Robert Kelly's You Know What Dude! - Cigar Masters

Episode Date: September 24, 2015

Robert is joined by Paul Virzi, Joe Giordano, KC and Yuri from @GoodStickGoodStick. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Ya son casi las dos, nos vamos a ir a casa o hemos venido a jugar. A casa, a casa, nadie va a irse a casa. Hay que ponerse modo de racón. ¿Eres un dragón? Soy el dragón de Fireball. Ya te digo yo que las mejores historias siempre piezan con un chupito de Fireball. Bien, frío. Yo, pues al lío.
Starting point is 00:00:20 Un Fireball, sabes que la fiesta será épica. Ignite the night, network Alright check it out. Alright we're here. Hopefully I haven't used this motherfucker in a long time since the YKW Fuckin' New Studios, but we're on the Zoom H6. Right now we are in the backyard In the dudes backyard. I got special edition of YKWD. I got my pal Yuri from cigar masters Well, that's my wife calls it He's actually
Starting point is 00:01:09 Over at the cigar Republic the cigar bar that I belong to over here in Elmsford. I guess it is Right, right. They have another one at Danbury. Yep. Hold that. You never held the mic have you never yeah hold it up to your mouth Yeah, that's that's what you want to look a little weird. Yeah, yeah You want to talk into the microphone. Yeah, hold it up to your mouth. That's where you want to look. It looks a little weird though. Yeah, you want to talk into the microphone. All right. You should, you fucking dick is talking for you. I'll never try, but it'll find out. All right, check it out.
Starting point is 00:01:32 We got Joe, G, shoulders, Joe, AKA fucking Mike Vecchio and 2.0. Ha, ha, ha, ha. Thanks. Thank you. What's up, Joe? Hold that mic up, motherfucker. Both of you, cross-checkers, first of all,
Starting point is 00:01:44 these guys have never done a podcast. No. I of my favorite people in the world. Paul Verzi Is here from the Verzi effect a friend of mine. Yeah, fuck it. Love him. He's here, but these two they've never done a podcast So you know, we got to make sure they keep the mics up. I want the sticks going That's it'll be you know nice and easy. Yeah Yeah right nice and easy. Let me get a check on everybody. Let me get a check on you verse. Mike check one two one two Mike check one two one two. Yeah keep going keep going. Check one two one two microphone check about to smoke a stick. Yep keep Bobby's backyard. I got you right there. That's right. Want you. All right. You eat that thing. You guys eat these microphones all right.
Starting point is 00:02:23 Let me get a check on you, Yuri. Check one, two, Yuri's mic. Check one, two, check one, two. Oh, look at you, the nasal, nasal. You hear that? Check one, two, check one, two. There you go, I'm cold and nice and close. I got a friend of my KC coming down, Cigar Smoker,
Starting point is 00:02:41 and I got Stobros, where everybody loves. Yeah, a little fat Greek, my son, I call him my son. Yeah, when I was in Baltimore, I took me to the cigar lounge out there. Yeah, and he took me to his Greek restaurant and stuff. Stavros is great. He's the best. Oh, he's great.
Starting point is 00:02:55 So we got tonight as a special edition of YKWD. You guys all know that I smoke stokes. You guys all know that I'm a fun, and I'll tell ya, I did him a long time ago, are you gonna hear these crickets? I can hear him like a mother. Yeah. We're in the backyard, that I'm a fun, and I'll tell ya, I did them a long time ago, are you gonna hear these crickets? I can hear them like a mother bird. We're in the backyard, that's not a sound effect. I'm not, you know, that's not fully work.
Starting point is 00:03:11 No, this is great. That would've got a big laugh if anybody here was in the business. That's when they do sound effects. See, that would've been good right there, right? But anyways, I was a big cigar smoker back in the day me and Gary Gullman very funny guy we used to smoke cigars all the time I threw them away I tossed them away went back to cigarettes quit cigarettes four years ago and
Starting point is 00:03:36 around a two years ago I think a year and a half ago yeah I'm up at Paul Virzy's mansion up in up in up state surprise birthday party surprise birthday party. Yep. And this this motherfucker gets a humor door from his pal. Yeah, I'll now. Oh, spoppos. Yeah, the Greek God that he is and then all of a sudden we sit around a fire pit much like this. Yep. Not as nice, but much like this No, he's sweet right here I can't, that's pretty sweet Oh, his wasn't hisness But that Yeah, what are you gonna do? It's your fire pit
Starting point is 00:04:11 You're the one talking down real fire pit I made this by the way It's beautiful Very fun to it I love it, I love it So we sat around this fire pit and he gave everybody a fucking bat Everybody got a stick
Starting point is 00:04:24 And I was like, fuck it, I'm smoking one. Yeah. And I loved it. You know how I know you liked it too? Because you like, he's like, yeah, you know what, fuck it, I'll have one with you guys. And we start telling stories about comedy. And we're joking about this audition I did.
Starting point is 00:04:38 And I had a battle audition. And we're just joking. And I just see Bobby. And he's like, and I knew he liked it. Because you know what, somebody first does it for after a while. They either really just slow and leave it. But he was like and I knew he liked it because you know when somebody first does it for after a while They either really just slow and leave it. Yeah, but he was like it was going down to the end And I was in another goddess guys in this guy's fucking in yeah, so that explains a lot
Starting point is 00:04:55 Yeah, so I mean I was like holy shit. That was one of the coolest things now before this cut to how I met Yuri Before this I'm driving down the street I just moved up here. I'm driving back and forth in the sawmill road. I see this little cigars cigars Just a little whatever ugly looking sign ugly looking fucking know nothing sign right dear enter at your own risk Yeah, weird building with weird businesses, you know, yeah, so I said fuck it. I'm going in. I'm going in to check this shit out I go in I walk up the stairs And there's this amazing cigar shop at the top of the stairs and you got this fucking tall glass of water Yuri. Yeah, it's back there. Yeah, baby, and I start yapping with him and we're all fuck and he's telling he knows
Starting point is 00:05:41 Everything of and they're not just a day. He's not You know, you go to cigar places sometimes, they're dickheads. They just want a push product on you and that's it. But not even, some of them like don't fucking bother me. Like you should know, I don't know, fuck with cigars, just cigars. Yeah, a lot of them act like the waiters at Peter Luger. If you don't know what you know, they give you an attitude.
Starting point is 00:06:00 Exactly, not fucking this motherfucker, nice guy, friendly. Appreciate Appreciate it. I got he's so he I signed up that day That makes all the difference in the world when I go into a cigar shop Can I I kind of know what I'm doing? I know now I've been doing it long enough where I kind of know look I'm in the mood for a I'm in a mood for an Aston I'm in the mood for whatever and a guy I talked to the guy I shoot the shit with the guy I talk about It's a great stick. I remember when the Davido of Nicar shit with the guy, I talk about all, it's a great stick. I remember when the Davidov, Nick O'Rogglin came out, I was like, I was like, holy shit. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:06:30 That was like, after I was smoking Cubans a lot because I was in Canada. I was smoking Cubans every day for like 17 days. And it's hard to match that when you get back. But there are cigars that could do it. And like when somebody's really cool about it, I'm like, I'll come back to this. Yes. I'll come this. But if you're a dick and you're like rushing me and stuff, it's like, I don't need to
Starting point is 00:06:44 come here. Yeah, dude. This this guy. I mean nice guy in the world. I signed up the and he goes yeah, there's a lounge over there. This is what got me though. Ready? 24 hour access. Yeah, that's right. 20. I go whoa, whoa, whoa. You go straight. Just punch in a code. Come up whenever you want. You get your own. A lot. That's dangerous for me, man. Oh, dude. That's that's divorce for it. And my wife, because I, I, because you drive past it at night, you're like, you know what? I had a bad day. I just, I want to sit in the leather chair and smoke a stick. You get home with three of a clock in the morning.
Starting point is 00:07:13 I got two kids. My wife will be so it's, I'm actually better that shit closes down on me or I just go out of my deck. Oh, listen, I get that a lot. A lot of guys actually, if you ask her, they're probably our divorce. Oh, anyway, I just, I, you couldn't get more alpha male. A friend from Linch the one, Archie, Bronco walked in this place. that a lot a lot of guys actually if you ask for a prolly art divorce the friend's lunch the one archie bonko walked in this place i'm talking doodah they they have no you know
Starting point is 00:07:31 i mean cops retired cops yeah a lot of the time i'm sorry business owners i mean uh... it's a man place and i then i i i mean far this got me a joe closer because me a jo would talk over Twitter and blah, blah, blah. And then he finds out we cigar buddies, we meet at my place, me and him start smoking stokes, right? And so here we are.
Starting point is 00:07:55 Yeah, I'd been going there for like probably six months before even knew you went there because they had the Roma craft that I was looking for. I could find those. I could find those. I could find those. I could find those. I could find those. I could find those. I could find those. I could find those. I could find those. I could find those. I could find those. I could find those. I could find those. I could find those. I could find those. I could find those. I could find those. I could find those. I could find those. I could find those. I could find those. I could find those. I could find those. I could find those. I could find those. I could find those. I could find those. I could find those. I could find those. I could find those. I could find those. I could find those. I could find those. I could find those. I could find those. I could find those. I could find those. I could find those. I could find those. I could find those.
Starting point is 00:08:03 I could find those. I could find those. I could find those. I could find those. I could find those. I could find those. I could find those. I could find those. I could find those. I could find those anywhere Even the actual place that makes them in Austin, Texas. They didn't have them. They were out of them And I searched online. I found this place and he's like, oh yeah, we got a couple boxes I would drive up, you know, half an hour there. Did you go to the place in Austin? It makes their own? It's like they're they roll it's right at there on sixth. I would order from them. Oh, okay. I didn't go there But I would order from them online and then they they render their own stuff. Yeah, yeah, but Yuri had them and was it? Yeah, Yuri, I mean, so it's the cigar Republic.
