Robert Kelly's You Know What Dude! - Mike Cannon, Mike Feeney, Brendan Sagalow, Rich Vos | Fart Lauderdale

Episode Date: October 9, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Activia es úlico, porque a diferencia de otros, activia ha demostrado que sus millones de probióticos naturales llegan vivos a la microbiota. Y además ayuda a tu salud digestiva. Activia. Sabemos lo importante que es sentirse acompañado. Por eso en Caisha Bank ahora cuentas con un préstamo para hacer realidad tus ilusiones. Solicitalo desde el móvil o a través de tu gestor. Informate en
Starting point is 00:00:26 Caishabank, tu y yo, nosotros. Siempre que se mantenga las circunstancias económico-financeras del solicitante en el momento de la solicitud. Buscas contenido gratis. A One and B.C. Pluto TV es el servicio de streaming gratuito con series como South Park o sensación de vivir. Descarga ya la aplicación en todos tus dispositivos.
Starting point is 00:00:46 ¡Pluso TV! ¡Ven a verlos sin pagar nunca! And we have a special guest popped in. Yes, the legend, Rich Voss came in with a beautiful present for me. Funny, funny episode. I hope you enjoy it. If you are going to watch it on YouTube, that's fine. Just subscribe, like and comment. And if you're not, if you want to support the show, you can go to slash Robert Kelly and become a supporter of the show, which we'd love you to do. But if not, whatever you do, just enjoy the show.
Starting point is 00:01:24 This was a fucking good one. show, which we'd love you to do. But if not, whatever you do, just enjoy the show. This was a fucking good one. Yeah, baby, we're starting the podcast right now. We're back. You know what, dude, live. Welcome, everybody. It's the show. YKW. I started the social media podcast. The fact that YKW did podcasts YKW did back again Old school back in the day We're all starting before them all
Starting point is 00:01:48 YKW did broadcast is so fun and crazy And there's no rules Shut up, you're ruining this We're the more abandoned I'm sorry It's a comedy podcast This is an NPR That's the podcast done
Starting point is 00:02:01 Is there any better show? This is the original. The original. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:11 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:19 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Good, and she didn't, she didn't. Welcome everybody to the YKWD podcast, little hiccup there in the front. I'm Robert Kelly, the dude, AKA Fat Tits, AKA.
Starting point is 00:02:31 Oh, I'm gonna say good. X Fat Tits. Yeah, deflated tits. Coming back after. We're here with another episode. Live from the studio, the way you guys like it. We got the chat going on. If you're on
Starting point is 00:02:45 session, Robert Kelly, you're watching it live. You're in the chat. You're part of the show. You get it before everybody else, plus an extra YKWD, which I believe with taping on Thursday and Catherine Kelly, all kinds of stuff. session, Robert Kelly. I want to thank all my supporters in there. Last week's episode was fantastic. You guys really fucking flipped out. I'm happy. This one I believe will be just as good. If not better because of the two people we have in here. No, I'm kidding. We got three of my favorite young box coming up. Their confidence is sickening. Their comedy is, and their cocks are pretty.
Starting point is 00:03:26 How's that? That's good. I like the tour. Yeah. The confidence thing is definitely not true though. For him, it is. Now, it's wild, especially coming from the generation that you guys came up from, which is just like unbridled confidence.
Starting point is 00:03:39 Yeah, because we had, we could be confident with what we were doing. Who were the people above you guys that were telling you guys, I wish, did you guys have the people, who were the people above you that anytime you guys went on radio, we're like, you guys are so fucking confident and arrogant. Were they like that? We didn't have that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:55 We didn't have podcast. So you just got to thrive? Awesome. Please just got to support each other. Yeah, Robert Klein would say. We had, we actually, they're motorcyclists like them, man. We had each other? Yeah, Robert Klein would have played. He's the air motorcyclist in the end. We had each other.
Starting point is 00:04:05 Yeah. You'd go down if the table still existed. If we were all sitting at the table, Fini would have quit the seller already. He would have been made, he would have cried. Or fought. He probably would have punched me. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:21 He probably would have kept, fuck you, you piece of shit. Tell Keith to stop. I cry all the time if I was a little bit nervous. Yeah, but that would have kept it with fuck you. You piece of shit. Tell Keith to stop. I cry all the time. If I. Yeah, but that's because you're a mirrors. Easy way out of that. Is it easy fix? I like everything about it. I like the way you said mirrors. I like the way it's a no look pass. Yeah, yeah, mirrors. No, feedie does have confidence. You have. No, feeding does have confidence. You have a, I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:04:47 I see it. And I don't begrudge it. I'm like, dude, you're in at the cell, you're rocking, you kicking ass. Fuck it, go ahead. You used to say that I was like this way before the cellar though. Oh, you're, no, I said you were a cunt. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:03 You had confidence. Is there a difference? I think there's a difference. Yeah, you're a no, I said you were a cunt. Yeah. You had, you had, you had, you had, Is there a difference? I think there's a difference. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You can't put it out. That's great. T-shirt. T-shirt.
Starting point is 00:05:11 Is that not the worst thing you've ever tasted in your life? Oh, it's really awful, but I felt bad saying that to Nicole. I was, I was gonna drink it like an Irishman and never say a word. This is called Platonium. It's the most sour thing I've ever tasted. What is it? Platonium.
Starting point is 00:05:23 Okay. From back to the future. I got it. Okay. I was like the way you said plutonium. You said that like it was gonna we're gonna carry you out. I really thought this is fucking plutonium. Well you ever like you're fishing for the word you know the word but you don't quite have it locked on your tongue and I got it and I said it and I expected more for no reason. I know you deserve more. Yeah. Platoonium. Platoonium was good, but you didn't get the effort behind it. If you knew the struggle that happened in total. I did. Okay. I saw the setup. Dude, how was that? It's fucking dude. This is plenty. Yeah. Yeah. I got it. That
Starting point is 00:06:00 sounds like a commercial. Yeah. Like a mountain. How do you like your drink? It's okay, a little strong. It's plentonium. You're gonna want some plutonium. Little lightning bolt. It should be an energy drink. Yeah, plutonium. Yeah, that's the best. I believed that that was plutonium. I'm not quite sure what plutonium is.
Starting point is 00:06:19 So, I wish I had some right now. Yeah, I'm sticking my mouth. I'm sticking my mouth. I make you run down the stairs with it. So if you hold plutonium for too long, what do you call it? I love it. I love what he fucking gets smashed and then he goes,
Starting point is 00:06:32 so there's a thing. Yeah, really. I love that. That suck in of air and spit is Brendan processing the pain. And then the immediately. But you mean, he goes to interview mode. So plutonium and it's, what is it's relevant? If I could just change the entire conversation real quick?
Starting point is 00:06:50 Yeah, so how plutonium. Yeah, yeah. That's all went good, laugh, laugh, laugh. But plutonium, now, I would. The matter at hand. Are we at risk? Classic comedy at my hands. It's terrible. I'm getting good at hand. Are we at risk? Classic comedy at my hands. I'm getting good at it. I'm getting good at changing the direction.
Starting point is 00:07:11 You know the, remember Porquies? Do you ever see Porquies? No, I'm moving. Yeah, surely that's the end of this. Sure, surely. That's going to be the end of him bringing it up. Doesn't even, doesn't look like that. Remember the country teacher that grabbed all the dicks? That's what he looked like. He's like, you're wearing that fucking sweatshirt. I don't even know it. You remember the fucking thing?
Starting point is 00:07:30 Here's the thing. I didn't see it. The ladies' gym had no, so I won't. Oh, there he is. Oh, my God. I know the infamous scene of Porquies are there looking through the whole, the whole, the show. That's sangler, right?
