Robert Kelly's You Know What Dude! - Filibuster!

Episode Date: April 9, 2018

The Legend Rich Vos, Tim Dillon and Rebecca Rush join us for an intense YKWD. Accusations are discussed and Showtimes quality is called into question! Duuuude! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Robert Kelly's You Know What Dude on the Riotcast Network. Hello everybody, we're back on another episode, we're live right now for the people watching in the chat room. We don't have the chat, where the fuck room it is. I don't even know what we do anymore. Be honest. I wanna thank everybody for listening to the show.
Starting point is 00:00:32 You guys, you fans have been showing up a lot at my shows, which I love. I always, when there's a hot check, they go, I'm a fan of the podcast. They go, really? But we have a lot of, like, there's a lot of hot girls that listen to this. I don't know where I got that demo from
Starting point is 00:00:45 I was at a club last week. I'm not Remain nameless. I was they don't do radio anymore. It's a radio radio. He goes, yeah, dude. We don't need it It really brought in like you know people from like, you know 38 to 50 Yeah, and I was like, yeah, that's my demographic. Yeah, literally who I want to show up Hey, who what do you think I am every time it's a and somebody comes up to me that knows me from this show. It's a guy that looks like us that's got a tip about where to eat after every single one. It's great. I love it too. It's going to kill us, but yes. Yeah, I mean, it's I want to think laughable is the motherfucker. If you love podcasts and you want to go podcast to podcast
Starting point is 00:01:27 to podcast and uh... Are we on there? Yes, you're not gonna be cute. I don't know how, I don't know where you learn how to be cute, because you're not. You're not one cute fucking bone in your body. But you can pull it, I said, we, and I fucking wanna giggle., and you go download the app right now
Starting point is 00:01:59 on iOS, I-O-S-O-I, S-O-S. Taking this home. You're taking it home. What, you're not taking what? I so so I so S so You're taking it home. Oh what you're not taking what what are you Gilbert Godfrey You're older you get as a comic the most shit you want to take I'll buy you water I'll send it Amazon give me your address. I'll send you a case you fucking cocks. I got that all my name to my hotel I want it They have hotel. Vos made me paranoid about ketchup now. He made a great point in the diner.
Starting point is 00:02:30 The ketchup just get refilled. Nobody cleans the bottle. You don't know what's living in there. Especially when you have the squeeze plastic bottle. So like now I still need to catch up. He doesn't. He gets packets. But I'm paranoid. I always think for a minute before I do it. I do it anyway. Well, no, not kidding we used to lick the tops. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:48 So you're on that. Yeah and plus like any of it. When I buy like potato chips or cupcake or whatever I always squeeze it to hear if there's a you know you made sure that nobody shot something into it. Interesting. You know if just if I even think's semi, sometimes I've opened stuff and I didn't remember if I opened it or not, I brought it back. You threw it out, Tim. Tim, if you take a bite of a cupcake and you die because somebody stuck it with a shirt or a syringe. That's exactly the way it was supposed to happen.
Starting point is 00:03:17 That's God. That's not the guy. He didn't kill you. God did. Yeah, that's the way it was supposed to happen. So take your fucking take it. Take the beating. Yeah. Yeah. I'd rather do that. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's the way it was supposed to take your fucking take it take to beating yeah, yeah, yeah, I'd rather do that
Starting point is 00:03:25 Oh, yeah, then fucking then fucking pif and stay and deal with go and listen to every and then My life would be fucking ruined. Yeah, I couldn't need if I had to go into a diner in the middle of the night with this shit job Right and you guys have packets yeah, now yeah, it's our better. I don't trust anything Go to a shell gas station at two in the morning on the way up from fucking from Maryland. Yeah You that's why I make my own sandwiches and have a little cooler Huh, you got to pay next to grand you'd be fucking eating out. You need to bring your headphones but you bring up cooler.
Starting point is 00:04:06 No, sometimes when I travel for golf when I'm playing like I was in Arizona last week I play golf every day. I'm not gonna eat this shitty food on a golf course. Yeah, a government eating at the fancy fucking restaurant. Why went out? I did go to the Chevy Chase. No, just put it on somebody else's bill. No, listen to me waffle head.
Starting point is 00:04:20 What's your name, Mr. Guffiths. Guffithsford. Whatever the fuck his name was. I ate that sanctuary. My last one. Did not eat it sanctuary. You can't have a safe in Arizona. In Arizona. All right, good for you. Thanks. Well, I still excuse me. In Scottsdale. Wherever. Yeah, Bow Mac is there. It was on Iher Chef. He's in front of mine. I want to plug this week, the comedy seller laughable. Of course, go go there download that app Incredible app if you love podcasting comedy seller Vegas is open
Starting point is 00:04:50 right now This week. Yes There it is we got Steve burn jutefri lin adov dovadov They are there on the Wednesdays those are headlining shows the rest of the week It is fun buy your tickets now get them now if you're in Vegas you go to Vegas your friend this show You're there in August spread the word yeah, I'm me boss Keith Robinson's on the bill now and Paul Versey are Doing a whole week in Vegas. Oh good. The 20 what is it the 29th? Let's just look at this week right now. Listen, you know Go back to what you just had listen to me stay with me this one's better. Okay. I, go back to what you just had. Listen to me, stay with me. This one's better.
Starting point is 00:05:25 Okay, I'll go, I'll listen to you. Oh, he's, see, Mike is right. Right, there you go. This week, this week, the MC is Mark Cohen, but they got Kyle Dunnigan, who is, let me tell you something right now. If you wanna have a fucking laugh, Kyle Dunnigan's Instagram is fucking awesome.
Starting point is 00:05:45 He is made for social media. I don't know why he doesn't have his own sketch show. He's fucking hilarious. Nathan McIntosh, very funny guy from Canada. Jessica Kirsten, who is, I mean, just hands down on my favorite comedian on SNL. I don't know how she's not on SNL. I don't know how you step on her plug.
Starting point is 00:06:05 I was you with me plugging her, you step on the plug. I gave her a re-pug. No, but you give the re-pug when my plug's over. I'll go ahead, you're a plug and I'll do my plug. All right. And then Moa Mir, of course, you know, every love's most. Jessica finished her and I'll be doing.
Starting point is 00:06:23 Comedy Selle Vegas, it is open now. Get your tickets at comedy, or ticket master. This week's show is incredible. We're there. We're there. The last week of August. It can be great. Me, Keith.
Starting point is 00:06:35 That's gonna be like Paul. Who's here? Paul Versey. He's gonna. Paul Versey is like worth a trip. That's like worth a trip. Yeah, let's make Paul Versey, Keith, Voss. I'll make the line. And who else? a trip. Yeah, let's make all of our as a Keith Voss. I'll make the line.
Starting point is 00:06:45 And who else? And Paul Verzy me. Oh, yeah, four of us. Here's the line. And we're inviting a couple of the people down, maybe show up. Yeah, Paul will host. No, your host.
Starting point is 00:06:55 I'm not hosting. I thought you were hosting. Okay, maybe I won't, but we'll be. You said I want a host. That's the best fucking host ever. Thank you. You're gonna host. Okay, I'll host that one. Yes. We're gonna have Keith close
Starting point is 00:07:06 No, no. Why do you turn into a shitty singer? No, we got there in May because I'm working with Calda again. I thought In May I'm there in May anyways. All right. Can you go to my week? Such a piece of shit. Is he not? It's the one to steal working with a man. I don't know what's up there yet. It's not up to you. But they're trying to sell tickets to this week. So can we just deal with this week? This week is me an awesome. It's going to do well. Unbelievable. for tickets. Tick-a-mash. So this club is, I'm tell you, I've
Starting point is 00:07:36 seen the, the, the photos of it. Okay. I'm sorry, my brain fog is stuck. It's a stroke you so richly deserve. I was in the room to the mini my brain fog is stuck. It's a stroke you so richly deserve. I was in a room to the mini one. You beautiful. It's fucking great. It's great. What's the capacity, big or? I think almost 300.
Starting point is 00:07:52 That's perfect. It's 300 people, but they literally laid it out like the comedy cell of village on the ground. Okay, yeah. Same table, same thing. Everything bricks. Everything is the fuck. They made a new sign comedy cell, but it says Las Vegas at the bottom it's it's it's but here's the thing it's it's there's no more shit comedy
Starting point is 00:08:09 in Vegas they're not booking shit acts no more fucking garbage shows no more gambling your money away at the fucking comedy show too it's it's amtion with a bunch yeah with a bunch of assholes who you know the bricks were important selling fucking hats and bracelets and fucking keys on mine after the show. Right. It's the, the shows are all comedy-cell of shows. The sendin', the show they would have here on a Friday and Saturday night, they're sending out to Vegas. So this is just going to be one of those things you do now.
Starting point is 00:08:37 You go see Wayne Loot and you get married by fucking Elvis and person it and you go to comedy-cell to see a comedy show. Yeah. That's it. And the good thing is, the good thing is, it's a little period on that. I literally put a period on it. Can I put it in my, yeah, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:08:52 Well, I went over to places beautiful. The bricks were imported from Jersey, from Jersey. And let me tell you something, it's at the Rio, so you don't have to deal with the madness of the fucking, it is off the strip, but to me, it's better because you don't have to deal with the madness. To be off the strip, to take an Uber or cab over to the Rio, it is a little better. You're not dealing with all the fucking craziness. You're drunk. Up and down the block on the strip is fucking.
Starting point is 00:09:19 Let me tell you, I'm not a big fan of the strip. I like the strip, but at certain times and to go over to a comedy show, I like to get off the strip. Anyways, here's another thing, my, what are we calling it, a mini tour? Your mini tour, the thing you're gonna be doing in Minnesota?
Starting point is 00:09:37 Go back up. Just look how cute I am. Can you go back up a little bit for my photo? I mean, for a chubby ball guy, I don't think you can get much cuter than that. I don't think it's possible. It's, yeah, no, it's down right cartoonish. It is. Yeah. I mean, the lipicks are, look at those lips. Yeah. I mean, look at those eyebrows. I don't, I've never had my eyebrows done. You could play Joe Koy's brother. Anyways, subscribe to that. That's a great show. Cal, great show. Joe Cohen is fat brother.
Starting point is 00:10:06 That's a great show. Wait, what, you know what? April 5th, Shakespeare's in Kalamazoo, Tiger Room, April 6th, Fort Wayne, April 7th, Planet, Ant Theater, in Hamichmuch. What is it? Hamichmuch. Hamichmuch.
Starting point is 00:10:24 Hamichmuch. I don't want to hear that. Hamichmuch. I don't want to hear that. Hamichmuch. What is it? Hamchmuch. Hamchmuch. Hamchmuch. I don't know. Hamchmuch. I don't know. Hamchmuch. I don't know. Hamchmuch. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:10:31 Hamchmuch. I don't know. Hamchmuch. I don't know. Hamchmuch. I don't know. Hamchmuch. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:10:39 Hamchmuch. I don't know. Hamchmuch. I don't know. Hamchmuch. Hamchmuch. Hamchmuch. Hamchmuch. Hamchmuch. Hamchmuch. And also one more thing, Patreon, right? I just did my Patreon, I did my live from the shed with Matt Sarah. I just saw the Matt Sarah. He's so cool, man.
Starting point is 00:10:51 He's a, he, you have seen former champion, Beat George St. Pierre for the belt. He's just got a great story. From Long Island, he's the first black belt to ever be given a black belt by Hanzo Gracie Get out. Yeah, no that's shut up. That's big. I know. It's real But but here's the thing his first I think his debut in the UFC He got knocked the fuck out with a spinning back fist and it was like, you know, most people that be it
Starting point is 00:11:21 This guy came back when into the house one that UFC show on, when it was on Spike, and then came in and won the belt from George Samperer, which is, he's the goat. He beat George Samperer, who's the goat? I mean, I think of UFC, and he beat him. He was, he was so funny, he came on the show, came up to the shed. It was awesome.
Starting point is 00:11:41 If UFC the same as MMA. I gotta go. Can you, can I leave the show? Can I walk out of this? MMA is worth it. I'm just gonna do my Patreon show, one on one. MMA is what they do on you last week. Really quit last week. Right.
Starting point is 00:11:55 God, mixed martial arts. Isn't there two different dullies in there too? No. Like wrestling has two. What? Yeah, they have different leagues. Yes, different leagues. That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:12:04 No, and that's not what you said Tim. Can you help me? I'm still thinking about Joe Koy you You need a third character. You need someone somebody trans So you got to get something in there. You transitioning Yes, it takes eight season the last season you're finally a beautiful woman They already have the fully transitioned me. It's called Roseanne and it's doing 18 million in episode right now. She did 25 million her first episode.
Starting point is 00:12:29 Huge her first episode. The biggest debut in recent memory. I think there were scenes in 2006, but the Versidcom something crazy. It's the crazy, but not even that, the biggest. Now they do live that night. Yeah. Then they do plus three plus seven plus,
Starting point is 00:12:44 plus nine. Which is? Yeah, what is that? That is the people who watched it three days later, seven days later, nine people who watch it, because you have, because people DVR now. Yeah. So you can't just take, a lot of people don't watch it that, and they'll watch it later. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:59 Broke the record for those. Wow. So she broke the record for live and then broke the record for DVR ABC renewed it for a second season off one episode of course I heard it was funny though I heard it was good. Yeah, it was very funny. Yeah, here's you know, it's great that she's back And I thought it was interesting to have somebody like Rosy Ann who I remember from childhood explained to me why someone would vote for Trump. And like show me that. Well, you know what she did it on the show?
Starting point is 00:13:28 Yeah, right. The Trump supporters and that and there's like a conflict within the family and I found it very interesting. Because I'm like, oh, of course they're poor. They're like working class and yeah, but it wasn't doesn't a cheesy way. It wasn't like the lead character voted for Hillary and some side person voted for Trump, but they somehow reached the main fucking person in the show who really did vote for Trump in real life. Was like, yeah, this is real.
Starting point is 00:13:51 I'm not under control. I think it's a rebuke to the people that think that there is not a market or that the only market for comedy should be an aggressively pushing progressive politics, you know, because there is a market for that. You have, as it was relevant, again, for the first time in a long time, Stephen Colbert, show, the ratings went up. CNN, all of those guys are getting a bump from
Starting point is 00:14:14 resisting Trump and doing all of that. There's a show called the President Show, which by the way, if Rosanne people go, oh, this normalizes Trump, it's a show, you have a show called the President's Show on Comedy Central. You have a cartoon from Stephen Colman. So Trump is really Hitler, which is what everyone's saying. Is it really appropriate to make a cartoon about?