Starting point is 00:08:30 Yeah, the cigar Republic in Al-Ni. Yeah, it's fucking, it's a great place. Unbelievable place. Yeah, they have everything. Cut to, go ahead. Yo, no, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead a year and a half later I have a fucking humidor that I can close my humidor I don't leave that shit open. I got a lot. I got a lot.
Starting point is 00:08:51 It's overflowing. You know what? Just take the top one. There's one on top that you just gave me. That's good right there. I actually open it and shut it. I'm sorry. Is that shut, do you?
Starting point is 00:08:59 Not really. It's probably not shut in that. You got a little crack there. So he just opened it up. Take that cigar off top and just yeah, yeah, give me that one I'll take that out there. There you go. Oh, so we um anyways Cut to now in my backyard. Yes, and I have a humidor with I don't know 300 300 cigar humanoid that I got off it's officially 300 pound account
Starting point is 00:09:23 Humidor and it's full. It's fucking full. I mean I could still fill it more. You could always do more Yeah, but that that fucking human. This is all from your party by the way Hey, there's hundreds how much money's in that fucking thing? How much money I've spent? Yeah, you know easy it is to spend money with Yuri too because Because there's nothing better. I always say this. There's nothing fucking better in this world. Yeah, then a man Sitting down with a little bit naked with another man. Oh, sorry. I'm sorry. I know That a man whose friend gives proper directions. No What this fucking guy had me I might as well been in rye by the time I thought I was gonna smoke a fucking stick
Starting point is 00:10:04 Don't work on the west coast Yeah, the fuck is rye nobody knows rye you West Yes You read you know I think everybody knows westchester no, but I just feel like and it's the only thing that like you could do alone That doesn't look weird alone that in the movies going to a movie alone is okay. Yeah, and this I've never gone alone What you never got a lot of movies alone you low it to yourself you owe it to yourself I'm married just now if I go to another another round for divorce all right all
Starting point is 00:10:31 right but no man I just like there's something about you sitting there and you could met pair with any drink you want whether it's alcohol or a coffee you just kind of sit there and it just fucking takes you yeah and a lot of people don't get it I got you know people that don't smoke oh That's happy me is that you watch that be me. Oh great. Is it you? My role that was me at home. Let's get the shit out of my kid Anyway, yes, just that's what I was saying. It's just a best. Okay, here's a deal. Let's you you're, you brought a fucking stack of bats. I call them bats. He calls them sticks. I call them sticks, yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:08 Stick. That's good too. By the way, first time I heard somebody say bat was him and I think that's fucking all. I love it. Yeah. That's it. That's yours. So, you brought a fucking stack of bats with you. You're gonna be passing them out. So, let's light, let's start out, talking about, we know how great smokers get let's all give us the cigar you think we'd like okay and then we'll light them up and then we're gonna talk about them cool all right absolutely good during the pregame part of this say uh oh here he is right here here's uh kind of got to see you okay I'm sorry KC come on in buddy sit right over here brother oh what's that? What is it? Alright yeah grab a mic. Sure. Alright KC everybody Joe, you're... How's it going? Hey how's it going? How are you?
Starting point is 00:11:52 Thanks me babe. How's it going? Paul. Hey how's it going? I brought your wife like flowers. Did you really? Yeah. You brought me a fucking potato. Why'd you give me a baton? I thought it would just be funny. You have a baton. You got enough yard space. It actually soaked up cigars scent. Let me get a test on you. Test 1, 2, 3. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it actually soaked the smell of cigars. Really? No. You don I have to put it my ass no it's a potato it doesn't do anything there's nothing worse
Starting point is 00:12:28 than that joke right there they said better feed you that's it you and you and him we get along fucking great because he says shit and I'm like really now I'm just kidding all right let me let me get a test and you killing it now All right, there we go. Let me see again test 123 test 123. Sorry about that guys everybody listen It's I haven't used this in a while. All right, so we're gonna put it at the point. We went through the fucking stories Right you're you're a cigar smoker for how long? I would probably say I mean a couple of years Yeah, yeah, I mostly cigarettes smoker for how long I would probably say I mean a couple years yeah yeah mostly cigarettes that's usually what I get into but cigars are more casual okay cool yeah all right so
Starting point is 00:13:11 well we can I mean that we get that's good we get a fucking a staunch cigar smoker right we have a medium I would say cigar smokers and then we have a light light I would say so so let's go having for tobacco right how many go week? How many do week? Probably one a night. You do one a night. Yeah. I'm like, I almost got to that point. That's when everybody had to kind of be like, dude, you got a chill. The weekends are the one in the morning and then I want to, you know. Yeah, I'm a two, I'm a two
Starting point is 00:13:36 cigar days. Oh, let's get these cigars go. Let's do it. Where is she? Gotta go. All right. So, I was getting, during the pregame stuff, I kind of got to feel for what guys wanted. So, Joe, I set you up with an Oliva V Melonio Maduro. It's causing the natural one, the cigar, the year through cigar fishing. I'll go this past year. Yeah, I saw it. But that one seems to be more of my favorite.
Starting point is 00:13:54 I mean, the way my analogy to it is like smoking a Hershey chocolate bar. It is just phenomenal. I e-roach that every time I smoke it. Yeah. And just to interject, I mean, that's the best thing about Yuri too He knows what I like so I'll be able to go in there and say listen you got anything new You know, I'll say yeah, I know your palette and here try this try that your palette There'll give me four or five cigars and they're all I just want to buy boxes. He dips all you see guys in his butthole
Starting point is 00:14:21 There's always a some pregame ritual that needs to happen with cigars No butthole involved. Okay good. Well not good GC Casey I'm sorry like the sunshine band right? You're a one of a mile to me. Yeah saying I'm gonna give you two options I bought in this this one is actually brought up to me by someone bodies I brought in this one is actually brought up to me by some of my buddies. They had this sitting on the side for a while. It's the EP-Kadeo 5-year anniversary. It's a mild to medium, rated medium to fold, but I call it a mild to medium, because
Starting point is 00:14:54 pretty much everything's out there, like a medium body. As long as it's smooth and doesn't have a bite, pretty much anyone can enjoy it. Okay. So this cigar is aged. It's got a nice little flavor profile to it. If you want to take a chance on this one, you're more than welcome to. If you want to go a little lighter,
Starting point is 00:15:11 I would probably recommend either the number one cigar, the year a few years back, the Florida Lesanthias and by Domapim Garcia, my father cigar company. That is a very, very nice cigar. You can also jump that way. And I got you guys set jump that way and I got you guys set up Paul I got you within oval Connecticut by San Lattano A.J. Fernandez that is a great mild to medium smoke it's got a medium-binder filler with a
Starting point is 00:15:34 nice aged Connecticut wrapper it's it's a great morning cigar I can go to it myself even though I'm a regular smoker I could still go back to it and still enjoy it I think they have a great thing going there and probably had the same for you my man. I'm probably going to go the second one because of your tone sort of like lens. There's a little story behind this too. I mean I could talk about it for hours but I actually had this cigar in their factory before they even released it and I fell in love with it. It's really really solid smoke. It's got some fruity notes to it. Oh, that's why I like it.
Starting point is 00:16:07 That's what I'm saying. It might start off with a little bit of pepper. Most people don't pick up on it, but it's got a little pepper and right after that, it just really takes off. Is that a union joke? No, it's not. Take it anywhere you want.
Starting point is 00:16:21 This one could take a curry. Yeah, if you can. I think you said that, but all right. And to make it look like I'm the jerk who saves the best for the last room self. Tatooai Brown Label, you know, Coast or Pato for myself. It's a more fuller body smoke. You guys are obviously welcome.
Starting point is 00:16:38 I have enough in there for everybody, but I just haven't had this in a very long time, so. Can I just say something? Not for nothing, but Let's put I get the same cigars paversy. I want to do a difference a guy Here's why you ready because I want to taste different things I don't want to fucking say the same thing as him Two fucking assholes going
Starting point is 00:17:01 What's that? Five year then all right now, I wanna go through this because a lot of people who smoke cigars don't think, I know that you can do whatever you want. I know you're gonna do, just smoke it, whatever. What's the right way to cut a cigar? And like, oh, you got a torpedo, you got, you know, what, so what's the right thing you should,
Starting point is 00:17:21 wait, you got a bunch of straight cut. Yeah, what is it? Okay, so as far as a type of cut, there's no wrong way. It's a preference. If I had a V-cut on me, I'd probably prefer a cut of torpedo with a V-cut, but that's just me, that's my taste. Okay. So, I don't like to push specific cuts on people, although it's awesome to experiment
Starting point is 00:17:39 and try different ones. You definitely want to mix it up when you can. At the end of the day, though, it doesn't change the cigar. It's just more freedom. But can't you cut off the ball? What's this called on the end? The cap. Correct. Well, as far as cutting a cigar in general, especially a cigar that's not a torpedo, you got to be wary of the cap. You don't want to take it and slaughter the cigar. You don't want it to capitate it like in half. A lot of like rookie mistakes is when people take a cutter and they literally chop off a chunk of their cigar and all you need to do is just take a little bit off.
Starting point is 00:18:15 And the way I like to do it, if you have a simple double blade cutter like this, you open it partially. All you do is you kind of partially. Yeah, you kind of make it look like a cat's eye. Right? You know, you have to like finagle a little bit there. Right? Just put it to the top and basically what that does
Starting point is 00:18:32 doesn't allow the cigar to pass all the way through. Gotcha. And that's it. Ah, okay. It's as thin as a fingernail. That's all it is. And the cigar lasts a lot longer. You're not spitting out the backo.
Starting point is 00:18:43 Right. You're not unraveling the cigar. So just open up the cutter like a cat's eye. So it doesn't go all the way down and just snip off the end. Now what's the right way to light a cigar? I usually light it, I'll burn the end. I'll light it without puffing. Right.
