's no reason to remember that, but It was there was the one story a little while ago where the the Miss America pageant the girl She they asked her what can we do to combat?
Starting point is 01:49:12 Like or to domestic violence or violence against women violence against women And she was like well, I think that women should get involved in martial arts She's a black belt and Taikwondo. She goes this is how I do it I'm in a script freaked out on her because men that they're they're sent Blaming what men shouldn't rape we shouldn't have to learn how to defend ourselves Men just shouldn't rape like yeah, you're right honey. Man shouldn't rape. Guess what? It's fucking happening out there It's like having a fire extinguisher. It's a fucking it's for the moon. No fire shouldn't burn right No, but that's a that's a pretty valid reasoning that they're not to be on the side of these feminists That's a pretty valid reason when you're saying is Well, how do you prevent fires in your house?
Starting point is 01:49:47 Make that a better I'm not saying never I'm a system you're setting up a lot of 80. Oh, no people shouldn't rob there's context It's like no, no, no, no, no, you're you're justifying the robber by setting up the shalom but there's context to that's not the answer to how we prevent abuse Is to go I don't know that was necessarily because that's still going to be abuse you're just defending the abuse yeah It's a good way to put home robberies is to I am not defending the abuse I'm not saying but my my analogy of like how do you start keep your house from catching on fire? I said the analogy was shit. I said I'm not gonna Dave now bro. Fuck off dog
Starting point is 01:50:30 I mean I kind of see their point if you're like how do you prevent? Abuse where you get just as strong like so when he punches you you fucking duck and then punch him back Well, no, but something like trying to take That's also an idea. Obviously you meant shouldn't rape obviously no one should commit a crime But saying something about preventative measures like I mean that's actually trying to help the problem That's not like any of you that suspends everyone who's even talking about it There's a no talking about Ray Rice think rule white. Yeah, or you get suspended because they're invested in the enough of course Exactly. It's all money thing. Yeah, but when it's yeah, it's pathetic
Starting point is 01:51:02 But then guys who are bringing up and the guy who they just suspended was like I did this 20 years ago to my now wife. It was wrong Yeah, he suspended because you can't even talk about it married him. Yeah There's context everything though like he he just Maybe what Stephen A Smith said wasn't nested wasn't wrong. What did he say? I didn't he said he made reference to While this is bad. used to work provoke he said women should make sure that they do not provoke but to be fair he did this claim it about six times before he said it was like a message of violence is horrible anyone who
Starting point is 01:51:36 does that to go to jail but he said he should have been suspended for way more than two games and then he says what i tell the women in my own family is but he said that coming out of the story that featured a woman unconscious in the elevator and within two minutes used the word provoke. So it's like, you know, you have to realize that people. Well, people react to buzzwords rather than actual. Exactly, there's not smart people watching television. And that's kind of your responsibility as a broadcaster
Starting point is 01:52:00 to know what you're saying, especially on ESPN. It's not like, I guess, I just hate that we live in a world where it's like, that's the thing. Well, you. It's not like I got I guess I just hate that we live in a world where it's like That's the thing well you said it's like I love that scene on a Meet the parents like you said bomb on a plane like that's that's it. It's like you know You said the word so who cares what you were trying to say and you know what else women a lot of these feminists also think We'll never admit to any part of anything ever true women look No, I'm sorry if your boyfriend hit you and then you left went to your mom's for a little and then came back
Starting point is 01:52:25 Because he said he's sorry and then you know you got in a huge fight with him again And he but like I'm not saying he's not 100% wrong for what he did and 100% criminal But you could have handled things in a different way like there's that point can be made like yeah Can but it's kind of like just like rubbing her face and After It's like rubbing her face and shit afterwards. I'm not saying it's not that's not. But if my sister got beat up by a guy, left and went back to him, she should be told she's a dumb bitch at one point.
