Robert Kelly's You Know What Dude! - Jeremiah Watkins, Greg Stone, Mike Cannon | TotallyBobbyDotCom

Episode Date: December 21, 2020

This week we're joined by Jeremiah Watkins, Greg Stone and Mike Cannon as we look at Bobbys hernia surgery aftermath, Mike Feeneys dark secret, and how ultrafans can ruin the things we love! New Episo...des arrive every Sunday night For advertising opportunities email Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hoy es un día de eso de no saber cómo va a acabar el día. Donde nadie pregunta de dónde viene, sino por qué no te viene. Y una ronda es el tiempo que pasa entre no conocernos, y no creer olvidarnos. Hoy es un día de eso que Madrid nos lia. Hoy es un día de eso que Madrid nos encuentra. Maú, la vida es más vida cuando nos encontramos. Encuentra los bares de Madrid la edición especial de Madrid nos lia. Un humenaje de mao, a Madrid. en todos tus dispositivos. Pluto TV, ven a verlo sin pagar nunca. Solicitate un beca en fundación la Robert Kelly and sign up over there because every week we put a show, an extra show, Friday
Starting point is 00:01:25 show, only Patreon. And we also have the J.O. party on Saturday night, only Patreon. That means you, all the fans, get to come into a Zoom and hang out with us and all the other ladybugs. And it's a blast. So we also let you watch all the shows live,KWD live all the culturing Kelly's live Unadded all go on the patreon and you also get the 10 minute extra YKWD Every week goes on there a lot with life from the shed one on ones tech talk with Bobby and friends
Starting point is 00:01:58 There's so much content up there and you know what it's all for what a price of a cup of coffee five bucks Get you in the door and you're gonna love it. So make sure you go over there, slash Robert Kelly. And here's another little thing I want you to do. If you like this content, we're putting up, subscribe and like. That's it, just hit the little button, subscribe.
Starting point is 00:02:18 So you know when we got a new show out and then like it. So we know you like what we're doing, okay? That's it,, says Robert Kelly, subscribing like, now enjoy the show. and streaming it right to your living room. Ha! You're all the shit, cause you're... Cause you're a hair is feathered. January 30th, 2021. Robert Kelly from Comedy Central, Netflix, and HBO
Starting point is 00:02:57 will be doing his hilarious crewed but full-nurble stand-up live from the Wall Street theater and streaming it around the world, right to you. Robert Kelly live-streamed pay-per-view from the Wall Street Theatre, January 30, 2021. Go online, Partickets! Yeah, baby, we're starting the podcast right now! You can only use yourself. You know what, you're live. Welcome, everybody.
Starting point is 00:03:23 It's the show. Why can't you do it? Why can't you do it? I started the social media podcast. You can have me yourself. crazy and as a rule. Shut up, you're ruining this. Work the ball, man, I'm sorry. That's comedy podcasts. This is an NPR. That's the podcast done. Is there anybody shout? This is the original original. And we're back. What's up? I wonder why it was quiet. and
Starting point is 00:04:07 and we're back what's up I wonder why it was quiet what's up everybody you know what dude's back Kelly's back the dude is back from his belly button surgery and we have a
Starting point is 00:04:23 pack of a stuka yeah it's his back man we've been waiting back from Australia. Sorry. Yeah. This is gonna be like an old school in the studio with 18 people on the show. Fucking Greg is on fire. Yeah. Fucking what's his name? Mike Cannon. Yes. I mean, I could tell he just wants to lash out. He looks angry. I've been with nobody but a child for the last seven days. Yeah, and poor Jeremiah, just, you know, he's just a nice guy just trying to,
Starting point is 00:04:58 trying to get some people to buy his goddamn album. He doesn't want to be here. But someone said you should do all the podcasts. Even that one. Yeah, even that one. Dude, so a mic for a second, I didn't realize because your name says Garth Cumb. Like I was like, who's this comic's name? Who's Garth Cumb? Because that's how you get a beanie.
Starting point is 00:05:19 I didn't recognize you at first. Because I've never seen you wear a beanie before. And I was like, who is this dick? Garth come is Name like who is that guy? This is my Brooklyn character version of myself and I can't be funny at all media.
Starting point is 00:05:36 He's a media text. I'm gonna be funny. Yeah, Bobby hates it. I've never met a comedian less happy when somebody tries to make them laugh That's a good description of me I don't really laugh too much because my belly button hurts when I laugh These are wrapped up to you have a big bandage on it. I Yeah, I die my god and say my belt or button you like Schumer our pregnant special, you just have two band-aids made over your belly button. Yes, absolutely yes, that's exactly what I am. What the, let's take a look for a spin, huh?
Starting point is 00:06:13 Yeah, let's see. Only fan. Well, he, well, good that we do a 10 minute. At the end, we do an extra 10 as you guys know for the Patreon only, and I will show you my belly button. We're not the new one. The new one looks like a porn star's asshole. You got a new model? That's great. That was the 2021 belly button. You got a belly button. Brian, no plastic. As opposed to what it was with the hernia, the hernia just looked like total recall. It was just nuts. And it was getting bigger and bigger. And it was just,
Starting point is 00:06:56 it was just destroying everything. And now when I went in on Thursday, the doctor who's, oh, he's a member of my cigar bar. Oh, my cigar club. And a doctor really concerned with health. Yeah. So guys, I can't take you. There is a, when you guys don't let me do a cloud thing in the back, right? On this platform, I can't do any a cloud thing You know, oh like a green screen guy. Yeah, that's the word I was looking for like Hermit has behind him full green screen on Jeremiah
Starting point is 00:07:33 I'm noticing no effects I Like to pretend your whole home is a green screen. You don't like Paper part of the good Bob. He's at a brand he's at a brand new comedy club favorite part of the American. Go ahead, Bob. He's at a brand new comedy club. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:07:47 And no one has signed the wall yet. Nothing. Woo! No, I can't. Yeah, I can't do that. How did you do that? No one will tell us. I have to have a green screen.
Starting point is 00:07:57 You have a green screen. Yeah, but I have a green screen. It's not up right now. But my producer on the podcast, not going to name a names, made me aware that we can't do green screen through StreamYard. Mike, is your, most is your producer? Yeah, my, my at mush because that will come back at you someday as me and Gabby know Mike knows for every time I installed him he gets five text compliments
Starting point is 00:08:33 Immediately after and about 50 you a power that is to go or is that a piece of beef jerky? That's a meat stick old friend. Wow now is that happening to it? Is that for humans or canines? Wow, now is that happened to it? Is that for humans or canines or your heaters? What's the dogs? You the dog sticks. Greg lifts a hard pig ear in a second. Just starts gnawing at that.
Starting point is 00:08:50 When this fucking dog gets a job and starts bringing money into the house, then he could decide what food is his. OK? Hey, Canon, now when you do these podcasts for people, do you have to tell them not to do card readings in another room or something? You do. The gypsy family you're staying with is that, to tell them not to do card readings in another room or something. The gypsy family you're staying with is that what do you do with them?
Starting point is 00:09:12 They're Italian. They believe in a lot of, you know, specters and ghouls. They're frightened of anything and thinks, they think all loud noises are their great grandparents coming back to tell them they can be even Christ harder. Harder. Yeah. And odd long hair on their face is somehow representative of their grandmother's love. Oh, it's big no sense. The amount of times I had to listen about the mollouics
Starting point is 00:09:32 before my fucking son got birthed into this world. I'm like, you people are like a hair above retardant. I like a move you're doing, Mike, which is such a power move, which is you don't put the ring light on You just put the ring light in the camera in the camera to let people know I got a light I got one people you know, I was just gonna say my favorite part about pandemic Podcasting has been are people that record podcasts as guests in their own studio But refuse to use the equipment so they're all they're wearing headphones and you
Starting point is 00:10:05 see their entire $40,000 set up behind them, but they're coming in like, just fucking last one. The switch you got on. Yeah. The fucking switch put the lights on. Is that lady masturbating behind you with a gold blanket over her pussy? My wife. No, not you. Greg, I'm talking to Canon. She's squirting on my head. Is that what that is? Is it, she's masturbating, right? Um, I hope.
