Robert Kelly's You Know What Dude! - Food Coma, Tech, Joe D

Episode Date: May 18, 2011

Food Coma, Tech, Joe D Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You know what we're doing? I can start, I can start, I can start, I can start You know what we're doing? I can start, I can start, I can start I can start, I can start, I can start I can start, I can start, I can start You know what we're doing? I can start, I can start, I can start
Starting point is 00:00:24 Alright, here we are. I always like it. I always like this song to let the song go. So the bae bae bae bae. We are here, another podcast. You know what, dude? With the, I don't know, what the fuck do you call you? The guy who created that song? What are you? You could just say my name Joe Darosa everybody Joe Darosa the actual musician who wrote the song wrote the song you know what Which Jesus Christ it's a it's a good song and the only thing that sticks out Said really didn't want to rock it song is but it did you did make a valid point when you said you're not rocking
Starting point is 00:01:06 Yeah, you really did I am I am just a quirky fucking annoying song I know you you want to you you want to walk out with the leather on and the explosions and yeah Bim bam bam Master That's how you see yourself. Well, when you're on the road, headlining, when you start doing that, you don't start with this. Because if people hear that, and then they think
Starting point is 00:01:33 that they don't have line, don't do this. Let's start it a nice note. OK, let's start it a nice note. I'm not rocking either. Well, you fucking, all right, we'll bring that up. Because you don't want to start it. I'm not rocking. I am on the road, headlining, and I walk out on stage. I walk. We'll bring that up because you don't want to start it. I'm not rocking. I mean when I am on the road
Starting point is 00:01:45 Headlining and I walk out on stage I walk I don't you mean I go out to an AC DC song And I think I'm way cooler. Yeah, well, I don't even they always ask me and I go whatever just make it rocking You know, whatever I don't care. I really don't give a shit because once I pick a song to go out to I give a shit because once I pick a song to go out to I feel like I and like that's what I think I am and I go out like to Guns and Roses. Welcome to the jungle you're gonna yeah! Danil Roba Kelly and then I come out and I just love you the first guy that said the word rocket since Dick Clark. Yeah. Yeah. When you come out on stage, right, you got the fucking, you got the MC.
Starting point is 00:02:34 And then you come out after the MC. No. Oh, sorry. You're right. We're going to start off good. You're such a kid. We're starting off good. When you come out.
Starting point is 00:02:44 When you're headlining. Yeah a room What you do do the cigarettes over there. Can we grab the fucking cigarettes? I got a pack of butts under the bag There's no there right there. Okay Help yourself. Thanks. This is the best part about my podcast is that you can smoke Drink you can do whatever the fuck you want because it's not a fucking we have to go to a studio Fucking do this as somebody's basement that they made fucking the studio in where you can't smoke It's like old school radio now you see yeah, this is this is my windshield style Smoking right on the air fuck it
Starting point is 00:03:18 When you come out on stage there's that fucking you know the music hits I never really pick a song I don't want to come out to the same song every fucking time. I take that back. When I play Boston, I used to come out to the dropkick Murphy's, that song that they have about Boston. The one from the departed? Yeah. I used to come out to that. That's a good song great song. I used to come out to that and then What happened was Not the last time the time before Conan was next door when he was doing his comedy tour
Starting point is 00:03:54 Uh-huh, and he was right next door at the Wang three thousand seats and sold out and I was out front literally and I'm Fucking people are walking by going hey Bob Hey, Bobby How about you O&A fans? I'm where you going? Conan I'm talking I was it was getting it was funny at the first, but then it was just too much We're at the Wilbur. I was at the Wilbur right next door He had his bus parked right outside like right around the corner from the Wilbur and It was just fucking like you got to be shit in me and he I come out to the drop-kicked Murphy's they play the song
Starting point is 00:04:32 Right they were next door live opening for him the actual band the actual band was right next door So I was like fuck you I take him out the like the guy was like you won't drop kick my no fuck them. Yeah fuck the drop kick Murphy's I played God smack you know why cuz my friend Sully the lead singer was in the crowd at my show and I had came out to Fucking God smack was it hilarious. I just pictured your show being Sully and what other lady I'm not a fucking I'm not not a boss where you get a fucking pool of curtain halfway through the crowd. I don't have to use the boss curtain when I play my hometown, but I don't get the, I've gotten up into the balcony.
Starting point is 00:05:19 There's the mezzanine, there's the floor, which I fill. Then there's the mezzanine, which I can pretty much, you know, pack and then there's the balcony. Right. And then there's the mezzanine, which I can pretty much, you know, pack, and then there's the balcony. Right. And then there's the fucking Lincoln booths on the side. I can get the Lincoln booths, the floor, some of the mezzanine, and then the balcony is just shut that off. The, uh, that's so funny, man. That's such a show business story. Because it's like, you know, usually when something nice happens, like playing the Wilbur, that's a nice gig.
Starting point is 00:05:43 That's a really nice gig. It's a beautiful theater That's certainly a gig where you would feel like hey I've arrived Yeah, and usually when something nice like that happens you have your couple hours to enjoy to whatever it is Sometimes something nice like that happens and then there's Ten times better right and you fucking face. You can't there's no enjoying you know You're just like that God damn it, man. I enjoyed Boston after Tourism. I enjoyed Boston the first time.
Starting point is 00:06:12 It's like, because it's ticket sales, man. You know, and you gotta sell tickets. Once you fucking get in that headline spot, you gotta sell tickets. If you're not selling tickets, you're just you're just Fucking miserable because that's all they're thinking about the only thing the the only reason why the club has you there is to make them money right and people forget that and then that's why I get aggravated when I'm trying to twit and you know put stuff out and dude
Starting point is 00:06:39 That's all you do is promote your shows. It's like I have to. I have if I don't get people, if you assholes who follow me, don't come and see me, right? If you just blow it off, then I don't get to come back. You know, that's that's how you get to go to the places. People go, why can't you come to my town? Because nobody came last time I was there. I'm not going back. Right. Because I can't sell a fucking ticket there but Boston the Boston people New York Jersey too usually do fucking well for me yeah yeah well you know there's Conan's in town let somebody better is right around the corner haha fucking guns that's what's tough about New York man is like there's always
Starting point is 00:07:24 there's 87 things going on in one night You got these gigantic halls and theaters here, and you know you're really up against some shit Yeah, but you know what New York it's you know I Started headlining in New York at Caroline's and then I went to comics once They paid me enough fucking rages amount of money to get me away from Carolins and I didn't sell a fucking ticket. I mean it was just embarrassing. So I stopped going there. I was like I can't go. They actually brought me they were like here. Wanted to bring me back for great money again. I was like I'm not
Starting point is 00:07:56 gonna do it because I don't want to I want to sell tickets. I want me I want the club to make money. Right. Because if the club makes money I don't have to I don't have to have anxiety Yeah, well also too. It's like you know, hey you can pay me 20 grand or without you know to sit in an empty room What fucking good is that do for my career? Helps your bank account doesn't do anything of your career good shows what people seeing you is what you know That's helpful. That's productive Yeah, and then headlight in New York. I don't I like it now. I play Gotham now me too Yeah, and headlight in New York. I like it now. I play Gotham now
Starting point is 00:08:32 And it's actually you know the fans that do come out. I know it's just fucking a nonchalant It's like Friday and Saturday except you just get to do a longer set. Yeah Gotham is a good time man. It's a good time. They're good people. But when you first come out people don't realize You know they that we make the shit look easy But you know when you first come out, you know the host went up and did hit whatever the fuck he does You know and then the middle guy goes out and does his 20 minutes 25 minutes and then and then it's like all right You know it's like the show's been going you can hear the laughs everything's hopefully you can hear the laughs. And it's time for you.
