Robert Kelly's You Know What Dude! - I Have to Go

Episode Date: November 12, 2018

Things get popping with Bonnie McFarlane, Dante Nero, Jason Kanter and Jared Freid in studio with Bobby! Bonnie comes in guns blazing, things get awkward for a moment, and we clear up some misconcepti...ons from last week! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Robert Kelly's You Know What Dude on the Riotcast Network, Welcome to the funniest podcast on the planet Earth. This is gonna be a claustrophic. It's podcast, it has no rules. It's not gonna be a podcast. It's not gonna be a podcast. I'm sure I've already said should I regret it? Can I get a microphone?
Starting point is 00:00:21 No, that's so fun. That was trying to keep it like a comic ad. I have a bunch? What the fuck? That was trying to keep it like a comic ad. I have a bunch of guys on. It's just us sitting down, yapping. Sometimes it's hilarious, sometimes it's 10 no topics, no directions. I love doing it. Play both sides of the coin.
Starting point is 00:00:36 That's how it all holds the... You want a day thing? My podcast is popular enough. I might affect somebody's life. You never know. It's Robert Kelly, so you know what to podcast on Yes. Oh, good game.
Starting point is 00:00:58 Look back. Look back. We're back. We have, I mean, this is this show is fucking dynamite. Dynamite. What are you doing? Stop. You're my friend's wife.
Starting point is 00:01:12 I don't see you stopping. Stop, stop, stop. Oh, I'm sorry. This shirt is so nice. Well, you play a band-zip, so high. That's the way that they, that's fashion. Who? Fashion.
Starting point is 00:01:22 What do you maritala more? I, uh, so much. who fashion what do you Maritaila more So anyway, is that that's what a din anatomy thing should dress anyways. We have a great show welcome back. You know what dude laughable calm the boys was supposed to come tonight, but they bailed Anyways, I just want to plug them. We always plug them at the beginning of the show because they support the show. They support all of us. All of us who do podcasting, this app supports us all because they go in and they put our shows in manually, I believe, still, right? So that when somebody does this show like Bonnie or Jason or what's your name?
Starting point is 00:02:04 Dante. Dante. They can go and see the show and then see you and then see your show and then see all the like Bonnie or Jason or what's your name? Dante? Dante? They can go and see the show and then see you and then see your show and then see all the other shows you've been on. It's a unique app, the functionality is amazing and if you love podcasting you have to get laughable right now. Go and get it, it's free laughable.
Starting point is 00:02:20 The greatest podcasting I've out there, what else do we got Mike? Well, that's also in Celarust. Don't forget about that. A seller of Agust last week was a tell doing his own show for two nights sold out to the fucking rafters. And I guess, you know, you know, it tells one of the funniest guys in the fucking world. Of course.
Starting point is 00:02:38 Bony McFarlane's here. The funny part of the Vosses. I mean, the one. Which is pretty funny. Don't take that away from them. There's lots of things we can get man to reach about. Yeah, if you want to hear that,
Starting point is 00:02:51 just listen to the podcast every week, which I do. Oh my God, I get so mad. We talked about you last week. Oh God, I don't even, all right. Yeah, I haven't listened yet. I haven't listened yet. No, because I'm behind a little bit.
Starting point is 00:03:03 I fucking get, look, I love loss so much. I really do. And I, I will fucking say this right now. He's fucking the funniest guy. He's one of the funniest people. I could talk to him all day. I could do TV shows with him. I could do anything with him. What? Why did you have sex with him and then I'm out? Exactly, I'm out. But when I hear him do a podcast with you, it infuriates me. Is he doing, I still, I know we've talked about this before. Is he faking?
Starting point is 00:03:35 Is he fucking with me? No, because he does the same shit to all of us. Oh, but it isn't an anger you guys the way. It anger us, but you, you, you but you can't fight it because it's like. It's like a brick wall. It's like my mother said, I'm never gonna change. And I was like, he's never gonna change. He's 60.
Starting point is 00:03:52 What is he gonna do? Work it out now? I know. It's done. And when you, to hear you slowly get heated, is, because you start out, you try to be fun and you try to be, you try to, and then all of a sudden,
Starting point is 00:04:05 he does this thing, and then he goes off on his tangent, and you're like, I'm trying to do this, and you fuck, and then he drags you, but then he laughs at you. There's some above boss when he laughs at you, that raspy. He only finds joy, we call him the joy killer, Rain and I. And, he knows. Yes, he's the joy killer. Like anybody who's having fun,
Starting point is 00:04:26 he comes in and tries to destroy it. And if you get mad, he will laugh. That's like, if he gets Rain into a point where she's like, lay me alone, and he's like, like suddenly he's running around, jumping with his two feet here, you know. Well, we just did a,
Starting point is 00:04:42 we did, he did my live from the shed. Yes, so funny. And he got damn it, dude. He makes me laugh. He says shit on that show where I'm literally, I just, I'm looking at a window like, am I not, did I hit my head? Did I die?
Starting point is 00:04:58 Did I die? Is this some type of purgatory that I'm in? You know, Gary Galvin said that he like, when he's on stage, there's divine intervention. Cause he'll come up with words and concepts that seem so smart and intelligent when he's on stage. And then when he's off stage, he's just like such a dumb guy, you know, it's like crazy.
Starting point is 00:05:16 It's like he loses it all the minute that light gets off of him. But here's the thing is that he's so dumb that he's like, but he's not dumb because everyone's small, he gets it right. I remember me and Keith are doing a show and we were like, well, we're talking about gun problems or whatever, gun issues. And he was like, he got to take, and we're sitting there going, we could do this, you could do that.
Starting point is 00:05:36 And he goes, you got to take away the bullets. No, that's a Chris Rock band. What we're like, shut, but we're like, shut up. No, but he was bringing it up as a fact. Oh, right. He wasn't bringing it up as, Joe, Q is going, you gotta take, here's what you gotta do. Listen to me.
Starting point is 00:05:51 You know what I mean? Listen to me, here's what you gotta do. Gotta take away the bullets. Me and Keith, we're almost gonna hit him with things. You're like, shut the fuck up. We find out we Google it. It's the exact thing. Right.
Starting point is 00:06:02 You're right. That would work, the only thing that would work, because it's the only loophole with gun laws. Right, right. If you stop making the bullets, I made the bullets side. They just have these useless guns. Right.
Starting point is 00:06:14 With nothing, so dummy was right. Anyways, who else do we got? Well, we got Dante Nero and Jason. Jason's not in the house. Dante Nero. It's not on. Jason Cantor. Jason. You know, you look like you shouldn't be here.
Starting point is 00:06:27 What is that? What is that? What is that? I feel like you should be giving some type of antifa speech at Berkeley right now. I do look like a white supremacist. No, antifa's not. No, antifa's an opposite. Oh, yeah. That's your fighting. No, you look no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, likes watching a guy fuck his wife and then the other side it's a guy whose wife tells him that he wants to
Starting point is 00:07:05 That's the same guy speaking of speaking of Cox Dante Nero has been has made that that that's that come true come to fruition for a few people You know right? First of all have you ever cooked have you ever been the guy the black guy? Yeah, wow. Yeah, I didn't think you're gonna say yeah. No, no, how long you know me? I don't know, but I'm down thinking back if you ever fucking been over my house when I haven't been there.
Starting point is 00:07:31 No, I listen. No, he only do it if you want him to come over and then you said in the closet. No, they just stand like dead. Yeah, sometimes they'll hold her head. Hold her stroke her. Oh my god, like she's having a baby. That's it. Hold her head. Hold her head. Oh my God. Like she's having a baby.
Starting point is 00:07:45 That's it. But. A stroke her head. Very respectful. Wait a minute. So wait a minute. You've done this. Have you paid?
Starting point is 00:07:53 Yeah. What? There's a fucking market for this? Yeah, absolutely. Oh my God. Oh my God. Wait a minute. So you got paid by a white dude, right?
Starting point is 00:08:04 Yeah. Yeah. white dude, right? Older or younger? Middle? I was in my 20s, he was in his 40s. So he's older, he was older. So he paid you to come to his house, was it in Manhattan? It was in Miami.
Starting point is 00:08:17 Miami. It flew me to Miami. He flew with a fuck, what the fuck? I didn't find him. I didn't know forget I was a stripper for 11 years? No, I did not. So I was stripping and his wife was a fan of mine. By the way, this is the only workout that he does.
Starting point is 00:08:32 His jewelry. That's actually an award from his stripper days. That was supposed to go in his clock. You get it if you held it up and showed the cameras. Do you think? There you go. All right, so you're stripping. How does he? She was a fan of you.
Starting point is 00:08:50 What were you on like the dirty down under it? What kind of? Can we see a picture of you in your 20s? Yeah, I'll say it. Is it on Google? No, we're gonna Google. That's on my gram. On the gram.
Starting point is 00:09:00 On Instagram, don't tell me. We got it. He's fucking non-tenure. Dude, new Mike is fucking great. Is that we call him what do we call him white Mike oh white Mike he's white Mike that's mushy Mike he's Mexican oh look at you uh sweaters hot hot man look at that I mean it looks hot it looks like he's really hot like he's sweating like you're to screw back 30 years though. Yeah, you're going to keep going. Listen to me, he looks just like Jason.
Starting point is 00:09:29 Oh, no, that's. Let me ask you a question, Dottie. Let's not look at the screen. That's going to take forever. Where is? Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Stop, stop.
Starting point is 00:09:39 Oh, my God. That's like a whole other thing. Yeah. That white guy was getting that guy to fuck his wife. That's like, oh my God, you look like the rock when you first got in the WWF. Prince, man, bingo. Yeah, bring up Rocky, Mavi, bring up. Rocky, Bob, I don't even know if looking at this is racist.
Starting point is 00:09:58 Did you, did you have a male bombs to his people? Never once or twice. You look like that guy, so you look like the rock there. Look at that. Oh my god. That's hilarious. That was the nice rock. Yeah, we're They were booing him. Yeah, so we're compared the two ready one So you're you're not getting saved. That's that's like a fetish We mean that the cut's not even just him, not just him wanting to see someone fuck his wife, but wanting to see that guy. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:10:29 I mean, you know, I was just, that's just what I was doing. Can I ask a question? Yeah. Why the mask? Did you just want more stuff to take off for a long time? Wait, is that what you look like when you fucked his wife or that guy? A little bit of both. That's wrong.
Starting point is 00:10:45 Super wrong. Where, please tell me you have that head piece. I do have it home. You might get fired from this podcast. I would love to see that head piece. I probably just caught his face on it. I made that thing. You made it?
Starting point is 00:10:57 I'm not. It was a bird. Peacock feathers and ice to make more cast. It honestly, it looks like a pill hat, right? Like, you stole it on some little lady. No way. And then you put feathers in. It was a, it's cardboard covered with fake fur.
Starting point is 00:11:13 I will make these feathers the exact length of my penis. And then it's the red. And it's the red. Yes. The red, the leg bands is actually a weave here. What? All the girls that you fucking dated? No, that's like it was new.
Starting point is 00:11:28 Those are girls you know, where you're pimping back then? Yeah, and that thing on it. And that thing on it was the picture to the wear. I think this leg was a top. It's on the wear. Is it before this? Probably after. So, wait a minute, did you get that from your girls?
Starting point is 00:11:42 No, you can't get anyone. You know, you're one that's hilarious. Sweaty and shit, but you were pimping back. I love that I say you. Oh, damn it. That's when you were pimping and you're like, yep. Yeah. Well, that's what's going on.
Starting point is 00:11:53 No, I can't. I know, but if I I can't say I was pimping. I didn't you know it's like because you weren't. If I was pimping, you were pimping. I'm a bitch back in the. No, 87. You don't have it 87 you don't have there Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, to be tough. I mean, not that you're not tough, but come on. I was tough on my house. I was tough on my house.
Starting point is 00:12:26 Do my bottom bitch, that bitch, let me tell you something. Did you have her backhand at home? I ran and I'd discussed that. You should have seen. What about backhanding a John? Is it someone we can talk about? Yeah, and two. I made Don Slinch last week.
Starting point is 00:12:44 I did. We are rock a couple of drawers. I made Don slinch last week I did we Tickle I have my joke lock the load and he fucking side drive me Are you stupid? God damn it Let me find everything was a video of him just cracking a bitch No bitch get my money. Keep going down.
Starting point is 00:13:07 Oh shit, look at you. That's crazy. Look at those shoes. Is that one of your hosts? Wait, but go back. Is that one of your hosts? Click back. Who's that?
Starting point is 00:13:16 Oh, no, keep going down. Oh, that's Caroline Wray. That's some prime, that's some prime white woman there. I make money over that. I make money over that. I make money over that. The prime white girl. Oh my God. So that's crazy to me that you, so this guy see you,
Starting point is 00:13:32 the wife is a fan of, please tell me what your name was. Prince Mendingo. Prince Mendingo. I was on the, I didn't bring over Prince Mendingo unless you're, you're ready for some fucking shit. So Prince Mendingo, no you were, you were Prince Bandingo. Yeah. And you, she was a fan of yours up here.
Starting point is 00:13:52 Yeah. Boy, oh, did you travel? I, I traveled to, but she was a fan of here. I came, went up and down the east coast a lot. So, so she was a fan of yours and she said I would, I really, he was like, what do you want for Christmas, baby? Who wouldn't be a fan of you? She was a picture.
Starting point is 00:14:04 I know my wife, Don from Boston. I can see Don Ack. Yeah, I was getting nervous with Don takers over. I always pull up the button, I always watch Don's first eyes. Which way for you to go like this? Where? Is that your girls? Yeah, that was.
Starting point is 00:14:27 Oh, look at that. On the credit day. Yeah. Ah, I like her lipstick. Can I just say something really quick? I love the fact. I remember I was watching Virtua Reality porn last year for the first time at the comedy convention.
Starting point is 00:14:42 And I put the head, the thing on, and you look around this room, and there's a girl right in front of you, walks up. That's a real thing. It's incredible. I'm not talking about the beauty. It's incredible. No, it's a woman walks up, and you can look down at you, and it's not your clock, it's a way better clock than mine.
Starting point is 00:14:56 And you look around the room, you can look behind you, and she looks right in your face like, baby, baby, and you look, I'm literally, No, for real. I started pumping. I had to for real. And you're like, I started pumping. I had to take him off. I was like, get these off me.
Starting point is 00:15:08 I was in a bar literally pumping. Really? Because we were having, it was incredible. And then this girl put him on and she was looking around, she's like, I love this kitchen. Oh my God. Look at that. Where do they get those cabinets?
Starting point is 00:15:19 I was like, Jesus Christ. I was kind of doing the same thing where I was like, looking at, there's like a curling iron on the bathroom sink in the background And like just looking around this house that they're filming the porn and right, but why did you care about a curling? Yeah, it's just we have jerked up to He's just looking at his long lashes hair and the He cares about in the virtual reality out got hair the whole head's blurred out too
Starting point is 00:15:43 It was at the same? No, she was not blurred out. The dude, the dude though. Oh, you can't see the dude. Yeah, you can see your head. The guy's head. Yeah, you want to see it. But this is, first of all, I mean, have you
Starting point is 00:15:53 checked up on any of these girls? Are they OK? That one seems too young. Which one? You mean the one with the diaper? No, that one seems too old. The one is... Can you zoom in on the bottom left one, please?
Starting point is 00:16:07 I would like to see that. Is that you, Stray? The girl in the very middle seems too young. Which one? Nobody was too young. They were all legal. Where'd you get that hat? Look at...
Starting point is 00:16:16 You just... That's... Yeah, that girl right there with the striped shirt on. You're just goofy. That's like a kid. Yeah, she's only around... How old was she? I was 23. That's not the question I asked. She was probably 21, 20, like that. All right. Good. Good answer. The only thing to be able to do is 18. What about the one right there?
Starting point is 00:16:36 They look young. God damn it. What about the one right there with the A cups? Which was the little one, the 13 year old looking one. They do look young that one looks young. That one looks honestly. He was selling women. Well, that one looks like she can't leave. Okay. I just never. No, they're looking.
Starting point is 00:16:54 I lived with them. This is the one with the purple on right there with the arrow. She's looking at the guy with the gun pointed at all of them. Yeah, she's saying. Smile, bitch. I was not a gorilla pimple. You, she's saying, I wish Smile Bitch. I was not a gorilla pimple. You look, you look like you're scared too.
Starting point is 00:17:08 Like you don't want to be there. But that guy right there, where the butt there, wow. Wow. What is that? That's, that's, that's, that's, that's, that's, that's, that's hot, right? She's black. That's like black, black, that's like, is this like a photo day? Like, look at that, I guess, this like a photo day like with ice cool and shit like that?
