Robert Kelly's You Know What Dude! - Lou Grammites

Episode Date: September 8, 2014

Robert is joined by Joe List, Mike Veccihone, Wil Sylvince, Louis Katz, Kelly Fastuca and Chris Scopo. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Activa es lúnico, porque a diferencia de otros, activa ha demostrado que sus millones de probióticos naturales llegan vivos a la microbiota. Y además ayuda a tu salud digestiva. Activa. Todo empieza con un paso. En sanitas fuimos los primeros en ofrecerte video consulta con tu médico de siempre. Con programas especializados. Otro paso.
Starting point is 00:00:27 Cuida tu mente. Y otro. Fisio digital. Cada año queremos que disfrutes de la asistencia médica presencial y digital que mereces. Dal paso a Sanitas y disfruta ahora de bluayud durante un año gratis. Pulsan el banner para saber más. 3 por uno, 3 por uno, 3 por uno, 3 por uno, 3 por uno, 3 por uno, 3 por uno, 3 por uno. Esta es la 3 por uno señal, que significa que ya puedes aprovecharte del 3 por uno en medianas a domicilio solo pidiendo el line.
Starting point is 00:00:57 ¿Saparao? 3 por uno, 3 por uno. ¡Ah, no, no, no! ¡Dominos! Pizza. You're listening to Robert Kelly's You know what, dude? On the Riotcast Network Alright, check it out. I'm very proud to announce that the Riotcast Network is announcing a brand new show.
Starting point is 00:01:21 Yes, the beige Phillips show will be joining the Riotcast family. We are excited to bring Dante and his crew over here. It's an amazing show. You're going to love it. If you love any about sex and relationships and pimping holes. Ha, ha, ha, make sure you go check this out. It's a great show. I loved Dante Nero. And we needed a black show for the network. So, there you go. I killed two birds with one stone. I got my friend on here.
Starting point is 00:01:50 It's a great show. And he's a black dude. Kind of. I think he's black. He might be able to recon. Who the fuck knows? But go check it out.
Starting point is 00:01:58 Go to iTunes, download, subscribe, review. Go everywhere. Android phones, soundcloud, whatever the fuck you do, and get this new show. Okay, a riot cast app. The beige Philip show on the riot cast network. The greatest network in the galaxy. Join the riot. This podcast on the planet Earth That was trying to keep it like a comic-catch I have got you guys on it
Starting point is 00:02:26 It just does It just does It just does It just does It just does It just does It just does It just does
Starting point is 00:02:34 It just does It just does It just does It just does It just does It just does It just does It just does
Starting point is 00:02:42 It just does It just does It just does It just does It just does It just does It just does It just does You're mine! Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on!
Starting point is 00:02:50 Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on!
Starting point is 00:02:58 Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on! Alright Bobby, I got 15 minutes. That's the most...
Starting point is 00:03:08 That's the most... And the jar that's seen in Jolus, the most... And the jar. That is the... Excited on the show. That is called what they call white guy funny. Because usually black guys won't laugh at that goofy shit. Another episode of You Know What Dude podcast with...
Starting point is 00:03:24 Fucking some of my favorite guys around there and one who's not my favorite but he's on. Um, it doesn't matter. That Will Sovint is one of my favorites. What's up man? What's going on? Popping. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:40 That's why. Um, Louie Katz. Hey. Popping. One of my favorites Then we have Joe list I'm the one Mike Mike Vecchion is one of my favorites too. I love Mike Vecchion
Starting point is 00:04:06 We got Joe list. We got Cali Fistilka. We got Adrian the intern with a girl name and a fucking, a fucking queer face. I saw you outside, you gained a little weight. Now, and then we got Gorgeous for, what's your name? You're going to be going to Stuka. You scuffle. That's his punishment. Scuffle who's the producer of the show, who moved up from intern. He was once you Adrian Adrian and now he's
Starting point is 00:04:26 a you can be Adrian yeah you can be over here fucking yeah one day you cannot figure out anything to be great oh when you're in one day you could have 240 footer followers with nice hair nice hair or greased up here great Right there. Right there. Excellent hair, the best. Yeah. In this room. Not the best.
Starting point is 00:04:49 I like Vicki Ellen's hair. You know, I like it consistency. Yeah. It's never changed in 15 years. I knew we were going to go HD, so I got it ready. Bob, have you seen this hair? Your hair looks like a, like a, like when a little newborn has hair and it looks like a wig. You got, you got baby newborn. You We got never going up here. Rub your fingers to this
Starting point is 00:05:09 What does it go? You should never grown up here. What is that? Your head never grown up This side of the room shouldn't be talking hair My hair is tremendous. I give you a part plus commercial right now. I'm not for the for the forehead. I've been going to you've got 12 years old. I I Ways below I look 12 too. We are here a lot of crazy stuff has happened this week. I just got back from Tampa. Have you guys been to Tampa?
Starting point is 00:05:42 Yeah, let's see. Oh, she is beautiful. I was at the Impa book a few months ago. The Improv, yeah. Well, whatever. I'm a big fan of X. I didn't ask. I asked. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 00:05:56 X. No, I, I, uh, oh, sorry. I was going to say, what the fuck you do? You take your photos. I love, it's a little shitty club in a strip mall, but it's a fucking great. For some reason, the crowds are great. I've never had a problem there. I sold out three of five shows. It's I love he you know, I built up a fan-based cow head. You guys know cow head right? Yeah. He just got bumped up to mornings. That's pretty big, man.
Starting point is 00:06:25 I mean, in radio nowadays, they just fucking fire people and put in a dude who plays records and comes on in the middle every once in a while. Hey, you guys love that, John. Next up, Van Halen, Panama. This weekend, don't forget to come down to the Budweiser beer fest. God's...
Starting point is 00:06:42 Ugh. Blah. beer fast. But he actually is fucking, he did afternoons all talk, which is fucking unheard of. And now they moved them to mornings, which is fucking crazy. So, you know, he, I did his show twice, which is awesome. And it was great. I loved it. Thursday, Friday, Saturday. It's the, I'm telling you, man. These people that get us in there from Wednesday to Monday, they're fucking killing themselves.
Starting point is 00:07:11 Because here, what you're doing is you're spreading out. You're not allowing me to build up a fan base because you're making, you're giving away free everything. When you make people pay for something, even if it's a little cheaper, and I kill, or you kill, right, Louis, you fucking, Mike, you kill. I'm chill, I gotta go through it all because you fucking comics. You gotta do every fucking part, except for Kelly and Scuffle.
Starting point is 00:07:37 I'm happy to be here. The other ones, I get it. You can't bring people four days in a row. I, what? It's if you make them pay for it and then you, you know, but if you lessen the show so like you give me Thursday, Friday, Saturday, there's less options for them to fuck around with and you, it cheapens it, it does. When you add value to something when you give them a make and pay for it and then they'll bring friends and friends. I've had people you guys been in my shows with me
Starting point is 00:08:08 You've worked with me before five six times people have seen me. That's awesome Yeah, they just keep coming back right because I you never I'm we're always gonna fucking do well when it's not like we're famous And sold the room out and then suck which a lot of these fucking people a lot of these comics that come in there Name man's dog. Oh and then suck which a lot of these fucking people a lot of these comics that come in there name names dog Yeah, porn you know who I'm talking about no, we don't yeah Sometimes I feel like I'm wasting my time trying to be funny. I should just try and be famous Yeah, that's the right thing to do the truth One that you know because they're coming in off that name recognition
Starting point is 00:08:44 I've seen that guy somewhere and then they'll go in and buy the ticket off of that. And then even if it's not that good, they'll be like, I got to see the guy from TV. I got to see it. But it does catch up with you though, because those people that saw you on the TV, just say you're in dancing with the stars. You'd get a lot of fans coming to see your show. And if your stand up, well, I'm saying that you'd be more famous doing dance with the stars than last time standing.
Starting point is 00:09:04 But you have to be a star to get on the show, so it doesn't really fit as an analogy. But I think you'll know that those people... Kelly, Kelly, I want you to put your hands over your head. I want you to back out slowly. I want you to get on the lawn. I have to go to the hand, you're going to just say a little. You're going to just say a little. The show's good.
Starting point is 00:09:22 You have to be a star, you have to be a star. But then again, well, by dancing with the stars, the width is not famous though. Are you wearing shorts with duck boots? Are you fucking kidding me? Are you wearing shorts with duck boots and white socks? I was gonna go hiking. When and where?
Starting point is 00:09:39 You live where the fuck is in Mount Stair? You live in Jersey City. Not really. I was gonna just buy my bikes and wear them. But that's... That's hiking to Black people. It's the hottest day of the fucking year. Today is the hottest day of the summer, and you have duck boots on.
Starting point is 00:09:54 What is a duck boot? I don't pick up your fucking dumb duck boot. That is your duck boot. What do you buy them on the way here? Did you forget shoes? They're called revolution. did you forget shoes? Revolution Oh, you homeless is that why you fucking is that what you grew up here bike? They're not good fucking that's not true
Starting point is 00:10:17 Never see okay all the shoes in my closet these are the best ones for bike ride. They're good for stomping out a democracy. What do you have? Indy-Cy? Havley, she's not a democracy. Wait, hold on. I'm trying to get hold of you. Hey guys, hold on, listen. Put that on your face. That was a good one. Let the fans decide.
Starting point is 00:10:34 I missed it. Well, no, we did. Bobby, I am not a fan of the show. Yes, I know. You're a fan of Tuesday's with Murray. Stories. Whatever, we're fucking naming you. It's free on iTunes.
Starting point is 00:10:44 I know it should be. I'll get you. I know what the shooting is those are the only shoes You don't mind fucking up is that's why you're wearing those is that what that is? It was at the joke. I had no idea what's going on Is that it was at statement? No, that's a theory about why you wearing fucked up shoes on your We're in moon boots on the summer day. Guess what? He only dates butchic so he can have a theory It's not even racist It's Mike said it daily dates butchered so he can have a theory that it's not in races it's my set it
Starting point is 00:11:07 it probably definitely stem from racism yeah it's got those overtones listen well I don't understand you know I really don't get it and no it isn't what it is it isn't what it isn't okay you can't just say it is what it is that's it I eat that copo yo it is what it is no you're an asshole that wears duck boots on a hundred degree day on a bicycle Fucking your homeless you have no home. That's why I thought the beard was like a choice
Starting point is 00:11:33 Oh the fucking nappy hair. No, no Bobby. I gave all my clothes to Haiti and I have very little clothes So I had to wear these are you fucking really pulling that card? You shipped your clothes to Haiti. Well, you should have shipped those to Haiti All right, because there's a lot of mud puddles down there and they could have used those duck boots Give me a handkerchief That's fine. I don't know what a handkerchief is I'll fucking take it and I know what puddles I love the word puddles and I think the word puddles is funny So fuck you okay puddles that is every fucking comic thing and put the wolf
Starting point is 00:12:11 Everything It's a what good dog name good something a day in bed good white dog That's the bulls. Bulls. Oh no! You hear my question? No, I didn't hear your question. Oh, I asked if you took a skateboard here. Because of your shoes.
Starting point is 00:12:34 Can you not laugh like a fucking Haitian warlord that just found gold and a pregnant woman's fucking vagina. Mwah! It's in the vagina! That was funny. Did you just say his question yesterday? I first of all, these shoes, I like these very comfortable shoes for me.
Starting point is 00:12:55 You do not like them. I love these. You should not like those shoes. I'm gonna explain to them. There's a big difference between their converse, okay? Those shoes got two Twitter followers. Oh man. I'm gonna use Twitter followers I'm not doing that. I'm not letting tie it's that
Starting point is 00:13:12 I'm not gonna give you the big dinner for that because the fact that you tried to say two in Twitter I have I have I have converse all stars with their special edition with zippers um they're very I don't know what that would be funny fuck you laughing at it you know it's funny they were made by zippers hang on one second Fuck you. I don't want to hear any excuses you take this You shut the fuck up and take it and don't talk. I'm happy. No take it shut up. Funny Asian slur
Starting point is 00:13:58 You know that's because you guys aren't smart enough my humor My colleague Asian Asian people. Hey, you're zippers. Hey, give that back. You're absolutely right. You're the fucking great one. I really am a stupid fucking idiot. Zippers is fucking hilarious.
Starting point is 00:14:17 I apologize. I apologize. You just didn't realize my level of racism. Okay, so here's the deal. We're going to go around the room. What shoe would you rather wear? Would you rather wear his shoe or my shoe? Let me see your shoe.
Starting point is 00:14:31 Yeah, I can't see your shoe. Put the feet up. Put the feet up. We're gonna need a team to get Bobby's foot by his waist. Someone help him put up his leg. I dream. Someone help him put up his leg. Scope, I'll be grabbed my shoe.
Starting point is 00:14:40 I'm set the zipper. Just pull it up. I'm set the chains. Oh no, I'm gonna stand. There. There are amy. There are my same on I'm the stanchard there. Oh, they're on me. Oh, they're my shoe Yeah, that's it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you're a lot of foot than I would expect that Clanshoes saying you got a big dick dog This shoe or his shoe take your shoe off
Starting point is 00:14:59 I go home. I like it unlike you I get on my That when you're on the bed motherfucker I'm like you. I get on my lap. I get on my lap. I get on my lap. I get on my lap. I get on my lap. I get on my lap. I get on my lap.
Starting point is 00:15:10 I get on my lap. I get on my lap. I get on my lap. I get on my lap. I get on my lap. I get on my lap. I get on my lap. I get on my lap.
Starting point is 00:15:18 I get on my lap. I get on my lap. I get on my lap. I get on my lap. I get on my lap. I get on my lap. I get on my lap. I get on my lap. I get on my lap. I get on my lap. I get on my lap. That's a great issue in the world, but yeah, it's too long and flat looks like a girl's shoe What I'm gonna go with the boots. All right, so we got one boot
Starting point is 00:15:28 We got two fucking normal people Rachel what's your what do you say? Come back home. There's a little more comfy. All right, what do you say scope? What are we doing now? I don't know you're running running a mario shit the fuck up. It doesn't matter You're out you went to work uh yeah Bobby here doesn't too heavy all right so there you go my shoe wins okay Bobby all right your duck boot doesn't win
Starting point is 00:15:51 okay let's look at your socks no your baby ankle socks i have ankle tarn I like ankle tarns come onto your toes what it's where he's wearing the proper socks for this fucking weather man you're you're all this from the name from the down It's what you mouth man. What?
Starting point is 00:16:15 His home What's with this baby really would you really be a river? No, the Harlem public pool Is that another racist joke? No, you went I used to live in Harlem and I took your boots I'm not racist Race against Asians. What did you want? What did you want? What would you go swimming Central Park last girl pool? Me and B in the baby and Lewis. Thank you for turning me up. I appreciate it. The audience is probably vivid. Sorry. This is the guy who's nonsense. Should we start from the top? I had some pearls and I was well.
Starting point is 00:16:52 We went for a swim up in Central Park. It was delightful. Yeah, it was big. It's a great baby in there. And then Lewis wanted to dunk his head underwater and Beatrice and I voted against it. Why? I've dunked Max's head under the water I've done it a bunch of times he loves it. You're gonna do it. You're right. You're big. I'm tougher than Lewis's baby Why is he a little scared? He's a bit of a bitch I'm kidding. I thought he was a real last boy Lewis wouldn't get in the water. He was too cold was embarrassing. I'm embarrassing display. Did he was dead as toes and he took him out
Starting point is 00:17:24 It was toes in he have a show too cold. He was embarrassing, he was embarrassing display. Did he take his toes and he took them out, it was to his toes in. Did he have a shirt off? He had a shirt off, yeah. How's it look? It looks spectacular. Does he really? Doesn't believeable. Make too, to be honest.
Starting point is 00:17:32 You sure he doesn't look like a melted Barbie doll? We worked out together. You worked out together. Lewis is fucking huge. It's insane. He was punching the heavy bag, like throwing combo, that guy is terrifying. I don't know if I've met a person
Starting point is 00:17:44 that would be able to take him in a fight Should we let him hit Kelly before he leaves? Yes, you would fucking annihilate her. I love it It was crazy. I'm like I don't think you could take a punch from that guy. I'm thinking having a bar fucking listen I'm loading on the Wrestling movie I'm small like I'm a smaller but you got the rest of the skills. What about Dante? Yeah, don't say really where hold on I'm I guys
Starting point is 00:18:03 Try not to talk over each other right I saw a Mike Go ahead and Mike and Louie bigger than Mike. Louis is fucking enormous. He's a scary person He's like 220 pounds Lou should have it huge you'd have to hit Louis with a shovel. I mean he's not He's not you can beat him You have to suck a punch him with a pipe It's not, you can beat him. You'd have to suck a punch him with a pipe. For the first time, right? Take a punch.
Starting point is 00:18:26 He could take a punch, but not a pipe, okay? Here's the thing with Lewis. You'd have to go Lewis. I don't want to do this. This is bullshit. You got a kid. I got a kid and you'd be like, and you'd stop for a sec.