Starting point is 00:09:10 And it's like, you know, you guys fucking, are you guys, oh shit. This is actually on manager. Ha, ha, ha, hang on one second. All right, we're back. I had a little, that's the best part about this fucking podcast too. Is that we can take phone calls and pause it? Yeah, you can't take phone calls on the air. I could take phone calls literally take a phone call. You can call me right now
Starting point is 00:09:35 I could take a phone call. We're gonna put him on the air. It was just a joke. Oh boy That's the best part about this fucking podcast is Because I can take a phone call right now. Okay. Alright. We can get dumb vass on the fucking phone. Get Robinson on the phone. Get angry Robinson on the phone. Well, let's, I want to talk, I mean, we were talking about coming out on stage, first
Starting point is 00:09:58 of all. Yeah. Coming out to that music. When you come out, it's like like it hits me. It fucking hits me The music's playing the intro the credits and then you go out there and the music once they shut that music down It's fucking silent It's fucking dead Silent and you got fucking hundreds of people looking at you and there's been just a fucking couple
Starting point is 00:10:26 times where my brain goes, don't say anything. Yeah. Yeah, just you have nothing to say. Yeah. Yeah, what do you do? I've been there. Yeah, I can't follow the music. Well, it's like, and then you go, all right, that's why people, you know, you say shit,
Starting point is 00:10:43 you know, give it up for those two fucking guys or blobbub, that's that, that's why people, you know, you say shit, you know, give it up for those two fucking guys or blah blah That's that that's that taking the silence away where you fuck, you know, you can't just go into a joke You got to look around the fucking room and be like hey fucking what's up? That's probably where a crowd work came from with that first second of all right give it up for Robert Kelly That's smart. Hey, what's this? You know Brian Poe saying no, you know, I give it up for Robert Kelly. That's smart. Hey. What's this, you know Brian Possein? No. You know, I'm comic. He was on just shoot me.
Starting point is 00:11:10 Big guy. No. Comedians of comedy. Yeah, I know him now. Yeah. He, I did a show with him once at this festival in Jersey and we were talking about that. We were in a parking lot at Tent.
Starting point is 00:11:24 It was awful. It was awful. Yeah, it was awful and I went up and I just trashed the festival for the first five minutes of my set Like look at this. Ugh, it's just like woodstock, but nobody's gonna remember it The fucking losers, right? And I started scratching it and I came off stage and he goes He goes dude. He goes that was was fucking smart, what you just did. He goes, I always do that at every show. He goes, I always start with making fun of something in the room or in the town or whatever.
Starting point is 00:11:54 He goes, because it just immediately bridges that weirdness, that weird gap creates the illusion that this is happening now. This isn't my show, like we're in the moment. But this is where it fucked you up., this is where it fucked you up. And this is where it fucked you up. And this is what I see with, you know, guys like Luio whatever, that go out and just start telling jokes.
Starting point is 00:12:14 Right. That when you're doing a special, you're doing your, you know, any TV stuff, you don't have that. So when you're used to doing that, and you walk out in front of a crowd, and the cameras are rolling, and they go, Robert Kelly,
Starting point is 00:12:29 like when I did my premium blend, it's like, you come out, and it's fucking, you go, baby, go, because you can't go out and go, ah, look at this fucking put, because the edit's gonna be weird. You want that, when you walk out, you go right into your fucking,
Starting point is 00:12:44 you get to that mic and you start telling jokes. I write, I write like an intro sentence that I can use instead of that, you know what I mean? That you can jump off of that sounds like you're just saying it. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, yeah, it's just, like TV sets, those four minute sets we were talking about earlier
Starting point is 00:13:05 It's like you come out you have four minutes and you can't come out and trash the crowd you can't go this That's what I'm saying. It's for reasons like that like what like you mean example Just something stupid like like you know right now I'm opening my set. We're talking about how I've never been in shape ever So I don't just say that right away. I just say my favorite line. You've never been in shape but you are a shape. All right, but you are doing push-ups. Can we just say that? Yeah. You're doing push-ups every day. Yeah. How long for love for the past? Just do as many as I can. No, but five days. Five days you've been doing pushups. You're up to 30. Yeah, only up to 30. But that's good. Yeah, the first day I could barely do 10, dude. So yeah, now you're up to 30. That's pretty good, man. Yeah, 30's good.
Starting point is 00:13:57 Like I'm getting better at doing them correctly every day. It going down all the way. I mean, getting better and better at it. It's easier for you to do a push up too because your tits hang down lower so when you feel the floor, it's not really where regular people feel the floor. But that's good, good for you. You're trying to get an upper body.
Starting point is 00:14:18 You can notice it a little bit. I'm just figuring if I can just build, the shoulders just a little bit, then like the gut isn't so bad anymore. But right now my gut and and chest are at the same again The whole thing the torso. Yeah, just the torso is a mess It's a hot you know, so I figure I can even add a little bit and then slowly start to Work in other things to get in better shape But I don't want to get ahead of myself because I always get ahead of myself and then I'll do it right now happy
Starting point is 00:14:44 I do some push-ups. I feel good. I should and then I'll do it. Right now, happy I do some push ups, I feel good, make sure you feel like I'm doing something, we'll see where it goes. I fucking, I, I mean, you know, I know with that, I've been in fucking unbelievable shape. I mean, a six pack, I've had a six pack a few times in my life. And now, I don't, I don't have a six pack.
Starting point is 00:15:09 But I, I haven't been eating a, a six pack, but I have been eating a carb for two weeks back on that like South Beach I think you tell me you don't have a six pack as if I couldn't have noticed that Like I was gonna go real telling listeners the audience doesn't know too. I know they can hear in your voice Sounds like a baking grease and my fucking gut. I, uh, it's, uh, so I've been back on that. I've been dropping a few pounds with that shit, but then, uh, last night it was just, you know, my wife was away, uh, for the first time in a while. And I was just here alone. I was here alone. I'm going to order food. I was going to order steak and some chicken salad
Starting point is 00:15:52 from the Brazil place. They get this great chicken salad they make. And I was going to stay healthy. But the problem with that is is that the addiction is with food. Is that I'm home alone. I'm kind of depressed. There's nothing to do. There's nothing on TV I'm sad and Okay, if I order the steak I'm gonna eat like I'm gonna eat steak eat the chicken and it's gonna be Over yeah, it's over. Yeah, and then I'm not going to want more steak who wants more steak, but a thing like pizza, it doesn't end. You can eat until it's dead. You're dead. You can
Starting point is 00:16:34 eat until you're fucking obliterated. Yeah. Until you can't do anything, but just die. You have to fall asleep. You have to lie there with just an agony of just fullness. And there's something sick about that fucking feeling that makes the loneliness and the depression go away. It's almost like, you know, I say that in my act, I just want to eat to kill the day. It fucking, and it just never, it's like a slice and then there's another slice and then there's another slice And then there's that other slice and you just keep going it doesn't end and you can fold it in the grease and the salt The something fucked up that happens with your brain and it just keeps going and it doesn't end and you feel fucking great You feel like shit you're bloated in the salt and the fucking stomach.