Starting point is 00:07:41 Yeah. Yeah, there was some of Butter I'd fuck her. Yeah. Immediately when I heard the word porkeys, I figured. It wasn't about that. It wasn't about being. That's her, right? That's Sangalo.
Starting point is 00:07:51 Same exact body. That's what it looks like when I wear white t-shirt. Dude, you could pull up any of Brendan's IG clips in a two-type black t-shirt and that is how you stand. Oh, yeah. If you could just get one of our arms on the side. You're fucking dead arms dumb, but you're side. Yeah, I look like the bottom of a totem pole Oh my god, she does have kind of like eagle body. Yeah, bottom of a totem pole
Starting point is 00:08:15 Like these are the eyes that swoop as the nose. Yeah, it's making a sad face. Yeah Sure to just stock up our cut Nobody in wardrobe fixed it. What do you think the temperature is right there? Uh, it's probably, I bet it's 127 cold. I bet it's cold. And it goes up and down to fluctuates. Yeah, it's like the tropics.
Starting point is 00:08:36 Those movies are so man, I'm so sad. One movies. I'm just that, that, that, look at all the TNA. Look at all those chick. There's not one fucking Ugly chick on the bunch. They just hired all Hot porn stars to be in movies back in those shit movies. Those are porn stars. No, but that's what they look like. Yeah now It's you know, you get a fucking can we get an age check on these girls I just said like the last movie to do that. They just had Shannon Elizabeth be naked masturbating
Starting point is 00:09:04 Oh, you know what a real underrated party movie is. Oh, it's cool. Yes. I mean, that's not even underrated. That is fairly rated as well. I didn't listen to you question. I should have listened. But yes, I mean, it can't be stated enough, but Project X Project X is a found footage with which those are, you know, those are pretty rough most of the time. But it's a found footage party movie about like that kid from Australia that went viral. Yeah. Where he's like, yeah, I don't give a shit.
Starting point is 00:09:34 Like he threw a party that went insane and it trashed his entire neighborhood. Was it real? It was real. They like lit cars on fire, blasted out windows of houses. Like it went crazy. And he got interviewed on, you know, on the news and he's like in white sunglasses,
Starting point is 00:09:48 he's blazed out of his face with like an open hoodie and no t-shirt underneath. He's like, I don't know what the fuck to tell you, mate. Yeah, I'll do it again. Don't you feel bad about what you did? No, I bet Kelly Fistuka blew somebody at that party. Yeah. Somebody, That guy.
Starting point is 00:10:05 That's all he was getting interviewed. Yeah, this is the greatest accent for a not give a fuck guy. Yes. I might. Okay, I can't do it. Are you going to apologize? No. No.
Starting point is 00:10:17 Why? People of people. I can do it when I see it. I can lock into it more, but I can't conjure up Australia from scratch. It's hard because there's no word that you go to. Like when I do impressions of accents, there's like words I go to like, Dublin, Dublin, Ireland. Right.
Starting point is 00:10:33 Are you talking about when you do it? Do you have a whole set that you, I'm an impressionist now, you know? Are you? No. All right, give me Yugoslavian. Oh, Yugoslavic. This is how we talk in Yugoslavia! Oh, it's Dublin, Ireland.
Starting point is 00:10:49 We talk like this and you go to Galway and Scottish. Fum! That's a Chubaka. No, no. They roll their like Ireland, but they roll their Rs. A little bit louder from the Clown. From the mid cloud, I was better. It can only be one. I looked your name up on the golden pages.
Starting point is 00:11:09 See, I can't do Scottish. I know, I just started that. I just started that. And German, I just saw you not do it. Yeah, I went, I did it on that sound. I just went from a Canadian. Canadian? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:20 Oh, I'm sorry. You know, I'll catch you tomorrow. What? It's all right, buddy. That's a skateboarder. That's what they sound like, too. What they, you know, I'll catch you tomorrow. What? It's all good, buddy. That's a skateboarder. Yeah, that's what they sound like, dude. Well, they don't. It's okay, eh?
Starting point is 00:11:29 Nope, that's not it. No, that's your voice, but starting the alphabet. You know three impressions. You know three accents. Oh, okay. You know what I mean? I know a couple. I mean, you know, it's Jamaican.
Starting point is 00:11:43 No. Don't worry, man. It's gonna be I read. Wait, I have to get a hold on. Hold on. I got it. That's not true. That's not true.
Starting point is 00:11:55 I just have, I just, I know. I just, I have talent. It's not true. That's one thing, he gets sensitive quick. But I do, I have talent. We all do, we all know you're talented. The three of you are fucking hilarious. Move on.
Starting point is 00:12:10 Then tell me more. I was gonna start telling me more. I didn't know you felt like this. We can't tell you. Because if we tell you, become Mike Fini, we only want to know his fucking. Why you smashing Fini so much? Cause we haven't had or even a conversation since his back. I think you guys need to. Why you smashing Fini so much? Cause we haven't had even a conversation
Starting point is 00:12:26 since it's a fact. I think you guys need to hug. It's a thing. We've talked the other day. Barely. What do you mean, barely? You called me because you were doing a bit on a podcast. I was a tertiary.
Starting point is 00:12:37 No, that's not true. I called you because Candid didn't pick up. I shouldn't have called you back then. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, exactly. I saw a can. I was like, bye. I just now I called I was in target with my family. I lost my son for like a solid 90 seconds while I was on the phone with you. Oh my god. Where was he in the coat thing? I used to go into the coat thing and hide from my all the time my parents all the time. Three come out a little bit. We go to Caldor. That's I love I love I think how door had the had the had a thing inside of it. What was that a Ferris? We're not a Ferris wheel What was yeah, we went carousel? We went we went to Caldor and like the newberg mall though like Newberg dude, that's a rough
Starting point is 00:13:16 Rough fucking that's what all the When they kicked all the homeless people out of New York. They went up to Newberg. Yeah, yeah, I know they do drive by On the carousel. It's the murder capital of Newburgh. Yeah, yeah, I know. They do drive buys on the carousel. It's the murder capital of New York. Yeah, I don't know if it was back then, but I mean, it definitely was pretty sketchy. I got sketchy, but I mean, I'm making all this up. I also just like,
Starting point is 00:13:34 I have no idea. I don't know if it's something's like a murder capital. They always just throw murder in front of it where they're like, oh, do you ever move to Murderburg? Or would you go to like manyapolis people like, oh, you mean murderapolis? It's like, that's not it Speaking of Ireland when I went there and that and that in will make sense it'll make sense
Starting point is 00:13:53 They have a they have a city called limerose there down the freaking me out Like you're the pillsbury doughboy. I'm telling you this was better. I have other talents. It's untouch me You turn quick Oh, my dude, we're like the three stuages. Yeah, fucking three stuages except your psycho I bet he has a knife on him. I bet he'll fuck. He's gonna shank you someday cannon probably But I'm not even the one that deserves it who deserves it If I'm feeling it's feeny I don't know why are you I'm just turning on you if I'm I'm. He deserves it. Okay, I don't know it. Why are you?
Starting point is 00:14:25 He's just hurting you. If I'm, I'm gonna be like a serial killer where I kill all of the people I love in my life. That's what all. So I'm safe. Ha ha ha ha. No. We're all safe.
Starting point is 00:14:37 No one's safe. Or you love. Yeah. Sorry. We don't know. It's a breakate. But there's a city name called Limric and they call it Stab City in Ireland. Wow, we should have let you just get to it.