Starting point is 00:18:37 Ugh, you're right. And you think about his son for a sec? And then whack. Right in the head with a fucking rod iron pole. And then you then you'd have to just walk away like with no pipe, okay? You pipe your own thing you'd have to you'd have to hit him with a pipe and then you'd have to handcuff him and take him to a basement Because when he woke up he'd be fucking angry So you'd have to let him wake up angry and realize look this isn't over You understand?
Starting point is 00:19:01 You You got to kind of break his will you're gonna have to like a couple days in the basement and fucking look, I will fucking listen. Do you want to see people again? Where if he break out those handcuffs? He wouldn't. What if he, dude? What if he, dude?
Starting point is 00:19:15 I don't know what then think, dude. I don't know what the fuck to say. Lewis got choked out the other day. From a whole mic, Frank Ateli choked him out. Who's back at Mike Ateli? out Who's back really a younger comic Lewis was fucking with everybody at L.O.L And then all of a sudden Branketelli comes up from behind and chokes him out and he had a tap What was the greatest thing? My Branketelli is actually like a lot shorter than what he was sitting down a little I got it from behind when he's expecting
Starting point is 00:19:41 Lewis was trying not to tap All you two know Mike Yeah, basically. Greg tell you it looks exactly like Arty Lang. Yeah. Like two feet shorter. Wow, that's weird. But Lewis is a guy, a guy like that, I think that you,
Starting point is 00:19:52 if you can withstand his first couple of minutes, he hopefully he'll get winded and then, you know what I mean? He'll let a guy like that get winded. Yeah, but here's the thing. No, he's got initial anger. But here that initial anger is gonna be dead dead mom dead people Don't make fun the industry doesn't like me Kelly for stuka Kelly for stuka Kelly for stu There's gonna be a lot of fucking Bob Kelly fucking blood. There's a lot Jay big Jay. I'm funny. I'm funny
Starting point is 00:20:18 There's a lot of that fucking anger coming you know what I'm saying? Yeah If you get a fight it's gonna come a couple. A couple of minutes if he wins himself out, like he he's so many more. He's going to make mistakes of your skill. Fighter. I don't know anything about skilled fighting or fighting. He was punching that fucking thing. I don't know anyone that could withstand one punch. He was fucking. It's a terrifying site. Yeah, I'll be tough to deal with. He was just fucking like he's huge. His shoulders are insane and he's just like the Reads you can see it. I'm like that guy would fucking kill somebody my head would come off who would who would win him or Dante
Starting point is 00:20:52 Yeah, I think you're any comedian that you think it take him anyone I don't know that they would fucking I think Dante can't take the Older and too big I think Dante would hit him with his bracelet and he'd go right the fuck out of that the burn I mean I understand Rogan is a beast or something yeah but that's a different that's that's legitimate yeah yeah that's a legitimate guy who can fight Lewis can you stop saying fighter I'm fucking give me a second to come up with the word
Starting point is 00:21:25 That's not the word I wanted. I'm not slow. I kept a legitimate and he kept going fighter And I was like fuck no, that's not what I wanted to say what you want to Canadian mix martial artists I And allow me was a good allow me my pauses on my own show, okay? Fucking scope up your own podcast and just I'm shit in I got my own podcast Oh fucking Tuesdays with fucking Mary What about gomen? Hide on inside oh my god gomen to take look because gomen's kind of
Starting point is 00:21:59 Anger So tall Shit Gary guy with guy with tip We got an anger though. Yeah, but here's it then Gary has a huge heart You understand so Louis will bring him down he would feel bad as soon as here if he hurt somebody as soon as he'd be like I'm sorry. I'm sorry. He was just like I'm done So no Louie's got a lot of rage in him now. He's getting he's getting shredded. Yeah, he's getting back to Louis the you know the Good-looking Louie guy And he has some fight training.
Starting point is 00:22:26 He knows what he's doing. He's got a podcast called Hammer Fisting on That's a great network. It's a fantastic network. I wish I was on that one network. Yeah, well, you're not. So what happened? Is he not on the show?
Starting point is 00:22:41 Well, like, anymore, or I don't know what that was. No, he's on the show. I was just having had him on in a few weeks, because he was coming on with his glasses. He was coming on as a character every week. He built up some character, and he wouldn't stop doing it. And every week, it was 20 minutes. Why you were exactly in a way of the glasses.
Starting point is 00:22:58 I don't mind if you were the glasses. So you suspended him? I actually want you to wear the glasses, because your eyes are scary. They're just dark and black like shark eyes. You know, I didn't suspend them at all. I just been using other people. There's a shitload of people that want to be on the show.
Starting point is 00:23:13 And it was, I've been mixing them up. I've been having a lot of other people that I have regulars. And then I have a shitload of other people that i love on the show like yourself and and louis and and uh... and uh... and that's it no i was gonna say well uh... thanks
Starting point is 00:23:34 uh... my pausing to can i not have a second to fuck it what the fuck is this is it and then we would like to will no you've had a few clonkers i thought it clunked. No. He got to let it breathe.
Starting point is 00:23:47 He got to let him think about it. Well, he was trying to help you. Well, with their stramatic pauses. Thank you. Yeah, thank you. Thank you. You know what, all about pausing. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:23:57 Right. We had a lot of stuff go on this week. Poor Jennifer Lawrence that that situation where the have some of those pics if you want to say where are they i don't know what i don't want to fucking see him you know what the
Starting point is 00:24:12 you know what the i don't i don't want to fucking see him is anybody want to see him yeah i'd like i saw her ready i'm gonna so i'll decide whether i see them on the reaction from my chop is only two
Starting point is 00:24:22 talking over fuck go to the right. I saw one of the good ones. You really feel bad about looking at them? Here's the thing. It's so fucking, all I wanted to do when I found out, I got home. I got home.
Starting point is 00:24:38 Kelly, shut the fuck up. Oh, God. I got home from being away from my family all weekend. My wife and kid pull up in the car and I'm in the backseat with my kid who haven't seen in three days and all I'm thinking about is my brain, like I got to wear these, have you seen the photos? And I'm looking for stupid photos of some naked broad that you know, that was literally fucking violated.
Starting point is 00:25:04 Some fucking asshole went in and, these are photos that were deleted from her phone or account and they went in and found them, hacked into it through iCloud or some fucking weird shit. And you know, I just don't think I wanna see them. Wow, she's hot. Oh my god. I hate it.
Starting point is 00:25:24 She has great tips. Oh my god. I mean, she has great tips. I know, I got my brother went on a fucking rampage last night and got like Kate Upton's photos. The pictures of Kate Upton with like, she's on her back. Oh, yeah. She's on her back. OK, wait a second.
Starting point is 00:25:37 This but all. No, but all is it. I mean, here's the thing. I'm joking with that fucking thing. But honestly, God, who gives a fuck? Yeah. I mean, people with nine of five here got nothing to do with their lives and they and loses that's who gives a fuck No, there's no mistake. I write she's a hot chick. She's a hot chick Yeah, she's a person like the rest of us. You want to really fucking shock me get Joan Rivers naked photos
Starting point is 00:25:57 I'd love to see that from fucking You say Jane or Joan? Oh You know Jane or Joan? Joan! Oh, you know Jane Rivers? Speaking of Segways, Joan Rivers is in the hospital, which is sad. I mean, I don't even know what the house happened with her. There was so many different reports that she took her out of the coma that they induced her in. Well, that's off in the beginning. I don't know. She went to the hospital for...
Starting point is 00:26:24 Throat surgery. Just routine through surgery and then during the operation her heart stops. Was it real so serious? No, it was just routine. It's very, very little and then she, she stopped breathing during that, but she was under too long. So I think that maybe because she was, she lost brain activity. So is she going to be okay? I'm going to read up. I haven't seen anything today. They said today they said they put, they're gonna slowly pull out of the coma, but they have to check the brain activity. It's now when they bring her out of the coma, they have to check her.
Starting point is 00:26:52 She's breathing on her own, but she can't, if there's no brain there, it's like, hmm. So she might be gone. Yeah, but no brain activity means she had no oxygen for a certain amount of time. I'm sure they had, they had on the oxygen. Only reason why she would not have brain activity means she had no oxygen for a certain amount of time. I'm sure they had they were they had an oxygen. Only reason why she would not have brain activity because she had no oxygen to the brain. So why was she not have any oxygen?
Starting point is 00:27:14 How come nobody jumps in on him? With fucking fills in the blanks. Because we're terrified. Look at these arms. I thought Will had medical training. That's why I was letting I did have my medical check. Yeah No, but you never know what's with the brain man. You never know what's gonna happen
Starting point is 00:27:44 You know, I mean, come on. You know, I mean, come on. And then you bring her out of it. You never know what's going to happen. What are you saying? Never know when the as going to be here. No, you never know the table going to be here. Like, what does that mean, Mike? What it means? It means it means it's open ended. It means that we don't know. You're saying that there's oxygen to the brain. And there should be nothing wrong with her brain. But we don't know that you're guessing. Well, it is what it is.
Starting point is 00:28:06 Am I right? I think. I am. It's not a rough judgment. Let's just see how it plays out. It sucks because if we lose her, she's another great comedian. And I think that a lot of comedians thought especially in the last ten years or so
Starting point is 00:28:26 people have really understood her especially when the documentary came out and we saw what how funny she really was and how brutally honest she really was we always thought of her as i'll say speak for myself from the tonight show and doing monologue jokes which for me i really don't fucking like i don't like that type of of comedy. I'll watch it, but it's not, I would never, it's not my thing. I really like when people are a little more edgy
Starting point is 00:28:50 and a little more real, and then when we saw the documentary, if you've ever seen it alive, she's fucking brutal. She's brutally funny, and people walk out on her, and it's great, and to lose somebody like that would suck. It would suck, because we've lost a lot of people this year She is 81 though. She's anyone but she wasn't but she was still active She was still active and she wasn't she wasn't like oh my god. I'm getting sick like Don Rickles Look, he's getting old. He we kind of know that he can't he's you know
Starting point is 00:29:19 He's not gonna be around that much longer. He's sick. He can't walk that well But you know John was fine. And then, the woman still doing interviews, all this. But we're gonna lose these people eventually. I mean, everybody's got it. Yeah. You know, I mean, it's a sad, it's a sad reality. Who do you think will die in order of the guests here?
Starting point is 00:29:35 Yeah. I think I definitely, I definitely know Will's gonna die for. Crotin' on black. No, statistics are not on your side. Well, you're very healthy. Well, not that. He's gonna get fucking hit, because some dudes gonna be looking at his duck boots
Starting point is 00:29:46 When he should be looking where he is he's gonna take a right fucking wipe him out on a curb Okay, who's second? Okay, I would definitely Louis cats Along with me, but how long does will have I give it to the end of the afternoon? I give it to the end of the afternoon. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha I fucking like it's a fucking Indian cheap Oh, I'm hanging chief Kelly made that first because I think that's why she's going back to Australia. She's dying You know what I agree with James Smith left I Say I say I say Kelly James is really sick. Oh, yes. Yeah, I had no idea. So the guy yeah James had to go back again Does anybody know details on that? No, I did not I did not he was a routine throat surgery and Jesus Christ what he uh... he he's sick I agree with you I'm wearing a shirt up Kelly will die first yeah I should go
Starting point is 00:30:55 I have first will will go first you want something first because you never had anything first he's so healthy though who will yeah that's why he's gonna go he's not gonna go natural causes. He's gonna My best natural causes for black who is the cops shootings and I smoke I drink I eat terrible You're fucking with her Are you really doing that I couldn't understand when he was making fun of my voice? Are you really doing that? I couldn't understand when he was making fun of my voice.
Starting point is 00:31:25 I'll fucking stop this show right now, because I'm offended. You understand me? Tutu, tutu, tutu. Why do you make fun of my voice? I didn't say what smack was. Smike. Oh, okay, okay. It's Haiti versus Australia.
Starting point is 00:31:40 Hold on, but don't those big, beautiful titties take the smoke in? You went there dog What do you think her titties in male the cancer? Like he said I filters he said medical training. This is what he Lin medical cheat here. He just he just blew fire on somebody's chest and Pulled the chicken kidney out of his fucking own palm out of somebody's belly button Don't you think list did all sorts of damage to his liver and that could take him out Yeah, but he's on the healthy back baby I think you're gonna live the longest cuz you're Jew that is very I think Louis the vibrate
Starting point is 00:32:20 Jews Jews got those crazy diseases. Yeah, nobody else get what's that called? I'm sure what is it? Lou what? Ludes Grammits. Ludes Grammits. I can't. Something with something with L. Lou Wallick. Lou Wallick. What the fuck diseases? Just say the disease. Cheapness and annoyance is not a disease. What's that?
Starting point is 00:32:33 What's that called? Like Pearls disease and all. Tasex. Lou, no. A noir. A noir. A noir. A noir.
Starting point is 00:32:41 A noir. A noir. A noir. A noir. A noir. A noir. A noir. Lou Wallack. What the fuck, diseases? Just say the disease. Cheapness in the knowings is not a disease. What's that? There's one called Pearls. What's Pearls disease?
Starting point is 00:32:50 Pepe. Pepe necklace? Just keep going. What's the other one? Lou Grammitz. Yeah, Lou Grammitz. It's tough. Hang on, it was a good ball player.
Starting point is 00:33:00 Lou Grammitz. Lou Grammitz disease is fucking really bad. You understand that? Yeah, I mean I don't understand what Lou Grammits how it how long do you know I'll talk my Mac? What is Lou Grammits what is it again Lou what is it? I don't know there's tastes X tastes X okay, I can't really slow down. What is the other disease pearls disease? I think and then lose grammits. Lose grammits. I know you know what?
Starting point is 00:33:27 You know what? I think is lose something. Okay, lose what? Lose grammits? Lose that accent. You think? Listen to me. If you want to leave now, you can.
Starting point is 00:33:39 I don't need you any further for this show. If you're not to keep going. You say entertainment. No, I've listened to me. Louis, stop. Come on, tell him the disease, man. We I don't need you any further further show To entertain it Louis stop come on tell them the disease man loose gram. It's like a jeweler My head hurts. Listen to me. It's just try to work it out. I think I know what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:34:11 Lou, is it Lou's a Lou? I think it's Lou, right? Lou, Lou, granite. Granite. I think granite. Granite. Lou granite. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:34:24 Lou granite. I don't know. I think George. I am Jewish. I've never heard of Lou granite like the new granite. I don't know granite. I don't know. I'm the Jewish. I am Jewish I've never heard of a new granite somebody got a Torah so we could look it up I'll look it up new gamets. Yeah, look up blue gamets look up Jewish diseases Palestinians Lungus we can think he's dying the whole time Well, I don't think it's a I don't think it only affects Jewish people though. I don't think it's a Jewish disease New granites Granites a disease
Starting point is 00:34:52 Every time I follow you Grimmits or granites? Google it's a Cosses of hypnose You're not doing yourself any favors in the business Yeah, Jay's no No one listens to this, do you? Yeah. Actually, yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:07 Oh my God. It's after Mike Lawrence. Oh boy. You know what I mean? And just you listen to this. Oh boy. Louis will retire to Boko Ratton when he's 95. Yeah, you're going to be in living in Boko.
Starting point is 00:35:17 He's going to die of a heart attack before then. He worries too much. Okay. My. Offers. She's second. Who's third? Louis will get murdered by one of these black women he dig Okay. My- I'm first. She's second. Who's third? Louis will get murdered by one of these black women he did.
Starting point is 00:35:27 Yeah, I- That's- What was the fuck out of T.O. I got killed. You watch those shows, white women kill way more. Come on man. Come on man. That's true.
Starting point is 00:35:38 Yo, yo, Louis, I got Lou Grammits man. You're on the fucker, you gotta take care of me. I gave her my due disease. You gave me little grimmits This motherfucker don't give me little grimmits. I think I'm out I live everybody I got the meditation the yoga the salad the smoothie your lean guy very lean. I work out with Lewis now I hope you a plane goes down this weekend. I don't have any work weekend. I don't have any work. You know what you will. Can deliver get better though you haven't done. The livers are recovery organ. Oh yeah. Yeah you give us the only organ
Starting point is 00:36:11 that my covers on its own. My uncle just had his gave my other uncle a piece of liver. So he gave him a little piece of his liver and it grows. Whoa. It becomes a big liver. Are you serious? Yeah. You know liver repairs itself pretty quick. Yeah, it's like a reptile. Yeah, especially with a no no no It's like blue What the fuck is not an X-Men? The crow fingers right now when you call a arm wall. I know. I know what you meant. It's called regenerate Yeah, it doesn't thank you. That's a good man. I mean, I guess it is like a reptile regenerate Who's with regenerate?
Starting point is 00:36:46 I hate management names. Hey, how you doing? I'm Mark Savage with regenerate. I saw you have just relapse. I was wondering if me and my staff could come down. And Arty, that's you. With next level. I know that's you, Arty.