Starting point is 00:17:27 But all of a sudden you're lying on the couch and you're just in a coma. You're in this food coma that's so euphoric. It's so much like drugs, man. It's so much like fucking doing a drinking until you fucking just can't move or doing pot until you fucking just watching cartoons. Last night I ordered that fucking food and sure enough half or through that pizza I was just like oh, felt great. I thought it would be. Oh dude, there's nothing better than when you finish eating and you just spin your ass around. You're eating in front of the couch, you're eating in front of the TV on the couch and you just spin your ass around. You're eating in front of the couch.
Starting point is 00:18:05 You're eating in front of the TV on the couch. And you finish eating and you just spin your ass around, put your legs on. You're watching a movie, you fall asleep to the movie. I have to start later and start the movie again in the middle and eat more food to it, where you fell asleep. I actually have to start the movie exactly when the food to it. Yeah, where you feel it's where you feel sleep. I actually have to start the movie
Starting point is 00:18:25 exactly when the food gets there. The food gets there. I have the movie on pause or whatever show I'm fucking watching and I open the box. I get everything ready and then I hit play and I grab that first slice and I got to be by the credits too. I can't be it's got to start like that. It's got to start like that. It's got to start. There's nothing more sexual the feeling of Gonna bang a new broad than that right there that when you fold that pizza and the movie starts and you take the first bite And you get the you look at the whole other pizzas there and there's so much movie left and it's oh So good better than sex man. That's way better than sex. Bang is great and everything. But I'll tell you, dude, the nights I've had where I thought I was going to score with
Starting point is 00:19:09 a girl and then I did and there's something like that. Right. And I had to go home alone. And the relief, dude. The fucking relief, I feel like. Oh, wait, I can go home and I can eat in front of the TV. And just fucking, oh, yeah, like that excites me. Feel so fucking good.
Starting point is 00:19:28 You got like a half a fucking, like I'm gonna go I got that half a Italian sub in the fridge. Mm. That's it. Keep going, dude. Keep going. Yeah, Gary Gomi gave me a great line from my act because I have this thing.
Starting point is 00:19:45 It's food is better than sex. You wind up in the same position when you're done. Just lying there, like, I need a half wet, half dried towel. And he gave me a great line where it's like, you have a brownie when you're done with the brownie. What's the first thing you want when you're done with a brownie? Another brownie.
Starting point is 00:20:03 What's the first thing you want when you're done with sex? a brownie. That's great. That's really funny. Yeah. I just did something with the shuttup. This joke never worked. I think it's a funny premise though, but like I used to have this thing where I would say, we go, I don't, I just don't work out at all. But I eat, I eat like an animal. I go, when I eat and I would talk about like, just getting everything right, you know what I mean? Like finding the right thing to watch. I go, I slide the table out,
Starting point is 00:20:35 so it's the right distance from me on the couch. And since I go moving, I should run, I go, it looks like I'm about to work out. Because I'm actually moving shit around. But I'm not, I'm just about to be a fucking piece of garbage. It is some about making the area you're about to fucking do this and perfect. It's so, it's so great. I was in the bed last night in my underwear. I took my socks off. I was just in my underwear. And my underwear was kind of fucking like stretched out because
Starting point is 00:21:04 I was walking around with you yesterday and it was hot and it was all stretched out so like one nut was kinda hanging out and I was in the bed and there was just a fuckin' plethora of fuckin' bullshit TV on, you know, monster fish and fuckin' ax man and mob shit and fuckin' jail shit. All this bullshit TV, which is just mindless fucking watching somebody trying to catch a giant catfish with their foot. You know, I was in fucking heaven. It was cool down in the basement.
Starting point is 00:21:40 I had a fucking thing of water because I was getting dehydrated and then I just passed out I woke up at like four in the morning. I Went upstairs and I saw a text message from you know, Dane called me So I fucking called him and ate the last two slices in front of the TV They were fucking beautiful. I threw them down put me right out again. I was back into a food coma I woke up this morning. I had a cancel of the appointment I was just felt like shit. I felt like a hangover. I haven't drank in 25 years But when I walked out in the that sun this morning, I had a food hangover
Starting point is 00:22:15 Which is worse than a fucking drunk hangover Dude I remember what I did. We were laughing so hard You years ago I was at my buddy's house. My buddy Mark had a we got fucking we got really fucking stone and went to a went to the Wawa on the Wawa is the fucking they don't people don't know the Wawa is it's a gas station with 24 hour food but real food. Yeah, I mean, the order sandwich. May the order sandwiches, meatballs, turkey and gravy, just turkey meat and fucking brown gravy. Oh yeah. And they have a computer that you've just touched
Starting point is 00:22:58 the screen and ad shit to your fucking, whatever you want, just touch it and it adds it and they're making it. And then they just give you a satchel of fucking whatever you want, just touch it and it adds it and they're making it. And then they just give you a satchel of fucking whatever you order. And that's the worst. When you have to talk to a human about what you're ordering, you kind of settles you down a little bit. When you can just touch a screen and just keep adding shit, like one of those best-by fucking vending machines at an airport.
Starting point is 00:23:23 Yeah. Ah, fuck made it. Yeah, dude, it's great. It's the bad. Well, Wawa, the convenience store part of the Wawa is like, if you took 7-11, it made it beautiful. Yeah, with good food and rules. Yeah, so anyway, we got really high.
Starting point is 00:23:37 We walked over to the Wawa. We got, we each got to think of Ben and Jerry's at a meatball sub. And I was sleeping at his place And we were walking back and he just we were so excited about the food and he goes dude dude dude I want to go I'm gonna eat this in bed I started laughing I was like that's the fucking greatest right? He's like dude I'm getting into covers and fucking you guys are gonna jerk off into a sock I'm gonna into covers of fucking you guys are gonna jerk off into a sock And I'm gonna eat this after
Starting point is 00:24:08 That's fucking beauty sometimes when I I come up with food. I'm gonna I know I'm gonna whack it I'm all horned up I whack it first and then I go and eat the fucking food after just to fucking kill that depression Yeah, I actually got stopped in a wawa by the lady who worked at the wawa pressure. I actually got stopped in a while while by the lady who worked at the while while. It was like three in the morning in the middle of Pennsylvania doing a crazy fucked up college tour by myself. I went in and I ordered
Starting point is 00:24:36 just every almost everything in this bag. No carbs. Yeah. Yeah. This lady when I was leaving, she gave me the bag of food. She stopped me. She goes, sir, can I talk to you? I go, yeah, what's up? She goes, you know you have a bag of meat. You have a lot of meat.