Starting point is 00:17:25 I guess all. Why are they, who are they looking at? Who's the top people looking at? They're looking at something scary. Did they see a ghost? Yeah, they're like, what's one of those things that's, that's obviously an old film camera and, you know,
Starting point is 00:17:37 there were probably six people taking pictures and everyone's looking at it in a different direction. And shit. Oh, I thought you meant it was like so, like you had to stay still for like 20 minutes. That was exhausting. Cause you have to kind of be there, dude. All of them.
Starting point is 00:17:53 Oh, I'm sorry, was it a job? Was it not? It was a job. I had to give hugs every morning. Yeah. Ah. Alright. Girls, girl, good.
Starting point is 00:18:03 These girls was just, you can give me the money for You got your lunch go wash up now you got another one come on baby You make them lunch We'll come in a little bags and bags On the napkins hey girl you guys Here's You got a piece of energy, so here's your. You got a slight, you don't, you don't. Sharp tells a vegan.
Starting point is 00:18:26 You know, that not one hoe has a peanut allergy. Do you know that? Yeah, that's a weird, you know, hint. Jay Tray just showed up. What's up, baby? Thanks for having me. We have it. Good to see you too.
Starting point is 00:18:37 We have our Dante. Those are Dante's hoes. That's fucking it. He was a pimped. Did you know he was a pimped? I knew that, of course. Did you ever see his girls? I'm looking at him now.
Starting point is 00:18:45 What do you think? The salt and the sex. I, uh. Anything spring to mind as you look at this, uh, hoping? Yeah, preschool maybe. And young. That one in the pink.
Starting point is 00:18:59 Yeah. What's wrong with your voice? I've been, you know, I've been yelling at people for the whole football season. It's like, I've been doing you know, I've been yelling at people for the whole football season. It's like I've been doing the Snapchat show. We have to do a game show and you have to like yell to get you're the opener. You're the whole thing. So like, hey, are you guys ready to play the game like over and over again?
Starting point is 00:19:16 So my voice is just shot. Well, you got a whole season left. Two more weeks. Oh, that's it. Yeah. And that we were and it's on every Saturday. You can watch it. It's just a stew It's like a game show. I kind of I kind of like your Raspi voice. Yeah, that's freedom. I think I like it. I can't like it. I think you can be a
Starting point is 00:19:35 You don't like it like that who out of me Jason and J train who could be a better Pimp If you had to give you you girls to want us. I'd like to be in that. No, because it'd pick you right away. All right, I'll ask for. Bonnie's in it. What'd you say? Bitch. I can't.
Starting point is 00:19:54 Good. Give us a couple things to do. What's the most important part about being a Pimp? Well, they turn you out, really. Like, you know, I didn't even know what turn out mean. But I didn't, I wasn't, they was, they were strippers. Right. And then they, they asked me to kind of manage them.
Starting point is 00:20:18 So you're managing them to do- Oh, is that what they said? Oh, hello, Dante. It's a, I'm looking for- It's a, I'm looking for- We are curious about your management skills. And it's like coming and see our work. It's a, I'm looking for a curious about your management skills. As I come in and see our work. We need a leader. Yeah, so it was so, they need no, no, what it is? They need some rinse for some time.
Starting point is 00:20:45 It's what it starts with. They usually will like you, they'll like you and then they, you know, and then they'll, they, I mean, I was in a situation. So if I want to sell my wife's pussy, what do I gotta do? I need to make a little extra cash and I'm sick of doing weekends at the cell.
Starting point is 00:21:00 I don't know. I think I can make at least 250. But don't could probably pimpe you as a like a chubby chaser. She's pretty good. What do you mean? Like she, there's women who like big dudes. Amen.
Starting point is 00:21:11 And she, yeah. What about guys? Can I suggest something for you guys? No, I want them to fuck me. I'm here. I'm like, guys, you can do it. How are you? Guys will pay to suck your cock.
Starting point is 00:21:24 That's the most amazing thing about men that I've ever heard. What do you mean? What's up so on CDs? Right? Guys will pay money to suck a cock. Who's this, Kat? What do you mean?
Starting point is 00:21:34 What are you talking about? Guys. Well, so I want to say one thing. Before you say this, my perspective on this is that guys would just suck each other off for nothing because they're guys. No, look, you're not gay. Yeah, but I was real gay.
Starting point is 00:21:48 I was a real gay. That's who. I tell me who I am. J-Treat, take your dick out. Right. Let's suck that hairy cock. I'm just saying guys will pay money to suck a cock. That's what differentiates the sexes.
Starting point is 00:22:02 That's the difference between men and women. Are these closeted men that are looking for the adventure? No, it's them older too, they'll pay the sex and cop. I mean, if you look at bodybuilders, bodybuilders, old dudes pay bodybuilders to rub oil on them and shit like that. Who does that? Older dudes.
Starting point is 00:22:22 Older dudes pay bodybuilders to rub oil on them. Rub oil on the guy on the bodybuilder. Rub oil on the guy on the bodybuilder. So they get guys breaking. So they say, let me rub oil on the guy on the bodybuilder. So they get guys breaking. So they say, let me rub oil on the guy on the bodybuilder. Let me rub oil on the guy on the bodybuilder.
Starting point is 00:22:33 Let me rub oil on the guy on the bodybuilder. So they get guys breaking. So they say, let me rub oil on the guy on the bodybuilder. Why do they sound like it's free me? I can't have no more voice. They sound like you. They sound like you. They sound like you.
Starting point is 00:22:41 They sound like you. They sound like you. They sound like you. They sound like you. They're shouting at a game show all week and then they come in. And I believe that's the boy. Do you coconut?
Starting point is 00:22:53 Let me suck your cock. I'll give you a hundred bucks. A hundred bucks. Is that what you call? I would never pay to suck. How? Do you ever get? I want to ask you a question.
Starting point is 00:23:02 It's a job. You get paid. Did you have a little guy sucky dick? No give a little guy touchy dick You don't have to answer these do you want me to No, I am so why is it you have to answer these when when you so is a pimpy at 13 year olds you're on my side There's no 13 you know, we know did you hook up with your Yeah, you got a stable know. Did you hook up with your, uh, yeah, you got to stay up the sleep. Oh, Bonnie's back on my side. I would like to know your management fees and also you're
Starting point is 00:23:33 gonna have to fuck us. I know that's okay. I love it. You're like there. Are you are you are does she need for SNL this week? I had two things. There's three original characters you just did. This is my old man. You made me suck your cock. Why do you go to hold them like a cock? I know you just fall down. It's method acting So don't date honestly God you never had it you never dance for men
Starting point is 00:24:10 Once what was it to the two one at first? Well, I there was a there was a gay club in Brooklyn yeah, and I didn't have any money to pay my my my phone bill No shit and a guy had a gay he had a gay club and they were like well You you know you get a quick hundred bucks to do it, but I I didn't let anybody touch me like I was just in the middle of the floor dancing and there with your outfit Yeah, the one with the hat the head. Well, I had a bunch of them I was a there's another one on the two is a bunch of them. Can we wear them for Halloween next year? Can you break them off? I have a moment to all the pieces, but I love your fucking outfits.
Starting point is 00:24:47 So you danced for the guys they just couldn't touch you. And I didn't want them touching me. And so they were like trying to tip me. I wouldn't even take the tips. Why? Why were you working? I just didn't want them. What's up, buddy? Duke, do you put the ring on?
Starting point is 00:25:00 No, you do a half of a, you take an ace bandage and you cut the ace bandage in half about a inch of ace bandage. Yeah, and you beef up. Can you show me? We have some baby all in here You beef up and then you tie the I don't call beefing up. I call veggie up. I I'm sweeping up. I call it veging up. I said job. Rich calls it, by aggraying up.
Starting point is 00:25:27 You tied the ace bandage behind the balls and it works better than a cock ring. Wait a minute, tell me. I'm underneath the ball. I'm behind the ball. You're dancing, right? Do you know that me and Don, I got done a vibrator in a cane. No, not recently. I can't I have a five year old One day I was I was literally at the table having breakfast. I thought it was a new toy
Starting point is 00:25:52 I looked over one of her vibrators was just flying across There was a gun to him. It was a gun with a with a knife at the bottom It's a knife gun But anyways, I still don't understand behind the balls. Is that like you lace up a hemorrhoid? I don't know behind the balls. Because you don't want it, you don't wrap it on the shaft, you wrap it behind the shaft at the base.
Starting point is 00:26:12 So I actually got this vibrator, right? Makes sense to me. And it came with a cock ring. Right. And I tried, I was sitting there trying to put it on for a lot of time. A half hour. It wasn't even a cock ring.
Starting point is 00:26:24 I was sitting there for a half hour. I almost fucking broke my own neck. I couldn't breathe. I was pissed off. It was just the thing that held the dildo in the package. Oh, and you thought it was a car? I thought she was like, put that on. I was like, I was like, I should just fucking have a
Starting point is 00:26:38 hour. I was broke my fucking spine. You had a tyrant on you, didn't you? Yeah, my little Irish pud Pud kept fucking wilting off of the sun it was like during the day Um twisty Have you ever done Jared? Have you ever done any creepy shit? Oh, is it always creepy like like you ever done a creep? I shouldn't say creepy like you have put a clock ring or you ever wear like
Starting point is 00:27:03 Like use a vibrator on a girl stuff like that. I say creepy, but creepy to me is not bad Dodd it doggy style What have you ever When you What have you ever Yeah, I'm a look into her eyes when you were coming shirt off What are you what are you saying it like that for I'm asking your question. They had to the fucking question Yeah, I mean The Cochrane. Yes, I use the you they now even sell those things
Starting point is 00:27:44 We used to strike the reason why I'm asking you don't strike me as a guy that we use a Cochrane Is it a vibrator on the screen? Is it the clock ring? Yes, I use the, they now even sell those things. Well, you just don't try, the reason why I'm asking you, you don't strike me as a guy that will use a clock ring. Well, I've used the ring that goes on with the vibrator at the end of the ring. It's a vibrator. It's a vibrator. It's a vibrator. It's a little silver bullet at the bottom.
Starting point is 00:27:57 I'm sorry. Go ahead, you go ahead. No, not this moment. We know you're a... I have a ton of vibrators. I have a ton of vibrators. Well, down to, it's very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, who I'm with. Really? It's got to be the right relationship. It's got to go that way. But it does, I mean, I don't think that's true, right?
Starting point is 00:28:27 Does it have to go that way? I don't think so. I think you always, the guy will always set the direction. The guy will always set the direction. Yeah, sure. See, I kind of think that like men, like, go back down now that he said it. I said it. I said it in the room. I mean said you're all in my face that they said
Starting point is 00:28:46 you like you know maybe you're right I but I've talked about having a finger in my ass during a blow job and you know if you tell that to like a group of you know if you come out with that and say if you tell that to a group of teenagers yeah then you got to show them you know so I've been over if you tell it to a group of girls they all kind of go Yeah, then you got to show them, you know I don't know if you tell it to a group of girls they all kind of go
Starting point is 00:29:13 And then you tell it to a group of guys that a girl likes a finger rubber ass and they're like let me get her number There's a kind of a double standard to it Really have you ever done any weird stuff? I shouldn't say weird freaky is that a better word that everybody's okay with has anyone ever put their thumb up your nose Character number four I think you're just in soda or is this These fucking characters are off the One I'm gonna stop. I'm gonna stop. What about you? Do any murder? I've used the rubber ring that Jared is.
Starting point is 00:29:56 It's not like you. Not the same one. Public. Public. Public. Public banging. Like some bathrooms, Central Park, that kind of thing. But no toys, you're not into toys. I mean, if the, I've dated a couple of girls that had toys and I've used them on them. Do you have a Pimpa bitch?
Starting point is 00:30:13 I'm not. What kind of money can we talk? What kind of profit turning in this economy? You could do, whoa, you could do four, five hundred in a day. But there's no more pimps in here, correct? Because of the incalibur? But here in New York, there's no more, no, no, no, they can't go in this tree, right?
Starting point is 00:30:34 Well, they still got that too. Oh, but not as much. I mean, back in the 90s, it was right on 43. 43. Yeah, I mean, back in this. 43, 43. Now sex is hidden it sexes I mean just gone yeah from public eye back in the day sex in New York City was
Starting point is 00:30:50 I everywhere they had the vault remember the down the meat package is dead hope is every steamer justines and yeah well now they have symbols over like the dating apps like there's little certain things you can say in the STM and yeah but also they have like the in Vegas you can see working girls on Tinder Yeah, like you could they'll be like oh, I'm working. I said you can have the girls up as long as they know you have they're giving me lines I don't know there's no lies Bonnie's on her own, okay? I don't need you crew in here helping you out all right. Oh, they're leaving Got it you guys ever watch sex in the city
Starting point is 00:31:22 They're leaving. You got it? You guys ever white sex in the city? All right, Jay Trane's on his own. He's winging it. Jason's on his own. Dante was a pimp. I was, I was like into a lot of toys and from, how these rings toys, they can burn in the toys. From maybe 7 to 92, I did a tour.
Starting point is 00:31:39 I was, in high school, I was really heavy in the toys. And then I have this fly. Are you doing cat? I don't know. I know, I'm sorry. I know, please don't. I know it's annoying. I'm going to be myself.
Starting point is 00:31:51 No, no, no, no. Two big bunnies, awesome. I love character body. I love astronaut body. I really do. UCB body. It's my favorite. This is the fucking best.
Starting point is 00:32:03 So you, what were you saying? I'm sorry, I did right. So I was, um, those headphones don't fit your head. No, they just, you know, I kind of slip re-hidden. Yeah, I did. I was just wondering.
Starting point is 00:32:12 The, uh, so in high school, I was heavy in the toys, right? And yeah, like I, the, my bag just kept getting bigger. To the bag. Like, yeah, started out with like one of those little shower bags and then it was like a whole d. Good bag. Like, yeah, it started out with like one of those little shower bags and then it was like a whole duffel bag.
Starting point is 00:32:27 Wow. But then you kind of understand that a lot of the toys are not good, they're just not practical toys. Right. So you just don't, you know, like you know, it doesn't work. What was the practice?
Starting point is 00:32:39 Guys, hang on one second. You can talk to them because you, I mean, you're not funny anymore. No, I'm gonna be funny. I'm gonna be funny. I'm gonna be funny. I'm gonna be funny. I'm gonna be funny. not funny anymore. No, I'm gonna be fun. I Keep going to be another chance Jesus Christ you really clam up if you know you you're writing team behind you
Starting point is 00:33:05 What the fuck is that? That somebody is bag of toys. And she's in. She's back in. Everybody went, what's that? We don't know what it was. It's so loud. I felt like it was in the mic. I thought it was in the mic.
Starting point is 00:33:24 It is loud. Yeah, I think it was in the mind. It is loud. Yeah, I've never really been into toys because I feel like I've used them. I school, that seems too early to start. And what counts as a toy now that like we're, you know, when I was in high school? Yeah, I said the ring with the vibe right there. The fuck if this building was on fire,
Starting point is 00:33:42 and we were dying right now. And it was no way out. It was on fucking fire. He just Googled fire trucks. I just saw a whole page of fire, like, is everyone's asking what it was? No, he's the best. Don't ever fuck with white Mike. He's so good at it.
Starting point is 00:33:55 Oh, that's way, who's doing it? That's white Mike next to you. Oh, you're doing it. Oh, I'm sorry. That's real. That's real. I'm sorry. That's real outside the headphones, buddy.
Starting point is 00:34:03 Yeah. What? That noise was real outside the headphones. I did the same thing at the time. No, no, I. No, it's real outside of the headphones, Bonnie. That's, yeah. That noise was real outside of the headphones. I did the same thing at the time. No, no, I know, I know. I know. Wow, Jesus can't do you really, I'm just scared of, I'm just scared of, I'm just scared of,
Starting point is 00:34:14 thanks for mansplaining me a siren. I'm just scared of, I'm just scared of, I'm just scared of, back here. I know, lady, you know, that's a big, rich rock. I love that she turned around to a girl and they weren't ignoring her, they were just talking. I know, I know, I know. I know, I know, I know, that's a big rich rock. I love this. She turned around to a girl and they weren't ignoring her. They were just talking. I know.
Starting point is 00:34:27 I know. It is. It is. It is. I got Samantha here. Yeah. I've never, when I use toys, you know what I use one time? I used, I got into was a electric toothbrush.
Starting point is 00:34:41 Okay. They make one like that. I would carry an electric toothbrush. Okay. They make one like that. They make a toy. I would carry an electric toothbrush with me. And, well, you know, if you ever want to use a viber, you can run a CVS real quick and get it before they were selling them at CVS. Cause they now they sell.
Starting point is 00:34:57 Can I use the handle? No, no, yeah, I cleaned her for giant like two. Like a monkfish, I used to open it up. He doesn't sound that terrible. He used the actual brush part. No, he used the other side of it. The bottom part looks like a bag. They make one that is basically looks like a,
Starting point is 00:35:17 you know, a toothbrush. Yeah. But it's got a bigger motor. So you're trying to tell us that you would run into CVS. I wouldn't run into CVS. I wouldn't run into CVS. I'd stop by on the way. OK, then.
