Robert Kelly's You Know What Dude! - Butt to Butt

Episode Date: September 3, 2018

The Puerto Rican Rattlesnake Luis J Gomez guest hosts for Bobby this week with Kim Congdon and fellow regular Joe List! Whats next for him after his first MMA victory at Ellismania, what’s Luis and ...Kim’s love life like, and hows the internet taking Louis CKs return to stand up? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Robert Kelly's You Know What Dude on the Riotcast Network. Is that it? Is that the whole intro now? It's short. How are you going to rock music? I will say I do like that. Is that the whole intro now? It's short. I like rockin' music. I will say I do like that.
Starting point is 00:00:31 This is good. All right, now you're gonna be going. You're gonna be gonna be gonna be gonna go a little bit fine, guys. I was in a little bit of a mood when I started the show. No. Welcome to the Real-Ass Podcast. It's your boy, Lewis J. Gomez.
Starting point is 00:00:44 Here on the guest digital network, No, we are not. It's like, aren't on that network? The latest in gentlemen, make sure you subscribe. Here's the promo code RAP. Get yourself a dollar 50 discount.
Starting point is 00:00:55 I had a guest network. Thank you. Save a dollar 50 a month. Get a 14 day free trial. Why not check out all the other shows on the guest digital network, Legion of Skanks. Believe you may. Hey, Joe Liz, thanks for fucking joining us.
Starting point is 00:01:05 You fucking late dick. Well, maybe you don't know what I can do to you physically. You're always late, Lewis. You're late for your own podcast. How about that? How about that, now? Bap, bap, bap, bap. How about that, now?
Starting point is 00:01:20 Sorry, I'm late. I told you guys, that was going to be late. You did. Quit acting like I didn't say I was going to be late. Joe, you were one of the doubters. Yeah, I thought you. I told you guys it was gonna be late. You did quit acting like I'm I didn't say I was gonna be late Joe You were one of the doubters. Yeah, I thought you're gonna lose really We were bad. We were one of the doubters. He he had multiple times telling me to pull out of the fight I didn't say pull out of the fight. I said pull out of your girlfriend She's not the one. Make sure you do not get her pregnant. I did say that
Starting point is 00:01:43 No, I didn't say pull, I was just concerned. Well, here's the thing. All I know is the guy's a trained black belt. I didn't know he was balding. Ha ha ha ha. No, he's gonna fight like that. You knew he was 40 years old. I didn't know how old he was.
Starting point is 00:01:57 I didn't know anything. I just knew he was a black belt and trained. Yeah, are we on our, we live on YouTube right now? Yes, we have, this is why K2VD. It's not the real ass podcast, not gas digital. It's right cast I'm filling in for one Robert Kelly where the fuck is Robert Kelly? I already left his cell phone here on a plane For the audience of Canada Joe picked up a remote control He's home. He's home yesterday. He's flying to Canada today. Oh Canada. All right. There you go
Starting point is 00:02:24 So Bobby's fine to Canada today. Oh Canada. All right there you go. So Bobby's fine to Canada. We were gonna do, excuse me, we're gonna do a YKWB regular show and Dan Soder got called to the set of billions and so Gabby was like, who else should we get? I did not suggest this. I didn't, I wanted to day away from her because I've been fucking with her in Vegas.
Starting point is 00:02:40 It's been a whole thing. Kimberly Kong to my girlfriend is here as well. Yep, I'm here still here So hot huh what watching us beat him up a guy. Yeah, it was great. Yeah, that's something to it I really embarrassing Instagram story. Yeah, you can pull some of that up if you want no I mean like it's fine put my it put my Instagram I brought that up This is this is camera here. This is the quesad that she was supposed to be here
Starting point is 00:03:05 She can make it look put the audio on for this put the audio on for this It's right or die right there. Oh, wow. You're a horrible person. Yeah I was yelling at him that he was bleeding because I was behind him in Ryan O'Neil's corner. Yeah, and I was like You're bleeding bitch and people in the crowd were like looking at me like something's wrong with her. Yeah, why would you hit corner? Because it was like where the VIP section was she was behind that like she was sitting behind where Ryan O'Neil was She was being in Apollo's corner. Yeah, that is true Yeah, what what a night. We're gonna talk about that on today's show. We are.
Starting point is 00:03:46 Also, we're talking about the return. It's an all-lui show today because Lui is to tell me this returns Sunday night to the comedy seller here, which everybody's happy about this. Nobody will publicly say it. Nobody's tweeting that they're happy about it. To come in and say.
Starting point is 00:04:00 I'm gonna be honest, people are pussies. Comedians themselves are fucking pussies. If here's here's here's a here's a good test If a comedian is being silent about this on social media They're happy that Lucy K's back that is a telltale time because everyone else is just fucking shitting on him and they're all pussy So we're gonna tell that because the crowd went bananas when he came out Yeah, yeah, and a hundred percent of the tweets are fucked this he shouldn't be back. Yeah, exactly. So let's you know that only the negative people are writing exactly that's a great point. Yeah, it's a really really good point. Um, so some girl tweeted, so it was a comic she tweeted, Louis C. K. Chris Hardwick and who is he?
Starting point is 00:04:37 DJ Miller. DJ Miller walking to a bar and then I just quoted it and I wrote and the crowd went nuts. and then I just quoted it and I wrote in the crowd went nuts. That's really funny. And that bitch worked for, uh, what's his name? Chris Hordewick. She thanked him like there's a tweet from her thanking him for the job. Ali, whatever her name is. Yeah. TMZ just emailed me.
Starting point is 00:04:57 Urge, they said it says, uh, urgent is the title. And it says, uh, hope you're doing well. I'm reaching out to see if you'd be available to come on TMZ Live today to talk about Louis CK's return. Is this something you'd be available to? Please let me know if this is something we can look into. Here's my direct line and my cell phone. Looking forward to it. Joe's not the type of guy to do that.
Starting point is 00:05:14 Anybody who does that is whack. Anybody who's gonna piggyback and take it. That's why I was late. That's why I was late. That's why I was late. That's why I was late. That's why I was late. That's why I was late.
Starting point is 00:05:24 That's why I was late. We need you to come back and you pick up. That's why I was late. That's why I was late. That's why I was late. I'm going to eat my words because some of the other respects is going to fucking go into TMZ and do this. But it's just, I'm just going to take the opportunity to piggyback on and talk about some other dude returning to comedy and use that as an opportunity. They're fucking wack. It's not even some other dude. It's just his specific situation doesn't seem wrong to me. I even read the articles again where the women were like, we were all together in our coats and he asked if we can masturbate and we said yes. And then he started taking us a clothes off and then we were like,
Starting point is 00:06:03 oh, I guess it's not a joke. But it's like, you know how long it takes fat people to take their clothes off? Like, they have to leave. They have to take his pants off, his shirt off, his fucking underwear, it's winter. It's like, and then they're like, then he wasn't kidding. It's just like a weird situation. It's also just fucking, oh my god, boohoo. I've just dealt with real shit in my life.
Starting point is 00:06:24 I'm sorry. I don't give a fuck look. Here's the he didn't hold the door close He didn't block any women in the corner of the room, but even if he did I'm just going whatever man. I watch my mom fuck a guy for money Okay, there's like shit that I've seen in my life. I used to get beaten physically with objects regularly when I was a child But not tonight. He's rock hard right now. I'm masturbating actually. I'm doing my own Louisiana. I'm here loving it.
Starting point is 00:06:50 Yeah, I know you are. So Louisiana, Louisiana, Louisiana, Louisiana, Louisiana, Louisiana, Louisiana, Louisiana, Louisiana, Louisiana, Louisiana, Louisiana, Louisiana, Louisiana, Louisiana, Louisiana, Louisiana, Louisiana, Louisiana, Louisiana, Louisiana, Louisiana, Louisiana, Louisiana, Louisiana, Louisiana, Louisiana, Louisiana,
Starting point is 00:06:58 Louisiana, Louisiana, Louisiana, Louisiana, Louisiana, Louisiana, Louisiana, Louisiana, Louisiana, Louisiana, Louisiana, Louisiana, Louisiana, Louisiana, Louisiana, Louisiana, Louisiana, Louisiana, Louisiana, Louisiana, Louisiana, Louisiana, Louisiana, Louisiana, Louisiana, Louisiana, Louisiana, Louisiana, Louisiana, Louisiana, Louisiana, Louisiana, Louisiana, Louisiana, Louisiana, Louisiana, Louisiana, Louisiana, she likes maybe the comedy sellers and book me enough so I guess not. Why do they do the booking?
Starting point is 00:07:05 No, he's the reason I got in the conversation. He can get a guy in and he can get a guy, a guy proverbial guy. Ladies, you don't even look at the way. He looks right to Riverbank. But he's not doing the booking. Yeah, no, no. If he doesn't want you at the club, he can. You're gone.
Starting point is 00:07:18 He owns the club. But I don't think he books it. He's the one who got me in. I mean, I still had to, I guess, be approved by Estee somehow. Right. But like, I started working be approved by SD somehow. Right. But like, I started working on his, you know, word. Yeah, he got me an audition too from this podcast. It was the one word with Dustin Chaffin.
Starting point is 00:07:32 Yeah. I was the only regular on it. It was brutal. Yeah. Anyways, that's neither here nor there. I really took the energy out. Sorry. It's okay.
Starting point is 00:07:40 Well, it was supposed to be a guy. Louis! It was supposed to be soda. It was going to be a magical fucking... You know what we got to do? You know what, dude? What? We got to just fucking. It was gonna be a magical fucking, you know what we gotta do? You know what dude? Whoa. We gotta just fucking cut Bobby out,
Starting point is 00:07:48 cut these idiots out, okay? Wow. Me and you and Dan do a regular just on the Patreon. I love that. Patreon only, okay. I like the money. We need the money. Yeah, we need the money.
Starting point is 00:07:59 This podcast is not pay very well. This one pays nothing. Yeah. This pays fucking nothing. We are, your Bobby is a very smart guy because this year are you what do you be afraid to be I get paid to be here. How much? What? Well, I do producing stuff. How much are you paid? I'm not telling you that. I produce the laughs. I was thinking about it. I've been on the show for six and a half years. Two hour show probably average 30 times a
Starting point is 00:08:21 week. So that's 30 times six is a hundred. 30 times a week. I mean 30 times a week. That's 30 times 6 is a hundred and eighty. 30 times a week? I mean 30 times a year. 30 times a year. Time six. That's a hundred and eighty times times. He was literally thinking this because he's already had the memory of it. Yeah. And then two hours. So that's like a hundred and eighty times two is three hundred and sixty hours. Divided by twenty four. Somebody else. And I just, there we go.
Starting point is 00:08:44 That's a lot of time. Yeah. For Zil money sounds like someone's making an end you got into the comedy seller because you were on this podcast Yeah, that's no I was talking to know And I was I was in way before this podcast See this Bobby brain washes them because he's like he's like he did the opportunity dude Well, it's not LA. It's not fucking LA. It's not, oh, I get exposure through the fucking YKWD podcast. I'm taking this microphone home. I'm bringing this microphone and this stand back to the guest digital studio. There you go.
Starting point is 00:09:13 Everyone takes something off the wall. Kim, take the Bobby Kelly painting. I don't want that. Take a sitar, one of the many sitars. Those are guitar. I'll take the table. I'm okay. So yeah, so Louis, Iars. Those are guitar. I like the table. I'm okay. So yeah, so Louis, I was Sunday night.
Starting point is 00:09:28 He came back. Sunday night. Comes in Kragos fucking nuts. Okay, no one wasn't there, but no one's, Pope Noems quotes from the New York Times article. Because no, I'm just doesn't really give a fuck. People are like, well, it does though. He's terrified also.
Starting point is 00:09:40 Is he? Well, he has is, I think he has, not, I don't know if he's terrified. I don't want to speak for the guy. But I think that it's nerve wracking to have this many people be like, fuck the seller and blah, blah, blah. He's not terrified. But I think he's, it's going to make a decision. I think he's, it's weird because it's, it's never, never, have we had a time where a restaurant
Starting point is 00:09:57 owner had to deal with me to backlash. Like, it's like a crazy fucking thing, you know. But he's never dealt with me to backlash. I think that's the issue. It's, but it's spilling over because the past couple years now has sort of been like, you know, celebrities getting called out for this shit. But now it's spilling over to the point
Starting point is 00:10:12 where it's going down to fucking comedy club owners. Right. Like if a comedy club owner doesn't shut his doors to Louis CK, now they're getting phone calls. I'm sure it's very few. Well, a lot of these people on Twitter, they want weird bad people if we don't Leave the room and not talk to them and tweet about it. They think where it. This is the problem It's all this periphery. What happens if you ask to smell his fingers because that's typically my go-to
Starting point is 00:10:36 It's right there. Yeah, I was sort of tying it tighter I was actually squeezing it and pulling in it. I have a difficult time moving my hands right I will talk about that today too many injuries now you got punched in the face a couple times. Whoa, Joe barely All right, you see the copy the copy strikes that's the what What the what no I think you have a fucking concussion no, I have no concussion. I'm doing great He punched me like twice in the face barely all right barely here's your punch him in the face guy They might have punched him with the face. We're gonna get into it. Well, he's swelled up We're gonna get into it Joe. You want to talk about this or Louis first? I'm doing the Louis thing first. Louis obviously
Starting point is 00:11:15 I agree no, let's just let's fight You're dumb fight. Yeah, let's have the fight for later. I'm we talk about whatever we might take calls right? Sure Gabby We'll save the fight for later. I'm gonna talk about whatever. We might take calls, right? Sure. Gabby, I feel great. Gabby's gorgeous. What? It's infuriating. Oh, she's not gorgeous.