Starting point is 00:14:33 Like, it's, but there's a lot of money of Hitler. Yeah, there's, there's 60 million people to vote for the guy. They want to be entertained and a quarter of them, which is absurd or almost half of them. Watch the exam. No, no, no, but besides Trump supporters, I'm sure Hillary supporters watch.
Starting point is 00:14:52 Sure. I mean, to say, you know, and also too, there was, there's a lot of specials that these comments are doing just about Trump. Yeah. What do you call one screen address guild award with a dog? Try and Michael. Yeah. called one screen actor's guild award with the with a dog. Try and Michael. Smite. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:07 It's just so because when you were just talking, it was so it was almost inspiring. It was like, what is this beautiful thing? And then when he talks about what's the thing's name? It's like no, boy, no. I'm not coming here to take abuse. I'm adding. I'm just saying you're not giving one of those on there too. No, that's one of the most comic I think. I think what's not. No, she's a of my comments I think. I think one of those.
Starting point is 00:15:25 No, she's a writer. She's a writer. You got Whitney Cummings who is the show runner, I believe. She produced, she got the whole thing together. Wonders one of the writers. And I believe the other guy to the right. Who is that? I forget his name.
Starting point is 00:15:38 What's his name? I don't know if I know. I he'll find out. But yeah, she, I don't go in one of the sites. Whitney Cummings. The one that was in fire. Yeah, it's funny. But yeah, she, oh, don't go in and want to psychs when he comes. The one that was in fire. Yeah, it's funny.
Starting point is 00:15:47 But yeah, it's unbelievable. It's fucking crazy. Him and what? I love it because it's, it's, it's finally having comedy that's controversial. That's not just giving, just force feeding these people what they want. So nobody tweets a bad tweet. Yeah. Somebody had a great point to look.
Starting point is 00:16:03 The edgiest comedian is a 60 year old woman who has a multi-cam sitcom on ABC. You know, David Andresl had the tweet. But she was the edgiest comedian back then. Yeah. I mean, she was like, fuck you. She was called an asshole, a bitch, because she wanted to do it the right way. Right.
Starting point is 00:16:16 Because they were fucking her back then. Right. And she said, go fuck yourself. Right. And she got this, oh, she's hard to work with. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. But her show was a hit. Yeah. And then she went, oh, she's hard to work with, blah, blah, blah, blah, but her show was a hit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:27 And then she went away. We called her crazy. We called her fucking lunatic. She's got some reckless stuff. Of course she does. She's a comedy. She's a comedy. I agree with you.
Starting point is 00:16:34 I agree 100%. Yes, this is a comic supposed to say, I agree. I agree. And get in trouble and go, ah, fucked up. It's okay to say sorry if you, if that's what you think. Yeah. And it's okay not to.
Starting point is 00:16:44 Yeah. Kathy Griffin if you don't She was so abused the child their family fucking turned under so hard It's like what the fuck are you gonna do to her? I should give a fucker. You her mother is she three? I like you is that your story or is that Roseanne? I listen to Kathy today on stern Kathy Griffin. Yeah great great fucking interview It was just a great review I just don't I look, you know what? Everybody turned over because she,
Starting point is 00:17:06 first of all, she has this crazy fucking smile that she puts on. She says the fucking meanish, men are fucking assholes. They're coming to get me. Fucking all men suck. And you're like, dude, what the fuck is wrong with you? Here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:17:18 I like Kathy Griffith, too. I liked her comedy because she just went up and told stories of shit that happened or and I thought that was all right. She's great, but here's the deal. We got you got you either believe that people shouldn't lose their livelihood Yes, or you don't so when Laura Ingraham on Fox News says something about one of the parkland people that's wrong She shouldn't have said it. Yeah, but then people gleefully She or that she's losing her livelihood and that people are abandoning her when the SNL writer says something about Baron Trump and she gets put on a hiatus
Starting point is 00:17:48 You that that's an outrage. I mean, it's like the Baron Trump she said something that's an outrage But it's okay when somebody says something that I don't agree with to lose their livelihood and get fired You can't do that. So I'm I'm for Kathy I'm for Rosanne I'm for the chick who made a joke about Trump's kid I'm for everybody to say reckless shit, to not lose their livelihood, because I want those people defending me. I want the same Curtis.
Starting point is 00:18:12 But here's a thing though, it's not the people, it's the fucking companies. If the companies stayed, if the companies weren't such pluses, and they were like, we were sponsoring that, we know what we're getting into. And hey, we're gonna take shit for it Go fuck yourself. Yeah, well, they don't stick up for their town when you when you're hiring a
Starting point is 00:18:30 Laura Ingraham or you're hiring and you know a Tracy Morgan or And culture Well, they're all outspoken. I love that show. I would watch that show every night Laura Ingraham Tracy Morgan outspoken. I love that show. I would watch that show every night. Laura Ingraham, Tracy Morgan, Ann Coulter. Every night I would have. I have a way to trace in a country. No, true. Yeah. Oh my God. The shit they said about Ann Coulter, the, yeah. What they did to her on that rose, right? Was, I mean, that was an assassination. It was an assassination. She does. I mean, she was called a cunt. Yeah. Repeated 20 times. But on TV and not one feminist, none. Not one fucking, and I don't care why you believe.
Starting point is 00:19:09 If you have a vagina and you believe women shouldn't be abused, you should have fucking stood up and said, all right guys, you, you, you, you, you, you, right. Well, also, the, you know, I, I back in a day, I don't know. Did you imagine if they did that to anybody else? The feminist party back in a day, and I'm talking in a day. Did you imagine if they did that? Anybody else the feminist party back in a day and I'm talking around the when it started about around a Clinton
Starting point is 00:19:29 administration was just in my opinion lost the feminist party. Democratic party because when when Monica Lewinsky and all that stuff when you know, a Clinton, not what Monica Lewinsky, not one, no one stood up for her from from the feminist party and that's up for a lot of people and and and oh shit well it's true because they decide do we go with politics or do we go with do you see what does that make sense to you yeah 100% huh 100% my my whole thing is like I think that it's very tough to hear comics
Starting point is 00:20:04 percent my my whole thing is like I think that it's very tough to hear comics saying that Rosanne shouldn't have a platform because she said stuff they don't agree with or that they think she's like unique who say that she's a lot of comedians they say stuff like but have importance uh yeah yeah really yeah Camille Nangeon and Sarah Silverman had an argument about it on Twitter uh Sarah was taking I think the pro Rosanne he was against it it was a civil discussion good discussion it's fine I it, it was a civil discussion, good discussion. That's fine, I mean, but it was a good discussion. My whole thing is like, I always look at other comics and go, why are you limiting speech?
Starting point is 00:20:35 It's great. Why are you drawing a line around what Ken and Ken can't be said? Some of us can't say certain words. Yeah, well, that's whatever, but I'm, you know, the same comics that we're against Louis too. Yeah, why are you cheering on that joke? Somebody losing fucking their lives hot boss joke and nobody nothing. Oh, I didn't even know that somebody can't say certain words I didn't know that was There was too real buffy
Starting point is 00:20:58 I think I think Bobby should lose his livelihood for that I think I'm too good of an actor. I think we should get him. I hope they all drop. His name was Bruce Helford, by the way. He was a co-creator of the Drew Curry show. Oh, there you go. But he's huge in the business. Yeah, he's a big showrunner.
Starting point is 00:21:13 Good friend of mine. Is he really? No. Oh, I wish I could. He didn't even recognize him. Yeah, no idea who he is. Maybe he didn't have his wig on. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:22 You know, when comics throw out a comic center under the bus, it's just going to full circle and come around to them. Yeah, it always does. And it's so self-righted. I was just trying to make a joke about you. I wasn't throwing you under the bus. No, no, no, no. I know.
Starting point is 00:21:37 It was another joke. No, I know. It was a little shows failing. It was a fucking Tim Dillon turn to this, the fucking part of the Sunday morning press. Jesus. You know, one time the did just just shut up to him. Make a joke. You fat fuck. Listen, I'm fighting a war.
Starting point is 00:21:50 I got a lot. I have I want to do this ad for a second here. I got a we have something to bring. I'm too. I'm hungry. You're always hungry. The best podcast are not funny. That's not true.
Starting point is 00:22:00 That is true. No, that's not true. The big numbers aren't funny. Yeah, big, big number. I'm trying to get you big numbers. I'm trying to get big, big number. I'm trying to get you big numbers. I'm trying to get you Rogan numbers. I'm trying to bring in scientists here. Please figure it out. We're big for this. He's getting ready to do an ad.
Starting point is 00:22:13 No, he means that I was a joke. I did a joke. He did one too. All right. You're about to put finally the fucking shot podcast is funny. I'd rather have no listeners than fucking people doing this. And anyways, Brooklyn and dot com, Vos, do you know what sheets are? You must. We got them. Yeah, they're amazing. They're amazing sheets.
Starting point is 00:22:34 I have them too. I got them. When I sleep downstairs, I use those ones. Why do you sleep downstairs? We'll talk about it on April 10th. Oh my God, really? Yeah, we'll talk about that. She has no, oh my God.
Starting point is 00:22:44 Can I talk about this too? No, I got something. I told you about on your left foot. So you talked about the sheets though, because they just came out with a new higher level sheet that is so amazing. The Brooklyn and Sheets are our amazing. They set me a pair and then I actually bought a couple pairs.
Starting point is 00:22:57 And for Christmas, I bought a bunch of people Brooklyn and Sheets, people like, oh, sheets. That's one of those gifts. Oh, sheets. And then a month later, dude, those sheets are fucking great. Yeah, that's so good. It's like the best gift that you don't even know it's a good gift until you actually put it on your bed.
Starting point is 00:23:11 You spend a 30-year life in there, you might as well be comfortable, Brooklyn and dot com, the best and most comfortable sheets on the planet, and there's no big markups. So, you know, it's been in five, six hundred thousand dollars for these sheets, and you got to upgrade your life. Upgrade your routine helps you feel better, more well-rested, every single day. It was founded in 2014 by a husband and wife team, which is always nice,
Starting point is 00:23:33 Vicki and Rich, full up their philosophy. The most beautiful bedding, comfortable and home essentials with no crazy prices. And they did it right there. 189 for a whole thing 189 all season down comfort at 300 bucks bang There you go Brooklyn and sheets name winner of the best of online betting category good house keeming They have 12,000 awesome holy five star reviews This is an amazing country. This is luxury betting underpriced
Starting point is 00:24:03 You have to try these sheets if you're a fan of mine. Right now I got a good deal for you. Brooklyn and Dotcom, these sheets are the best more comfortable sheets I've ever slept on. I'm not, I have them. Brooklyn and Dotcom, the exclusive offer to my listeners. Right now I get $20 off and free shipping. When you use the promo code, what dude?
Starting point is 00:24:21 Add Brooklyn and Dotcom. Just go to the website, pick out your sheets. And at the end, when you want the promo code, what dude? Brooklyn and dot com just go to the website pick out your sheets and at the end when you want the promo code what dude Brooklyn and is so comfortable and so confident that it's uh... you know love these sheets sixty nights free guaranteed if you don't like them send them back they have a lifetime warranty on all their sheets and confidence the only way to get that 20% off is to use and free shipping to use promo code what dude at Brooklyn and dot com that's Brooklyn and dot com code what dude who I think you're right about that shit what one really you don't remember your point you were making oh yeah did everything comes in full circle you saying or that one or no I just
Starting point is 00:25:00 think when comics when comics go after other comics, in about three minutes, I forgot where we're talking about. You know, over to, you know, freedom of speech, where you're gonna draw the line with what, look, I love alter, I love, I love, I love alter, I love, I love, sleeping downstairs your wife. Oh, I don't wanna talk about that, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:25:23 I wanna get back to comics because I just, I don't agree with every comics political views or what they do on stage, but I'm not gonna go after them. What happened though? What happened? I mean, comics back in the day where there's so few of them that,
Starting point is 00:25:42 and so few successful ones that they didn't even cross paths to where they they were yeah there was I know there was no internet there was no Twitter social media but what what the fuck happened where people it's just yeah it's like why are we fighting out in public over free speech or what should be said or who talks to who or what show I don't know what happened in comedy is kind of what happened to jazz. Jazz was kind of invaded by intellectuals. They were invaded by professors, was invaded by people that learned about jazz from books and didn't really learn about it from playing music at a bar.
Starting point is 00:26:14 Like you guys learned about comedy, from doing actual comedy. You have a lot of people now that critique comedy, that blog about comedy, that just sit on social media all day, they call themselves comedians, but they actually don't go in front of an audience, craft jokes, they don't do any of that.
Starting point is 00:26:28 So they're kind of coming from this outsider perspective. They don't know that a lot of times when you make a joke, you have to be wrong before you're right, you have to see where the line is, you have to offend people, you have to do all this stuff. So they're looking at it from this academic perspective and they're trying to clear the path for people that are mediocre and on funny
Starting point is 00:26:46 that you said that's that Steve Jobs said the same thing about Apple mean him are very on the same page about motion that's what I heard yeah they did he said the same thing once the intellectuals come in or somewhat the same thing once they come in once the the the ad people come in the money people come right creativity dies yeah and and that context is a different point. I think we're not, comedy's not a hotbed of mental health. What do you mean? It's a bunch of fucked up people trying to get validation from other people who need validation.
Starting point is 00:27:14 What he's saying is that once, so many more of this now and it wants to be famous. But once he's intellectual come in and start making it something more than it is. And it's like, okay, there's a guy on stage, whatever the fuck he's doing, and start making it something more than it is. And it's like, okay, there's a guy on stage, whatever the fuck he's doing, he's trying to make people laugh.
Starting point is 00:27:30 And they go, no, this is what jazz is. This is the way to speak truth to power, to dismantle the press of hierarchies, by the way, it's not, and it doesn't work. If it worked, Trump wouldn't have won. Because every fucking celebrity in the world said, don't vote for him. And 60 million people did.