Starting point is 00:35:30 So I'll have seven years. So there was the running in that really big novel. Yeah, I didn't run anywhere. I used to buy two. I buy one for her vagina and then do a clean my mouth after I licked it. Oh, two, two, two, two, two, boom. That is the one.
Starting point is 00:35:44 I should have ran it by the girls. I know. That's the, that is the, the, the foundation of any, uh, that's it. The magic wand. Yeah, the magic wand. Oh, that is an actual, but it doesn't, it's, it's not good. That was a toothbrush. I was like, it really looks like a vise prater.
Starting point is 00:36:00 Yeah. Sorry. But it'll, that'll be serious right there. Yeah, Raina found our toys and I told her they were they were dog toys I think that's funny if you just see we don't have a dog Why do you want to fuck our dog? They had to go get it. She wouldn't got a dog that day Little silky terrier. No, I'm on pink, fucking, just a pink lipstick. I had to do sound effect to get a laugh. I'm going to push that joke over the edge. What is that one? What is that?
Starting point is 00:36:32 Is that Dornab? Yeah, what would you do with that? What? Is that the actual? I think you roll your foot on. Oh, okay. You just bring up Dildos, please. I was trying to see what the ones they sell at CVS. Yeah, they sell. It's in the rubber. What is it called? What a good, Jerry? No, I was just wondering what what the ones they sell at CBS. Yeah, it's in the rubber. What does it call it?
Starting point is 00:36:46 Well, good, Jerry. No, I was just wondering what demon vagina they got. The Albany massage. But you got to be careful because those were good. They eat out. Those ones that were good, those have been the massagers. Those are, you know, nice little tutorial. Did you remember the ones that they sold the finger ones where you could load up all five fingers with little mini massages?
Starting point is 00:37:04 No, no. And it's the new word, really. It doesn't why. I thought that's just not strong. Like the only thing that, the hotachi magic wine will desensitize your girl and you won't be, you won't be able to make her come orally if you use that too much. No shit. Yeah, you gotta be really scary.
Starting point is 00:37:20 Well, like it gets calloused. No, he will be playing the guitar like fingers. Yeah, I don't. I mean, he was playing the guitar like fingers. I don't know. I mean, Mark Henry versus the machine. We're fucked. John Henry's the right one. Mark Henry's the right one. Mark Henry's the right one.
Starting point is 00:37:32 Mark Henry's the right one. Mark Henry's the right one. Mark Henry's the right one. We all know that. My brothers will not replace us. That should be the March people should be. Yeah. Yeah, that is too much for me, man. I can't deal with that.
Starting point is 00:37:46 That is. I don't even think my wife wants me to go out or anything, man. I don't even go to the con here. It's what the con here. That looks like I'm doing road work on my wife's in China. What the fuck is that?
Starting point is 00:37:56 Why do you think that? Those little ones look like Michael penis condoms. That looks too much. Look at that, boy. Why do you think she doesn't want to go down on her anymore? I thought we would pass that. You heard that, right? That rang in your ears.
Starting point is 00:38:05 When did you become fucking Murray Poe which on the side? Good. Yeah, I got it, what do you got? Come on, let me feel a little more. I want to know what your wife said to you, the maid you think that. Get off me, fatso.
Starting point is 00:38:16 Don't let my pussy anymore. Will you say, let me go down on you? I want a banged out day. She says, no, just fuck me. No, she goes, listen, you cuck. Get that black friend of you over here. She said, I don't, she never said anything. I'll tell you what, our sex life is kind of good right now.
Starting point is 00:38:33 And it wasn't, after we had the kid, it wasn't, I'll be honest with you, it was really hard to get back into it. Number one, when we had the baby, it, but then later she would put the baby down. Like she'd go all day long with the kid because she stayed home mom. And then around nine o'clock when he went to bed, she would be fucking done. So it's not like I'm gonna go in there
Starting point is 00:38:57 and start finger popper to see what I'm gonna to fuck. So now like this weekend, we finally are starting to have these nights where just this weekend is started? No, it hasn't as an example It's literally like having two laughing birds behind you every time you say I literally like having two laughing birds behind you every time you say anything. Yeah, half five, but John is. But John is. You're the woman to pull that shirt down if I see you're stomach matter.
Starting point is 00:39:31 I'm sorry if I'm disgusting. I'd rather see Voss's abs. Oh, okay. He's gonna have to. No, you're insane. But no, what happened was, I remember the day when she sat up front again, because she used to sit in the back with him. And she sat up front.
Starting point is 00:39:49 And she sat up front and she put her hand on my hand again. And that wasn't an Uber driver for the first year. And I was like, oh my God, we used to always be together. Hold hands, fuck around, sleep together. And then- Did you guys used to sleep together? Oh, thanks for sharing this. Sometimes- I'm not lying here, guys. We used to go to bed and sleep together. Did you guys use to sleep together? Thanks for sharing this. Sometimes we...
Starting point is 00:40:06 I'm not lying here guys, we used to have sex, we really did. We did, we used to back. And now he goes away overnight, which is a big thing for us to let our kids stay somewhere without us for the whole fucking night. And a friend's house or just a hotel somewhere? Yeah, we just get him a hotel room, put on a Netflix and call it a day. Because my kids, and it was a scene like such a bad idea. Oh my god, I bet you they did that back of the day.
Starting point is 00:40:34 Just let the kids stay home. I think they did. I think I stayed home all the time. They did for sure. That's what they called the pit bulls or nanny dogs. They would have a pit bull watch the fucking kids. But what age did you stay home? I was coming home at 11.
Starting point is 00:40:49 I stayed at 11. I remember in first grade, I remember in kindergarten walking home from school. Yeah, you used to do shit on your own. I remember I used to walk home from kindergarten. I walked home. The third grade. Your kid doesn't walk home? No, you have to drive them where he takes the bus
Starting point is 00:41:05 They don't you're not allowed to I mean listen We didn't know about how many kids we can snatched up back in the day too kids We just did you only knew about I only knew about Medfripp and Sumbival. I didn't know there was a whole world out there Now, you know, we're kids actually getting snatch up or is that just the fucking bullshit now you hear a kid again It's taken from Oregon I just say what I think kids back in the day were getting so excited you're not talking about sex anymore.
Starting point is 00:41:30 Listen to him. He's like, Hey, you can't like it's that's let's just keep on this. I want to hear more about sex life. Well, anyways, we it's it's good that you know, the like not the other night the first time, but we he was away that my We it's it's good that you know the like not the other night the first time but
Starting point is 00:41:49 We he was away that my yaya is at my mom's and We go it was just good to go back to the hotel room. It was quiet as fuck. Do you go down? Huh do you go down you could down in your wife? Is that a guy's talk to each other? I guess my leg You go down on it? Huh? Please you think so? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:09 Sorry, did you lick? What about the slumber? And they're fucking camel squad. You mean you make a come? Yeah. No, I didn't go down on a box. No. No, the box.
Starting point is 00:42:19 It wasn't even like any build up here. It was quiet. You going down on it? Yeah. Oh, no. No, the box. No, the box. It wasn't even like any build up. You're like, it was quiet. You go down on it. It's like he's like, he's like, he's an important stuff. Jesus, take your hand off your crotch while you ask him
Starting point is 00:42:35 the question at least. What's that baby fucker? No, I did not go down on it and it just didn't, it didn't, the opportunity did not happen because we hadn't had sex in a couple weeks and she, we fooled around and I was like, I'm gonna go, like I can't, and I haven't been masturbating too.
Starting point is 00:42:58 I just don't, tell us everything. I just stopped doing it, I don't have time, I don't have time to do it anymore. It's just, and just when I do it, it's like fuck, I gotta go doing it. I don't have time to do it anymore. It's just, and when I do it, it's like fuck. I gotta go clean up and shower. What about in the shower? I can't check off in the shower anymore. I just, it's just, last time I used to,
Starting point is 00:43:16 two years ago I was jerking off in the shower all the time. It's great move. Yeah, but then I fucking, and people said, I got to a big fight with a guy, I wanted a fan to the show, he was no longer a fan because of this. And he was a tattoo dude who I loved. He's great guy, but you're going to a big fight
Starting point is 00:43:31 because he called me a liar about this. And it's not, I have small pipes, okay? So I was jerking off. Like in the bathroom or in your penis? I don't know. I'm not really in your reflure. What do you want? I don't like she's a shitty audience member.
Starting point is 00:43:46 It's a setup. Let me get to the punch. Oh, shit, sorry. Fucking, much to take your phone out and check your Twitter while you're at it. I, we have small pipes in my house, okay? Oh, in your house. They're not as big.
Starting point is 00:43:58 So I'm jerking off. My wife has this beautiful long hair that it just comes out, you know, it's everywhere. When you have that hair, it just always comes out. There's always a fucking twat spider in the bathroom because of her hair. It's always there. We get it. And then mix with my jizz, it clogged the pipe. So the guy came to fix the pipe and he's like, listen, I need you to stop jerking off.
Starting point is 00:44:20 No, no, no. What do you call it? He said, uh, stop jerking off in a wig. Stop it into the drain. No, he said, stop emptying baking grease in the, in the sink. He said, yeah, now look. How fat are you? How fat was it?
Starting point is 00:44:40 We jerking up the kitchen sink. Stop. Stop. Stop. We have to acknowledge,. Stop, stop, stop. We have to acknowledge, who's, Mike, was that you? I listened, Mike has loaded three or four of these. I love Mike because he's, on this podcast, you have to go back and listen to Mike
Starting point is 00:44:55 and you define little secret gems. I always laughed, don't I, Mike? God, you always get it. How fat were you? Is hilarious. Oh, no, and so he went and cleaned out the thing and I was like I don't want to cost me 350 to get a You know they make a thing
Starting point is 00:45:12 a joint Well, no like an enzyme There's an enzyme you put your gizz. No, yes, well actually here you put it into a counter like Bonnie like kills Yes, where can I get it? Like Bonnie, like kills Jews? Where can I get it? Like to commercial. For 1995, you get the enzyme, the kill ages. Your family doesn't have to suffer
Starting point is 00:45:30 and hear that blu-blupper in the morning from the toilet. I'm a way of fellas. It's Saturday night! Oh, this is the tape. I can change it. Oh my God. Oh, hold on, you're Botox. That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said. Thank you. Oh, you know, you should give me Botox if you want. I've never gone Botox.
Starting point is 00:45:56 You look great. You look fantastic. I'm not going to do it. Never. Hold your friends like this. No, no, no, no. I've never gone both You look great. You look fantastic. I'm gonna do it. Oh the afresh went like this I don't listen. I don't think both talks is a bad thing. I'm let's go back to sex. I'm not gonna get that I think both talks is fine if you if you need to get it. Don't you? I don't I don't know. I don't have a I don't have a stance on it. I don't think guys should do it.
Starting point is 00:46:26 Now, fucking, what's cool is that? I don't think guys should, Ray Leota looks like a fucking maniac. Yeah, no, he's on a Chan Trek commercial. Chan Trek, and it's like, dude, you're gonna murder somebody. Yeah, I'm right. I do feel bad for a man who gets plastic surgery. It's like it must, if you're a pretty boy in your aging, and it must be difficult, it's more difficult even than for women because
Starting point is 00:46:45 it's oh god it's just because it looks like a lion. Man who get it start to look like the women who get it. They look like a singular woman. But women have had it enough times. It's kind of more you're like your brain is used to it. He's like he's moving towards woman to us. When you see it in a man you're like ah! Yeah. It's really bad. I'm right and I do chants. I use the slow four packs a day. Now I can't move my mouth and I twent like this because my lips are connected to my high cheekbones. But you know what he did he got rid of those lines on the side. That's a bad move for people because it's like even youthful people have a little bit of lines on the side.
Starting point is 00:47:29 Yeah, I actually like to me. I like a little milky. I like that freckled chest with the little wrinkle from Ben Little. You're a little humanity. I do, I like a little cron. And they say you should start young and do a little bit over time. That's what they say. That's what I was told by my about talks guy.
Starting point is 00:47:49 That's why I wouldn't be against any of that stuff. I mean, I would want to do it the right way. This is the thing. I feel like it would be embarrassing if someone caught you. Caught you? Like if somebody was like, hey, you can't move your forehead. Like, did you get the talks? That'd be so embarrassing.
Starting point is 00:48:08 What people are doing now is they're getting plastic surgery for camera. Like, they don't even care about in person. What do they look like? They care more about HD and Instagram, which is like, you know, I don't know. There you go. I mean, look, I gotta say,
Starting point is 00:48:22 Ray Leota is a good looking old man. You know, I think he'd been a better looking guy. Can I tell you something else guys? What you can do instead of plastic surgeon, this is gonna change your life, so I'm not kidding, but a plant based diet. It does look like, it does look like, I fucking hope you don't look so much. Look at that. It looks like they bow talks to off Ray Leotus bad acne skin though, right? He looks better now than he did. Well, they actually shoot
Starting point is 00:48:48 No, he looked better before no, they shoot they shoot it in your pox the little holes Yeah, they shoot that in your pox and fill it up, but you got to keep doing that you got to keep doing that That's on Botox that's that's a filler. Yeah, I brother catchers met Ray then balloon red. Oh Honey, I'd rather catchers met Ray than balloon red. Oh, honey, I mean, come on. That looks like a lion. People are like lions, why did they look like lions? They're like, the middle one, that. Top row middle.
Starting point is 00:49:12 Other one over, yeah, right there. That's not really, but you can't. That's not. Oh, good. Yeah, but Mickey Rook, here's what happened to Mickey too. He went into boxing, got all fucked up in the face, tried to fix it. It wasn't that bad after the boxing. Oh, really, that bad.
Starting point is 00:49:24 And listen, as a man, you can look old and it's totally fine. You can look old. You can look at James Khan. I just can't be fat. But yeah, wait, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Which one of them wrote that one? I think instead of Bo-Doc, you should gain a little weight every year. Don't talk.
Starting point is 00:49:42 We are. She's pro fat. I don't care. She's saying gains and gains. Happy to have funny comic. You don't know. All right, fat. She's saying games. Happy to find the comic. Relax. I know she's funny. I got nine people on the show. I don't need fucking ten. She can write it down.
Starting point is 00:49:56 You can say it for that. Look at that. Why would they lie to Queen? The Lion Queen. She looks just like that. The lion queen? Yeah, she was a chick who did a whole lot of, oh yeah, so she actually looks like the beast.
Starting point is 00:50:12 Yeah, New York City. That looks like you and you stripped. That lines. I actually had one of those. I actually had one of those sat on my head. Oh, there you go. All right, oh yeah, it's in this chick. That's the same. She's right. She's right. That's hard. Oh, there you go. All right. Oh, yeah, send this shit. But even before it's last year,
Starting point is 00:50:26 it's hard. You know, I'll tell you right now, the doctors that do this should be fucking put away. I mean, the fact that you know, you're taking it too far, you should say no, but they want that money. I mean, look at her. But this is an addiction.
Starting point is 00:50:43 This is like, you're talking to an insane person of the doctor, she'd be the one that says no. Yes, the doctor. But the doctor doesn't say anything. Yeah, but they'll just find somebody else to do it and they'll probably get some extra. That doctor she would have done worse. Well, you know what happens?
Starting point is 00:50:54 Is there a lot of the trannies, the transexuals? What do I say now? Girls, talk to me. Trance. I need you now. Trance, man. I need to slam up when I fucking need you. I'm gonna have my career taken away by the trance community. They what? The LDG BBB567. Three. Three. Thank you. It's funny when you
Starting point is 00:51:13 can't hear them. Just to hear them in the background. Three. No, they have to go and get shitty doctors down in Mexico to do all their work to make them they want the button plants and the breast and they stink and they fall out and then nipples fall off and they get poisoned because they look for a bargain. But then they also they also come back to get it fixed and all these doctors think that they're they have like a euro complex. So they're like, oh, I I'm the guy who can fix it. Right.
Starting point is 00:51:42 It's like a comic going up after someone bombing. Well, I'll be the one to change that. Nobody can change that. No comic says that. To change. No comic is like, let me, I'd like to clean this up. Let me clean this up. Well, maybe that I could do.
Starting point is 00:51:53 I maybe it won't be the same for me. And then you go up and you're like, I'm gonna buy. Do you feel that way? Like after someone bombs, you're like, the other way. No, I'll see a background. I'm like, okay, this is gonna be a fucking shit show.
Starting point is 00:52:02 But you go up anyways, you know. Of course you do, but you just you just you use the analogy not me You said it's like a comic who goes up after a bomb. It was just a bad analogy. I pointed it out just accepted apologize Move on Which community should I apologize to? You're not as good with the raspy voice. No, I was waiting for the old for you. No go. I don't know. Stay here I'm fun. Come here. I'm out of here. Hey, you know what? Let me let me jump in and fix this after the time. Yeah, what's the tone? What's it's gonna help? You know, I don't know. What's what's gonna help?