Starting point is 00:11:31 She looks good. No, she's like model-esque. I mean, she's like a little kid. Also, doodly in a weird way. Yeah. It's because I'm big. I'm tall. She's like a kid.
Starting point is 00:11:40 Yeah, you are big. He's. He's like, I it thinking about Gabby? She's so pretty, but just telling her she's big and doodly, it's just it'll get into her head a little bit. It's just great. I don't know. He's hard again.
Starting point is 00:11:52 Yeah. I don't know. I like hurting a woman's feelings. My feelings are so hurt. Yeah. So what did what did no say? So right here, all right. So dorm dorm and describe the 15-minute routine
Starting point is 00:12:02 as typical of the WCK stuff. Well, it's five women. Two of them were the girls in the winter coats. One of them he asked and she said no. And then he apologized. The other one, two of them he masturbated in front of them in a hotel room which was in 2002. He's 40 years old. I bet he's asked a bunch of women if he could do this. Two of them said yes his whole life or two of them said no or no no he probably gets he probably gets a lot of women to say yes yeah no I don't know if on the phone with one of them too that was the other one that was the only one
Starting point is 00:12:31 where I was like I really find that's a little that's a little pretty they got sure that one but we also haven't heard his side of all these stories no I'll tell you what happened here's a fucked up can you set this on the train on the right way over here? He fucked up because he just, when he apologized, it's sort of one and one fell swoop. You admit guilt in all of those things. Right.
Starting point is 00:12:54 And that's all anybody's going to take from, his apology was actually really smart. There was moments in that were kind of like funny and interesting. I remember just like thinking, it's not exactly a straight-up apology. It was like, it was almost a little sarcasm there It was a bit. Yeah, but it was like Because he apologized that kind of fucked him up. He should have never apologized. I don't think you did anything wrong
Starting point is 00:13:15 I Think you did what would be considered perverse and I don't think being perverse is wrong I think women are celebrated for being perverse today If one was like, yeah, I call this guy and if I can rub my pussy on the phone with him, everybody. You go girl. You go girl. That's so hot to love it.
Starting point is 00:13:32 You get it. And she like, you didn't know. Everybody would be like, cool. Like this, Asian Argento check. I love that. Here's my number. I like. We just can't see him heat in that too.
Starting point is 00:13:41 We get in the daily mail. And yeah, because Asian Gentile, I guess, Sent Jeff Leach naked photos and when Jeff Leach was a girlfriend and Jeff Leach was on our show, he told the story and And he was like stop sending me naked photos and went my check and she was like, oh whatever and he was just making the point that It's kind of ironic that she's one of the leaders in this Me Too movement and she's fucking sending him home and wanted moods so then it came out that she fucked the 17 year old kids one kid now there's two now right oh there's no another kid now but oh my phone vibrated in my pussy right when you said that
Starting point is 00:14:19 it's weird to God it was good to me she fucked this 17 year old when she was 21 it made me feel I did not say that I would never ever ever Ever wait is that a crime in Florida? No, I would didn't what's the age of consent in Florida. It's definitely That's fine Florida. That's here's my point about all this if the Asia Agento fucking story is not even a story It's not even a story. She fucks 20. She fucked a 17 year old kid fine. It's creepy But it depends on what state you're in in In certain states, that's not even illegal. New York, the edge of consent is 17. Nice.
Starting point is 00:14:49 Nice. Nice. But it is a good point that you make all the time, Liz. It's like in one state, 17 is fine. And the other one, someone's like a creep in their whole career's ending. Yeah, just by crossing state lines. Like it's like a weird thing that we've made.
Starting point is 00:15:04 I think it should all be 18 and up because. No, go down 16. I say round down. No, no, no, no, no. I think we should go 18. Have you ever met a 16 year old? Some of them look really young. But some 18 year olds look really young. I know. I know. Those are the ones you go for. I think when you go to college, it's one of your free and out of your parents house. You're that was an appropriate thing.
Starting point is 00:15:25 Why did you fuck a 17-year-old? How did that come about? He was in college. Oh, he was a freshman college. He was a very smart. Yeah. And then he lied so he was 18. But 17-year-old man can be buff.
Starting point is 00:15:37 You know, you live here. You can get a good looking 17-year-old boy. Yeah, he was athletic. Yeah. I don't want to hear that. I just feel as I don't want to hear about this. He was athletic. He ate pussy like a 25 year old.
Starting point is 00:15:51 And I met him at a bar. And I, by the way, I pictured this as a white kid. And now I just realized that this is probably a black kid because you can't tell black's ages. College. Was it a black? It was a mix. It was a mix of ice.
Starting point is 00:16:01 And Irish. He was a mix. I see. A little bit of everything. I was a mix. I was. I was a mix. I say a little bit of everything. I was a half black half white. That was your ste for a little while. Yeah. I went through phases. Yeah. That was his referendum phases. Emcee phases.
Starting point is 00:16:18 I hate hearing about it. Did you listen to your chick talk about fucking dudes ever? Um, I've gotten to a point where now, we've been having sex for eight years. Yeah. So now I'm gonna be spicy. I'm like, yeah, give me something.
Starting point is 00:16:31 Really? Yeah, throw me a throw at me. No, you do. That may be spicy. Woo! At some point, you gotta start mixing it up a little bit. But he's fine. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:16:40 You know what I mean? If she threw something at me while I was fucking her, I would throw my fist at her. Oh. It was joke. I was fucking her I would throw my fist at her It was joke Yeah, so you'll pass sex is not but you're having sex the person now 500 women Don't even fucking bring it up. What are you talking about? Don't even fucking. 25. He lost his virginity to me.
Starting point is 00:17:12 She gets jealous. That would be gross. That would be, I don't know. I think that would be yucky. No. If he had never fucked before. Yeah. Probably. You want to be bad. Fucking hard. Have you ever taken any virginity skin? Yes. Oh, I forget I want you anymore Just sitting away like she's got a fucking list of them so have I I Pray on them You take Numbers out there. Let's have fun. It's fun. Have you ever ever Jimmy's if you take in just one? Just one cab dog zero you've taken zero
Starting point is 00:17:46 Told you she would take a virgin Before you die is that not kind of hot for a check that I like to like you're like an older chick Would you do that now if there's like a 21 year old kid who's good looking and you weren't with me Yeah, yeah, I do it if I was with you. Yeah, yeah Don't you want to watch her fucking 19 year old kid who's a virgin a little bit shaking? His arms are shaking on top of me. Come on. No, why he has no course strength?
Starting point is 00:18:10 What is he like? He's gonna have to be about after if you need to. That's fucking, no, I would not. Well, how old are you, Gabby? I'm 24. You're 24, so would you? If there was like a, I, we'll go younger because Kim's so old as shit.
Starting point is 00:18:22 So 27. So, don't tell me there this like a 19 year old kid virgin but really good look and just pure. I think 20 yes. You do it. You say fuck it. I'll teach you 20 knows what's that. Yeah, yeah. He's a 20 year old virgin. He's a fucking nerd. Or he's shy. Well my 41 year old virgin. So it's asking him. He could be a Christian or, you know, are you a virgin? No. He's married. He could be a virgin married, that happens right?
Starting point is 00:18:52 I don't think so for Jesus. Yeah. No, I think that, I guess there's something kind of hot about that. Like, even, but that's the double standard right there because I don't even look at this creepy. Like, if I said right now, oh yeah dude, 18 year old girl, 19 year old girl, take a virginity, get that V card, that sounds disgusting.
Starting point is 00:19:11 But like when you guys say it, it's just like a fucking porno. Yeah, women are hotter than men. So it's hotter when they say things even if it's kind of gross and perverted. That's true. That's just how those, I'm sorry. Yeah. So what about you, my
Starting point is 00:19:27 Hamilton Virgin Virgin's view this is the first one. Well, this is just waiting to tell us how many he's taken. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, you ever Lewis is a Barker. So he did a lot of Grab people off the street. I did. Did I ever grab a version of the street? Oh That is a terrible I ever grabbed a version of the street name of the show New podcast. I gotta tell you. I'm reading this book Missoula by John crack-hour was my favorite writer. Mm-hmm. It's about a rape on college campuses it's a real issue it's all who's in ha ha is over here but this is women yeah I mean women were getting dropped at a bars nightly in college they're not gonna break any more college campuses than they are in fucking libraries no
Starting point is 00:20:18 no they are no it's absolutely different yeah nobody rapes in the line there's no for nobody's ever done a study on this. You know who, very few people, you know, there's very few amount of rapes with like the ski mask jumping out of the bushes. That's a very low number. It's mostly acquaintance. And even in college, we had a few. All right, all right, fucking 1993.
Starting point is 00:20:36 We get it, we know this. Okay, we get it, Lewis, you rape people. You know what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what time. It's a new time. It's a new time. It's a new time. It's a new time. It's a new time. It's a new time. It's a new time. It's a new time. It's a new time. It's a new time. It's a new time. It's a new time. It's a new time. It's a new time. It's a new time. It's a new time. It's a new time. It's a new time. It's a new time. It's a new time. It's a new time. It's a new time. It's a new time. It's a new time. It's a new time. It's a new time. It's a new time. It's a new time. It's a new time. It's a new time. Yeah, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,. And I was like, dude, like, just at any point, he could just take me and drag me into a fucking hallway and take my butthole if you wanted to. Yeah. And then I'm saying this, making this point
Starting point is 00:21:33 with a bunch of women and I'm looking at their faces and they're all like, they're making their face like, this is our lives. It's just how we live every single day. It's time you woke up. Well, I'm becoming more woke. Thank you. That's what I'm trying to do.
Starting point is 00:21:44 What is it? Do you want to hear really crazy things? Some girl got pulled off the street like at a bar like in like a place like Greenwich village and her boyfriend and all of his friends were like 10 feet ahead of her She was just walking behind them because she stopped to say hi to a bouncer or something and a car pulled up open the door And they dragged her in and her boyfriend pulled her out by the open window right before they took off And she said there was hundreds of people around and the people were speaking a foreign language in the car. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:22:09 They were gonna kidnap her in the second. Oh, it's a flavor, yeah. That's kinda hot though. Is that a weird word? Like as a fantasy, as a woman, do you not kinda wanna get kidnapped and sold in the cesse library? Well, if you have to in the car. No, you don't wanna get kidnapped,
Starting point is 00:22:21 but you wanna get attempted in your boyfriend Yankee out. For sure. That's cool. That's kinda bad. That's like, Iwini Yankee out, you're like, you know, like to get kidnapped, but you want to get attempted in your boyfriend Yankee out for sure That's cool. That's kind of like it when he angst you out. You're like, hmm, you know Oh my god, I was almost How better they have planning where they left their window open though. I know. Yeah, seriously It's how hot it is in the city right now. I don't think it was New York. I think it was Austin The fourth Missioning here from Texas. Is that you and your crew?
Starting point is 00:22:41 I don't know what them anymore. Yeah, I hear about that a lot. Like, chicks, guys pull over the car when they're hammered and they try to get them to come in, because it's like, this is just like easy prey. There's like a wounded deer, you know? Well, that's what they do. You gotta read this book. It's fucking blown my mind. These guys, these like, frat dudes, they purposely,
Starting point is 00:22:59 the guys tells the story. They don't, a lot of rapists don't realize their rapists. The guys just openly talking about this. He's like, yeah, we would have parties. We would get them drunk to the sleepy. And he's like, then I'd like wrestle with her. She started squirming. He's like, the squirming hill because I got her blouse off. It's like insane. He's like, this what we do. He's like, we do it all the time. Wow. He's just telling the story. I mean, look, when we were in college, we would wait till the end of the night and just fucking just try to hook up drunk.
Starting point is 00:23:24 But everybody. But it's kind of not like in this. It's not right now, right? If my buddy, if like, if one of my comic buddies said, dude, let's just wait to the end of the night and get like the drunkest girls here and try to hook up with them. I would go, dude, that sounds like a rape plan. Yeah. But that's kind of what we did in college.
Starting point is 00:23:41 Yeah. Like we, it's the times. And that's what the women did to. I don't know if we would go out drinking a hook up at the end of the day. Like we, it's the times. And that's what the women did too. I don't know if it was being, I'll go out drinking, go hook up at the end of the day. 100% the lights would come out. I remember four o'clock in the morning
Starting point is 00:23:50 and you said the lights would come out of the bar. Just kind of look around, but all right, well, who's left? It's so gross. Yeah. It's such a fucking gross way to be. I get it. I don't, we, I don't even fuck you when you're drunk.
Starting point is 00:24:02 No. She gets drunk sometimes, she lies. She gets like, what was she drunk? I tell him, like, he can just fuck me. I when you're drunk. No. She is drunk sometimes she lies. She's like I Tell him like you can just fuck me I just don't just do it. No, no, I'm not doing it. I there's something about He's really not rapist. I tell him he can rape me. Yeah, I try wow Sometimes I jerk off my sleep Apparently I jerk off in my sleep a lot. Oh really? He, it's a problem. I mean, she almost tweeted today that
Starting point is 00:24:27 I had a stopper. Nobody gets the fucking context of this fucking tweet you jerk off. She goes Louis K. Jerks off from front of women with permission to get to punish my boyfriend and I stopped her. What are you doing? Stop right now. Open your phone right now show it to draft. I'm going. I'm just fucking stop right now. I just pull up, open your phone right now, show it to draft. I'm not warning you, I stopped her from fucking doing this. Yeah, it's a draft that I'm still working on, for sure. But you get moaning and you're just like, I used to have a bit of that. I would wake up like half a week and be like,
Starting point is 00:24:54 eat my out, suck my dick, whatever. Oh yeah, I get, I get, yeah. Oh my God. No, all night long, he like is jerking off and I can feel like. Oh wow. He like jerking off? I can feel like oh Wow Yeah, I'm out of wake not at me. I'm out of wake. I'm really sleeping in my
Starting point is 00:25:10 Tatsume Just fucking grab my dick as her beaming. He's just jerking. I think it must be childhood trauma Like that's some shit that like you're trying to make yourself feel good while you sleep. Oh, that's sad actually No, I just let him do it. I'm like, I don't know if that helps you. No, no, I'll tell you where it is. Look it out. I'll tell you exactly where it is.