Starting point is 00:27:43 Every single one of them. So the reality is, it's not worked. There's two that said vote for him. Right. Dennis Miller and Roseanne. And yeah, I'm gonna look maybe three. Okay. Uh, what's his name? John Void. Void now for now. Okay. What's the other guy? Who's the other guy? I don't know, but that's a crazy guy. What do you call it? Yeah. Who is he? God. I'm such a great actor. James Wood James Woods. Okay. Well, he's yeah, but he's done too. They he's kind of like I haven't seen him in anything. No, they're not gonna put him in anything. Why anything even before He hasn't been in it. He was in Ray Dunham and he was fantastic in it. He played a white like a white evolved your guy
Starting point is 00:28:18 Oh, I'm ready. I'm ready. I'm ready. He was he's fucking I love that you love showtime shows. They're the worst show you're out of them billions. These are slack you think billion more shit Shaggo a second. You're so badly. First of all billions are like winning. I look sports and Bobby Xorado I love sports and winning. That's why like sports because just winning. It's like that's That's four-year-olds No, no, no, no, it's about I was from Boston this from Boston. And he all got molested by the same priest. If you're going to fill a bus, me, I'm just going to, I don't know what you can just keep yapping over me. I'm trying to talk to you.
Starting point is 00:28:52 You just want to have a fucking tangent about things that I like. And then I'm just going, no, you're right, Tim. You're fucking right. Some fucking asshole from Long Island, you're right. You're fucking self. It's based on your personal life. You hate those guys. No, what do you hate those guys?
Starting point is 00:29:07 I know why you hate these fucking guys. You don't like that fucking, but if, if, if, if that's like saying if there was a show about a, a bunch of girls who knitted that was a hit, I'd be like, this is bullshit, I don't like it. I think the writing on billions is actually pretty fucking good. With all, I really do. First of all, for me, I think it's very good for you.
Starting point is 00:29:24 And I think the acting is amazing. I like the acting is amazing I like the way I think Raid Donovan had has had great seasons has had bad seasons Bobby but I like that is about four brothers from Boston who were molested by a priest and then moved to Hollywood it's a hot show it is to stop it's show it was written by a mentally retarded person no you know that Raid Donovan was written by a mentally retarded person. No, was that? You know that? Ray Donovan was written by somebody who was mentally retarded. Why can't we read Handy Cat? Mentally Handy Cat person.
Starting point is 00:29:49 It was a mentally Handy Cat person. First of all, it's a mentally Handy Cat person. I can't, they write it. It was a mentally Handy Cat person. That's not true. It's not true. It was a mentally Handy Cat person. That's not true.
Starting point is 00:29:57 They won awards for it, Bobby. He's not mentally, where is it? The writer of Ray Donovan is mentally Handy Cat. They're out of your mind. Who's the type? Why would you type it in? I isn't checking. Listen. This is his thing. This We're out of your mind. Why would you type it in? Listen, this is his thing. This is what $20.
Starting point is 00:30:09 He just fucking screams and yells at you and you think it's the shit. He's an idiot. I like him. I like him. I don't. You know, he got a friend writer. What was his name? Who's the writer? Bring him up. She's not retarded. You know, like you don't like. No, I want a home landage. Home land was great. Who's the writer bring him up? She's not retarded. You don't like, you don't like, uh,
Starting point is 00:30:25 I want a home landage. Home land was great. Home land was great. Home land was great. And fucking and billions is fucking great. Oh, like just another one. Billions is not great. It's fucking great.
Starting point is 00:30:35 Compared to the sopranos in the wire, it's great. Are you crazy? First of all, I wasn't prepared to copy. And compare them. Compare them. Compare them. I'm not going to shut the fuck over you. Just shut the fuck up, Tim. Why are you so angry?
Starting point is 00:30:45 Because I'm trying to talk and you just keep yammering. Okay, talk, talk, talk. What the fuck? You know, quiet podcast to the most popular podcast ones. You fat fuck. Hey, hey, hey, he's not from Long Island. I can say fat fuck. He's not from Long Island.
Starting point is 00:30:59 Listen, shut up. He's not from Boston. I'm from Long Island. He's from Long Island, you piece of shit. I wouldn't ever fucking vouch for this piece of shit. I'm'm from Long Island. Listen, shut up. He's not from Boston. I'm not from Boston from Long Island. He's from Long Island, you piece of shit. A real shit?
Starting point is 00:31:07 I would never fucking vouch for this piece of shit. Oh, God. Listen, Tim. I'm listening. Tim, you just, you go on these fucking rants. You just start yelling and screaming. I know that shit's a thing, but you have fucking four other people in the room.
Starting point is 00:31:22 Could you just let's take a breath and say your thing and then just have a discussion. I'm listening. Now you're listening, because I had a fucking slapping in the face with tone. I'm listening. Jesus, you're fucking off. There's five left in the room.
Starting point is 00:31:35 There's five left in the room. This is what you do. And this is what you're a fucking asshole about. Because you trick people into fucking thinking that they're wrong and they're not. You're saying that I said that I'm comparing it. I said they're good shows. You never said, uh, is it better than the sopranos or the wire? I never compared them to those shows. Okay. No, what I compare a movie that I was talking about that I liked to fucking the God.
Starting point is 00:31:58 I would never say tremors to is better than the Godfather to. I never said that. If you're comparing the two shows, I might have a conversation or maybe lean towards what you're saying, never said that. If you're comparing the two shows, I might have a conversation or maybe lean towards what you're saying. But that's not what you're saying. I think personally, which art is fucking personal, okay? It's not, you're right. Now I'm wrong. I think the shows that I like, I like Ray Dunnevin has, is some of the cheesy. Yeah. First to admit, I like cheesy TV USA Network is my mother fucker okay psych favorite show monk favorite show I don't I have no problem with fucking cheesy TV but I think billions is a fucking great show I
Starting point is 00:32:37 happen to like it and I don't think the writing is shitty I think the writing is pretty fucking good I maybe I'm stupider than you which I'm fine with that's fine Maybe you're highly intelligent writer because I've never read any of your shit yet Tim But I would imagine that it's amazingly holy shit writing. I mean why are status? Because I've never read your shit I've seen some of your acting and it's oh my god. I mean, but she in a look the fuck out Because you're not an over actor as I am I apologize. I I When you said the show was great. I think you fucking lost your mind. No, I didn't lose my mind
Starting point is 00:33:13 I think you just said I compared it to the wire and the god I do think he is smarter than you Listen, here's the deal. No, I'm not Listen, I'm not I don't think I'm smarter than him. I'm, this is my point. My point is, you said the show was great. Right? I said it was great.
Starting point is 00:33:31 When you say the word great, to me, great means something. A great means, the best shows. That's what I was saying. I'm sorry, I apologize. The best show, I didn't say it was the best show on TV. I never shut up. I, you get to apologize, dumb dumb. I apologize.
Starting point is 00:33:43 That's what your career is where it is. Because you never apologize. I have a great, great, great, great. Listen, I'm saying sorry. I'm saying sorry. I, you get to apologize, dumb dumb. That's why you're not sure where it is, because you never apologize. I have a great, great, great, great, great. I'm saying sorry. I'm saying sorry. I accept it. I accept it. What I'm saying is, I never said it was the best show.
Starting point is 00:33:53 I said it's a great show. I think it's a great show. I watch Ray Donovan. I've watched billions. I love it. I'm fucking love billions. If I was, I would pick billions over Ray Donovan, but you're also friends of the people that make it.
Starting point is 00:34:04 I'm not friends over Ray Donovan, but you're also friends of the people that make it I'm not friends with Ray Donovan. Look, I'm friends with one person. Yeah in Billions dance-oda okay, and I The creator Brian. Yeah, I know him. Yeah, but I met him we we talked really for the first time two weeks ago You want billion? Okay, so it's not even that I love the show from the beginning When you say something like I don't like billions because of the type of guy and billions i worked in finance i have no problem with the time i think you know but you know what's going on you maybe you know more uh... insight or maybe you like well are you this way you said the show i don't know i like women and i like money
Starting point is 00:34:38 fuck you i'm actually right i think the right is is is is is is not at on par with other shows i don't think any show time show is not on par with other shows. I don't think any showtime show is truly on par with HBO shows. I disagree. What show in HBO right now is the motherfucker? Um what? Oh right now? Right now. That's wrong. This is pretty good. One show. What else? Every every three years we get to see that but every three years we get to see Game of Thrones. But I agree with you. I think Game of Thrones is an amazing show. What other show? Well, no, I mean, I think again, it's not one other show. You said that. You said that. You said that. You said that. That one was great. We're talking right now. Show time has better contenders. Show time has better content than HBO right now.
Starting point is 00:35:20 Well, you call it content and I don't disagree with you. I think it is content. No, you called it art before. Let's call it content. Well, I agree with you. I think it is content. Yeah, you called it art before let's call it content Well, I agree with you now. We they call our constant of art. Okay, and you can laugh at that I'm just saying to let's call Ray Donovan content and I absolutely agree with you I think that Ray Donovan is the best cat video on television I think Ray Donovan. Yeah, and I'm cool with you not liking it Yeah, I'm not cool with you fucking call me a moron for like it. I never said you were more I said the show is objective. He retarded. Yeah, you said that you first of all, you almost had my
Starting point is 00:35:48 guy Google retarded writer. But that was funny, Bobby. That's hilarious. Bobby. That's a great big. I'm trying to be funny. But I'm you know, here's just your question. This has nothing to do with TV, but how in what context can we call you a moron? I mean, because there was a point in the day. Look, just every network has a great, you know, people say has to talk, not to have a two-part extra big keys. Big keys If there's just a kiss on behind with these big keys Not even letters Typing with his tongue Home land great. That's great. I didn't the American least phenomenal the American's where it's at American
Starting point is 00:36:41 Americans were it's that American. The American. The American. The American. The American is great. It's crazy really great. The first season was great. Beyond great. How's the cards?
Starting point is 00:36:50 Schlocky. It's schlocky. Listen, that's my point. I'm like, sorry. I know. Can I ask you a really serious question? Yes. How come you haven't done, someone hasn't hired you
Starting point is 00:37:02 to do an impression of Trump? I don't do a good impression of Trump. You literally just were, I mean, physically, yeah, physically. It's just me, Bobby, it's just me. But you, you eaters often seem like the same person. You are a leader, I think you're a leader. I do, I think you're a leader in the fucking diabetes. We've got to help him not only.
Starting point is 00:37:23 Anyways. Oh boy. I love, I love showtime. She rate. I think I think I think I think I think we got a half way through it. And I wanted to go back to it, but Bonnie would go back to it. He's very smart. Yeah. Yeah. I love. No, you know, you question, though, she's a fat guy. Why would you love her? And she's a scammer and around her like fucking kittens fucking kittens all you fucking guys. We love body I'm the marvelous Mrs. Maisel. I don't think we watch it. Oh my god watch it and It's about the comedian. It's punchline as a sitcom right? No, it's it's actually about a lady who did comedy her husband
Starting point is 00:37:59 Wanted to be a comment. You keep going? No, it's not to ask the question will it make the answer also? Yeah He asked the question and he answers it. We're at it during when he asked us the question. How come you're more with everybody? What's wrong? I'm not with you today. I was gonna tell you. But you wouldn't let me fuck it, tell you.
Starting point is 00:38:13 You said move on, we talked about it already. What's that? I'm not a war because you have to be with this fuck. I know. Because he will fucking just talk and then you just sit there and you're like, all my shows suck and go home to my wife honey We can't watch our shows anymore because Tim won't fucking like us More on
Starting point is 00:38:33 And there's a retarded guy right did you know there's a I didn't know that I heard something like that I love you Bobby. I heard something like that. You bet there's so much land in the woods. Fucking Christ. I love you Bobby. I apologize for my actions. And then he's accusing me of saying it's better than the wire. That's unrecorded.
Starting point is 00:38:52 You said that. That's how people get accused of shit. Now some fuck, some fucking go to hell fan that wouldn't exist, if I didn't exist. Fucking cock sucker. Are you heard me? Fuck him. Listen to this fucking right wing fucking fucking Toot sweet and I fucking I got a fucking deal with you Bob Kelly
Starting point is 00:39:11 Dicks the wire the rain done of it's better than the wires and the Sampano's which I don't I never said that That's the best-selling history for you best show in history Gilligan's island. Yeah, yeah, all right. I'll listen. I respect that I respect that I respect that You're a filibuster you are you're a filibuster I off on tangents. I just read I love. The only thing I was ever on I loved it. I know what I love about me. Bonnie is to do. Red. I will. Of course you did. Who is the best? What I should do?
Starting point is 00:39:52 What's going to show in these village? Those were boas and come out and do your fucking shit comedy. Much of fucking fruits. Well, I wanted to talk about it because it goes into all this shit is that you she's on the show it's supposed for you to what I'm not like I was supposed to be a two but Rebecca I met her at Hartra get in there. She was fc. The owner is a fan of billions. I think it's a great show. Fuck you. I watch every episode of huge fan of Dan and you know, you don't think it's a good episode. You don't think I watch every episode. No, it's not a good, if you measure it to the shows like the Americans, the wire, the sopranos, really really great writing how can you sit there and just measure shows to other shows? Because you're gonna curse because I mean why would you if you like something and it Fute your fan who gives a fun is very watchable and very fun. Yes, it's a great show. That's good. Great show.
Starting point is 00:40:57 So it was one to write great show. Yeah, great show. Okay. Great show. Okay. If Dan gets killed or killed off of it, are you going to stop watching it? No, I support my friends. But if he gets, if he gets, they get arrested and kicked off the show. No, I'll watch season three. No, I'll watch it because I'm in the showroom's old day. What am I going to do? Work out? No, I'm going to watch the show. Did he get a bigger part? We bailed it the first time. I actually, Bobby, can Bobby, I don't have showtime anytime. Can I borrow your, because I don't have cable. Can I borrow your password so I can watch it? You can't, but you know what you can do.
Starting point is 00:41:31 Come over on Sunday nights. Okay, can I? Can I please? Yeah, all right. See, Sunday, this whole thing was a way to get. We have Dinnah on make me dinner. We have this work. You see how it all comes together?
Starting point is 00:41:42 We have dinner every Sunday night or at six o'clock. And we put me and you will go on the shed. We'll hang out smoke a cigar. And we have a lasagna next Sunday. And I'll just look at Bob and wink at him a go. I won. I love my dominant. No, what?