Starting point is 00:19:02 Again, many people will give you many different stories how to do it. Some people say, you know, use wooden matches and wooden matches. Only some people that's a holy grail. I respect that. That's cool. I think that a clean butane lighter is just fine. The only thing I tell people and people fight me on it, I tell them not to use the zippo or fluid lighters because those have a really strong odor.
Starting point is 00:19:25 Yeah, so it's really, you know, I love zippos. I had them as a kid, I had a collection of them, you know, and I used to use them with my cigars and I noticed that, you know, when I switched over to using either matches or butane, that the cigar would taste better. You know what I started doing too, you take the filler in the box, thin piece of cedar, you can snap those into strips and light those and light the cigar would taste better. You know what I started doing too, you take the filler in the box,
Starting point is 00:19:45 thin piece of cedar. Okay. You can snap those into strips and light those and light the cigar with that. So, yeah, I see people do that. Yeah, I did that too for a while, but one thing that's been going around with those is you probably shouldn't use the cedar to light your cigar
Starting point is 00:19:58 as wonderful as that stuff smells and it does smell amazing. And it gives that soft texture to the smoke when you light up because like done it in the past. The award of caution on that that's been going around is there's probably not a safe thing to do, the smoke in the cedar, something about it that just makes it even worse. I think rap music sort of glorified the whole using the zippo
Starting point is 00:20:19 because that's where I picked that up from. Yeah, so I'd see light around like shugnai just lighting with a zip on. I'm like, oh, this is how you speak bad. I do have a zip. Oh, yeah, but I replaced it with the torch. So you can buy them. Yeah, I can do that. I have that. All right. So because I love the zip, this is from a set of the wrong heathens. Okay. This is one of the gifts they gave us. When I was like, oh, I got to throw this out because I can't use it with a scarf. I went to Yuri and he fucking popped this in now. I can use it But I would recommend doing that. All right, so let's shout let's light up. Yeah, yeah Hi
Starting point is 00:20:52 The one thing I like to do with regular scars. I like the punch cut It's just for me it's neater Some people don't like it because you get the they think the smoke is too hot as you're inhaling But I like it. It's a clean cut now when you light a cigar. Yeah, what do you think? I agree with you with what you said you want it? but I like it, it's a clean cut. Now when you light a cigar, what do you think? I agree with you with what you said. You want to warm the cigar up without drawing on it. You toast it.
Starting point is 00:21:11 You toast it, right? Try not to burn the edges. You want to stick just to the foot of the cigar. My explanation to it is if you burn the outside of the cigar, anything that you've ever had that's charred or burn has a bitterness to it, I think that will reflect that into the cigar. Also overheating the cigar by drawing on it heavily when you're lighting it also makes it have a bite. So as you light up you want to just
Starting point is 00:21:36 give it a little bit of a toast. If you have a soft flame like this one I have here. This is a soft flame ish. When you use a soft flame it's a lot longer to light up the cigar. So with that one if you just like gently draw in it try not to overkill it. Yeah. Here's a funny thing too is that when I fly that lighter you have right there is what? That's the Zycar EXT soft torch. Side-tourch. Now, when you fly, you can fly with that and they won't take it. Because you've gone away with it. Well, because you can't have a torch.
Starting point is 00:22:13 And that is not a torch. No, it has this little spring inside, which allows it to be actually more of a windproof lighter. And by doing so, it takes away that look here. But I hear that. I hear that. You hear the gas coming out. Yeah, just turn it down
Starting point is 00:22:25 All you do is yeah, you can turn this down. It actually look like a Just a regular this is fucking serious cigar smoke. It's shit right here. All right. This is this is you know what dude the fucking cigar Yeah, master this is like fucking, you know Getting through fucking TSA shit Well, I got it too. I mean to tell you this man I got a glotter you take get a hundred all lighted taking from me a fucking TSA From some hump who read the manual. Yeah, you're gonna get fucking pissed I got this lighter. What is it again? It's the Zikar EX soft torch soft torch
Starting point is 00:22:56 So the guy actually told it out he goes you can't have these I go. It's not a torch You can have regularly you hit the button. He goes. Oh, yeah, all right. I thought it was a torch Some tells me Casey's gonna have problems with the TSA number, what else? I can even get through with a flashlight. Yeah. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. All right, so, ooh, this is nice.
Starting point is 00:23:14 Yeah, this is nice though. This is a hint of chocolate right when you like it. Really? It's like a smack in your mouth kind of, and I notice it. Not a hint at all, it's a smack in your mouth. So, that is not a matter of fact. It's not a matter of fact. It's in this dis, all. It's smack in your mouth. It's not that it's not a magazine. It's just a issue. It's in there. The natural version is I think what they've
Starting point is 00:23:29 been advertising a lot because it's their number one. But the Maduro doesn't get the spotlight. I guess it really does. I shouldn't even say that because it's actually been really hard to keep all that stuff in stock. But that cigar is just awesome. Real quick, if you guys want to follow him on Instagram, he gives cigars every day reviews on the cigars, it's because that's the hard part is finding out what fucking bat you like to smoke.
Starting point is 00:23:55 And you go at good stick, good stick, at good stick, good stick, we're all getting t-shirts from his stuff. Yeah, thank you, that's awesome. You're very welcome, guys. So, we're gonna pride. Yeah, it's, which I love love you know that it's out there I follow a bunch of people, but sometimes they'll just put a cigar up and you don't know what the fuck it is
Starting point is 00:24:10 How it tastes? I mean it's weird too because people like it really tastes spicy How can you taste chocolatey? But it does yeah same thing with wine till you drink wine. I was I was just gonna say I think that's the best comparison Is it's the same way you, you could get a good bottle of wine for nine bucks, and you could get a great bottle of wine for a hundred. Same thing with a stick, you could get a, I've had sticks that were $78, that were unbelievably
Starting point is 00:24:34 just as good as a $25 stick. Yeah, they can blow your way. Well, you'll see, now cigars is getting kind of huge again. Like, you know, there was a research, maybe 25 years ago, now it's getting really big again too, it's a lot of boutique cigars, a lot of stuff that Yuri has that you don't even see in cigar position, not over the big box stores.
Starting point is 00:24:50 But you know, now you see people, they know the coheba, they know the big names, and think if it's not coheba, it's not a good cigar. But I gotta watch off of Verzi, because he's fucking Italian, and he's talking with his hands with a fucking nine inch baton, he's like, he's fucking skim my out of round three games.
Starting point is 00:25:06 This is a good one. That's just very mild. It is very smooth. Yeah, and I feel like I can, more on the wrapper, taste like a peppery kind of thing, because my lips are a little like numb. You get a little bit too.
Starting point is 00:25:16 It will go away, usually with my father's cigar company, Doppepingar, say his blends. I tend to have a little spice to begin with. But I have a bias towards this cigar, because it hits my palate pretty much square on. I love his cigars. He makes a lot of great stuff. He will quickly change over after the first quarter of the cigar. Now why is it like, this is the stuff I'm getting into.
Starting point is 00:25:44 It's like, how does that change over? over how does it and did they do that deliberately? Is a cigar made deliberately to start out spicy? Change over to mild to go and then go back to to some heat at the end or is it just every cigar's different every cigar Is the same yet different? Some cigars are made to be consistent straight through. Some cigar manufacturers, like you brought up the Neanderthal. You know, or Roma craft guys. I don't like cigars.
Starting point is 00:26:18 Roma craft, I'm Pinguarcia, Liva. Most of these guys, they blend cigars to keep you on your toes. They are there to be complex. They're supposed to change. People get bored quick in my opinion. So whether you're smoking the same cigar over and over and over again, where no matter how great it is, it's going to eventually wear out and you're going to need to change it up. Yeah. It's the same thing when you're smoking a cigar while you're sitting there and relaxing, it's nice to have it change up. So, at least the American palette here in the United States, people crave a fuller body,
Starting point is 00:26:51 everything a fuller body beer, fuller body this, everything's gotta be stronger, everything's gotta be more complex, just like our coffee's too. So, for the most parts of the gars are intentionally made to be something that changes. How's that one? Yeah, it's good, it started out really mild, but as it's going, it's like... They'll pick up a little bit. It's picking up a little bit. Yeah, it's the San Littano oval Connecticut.
Starting point is 00:27:12 And again, it's got more of a medium to full biner, yeah, with that guy. And I get what you're saying when you were like, it's good in the morning. Oh, yeah. Like, I could just, you know, just light this up in the morning with a coffee, this fucking over. I remember that coffee pairs well with cigars.
Starting point is 00:27:24 Yeah, after all, yeah. Absolutely. You look on like coffee pairs well with cigars. Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely, you look on social media, see, you know, half your pictures are posted within a espresso. Or diet coke for some reason goes. That's right, right, too, or diet mountain dew. Really? Yeah, that's what I'm trying to do.
Starting point is 00:27:35 So, I mean, I try not to drink soda that much, but like a diet coke man with a stick is fucking crazy. It's not, I don't know if it cleans the palate. The sugar gives you something, I don't know what the fuck it is. It might be the aspirate because there's no sugar in diet. It tastes amazing. Yeah, it's fucking amazing. You know a lot, some people say that one of the best things to have is like just a carbonate
Starting point is 00:28:00 of beverage, but usually something like a celt or a clubsoda, but a greeno. Something that doesn't really, that has a neutral flavor, because anything else that you have with it will slightly affect the cigar. So those guys that pair their cigars with whiskeys and stuff like that, you're combining flavors. You're gonna have different tastes, but at the end of the day, if you really want to taste
Starting point is 00:28:19 the cigar by itself for what it's worth, but you need a beverage to go with it, you gotta go with something like a seltzer, a club soda. I got a question for you. Are you one of these guys who keeps the ash on? Or do you knock it off at all? That's a good question. We've been on the falls, man. Yeah. Why are you saying?