Starting point is 00:25:32 It's wrong to me to sleep now. I can't do it every night. He doesn't jerk off. I'm like, can you jerk off? I'm trying to sleep around here. I'm saying, white noise. You gotta hear. Which white, all right.
Starting point is 00:25:44 But, no, I don't think I do it when you're not there. I think what happens here is what's happening. I think I try to, if we don't fuck before we go to sleep, this is the truth. If we don't fuck before we go to sleep, I'm still horny. So then I attempt a few times, you're like, no, I'll leave the morning. Even if we have sex, you do it.
Starting point is 00:26:03 Yeah, I'm always horny. So she's always actually, in the morning. And then she'll say, she knows if she's promised me morning sex, then I'm like, fine. But then I think I'm horny and then I think I'm half awake. So I think my danger starts fucking going. This sounds really all rapey. She's like, she's promised me in the morning.
Starting point is 00:26:18 And she owes me, or I'll jack off on it back all night until she gives it up. That's what he does. If I don't have sex with him He'll keep me up and just jack it It'll be like three days of no sleep and I'm like That's how we fuck that's our sex So anyway guys I'm a feminist
Starting point is 00:26:44 Wow, I think this is one of the things that happens, like reading this book, because women early on, they'll be like, yeah, let's have sex. And then they change their mind because they're hammered or someone's in the room or they realize that you guys are fucking animal. But the guy, he's in his sex mode, yeah. And I thought, like, not relating to rape, but like, this time we a sexy mode. Yeah, and I thought like Not relating to rape like this times where like my wife is like, yeah, we'll have sex later tonight And so all day. I'm like all right. Let's go and then there's no
Starting point is 00:27:13 She's like, oh, you know what I'm going to hurt you physically bitch. Give me that pussy. That's not what I would say But But you are like, oh fuck that sucks and like I think about when I got herpes I was already naked making up with the girl and then. And like I think about when I got herpes, I was already naked making up with the girl. And then she was like, I have herpes. She could have said she had fucking AIDS
Starting point is 00:27:32 and was bleeding out of her vagina. I didn't, once you're in that mode, you're like, I have to. That's also not true. But she said she had herpes, I would not do it. She told you. She told him and he still did it. Yeah, I could.
Starting point is 00:27:43 Yeah, you should be on all the commercials you are you should represent Herpes like you should have t-shirts you have herpes t-shirts with just a picture of your dick when it has herpes on it I do have a herpes face. I should like um if herpes did have a face That's crazy But we're already so amorously involved. Like if she told me a dinner, I would might be like, oh, I'd never mind. Nothing would make me drier than a dude being like, by the way, you're gonna break out in a rush. Are you holding every few months after this? Like, no.
Starting point is 00:28:19 How would you tell a fucking girl? Because you've had herpes there. How do you tell you? I told one, well, Sarah Sarah I told before we were dating at the Laker Awards I announced it I thought it was gonna be hilarious we did the Laker Awards this year no this is such a good story and then I won the gentleman's gentlemen award which I won for shitting in a girl's shoe I used to have a serious drinking that story and we were told that on this show it's yeah jolless used to be like party animal, Joel is.
Starting point is 00:28:45 It was fucking crazy animal. So he got drunk and went home with a waitress from Carolins and shitting her shoes in her closet. Her roommate shoe, actually. I pissed her rug and shitting her shoe. And then dragged it all over the floor. And- Is that like a limbic?
Starting point is 00:29:00 Yeah. Pissed her rug, shitting her shirt. I get a limbic floor. Um. The worst thing is a limb of the lever floor. Um, the way it sticks to the limerick is a song. Um, I don't know what a limerick is. Um, I wish, jiggum a room. I don't think I don't know if you could say that.
Starting point is 00:29:14 Jiggum a room. Jiggum a room? Yeah. That's right. But anyway, so I wanted to work for it, and I thought it would be funny. In my speech, it'd be like, I had a really hard year. This means a lot to me. I got herpes.
Starting point is 00:29:24 And I was like, really horrific case of her of her and I thought it'd be really funny and everyone was the all-time bomb oh no staring at me and then Sarah was like I think it's great that you talk about it openly she's like people should be more open about it and I was like oh great this girl has herpes right I just assume her I'm gonna fuck this herpes bitch yeah doesn't still doesn't wow she's she never still never got it no I take vowel tricks and whatnot it's I'm gonna fuck this herpes bitch. Yeah Doesn't still doesn't She's she never stealing ever got it. No, well I take vowel tracks and whatnot. It's actually I think it's you know If you don't have it during an outbreak, I mean she might haven't just has never had an outbreak
Starting point is 00:29:53 Yeah, that's true as well. I think that's the kind of thing. That's what I think I have I help because I'm an animal He just told you you had herpes. Yeah, I know there's no way if you announced it right now. No, I don't. But I haven't been tested. The current open it's a Lakers game. No, it was like our awards. It was a award show at the Creek in the cave. Oh, okay. I still like it. Turn them over the last time.
Starting point is 00:30:15 The Lakers game. No, that's the last time I was tested for Herpes. That one's been a while. Herpes is hard to test for. Yeah, nothing else. No, you have to go specifically. Like, you have to ask them for specifically. It't come in the regular like and you have to have an Oak breaks so they can swap it. I had like two years ago. I had a herpes test. So I don't know for a reason. It's not in one fell swoop
Starting point is 00:30:32 I thought they test you for everything. No, you have to ask specifically now for herpes, but I think herpes Not to blow test really? Yeah, I got it everywhere. So, okay, so, alright, so what happened? So, that's how you told Sarah, and then... So, but anyways, one other woman I had sex with before I started dating Sarah, and I said, we were making out of whatever, and I was like, I have herpes, and then she said, well, it's not ideal.
Starting point is 00:30:57 No. And then we just kept going. Condom. I mean, we were at condom. I didn't wear her condom. That was stupid. You didn't wear condom after you told her you had her... No, no, no, when I got it, with that time, I wore a condom. I didn't wear a condom. That was stupid. You didn't wear condom after you told her you had her No, no, no when I got it with that time. I wore a condom she didn't say it wasn't ideal
Starting point is 00:31:09 But I think she similarly when you're trying to get laid You haven't been laid in a while and someone's nice. You're like, ah fuck it. Well, and with the condom It's you can prevent it. Here's the thing right if so I as an adult I know like yeah I've definitely hooked up with people of adherpies because numbers alone like, you know, you would it's impossible. Well, we had sex a couple times, but we we went butt to butt. Yeah, it wasn't even sex. Here's just rubbing butts. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:34 Butt to butt there. Yeah. Okay. Butt to butt right in the middle of the show. It's pretty weird. That is really awkward. Really had sex. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:31:47 I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:31:55 I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:32:03 I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I don't know. Is it good? Everyone make sure we're good. Good thing I noticed. Did stop it for a second. Thank you for all the stuff you audio over there. Okay, you're good. I get, we're all good. Sorry guys, a little bit of a fucker row. Yeah, so as an adult, like in my mind, I would go like, okay, I probably hooked up with multiple chicks who have had herpes.
Starting point is 00:32:22 You just didn't know it. So why would it matter if a chick told you, right? But it would just kill the mood so much. Am I just- Especially if she knew she wasn't having a breakout. And she's an outbreak. Oh yeah, see that's how you know I don't have it. Having a breakout?
Starting point is 00:32:36 Yes, you're putting herpes medication on your filthy lips. My lips are chopped actually. Yeah, I'm sure. But it would fuck me up. It would be such a mood killer like I can if I'm fucking to check from behind And I see a little bit of toilet paper in her but hole hairs. What about dingleberry? Oh Fuck yeah, 69 and there's a dingleberry. I had that happen one time. No, you know what? That's not 69 and she was like I thought you were really into this kind of love 69 and Love it. You got a nice dingle no, I've never seen a dingleberry girl's asshole. That's that's not that would be get the fuck out of my life
Starting point is 00:33:07 And I'm telling everyone about this. Oh my gosh. I know a comment comic and L.A. who told a story about eating a girl's asshole And she accidentally shit in his mouth And he didn't know what to do in it. So he blew it back in. No, that can't be real. That's what he said. That's not real. You can't print that That was a spinal tap reference. You think you can put it back in? He said it was a pellet poop. Oh, wow. So you just blew it back in your mouth.
Starting point is 00:33:30 Oh, yeah, she was eating a lot of fiber that week. That might work. No, I mean, I think that's not good poop. Yeah, that's a bad poop. That's the bad poop. That's the worst thing that's as healthy as shit. Who the shit's straight blood? My shit's not good.
Starting point is 00:33:43 When I shit, like what, what because what happens I eat really what all you do you really healthy are you garbagey. Yes. So it's when I eat garbagey it comes out like a lot and it's I mean it's I'm just none of this is sexy for for you Kim sorry. Yeah. You beat a guy up that trumps the poopy. Yeah. It really is. I want to get into that too. Well let's talk about that a little bit. Let's talk about it. You want to talk about the fight? Yeah, we're gonna look at you.
Starting point is 00:34:08 You kind of keep the quiet. You're supposed to do too many photos. I mean, the guy, I feel bad for the guy. I thought that the other day when you put up like the six photos, I was like, oh, this must hurt him now. It just photos over and over again. What, he was there? Beat from different angles.
Starting point is 00:34:23 I know, you're like, he's great. Good buddy. good warrior. His nine pictures of me punching him in the face. This one I made him black and white, so he's insignificant. I did that one. Good warrior. Did you do that in a picture? Yes, there's a color photo of Lewis and everyone else is black and white.
Starting point is 00:34:37 I didn't see that. I didn't see that. I didn't see that. You probably want to look outside and he got. No, I didn't. No, it's a wrong picture. It's an R Instagram. Oh, wow. Lewis is going to come. I would love to see that. You're probably gonna look outside and he got. No, I didn't. No, it's a long, long-term video. It's on our Instagram. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:34:46 Oh, Lewis is gonna come. I would love to see that. That's a problem. Please, let me see it. I'll retweet it. I'm- I've been jerking off to it too. So yeah, look, this whole experience was fucking pretty surreal.
Starting point is 00:34:59 Joe list. Here we go. Oh, that's fucking badass. Oh, man, he looks dead there. That's all right. He looks like he's been dead for days. Oh, that's brutal badass. Oh man, he looks dead there. It looks like he's been dead for days. I look like you're dragging a body. I'm gonna give you another photo to do that with if you can. I have another from that guy.
Starting point is 00:35:15 Yeah, it looks like a thong. Strip tends. So Joe, you were a little bit nervous. People were giving you shit. First of all, my fans, so much that sense of crazy. They don't get our relationships sometimes So like look here's what I do. I inspire people. It's a different thing You guys tell who fucking ha ha jokes and you make everyone laugh and it's cute, okay? For me another joy make people laugh
Starting point is 00:35:40 But I inspire thousands and thousands of people to be better versions of themselves every single day How do you do that? I do that by coming out and talking about herpes and sobriety you do it by beating up an old bald guy But yeah, that is only three years old of the maybe you know, we're basically the same thing You know, and he's got a black belt and tech one doubt Joe So I had a black belt That took his podcast yeah dog. It's anyways you inspire go might I had I'm not going to be a fan of you. I'm not going to be a fan of you. I'm not going to be a fan of you. I'm not going to be a fan of you. I'm not going to be a fan of you.
Starting point is 00:36:10 I'm not going to be a fan of you. I'm not going to be a fan of you. I'm not going to be a fan of you. I'm not going to be a fan of you. I'm not going to be a fan of you. I'm not going to be a fan of you. I'm not going to be a fan of you. I'm not going to be a fan of you., we're supposed to be promoting this thing. But my hand, it still might be broken.
Starting point is 00:36:26 I think it was broken. My shoulder had been dislocated. Rib injury, both knees. I couldn't do anything. Like, later the videos are, when I'm punching the heavy, even in like the trailer that I made for it, I'm just tapping it.
Starting point is 00:36:38 I'm like in crazy pain every time I hit it. So I couldn't do anything. And I also, even on the grappling side, I didn't want to show too much because you didn't want to give them any insights as to what to do and what to be looking out for. So a lot of it was just very like light pad work and you busted my balls and you're like, oh, do you shouldn't you be hitting this thing faster? Well, my joke was, I mean, he's you're lily doing like a run through. It's like a fucking
Starting point is 00:37:00 you're not fighting. Yeah, I was like, oh, you're moving too slowly. Obviously, you're not fighting at full speed. Yeah, I thought're moving too slowly obviously. You're not fighting at full speed Yeah, I thought that was an obvious joke. You're making a joke about I'm not being fast Just form wise yeah, we were in the atmosphere working on like just form in a video and Joe made a joke about the speed and then like 20 people just one guy was particularly mad no I was only one guy a few people were a few people. Yeah, there was a couple people were just like fucking whatever But one guy was like dude, why gonna get into guys head? He's about to go to war He's like, where are you friends?