Starting point is 00:41:57 I gotta give a quick shout out. James S. Watson, Greg Berkowitz and Lawrence Kitter. These are people who are $25 members of my channel. Esports and Greg Berkowitz and Lawrence Kitter. These are people who are $25 members of my channel. You guys are amazing. I wanna give you a big shout out right now. Thank you for joining. That's Sarah Episode. My Patreon, what's that?
Starting point is 00:42:16 You didn't finish doing the Patreon, thank you. Oh Patreon. Doc Almsash, Robert Kelly, brand new one-on-one with Liz, the manager, GM of the seller. We did over in front of the seller on Friday night in my car. It was a great one-on-one. I, the manager, GM of the seller. We did over in front of the seller on Friday night in my car. It was a great one-on-one. I didn't know all the shit about her. Why she got, how she got hired.
Starting point is 00:42:31 She was a bartender at the pussycat. I didn't even know that. Then she quit and then why she came back. Very interesting. It's up there for only members of my channel. So please make sure to join. And then I got Matt Sarah's, what do you do? What is it?
Starting point is 00:42:46 forward slash, Valsenbonding. That's great, great channel. It's great about the Patreon. I have a channel, I have a Patreon. I have a channel. What do you mean, I have a channel? What's the goal thing you have going on there? What is it?
Starting point is 00:42:57 Oh, when I reach 750 patrons, I'm gonna do a bang bang. I should do it with you. You want to do a bang bang? Absolutely. Wanna do it with us? You can't do a bang. Me and you do it. Wanna do it with us? Well you can't do bang. Me and you do it. We do it all the time.
Starting point is 00:43:07 We do it all the time. We do the whole meal and then we eat another meal. Yeah. Oh dude, you would get to do it. You would get to do it on Thursday? Oh. Sure. I could have it out of you.
Starting point is 00:43:15 I could have it out of you. I could have it on Thursday. Yeah. It's been up in between? I know. You don't know. No you can't. You can if you want.
Starting point is 00:43:23 Wait what's it eat two meals? What's the big deal? You you eat you eat two meals and uh... the the the the thing came up with a lot of that what happens to you two meals and so the so things shut down that with the whole podcast so think came out i kicked the thing y'all know that we're good right everything's good right it's but unplugged right there just scratch on a pluggit
Starting point is 00:43:44 as you know he's up i think you It's unplugged right there. Just scratch on it. You see a young acidic as he know he's up. I think you're Puerto Rican, right? Or Dominican. What are you? How does the Mexican Puerto Rican? Yeah, he's everything. Yeah, I wanted to touch all the bells on the show. So in case someone comes after me, you just have white guys and white girls on the show. I have I have him and then I got a Mexican. And then I have Gabby, the whitest. She's literally was born from a unicorn. So if you want advice on your new look, what happened?
Starting point is 00:44:08 Are we done? Do we have to start over? Oh, so anyways, the Patreon thing is great. Anyways, you came on the show today. She wasn't going to be on the show. And this kind of goes into people saying shit and stuff happened. And she said uh... you know the show is booked and we we we've gabby's been doing such a great gaby and mike and be doing such a great book in the show
Starting point is 00:44:33 uh... the last few months we booked that weeks ahead of time so she's like look at them and i'm like well you know this is what is and she goes and hope it's not because of what did you say i don't know if tember remembers but he told me I should quit comedy. I made fun of me for trying to defend myself, but I was falsely accused of rape. And that wasn't fucking funny to me.
Starting point is 00:44:53 We did it. That was not funny to me. Oh, yeah. Everybody is like, oh, she's not funny. No, I'm being falsely accused of rape. It's not funny. All right, say stop. You coming out of the, you're not.
Starting point is 00:45:03 You're not. We, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, stop you coming out of the Yeah, we We Wait a minute wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Stop I don't know that you do comedy number one number two I didn't know again. Louis you did a podcast Louis Gomez. We we then we want to be funny You can send if you do a podcast with Louis Gomez About the rape accusation. That was the way you chose to defend yourself going on a podcast with somebody With Louis and then you said something funny That we made fun of you said
Starting point is 00:45:27 You said after Casey Anthony's life got better Which was the funniest thing that I'd ever heard and me and Lewis and Zach made fun of that statement because we thought it was funny But I don't care if you do I never said cool. I might have said quick comedy, but I don't he's told me to quit comedy And I said I I Quit watching right now Now you fucked up right down I didn't say anything like that I didn't say anything I think I care about being called unfunny when I'm trying to defend my life What should you do? You were accused of raping someone
Starting point is 00:45:59 He plays that with the guy or a girl stop stop stop stop stop just shut the fuck up I'm asking tell the story you come out of the fucking gate honey shooting at poor Tim Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop. Just shut the fuck up. Tell the story, you come out of the fucking gate, honey. Shootin' at poor Tim. You know what, listen, yeah, but we're not on a bus right now. There's people listening. You need to back the fuck up and tell us the story. Tell us what happened.
Starting point is 00:46:20 Cause I don't, I met you twice. This is the second time I've ever fucking talked to you in person Okay, I'm gonna and no you didn't yell at me yelled at my fucking good friend Tim No, I don't know Nobody's not listening mad, but you did a podcast. Nobody like listen I don't know what I was shut the fuck up and people are listening do you understand that right now? There's like a lot of people. They don't know what you're talking about. Okay, so just tell them what the fuck you're talking about And then we can start streaming at him.
Starting point is 00:46:46 Okay, sorry. Last year I showed, uh, uh, I'm an alcoholic as I think all of us are in this room. Well, I was called Anonymous, but go ahead, do you say? I'm not going to that part. Um, fuck out everybody. Take out a Marguerite. Fuck, um, we're all gay in this room. Whoa, whoa, whoa, I told you that in confidence.
Starting point is 00:47:06 Not a good hang. I can't relate. I took a break from comedy, uh, after a really bad drunk right, I did up in the psych ward for a day. And then I Christmas, fine. I'm Jewish. And then I came back to comedy. I did skank fast.
Starting point is 00:47:20 And I was like, I'm going to start doing comedy again. Yeah. It was great. Two days later, I got a call that I was being from the creek. I was off this show. I was being, I'm gonna start doing comedy again. It was great. Two days later, I got a call that I was banned from the creek. I was off this show. I was banned from this. Somebody had pressed police charges against me
Starting point is 00:47:32 that I had raped someone with a, hold on, a rubber glove and I left a piece of an acrylic fingernail inside of me, which is like, I would never, inside of them. Yeah. I would never wear an acrylic fingernail. Not when you're vaping. I haven't worn acrylic fingernails, I'd like to get some 1999 prom shit and then leave it.
Starting point is 00:47:52 Leave it. Leave it. What are you saying? And then they're like, they didn't have your real last name. And I'm like, oh, cool. Do you know that's my Facebook link? Like, so if you just Google, we're back or rush, Rebecca Lucendi comes up.
Starting point is 00:48:02 And they're like, also, I was like, go ahead while you're telling this, look through all my pictures ever I'm never wearing acrylic nails right and also the cops aren't after me and then I was like all right I'll prove that I'm not like being arrested by going to Bali for a month because I'm that white and they're like then they just kept changing the story like the D.A. says this just isn't a case that we can win and this woman I used to do a comedy festival with is still on this story where she will call people and be like, she needs to be taken off that show. She's an abuser. And that and it was just like, I'm a ghost. If I see some of these women, they will look around me with their eyes like.
Starting point is 00:48:38 Right. But I don't know. Can I have a quick question? I don't know a lot about female on female rape. But, and I'm not trying to, but if you were to do that, why would you finger the person? When you grab her hand to finger you? I, yeah, why would that be enjoyable to me? Yeah, I'm a pillow person. I don't get it.
Starting point is 00:48:57 I don't get it. Like I don't get it. I mean, I'm not like doing the work. Yeah. I mean, how is that fun to anyone? I'm so glad you're not on a jury. Well, there's a lot of things to be. How is that enjoyable? Yes,. I mean, how is that fun to anyone? I'm so glad you're not on a jury. How was that enjoyable? Like, smothering their face or something with my pussy? Like, wouldn't that be the raping?
Starting point is 00:49:12 Well, I would imagine, I don't know a lot about, like I said, female. And one of the accused, look, rapes such, that's a big, that's a big, holy shit dome of a word. You can't just believe women, women or people, and people live. But you can shoot a lot of stuff on it. How I went to the lot. Is it work at all? Does it work at all? Does it fucking work? Do you have a conversation? How do you? Did you? Are they saying that you grabbed somebody,
Starting point is 00:49:41 took them somewhere? What what what is the thing that they're, are you with the girl and she said, you're kissing and she said, no. Okay, but what I'm saying is, what's the story? Because there's a, you know, when you say rape, you picture of, you know, is it death wish rape? You know, is it on a pinball machine rape? Is it, there's a lot of different abuse,
Starting point is 00:50:03 you know, there's a lot of, that goes under that. Were you with the girl and you were trying to kiss her and she said no and you said fuck you and you started finger blasting her were you on top of you holding it down? There's no actual person, there's no actual. There's no story. There's no date, there's no time, there's no place,
Starting point is 00:50:17 there's no person. There's no story. Who made the act, who did you say they just said rape? This girl that runs a comedy festival said, she's making it on behalf of these other people And she's she's on behalf of this made up person that nobody's ever met in life. Can you know what's the person's name? What the person that made it up? I
Starting point is 00:50:41 And then I think you did you did a podcast you defend yourself with Lewis and And then I fucking made a video blogger was so heinous and then we made fun of the video blog and I mean listen, we made a funny thing. You made a video blog. We made fun of it. It was a bad idea, but it was very funny from our perspective. It was so much shame. I'm not saying I feel bad that you were going through that, but again, I don't know you. I never met you. Yeah, that's true. I was just hearing something. I was just hearing something. I was literally just watching a thing that was crazy. You would compare yourself to Casey Anthony,
Starting point is 00:51:09 which was funny to me. I thought funny. It is funny. You don't know somebody. And they compare, if they say this, Casey Anthony's life got better. Like, my life's gonna get better after this, because Casey Anthony's life got better.
Starting point is 00:51:21 And you know what, what made it funny was that, we just picked a random spot in the video and that's what you said. And it's me and Lewis and Zach and me, and we're just kind of goofing around, being funny about, and again, it is shitty. It does suck. You're one of the wrong podcasts if you want to do it.
Starting point is 00:51:35 Yeah, no, no. I know. You talk about being funny. Do you know how much like, like imagine like what that felt like for me to have a whole career ruin before it started? Like I would. But then I didn't do it at all. That's what we didn't do. We didn't do anything. We did not, if we did not do anything to your career. Imagine like what that felt like for me to have a whole career ruin before it started like I
Starting point is 00:51:45 Didn't do anything we did not if we did not do anything to your career I'm you know that have a career. I was like about to start one hold on quite if you raise your hand again I'm Because it was not there's no back that we didn't know you we didn't know me. I didn't do the podcast. We do lose did it He and Dave did it with an hour. I didn't I was I didn't do the podcast. Would you Lewis did it he and Dave did it with an hour? I didn't I would be on a video. Can we just let us let him I got some questions all right? Yeah, okay, okay, one are you a lesbian? No, okay, that's one two That's a pretty important first. Well, it is two
Starting point is 00:52:17 Disperson that made this accusation. Yeah, how come you cannot sue them for Defamation okay, what am I gonna sue them for the dog walking routine? Slander, slander. Like give me all the dog roots in Brooklyn. You know, give me those two minute mics. It's not that, it's slander. You make somebody. And she has a lawyer that's part of their comedy festival
Starting point is 00:52:37 that has been like very careful. So she takes the people that work for a comedy festival and has them say my name. What, she was like careful, like I did go to a lawyer and talk to a lawyer and they said that we want five grand to write a letter that she'll probably throw away. But what I think she's talking about. Cinder block. She wants the fight.
Starting point is 00:52:54 She's exactly the man you've never heard of. Comedy festival that highlights diversity and Brooklyn or something. Oh, Jesus. Why? Let me ask you a question. Let me ask you why they're trying to ruin my life. Only ask the question before you answer it. What do you, my wife?
Starting point is 00:53:10 My wife hit me. Why would she, you know, this is my black guy. I would, I would, I would, I would rather not have the listener still. I'd rather just have. Yeah, I agree. I agree. So what do you think about space?
Starting point is 00:53:25 Right. Dude, the molecular structure of the atoms of the shut up. You know what, too high life did get better. So there's a lot of life. But it was for you. Why would the Bobby, that was so? Why would they do, let me ask a question. We're back, why would they do this to you?
Starting point is 00:53:38 Why do you think they would do this to you? Well, I, um, if it's not true, because I'm looking, you're saying. I'm going to get real woo- true, because I'm looking at real, whoo, I think that like we go through our lives repeating traumatic patterns, if we do not resolve our issues and I had a very scapegoating, narcissistic mother, and I was always like the scapego, and I think that pattern continued to repeat through my life, and through my drinking.
Starting point is 00:54:00 And I last spring was very focused on sexual assaults that had occurred to me, and this is real out there But I was really thinking about it a lot and not really processing and then all of a sudden it like manifested in this horrible Ugly way like my whole it was like that moment in itanya where she was like it was like getting abused all over again And you were all my abusers except that there is no Nancy Kerrigan and I didn't know where the fuck she practiced What did you what do you think about that? I don't even know what that like judge fucking raid done haven't good. Here's a deal. I did not do the podcast with her and Dave. She didn't she with with with Lewis and Dave. She did an hour podcast where you described what happened
Starting point is 00:54:38 in detail right. I just described the fact that I didn't know anything that I didn't do anything. Yeah. I like I'm banned from these clubs. Nobody will talk to me. People that I thought were my friends. And as a chronically relapsing alcoholic, I was indefensible at the time. And I understand that now. So I threw drinks in people. Like I was not a good thing.