Starting point is 00:52:42 But do you want to leave? No, I'm good. I'm good. What is it? You're getting sensitive. What's my help? I have to find that. No, that, yeah. But do you wanna leave? No, I'm good. Well, what is he, getting sensitive? What's my way? He just said you wanna leave as a tone. Well, you all right? Is it good? Are you needing to go to a break in a second? Huh?
Starting point is 00:52:53 Oh shit. We got a fucking chance for Jared to leave. We have the Jared break. What's you gonna do? Why are you mad that I said that? Jared's tired. It's how it is. No, well, if I had gone forward with the analogy
Starting point is 00:53:03 then I'm the only one that looks like a dick. Like, I do believe that every comix is so on bombing goes will maybe i'll be the one to fix it i do believe that i don't think that i don't think that i don't think that i don't think that you believe that you said that i saw the room i saw the room kind of turn on me that the city kaki of a thing to say i think you know you feel like i don't get the love i don't think i just backed off of it because what am i gonna do that's not true i think you really feel like I was gonna get the love. So I just backed off of it, because what am I gonna do? That's not true, I think you're right.
Starting point is 00:53:27 I believe that I'm gonna cry in like a bitch. No, I'm just saying. And the room's not on my side. So I'm gonna let Bonnie go. I'm gonna go. I'll let Bonnie have her moment. And you know, I'm gonna go in the kitchen. And I'm gonna say to you, you're gonna save me.
Starting point is 00:53:43 You're gonna save me from your bomb. I mean, I didn't even agree with you. I agree with you. I heard what you said, and then she said something to you, and then you said something back, and then you said the room turned on you. I actually, I'm a vibe. No, but you didn't divide when you felt the vibe too fast on the day. Serves time. Yeah, man, I actually do it here.
Starting point is 00:53:55 I think you're right. I mean, when you're watching a comic, somebody you're like, oh, let me, I'll try to get them. And then when you don't, you'll have to. Maybe I'm right. Maybe I'm wrong. Oh, I'm wrong. I'm wrong. I think you're right. I mean, you're watching a comic, somebody you're like, oh, let me, I'll try to get him. And then when you don't, you'll be fine. Maybe I'm right.
Starting point is 00:54:09 Maybe I'm wrong. Oh, Jesus. I don't know why the fan, at a raspy Jared stinks. What the fuck am I? I don't know why the fans complain about too many comics on the show because it seems like the-
Starting point is 00:54:20 We're gonna lose one of them. We're gonna lose one of them maybe two at the break It's gonna be the Pimp and the bitch Great come she's the Pimp you're the bitch Why make her the fuck me I'm sorry Jared. I didn't mean to make you We not say sorry to each other apology. No, wow Jesus. I mean kind of a little We're all comics here Something that doesn't know how to get out
Starting point is 00:55:02 I didn't know it. Karen's fucking on tilt right now. I'm enjoying the show. Oh, my God, look at the whole thing. I'm enjoying the audition. Bob, Bob. All right, we're going to take a quick break. I have to do a read. When we come back, we'll do the read when we come back.
Starting point is 00:55:22 We'll take a quick break. I got to take a piss. We're going to be taking these breaks halfway through now, just to reset, make sure that somebody's feelings get hurt. That they can, you know, work it out in between the fucking break. It was gonna get some hugs.
Starting point is 00:55:34 Yeah, and then, we're about five minutes, we're back in five minutes. What Jason has to promote his thing. Oh Jason, promote your thing. Go ahead. You guys can go, you don't have to stay. Go ahead, promote. All right, Sunday night, eight o'clock, 99th Street, in Manhattan on the East Side.
Starting point is 00:55:50 We got a show, it's, I actually live in the building, it's in art. It was a school, I was built in 1898, rehabbed, it was, it was a shutter for 20 years. It is, we got Gary Gowman, we got Joe List, we have carman that lynch uh... we got made ron whatever the fuck is the last name is that just a mid-run yeah very excited and the seller was very funny yeah great guy we have a we have a we have a secret guest we've done the show three or four times uh... in the past uh... secret
Starting point is 00:56:18 guest have been david tell luiz ck big joker sin greg fit simmins uh... michelle wolf uh... so the show is Sunday, tickets are available. I've been here. You were in the last, you were in the last, I was in the last, what it's a fucking, I mean, you pull up, it's a very unique gig. The complex it's in is beautiful. And the crowd was great.
Starting point is 00:56:39 And it's like a community thing, correct? Like in your building. They're all artists, everyone lives in the buildings and artists, but we saw them to the public and they're all comedy nerds. And yeah, you were on the show Mark Norman and what's his name from the daily show. Ronnie Cheng was on that show.
Starting point is 00:56:58 But yeah, we've got about 25 tickets. And the one we do with you is that it had 150 seats. This one is in a small room downstairs, which is actually better for comedy. It'll be a tighter room. And we've got about, like I said, 25 tickets left. And the easiest way is, is a link.
Starting point is 00:57:16 Otherwise, it's some convoluted long event-bright bullshit. Take the train right up, Uber right up, 99th Street. Yeah, you get up at 96th, you do the sixth train, or the two train. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, 99th Street. Yeah, you get off a 96th, you do the sixth train or the two train and, yeah. Yeah, it's a fuck, I had a blast. I had a blast, it was a great gig. Everybody killed, the crowd was awesome and it was right there. And I remember I told, yeah, no, thanks for having me.
Starting point is 00:57:37 So make sure you go there, give the website one more time. Comedian Jason is the easiest way to get to the thing. It's my website and then under live dates, there's a link. All right, cool. Make sure you check it out. Thanks for my website and then under live dates, there's a link. All right, cool. Make sure you check it out. Thanks for coming in. You got it, man.
Starting point is 00:57:49 All right, we're back. Check it out, everybody. Yeah, this right here, the ridge. I have one. I've actually have two. I have more than two. I've given Becky. Excuse me for getting off my Becky has one, too.
Starting point is 00:58:03 These are my new glasses. Do you like them? Oh, I feel like I can come on. Oh, look at those. Come on, son. Look like Mo, Mo, just a Mo. Just a Mo. Look like a Mo.
Starting point is 00:58:12 Mo from Godfather, Mo Green. Yeah, Mo Green. The Ridge is a minimalistic wallet. It's a front wall. I have one right here. This is mine. Mike wants one real bad. I do. You want one? I do. I need a right here. This is mine. Mike wants one real bad. I do. You want one?
Starting point is 00:58:27 I do. I need a new wallet. Back here, you got one. Yeah, mine's better than yours. Because it's gold. How many cards? How many cards? What?
Starting point is 00:58:35 How many cards? It's crazy. Number one, you can have the back here, which I use for money. Money. Okay, and then you can fit 15 cards in here. No joke. Wow. I mean, it stretches out. It's unbelievable. It's RFID blocking wallet. Okay, it's two-meta plates, titanium, carbon fiber,
Starting point is 00:58:54 or aluminum bound together for a durable elastic band. I love mine. This is mine. You want one? I do. What pocket do you put it in? I put it in my front. Yeah, really? Yeah, because the back, what happens with the back one? This is a fact that hits your sciatic nerve. People guys put these big wallets in their back pocket pocket. You sit on them and it hits right into your butt, your sciatic nerve, you get back problems. Yeah. And this, it only goes this way.
Starting point is 00:59:22 And it fits you, you forget your hat. Yeah, and it's thin enough, because I used to put my wall in my front pocket, and then I go on stage, my dad would give me shit. Yeah. You look like an idiot with the fucking box. He's right, I hate comic. Hey, when I see a comic doing a special,
Starting point is 00:59:35 and you can see they have outlining their phone in their front pocket. Yeah, so I put everything in my back pocket now, but I always I'm switching pockets. I'm like, you know, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the cell game. I get infuriated when I see a guy when I'm like, you know, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, of my phone, which is great, but when I'm traveling, yeah, that's ridiculous.
Starting point is 01:00:06 You need to get one of these. Mike, you can have this one. That's for you. Are you happy? Yes, I'm very happy. You should be happy. I took all my stuff out of that. That's ridiculous.
Starting point is 01:00:15 I just pulled out one of those weapons I used to have in mid-eval times. Like that big whale. That makes me, that was his wallet. Here's the deal right now. My fans, YKWD fans, now get 10% off today with free worldwide shipping by going to slash YKWD. That's slash YKWD and using code YKWD. Simple as that, you get 10% off today with the code YKWD at
Starting point is 01:00:50 Slash YKWD. That's free money. That's a great bachelor gift. That's a great gift. A great bachelor gift. It's a great gift. It's a Christmas gift. A stocking stuff or all that shit. Yeah, especially if you got a friend or a guy, you know, a pal for Christmas, life partner, whatever. But I have a lot of guy friends that I don't know what to get. I get them lighters and stuff like this. That right there is a great gift.
Starting point is 01:01:13 Guys love functional gifts. Functional gifts that, but technology, dude, this is it. This is it. And it's got the money clip on the back. They got all kinds of different variations. So do that right there. That's Mike's, the ridge right there. We'll check it out.
Starting point is 01:01:27 So we're back. Now, okay, so it was, I know, it was a crazy, I haven't had that many people on the show. In a long time, I've been doing two people. Maybe three, because it was getting a little crazy on the YKWD. I listened once in a while to your fucking people. And it was getting a little crazy on the YKWD. I listened once in a while to your fucking people. And it was getting a little crazy.
Starting point is 01:01:49 But it was fun, that was fun. And Bonnie, she really got to you, huh? What happened? She didn't get to me. How about what happened? You just tired, you just a little bit. Is it because you're tired and your voice, we didn't, I know you.
Starting point is 01:02:01 Sure. And you come in and roll with anything. Of course, I know, I know, I was totally, I and roll with anything of course. I know I you know I know I I was totally I feel like I came off the wrong way. Well, you were like I should leave the tones off It's been weird since I walked well. I know that was weird like I didn't feel that when you know that I was excited No, no, we're excited to have and I agreed with you to I agree with you too It was like I didn't feel like I needed to it happened to quick You said this I should have stuck to my guns,
Starting point is 01:02:26 but I don't want, you know what, you're fucking pussy. You know what, tired, I should have been more up for it. But I wasn't a f-, you know, offended. That's, you know, that's what you really, did you really want to leave?
Starting point is 01:02:38 No, you weren't gonna leave. I was like, no, you know what you do is when you get in that situation, Kamakazee, you say I'm gonna blow myself up. Yeah. You just hope that, you know what you do is when you get in that situation, Kamikaze, you say I'm gonna blow myself up. You just hope that you know, get out the other side. Well, I mean, I think comics do do that. When you see somebody bombing, you, number one, you do this.
Starting point is 01:02:53 Fuck. You do do. Fuck, but like, I'm gonna be fine. I'm me. And the next thing you're gonna do is I'm gonna, I'm not letting, it's not like, I don't think it's for me and Ego thing like that, like I'm me, I'm the shit. No, it's fine. Which is fine to do anyways, you know, whatever you have to do But my thing is like I can't let this go down. I'm not doing that too
Starting point is 01:03:11 I'm you turning to rocky like I'm gonna fucking do this. Yeah, and you also know you're like okay Maybe the person before you's like trying new stuff and just didn't know what the you know the vibe of the room Was gonna be and then you're like okay, I'm going oh if you get it You're on stage and you get it, it's somebody who's going to stage and somebody will be just being a jerk. And he's heckling. And then they'll go the motherfucker in the front row and then you kind of put a hit out on him.
Starting point is 01:03:36 You're like, you're after him from then on. And then at least everyone's seen him be a dick. So you get to know the crowds with you. And you go smash them. Right. Yeah, no, I agree with you too know the crowds with you. Smash them. Right. Yeah, no, I agree with you too. I mean, you really, you can't. I mean, you can't do what we do and not won't go fuck that and it happened and I ain't
Starting point is 01:03:52 going down. You ain't taking me down. You ain't taking me to fuck down. Yeah. Anyways, I talk last week, you know, the reason why I want to Dante on tonight, one of the reasons I haven't seen it a while, I love having you on, and fucking the best birthday gifts, I think. I feel like you guys get to get along with trinkets. Well, yeah, well, you guys both have gadget love. Yeah, but I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like how did it make you want to fucking backfist them that he called it Oh, like he's he's fucking 20 years old
Starting point is 01:04:28 That's right like he wear the VFW all Trickets. Yeah, yeah, you like trinkets like you like fucking college sports dumb hats You know, I would pay a headphones. He's calling it trinkets. Yeah, it looks like he's fucking dress like a NASCAR driver Yes, we it trinkets. Yeah, it looks like he's fucking dressed like a NASCAR driver. Yes, we like trinkets. All gadgets. Gadgets, sorry, sorry. I think we do go toe to toe with gadgets. I think it's maybe we used to go do that. I got this and I got this and we had fun.
Starting point is 01:05:02 Now it's kind of like if I get something that you would like. You'd like to go check this out. Yeah, yeah. You got to check this out. But I have to say every year, now look, I don't tell anybody to get max any presence. But you know, And we don't.
Starting point is 01:05:17 Well, some people don't, right? Well, some people don't, and now I'm fine with that. He doesn't need anything. We get him, but some friends do. Just fuck it, they do. Some people go right to right aid, right before they get to my house. I get a fucking remote control car that dies
Starting point is 01:05:34 the second you put a battery in it, just explode. It's an electric toothbrush. I would get him whatever would annoy you the most. Please, when you listen to this show, I want you to count how many good singers, Mike, Mush Mike, who has the charisma of a foot has done. I mean, literally, if he was just somebody else, he'd be fucking so popular. I, yeah, but Dante, let me say his uncle Dante, the best fucking gifts. Jared, every this year, this motherfucker, and I told him, I go, don't get it.
Starting point is 01:06:13 Don't get it. And he got it. It was, I want one. I want another. That's how I buy him. It's like, if I, like, I would love this. Yeah. And then you give it to the kid and you're like,
Starting point is 01:06:25 I have a fuck. Yeah, Max is really, do you have any kids? Do you have any five-year-olds like a sister or anything with anything? No, no. You know what I'm doing is 23? 23? So Max is your little son. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:38 Right. All right. Just don't make the wife feel fucking girlfriend. It's a fucking sitting the corner and watching. I'll let you hold her head. I'll hold her head. I'll hold her head. fucking girlfriend. Fucking fucking sitting the corner and watching. I'll let you hold her head. I'll hold her head. I'll hold her head.
Starting point is 01:06:48 Stroker, stroke her hair. All right, enough fucking mozzy to poop. You can hold the mic. All right, hi. I want to, you're the first rock prototype. And they're like, now we need to make him thinner, taller, nicer. His eyes have to be further apart. I went too far with that, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:07:10 It's not like I'm sensitive like Harry. I know, he really is sensitive. I'm not a guy. Well, you're out of that game, I'm just gonna leave. You guys divide, what do you mean? I'm gonna attack my somebody's wife and you fucking back down. You guys the vibe I'm gonna take my somebody's wife and you fucking back down Yeah, he got I don't know what it's called
Starting point is 01:07:46 Wealy it's a three-er kid by tight descent. Don't step. Don't step. I like, push you like. Yeah, power wheels, power wheels, kids. Yeah, it's a lot of what it was. Yeah, power wheels, kids three wheel. There it is right to that one right there. He got that.
Starting point is 01:08:01 Go to the video that. Go to the video that. Hit video, just hit video. It's right there. They're talking to come one right there. He got that. Go to the video that hit video, just hit video. It's right there. All right, I'm why am I yelling at you? I'm sorry, I'm having flashbacks to mushy mics. I apologize. Anyways, is it battery power? I'm going to take this five speeds, but it goes over.
Starting point is 01:08:23 I have to turn it down. hang on before you play it. Make sure that I have to turn it down when he goes on payment because he's doing fucking 90. But when it goes over grass, it's like a tank. It's fucking stupid. So this is for real. Make it big and hit it. Make it big.
Starting point is 01:08:42 And this thing, he brought it, I didn't open it at the party because I would have fucked up all the kids and all the other press. Even the press, and we got him sucked at this. He liked it. It is fucking great. Has he gotten off its sense? He's probably... Yeah, look at this.
Starting point is 01:08:58 Look, it's got a techno beat to it. Oh my God. Wow. Go with a sand dirt rock. Oh, that. Wow. Go with sand, dirt, rocks. Oh, that's good. Oh, it plays that song while you're driving it. It's got the old Power Wheels commercial dubbed. They used to be Power Power Wheels.
Starting point is 01:09:16 Yeah, the matchup. Look at this. I mean, it goes over anything. Fat words. It's crazy. Wow. Best gift. Best gift he got ever.