Starting point is 00:37:32 And we ended up messaging me privately. We have a message back and forth, but it was just like a thing where I'm like It's it's always strange when people are like dude. You shouldn't do that. I'm like We're friends. dude, you shouldn't do that. I'm like, where friends? Yeah. You're not. Like, what are you talking about? Like, it's so bizarre. What are you talking about? People like, you should do this.
Starting point is 00:37:51 I'm like, what are you crazy? They people, well, for, look, I appreciate, when the fans get my back, I can't hate on that because where it's coming from is a really good place. And he's technically right. Like, what he's right about is this. Like, why say anything negative when the sticks are so high well you can't read sarcasm on messages I guess
Starting point is 00:38:10 too but don't you think it's funny that a legion of skanks Lewis Jagleman he is offended what happened was he got offended yeah he listens to you guys say the end word and Jew and guy and then I'm like Lewis you move and slow he's like dude that's what you're You should be doing that. Yeah, because you're affecting his chance of listening to that. That's hilarious. Yes. It suspends you. We're all the same as the point.
Starting point is 00:38:32 Do you understand the sentiment though? The sentiment from his perspective, your buddy is about to be able to get to a fight that takes a really high. Let's all just be really positive right now and fucking. He's not understanding also me who I'm not that it for somebody else that might be the case there might be another dude who's like a fucking fighter who are any negativity got into his head would might affect them. There's more nuance there. I mean you have a different relationship. You know me if you thought you would get in my head in the slightest bit and affect my
Starting point is 00:39:00 chances at being hurt. You are the nicest person I know you're one of my best friends. Thank you. That's not that there's no way you would even 1% chance that they don't understand that side of it. So he's looking at it from his perspective where he's going to do the five is getting to a fight where I want one of my buddies busting my balls publicly. They also don't get like your comics. Yeah. Like the whole idea about I think I I we play our fortnight with these kids right and
Starting point is 00:39:25 one of the kids i just i i just busted his balls about being short uh... and then i could hear that he was offended in it and like and i'm going to wait for these are comics they don't like them there to do with you know that i think that i'm that i'm so clear that i'm joking like the joke of like i'm clearly i don't know anything about fighting and i'm like earnestly being like I feel like you're moving
Starting point is 00:39:46 Yeah, you don't immediately see that this is a joke. Yeah He's not moving fast on purpose. I know It got like 85 black in the Yeah, it was a lot of likes I also got a big one when you are like is this fast enough when I wrote you want to see fast Watch me come with a thumb in my ass I liked it because I don't know if that's appropriate, but You're my friend Cuz Kim I don't can't believe I was gonna win this fucking fight the whole time because Kim
Starting point is 00:40:22 She's such a fucking Puerto Rican Florida piece of trash She's a corner family. She's like bet the SI promo code rap 120. We're gonna make some money. She's the whole family involved Like the whole networking scheme. She's like look if you make different profiles, you can get more money. It's fucking crazy I love you guys are in love. She really she really believed in me though. Yeah, you didn't think I was gonna win this fight I was concerned. First of all, I mean, there's also like You make it seem like she loves you more than me, which she probably does. But you're making seem like I'm a lot, I'm just concerned. I thought you're gonna lose as I was kicked. I care about your well-being. I want you to be all right.
Starting point is 00:40:56 What, what was the conversations like behind closed doors when I wasn't around, Joe? What did you, what did you say to, what were you saying to like Mark Norman and other buddies like dude and sky, you know, I was back and forth. I was like, you know And I talked to fans the night of the fight too Mutual fans I was like It you seem like such a fucking wild. I'm terrified of you. I've made that clear for years I hate that face You're a maniac. You're an animal. You're big. You know how to fight and you've been training with bizz Band or whatever the fuck
Starting point is 00:41:27 But you me this guy That guy stink So I'm like it's hard to imagine someone beating you up and I always think you could beat everyone up You're like Dante would kick my ass. I'm like what you crazy you'd beat that guy's ass Dante would fuck kick my head off my shoulders. I still think you could beat everyone up. You're like, Dante would kick my ass. I'm like, what, you crazy? You'd beat that guy's ass. No, Dante would fuck my head off my shoulders. I still think that's silly. So I think you're the toughest guy I know. But all I know is this guy is a fucking black belt and been training for 30 years since he was six.
Starting point is 00:41:54 And you've never actually fought in a fucking ring. Yeah, I never trained. And I was told it was a cage with some horseshit ring. And so I was blue in it, you guys. I'm like, this is what I'm doing. But it was stupid. But I thought like the guy he's gonna know, and then when he was changing the rules and shit,
Starting point is 00:42:10 I thought he was doing it because he was like, sometimes it's those people that quietly are fucking ninjas and they're like, dude, why don't we not do grappling because like I'm gonna fucking hurt you. I thought he was gonna hurt you possibly. Okay, so you thought I was possibly gonna be hurt. It's so, it's-
Starting point is 00:42:24 You know it's so funny. Remember when you told me you were Lewis went to LA a week before me and my and my friend Sarah Coln She said I saw Lewis at the comedy store tonight. She's like I told them that you told me he said he might get his jaw Like it there could be a chance that he could get his jaw wired shut and he said now I just said that to make him wet and I I was worried for a week that you were actually gonna get your jaw wire and shut. And that was just like a sick ploy to rape me again. Well technically, again, technically, look,
Starting point is 00:42:53 I could have had my jaw broken. I mean, look, they also took off the head gear, which I fought for them to take off the head gear for weeks. I didn't want to go with head gear because head gear, it makes it hot, it makes it, it's, it's, nobody wants to fucking do MMA and head gear. But you know It's broken. Yeah. Ryan told me that he thought I broke his nose. I don't know if that's actually the truth. I never confirmed it. But uh... But you know he's gonna call and confirm it. If anybody knows,
Starting point is 00:43:14 tweet at me at the same girl, man, he would love some pictures. But what a great sport he was. He seemed like he really enjoyed it and was really sweet and he raised your arm the whole thing. Yeah, I mean of course dude, look here's the thing. It was uh it was a test, you know, it was a dude. And I think that, I don't know, even as a woman, anybody, anybody should go and test themselves in one way or another. For me, it was one of the coolest things I've ever experienced.
Starting point is 00:43:38 To go through a training camp, really put myself in the best condition I could be in to come up with a game plan. The worst guys. Well, no. No, it's four days ago. Four days ago. Yeah, four days later, dude. I definitely had 20 pounds every then I was.
Starting point is 00:43:53 The morning of the weigh-in was the best. The afternoon, same as the week before. Yeah, that sucks. But no, like, learning how to actually fight, being able to teach some lessons to my son, it's fucking cool. And then even like, there's other little things that I didn't even know that I was going to learn. That was always sort of the idea of going into it.
Starting point is 00:44:09 It was like, oh, I'm going to test myself as a dude and see if I could fight this guy and beat a black belt, right? But then there's other little things of like, can I be in the moment and say, compose, like take direction from my corner in the middle of a fight. Like there's some fucking cool shit. And it came to this one with the story. But it's fucking great. No, no, tell the old tale again. It's fucking it's it's it's it's my albundi fucking honey.
Starting point is 00:44:31 I love this one. Tell the boys you want to cigar? Well, no between. Uh, sorry. All right. So first of all, I mean, you guys have all seen the fight, right? Yeah. So the fight was a decision.
Starting point is 00:44:45 First round I ended up getting on top of him, ground-up pounding him, second round, it kind of almost like a watch. Yeah, second round was, oh, we were just catching our breath. I really was. I was literally saying I'm just gonna circle, I'm gonna use a lateral movement, just catch my breath. It takes a lot to take somebody down
Starting point is 00:44:59 and fucking do that. And, you know, I was definitely winded. And then between the second and the third round, Biston was just like, he was like, mate, just threw the jab over him right. Is there all day? He's like, he's just looking at it. He's computing it as a fighter. Like he, like, he can't believe I don't see this. And I'm like, what? He's like, he's like, annoyed at you. He's like, yeah. Why didn't she see that? We throw the over him right? He's like, try to fucking land it. Land it with the authority. You'll knock this fucking guy out. Let's just go home. It was like, it was like a moment. And that's why he,
Starting point is 00:45:24 when I come out on the third, I just fucking start whaling that I throw the jab boom over in Atlanta. I'm like, oh, shit, boom, again. And it was just there every time. And it was just cool to be able to trust my corner and to let go. And because my instinct was keeping that distance, it was, I was in judging the distance perfectly. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:45:43 But yeah, I was in judging the distance perfectly, you know what I'm saying? But, yeah, I noticed. It was fucking. Yeah. There were about 11 punches that were nine inches from his nose. No, that was all part of the strategy as well, dude. Yeah, that's just finding out the distance. Yeah, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:45:55 It looked like you're doing the travel signal in basketball. He looked like Popeye. No, the reason I'm telling you right now, we worked that in my entire training camp, was to just punch a couple inches in front of his nose Make sure just like literally anytime nothing's happening just throw a jab in front of his nose Don't even try to hit him with it my because my when I started fighting
Starting point is 00:46:13 Every punch I was trying to land and you spent so much energy trying to punch somebody in the face like it It's hard dude. They move their head and inch. You're not there. You know what I'm saying? So instead of doing that like I'm just keeping my former starting a one two, throwing a one two. And then when it you land the one, boom, then you've measured the distance, then you drop a harder one in. I was punching at 10%, 15% of my power. All those punches, little light things. That was what we worked on the entire training camp because I was throwing at 100% every time when I first started training. I was trying to knock my training partners heads off every single time. And then after 30 seconds, I'd be dead.
Starting point is 00:46:43 Robo Dope. Yeah. Well, it seems like when you're throwing the jab that many seconds, I'd be dead. Ropa dope. Yeah. Well, it seems like when you're throwing the job that many times, it's also distracting for the other person. Does exactly. He never had to avoid your job. He never had an opportunity to get off because he was afraid he was going to be punched.
Starting point is 00:46:55 Now, what about those kicks? Well, those affecting you at all. Yeah, my leg hurts like hell right now. Really? Yeah, he has a bruise on his leg. Yeah. How many times do you kick? Has he landed a lot of kicks?
Starting point is 00:47:03 Because I thought that too, and you start scoring. It looked like nothing, but he's actually hitting you quite a few times. Yeah, you don times he's okay? Has he landed a lot of kicks? Because I thought that too when you start scoring, it looked like nothing, but he's actually hitting you quite a few times. Yeah, you don't feel it, kid. I think we have the actual numbers, right? Of like, how many landed? I put it up on my Twitter, right? I should tell.
Starting point is 00:47:14 It's everything's on the social media. You know guys, actually you can pull up. Yeah, I, somebody pose, I retweeted it. Somebody pose to the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, somebody posted the the the comp you strike stats If you can probably find them yeah, he landed a bunch of leg kicks that was really it though He punched me in the face maybe twice. Yeah Yeah, it was fucking cool dude. I don't know the whole experience was it was kind of awesome. No, it was great It was fun although that the announcers right there it is
Starting point is 00:47:41 The stats right there. Yeah, click on that there it is. This that's right there. Yeah, click on that. Oh, it's, it's read them out. Yeah, you're gonna make him bigger. I can't see him up on that screen. You're making me bigger. You get a zoom. So yeah, total, for the whole fight, total strikes was 76 out of 170. So you threw 60 and he threw 23 for what? It says total strikes. Oh, yo Joe Gilman is 40 out of 16. He hit 12 out of 23. Yeah, yeah, in the first round. That's exactly Oh, that's just that's just for the first round. Total's on the bottom. You have the total's on the bottom for the fight 76 out of 170 I landed he landed 38 out of 83 so you landed twice as many I landed twice as many and I threw twice Yeah, I mean that was it, you know it, just throwing more and being more active. And the other thing is like, look, there's little,
Starting point is 00:48:29 like I was fucking being crazy coming out in the third round, but that was, I worked, literally we worked on that. That was literally show him like, by the fucker I'm fresh, are you? Right. Like it was all, there's so much psychological shit there. Like I'm used to stand in the corner during the fights, I stood in the choir and said I once yeah, I
Starting point is 00:48:48 Better for you than Ali yeah Posting a white kid maybe three years from now like Give me the bomb bandana So yeah, I mean look at it for that joke It is hot as fucking. Yeah, why so hot? I am. New American.
Starting point is 00:49:07 I'm not even a sweater. I'm gay. That's weird. The guest is a little studio. It's a split AC. Don't look at me. So yeah, look, the whole experience is fucking great. Joe, you would never consider doing something like that.
Starting point is 00:49:19 They're on some boxing gloves, punching somebody in the face. You're active. You're not. It's a man. No, yeah, I'm active. I do things. Well, I don't want to get punched in the face. Why would I want to do that? Exactly.
Starting point is 00:49:29 That's the perfect answer. No, it doesn't. It doesn't actually hurt as much as you think. Yeah, I'm not interested in getting punched in the face. Fist fighting and shooting guns. That's not my thing. I'd like to hike. I like hiking and camping.
Starting point is 00:49:42 I like having sex. I'm going to see a show, movies I love. You know, if you punch people in the face and like guns, you'd have more sex. No, I don't think so. Yeah. I have quite a bit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:54 That means with one person, probably more than me. Yeah, I think. He's still mad about the rape thing. You don't have to beat off on her while she sleeps. He beats off even if I fuck him. Note that. I'm sorry that I have a crazy high libido. Sometimes I want to have sex on her while she's leaves. He beats off even if I fuck him. Note that. I'm sorry that I have a crazy high libido. Sometimes I want to have sex two or three times, Kim. I don't think it's that. I think it's something psychologically.