Starting point is 00:14:51 We really, right? It's also not the same thing because you said Minneapolis, murderapolis. You said, you know, Newberg, Murderburg. Wow, like it's like Limrich, murder city. If you know, but if you let me keep going I would have I would have been like they weren't even I'd come up with a joke about how they weren't even smart enough to do that I was the time to throw that out I would have said it yeah, maybe a three-line poem
Starting point is 00:15:22 Maybe a three-line poem Limerick perhaps oh I was well That's what I meant stupid sometimes you gotta just say it man just get love it. Can't I get angry? That's what I meant stupid I like and I like I'll through the anger. Smile. Remember what your manager told you? Just smile. No, that was my mom. My mom implanted that in my head.
Starting point is 00:15:50 So anybody that is upset with my laughing at myself or just seeming joy, it's because my mom forced me to smile. Oh yeah, people fucking hate that we laugh at ourselves. Why? I don't get it. Don't you want to let? Don't you want to let your family be a bit more beautiful? What if you just said that,
Starting point is 00:16:05 why on a podcast? Was it Bobby? Yeah, it was. Bobby's the one that you ruined their lives because you were like, you guys laugh at your own jokes and then since then, like, I've only been able to hear it.
Starting point is 00:16:16 It's that. And low nipples. I can't stop fucking jumping. I was joking about you. Yeah, but, I mean, I'm... Buddy, you can joke all you want but it's gonna fucking dangle in on the other. No, no, no, no, no,, all you want, but it's gonna fucking dangle.
Starting point is 00:16:25 No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, nipples, your nipples. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm talking literally there. His nuts. I came out of the shower and I was like, I'm looking okay. I'm not like, because they were just, yeah, they're like ornaments. They suck. Like the branches of it. But ever since then, people have been commenting about laughing at their, they're like, yeah, Bobby was right. You know, you've, you've really, you've really started something to have. I haven't seen his shirt off since you said. No. Yeah. On the cruise. He wore the big white loose one. Yeah, I'm so sorry.
Starting point is 00:17:02 Come see me. What? Can I see him again? No, you know what? In like a week, I'm gonna look at him. You get a nipple, you get a nipple surgery. You get a nipple reduction. I'm getting a nipple raise. I got a nipple tuck. A nipple tuck?
Starting point is 00:17:13 You get a nipple sleeve? Yeah. You get a nipple sleeve. I'm just popping it right up here. It's cutting out the majority of the lower part of the nipple. And it's just gonna, you know. They're gonna cut your nipple in half and then take pieces out and then put it back together. Like a m the nipple and it's just gonna, you know, they're gonna cut your nipple in half and take pieces out and then put it back together
Starting point is 00:17:25 Like a mosaic nipple Thanks your nipples are fine. They're fine. I think though the real problem with my tits is the barbed wire nipple hair Like it just is out and in a bushel. It's not it's not uniform at all. Where is your nipple right now? It's not uniform at all. Where is your nipple right now? There. It could be only not much higher, but they need to be higher. No, it's like a hair. That's the problem.
Starting point is 00:17:49 Make sure it's, where's your? Is they play tricks on your eyes? You know what I mean? Minor head of people. Minor head of people. Minor head here. Yeah. Yours are up here?
Starting point is 00:17:57 No, his is down there. No, your's over here on the side. And if yours were on, your's were on. Yours were on my body. They'd be here, which is like just low enough to where it's weird, but not low enough to where you're like, that's your middle of your stomach, dude.
Starting point is 00:18:10 Yeah, no, he was about to say, that was right. They're not low enough to where it's like, hey, get those fixed. But it is low enough to be like, hey, man, what's up with you? You should do one of these. I see you topless at a beach, or something, I go, yeah, that's what I'm talking about. And then I don't stare, but I have, well, a beach with only a go. Yeah, that's what I mean.
Starting point is 00:18:25 And then I don't stare, but I have, well, you don't know what's wrong. Yeah, that's what it is. I've looked at my body my whole life, knowing something was a mess, and knowing something was a problem. And then Bobby sees me for 0.5 seconds in a ruban. It's like, your nipples are low,
Starting point is 00:18:38 and then continues on with his life, and I don't. Just you're, he died that day in a ruban. That dude, I just stayed there in that oh yeah yeah can we get a bike please oh my god a box of chocolates is that a is that a cake I can he's is Bonnie's head in that you're not passing me You're not passing me. I can't even speak. My can is new special.
Starting point is 00:19:11 Yeah, Bobby and Voss called me this morning like right at my most vulnerable and just unloaded with about 28 minutes. What is it going to be called? I'm desperate and everyone knows it. you're throwing too much out there dude My next special is on the train. It's called train in it Training day What's out? I feel at a place with these three. I mean like a crew and you're part of our crew. Yeah, oh don't know crew and you're part of our crew. Yeah, oh don't know
Starting point is 00:19:46 I ran out. Don't say that you're with us But I feel like you know, I hope I'm not interrupting buddy. You're fucking rich boss. You're one of my closest friends Yeah, we both did it. I like your legend. You get the coming whenever the fuck you want. I know that I just wanted to hear it Okay, I love you see that seems to be a running a running theme tonight. You need to hear it more. Yeah, I love. Yeah, it's almost Christmas. That's right. We're all about the spiral.
Starting point is 00:20:12 Can you call me on Christmas? And call me good things? All right, I'm gonna say something, but I pulled back. Like I'll call you fat. I don't care about that. Hey, dude, listen. You are a person. I feel bad, Sank well, you seem sensitive tonight.
Starting point is 00:20:28 No. Well, maybe. I think I'm sensitive all the time. Yeah, it's not a tonight thing. No, he seems a little more tonight. Well, I think since you've gone. Since you've gone. That's not a song.
Starting point is 00:20:40 Yes, it is. It's not in that case. It's not that way at all. Since you've been gone. I know that song. My favorite fucking song. No, that's great song That show I love her yeah, do a nice before after sleeve be like I got a new special look at me now Do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Um, how bus, I don't like. Bus is scaring me right now. There's nothing scarier than a quiet rich boss. Very great.
Starting point is 00:21:31 I'm enjoying. I saw him look at Brendan before like this and I thought it's something awful. No, I'm enjoying Bobby in his background singers. I'm like, I don't think I did. What's that? You look good. Oh, thanks.
Starting point is 00:21:43 He's getting worked on. Is that me? No, I got my haircut. Oh, I'm going think I did. What's that? You look good. Oh, thanks. He's worked down. Is that me? Look. No, I got my haircut. Oh, I'm going. Fucking nice. Oh, man. Boss is dressed like he's playing poker and training day. Yes. Oh, forget your shit. You ever get your keep your skin? Oh,
Starting point is 00:21:58 Oh, Oh, look at that. They're coming at me. No, that's all right. I'd listen, I deserve it. I know you're a little gift. Do you brought me a gift? Yeah, shop it. Yeah, you deserve a gift.
Starting point is 00:22:11 Oh, thank you for being such a good friend and helping me out the other day when I was going through hell. Do it, of course. Yeah, give me gifts, but that's nice. Is it the watch? No, no, I don't like it that much. Yeah, sorry.
Starting point is 00:22:23 He's got it better. Thank you, so much. It is this's got his, he's got it better. Thank you. Open it. It's a pastry. Oh, a hat. Oh, wow. A bowler for Bobby. That's one.
Starting point is 00:22:34 Wow. That's awesome. Wow, dude. Is that Patrice's? That's what they do. Oh, I like that you wear it like a detective. Dude, you look so cool. You pop that front.