Starting point is 01:09:32 Better than anything we got him, which pissed me off. I mean, Luke stepped on our toes as parents. Something you don't know, I told him I bought a form. Whatever. I gave him a helicopter from you. Uh. I gave him one of my sweater. I gave him one of my sweaters. I got him one of my wife's from sausages. Yeah, that was no two fresh on that one.
Starting point is 01:09:52 Yeah, best, I mean, so me and Dotte do, yeah, my boy. But you know, we've known each other for how long? It's about 17, 16, 17, 16, 17 years ago. It's crazy. Yeah, very similar. He does the same. I mean, you did your own podcast.
Starting point is 01:10:12 You started like scratch like me. Yeah. I mean, copped you a lot of my stuff. I mean, pretty much stole everything I came up with. I mean, that's all right, don't worry about it. That's good. Do you think? I had a face with a logo kind of like mine.
Starting point is 01:10:25 That was good. You tried it. Same hair, did I have to have a huge collar? But last week, Jay trained. Sorry, I really didn't get any heat for this, which I'm happy. My fans are fucking great. And then most of them understood what I was saying. I brought up the proud boys.
Starting point is 01:10:44 Rich Fawcett said to me, they were a hate group. They were a hate group. And I was like, well, pause. So I'm really sick of people just saying shit. Yeah. Like dividing, that's what, you know, hearing somebody say, somebody's a Nazi, a misogynist, you know, whatever.
Starting point is 01:11:05 If people just say things that were supposed to believe them and I don't do that, I can't do that. You can't do that nowadays. You have to do your own, especially when you know the person. I know the guy Gavin and I've met him. He's always been nice to me. And look, I'm not, but I wasn't promoting the proud boys. I wasn't like advocating, I don't give a fuck about anybody.
Starting point is 01:11:23 You know what I care about? I care about three fucking people, Don Max and myself. That's it. Everybody else is on the outer circle of that. And then there's another circle around that. And I don't give a fuck, you know what I mean? I care that my, I treat people well
Starting point is 01:11:37 and I pass that down to my fucking kid as of right now. Maybe later in life, I'll have the ability, I'm not financially stable enough to sit there and scream at a fucking mountain top and say, because you can't anymore. But you also, I don't believe what people say. Right now they get, so I said, dude, just don't do the research.
Starting point is 01:11:57 And I actually did. I went and watched, you know, I saw our video. This is what they are. And he explained them and he said, we're not racist, we have black people. I did all that stuff and I got a couple of emails saying, you're wrong. Dude, I love you.
Starting point is 01:12:10 Which I respect. That you didn't just get the douchebag. It just taught to me. You gotta talk. You gotta talk. So in my head, I'm like, well, let me, you know, a couple of my fans said these, look, I love you, I love the show.
Starting point is 01:12:22 So listen, but you will off the mark on this one. So, Dante is a friend of mine, 17 years, was in the proud boys. So, I wasn't, let me just, let me set it up. So, in my head, this is what I'm thinking, he's in the proud boys, he had the fucking tattoo, I'm like, let me call him. And I said, dude, you know, this happened, this happened. Are they, is the proud boys a, a hate group? And he happened, this happened. Are they, is the Proboids a hate group? And he goes, oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:46 Three seconds. Oh my God. Yeah. Talk to the elected. Fucking eight people. Fuck. But. And I listen to your white haze.
Starting point is 01:12:55 You were on the American life. Yeah. This American life. Which was very, very interesting and formative. And really, I mean, she go check it out. It's called white haze. It's on this American life. And I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm
Starting point is 01:13:04 like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I This American life, which was very interesting and formative. And really, I mean, you should go check it out. It's called White Hayes. It's on this American life. And it's not just you, it's your case is the whole thing. Hang on, hang on, hang on. I think I just shit. Bless you.
Starting point is 01:13:19 Did you really? That's not tight. Oh my God. We'll run away. He may not be kidding. There's a trail that There's a sharp sharp Sneezie sharp You can't say the word pro boys three times
Starting point is 01:13:42 The lights start flickering He shows the Bentley shows up. The lights start flickering. How did that happen? He said, he said, I'm not going to say it again three times. It was, I, so I, what happened was I was, I'm friends with Gavin. I mean, I've spoke to him in a while, but Gavin, we, I was there in the inception of the whole problem thing. That's what happened.
Starting point is 01:14:06 And he, I went on there and it's funny we were talking about, we were talking about masturbating. I stopped masturbating because of the fact that I just find that it takes away my, my the wolf out of me. Takes, takes the drive out. Yeah, yeah, it takes the wolf out. And so I went on the show. I like, I've always liked Gavin.
Starting point is 01:14:31 He's a lot of funny, funny shit. And I came on his show basically doing, I do the relationship stuff. My podcast is the base for the loop soon to be I'm rebranding it to man school 202. I went on there. I went on there just to talk about the good and he the streaks. Wow. Lil loose.
Starting point is 01:14:53 Lil squirt. I didn't really. Thank God my ass is big. I didn't make it out. I didn't. You didn't breach. You shake your hands. Not your pants. Didn't breach the surface. I mean my ass protected me. Yeah. The, not your pants. I didn't bridge the surface. I mean, my ass protected me.
Starting point is 01:15:06 Yeah. The gravity of your ass. My ass. Dude, it squirted out, but didn't make it to the fifth level. No. It made it to the fourth and a half and stopped. It made it to the final boss. I've never, oh my.
Starting point is 01:15:19 Oh my god, I forgot all about my asshole. Because that sneeze was so epic. Yeah. Wow, I'm sorry guys. All right. But I'm friends with Gavin. I do, like, I, she's funny. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:32 Can I say something? Yeah, sure. Now, you know, look, I don't care. I'm not at, this one guy tweeted, Bob Kelly advocating for problems. I'm not, look, I don't give a fuck. I don't, I'm not advocating for any, I don't, I don't give a fuck. I'm not advocating for any group. I'm not in a group.
Starting point is 01:15:49 The problem is we, you know, we're, the problem. But you can't talk about it. The problem is the Trump, like you, Trump comes out and says there's good people on both sides and then everything gets related to that. So it's like you just saying, hold on, I don't even know what this is.
Starting point is 01:16:02 That someone could interpret that as, with that person, doing his saying, well now he's advocating for it. Well it's like, no, I hold on, I don't even know what this is. That someone could interpret that as, what that person is doing is saying, well now he's advocate for it. Well it's like, no, I just wanna hear what they are. I want an expert to tell me about. If I see somebody that I know, say I'm not racist, I don't, I like black people, I like Jewish people, I like Muslims, I just don't like certain things
Starting point is 01:16:19 and I believe this way. And to me, to what I got, I just wanna live like it was the 50s. Except not hating black people. But racist don't really, they don't, they don't go up. I don't go up. Before you said that, you explained to him, you explained to me something that was interesting, that I don't know about. You said he was a race. Race, hustler. Hustler. Yeah. Which you said, our shopkins are race hustler. Certain guys are race, explain what that is.
Starting point is 01:16:48 Where you become this character, you get a lot of that on Fox News and stuff where people exaggerate and they play, they pander to the audience. And so they don't have these, they may have some beliefs and they may even be racist, but they're pandering to their audience so that the audience, it's like giving a red meat to their audience so that they become this person and then the audience perceives them in some way. It's like finding your people, whatever it is, a thousand people, 20,000 people, finding them and just giving them what they want no matter if you believe it or not.
Starting point is 01:17:24 Right. So like Michelle Owens, the girl who was with Kanye West, the black girl who was gone, people finding them and just giving them what they want, no matter if you believe it or not. Right. So like Michelle Owens, the girl who was with Kanye West, the black girl who was kind of just 22 years old, she was a liberal. Now all of a sudden she's a conservative and she's going pull up your bootstraps and stop drinking more. And it's just like goofy stuff. Where are they getting paid?
Starting point is 01:17:39 Yeah, they go on where they get paid and with no morality about what it is. Now I think to a certain extent, there's things about that that Gavin does believe because we've had conversations about. And I think that he's racist. Now, are we all racist? Yes, that's what I was going to say also. The problem is when you call somebody a racist, what evokes in their mind is this is the picture of what a racist is, right? So me.
Starting point is 01:18:09 Whatever, whatever, it's just visual. Right, what visual. This is the thing. And anything less than that, less than whatever that image is, is not racist, which is just not true. Oh, no, I understand that. But look, I think that all comics have to kind of be racist. I mean, we say not that we have to, let me refresh that.
Starting point is 01:18:31 We are racist because funny is in racism, funny is in, right? But here's the problem, I think. If you go for it, what's the definition? Can you pull up the definition of racist? And then I think people would not get as, they wouldn't be as crazy about it. Because I think even a definition of racism is something that people kind of ad lib about what it is.
Starting point is 01:18:55 What does say white Mike? Uh, I'm not gonna say white Mike. Precious discrimination or antagonism. Really like a white man proud. I'm not a prep boy, I'm sorry. You look like one. I know, it really hurts me. Or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's
Starting point is 01:19:12 own race is superior. Right. So that's so, you know, let me ask you a question. Like this, I've met Gavin, you know Gavin. Yeah. And you know, he has a family, he has kids, he makes pancakes with faces on them. I feel like I've done my research on Gavin McGinnis and I've listened to him talk and I've done, you know, I see that, okay, the last, he does like to fight.
Starting point is 01:19:36 I'm from Boston. All my friends like to fight. They love to go out, get rowdy and fight people. And now- It's not that, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's,
Starting point is 01:19:48 it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, gays, gay black guys, and Jewish people in the pro-boys. How does that happen? Because there's always been that. It's just like when you talk to a racist and you talk about slavery, a racist will always say, well, black soul slaves too. There's always been people that, that- The KKK does not have black people in the Jewish and in the gay people. No, but that doesn't mean- I mean, they do have gay people, they just don't know it. Yeah, but they just because of the fact that you can find
Starting point is 01:20:26 individuals to jarrads out by the way. Oh yeah. There's nothing to do with this one. I'm gonna talk about colleges and tits in a second. Okay. Oh wait. The correct way to finger pop a chicken, a fucking civic. Oh my goodness.
Starting point is 01:20:40 Oh my goodness. Jesus Christ, you really tended to Jason Cantor. Whoa. That what the racist is. Now it doesn't mean that you lynch people or you're violent. Like even in the KKK, somebody's got to make the old thing. And that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to do that. I'm going to do that. I'm going to do that. I'm going to do that. I'm going to do that. I'm going to do that. I'm going to do that. I'm going to do that. I'm going to do that. I'm going to do that. I'm going to do that. I'm going to do that. I'm going to do that. I'm going to do that. I'm going to do that. I'm going to do that. I'm going to do that. I'm going to do that. I'm going to do that. I'm going to do that. I'm going to do that. I'm going to do that. I'm going to do that. I'm going to do that. I'm going to do that. I'm going to do that. I'm going to do that. I'm going to do that. I'm going to do that. I'm going to do that. I'm going to do that. I'm going to do that. I'm going to do that. I'm going to do that. I'm going to do that. I'm going to do that. I'm going to do that. I'm going to do that. I'm going to do that. I'm going to do that. I'm going to do that. I'm going to do that. I'm going to do that. I'm going to do that. I'm going to do that. I'm going to do that. I'm going to do that. I'm going to do that. I'm going to do that. I'm going to do that. I'm going to do that. I'm going to do that. Now it doesn't mean that you lynch people or you're violent. Like even in the KKK, somebody's got to make the oatmeal cookies.
Starting point is 01:21:10 You know what I mean? I got every but not the black guy. No, but you always had blacks and Latinos stop. I know what you're saying. I got you. They coexist with black people, but don't drink out of my fountain. Right. But it's also a situation where those black people, but don't drink out of my fountain right, but it's also a situation where Those black people Latinos are or even Jews are these self hating Jews
Starting point is 01:21:32 Also, there's a money angle to it like where it's like like they they are Completing each other in a way that they both do better. It's almost like a like I'm saying like if there's that like if a Jew is in The proud boys, right? There there's a Jewish proud boy guy. He's getting something out of that in the same way that you say that Gavin McGinnis gets out of the proud boys by saying certain things to in rage as group. So like you see a lot of a lot of these probably is there the big Israel people, the big like okay Israel is not everything's about Israel. Because they're against the Muslim.
Starting point is 01:22:06 They're against the, they play a lot in Muslim. Whatever they, they connected to Israel in their way that they, the Muslims far, you know, extreme. And I'm a big kind of, Can I just say something? This is where we're at today, in this fucking world, you have to, you, and even this conversation, somebody's gonna listen and somebody's gonna say, oh yeah, you're fucking blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 01:22:30 It's so fucked up. Yeah. It's almost fucked up where you just, I just want to be able to talk and not have to deal with. Well, it's also created in the comments or, you know, it's like dude it's like a song but only what you want it's only when you give that energy like when you go you say something and somebody says something else and then they you go well I didn't mean it and you you but then it's look at I look I actually the people that did contact me were actually very cool about I have to say that it was it it made me want to call you and go, yeah, maybe let me see. Because the problem is that you should want to find out.
Starting point is 01:23:09 You should make a decision. And the fact is, is having the, do I care about the, no, the Proud Boys want to exist, go ahead. If you fuck up and do some bad shit, we'll know about it. Like the KKK, they were always there, but it seemed to me and I could be wrong I don't know I'm a fucking well they won't always deal but go ahead, but no, they were no they were always there No, hang on let me finish my fuck before you say no
Starting point is 01:23:34 I'm fucking white My bad Funny when he does that then he gets nervous I'm saying it's I'm saying it's I'm saying it's I'm saying it's I'm saying it's I'm saying it's
Starting point is 01:23:52 I'm saying it's I'm saying it's I'm saying it's I'm saying it's I'm saying it's I'm saying it's I'm saying it's I'm saying it's I'm saying it's I'm saying it's... Oh, great. Oh, hey. I'm doing my Jewish self.
Starting point is 01:24:08 Hey, come on. 45, who needs it? Buzlta, good for you. Who needs it? Such time. My uncle's been ten. My uncle's bagel shop is over and it's six. You should know you'll be done by that.
Starting point is 01:24:22 Don't you got things to do. What I'm saying is that like the cool cuts clan, at some point, wherever, maybe the 90s or early two, nobody gave a fuck about them. It's like, you saw these guys do the amount of. Yeah, I did. Just what he did. Oh, hand one second. But what's the add to the people that they were saying is that they were, they were to the majority of, at least to me,
Starting point is 01:24:45 it's like, look at these fucking idiots. Look at these fun, and it's like, I feel like now, but that's almost a Northeast Boston point of view. Because I hear what you're saying. I hear exactly what you're saying. We're like, to me or you living in Boston, or outside of Boston, you're like the KKK is like almost a cartoon.
Starting point is 01:25:07 Right, yeah. You know, you're like, who would do that? But like, to someone else. I mean, the numbers plummeted. Nobody was joining the KKK. Like back in the day, the KKK was a lot of the country. Was the country. And now it's like it wound up to be 13 fucking dudes
Starting point is 01:25:22 from, you know, down south. And they were like, fucking, you know, I mean, you lost. You lost them that. Yeah, I'm exaggerating, of course, I'm not saying I've pushed them. And it's taking a different, but now I feel like it's taking a different look. They, they know it's just a different, they're not wearing hoods. Like, it's the worst. Now we're in college hats.
Starting point is 01:25:42 And we're in suits and And the things when you say, well, nobody gave a fuck about, yeah, black people who were lynched gave a fuck about. I'm not saying, listen, I'm not saying. And I know that's what you're saying, but I'm saying you're saying that because, I know, yes. Black people gave a fuck about it.
Starting point is 01:25:56 You're perspective is not. Which is all I have. And this is right, but the thing is, the thing is when you talk about this, I just want to favor, the Eagle claw fingers down, because I'm looking at that like it's talking. I'm like, oh, oh, oh, when you, when you're giving your fingers a speech,
Starting point is 01:26:15 when you talk about this, one thing that I've learned, because I've been doing, ever since this whole thing, I've done a bunch of interviews and talked about this, is that I don't think there's a very rarely do you have somebody who hates black people. Nobody really hates anybody. What they do is, but they're indifferent about black people.
Starting point is 01:26:33 They don't care. And so they don't care the plight that they're in. They don't care that there's systemic racism. They don't care. And so, and then when you try, like I say for a way, that racism is kind of like a woman's period. Like a guy thinks it's happening, but they just don't think it's that bad because it doesn't affect them.