Starting point is 00:54:53 But really, but not a rapist. So the huge divide. Yeah, we never relapsing alcoholism, relapsing. You can't blame. People don't trust you. You can't blame any situation on relapsing. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, relapsing is way before. It has nothing to do with it. It's actually help me get sober. You can't trust you you can't blame any situation Nothing to do that Yeah, but so I mean don't let people to talk to you. You should listen
Starting point is 00:55:11 Don't let people think that any situation will make you stay sober or relapse That's all I knew no matter what's going on like my daughter lives with a this color guy and it doesn't it doesn't matter I literally yeah I apologize I literally said it so sincere and she went okay Bobby you maybe you're right Baba and she was you listen then he's got a fucking throw it in Jesus you had us all you had us all and then you're gonna do a fucking yeah, but I Listen, I was a guest on a pile stop. We get it. You weren't you stop. We get it I just my job is to make jokes. I know what low Not a mind not a This fucking shit crying and crying and Tim's just having the best time is like it was funny
Starting point is 00:56:01 Wait, you made it was I It was funny wait you made it was I know You she uploaded a video trying to defend myself trying to defend herself, but it was very funny It was not I was very funny and me and Lou is a and Zach were watching it And there was certain things you said and that they were funny. You know I said some crazy as shit I was like you know what they think I'm crazy. I'll be so crazy. They they couldn't think I'm capable of raping someone That's funny. Like, that's a funny, that's crazy. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:56:28 I'll let you go full retard, crazy. Can you just make sure there's no sharp knives around the studio right now? No, but listen, at the end of the day, I don't know anything about what happened and I didn't do the thing where you listened to Dave's. I didn't hear your side, I just saw a video, which I made fun of.
Starting point is 00:56:42 Yeah, that's fair and reason. No, and I feel bad. No, but I was like, all this anger that I had went to you, but it really wasn't for you. We made fun. But the next day we made fun of a girl who was in a wheelchair who was having her last prom, who's about to die. And we said, you know that the mother's had it with her
Starting point is 00:56:58 is trying to kill her. This girl doesn't want to die. The mother's like enough's enough. And it's just, we do horrible things. Yeah, who's we don't say me go The network I mean we make fun of stuff. We shouldn't make fun of flow that you should Yeah, I mean that's what Lewis is known for holding back He's a real he's a was he real ass dude real ass dude I don't know. He's a real, he's a, was he real ass dude?
Starting point is 00:57:22 Real ass dude. Real ass dude. Don't fucking hold back. He just almost punched me over over. Ray Donald. No, because you won't shut the fuck up. Okay. And you get very bully.
Starting point is 00:57:32 Yeah. I don't mean to. I mean, you get very bully with you. Don't you earn any more on if you like anything? That I don't think this is sustainable to fucking the culture of art. To you. I apologize to you. No, no, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:57:44 Just shut the fuck up. I have a change. I have a decayed tooth. Oh. So you guys, sir. But I don't understand that how somebody, no, okay, I don't know what really happened. You're saying that it's not true. It could be.
Starting point is 00:58:00 There could be a girl out there that fucking is crying every night because she found a fingernail in her vagina. Right? So, okay, okay. But let me just say this. I don't, I'm sitting here. I have you on my show. I don't have these other people on my show. They're not here to defend themselves. I don't even know these fucking people. But I don't, I just don't understand why somebody would ever, ever fucking just accuse somebody I do it all the time. Yeah, that's what I'm saying people do what people want to feel relevant
Starting point is 00:58:29 They want to feel it We thought they'd be the only one I mean, I don't think there's a million false accusations Yeah, that's what I'm saying You think everyone is real? Yes, the real one I'm not saying that. I'm just saying you're saying I thought you the way you're acting is like you know somebody else My wife called me a fucking narcissist You're saying, I thought you, the way you're acting is like, you know somebody else.
Starting point is 00:58:45 My wife called me a fucking narcissist. Like, yeah. I'm gonna call your wife an idiot for saying I do. Listen, she said maybe. No, but just for, look, I'm not defending people that have done something wrong, but just a lot of crazy fucking people out there on the other side That are saying
Starting point is 00:59:12 They need to take a victim. There's always a victim every other And that's what I'm saying is I don't know who you don't have a name. Sometimes there's two victims We don't have a name double down. You don't have a name. There is no name. There's no time There's no place. How but would stop? How can you accuse somebody of raping somebody but not having name? Yeah, no shit and successfully That's what I'm saying. I'm still not allowed at multiple comedy clubs, but there's no name. I won't talk to me I can't get up but fucking some shit show in Brooklyn. So there's no name. There's no name. Nothing. There's no They're like, oh, is a sad writer. How unattractive is an open micer? I mean, I'm being on stage,
Starting point is 00:59:45 having like no stage experience holding the mic like this, like they said I went out to open mics, and that's how I scouted. I mean, I wouldn't be making crazy rape jokes about open, like I would never rape an open micer. That's a little ridiculous. Yeah, they gotta have a loose fire. You're saying this, isn't it?
Starting point is 01:00:02 I'm saying that, I'm sorry. I think you're saying that you think this was like, just a net, because you and I think before that, you were kind of out and guys that had sexually assaulted you, right? Right, so what I think, wait, how many times?
Starting point is 01:00:16 What, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, She was saying these people who hasn't yeah, no 100% well whether you're talking physical and men But you believe like they were kind of About this is like how I was I lost my virginity to rape I was sexually assaulted by the owner It doesn't matter. Oh tell us tell us no it does the owner of comics at Foxwood's son Followed me into the Trump Plaza and tried to rape me and I had to fight him off that's I would be on his he just booked me for one night or so.
Starting point is 01:00:45 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, fine. He's great comic. No, I'm kidding. Now, he's just like, who booked that, you? Yeah, so you think that the part, the part of outing, I'm really worked against you. I think the energy of it, and I think that like, and I was like, really in this victim place,
Starting point is 01:00:59 I watched 13 Reasons Why Last Spring, and I was like, yeah, I fucking identified it real lot. And I was like, in this really victim-y place last spring and then I started drinking again. And then this happened. So like looking at the bigger picture of my life. I'm like I kind of. Cush your brush. I feel like in some way like I attracted it. I feel like I attracted a situation. Like somebody was like fuck her.
Starting point is 01:01:23 She needs to stop. She's out of control, she talks too much shit, and I did complain a lot about it. By an uncomfortable sexual around with a male comic, I would bitch about it to somebody that wasn't my friend. You're starting to understand the trajectory, and then I'd be sober, and then all of a sudden I'd be drunk. And then I'd be sober, and I'd be talking about how important
Starting point is 01:01:40 that was, and then all of a sudden I'd be drunk, and then I'd be complaining about some guy that I had an unissolved factory experience with, and then I'd be drunk, and you're not be complaining about some guy that I had an unsanitary factor experience with. And then I'd be drunk and you're not even my friend and you're like, why won't this bitch shut the fuck up? I just wear about some people. I should be stopped. I think the lack of super daddy.
Starting point is 01:01:53 I have a lot of money. Stop yapping over people. I don't see somebody else talks. You shut the fuck up. And you let him talk. Jesus Christ, she's like the worst radio. Have you ever done a fucking podcast? Well, she's this the most. She's you ever done a fucking podcast? Well, she's this emotional.
Starting point is 01:02:06 She's an emotional, but here's the thing. You're talking about stuff when you're an alcoholic. You're out there doing a bunch of shit that you shouldn't be doing your alcohol. You got abused by a bunch of fucking guys, allegedly fucking attack you, which is pretty serious shit. You know what I mean? That's crazy stuff that somebody falls you
Starting point is 01:02:25 and tries to attack you. That's crazy, okay? And then, I mean, now you're sober, and then you're accused of this. You think that I just wanna get this right, because I don't know if this, if I can go with this, you think that because you were doing all this stuff,
Starting point is 01:02:42 you were saying that people were attacking you and you were drinking and all this stuff manifested somebody to accuse you of it. That's what you're saying. Yeah, I think that I have this, or have this inner wound from my childhood that attracts those kind of experiences and I think that I was really not looking at myself.
Starting point is 01:03:01 I was just like, oh, this person was fucked them or like, it was like, hate, I person was fucked them or like they know is like hate I was racking up the numbers of people in comedy I had problems with to the point where I stopped doing comedy and worked on myself Because I was like, you know those people that everyone's like, oh everyone has problems with them I had problems with all those people until I was like, I'm one of those people Nobody fucking likes me. I already felt like New York was ruined for me And then they had happened and I was like, oh, show me Philly
Starting point is 01:03:23 I already felt like New York was ruined for me and then that happened and I was like, oh, she's always Philly. Bob, you worked with her in Hartford, right? You worked with her in Hartford, right? Yeah, you didn't say a word. You had some funny, good, you were funny. You did your thing. Yeah, now that I'm new closer to that joke, you told me though. Come on, thank you.
Starting point is 01:03:39 I mean, not a problem in the fun. I mean, very nice, polite, not a fucking asshole. Well, I didn't want to bother you. Yeah, I was good. I love that. I don't want to be, I don't like to be bothered. She was great. And she was funny. The other guy was funny too. I mean, little annoying, but he was cool. But no, nice guy, sweet guy. And then you guys were great, but who's that? I don't know the fuck it was. The doctor. I don't know. And I want to write an article about it and I've been like thinking about that
Starting point is 01:04:05 and like is it time yet? And it's like, and then I just got like all like, and I was like, I'm gonna email and then I'm like, then you liked my picture and I'm like, I'm gonna take this bedroom of like, I feel good today. I what happened, what happened was. And then it just, and then I thought to him and I'm like, holy shit, I'm sorry, I screamed at you.
Starting point is 01:04:20 No, no, listen, I could scream that a lot. I'm like, we appreciate you. I like that you screamed at them. No, I would, I would, I would scream that you. No, no, listen, I can scream that a lot. I like that we appreciate you. I like that you screamed that. No, I'm gonna scream that fight, guys. Two of those guys, don't, I really need to tell you not to pop over each other. I really, it's not, we're not in a fucking bus. There's a lot of people listening.
Starting point is 01:04:35 You gotta part us. That's why I'm having two people on from now on. I added you to the show. I like you. I don't wanna do these fucking, I like it too, but I just don't want everybody, yeah, you have headphones on for a fucking reason. And Tim's trying to say something,
Starting point is 01:04:49 let him fucking talk, I don't want to be, I don't want to have to sit and go shout the fuck up. You know, I mean... Part of the reason that I think the comedy community or the people that I spoke to didn't have like a ton of sympathy was because you were kind of on Facebook, kind of just basically outing guys and talking about like personal stuff and going. These guys are rapists, watch out, these guys are, and which is, hey, I'm not saying don't do that, but then it kind of happened to you.
Starting point is 01:05:13 So then it was like this weird thing where people are like, wait a minute, what the hell is going on? So that's why it was tough for people to have sympathy for you. And again, I didn't know you and I didn't know what you would do on social media, but Lewis had said, what's weird about this is that this girl had actually was outing a ton of people as sexual predators and stuff, and then it happened to her, and that's why people were kind of like this is,
Starting point is 01:05:36 like the whole thing was just weird. It was weird, and it was like absurd, and everyone was making a joke, because you know, everybody's like, oh, diversity, we got a female rapist. Like, everyone was making a joke because you know, everybody's like, God, diversity, we got a female rapist. Like, everyone was making that joke. And it was such. I was on my Facebook that next morning,
Starting point is 01:05:52 it was just everybody and they were like, I've never, Wow. Every single Facebook post was making fun of me. And it's like, Talkin' to the mic, please. Sorry, it's just like, you know what? It's fucked up because I've been like,
Starting point is 01:06:01 all right here, I've been doing comedy five years. This is the most attention I've ever gotten in comedy. Do you get a lot of new followers? Ugh. But, but you just seem to fucking DMs. That's the worst. Oh my God. I'm good.
Starting point is 01:06:14 You know what I told you that every time I should have, I have sex from now on, I should bring a video camera and that'll clear everything up. Well, you don't want to make me do that. Like, but how about there was no sex that happened here and it was just gross. But, it's fucking. Or any sexual activity. Or there was a lot of other here and it was just gross But it's fucking activity or
Starting point is 01:06:27 How could other women how could other women exactly shut up. Oh, you're the worst How could other women Fucking be like if somebody was accused of rape then there's no how can as a woman? I'm just asking you're a woman. I'm saying as a woman, if I heard that you, somebody was raped, another female comic was raped, another woman comic, and I'm like, okay, who? I need to know who. You can't just say, she raped somebody. All right, well, where's the person? Like, she has to exist to exist. For me to go, wow, that's bad. That person.
Starting point is 01:07:07 To not talk to you again, to think you're an abuser, I would have to know that other person exists. I would have to like research that. And then hear her talk or hear her say something or even see a tweet and a face and put something in this girl's bad news. She did this to me to say, okay, this is reality. I can't just say, oh, somebody said you raped a person
Starting point is 01:07:30 and there's no name. There's not a fuck, nobody said, Kathy McGannis. So you have no idea who it was, no clue, no clue, no suspicion, nothing. There's no, I am 100 percent positive that there is no woman out there who believes I hurt them sexually. Not even Kathy McGannish. Not even Kathy McGannish. How do you like my butt? When you did the pod when you did the
Starting point is 01:07:53 pod with Lewis and Dave, did you you weren't talking about like a specific situate? Could you and you just didn't even know? I okay so when you get accused of something you think about everything bad you've ever done and I am like such a shame I so much shame. And so much guilt, just to fucking existing. Talking about your sugar daddy. Yeah, you got it. Your sugar daddy.
Starting point is 01:08:13 Which one is your headphone? Is that your headphone right there? Yeah. What are you gonna sugar daddy? It just gives you money. Yeah. For nothing? I mean, we have a sugar daddy.
Starting point is 01:08:21 You have a sugar daddy? That's what she said, that's wrong. So many. When all these women know this, that we're like accusing me, and they're always like, oh, I'm so broke. a sugar daddy? Yeah, that's what she said. That's wrong. So when the women know this that we're like accusing me and they're always like, oh, I'm so broke. This is my bank account. It's negative. Oh, how much is it worth?
Starting point is 01:08:30 And I'm just like, I'm so going to Costa Rica. How much is he worth? I don't know. He's a famous artist. He was at Andy Warhol's funeral. So I don't know. Big deal. He's like, he goes out.
Starting point is 01:08:38 So everybody gets invited. This is just very interesting to me. And he didn't invite him. This is very interesting. Rebecca. She just did a chip, fuck yeah. Listen, Rebecca, you have a guy, a rich guy who gives you money to just be with him. You really like to be with him.