Starting point is 00:24:56 I go, yeah, yeah, yeah. She goes, you want like a no carb diet? I go, yeah, I'm kind of, you know, she goes, yeah. I had a heart attack because of that. I mean, she goes, it's okay to do, but you need some green vegetables, maybe, or salad. You have probably around 20 pounds of meat in that bag. That's not good to eat 20 pounds of meat.
Starting point is 00:25:19 I'm just saying, I just don't want you to die from this. This is, she's like I'm being very serious. I'm not trying to hurt your feelings. You shouldn't eat this much meat by itself. And it did nothing, I just left. Yeah, now we have no clue. Judith Freelander once, we were in the green room at comics before they closed.
Starting point is 00:25:40 He said, this is how unnutricious and uneducated comedians are he said It was literally I turned them I go, jude. It's the dumbest thing I've ever heard anybody say we were just laughing out Double was he goes he goes did you know that if you eat he goes it's better for you to eat like You know say six ounces of broccoli that it is to eat six ounces of lasagna Yeah, no fucking shit. And he goes, I never knew that. I thought it was what it was. You know, are you might as say calories? Better than 100 calories of broccoli than lasagna.
Starting point is 00:26:19 It was some ridiculous comparison of broccoli to lasagna. It's like Jesus Christ? It's fucked up though that people, you know, I always get shit, you know, dude, you fluctuate and wait and yeah, because you know, as far as I was a drug addict and an alcoholic for years of my life, I gave that and you know, like most fucking people who are overweight or chunky or fat or whatever the fuck it is. It's a fucking, it just makes you feel good, man. You fucking come home at night and you feel, I can't, look, I used to go fuck broads in my late 20s,
Starting point is 00:26:58 my early 20s. I used to fucking bang bitches. And that makes you feel good too. It makes you feel shitty, but at least you're fucking getting that depression out. You know, it's hard to not get a bag of fucking shit, a bag of loneliness, when you're fucking feel lonely. Especially, here's another thing that I realized too, is that when I was younger, I couldn't afford to buy food. I didn't buy my own food. My mother, however I was living,
Starting point is 00:27:33 pretty much had the food and you ate what they had. But when you get into your thirties and your forties, and you can afford to buy whatever the fuck you want, I can buy whatever I want want I can get anything I want That's a problem You know when I was in my 20s and struggling comedian I couldn't afford to go get shit I had to be very specific with what I bought because I didn't have the fucking money Right so and that what you're not eating all day because you can't you can't afford it
Starting point is 00:28:04 I ate at the comedy celebrity night, which was chicken and rice and salad. That's all they have so I Fucking I now that I can afford it. I can last night credit card. I call anywhere called Pinkberry Had him deliver fucking Pinkberry like $20 worth of Pinkberry I had the fucking John's pizza $40 worth. I don't give a shit If I couldn't afford to do that, I wouldn't have fucking done it I would have got coal cuts and fucking aid healthy or whatever, but that that's the the old you get
Starting point is 00:28:34 When food is not on the financial problem is not an issue People get fat with that too Dude I was depressed on the road once and many times on the road, depressed, but one of the times, I mean, you know, San Antonio. And I remember this dude, it was a Friday night, I had two shows, I was just miserable. I went to this barbecue place, because I was craving it, barbecue. I go to this barbecue place, there's nowhere to sit. So I just sit at the little shitty outdoor bar. Yeah On a stool by myself They had this fucking platter dude
Starting point is 00:29:10 It was two kinds of ribs brisket pulled pork Turkey and plus you got two sides with it, right? I know give me that I want that fucking day They brought this thing out. It was the biggest play to shit I've ever seen in my life. It's fat motherfucker next to me gets it too He polishes his off before I'm done mine. Yeah, I'm looking at him judging him like how did this fucking animal eat all that I finish mine I finished my completely and then just depressed walking to the show. Ugh.
Starting point is 00:29:45 And just like all I wanted to do was pass out. I did two shows and I was like, oh my god. Now the barbecue place is, I mean, every barbecue place has that platter, the sampler. It's a sample of platter. No, it was a sampler. It was the fucking. Yeah, they give you all the shit.
Starting point is 00:30:00 Every barbecue place does that. And every time I go to get barbecue, that's what I get. I don't get anything different, because I want it all. I want to try that. I want a little ribs. I want pork ribs. I want beef ribs. I want some brisket. I want some fucking little pork. And it's sausage, you're on the chair. Yeah, I want the fucking sausage. I want it all. I fucking do that all the fuck all the time. Any time I go to barbecue, I used to go to this place in Houston it was just a shit hole and it had the best barbecue ever and the platter they had came literally could hold a 50 pound turkey on that that's what you'd serve it
Starting point is 00:30:34 Thanksgiving is the turkey on that's the the size plate I'd fucking eat it all all of it all of it country fried steak country fried chicken have you had that yeah with the fucking gravy yeah and then they have rice with cheese in it Country fried steak, country fried chicken, have you had that? Yeah. With the fucking gravy? Yeah. And then they have rice with cheese in it? Yeah. Yeah, it's just animal food.
Starting point is 00:30:51 Oh, Houston, Houston. I love it. I love it. I love it. And barbecue, it's hilarious too, because when you get that platter, the first half, you're like, this is amazing. And then the second half is just the saddest thing ever, because it all just starts tasting the same
Starting point is 00:31:06 It just starts tasting like sauce. Oh not you go you get you get you get you get it starts tasting like meat You start you understand to me. It's like I'm eating a fucking animal after halfway through any meat fucking platter I start understand this is this is meat. I start tasting like I'm just ripping flesh off of a bone and it's not it starts grossing me out like a caveman like oh fuck like the Brazilian steak houses shit dude I love I love meat on the bone if I had my way you'd meet off the bone every fucking time yeah if you don't like meat on the fucking bone you're a fucking pushwack meat on the bone is way better than any because it's all the fat and flavors.
Starting point is 00:31:45 I hate the gristle too. Rip me too. Me too. Is there a better feeling when you're ripping the meat off of the bone? You just see clean bone. Oh my god. What about, you have even a bone marrow? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:56 How good is bone marrow? It's the fucking shit. Oh, that's just salty. The shit. Fat. Yeah, you get a real sharp and you scoop it out of that fucking tarmin' shit or you know. It really is meat ice cream. That's exactly. Yeah, you get a real sharp and you scoop it out of that fucking tarmin show. It really is meat ice cream. That's exactly what it is.
Starting point is 00:32:10 It's meat ice cream. It's the best fucking thing ever. Oh God. So good. Yeah. Well, I actually just got a physical. I'm fucking perfect. My health is perfect.
Starting point is 00:32:23 My heart. Everything's fucking perfect. My liver is perfect, my heart, everything's fucking perfect. My liver is perfect. I'm actually, all right, but that's why I stopped. I'm done. I'm going to stop eat. I went nuts last night. My chick went out of town.