Starting point is 00:37:03 You're just pretending to be a manager. I'm not. I'm just saying that you know you get the little Grammits Black people with the little granits already. Why are you pretending to be a manager? I don't know Manage people no radio show This black guy's killing me with the black little Grammits and they were reptiles now. I'm a maybe I should get it Fuck an X-Men disease on my I know I know we've fluffed over the photo thing oh yeah it's in the Lawrence that person should go to prison i i think i we will be there actually here's a thing it's not a uh... it's a sex crime
Starting point is 00:37:50 the right to think it's not it's not like uh... what's that what what what what's the problem with what are they what do they call it uh... well it's it's a sex crime because the federal crime actually yeah because they uh... they stole they went in and and and they hacked these were deleted photos. They weren't out there They get they were not just that hack and is a crime hack and is it but how is it a sex like what is the charge if it's a sex? I had no idea he just made that up. No, no, I've heard that
Starting point is 00:38:17 No, they've tried to but I don't understand they like him because she's she's over 18 It's no if you were like 16 at times I'll say the equivalent of hiding a camera in her house and taking pictures and then selling them to people. It might be a sex crime because you're putting someone's sexual picture online and you're not supposed to be like, of course. You've got a fucking prison for years. How's that different?
Starting point is 00:38:39 What's worse though? Hold on, everybody. What's worse? Hacking and taking someone's negative picture or swatting. What's swatting? Swatting. Are you serious? Joe Liss? I'm serious.
Starting point is 00:38:49 You know what swatting is? I know. I know. I take it. Guys, I have bad vision. Explain it. Swatting is when you call the SWAT team on somebody that you that's beating in a video game or that you hate and you can have them go to your house and
Starting point is 00:39:05 I'll entire swat you say hey, I got my kid napped and I'm about to I killed one person I'm about to kill some more and I'm holding six people hostage and kids the whole swat to go to your house And they break down the door and you never heard of swatting Some cases got 20 years for that. Yeah 15 years old and he did that prank and he got 20 years First of all swatting is a isad. It's almost like I fucked up. It's, you know, it's been happening a lot. It's been happening a lot. It's dead.
Starting point is 00:39:36 Believe me, once somebody gets fucking arrested and a little kid gets thrown in jail, it's not a joke anymore and people are done with that. It's over. Okay. And they're not going to just roll the fucking swat team out now you know they're gonna find out what the fuck's going on that's the problem now it's like a it's a boy who cries well thing i mean the swatting is fucked up but you're right it's not gonna happen as much this is more future problem this is for pounds one swatting one swatting thing is worse i would say
Starting point is 00:40:01 yes swatting is terrible yeah but but this is, I mean, taking somebody's personal photos that they deleted. Yeah. Let's think about that. Think of the photos you've deleted off of your phone. Think of the fucking hard shit, the dick pic, the thing that a chick sent you or something.
Starting point is 00:40:18 I don't delete anything. They're all on there. We need to go back to floppy disk. Back then they couldn't hack into your floppy disk when I was laying on your desk. Well, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna leave. I'm gonna leave. I'm gonna take this bandana with me
Starting point is 00:40:31 and I'm gonna hang myself with it. What the fuck are you talking about? I'm gonna question his booths and stuff. This is where the world is going to, like we trust in the cloud before it was all the not dex type, it was all not floppy disks or flop It was all now floppy dicks or Wait a minute, what's a floppy dick? It's a lot of it's Lou Grammitz's penis. I got
Starting point is 00:40:52 I got to put a little phone. That's what will stick is most of the time just a floppy dick So now we got this is the price we pay of Of so having our security in a cloud. Yeah. Well, I think, yeah, good. Do you not use a cloud? I mean, I use the cloud, but I don't put no, I don't put no naked pictures up there. I got to take some, I got to go. Some of those. I got to go.
Starting point is 00:41:14 Well, here's the thing is this has to happen in order to fix it. Do you understand? Now Apple has went in and fixed the issue. They found out, you know, they found out the problem and they went in and fixed it. So something to have to suffer at the expense, well, anything, and fix the issue. They found out the problem and they went in and fixed it. So some people had to suffer? At the expense, anything. Any technology somebody has to suffer, somebody has to go in and they have to fuck up
Starting point is 00:41:33 to figure out what the, look at the iPhone when it came out and they put the antenna in the wrong place. And it's an amazing holy shit thing, but they fucked up, they figured it out and they move on and then the you know the competition went oh shit We didn't we're not gonna do that and now phones are amazingly better, but It is a scary thing. I don't give a fuck. I don't really give a fuck what I think right now We're out of that I felt bad because one a couple of the photos one of them curious that don't had jizz all over her face
Starting point is 00:42:04 And she was like who is that actress? Which what is she been a fighter man's wife? Spider-Man original the first three Spider-mans. Can you get that? I ain't twin that now, but I should be highly available. I can't you should go that's a federal I can't my mother my brother found like I brother found a lot of the pictures and he I'll bring him in next week But at the same one hard drive because it's like so you know you just guilty Right? She's got like federal prison for that. I'm a serious. I mean I'm sure for sure
Starting point is 00:42:28 Absolutely, here's the thing is like you can be the the guy You know, I was joking around looking at the photo, but yeah, I want to see that photo, but why Why do I want to see the photo of this broad with jizz on her? Because I think I've seen it with her But I've seen a million fun. I can go watch this. This is the reason why I can go jizz on a girl's face. I'm married. I go jizz.
Starting point is 00:42:50 Kelly. Kelly. Kelly. My wife. But I'm saying, why? This is what we shut up. Let me just finish the fucking thought. And then you can go, this is the reason why.
Starting point is 00:43:04 And come up and try to see some that we don't understand Listen I'm saying fucking Lou Granux What I'm saying is why Louie I know you're a freak, but why do I feel the urge to go see all these photos? What is it gonna do for me? Why do I want to be part of that group of the cattle? Well, I don't think it's right. I feel bad. It's something terrible that these people did. And these people are suffering for no reason.
Starting point is 00:43:39 And I know why do I want to go look at it? Because you're dad left? Which one? Ah,? That. Which one? That. Ah, checkmate. That's not, which dad? First of all, not looking at it is not going to make them not exist.
Starting point is 00:43:52 They're out there, people are looking at it. But if we didn't, if not, hang on, if none of us looked at him, if we all said, fuck you, we don't want to look at this shit, people, would you think this, this, nobody, nobody would fucking do it. Yeah. Nobody would do it. We're not looking at it as a fucking hole.
Starting point is 00:44:07 We're not gonna look at it. It's a good hole though. This is the reason why. Kevin and James. The reason why you look at it, is because most guys, every fine girl we see, there's a curiosity to see what she looks like. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:44:21 What did you just say? What? What? What kind of, that was curiosity? I think there's a curiosity. I'm sorry. What did you just say? What? What? Which part? What kind of that was curiosity? I think there's a curiosity. I said that word. Okay.
Starting point is 00:44:30 All right. I have a list of words I say correct. So what? Can I see that small piece of paper? Can we go through? Come at it. We have a cookie. We want to see.
Starting point is 00:44:42 What is it? You have a what? We have a curiosity that a while that you're barely making that word But good That we want to see women naked and we can't help ourselves even if it just for a glistening when we get over We don't mean on harm Greg Kelly I think it's because People like Jennifer Lawrence and all those people they're like they're almost make believe because they're these big
Starting point is 00:45:01 F***a movie stars and they're out of our reach and it's like It's like that. I don't even exist because they've been made up by everything else But me seeing those pictures makes me go are they our human and then you can see that part of you can be the part of the people Magsick they're just celebs are just like us That's not what it is. It's the opposite of the face. It's the opposite of what you're saying It's that celebrities are there like it's like gossip. It's like high school gossip because we all know the celebrities quote unquote I'm doing air quotes. You can't you can't hear them in pod quest And he's crossing hd and he's crossing his legs like a woman I mean if we're gonna really nitpick he also said pod quest
Starting point is 00:45:38 It's those duck boots Quacks I'm saying it's your actually familiar with the the celebrities that makes you want to do it. Oh guys real quick everybody applaud Mike just tucked his shirt from his jeans. Hey, you are a tuck king. I like to keep things I have a nice build. So I like to take a look at it.
Starting point is 00:45:57 You're a king talk. I give you credit for that. I said it. You didn't understand when I said it, but when he said it you give him And he's in the head of the table well. You're just Seated at the right hand of the father. Why don't you untuck your pants? My why did this become we're talking about a serious issue here that affects a lot of people and then you go right to
Starting point is 00:46:18 I untuck my shirt Why must I be the scapegoat? Let's talk about these issues. Maybe we can make some headway Mike you know what you're right, no no it only takes one person to change the world i'm sorry my go ahead you're right now louis you're talking go ahead man like preach did that somebody pass him uh... luis's rattle rattlesnake rattle and luis's glasses please
Starting point is 00:46:40 uh... what a good you say something like i that. No, I was I was saying Louie did anyone the opposite of what Kelly was saying and also did anyone watch the The porn of the girl who killed herself from the porn. I didn't watch that but I'm aware of it Wait a long way there may what happened. What is it this girl made a porn all these people bullied her about it And then she killed herself right not Robin Williams I applaud his effort. Fuck it. I know when gave it anything. I applaud his effort no one gave it anything I applaud is that I'm with and then people at home they didn't work but he's laughing
Starting point is 00:47:12 laughing everybody didn't want their laugh now probably on the market well killed well was in his own who's Robin Williams He was a comedian I am I don't know about this point. Is it was it? I don't know about it either she knows someone was filming her Yeah, she was in the porn she was in the point she agreed to it But that's a things like then he showed everybody as a being a shit It got out like people that went to school with her were like look what she did now. She shot it on purpose Yes, but without the intention of everyone saying. But was that the intention of everyone saying it?
Starting point is 00:47:45 No, no, it was the intention of everyone saying it. But she didn't think it was going to go bad. But then the feedback was just bullying. Well, it was the feedback like critiquing it, like you suck at dick shitty. You're a whore. You don't have to suck dick. I'll teach you.
Starting point is 00:47:59 It wasn't like that. It was like she's a bad person. Yeah, she's a bad person. Kelly, if I said it in a bombed, why would you say it right after the bomb was. Was it the same thing? Yes. Absolutely. Yes. It's a bad person. Yeah, she's a bad person. Kelly, if I said it in a bombed, why would you say it right after that bombed? Was it the same thing? Yes. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:48:07 Yes. It's a demographic. Timings not a thing. I'm untiring this. Yeah, I'll have it. I'll be a take. Well, you know what? Take it with you, Australia.
Starting point is 00:48:15 That's yours. Oh, well, hypocrites. We're all hypocrites because we are in this situation because we all jerk off the porn. So it's like, and then take the after you're done, put your hat on and judgment at and You're wrong. Wait a second. First of all, I don't have a hat that I put on after I Your to have I don't wear your to have work or artists
Starting point is 00:48:33 Everybody to point here. Yeah, but no, no, no, no Very very very different a lot of porn actresses love doing porn have no problem doing porn They get paid well for doing porn and that's when you see that that's their job okay my friend Bailey J who Joe wants to fuck so bad I don't want to fuck I want to blow her to completion okay saying okay so she has no problem with doing her porn she does her porn her husband films the porn blah blah blah blah okay a girl who a person there's a big difference between me sitting there watching porn and jerking off the porn who people get paid to do it then watching some poor girl who did a porn did know what
Starting point is 00:49:17 the fuck she was really getting into and then it went south on her me jerking off to something where somebody killed himself i think it's a little weird i think that's a little weird knowing that the girl killed herself over this thing that she did something that we all make mistakes we all fuck up this blew up in her face no pun intended and and now i'm sitting there with my dick out to it is kind of fucking in human
Starting point is 00:49:41 you know you're talking to this is doubt fire now i know i think it's a there's Dutfire? No, I've never. I think there's a difference though. You can't just say I put a judgment ahead of him. No, but I know, but I think that the people before, the people who bullied her, they have a certain, you can't do that to people. You don't know where people's mental state are.
Starting point is 00:49:58 Look anybody who bullies anybody over anything is a fucking piece of shit. Yeah, I agree. And you can't, there's some, I know, in school, you're about how I talk, huh? You're bull I agree. And you can't, there's some, I know the, in school, you're about to talk. Huh? You're boozing. And your boots?
Starting point is 00:50:09 I'm a boots. Bobby, we don't like you. It's a diss. It's a diss. It's your dumb skateboarding shoes and your bullying. I think bullying is the fucking worst. Right. And I know it's part of being a kid.
Starting point is 00:50:23 I know that's what kids do because kids don't know any fucking better. And a lot of kids are raised with shitty parents or parents that don't have the time to raise their kids correctly. I actually think kids are getting better than they were. There was a time where my grandfather's generation, where I think kids had some type of respect
Starting point is 00:50:41 and they would raise differently. And then between the 60s and the 80s 90s, maybe it was a fucked up era of kids my generation was a sick era I was you know my dad was in Vietnam my mom got pregnant when she was 15 They would there was a divorce was okay, and all this weird shit happened to kids But I think now kids that are coming up are better kids than My generation I think we're I think it's both I think now kids that are coming up are better kids than my generation. I think we're- I think it's both, I think it's like a, it's a pendulum and it's like, they're better
Starting point is 00:51:11 about bullying and they're all like nicer people but then they're also kind of like pacified in the same way. But it's also, there's more- But it's also, there's all, so more levels to bully. Like in your day there wasn't like online bullying, that's fucking nuts. Now kids that go to school together. Yeah, it's fucking ridiculous. I'm 43 got a school together. That's fucking ridiculous I'm 43 and I get bullied That was the thing about getting bullied or any type of thing of being made fun of you it happened when you're a kid You know when you're a kid and then maybe into high school
Starting point is 00:51:35 But then and in your face and it happened in your face But even though it when you left high school and you went into the world you became a man man or an adult, and when you became an adult, there was no more bullying. You were a man. And that was it. Now with the internet, we're all getting bullied. Every fucking day, you go on your Twitter and there's some other man bullying you, saying you're a piece of shit, you're a fucking asshole.
Starting point is 00:52:01 You stink, you're fat, you're dumb, you're too thin, your hair's awful, you're fat, you're dumb, you're too thin, your hair's awful, you're fucking, you know, whatever it is, and it's like, you can't do anything about it. It's fucked up that they carried bullying into fucking our later ages when we're supposed to be free of it. Yeah, it's not just that, it's also that,
Starting point is 00:52:20 like when you were a kid, you could, you could change, like if you were really getting bullied, you could change schools, you'd start all over. No one knows about the embarrassing shit that happened at the other school. Now that shit follows you forever and ever. And here's the thing, like, I don't, I could never, like, there's things that have been on TV
Starting point is 00:52:36 that I hate. There's been shows I fucking think are stupid. There's been actors that I think are discussing. I've watched comedy shows and I'm like this is the worst fucking standup I've ever seen right not in my fucking life what I ever Have the inclination to go on Twitter find that person and say hey, I just watched your show You're fucking terrible. You should kill yourself. There are you argument is gonna be that there are you meant from their perspective It's gonna be that you're a public figure you're a public there. That's what they're gonna say
Starting point is 00:53:10 But that I'm with you that doesn't give them an excuse to dredge that stuff on the inside seek you out and and tell you that But you're not a but that's not a I mean let's just talk men or you know I'm gonna talk a man to a man. That's not a, I don't think a man. I don't know how you call yourself a man if you can go do that. You know what I mean? My grandfather was a man. I mean, you know, my father now, Billy,
Starting point is 00:53:38 I mean, not Billy Larry, Borsetti who's been my father most of my life. My mother's third husband. He's a fucking man. Like they wouldn't even be bothered with this shit, right? And it's like where somehow Because we're entertainers we have to have a Twitter because there are a few you have to have a Twitter How many Twitter falls to have it doesn't fucking matter because the only ones that fucking really talk to you are the ones that hate you You know the seriously the thousands of people that fucking went because they love your comedy,
Starting point is 00:54:08 they love your acting, love your podcast, or whatever it is, they went and just hit a button followed you and then just watch you. The ones that fucking hate you for some reason are the ones that are chiming in a lot. And I don't understand how you're an adult. Let's fuck the man thing, you're an adult. You are an adult that takes care care of children right how the fuck
Starting point is 00:54:27 Do you go and seeks I just can't see myself doing that? I hate this person They sucked on this show or their comedy just stinks. You know what? I want to let you know I don't get it. Have you seen what about the people that get bullied and then the bully I Have you seen what about the people that get bullied and then the bully Like a tax back and now become the bully what When I was when I was in when I was in our junior high school I got bullied and then I I beat to do the yep, I then I started bullying him Like he he bullied me for a good three months and then I fought back and that then that happened to me. And I fought back and then, and then I became a bully. It was awful. It's terrible because that happened to me.