Starting point is 00:10:33 Yeah. Yes, that's art, brother. It was like Connick and Gilt. Yeah, she's got college girl titties, too. No, I don't know how you slept with, but she is, uh, she's a milkmaid, if anything. She's got kind of one of those medieval bodies that used to be attractive because she looks well fed. Yeah, like college girl, college girl with Chubby, well, college girl, he used to leave it with the hot one.
Starting point is 00:10:57 I didn't do that. The old volleyball team. I hate the college girl that had a TV dinner waiting for me when she was about to. I hate it. I hate the college girl that had a TV dinner waiting for me when she was about to. It works better in reality. That's way better. I did a thing with a girl once where we had sex. I ordered a chicken parm sandwich. We had sex and as soon as we were done, the chicken parm arrived.
Starting point is 00:11:17 And I was like, want to split a parm. And she was like, on paper, this is the worst thing you could do with a woman, but in reality, this is amazing. And I was like, I don't have to take peer people. You're like, I didn't ask you to make it. Come on. Hi, as a public folks, share my walk in the Wow. Yeah, we're helping that goddamn album.
Starting point is 00:11:37 I appreciate that. What's up? What's up? I'll be out. I'll be out. The guy, you'll appreciate this Greg. Uh huh. The guy, the doctor who did my surgery,
Starting point is 00:11:49 who was a member of my cigar club, right? Actually did the whole surgery from the other side of the room with a robot. Really? So he, he was in like a machine. Wow. With the goggles strapped in with his fingers in these little things.
Starting point is 00:12:07 And I was on a table in the middle of the room with three fucking rods sticking in my gut. And he was inside of me, snipping and lasering and fucking pulling and now was that because he found you physically disgusting or is or new technologies? I don't appreciate you. Yeah, Mike. And you're talking about that dude. On the next episode of Bobby's Patreon, I'm going to eat cereal out of his new belly button.
Starting point is 00:12:37 All right. This is to show you how beautiful of a man he is. Listen man, this is your anger because you haven't seen anybody and you're locking that fucking Baudello for six months in that warehouse that you're staying in is not my fault, okay? Go take it out of me. I did the idea that they were like, we have finally have the technology to do your surgery. Hurni, no, to be in the room with someone so fucking ugly, we've got machines now. We've got machines that we have pushed in that could deal with someone of your. I know.
Starting point is 00:13:15 We have talked to the line equipment and all of our blind doctors on the track. What if they just, we have a job, you laugh at the blind dog thing, but it doesn't track so Do you guys you just fake LA laughing because you know Jeremiah is somehow connected to Tony Hinscliff Which is connected to Rogan that you might be I'm not gonna get on anyways Here's the funny part the fucking sad part is that I go in. And the night before I was so paranoid that I was gonna, I was just gonna shit on the table. So I called them up. I go, listen, dude, I go, I don't want to shit like on the table. He goes, you won't. Just, you know, don't eat anything after 12 and try to shit tonight. I go, I don't want to, I don't want to shit like on the table. He goes, you won't. Just, you know, don't eat anything after 12 and try to shit tonight.
Starting point is 00:14:08 I go, I shit in the morning, but you're getting me up at five. I can wake up at six and have a little, I can't, I need a sip of coffee for my machine, my mechanism. If I have a sip, I'm, I shit in two seconds. It comes out like a rope. And luckily, I shit that night seconds. It comes out like a rope. And luckily, I shit that night. But my next question was, I was like, are you going to see my penis? Right. And he's like, I don't understand the question. I go, is my junk going to be out? And
Starting point is 00:14:37 he's like, yeah, you're going to be, I go, can I leave my underwear on? He goes, no. He's like, you know, you're he, but there might be some sort of over encompassing. Right. He's like, he's like, if there was any possible way for that to be a reality, I would let that happen. Can this robot jerk me off? This is the question. Sorry, Bob. You got five people on the boxes.
Starting point is 00:15:01 No, I'm letting everybody get the little Zing game. Robert Belly over here. Oh, it hurts my stomach. Actually, I've got three other people are going to sign in here. I just sent out the link. I just tweeted that. Anyone can join. So he goes, he goes like this, he goes, uh, he goes, I'm probably, I will probably see your penis. I go, I'm just like, you know that I have a grower know to shower. Like you got to get it going. Yeah. I, you know, it's probably going to be a little small.
Starting point is 00:15:37 Yeah. If you get it going, it's a nice piece. And he's like, he was laughing. He's like, okay, I don't need to know that, but that's fine. So then we go into my biggest nightmare happened. My biggest. Usually it's some old Irish lady or some Haitian woman. The two girls that work with him are smoking hot Spanish girls. The two nurses that walked in, Hey, Mr. Kelly smoking hot.
Starting point is 00:16:08 Right. Like fucking dream fantasy. Oh my God, hot. And they're basically gonna flop me on a table. And I'm gonna count back from nine. And I'm gonna wake up and they're gonna, they're gonna see my whole package. Counting back from nine, I bet you'd still come before you got down to nine. You're gonna take me four and a half to come maybe.
Starting point is 00:16:31 I just want to thank right now, Man'scape, for being a sponsor because I trimmed from my tits down, everything. I trimmed my whole fucking book. Did you design it or you just kept it like, you know, the green. What do you want me to write? Hello? I don't know. I don't know if you can do a Hitler stash or whatever you might be a lightning bolt right above your rod, something to dress it up because the, you know, the pile of putty that those two Latinx women had to look at. I'm sure that scarred them for a long while.
Starting point is 00:17:05 I don't, first of all, I'm not a pile of putty you think you're fucking have wearing the box okay. And you're you're a vile because you've been quarantined with your child. Not is not my fault. Again, I will say that. All right, don't get mad at me because you are staying in the Coleon's house and Godfather too. I, I, well, listen, yeah, they, they definitely saw my Stamink. And he actually, he showed me video. I can't show it. Don't ask. He showed me video of the operation. Oh, he had the girls, you know, show him over there and then showed me on the table. I like how you said, like, I've got the video don't ask and everybody's like, yeah, we're not going to ask.
Starting point is 00:17:59 No, because you're going to ask this. I can't show it on this show. Well, not on this show. You're going to start a several. You joke. You're probably ask this I can't show it on the show. Well, not on this show. But could you put it on? Start a several you joke. You're probably right. No, nobody was hammering down my door for the video of my surgery, but I just think it's it caught your fancy,
Starting point is 00:18:17 German. I don't know why you're being a cunt. You're going to be nice, okay? You don't need to become what these cunts are. You know what I'm saying? I'm not a cunt. You're not you, Greg. I'm talking a fucking pink hat. nice okay you don't need to become what these cons are. Did it stand? I'm not a condom. Not you Greg.
Starting point is 00:18:27 I'm talking a fucking pink hat. Yeah. We're saying that we're specifically talking about my can in the asshole. Yeah. Great. Come Garth. Garth come. He's toxic.