Starting point is 00:22:44 Oh, I like that. How do I a detective dude you look so cool. You pop that front. Oh, I like that How do I look you look great? Yeah, yeah, that's cool. Can you pop it up for a second? I want to see what it's like there Oh, that's drummer dude that yeah, but I look like a drummer to scob and yeah, yeah you and Ian Now I can you cover your face like Indiana Jones huh? Nothing looks good does it look good? Yeah, I like it It's great. I'm gonna wear it for rest of the way. What are you looking at me like that for? What do you think? What do you think?
Starting point is 00:23:08 Yeah. I'm just, I'm just, I'm proud that you're comfortable in your skin. Emotion. You don't like it? I do. You look totally different. Oh, bad down.
Starting point is 00:23:19 I saw it on your face. I hate it. No, I tell you what I hate. I hate it with it flipped up. I do, then it's scoffing. I think this is a different, I've never seen you, I don't think I've ever even seen, I'll tell you what I hate. I hate it with it flipped up. I do. Then it's got thing. I think this is a different. I've never seen you. I don't think I've ever even seen you
Starting point is 00:23:28 with anything but a flatbread pat. I feel very jarred. That looks fucking cool. You look like a fucking Chicago gangster. Yeah. I'm telling you, you look like we're like a wedding DJ. Was it you want me to do that? No, don't do that.
Starting point is 00:23:40 You look not to that. How you look like, uh, flipping up. Yeah, or on hearty. I like that. Oh, you set me up. Yeah, oral and hearty. I like that. Let me show you. You set me up. Yeah, I'm setting you up.
Starting point is 00:23:48 You like to set me up. No, I like it. Let me show you. You look more fun. The other way you look like. Oh, you look one in a bowry boy. Like that. Now you look like fucking.
Starting point is 00:23:56 You look, you look like a fucking out of work detective. You look like it. You look like it. In the end of, in the end of Jones sausage, am I right? Oh, the breakfast sausage. We gotta say, we gotta. You look like if Indiana Jones became, am I right? Oh, the breakfast sausage today. We gotta say, we gotta. You look like if Indiana Jones became the ball. Why would you take his bomb and fucking say?
Starting point is 00:24:12 I thought mine was better. Your bomb was better. I thought it was better. And then it's Tom and he hurt locker. He just jumps on grenades. I can call what do you think? I can take him. I actually love it.
Starting point is 00:24:23 I love this look for you. I can't wait to trench though to go with this. Yes. Yeah, we're in with the t-shirt can take him. I actually love it. I love this look for you. I can't wait to trench though to go with this. Yeah, we're in with the T-shirt. That's what's drawing. No, if you say if you've got a nice long coat to wear with that like a hat, roll that up. Yeah, and then you start getting muscles.
Starting point is 00:24:36 Yeah, put some cigarettes in there. You start that. It looks like a butt. That looks good. What is that? That's a fucking muscle. What is that? Please look at that. It's a prison tattoo. What is it? That's a fucking mind. What is that? Please look at that.
Starting point is 00:24:46 It's a prison tattoo. No, I'm telling you. Is that the same tattoo as Ben Affleck? I like that. I'm telling you. With a trench coat, a nice, like a knockout. No, like a tan, a smear. Look dope. My specials are right now., specials are right now,,
Starting point is 00:25:05,, great out now. Yeah, cool. Cool. Shout out now. Thank you very much, Hillman. It's out right now,
Starting point is 00:25:14 because this comes out, but you guys Saturday, October 8th, my birthday, it'll be available first thing, so make sure you go get it, and buy it, support it, spread the word, tell your friends, have a watch party, let me know how you like it. and buy it, support it, spread the word. How you friends? Have a watch party.
Starting point is 00:25:26 Let me know how you like it. That's your side. That's an early birthday present. I didn't know was your birthday. October 8th. Thank you. That's a good birthday. I love it.
Starting point is 00:25:35 That's great. That's not for nothing. That's your birthday. Yeah. No, that's just a fronk gift. Oh, so we have another gift for my birthday? You get the rest of this, too. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:44 I ain't getting a coat. Yeah. So yeah, go get the special. I birthday. You get the rest of this. Yeah. I ain't getting a coat. Yeah, so yeah, go get the special. I'm very excited, very proud of it. Louis fucking did an amazing job. His crew is amazing. You don't fail on stage. You don't fail. Listen, there's two people in this room that don't fail on stage.
Starting point is 00:25:58 And you guys are gonna fall. Oh, Foss, come on. Oh, you didn't have to. You didn't have to. I work with Bobby. You fail in life. You didn't have to. You don't have kids, do you? I
Starting point is 00:26:09 You don't have kids do you know The underside of his legs Is your nose pierced yeah, yeah, I don't give you an extra five minutes you stink You're fucking hey look at me how him I'm going through a rough time. Well, take it out. Now it looks cool. You look like a... You're wearing a hat. Dude, you look like a wicking. Oh, staple your mouth.
Starting point is 00:26:32 Why? Can I be honest with you? Hit me. I really... Hit me. I would love to hit your right knee and jump. I hate being baffled. You are nose ring.
Starting point is 00:26:43 Okay. I don't like it. It's very it's too subtle If you're gonna do it go for it. What do you mean? Okay, you know it's subtle. It's like a it's like a girl my wife got one years ago I made her take it out by the way lever. Okay. Well, all right. You look like a hip spanky This just now symbolized a post-game rollercoaster. I don't I don't let people People's opinion matter to me. Not even the fans.
Starting point is 00:27:07 No. Why do you make that? No, it is just the fans. Fans are coming out. I look at it every once in a while. I'm like, I've never heard that out of you. I said it stuff. I ended up going.
Starting point is 00:27:21 You were like, yeah, but listen, but I get his mindset because I had an eyebrow ring about a year longer than I wanted to because people were like, you gotta take that out. So I understand the sentiment. Where are your friends, dude? Your friends, how you look like an idiot? It does help me out when I go like,
Starting point is 00:27:39 I'm taking a frown, turn. What? It's too low. You look like a baby boy. Oh my god, these are like my nipples. These are like my mic's nipples. What? They's too low. You look like a baby boy. Oh my god, these are like my nipples. These are like my mic's nipples. What? They're too low?
Starting point is 00:27:49 Yeah. Did you hear me? Are we recording? No, is this loud? Brandon. This is going, Brandon. Oh my god. Sago, you look like a baby boy.
Starting point is 00:27:57 I knew that dude more. I'd said it and everybody talked over it. I'm glad I brought it. I'm glad I had confidence in it. Oh yeah. Dude and everybody talked over it. I got angry. I'm not a heckropper, it's a good dude. He you, you got to take it. You don't look right with it. Take it out now. No.
Starting point is 00:28:10 Take it out now. No, no, no, no. It's good. Oh, what should we take it out now? I got to take it out on my time. Listen dude, take it out, take it out. No, take it out, take it out, take it out. Take it out.
Starting point is 00:28:20 I'll give you 20 bucks if you take it out. Wow. Here's the thing. No, pay your rent. If you do, if you take it out. Wow. Here's the thing. No, pay your rent. If you do Coke, now you have a carburetor. Exactly. Now we're talking about it. I could snort it off of the nose ring.
Starting point is 00:28:31 You know, I keep a little bit in there. That's not what he's saying. Well, I'm saying a different thing. Oh, hey, what does it smell like, man? Like, that's what it's like. It smells like a body. Oh, yeah, I do hear it. It's anxiety.
Starting point is 00:28:44 Ooh. I took something out of my belly button. Like last week, that was grotesque, dude. I think I got a body. Oh yeah, I got a junior and anxiety. I took something out of my belly button. Like last week, that was grotesque, dude. And you smelled it? Oh, you can smell it. I can smell it. I can smell it. That's like all the party.