Starting point is 00:55:09 I used to get bullied a lot in six grade and seventh grade. And then I broke my wrist and I put it, got a cast put on. And the guy, one day this guy was bullying me, caught me in the hallway, started pushing me and fucking call me fag and pussy and I I snapped and I smashed his fucking head with my cast around 90 times Whoa and until he was just on the ground crying bleeding and I figured it in my brain I figured it out and that happened again It earlier in my life with my second stepdad
Starting point is 00:55:39 He used to hit me and abused me stupid idiotoop it, idiot, dummy, whack, crack, punch me. And I remember one day I chased him with a knife, and he ran. And I figured it out. Oh my God, if you just attack louder, more crazy, with more violence than them, and you scare them, you win. But you don't, you fucking don't, you really don't. Because when you become that bully, it's almost like you get addicted to the power. And then every time you get scared,
Starting point is 00:56:09 and I'm still dealing with this day, to this day, I'm still dealing with it, because I have a kid now, and I don't wanna pass that on. I, what it is, it's fear. That's all it is, so when you're afraid, it's, it's, the way we're brought up. And it's, that you weren't protected. So somebody somebody was bullying you and someone didn't come and help you so what you did is you beat them up
Starting point is 00:56:30 Okay, and you felt the power of that and the fear went away nobody being afraid as a child is the scariest Thing in the world. I'm afraid it is an adult a lot, right? Could you imagine a little kid? Look at a little kid. I mean, I can't even think of Max. You said the magic word fear. Fear. That's all it is. Yeah. That's all it's you're just afraid.
Starting point is 00:56:52 But the truth is sometimes, I mean, the violence isn't the answer. Sometimes violence is the answer. You know what I mean? It's sometimes you can, you have to fight back. You don't regret. Is this about Israel? What?
Starting point is 00:57:04 It's always about Israel.'s so I actually had therapy today at 130 and I forgot I just got a text poor deal with a lot of issues right now but I think you know and like the people that it's weird how people can be evil, very fast with technology. Like technology somehow made people be more evil. Like I watched today on Facebook, I have my news feed, and I watched, you know, that footage they always have of some type of fucking, some type of military helicopter,
Starting point is 00:57:46 and they have the Taliban and fucking, their little white figures and they're running and you hear the guy, shhh, all right, I got him, you know, 14 men running, all right, with a weapon engage and the guy goes, okay, and you just see these guys fucking dying. I watch that and I'm like wow this is fucking awesome But then I go wait a minute. This is the people yeah, these scumbags fuck them But I'm watching people getting murdered right and somehow I'm desensitized that right like I will not watch the beheading
Starting point is 00:58:16 That video of the guy getting because I don't know what the fuck the reason they're beheading the guy is So we watch it and we get terrified. Right. And we get fucked up and we hate them. And we want them fucking dead. But I'm not watching a guy get beheaded because I will, I'll be desensitized to that. Then that won't be a fucking big deal to me. It's like fucking double penetration. That does nothing to me anymore.
Starting point is 00:58:42 I don't jerk off to that. I need fucking a nice dick on a chick You watch you used to jerk off to two dicks going inside And the dicks are touching each other. They didn't bother. No, there's the tank that separates it Let's be you must have stayed home during that day of medical training when they covered the tape You mean one in this thing? I'm thinking you told my two. Double A.
Starting point is 00:59:09 Double penetration mean two in one whole man. No, sir. That's a double penetration. No, no, no, no. Double A. No, you can scream that as long as you want. It still doesn't make it true. We're not going to agree with you.
Starting point is 00:59:22 We're actually going to get calmer and say it's slower. No The genna for Lawrence thing is it everyone people watch so much porn and whatnot you can come to sense guys now you're like Bullshit Bullshit I was going on maybe I was kicking this But anyways, maybe you're like, oh, this is somebody I know now. Now it's personal. Because the general Lord, you know for the movies. Well, I know from the same.
Starting point is 00:59:48 You know what I'm saying? I realize as I was saying my thing, that I'm saying the same thing, you were saying. We're oscillating back and forth. That was about half hour ago in a bunch of nonsense. But Bobby's thing is like, why are people so why,
Starting point is 00:59:57 why in the internet, why do you feel the need to get that out of me? You could be anonymous and you've got this anger and so a lot of people have anger inside of them. Well, that way we have anger inside of them and this is a perfect way for them to get that out of me. You'll be anonymous and you've got this anger and so a lot of people have anger inside of them. They have anger inside of them and this is a perfect way for them to get it out. Why are we addressed, why are the bully doing this? Because their parents didn't raise them properly.
Starting point is 01:00:14 It's all parenting. I think I would tell you right now loneliness is trying to get friends, is he trying to get attention? Is it because you don't understand that person? So he attacks that person. When people when they don't understand something, so he attacks that person when you people when they're okay So now on the stand something they know Billy Billy Burr said something I figured what show was it was oh and a and he was getting a lot of shit from The ONA fans when he didn't you know support Anthony or whatever the fuck everybody was supposed to do after that
Starting point is 01:00:39 You know, I mean this thing happened nobody knew what the fuck was going on. We were all in shock we're all like what the fuck and He got a lot of shit and he was like, you know Did you care now that he was like fuck him? He goes if I started deleting these people that all of a sudden they would have meaning You know what I mean like he wants me to acknowledge him by going you're this or that this. So by blocking them, he got what he wanted. He made me angry and he knows it. Ah, he got blocked by that fucking piece of shit.
Starting point is 01:01:12 I mean, I still fucking blocked people, but I understand that mind frame. It's like, you're not even given a fuck about them at all in the least, but it's hard because these people, to be that, I just don't get it, I just don't have an in me. And But it's hard because these people to be that, I just don't get it, I just don't have an Emmy. And then it goes into even these photos. It's like, we all supposed to just do
Starting point is 01:01:30 what Perez Hilton tells us to fucking do. Here's naked photos of blah, blah, go to my site, and then we're supposed to go. And now I looked at all these photos that I can't unsee of this girl that I don't fucking know. And she didn't want me to see these fucking photos. And they were stolen from her. These private moments of her life that she gave to whoever and I'm like god damn it if that happened to my wife holy fuck on my daughter or me if they
Starting point is 01:01:56 showed my little hairy pudd I'd be devastated you know what that's the thing think about everything that's ever been on your computer you've ever looked at every text you've ever stayed it. You know what? Think about everything that's ever been on your computer. Everything you've ever looked at. Every text you've ever sent. Imagine the end words on our phones, boys. Just cast it out for everybody. Oh my God, we all be racists. I mean, the amount of times I've watched Bailey J. I don't want everyone to know about that. Nine?
Starting point is 01:02:19 Nine, what are you insane? Who's Bailey J? Sixty. Who's Bailey J? You don't have to find you. You don't have to find you. You don't have a bad idea. Is the girl, the girl, uh, Bailey Jay show? Sarah and I were watching together the other day.
Starting point is 01:02:28 And it's really funny to go to like a dinner party. And then be like, which girl is that? And then you Google, like if you're just my, my parents went and they're like, let me look her up. And then it's the picture of her, you know. Who's Sarah blowing you and you were pretending to be Jay, Bailey? Well, I said she's like, Sarah has never blown me. Are you insane?
Starting point is 01:02:42 That is the best kind of porn to watch with your girlfriend because there's something for both of you I think and that really hits we didn't really watch porn together we just hooked her up is belly J.I. have a penis or something yes yes actually I think you watch that a beautiful one now we do why we Google image here though it's great very pretty she very pretty once you once I know you got a penis the pretty goes out the window no I don't think sound Once I know you got a penis, the pretty goes out the window. No, I don't think so. I'm with well on that. You don't think Louis is being around. He should be around with you.
Starting point is 01:03:07 I think he's beautiful. I think out of anybody in the room, Mike, you'd be the one to fucking grab. I don't think you'd blower, but I think you definitely let her blow you. No. And you'd grab her piece. You'd fiddle with that.
Starting point is 01:03:19 Absolutely. You'd fiddle. Maybe she did some plumbing work or some handy work around my house. That's why I'm kind of like interested. I want to see I think the answer only my dick knows And I want to put my dick in that situation to see what my dick would do. Yeah Maybe my dick would be into it. Maybe it wouldn't I don't know So you want to be putting the situation where Bailey will blow you I want to find out what would happen
Starting point is 01:03:37 So it's a science is that it's everything Turkish baths Bailey Jay He wants to know he's got to create your own adventure. I have to get in there. I'm going to let my penis decide. I really know how to live. I like a bus. Why is he going to live the longest?
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Starting point is 01:06:45 you said shut up nice and shut up while the intro i say it is the michael hot and the intros coming back in and then i told you to you know not talk and then you guys were spring but that doesn't mean get on your phone and and means be present for the show it's like a five second intro that's all the five seconds I said.
Starting point is 01:07:05 Don't talk to Lewis. This is for the show. Now, me and Joe took a moment of silence for the troops, but I guess you guys. I'm not. What was for the show? What is it? We're investigating some stuff.
Starting point is 01:07:16 What were you investigating? I got a moment. What Lou Garret's. Yeah. You ran its diseases. I was through Garret's stuff. Lou Garret's? I got it with Lou Garret's, man. There we know. yeah it's the was look when it's man
Starting point is 01:07:27 there we know i got on fucking audio recording of some and the name of the episode it's funny because there hasn't been a time in the last fifty years when luke garrick's disease has been more in the news that right now i don't know i don't know if you do see that it's a good disease it is a marie that's what he died of Who? She did the she says the Murray guy the fucking pun that he Murray. Yeah
Starting point is 01:07:52 That's what he don't know one you got it. Yeah, when is it a Jewish disease though? Can we confirm now? Oh, that's insane. Well, he was Jewish. He's the only person. I know that dog. The Gary wasn't Jewish He was doing a lot of it and he's not yet but he killed a lot of Jews No he's kidding he was a fucking Yankee Oh my bad He didn't half Jew and escape before they could have killed him because he was German I'm not comfortable with all this Jew stuff I love Joe's gay hands
Starting point is 01:08:21 I love Joe's hands I went this weekend to a amazing, I'm not a gun guy, I'm not a not a gun guy, you know what I mean, but I went with Mike Calder, took me to the shooting range, amazing, you want to talk me instead of the art shooting range in Tampa. It was unbelievable, it was fucking, it was crazy this place. And the guy, the owner there, treated us really great. But he pulled out all the automatic weapons. A P90, an AK, an automatic nine, it was an automatic handgun.
Starting point is 01:09:00 You fired them all? Fired them all. So there's that nine year-old who killed the trainer with the AK. Now holding an AK and shooting it nine year old who killed the trainer with the a.k Yeah, was that right now holding an a.k. and shooting it was that ridiculous at the ever gave it to the newsy It was a newsy wasn't an a.k. It was a newsy Yeah, you a nine year old should never hold the fucking have an oozie America Well are you listening Haiti and nine year old should never
Starting point is 01:09:24 Unless it's mandatory. I'm sorry. A nine-year-old American should know. You guys should have. They just got scripted into a child army than this. Well, have you ever shot a gun? Yes. Okay, you have a shot at automatic. Hold on, does it? What?
Starting point is 01:09:44 Can you untie that? I've been shot a gun, I've shot a machine gun. I didn't know how to do that, but I thought it was pretty good. It doesn't mean you shouldn't get the bandana, but I thought it was good. You shot an automatic weapon. Yeah, yeah. I did full auto. Like in Vietnam, you can play like... You weren't Vietnam?
Starting point is 01:10:00 What did you do in Vietnam? I got it in Vietnam. No, you know Steve Kelly? I went there for a holiday and you can play like 20,000 dong which is like $4 and you get like a hundred dollars. You suck 24,000 dong? Isn't that funny? Agents are weird.
Starting point is 01:10:13 I'm still laughing about the holiday part. Holiday. Holiday. Holiday. 20,000 dong. holiday I show the machine gun like it felt like 100 it's the most power I've ever felt of anything. It's great You ever had a black penis? Yes and no. Yeah, wills-asshi dick shoot the lollipop. It's pretty powerful. I can't lie, bro.
Starting point is 01:10:52 It fill up your eyes sockets like a lake. Hey, hold on. On the surface note, on the surface note, one time, one year, England had a shootout on Massacre. They shut guns out the country. And now that's out the country and now that was Australia talking about in England also and then now England is gun free and they had they had two shootings in England last year and the
Starting point is 01:11:15 the whole country is in panic because of two shootings and but the thing is when they had a shootout it weighed in the 90s in the early 90s you guys hear about that, and they bang guns, and they took all the guns out from the cops, and now there's no more shootings. What the fuck is wrong with you, my god? I'm sorry, I have an Ebola issue. What's wrong with you?
Starting point is 01:11:35 I just sneezed. And you have boogers coming out? I don't know. Do you need a tissue? No, you don't look like a baby. Well, the hell sneezed like that, no? I'm sorry. I mean, it's a bodily function, Will.
Starting point is 01:11:43 No one can make it about you coming in people's eyes. It made a lake. It shouldn't be complaining. So lucky. But I think in the case, you've never fired an automatic weapon. I fired an automatic handgun. You have to hold. You have to point it pretty.
Starting point is 01:12:04 As tight as you can't to hands whole push into it like lean into it and hold it down cuz it's goes rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr position to grab that gun push that fucking gun out of the way or get it out of her hand that's your whole no this i was talking to the the owner of this place who actually is an instructor and he was he should have been able to get been in a position to grab that well not what out of her fucking it first of all he said a nine year old
Starting point is 01:12:40 should be shooting a fucking oozy right that's a better solution yeah i mean there's still i mean okay right to bear arms for men and adult women not fucking nine year olds nine years and eighty eight year olds because the same thing well i don't know if there's no safety because when i did it there was a safety thing where it was it was like screwed on to this thing with like breakers that you couldn't move it to left or to right so i couldn't shoot anyone and stuck in place so how are they not a video game at weird game and special place we can do it but they want to make sure people don't
Starting point is 01:13:10 shoot each other let me do that you go we guys playing a video game and Atlantic City or what where is that you guys are regional assholes where's beach is man isn't it where's beaches in the hands I just give people guns and let them shoot it's like one of the sake don't fuck with me it is good we want to make a bet well lose that's take a shirt off. Yeah, let's do that. Let's do that Let's do that. I don't think I'm sure it off and the joke bombs. It doesn't matter who wins the bet I redid the joke though with the fucking region and I got a lot of people no Confused
Starting point is 01:13:40 Recognize Atlantic City. Thank you. I fucking win. All right, who take this shot off? Everybody. Kelly, I think you lost. Back to the gun, are you man? I think the guns are just too, like it's too efficient. Like, you know, the musket wasn't that, it's just, the guns are too efficient now. They're just killing machines.
Starting point is 01:13:57 You can kill a bunch of people with an oozee. That's amazing. You can go to a gun range and just shoot an oozee. That's a thing. Yeah, I shot a, I shot a, a, a nine with a silencer, which was butter. It's like the movies. Oh, did you bring one back for Kelly? So, come on. That was, I liked it. I thought it was wonderful. It was, um, it was really, and look, I love shooting. I'm really, I have a, a knack for it. Let's put it that way. Yeah, dude, I'm a great shot. I don't know why. I'm just I can shoot a gun good. Well, well, I can't speak good, but listen. Well, but yeah it was
Starting point is 01:14:32 it was great. I love it. I love shooting. Shootin' a gun. There's something fucking that makes you feel like a something is released in your brain man. Some chemical is fucked up. It's it's almost like a like some type of energy is released. When you shoot a gun and you hit a target where you were aiming and the power of it and controlling something that powerful and getting it to go where you want it to go, it feels good, but will I have a go buy a gun?
Starting point is 01:15:00 Fucking no way. I'd rather get a security system than fucking get a gun. Like Mike has a it's called the judge and basically it's a handgun that has shotgun shells. So that you don't the thing with when you have a gun at home you have to be a crack shot in a panic with somebody breaks in to be able to shoot somebody and take them down. But this gun is pretty much a shotgun shell and you can aim it wherever the fuck you want and it's gonna take out Are you showing yeah, I've seen video. I know I know let me see your phone now your phones and jail I get it. Are you seeing that though? I've seen them all that in the middle of a thought you're not even you know
Starting point is 01:15:42 It that says to me that you're not even listening to what what I'm listening to you I just trying to find an Arab who shot a gun and it's a blooper you fuck I get it. What do you Bob Saggett? No, it's fucking I saw it. He shoots the gun and it's him in the face. No, it's a bunch of them. Yeah, I know I Get it I've done it This video's gonna be called Bostagai Yeltsin Hation. Ha ha ha ha! Your phone's in jail now, that's it. It's on jail. You don't get to use your phone.