Starting point is 01:26:51 Oh, it's bad. My wife's a fuck. This one's watching. Yeah. Oh, she forgets that little 11 right here. She starts looking at me funny, like she hates me. No, 11. But I think, can I say something, you know, my big beef,
Starting point is 01:27:04 my big thing in life, what my thing is, I love him. But I think that, can I say something, you know, my big beef, my big thing in life, what my thing is, I hate class. I hate that there's a class of people that look down on most of us. And treat you like shit. And I hate that this class seems, they're always the ones telling us what to do, what's right, what's wrong,
Starting point is 01:27:25 and they get to flip and be hypocrites, and they have this secret lives that they live. They don't give a fuck about anybody. They don't give a fuck about anybody. They give a fuck about their money. They give a fuck about their money, and it's like, wait a minute, the rest of us are out here,
Starting point is 01:27:39 fucking making it in spite of you rich motherfuckers. And I'm not talking though. There's the white You know Millionaires you're talking about I'm talking about there's people that don't that can go to their fucking ATM And then knees don't wobble. Yeah, they'll just never have to worry about money again If they never go to the 18 right if they didn't even know they got some money manager motherfucker They don't even fucking look at that shit and they somehow look down and fuck with the rest of it We talked about that we was weird on the phone talking about and how it there's a situation We had the whole thing is it's the machine has to keep going yeah, and so part of the machine when I say the machine
Starting point is 01:28:20 People going to work. You know talking about birch right now No, no, no, no, he's a lovely man. He is a lovely man. I mean, I was talking to somebody about this. It's like if you think about every morning, how many bacon and egg sandwich is sold every day? No, every day, like every day. The fact that people go to work every day, there's money being generated.
Starting point is 01:28:42 And when that machine stops, that's when the richest people in America stop making money. And so the need to keep that machine going is what's important. Well, why is it, what happened to the need to separate us so much? Like why are we allowing this? Let me finish talking at them. What I'm saying is why, okay, let me finish the thought before you get you. I mean I know you know that was really good. I was like, I was just hanging on to it.
Starting point is 01:29:09 I was trying to say, if I can bug me, what do you mean my wife? I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I would be, I a couple. I can't even, I mean, we take over the business. Right. Right. We have a Netflix show. Oh my god. Scott Scalera brother. Yeah. It's a fresh agent's vice. Oh, shades of spice.
Starting point is 01:29:33 Yeah. We give some speech at the end of our, how do a half hour comedy and then go, you know what? To fuck diversity. Yeah, we come on hold hands. Be racist. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:44 No, listen. How about this, you stand there, do your half hour, and then you turn and I'm behind you. Yeah. And I do my makeup on. I'm behind you. I'm behind you. I'll turn you and go, hey babe, you ready?
Starting point is 01:29:57 I'm like, what? Get you in the mouth and do your go. I'll just sit on the chair while you. I have five years. Oh, you're brother. I'm so fucking scared. You're about to mock her. I'm so glad we're having fun out there. Jared's not gonna leave. I'm so glad you haven't.
Starting point is 01:30:16 You're sensitive to time. I'm gonna take it on on a podcast by Bonnie. What the fuck? Anyways, I hate you for bringing that up. Bonnie. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha The majority of us are, I don't give a fuck about any of that shit. I think that's the problem. What? The problem that when you go, all I give a fuck about is my three people.
Starting point is 01:30:52 That is what the problem is. Can I say why though? It's very, I know why. I mean, it's so hard to not be selfish for me. I look at not everybody was meant to be Chris Rock or Louis or whoever the, well, I got to name a girl because they don't have people Amy or whatever the hell are these people are. I mean, you might never, the majority of us might never make it there. But you'll make where you make, right? But it's so hard to, to, to, to take, to be a father, to be
Starting point is 01:31:23 a husband, to try to do the right thing. Try not to do, you know, fuck up and go to work and not get too fucking in your head and be selfish and to, you know, play with the kid when you wanna go take a nap and stay with the family when you rather just go do a spot and hang out and get accolades and fucking and laughs and then put that money
Starting point is 01:31:45 aside and have to take kids you don't want to take and have to go to put and then you go there and you're like wow I'm really funny I know I'm funny why didn't I sell out and this guy who was famous 13 14 years ago who's not even a comic sells out weeks ahead of time makes thousands of dollars more than me and I got a fucking deal with that. But then the home, here's the check honey, I got to go back out again. I mean, it's a struggle. It's so fucking hard. I'm going to say something that I think I think is so hard to do that and to maintain that and keep fighting the good fight because you don't want none of us want to give up.
Starting point is 01:32:20 We all have a dream and we think we can achieve it and we get little spurts of it and you keep going up the ladder. But then you gotta worry about the fucking world and everybody else and causes and things. I don't like bullying and I don't like fucking snobs. I don't like people fucking taking advantage of people and I hate fucking racism and I hate people who fucking treat women like shit.
Starting point is 01:32:42 And mainly I don't like people who treat children like shit. If you wanna put a fucking scale, it's kids first with me. 100%, that's what we change the world. That's where you start. You make the kids, you know, like I said this a bunch of times. That's why Bobby was my right in vote for every second. I really caught on the ballot.
Starting point is 01:33:02 First of all, Mike. I think we're gonna flip this. Well, Mike, if I start monologuing the decision. We're gonna flip the decision. If I start monologuing, okay, please shut me the fuck up. You should give me like a little sign. I'm just, I think part of it, and it's just funny. I talk about this on my podcast all the time, and this goes to having relationships,
Starting point is 01:33:20 being able to get to, you know, you have guys who don't have access to women. Credibility, authenticity and empathy. If you practice those three things, I think everything works out. But you have to practice it all the time in order for it to get easy. So I believe in that. The idea that you have a lot of people that like, you know, the empathy part is a big thing. Yeah. Where it's like, you have to allow people to fuck up for you to fuck up.
Starting point is 01:33:46 Right. You know, like, that's a big thing. That's kind of a, like, we, I went on this one podcast, and I made a joke about Kelly Clarkson. I love her. She's great. I love her. I made a stupid joke.
Starting point is 01:34:01 I have all our albums on my phone. They were doing the news. And they were like Kelly Clarkson was on James Corden's Carpool Cario and I said, how could they tell who was who? That's all I said. It's a funny joke. Funny joke is it just is it is it mean? Of course it is.
Starting point is 01:34:16 A little whatever, but it's a joke. You know I'm joking. And this person I didn't know was like a huge like there are people on this person's show that you can either make fun of or you're not allowed to make yeah And then you're not allowed you cannot make fun of Telecar accident and literally was just like five seconds just staring me down like and I was like okay Let's just move on like I and then it became a thing was this two series of stories? What was this two's with stories no podcast
Starting point is 01:34:48 Yeah, they got so offended I Would be the joke, but I just spowling out. Everybody else got it. You're the one who didn't I'm gonna go I gotta go It's a vibe thing I But I what I I gotta go. It's a vibe thing. But then something happened later to this person where they came out with a comment where they found old tweets of hers and she had been saying bad things about Muslims. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:35:17 You know what? And it's like, that's the thing you gave me. Here's his, then that's why I say authenticity. Right. Because what happens is, okay, I had a thing with a guy, and I was at Stanley, New York, and the guy wanted to talk, I was talking about the Kaepernick thing, and he wanted to talk to me.
Starting point is 01:35:34 And as he wanted to talk to me, he comes, and he, can I ask you a question? I go, look, I don't have a talking, I don't mind talking about this, but I'm gonna have a discussion, I don't wanna have a debate. If you don't wanna learn anything from me, then we can't do this, I don't wanna do it. He goes, yeah, yeah, he's sure.
Starting point is 01:35:49 So the first thing he does is he goes, what about black women's highest level of abortions? So I'm looking at this white guy with cargo shorts and Epstein here, whatever the fuck. And I go, I'm just curious, Cargo shorts and Epstein here, whatever the fuck. And I go, I'm just curious, is this something that you care about? Like do you volunteer at Lamp Head?
Starting point is 01:36:14 Are you trying to start? No, he's just bringing up a statue, just gonna bring it up. And so you're dishonest about what you care about. And so if you don't care about it, don't talk to me about it. Yeah. So I like, I'll have, I'll have argument. Guys will be talking about the cap or anything.
Starting point is 01:36:30 And I don't mind having a discussion about it. But if you can't name three unarmed black men, first and last name, I will not have the discussion with you. Can I say something? So the moon over my hammy sandwich at Denny's. This is amazing. I really care about that sandwich. I just bear enough. I just really, it's really good.
Starting point is 01:36:50 Oh God, moon's over my hammy. Over my hammy. You get what they did? Like hammy. My hammy. My downstairs. I hop is not a professional. This is what I care about.
Starting point is 01:37:03 Denny's is doing it right. Look at it. look at it. Look at it. Move over to Miami. Oh my God. Is that your go-to order? This is two different things. My hammies.
Starting point is 01:37:11 I still have a goal-fish name. Miami. Richard fishes. Richard fishes. Richard fishes. But no, I understood fish. I'm sorry for adding a little levity. Jared's going to be there in then December 11th of life. I
Starting point is 01:37:27 I know I would like to be book Me too, I live 10 minutes away. I am I honestly were you saying It's but here's the thing like if if I thought a certain way on Paper is the moons over Hammy on a secret menu? No. Oh, a regular man. No, no, you just had to order it. It's always on there. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Starting point is 01:37:49 I love that. Yeah. This is it. Like, what's your name? Bobby's going off menu at the time. Probably was Secret Menu. Just some fucking around. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:58 Yeah. And he found out you ever hear these secret menus? Yeah, yeah. That's a show that does that. Oh, really? Yeah, the guy from Man Against Food doesn't. Oh, the Adam, yeah, show them. Oh, really? Yeah, the guy from a man against food does it? The Adam, Adam Rich, whatever. They almost killed people. He really, he put on weight. He then he took it off. Yeah, he got angry at people. Well, you got
Starting point is 01:38:15 angry because he almost he was fucking. Yeah, you're not supposed to eat 13 hamburgers and one thing. You can go home and take a week and then come back filming you can't yeah I'm gonna film the what is it like game of thrones you gonna wait six months for another episode In six weeks Adam tries the largest I would wait for it like it's a pack-out fight I would have played Fuck him for trying to vest on to He tried to fast-train should ever do a vest
Starting point is 01:38:45 It's like a turtle trying to straighten it out. Fuck it man. He tried to vest. The fact I should ever do a vest. It's a turtle. He's trying to straighten it out. He's trying to use lines to his advantage. Yeah, that vest looks like it's crying. That's dangerous. That's actually, that vest is the dangerous button. It's going to kill a bit. Those are metal buttons.
Starting point is 01:38:58 So anyways, you, if you don't care about it, but what happens is people, the cops can mess represent themselves. So that you give them the kind of, this importance. It's an element. Because if you go, if you go, look, I don't hate black people. Then you're not in the conversation anymore.
Starting point is 01:39:22 You can't say, well, I just think that the problem, you need it. The perfect example from kind of like the liberal side of this is now, there was this whole article, and I'm not sure New York Times or something like this, about all these Instagram accounts of rich mothers that never show the nannies. So and it's a level of this because they're thinking and they don't say this out loud, but they're saying, if I show my nanny in my beautiful way it takes me from the normal conversation. Well, to me can I say something to you? You have a nanny, you know, my wife stays home, takes care of the fucking kid, okay, and
Starting point is 01:39:56 it's hard. And we can, you know, we can't afford a fucking nanny. But let's be aware that these people have nannies that take the kid till you know from eight to five or six every day, they come on, they feed the kid a little, not even anything, they put him to bed. Say good night, they see him on Saturday, maybe Sunday. And when they go away, they bring a nanny. It's like, are you being a parent?
Starting point is 01:40:19 You know, fucking a parent? Well, the thing that's why they're taking my other Instagram game is they don't want to be out of the judgment game. Yeah, but you're not a fucking the good game. You know, they want to go out and say and tell people what their political Sanchez. I'm a mother I feel. Well, I'm not saying you're not a mom.
Starting point is 01:40:34 You're a mom of course. It depends. But here's the thing. You go to the park. Go to the park on a Tuesday. It's a bunch of Haitian women with white little toe heads. Just walking around. I'm like, where the fuck? And I understand, but here's, I think the problem. Everybody wants to be rich. Everybody wants to be famous. Everybody wants to be a millionaire. And the
Starting point is 01:40:55 way you do that is you sacrifice your family. You dedicate your life to it. So instead of, instead of, it wants to be rich and be in the conversation because there is a conversation going on online. So like, just like today, everyone's like go out and vote. They say everyone should vote, but they don't, they're saying vote if you think like me. Well, that no, first of all, can I say something? Every fucking actor out there, every comic, every, they're literally, they're saying, go
Starting point is 01:41:22 vote the way I want you to vote, they're not saying believe that part That's almost like what you said which is go vote The way I want to be able to hang on to it. Can I say something? First of all she was recording it For the gram I was repeating it I'm a god I was repeating it because I'm a god damn professional
Starting point is 01:41:49 Just a little better than I mean my acting was you'd hire me This is gonna be a raid down of it. I get the answer part I'm the girls feeding line That's what I said today on my Instagram I got up I went down went down the street, I found out where I was red. Just said, I went down the street, there's two seconds, a little three minute drive, I went in, I voted, and I came out, are you happy? Can you shut the fuck up now? I'm voting, I don't need you to tell me to fucking vote.
Starting point is 01:42:18 And they think that, if we all go vote, go blue wave, I would ever, and I'm a registered Democrat, to be honest with you, and then people go, If we all go vote, go blue wave, whatever. And I'm a registered Democrat to be honest with you. And then people go, what did you vote? None of you fucking business. It's a crazy world with that stuff. I mean, it's adults trying to parent other adults. People people working in it. I took dare, the fucking telling me.
Starting point is 01:42:42 I can look at a fucking calendar and figure it out. It says it on your phone. Yeah, so what do you want, what do you want from me? He gets something in the mail. I mean, yeah, the last couple of minutes. The goal says, this thing is crazy. Go vote. When you look at, when you Google today, it's a go vote.
Starting point is 01:42:53 I look, I get it. It is a fucking thing. No, but this is the, we're living in this like this mob mentality. It goes on with everything. There's an app to tell you whether your friends voted or not. Like, you know, we're trying to out people, right left and right. And what do you guys, what is that do that? Take it on the concert. If you don't care, but you only care a little bit. That's where the app exists. Because you needed an engineer to create the thing.
Starting point is 01:43:15 So that you can make an easy on the one is judge people. I, I, it's like, it's like, it's like when you use that, I was going to hate mail, but I was voting imagine how much energy it used to take to write you a letter about, you started to say, I was voting hate mail, but I was voting, imagine how much energy it used to take to write you will letter about a show that you did. I was voting today and it was, I was in one of the boxes, it had the Democrat Republican, and then it has, you know, all the other thing that it's independent was the same as the Democrat.
Starting point is 01:43:39 Yeah. Hmm. I was like, what? Wait a minute. You can't, you can, so you get two slots. Yeah, you can. How are you like, huh? Because it minute. So you get two slots? How are you? Huh? Because there's like people who run as like Democrats and then like the working families
Starting point is 01:43:50 party and stuff like that. So they can run as a Democrat. And so for the average asshole, I mean, look, if you got to vote Democrat Amos, who gives you, but if you're like, who do I vote for? You're trying to read the shit and figure it out. You see the name three times. You see the name, you're like, oh I vote for you're trying to read the shit and see figure it out Name three times. You see the name you like oh, that's the fucking one Yeah, the other one I mean that guy's pretty popular. I like that Oh
Starting point is 01:44:17 I mean it's in the sense D and all Thoughtless voter guy. If you... That's it. Warren, this is the one. It's called electoral fusion. Yeah, what the fuck the fusion? I like my Chinese food Chinese.
Starting point is 01:44:38 I don't like Japanese mixed in. I don't want to get fucking low-main and sushi in the same restaurant. Keep Japanese, Japanese. Keep a b Japanese, Japanese. Keep Apache, Japanese. You keep Pat Tye over in Pat Tyeville. And I wanna get fucking binmah, or whatever. I should know.
Starting point is 01:44:55 Bombay. Bombay, thank you. Fah, you correct me again in front of somebody. You'll be over there with fucking Mushy Mike. Is that what you want? I said it as a question, like, I just want it as a bad to be over here now. You got a Ridge Wallet shut up. Is that what you want? I said it as a question, like, I just want it as a bad to be over here now.
Starting point is 01:45:05 You got a rich wallet shut up. I'm, yeah, they don't care, they don't care and they're trying to act like they can. Man, you know what it is? I think the, all of us, I think the majority, at least me, we just wanted to go back, just back to when it was, you know, back to the 20s when it was good. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no Not you. I'm gonna say that. I'm gonna say, make that distinction. I feel like we were going in the right direction
Starting point is 01:45:46 where we were, and I'm gonna say this, Obama, I don't care if you think he sucked or he fucked up, he was a bad president, whatever the fuck you think. There was something about him that gave us the hope and kind of brought us together. There, it's like, okay, the rock, you look at wrestling, all right, you look at wrestling. There's a lot of wrestlers, but the rock stood out. There was something about him that you,
Starting point is 01:46:13 even when he was a bad guy, and he was like, don't you, don't you repeat them, he was yelling at the fans, don't, and they were like, fuck you, we love you, you piece of shit. There was something about him. I'm not even gonna go to him. What?