Starting point is 00:32:33 I went a little fucking nuts. Not two nuts, because I didn't eat crazy all fucking day. We got Kentucky fried chicken, but we got the grilled, which is good. I guess that's not that bad for you. No, grilled chicken, it we got the grilled, which is good, but. I guess that's not that bad for you. No, grilled chicken, it's fucking great. You're fine.
Starting point is 00:32:49 Compared to what we could eat, a bucket of fried chicken with the mac and cheese. How much of it's suck not eating the fucking fried chicken? I was actually happy. I like chicken. I like grilled chicken. I like any type of chicken like that. I was happy after.
Starting point is 00:33:06 Yeah. And it tasted good where we ate it. But you're just sitting there and you smell that original recipe and you're just like, God damn it, motherfucker. Yeah. But I mean, I think I'd do it. I probably should have did that because then I wouldn't have got the pizza at night. I probably wouldn't have done the pizza.
Starting point is 00:33:21 I would have felt like shit and calmed out. But yeah, it wasn't that bad. I mean, I think you need a cheat date. It's been two weeks since I ate any fucking bullshit. So I'm back on it today. But you got a physical too. You just got your fucking hivestest. And you don't get the AIDS. No, no, clean, clean bill of health. But you're in there with fucking pee, you're in there with people who do. I do the guy, because I go to the free place, the rapid, free testing or whatever. Yeah, how long to take to fucking find out? You know, the test results take 35 minutes, but the whole fucking thing takes two hours because
Starting point is 00:33:56 by you got to go, you got to sign in, you got to see this. It's still fucking nuts, dude. When I got my age test back, when the age first came out, yeah, it was two weeks. Yeah, so yeah, two weeks of fucking holy shit Yeah, and then you get that call and you find yeah, because if they tell you you have to come in you fought Yeah, I know if they tell you you're fine. You if they are you good But if they say yeah, you need to come in you and that's and they tell you why they do that Which is stupid to they shouldn't even tell you that. They should be calling in two weeks. Or come, just tell me to come back. Don't tell me the reason.
Starting point is 00:34:28 You already tell me I got the AIDS. Basically, by telling me that if look, if we need you to come back in, it's because you get the fucking hit. What if that's how he told you? What if a lady called him said, Bobby, you got the AIDS? And that's all they said.
Starting point is 00:34:42 I remember the doctor said to me, he goes, do you fuck people in the ass? Do you fuck dudes? I go, no. He goes, do you shoot heroin? Do you use needles? I go, no. He goes, you're fine.
Starting point is 00:34:52 That's the lady said that, right? She goes, she goes, you straight. I go, yeah. And she goes, do you use a condom? And I go, yeah. I go, but sometimes I'll do a little anal, but with a condom, aren't you? You're fine. Don't worry about it.
Starting point is 00:35:04 Yes. It's very hard to get AIDS. It's like the myth of getting a girl pregnant. It's very hard to get a girl anal, but with a cotton one, you're fine. Don't worry about it. Yeah. It's very hard to get it. It's like the myth of getting a girl pregnant. It's very hard to get a girl pregnant, but they told us. Only one sperm has to get to her egg. It's one day a month. It's like a very short time that you can actually get a girl pregnant. It just so happens.
Starting point is 00:35:19 You know, the odds, there's a million fucking billion people in the world. So yeah, a lot of people are fucking knocking bitches up because it's that one day. But you can fuck bitches without a condom and jizz right in them and probably not going to get a pregnant because it's so hard to get a girl pregnant. But it aids is the same thing unless you fucking raw dog in someone's asshole and fucking banging crackhors without a condom or fucking shooting heroin, you're not going to get the hives. But they can't say that back then because then they make it a gay disease. They make it a drug
Starting point is 00:35:49 out of disease. They had to scare the shit out of everybody. Right, right. To, you know, to make it a fucking American so that it raised money. Why are you gonna give money to a fucking... Why is the average straight guy who just bangs broads with condoms gonna fucking donate money to AIDS? Right. And it's money to AIDS. Right. And it's not your problem. Right. You know, that's why AIDS is fucking, you know, where did AIDS go? Data guy, they've never done this before.
Starting point is 00:36:13 I've never seen this in a clinic, but there's a bunch of us sitting there waiting. Yeah. They had some guy that works at the clinic come out. He's like, hey, everybody, I work here at the clinic. I just want to give you some updates on what we're doing here. He's like, hey everybody, I work here at the clinic. Just wanna give you some updates on what we're doing here. But then it's slowly turned into like a class
Starting point is 00:36:31 about disease prevention, where he was literally being like, so if I asked you, what are the signs of God to read? And what would you say? And like, where everybody's sitting there like, dude, get the fuck outta here. We don't wanna have a fucking class, but there was one dude that was really like, fucking into it.
Starting point is 00:36:47 He'd be like, that's TD, what's that's TD stands for? And the dude was like, sexually transmitted diseases. Like, what a fucking asshole. He was all into it, but I finally raised my hand for something, because I just felt like, you feel like an, I don't know, he made me feel guilty that I wasn't answering any questions. And he goes, he goes, we're getting, it was a trick question and I knew it.
Starting point is 00:37:07 And he goes, we're getting a new ship in the condoms in for the summer. We're getting latex polyurethane and lamb skin. Who wants a latex condom? And I raised my head and he goes, my man. Yeah. And then, you know, he was waiting for somebody to go, I want a lamb skin. So he could be like, wrong asshole. And then by the way, scared the shit out of you. you if you're sitting there going I use lamb skin condoms I don't
Starting point is 00:37:29 put all that shit in somebody's fucking head for the results. Who the fuck uses lamb skin? They still sell those fucking things. I don't know what they're for. He said I was thought okay those are for people trying not to get pregnant but they know that they're clean. He said today they don't even prevent pregnancy. I'm like, what the fuck, what the fuck are they still making them for? Yeah, I don't get, it's probably a fucking stockpile they had
Starting point is 00:37:52 from the fucking early 80s that they're still trying to get rid of. They can't use lamb skin, use the fucking latex. Yeah. I don't have to use shit anymore. The polyurethanes are kind of the shit. Poly, I don't even know what that don't have to use shit anymore. The polyurethanes are kind of the shit. Poly, I don't even know what that is. They're the new ones, but they're, they're as safe as latex, but chit, so I've dated a couple girls that are allergic to condoms.