Starting point is 01:16:12 Alright, what do you have? What are you? What are you? What are you? Why am I talking like you? Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait I just I don't think a little girl you should bring her down to a gun range First of all, you don't know how fucking loud it is in those things. It's crazy and to shoot a gun is What's the word? Liberating it's letting it's liberating but it's also very violent Guns to shoot a gun. They re it's violent. I would say it's a violent reaction. What you're doing everything
Starting point is 01:16:50 That is I want it Why is this phone bleeding? Get that phone to a freeze Well, yes, ending over here. You need us It is it's a shooting a fucking you know you ever see where guys are shooting and they don't hit guys like how do you miss? It's fucking nuts to hit somebody with an AK-47. It's you that to be accurate. Let's get this Let's get Ferguson involved. Do you think that cop was had the same feeling after you? He's like this man
Starting point is 01:17:40 That felt good. He's like that was that's hard to do and it felt good to hit my target. I don't, well, if you read it, I think, well, they're saying now that the other kid involved said that he pulled away and he ripped back up and spun the door open and he couldn't even open his door, he actually hit them. He tried to grab Mike and Mike was trying to pull away from him violently and then he pulled his gun out
Starting point is 01:18:04 and said, I will shoot you, I will shoot violently and then he pulled his gun out and said, I will shoot you. I will shoot you. And then he shot him in the chest. Right. That's right. It's six times. Right. He shot him. And I don't think, I don't care who you are. I don't think shooting a human being. I don't, if you ever been to a fight, after you're done fighting somebody, if you win, you feel bad. fight after you're done fighting somebody if you win you feel bad. I feel every fight I've ever won in my life. I felt like shit. I felt very sad. I felt bad for the kid. I didn't want to hurt not to say that everybody has that you know in them. But I did and I think most people do. And I think after the fact that this
Starting point is 01:18:43 guy was in that situation and he pulled the trigger out of fear For his own life or anger which is basically just being frightened Being frightened someone take you know disrespect you or doesn't do it. You're supposed to do You're a cop and they tell you to go fuck yourself. You lose all power You know what you can't leave because you're the law if you leave who the fuck is coming and you get angry and your fear turns into this violent rage where you need that super power
Starting point is 01:19:13 that's your superpower your rage and you fucking put it in your hand gun that guy should not have a fucking gun that guy should not own a gun i should know the gun i won't get a gun what if you lived in the country with the band i would not own a gun. I should know the gun. I won't get a gun. What if you lived in the country with the band? I would not own a gun because of my, my, the way I was brought up,
Starting point is 01:19:29 the way I deal with fear is a shitty way. I have that in me, where I, you know, like me and my wife, I tell my wife before him, we always talk, if I start, when we get to an argument, please tell me, don't come at me. Let's try to, if the kids there, just say not in front of the kid, just calm down. Where I can kind of, you know, un-fucking-hulk it.
Starting point is 01:19:50 You know what I mean? Everyone there, we try to talk to the Hulk before he turns green. Listen, Bruce, Bruce, I need her to go Bruce. Bruce, please, so I can un-green my eyes. Because I don't want to turn into the fucking Hulk. Yeah, I want to, you know wanna go back to Bill Bixby. You know? But some people, especially cops, cops, I'm perfect.
Starting point is 01:20:12 Not every cop is a fucking perfect guy. There's shitty cops out there and they shouldn't fucking have guns. I shouldn't be cops. I wouldn't have a gun. I would have, I would own a rifle. I might go hunting someday. But a rifle is a gun. Yeah, but I wouldn't I wouldn't know I would never I
Starting point is 01:20:29 wouldn't have a gun to own a gun of to like to for self defense quote unquote I wouldn't have an automatic fucking you know I like old guns I like you know like western six shooters shit like that but you if you talk about your Hulk anger, don't you think you go and grab the rifle and do the same thing? Just because it takes more steps to shoot a rifle than to shoot a gun. I don't think you shoot a rifle. I wouldn't have like, I wouldn't have a,
Starting point is 01:20:59 like I was at a friend's house and he had a gun cabinet in his garage with a bunch of unloaded rifles in it and his kid was there and his kid was like, yeah, you should put the ammunition in these slots like I was like, that's fucking nuts. Yeah, yeah, that's nuts to me. Yeah. But we also live in the city. We also live in, I mean, I've always lived in the city.
Starting point is 01:21:19 I don't know about being in the country. If I was in the country where fucking you know bear and all kinds of crazy shit I don't know is that why you need to gun it why do you go to the country because of bears because uh well dude yeah okay K K because of the clan I mean is it because the because of the clan because there's less services because the cops are like like yeah you go up to Roscoe you go up to Roscoe New New York, man. They don't have a cop. They don't have a police station. They have the state police do a whole area up there. So it's fucking lawless in a way, not that it is,
Starting point is 01:21:53 but it is. Something happens. If you're in, here's a deal. I was up fishing in New Hampshire, and I took stupid fucking ways. Take a right. I took a right down to dirt road. All of a sudden, I had 20 minutes till the sun went down.
Starting point is 01:22:08 And I was trying to make it home before the sun went down, because I had my boat in the back. And I have to have the trunk open a little bit, and the lights are inside are on. And I don't want to drive around with the lights on in my car. And plus, I'm afraid of the dark, so I didn't want to get back, but you know, I want to get back with those little sun.
Starting point is 01:22:24 Down this road, all of a sudden, the sun's going down. It's, there's nowhere. It took me down the wrong road, and there's only like, Texas, Texas chains on massacre houses. Like all of a sudden, it's just one road. You can't turn around, unless you fucking,
Starting point is 01:22:39 you know, it will take you 20 minutes to do a, you know, a fucking turn, and I'm going down the road and all of a sudden You see you're in this house in the middle of nowhere and you see lights and you don't expect it anybody and here comes a truck And if he should have a gun so they could shoot you when you go the wrong way What I'm saying what I'm saying is is that you're in the middle of fucking nowhere who nobody's coming You know the neighbors aren't around know where, nobody's coming, you know, the neighbors aren't around, some guy can come to fuck up and do whatever the fuck they want.
Starting point is 01:23:10 Or some guy who you just saw witness kill someone and I want you to be eliminated because you're witness. That is possible. I don't know what he just said. Give me a favor. Give him his phone back. I don't mind people having guns. I'm not really a fuck gun. I don't give a shit about it.
Starting point is 01:23:33 But guns are, you know, it's, you know, when a little girl kills a guy, do you know how fucked up that little girl is going to be? Yeah. You know fucked up, she's going to be. There's just such a high percentage of things that can go wrong with a gun. It's a specific killing machine. So there's a high percentage that things can go wrong
Starting point is 01:23:48 That's the problem and it's a huge price to pay when they do so you're against guns I mean maybe in the country or whatever like people have that lifestyle where they raise their kid like what you were saying around a gun and how to hunt and all that stuff I'm sure that's good But there's such a small margin of error for if you fuck it up if you fuck up if they're just curious one day if they're get into it in the air responsible it's just catastrophic it destroys a family and happens a lot what guns going wrong being used improperly in people dying and getting hurt it happens a lot they were a fighter who just got back into the m at uh ufc
Starting point is 01:24:23 i mean his you know he was in uf UFC be a long time ago, Joe Riggs. And he just got back in, it was crazy. Planned it with a gun and shot himself. Right through his fucking hand and leg, gone, over. Career, fucking. He didn't die. He didn't die. No, went through his leg in his hand, but still,
Starting point is 01:24:44 the recovery on that is fucking nuts. I have a cop front who did that. He shot himself in the foot. He didn't die. No, went through his leg in his hand, but still the recovery on that is fucking nuts. I have a cop front who did that. He shot himself in the foot. He had to retire from the force. He had a year of just pain and recovery. Like it shattered all of his bones in his foot. It's just, it's crazy. Yeah, bullets don't go in.
Starting point is 01:24:57 That's one thing that you see. I was talking to a guy who got shot three times. He goes, it's the, when you get shot, it's the most painful thing in the fucking world it's like your insides will live on fire uh... the bullets just fucking fragment right you know it's a bit of everywhere that movie uh... i don't know if you said on gun gun fight on hp o which is a great it's a great documentary
Starting point is 01:25:18 but uh... you know i was just talking about this but it's a guy the show guy in the emergency room who's been shot and it's crazy to see is losing his mind he's just like uh... uh... and this is blood it's crazy you watch it like that's the most horrifying thing i've ever seen yeah this guy's just going a shit it sounds like uh... you know the beginning of reservoir dogs when he's in the back of the car and i
Starting point is 01:25:39 thought he was kind of overacting but maybe he wasn't like that but it's like real and he's in the emergency room and he's just like fuck yeah he's like swinging and shit it's wild to see a guy that's been shot. What about the people that got shot and like like shugged night you just got shot six times he's alive 50 cents got shot what seven times. Yeah but they he got shot into like some like what to wear it was out. Who? 50 cent.
Starting point is 01:26:01 Yeah. Like he got shot into you know being you know, being put asleep. He was fucking out. Yeah. Um, so I mean, you get shot and you're sitting there. I guess in his torso. I think actually being fat will protect you a little bit for real. Like not just saying that like it'll, it'll stow the bull. Yeah. I'm serious. I'm not just in your heart has to work harder to pump the blood because you're heavier maybe good point Mike good point Mike good point I don't I don't I don't I'm not against guns. I'm really not I'm I It's just it's you know the way our country is we have guns. We've always had that's how we won
Starting point is 01:26:37 You know, how do you think we beat the Indians out of this land? You don't have we needed those guns. They were shooting arrows. How could we couldn't have genocide? At the way we genocide it is. Yes, we can have those guns. We could not have faked wiped out. You man trying to wipe people out with a buck knife? Yeah, it's what they didn't Cambodian it took forever. Everybody this whole place would be a casino I think I'm not against guns. I understand understand it but and i i don't mind uh... i like guns i don't think i'd ever buy a fucking fully auto you know i don't i don't like there was this one guy he was a doctor or he
Starting point is 01:27:15 comes up he's a guy he just got loaded this guy is a doctor this guy saves lives and he walks up with this bag and he takes it out and it's a custom AK-47 that's been cut down to a 10 inch AK like the the barrels just shot off of it and there's certain rules too I guess when they ship there was a automatic weapon thing in 1980 something done by Reagan who were you they're illegal but anything before that you can have okay so there's some law so anything that's auto before that you can have anything after that the way they get around it is
Starting point is 01:27:55 they cut they they they um well the barrel off and they ship it so it can't be used again but they can just take that gun and this guy did and just put a Muzzle on the end of it so it's not a regular AK. It's this modified fucking insane AK with you know Three-inch barrel on it and a fucking muzzle on the end of it to So it was just he's just showing I remember he was so proud of this gun He's like look at this and everybody's like oh my look at this. And everybody's like, oh my God. And they're holding it like it's fucking a brand new baby.
Starting point is 01:28:29 Like this exotic gun that you shouldn't have, and nobody else has. It's a fucking doctor. That, you know, it's like, I don't understand it. You're never gonna use that. Right. You know what's it? You're never gonna use it.
Starting point is 01:28:41 It's just for murder, right? Yeah, I mean, it represents death. It's for, I don't know, dude. I mean, why is Canada able to control their guns? But we can. This is the whole huge argument now that, you know what I mean? It's like, why, why do you, well, why does America love guns?
Starting point is 01:28:57 I don't know, I'm not understanding. I'm not gonna, I'm not understanding. Canada got guns too, but I tell my we love to shoot. First of all, I want to thank Cali for letting us know this is a huge argument. No no no no no no no no now it's the rabbit hole it's a rabbit hole because you're going to get not a rabbit hole it's really not a rabbit hole here's a thing to kill some fucker rabbits there's you are you the twittful is that
Starting point is 01:29:18 what that when you kind of if you're so only um speaks out against guns like the people who are four guns they're not sure about letting you know about it and they were very vicious there was a i don't think they're vicious people there was a there was a vicious there was a gun shop trying to sell guns that had i think it was like uh... some kind of like it was only finger prints or some kind of new safety thing gun shop trying to sell new gun with that he got they got so many threats
Starting point is 01:29:44 from pro gun people that that use regular guns he couldn't get a he would not he could not sell this new safety thing because there's just don't even want there's no there people need to be room for moderation to talk about things i think you know close minded animals but i don't think they close minded at all not all of you insane not all but i know a lot was that argue i have a lot of friends of mine who own guns my uncle has a gun my uncle just
Starting point is 01:30:09 took up hunting again in his uh... late fifties well hunting so that something else you don't think i mean yeah but a lot but a lot of these guys won't guns are hunters a lot of these guys go hunting you listen a lot of these guys will own guns and they'll go pick hunting well that's the problem is because that there is a thing there are people that live in the country like with no one's within three miles
Starting point is 01:30:29 of the woods and they're fucking bears and they have to fucking go out for a hike they have a gun in case they get attacked by a while while pigs are fucking take it down and people and people taking over the country by the way and some people hunt and food or what there's one right here wow pig taking over a country I need to pick some people hunt and food or what is one right here uh... wild pick a girl you know the girl here there was another girl i would pick somebody i'm sorry how long will you really if that is why i'll pick the ticket over the country
Starting point is 01:30:55 this is nobody fucking even realize it's a fact that wild pigs i'm not even kidding you are taking over the country and it's it's a fact because they reproduce so fast Okay, it's you can Confusing pigs with Latinos But they're vicious like it all pigs a rule of it in ten
Starting point is 01:31:18 Adrian's on the edge of a seat over here you want a mic? Good swing your mic over here. He's flipping out over here You want a mic? Yeah, swing your mic over there. You got a mic. He's flipping out over here. Got a problem in Jersey with it. Got a good talk. It's South Jersey.
Starting point is 01:31:27 Talking to the microphone, you jackass. Yes, there's people who just let him out. Ferrell hogs. Yeah, they're called Ferrell hogs. If you take a regular pig and let him out into the fucking world of this, he'll become a Ferrell. He'll grow longer here. He'll grow teeth.
Starting point is 01:31:38 He'll become a wild pig. Well, I just got wet. Where the three weeks then be an hour, they start a like metamorphosis or something. It's insane. It's crazy. What happens is. Where the three weeks then being out, they started like, many more of us says or something. It's insane. It's crazy. What happens is they become fairly, that means they become dangerous. That means they'll take over, they'll take,
Starting point is 01:31:53 they'll eat farms. They'll just go into a farm and just eat everything, take out everything, root all the shit, and then- Just go natural predators, also. Yeah, there's nothing out there to take them out because they're not supposed to be there. In Tampa, you can go and stand up in a tree stand and fucking just murder a hog. Just kill them.
Starting point is 01:32:12 And there's no law. They want people in Texas. They want people to kill these fucking things. Have you seen the two of them? Is the two that have a vile snake bites a pig? The vile snake will die? No. Because the pig have more poison in his belly.
Starting point is 01:32:23 I heard that. No, I don't think so no I want you to leave I want you to go and keep walking I don't know the love of someone go with that please so I don't look like a damn idiot Kelly's all that what are you saying have you seen the thing with the guy with the puts a GoPro on a spear? Yeah from one of those things and you watch the spear take out the pig have you seen that? No, it's crazy intense I would do that. I have no problem like to
Starting point is 01:32:55 Hunt these pigs to hunt a pig I would love to go on a pig hunt and I'd love to use a knife to just jump down and fucking cut its throat Yeah, I'm gonna be careful cuz thepv and herpes though because i'm really i'm not i will talk about a pig like a uh... an animal not the chicken chelsea you've been bangin the female fans are gonna hate me and the gun fans is going to bad week for me
Starting point is 01:33:19 sorry ladies i'm only getting in the guys with guns but i'd like to go pick shooting all the time because they're feral in Australia as well. Yeah, I don't give a fuck. Can you handle Rouse thinks get died? What you said by the app? Doobler useless facts. The NRA has that thing where it's like they don't want
Starting point is 01:33:36 to give up any, they don't want to give up any little concession because it'll lead to another concession. Yes. That's their mindset. That's why it's like, why do we need these automatic? Because if we start banning those and the next thing and then the next thing and your agenda will continue. that'll lead to another concession. Yes. That's their mindset. That's why it's like, why do we need these automatic because if we start banning those and the next thing and the next thing and your agenda will continue.
Starting point is 01:33:49 But I'm not supporting it. I'm just saying that's their mindset. Also what you hear about the NRA is that just like everything else, it's a fucking corporate run. They get, you know, it's all about the gun industry trying to make sure they can sell as many guns as possible. So it's not, and then they rile up like Joe was saying this fucking ignorant, fucking lunatics. I've heard gun owners say there should be like another like
Starting point is 01:34:09 if they wish there's another gun lobby for them that are like all right we need to do something we still want to have our guns what's some kind of moderate thing but the NRA is kind of taken over it and they're the only voice for gun owners. I don't know understand why you need a fucking oozey. I don't understand why. That's a billion. K says 100 p's come at you. It's called a Jewish nightmare. That's what I started to say. There are people that hunt and have guns for detection, but the fucking machine gun assault rifle, I mean, it's all for killing and these people have a hole in their lives because they have small dicks and they're fucking weak bullies. And so they have the really good so you got big
Starting point is 01:34:47 i got a decent sized i know a lot of business on a lot of guys with guns that aren't that the very they're very very strict with their gun use the very very they know how the gun works they don't let you just grab it to not idiots with it they've you know that there's they make you you know go through uh... you know gun safety and
Starting point is 01:35:08 you know it's almost annoying was like a some of the fucking shoot the gun you know it's almost annoying but you know uh... i don't i just don't i don't know why you need a newsy i don't know why you would need i think an a k forty seven i understand a rifle i understand i understand shooting these guns if you're a gun a fishinato, but why do you need an automatic handgun? Why should, why should that fucking exist? I think it's how long she'll wrap career, will?