Starting point is 00:28:56 Wait, I might have some. I don't know, I've been having years. Oh, smell it. I don't know if I have a smell. I have a smell it. Voss is here. You got to smell it. You got to do it. You got to do it. I don't and I won a smell it. We're gonna smell it bosses ears. You got a smell you got to do it You got it. I don't and I won't you have I will
Starting point is 00:29:09 Sack it out. It's the best it's not that bad like blue barry. It's right. I smell the arey's belly button Cologne Bobby's fucking walking music Of all the bars and all the world What is that Bobby's fucking walking music? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha with a brown. My comments have gray and fucking black suits. I've blew. You have a brown. No, but I have a you need you need a brown skin for that. But this change. I used to have a brown one. You want to try it on? Of course. Well, look who comes crawling back. That looks great on you. It looks awesome. That looks amazing. I'm amazing. Put it down. Put the front down. Let's see what that looks like.
Starting point is 00:30:02 I don't think that'll look good. You look like you look like a reporter, but yeah, super fast dude. That's your look. I have to see what this looks like That's your that's your luck. That's a great look I mean Liz will hit you in the head with a fucking golf club. I'm so while smiling Liz will smash your head with a golf club Hey guys push see his head go across hit a fucking the bar. You look like when you wear that you should be called the pin man I swear god if you take that ring I didn't know you'd be funny Now every time you're bombing you think it's the rear end. I'm gonna take it out Why don't why you get out now how much will cost yeah? Why if you would nothing? $200, $120 bucks. You're missing the point of this one.
Starting point is 00:30:45 I don't fucking raise my money, asshole. I don't even know how to do that. I just knew what it's. I have to like stretch it and I end up infecting myself. I'll take it out though. I've been feeling too. I know how earrings work. You won't infect yourself.
Starting point is 00:31:00 Well, taking it out? Well, no, doing it right now with my dirty ass fucking hands. Go wash your hands in the bathroom. Just don't dumb I am. We stop right there. I thought they put a new bathroom in. It's just a different door. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:16 I go, wow, a whole new bathroom. He's got money to blow. And I go, this looks like the old one. It is, yeah. It freaked me out, though. Wow, what is this the old bathroom? Yeah, I kept looking for a new light switch. Esa es la tres por uno señal, que significa que ya puedes aprovecharte del tres por uno en medianas a domicidio solo pidiendo el line. ¿Sapará? ¿Tres por uno?
Starting point is 00:31:52 ¿Tres por uno? ¿Tres por uno? Ah, no, no, no. ¡Dominos! Pizza. ¿Dónde te hagas? ¿Te hagas? ¿Te hagas?
Starting point is 00:32:00 ¿Te hagas? ¿Te hagas? ¿Es hona? No, no, no, no. ¡Dónde te hagas! ¡Goby rabbit! ¡Goby rabbit! ¡Goby rabbit! I have a ton. Yeah, it's on a ton. Sorry. No, listen, don't don't go be rabbit. Go be rabbit. Go be This is what the fans hate. Yeah, oh I mean, yeah, the unnecessary support the fun of a mediocre joke. No, I was I was a comedian. I thought it was I was laughing at the joke. Not at the joke, but
Starting point is 00:32:22 at the joke. I'm sorry. They're laughing. Are you guys doing mushrooms now? No. You have it right now? I mean, never know, I'm just asking. Yeah. That'd be a nutty punch, just. You never know.
Starting point is 00:32:34 Yeah. Yeah, Fini's confidence looks me. Fini, you know, I don't know. I don't know. I don't know because you have a swagger that you never used to have. I think. Okay. I mean, I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong. because you have a swagger that you never used to have. Okay. I mean, I don't know, maybe I'm wrong.
Starting point is 00:32:47 But even the way, all right, I'm gonna reenact Fini right now where he's like, we're all talking, trying to do the podcast, having fun, and Fini's like this. No. Hahaha. Hahaha.
Starting point is 00:32:59 Hahaha. I think what that is, is just trying to relax yourself. You know, I think what it is, just trying to relax yourself. I think what it is is he's finally got into a place where he wanted to be above you two nerds. And he's happy. Well, he's on the second step. You're a great poker player in the sense that you like you allow your you're like rage and stuff to really key in on somebody's behavior and
Starting point is 00:33:23 to sign a motion to it and you're kind of you're spot on. You know, I think that he, I'm not saying that in a bad way. I'm saying, I'll put $20 down now and play you in poker. Did I already beat you? Oh, we haven't played yet. We gotta do that. I'm, do we have any cards? No, I'd love to though. Let's do it right now. I would love to. Do we have cards, Nikki? I don't think so. Do we have cards in a set of chips and whole cams Yeah, and can I borrow some money? Do you have a dealer? Is there an Asian guy that could flip out play at skankfest? Let's go. Let's get Why don't we get a polka game going for skankfest? Well, because no because the gambling association in Vegas is super fucking like intense
Starting point is 00:34:02 That's why yeah, so you can't. I'm sitting there going, why can't we do illegal stuff? Oh, yes. But if we got a side gate, like if we got like a fun comic game, that would be cool. I should perhaps, man, poke. I mean, if you're in Vegas and you don't play games, where are we going to get a craps table? Downstairs. We're having fun in the casino. No, we'll talk about, but you could all stand together at a crack. I understand that, but that's not what we're talking about. We're talking about getting a comics fun game of poker.
Starting point is 00:34:29 No money. No, you can't. No money. Oh, then I can say hello, dad. No, you're misreading that situation. It is. I have a dad. I have a dad.
Starting point is 00:34:41 You do? Yeah. Where is he? He's in Jersey. Why don't you tell you to take that out of your nose? He's got other fish to fry when it comes to me. He thinks that he's got a handle about me. He's not going to die on the nose ring hill. I'll go a little bit.
Starting point is 00:34:57 He gets a fucking Roth IRA. Why do you guys always bring it back to food? Huh? You guys know him. Me? You him? Me? We don't even actually care. Why do they bring it back to food. Huh? You guys know him. Me. You him. We don't even actually get here.
Starting point is 00:35:08 Why do they bring it back to me? Neither is he. He's beyond this podcast. He's like, oh wait, there's something to me. I thought you were talking about him. No, you. What do you mean? What happened to Abin and Costella?
Starting point is 00:35:21 Who? Something happened for Abin. Nothing good has happened. I have walked in. He's had a hell of a year. I've been a. You've Some good happened for me. Nothing good has happened. I have walked in. Feeds out of hell of a year. I've been a- You've had a feast last year. Why?
Starting point is 00:35:30 I don't, baby. Oh, you had a baby? No, I'm having a baby. I haven't a baby. Are you excited? Yeah. Are you married? No, I was in the beginning,
Starting point is 00:35:39 but now I've pushed that away because there's no way, there's no reason for me to be nervous or because I am, it's happening regardless. So I could either choose to like stew about that or I can take that emotion and push it to incite this. And you also said if Canon can do it, I can fuck it. I was more like if Lewis could do it, but yeah. That was mine.
Starting point is 00:35:59 Yeah. Both Lewis's. I was like, if these fucking creeps could ever kid, I can ever kid. Yeah, and they're both great parents And so are you and so is Mike yeah, and Rich is here too My oldest daughter's gonna marry this Friday. Hey, hey Why did you do that? Oh, you're fucking life. Yeah, oh
Starting point is 00:36:18 Froddy just get married. Oh, why is Bobby looking at you? Is it to like a jazz line? No, we're not long Why are you giving each other the eyes? Why we can't give each other eyes? I don't know. Give me a hat. I'm very happy. Those are hat eyes. He's a great guy. He's a white guy.