Starting point is 01:08:58 You have to be as it's sexual. I mean, you can't really get hard, so. But do you have sex with him? Do you see have sex with you? Ish, do you give a few? Yes, that's a yes. That's not uncommon. Yes, no It's not uncommon. I'm like four hours together. How old is he? Yeah, he's like in his sixties. He's super nice He really cares about me. So you go to his house. You go to dinner. You hang out. He comes to my house He comes does he pay for that house? Yes, so your apartment has paid for I have a friend who had that I am
Starting point is 01:09:21 No, it's fucking I have no problem with it I was married. This is way better. I have a wife that has that but I was, I don't know. It's fucking crazy. I have no problem with it. It's a robot. I was married. This is way better. I have a wife that has that. But I was married at 22 to an older man. This is so much better. How old? I get to, he was 19 years older than me.
Starting point is 01:09:33 How much money does he, can I ask? I don't know. That's the best part. Which is married to someone you know and you're like, oh, look. I know how much money does he give you? Oh, 600 an hour. That he hangs out with me.
Starting point is 01:09:42 Get the fuck out of here. Deadass. Vos, you're not doing it. Don't ask for his name. No. I see Voss over there. It's not an hour to hang out. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:50 It's sad though. Why? Why? He has the money and makes me happy. He said he was really depressed before he met me. Buddy, it's not sad. It's a guy. It's a glisten.
Starting point is 01:09:58 When money isn't even a factor to you. Exactly. When money's like a pair of shoes, an old shoe, it's like, I never, I'm a pair of shoes. It's like his third wife and he stopped fucking him like 10 years ago and he's like, what am I gonna get divorced again? Mary somebody else and then she stomps fucking him.
Starting point is 01:10:12 Is she know about you? He says she looks the other way. Yeah. And that's fine. So he comes over you hang out, watch the little billions. Exactly. Exactly. And fool around maybe.
Starting point is 01:10:22 Yeah, maybe not every time. Right. And then he takes off and he gives you six Those pictures that you liked on Instagram. No, he no usually see three hours You like the last two pictures I put on Instagram. That's why I was like, oh Robert Kelly like this. I'm gonna reach out to him Yeah, no you she's he's great. We spend like five hours a week together. I have no problem with that I got it. Yeah, three dollars. Yeah, that's right. What would you be? Would you want to give me a rape too? If you were a median, but not at all, who's paying me to hang out with nobody? You know what I mean? I mean, you have
Starting point is 01:10:52 who's paying guy theory? Would you ever do it? Uh, I don't, it is like a ridiculous quote. And there's two different babies who like, you know, 19 year old go looking like great looking, like right? You can do sugar bear, bee. Yeah, I mean potentially. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:11:11 I have a career I'm happy with. I'm okay. I'm alright. That'll be the next career. So what if there was an old, an older dude, gazillionaire? Yeah, it was like, who I'd meet at McGubbies? I can't do these hypotheticals because they're not real Like these hypotheticals are too off-based
Starting point is 01:11:31 Yeah, yeah, I'm gonna try this one. Okay, I'll get the Sheridan. Yeah, I'm a goobies. Yes, you go downstairs Yeah, yeah guy was like I was at put you in the shirt and I was in a holly and express it sucked I said your Sheridan. That's what you said the hotel's nice. I was like I was in a holly and express was warm You'll get there. Yeah, I'm trash and billions maybe you get there. Yeah, I'll listen You go downstairs holiday express at the bar guys here is the case. So you show My name is my name is a Michael whatever right Michael Finnegan I'm I literally have two billion dollars in the back. I would like for you to be my live Michael Finnegan has one point One perfect. Sorry. He has one perfect. I was thinking of his brother. So at the
Starting point is 01:12:07 dog has at the dog has at the holiday in Chili's in Tamania, but he can't, but he knows you know, he wasn't brothers. No other guys. Yeah, those guys. Yeah. So he comes in. Yeah. He's like, I want to give you, I want to literally give you a million dollars a month to be my sugar bear. Yeah, Bobby. Okay, yes. Okay, so why don't you say something?
Starting point is 01:12:28 You can say, then what your statement where this is can't be true. Well, I'll tell you what I mean. Because you're not going to find the billionaire at the holiday in June. You don't know. You don't know. Maybe the owner of the hold on. Listen, I have a friend.
Starting point is 01:12:39 I'm going to tell you a story. And I have a friend who I play golf. He's a friend of mine. He lives, he's a big, big building developer. Yeah. So he says to me, my next development, I'm gonna throw you in as a partner. I didn't pay attention to it.
Starting point is 01:12:54 Da, da, da, da, da, da, da, Bonnie goes, you're going to jail. But, right? So Bonnie is the best. And I have this guy, this guy, who's a a friend and I don't expect anything out of my plate golf on missing that he made me a partner in his and we're supposed to get $80,000. I don't want the money. You're an idiot.
Starting point is 01:13:14 You're an idiot. You're an idiot. You're an idiot. I don't want him to reinvest it. I take the flus and don't reinvest it. Take the fucking money. But I didn't earn it. You didn't earn anything you got. He said, take the fuck of money. I don't, but I didn't earn it. I do, you didn't earn anything you got.
Starting point is 01:13:25 He said, Bonnie got most of it. He said you were Barney, you had to entertain me for, and I became friends with him. We go to your partners and it's nice. Yeah, Bonnie, he wants to do that for you and make him feel good. I'm feel good. Boss, you should not feel guilty.
Starting point is 01:13:39 Money doesn't matter that much to people who have that money. He's, he, that money, I'm gonna give a to people who have that money. He's he just that money. Give a fuck. Doesn't matter. You're still going to be friends with them. You're still going to be friends with them. Take the money.
Starting point is 01:13:51 Don't be an asshole. Yeah. Put it in the bank. Put it away. And say no to a couple of shit gigs. I don't take shit. I put it out there. I take shit gigs.
Starting point is 01:14:02 You don't take great. I fucking make a speaking of how much you see my you're the gigs. You don't take great gigs. I fucking make a freaking out of how much I see. Let me explain. The great gig we have. June 1st at Westbury Music Festival. WBAB. Yes.
Starting point is 01:14:13 The comedy riot. Bobby, me and Voss. Bobby Kelly and Rich Voss. That sounds the right way. Yeah. That's okay. Let me tell you something about my fucking career. You're going to sit here right now.
Starting point is 01:14:24 I can't even tell you what we got going on because I don't wanna jinx. You already told me. Oh yeah, you're right. You're right. I fucking really get it. Once I saw, if I saw my hour, it's gonna win an Emmy. Oh God, it's gonna win an Emmy.
Starting point is 01:14:37 Buddy, I know why? Cause it carries a message. What's the message? Don't, if I can do it, you can do it. Yeah. Yeah. To every open-migor in the- That's a beautiful message. In the world. What's the message? Don't if I can do it you can do it. Yeah To every overmigor in the world I've made a I made a living for 34 years at this 34 fucking years. I know buddy. Let me tell you something you're in you're one of the best
Starting point is 01:14:57 I look at this nobody on the planet that fucking thinks that you are the funniest motherfucker than me Everything I do I add you to and let me tell you something. Well, you like blue ribbon tode use blue ribbon. Yeah, blue ribbon. I tell you is the leading male kit delivery system. A brand blue A brand. Sorry. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:15:14 That's why you're here. Well, I hope you tell it. I'm a neck. Blue ribbon. Blue A brand. Thank you, Tim. You see what's the way in your belly? You're a contest. A brand. Thank you, Tim. You see what's the way in your talk? You're a
Starting point is 01:15:25 country. A brin. A brin. 88. Stupid. That's how it sounds. Fucking dumb dumb. Listen, billions is not a good show. Dumb dumb. Ray Donovan is March. No, listen. Hey, fucking some people say, you know what I like about?
Starting point is 01:15:44 I leave fiber. You know, right. Hey, fuck it some people say Hey, you know what I like about I'm gonna leave Schreiber Hey, hey, you know Right, hey, hey, right down Hey, I'm gonna figure it out Sly-Sly-Sly-Sly-Sreiber, right down of an, what I think the show was written by a retarded person Don't Google No one I liked about Ray Donovan the first season
Starting point is 01:16:01 Yeah, I think a fool did not overact He's great Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Ray, but by the way, Ellie, cool. You're the first, you'll be Ellie, go ready. What's wrong? What's going on? Ray, man, I can't believe that I told you.
Starting point is 01:16:17 I'll take care of it. She's a shucks array, man. I'll take care of it. It was the worst portrayal of a Jewish person. It's this gold, this miserly Jewish film like a producer And he's like they they there's some word in Yiddish that they use. What's that word where he's like Raymond she's the Check it out blue apron blue apron dog. I've got to take a piss guys
Starting point is 01:16:44 I'm gonna do an ad real quick. Blue apron dot com is one of the sponsors of my show. The leading meal kit delivery system service in the US, while many people know what they do. Many people don't know the type of meals you eat when you cook with blue apron. You're not just doing burgers for dinner. All right. You're making short rib burgers with a hoppy cheddar sauce and pretzel bun. You're preparing a seared steak and a fine pan sauce with mashed potatoes, green beans and crispy shallots in under 45 minutes. Blue open is a num-one fresh ingredients and recipe delivery service in the country. I said it again. Their mission is to make incredible home cooking accessible to everybody. Blue apron is achieved as how by doing what?
Starting point is 01:17:28 They do sustainable food systems, setting the highest standards for ingredients and building a community of home chefs, two person meals, three person meals, four person meals, it's all what you want, customizable, whatever you want to do. Unbelieve, blue apron is offering of my listeners right now. They have a bunch of meals too. Check this out. They have Seared salmon and lemon libel with free.
Starting point is 01:17:54 You read this. You read this. What is that, Tim? Right there. The bottom. I hate that they don't fucking. I tell you something after this. you're great, great meals like What is that? A pub corn chicken with sweet chili cabbage Law?
Starting point is 01:18:11 It does look good though, doesn't it? It does, it does look great. Seared salmon and lemon labnough with fruit Is that what it is? Zucchini and dates. Is that what it is? You have no idea. Middle Eastern month of blue apron?
Starting point is 01:18:24 Alright, what I tell you to begin the show. Can you just fucking for one second of your life? I have a bit about, you know, I have a bit. I listen, I don't need you to go in your bit. Okay, I know your bit. You're a funny guy. I've had my favorite. I use Blue Apron at least once a week.
Starting point is 01:18:36 Seared steak with lemon, pomajon, crepe kale, and roasted potatoes. Right now, Blue Apron is often my listen. There's 30 dollars off your first delivery when it comes to dinner. Let Blue Aprot take care of the planning shopping while you do the cooking and eating. You'll enjoy delicious meals like popcorn chicken,
Starting point is 01:18:53 sweet chili cabbage, slaw, and cumin spice we want on noodles with vegetables and peanut sauce. All right, listen, they are gonna hook you guys up. This is all mixed up. I hate fucking everybody right now. Where's the ad? Where's get me the fucking part where they get a deal. Can we have that part? Where's that circled? So I know what I'm reading. I do. I use it once a week. It's good stuff. That's easy for me because I don't have to go shopping. Yeah. It shows
Starting point is 01:19:20 up. I open the box up me and Max sit there, we cook together, he loves it. That's fun. It is fun, and I have to worry about it, and the stuff is good. Where is it, right there? Did you circle it, thank you right now. slash dude. If you go there, you can get $30 off at slash dude. It's a better way to cook.
Starting point is 01:19:39 It's organic and farm-table animal welfare and sustainable claims are not provided. I don't know what the fuck that means God fucking you know all this stuff should be circled so I know what the fuck do you know what how do you hear me screaming there blue-ebran dot com do you have a kidney stone no I'm fucking I was peeing and in a acrylic fingernail came out of my You do have a kidney stuff. Holy fuck and it was beautiful. The mystery is soft. Was there a piece of power glove with it? Was it from the 99 from? It's horrible. It was fun. So crazy. You know, Rich was in there and he was like, I mean, he just peed and he started laughing because he thought of that. And he just came back in here.
Starting point is 01:20:24 What a fucking story. That's it yeah, I mean that is a fucking crazy That's crazy I want some proof I don't like all these accusations Yeah, I just hate accusations. I mean you get so much. You really appreciate it all of you. Why what do I do like? Just like I'm be I feel like I'm having a normal reasonable conversation I don't feel like I'm being attacked. I don't, any of the negative things, I feel like a witch hunt doesn't feel like any of that. You guys are being reasonable.
Starting point is 01:20:51 And you're also not like having, it's not, you know, it's a check. Here's the reason why, because for me, I'm too big of an act to get involved or care. Fair enough. You know, if I got involved in every open mic dispute out here, I got to deal with major headliners are just you saying headliners don't rape. Headliners do not rape. No, I just I hate these fucking accusations without proof. You know, it's weird that it's such a fucking weird thing that you can just say something. And then a group of people just buy it.
Starting point is 01:21:31 But look, and look, if tomorrow some girl that was crying and said it was me and she had the fingernail around her neck on a necklace. Like, it's the fingernail. I'd be like, oh, this fucking price. That stole just an accusation without proof. It's still fingernail. I'd be like, oh, this is fucking Christ. That's still just an accusation. Without porn. It's still an accusation.
Starting point is 01:21:48 But this to me is even crazier. Because when I talked to you, I was like, well, what's your name? There's no name. Well, who's the girl? There is no girl. I'm like, we have, but who did they say you did this to? There is nobody.
Starting point is 01:22:00 It's like, what the hell? How do we know you have two personalities and you did this whole thing yourself? We all have many personalities. There's two of these, more than two. I'm not trying to eat this world-wide disease. Well, everybody has more than one personality. And you have a personality
Starting point is 01:22:12 and then you have the strong person that's protecting that vulnerable aspect of yourself. We all have. So when I get around black people, and I start talking black, they say, one of my personalities. It's called assimilating. No, you just want to fit in your lonely cocks.
Starting point is 01:22:25 I go, oh, yeah. It was up brothers. My electricity's cut off too. Well, that's like the top party. That's an invulnerable part. I do. But I do the same thing when I'm around. My wife calls me up with that.
Starting point is 01:22:37 Every time I go to like somewhere in this gas station of black dude, I'm like, what's up brother? It's just like, what do you stop being black? And she's like, every time there's a black guy around, you become black. Bonnie got their best bitch. She goes, when there's black people around, I start talking to black and she goes,
Starting point is 01:22:51 I have a dream. You're not. You're not. You're not. You're not. You're not. It's, uh, huh. I'm super excited to read her book.