Starting point is 00:18:39 He's poisoning the rest of the guests. Yeah. Really? Jeremiah is such a sweet young man and he's been nothing but miserable to me since Do you know Mike before we started I was like, oh, I don't know if I know Jeremiah and he was like oh super sweet guy Uh, I think it was like something about really it was like so easy to get along with and then Jeremiah came out I was like, hey, Bobby, you fat fuck fuck you fucking abbie. Can't get him stuck but but dick I was like all right here we go I gotta give you your your listeners different tone man I was nice to you last time I got to be a little bit more
Starting point is 00:19:12 You know aggressive this time Oh you got to talk from Joe list I remember Joe did Joe did that to what what guest was it? At Monroe No, Monroe me and Roe Marl are gonna do a fight. I remember that. We're gonna be a big fight, but not that was over something else. I forget who was somebody. Fuck. Harring Tittin' O, not harring somebody.
Starting point is 00:19:39 Somebody came in. Hot Barry. No, not that I'd never had Todd Barry on. Wow. I bet that's not very good. I, not that. I've never had Todd Barry on. Wow. I bet that's a good move. I feel a beef. I smell a beef here.
Starting point is 00:19:49 No, I would love to have Todd Barry on. But I've had it with us. I've had fights with a couple people that came in a hot. Like, Phil Hanley? Phil Hanley, I tend to tell the shut the fuck up. Yeah. I think it might have been Phil Hanley. You're right, Moosh. Phil Hanley got a pep been Phil Hamley. You're right, much. Phil
Starting point is 00:20:05 Hamley got a pep talk from Joe list. You got to go at him. You got to go. And it's like, that's not true. I'm a very nice guy. We have a good time. And if you come at me, I'm going to fucking stab you in the throat. And that's basically what happened with Phil Hamley. Phil, please go. He's sweetest guy in the world. All the other dudes who come on the show, we had a great time. Who's the other guy going to fight with? Somebody else. Who's the guy for Dante?
Starting point is 00:20:33 Who works for Dante? Oh, that's right. Harry, or Gary. Yeah, the man Harry got into it. Oh, I mean, and I kicked, Jeno Biscotti off life. Oh, that's easy. For life. Can I hear about that?
Starting point is 00:20:49 What are you doing? Business. Yeah. What? Oh, I'm good. Greg's just stalling so he can eat his fucking meat biscuit. Don't kid yourself. Hey, can you talk more, Bobby?
Starting point is 00:21:04 I had a choke on my meatbiz. Um, why did you pick off, um, Gino for life or are we not just discussing that because of, uh, have you ever talked to him? No, I only hear, I only hear about Gino Bisconti through five other people who texted me. This motherfucker said this today. I'm constantly calming people down who Gino Bisconti is pissed off,
Starting point is 00:21:23 but I don't really have a direct relationship with him. If I had to guess knowing nothing, I would assume somewhere between the 15th and 43rd-end bomb Bobby probably was like, I buddy, I don't think you're gonna have a back. I would never keep somebody off for being racist. You didn't fight them back. As long as they were coming from a funny place. Right, well that's why I said what I said. What do I got to do to get kicked off her life?
Starting point is 00:21:51 What's in the kicked off her life crew? First thing of the three of us, four of us, to get kicked off her life, gets as many meat sticks as you want. I got a whole bag of them. What he did, he wouldn't shut the fuck up. He tried to fill a bust And and it's like do you can say whatever you want to me. I don't care. I've probably gotten more shit on this podcast than anybody And it's my podcast and I think if it's funny it makes me laugh. I love it, right?
Starting point is 00:22:20 And I a 100% Today's show Expect to be abused by the three young men that are on this. If you didn't, I would be ashamed of all three of you. Jeremiah, it hurts coming from you. I'm just gonna say. Anyway. Anyway. I like how you said, I didn't expect this coming from you.
Starting point is 00:22:41 And then you gave me the laundry list of people. You're like, use the people that I got in fights with that I know you're just to keep you posted Jeremiah like I thought we are on a good vibe for a while. I will definitely not you. No Jeremiah. No, you're not of course not. No, but he wouldn't shut the fuck up and he kept going Bobby, Bobby, Bobby, and I was like listen dude, let me, Bobby, Bob, Bob, Bob Bob and I go and I shut his mic off and he kept going Bobby Bobby Bobby
Starting point is 00:23:07 I go, okay? I go okay and I mind you. I love Jino Biscante I've I've had two shows with him. I took him on a college gig with me and I the guy the little cutest black kid ever walks up. Hey guys. Thanks so much for coming It's gonna be a small crowd, but Just don't say anything racist Because we had an incident a couple weeks ago with some race stuff and and don't do anything rape jokes or anything because we had a sexual assault A little while ago and it's kind of touchy. So anything else you can say just those two stuff first jokes out of his He says the n-word and he makes a rape joke
Starting point is 00:23:48 And the kid looked at me goes why would he do that? And I go I don't have an answer And he walked off he's a came in good crowd. I'm like no, they're not They're not they're literally not. They're literally not. The two jokes and I go it wasn't a he wasn't asking for a lot. Don't be racist and don't do rape jokes. Yeah, those are two jokes that as a comedian you can eliminate. You should be able to eliminate in front of children. I You should be able to eliminate in front of children. I love Gino.
Starting point is 00:24:27 He should be the first human trial of a shock collar. For sure. And it's all behavioral modification in some sort of language, you know, control. Cause he's very funny. And then added nowhere, he gets this weird, like almost possessed hitch to him, where he must say the most vile things on earth.
Starting point is 00:24:44 It's fucking nuts, man. And on the podcast, I think I'm going to have like almost possessed hitch to him where he must say the most vile things on earth. It's fucking nuts man and on the podcast I think I'm gonna have him back on though in 2021. Yeah. Just to see. The sentence is over. That's good. Why don't you have him on for the last show of 2020 and then you can close the year perfectly. By taking him off for another fucking. The movie. He move and him again.
Starting point is 00:25:07 Have him while we're still in these zoom things. This way if you need to like just close his screen, you can you can X him out without having to like physically remove him from the building. That's the whyers are crossed clickity-do. I did a a gay guand's Bobby that your story reminded me of where before we went on the guy who booked the show, he comes up to me and a couple of the other comics that were on the show and he goes, and this is in the middle of nowhere in Northern California in this area
Starting point is 00:25:38 where people start having southern accents when you're out in the middle of nowhere. It doesn't really make sense, but the guy comes up and he's like, by the way, a couple things that I don't want you guys talking about tonight. And the main one, you're not allowed to say anything about drinking and driving or DUIs because there's some kind of rumor that's going around that people are getting DUIs after they leave my establishments. So just don't make any DUI jokes. So we do the show, no joke, five minutes after they say, after we say thank you, good night. They start ringing a bell,
Starting point is 00:26:15 and they lower a 30 foot beer bong from the ceiling, and they're like, who wants drinks? It's a special, y'all. And they start lining people up, and they start drinking out of this beer bong out of the ceiling. Oh, I wonder drinks. It's a special, y'all. And they start lining people up and they start drinking out of this beer ball. I was like, Oh, I wonder why there's a rumor that there's DUI is happening. Hey, hold it. Hold on. Also,
Starting point is 00:26:33 I'm in the trunk. Would that such a fun example of like, you know, how airports completely changed post 9 11? That is such a pre-COVID drinking model. There's like everybody suck from the tap, baby. We need it with your sleeve, pussies. Do the, sorry. I wonder, I'm sorry, I wonder how, like you know those sushi places
Starting point is 00:26:56 that the spinning thing goes around with just the sushi out in the open? Yeah, I wonder if that's what you've done too, right? The sushi trains, That's another one. The sushi train. And then they have one where these fountains come down and the noodles come down the fountain and you grab the noodles out of the fountain. Where is that Atlantis?