Starting point is 00:36:34 A great guy. He's a great guy. He's a great guy. Why? Why? He really is a good guy. I would describe him physically. Oh my god. He's a ball player. He teaches is a good guy. I would all my life. Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:36:45 He's a good ball player. He teaches basketball or he coaches. I mean, on the side, he has a real job. You know, he's a good provider. They own two houses already before and they're going to get their third. And uh, and if you had to, and he's like, if you had a paint a picture of her. No, he's a good guy. Fuck it, boss.
Starting point is 00:37:10 Oh, god. That's my coffee. Do you want something? No, he's this, this, though. Yeah, this is why you said OK. You guys got the giggles. What a sweet laugh. What a right after bread and pointed it out, was like, also, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, It's stupid and you don't take it out. Don't be taken out. Get them do that, you don't take it out.
Starting point is 00:37:45 Don't fucking let it. I'm trying to help this kid. Why don't I just take it out later? I'm gonna get out of the business. I'm in the business. No. Do you like it? Do you like it?
Starting point is 00:37:58 Yeah, sometimes. Keep it. What the fuck, you're gonna listen to this moke? No. Yeah, you were, you're gonna take it out. No, look at the guy. Look at the guy who's telling telling you to keep it look at his fingers. I like those rings You do not I like his whole style. Oh my god. What do you fucking? You look like you trip through a thrift store
Starting point is 00:38:25 You look like youpped through that fuck guy. I'll get 20. You like the mother fucker. Yeah, you really do. You look like you tripped through that. Yep. Refstore. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I said it like he wrote it for me. I'm just saying line. Take the ring out.
Starting point is 00:38:38 Yeah, do it. Go wash your hands. You got a good look at face. You're a good look at the kid. There's no reason to show you loneliness and despair in Yeah. There's a high close or is it like the tongue where it always stays that way? It'll close. Okay. My tongue is gonna look like you have something on your face for a while. That's okay. Oh, that's all right. I say you should get a face tattoo. He's so close together. I might get a neck right. I think I'm gonna ask that. I lower neck. My granddaughter just a name.
Starting point is 00:39:07 Why? My granddaughter's name somewhere. But why there? Just a okay, Bonnie. Calm down. And I think it's been a pretty big one. Of course, I could get what a walk on the border. You could do parade. They have the same broad size. What is the one? Well, you put a shirt on it was just three people You don't know you but not go with math jokes
Starting point is 00:39:37 You talk if you divide the two out of that situation you know what we're left with negative three She talked me out of the touch who I really wanted I wish she talked you out of comedy I'll pay for everything. What was the test you really wanted? From a queen song I was gonna write Don't stop my house. No, I love that song But it's been no better roses no pleasure cruise and she goes really you want to put on your body? Would a struggle your life? Yeah your whole body shows what a struggle your life is. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:06 Your whole body shows what a struggle it's been. Oh, another one for Sagaloo. That one's gonna hit you on the way home. I think I can take it out. Take it out. You'll look better. You're an adorable young man. You look like you're sad.
Starting point is 00:40:23 It makes you look sad. But I know it's sad alone Sad alone Thanks my high school bullies I didn't go to high school Staying That's hilarious. Yeah, oh, yeah, all the time. They called you what? So that's your story.
Starting point is 00:40:46 You're allowed to say it. Yeah, yes. That's very true. It was my story. Good save. Great save. Yeah. Good save, Ruth.
Starting point is 00:40:54 I've been called a lot of names. Not all the mic, but Billy Joel. I called the N word. No. Yeah. Why? In West Virginia. Because you're nipples.
Starting point is 00:41:02 What word is that? What word is that? Sorry. The N word belly button and nipples are almost touching. My body is like Alice Cooper's. His nipples can't drive on the far away. Yeah, you do have, well, I got it. His was good, Alice Cooper. Oh my God, they gave me the chills. You do, you have old rocker body.
Starting point is 00:41:38 It's exactly right, used to be in shape guy. I want you to take it out. Yeah, I want to smell it. If you take it out, I'll smell it. You can smell it if you put take it out. Yeah, I want to smell it. If you take it out, I'll smell it. Oh, you can smell it if you put your finger on it. Yeah, I know, but that wouldn't, I wouldn't do that. I got it. No, I can't.
Starting point is 00:41:54 Have you got any compliments on it? Yeah. Who? The guy that put it in. Look good, man. Dude, you look super cool. Oh, the awesome teen year old. No, my lady thinks it's hot.
Starting point is 00:42:06 You have a girl, same girlfriend? Mm-hmm. They live together. Oh, you moved into her place? No, no, she actually moved into... Thank you. Oh, you... Thank you. What, what, what, you weren't genuinely? No, it was a knock.
Starting point is 00:42:20 Wait, you have a girlfriend? Is she a comic? Yeah, no. Oh, soup in the back of your throat? was a knock wait no the girlfriend is she a comic yeah no soup in the back of your throat yeah I made me hungry haha where where she from New York she's from Virginia
Starting point is 00:42:39 wow yeah how long she could do comedy? Like eight years. Oh, she does comedy eight years. Yeah, I think so and you move it into her place. No You didn't move it in her place. Did you move into you up? No temporarily well, we had to for a month because she got priced out by her landlord. Oh shit raised it by like a grand So she had to leave we went into my Or at least she tells me raised it by like a grand. So she had to leave, we went into my, or at least she tells me. Oh, go ahead. Well, no, it's not sweet.
Starting point is 00:43:10 How long have you been going out with it? That's how I, I'm sorry. Go ahead. No, it is boring. It sucks. What happened? You move your mind. It sucks for, yeah, why not?
Starting point is 00:43:19 Trash are for a comfortable moment. No, it's this one. Is this when you got the earring in this stressful time? No, I got it like two years ago. No, you did it. We've seen it. So yeah, I got it like, I got it like at the end of the pandemic. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:33 Guys, in the comments, please let us know if you keep the earring and nose ring, not an earring and nose ring. How old are you? Old enough to party. Oh, 31. 31. Nothing. Oh my God. No, not his next. What. Oh, 31. Nothing.
Starting point is 00:43:45 Oh my God. No, not his next shot. 31. If a 31 years old, who lives at the woman, should have a nose ring. Please leave in the comments. Holy crap. 31 year olds can still have nose.
Starting point is 00:43:57 Over twice. Holy fuck, 31. And yeah, and look, he's got the rings. He looks great. Thank you. It doesn't matter what 31 year olds with nose rings are typically sitting on the sidewalk with a pit bull next to them making money small cardboard sign with a perfectly written note. I fell for that while. Oh, that's hard.
Starting point is 00:44:26 What? Is your problem? Yeah, I bet it's a lot of fun. You threw a fastball at my shoulder. I wish that ended the podcast. I'm on here. How do we got it? Yeah, started fucking screaming. My bad, dude.
Starting point is 00:44:37 Just a big cloud of so, just, just, just, just, just, just, just, I grabbed that tripod and get all the close-up. Yeah. Pedro, not, Pedro. I think, sag a little bit. You know what? I think you're gonna fucking hit. I grabbed that tripod and get all the close up I think sagging you know what I think you're gonna fucking hit I think you're gonna get like I'm telling you something big something big for you is gonna have. Thank you. I'm telling you these two desparados
Starting point is 00:45:02 These two live in a fucking rock stand song. Marado. I was going, Marado. I'm here in a few of them. Monday call. I'm telling you, I got a good eye for this shit. That's why I knew. Who else have you hit on so far that you like where life was right about me?