Starting point is 01:52:50 And by the way, men don't get to deal with this at all. I get it as a brand up as a brand up. You know what, like going back to live with this person is a far smaller problem than the fact that this person is a women. It's not no really. You know what I mean? So I'm giving her a word. We don't really need to jump to make that point. It's also different who he is
Starting point is 01:53:07 No, but I know He's a billionaire Sam her life is fucking forever is taking care of who we tell him It's a little different dude It's it's it is fucking yeah the guy's a piece of shit that goes without saying I don't think any I think people Yeah, they go you one of the other They're not saying that the guy is not a piece of she deserved it now it's on her he's a piece of shit that's neither here nor there but you have to sit there and go like are you are dumb bitch if you got beat up by guy and you went back to him but you could you pull
Starting point is 01:53:34 her aside and say that like can't say the public declaration that's still kind of how they're weighed the public declaration probably should be against hitting women and then the aside after the point once we the public declaration probably should be against hitting women and then the aside After the point once we've made every point should be and by the way Have you been with a girl though and you accidentally like something happened and you begged and you begged her for forgiveness Like I I was whether it was like I'm I fucked up and you knew in your heart of hearts like I fucked up And you beg her to come back and she did come back.
Starting point is 01:54:07 Yeah, sure. Yeah, I mean, you could convince a girl that she's come back because she loved you and she believed you. And then she's a dumb bitch. But then she's a dumb bitch because she believed you. No, no, no, no, the best way to deal
Starting point is 01:54:17 with physical abuse is verbal abuse. Yeah, I'll tell you this. I also, I've had girls who also, by the way, I've never been violent at all, like physically, with a girl in my life. I've had girls who like to I always push out when it goes right to hit them apart But I that girl who provoked me a lot of times. I've literally I've talked to this with my my ex girlfriend right now She admitted this that it was kind of turn around for us to like getting fights and then fuck after which you liked when I yell It kind of turned around. It's like a look at the beast now. I know for a
Starting point is 01:54:43 Whoa It kind of turned around it's like oh look at the beast now I know for a Beasts there are at least to do that with guys who have hit them before and if you're doing that You're playing a dangerous fucking game. That's not just saying of anything. No Kelly It's not it's like when feminists say like oh who fakes a rape that's like no person no Actually a really big percentage. It's a huge percentage I'm not saying this is the only thing and that guy should still go to fucking jail He's still a criminal But if I jog through them projects and get mugged no one's gonna not mention what I did guys don't get shielded like this in life They go, oh, well, dude. You shouldn't have fucking yeah, everyone right away
Starting point is 01:55:19 But this is but this is the same like when when black people are talking about equal rights and white people bring up Well, you know, it's not really that fair for us for us either yeah but it's been way worse for black people for a lot longer. No but that's the same. It's the same for women than men. I'm not. For rape but he's not even talking about physical violence. We get sent to war. Women don't get sent to war. By the way, why is it whatever you're talking about you're talking no no no but the idea that it was getting sent. Getting past then for men getting Spade that but having having the guy having the person we go to another war I say we send the beast cuz I want to
Starting point is 01:55:51 Yeah, but Louie you have it and sent to wall and having to do it's not say being such a war is totally different Like living with somebody, but I have a hang on don't worry about going to work It is because if you live with somebody Who's stronger than you physically? Live with somebody who's stronger than you physically, but you love them and you trust them Like this is the person who I'm trusting my life and then they start hitting you That's a lot different than being like I'm a man. I fight in war Yeah, you know what I mean is this what you were said when you make the comparison from black and white people It's like oh well, and you said we've had it much worse
Starting point is 01:56:30 I was just jumping on that and saying I reject the feminist worldview that women have had it much worse My grandmother didn't get to work a job. She was a housewife And there were definitely lots of restrictions on her life my grandfather got sent into combat fighting in world war too The idea that gender restrictions were harder for Women than for men in the past women in children first the Titanic is all men. Yes. I completely protect that idea Maldives pose ability with feminists will point to things like only men could be king Yeah, but it's just one man the reason I love those kings ended up getting murdered And the king had seven lives and the ones you do want before we chopped up the head and the reason that women and children went first is because they were looked at as weaker
Starting point is 01:57:08 Yeah, but also less to suppose they are physically weaker except for a boat crash Men are looked at as better like we'd rather have a man around because they're stronger Unless there's a boat crash or a war okay, look if there were a war so war. So aside from war and boat crashes, by the way, war is a pretty big one. I'm just saying, you just got like, but it's not our hostage negotiations. It's the same thing women and children first. Any folks. And men are physically so.