Starting point is 01:46:25 Well, that character, I know a couple of professional wrestlers, that character he was doing, was a crack dealer. That with the gold chains and the Versace. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, it was definitely. It was definitely, yeah, some type of drug, pimpy, cold dealer. Yeah, I mean, he came out, yeah, it doesn't matter. Oh, he would come in and he would be like,
Starting point is 01:46:45 cuz can you smell and the family like smell it shut up. You don't talk over the rock. Yeah, he was literally he was the he was I He'll end a baby face. Yeah, he became a baby face. Look at him. Look at that motherfucker. God damn it. That's not him He's not even picking it up. Yeah, just go back rock. I mean, he was doing, he was doing sth. 2001, like he was killing it. Yeah, but that charisma. I mean, he was so good. It's like we look for that. This era.
Starting point is 01:47:14 But you also had an era, like if you went into wrestling, they always had their finger on the pulse of what was going on. So when you talk about like stone coal, stone coal was the conservative right Republican do's with the fatigue. And the former and there was like, he was a beer-drinking fucking ball-white dude. But he was righteous. He used to beat up his name man. He was because he was righteous. So he was going to beat up the establishment.
Starting point is 01:47:44 He was beating up the Goodmire this is my man. He was right just when he was going to get the establishment. He was beating up. But it was the modern day Robin Hood, yeah, but deal. And that's why Robin Hood, we love that movie, because most of us love somebody who goes against who takes out the fucking bad guy, the rich people. Underdogs. But I think the problem is that we can't just stay in our little box and go, this is all I care about. So, are we in our little box and go, this is all I care about. So, are we in a little box, though?
Starting point is 01:48:06 I mean, don't you think that, I mean, this may sound naive, this may sound stupid. Aren't we just humans first? Or do we have to continually say women, transgender, trans, she, he, them, he, with, zed, black, white, tan? I mean, you're not black enough. I'm not a person, I'm not a person that says that it hasn't gone over the overboard. But you have to look at the historical reference that got you there in the first place. So this all these 29 pronouns in the LGBTQ3, whatever community is because there were guys who were killing gay men and gay women, they were killing them.
Starting point is 01:48:47 And that's why you have this whole other thing going. When you're talking about, it's like, we talked about this before. Can I ask you a question? Sure. Do you care if there's a transgender bathroom? No, but if I think that if you, I'm like you in a sense that if what I do, and we bust each other's balls all the time. But when you do something that hurts somebody's feeling
Starting point is 01:49:14 and you find out that you go, dude, I don't even know. But that's really the point. That's the point. I hate that. If a little boy wants to be a little, who gives a fuck? Well, you can't go who gives a fuck. You gotta, you have to fight for that right, because it like so. I don't say, but you're saying this is where you gotta break it down.
Starting point is 01:49:35 I don't mean, I don't give a fuck about them. I care about them enough to, all right, what do you want? How do you want to do a good fight? But you can't be indifferent about it. And that's the problem. Everybody's indifferent about everything else. All right, what do you want? How do you want to do? Okay fine. Okay fine. Okay fine. Okay fine. Okay fine. Okay fine. Okay fine.
Starting point is 01:49:48 Okay fine. Okay fine. Okay fine. Okay fine. Okay fine. Okay fine. Okay fine. Okay fine.
Starting point is 01:49:56 Okay fine. Okay fine. Okay fine. Okay fine. Okay fine. Okay fine. Okay fine. Okay fine.
Starting point is 01:50:04 Okay fine. Okay fine. Okay fine. Okay fine. Okay fine. Okay fine. Okay fine. Okay fine. Okay fine. Okay fine. Okay fine. Okay fine. Okay fine. Okay fine. Okay fine. Okay fine. Okay fine. Okay fine. Okay fine. Okay fine. Okay fine. Okay fine. Okay fine. Okay fine. Okay fine. Okay fine. Okay fine. Okay fine. Okay fine. Okay fine. Okay fine. Okay fine. Okay fine. Okay fine. Okay fine. Okay fine. Okay fine. Okay fine. Okay fine. Okay fine. Okay fine. Okay fine. Okay fine. Okay fine. Okay fine. Okay fine. Okay fine. Okay fine. Okay fine. Okay fine. Okay fine. Okay fine. I'm just gonna give you an example. Becky believes that you can be somewhere in the middle. It's fluid, right? Okay, so you're the minority, there's only one of you in the school, right? And you want your, you want a fluid bathroom. Okay, fine, have a fluid bathroom. But I'm not gonna take away his beliefs.
Starting point is 01:50:22 I am not gonna fucking take away his beliefs. I am not gonna fucking take away his beliefs. I am not gonna deny that. But if you go, if you go, I want it. Do you think that's right to take away me? No, but what I'm saying, if you go, I don't agree with abortion, then don't have an abortion. If you don't agree with gay sex or gay marriage, don't marry a dude.
Starting point is 01:50:40 Stop, stop, stop, slow down. You're giving too many examples where I have to. I can't answer you. I'm not, well, it's stop, slow down. You're given too many examples where I have to, I can't answer you. I'm not, well, it's an overall general sense where I have to answer. I have to understand it. I can't understand if you just, if you're just,
Starting point is 01:50:52 this is a problem with any conversation is that people say this epic shit. If you don't bore shit in this and I'm like, what the fuck are you saying? And then I'm just nodding my head down. I'm saying your freedom, yes, my freedom can't be taking your freedom away. Right.
Starting point is 01:51:09 So what you find would be all right. It's their fighting to take your freedom away. Right. I don't agree with that. And that is what the problem is. That is a problem. Right. So you don't get to dictate my life because of your religious beliefs.
Starting point is 01:51:23 But I don't get to dictate their life. Absolutely, but nobody's dictating their life. Well, no, no, when you're making somebody, what are you taking away from, if I'm in the position where I wanna boys and girls bathroom, and then they take the handicap stall and they make that the transgender bathroom. Or they don't even make it that,
Starting point is 01:51:41 they just make it the restroom. You can't, yeah, but if some, I don't want my, some guys, I don't want my little girl or my teenage girl going into a bathroom with a male. Now maybe I'll get over that, maybe I'll learn about it. Nobody's getting molested in the bathroom by a transgender dude. What are you making a face for? What are you making a face for? What are you making a face for? It's just where do you draw the line? Like a lot of parents previous generations would have
Starting point is 01:52:13 been upset to have their male children go to school with female children as well. Absolutely. Or I mean like white and black together was a huge issue for this country. This podcast. I don't know like you can't share no more stuff twice. It's hard for me to like let you draw a line anywhere because we should really be accepting as our friends. I think you should accept people. I just don't like if like if if somebody says, look, man, I don't want my little girl going in a bathroom with a boy because but I don't believe in that.
Starting point is 01:52:45 I'm not going to say fuck you, that's the way it is. That's the way it is now. Fuck off. You're really known because bathroom is this that you're talking about. Hang on, that's, I know they don't exist, but people keep bringing these bathrooms up, like they do exist or they're going to exist. Yeah, but let me ask you a question. Why is, why is certain religions, whatever they want is respected, right?
Starting point is 01:53:09 And if you say right wing people, why don't they want that? Why abortion? Abortion is religious based, correct? Is that why they don't? So their religion is, you can't get an abortion because that's killing a life. Right, exactly. Okay. So now, what about other religions that believe and fucked up shit too, like pressing women and stuff like that, or about gays being terrible?
Starting point is 01:53:33 What do we have to do? I'm totally against religion anyway, because it's illogical and I don't give a fuck about the spaghetti monster. But that's me. I think it's a hard thing. I think that what we're going to be pushing through right now, we're going to get through it. So I don't know when, I don't know how, but it's such a different, every single level of
Starting point is 01:53:51 this is so complicated. It's like math. It's so much. It's so much. Yeah, but he can't just say. He is where it's simple. I'm just not going to say fuck Gavin McGinnis, fuck, because he, fuck him. He's a hate group. I've met the guy He's never did anything bad. I've never seen him say be do anything hate was an artist like do you?
Starting point is 01:54:15 Please don't know I'm not comparing him but you brought his name up with him And I don't like that, but I don't like that. Yeah, but I'm doing that anyways. I know, but I don't like it I don't care I'm not but I'm't like that. Yeah, but I'm doing that anyway. I know, but I don't like it. I don't care if you like it. But I'm not gonna sit there and say, no, you can say that what I'm saying is, I'm not gonna handle her. No, I'm not.
Starting point is 01:54:31 What I'm saying is, what I'm saying is that if you're, it just because somebody is a nice guy, just because he's a nice guy. God, he said, I don't care. I'm not gonna say. Does it mean if he's not a racist? Yeah, no, no, that's all I'm saying. I don't think, you think Gavin Guinness is a racist?
Starting point is 01:54:47 Yes. By the definition that we just looked up, absolutely. He does think that white guys are better than. He thinks white people are better. Yes. Absolutely. I've never seen that. You're saying it from experience, correct?
Starting point is 01:55:03 Yes. I've never seen it. I've never seen it. I've never seen it. I've never seen it. I've never seen that. The topic stuff he brought up. Why would he bring that up to you? It's not even a joke. We've had discussions. To me personally, we've had discussions. I've listened to a ton of things that he said.
Starting point is 01:55:18 A ton of speeches. I've read a bunch of shit. He's a very smart and he knows how to weave. But wait a minute. But you have to fucking acknowledge that I've went, I've not acknowledged in that. What I'm saying is that racist don't say I'm a racist. David, I know do.
Starting point is 01:55:34 Well, you don't know that. Because they think that you're a different party. We have in my house. They think you're down. That's a different barbecue. I get it. I want to come. You're not a son.
Starting point is 01:55:44 And they bring shitty gifts.. You're not a son. And they bring shitty gifts. Yeah. Yeah, they made a wood. A lot of whittling. And crosses for the front. Only whittling. 50s made in America gifts.
Starting point is 01:55:54 Yeah, I love it really. It's expensive. It simplifies it. It's a lot of wheel barrels. Wooden rocking horses. Rocking horses. We had rocking horses and rocking horses. We're dolls with... Max has 12 red racers.
Starting point is 01:56:08 Yeah, and his dolls with blue eyes that link everyone to the aisle. They're not even hot barbies there. I think what simplifies it is you treat people the way you want to be treated. Yes. That's as simple as it gets. But they're not doing that.
Starting point is 01:56:23 And they're being disingenuous about who they really are because they still want to be in the conversation. And that is what the problem is. And then when you go, even when we go, well look, I just want to care about now. And there's, so we talked about this before, 13th Amendment got rat in Mississippi, didn't get ratified till 2015,
Starting point is 01:56:44 which is abolition of slavery. and got rat in Mississippi didn't get ratified till 2015, which is abolition of slavery. It not until so when you get white guys and they go get over it, like we mean like at 2015, but if you go 2015, now there's four guys that were activists in Black Lives Matter who have been lynched or shot in the back of the head instead on fire.
Starting point is 01:57:05 Right. And they're saying, oh, it was a suicide. This is a dude they got hate. There's a bunch of this four different dudes that since and we've just done nobody commit suicide by setting themselves on fire. That is the hardest suicide ever. You might as well just jump into a great white shark's mouth. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:57:23 That's easier. That's easier. But so when we say because it doesn't, it's not on your radar, this stuff is still going on. Look, monks can do it because they know Tai Chi. That's the one guy that ever do it. Yeah, great to know. Here's a problem with that guy.
Starting point is 01:57:38 And if you saw that video, right, the guy never screamed. No. What the, you understand? Disappointing. No. What the f? You understand? Discipline. I held a hot pot handle once. I screamed like a monkey.
Starting point is 01:57:51 You ate a hot bucket. You sneezed and screamed. I don't know. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. I love these other monks around him.
Starting point is 01:58:02 No, I'm doing shit. Oh my god. I just think you gotta, you have an obligation to educate it yourself. You hate white people? No. Jared, you do. I'm wise. What are you saying? I'm not in a bad way.
Starting point is 01:58:15 I was just hoping for a hint. It is. You know, if you go and they didn't say blacks will not replace us, they weren't worried about that. They weren't about that That's not they were what they were People don't say he doesn't say racist things, but if he knowingly takes money from racist, so what is that making? You complicit you complicit in love that word Use it a little bit a couple times go back to the fun part about this blackout go back We have to go of things to say.
Starting point is 01:58:45 Go back. How many count how many complices? How many characters body did? And how many times you might get a really good one? We talked right over it. Because he has the personality of a fucking homeless person. He rolls him in like a marble. He really does.
Starting point is 01:59:00 He is as interesting as a fucking a Mexican at a caravan. And a lot of mom. He is as interesting as a fucking a Mexican at a caravan. That's what I'm all about. But dudes like Gavin, like he, because he came from media, so he knows how to like, knows like. He doesn't say I like, I think they all do though. I don't find it in the video. He's so, but it's like, so it's like when you talk about the Megan Kelly thing, right?
Starting point is 01:59:22 Yeah. So Megan Kelly was on Fox saying horrific shit. And then they tried to play it down to put her on a today show, which was just a stupid move. So when she goes, hey, blackface is fine. But you she didn't say that. She didn't say it was fine. She said, I mean, let's let's say what she said.
Starting point is 01:59:42 I know what it is. She said, because she said when she was a kid. Yeah. Okay, a blackface. But can I explain to you something about blackface that you, look, I actually called Keith and I called, I talked to you about it. And a lot of, like I said, a lot of kids aren't taught, we're not taught making Kelly's 50.
Starting point is 02:00:03 Hang on one second, I understand that. We're not taught what black face means. The ram of what happened with black face. And then, I'm telling you, a friend of mine's kid was like, why is it okay to wear an Obama mask and it's not okay to have black face? They're still not being taught. What happened?
Starting point is 02:00:23 I, I, but that. But that's not that. But that's why is that? Look, man, I would prefer it. But there's a reason why that's not taught. It's because you deem you're really sad. You dehumanize people. That's a sad week. You do black history week.
Starting point is 02:00:41 It's gonna get really sad people. Here's your tissues. All right, we started out. There's a ship. It's going to get really sad people. Here's your tissues. All right, we start out. There's a ship. It's called a mom of stock. If you all the artwork that we could be fucking horrific, if you dehumanize people, that's how you perpetuate this systemic racism. And I know you said you hate that word. No, it was, it was the other one. What's the, you complicit, complicit but you systemic to a lot. Yeah, people are, he's racist. Yeah, the, his Bobby's racist. Every time I show how smart I am, he goes, yeah, no, because a lot of, a lot of you, you run away, slave. A lot of
Starting point is 02:01:16 people on Instagram are using complicit. They use that where you'll complicit, problematic complicit. It's like, I'm not going to act of the world. Problematic, I hear a problem that way. I think complicit systemic and problematic is being overused. It's a lot. People go, it's buzzwords. Anyways, I understand what you're saying, but I think like, okay, we talked about Roseanne.
Starting point is 02:01:37 Should she be fired? No. I said no, she should be, but I did for different reasons. I don't want the face of racism to be Roseanne. Okay, but first of all, Roseanne was, I think Roseanne was, I don't know if she's going to go, that's the reason, no. I think Roseanne was trying to be funny.
Starting point is 02:01:54 I don't think Roseanne is a racist. Oh, what? I think she's a racist. I think yeah, but as a racist, as anybody. Yeah, but that doesn't make her, as a racist. That doesn't make her not a racist. Yeah, but if you said something, like, okay, what's his name?
Starting point is 02:02:10 Oh, God, my brain's going. That's a terrible game of charrés. You almost died. Walmart truck. Yeah, like I thought it'd actually be like, okay, okay. You didn't talk right for three months. Well, I never really talked right. You never really talked right. You said wall and we're like Tracey Morgan.
Starting point is 02:02:40 So worked. Like what he said about Gays, right? Yeah. It's fucking crazy. Yeah. And he got home of home. Yeah, but he was literally at the height of his career. Nobody took anything away from him.
Starting point is 02:02:52 He went on a tour and said, look, I fucked up. I'm sorry. I was trying to find funny. Yeah, but that's, that's a, he has an audience, you know, the, the, the, the, the, the, Yeah, but she has an audience. Twitter is a new, can I just say something? Just hear me out. Twitter is a new, can I just say something? Just hear me out.
Starting point is 02:03:05 Twitter is a new audience for all of us. I used to feel a huge amount of anxiety to come up with funny tweets. I mean, you, it being told by a, you gotta tweet, you gotta learn how to tweet, you gotta, that's how you get fans, that's how you get famous. If you tweet and you learn, fuck off. I'm funny as a standup,
Starting point is 02:03:25 but I felt a huge amount of anxiety. And I probably lost fans because I am not good on Twitter. Now I think that Rosanne is one of those people that tweeted, love tweeting, like a lot of these people love to tweet and say funny shit, fucked up shit and go after people. And I think that in this in her respect that she's not she didn't just go on Twitter one
Starting point is 02:03:51 day and say some fucked up shit. She's been doing it forever. That's her thing. And it's a lot of people's thing on Twitter. And she said something to me. She should have been you fucked up. And that shit it would have been a perfect time to bring it onto the show and expose that forever in front of 20.