Starting point is 01:35:32 To make a necklace out of it. Well, well, look at the guy in Connecticut that shot the school with the kids, you know, there you go. Here's a guy who legally owned guns, right? Oh, the mother. Training. I believe the mother owned the mother. And he went to her house. She took them, she took them gun, gun practicing.
Starting point is 01:35:53 Right, gun practicing is, I think, I don't know if that's probably right in some way, gun practicing. I would say gun class, not gun practicing. Gun shooting, gun practicing. Adrian, is it gun practicing? No, I've got it. OK. Is that what Is it gun practicing? Is that what I went gun practicing when I went to the range right?
Starting point is 01:36:10 On the range when you go in gun shooting. I like gun practicing. If I'm gonna go with something I'm gonna go with gun practicing. Practice shooting. Gun practice shooting. That makes sense. She took him there and then he played a few video games and then- At the ball ball was gun practicing all before this is two separate things gun packs. What are we talking about? The kid that shut the kids the kids that shot the kids. Yeah, and he he played video games and gun shooting
Starting point is 01:36:36 practice and come on those three come on those together. Yeah gun practice shooting video games and he did a decent time. Here's somebody with the video games are a problem you don't think you know that this kid could have went in there with a fucking sword all right i know that i'm a laser guns were a man why because they know video games where you kick it with a sword all lazy but a kid someone did that in japan and it's like a few people cut and right that many people died and i think i need to know yeah that's a thing with the lot of these gun people make the same retarded arguments
Starting point is 01:37:05 I'm willing to have an argument what is it the one argument? I'm gonna be the gun people you be Joe Well the one argument that I've said this before you're dismissed you're out when you make this argument where you should ban pencils You can cancel the better you should ban cars you should Listen mate, Joe you should ban popcorn kernels because I almost died off one of those last week Because I love them, but I can't, you know, you choke on that motherfucker to me This should be a fucking law as soon as you make that the the ban pencils and Black people They're dangerous. We'll know a fan's
Starting point is 01:37:38 But you guys can be as bad as I'm bored with as a fucking U i k-47 you just got the gun people back that's the next that arguments out and then there's the people that are like this you could make a bomb you can't want to buy yet bombs are illegal that you could make a bomb against the law one hundred percent bombs against the law and not as easy to make as you purchasing a gun i'm not saying people that own that all i'm saying the people that argue for guns sound really stupid. We'll set some three times. You can make a bomb easily though. You can make a bomb. You can get a gun easier than you can make a bomb. You can make a bomb easy and you can buy a gun
Starting point is 01:38:19 in the hood. Oh shit. Yeah, New York. I think in New York in the surrounding areas. It's easier to make a book. It's so I got a gun Bacon solar no the live I don't know I don't not want what ever is fucking list of maniacs listening and then he goes and blows up a fucking marathon It blows up a go-mite. I was at the marathon. I know. Yeah, it was a survivor You was running or you was watching I was that I was right there marathon. I know yeah, I was a survivor You was watching I was that I was right there in the heart of it. I actually were you running to be watching He was fucking three miles away at a fucking 99's eating cheese. Oh no, and it was one mile away. You jerk You were 220 miles away
Starting point is 01:38:59 I was not I was in fucking Lynn at the poor old pub you cock suck. I was having had it there We have a special what is that had it? What is how that's efficient? It's delightful. It is had it had it. Yeah, stop screaming it screaming it Why do you get to say things twice twice? I got it had it. You said it wrong. I said had it It's called hectic. Here's the thing. We can't make guns illegal. We're too far in deep. We're too in deep So what do we do Jay? I don't know there's no so that's the problem You need to have a stricter with gun gun laws You have a cycle they have a cycle gun in New York it's three years in jail. It's three years
Starting point is 01:39:31 You need to have a cycle valve. I think you're sitting you can't get any shit I got it. I got it. You cannot they make the they break the bring back the Nintendo gun that you play for duck hunt and make Don't give those guns out and then see what happens y no te da los gansos y luego lo que ocurre. Bueno, estoy'm sorry. I want to take a vote right now. I'm not having YouTube color. Who wants Will's mic shut off. No.
Starting point is 01:40:14 I want everybody else's mic shut off. Just go. They know the problem. Is the people that are going by the tight gun laws. Is the people that are buying that at the back of a car, on the street in the hood, as the will said. Like, who dare the people that are fucking fucking at the back of a car on the street in the hood as the will said like would dare the people out of fucking Yeah, for everyone else like we need to go back back back back and go how they get those guns stop it there
Starting point is 01:40:33 They're not the ones guys guys guys. No, we can wait. It's not just criminals They sometimes good people buy gun and then they go Dave. They marry some chick. They don't want to marry five years They shoot the bitch The school shootings are fucking So it's not I don't know you never know what someone want to like you know what I don't want to take care of my apartment I got killed as whole and then he was a nice guy, but then the whole came in I just remember bad guy not just black people kill host. I mean I like guys kill the host What guys who kids? Yeah, I mean it's the thing is I don't I don white guys kill their hose too. White guys kill kids. Yeah, I mean,
Starting point is 01:41:05 it's, the thing is I don't, I don't believe that. I think if you regulated, everyone says that like, what about, I don't know what that is. Just pull it in and we won't read it.
Starting point is 01:41:13 Oh, what it is a, is that good? God, there we go. Someone shoot his mic. What it is about the, everyone says if you regulate it, there'll be all those illegal ones
Starting point is 01:41:20 and they won't be able to do the, but that didn't happen to alcohol. It's way harder to get moonshine. No, you don't make moonshine anymore. You just buy, you know what I you know i mean like once they really want to regulate shit they will regulate it and they'll come down on it and i think another thing that i don't tell them about is that with the gun culture here is that um...
Starting point is 01:41:33 is that americans have this kind of revolution everything everyone's like it's like government fear like i need this just in case the government rolls on me that's an insane i gotta have my own gun and i do think it's insane i think it's totally nuts but i think that's another thing that you don't talk about it's like you know back in the day when men had to be men and little boys had to be men too because there was no electricity there you could be attacked by a bear you know you
Starting point is 01:41:58 could be fucking uh... your family could be uh... raped and killed it because you in the middle of nowhere because it was no uh... government back in the way back in the day boys had to be little men and he'd kind of be disconnected and men had to be disconnected and know how to fucking do certain things but we don't need that anymore we don't need to be that fucking crazy now and guns back in the day you needed guns everybody had a gun because because of the government
Starting point is 01:42:27 look we wouldn't be where we're at if we didn't have guns if we'd have the right to bear arms because the british would have fucking just just shot us and fucking made us do what they wanted us to do that's true that's the civil war same shit will would not be on this podcast i'd have to fucking tunnel them in somewhere if we didn't have guns. But even that's some of that historical stuff is like off, like the stuff they're arguing for now is they want to, they want, they want, they want, they have open carry in like napple bees or Starbucks. Even back in the wild west, they banned guns. You couldn't bring guns into the town. The sheriff was like, give me all your gull.
Starting point is 01:43:02 Your guy at Earp was in town. You had to take your guns off. My, hold on. Hold on, Bob. I don't know what you're just saying. Yeah. They sometimes, yeah, we need that back then. But now you don't need it no more. Just say they would, which stage coach, okay. So here's coach, you don't need state coaches no more. What? Stage coaches, okay. What do you, what's the point? My point is things die out as we pro, as we evolve as humans.
Starting point is 01:43:23 So we don't need stage coaches anymore no no we don't what do we do we use instead of stage coach cars you have to agree we don't have to we don't have to like be the freaking animal black guys on bicycles we have to use an animal to forces to buy the survival stuff you know saying well you say we don't use horses anymore we don't need horses same thing we have Well, that's what I'm saying the same thing So no, you're absolutely right, but you're right nuclear weapons I will never say we need nuclear weapons back there, but now you think we need nuclear weapons now
Starting point is 01:43:58 Yes, clearly people need new nuclear weapons the government argument is great We gotta be able to find ourselves in the government I'm not getting into no nooks, okay? Well, what I'm my point is this is that you don't here's a thing So the only people that will have guns are the police in the military Or is it just the military just the military? So just let's be like let's be like England and Australia So just the military has guns I won't got any Australia or England I don't fear shit. No, you felt safe. I don't feel great. I said I don't
Starting point is 01:44:29 feel shit. That would have, yeah, yeah. As it is now the police need guns. The police need the police need guns. Yeah, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no We can take away the guns from the cops. They would be revolts. They would be revolts. No problem or to Induce what would you vote? They'll be a revolt. You squash the revolts. Why would there be a revolt? I said it right? I know I just wanted to use data got more time. Okay That will be a revolt man. Is it a vote? Isn't there is it worth it forcing people to give up their fucking guns? So more kids don't get shot at schools man. Fuck it fuck the revolt take their fucking guns take their guns So you're saying take their fucking gun take this oozee's an AK-47s take all that shit take them so you say take the take them look take the automatic A weapons away. Yeah, leave the hunting rifles. Sure leave the shotguns leave the handguns regularly
Starting point is 01:45:16 People will go and be upset. I've got just like when they stopped smoking indoors They people there was a few people like I have to have to now we love not smoking indoors Yeah, I can I just ask is Joe you touching her? I don't understand people want that guns in case for the government Well, they're more on two. That's another argument. Yeah, I don't fucking Reggae bear on fight against our government. You're like well in f15. You're not gonna win exactly. I guess the government I got six guns if they have what we have missiles They have what we have missiles. It hasn't stuff like that happened. I've seen red. Did you see red dawn though? Yes, yeah, we could have it figure something out. It's a movie
Starting point is 01:45:52 People have been pushed to that to that like if we need a fight against the government We're gonna the things have happened where people is like protest and outrage and You know people didn't you not to Before the against what's those other countries for the government and then I've been talking about we don't really need gums because you know We have the Avengers and if we really need help we could just For the best against our guest government and they had no guns that people just put us in the street and they shut the government down Yeah, that is pretty why but Egypt is it is and then the military came in and took things over So that's not really the best example because the mill and now the military came in and took things over. So that's not really the best example because the military runs, is actually impossible. So you think we can bring down the money.
Starting point is 01:46:28 You think we can bring down the military. I don't gun. I think what Joe says, right, the military, if they wanted to take shit over, they could. But the reason they don't is because we have these ideals of democracy that if you're gonna, that are infused in the military because they're fighting for our freedom like that
Starting point is 01:46:46 and i think because of that our military would never turn on us like that because there's so it's a civilian military right and and and they are indoctrinated with those a very american believes that democracy is the way things should be and we should be free so i don't think i don't i honestly don't think it's a problem in the united states as we know it was not American military what if people came to on the oceans to take over America is that when they want to use the guns no our military would wipe any
Starting point is 01:47:11 they would come on boats yeah we would see them coming from the country this is what I'm saying I don't understand like the argument for guns now they're ready I don't make sense that's why I don't make sense. I don't make sense. I don't have to deal. I don't believe in the right to bear arms. I do. I just don't think that every gun out there should be. I don't think a fucking oozzy should. Why the fuck do you need it? I don't understand.
Starting point is 01:47:40 I mean, I understand if you're hunting, I understand if you're, you know, you have a handgun for home protection That's fine, but if I don't think you need a fucking oozzy. I don't think you need an a K I just want to be a legal gun in a shooting getting the serial number or whatever and then tracing it back and prosecuting the manufacturer Like if you're drinking at a bar and you're drunk and then you go out and you kill somebody they the bar can be sued So why not see that movie that was a bazooka illegal what is he what a bazooka is illegal illegal I correct myself okay I just I just want to hear it because it makes me have can I enjoy myself when you say illegal okay little little granites disease fucking illegal here's what the fuck is this I want to name every podcast after something you said the next week's podcast is called illegal
Starting point is 01:48:29 No matter what anybody. I don't care how funny it is Illegal is next week's podcast is a bazooka's illegal, but I damn bazooka's not What A bazooka's not illegal A bazooka's not illegal, but I mean, I'm a bazooka. A bazooka. Is it a Jewish bazooka? Ozea.
Starting point is 01:48:48 Ozea is not illegal by bazooka is. Because a bazooka can blow shit up. So a bazooka, I mean, a bazooka. A bazooka. A bazooka. A bazooka. Oh, I was, yeah, I always can't blow shit up. No, I mean, you got a shooter to gas tank or something like that.
Starting point is 01:49:03 The blow things up. Probably, but a bazooka just blow shit up. A bazooka. Oh, it's the best. What do you mean a bazooka? Why, who come down to bazooka? They need bazooka. Thank you, Bobby.
Starting point is 01:49:13 Thank you. I need to protect this unit with a bazooka. This is a serious conversation. I think it's a serious conversation. I think it's interesting. And when people are like yourself, you're like, I'm, you're for the right to bear on arm. I am.
Starting point is 01:49:23 But you're like, I'll never own a go because it's unreasonable and silly and i live i don't need one right my wife i my friend was saying all right here's my friend he lives in a gated community okay it's gated okay there's two gates this security guard and then there's a gate that you need a certain thing on your car for the gate to open and then you're you have neighbors everywhere okay so somebody breaks into your house what the fuck the just get it alarm getting alarm at a baseball bat okay the chances are that someone breaks in it's gonna be ridiculous because they had to go through a security guard and a gate that it's fucking pretty nuts or their master
Starting point is 01:50:02 criminals like a scar face when they jumped it. Well, can't after can you get the hanky sheep please? Yeah fucking please I was in a joke. I was making a joke No, no, that was a joke because I was using English words. No because You know you never make fun of the muzuka I make a lot of it. I'm not a bully. I like making Zanga people. I Think a lot of this good. Yeah desire to collect guns shoot guns have guns It's something lacking in your own personal. I think yeah You're not comfortable with yourself and you want to feel like a man
Starting point is 01:50:39 I'm a man Take this I'm a man. Listen. Yeah, bro. Take this. Yeah. Periburibu. You got a fucking small dick and you're trying to fucking be some fucking version of a man
Starting point is 01:50:51 that your dad wanted you to be because he fucking hit you or you didn't get enough pussy and you're a big fucking faggot with a fucking gun. Look at me with my gun. Bam, bam, bam, bam. Fuck you. I'm trying to, you're a fucking bitch. You give me a minute to help deduce how many community feel you're a fucking bitch. You're a fucking bitch. You're a fucking bitch. You're a fucking bitch.
Starting point is 01:51:06 You're a fucking bitch. You're a fucking bitch. You offended a lot of communities. You're a fucking ignorant bitch. You're a fucking ignorant bitch. And I hope your son fucking finds your gun and shoots you with it, like the countless other people. I'm like, I'm protective with my gun.
Starting point is 01:51:17 Me? And then they're fucking child-finding. You're talking to me? I hope your child gets a sense of humor and that's it. I don't want to be a student. I'm fucking fucking fucking. And everyone tweeted me and I'm a faggot and blah blah blah, but you're a fucking listen What I'm saying by the way have some huge fans that are big gun guy that their gun icon is one guy I love him and he's nice I'm sure he's from Jersey. We're hold on. What just what just happened?