Starting point is 00:28:35 Honestly, it kind of insulates the heat, but that's like the only technical thing that I really believe in. Like it keeps the burn even more even. But my main thing is I really believe in like it keeps the the burny more even but My main thing is I don't know where I read this and I read I heard it from somebody But like the saying that these old Cubans that really love their cigars just sit back in their chairs and they smoke and let the ash fall all over I'm gonna look like you know because it's the thing to do it's the thing to do sounds like messy and Disgusting, but you know, I just I don't know let that sucker fall on when it's ready. I'm a fucking slob when I smoke. First of all nothing to go hits the floor because of my stomach so you know it always hits my belly and then just like like fuck it's snowing all over my pants. It stains a fucking shirt too. No I let it go. Like
Starting point is 00:29:19 if it's going I just get it away from me and let it go. You know here's can I just say something about this. I let mine go too as long as I can but I saw some Fucking hipsters. I'm at the casino and what the fuck I was and they came in with their you know Travel humidors and they you know they were smoking cigar after scar But they were like literally Tilting their head and shaking like you know like a fucking game. I see that Instagram two people post pictures You know you have a little nub left and the whole thing Can enjoy that. I've done that for shits and giggles once in a while. I'll do it
Starting point is 00:29:53 I was like 16. Yeah, it's like you're doing a limbo while you're smoking a cigar My buddy lawhead though Jason lawhead. He gets it. He keeps the whole thing He gets like three quarters of it and I guess you know, I for me I just let it go and keeps you know, but I started smoking in my father passed away and he left you know cigars behind I started smoking I said wait a bum out the podcast And you always heard that the better the cigar the tighter it was rolled right and you know It was a sign of of you know good cigar that the ash would stand the whole time now I got a question now that we're talking about this and I got a fucking leave in 10 minutes
Starting point is 00:30:23 Because I even do a fucking spot that I got no question now that we're talking about this and I got a fucking leave in 10 minutes because I even do a fucking spot That I got no I'm hosting a show. I got a host to eight o'clock and I got a spot at the 10 I would love to stay how long gonna be here. I'll come back. How you know what what I'm gonna be at the fucking midnight I got why not I got enough I got rib-eye sliders. Ah, yeah, I got Italian sausages So I got a fucking cowbell. I guess my question is this how So you got a fucking cowbell. I guess my question is this. How? Some people say the cigar should be really soft.
Starting point is 00:30:50 Some people say it's a little hard, it doesn't matter. With me, I just noticed that anytime I squeeze, if there's any kind of sense of cracking or any kind of little then that should never be that, correct? It's a delicate touch. A lot of this, that's a big thing with the people when they come in, they check out cigars. Some people they think they know what they're doing,
Starting point is 00:31:10 so they'll take a cigar and they'll choke the life out of and say, hey, look, it's dry. I'm like, no, dude, you just crush. Yeah, you squeeze it really hard. Like, you got to the point where there's no space between us fingers when you're just, you know, just testing out the cigar. Right, yes, there is a way of doing it, but you're
Starting point is 00:31:25 sparing gentle. Got what you meant. Yeah. Obviously it's a peppy. I really got into that one. I really did. I witnessed it happen. No, as soon as I want to know. No space between this. This is great. This is great. Yeah. So you answer your question. I just do it again. A joke. Oh, fuck. But again, if you if you humidify too much, you don't want it to be a sponge. It'll crack because of the the bril of steam. It will burn on evenly. The flavors won't be there. Okay. So where should you have you here? You're a meadow. I have mine. It's 69.72. See that to me that range right there is 69.70, 70, 72%, right in that range it is optimal. Really? But a lot of people tend to smoke their cigars on a much higher humidity, like 75% or lower,
Starting point is 00:32:13 it's like 65%. Because there is also a level of personal preference to place into it. And, you know, so like a common thing that a lot of guys do nowadays, they dry box their cigars before they smoke them. They take them out of the humidor, and they put them into a box of cigars
Starting point is 00:32:28 or a designated smaller humidor where the cigars slowly lose a little bit of that humidity. So they, quote unquote, burn a little better. I have a tendency to do that too. Part of it is because I'm usually working or I'm running around, so I'll tend to take my cigar out. And I leave it out, and I probably won't get to it for like another hour and a half to two hours
Starting point is 00:32:47 No shit, and then I'll light it up and Does it make a difference? Yes, and no another preference thing I call a preference Yeah, well I actually happen to like my stokes. I like a nice firm Stoke go on firm stoke go on you don't like them soft at all I was trying to be funny because I like mine a little bit more I like mine a little more damp like a little bit like I like to squeeze it you know a little soft yeah you know I mean like I don't like it when it's because I've had too many cigars where you even cut the top with a cap,
Starting point is 00:33:28 and you just know it's like, this thing is dried out. This thing is, this thing is, I don't wanna hear any cracking or anything like that. Not that it's worse than sitting down, relaxing, we're gonna get rid of smoke, you know, $15 a cigar and it cracks, and then you just run to the home night. The wrapper comes flying off,
Starting point is 00:33:41 and you got nothing left except for the binder filler. Yeah, it sucks when I'll be smoking a cigar and all of a sudden it'll just go out. And you're like, what the fuck happened? Usually overhumidified. Really? Yeah, or you spend too much time talking that pain tension to your cigar. So what are your thoughts on, you know, because when I started smoking it was, you know, you put the distilled water in the humidifier in the humidifier and I was it.
Starting point is 00:34:01 Now they have the little boba to pack and it makes it easy. You just throw them in there every couple months, whenever they get hard. I like that. Everything's gonna jump. This fucking heart. This part, I mean, there's a lot of innuendos when smoking cigars, soft, hard, wet. I'm excited. I don't know. You're really as to someone is raining.
Starting point is 00:34:17 Can you? What is that? Outside. Should I smoke? No, but I. Because I don't know. It's preference. I actually, I like, I tell but I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I know I know you say and verzy I don't I can't wake up and smoke a stick I've tried it and I just I can't do it. I like you'll get to that point
Starting point is 00:34:57 Yeah, I'm fighting that I'm fighting like for I mean like you know after This get a coffee I mean like, you know, after the press, you get a coffee. I mean, like, I don't mean like wake up and roll over. When I fucking nuts. Buddy, it's not a fucking, we're not, we're not saying that's a bad thing. You're backing up like we said, you're like to jerk off with the other hand.
Starting point is 00:35:13 We're saying you have a problem. Oh yeah. That's all right here. Speaking of that, I want to talk about that real quick, because I do gotta run some with this. But fucking jerk it off with the other hand. Yeah, I went left in the other day, right?
Starting point is 00:35:24 Now, like health stuff. And But fucking you're gonna have the other hand? Yeah, I went left in the other day, right? Yeah. No. Health stuff. And I know you're in the business and everything like that. But it's gotta be, it is, I know it's not great for your esophagus and throat, but it's better than smoke and cigarettes, correct? I mean, given the amount of cigar, yeah,
Starting point is 00:35:38 I'm gonna say it's better than smokey cigarettes or pretty much anything. No, I mean, but like there, but it doesn't have to be. I mean, I think that it's better for the lungs if you smoke a cigar Hailey yeah, but I don't know about the mouth and the John all that stuff I think well listen don't link it to to lip and mouth cancer throw cancer, you know, but let's let's say this Smoke and cigarettes or smoke and a cigar I'll smoke a cigar any day over cigarette all right smoking crack smoke and a cigar Seriously cigar any day over cigarette alright smoking crack smoke and so go seriously cigarette cigarette like what is 40
Starting point is 00:36:07 thousand cock hangin hovers without condoms so cigars i'll answer it this way and given that this question i get i'll ask a lot of it at work the number one killer in the america's stress what do we do to these stress right? I'll smoke a cigar some guy. I'll have a drink people have sex whatever it may be Okay
Starting point is 00:36:33 Have it sex we wise is not a stress release It's more stress. Do you imagine I'll catch in a fucking BJ while smoking a cigar? Oh from someone else J. Walsh Malkin and Sagar. Oh, from someone else. And then you fantasy. Yes. So yes, I think cigars are actually helpful in moderation. In moderation. I tried to hold it in. It was just just cat to come. You know, some dripping down your lips. That's funny. That's funny. That's funny. So, so so so I mean I had looked Dr. Steve, right? Dr. Steve who's a friend of mine. I don't drink, I don't use drugs, I don't bang hookers.
Starting point is 00:37:17 I'm not smoking cigarettes. I'm now back on no sugar, no grains for the last month. He said, yeah, he smokes gas. I go, yeah, but I'm not gonna know you fine. If that's what you're doing, that's fine Yeah, he goes you you find look at George Burns a Milton Burrell those guys they left on night. They smoked five a day Exactly, but y'all are really because I was telling y'all this my buddy honest who's a comic I was like yeah, man, you know my some of my friends my wife stays here was like boy You're going a little you get a little two nuts You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:37:45 With the cigars, two a night, everything. And then I would, and then Yannis, cause that fucking Winston Churchill smoked one every day, a huge one till he was 80 years old or whatever, but, you know. What other vices do you have, really? Well, I mean, that's another podcast. No, not on my fucking network.