Starting point is 00:38:13 But they can use the polyureth, they're allergic to latex, is what it is. And I gotta say latex condoms sometimes fuck my dick up a little bit. Like I de-eerate me a little bit. Well, it's, condoms are fucking, I mean, it's a genius fucking device, I guess, that they thank God they invented it, but it's just the greatest thing ever. Ha, never invented. It is, but the, the fact that they can't, it's not, it's not a thing that you can,
Starting point is 00:38:36 like, you should have a jar that you can literally dip your dick in. You just fucking dip your cock in and it's the thinnest ever protection and it's just like your raw dog in it but it's protecting your dick and then when you're done just shower it off. I mean they haven't they have an upgraded the condom and fucking since it started. I don't fuck with any of those. I don't I don't buy for her pleasure. I don't buy I buy spermicide spermicide-ally lubricated whatever the fuck it is. You're just killing every regular. Yeah I don't fuck with any of that extra sensation bullshit flavor. I fuck all that. How about when you fucking
Starting point is 00:39:15 How about when you fucking a girl and all of a sudden it just starts feeling amazing It's just amazing and you realize that fucking thing is Busted. That never happened to me. You never busted a condom It's just amazing and you realize that fucking thing is busted. That never happened to me. You never busted a condom. No. Do you ever have a condom fall off in the chick's pussy and have to go digging for it? No.
Starting point is 00:39:32 Like a treasure. You never had to go inside. No. And the girl always makes you dig for it. I had to go in. I had to fucking go in and with my index finger and fish around and. How does it come off, man and just fucking too hard man fucking too hard Just blasting away and then the thing starts getting rolled up and then it pops right off
Starting point is 00:39:54 If her if that if that edge comes up off you have the base of your dick if that comes up Up your shaft and then you push that in and it it goes in her pussy, it will unroll, coming when you pull it back out, it'll unroll, go right into her fucking trap, that's usually when her pussy starts to feel like warm cake, and you're like, oh god, and I always check. In the middle of sex, I always reach down, fucking grab the base, make sure that fucking elastic is there, and then stop blasting again.
Starting point is 00:40:27 I've lost a lot of condoms in girls. I always get the thing, I check it frequently, but I always get the thing where it looks like it's filling up with air. Do you know what I mean? But the tip? Yeah, where it gets real tight, it looks like it's got air in it or something. Yeah, it does. And then I take it off and change it at that point, I'm like this thing's about to fucking pop. I've actually left the condom in a check. I just couldn't find it. So I just was like I got it and I pretended to throw it away. Why every time
Starting point is 00:40:54 we do a podcast. Yep. You say something that I never know about you that's more disgusting than all the disgusting shit I already know about. Well, I'm gonna have fucking some material for the podcast. How was it possible though? I've lived the... I've have a lot of fucked up shit. Yeah. I'm a fucking... I've been a degenerate for years. It's just a degenerate. Signing sometimes.
Starting point is 00:41:19 Ah, it's good though, because I get to fucking pass on all my information to you. So now, when you call me and you're like, dude, this or that, I have the info that you fucking need to get out of the jam you're in. Right? So it's almost like I fucking went through it for you. Yeah. Yeah. You're like the skivious mentor ever. Yeah. I'm fucking helping you through. You're fucking creeped them. So you can get through your thirties without having a baby or getting aides or herpes or fucking losing a condom in a chick's pussy. Yeah, I hope that never happens. Imagine that though, the girl a couple days later, I have fun.
Starting point is 00:41:54 Oh, I mean, it doesn't deteriorate, it's just interpussy. She probably found it one day or some other guy found it. I did it and the girl wants to tell me she went to the the OBGYN. Yeah. And they fucking left something in her. Yeah. And like two years later, like a piece of fucking plastic fell out of a veg. Ah. Yeah. That's fucking that. That's kind of fucking great. Another guy went home was like I'm forgetting something. I'm supposed to do something. What the fuck? And then it hit him. Oh shit. Yeah, but you can't call back. Listen, I left a I left the captain Yeah, I left the captain the needle in your pussy and by the way for any girl listening right now that wants to
Starting point is 00:42:40 Like blow a guy on the first or second date and then they go and then you go Well, I want you to go down on me now and the guy goes no and you go why? That's why because something was up there for two years And nobody knew it was there. It is such a different fucking device. It is so much more dangerous than a penis It just is what's an open fucking canal. Yeah. You have your body. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:06 My dick is closed off. There's a little pinhole that you can, I mean, it's such a different. It's sucking a guy's dick is so fucking different than eating a chick's pussy. You go down on a pussy, you're opening up a hole into her body. I mean, you can literally reach inside her body with your fingers.
Starting point is 00:43:33 And then there's the stuff that's inner body when you start eating her out, comes out like juices and stuff that are inside. Start to come out and you're you're looking the clip and you look in the pussy lips and everything's wet it's a hole it's it's it's an entrance into your body it's in it's the biggest one other than your fat mouth it's the biggest hole it's fucking crazy I mean eating a pussy is way different it's you gonna I usually go down to the clip first lick that lick the stink off a little bit you gotta lick the stink off some of these brads you never lick the stink off no I don't if it stinks I don't fuck with it at all what do you say I'm
Starting point is 00:44:21 not doing it you pussy stinks, just don't do it. No, the later if they go, why don't you do it? I don't, I'm wheezing my way out of it somehow. Oh, dude, I fucking do it. I'm manned up. Just go down and fucking lick the stink off. Fuck that. I paid for dinner.
Starting point is 00:44:36 Deal with it. Ah, dude, I mean, you lick the stink off and then you lick it on the inner thigh. That's, you have a guy, you have a guy, if you have a guy, if you have a guy who's eating your pussy and then he starts licking your inner thigh, he's not, he's not trying to be sexy. He's actually trying to get that fucking gross shit off his tongue so he can fucking go back to your pussy again. Jesus Christ, it's awful.
Starting point is 00:45:00 Um, yeah. So you don't have AIDS? No. You're good. Uh, the last podcast you did, we did Burr's podcast, I believe? Yeah. You got a lot of shit for that? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:11 Now, I will cop to this. I was being a little sensitive that day, so I wasn't wrong with the punches. Yeah, you got to roll the punches. And I was getting a little annoyed and stuff on the podcast, which is, you know, so I get it that I wasn't exactly being a sport. But at the same time, I was getting my little annoyed and stuff on the podcast, which is, you know, which, so I get it that I wasn't exactly being a sport, but at the same time, I was getting my fucking balls broken. It wasn't like I was sitting there, you know. Well, I mean, I'll be honest too though.