Starting point is 00:45:15 Mike. Mike Epps. Mike Epps. I worked with him right when he came up from St.J. You remember we went to the around the clock down of that night with Mike Epps, God-free. When he used to live with God-free down to that night with Mike Epps God-free, when he used to live with God-free? Before he popped, Mike Epps,
Starting point is 00:45:28 and he just showed up with somebody's bike. Remember that? We were out in front of the diner waiting to get in, and he was with us, then he disappeared. Then he came back on a bike, and we're like, where did you get a bike? Is it, yo, this kid was selling it, so I said, let me take it for a test drive.
Starting point is 00:45:45 And then he just took the bike. Now that, then we went into the diner and he just left the bike in front of the diner. If you go, see I'll find it. What's the one next to the, around the computer? Well, it was up by aaster place over there. Like, past on third, it was off a third. Really?
Starting point is 00:46:00 Yeah, third, yes. It was over the 24 hour diner. Remember how all the diners back then were 24 hours. Yeah. Do you remember the time me and you went with Keith? Cause Keith always would bring new comics around. And we kept. I know, they were fucking surpassed him, left him.
Starting point is 00:46:15 But you know, so Panicky had two strokes. That was over Kevin Hart. No, that was over Wander the first. We went to the diner after the shows with the news. He was like, yo, it's a new buck. We're going to take him to the diner. We went over there. Me and you, Voss, we ate everything.
Starting point is 00:46:36 We ordered so much food and we ordered desserts. We ordered appetizers. And then we were going to go smoke outside because we smoked. And we just both, without even talking about it, jumped in the first cab. That we saw. And just went home. We left Keith with like a $300. We were laughing so hard because we didn't even go do this.
Starting point is 00:47:04 Let's do this It was like the top and we saw the cat we both but I we just got in Flickdosh singer it's got in and god damn dumb is that was his first stroke Yeah, God the ring out the ring out hold it's anchoring you down somebody put a hex on that It's anchoring you down somebody put a hex on that What's this oh there was a pole done oh there you go the chat 91% yeah rid of it What did he talked over at dummy too old for the nose that I tell the pole you yapy a yap over everybody Go ahead anyways 91% say take it out. Yeah, yeah, no shit. That's low and two other people. What a surprise People yeah, Melissa says get rid of it a lot of girls a fucking don't like it. Well, I'm not trying to be unfaithful to my girlfriend
Starting point is 00:47:57 I hate when you talk about this I'm just saying Well, where do you joke your girlfriend left you for someone like with a better career like a middle or something? Um, Fiennier Cannon. Do you two work together? You and your girlfriend? Uh, we have.
Starting point is 00:48:13 Yeah. Yeah, I was at. It's great. I hate when couples do that. Oh, we, you know, you go like, well, when we used to work together in the beginning, yeah. Like, my audience was all fucking just animals from fucking radio.
Starting point is 00:48:28 And she was like this low key LA type alternative. We were on stage, she was on stage. You were on ONA at the time, right? No, she not dead. I didn't be beginning beginning. But she eventually, but we were working Pittsburgh and she wasn't like how it was going and she just walked off stage and walked it back at a room and goes, huh, do you miss me now?
Starting point is 00:48:52 And so when y'all know, but so then she got used to these fucking animals. And then we were working since Cincinnati, funny, whatever. And she was killing. And then we were working since Cincinnati funny whatever and she was killing and then she was done with their set And she went good night Cincinnati like she was in a state. No, yes. Oh like she was the headliner She wasn't used to killing like this with my audience Okay, good night This is 40 people. Yeah, they're like bring me up now I mean now she surpassed me No, you didn't. It was 40 people. Yeah, they're like, bring me up now. And now she surpassed me.
Starting point is 00:49:31 Did she hasn't surpassed you? No, I know. Where's Garth? Where's Garth? No, we're two different directions. I'm a comic and she's fucking six out of town. Her up and down. Yeah. That's crazy though that your fans were always a nightmare
Starting point is 00:49:43 from the beginnings. Well, they were radio. I know. That's what I'm saying because there's because a lot of the times where we'll get like hate from either your fans or from like Lee Jones, he says they're all left over from O and A, which is like, that's right. Oh, my fans hate you three. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:02 Absolutely. No, we get a couple people that love us. Not 91% But you know, I remember we did the virus tour. Yeah, I remember the showing up on front of opian Anthony fans Should have been the greatest thing in the world Because they're our fans. Yeah. Did they ever like comedy? Yeah. No, they love, they love stand-up comedy, but they did not give it to you.
Starting point is 00:50:31 I remember he had a host and he would be all of us, Patrice everybody. We backstage pacing. They showed up at fucking 1130 for an eight o'clock show. Oh my gosh. The tailgating. Yeah, because Opie and Anthony are radio guys. So they didn't fucking come at it like a comedy show. They came at it like a fucking tailgate party,
Starting point is 00:50:55 like a football game, like a sporting event. That's cool. Guys show up and we're gonna do all kinds of create, you know, which is skankfest now, which is hilarious because it feels like a lot of those shows, do you guys feel like they're like podcast audiences where they, they appreciate standup, but if you do live podcast, I mean, how much more fun are the live podcasts there than when you do in sets? Well, see, they're both fun for me and for me, because we're at a different level. Like, well, they know us. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:51:25 The good thing does it get the joke. I know. I just like, you're not a joke, you're just level the thing. I'm in the seller too. As he liked you being, not you. I didn't know we were doing easy jokes. I thought it was just gonna be a little more layered.
Starting point is 00:51:37 That's why I was sitting there waiting for you. That's why they don't smell the joke. You know what I mean? By the way, I don't point at it, by the way. I know exactly what you're thinking of and you're confusing emotions. It's not confidence at all. What I am is happy.
Starting point is 00:51:49 And that's something that I think that you have a, apparently a real hard time. I'm happy. I love happy. I do. You like misery. I love happy. It's a cool monologue.
Starting point is 00:51:59 I'm very happy. I'm very happy. I found out what I was. Yeah. It's happy. You got the role. I told you the real life that it doesn't get it. I'm fine.
Starting point is 00:52:11 Yeah, I'm good. I'm good. That's it. I'll take the point. That was fucking good. That emotionally affected me. I think that's what it is. You don't like happy.
Starting point is 00:52:20 Yeah. I didn't say in a British accent. He's a writer. You sound like a writer. Sound British. He's a writer. You sound British. Someone's got to... What? To his writing. I was complimenting you, but that is funny.
Starting point is 00:52:31 That is funny. You ordered a new John Candy. I think it's great. You're happy. Yeah, I didn't think it is. I think you're confusing that with confidence. Because it's not confidence at all. I'm just not unhappy.
Starting point is 00:52:42 All right, that's great. I'm glad you're happy. Now that we cleared that up. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But here's when confidence begins. There's so much going on right now. Yeah, so many different conversations. I'm trying to keep track.
Starting point is 00:52:54 Boss is talking about some complete. Boss always does. Boss always does. Boss always does. His A podcast and then the B podcast. He has B plot going on at all time. Does he can't let go of a thought? Yeah. Ah. Ah.
Starting point is 00:53:09 Go ahead. It doesn't wear headphones either. He has no idea who's talking. I'm right here. I think I don't know who's talking. The reason is at the festivals, they've go so far back with us. Right. Ah. That's all. They reason. And no, I'm not saying they're not fun. But the Skankfest fans are, they're funner.