Starting point is 00:50:14 What? You're comforting yourself in the middle of... This was a joke and it really turned serious. I've even fagged and disturbed ever since I said it. I'm fucking scared for you No, I'm gonna feels good. I bet it feels fun to be done. I also sleep naked. So oh my good dick tease She was what you say I sleep naked. She does. Yeah, it's fucking ridiculous She like sleeps thinking that she rubs her ass on my dick and I'm like I'm like no, but I want to cuddle
Starting point is 00:50:42 I'm like if you rub your ass on my naked dick, what do you think is going to happen to it every fucking time? You know, childhood trauma. Oh, I'm scared for you. It's fucking crazy. And she's like, no, I'm out of the mood. I'm like, then put your fucking clothes on, bitch.
Starting point is 00:50:56 Get out of my bed, go sleep on the couch. What do you want me to say here? Lewis. What? It's going to real. Wow. I'm getting turned on right now. Is this fucked up? We just have to get it. We just going to be real. Wow. I'm getting turned on right now. Is this fucked up?
Starting point is 00:51:07 To have another latte is that possible? How does that work? All right. My former employee Becky, are you? No. Are you going to get a latte for me now? What? What? She used to work for us. It was great. Remember, remember Becky? She still is. Yeah. Remember Becky, who was so great on Legion's Gangs when she was part of our team, and that part of the YKWD, Riot, Kast, staff.
Starting point is 00:51:29 Oh boy. Here in Nome, here in Nome's apartment. Sorry. Go, baby, fuck him up! Fuck him up, baby! Starts punching me, startin' this. Oh. Did you watch, boyfriends, years getting to fist fights
Starting point is 00:51:48 like in high school and college? No. Louis secretly wants to hear about these ex-girls. I know. He keeps dabbling back in. Yeah. But I'm saying, like, I think if I got it to a fist fight in the street, and I've had a couple things,
Starting point is 00:52:01 you've kind of stepped in and been like, no, don't do that. I think your reaction is not to fight somebody or not to let me fight somebody. Your reaction is to sort of like, you know. Yeah. But that was like sanctioned and organized. So that's a turn on. Is that a turn off for you?
Starting point is 00:52:17 A guy. Yeah. Well, everyone fought in New Jersey growing up. I've seen like 30, all of my friends and my boyfriends. Have you ever been in a fight. No. Good reach. Yeah. And your face is already kind of wax. Yeah, it's true. Yes, if they hit you, it's like you kind of already
Starting point is 00:52:32 got somehow better looking. Yeah. Oh my god. Lus is negging her. Which is true. In front of me, this is awkward. And I sure I really you get to think these pretty girls down a peg. Nothing you say affects me. you can't emotionally rape Gabby Yeah, oh
Starting point is 00:52:51 Physically just stronger than her we talked about this. Yeah, I'm very weak That's crazy. Jolus could rape me I don't think he could no I mean like you I think you can beat up Jolus. So I think you could beat up Jolus. I'm pretty strong. If you really wanted to rape me and he added all his herpes to sauce her own going, he fucked a chick with her bees. When she knew she had her bees, this dude fucks when he wants to fuck. I'm a real ass. That's a real ass dude. He fucks when he wants to fuck. Nothing will stop him. Could Joe rape you? That's a real ass dude. Rapping is hard, but what is I also I have a good one too
Starting point is 00:53:25 I'm a little uncomfortable with this. Why don't we just go with we fight? Why do I have to rap? No, you have to make me because you that's like more of like and like you have to get it done Most rapes take place when you're under the influence of alcohol and such all right. I'll take a drink Like a Mickey they roof and all that kind of stuff All right, I'll take a drink. Yeah, you're gonna be drunk. Like a Mickey, they roof and all that kind of stuff. You're gonna read this book. I mean, it's wild.
Starting point is 00:53:48 It's really blowing my mind. Um, okay, so could you rape Kim? Do you guys want to test? Do you want to test the theory? I mean, this sounds more like, could we put my camera? Let me incline my bra, so he can get a head start. It's not just about pinning someone. You would have to, I mean, this is a very uncomfortable
Starting point is 00:54:04 conversation. You have to like, so they get to get her clothes start. It's not just about pinning someone. You would have, I mean, this is a very uncomfortable conversation. The penetration, you have to like, hold on. It's a dinner close off. She's wearing jeans right now. So what I'm saying is you could punch me over and over again in the face until I'm weak enough I could take my clothes off. I'm saying, that's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:54:14 Could you do that? Yeah. It could knock you out. For sure. No, he's saying, will you do that right now? Can we go into the bedroom? This is very uncomfortable. And then Lewis will jump off.
Starting point is 00:54:23 No, focus on the Zoola by John crack-cower and it's really mind-blowing. So, um, if you said mind-blowing 40 times, I'm blown. I am blown. It's ruining my sex life. I'm gonna wait back. I can't get hard. We're the same hack. Yeah. But yeah, I think I could beat you up if I had to. I don't know, Joe, you're not a punch in the face type guy. No, I'm saying physically, but think I could beat you up if I had to I don't know Joe you're not a punch in the face type guy No, I'm saying physically a bit obviously I'm not gonna punch a woman in the face So you're saying I don't want to punch anybody in the face, but you would rape her
Starting point is 00:54:55 She was drunk enough you could this robe her then I would take a punch in the face over her piece any day Jolice no, yeah punch the face goes away Please face over herpes any day. Agile is no, yeah, punch the face goes away. She's come away. Please punch me. Please, and this is your end. Get that dirty day going for me. Just punch me. Yeah, herpes lingers. It's like they have to let it linger by your dick.
Starting point is 00:55:13 Would you be punching the face three times a year, though? What would you rather? Three times a year guy comes in and punches you in the face, or three times a year, you're going to herpes that break. Punch the face. I don't know why it's not so bad. It's kind of the same thing, but hold on. It kind of feels nice. It feels nice. Because your bruise, you have the laser to heal. I don't know why it's not so bad. It's kind of the same thing, but hold on. It kind of feels nice.
Starting point is 00:55:25 It's itchy. Because you're bruised, you have to wait for it to heal. You let you know you're alive. Yeah, yeah. It's like a winter festival. There's no body working again. It feels like I don't schedule. It's like a period for you.
Starting point is 00:55:34 It's like the military that's what I was going to say. It is like that where I'm like, I can't really have sex. Give me a few days. I'm moody. I'm quite moody. They could be a bit, that's hilarious. People talk about her, people get gross about it people immediately like People shut down. They don't like herpes bits
Starting point is 00:55:49 No, they know why because one and four people have herpes. So a quarter of the crowd immediately goes fuck then same thing with child molestation bits People think of it. Oh forgot there's one else. There's one more person I had told about and she was really mean about it We were kind of hooking up drunk in her, kind of making out and I was like, just so you know I have herpes. She was like, what? It's a new pepperoni dick. She was like, that's disgusting. She was like, that's really gross.
Starting point is 00:56:12 Oh my God. Which is crazy because I'm like, well, you know, you're me not being a notful person away from having her, this is how you get herpes. Yeah. Like we just met, we're drinking. I didn't have to tell you this. Yeah, I mean, morally to do, but like met, we're drinking. I didn't have to tell you this. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:25 I mean, morally to do, but like, if I just, I did that. I did that. You would have her. I've never had a girl say, I have herpes. I've never had a phone call the next day being like, oh, I just so you know, usually get tested. I have got something. I've never had that.
Starting point is 00:56:37 And this is how I know that everybody lies. That's, it's crazy that nobody's ever done that. Like you're supposed to morally do what Joe said, which is like, hey, I have herpes just so you know like blah blah, but why no bit no bitches are doing this See Joe did it Joe did it the right way. He went a girl told him shit herpes, and then he went and got herpes Was it a nice check that you fucked because you fucked her in public like on a playground, right? Yeah Oh, you know remember it. It's really sweet Really got herpes on a playground You remember it. That's really sweet. Really? You got herpes on a playground? Yeah, and she was really short. She was like 4-10 and it was that night
Starting point is 00:57:08 So for many distance it probably looked like I was fucking a child. Oh hilarious. She was like two feet shorter than it a child with a rash a diaper rash No, she was a girl I was no, did you see the herpes? No, no, I don't think she had an outbreak at the time But then how'd you get it? I don't know. I think you can just get, oh, maybe she had a slight, I'm not sure. Definitely had a scan. I had it.
Starting point is 00:57:30 If she told you, she was having an outbreak. Because that coincidence, she told you and you caught it. So in her mind, she's like, you know, I'm fucking. Tell them. Yeah, you know, she was like this. She left the playground like, told them. She was like, did She left the play ground like told them. The swings were still moving.
Starting point is 00:57:47 Like, if she was like, yeah, it is what it is. No, she was really nice. Joe's coming for you. Still is a nice person. You know, we're still. Uh, yeah, I mean, I don't talk to her regularly. Well, I'll always be connected. She pops up that right few months. Uh-oh. It's like your head vampire. She's always on my mind and my deck.
Starting point is 00:58:09 Serious, she's like your ex again. Um, we were dating, but I was like in love with her and then she had a boyfriend and then it was like years later we met up and we just it just synced up when we didn't have boyfriend girlfriend. Oh, it synced up. Oh, and it was it was magical. The problem is I didn't get to enjoy the sex properly because I was immediately I was like, oh my god. I'm getting hurt. What am I doing? Oh, that's a crazy part is like how do you do? You did this all for nothing. I know Really huh, and then by the time we met up again, she had a boyfriend again or I had a girlfriend so it was tough
Starting point is 00:58:38 Wow, but she was very sexy Can I say Eric you show me picture? I'm not comfortable identifying her. To me? No, in the playground in the dark. I don't know. You're the only funny girl. Thank you. Sorry. Gabby. No. I'm sorry. Thank you. Appreciate it. Oh shit. Fuck. So, um, but in MMA fight, if you're a boy if you have a boyfriend Debbie if you have a boyfriend would turn you on if he got into an MMA fight kind of right yeah even even if you're not some Jersey trash though I like yeah I'm like
Starting point is 00:59:27 Yeah, but the risk though if you're like it's hot But then if you're like rhino kneels girl friend your wife. She was there by the way He's playing laying down with a guy punching you. That's not a turn on I would have been out of it and they had to sleep in the same hotel room that night Did you would you be married? But would you if I would have, let's say the Rose River and I got my ass kicked. You got on top of me.
Starting point is 00:59:48 I would have fought a casino dealer. After he took your money that I borrowed. Would you be black? Yeah. Dude, it was. You deserve the bandana, but they didn't hear it. No, no, it was last time. It was a last time.
Starting point is 01:00:02 It was a last time. You said a shitty joke during her life. You can't even get it. I'm not. Don't take my leftovers. Yeah, he fucking ridiculous. It's hard to not gloat when he talked all that shit. He talked shit. He they talked a lot of shit on their show. They talked shit a lot. I'm Danish when he was talking shit. He was calling him the Puerto shit on their shell. They talk shit a lot undanish when me talking shit He was calling him the Puerto Rican garden snake That was hilarious. That was the shit talking No, they were just like mocking me and they were saying I wasn't gonna make weight and they were like oh
Starting point is 01:00:35 I mean they they post videos of me training and they just all pictures of you know you're right 70 more pounds a month ago. I know, but you know what? They gave they gave me the fucking drive. Yeah, they motivated you. They really motivated me. And that's like, I just set a specific goal. And the goal was to just get myself physically able to beat up a black belt.
Starting point is 01:00:55 You shouldn't shake the tail of a sleeping rattlesnake. That's the truth. OK. And now I can't wait. I mean, I put my son, my son, my sister. That's in that book, that rate book. He just read. John Crackoward, that's the, uh, prologue.
Starting point is 01:01:07 My sister's meeting me, um, oh, Jesus Christ. His mother's a comical Saturday, fuck off. Um, let's just got real personal. My son's meeting me right after this, and I'm gonna fucking, I get to show him me winning and I make a lot of money. Is it serious? No, not yet. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 01:01:23 How cool is that? Epic prize. No, I wouldn't have showed him like in like live where he could have been beaten up got my ass he's crying you're bleeding everywhere your jaw is wired shut I'm not wet but I had no I had no doubt this entire time that I was gonna fucking beat this guy me too I people were like are you nervous and I had to say yes because then they thought I would be emotional. Yeah. Cause one time I was like, nah, and someone was like, okay, yeah, I would be a filth my boyfriend. I was like, mm-hmm. I would just say I felt that if you had to, if you were just laying there tapping out like that. And then you had to come
Starting point is 01:01:56 back to all the pods. It would have been so. Oh, yeah. People are in love. People to trash the fuck out of me. Yeah, but he's got to go do that now. He's got to do that. That's, that's the thing that it's like and it's also he's got to do it. That's the thing that it's like, and it's also he's got to do it. He was supposed to win. Like he, from his perspective, and all of his fans perspective, like all of these LA guys,
Starting point is 01:02:12 C for an AZ was there, Sam Tripoli was there. It was really funny. They were like, your boys are gonna get fucked and smashed here. It was like, this guy's a black belt. Before we started,
Starting point is 01:02:21 C for a week, C for a week. C for a week. C for a week. C for a week. He was like, sorry about Lewis before this starts. Yeah, but he made it all up Yeah, but he was the underdog on bet the SI yeah, but he was the favorite to begin with and then all of my fans bet so much that they sweet The odds make so is it guys. Yeah, I want $85. You want $85? Yeah, fuck it. Oh, you got them right you did You want $85? Fuck it. You got it right. You did You pull up pull up the app. There's a highlight that somebody made which we could play really quick
Starting point is 01:02:54 Highlight what is it six seconds long? No, it's like four minutes. If you fight was boring. I'm sorry I mean you're an asshole. It was an asshole. Oh, it's great. I like the way you move. You look like a real fight I'm proud of you the highlights. It sucked. Just do high. Yeah highlights. Don't show me this 20 minutes again Though the first round was neat the first round was bad ass and the third round was good We had to catch a breath Joe second round was 20 minutes is a long time for you Let's put it out there second round was dog shit fine horse. Okay, great, but you know, I mean not many people The Kurt Metzger fight Looks like you fought all those people. There's just different videos of Lewis in the street.