Starting point is 00:45:33 I mean, if you're on the other end of that, where you have no problem fucking stepping on the gas. Yeah. Yeah, you have no problem. If you see Keith or Billy or somebody else with their foot on my neck You have no problem fucking putting your foot right over their foot. Sure, but but also too I usually take a pounding just fine. I take the pounding. I get slammed Why were you so sensitive that I just was in it
Starting point is 00:45:59 We were right in the middle of all the Tribeca stuff and I was there was a lot of my mind and I got I remember exactly why I got sensitive because I was trying to tell the listener something about the film and Bill kept fucking with me with the story and again he was just being funny right but it was I was starting to get mad because I was like god damn it I just want to get this information about the movie out and I just got sensitive I just everybody's got that day Everybody's got their day Those are just recorded Put out there the thousands of people. Yeah, well, what are you gonna do? Everybody's got their day though We all we all have our moment where the trashing you just not in the mood and it just hits you in the wrong way
Starting point is 00:46:39 You get fucking upset about it, you know, that's all that's all was you know, yeah Certainly not mad about it or anything like that, you know. That's all, that's all it was, you know, certainly not mad about it or anything like that, you know, I, I, I, if I could redo it, I would not take in the bait. It was a thing too. I mean, you've only been taking poundings for five years, seven, seven years. No, nine years. I mean, I'm going to my 10th year of college. Okay, so yeah, you, you, you've been taking poundings New York style from us for how long? Eight and a half years since I've been here. Okay, eight and a half years you've been fucking Taking pounding's from us. Yeah, I mean from the get-go dude you showed up in New York
Starting point is 00:47:13 We looked at your face and shoulders and you took a hot one. Yeah, yeah from day one. Yeah, yeah Yeah, so you should probably be fucking used to it by now, but there is those nights I mean I've actually thrown away clothes certain of clothes, because I've gotten such a pounding. I've taken the, I've taken some hot ones. We've all, I mean, we smashed dump a tree one night, even when he started wearing his hats. Fuck it's telling me, looks like he fucking, he just started a new barbecue sauce company. Billy is taking the biggest trashing of them all. One of the most epic trashings when he did a comedy show on a bus to Yankee Stadium for fucking tickets
Starting point is 00:47:54 to the fucking playoffs. Eh. It was a world series tickets, wasn't it? Doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. Oh, he took a hot one. We sat there and fucking trashed him for an hour and ten minutes at the cellar. They could be brutal, man. That would be brutal.
Starting point is 00:48:10 It's fucking brutal. But you know what it is? When we were in the confines of your apartment, we're talking serious, trying to fucking lay down the shit about the film. And then, you know, it just took you were in serious mode. And then I was there, which doesn't help any, because you think you you were in serious mode and then I was there Which doesn't help any because you think you're getting ganged up on But yeah, you know just just just a bad It's Billy's podcast so he feels comfortable fucking smash it, you know, man. It's a bad It was a bad for me that day, but you know whatever
Starting point is 00:48:40 Apologize to the fans for being sensitive I'm not apologizing to any but when I apologize to them, I didn't insult them anyway. Well, you insulted them with your sensitivity. The podcast kind of got a little fucked up because you got sensitive. I'd like to personally thank all the fans that took the time to write me nice messages like quit being a fangit. Why is it so pussy? You know, but you know, for the most part, we were in a good sense of humor.
Starting point is 00:49:07 I've run in a couple of guys that were laughing going, ah, they fuck with you. Actually, here's a good dig for you. One of my buddies left me a message on Facebook, the post said, it was fun listening to you get your balls broken by Bill Burr and some other guy. I can take it. What are you gonna do?
Starting point is 00:49:30 I'll fucking kill him. Which is damn off on the Facebook now. He was Dan. Dan you fucking pushwack. You know who I am. The worst one I ever got. I flipped out. This is the last time I think I freaked about it.
Starting point is 00:49:49 Like the other day I got like, I was getting like, oh, it was like that. But the last time I freaked, where I got mad and like, fucking, I stormed out of the cellar, I got so mad and Keith gave me the speech. Like, come on play You fucking I'm giving poundings you can't get out. Yeah says a lot it was years ago Kurt Metzger Kurt Metzger drew a picture of me
Starting point is 00:50:14 Kurt's a great. Yeah, artist man. Yeah, I remember I remember he drew it Yeah, he just picture me that was so and it was just all the flaws of my body amplified. It was the most insulting, hilarious picture ever. And he passed this fucking thing around the room. And by the time I saw waitresses behind the bar pointing at me and the whole acting, I lost my fucking mind. I flipped out so bad Steve Bern gave me a gig. Really?
Starting point is 00:50:43 Yeah, you called me, remember we went out the do that VFW thing for the troops. He called me the next thing. He goes Why don't you come with me and Bobby and just take a ride and like let's you know whatever and Steve's got a bunch of ponies well Well speaking of Steve and poundings that would this is the irony of it all was Steve day that because he was like I feel bad that me and Bobby were fucking when you do come with us. It's all good. Then on the way to that gig and back, you were riding Steve so hard that he got out of the car and walked half of the way where he had to go or the way home.
Starting point is 00:51:15 He was like, I'm fucking done with this. Yeah, yeah. You were riding him so. Oh, yeah, he's like, I'm hard, man. Him and his leg go hair. So I was, God, guy tries to do a good deed and then it just gets shoved right back in his face.
Starting point is 00:51:29 Well, you know what, it's a fucked up thing that we do to each other, but then you got anonymous people, you don't even fucking know. We do it because we love each other. Right. Everybody loves each, we're all fucking very close friends
Starting point is 00:51:41 and that's why we fuck with each other. We don't fuck with people we don't know we don't randomly attack strangers. Yeah, I mean not in front of their face Well, we did fuck with that girl to sell the other night center into the kitchen Wouldn't you? Yeah, well that's yeah, but that we love We do that all the time At the comedy seller people don't know where to go to the bathroom So we sent them to the kitchen with all the Arab guys Salah people don't know where to go to the bathroom. So I always sent him to the kitchen with all the Arab guys
Starting point is 00:52:10 Oh, we give him the wrong code to downstairs and they're sitting there for 20 minutes typing in fucking code 176 So it's 142 fucking Russ Maniv. I mean it was such a double It was such a one two punch the girl walks Bobby me Keith and Russ are sitting at the table this girl walks up. She goes where's the bathroom? Russ with that fucking boy next door face you want to believe it of yeah just right there right there sends her back into the kitchen that's not even the best one hey she comes back out and she goes and he goes I'm sorry it's through there and he gives her the wrong code four times we all gave her the wrong code oh my god me a key with downstairs at the cellar and a lady comes down she goes where's the bathroom we sent her
Starting point is 00:52:44 down the hall through the doors to outside. There's another door just before you got she was waiting there for 10 minutes in front of a closet door that goes nowhere. We finally was sitting there. We just see her waiting. She thought somebody was in the bathroom because she tried to open it and and it was locked because it's a closet to the heater to the seller. So we went out and we go, no, it's not there. She goes she was like you're a fucking asshole We were laughing our asses off, but we bus balls We love each other so it's it's hard when you fucking something dude. You don't even fucking know
Starting point is 00:53:18 You know fucking send you an email like he's your best pal. Well, that's that's why it irks me It's like it's like all right, dude You want to send those emails you want to send those messages? That's fine like he's your best pal. Well, that's why it irks me. It's like, it's like, all right, dude. You want to send those emails, you want to send those messages. That's fine, but you don't know what it means to man up to a pounding. No.
Starting point is 00:53:33 You've never been on ONA with the sharks or circle. I love it. With your fucking dukes up. Just, you're looking around you like you're surrounded by fucking lions. You've never sat at the cellar and literally, and this has happened to me, literally, Patrice, DiPolo, Norton, U, Burr, Voss, and Keith.