Starting point is 00:27:16 I know, I sort of dream. I think it's really, it's where you walk a factory he goes to of sushi. For Pad Thai. Yeah. It's like dream that you had. We want a factory he goes to of sushi for bad time The shoots spaghetti into your mouth You know super soakers you pump it up and you shoot noodles in your friends mouth Is the meatball gun done we're probably done with the meatball gun
Starting point is 00:27:55 There was a pre-pandemic Chinese restaurant around here, right? You just go into a dark room you hear fluttering wings You go out you reach and you get your own bat. You bring it to the cook and you get your own bat. You bring it to the cook. They cook it however you like. They put you in a dark room, covered in meat. You just start inviting. And whatever you like, you get the... I used to go to this recolored restaurant where a girl would have cool-aid stains all over her skirt.
Starting point is 00:28:16 You grab her skirt, you ring out the shirt and your own mouth, feed your friends. And it was a Saturday. No. Eating dogs that are alive, that we've just warmed in a blanket that's probably done right we got this new baby bird way of eating where the oldest gentleman at your table choose your food spits it directly into your gullet.
Starting point is 00:28:36 Oh baby birds up in there. That's what we like to call in the business making the clip. Nice. My back is killing. Is it like does every time you laugh, does your boat shoot out like one of those stress things that grab in the eyes? No, my belly button right. Unfortunately, because of the size of the hernia, you don't got a bad attitude. You know, you're packing her.
Starting point is 00:29:11 It's all right. Bobby, you worked out for three weeks on Instagram, and you had to go immediately into surgery. Well, here's a problem. I worked out for a month Greg. And one of the reasons I got this travel down to your belly button and then came out. I've had the I've had the the hernia for like three years. But one of the reasons why I got to one of the reasons I got the surgery is that on the Instagram when I was doing it live, I was reading the comments and it was like, good for you. Great job. Awesome. Hey, what's wrong with his belly button?
Starting point is 00:29:47 Somebody saw the her shirt You my workout shirt. I was like, maybe it's getting too big with people noticing it. Yeah, they can I Went and got a good but now I have a very Yeah, I went and got a good, but now I have a very, because he, this guy's amazing. He did such a great job and my belly button looks awesome.
Starting point is 00:30:10 It looks perfect and but it's very deep. Like I have a very deep belly button now. So, it's a wish I had before. What? Was it not? I had it any, but I mean, look, I'm fat, so it's deep, but it's probably a little deeper now because he had to, he talked that,
Starting point is 00:30:28 there was literally this hernia in the belly button, making the belly button bigger. So as that hernia gets bigger, if it, you know, as it was getting, it was making my belly button bigger. So then when he took it out, he had to fix all that shit, but it's very deep right now. So I gotta make sure I clean my belly button bigger so then when he took it out he had to fix all that shit But it's very deep right now, so I got to make sure I clean my belly button
Starting point is 00:30:51 It's cool that Max can throw his wishes down there That's gonna say how deep is it a pinkies with We talking how I'll show you what it looks like you must see I'll show you the belly button before and after. Can we see your penis as well? Or is this the end? That's the end.
Starting point is 00:31:11 That's the end. 10. Is there a youth Chilean soccer team down there? So if you want to see, is your belly button more of a grower or a show? If you want to do more, weeper., sash robber, Kelly,
Starting point is 00:31:26 go become a member right now and you'll get to see it before and after. Hey, ah, fucking, it hurts. It hurt. It feels like something is in my, uh, feels like somebody's sticking something in my, like, from the inside out, when I laugh. Oh, it hurt someone just commented, this is gross. LOL. Oh, someone just commented this is gross Yeah, I don't like this is the problem with Gabby, okay That's the problem with Gabby is the problem with Gabby is that Gabby doesn't realize that
Starting point is 00:31:59 How old you Gabby? How old are you 26. You're 26. So you are almost done. Bye. Around and around 10 years, when you have a baby, you're going to be going through all this year. You're a belly button. You're going to get the same shit.
Starting point is 00:32:18 You're going to have a fuck up belly button and your husband's going to be a fat fuck and he's going gonna go bald. Terry and Bobby, you haven't been around enough rich, beautiful people because Gabby's gonna shit out a baby and then snap back to her former self. You know, have been days and it's going to cause some sort of violence on her. I'm gonna have an abs, I'm gonna have abs in a week. Okay, so don't hurt me like an old oracle. I mean, don't get, don't get me wrong.
Starting point is 00:32:45 Her vagina will look like a demigorgans face, but everything else. Everything else. I don't know. I mean, what the fuck is a demigorgan you do? You're a stranger thing, bro. Stranger things. Brrr.
Starting point is 00:33:02 I think you did it. You did it, I think. You said a reference that I didn't get bugs me. What's great? You did a demagord joke. I'm trying to get into the hip brooklyn rooftops. That definitely looks like my butthole. That is a post baby snatch if I've ever seen one. I love it. The creators were like, what kind of monster you want? Give me flaming attacking butthole if you could. Can you give me the vagina with arms and legs?
Starting point is 00:33:33 It's really angry at me. That's why I saw last night with my wife came home. How you doing folks? Find your myos album. It's on Netflix and iTunes. Great, right? Surprise. It's not on Netflix, you fucking idiot.
Starting point is 00:33:45 You could put it out there if you like. I'm sure you can get it. You can pack their system. He's not fucking. He's not Andrew Schultz. He can just get stuff on Netflix. It's called Family Reunion. Get it.
Starting point is 00:33:56 Now. Right now. Amazon, right? It's on Amazon Prime, Apple TV, and you're on the man and more. Hey, nice, congrats. Audivai iTunes, all the audio platforms. It's on Amazon Prime, Apple TV, and you're on the man and more. Hey, nice. Congrats. Audubi iTunes, all the audio platforms. It's real good. You got a big, funny is that if you put him in a movie and put a cowboy hat on him,
Starting point is 00:34:27 he's as fucking thin as Clint Eastwood. I mean, he says he would look like a fucking man if you put some man clothes on him and a cowboy hat. Look at that. He looks like Clint Eastwood. There should be, there should be. There should be a catch between Jeremiah and Mike Feney of dueling life-size
Starting point is 00:34:45 Woody's from Toy Story. You guys both look and move exactly that same way. Yeah. Yeah, brand new. You got a friend. I'm going to Jeremiah wins. Just because he has commitment. Fini would have took us in out in South and just said something mean back, of course, I'm right with it. And fucking did the character. I applaud him. Good for you. Yeah, don't even, I'm like so pissed at Fini right now.
Starting point is 00:35:12 I don't even want to get into it. Oh, get it to it. Let's trash him. Why? Yeah, fucking. Are you serious? You didn't hear about this? Why?
Starting point is 00:35:19 It's all over the web. Sure, two thirds of my comedy interests are completely tied to him, but let's trash him. Dude, dude, dude, dude, there's no way this is all over the World Wide Web. Nobody cares about him. Well, last night, this is, last night is the week reunion of this come home in my bed.
Starting point is 00:35:39 He is having sex with my wife. Whoa, I know. And I said, what are you doing? And he said, oh, I thought it was my Asian wife. And I, I just said, you need to leave. And we're not talking. And so I have not talked to him since. Do you think, okay? What? I couldn't come over to get in a life or give him. Yeah. It's hard not to because of his sensuality. I have no idea where I'm going with any of this lie has got out of control. Yeah, I just want to be talking Sometimes I just want to be talking. I imagine him having sex with your wife and then he just like you you confront him And then he just doesn't stop and he's like, oh, is this you bro?
Starting point is 00:36:22 Oh my bad, let me finish up real quick. Yeah, when he met my wife, we went, Greg, how'd you get that? And I went, you remembered that? Yeah, and just before he finishes, hey, we want to be in a sketch of mine. I'm filming it next time. But the cool thing about Fini is he's the only guy that a stizzards women.