Starting point is 01:03:28 Wait, what's not working? You should be more. We have a new wireless keyboard that doesn't work after time. I say I say. High school is high school. People are ready looking up your high school.
Starting point is 01:03:36 Highlight. If you type in jealous, it comes up. Jolest wife. That feels good. Yeah, if you go down right there, look, it was full highlights music video. That's great. This is if you go down right there, I'm gonna say this is full highlights music video. That's great.
Starting point is 01:03:46 This was gonna be my walk-out music too, but they have licensing issues. To the podcast people, they can't hear it. I'm not gonna have to do that. Yeah, well, these people on this in this camp? His kids wouldn't kind of date me a little bit Those ones look real Just like bulletin I was so excited here, I knew you were gonna
Starting point is 01:04:13 You turn it down a little bit You're gonna be, you're gonna be, no reason Speaking with me This is really so bad, I forgot to walk out to this song And then you got out of this, just go You did it You know, I mean, I fucked up. I thought like this, it had nothing to do with his ground game.
Starting point is 01:04:31 He didn't reverse the position. Your outfit was dope. Now, what should you have done here? What should I have done? Well, you said you fucked up. I'll show you where I fucked up. I mean, here you beaten the hell out of him. So, yeah, I'm beat the hell out of him.
Starting point is 01:04:41 I like when he grabs his face. Get in his face. Yeah, so he turns him. That turns him. I let him turn. I let him turn. I grab his hand like grab his face in his face. Yeah, so he turns up by the way I let him turn I let him turn I this I grab a I grab his hand I have the underhook through his arm. So like he can't post up now Grab I mean this like we drilled every single bit of this Here's where I fucked up. So he turns
Starting point is 01:04:58 Those must have taken a toll. You're fucking yeah, I did it's very when you're doing ground up And you're actually hitting somebody really hard. It's it's like bone-chilling It's like oh my god. My hand is really fucked up right now. I don't my hand on the set I can't believe you could do this. Yeah, I want to do it again so badly So here's where I fucked up right my my hook's not in there on my right leg my hook's not in so I fall off I'm just tired and sloppy there. I would have had my hook in that would be that Yeah, I'm the only I don't know I only know wrestling like did he just get points for now? He's a point. I'm I'm I'm literally dominating ever because I'm going for a submission. He has no idea
Starting point is 01:05:31 I go for a sweep with his leg So that was his best one to do. Yeah, I come then I come right back He's the difference when he hits me. I don't fucking stop right when I hit him Do you see the way you turned away from me and he like watch watch what you're stronger than him Watch me get that see the way he like freaks out that never happens Well, that's also just a lack of practice and training for that specific thing. You could tell he trained Soon the second and third I'm like I wanted to just get this out. I'm not even really angry there I literally just wanted to get this head like I'm fucking ready to go look you can see on the face. He's tired. I'm not
Starting point is 01:06:04 Wow, he looks like a substitute teacher I look like a stand-o watch over at bisminks that throw the one overhand Boom every time watch watch it was a minute when in this round. This is just the third round He's the highest just in the third round. I Wish he got a tan before it. It looks stand-hope-a-boom I wish he got a tan before it. It looks stand hoping boom Well, yeah, watch it too. They watch he throws these these watch when he hits me There's never a point where I turn away or wins. There's none of that Not at all look right there right there
Starting point is 01:06:36 Boom Boom again again again again Those knees must have hurt too did he break it? He threw these knees below it hurts that that was actually the best shot of fight was those knees that he threw there Man Boom cut bleeding. Yeah, he had some bruises. I was screaming at him. You're bleeding When he was singing the corner bleeding it was really not nice. I didn't make sure we were friends after. He's a tough guy though, huh? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:09 Well, I mean, my hand was fucked at that point. I mean, I wasn't even hitting anyone years harder like that. All right, you can do your stuff. Is that Ellis the guy with the hoodie? Yeah. And who is he? It's Radio guy.
Starting point is 01:07:19 Radio personality. Jason Ellis's program. Oh, OK, so he's not a fighter himself. But no, he does. He has a guy that gets to two-in-a-half professional. Oh, okay, so he's not a fighter himself, but no he does he has a guy gets to two and a Professional. Oh, you should fight him Are you gonna continue fighting? Oh God, I hope not what about a rematch? One side it
Starting point is 01:07:39 Rub my rubble my rubble all the time now He did skank fest for six months. Sorry. He did skankfest for six months. I heard about that for six months and now I've heard nothing about like every day's like, oh my rib poked out, babe. Can you get the CBD oil? I can't, he can't help with anything. He like can't hold things. My hands broken right now, my shoulders,
Starting point is 01:07:57 all fucked up again, right? I'm just drowning. I'll say, I'm just, I'm just talking about the stuff going in the fight. Like sweating. Going into this fight dude, five weeks for the fight, I dislocated my shoulder. Guys, five weeks for the fight I dislocated my shoulder, guys. Five weeks for the fight.
Starting point is 01:08:07 And your funny bone. Oh! Broken. My hand is awesomashed up, my knees, my rib. I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I can't do any more icing anymore. I've been icing my body for months. That might be from night jerking though. That's not jerking. The night jerker.
Starting point is 01:08:29 If you were the superhero, he'd be the night jerker. But that's the thing, like if you train, you're not going to be 100%. If you do it the right way, like you're gonna hurt yourself in training. So that was sort of part of the experience as well. And what I consider, I would consider fighting again. Here's the thing. No, I don't want to be a fighter. I'm 36 years old,
Starting point is 01:08:49 at all. Right. If I was 20, there's no doubt about I would want to get into this seriously. I would want to because it was way more fun than I could have ever imagined. That side of it was way more fun. Looking back, watching the fight, I'm going to go like, oh, dude, I could have finished that in the first Easily like I want to go back and do it all over again so badly You know, it's uh, I understand why I understand the addictiveness of it. It's just like stand up I get it. There's a different thrill there that you tap into that is unlike anything else that I've done before And that's I remember would stand up you get off stage and you're like first time you you know, you're like god damn dude What the fuck was that like that? I've never done anything like that. I've never, it's just, you know, it's an experience. But I'm old and I got a kid and I'm fucking, you
Starting point is 01:09:33 know, so it's a weird thing. It's kind of a hard, and also I can make, like if I really wanted to, I mean, look, I did it for a thousand dollars for Jason Elles, but I could just go make money doing it. If I wanted to fight somebody, I could set up my own fucking fight and really make money and make it a bigger. If I wanted to fight somebody, I could set up my own fucking fight and really make money and make it a bigger event that I kind of in charge of. Who do you think would be a good comedian to fight? Like a fairly even fight that you could go.
Starting point is 01:09:56 Is there anybody? It's not just about a comedian. If I was gonna do it, it would have to be somebody that's high profile and I put all the shine on to Ryan O'Neill. You know what I'm saying? I might even be an asshole, but he didn't really have much of a fan base or like... You know, like, crystal-ly-a. Social media following, like... That feels even.
Starting point is 01:10:13 No, I'd fucking district. Do we have police? Is he a fighter? I think. No, he... It works out a lot. What about Rogan? Could you fight Rogan? I already beat up Rogan when I was at a studio.
Starting point is 01:10:24 We didn't talk about it. We don't talk about what happens in the already beat up Rogan when I was at a studio. What I did, we didn't talk about it. We don't talk about happens in the gym, but we fought actually at his studio. And we did this kind of a sparring session. I knocked him out of the headgick. So I don't really need to prove myself to Rogan or his people. True story, 100% true. Wow.
Starting point is 01:10:38 I'm gonna talk about happens in the gym. So delete that if you can, okay? Cool, thanks. Yeah, I don't know. I'm not a fighter, but it's a fucking bizarre thing. Like, what do you do in that case? If you want to test yourself, you want to go and fight? How else do you do it except for fight? Yeah. Kim wants to as well. Fuck you, Kim. Like, Gabby, right now, you want to fight. I do the shit out of Kim's a violent bitch. And she hits really hard. Yeah, I don't. I want to leave it. want to fight the shit out of Kim's a violent bitch and she hits really hard
Starting point is 01:11:06 Yeah, I don't I want any hard we but we box before like just fucking around like with pads She got a really good fucking solid shot Maxi pads women I used to kickbox back in the day. Yeah, but it was like fucking cardio kickboxing my wife She can't do karate but you should see your line. I'm like in the manly one with like my massage hair like What is happening over there? Yeah, they move Kim over. She doesn't get a waxing. They move over and the man class. Shit. And it's a women that fight a kind of sexy too.
Starting point is 01:11:36 Yeah. I want more tattoos before I fight. Maybe you're not fighting. She got a big Lewis tattoo. Proof she not fighting. You should get a big Lewis tattoo. Proof she was trying to do it. Oh, you're a UK. He didn't do anything wrong.
Starting point is 01:11:51 What is that tattoo? It looks like you're in a Holocaust. It's just a death, nothing. Yeah, it says I hate Jews. The other shot I did. Team Hitler. Wait, tell him what you're tattooing is. No, it's okay.
Starting point is 01:12:03 I don't like it. I'll tell him about your other stupid tattoo that you didn't even know what it was. Remember you want to get your- Was it anything like your lobster claw? Yeah, let's talk about your tattoos. His tattoos are goddamn awful. Yeah, there's a thing. I have a bunch, so it looks like I have a sleeve, so unless you go close and really- No, from far away, it looks like shit.
Starting point is 01:12:19 Sorry, that got too real. No, it doesn't. My tattoos look cool, doggy. No, it's cool. The lobster claw. show them the lobster claw God it's all dramatic. Oh He's fires that is Yeah, see that's a bad one. Oh, is that a flame? Yeah, but what's on fire? I got a my dick what
Starting point is 01:12:42 My eternal my eternal love from my extra friend Alex Is Alex tell us about some of the sex Can you check her up on her back? She was like she was like Kim but hotter No, that's impossible Give me a bomb and then I was I just need to get a joke. You should get fuck you kidding me. She doesn't care You're just like how mean we are. She came in like, we're in a Vegas, and I've been dieting for three months.
Starting point is 01:13:11 What were you doing in Vegas? And then she went in a week before, she just started dieting. It's fucking makes me furious. What? Your mat, I wasn't dieting with you? Yeah. And then you act like you're doing the same thing that I'm doing you're not
Starting point is 01:13:28 I feel like there's more to this I'll be break up right here I mean I want you guys to be together, but if you're gonna break up to it again together three days What you daddy he don't he's gonna act like he's not excited Why do you guys get married you should get married can I come we're getting back He's not excited. This is not excited. Wow. Why don't you guys get married. You should get married.
Starting point is 01:13:44 Can I come? We're getting married. We're getting married. We're getting married. We're getting married. We're getting married. We're getting married. We're getting married.
Starting point is 01:13:51 We're getting married. We're getting married. We're getting married. We're getting married. We're getting married. We're getting married. We're getting married. By the way, you and Dave Smith just trashed me when I was getting married.
Starting point is 01:14:00 You're like, you're stupid. You're doing it for her or whatever. It doesn't make sense. You're doing it for her or whatever. It doesn't make sense. You're doing it for her or whatever. It doesn't make sense. And now Dave's fucking married with a kid. You're a mind is well-be married. Dave's and Gary Veter by the way he said that he said the same thing you did the same thing to him You guys will like to fucking about the black. I got divorced No, we didn't think it was separating. They're fine. They're back together. They live in separate apartments. That's incorrect Oh, they pay for two separate apartments for a best man. You sure don't know much about our old pal gal I don't know why he made me the best man made no sense. Did you ever hear about the speech?
Starting point is 01:14:22 If you're seeing video, no, oh my god, you got to watch it It's just a little bit of speech talk about comedy for a uh... sit down for a second talk about comedy for eight minutes and told everyone at the wedding that they don't understand life or relationship
Starting point is 01:14:37 they don't do comedy now never mentioned gary's wife uh... it's it's speculated that he does not know Gary's wife's name. That was it by favorite one over the wedding before he said Gary's wife in this beat. Like a Norman pulls out a card. This is Gary on it. And I was like you got to put her name on it. And he goes he pulls out a pen goes all right. Anyone know her name. No. No, but just that's on Gary though. This is why I don't want I can't remember
Starting point is 01:15:08 I know her name. I don't want to say it, but I know it wait hold on give it a first letter a alley oh That's where you've had most of your sex alley was the name of the girl that said it's not ideal uh... that's where you've had most of your sex alley was the name of the girl that said it's not ideal uh... really
Starting point is 01:15:30 fat alley we called but anyways you made fun of the whole idea of marriage you should on me and bobby blombs to if i end up getting married you agree no you said it's not a great i agree with all of us a great People change yes, they do okay and you didn't in the situation but when they change they should apologize for their behavior Um, no, no, I agree with this still I'm not apologies for my behavior because I agree with myself from back in the day You're like you're a little bitch. You're just doing it to be with your bitch
Starting point is 01:16:01 It's all due to old Jewish lady. That's not how old Jews sound old Jews are like what? You get married? Yeah, I'm sure it's a disavier No, that sounds more like You do good for a joke That's not a joke, that's like an Irish woman who smoked her whole life I'm not Irish from Jewish Joe, I know who I am Like my limb Rick
Starting point is 01:16:22 But anyways, you guys should get married sweet No, we have great photos of you from our wedding. Yeah, we look great at your wedding. We saw the show, we were the only blacks there. We were the only blacks. I was sort of dancing to Rihanna, and everybody was like, and they changed the music instantly. They was like, crying.