Starting point is 00:38:00 I'm really, I'm not on my network. No, I'm not gonna tell you about that. No, I like, you know, I like throwing down, I like I'll throw down a I'm really fucking good. You want? No, I'm not gonna turn you on my back. No, I like throwing down, I like I'll throw down a couple cocktails here and there. I'm not a weed guy, if you have a couple puffs to go to sleep. Sure. Everything in moderation, but this is the one thing
Starting point is 00:38:16 that like for me it's really like. Oh, it just stops at weed. Okay, I thought it was gonna go further. No, no, no, no. Okay, here's what I love about it. It really, you, especially being on the road and we did this the other night. You go, anytime I go on the road, I will fucking yelp cigar, lounge. And I will find a, and every cigar lounge has its own personality, its own guy who, you
Starting point is 00:38:39 know, because it's, it's not a corporate thing except a J and R, but it's not a, it's some guy who loves cigars. Who wants to open up a corporate thing, except a J&R. But it's some guy who loves cigars, who wants to open up a cigar at lounge, okay? And then he surrounds himself with guys like Yuri, who fucking know what the fuck they're doing and loves cigars too. And then like we went to, let me tell you something, the other night, we're in Reading, Pennsylvania,
Starting point is 00:39:00 unbelievable show at Building 24, surprisingly. Just unfuck, I thought the 24 surprisingly just unfuck I thought the thing was gonna suck I thought the whole night was gonna suck we even from the steakhouse at the crown royal you know we were like oh we sat down we go fucking salad everything was great steak was great we go to the gig it's amazing the crowd of two people there all of a sudden it's fucking packed right the crowd's amazing then we find this cigar bar in the middle of fucking nowhere. It's a house, a fucking house.
Starting point is 00:39:29 First floor is a bar. You walk into like somebody's living room, it's a bar. Just like 1978 bar, you know what I mean? Like deer hunt their bar, right? Then the lady goes, you look over the cigar bar because we, you know, look at us, assholes. We're not going in there to fucking hang out. Yeah, we go upstairs It's the second floor of a house you walk into the front porch. They close then is there's a amazing human or guide comes out
Starting point is 00:39:53 What was his name Gary comes out? Hey guy you got you know You know how you guys doing? I like it to do it for myself. Tell me about it comes in How you doing? How you doing, Joel? Right, he's going over. You mean 30 years. He doesn't do nothing at all. Well, you know what I'm saying? The fucking pack of cools and his apple fucking stuff.
Starting point is 00:40:13 He fucks like a smoker fucking. Yeah, he smokes a cool. Camel Joel takes you out. Yeah, smoking like a brother in 1962. So, pack of cool. So, uh, He comes out and then we bring this in the other room. It's literally just a living room with the fucking pocket doors.
Starting point is 00:40:33 Yeah. And you want to talk about men. There was fucking, there was one dude. He had to be six something, three something, hands like catchers mitts from the fucking twenties, right? Rainbow suspenders from just fucking being a man. I'm wearing these. I think you fucking say go ahead say something He doesn't know what they mean now though guy wearing those suspenders It was unbelievable. We sit down. We fucking got a we got so many fucking cigars. Yeah, we bought shit
Starting point is 00:41:03 We've never fucking affordites. Adelphia. Like I said, Adelphia. You ever correct me on my podcast? I don't want people to go around looking for a back-up. It's my fucking back-up. This is my fucking drug. So that's the dines.
Starting point is 00:41:19 What is it again? Adelphia. Adelphia. Fuckin' ass shit. What is it again? We sat there until fucking one in the morning with these guys this guy was talking about killing deer Smoke two cigars there. We smoked two fucking two bats there. It was fucking great. I mean I Couldn't have a better night. Yeah, it was fucking great. I mean, I couldn't have had a better night. Yeah. Unfuckable.
Starting point is 00:41:47 But that's the thing about to go. It's just a social thing. You know what it does? You know what it does? It's like, I don't know if you guys play golf, but when I go play golf, no matter where I am, whether I'm down south or in the Bronx, if I go play golf, I feel like I'm on vacation
Starting point is 00:41:56 and away for those four or five hours. Yeah, exactly. It's just me hitting the ball. It's like, you know, green fucking outside woods and it's awesome. Yeah, I'm a psychiatrist, chair. What's that? I'm going mental when I play golf. Oh, see, no, see me. No, but when I play woods and it's awesome. It's like I'm a psychiatrist chair. I'm going mental when I play golf.
Starting point is 00:42:06 Oh, see no, see me? No, but when I play golf, it's like, I don't, the game is like so much fun to me and I don't care. I have good rounds, bad rounds. Yeah, if you don't care. But I feel like I'm away. I feel like for that time, I'm away.
Starting point is 00:42:16 That's what a cigar without having to go and play golf. For me, sitting on my deck or just smoking a cigar, you're mentally away. It's almost like, it's like a room to go and think in where you're just like the cigar and you Con volotea, la región de Murcia nunca ha estado tan cerca. Espectacularismos, lincones de película y un sincindia aventuras te esperan. ¡Fliparás! Huelades de madrida murcia y a otros destinos que te sorprenderán a partir de 19 euros. Volotea
Starting point is 00:42:52 Parifa sujetas a disponibilidad, consulta las condiciones en like comics I don't know so like hey you want to go get a cigar and after and they're like yeah totally they're always like down no one's ever been like like always after the gig I remember one time we were so excited to get cigars that we call with the town that we were going to in Maryland we called and we called the hotel and they're like yeah we don't they called us cigar bar for us and we were gonna get there too late so they had cigars bought and waiting for us. Yeah that's a lot of comedians are doing that now. Like if the owner says, if I'm going to a town to headline, the owner will know,
Starting point is 00:43:31 like they'll know that I'm a cigar guy. So like all of a sudden on Twitter, hey, we got a nice spot for Paul Verzi when he comes, come and see his show. And it's just like you go there and it's like, Bobby said, I don't go, I'm married with two kids. I don't go to night clubs, I don't fuck. But I also don't wanna go to my hotel at 11 o'clock
Starting point is 00:43:48 and after I did a gig and I'm like, up. So what's the best thing to do? You go to a cigar lounge, they have a flat screen, you watch the fucking highlights with a, you know, I'll get like either a bourbon or a scotch and I'll, I'll say, yeah. It's unbelievable. It's the goal's what it does for me.
Starting point is 00:44:02 It slows everything down. It does. It really does you when you when I light up a fucking bat and and and it just slows Everything down because this is this is going for an hour and a half This is going for an hour and a half sometimes too. So I'm fucking sitting down I'm chilling the conversation starts it end, it can pick up again, and it's just fucking, it relaxes me in that way where everything just kinda slows down. And this is what I'm doing for the next hour or so.
Starting point is 00:44:36 You know, where everything else in my life is, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's do it, let's get it done, let's get it done. This is, let's just fucking sit down for a second. And the fact that there's so many varieties of it of cigars. Like this thing I'm smoking right now. Carrillo. EP, cut it all. Cut it all. Cut it all. It's an effort, Didee. So, Bobby, you look like you've been fucking building a sandcastle. I told you, like a cigar for us. There's the lores. There's the lores. There's the lores.
Starting point is 00:45:07 Well, that's my name, or the best neighbor in the world. I said, you know, she's the best. She's the best. That's a hilarious name. Yeah, you know, I told you, it doesn't have to fell off on the cigar on the shirt. It looks like an avalanche of fucking burnt homes. You would have been like a big meal, though.
Starting point is 00:45:23 It's like it almost acts like a digestie. If you just sit back and you just have a cigar and it just makes everything just... Yeah, it's just a fucking great way. And it's also, I feel, it's like a bonding thing. Yeah. Like that night, I'll never forget it, your house. Yeah, no, I won't either, I was amazed.
Starting point is 00:45:38 I mean, it was a fucking great night. There's a bunch of comics around a bonfire, just smoke and tellin' stories and it was just like a calm, nice, fucking great thing, and that's what just they're going, yeah, it's a bonding thing, for real. It's definitely a bonding thing, but it's also a philosophizing thing.
Starting point is 00:45:51 All of a sudden, my brain works better. I think when I'm just chilling, relaxing, when I can calm myself down, I can, I somehow think better, you know what I mean? Or at least a little straighter for me. You know, I mean, I've had the best conversations in my life with a fucking bat, my hand. The problem is now, I think it's actually reversing.
Starting point is 00:46:13 I think this thing is becoming, you see women smoking, you see like, you know, not all hot women. I'm generally not. I'm just like cigars, no. I think that's the worst. Yeah, they would see the worst. I'm like, I'm like cigar is not. I think that's the worst. I'm like I know. Put that away. Well, broad cat. Hey, Kathy, hey, let me get a two of those op-ments. How's the rib eye here? Let me get some Monte Carlo whites. Yeah, and let me get a Lance Erow. Oh, what are you doing
Starting point is 00:46:45 later? I'm actually skinned in the deer. I hit on the way over it. No, but I agree. I think you just hit something on head. I've had I've had the most deep bonding conversations with friends and comedians when it was just like a one-on-one conversation sitting down down smoking a cigar, and all of a sudden, it just get honest and vulnerable, and just talking, just fucking, it's different. It's similar to smoking a fucking butt real quick, and getting out of here, just to...
Starting point is 00:47:15 Yeah. It's also a great, kind of cool thing you can do for your friends though. I can always be like, Joe comes over to Joe, go in my humano, grab what you want, except the one in the box don't touch Nothing over to the left on the bottom, but you know you can be like yeah grab a cigar and It's just you know they'll grab one they'll home and then be like dude that was fucking I love that stove I love that
Starting point is 00:47:39 Let me just let me just talk about this thing. Go ahead. This one. I started to light it It took a second. I couldn't you you know, the first couple of puffs, I was just trying to get spicy. It was just like, it just didn't, it didn't register when I first got it. And then like, as this is going, it's just fucking. Yeah. I mean, I don't want to go anywhere.
Starting point is 00:47:56 You don't want to go anywhere. You want to just chill out now. Fuck, I should have definitely won it. Yeah. Yeah, this is a good one, man. How's yours? This has been a consistently good flavor for me. Now what has yours again?
Starting point is 00:48:07 It's my father. My father. My father. Florida, the last sentias yet. It's like, you know what reminds me of the first time I had a cigar? Yeah. And not like when I was like a kid and just like a person around, but like we went to a cigar bar,
Starting point is 00:48:18 we talked to the guy, we were sitting there and just friends gathered. And I was like, because we were actually watching a UFC fight. I remember that exactly. We were watching UFC fight, and we're just hanging out, and we were just friends gathered. And I was like, because we were watching, we were actually watching a UFC fight. I remember that, and exactly, we were watching a UFC fight and we were just hanging out and we were having cigars. And I remember that cigar just going down so smooth and then being like, this is great.