Starting point is 00:36:38 So, I think there's something different that he showed your wife. It should be noted that I love Fini, which looks very out there. so he gets good mad and cry, and I gotta deal with that from his drama. He really does strike me as a scissor. He just tucks his little dick down and just fucking puts one leg on the other and they figure it out. Oh, shit. I love this guy. I'm gonna get you some gear in my eye and fucking Fini scissor each other for an hour.
Starting point is 00:37:09 Hey, dude, that's on your Patreon, all right? That's what I'm just gonna do. We're gonna save that crap for the show. Oh, fuck me. True story, not a lie. I was at Mohican's son a while ago, and Fini was pictures in the green room. And I was like, I was a stone a little drunk.
Starting point is 00:37:24 And I was like, what's fucking guy? Fucking Fini, pictures in the green room and I was like I was a stone a little drunk and I was like let's fucking guy fucking Fini you fucking and I started just like you know going crazy on him and then he the man looks at me goes I don't know man he he's really nice to me and I was like yeah he's like one of my favorite people like everything I said so seriously and he was like I just didn't see that with him I was joking heokey's. I talked to him every day. What's that manager name?
Starting point is 00:37:50 Brendan Sagalo. Did you see that? Photoshop's the one made of Phoebe as an older man. No. No, but it can't wait. Whoa. Nice. Wow.
Starting point is 00:38:02 He's the whole way from the heavens. Yeah. Oh Away from the heavens With a fucking home run I know you five bucks my sickle That's his name in our podcast. That's great. Mycicle. I don't know what. Mycicle. Mycicle. Mycicle.
Starting point is 00:38:28 Mycicle. Mycicle. Mycicle. Mycicle. Mycicle. Mycicle. Mycicle. Mycicle.
Starting point is 00:38:36 Mycicle. Mycicle. Mycicle. Mycicle. Mycicle. Mycicle. Mycicle. Mycicle.
Starting point is 00:38:44 Mycicle. Mycicle. Mycicle. Mycicle. Mycicle. Mycicle. Mycicle. Mycicle. Mycicle. Mycicle. Mycicle. Mycicle. Mycicle. Mycicle. Mycicle. Mycicle. Mycicle. Mycicle. Mycicle. Mycicle. Mycicle. Mycicle. Mycicle. Mycicle. Mycicle. Mycicle. Mycicle. Mycicle. Mycicle. Mycicle. Mycicle. Mycicle. Mycicle. Mycicle. Mycicle. Mycicle. Mycicle. Mycicle. Mycicle. Mycicle. Mycicle. Mycicle. Mycicle. Mycicle. Mycicle. Mycicle.icle. Mycicle. Mycicle. Mycicle. Myc I have one gig. Do you guys have any shows lined up? I'm supposed to film a surprise special on Wednesday And then yesterday it was announced that 12 inches of snow were coming So perfect Where were you filming it on Long Island? Of course at what club? Not a club a room that is sold out everything's ready to go still may happen. I'm hoping it happens But you know, I got homeless pimped on it. I got the whole people that shot my comedy seller special
Starting point is 00:39:10 and then also the guys that did a rigatone. So it was totally geared up ready to go, but it wouldn't be this year if something shitty didn't happen. So are you going to have all the your famous comic friends have to promote it again? You've been not promoted. Most of them favorite and then Vos would just comment every once in a while being like your responses are embarrassing.
Starting point is 00:39:35 Act like your famous. That sucks dude. That's so fucked. Yeah, I mean, it is what it is. I'm still hopeful, but you know, that's so fucked. Yeah, I mean, it is what it is. I'm still hopeful, but you know, that's my only, I think I have another spot on the 23rd that I may have to cancel just because I want to see my family and not kill my mother. So what about you, Jeremiah? Yeah, December 30th. Have you guys done Soul Joes?
Starting point is 00:40:01 Have you done Soul Joes? Soul Joes Baby. It's awesome. Yeah, yeah, not for you. December 30th on there in Royarsford, Pennsylvania, and then I'm in Austin, January 6th, and what is it? Austin, January 7th, and Fort Worth at Hyenas. Where are you working in Austin? It's called Vulcan Gas Company.
Starting point is 00:40:28 On the 6th Street. Yeah, I believe so. Right. Yeah. Oh, it's a rock club. Yep. That's great. I was just knocked in last week. It's it's fucking different, man. Dude, it's that's a lot of fun. Yeah. Are you doing a pro-s I'm not gonna stay on a show that may I said to Jeremiah, are you doing a high profile stopover on a show that may exist in that city? Nothing I know of so no. Yeah, let's see. I mean everybody I mean, Rogan move there, Elon Musk is moving there. Fucking a lot of comics to move in Austin Yeah, Tony and just go from Brian Redbender move there. Yeah, who's there Ruby ony in sky? I went to high school with he just moved there
Starting point is 00:41:17 He's got a wonderful wife. He works for some kind of keep them Lucy Peppy the for my first girlfriend when I was in first grade She just moved there They filmed the football scenes from Friday night lights there I do a guy named Austin Rye. I did improv with him for a little while. He's alive You're telling me you knew in Austin and Austin. I mean come on. No, he lived in the in Brooklyn And he's still in Brooklyn, but his name is still Austin. Okay. Yeah Austin Rivers newly acquired New York Nick. Really? Oh, you got me in Brooklyn.
Starting point is 00:41:49 He lived in Dallas. Crazy as thing. You think Bernie Toppins going to bring us a gold? Mike. Yeah, Bernie Toppins. This is me trying the best I can to talk about. Why would you bring up sports sports great. It's not your Fucking ball behind you. Well, the best is that he has nuggets and information
Starting point is 00:42:12 For every once in a while like Greg is like the best con man because a sliver of truth will enter and you're like Do I not know am I not privy to this if you ever find yourself in a conversation? I'm gonna ask it all and you don't know to say you just say Fuck Dolan, right? Yeah, everyone go. Yeah No idea who Dolan is, but I know everyone in basketball hates him So I really fucking hate stat guys I Hate
Starting point is 00:42:40 Stacked guys. I don't like fucking. I hate people who can fucking quote sopranos and good fellows and fucking the godfather and whip out scene. It's like that. And I hate people who go it's like that side felt episode when they're trying to teach you lessons of life. It's like that. Go fuck yourself. I don't remember anything. I don't retain shit. I don't give a fuck about anybody. I have nothing upstairs. I'm right there with my fucking my grow or not a shower guys. What happened to your finger? Greg guys that discuss cigars in detail are like lower than scum to me. Let me tell you how to feed a stacked guy. I love to know. And I don't know. Yeah, that was about you.
Starting point is 00:43:29 But I don't like people who go, it has a nutty chocolate. I mean, listen, I say chocolatey about every cigar. But I agree with you, you fucking pink cat, fucking queer. Okay. If you ever got a stats guy, if you're ever in the shit with the basketball stats guy This is how you defeat them. I defeat them every time when they're always like hey, you know Brian new G's got a 6.2 on the OPS I always just look at my go really cool. What's his wingspan? Just ask about wingspan Oh, I know wingspan and then you look away like well, I don't know, he doesn't have a good wingspan
Starting point is 00:44:05 that I don't seem to care for. I hate sports guys, especially sport comedians, they come up and they know, hey, hey, man, you got a good red stock in a good year. Who do you do? Who do they pick up? And they put you on the spot. They want they want to see if like, I'm not a fan because I don't know. They picked up Wally O. Genghracius. I'm having a fucking game. Great Wally O. You want a mow. I don't give a fuck.