Starting point is 01:57:33 No, you don't want to do that. What about day to day life? Okay, I'm not saying there were not. None of nobody in this room has ever been involved in a boat crash, war or hostage negotiation. I would rather be a man. I want to put that out there. But I would make it. Right, exactly, because day to day, it's would rather be a man. I want to put that out there. But I would make it.
Starting point is 01:57:45 Right, exactly. Because day to day, it's easier to be a dude. But in a period, there's a risk of raising it. You can say that right now. It's just crazy. I'm sorry, guys. This conflicts with reality a lot. You can say day to day, it was easier to be a woman.
Starting point is 01:57:58 The truth is that the reason when women went into the workforce, it was after the workforce stopped being a grueling, back breaking, miserable place to be. The idea that these men who were working in the industrial revolution, you know, while women were subjugated with gender roles, they had these easy day-to-day lives, is bullshit. My grandfather got three tips of his finger chopped off at his factory job and didn't get workmen's comp for it. And this was after combat. Give me your grandmother also is getting up early enough to like make her own butter.
Starting point is 01:58:25 Yes. Yes. Frieders who are eyes. Yes. How is it hard? It always goes to work and she get butter. Do you remain like she had a woman's life of the 50s to a woman's life of today? Yes, I'd much rather be a woman today.
Starting point is 01:58:38 I'd also much rather be a man since when you said are we getting sent to war? No, either are you. But if you're saying back then it was the one thought is if it's 1970 you said are we getting sent to war no either are you but if you're saying back then it was But if it's nineteen if it's nineteen seventy you pick man or woman if you're talking about a married couple in the fifties I am telling I just said nineteen seventy no I probably would probably pick man if it's two thousand fourteen Are you picking man or woman? Yes, I'm still picking man, but that's more than if it's two thousand one are you picking man or woman? Okay, I'm not denying you, but it's not so much I'm just challenging the world view that it was all bad for them in the past and we were the ruling
Starting point is 01:59:07 So my point is if it's 1920 you'd probably pick woman man that I don't think so Roodle it dude if you go back to like I mean look if you go back far enough Everyone's life is just a brutal miserable exactly and it's not 1920 and we're not thinking in the Titanic and none of us are more Yeah, but again, so it's probably everybody except Kelly is in a pretty good spot. I get what you're saying, but the idea that my grant for my grandfather's generation working in a factory and going to war was the norm, not the exception. So these ideas that it's like, oh, it's just, we're not your grandfather's generation.
Starting point is 01:59:35 What about it not in 20? I know, I was talking about the conversation started. I was talking about the past. I know, we're not. That's how the conversation started is that women have had it harder. And that's what I was, so that's what are you doing too? Yeah, I just think it's a lot if nothing else. It's much much more They really want to say Dave if nothing else much more nuanced that women had it bad in the past men were had it great much more New I you say that woman is complaining a bit too much and it's not that bad. Dave hates
Starting point is 01:59:59 I just said it much better. I am okay. I hate women come up well the Jezebel dot com picked this up yet Yeah, well look I'm glad we were able to remember Robin Williams properly much better i am i hate women come up well the jazabel dot com picked this up yet well look i'm glad we were able to remember robin williams properly uh... he was a man and a woman that's not the way that that's our response i know it's from the movie is doubtful which are referencing kind of right some
Starting point is 02:00:21 i always thought of you like a lady by the way i thought i never i didn't know it was due to the thought of do it like a lady by the way I thought I never I didn't know it was do looks like a lay at those do it like a lady. I thought it was do the funky lady which means inferiorly Which means it's walked to a subway stop and totally don't be worried about it. I have an easier life I do feel bad for what like I walk home And I get nervous that there's people behind me that I'm gonna get a salt and like I think about my girlfriend like that is a nightmare Yeah, well Yeah We're being being Being raped obviously is not like a concern that we have to I'm not denying by the way at all that in the 50s
Starting point is 02:00:52 There were gender roles that were really oppressive to women and that they're currently our forces really oppressive to women I just I I kind of again like I said It's just too simplistic for me to be like ah for me to just brush off my grandfather's truck You know what else is all day fighting in combat just brush that my grandfather's truck. You know when I was fighting in combat Just brush that off. I have a problem. Rapism just even like rape anymore now. It's like if you get raped It's a fucking they're taking you in a car. You can gang rape by like five guys Confusing shit of them. That's not only that happened in the 50s, but no one would believe you See I'll admit that.