Starting point is 00:48:33 I always feel a little rich when I smoke a cigar. And that's definitely rap music. Well, can I just say something? No, that's another thing I like about cigars. And cigar lounges, you know, there is no really riff-riff. Right. Because it's not a fight, it's not like a hook-alounge for $3, no offense. Right. Where you can... You think we're mulling the region?
Starting point is 00:48:54 No, no, no, no, no. So I'm just covering basically the Middle East Japan, is that what you're saying? We're going to talk about the Iran deal. You know, and we dropped the bomb on your people and hero Shima I'm not even Japanese, but I'm sure why not? But you like noodles. Yeah Where's tovara? That's the fucking gallery Bolton what were wrote that I told you guys? Yeah, Michael Bolton wrote the center so that I'm sitting
Starting point is 00:49:19 You're gonna vote. Yeah, I do. I'm fucking sitting on Bobbi. I just said destination 70 feet I just aint it and then I put the real one and it's a 20 minutes. I walked do. I fucking sit down, Bobbi. I just says, destination 70 feet. I just ate it. And then I put the real one and it's a 20 minutes from the suck. I walked outside, I'm asking these people, like, hey, do you guys know where Bolton wrote is? They're like, what? The first time he invited me, I almost walked in a wrong barbecue.
Starting point is 00:49:35 It was a fucking, he put it back. I get that all the correct. And I'm fucking dumb. Fuck you, stop, you shit, man. Um, there we go. You got a waddle back in here all sweaty. Where the fuck? Let's see, walk in there. I don't know. Yeah. I know.
Starting point is 00:49:51 He's not walking. He's like, uh, he, uh, shit. But, uh, um, yeah, it's, it's, it's like, in people who go against the guy smoking to me, I, you know, it's like, you fucking sit down. There's not too many of them, first of all, but there is a few of them who are like, yeah, I'm all set. But it's like, sit, you know, try it. Sit the fuck down, try it. I've had a couple of people that like, they lit up, you know, but the riff raft, we'll go back to that. The riff raft isn't there because it's a $10 cigar. There's $8. I mean, yeah, you get a $4 dollar, whatever, a nub or something
Starting point is 00:50:22 like that. But you walk into a cigar shop, most of the guys there, you're dropping 10 bucks more on your stick. So that's pretty expensive, that's a pack of cigarettes. You're smoking in an hour. And I think you save money with it because if you just go to a lounge and you get one of these, it's an hour and a half to, a good one hour and a half,
Starting point is 00:50:42 you only need like one or two like drinks to mix with it. You're not just sitting there buying cocktails running outside. You're talking to cigarette, you know, your nights all over the place. It's not also the, you know, like at a bar, there's the pressure to get laid. You know what I mean? Right. I talk to women or whatever in, you know, for those I have game. And I know, but a cigar almost says a cigar almost says, listen, I'm getting laid anyway. Right. I don't fucking, you know what I mean? I either just got laid or I'm gonna get laid, but I'm not chasing you. Right, exactly.
Starting point is 00:51:07 But you can sit there with a cigar and just a, you know, 15 year old, you know, glass of scotch and stuff or whatever and happen to just sip that, take a cup of the cigar and it's, I thought you were just gonna leave it at, you know, sit there with a cigar and a 15 year old and just, you know, you're gonna put everything on it.
Starting point is 00:51:20 I'm like, yeah, you're not a buster. You're not a buster, you're not gonna come out. You're just fucking stare at it. What is this the fuck it, all the less? Yeah stare at the bike and come out. Just fucking stare at this the fucking old West Bring one of those young boys Jerry from Subway I um I you got to go I got to go fellas. I'm gonna tell you right now. I did the Yeah, can you cuz you know I'm gonna be fucking miss my gig before that 40 minutes 26 miles You're gonna be there at 750. How do I get there? I don't fucking know huh?
Starting point is 00:51:44 You got a fucking phone on you. Yeah, no, but at 750. How do I get there? I don't fucking know. You got a fucking phone on you. Yeah, no, but I'm saying, how do I get to, like, what do you go, what way to go? Yeah, yeah, like I just want to know what route you got. All right, I'll give you the route. You want the route? Here's the route, so I'm gonna give you three routes. You tell me which one you like.
Starting point is 00:51:57 I'm gonna give you the 87, right? We can do 87, which is 38 minutes away. Right, and that's gonna take you down, right down the way. Or you can go 45 minutes, which is the West Side Highway. The West Side Highway. No, no. Bronx River to Manhattan, which is 39 minutes. Welcome to the Max. I do the Bronx River, I'd tell you the truth. Where's the entrance for it? I mean, here's the thing, 45 minutes. If you go down the West Side Highway, sawmill all the way down, cut across. That's no traffic, no nothing. Okay, so where's the sawmill minutes if you get on the west side highway sawmill all the way down cut across
Starting point is 00:52:29 That's no traffic. No nothing. Okay, so where's the sawmill from here? How do I get different here? All right? How I make a left out of this main street here? Yeah, but make another left? That's one so I'm parked this way Yeah, I'll just do it. Yeah, what the fuck what is this? 1994 Let me go to Mapquest and print that out. Oh my fucking God. Hey guys, there's a pleasure meeting you guys. I wish I could do this again. You're a really appreciative stick and the T-shirt man.
Starting point is 00:52:52 Joe pleasure. Yeah, we gotta do it again for sure. I'm Bobby. Thank you, man. Yeah, enjoy that on that. Grab a gobble, gobble some salami on the way out. Grab a water with you. Buddy, did the best. All right, I'll see you later, buddy. Versi, we'll see you later buddy. Versi will see you later. Versi effect.
Starting point is 00:53:06 Add Paul Verzi. Dave, you're welcome coming on a 25. Say it. Dave, Dave, you out. What's it called? Night at the stand. Night at the stand. Where'd you record it?
Starting point is 00:53:17 I'm kidding. That was a joke and a fucking KC joke. Night at the stand. When is it coming out? You really are an Italian he fucking just grab a Yeah, take that Pellagrino go ahead buddy See a lot about in verzy take it easy You just like pocket it's a lot of you do
Starting point is 00:53:41 I'm gonna fuck the kiss my wife on the neck It's a tiny thing to do. So anyway, I, I mean literally he got me back into cigars. That one night was fucking unbelievable. It was around 10 of us comics sitting around a fire pit. Everybody had a bat. I mean, you know, there were good bats, bad, whatever the fight even though it was to be honest with you.
Starting point is 00:54:02 But it was just the best thing ever. And then of course, when I joined cigar republic, you know, I don't go in there as much, you know, as I thought I would. Well, you don't live there, that's for sure. I don't live there because some guys do. There's some guys that, you know, spend every waking moment there, but that's, you know, that's a thing they enjoy it. Yeah, but it gets a little retire homie.
Starting point is 00:54:20 Yeah, I mean, it isn't like the crowd generally older. We have a nice mix and it's getting younger if anything. Cigars in general are starting to attract a younger crowd I think. No, younger I'm not talking about 18 year olds. I'm talking guys in their 30s. 30s yeah that's what I'm late 20s. I'm starting to pick that up right now. You know what I don't wish I wish they had in the cigar lounges.
Starting point is 00:54:40 You ever go to the lounges at the airport and they have those little cubicles. Foot massages No, no, no, I love that. I would love a little they should have a masseuse that comes in. Oh my god. I'll get shut down Watch his back rubs with you never I'm not hand jobs I'm a you know, it's my guys would be clever enough be like so what else did they? But It was like a little cubicle those little room like a little spot where you can sit down with a computer and Actually smoke a stove get some work done because you know once in a while you'd be sitting there
Starting point is 00:55:09 All right, there's a TV going then then there's fucking three old dudes watching porn on another That doesn't happen. Well me. Yeah. Well, I was not porn. It's the playboy channel Me and Joe will fucking sit in there one day trying to have a meaningful conversation I was then we What the fuck? And they were- That's one of the guys plus that, a DVD collection problem. So we're like, we could even talk.
Starting point is 00:55:32 They bring in their own DVD player. But it's- It was a good movie though. It was pretty fun. We could even finish the conversation. So anyway, he's like, what the fuck? I did just focus. So, oh, what the fuck? I did just focus. All right, so we get, what the fuck? But, you know, going to these cigar bars, like, okay, cigar Republic,
Starting point is 00:55:52 24 hours a day, and that's becoming something now, too, all other places are doing this. Yeah, it's definitely other ones are trying to do the same concept. Are you the first ones to do that? We're, I don't know for the first, I know that we were one of the rare few and there's more and more popping up. There's some that are totally private clubs where from when I gather they literally it's just a bunch of members that own a piece of it and they just... They don't even have a store. They just have a place to get together and they all chip into it. It's like their own little country club and all they do is hang out, smoke cigars. And you gotta be rich to be in that one. Honestly, that's a big misconception with cigars.
Starting point is 00:56:30 I mean, yeah, you gotta have some spending money, but I don't see it as like, you gotta be rich. I mean, you know, there's guys who live and off of pension for two hours. And that only cost you around 10 bucks. Movies are more than that. Yeah. You know, if you smoke to pack a cigarette for two hours,
Starting point is 00:56:44 you'd feel like death, It's awful. Yeah, so but I mean a cigar for two hours. I mean entertainment wise Yeah, you know, I think it's pretty good it puts people in a mindset So I think for two hours ten bucks. Well, but now it's you like I can't smoke in movie theaters We want to we want to we want to a cigar bar in New Haven, Connecticut That was I was think I think the future of cigar bars because you go in It's it's more of a bar this future Bobby. Huh future Bobby. No, this is present Bob Okay, I'm gonna try it again. You want to rewrite that? I'm Casey punch it up with some more sarcasm
Starting point is 00:57:17 I know he was joking So no, but I think it's the future of it because they have music there, live music, they have a stage, massive humidor, you could order off a menu, hot waitresses, great food, and then of course the bar, and then just sitting area to smoke. Every cigar shop owner dreams of that. Unfortunately, there's laws that are not to go into technical stuff, but basically, unless it's a grandfathered in, you're not going to, like in New York State, you're not going to be able to open up a cigar, store and lounge with food, with alcohol.