Starting point is 00:44:29 He was highly touted. Yeah, we have these same people in the Star Wars community. Whereas you're like, I love the movie. And they're like, oh, do you know about Gregonio from the digabus system? And you're like, hey man, fuck you. I didn't read the book. I came out in 1976 and his mother's parents.
Starting point is 00:44:47 Isn't there a way to talk about it where it's not condescending? So if they're like, you know, if their Star Wars like Asperger kids and they're like, you know, oh, you don't know about that, then I totally get your point. But if it's a person that just wants to connect with Robert Kelly, the person,
Starting point is 00:45:03 and they know he's from Boston and nothing else. And they're like, oh, you know, I know this thing. And hopefully this will trigger something where it makes you look at me in a positive light. And then Bobby's like, I've never cared. How listen, listen, Mr. fucking cannon. I'm talking about and cannon. I'm talking about red bucks. I like the Mandalorian a lot and I will talk about him forever. I don't mind style like sci-fi nerds have a tendency to say you're not a man if you don't know your new center fielder or some horse shit. The coming her to the same shit.
Starting point is 00:45:52 You didn't respond to me. And if you don't even have a fucking kid who never even took care of anything, their mom still fucking makes him breakfast every fucking day, who's telling me what a man you'll go fuck yourself. You're not a fan. You're not a fan. You're not a fan. You're not a fan. Yeah, I am a fan. You fucking idiot. I'm a real fan. You're a fucking you're a fanatic. You're a fan. You take it too far. Call them. But I forget what I was gonna say. Never mind. That's all I am with with like I'm a
Starting point is 00:46:22 supporter of like the Kansas City Chiefs and the Kansas City Royals, but like, when people start going down the list of stats for me, I'm like, I know like, when I can watch the games, I will and I'll watch highlights and stuff like that, but don't ask me like stats or anything like that. Like, yeah, but luckily we have a great quarterback right now. My home is like one of the most fun people to watch right now in the league. So I'm just like, how about that? Mahomes. Right. Invertees out. We're listening. Hey, good ball team.
Starting point is 00:46:51 I thought there was a baseball team. What? Can you see? Can you see? Are they going to have to change their name? Are they talks? Are they going to change the name of the chiefs? Because the Cleveland Indians just announced that they were no longer going to be the Indians?
Starting point is 00:47:06 The great thing about the chiefs is their emblem is just an arrowhead. There's literally nothing to do with. There's not like, you know what I mean, it's more the logo of Washington Redskins that they're like, oh, this is offensive. And then our mascot is literally a Kansas City wolf. And that's not their native American. No, American that can't process alcohol on the side of their helmet. mascot is literally a Kansas City wolf. And that's not their native American. No way. American that can't process alcohol on the side of their helmet.
Starting point is 00:47:28 We just have to, we need to achieve in the way a condescending boss talks to you. Like pick that up chief, like that's new mascot is just a dad talking to a 13 year old. Hey chief, we, you want to be honest with Rick? What? Yeah. It's a quieter.
Starting point is 00:47:43 Like, hey, don't worry about it. All right. And what about that, that, that, that teams, uh, will win over us. No problem. All right. It would be cool if Cleveland changed from Indians to like, then it's just like dot not feathers. So now they're just India Indians.
Starting point is 00:47:59 All right. The best of mouth. Now their team. You know, the original logo of the Kansas City Chiefs was a fucking Indian with a skirt running with a football on a hatchet. Really? Yeah. Are you, I can't tell if you're being, that's not the reality.
Starting point is 00:48:17 Are you serious? Yeah, yeah. What's bad? A moose. A moose flip. A moose flip. A regional. A, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a moop, a moop, a flip. A regional, a regional. Hey, Mike Cannon.
Starting point is 00:48:28 Yes. What's, um, that's your name, right? Mike, what is the, uh, point? Yeah, that's everything. Leave him covered in. Small grip. We did a red and went, we're good. That's a short cloth.
Starting point is 00:48:40 You have a look at the hair on his upper thighs. And butt. Well, that's He's only wearing a loincloth so it doesn't shave his quad so he has hair that grows there It's the ultimate warrior. Yeah Hey, can it what what are the what are the Cleveland? Indians gonna be I don't know they don't know yet They just know that that's no longer going to be their name
Starting point is 00:49:03 So and at least they're gonna they, they're apparently going to make an effort to rename them. They're not like Dan Snyder, the Twatch from DC, that is just like, fine. If I can't be, if I can't be mean to Native Americans, then we'll just call us the football team. What if they, what if they move their team to Columbus and they became the, the Columbus explorers? They're like, no, no, we're trying to move away from the Native American things. Like no, Christopher Columbus, we're going to name a football team after Columbus. Yeah, we're the blanket givers. We should do the new Jersey bad tippers.
Starting point is 00:49:41 And it's clearly just some Italian guy. Italian, Italian. Italian. Well, you know, I didn't want to, so I went with Italian because it was the one I am. You fucking pussy. Yeah. Italian was a bad, you were right there, dude. I'm not going to say who they are.
Starting point is 00:49:56 Italian's too much. My friend used to tip the toll guy. Yeah. They don't know we go to the toll. He give him a two bucks for the toll. He give him a five as a tip. Yeah. They don't always go to the toe. He give him, I give him a two bucks for the tall, he give him a five as a tip. Wow. My dad, we said to my house, we, the, the tip was included in seamless. And then my dad tipped him cash. He goes, ah, I don't count that tip. So I tipped him five dollars from seamless and then goes, ah, digital
Starting point is 00:50:21 tips aren't real. And the guy at 10 guy at 10, like a, all right. That's what we do. See, so Italian would grow, nobody has seen an Italian enter a restaurant and be like, oh, another group of Monday. I was riffing. I was grabbing anything and I didn't want to say, you know, what to say it? Who?
Starting point is 00:50:43 Yeah. What? Who? The uh, what? Who? What are you talking about? Goddamn Japs. He's fucking Japs. I thought it was going to be a what we everybody, everybody made Gabby face. Did everyone knows the Jeff?
Starting point is 00:50:58 It's not me. He did that because of microarray or one day. No, Mike, my sickle, he's Japanese. He'll back me up on this. You're people, right? I don't have right. My, he's Japanese. He'll back me up on this. You're people, right? He's Mexican. My, he's Mexican. You find me. Mike is, look at Mike's face. He's Japanese. Mike, can we see your face?
Starting point is 00:51:13 Yeah. The close, the closest Mike is to Japanese is that he looks like Whartle from Pokemon. Yeah. Yeah, he's not, that is not Japanese. The Japanese turtle. Yeah, he looks like is not Japanese Japanese turtle Yeah, he looks like he's about to evolve into Robert Kelly
Starting point is 00:51:39 Like Robert Kelly's the next evolutionary Pokemon state of much. Yeah, Mike is Mike is Bobby halfway through chemo I guess a good guy. You know, Jeremiah is not my friend because he called me Robert. I call you for Tommy too. On my first time on this podcast, I called you Robert, anything. Everyone else was calling you, Bobby. And I was like, do I call him Bobby? I don't do I call him Bobby. I was, I was extra, the, the, the, the marquee said Robert Kelly.
Starting point is 00:52:01 Should I call him by Marquis name? I don't know what to do. What Marquis? The Marquis, all the Marquis. The Creek in the Cave, Marquis. I can't take you, Greg. I should have done two. My belly, my belly button can't handle three. I can't handle three young box. I can't handle three young box. I can only do that. As a wounded, as a wounded, as a rare comic, I can't find a handle you. Oh, shit, my stomach hurts. I was king of the Japanese people, by the way, I was like, it's another.
Starting point is 00:52:54 Yeah, you were talking, I mean, you're here in the clearing. Yeah, you're the king of the world. I love a good sarcastic. Oh, you're good. Are you good? People will be sure to take the full clip in its context. Yeah. I always, I always, I always, whoa.