Starting point is 02:01:27 The result was much less, taking much less seriously. There was probably more gang raping in the 50s than there was today. I reckon? Yes. I believe so. America more violence. The 50s were way more violent. I think the 70s were a lot more violent.
Starting point is 02:01:40 The 50s? I don't know about that. No, the 50s street violence was pretty peaceful. So people, girls, they started to get the people. Yeah, but there's also like the another 50s street. I was pretty piece. So people girls like started to get. Yeah, there's also like the crack at the Democrats. Shut like that. I don't want to say like it.
Starting point is 02:01:51 We weren't just talking about rape. We were talking about actually just physically assaulting a woman and how woman can defend herself. So it wasn't just sexual assault. Right. It is men. And the point that I had made and the point that David made about going through like a bad neighborhood,
Starting point is 02:02:03 there needs to be some responsibility where you say hey dude, you know What the fuck was I doing in the bad neighborhood in the bad night and just like if I was in a bad neighborhood I got my ass kicked. Why were you walking around in the bad neighborhood? You would say to you. Yes, and you cannot say to a woman. Hey, by the way What are you doing at that party drinking? Is it a hypothetical or your people? Right. This is not a hypothetical from cops. I got mowed at gunpoint and the first questions they asked me right away. So hold on. This is outside my building, by the way, having a 3 a.m. coming back from
Starting point is 02:02:35 spots and they go, what were you doing at a 3 a.m.? All right, be honest. Were you buying drugs from these kids? Are you that? I mean, literally just five minutes of what were you wearing? Right. Right. But at the end of the day, I understand it. But it's the point that we're making you that you that you can't do that but historically that's what has been done but it's happened to trade on Martin when you got murdered what was he do but this is what you do when you bring something to a cop they investigate what was going by the way there's this female blogger uh her she goes under the title girl writes what she writes about when
Starting point is 02:03:04 she was it really powerful she writes about when she was, it really powerful. She writes about when she was raped as a kid. That's a huge arm. She was hanging out with these shitty people. She's not me. She's doing drugs and she goes, I was a teenager. I knew I was doing the wrong thing, but I had that kind of teenager invincibility and she goes this after I got raped.
Starting point is 02:03:18 What was so empowering to me is I went to my, I was like, this is never going to happen to me again. Because I'm never going to be around these people. I'm never going to do this again. And it's like, there does come a point where that can be an empowering thing to a woman here on the next self defense i'm the carrier gunner pepper spread and we were saying before was the whole like quote-unquote blame the victim mentality would also happen to a guy who was in a bad neighbor
Starting point is 02:03:39 and it does that's true nobody questions that are no big and we do have a history in the point i was making about war was no we do have a history in the point I was making about war. We do have a history of violence against men. Men are, I think, physically, attacks just back down the street, punched in the face. I think it happens way more often than this happened on women. That happens every day. That's a bully. Just bullying in general.