Starting point is 00:57:55 You can't do it. They don't allow it. There's too much red tape, too many issues in that, and it's a really unfortunate circumstance because that would be your absolute right. That would be the coolest thing to have Right, and it would be amazing and I would love to have something like that one day But so wait, you're not allowed to serve liquor or boozer or like you're not allowed to sell alcohol Huh in most places now there's a few places that are grandfathered in in the city some spread out throughout the state
Starting point is 00:58:20 The place I used to go to in Queens called Havana Nights, it's in middle village. They have, they serve alcohol. You can get like, peronies, you know, like beers and stuff like that. So I tried to whisper. I'm not familiar with them, but the thing is, you know, they, unless you're like, you know, like what is called the Porter House across the river where they, you know, they've been around Garnels how long. They have a restaurant section, they have a cigar lounge section.
Starting point is 00:58:48 Good order off the menu, you can even want play smoke in the other. They're even changing the laws in that place too, like there's certain areas, you know, a lot to smoke in even those places. Well, because people don't like the smoke itself. People don't like the smell of a cigar. Like, look man, there's nothing worse
Starting point is 00:59:02 than we smoked the other night. We did two nunchucks in my car and then we smoked in the way home. The, Alfred Aides, what do I think? Adelphius, right? And it was, dude, it was, it smells, I mean my wife wouldn't use my car
Starting point is 00:59:21 because it fucking smells so bad. I mean, the next day it'll smell. But why- Well, why can't they fucking invent something just to take that out? Well, they can't do it with cigarette smoke either. Like, it's just, it's on you, it's on you. There's a million of one devices out there that they say they could do that. And some of them do somewhat of a job.
Starting point is 00:59:36 Like, I wouldn't even call some a decent. It just depends on the day, depends on the humidity. I don't know what it is, but some days those things work sometimes that they don't, more times I think they don't actually fully do the humidity. I don't know what it is, but some days those things work, sometimes they don't, more times I think they don't actually fully do the job. I don't really smoke in my car unless I can have my windows down, chilling out on a nice day. If it's a nice sunny day or warm night
Starting point is 00:59:54 where I'm driving somewhere, I'm lying up. My family, we go on vacation a week down Jersey Shore, along with me, Charlie. Love that place to death. Again, my wife's family introduced me to to him and my wife introduced me to it. And my favorite thing to do when I have to work and I can't join up with them and I have to drive by myself. I will light up a cigar the moment I get in my car and it will be my choice at that point as my father Lance Sarah. For some reason that hits a spot every time I make that trip So I'll light that up and because I'm not a fast smoker that will last me and again I'm driving at night at that point
Starting point is 01:00:33 Bless you I get sometimes cigar smoke goes up my nose and it makes me sneeze That's a very interesting sneeze guys. He's like an elephant Hey, no, I'm just like all the these guys. He's like an elephant. Hey, no, I'm just like, all the the trouble right there. It's one for me and you. Anyway, yeah, so that's the girl last me the whole trip and it's awesome. It's a rare thing, but that's what I will do. I'll light up a cigar and go through that time. So, all right, now, I want to know right now, what's your favorite cigar? I want to ask you a
Starting point is 01:01:02 couple questions. What's your favorite cigar right now. What's your favorite cigar? I want to ask you a couple questions. What's your favorite cigar right now? Right now. Right now. You're Yuri. Yeah, who's talking to Yuri? Well, I get that question asked, I don't know, 10, 15 times a day. The favorite cigar right now is the one I'm smoking. That's going to be my answer. I heard someone else use it once and that's going to be my answer because it depends on the day. I won't accept it. I will not accept it.
Starting point is 01:01:24 Oh man. I won't accept it. Oh man. I want accepted. All right, how's it? Right now, what's your favorite mode? What's your go-to cigar? Lately, maybe because it's more of a newer smoke last year's release. Now, a full line Lumpurioce by Crownheads really hit the spot recently. To me, even the Las Calvaries this year, which is a lighter version, they really hit the spot recently. So yeah, that probably would be something that I would lean to, but again, it's so hard to tell because I'm like, you know, I'll look in it and it'll be like, one of my smoking necks, and it's whatever the pops out, and then I know I'll enjoy it.
Starting point is 01:02:01 Right. So I really don't have a cigar that I will completely go to on a regular basis. All right, what do you got, Joe? What's your favorite right now? Right now, I would say I like the league of Provada number nine from Drew Estate. It's a big cigar. It's more expensive, so it's about 17 bucks.
Starting point is 01:02:16 Shit. A piece, but you don't smoke it every day. And there's the rich guy. No, but every once in a while, it's nice to have it treat yourself. Either rich guy or a guy who doesn't get shoes. Exactly, ever. Yeah. Right. But you know, I in a while it's nice to have it treat yourself either rich guy or a guy doesn't get shoes Exactly ever Right or but you know I mean at something like a smoker every day like more of the fuller body to go
Starting point is 01:02:30 So I like the Roma craft and that's that's the one that you know how he was I found your e just online Because they were the only people who had him and on the Easton seaboard and the Roma craft Chromagnon Chromagnet the the cranium size which they made him, yeah. The premium size. I wish they made him a bit, a little bit longer. I think they make a six, like 54, six and a half. Yeah, it's a six, I think. I can't remember off time I had, but it's a nice size.
Starting point is 01:02:52 Like a seven, you know, you flesh about an hour and a half, two hours. Right, but, what about you? My father's cigar. That one you smoked, that one you love it. This is amazing. I mean, I'm gonna be the guy who's like smoking this to a point where it's embarrassing.
Starting point is 01:03:04 Well, he's got the nicotine high going right? I can see it right How much is that cigar my story eight and a quarter? See it in my head. That's it. That's my budget, too nailed it on both ends That is that is fucking middle or budget right now out of the cigars that we have every middle or nice We top out like 15 bucks here. There's really nothing too over the top here. That's what I love too You don't have to I mean because I right you were in the place the other day in this cigar my wife calls it some garmasters So much that I started call and I'm so mad at her for doing that. That's a guy Republic. It's a guy Republic now
Starting point is 01:03:41 What that cigar there's a cigar in there right now for $80. What is that? It's the Pedrol 50th. Now, why the fuck is that 80 bucks? It's a very controversial discussion about why and how that the cigar MSRP is 106. There's something along with those lines. It's over $100 MSRP.
Starting point is 01:04:02 What the fuck does that mean? That means it's a very expensive cigar. It is a over $100 MSRP. What the fuck does that mean? That means it's a very expensive cigar. It is a phenomenal cigar. I've gotten great reviews on it from guys that are willing to deep in their pockets and pay for them. But you don't think it's worth it? Actually, I think it's worth spending the money to smoke it. It's not something you'll go to on a regular. And that's the one thing that it's hard to do to explain I guess it's
Starting point is 01:04:27 in cigars you gotta just try it you gotta just try you gotta go once and try it whether you go back to it or not it is what it is so a quick question like a cigar lounge like the price of a cigar is no different smoking in the lounge and if you decide to just take it home with you that depends on the on how each cigar lounge okay I mean if you have members and you offer something you know through that because they That depends on how each cigar allows you. If you have members and you offer something because they buy in bulk or whatever it is, then you give them a break, I guess.
Starting point is 01:04:53 It varies. Some places include a special discount in their membership. Some places give you a credit towards spending in cigars. Others say, bring your own. Others don't let you say bring your own, others don't let you bring in your own at all. That's something we don't do. We allow people to bring in their own,
Starting point is 01:05:11 because I can't carry every single cigar. I try my best, I try to incorporate everything, but there's some cigars that people get for themselves because that's what they like, and they might go to a hand roller down the road, who makes his own little sheep blend, that's good for them them and they like it. Right, so I'm not gonna discriminate that,
Starting point is 01:05:27 they support me anyway, those guys, when you let them do their own thing, they'll support you back. If you try to lay them down with rules and regulations, then you're just choking them. You're not letting them do what they want. They want to come to your club to relax. So, I'm gonna scour public is a fucking great club.
Starting point is 01:05:45 I've never been to the one in Danbury, right? It's got to make a trip up there, man. It's beautiful. Yeah, I got to go up there. But I mean, to have a place to go where, you know, where somebody you know, is going to filter out all the bullshit, all the gimmicks is nothing better than I'm going to learn. What about this? He's like, you know, you don't want that. Well, I'm going to get this lighter. He don't get that. Yeah, you know what I mean? And he'll also get say to me a lot of time here try this yeah, and I'll go smoke this a guy and I'm like holy shit
Starting point is 01:06:14 It's amazing that's it's between going to like Home Depot or you know a local hardware store If there's any left you go there and a guy says no do this do that. I'll teach you how to do it You know the guy who works at Home Depot is just you know, he, do this, do that, I'll teach you how to do it. You know, the guy who works at Home Depot is just, you know, he doesn't know anything. Yeah, aisle five, there you go. Yeah. So, you know, you get a guy like Yuri, who will sit there for 20 minutes, 45 minutes and talk to you about cigars,
Starting point is 01:06:33 tell you about his experience, he's going to Nicaragua and Cuba and all these different places. And you know, and once he gets to know you, I wish. You know, he'll call you up, he'll email you, he'll text you, he'll say, listen, I got this and I think you'll like it. And you know, you're pretty much, and that's the best thing to about cigars is, you know, this is Casey's first, he'll email you, he'll text you'll say, listen, I got this and I think you'll like it. And you know, you're pretty much,
Starting point is 01:06:45 and that's the best thing to about cigars is, you know, this is Casey, the first time you have the cigar, this might become his favorite. Two weeks from now, you might try another one that you already suggest, and now it becomes his favorite. So there's always new stuff popping up, there's always new blends every year,
Starting point is 01:06:57 every couple of months, it's great. Now here's the thing, you started Good Stick Good Stick for what reason? For fun. All right, Good Stick Good Stick for what reason? For fun. Our Good Stick Good Stick is what? It's me, my best friend, well, we just wanted to kind of branch out and have a little fun with what we do. Like you said, we do little review blurbs when we post our pictures.