Starting point is 00:53:11 I always do that. I do. I was always like, I always do with my wife. I'm like, no, no, I'm really excited to see your family this weekend. I do love that. Anyway, I just got a caller, I'm just kidding. That's a call back from the first joke we made in the beginning.
Starting point is 00:53:31 We got it. No one's up fucking ruining your forest. We all laughed. We got it. We all love you. What are you talking about? Why are you spiraling right now? You always spiral.
Starting point is 00:53:43 At the end of the fucking show, you're blood sugar goes down, you spiral. I got a good 40. I got a good 40 on me. And then after we hit the 40 minute mark, it is, I hate myself. And Japanese have problems. That is what I thought. First of all, you met your opinions on tip, right? No, I, um, I'm saying, you know, I'm making fun of Japanese people because my wife is from Thailand. Right. Well, it deserves my, my fiancee never spent a Asian wife to. No, no, no, I just said any time she's Italian. Goonsy, right? She's a goonsy. Yeah, she's goons is, but she's tan. So maybe he could possibly maybe he could possibly mix up his and Greg's wife. Erica is so sweet, but I don't understand why she married him.
Starting point is 00:54:31 It makes no sense. It absolutely, she must have seen him as an injured bird that she needs to nurse to health. And then his psychosis and devilish nature finally pushed all of her enthusiasm and lust for life down as well as humanly possible. So she has no fight left. I, in the theory, there was a first husband that is still in the basement that Mike Phineas kidnapped and she only married him to keep the true love of her life alive. That makes it a lot better.
Starting point is 00:54:59 It makes sense. And she cooks in such great portions that must possibly eat all of that. So she must shovel some of it into that into that lower level. She's always cooking for the family. She has locked in the basement that Fini has a gun to their head. That's right. Facts. This is true.
Starting point is 00:55:18 So what you're saying is that might she has a family that Fini has in the basement of the apartment that he's keeping hostage. So he can portray that he's a normal, everyday guy with this girl and he has a normal life. But he's really just, he's just, yeah, I've never, have you ever seen him blink? It's this. Really?
Starting point is 00:55:41 Yeah, that's how I've never used eyes in my life. I don't know. Don't you dare, dude, it's worse than Medusa. It turns your inside and inside. I caught him. I caught him jerking off to Andrew Schilx's Instagram. I believe that. It's crazy to me to move me and just pass on him after all.
Starting point is 00:56:01 Right. One minute turn the phone. You got it. Yeah. Fini has catalog tapes of him sexually assaulting women throughout his time in New York. Comedy. And he'll show them to you. You just got to ask.
Starting point is 00:56:14 Barely. Yeah. What do you mean? Barely. Well, like I said, he has been a long time abuser of women. And the act is not enough for him. It's the cataloging and keeping the information
Starting point is 00:56:26 secure. And it's on home. But if Fini is a sexual assaultor Michael, yes, I am Mike Fini on the rest of the media. Mike Fini, Mike Fini has has hurt millions of women. Hmm. Listen, man. You can't. You can't. You can't. You understand how the internet works, can't it? You can't just say, I'll. You can't just say, this outrageous. Yeah, not saying it. We are saying it.
Starting point is 00:56:58 Yeah, we are all agreeing because we are all. You're tired of being held under his thumb of power. Yes. He can't drive. to one of those dismissal Grey things or yeah, I mean just as riff him in Just I don't know he's a Good dude. He never heard of one. There's no good dude. Jeremiah wagons a new album is out on iTunes It's on Amazon. It's on fucking Roku, I don't know how you got to
Starting point is 00:57:26 comment. It's on file. I'm fucking my grandmother can put a fucking number on Roku, but he's got it everywhere and it's a hilarious album, family reunion, please make sure you go download it, support him, follow him, tweet, and get as many people as you can to get his new album. Very funny guy. Greg Stone has a beautiful podcast on a laugh button network. What's it called again? Diktok. Diktok.
Starting point is 00:57:53 Diktok. Diktok and the boys. Spell Dix. Cause we're triple X. Diktok and the boys. Cause we don't want to forget the boys. B-O-Y-Z. It's not called body-eye-dining for one hour. And we don't like it.
Starting point is 00:58:12 We're not even attracted to each other, but we do it for you. We 69 each other for you, the straight and who's afraid to 69 a friend. Okay. Dial 69. Dick boys and those and the cockets. Oh, the Ratt viewed cast or something. It's the Ratt viewed cast on the laugh button network. And you also have a Mandalorian nerd. Right. But I'm sorry. But if I could could if we could please donate to I do this is
Starting point is 00:58:45 serious to this website it's called molested dogs they there's dogs out there who are getting petted way too close to their genitals and no one is helping them. So yes, yes it was one of the it was I went to deny one of the less dog molesters that I was a human bit me and that was a flashlight accident. He was fingering a flashlight for whatever he is. The human bit me. Anyway, on the rad dude cast please it's a really funny podcast and every for every download I get Bobby gets a dollar so please
Starting point is 00:59:32 Very funny. We have lots of funny things that happen and if you don't like Japanese people wear your home One to go because it's like no one thinks it's serious, but it is. Mike, Mike Kevin has a really good podcast, also on the laugh button network. That's right, newly signed, maybe. Oh, yeah, boy, welcome to the family. I'm just a little bit. Thank you. Yeah, with Brendan Zagalo and chronic sexual assault
Starting point is 00:59:56 or Mike Freeman. You can't make all of the pro-Korean go-to-his defense fund. Where I'm standing by him. He's been my friend long before he started to do this. So I see the good in him just because he's, he's just victimized millions of women. It doesn't mean that underneath you're all,
Starting point is 01:00:12 if you just run into him. You just said how nice his wife was. This is the worst thing you could do to his wife. Yeah, it's saying how horrible her husband is. And he was like, not sweet. But Mike don't get me started on Mike Phoenix. She's protecting the family she has in the basement. She might remain loyal to this.
Starting point is 01:00:33 She's the hero. It's not even sexual. He's a choker. That's the thing. He's not even a sexual assault. He just goes around choking anybody. That's right. Chokes, does he choke women?
Starting point is 01:00:42 Yeah, with no gloves. So it's cold hands on top of everything else. Women men. The world is a buffet for him of people he can show me. We have podcasts with Oh, yes, what's it called? Here's the scenario. We're also on Patreon slash scenario. Pod. It's me, Brendan Sagalow, Mike Fini, who up, you know, as according to my knowledge has never heard a single woman. But yeah, sign up. We got episodes coming out. I can't imagine. Yeah. We got iTunes episodes coming out. We're dropping really soon and check out Irish Goodbye podcast as well and watch my special on YouTube. I have two hours plus of stand up content on my Canon comedy on YouTube plus sketches TV appearances podcasts all that stuff and
Starting point is 01:01:26 you're interviewing a great partner. Thank you brother of us. What about you? Yeah, Jim. What about you? What about you? We just met but I'll start checking it out. Now do me now do me. Hello. Sorry. I just treat everyone like we we're best friends sorry Jeremy. I just I'm gonna follow you right after this podcast We I just want to do that on everything now What do you want to know I'm not being racist. I just I have to go careful. Also, please tweet at I am like Fini and just tell him that you know his secret.
Starting point is 01:02:14 Don't tell him what it is just to eat. Dude, this is getting crazy. I can't even know where everyone gets that we're joking. Instead of not a serious thing, you have to get them out of the mouth. Yeah, it's called not a world. There's always five people that are like, I'm not the hero that is sitting me. I'm the hero that is sitting me.