Starting point is 01:16:38 To the hunky pokies. Yeah, no, no, no, no more of that. There was a black and two Puerto Ricans, a bunch of gays, and a plethora of Jews. Yeah, first of all, gays and Jews are white so you don't get the fucking claim them as minorities. Whatever. There was a black woman. There was women there. She was serving the food, but she was there. I guess to someone else, but yeah, there was a whole auction for black people out back. Oh, it was a silent auction. Yeah, she was this is a silent podcast When that's a last good night. We chose not my proposing what I suppose I would do it in a romantic fun creative way
Starting point is 01:17:15 Not on Bobby Kelly's podcast Not even Bob is under here knows gonna listen to this one I would be furious if he was like, you know what, actually, everyone the moment, but. No, you don't, but a woman doesn't want a big like jumbo-tron proposal. No, and I feel like you would do that. No, I better than that. I think it's weird to bring your proposal into public.
Starting point is 01:17:39 Like I had someone propose at a comedy club before the show, and I'm like, why would you get a bunch of strangers involved in your proposal? It seems so weird. I mean, you could make it kind of fun. I mean, I don't like that. If you're on vacation in New York, and you want to do something,
Starting point is 01:17:57 and you really surprise there, we look at comedies in a different way, I think. Most people go to comedy clubs once every few years, and it's just kind of just maybe a part of their vacation. And it's just the place they decided to in New York. It's not about a comedy club. It's about he proposed in New York in a creative way.
Starting point is 01:18:13 This was at the Hartford Funnybone, you know, man. Hartford Funnybone in a mall on stage. He went on stage before with flowers in front of the whole audience. And then they sat in the show. And then also, terrible Place to Repose because after you get engaged, you want to call and text everyone. So you sat in the front row just texting the whole time. Oh, texting the whole time. And then they left early.
Starting point is 01:18:34 Oh, see, that's weird. But it's different as comedians. If like, okay, so Lewis was like, we're doing a show in my hometown. Okay, attention, dumb dumb. Write this down. So we're doing a show in my hometown. All my family is there for some reason because it's like near my you know it would be a different situation. They might want to see you do.
Starting point is 01:18:49 Yeah, I don't know why, but they came. But that would be different than like just like a just like an audience member getting engaged and then sitting through the show. Yeah, that would be sweet. If you know if you're hosting I assume you'd be hosting and then he bringing you up to close, and then he's like, before you start, or at the end, baby. That would be something. See, but that would be different than just being an audience member
Starting point is 01:19:12 and getting, like, a million. How did you propose? How did you propose? We were in bed, and I just woke her up. Cause I had the, here's the thing with the ring. He drove back. I wanted to get rid of it. I wanted to get rid of the ring. Hey, baby, she think I'm trying to fuck her.
Starting point is 01:19:24 Get off me. He just trying to propose every night Baby baby baby baby don't fucking touch me. She won't wake up. We we had plans separate plans, too. We split like an hour later I just woke her up. It was in the morning. I was going to Pearl Jim and she was going to Brian Regan So we hung out for like an hour went to the gym and then went our separate ways. So you were already living together though. Yeah, we were living together and I had the ring. But once you had the ring, you know, I'm afraid I'm gonna lose it and then it's exciting. So you're gonna bring joy to somebody. So I just wanted to. This is a brilliant move. I did this on Realize Podcast and I will, I will bestow this knowledge upon the YKWD crowd because this is one of my best skim that Jews.
Starting point is 01:20:05 I do a segment on my show called Scam that come a Jew. Not an anti-Semitic, we are the Jews who are scamming people, scam that Jew. Like, you know, you go girl, scam that Jew. And, it's gonna clarify. We're not an anti-Semitic. And one of the best scams ever is, you have to do this right now, guys.
Starting point is 01:20:23 Whatever girl you're dating, it's gotta be a new relationship. if you're already in a wrong relationship It's not gonna work. It's got to be going into the relationship now Pretend to be very very very close with your grandmother. Okay, extremely close to the grandmother your grandmother is the fucking world to you She helped raise you she means everything to you when you go to propose to your bitch By some cheap shit ring some cheap shit ring off the internet and say this is my grandma's ring that she gave to me to give to the one and you have to spend fucking $400, $500 on a ring and you don't have to spend thousands and thousands because there's so much emotional value there. Here's what I did. I just bought a ring that was affordable because that makes sense.
Starting point is 01:21:01 It's stupid to buy an expensive ring and then I was like I love you and will my whole life. Here's a game if I just got you a cheap ring because it's affordable. Not a cheap ring. It's like 800 bucks. That's cheap. That's a cheap ring. And that's what she's into. She liked it. It was a you know, an old. She's in the cheap rings. What do you call it? Garbage? Vintage. Vintage. And I've bought her two other diamonds. It's a cognizant. Wearing three diamonds all purchased by Moa. Yeah. And how about this? This is a hot topic, but. I paid off her.
Starting point is 01:21:29 I love them. I stole them. And I paid off her debt. Wouldn't you rather, would you rather have this? Oh, you paid off her debt? I cleared. And an $800 ring. I cleared a debt.
Starting point is 01:21:37 Yeah. $800 ring, no more debt, or a $4,000 ring, and $5,000 of the debt. Oh, I have $32,000, so. Yeah, there you go. You should buy her a bucket. You were supposed to take the $32,000 ring. $5,000 of the debt. Oh, I have 32,000 so yeah, there you go. You should take a $32,000 ring. She's garbage Yeah, you should buy her a $50 ring. She would sell the ring. I sell the ring and get myself a $15,000 ring She's gonna go. Oh, I'm gonna. She said I'm gonna pay off half my debt with this 16,000 and then she wouldn't she'd buy weed with it What are you doing? You know me so well. We should get married
Starting point is 01:22:06 No, I don't understand the point of getting married. It is just a, it seems like kind of a, an old, tiny thing to do. He said this in the beginning of our relationship and I was like, OK, well, if you don't care about it, then you don't mind getting married. Yes. Good point. Because I agree. I said, I find a guess. If it doesn't, don't care about it, then you don't mind getting married. Yes, good point. Because I mind that you don't. Well, I agree, that's very fine.
Starting point is 01:22:26 I guess if it doesn't really care about it, but I think I would probably rather just do the ceremony and all that, but not actually go through the wedding portion of it. Yeah, I know, bitch. We're getting married. But that part is easy. It's fun.
Starting point is 01:22:41 You go down to the courthouse. It's fun, right? Yeah, you want to witness? I'll be your witness, girl. I got Warren. You go down to the courthouse. It's fun, right? Yeah, you want to witness? I'll be your witness, girl. I got Warren. I don't need to go down to the courthouse. Well, never leave the courthouse. This is the problem. Lewis is like one of those people that I have to like
Starting point is 01:22:53 force him to do things and then he has a lot of fun when he does that. Yes. That's what I say about our sex life. That's actually really hot on. That's the point of shooting, but then when we're doing it, do you not love it? Yes, you're right She's like you just raped me and I was like you were just screwed I'm like you're gonna have an orgasm like you have an orgasm every time
Starting point is 01:23:15 So why not not have an orgasm? But that's the difference. I mean not to sound like a hack premise Soon what you do like many women were like there's been times when I'm like let me go down on you right now and and Sarah's like ah no I'm just not can you imagine a situation where woman's like let me blow you right now she's got a shit she's got to honest she's very honest she's got a shit no she's watching a TV show whatever so what if you have the shit I wouldn't need my eternal head I'll still go down on you I will I love I love eating pussy and putting my nose I love eating pussy and putting my nose deep into her ass hole. Yes.
Starting point is 01:23:48 That like the doggy style of pussy. Just fuck it. Like what you got to do is you eat it so hard that your nose is buried in. I love it. The asshole is around the nostrils and it's a ring of fire. Yeah. No, I love that. The ring of fire.
Starting point is 01:24:03 I like to get right in there. So do I. I love it. And she's, you know, she's in, but she's not. I like to be like, showered. You see me? Yeah, she's sexy. I like to keep this sexy. It's gonna be ass play.
Starting point is 01:24:15 This should be a shower involved. Because there's a thing about it. You're just gonna give a shit. He'll be gone for like three days. I'm like, you might get a shim, though. I'm like, I will shower you with my tongue right now, relax. He's really filthy. No, there's something about after the gym.
Starting point is 01:24:28 Yeah, I have this problem too. I'm a fucking scumbag. It's actually with the nails like, baby, I can't wait to be inside of you. She just didn't text him back. In my defense, I opened it in front of someone. And then I was like, oh, I'm a friend of the way. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:42 Don't open it in front of somebody. You can get picked out of the comedy. I don't know I was gonna throw a joke it wasn't really make sense I realized you yeah, you also you don't like the term inside of this ain't you're like I like to talk a little dirty Sometimes and they just turn to her off. Yeah It's a problem. Yeah, I'm a filthy But are you publicly? I can I mean we're talking right now quite publicly.
Starting point is 01:25:06 No, yeah. I mean, like say it out loud, there's like kids in the subway looking at us. Oh, yeah. You stop saying inside of you right now? No, yeah, Louis Aussie yells, fuck it, restaurants. Oh, constantly. Yeah, so do it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:19 So do I. So do I. Fuck it. I'm like, there's so many people here. Yeah, I got a real also. I got a loud, but you know what, I'll be honest with you, Joe. Less so now, I think you're remembering like all those a little bit more. Now that I have a kid, I think I'm a little bit more conscious
Starting point is 01:25:32 of it when this kid's around. Yeah, maybe a little bit. Well, kids, but then the strangers. I gotta remember, I don't care if an adult said, excuse me, you watch your language because I'm an adult and I, my sensitive, faggot ears can't hear those words. Oh my gosh, I remember the cat's eye
Starting point is 01:25:44 of a real last night. It's I remember the camera driver last night. It's crazy. Oh yeah. Last night. Last night it was crazy. We were in Uber on the way home. And we were like, fucking with each other.
Starting point is 01:25:52 It was like, fuck her. I remember what it was. You were making me watch your fight clip again. And I was saying, can you get the heavy metal out of my face? I haven't slept. It was like, who's like, watch this? Oh yeah, she started doing an impression of the music. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:04 And I started doing a mocking the music. I, and I started doing I'm mocking the music I'm like you would hate this in your face at 1.30 a.m. after not sleeping you'd be like get that away from me Driver turn around turn it goes Do not fight in my cap I don't like and I'm like First of all we're not fighting I said we're not fighting and he goes yeah, and mind your fucking business Yeah, I think she's we're not fighting eyes open so wide and he just didn't say anything Yeah, what's he?
Starting point is 01:26:30 Middle Eastern fellow I know what the fuck he was, but it's time to mind your fucking business How about that if we are fighting how about you mind your fucking business? Yeah, right? If we're and then also you you go to the point of It was I'm gonna she made the noise for like a second. It was like one second of it. And then he was like, stop fighting. So you're not even, you just hear no aes and you don't even give a fuck enough about professional courtesy to even like consider that maybe you're, there's something else going on.
Starting point is 01:26:57 And his offense, Lewis was raping me at the moment. I was beating off on you. You were turning, you were looking out the window, asking for help. You shouldn't sleep in cabs Shit this is the best day of my life. It is it's been a pretty good show so far So far we're wrapping up It's fucking almost two o'clock. What do you do now and a half yeah? I'll do over a fuck while I want to do what we started late
Starting point is 01:27:29 How about this? Yeah, that's what we about I'm leaving it to well Well wrap it to there's like 80% of the jokes Joe this is gonna have to take care of the rest of it I mean I've been carrying this pod for a long time Everyone thinks that they carry this fucking podcast Okay, and the reality is I am the super sauce. Oh my god, your sauce. It's true. It's true.
Starting point is 01:27:50 Not according to the YouTube comments. Every, that's not true. Are you kidding me? Do they hate you on the YouTube comments? Oh, yeah. They hate it too. Yep. Look at his face.
Starting point is 01:27:59 He's gonna fight them all individually. Hold on, let me explain something. All right. First of all, Gabby is sitting here like, she's like, yeah, they do. Fuckface, they hate you Fuckface, Tweet. They hate you. They do hate me.
Starting point is 01:28:07 You're a spendable. You're another chicken of fucking chair. Whatever. Anybody who hates me on this show, anybody who hates me on this show, doesn't know what the fuck is up. Because any show that I'm on, period, cross the board, I add whatever it is.