Starting point is 01:23:01 Oh, yeah, it's only been out three years. I'm super excited to finish it. I just heard about it. Well that's because you've been out of the business. You took a break you said. Now you're back. You have to tell you. Oh yeah it's funny it's great. I gotta finish it. You didn't finish your wife's book. I got too much after. It's just tough to read about your wife banging other comics. Did she put that in there? Yeah. Oh, I didn't know that.
Starting point is 01:23:26 You didn't mean that. That'd be fucking tough. What do you think it was about the Cold War? I didn't know that comics too, but I don't really know what it was about. I didn't think she'd write about fucking banging comics, Timmy. Well, it's true. Maybe about comedy, maybe your life. Yeah, it's all that's in there.
Starting point is 01:23:43 Yeah, everything. I don't think, is there any part about it where she just was like, what did I do? There's a chapter called Bobby Kelly. What? No kidding. I can't, you know, for someone who can't, I can't live a reality that's not real.
Starting point is 01:23:56 You really do a lot of fake little scenarios, you can't sucker. Listen buddy. Have you ever been accused of molesting a buffet? No. No. No. No. No. I haven't buffet. I have indeed.
Starting point is 01:24:07 I have indeed. It's funny though, because he said, Vos, you go in the middle of all the stuff Vos goes, can I see it? That was the funniest thing. Which is literally the timing on that joke is amazing and the balls to do it is amazing and it's the essence of like okay it's a tell you will like you are immediately fuck you which is fine but you have to understand that we comics are the only ones keeping this this this fucking this being able to say whatever the fuck you want to say alive yeah because if you like I the fact that you thought of that and said it, it just makes me so happy.
Starting point is 01:24:49 And you got offended and moved on. I didn't get offended. You got mad a little bit. You did. It was funny, but I was. You were pissed because you were in the middle of your fucking, which I get. It's fine, but it's not like the world fell apart. Right.
Starting point is 01:25:01 For some old guy, you say, let me see your tits. In the middle of your talking about being attacked, sexually, in this fucking hunk of shit, old fucking piece of garbage went, and not even, let me see your tits. For the joke part, not for anything else, not because he wants to see a tits at all. That was harmless. Anybody that would be like that on a podcast is harmless. Yes, not for anything else. Not because he wants to see it to tell. That was harmless.
Starting point is 01:25:25 Anybody that would be like that on a podcast is harmless. Yes, he's very harmless. I think he's very harmless. Jesus. I couldn't even get, oh, forget it. Well, you couldn't even what? Say it. I couldn't get hard today.
Starting point is 01:25:36 You can't get hard. I need a blue pill. I'm so glad I'm not at that position. That must be so much planning. Yeah, an hour. I need an hour. And then how long do you have to stay hard? If Ross could never be a radio show. That must be so much planning. Yeah, an hour. I need an hour. And then how long do you have to stay hard? If Ross could never be a radio.
Starting point is 01:25:48 We don't want to have to stay hard on Tim. Stay hard for like, do you love the radio? He could never be a radio down. No, that's the blue one. He'd have to plan ahead. Yeah, plan ahead. I'm a meditated, Ray. Big of time.
Starting point is 01:25:56 Three hours. He'd walk it on the street. And he'd see a girl because she's got her teeth. He'd have to take it a lunch for us. It'd be a relationship. By the time he raped it'd be a relationship. Yeah, he'd have to walk up and go, how long is it? How long is your walk?
Starting point is 01:26:07 Yeah, it's around 30 minutes. I forget it. Thanks. See you later. How long is your walk? It's around a 45 minute walk. All right, cool. See you a little bit.
Starting point is 01:26:16 Yeah, it's the bit I do. You do that joke? No, I do a bit where I'm like, we plan it. And then I take the bullet and she said, I decided not to. to and I'm like somebody's paying for this fucking pill, you know Glad you said I don't want to do the whole battle I wish you didn't do it at all. Okay. I'm glad. I don't have to take a pill. Well, you're young Yeah, I'm 47. Yeah, I'm 60. Yeah, 60 what?
Starting point is 01:26:43 You're looking at another sugar daddy Dollars signs just popped up We got a BMW trying to buy a bureau that I can't I had an advice do you like the raw sales? I'll pay you in antique antique furniture. Do you have CDs? I got five of them If you went to one of our shows, you're selling your CDs. My sugar daddy's rich boss.
Starting point is 01:27:08 He pays me an old CDs. I have his first, second, and third CD. My next year, I should have five. It's just a V on it. Oh, that's a fuck. All right, well, I mean, we've covered a lot. I think we've covered a lot on this show. Doesn't it supposed to go to five dirty? What are you nuts? Fuck all right. Wow. I mean we've covered a lot. I think we've covered a lot on this show
Starting point is 01:27:25 Doesn't supposed to go to 5.30. What are you nuts? I don't 30 no four turns a three hour show. No one I'm not Rogan. Yeah, I'm gonna lose I lost people an hour in As I yell fucking I started yelling at a fucking Timmy over here people like him. Yeah, why would you attack your guest? I didn't attack him, he was attacking me. Why would you attack the host? You know, I can't really, I don't know, people came up to me and accused me of attacking the host,
Starting point is 01:27:55 but nobody said a name, nobody said where it happened, nobody said how it happened, it just started snowballing and then show. Because then you attacked him and I was thinking, I was like, why are you attacking Timmy? You're a really good referee. Well, we're supposed to attack. That's the whole point.
Starting point is 01:28:11 That's what people like. I heard you can't do the Hoboken Comedy Festival next year. Me? Yeah, probably. Why? Why after Bobby? Oh, it's Bobby owns Hoboken. I don't get that.
Starting point is 01:28:23 What is that? What does that mean? It's just like an irrelevant comment. Oh, because of your association. Well, you can't, I did that one. It was a fun time. The Hoboken comedy festival. Yeah, I've been watching it.
Starting point is 01:28:35 I've been watching it. I've been watching it. I've been watching it. I've been watching it. I've been watching it. I've been watching it. I've been watching it. I've been watching it.
Starting point is 01:28:43 I've been watching it. I've been watching it. I've been watching it. I've been watching it. I've been watching it. I've been watching it. three minutes of material called themselves comedians. True, too. What are you gonna do? There's a room. There's a fucking, you said the festival that you're not allowed to do is a festival for comics who don't get booked. What is it? Buy comics who don't get booked. Yeah, it's like a whole.
Starting point is 01:28:57 I mean, that's just like an open secret. Yeah. Well, this is a thing. I just made that guy's top 1000 lists, like three years ago. Who's that? Which one? The guy that gave you 80 grand, that you're afraid to take? No, that dumbfounded garbage.
Starting point is 01:29:09 The only way, there's nothing that matters. The only thing that matters is you fucking, your gigs that you do, and how many people you sell and the bonus you should do. I think things like this are designed to get you to take yourself out, you know? It's like, oh, just like everybody hates me. Let me run away and like stop doing comp.
Starting point is 01:29:23 I love comedy. Oh God. Unfortunately. Why don't you do a set now? No? Okay. All right, Tim. What are you doing? What get off your phone? You fucking mook. I'm not on my phone. You were on your phone. Don't lie about it. Yeah Do you know what I'm doing? I don't care. I could give a fuck. I'm scared. I don't care what I don't care I could give a fucking what you could be like I just booked My own sitcom and there's a role called pop-a-pop And it's your robot and it's six. Well, you'll you'll read for it. Let's not get hysterical. Leave me. I know you come in and read every time
Starting point is 01:29:57 I read it's not offer only at this point But you don't want to read because I'm not good at auditions. Can you just give me the part? I probably knock it out You absolutely what do you guys think I should do going read because I'm not good at auditions. Can you just give me the part? I probably knock it out. You absolutely. What do you guys think I should do going forward? Not ask us. What do you mean? I'll tell you what to do. Yeah, let me tell you the real thing to do.
Starting point is 01:30:15 Keep writing. No, I can. You want to tell you what? If you write that, that doesn't title the show. I want to fire you. I'll tell you what to do is you get some fucking time under your belt, get sober and hopefully your life will fall in place. And everything else is bullshit.
Starting point is 01:30:29 Because if you drink, you're going to die and all these things will keep happening. Get sober, get some time. And hopefully I'll tell you one thing. I don't know if your life will get better, but I know the obsession and compulsion will be lifted. And then you can say, I love a sober life. And you don't have to worry about all this bullshit because it's all drama Based around alcoholism. That's true. Wow. I really didn't expect to get like that, but thank you That's what it is. Yeah, it's really that's the
Starting point is 01:30:57 Out of the ice that I would get when you put yourself in that position. Yeah, bad things happen I know you fucking you're doing coke. You're hanging out with coke. I had actually only bad thing happen. You do alcohol only bad things happen. That's just my opinion. Things that like seem unrelated. Leave go wrong. Does that ever happen when you were like drinking? Well, it doesn't seem like it's related, but somehow just everything goes to shit, even when it's not. Can I tell you something? Everything went to shit this morning. It's just life. I had a great weekend Everything was awesome last week and this morning it Tumbled out of fucking control. You fell at a bed
Starting point is 01:31:39 It tumbled out of fuck what happened? It just I mean it's just life. I mean, something happened business-wise, something else happened business-wise, then my wife said some shit. You know, we had a fight and she said some shit, but I said some out of control. You know, I'm trying to be, I'm trying to be some serial from Axe, what was the fight? All right, where's the bomb thing?
Starting point is 01:32:02 Give me the bomb. Nobody got it today. It's almost unheard of. I mean, why would you? That's a great job. I had no inertia. Listen, this is your shit, your fucking shit generation. You don't, you don't get to say it's a group. We tell you if it's a great joke with laughter. You don't get to go, you guys are wrong. We're right here with the funniest people me and Vos in the room, in the room, right? You got a sense of human too. But listen, don't fucking, hey, hey, hey, hey, good one, it's stunk.
Starting point is 01:32:28 Okay. And you got to excited to be smiling before, you went like this. That was the problem was I got too excited to get about the next episode of Billions. You got to too excited. Yeah. That one sucked too.
Starting point is 01:32:40 Okay. I didn't mind the Billions one. I'm sorry, I'm coming to mile away, but I like the, I didn't know he called that joke. I thought he mind the billions one. I started coming to mile away, but I like the, I didn't know he called it joke. I thought he was just asking you a question about cereal. I didn't mean that. He's also a cereal.
Starting point is 01:32:51 That was funny. That was funny. I mean, it just happens though. I mean, you fucking life falls out of control. You know, that shit that happened to you is pretty crazy. I don't know. I just don't understand it. It doesn't make sense.
Starting point is 01:33:02 It just doesn't make sense to me. I know that people accuse people of shit. I just doesn't make sense to me. I know that people accused people of shit I just I've never heard that I know I've never heard somebody being accused of rape with no person involved It's been done. So I've heard people being accused of sexually assaulting people, but there's somebody else on the other side But now a lot of people won't come forward, but some people are fucking, you know Warriors that want to stick up for the people that won't come forward. I'd be I feel terrible. You're on the same in this situation.
Starting point is 01:33:29 Well, but I'm not saying it's not either. What if there's some little girl out there that's, like I said, yeah, we don't know. You're saying there's nobody, right? I would think I would tend to lean towards her because she's coming out in public a couple times Putting it out on a table. She was also a psych ward for it. Remember the beginning You all said you might you might get somebody when this comes out miss episode comes out You might get somebody that goes hey, I'm the person. Yeah, I'm not you know, you know, and then we have a part But I don't think I I can guarantee it. Where you come back on I can guarantee this you're not gonna get
Starting point is 01:34:04 Rebooked at Mohican Sun. I can't. Ah. What the hell is that? I was never going to work there. I'm there. I'm there in September. That's great.
Starting point is 01:34:14 I'm actually there too. I've won my favorite clubs to work. I love you. That's the best. Hey, let me ask you a question. Timmy, will you watch billions this weekend? Have you watched an episode this year? But yeah, will you watch, uh, will you watch this season?
Starting point is 01:34:31 And then we'll come back to it at the end of the season. And you tell me what you think of the brand. Absolutely. I bailed on Orange as a new black after the second season. Isn't that show time? That's Netflix. That's an Netflix. Oh, I like it.
Starting point is 01:34:44 So will you do that? And then we'll come back to it. I, I like it. So will you do that? And then we'll come back to it. I, I 100% will you and you'll come up for dinner one night and we'll watch a nice episode. Yeah, absolutely. Good. We're gonna do that. And we'll talk about it while it's happened. You tell me why I'll say this side, that's great.
Starting point is 01:34:58 And you'll be like, that's unrealistic. This is why. Yeah, it's, it's that. We'll watch it. Listen, man, it's a watchable show. When you said it was a great show, my censors went off because I consider so few things great, things like the shield,
Starting point is 01:35:12 the wire, the sopranos. That to me is great. Let's talk about prior and something like that. That's amazing. That's amazing. No, you're right. Okay, so my whole thing was just based on the whole idea that I had a reaction to that word.
Starting point is 01:35:23 And I think Billions of Watchable Show, it's've people you know I love Dan I'm you know I just think that if you watch it the writing and stuff like that is nowhere near some of the other shows that I would put in that camera. People say and I might be crazy. I am like Ozark is not a great show on Netflix. It's a great show. You know I lead because here's what's in Batman makes it really. Here's why Ozark is not a great show on Netflix, but it's very much so. He's like, he's like, you know what I mean? Because here's what's the,
Starting point is 01:35:45 here's Washington Bateman makes it really. Here's why Ozark sucks. There are scenes in it. Or they're tricks. They're tricks. Like when the girl like drowns, goes to the bottom of the thing. So you're like, what's gonna happen?
Starting point is 01:35:56 And it doesn't lead to anything. That is a trick. And what is it? Like how you talk about Ozark? Ozark. Ozark, how do you go to Bluzlin? What's in Netflix show? But the Ozark there are scenes in it where you go, I see what you're doing. I know what you're fucking doing. I see it. I know what the conceit is. You don't think I know it's a pranos.