Starting point is 01:02:35 There's a lot of people. You need to fucking delorean to get to it. Listen, I'm kidding, but I hope everybody can see the cue mug that's prominently displayed behind me. So Take that information how you will I'm gonna go to the extra 10 right now. Why KWD Gabby? What do you got you got a partner? Lester my podcast on a best podcast follow me on Instagram and Twitter at Gabby is Brian We do push do you put Gabby's plug in the extra?
Starting point is 01:03:07 I never do that. I never do that. If you want to follow Gabby, you have to get on the page. You're not. I think we're the Jeremiah and Gabby exactly the same face. We have the same face. Well, so basically, if you follow Gabby, follow me at Jeremiah's standup. I post just as sexy as pigs and every. I mean the one you just posted broad Brought was hot as fuck
Starting point is 01:03:30 They have the same broad size Both growers not showers All right, so and we got mush Mike V. Suarez Yeah, and me and Greg do that Mandalorian podcast that nobody paid attention to. Oh, can you tell him that Mike? Tell him about it for real though. Because I said blessed it and I blew it. It's dead. Exactly. It's so hard to get you to promote your own podcast that I produce because it's always a joke. You know, it was some real frustration in that voice. If you like that, really good. That's all I can say. Right. You almost snap you almost snap a nice mush out of the character into
Starting point is 01:04:13 angry Mexican mush. Much got real real hard. He's holding it with the Mandalorian podcast that in. He's holding it in. He's holding it in. He's holding it in. He's holding it in. He's holding it in. He's holding it in. He's holding it in. He's holding it in. He's holding it in.
Starting point is 01:04:31 He's holding it in. He's holding it in. He's holding it in. He's holding it in. He's holding it in. He's holding it in. He's holding it in. He's holding it in.
Starting point is 01:04:39 He's holding it in. He's holding it in. He's holding it in. He's holding it in. He's holding it in. He's holding it in. He's holding it in. He's holding it in. He's holding it in. He's holding it in. We all have. We pushed a button on a fucking mixer. Why are you guys still amazed? It's literally, I'm gonna shed.
Starting point is 01:04:49 I'm gonna work for Radio Game over here, really calling my bluff right now. It's not a bluff, it's a fact. It's a fucking dummy. It's exactly what you did. You're fucking transitioning. I see through that. Exactly what you did. You fucking transitioning. I'm like, I'm doing like, I see through that. I see through it. I don't like that.
Starting point is 01:05:09 Happy Father is literally one of the biggest fucking synth players in the world. And she's like, how did you do that? You were gonna give Father when he goes, wow, wow, do go, do go, do do to gal do to wow wow same shit So let's know the rad dude cast with a theater you guys Can rad you'd cast people all right listen. All right. All right. Listen. What's up everybody? This is the extra 10 YKWD. We give them gotta give it a pause and then bring it in you can't just go
Starting point is 01:05:55 We're gonna push fucking you two one No, you guys seriously you guys are fucking I think you guys are the next motherfuckers. I really do On this whole pandemic There are a bunch of tweets saying Fini. I know your secret I know your secret Come on, he got on Twitter You guys are the funniest guys ever. I would fucking I would do this every week with you guys Listen you guys are the best you guys all the lady bugs in here We'll be back tomorrow night with culture and Kelly at seven o'clock. I have a major fucking bone to pick with Mr. Mike Calta.
Starting point is 01:06:45 Wow. He's done me wrong. What do you? Well, I'm not going to say it today. I'm going to tell you tomorrow night seven o'clock on Calter and Kelly on the Patreon. If you want to watch it live on that, it did. If not, it will be up on our Calthar and Kelly YouTube page., Sash, Robert Kelly, make sure you become a member. If you're watching these videos on here, you're a member. If not, become a member. Plei-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s Um, well, also Bobby, I just want to let the fans know I on the red dude cast Patreon. I record all of Bobby Kelly's podcasts and put them on my
Starting point is 01:07:29 Patreon. If you subscribe to mine, you get a two for one. So just until they shut us down. So if you're a fan of Bobby Kelly, you're going to love them even more on our podcast. But I just, you know, I got to get stuff. I got to go. I just I just gotta go. Listen, I want to thank all the sponsors and subscribe like. Oh, subscribe like and comment on the fucking thing.
Starting point is 01:08:01 Oh, subscribe to Bobby's Patreon please. He needs the money for his new belly button. You know, it's right. You should get a pierced. Check the fuck up. I'm not getting... Get a diamond piercing. I'm not getting a diamond.
Starting point is 01:08:18 I have to get a seven-handed to fit that fucking thing. I'm not getting a diamond piercing. I mean, you need definitely a dangling chain to make sure it gets out of the belly button. We should do an on-air papshmere of Bobby's belly button. You should just have these over it as you've been forbidden curtain the hithiop. I get to dorm room. It's Bobby's man. Can't please enough Photoshop people in my belly. Dude, you have to.
Starting point is 01:08:52 Please, the beta curtains and us hanging out like behind. Follow me at totally If you want new bobby pants, go to the T-Spring and get your new bobby pants. Where they say bobby. Get the new bobby pants and masks. Get the meetings of the money. Look at them.
Starting point is 01:09:17 Eat new glasses. January 3rd is the Wall Street Theatre and no more Connecticut live. There's seats available. There's only 100 seats there. Some seats will be available. It's going to sell out. So make sure you go there.
Starting point is 01:09:30 Right. And of course, you can stream it all worldwide. That night, you can dream it right to your house. Have a party right after celebrate the new year. This will definitely be the funniest TV comedy anything you see in January. Okay. I have a new merch idea. I wonder you, Bobby.
Starting point is 01:09:50 Oh, perfect. Send it to me. What is it? A face mask with your belly button on it. Oh, my God. So the mouth is just. The most of your belly button. No, I'll send you the, much else.
Starting point is 01:10:03 I'm going to send you the, much I'm going gonna send you the photo tonight where you get that done. Yeah, so I mean both photos. I would also buy a t-shirt that says nothing, but it just has the picture of the hole in front of your front. Yeah, I would buy that. I could totally get those ready to be sold by tomorrow. I would get it today. And what's the t-shirt?
Starting point is 01:10:26 What's t-shirt? It's just your belly button over where our belly button would be, but it doesn't say anything else. There's no explanation. It's just a whole, it's a white t-shirt with just a whole right there. What do you mean? I don't get it like the my belly button over your belly button on a white shirt. Yeah. Yeah. And then and then if we're belly buttoned though, the new one on the
Starting point is 01:10:52 old one. The new one. Yeah. Thank you. You got to get your voices. If you look really closely, it's golem from Lord of the Rings hanging out. Hey, Jim, I hate to call you out. Did you just call him golem? Golem. Golem? Golem! Golem, Jesus. Golem? You said golem.
Starting point is 01:11:11 I said golem. Golem. Golem. Golem. Golem. Golem. Golem. Golem.
Starting point is 01:11:19 Golem. Golem. Golem. Golem. Golem. Golem. Golem. Golem Tomato tomato golem golem. Frank you're awarded the ring step guy. What the fuck happened?
Starting point is 01:11:31 I need my car away. You can forget it. All right. Listen, I love you guys. My kin. I hate you dumbass. You guys make fun. You know what, dude?
Starting point is 01:11:41 See you later. See you later. Si cada vez que piensas en el mantenimiento de tu BMW, en tu cabeza suena esto... Tranquilo, que ahora con BMW Service lo tienes mucho más fácil. Entra en nuestra web y consolo introducir tu matrícula, encuentra la mejor promoción de mantenimiento Tranquilo! Que ahora con BMW Service lo tienes mucho más fácil. Entra en nuestra web y consolo introducir tu matrícula, encuentra la mejor promoción de mantenimiento para tu BMW.

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