Starting point is 02:04:10 Do you understand how big that show would have been? It is a problem. And we would have, we would have been like, you know what, I get it. The week before she got canned, they did a thing on Muslims moving in next door. And it was like, it's like, yeah, we do have this paranoia,
Starting point is 02:04:24 we have this fucked up thing about Muslims. And not all of them, and you just see it on TV. It's like when you saw Ellen kiss a girl, it just made it go away. Because it made it okay. And you're like, you have a battle takes time. And here's an interesting thing. The Muslims, how grown Muslim terrorist acts of all terrorist acts. It's 26% Muslims.
Starting point is 02:04:50 Yeah. 71% white male extremists. All right, I don't want to get into this because this is number. I really, I understand it, but I'm talking about it as this. I know famous people that are speaking from the Hilt right now on the left wing on how we should back and live that have said that have always been that way. But wait a minute, let me finish. That have tweeted, not tweeted, have said fucked up racist shit in the name of making not
Starting point is 02:05:17 groups of people laugh a couple at a table out of funny. But Tresoneel, Rich for all of us have said fucked up shit. Now, this person I don't think should have taken people's lives away. It's a perfect opportunity to say, hey, Rosanne, you fucked up. We got to deal with this. Like Tracy Morgan did. I don't think that black people and black people are not demanding. No, it's not black people.
Starting point is 02:05:48 Black people didn't give a fuck. They don't give a fuck. No. But you know why? Because we expect that. We expect that kind of racism. You expect the one in statements. But you don't think when Archie Bunker was on with George Jefferson. I mean, and they have the three, the black guy,
Starting point is 02:06:05 and the, the, the Spanish guy and the elevator, and he walked up, and he's like, Mr. Jefferson, I'm equal to you. And he looked at the black guy and he goes, equal to me, you're not even equal to him. And then the black guy went, that's true, you know? And it's like funny, because you bring out that's racist, it's fucked up, but we laughed.
Starting point is 02:06:22 And black people didn't laugh at that. Come on, you didn't laugh at that. People laugh at that now.. And black people didn't laugh at that. Come on, get it lightened up. People laugh at that now. No, black people didn't laugh at that. You're speaking for all black people? Yeah, pretty much. I need another black person. Get somebody.
Starting point is 02:06:34 Kauai, if you're a black person. It's, there is a, there is a, our number is 917-424-BLACK. There's too many numbers, but figure it out. I just think that even as a, look, if I get pulled over, I don't know if I'm afraid that I might not live through. Wait a minute, pull over. You mean a guy getting pulled over, but what about a pocket lip dough fucking jeep with your face
Starting point is 02:07:03 on it? Actually, I don't get pulled over And lights over nearly as much with the Jeep because they like the Jeep. Did you mean the fucking chopper? They go, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, Brooklyn, statistically, 22%. How are you doing it? I'm making that out of you. I was making it out of you. I was making it out of you. No, I'm making it out of you. You can do that, you do that shit.
Starting point is 02:07:30 Yeah, but you can't do that if you tell the right shit. So I understand that, but what matters to me, as a very dumb person, okay, is having a conversation with people. I agree. About that. I gotta have the conversation. That I can, without doing math, it's pretty simple.
Starting point is 02:07:48 You can talk, like we talked last night about a lot of shit. Yeah. And then sometimes you got too heavy and I was like, dude, you're too heavy. And you're like, all right, cool, I get it. I got it. We pulled it back and we had a conversation about it. And it wasn't like I thought, I didn't hang up the phone
Starting point is 02:08:04 going, that dumb motherfucker. No, because we, because you, so the point is there are always gonna be imperfect allies. And if you have somebody who, and I said this to you, the simple fact that you called me to have the conversation is what needs to be done.
Starting point is 02:08:22 And if you don't have the conversation, that's the problem. Because how can I tell you what the situation is? If you don't ask me and then you don't want to hear it. Yes, because I had to tell you, look man, I understand what you're saying, but I was beaten up because I was white in Juvegelle. I had the shit kicked out of me because I was a white kid. I went into the wrong part of town that was mostly black and they were like, this white
Starting point is 02:08:49 motherfucker is going to catch a beaten right now. And I was in all my hands. You do understand that that is reaction. But that's the reaction. And I don't understand that. I don't understand that as a 10 year old. I don't. No, I listen, stop.
Starting point is 02:09:03 I don't understand that as a five year old. I don't understand that as a 10-year-old. I don't. No, no, no. I listen, stop. I don't understand that as a five-year-old. I don't understand that. I get that. As in sixth grade. I don't understand that in kindergarten. I didn't really understand it. Wait a second.
Starting point is 02:09:12 I didn't understand it in high school. I didn't really understand it. And then I became this fucking... It toughened me up and took away a lot of fucking shit that I miss about myself. It took away a lot of fucking shit that I miss about myself. It took away a lot of fucking really fucking cool parts of Bobby that I love, that I'm struggling to get back 48 years later through therapy
Starting point is 02:09:36 and not drinking and using drugs. It's taken me so long to fucking give a fuck and have intimacy in my life again. And it's not fear being taken advantage of. Because not because of you got beat up by some black people no, no, no, not black people I'm talking about my life right sure all the people that fucking affected me back then that gate that's why I'm saying When you raise a child and you raise them in love and you raise them, you don't raise them in fear, you don't threaten them, you don't give them, you give them all the shit that they need, right? Like if you look at my Max's birthday party, I'm so proud of the fact that my, that he
Starting point is 02:10:17 knows a transgendered woman and her husband and he loves them and he doesn't care. And they love it. They love it. And that's the point that you are there. That Keith is there. That women are there. Strong women. That's the point. They own people. But I also have Republicans there too. And that's fine. But the point when my point is you you're taking an active place in doing that. You're bringing these people sort of the assies experiences. But if you get people and they go, yeah, I don't care about that. Yeah. Or you go, uh, just get over it. Yeah. You get, you get, you go, just get over what? Get over
Starting point is 02:10:52 what's going on right now. I think you just get over it. This, this whole process and we got to stop because we're going way over and Jared is literally out of the conversation. I don't know. Anytime it gets too deep, Jared's like, I'm out. I do snapchat, I'm trying to get laid. Must spray water on me and make a lot of money. I like a little shower right now. Listen, I think this is, listen, it's complicated, it's fucked up. And you have to talk about it, but you can't just scream over somebody.
Starting point is 02:11:23 You can't throw a piss on somebody. You can't beat somebody up. You can't, you have this talk about it, but you can't just scream over somebody. You can't throw a piss on somebody. You can't beat somebody up. You can't have this conversation as what helps it. That's what you have to do. You have to do. You have to do. You can't, like right now what's going on is a lot of people going, well, well, taking anything you say and going, well, put it in that direction.
Starting point is 02:11:40 That's why we're all double speaking now. It's like, well, I don't mean it against this. This is a real conversation between two different people. I think that being Lisa had a conversation like that too, which I was, I hope, I think she stopped following me though. I think she, I don't know, but I still love her. I don't give a fuck. And we had a good conversation about sexual rassmas and about the Louis thing and it was a great conversation about it and nobody would hate.
Starting point is 02:12:08 I love that girl and I don't give, nobody, you're gonna email me or take dude, fuck that now. That's a friend of mine. She's allowed, she can have a different point of view and I can learn from her. Maybe she learned something from me. Maybe we don't, but it's still a friend of mine. I always get invited in for a very special YKW. I just watched the Legosamo legos. You were there for that one, right? Yeah. Yeah. You didn't say a word. This fucking. Plus
Starting point is 02:12:34 you just watched and had a good time. Yeah. I know. I was a good part. I just, on Netflix, I just watched the Legosamo. He has a thing on it. Who's that? John Lay was on. He does a thing about Latino heroes and stuff like that and Latino history. And I'm not, I know I play Latino in the movies, but I'm not. And I used to. And it was just to listen to what their story is, is what gives you the empathy. But if you go, if you just go, I don't have nothing to do with that. And I was just, you know, I talked about the leg,
Starting point is 02:13:10 the incurs and the Aztecs and stuff. I like listening to that stuff, but it also gives you, it also gives you a perspective on something that you don't have. And then you're not going, ah, he's fun. Yeah, but you can't negate your story. And your story, you're, hang on a second. Your, I can't put any, but I can't to get your story and your story Your I can't put any but I can't sit there and go I understand them fully Let me finish let me finish I understand but let me finish what I'm saying before you fucking step on it
Starting point is 02:13:35 What I'm saying is is that? I'm saying is that that's great at you can tell me your story. I'll enjoy it I'll understand it more and I I'll open my life up. But my story, okay? Is my fucking life. I have my problems. My sister is dying. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 02:13:59 My mother is pushed to the limit. My father just got to get another job at 60 something. You know, my son, my wife, my family. I mean, there's a lot of shit in my life. So when you say, you have to understand me. I don't mean, wait, let me, you have to understand this and then, and I have to understand everybody. It's like, look, you should have empathy
Starting point is 02:14:22 and you should try to. But I don't fucking hate somebody who says, look man, I'm fucking trying not to fucking sink. Because I think most of us are. There's a very small percentage in art and they keep screaming and yelling at the rest of us who are. And they're never going to worry about shit. If they need a kidney, they'll fucking get one. If they need a fucking boat or a plane, they'll always be in first class.
Starting point is 02:14:46 They'll always have fucking everything. And the rest of us are like, how can it be like you and you'll never be like them? The only thing you can get is happiness and it's free. But the problem is that if you have an opinion on something that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Yes, shut the fuck up. Yes, and that's really the thing.
Starting point is 02:15:08 So when you get, and this is just was my thing about Gavin, I had a conversation, he was like, you know, single parented black, single parented mothers and welfare and blah, blah, blah, blah, and I go, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. I go, you're talking about something, you don't even know the history of this country to do that because him as a, I said this to him and I'll close it out because I said, I said,
Starting point is 02:15:33 you as I wish I had the confidence that you have about race, when everything that's happening in the history of this country, white dudes have been on the wrong ethical side of it. So when you talk about the trailatias, the murder of a genocide of Indians, you don't have to date them. We're not ending on this one. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 02:15:58 Native Americans. Native Americans. What the fuck? Slave slavery. I just want to take something back from before. I'm Jewish, and I'm white. Well, that's another thing. Even that, we didn't, this country didn't go into, didn't go into World War II until it was late
Starting point is 02:16:16 until after the Holocaust. We held back on that. So, this is, you know, this is the thing. It's not because we hate Jews. No, but it's, you don't give a fuck you. No, but you don't give a fuck. No, listen, this is the problem. This is a problem with you. Is that you're saying that all white people don't give a fuck?
Starting point is 02:16:33 I'm saying people don't give a fuck. Listen. But a generation ago, Bobby wouldn't have included like his wife as part of his inner circle or two generations ago. That wouldn't have been a concern. We are making progress. Yes, absolutely. Absolutely. That needs to be said. Let's close on that. Yeah. All right. Um, Jared, what do you got?
Starting point is 02:16:58 Well said. What's it? God. What is this? Come on. Uh-huh. This is never coming up. Never coming up. I'm splitting this up into 10-minute seconds over the next seven years. You do it like the advertisement reads. Just Bob is saying, I just shit my pants. That's the episode. The episode is, I'm gonna go. I'm gonna get out of here.
Starting point is 02:17:22 That Jared freed on Instagram. That's where he finally. Jared, you always on Instagram, let's read five of them. Jared, you always man, fucks you to kill it. Even when you get a little fucking on tilt, cause it's a real, like, a little emo. No, he pulled it and he goes, why am I here? I'm sick. I'm, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 02:17:38 I like Bob, it's alright, but I don't need this shit. I got it, I got it, all the listen, I was gonna get out of this fucking scumbag, I'm done. At Jared Freight. At Jared Freight. Dante, what do you got? It's a fun.
Starting point is 02:17:51 I don't put my dates up, but tweet at me if you wanna come out. I'll tell you where I'm, I usually just tweet it out. Dante Nero Instagram, the Dante Nero, I'm rebranding my podcast. It's not gonna be the base Phillips, it's gonna be Man School Tool 2, I'm getting ready to rebrand and drop it again. So relationship advice, life advice and sex advice. I want to say go to the comedy seller in Vegas. The club is popping. If you're in Vegas, you got to check it out. Comedy seller Vegas is
Starting point is 02:18:22 the hottest comedy club in Vegas right now. It's at the Rio. The lineups are fucking. Voss is there this week. If you're in town, you're a fan of me, Voss. And speaking of that, you guys have been on my Instagram. You guys have seen all the clips we made this week of Voss live from the shed. You have to check out this episode. Become a member. I want to thank all the members of my Patreon, slash Robert Kelly. If you're a fan of mine, go there right now. It's a price of a cup of coffee a month, maybe a combo, Marquillado, not really a
Starting point is 02:18:55 cup of coffee, maybe a little more to listen. And I'm saying is it's one cup of coffee a month and you're a fan of me and you support that. All the stuff we put up there, one on ones, I put life from the shed, I put a ton of shit goes up there just for you guys. So right now, life in the shed, me and Rich Voss, it's one of my favorite episodes. You can go to my Instagram, check out the clips that we put up there if you wanna check it up
Starting point is 02:19:19 before you go and become a member. All you members, I love you for doing it., such Robert Kelly. If you're still on lips and please transfer over here, the back, you guys, here you guys sending me these emails about all the backlogged episodes, we're gonna figure that out. You're gonna be able to get those too.
Starting point is 02:19:36 All the episodes of YKWD are available to you people. We're just gonna figure it out over the next, the next month or so. It's a process, but you will be able to get those. If you remember the Patreon, you will get stuff that nobody else gets. What else, Mike? Yeah, I say too.
Starting point is 02:19:52 We have a lot of new stuff coming out. A lot of new stuff you can just interact with Bobby. A lot of it. I just not touch anything weird like that. Yeah, we're gonna be doing live patrons from YouTube, only for you guys. All kinds of cool stuff. I am going to go
Starting point is 02:20:07 I am going to be this week Minneapolis at the Great Acme Comedy Club. Next week me and Mike I believe a pleasant bill in New York, Lucy's lounge. And after that I'm an Uncle Vinnie's on Friday night, the 16th of November. Saturday night the 17th, two shows. Make sure you go out there for that. And then we have Rochester. He's on Friday night, the 16th of November, Saturday night, the 17th, two shows. Make sure you go out there for that. And then we have Rochester, the day after I got Mike Calt, just coming in to celebrate.
Starting point is 02:20:33 Thanks, given with his family, I'm really excited about that. What else do we got? What do you got there, white Mike? I'm at Mike Abruci on all social media and I got a podcast called a little time and you can get that on iTunes or wherever else You got podcast on the laughable app. I'm on that. You are. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh fantastic. Look at that Pro proud proud boy remember I don't say that Becky, what do you got? Um if you like stand up photography
Starting point is 02:21:01 I'm at human places on Instagram the use the three. She's great. She's the best. I was so, so happy you're part of the show. So happy. What do you got, Mike? Well, Bonnie, she, I want to make Farrell and she's going to have the secret hand trick show she has every month. Yes.
Starting point is 02:21:15 A lot of good guests on there. Gabby, where is that? Where is that? It's at the stress factory in New Brunswick. Stress factory in Brunswick. It's very close to the city. And I think it's exit nine of the turnpike right there. Great club.
Starting point is 02:21:27 Brittany Vinnie brand owns it. And it's I heard the show is killer. Yeah, Alex K Hart, Justin Silver, Mike Beckion's, me an awesome lineup. That's a great lineup. And she's going to be at the Edmonton comic strip. Sorry, no, never date. The weekend after.
Starting point is 02:21:42 So great. And go to my website for all my dates. What else? Oh, I'll be at the Lafayla Antonio. I'll show you. Lafayla Antonio for New Year's. And I'll be at the in-problems, Antonio, for Thanksgiving.
Starting point is 02:21:57 Awesome. Great. You guys are the best fans of the world. Hope you had a good time. You know what, dude. See you next week. on the internet and they're all free and they're all free. Con volotea, la región de Murcia nunca ha estado tan cerca. Espectacularismos, monumentos, rincones de película y un sincín de aventuras desperan. ¡Fliparás!
Starting point is 02:23:14 Vuelades de Madrid, Amurcia y a otros destinos que te sorprenderán a partir de 19 euros. Volotea. Parifa sujetas a disponibilidad. Consulta las condiciones en Volotea. Parifa sujetas a disponibilidad. Consulta las condiciones en

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