Starting point is 01:51:36 I don't know what it happened. It makes me Why does he make you and reach I know people die okay first all time He's a guy, but you ain't you ain't watching for Ebola What How did you say that Here's a deal though I like gun making gun being a gun Smith is is an amazing craft These are beautiful weapons. I don't know if you've ever seen beautiful weapons. that that that look at man i love an old sick shooter i love old rifles john wane rifle the i've held these these are beautiful weapons that
Starting point is 01:52:11 i believe all made for god's or listen apps of fucking loop the beautiful instruments of murder yeah well not they're not all made for murder they're not all made for what else is the gun for bobby some some people use guns to hunt what was it is killing what was it that they were all designed let's dismiss that argument to they're all designed for killing yeah something not not you don't know you don't know you don't know you don't know you don't know you don't use a thirty odd six to fucking kill a man you're you're buying a
Starting point is 01:52:41 rifle of that caliper to take something out to eat okay right to hunt that was the intention so this certain that one point they are designed for killing period absolutely absolutely but some guns and I think these are the ones that should be legal are meant but I also think there should be some guns for collecting to collect our history our history like I did at this place where I was at he had guns from uh you know 18 fucking 60 that are like oh my god that's a it's a beautiful handgun that someone had in the old west I'm not yet who fucking know I mean I agree with
Starting point is 01:53:21 that I got first and it is a part of our history it is a part of our history and I'm a lot of our future to I think that some I think that some guns should be you know I don't mind people who collect guns. I think these guns should be collected. I don't understand an uzi I don't know why you need need to own a a fucking 50-cal sniper rifle. I don't understand that Probably just because you want to go shoot it But this should be an option. We can go shoot it at a rife at a range and not have to own it, not have to take it to fuck home. That's a thing, Louis. And owning guns is a pain in the ass by the way. To own a gun, you think you just own a gun, you have to not
Starting point is 01:53:54 clean it, you have to fucking take care of it, it's a fucking pain in the gun. Loading a handgun, I don't know if you've ever done this, it hurts. I can only go like load like four bullets before my thumbs hurt You have to have man thumbs to fucking own a gun to load of to load a whole clip that's why they buy oozees What what do you say because it's not as hard to load bullets and oozees then it's very hard to load them into oozees Oh, yeah, yeah, how that? The clip is very hard. The spring? No, the sport. You have to load the bullet. Do you think the clip just comes with the bullets in it? Yeah. No. Oh my god, you are. I'm going to step behind me, yes,
Starting point is 01:54:36 it does. I'm going to step behind you. Yes, it does. I'm going to step behind me, yes, it does. I'm going to step behind you. I'm going to step behind you. I'm going to step behind me, yes, it does. I'm going to step behind you. I'm going to step behind you. I'm going to step behind me, yes, it does. I'm going to step behind you. I'm going to step behind me, yes, it does. I'm going to step behind you. I'm going to step behind you. I'm going to step behind me, yes, it does. I'm going to step behind you. I'm going to step behind me, yes, it does. I'm going to step behind you. I'm going to step behind you. I'm going to step behind me, yes,
Starting point is 01:54:44 it does. I'm going to step behind you. I'm going to step behind you. I'm going to step behind you. I'm going to step behind you. I'm going to step behind you. I'm going to step behind you. I'm going to step behind you. I'm going to step behind you. I'm going to step behind you. I'm going to step behind you. I'm going to step behind you. I'm going to step behind you. I'm going to step behind you. I'm going to step behind you. I'm going to step behind you. I'm going to step behind you. I'm going to step behind you. I'm going to step behind you. Yeah, you have to, the bullets come here and the clip is empty. And inside the clip is a crazy spring, okay? So that the spring has to be really high intensity so it will push the bullets up into the gun at a certain speed. So when you put, you have to take the bullets, you have to exactly accept crazy, like pads on steroids. And to push those bullets in, the more bullets to go in, the further the spring goes down, the harder steroids and to push those bullets in the more bullets to go in the further the spring goes down The harder it is to push those bullets in it fucking blows load in the gun. It fucking blows
Starting point is 01:55:11 I thought there was like a clip that you just I thought it was like Not a clip no no no you buy a clip separate and you have to load it with balls. That's the movies What about movies do you think think you're so against violence, but you like violent movies, right? No, but you should. Love a lot of people in movie. I love violent movies. It's a fun movie.
Starting point is 01:55:32 You don't like gun, but you're okay with violence. It's a movie. But again, I'm saying there's something that you don't like about movies, but you're like, you're like gangster hip hop. That's the suspension of disbelief. You got a movie, that's, you know, it's a, well, one question at a time.
Starting point is 01:55:43 I like some gangster hip hop.'d like to park very much in notorious b i g uh... house of pain i love uh... the two ganks i don't have a solution i don't i'm i'm just
Starting point is 01:55:55 and obviously there should be some right to bear arms as well i just like the machine guns the things and it's not for me something should be legal you know i'm pro choice but i don't know if i would have abortion myself i have to decide i just don't want a gun and it's a lot more people like me i think this would be a wonderful place i think it's just meditating and having no weapons please don't tweet fucking threats at me i'll get nervous and scared and fucking I'll hate it.
Starting point is 01:56:27 I really want to get yourself a gun. I'll probably get a gun. I'll do it, though. I remember after the guy that we're in the Meevy Theatre in the Batman one, that guy. Yeah, I remember saying, all I tweeted out was, you know, like 20 years ago, Australia got rid of guns and we've never had a mask since that's all it was and I got fucking like Man they were like oh yeah, how about I come to your door with a fucking gun to your face You guys about the guy that today. Oh, yes, yes, they that he went to a police police and he shot the police person. Then cops came
Starting point is 01:57:06 around and shot the police ink like the building. Yeah, he shot. He shot into the areas into the police person. Some cops got shot. Right cops came around. They said, Hey, sir, put the gun down. He shot that cop and then he shot himself. That tells me that he was a white guy. That was a lot of drugs. He was a black guy. Let's be honest. He wouldn't shut himself. Well, that and he we got and they they were had to put the gun down. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:57:38 However, though, I do think the days to be something about police now seems that police don't know how to do any like they're not trained very well This is where I miss this is where I miss Lewis where he goes shut up Kelly only hours left in this country The NYPD goes through a really strict regiment of six months It's on square hang on hang on yeah, and what happened to that guy, the chokehold? That's, you know, he, they weren't supposed to do that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:58:09 That was, that's bad. That's not the training coming through. But here's what happened at the train. Here's what happened that situation. Yeah. Yeah, it goes back to fear. This guy, do you see a big, that guy I was? Yeah, I was.
Starting point is 01:58:17 Now you got this, this fucking other guy who's probably, he's a tough guy. They're all tough guys. Five, five. You got to kind of be a fucking macho fucking dickhead to be in that job Anyway, you got to kind of have that. I'll fucking knock somebody the fuck out You know what I mean? Then he gets in a situation when this guy it's not as easy So he puts the stupid UFC thing on not knowing that this guy has a condition
Starting point is 01:58:40 He's a big guy right real life is always different than the fucking TV or the movies, and this guy goes down and dies. You're not supposed to put a choke hold on somebody. You're not supposed to cut the, when you put a choke hold, you know what you're doing? You're murdering them. You're bringing them to the point of death, and you're letting go at the last minute, at the last minute and letting them live. That's what when someone does that in the UFC that's pretty much what you're doing. You're fucking you're
Starting point is 01:59:09 killing somebody and at the last minute they get to tap out and go I'm please stop. Right. Or the ref goes you need to stop. And the dude was just talking at first. Yeah. Yeah. The video. But he was scared. Right. But that wasn't within their procedures. It was an outlawed thing that reversed choke, and he did it anyway. So yeah, that's definitely wrong. But people have to understand with the cops that, and it's the same thing with teachers, so I was a teacher.
Starting point is 01:59:31 There are, the cops are authority figures. So it's like, consider you a teacher, by the way. Thank you. You're teaching us right now. Thank you. Where'd you teach? I taught special education. I taught here at Jokes.
Starting point is 01:59:41 Yeah. Just go ahead. Okay. So anyway, I see different things on the internet. It's like, well, you should be able to say whatever you want. It's a free country, and like you can't do that. You can't say whatever you want to a cop though, because they're authority figures,
Starting point is 01:59:53 and they have to maintain that. So if you have people just talking shit whatever to the, like when the cop says, give me your ID, and you tell them to go fuck himself. And expect nothing to happen. I didn't say that though. I'm not saying other videos like that. I'm nothing to happen. I didn't say that though. I'm not saying anything like that.
Starting point is 02:00:07 I'm not saying anything. If you do that, like you have to expect a reaction. You can't expect nothing. It seems like you're going to get a straight down. What's the difference between go fuck yourself and I know my rights. I know my rights officer. I have my lawyer.
Starting point is 02:00:19 It's the same thing as go fuck yourself. When this guy you say go fuck yourself or someone go, I know my go, I think it's different. You can't talk about it. I think it's very different. Go fuck yourself is a threat. It's a fuck you. And I know my rights is actually just stating a fact.
Starting point is 02:00:37 And that's the problem is that the cops don't see that different, because I've seen two videos of a black lady who's like a professor. Yep. And then a black dude in Minneapolis, where they're just saying, I know my rights, not a threat, but they are talking back. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 02:00:53 That's the other thing is that, all right, here's the difference between being a teacher and being a student and a cop and a person. They're working for us. They're supposed to protect us. They're not the fucking boss of us. I mean, that sounds like like babies but they fucking aren't so if you're saying like look i'm on my way to do something i know my rights and
Starting point is 02:01:08 that's what these at scene the videos that's what they're saying and they get they get beat up you know they get tays i don't think they should get beat up that i'm saying i have unrealistic expectations that i say police can i say something to his last time we have this conversation and i said what cops should have is a can't uh... twenty four seven camera on them. They have them, they have the vest cam. Oh, really?
Starting point is 02:01:28 And they should be recorded all the time. Imagine if you had something on you that was recording every word you said. And we were all gonna be able to listen to that. We're doing that right now too. But I think that we'd all be a little different. We'd all be a little on our pees and cures. Right? I bring up the end word again. Hold on, hold on. That was a cop in New Jersey. He said this black guy was resisting the West guy.
Starting point is 02:01:57 His car ran down and then they stopped the car and he was talking shit to the cop in the car, winning out the car and he opened a door He's he hit the car with the car with the door and he tried to run for it and the cop Chasing down and beat them up, right? I mean the guy said that didn't happen They they found the camera that they recorded none of that happened the guys stopped the car the guy put his hands out I didn't see say that and then and then the cop Try to erase the video. Yeah, of course. Yeah. Yeah, it's scary. No, that shouldn't be clearly wrong I know it's gonna make that or even that's clearly wrong
Starting point is 02:02:32 Yeah, but the thing is is that that video didn't exist exactly that guy would be in fucking jail But you know me times those situations happen Yeah, but did but you understand this cop if you that that would happen here and there But as cops knew that they will be in recorded 24 24 7 that this camera on their vest or on their shoulder Would not could not be erased that they don't have that fucking option, okay? Believe me they would act different Believe me what you're pro 100% you're for that. I'm for cameras apps of fucking loot I'm for that to absolutely because it's gonna protect the cops number one. Yeah, it's gonna protect a lot of good cops
Starting point is 02:03:10 I'm gonna have video footage of someone Doing what they said they were doing yeah, okay, not whatever the fuck or it's gonna protect us the public right The average motherfucker who's not breaking the law and comes across a bad piece of shit the average motherfucker who's not breaking the law and comes across a bad piece of shit joe from uh... call one from uh... manchester hamster uh... this is uh... joe joe the truth but i and i agree and i think i agree because these cops i think a lot of more
Starting point is 02:03:40 bullies and abuse of people just in general and i don't agree with that i have a lot of i don't agree with that at all you don't think a lot of more bullies and abuse of people just in general i don't agree with that i have a lot of i don't agree with that at all i don't think of you don't think a lot of that i have not said that i agree i agree it's a lot of percentage but i don't know you don't think there's a lot oh we do we have no idea what the percentage is what is a lot i mean what do you a lot where in new york and thousands you have to understand that i was in there they're dealing with a lot of the good i'm sorry they're dealing with the lowest members of society i agree most of us are not coming in contact with cops every day
Starting point is 02:04:07 my buddy was like he's like he we're both wrestling coaches and he became a cop he's like it's just exactly not what i thought it was you're not doing anything you're just encountering the same nonsense every day you're putting a band-aid over an open heart wound that's what my buddy says i believe in seventy-third is the worst precincts in the country was seventy-third each new year That's what my buddy says. I believe in the 73rd is the worst precinct to the country. Where's 73rd? East New York?
Starting point is 02:04:25 Oh, yeah, I just forgot. These guys are just looking at their watch like when is my retirement? Yeah, dude. They're not even in it. Okay, let's forget that. That's a whole lot of it. I just can't wait up. The camp the filming the thing. Yeah, the problem with that is and I agree I think they should be filmed because I think there's a lot of people doing cops doing bad things with just rifle them for example. I think it's 30 seconds. It's not just just cops it's people people like you yeah yes that doesn't mean it's not cops up cops we're talking about cops right now yeah and so whatever arguments you make there are a lot of cops that are fucking assholes are you that you don't want to get shit about the gun thing without even
Starting point is 02:04:57 without even fucking uh... breaking a lot of a bump into the couple like that was an asshole for no reason right so there's a lot of examples obviously of cops being fucking assholes. But my point is, the taping, that becomes a slippery slope. Because if we're going to film all these cops to make sure they're not doing anything... Are you going to joke again? Why don't we start? No.
Starting point is 02:05:15 Why don't we start filming everybody? Why aren't the government have cameras in here? And film everything we're doing and saying right now. I do call China. First of all, I wish they did, because then I wouldn't have to pay for all this shit Just put up their feed. We're gonna film everything the cops do 100% their own time Stop stop stop shut the fuck up this first of all they do that okay in England where you love yeah That they every corner every one there's this this cameras everywhere over that's how the court of seventy eleven bombers
Starting point is 02:05:47 they everywhere over there okay and then I'm gonna attach to the lapel what you're saying but they're not they but they're not you're talking about uh... uh... state or government worker okay as opposed to a citizen citizens i don't believe we should have our cameras on us or uh... i i don't think it's gonna evolve into that It's not if the cops were him that we're gonna wear him somebody that's bullshit. These people work for the state
Starting point is 02:06:11 They do a job that needs to be videotape with technology their job should evolve with it. I agree I'm not saying I'm for this. I'm saying what if this is the first thing guns in the future saying for this, I'm saying what if this is the thing? Guns in the future will be nonlethal. They just haven't made that gun yet. And when they make it a nonlethal gun that works, look it cops now, not all them, use a taser in a lot of situations. That didn't exist any year.
Starting point is 02:06:38 Wubble, rubble, rubble, rubble, rubble, rubble, I don't know what you just said. Wubble, rubble, rubble, rubble, rubble, rubble, rubble, rubble, rubble, rubble, rubble, rubble, rubble, rubble, I'm gonna throw up listen my point is is that There'll be a point where they can just shoot a fucking beam of sound at somebody and it will knock them down Okay with technology Our police are and our military should evolve so look at what we do now in a war
Starting point is 02:07:01 We can pinpoint a bomb through a fucking window. Alright, 60 years ago, we just had a fucking just carpet bomb in area and take out whatever the fuck cat dog baby human was in that area. Now we can throw a fucking bomb through a window and take out a specific person if we want to. Okay, we have rail guns that are fucking insane. So I think having a camera on a police officer's lapel,
Starting point is 02:07:28 if it's a good police officer, it's not gonna have a problem with that. Like, okay, the TSA, the clear, the TSA, when you can go right through the line, whatever the fuck that's called. Okay, you have to go and be checked out by the federal government, you have to fill out forms,
Starting point is 02:07:42 they have to do a complete background check to get this i don't care you can go look through my background i have nothing to hide i don't care go do that so i can get through the fucking airport quicker so i don't have to stay behind all these flat-ass women who are in front of now i have to look at just atrocious ass after atrocious ass of fucking yes this for fucking the next 40 minutes. I can fly the fuck through. But see that okay. It's exactly why I cuz I'm maybe I'm paranoid like Joe but I feel like one day say you say something on here maybe there's a candidate running for government and you say some shit against them. Next thing you know oh for some reason
Starting point is 02:08:18 you are getting hassled because you come up in that check line even though you're registered all like I am no mayor and like the what's the name in New Jersey when he stopped the the the the the the the the the the the the bridge. Yeah. Yeah, it is some in some aspects technology. We'll come back to bite but that but again that guy did something wrong. I just do it.
Starting point is 02:08:38 You're all checked. Yeah, yeah. Do you understand if you have a camera on you, you're going to be you're not going to do what you probably wouldn't have done anyways, but maybe you have a camera on you, you're not gonna do what you probably wouldn't have done anyways, but maybe you have in a bad day, maybe you pissed off, maybe somebody got your riled up, but you have a camera on you, you're gonna know better.
Starting point is 02:08:55 And if you don't, you're gonna scare the next guy, because the next cop, so the next people are gonna go fuck dude, watch what the fuck you do. Well how do the cops do that? I do think that we are going to I don't know I do think we're going to a world where there's gonna be cameras everywhere with the Google Glass as people are very big taping everything they do and I think it's gonna become it's gonna get what look at what we get now with all the cameras that are around I mean look at all the crazy shit you're fucking seeing shark attacks now
Starting point is 02:09:23 I mean you're seeing you're seeing animal attacks all this google google fucking spiders i mean that didn't exist before people that cell phones people have to start the average douche bag can go oh my god there's a banana spider in my living room and do a video and we can be like what and watch twenty minutes of the the the body has the video of a
Starting point is 02:09:46 and and and and and and and and
Starting point is 02:09:55 and and and and and and and and and and and and and and
Starting point is 02:10:03 and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and like I said, and to wrap this all up before we go. But we, we, you know, we will, with the failures of technology, we repair them and we fix them. There's gonna be failures. There's gonna be things that go wrong. But I think something like that will help. This, imagine if this guy had a,
Starting point is 02:10:19 this cop had a, a vest camera on. We would know exactly what happened. And we would know which side to choose. All of us, black or white, we'd be like, we get it. We know what happened. This guy was out of line. Well, this kid was fucking a piece of shit. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 02:10:36 I don't think he should have been shot six times either way. But we would have known what happened. We don't know what happened. You know, we're taking this kid's word in the cops word and we're all stuck in the middle arguing and fighting each other. The witness is saying that he has his hands. What about that?