Starting point is 02:03:58 Yeah, by the way, physical haunts. We have a, we're 5% of the world's population and 25% of the world's prison population. We in prison more of our own people than anyone else under the war on drugs, which is primarily We're your giant violent Americans Americans primarily non violent criminals are in jail about 98% of which are men about 98 So we have this phenomenon where we send non violent men off to rape dungeons to lose all their freedom If that was being done to women, do you think that would be a feminist issue? Especially if they call something we hear about especially if they call them that right now that's what they're fucking are in reality they by the way i've never been
Starting point is 02:04:31 i don't know more men whether statistics on more men are raped in prison every single year than women in this country far more well it's actually far more but it's more it's great to wear this for to prison rate then uh... be more awareness of prison rate it's a horrible fucking phenomenon like it's mostly black and brown Manon like a phenomenon manon one that note Should we ever share we plug their twitters and things like that? Yeah, I don't know if you like it. Do we offend are you mad at Dave or me?
Starting point is 02:05:00 I'm thinking about the conversation, but it'm thinking about everything and I'm taking it, but it's like, what you guys, I don't know if you guys will get, it's like I get that you guys are always thinking about, am I gonna get mugged in this bad name, will blah blah blah. But like with chicks, it's like this is a constant thing, you're constantly not physically as strong as this other guy. And it never leaves my brain that the minute I go around a corner because I'm going to walk into work or to a show or whatever that there's a
Starting point is 02:05:26 Possibility a guy can just please yeah and every mouth 10 minutes. It's all it takes in my life Yeah, I do that too. I carry my keys on me constantly just in case that's what I just said you're saying you guys I mean I think Dave is making it I mean I think you have your beef with Dave. We're all saying Yeah Are you against that? I'm just saying don't know like we can't understand that because we can't understand it dude. I know but what I will tell like a lot of the times though You can't even I can't defend myself with the beginning of something because I'm petrified of what that good I do I Did I say this a second ago Joe I agreed with this point. I definitely don't go through that. That's 100% like a
Starting point is 02:06:06 burying woman that I That's what I'm saying. That's fair and that's fair thing to talk about. I have men try to understand that perspective a little bit. Also like a constant like what reminds us all the time is that it's constant that sometimes we can't even say anything back like a guy will stand in front of me and be like talk to me Talk to me. Where you going? Where you going and what I want to do is go fuck off get the fuck away from me But I can't because that little by the way that's a little
Starting point is 02:06:33 I say that's a little aggressive. No, it's not hold on if somebody else. Let me say this. No Kelly If somebody comes up to you and says hey, what's up girl? Where you going? Fuck off? I think that's a little bit of a gritty aggressive of a comeback You did say it in a time that a lot of guys don't approach it in a lot of guys. Yeah, it's not they're not actually Asking that's not a formal greed it. Yeah, you're a shirt guys I'm walking home and the guy stands in front of me. I'm walking in straight line in the footpath He stands in front of me and stops me and when I try and walk around he's gone. Hey girl Hey girl. Hey girl
Starting point is 02:07:10 Would you agree? Would you agree though that there's a way you can do that not as a creep like there's a way I can I can try to talk to you like it just be like hey, what's going? You know I'm like I live in PM and I can't approach you on the street at all There's no way that it doesn't come off here. I'm a big believer in like I think like guys do it in such a creepy way That fucking much you That's strong. Did you see that one blog about first of all? I call you for so I watch you literally on Tinder just swiping through Dix all day long. Do you do that? Call it you swipe Dix?
Starting point is 02:07:34 I'm making fun of them. I don't say I haven't gone on a sin day. But look, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, there was a blog that came out the other day where women were holding up. Let me just say this. When we're holding up a sign and it said it was things that guys said to them on the street. And some of them were really shitty. Some of them I'm speaking of Sam Kelly. What are you doing?
Starting point is 02:07:54 She I'm sorry. She was distracting me. It's like I'm trying to pay attention to you. And Kelly's over here saying God knows what the ridiculous women. Can somebody rape her? That's not cool. That's not cool. There's a bell, Jess a bell, so light, please pick that up.
Starting point is 02:08:09 That's not cool. Not fun. Save that for where Bobby's back. There's a bell, this is not that. But what it said was it had all these like pick up lines of guys reusing and some of them were shitty. Like, yeah, what are you doing girl? Like to come on your tits?