Starting point is 00:53:53 Just all star lineup. Fucking teen off on you. Shut your fucking mouth stupid. And then you try to leave Arty Foucouac and it blocks you and makes you sit there take your fucking pound in it Oh, it's brutal some of them are funny though They're hilarious some of the fucking some of those people know the fans though since say some shit that makes me fucking truly Truly just fucking like war you're a fucking dickhead that you know some of them are fucking really funny
Starting point is 00:54:21 We hate them, but you're like I you, you cock sucker. That's a goddamn good, a good 140 fucking character smashing. You just, right to the, they have 139 characters. It's just a perfect fuck you. Some of them are good. The best one I ever got was on MySpace. This kid sent me a message after my special came out and that subject said congratulations Exclamation points the day after my special right. Oh, and I open it. It just says you suck I was like god damn it. That's funny
Starting point is 00:54:58 I want to cut a lot of fucking guns So real quick, I'm starting to do a little thing on all these podcasts where I'm going to talk about a favorite piece of technology that's out there, whether it be an actual hardware device or some type of accessory that I like personally is the I'm going to start doing this once a week coming towards somewhere in the podcast I have a lot of people that email me or tweet me or what's your favorite iPad case? What's your favorite? I pad stand? What do you use for your iPhone? Well, you know all the crazy ship because I have every piece of technology there is I've I've I've I've I've over
Starting point is 00:55:41 2500 dollars worth of headphones in this house right now. Never mind the headphones I've already given out. And never mind if the fucking I've every case ever made worth having for the iPhone or the iPad. There's two things I'll talk about. One is an iPhone case. My favorite iPhone case right now is the the case mate. It's the reason why I like this case is that you don't have to bring a wallet. It's literally it holds a credit card or a license.
Starting point is 00:56:16 It only holds two on the back of it. Very slim. It's not too fucking. It doesn't protrude out of the fucking back too much. You can get in a bunch of different colors I have I have silver chrome as they call it and it holds a credit card and a license or two credit cards so when you go on out at night or you're on a plane I use it especially when I fly I put my credit card and my license in it so they don't have to fucking sit on my wallet I'll put my wallet inside my bag zip it up so I don't have to sit on my wall to carry my wall to fucking lose my wallet I can have it in there and in the city
Starting point is 00:56:55 I use it I keep a metro card in it and a Starbucks card when I'm running around so I don't have to fucking Dig through my wallet for that shit. So it's called case mate and it's the wallet version It has a little slit in the back You can put a couple two things in there just two credit cards You can even put a little cash in there if you want so when you're going out at night You don't have to fucking carry a wallet that build bulky fucking wallet that all men carry for some fucking reason It's it's actually pretty good. And my iPhone thing that I use the most because I like the feel of the iPad and every case you get, bulks up the fucking
Starting point is 00:57:35 iPad except the one that actually you buy from the Apple Store. But that's shitty. It's black. It doesn't stand up good. If you're in the fucking bed or you know, it stands up if it's a table. It's cool. But other than that, it doesn't stand up good. The case I use, it's not really a case. It's a stand that attaches to each corner. It's called the M edge Flex stand. It's actually pretty pretty fucking amazing. Fuck, I think the microphone fucking fell out on this. I don't know if they got that but whatever. It's pretty fucking amazing. It's the M the M edge flex stand. You can put it any you just put it in any stand. Vertical, and it flexes to whatever position you want it.
Starting point is 00:58:27 And it's good for in the bed. If you're watching a movie in the bed, you can stick it right on a pillow. Right on the bed, it's on a flight. You can actually bend the flex in and hook it to the actual pocket of the back of the seat on a plane, on a train. It's my favorite stand out of all of them is the M-edge Flex stand. Do you have any any tech that you like? New tech that's coming out? New tech? Yeah. No, no, I don't have anything new.
Starting point is 00:58:58 Nothing. No, yeah, most of the stuff I have is stuff that you've... I don't really have a lot of tech. I mean, I have, you know, I have the iPad and stuff that you've, I don't really have a lot of tech, I mean, I have, I have the iPad and all that shit, but I don't have a tech thing. I don't want that to be accessories guys, so I don't have a tech thing that I like. I wish I did. Maybe I can think of a thing that I can talk about
Starting point is 00:59:19 when I come on, that'll be my tech thing. Right. Well, I don't, I don't know. Yeah, I just don. Well, I don't know. I don't know. Hey, I just don't have it. I don't have it. I can't think of a better way to fucking end this fucking podcast. Well, you actually just anti-climactic and fucking just okay.
Starting point is 00:59:36 You were going strong. I was just, you know, you got your tech thing. That's your thing. It's your podcast. It is my goddamn podcast. And that's it. Fucking podcast over is my goddamn podcast and that's it fucking podcast over. The new mortal combat is great that's the latest thing I've heard see there you go you could have fucking that's a fact that's tech that's gaming if you if listen if you like fighting games yeah the new mortal combat out for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 is in my opinion the best fighting game that has come out
Starting point is 01:00:07 For any of the new platforms or any new consoles. Excuse me. It's a complete reboot of the series It's just called mortal combat. It's fucking unbelievable. It's bloody as shit They got all the fucking classic characters in it. They got all the classic stages in it It looks like a million bucks because it's the new you know, it, they got all the classic stages in it, it looks like a million bucks, because it's the new, you know, it's the new technology and all that shit, it's unfuckin' real, get it, get it, get it. All right, new Mortal Kombat,
Starting point is 01:00:34 and going with that theme, a cool ass fuckin' action flick, B-movie, total fuckin' cheesy, but if you're into Ninja and that type of shit, a lot of blood, a gore of backstory, fucking kid taking in by fucking master, turns out to be evil and revenge and all that shit. Ninja assass. I saw that. That's not a B movie man. That's a legit flick. It's a legit flick. It's not a fucking, you it's not a, it's not a, it's not a, it's not a fucking, uh, you know,
Starting point is 01:01:07 expendables. It's not a, it's not a, you know, A-action movie. No, it is. It was directed by a legit guy. I mean, I think it was directed. I thought it was better than Kuala Luey. I thought it was better than expendable. Yeah, but it's not, it's not, it wasn't a fucking hit.
Starting point is 01:01:22 It didn't make a million dollars. It didn't make a billion fucking dollars. It wasn't a big hit. It really wasn't it wasn't a big hit I unbelievable movie unbelievable movie, but it wasn't a fucking huge okay fucking hit You know like when I think of action movies you think a Thor Ironman You know, that's a fucking bow. You know the dark night. Those are I mean those are comic books I know but that that's like holy shit. Right. This is you know just under there fucking great flick Great flick a lot of people didn't see it. It's on eight. Oh fucking the blood was great. The back story was great. Good fucking ninja movie and the ending was good. It was pretty solid all the way through.
Starting point is 01:02:05 So ninja assassins and Mortal Kombat, M-Edge, Flexstand and the Casemate, iPhone Case, Wallet Case, and that's about it. So fuck it. All right. Con Volotea, la región de Murcia nunca ha estado tan cerca. Espectacularismos, monumentos, rincones de película y un sincín de aventuras desperan. ¡Friparás! Vuelades de Madrid, Amurcia y a otros destinos que te sorprenderán a partir de 19 euros. Volotea.
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