Starting point is 01:28:23 I add something to it where there's an energy. There's a fucking pizzazz. There's a fucking pizza. There's a fucking something. Whereas when I'm not here, when I'm not on any of the shows that I'm normally on, skim milk, weak sauce, skim milk, skim milk. You want whole fatty milk, full cream, you want a cup of cream, that's milk you want whole fatty milk full cream When a cup of cream that's what you want and that's what I give you every time Hmm dairy free on your back. I think you're great. Thank you. Thank you. I think you're a valuable part of the show and I love you No, I mean if you were gone. I wouldn't notice Another chicken the chair right you there's no other Lewis shake. Who's the guy that brings the type of fucking energy that I fucking bring?
Starting point is 01:29:07 Another chicken the chair. Jack or 12 of Joe Liss's book. Very, very few people are gonna fight a prostitute in your place. Nobody else brings this type of fucking energy. It's very low energy, by the way, today. It doesn't matter. You're very subdued.
Starting point is 01:29:24 He's gonna really jack it tonight. It's nervous. It feels like you're a little on the influence. I, you know, you know, it is I, I don't even have the fucking news is out. I can come into any show and I could I could take heroin before any show. Just sit there and fucking lean on the microphone and it's gonna be 40 times more interesting than most of the podcasts. Wow. We'll see.
Starting point is 01:29:47 Everyone chime in on the YouTube comments. Chime in. Let me know. Do you like it when Lewis is on the show or not on the show? Oh, I can't wait. Oh. We're going to fight. Look at the loser.
Starting point is 01:29:59 All the people now that are writing like Lewis fucking sucks. Then there's like 15 of the comments. You fucking suck. Your mom's a fucking who are fuck you bitch whoever says they don't like me. If you see somebody that says they don't like me, it is your duty as a go might or a skank to physically impale them with whatever sharp obnoxious. Don't say that. Yes, you can be liable liable. I don't know what that means liable. You're not liable. We tell the truth. That's the difference between us. You're liable. We tell the truth. That's it if it's between us you're liable
Starting point is 01:30:25 Someone does that we get charged for their murder. Yeah, you get someone if someone murdered a YouTube Commenter you could get No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, If you were a you'd be on the trial you dummy I'm saying you're on trial you were in trouble Lewis you I will defend you in that trial My own boy or brother. What oh I object Overall almost of the judge No, that happens when people are like people break up and they tell their ex-boyfriend to kill themselves and they kill themselves. Those women, they get fucking tried. That kind of... What do you mean kind?
Starting point is 01:31:07 You heard of one story with that happen, that fucking check. No, that's not what we get. We get a real ass dude of the year. Like those. That happens. It's been like it's the you episodes about it. Look, look, look, here's the thing. I'm obviously not kidding.
Starting point is 01:31:19 Murder a YouTube comic book if they don't like me. Murder them. Cause them physical death. Disclaimer he's kidding. No, no, no, no. He's looking at me right now and saying kidding. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, That way we don't get taken down the views of lusha Gomez also reflect the views of rye cast and the yk2bd podcast and everybody involved oh No, no, no, let's agree with you doesn't mean it's the rest of the people you know what dad you need to kill the fucking YouTube comment is Dude it's always something with you
Starting point is 01:31:57 Did you did you tell my fucking fans to kill your fans what the fuck is wrong with you? to kill your fans, but the fuck is wrong with you? You sound like my cousin Vinny at the end. Did you know my cousin Vinny has like the highest rating from like lawyers? It's like the most accurate to create a lawyer. Really? Yeah. I love it.
Starting point is 01:32:14 She hated it. She didn't like it. Every time he puts a new movie on for me, it's at 2.45 a.m. after we have to stop at like three delis from the whole. I've dragged off three times earlier. I'm going to go like, I've already had a fucking blow-up. Well, jerked off on my back. And then he's like, I've already had to fuck him. Get blown.
Starting point is 01:32:25 Well, jacked off on my back. And then he's like, we should put a movie in. And then I start falling asleep. He's like, oh, really? Now you're gonna start falling asleep. I'm like, it's 4 o' 3 a.m. So it's like a horrible relationship. I'm tired.
Starting point is 01:32:35 I'm so tired. I just want to sleep. Now what do you like about Lewis? I mean, obviously the fighting is very, he's a very sexy man. He's brown. He can fight. He's got lips. Other than that the fighting is very he's a very sexy man. He's brown. He can fight He's got lips other than that. It seems like there's a just what is your favorite thing about me babe? I like yeah like he uh
Starting point is 01:32:55 Yeah, right? It's hot I'm really a narcissist and he's a lot like me. Let's imagine Lewis. What it is Lewis is That's what happened to me and Kim. I'll say what happened. We roast battle each other. We interviewed each other. And then we hit on a lot of the same things. Like very similar backwards. You know that really was Lindsay Lohan when she has the twin. I only saw a mean street. Freaky Friday. No.
Starting point is 01:33:14 That's really a bunch of body. A parent trap. Parent trap. Parent trap. That's what happened with me and Lewis. We were eating Oreos and peanut butter. Yeah, it was fucking, it was. We had a lot of the same things.
Starting point is 01:33:24 Same exact skin tone. And your face looks like my face. Yeah, we did that mirror thing and then I was like, you know what? And then we just put our ponytails together like in Wow Ever since that's how Puerto Rican stuff it really is I love ever since that's how Puerto Rican stuff it really is really it's a process. It's a long time takes a week. We you can you can't point out one thing that we really like about each other because we don't really love ourselves. We do love ourselves. Yeah, it's fucked out right. Yeah, for me, I like her butt. Hmm, it's my favorite thing.
Starting point is 01:34:01 His butt could be better. Yeah, they get a little better though. Yeah, he was doing the squats. He was dumpy It was No pun intended Kim would you repeat my ass? No, no, there shouldn't be male butt play is it's too nasty No, there's hair and this poo and it's sweat. Well, it's no He's got his hair and his poo and his sweat. Well, it's no. What? She likes to 69.
Starting point is 01:34:28 Gabby, how do you feel about butt play? Not my thing. Yeah. For on you or two others? Both, yeah. You don't like your bumping played with? No. She doesn't like her bumping play with the other.
Starting point is 01:34:38 It's fucking annoying. Are you sure? It tickles me. Like a child. Like when you touch a child's thigh. It tickles me. I know with that. It tickles me.
Starting point is 01:34:47 Okay. You tickle thighs or you have had a child's thigh. Okay. I'm petafile. Get it guys. We'll also a father. So you could have touched a child's thigh. So, um,
Starting point is 01:34:58 It's nicely. Yeah, her butt. Yeah, she doesn't let me fuck with her butt that much. Every once in a while. And then she likes it. She pretends she doesn't like it, but she likes it. I think that's the clinical with women. Yeah, that's part of sex.
Starting point is 01:35:10 Well, pretending not to like it. No. That. Right. This is what I'm saying. That's part of it. How are we supposed to decipher the nose? There's one that's no, and there's one that's like, hmm.
Starting point is 01:35:21 These ones like, no. And they're like, oh, help. Yeah, help. Yeah, there's one that's tears and blood. Help. And was like, oh, help. Yeah. Yeah, the other one is tears and blood. Help. And then the other one's rape. Yeah, yeah, it's tricky. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:35:31 I like to. Not bad. Yeah, I wish you liked the about play more, because your butt is really good. Thanks, dude. Yeah. New Yorkers have good butts because of all the stairs. That's true.
Starting point is 01:35:43 Yeah. So you've never had a guy you'd your butt? No. Gab, never once? No. But I'm a butt. She's a virgin. Wow.
Starting point is 01:35:53 And is it because you're just self-conscious? No, I've had a finger in my butt. And I was like, I don't think that's for me. I said that a lot. I think a foot is a very different thing than getting your buddy in. Getting your buddy in is like. It tickles, yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:03 Yeah, a finger could be fucking invasive. I don't, I just not like, it's like not a clip, like my butthole's not a clip. You know what I'm saying? But I've read some articles that it puts in. That it is? What? No.
Starting point is 01:36:15 He's been eating pussy wrong this whole time. A finger in there puts more pressure. Do you ever thought it would be? It gives a little more pressure. I think that's for men. No, I think I've read an article for women. I've been reading a lot about sex. Yeah, what does it say with buck?
Starting point is 01:36:26 Because I've heard women that have had orgasms through butt sex. Well, you have to be, oh, I don't know about that. But I think a small finger pressure. I'm working. Women have orgasms through butt sex. Well, women can have orgasms from anything. Yeah, like reading a good buck.
Starting point is 01:36:41 Yeah, they're at good enough. The women are fucking strange. Like a hot bath gives them an orgasm. For reading a good book. Good enough. The women are fucking. What a strange like a hot bath gives them an orgasm. We take a good book. Just sewing. A sale. Making Lewis lunch. Yeah. Making a sandwich. I gotta go. No, we gotta wrap this up. We're not wrapping up.
Starting point is 01:36:56 I keep thinking you're gonna wrap up in the middle. Yeah, it feels like we're wrapping up. Should do your plugs, the very least. Listen, but plug. Shut the fuck up. All right. You guys. Everyone shut up. I've been charged. Go! That's how he says when he comes. the very least. Listen but plug shut the fuck up. All right, you guys. Everyone shut up. I'm in charge. Go.
Starting point is 01:37:05 That's how you that's what he says when he comes. You guys follow me on Twitter at Kimberly Congdon and listen to my podcast broad topics slash broad topics. I'm also doing a podcast with subway creatures. And that's iTunes Spotify YouTube anywhere you can find podcasts you can find the subway creatures podcast my last podcast don't science slash don't science okay those are great bugs that was efficient plugs yeah well done well done hey folks this is Joe list I will be at that's not the exit you left your herpimesson I'll be like it what a great website great photo. That's great. I will be at stand-up live in Huntsville, Alabama
Starting point is 01:37:53 Huntsville this weekend September 6th 7th and 8th Huntsville, Alabama stand-up live then I am at scroll down a little bit there Mike As all my dates are up there. Oh fuck me. I my website i'll be at the uh... cleveland hilarities september twenty twenty-first twenty twenty-third something like that and also somewhere else right before that book me hard i can't remember uh... hate myself and not remembering okay anyways i will be uh... in cleveland
Starting point is 01:38:20 coming up alabama coming up and somewhere else i fucking all buffalo buffalo Cleveland coming up Alabama coming up and somewhere else I fucking Hey, oh Buffalo Buffalo. I'll be at Helium Buffalo in September That's a big September Huntsville Alabama Buffalo, New York and We get it. Oh, I'll Christ. Two days with stories you can hear it fucking plug every Tuesday You should get some fucking hair plugs you fucking chubby Reacon Reacon I cut out the portal part you get some fucking hair plugs you fucking chubby reacon uh... i cut out the portal part
Starting point is 01:38:48 at jolus comedy and uh... don't kill anybody be nice uh... anybody else got a point well to bobby's after it you okay uh... yet guys com is comity dot com is not a website anymore com is comity instagram and uh... yes timbre 8th, Legion of Skates live in Boston. Uh, Bobby Kelly's gonna be Boston that day. What's that? I'll be there.
Starting point is 01:39:10 You're gonna be there. Yeah. Who knows? Maybe we'll just be fun. Boston. You're there the same time. Yeah, I'm gonna miss you by a week. That Thursday. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 01:39:19 I leave Tuesday. Saturday. Saturday the 8th. You get it on Saturday. We get it on Saturday the 8th. Robert Kelly will also be in town that day. Yes, and we have a live podcast on the six. Weird. Maybe Bobby Kelly will be on the league of Skanks. But who knows who knows? Who knows?
Starting point is 01:39:31 Guys, if you're in Boston, this two shows, one at four, one at 1130, something like that. Get tickets are both because it's going to be one hour each show and we're going to release them as one collective podcast. So if you want to be a part of both shows, you can do that. I got a tour coming up, all of October and November. I'll be posting dates and links very soon. So if you're anywhere in this country, I'm going to be going to basically every market. And I'm filming my first Santa comedy special, Louis Shagomas, Presents Louis Shagomas. Here in New York City at the cutting room on December 2nd, tickets will be available very, very soon.
Starting point is 01:40:04 I appreciate everybody that has supported me with everything that I do. I love you all. That's it. Mike? Awesome. I got nothing going on. But this week, if you're going to be at the
Starting point is 01:40:15 Comedy Cellar Vegas, you can see Bobby, Keith Robinson, Paul Versey, Rich Foss, and House MC Mark Cohen. It's a great show. Make sure you use the code CC social for $25 tickets. And Bobby after that, make sure you follow his Patreon or I'm gonna call the Patreon. Make sure you get all the life from the Sheds, one on one, you can only get those on there.
Starting point is 01:40:36 And he will also be like we said at Laf Boston, six through the eighth, well, live WIKE-WD on the six. Yep. And then he'll be at the Washington Draft House the week after. And punchline Philly on the September 21st and 22nd. That's great.
Starting point is 01:40:54 Sweet. All right. Fuck yeah. We love you guys. WICON-WD, the regular is on Patreon coming soon. Just me, Joe, and Dan cutting out all the middlemen. I'm going to go. Yeah, let's make some money.
Starting point is 01:41:04 I'll be there. Money. Baby. OK. ¡Susurra, me jodí, y dan, me jodí, no me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí, me jodí Con Volotea, la región de Murcia nunca ha estado tan cerca. Espectacularismos, monumentos, rincones de película y un sincindia aventuras desperan. ¡Fliparás! Vuelades de Madrid, Amurcia y a otros destinos que te sorprenderán a partir de 19 euros. Volotea. Parifa sujetas a disponibilidad. Consulta las condiciones en Euros.
Starting point is 01:41:42 Volotea. Parifa sujetas a disponibilidad. Consulta las condiciones en

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