Starting point is 02:08:19 But literally a couple of them were literally just, hey, how's it going today? Literally the ones that, hey, how's it going today? I was like, maybe you're being a little bit of an asshole. Yeah, but you know what, if a guy came up to me and said, hey, how's it going today? I would think stranger danger too. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:08:34 Yeah, I don't want to, like, what do you want to know for? That's why I carry maids. Yeah. And I got my keys between my fingers. Well, come to die easy. But by the way, you can't also say that to me, okay, forget 11 at night, but when these girls are out, it just fucking in these incredibly like like sexualized outfits looking great. Yeah Kelly
Starting point is 02:08:49 Let me talk you can't say no one's Kelly you can't say no girl you're going down there. You're going down to their asking for it No, I'm not saying they're asking for it. It's just not good You're saying that girls don't ever want to talk to guys on the street. They don't ever want to meet people probably not on the street There's no way that a guy I I You got you women guys on the street they don't ever want to meet people probably not on the street there's no way that a guy I have a girl 30 girls are meeting them on the street in bath you got you women are not playing that's number so that's number you have picking up woman you just said that you are in the pick up women in comic comes anyway what which one
Starting point is 02:09:13 you go no she said back in the day he got him in bars all the time and that's what you know the street all the time to three women you can't you're not speaking for all women if you say women aren't trying to get hit on that's all I'm saying lots of women like to get hit on by guys and I think I don't do it in a creepy way at all a lot of women down though Maybe I mean, but no a lot of women do a lot of women do yeah, but different Yeah, but it makes it better right but a lot of women so there can't right a lot of people that don't want it There's a lot of you want it. Yeah, that's exactly right. That's why I'm a lot of each group But I just said that I feel like people argue with me and things like I just said I'm arguing
Starting point is 02:09:43 You can't speak for all you're not speaking for all women Right, I'm just saying there's lots of women like to go to borrow so talk to guys Dave only Kelly and Sam are arguing with you And both gay That's too L. Max. Hey Kelly. Hey, mate. Where can people reach on Twitter? I'm keeping people can find me at klyfac. Oh. FAST or Kelly And if you want to come see me, I'm going to be at the stress factory. Tuesday the 9th of September and on the Friday the 12th of September, 10 o'clock, big, big, huge show at the creek in the cave. But just I don't know. I'll keep you guys posted about it. It's going to be great, great.
Starting point is 02:10:22 Let's go around the circle. Hell yeah. All right. You guys, first I just want to say I've never raved anyone. And you can follow me on Twitter at Comic Dave Smith. I don't think too many feminists listen to Bobby's podcasts. But whatever. No, it's zero. It's probably not. But if you want to hear more, me defending more controversial views like that, check out my podcast, Part of the Problem on iTunes.
Starting point is 02:10:42 And for the record, I find Dave to be both endearing and delightful. Thank you. For the record. I thought you were great guest host. I think you did well. I asked him for it. I'm sorry. We're going to so fuck after this.
Starting point is 02:10:53 Yeah, that's it. She's unleashed the beast. I'm at Sam Morel, M-O-R-R-I-L on Twitter, and up come and see Adol, Utah, some stuff. So, oh, my nine. Moving the shot, yeah. Moving? Yeah, stuff. So, oh, am I not moving the shot yet? Move it. Oh, jeez. Also just throw out vague cities.
Starting point is 02:11:08 Don't mention clubs today. I forgot the name in Utah. Seattle is laughs. It's in Kirkland's good. And that's September. So come see that. And, you know, all right, look. This is the funniest plug of all time.
Starting point is 02:11:21 It's gonna be an end of the show. It's the Seattle Portland Toronto. Thank you. I remember Carl Sainte, Portland, or Toronto. It's gonna be an episode of the Adel Portland Toronto. Thank you. I'm recall saying that, Portland or Toronto. You're confusing the listeners now. It's gonna be packed. Okay, Lou. That you talking is gonna be big.