Starting point is 01:07:18 And again, it's just something to entertain ourselves with and you know share get bring in the core people that kind of like share I Approach to cigars that social Aspect of it and create like our own little group, I guess you know like mine the people Right, and it actually helps helps me out because I you know I never know what to get because I'm not a professional I don't you know it helps me education me on what cig what to get. Cause I'm not a professional. I don't, you know, it helps me educate you on what's the guards to get what they're like.
Starting point is 01:07:47 So if I see something you're smoking, I come in and I go like that, that zombie cigar you had. Yeah, they ended up. They ended up. I saw that, I'm like, what the fuck? I went in, I grabbed it, we smoked it. Unfuckin' believable.
Starting point is 01:07:58 I would have never known that existed. So that's why I love going to Instagram. It's at Goodstick, Goodstick. And seeing what the fuck you're smoking. Because now I have something I'm on the road. Let me go try to find something like that. I have a little, because I love these little missions. I love having a mission. You know what I mean? Especially, you know, when you're trying not to be a piece of shit pervert on the road, I give myself a little mission. And if it's going to find one of those cigars at a cigar bar, find it a place to go chill out
Starting point is 01:08:28 and have a conversation, that's the beauty of it. Is the other night we're in this place with these fucking guys that we, I would have never talked to any of these guys if I ever met him anywhere else. But we walk into their place in the late night on a Saturday and me and Joe, all of a sudden, instant friends with everybody, shooting the shit,
Starting point is 01:08:47 hanging out, talking about gutting deer, gutting deer, fly fishing, the patriots, blah, blah, blah. It's because you guys have one thing in common, that's what you're smoking, you're smoking a cigar. That makes you an automatic member to that club. Right, you know, guys welcome everybody, arms wide open, there's not a single anti-social person that's sitting there. Right, well,'s sitting there right well there's a couple
Starting point is 01:09:06 yeah even they warm up though right but and I think I think it's you hit on the head too Joe it is coming back it's making a great comeback and it died for some reason but now cigars are coming back in a big way and I'm excited to see because now everybody's like when's Cuba. Oh my god. That's gonna work. Cuba. You're gonna who gives a fuck? It doesn't matter. Yeah fuck Cuba. Well, you got a lot to choose from now. There's so many fucking cigars and this is just happened last what 10 20 years The selection the selection seems way more than it used to it's it's growing at a Ridiculous pace and Mike experiences through Instagram,
Starting point is 01:09:46 looking at other people's pictures and stuff like that. I mean, to quantify how many private label cigars, how many custom cigars are out there, how many people are trying to come out with their own blends, it's astronomical. We're just once a gar shop with two stores and we have our own Spanish galleon in the cigar public limitada. We have a few other ones but, we're just once a gar shop with two stores and we have our own Spanish galleon in the cigar public, limitata. We have a few other ones but like we're just here in this little section and There's so many other shops out there. They're doing their own thing that have their own taste that they come out with this stuff So there's just so much out there that I Don't think if you have made it your mission to go out and smoke a Different cigar from wherever you're going. Yeah, there's so many to choose from You will never get through to smoke in all of them, right?
Starting point is 01:10:31 Just way too much out there, but it's that's part of the game now I really think what you're doing is cool when you go out checking out other places Because it doesn't matter where you're coming from if you're from out of town You're a cigar guy. They welcome you and it's just a sense of camaraderie. You just get to a go to a place where you can hang out, chill out, and be part of a crew. Yeah, it's the fucking best. All right, let's wrap this up.
Starting point is 01:10:53 I got food over here. We're gonna chow on. I got some burgers I'm gonna cook up. We're gonna have a little food. Gonna like to fire pit up. And we'll smoke these cigars. Maybe we'll let up another one later. See what type of man we have at this fucking circle
Starting point is 01:11:07 So he's gonna fucking damn okay I don't like you staring at me that way You stare me at all. First of all, Versi left. So frankly anything I do after this point. I'm better than him So let's just go with that. Alright, so let's uh, let's go around right now What I usually do at the end of my podcast, this is a special edition YKWD. Sagar edition, we're here with Yuri, my man Yuri from Sagar Republic, and he has his own company, Good Stick, Good Stick. You can check him out on Instagram, at Good Stick, Good Stick, hit him up on there, follow
Starting point is 01:11:42 him, ask him whatever questions you have. Yes, that's messages. And your friend, what's his name? My buddy Will. Will is on there too, who's another knowledgeable, great guy with cigars. And you got a regular Twitter handle, you want people to follow you at? It should be listed on our Instagram. Twitter is kind of like connected, I'm still really working on my social networking game here. So I think it's a two good stick. Yeah and if you're in the area, if you're in West
Starting point is 01:12:11 Chester, you're near the sawmill, stop by cigar republic, pop upstairs. It's a very nonchalant place in Yerees usually up there. Somebody up there and grab yourself a nice cigar up there. And do you let people hang out in the lounge or do they have to be a member? We have a membership there so it depends on time. What I recommend people do is check us out on our website at And we post events. We have one coming up this Thursday night, San Lattano, AJ Fernandez, what Paul was smoking. They're going to have specials. We're going to watch some football or in a food
Starting point is 01:12:46 One of the top restaurants down the street from us is catering the event castolettos Every time they go all out for us and they will be there supplying the food So that food drinks football crazy specials on the cigars That is the time to show up and really get the full experience Excuse me the experience. What the fuck was that? I was a hiccup. It was so good right up until that. My God, I was really like, I was enthralled.
Starting point is 01:13:11 He had fucking ruined it right at the end. I'm a newbie with my first time on a podcast. That's all right. Well, you might be starting your own. Well, you might be starting your own video, little... I hope to, yeah, we're going gonna hope to take it to the next level. We'll start doing video tape reviews. We'll hopefully bring you guys out on it.
Starting point is 01:13:30 Sit down, smoke cigars, just like this. Have another cigar night, talk cigars. And right now we, everybody, I got my shirt on. You got your shirt on. It's a fucking great shirt. Good stick, good stick. It's an awesome, with a big fat stick on it. Well, the photo's on my Twitter. and the website and the Facebook you check it out
Starting point is 01:13:49 We'll make sure you go there you can get your shirt there too, right? We're gonna be launching our online sales real soon on that So I check back with us, which should probably be taking orders next couple days and Joe what you got there? What's your? Just a plug green lion digital com build. We build websites, mobile apps, search engine optimization, social media management, anything like that. From a five-page WordPress website to a thousand-page custom backend solution, anything you need. Awesome. I love. It's KC and then You could see videos, links to things that I've written and you know if you'll videos links to uh... things that i've written and uh... you know of you'll be able to find all my information from there
Starting point is 01:14:29 are the course of the robert kelly at robert kelly dot com everything you need uh... me is there dates twitter facebook instagram video every fucking the robert kelly dot com go there go to rica's dotcom check out all the amazing websites We have at riot We're adding new shows all the time
Starting point is 01:14:50 And make sure you You check out sex drugs and rock and roll and effects This comes out the last episode this week. So if it's over you can still watch it go to FX now go to on demand Check out the show. It's an amazing show. I'm fucking very proud to be part of it Dennis Leary John Corbett Elizabeth Gillies Johnny Yales Elaine Hendrix it's a unbelievable show so go check it out and that's about it man I hope you guys enjoyed this special edition of YKWD we got cigar masters in the house and right now it gives give somebody a nice stick go
Starting point is 01:15:25 around the room tell them the sticks that they smoked again. Alright so I smoked the Tata Wahey Brown Label Unicose great medium to full body smoke, hints of cocoa leather, just a really solid solid smoke all the way through. I mean I still got another third left so I won't be able to give you the final review until I'm done with that one but Joe you're smoking the Oliva Milano V Maduro. Like I said before, it's like smoking a Hershey's Chocolate Bar. I hope you felt the same when I said that.
Starting point is 01:15:52 Yeah. Okay, so you had the Florida Las Anthias. Nice, all hint of fruit there. Sweet, nice and easy, smooth smoke. A little peppering us to start, like I said, but you nailed it. Yeah, I'm feeling like the sweetness in my teeth like the back of my teeth it's feeling great that's what we like it baby yeah that's right right in the back of the teeth you had the EP five year in us to put us cardio I like it it's been it's been a nice
Starting point is 01:16:21 smooth cigar all the way through it has been smoking smoking nice, it hasn't stopped on me. It's still got a long head right at the fucking ring. About to smoke the paper, you gotta take that off. I know, that's it. I know, that's it. All right man, it's been a great show. Yuri, thanks. Thank you so much, Raven.
Starting point is 01:16:37 I want you to come back to the studio one day, come in the studio. That'd be awesome. We'll do another one, but this has been a special YKWD. Cigar edition, we'll talk to you guys next time. Take care. We'll do another one, but this has been a special YKWD cigar edition. We'll talk to you guys next time. Take care. Shitty jobs, shitty jobs, shitty jobs. Check out for all of the best podcasts on the internet.
Starting point is 01:17:08 And they're all free, and they're all free. you

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