Starting point is 02:10:51 They don't count? No, we're not. Didn't the cop have a broken eye socket? Yeah, but who the fuck? If he had a boat, they would put that picture up. A long time ago. A long time to come out. Okay, he's not have a boat in our socket.
Starting point is 02:11:01 I don't know, but who the fuck knows? I witnessed our historically inaccurate. That is true. I witnessed't know. Who the fuck knows? I witness our historically inaccurate. That is true. I witness our. Yeah, but that's a fast socket. Never came out until like three weeks later. Yeah. Well, we're fucking, we're in a hot apartment in New York City on the second floor.
Starting point is 02:11:16 And we're fucking making judgments. Who the fuck are you right there? That's true. But if you had to tell you what, if we all watch the video, we know we know Kennedy got shot From somewhere Abraham Shot the video you fuck Abraham's a breuda Known as the Abraham tapes right? Bruder was too obvious I thought I was dealing with a pretty good audience
Starting point is 02:11:43 Bruder was too obvious. I thought I was dealing with a pretty good audience I already break people I'm showing off the yes I'm cutting guys. I think I'll do shine Abraham Lincoln. That's what I thought you shot I thought it was a ham Lincoln. I was as a brooted joke. This isn't throwback Thursdays Joe can you dump the jokes down for us? I will from now on you will We'll do it in an overhand right? All right guys. We're gonna wrap this up you guys Thank you so much for coming on today we're gonna go around the room real quick but before we do
Starting point is 02:12:09 i want to announce that we are replacing uh... kelly's position in here joe we have arian who's staying on right uh... who's gonna be switching over here but he can't come all the time uh... scope of his what uh... you know that to be switching over here but he can't come all the time. Scopo is what? I'm good now. Okay, you got no tits.
Starting point is 02:12:28 Oh, Scopo? Oh, easy. Jesus. Well, here's the thing is that if you're here, I'm announcing it on the show because I got a ton of emails about people who want to be the new intern come in here and do the video because Scopo is going to teach you how to do the video and you're gonna be doing the Facebook and the Twitter and You know the Instagram you're gonna have to know social media. You're gonna have to know when to post shit You're gonna have to get you know you know pretty much learn a whole fucking thing and you'll be on the show
Starting point is 02:12:57 you'll you know But I wanted to do it on this show because if you don't know about this if you don't hear about this Then you're not a fan of the fucking show. I could tweet about it and put it out there in my my my social media But then any fucking dickhead who doesn't even listen to the show could be step in here So here's the deal you want to do this next week Okay next week when are we doing the show next week? I got again what Tuesday you are. Yeah, Tuesday right? Yeah, we're doing two days and 12.30 from now on.
Starting point is 02:13:28 We do a little later. I got to do a little later. I got to do it at three next week. What is that bad? No, that's perfect. You okay with that? That's fine. Three o'clock next week.
Starting point is 02:13:39 You got to be here at two o'clock next week. Yeah, I get here at two. At the comedy seller, you stay downstairs, get yourself a drink. 117, the... Al of the, actually, the Al of tree. I'm sorry, it's the olive tree, but you can stay at the Al of tree if you want.
Starting point is 02:13:54 That's next door, I think, is that next door? The Al of... Stay us on the comedy seller. Okay, go to the olive tree next week at two o'clock, come early, have a drink, sit at the bar, cup of coffee, some hard alcohol, whatever the fuck you choose. Good believe. And we will be calling you up one by one and interviewing you.
Starting point is 02:14:11 Yeah. I'm going to get Joe List. We're going to have Lewis Gomez. I'm going to see if Lewis is around. We're going to see. He's around. I want to copy down. Huh?
Starting point is 02:14:20 Copy down. You want to come on? Oh, yeah. We're going to have Will be back on and not a regular, but that's cool But it would be good to have a black dude What are things Bobby's never said before? And hopefully Dan so it's dead back. I think he's coming back. Yeah, okay show anyways We've got a new sweatshirt. We're gonna see every day
Starting point is 02:14:43 We're gonna bring We're gonna bring you up one by one and interview you We had a hot girl named Shannon. Yeah, you know else Mara from Dante show Don't you want to do it both? I do it huh Shannon mall sound black. No, they're both not black. No, no I wouldn't mind a black girl. That'd be great. Oh, yeah, we veto people. No, where's video? You get everybody's getting a shot Nobody's getting vetoed, but just we can't put in case we end up like not doing that
Starting point is 02:15:12 We haven't changed the day. Here's some weirdos. Waitin' downstairs. Listen. We have any listen I'm fucking running the show you guys deal with the weirdos, all right? You're gonna be here. you're here next week yeah me have a what if you change the episode cuz you know you get something on blah blah no we're not changing nothing all right what are you talking about I was here what are you talking about like K-something comes up like you got a like appointment or an audition or whatever I don't have anything next week you got nothing he has nothing at three o'clock we do it I have therapy at one thirty
Starting point is 02:15:42 and then I come here at three o'clock. I mean, Dasha had no auditions. I mean nothing. I'll be here at one thirty. Yeah, okay, one thirty. Kelly, can I see one, Ted? I'm dead. All right, thank you. So here's the thing. For my eyes only. All right, here's the thing. So I know, right? Ah!
Starting point is 02:15:57 So next week, if you want to be the intern, if you want to be, now you got to be flexible. You got to, we do it on Tuesday, we change it a lot. Sometimes we do a Tuesday night. Okay, I don't care for your comic a non-comic. It doesn't matter You got a what that's the problem. We're gonna have a people because it's it's very flexible different You tell me change it at this time and I change it so people you have to know that You're like Bobby's fucking beck and call when you have what everyone's to do the show I don't like that I think that was the wrong phrase I didn't mean it that A little resentment in there. No, no, I didn't mean it.
Starting point is 02:16:25 I think that was the wrong phrase. I didn't mean it that way, but like if, no, yeah, I think you did. You say, yeah, well look, we'll deal with that next week. All right, let's not, let's, now everybody's not gonna come, okay? So next week, you want to weed out the bad people. We're not weeding out, you want to weed,
Starting point is 02:16:38 I know you want to weed out, it's not happening. All right, I know fucking good, fucking broadcasting, okay? We're not, we're not weeding out, Kelly. So, all right, listen here, she fucking podcasting. Okay. Well, I'm not be weird to weed it out. Kelly. Now, listen, she didn't win a weater out. She weeded herself out with the help of Lewis. I know I'm kidding. All right. So next week, if you're want to be an intern, show up at two o'clock comedy seller, we'll be bringing you up one by one. I want to resume. I want fucking why you want to be on the show, what you think you're gonna offer
Starting point is 02:17:05 the show and whatever they are, fuck out. And may I tell you something? You're favorite episode? Mm-hmm. Yeah, that's good. You want the show that you're gonna, um, tech savvy is very important. Yeah. Social media savvy is very important.
Starting point is 02:17:18 Followed shop is important. Not really, but- No, kept sleeping. Yeah, what, what is Photoshop? What is this night to night to? What about video editing? I don't want know. No, Kevin's leaving. We'll work it out. Actually, Will, what do you got? Will Silvens at Will Silvens W-I-L-S-Y-L-B-I-N-C-E.
Starting point is 02:17:51 I'm performing at, I'm performing at, oh, Jesus Christ. Will Silvens, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. How did this fucking fail on your own? He goes back to his name when he gets confused. LAUGHTER Will Silvens. What do you got, man? He goes back to his name when he gets confused Will opens What do you got man? Louis Cash can find me everywhere. It's L.O. U.I.S. K.A. TZ I'll be at the Sacramento punchline all this weekend. Is this coming out soon? Great club coming out on the ice
Starting point is 02:18:18 And the eighth Monday you all just see me at the punchline Monday Monday you were you've all just seen me at the punchline I hope you're not next week you can catch me at that week catch me in Pittsburgh Columbus and Chicago. I'm opening for Doug Benson as a Zanez you can see me there. It's great and then And then and then on the 21st of September if you're in Washington DC, I'll be at six and I so you can see me there Awesome brother Great, thanks coming on a Mike Vekion my website is Mike Vekion dot com on Twitter at comic Mike V I'll be at go bananas and Cincinnati this weekend and
Starting point is 02:18:51 I have a podcast the passive aggressive podcast and my CD is Called muscle confusion available on iTunes very funny funny CD by the way killer CD great. I actually bought it Very funny funny CD by the way killer CD great. I actually bought it. Kill it buddy. I bought it too I was I got to I am no I did buy it. I did buy it I bought it and I didn't listen to it yet, but it's on it's on my playlist I boy and listen to it. What was the first joke? List what he got all right. I want to take my my my my moment You got a list of maniacs. I want to take my moment to plug to say I have friends that are cops as a lie-biting Biting citizen. I love cops most cops
Starting point is 02:19:32 But I'm just saying there's a few on every fucking force that are fucking bullies and their main some of them Most of them are great and I don't break any laws anymore I used to pick a lot of them also speaking law-breaking, I'll be an East Providence November 12 and 13th at the comedy connection and then 19 and 20 September I'll be at next comedy stop the legendary, but now shitty next comedy stop How is how is the next comedy stop? Well, I don't know if they're listening so I'll tell you how fair how it is Okay, no, but is it is it still look like the upstairs it was pretty and i don't even know who runs it out of the new club called
Starting point is 02:20:11 laugh Boston there's a new club called laugh Boston but uh... it was amazing it's uh... they haven't asked me that a drain apple luchy and samaril have had lined uh... i've been asked to meet fit middle middle for you for a little you're are you hypnotizing him so uh... i will not uh... you've been all you play the little bit of those i love those two
Starting point is 02:20:30 comics and their friends of mine i'm not middle of the same old marille headlines marille or a dot com so adrian apple uchi headlined laugh austin for a weekend which is fine she's a headliner but i'm getting asked to know that i'm not gonna uh... with their agents i don't know i don't know but that's a headliner, but I'm getting asked to middle so I'm not gonna I'm not gonna do other agents. I don't know I don't know But that's Sam did it before he had cone it. He had a good time. You're with my agency though. Aren't you happy? We're we're managed by the same people. I'm looking I'm well. I'll talk about this off mic
Starting point is 02:20:58 You're gonna get shot too, right? I'm also are you happy? Yeah, I like Jim and Abby Wow, I'm gonna get you with us too. Yeah, but they're not my agents. They're managers They're managers and Bartow also very happy Okay, but I'm afraid that I'm gonna get shot by a gun nut and fucking arrested by a cop and then fired by Comedy but you'll job better and fuck the bad and fuck wow homosexual Kelly I love that Kelly What do you have to be sides fucking jiggly titties? Okay, I And choose another gonna be the stress factory and then Friday the 12th 10 o'clock at the creek
Starting point is 02:21:33 We've got the New York six stories show so come out and I know Cubs too. I want to marry one if you're out there Will your titties be there at the shows? Will chill the fuck out. Yeah, I already it on the streets with all the other black guys. I don't know what you're gonna pass me. Will wants it for the milk. Here's how you get people not to talk about your titties. We're a fucking less revealing show. Yes.
Starting point is 02:21:54 How's that? They looking at me. The top full front. All right, go ahead. What do you got? I'll just give you on Twitter at Chris Gobop. Yeah, please tell me. Kelly, you have like 45,000 followers on Twitter.
Starting point is 02:22:05 Yeah I'm adorable. I don't think so on that one. But uh, this is a problem. You don't know how to joke around. I know. Sorry. See, you got me, you know what? Here's what happens.
Starting point is 02:22:16 This white scum pose is a fucking asshole. All right. She says because I'm adorable, which is stupid of course it's annoying, but it's still a funny thing. It's quick-witted. He goes, I don't know about that one. It's like, that's real but it's still a funny thing it's quick witted he goes I don't know about that one it's like that's real that's the real way he wants to smash it yeah but that sounds like something like a heckle would say in the phone that's like that one that's like I'm good not that
Starting point is 02:22:34 funny yeah like a see I got the Mike Vicki on yeah yeah you're a civilian my back he is a fucking My pecky on is very funny I said I said not funny is him I said I have his kind no you don't you have fucking All right, well, that's what I was leaving. All right. You was the only one of the rule Shut you have fucking sense of humor as a of a fan okay in the front row you need to like whip it up Kelly do it again do it again Kelly. Yeah, you have 45,000 followers. Yeah, because I'm adorable. But, no, you're not. All right.
Starting point is 02:23:10 I love that one. Hey, go. The timing was great. We have to work on it. I love this. I love this. Bobby, Kelly, cops at level. Here we go, Kelly, go ahead, do it again.
Starting point is 02:23:21 Kelly, you have 45,000 followers, Joe, you're the guy. You're a bean scopo now. Kelly, you have 45,000 followers Joe you're the guy you're you're being scoped on now Kelly You have 45,000 followers. Yeah, cuz I'm adorable. Well like a boorable I'll go through I got more like a horrible comedian. That's great. All right Kelly. You have 45,000 Kelly a 45,000 followers because I'm adorable a dogly stupid Me I think that was worse than mine You couldn't say the word adorable you went adore stupid you said a door instead of you didn't say the word adorable. You were a door stupid. You said a door instead of, you didn't finish the word.
Starting point is 02:24:06 Call me stupid because you got very saying the word. I apologize Kelly. You're telling me the delicious, okay? Thank you. There's nothing I'm not going to do about how stupid she is. Where am I? I'm not coming from a man with rate boots. Not rain boots, rate boots.
Starting point is 02:24:20 He really does. Oh man. He really, he really did say that. He's on Bene Rambies house. He He really did say that in the Sajon Benei Ramirez house. He would really get caught because of the soul of his boots. He was unique. They really made in 1978 these boots. Oh my god.
Starting point is 02:24:35 Oh my god. 23rd, 24th, 25th and 26th. They're going to be at the Bremen Theater in Copenhagen. Copenhagen Baymark. Oh wow. That's awesome. That's awesome. That's awesome. That's awesome. October 2nd, 3rd and 4th.
Starting point is 02:24:45 I'm kidding. It's my agent. It's disgusting. 2nd, 3rd and 4th of October. You make comics and Foxwoods. Boom. With Scopo and Lewis J Gomez. That's right.
Starting point is 02:24:55 I'm going to do a guest spot. Yes, you are. You can if you want to come down and do one. I don't give a shit. Yeah. And then October 10th, you're going to be at the Comedy Shop and Haslitt New Jersey, the 11th. You're gonna be at the Senate, the Casino,
Starting point is 02:25:07 and Niagara Falls. Yeah, that's a big show. So make sure you come out tonight. And you still gotta change the Comedy Shop because you're at the Comedy Shop again on the October 11th show. I will figure it out. Go to for all my dates
Starting point is 02:25:20 and make sure you get my award-winning app. It's an iPhone app on iTunes for free. That's f e What are which you just freak me out? F are e e free. What I have an app coming out. Yeah, let me finish my app before you stick a hand in my face Fucking it's an interrupting app Get my app and has the this podcast is on that app Okay, so if you want to listen to this podcast,
Starting point is 02:25:45 you can go to that app and listen to it, and it's flawless, okay? And I have my dates on it, it has a sound board, all kinds of fun shit, and it's free. What, can I, I let you plug, I was crying my voice. Mm. There's your app translate what you're saying. It's a Rosetta stone
Starting point is 02:26:09 Listen if you know this is one of the funniest podcasts you've ever fucking heard you're an asshole I feel like I'm gonna get murdered and then everyone in Boston hates me now an agent Apple who just played mad at me I want to say this She's been on Letterman my point is that that I also have been on Letterman and grew up there and Letterman doesn't make you a fucking headliner. It says that you have four and a half good minutes not even great minutes It's fucking good good. Okay, so it's fucking relax with Adrian fucking Apollucci I'm sure she's fine and no cops hate you. They know you're a nice guy. I mean some are gonna fucking hate you Bailey J. So you gotta look out for yeah, yeah, come now you're a nice guy. I mean some are gonna fucking hate you barely jazzy got look out for yeah Yeah, I did come at you. You're calling her a rapist. Feel it's very unfair of you. All right guys
Starting point is 02:26:49 Thank you so much for listening you guys are the best fans in the fucking world Thank you for donating thank you for listening to riot casting all the other shows, but most of all Thank you for listening. You know what? Listening to yk wd podcast Thanks for listening You've been listening to YKWD Podcast. Thanks for listening. Now go back to your shitty jobs. Shitty jobs. Check out for all the best podcasts on the internet.
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