Starting point is 02:11:33 That's not even a city. That's just a city, bro. All right. Hey guys, I'm gonna need self-wrestling and a country at some point in my life. Oh, check my calendar, it's on Go below that Mason Dixon line. I'm life, check my calendar. It's on go below that Mason Dixon line I'm sorry I don't come to show fuck the shows
Starting point is 02:11:52 I'm Joe list Virginia. You just skipped I know but I want to get that joke up before Lewis did and Lewis is all quiet and weird and it doesn't I'm not quiet and weird. I'm happy Nice fucking thrilled and weird and it doesn't look like. I'm not quiet and weird, I'm happy. Nice. Fucking thrilled. Lewis is just trying to delay, so someone will get the bomb, Dana. Yeah. I think it wants to be last, so you can make a big thing. That was the truth.
Starting point is 02:12:13 That was the last opportunity for someone to get it. I just thought Kelly's speaking. This might be your moment. That usually is. Guys got on my website, And check out my day. Is that really his website? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:12:26 He's got seven websites where people define him and that's not the bad thing for him. My favorite is Yeah. Guys, it's one website. There's different URLs that you can get. I mean, they all, they're all backlinked to go on
Starting point is 02:12:38 But what's one that people get easily remember?, just do me a favor. It may be a lot if you could go through If you just, if you think about Callie, what's the first sentence that comes any mouth out of .com? What is it? You're such a dick. You know how many people have created the website? It's like, it's
Starting point is 02:12:54 All these fans in the show have made ones to him. And they all redirected it. I'm speaking. They redirected them all the time. I went with a bunch. That's a very girl thing that I'm speaking. Because he always does it. Because he's louder very girl thing that I'm speaking. Because he always does it. Because he's louder than me.
Starting point is 02:13:08 Just give your dives. But people need to go home. So you're saying you have Kelly Pistuca is almost attractive. Kelly likes to speak proudly over. All these people made, they was shared, Like Kelly, no, I was funny and I made Kelly Pistuca It was funny. What's the website? Kalefusuka I didn't hear the Hands of the show thought it would be funny and give me a look
Starting point is 02:13:32 Racking about other people's funny. That wasn't even original. It was just a playoff of my funny It is funny. It's funny to make fake websites to say people suck. I like everything Yeah, it was like seven of them, so I'm not gonna miss it. Okay, good. The fan of the city of London. So about the cutout of New York. Yeah, we need to like wrap it up. All right.
Starting point is 02:13:50 I already did it. Oh, all right. At Joe Lisske, but he checked out my podcast. Those of you who aren't already listening, Tuesdays with stories, great hot tunes. Great hot tunes. Thank you. And great job, Sam.
Starting point is 02:13:59 I have them like. What a great episode. Thanks. Adrian, do you want to plug anything? Yeah, I don't on Twitter, but I would like to plug the Sam Roberts Friday show. I am in for Fridays on Series X and from 3 a 6 p.m. And it's Eric Nagel from 8 to 9 on Saturday evenings. Just go to my Twitter at
Starting point is 02:14:22 I'm going to give you guys Bobby's dates right now. August 28th, 29th and 30th. Bobby's going to be at I'm gonna give you guys Bobby's dates right now August 28th 29th and 30th Bobby's gonna be at sides splitters in Tampa and For you overseas people to 23rd 24 25th 26th Bobby's gonna be in Denmark and Copenhagen Denmark at the Bremen theater That might be worse than Sam's Utah thing Well anyone's in Denmark and go check that out As always Sam. You can find me on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, at Not Sam. Not I have a podcast called the Sam Robert Show Online which is also at Not and the Friday thing that Adrian plugged is my show. So you can listen to me there. Thank you all. You're
Starting point is 02:15:03 all a great group of people. Thank you Sam. Thank you so much for me there. Thank you all. You're all a great group of people Thank you so much. You're coming in. We really appreciate it. Yeah. Thanks for having me. Yeah, so you got up so early anyway. Yeah Thanks everybody Hey, what's going on Robert Kelly here from the you know what did podcast from and guess what true Is changing car buying forever? Yes, everyday true car users receive negotiation free guaranteed savings. Some features not available in all states. In the first three months of this year, over 126,000 cars were sold by TrueCard certified dealer networks.
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