Starting point is 01:36:05 You knew that that person was going to wind up dead. Well, the guy, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait,
Starting point is 01:36:17 wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, You knew that that person was gonna wind up dead well the guy wait wait stop that they were Even everybody would say when there was a when there's a killing on the sopranos It's a it's the oh somebody died last night finally. I don't say it was a lead up lead up lead up to somebody being murdered I don't lead up lead up lead up till somebody being murdered. I never think that's what the episode was about my guess of the say Well, because this was a sopranos. They would do other shit like the Russian guy or he's still running into the woods Exactly they would do shit You would never think there was if there was more character development in this frown It wasn't just about the person getting whacked. It was about everything else. Where's Ozark's just plot driven
Starting point is 01:36:57 You don't care about anybody on the show. It's just plot plot boom this happens that happens house a card same shit This happens that happens this happens and it like, you see what they're doing and you go, oh, this is not a truly great show. Because the character suck, you know, they're one dimensional. The wife cheating, the wife cheating on him at the beginning of it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:17 It's a watchable show. But have it, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. You don't think the character of the, the wife cheating on him at the beginning of it, him having to say, fuck it, let's go, we're gonna die. Take the family, the whole, the whole B plot, the whole sub plot of this whole thing is that he's living with a woman that he saw sucking
Starting point is 01:37:36 this guy's cock. That would get me so hard. Yeah. And they have to live together because they'll die, they're gonna be murdered. They're gonna be taken out So family. I mean, you know, you know, think about the publication of that Jason Bateman and Laura and Laura without Jason Bateman that relationship to me was pretty watch the show Who else isn't it right Reynolds? I'm in Laura Lindley is fucking a great actress. She's great They're top notch professionals,
Starting point is 01:38:05 the writing after the season of Ozark, after a few episodes, you start to see what they're doing, and you go, okay, this isn't a truly great show. I feel bad. I feel bad. You know, I feel bad for whoever you wind up spending the rest of your life with. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:21 I feel terrible. Tell them to come over our house on Sundays. I will they can enjoy TV I will and they don't have to sit there and go, you know, why the show stinks why that show look it there's 700 shows on TV I watch the wire the wire The soprano these shows come around once in a while the the game of thrones once and we get to enjoy them But the other times I watch those are okay, but you're saying they're unwatchable. I never said they're saying I said five times the word watchable But you said that billions and Ray Donovan were unwatchable
Starting point is 01:38:55 There's a millions of Ray Donovan are like bang. Okay, wait a second. They're like in bad right Donovan's embarrassing He's a bar is to tell you see DC. We go though. You see how we get down this fucking path. You watch Ray Donovan's embarrassing. I would be embarrassed to tell him when I watch Ray Donovan. Do you see how he goes though? Do you see how he gets down this fucking path? Do you watch Ray Donovan? I haven't watched, I don't have show time. Okay, he's just snagged. I'm glad Bobby's taking care of his snag. Wait, he's seen this as I've got your stuff. What does that have to do with me?
Starting point is 01:39:14 Because he works for you. So he has to, I gotta take care of his camera bell. Wait, first of all, what's his password? I'm out of time anytime. I'm out of time, I'm out of time. I'm out of time, I'm out of time. I'm out of time, I gotta get paid. Right.
Starting point is 01:39:24 Okay, second of all everybody thought Fucking breaking bad was the greatest thing since fucking slice bread never seen that fucking murders every week and no one and no one Never got caught never sorry episode. It's great. It was really really good phenomenal show a little bit cartoonist But cartoon is you're the latest you're just I belong in Beverly Hills. I don't know what to do. You're in a You don't you belong in a fucking apologize. You belong in a mountain in a fucking Yes, I agree
Starting point is 01:40:00 Make Yes, but you're just you make our attention. I just would do a spread. I agree with you. Just you. Joe, look at a rug. I'm an animal that shouldn't have been killed. Like ever raccoon is like a sidekick. Yeah, you move to toe hill first. You belong in a like ex machina. That's where you belong in that house. My job is to challenge and to to illuminate. I let you know what I'm having. Thank you for having me. I see I see his point. Sometimes I do. I will watch the show for for just enjoyment out of it. Knowing it's the fucking I just want fucking five seasons of the blacklist without
Starting point is 01:40:35 stopping. Because the James Spader is so fucking good in it. But it's fucking the same. Look, I I I I freely admit that my sense of, I like, like I said, psych was my favorite show on TV. And I was, oh, I love it. It was the commercials alone I wouldn't watch it. I love USA Network. I tell people that'd be like, you're gone. Are you watching two-pock and Biggie on it?
Starting point is 01:40:59 Nope, I'm not watching that. But I do watch billions. I love it. I said I love billions. I love, I love, we bailed but I do watch billions. I love it. I love it. I love billions. I love that I love we bailed the first season on billions. Yep. I love that he fuck he's the DA, but he's a he likes bondage and his wife.
Starting point is 01:41:15 Oh, they, oh, they fucking dude dirty shit, but they're out there trying to, you know, represent the city and where the top. And this is what you you do right and he's just getting tied up and slapped. I love it I love that. It's a very Watchable show. It's very it's always in the back of your mind when he's up on the stand It's very up on the stand. Yeah, and he's like boom. You did this now He's trying to get Axelrod who's the bad guy. This guy has this little evil fucking bad Here's why these shows are actually better than I'm's the bad guy. This guy has this little evil fucking bad. Here's why these shows are actually better
Starting point is 01:41:46 than I'm giving them credit for. Here's why. Trump is the president right now. You need things that are kind of heightened. You know what I mean? Billions as a show that is heightened, but you need that in a climate where you have the president's Donald Trump.
Starting point is 01:41:58 So I almost would say, I almost agree with you now that you need to suspend disbelief or any of this shit because we're living in a world that's kind of crazy. But you know what, to bring it all back, Rosanne. Yes. I think we're going to. Rosanne got fucking the biggest ratings of any sitcom in the last fucking what? 15 years, long years?
Starting point is 01:42:18 Yeah, a long time. A long time. I mean, back and sitcoms, that's a three camera shoot. That's a fucking, a four camera shoot. That's with the studio audience, right? I believe, is it? I mean, those were dead. They're fucking dead. And she brought them back. Yeah. She brought it back. And I'm excited about it. And I love that she's a Republican. I love that she's talking about voting for Trump. And people actually having discussions about it. She was on Kimmel.
Starting point is 01:42:46 Yeah. And she didn't, and it was like she was just sticking up for herself. She was fine. Yeah. Do you think she'd give Kimmel a finger? Yeah. That's great though. That's cotton swathe she should be doing. That's what you said.
Starting point is 01:42:57 We all should be able to go fuck you to somebody and not have the world fall out from underneath. You not have your career taken away. I understand that we're fucking comedians, we're entertainers and that's all we're fucking doing. I don't know how she thinks or what she says. I care that that show is fucking great. It's enjoyable.
Starting point is 01:43:13 It made me think and it made me laugh. Sometimes when I'm driving home, I'll sing I am the entertainer. Philly told my version. Well anyways, this has been a fucking good. I like this one. We've we've solved nothing. I didn't even get any plugs in. We're gonna get all your plugs right now.
Starting point is 01:43:32 You want to just do you want to listen anymore? Now they're all listening. Oh, April 10th. Listen to me folks. April 10th April 10th at the village underground. We're doing a live my wife hatesMe show with Bobby Kelly as our marriage counselor These are the funniest fucking shows that we've had Bennington, Norton, Billy Burr, Andy Kinler, Arty Lang It's a great idea for a show. Well, who came up with that?
Starting point is 01:43:57 Me and Bonnie really yeah live show our live show yeah with and The person who produced it the first time didn't come up with it? Not with the marriage counselor, but you, I don't know, maybe you did, I don't fucking know. But also too, this Saturday, this Saturday, I'll be at the Newtown Theater, Newtown, Pennsylvania. That one you just did, that theater for James from New Jersey.
Starting point is 01:44:19 I didn't do it. You did, you loved it. I switched it, oh you loved it. Oh yes. Did Michael, what a fuck is it, could he? Is that Newtown? Yeah, New town. Yeah, new town. It's like we think Santa would live. It's fucking great It's like this little tiny oldest eater in the country. Oh, yeah, I got perfect little northeastern town I would so move there in two seconds, but I have a friend. Yes, it sells the fuck out. It's so good. It's the fuck out Everybody who goes is always that way they had the sandy hook shooting. No, that's who Town City. Yeah, yeah, they're way to bring it up. Sorry. I think people are thinking about that.
Starting point is 01:44:48 You town Pennsylvania. Sorry. Newtown theater Saturday April 10th. This fucking go to the comedy seller. Get your tickets. Comedy seller dot com. Yeah, the village underground. It will sell out the Funniest you better get tickets for that talk to Liz The why my wife hates me live on the 10th is going fast. So if you want tickets, get it now. Get them now. Order them right now. Go to and pick up your tickets for that.
Starting point is 01:45:13 What do you got, brother? dates in... I love your website, Timmy. It's not bad, right? I love it. I love the photos of you. Yeah, thank you. I have dates coming up this summer in we're all over the place. We're back in Chicago. It's A&'s a new to pack up Mohican Sun. I'm doing Moon Tower comedy festival Watch out comedy connection Providence for an island
Starting point is 01:45:32 Votafone in Ireland Festival I'm going to lie. July same as JFL got that one. I go to that. Yeah, you're not going to JFL No, I'm to do no one on island. Oh cool. I'm excited. Tim Dill comedy dot com. I don't think I'm gonna either sign up for tickets If you want to the bus tour thing that I do I do it every day. I would then I put people on the video What is it? Are you gonna do in the spring? I it's a double-decker bus where I put a book You can see the picture there. I put a bunch of people on top I do this crazy tour of New York. It's a lot of fun sign up. We email you once 24 hours before tickets go on sale
Starting point is 01:46:01 It's a crazy experience people really like it. That's right. That's what I was talking about every time. Yeah, it tells that every time. That's fucking genius. I Tim Dillon, one of my favorite motherfuckers on the planet, one of the funniest guys out there right now. I also have a guest spot. I have a guest spot. I have a very small role in next week's episode of Billions.
Starting point is 01:46:18 Don't go go that. And make sure you listen to his podcast. Tim Dylan's going to help. Thank you. On Castille Joe, fucking great podcast. He screams in the eyes and nobody says anything to me. Just nobody there to fucking tell you to shut the fuck up. I have a mentally infeal co-host.
Starting point is 01:46:38 I, what do you got, Rebecca? To, let's see. This weekend I am at the Hartford Funnybone. You're back over over there. Yeah Thursday and Sunday. I'm featuring and Friday and Saturday I am I'm seeing for fortune fine stir. Oh cool awesome. He's awesome. This website is terrible my friend made it and I I don't want to look at it. He's dirt. Okay. She's yeah, I'm really excited to work with her awesome Yeah, but that's you know, I mean that's fucking crazy shit I'm glad you came on and I really appreciate it Thank you so much. Yeah, you got it. And I I mean unbelievable shit, but anyways this week
Starting point is 01:47:11 Kalamazoo Plent a planet ant theater and and then funny bone go to robbercat alive calm I gotta I got I'm booked until I think January Yeah, I just booked a ton of fucking shows. I'm everywhere cobs funny bones. I just actually booked until I think January. I just booked a ton of fucking shows. I'm everywhere, Cobbs, Fentybones. I just actually booked something. I'm waiting for the contracts to go through. So I might wait, some of these dates might be going away, but I'll let you know.
Starting point is 01:47:37 But as of right now, these dates are good, but I got some good news, hopefully coming soon. Anyways, live from the shed is killing it. Thanks for joining that. Premium members, again, James S. Watson, Greg, Berkowitz, and Lawrence Kitter. I don't have my glasses, so I'm sorry if I'm fucking that up. I can't read anymore.
Starting point is 01:48:00 slash Robert Kelly, my channel is fucking great. All the shows are going great. We're actually got something else that's going up there very soon. We're gonna start filming a bunch of shit up there and And just putting it up there for you guys. So It's way better if you're a member of the premium channel on YKWD fuck that cancel Lips and go over to this and become a member of this channel because we can do a ton more shit over there The other one we couldn't do anything. We got a beg for more fucking to this and become a member of this channel because we can do a ton more shit over there. The other one we couldn't do anything.
Starting point is 01:48:26 We could get a beg for more fucking bandwidth. It was sucky. Now we can do whatever we want. I can boat, ever I want, whenever I want, all day long and that's what I'm doing. So make sure you go over there and become a member over there. And what else do we got? Gabby is away. Mike, what do you got?
Starting point is 01:48:42 This Sunday we have Lafayette Lwn Santonio had lightning for one night. Oh, yeah. So you 12 people, please come out. Yes. That's a lot. Yeah. It's the bare minimum they need to have a show. And.
Starting point is 01:48:53 Yes. We had the club as that. 12 people. And the week I was there, we had nine. And I was like, so happy because I'm like, I'll just get to sit in the bin and then go to sleep. And then three stragglers walked in. No. And I was like fuck. Yeah. Yeah. I would have went up. I like it. I'll go back. I had fun there. I don't know why. It's a good crop. It's a good crop.
Starting point is 01:49:15 We just found the downtown one. Yeah. They were like actually fun. What's the downtown? The worst one. Yeah. I did one in the mall. I did one. The one you do is laugh out loud. I like that one. I did a real tragic one in a mall That's the old improv. Yeah, yeah, it's an improv now technically part of their chain. It's weird Danny's between that and the hotel this kid brought me to the fucking the dude lose to cinnamon bun. Yeah We are Mexican place the contact me about where they get food He's the mother fucker. But I also told you to stop, slow down a little bit on the road to me.
Starting point is 01:49:48 I know, it's very hard. I know it's hard and believe me, I fucking know. But I'm watching your Instagram and I'm sitting there going, dude, you gotta stop. I know. A little bit, I mean, it's crazy. You get, you know, back in the day, and then you get money,
Starting point is 01:50:00 you know, you're the fucking headliner now and you got no but you're alone. Yeah. And you're going out and you're fucking partying. Yeah, it's bad I mean partying at these Chinese restaurants bad the last one was scary to me I the funny thing you said was you saw the food and then you know, I hope there was four people This is one other person, but I've been there. I know I want you to fucking slow down All right, anyways,, what do you got? Zach, the new guy you guys are the best fans of the world. We'll see you next week. Thanks for listening. You know what did podcast
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