Starting point is 00:53:36 They're better. This thing that we went up in front of, these people were fucking animals. But there was 10,000 of them too. They're like tailgating from a telekash show. Yeah, but they booed Billy. Right. They I mean, Billy's not a back then he wasn't like not funny. Billy was fucking hilarious back then. And they're just one guy. Oh, well, they booed Billy because Billy came out. They booed Dom. That was the problem. They booed Dom and then they wanted a funny other guy. They booed, they booed, uh, what's his name?
Starting point is 00:54:07 Are you gonna say boo or blue? Boo. No. I know. That was that. It's making me take that back what I said about you. Anyhow, take it right now. It's making you less.
Starting point is 00:54:18 I think you guys just aren't fucking on my level. Anyway, keep going. So, Dom, yeah, Brad was, Brad, Brad, Brad is from the shot in school of comedy. He just sprays and hopes one nugget hits. Anyway, keep going. So got me. Yeah, that was Brad, Brad, he's from the shot in school of comedy. He just sprays and hopes one nugget hits. That's exactly it. Yeah, we're not on the lowest level. You're actually right. You're not at rock bottom. We're not at earring in my nose level. Yeah, little writing partners. Yeah. Well, we're happy.
Starting point is 00:54:41 Bob, did I become best friend? I'm like you. I think I become best friend. I'm like you. But it was those fans, they was so fucked up too. I mean, by the time we were, I mean, you had to go out and host that thing. It was not. You got the hose. He knows I hosted everyone for two years.
Starting point is 00:55:00 Well, I mean, did you understand that going out front of that crowd cold? Yeah. Because nobody anything would go out and get their dicks hard. I was going to ask that. So it will be. Yeah. And they fuck Anthony be drinking. Open and they do a fucking video of some shit. And then he'd have to go out and get him into stand up comedy. We do that. That's proud work. A little, a little off front and whatever. I mean, it's fucking eight, nine, 10,000 people,
Starting point is 00:55:25 but outside. The nightmare for was when the biglia, when he went on a thing, wow, this one happened. Let me tell you. And it's got to be. It was the longest fun. But this was the longest show so far.
Starting point is 00:55:41 They were giving away like something. They were giving away. It goes a long intermission and he had it. He went on towards the end. So in for him, he's not going to give you anything. I don't want anything. We had a big. I want to show.
Starting point is 00:55:55 What was your blood? I know. You know that blowout. We had me in him. It's on YouTube. I recommend listening to it. It's awesome. What happened?
Starting point is 00:56:04 It's over that. So, but he came out in August in a sweatshirt. And so the ONA crowd was embodying it. Rob was in buying it. So he said, honey, in August, we don't believe you. He said, what do you want me to be like, boss and do crowd work? Then he started walking out to an audience. And he walked into the crowd. It got walked into the crowd. Yeah, walked into the crowd.
Starting point is 00:56:32 Whoa, to do crowd work. I wouldn't even look him in the eye when I was on stage. I would look out like I was doing a theater show. I am, I would fucking big bum Robert Kelly Goodnight. Yeah, was this after Burst Clip went viral? Yes, we did Kelly good night. Yeah, was this after Burst clip went viral. Yes, we did it to you. Yeah, they did it to Burther. Oh, that's funny. Oh, okay. I'm here.
Starting point is 00:56:53 My Burmone. Thank you for the very next week in Cleveland. They tried to replicate it. Right. Yeah, which was bullshit. Yeah, because now it's like guys fuck you. Yeah, he's just being a blue guy. Yeah, he's not the boo. He's one of the funniest guys going. And I meant we were sharing a dressing room and I went back into the dressing room and let's just say everything was all over the place. Yeah, he was broken and shit. And that's when burrows like fuck this. I'm out. Yeah, he was out. But listen, they all didn't like from history or whatever Carlos Mancilla, you know, he went on and ended up getting them. Dude, that was weird.
Starting point is 00:57:27 That was weird. I was like, all right, I'll give it up to Carlos. He went out, they were like, fuck you, boo. And he. Which George Lopez bit that he do. Like he's actually doing what about me, and he's getting himself word for word. This was in the height of this though.
Starting point is 00:57:40 Yeah. The height of it. And he went out and turned the crowd. He knows how to get. He got a great performer. I mean, dude, I never saw anything like it. We were all watching like this. This is going to be good. And then we all got bummed out because he turned the crowd. He said something got him and then just went into a bit. Wow. He like did some America speech. It's America. Yeah. You want to do that? I love you love America. Well, that's why I'm Mexican. They went to a bit about Mexicans and they fucking got him. He got he got it. He got it. He got laugh. Laugh. Laugh. Laugh. I'm not. All right. They would he jingled the keys. No, he get it. What's wrong with you?
Starting point is 00:58:22 What's wrong with you? Was that a fart Are you fucking kidding hold on dude? From that distance it hit the my grub. What did that come out of your spine? That you had if you're lower back you have shit upwards like a newborn my god I thought you were turning into a puddle no that is I want to give you Did you crack your back on that one? It's not like payment food. I don't think you understand the angle in which that just,
Starting point is 00:58:51 your asshole has to be like torqued, dude, because your back was down this way, and the fart shot up this way, and hit the mic. Listen to me. There is nothing, the king of comedy is still the fart. There's nothing funnier ever. I've never laughed hotter than at farts. Is that not one special ever? That fucking made my night. He was working in comics for the Fort Lauderdale. And so me and Gullup are fucking, you know, fucking around with each other. And I farted into the mic, right? And then the club owner bought us
Starting point is 00:59:23 in the back room and goes, what the fuck? He was, what were you doing? I was working out new stuff. I was mostly a bean burrito. And he was like, no, check it out early. Yeah, he was like, God, I love a fart machine. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You get the fart machine?
Starting point is 00:59:39 That's how long your balls are though. It bounced off your bag and up to the mic. I can't get over here. I can't, I can't get old. I'm gonna get past the physics of it. It's unbelievable. You was a weird, you was in a weird spot because it looked like I was back. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:52 Yeah, it was a weird, yeah, do you have a blowhole? No. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, it's on 43rd street. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:04 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah'm the third street. I'm the third street. I'm the third street. I'm the third street. I'm the third street. I'm the third street. I'm the third street. Why is your asshole so dry? Why is my ass dry? Yeah, that was a dry little fart. Well, listen, I don't want to analyze it, but what I'm saying is I have to clean this asshole
Starting point is 01:00:18 and show a bit. Well, a big J has a clean one. Big J has the cleanest asshole. But I have a very clean asshole. Yeah. Why do you get it like done or something? No, you fucking have a half a, half a what? Earing, jewellery, fucking iron asshole. Hey, what's the poll up here?
Starting point is 01:00:32 Can he get more votes? I think it finished with 92% take it out. Oh, look it. So you dropped a percent. Well, 92% can suck my dick. Yeah, there you go. What's up? Exactly what you'd like, sissy boy. Yeah, there you go. What's up? Exactly what you'd like, sissy boy. Well, have them or fucking girls, aren't they?
Starting point is 01:00:50 Women, sorry. Girls. Ugh. Uh, what are you? Happy to have my girls. Take it out to, you'll be funnier. Oh, fart Lordardale is what I thought of before, but I didn't say it.
Starting point is 01:01:02 In relationship to what? The story. If you guys have to dump him, would you do it? I'm leaving. But the business. Don't make promises you can't keep. Up before I release three more specials. Leaving specials.
Starting point is 01:01:19 The quitting comedy special. Yeah, it's going to be my nannet. That's what I'm going to really hit. Hey guys, thanks for tuning into the YKWD. I want you to do me a favor. If you love the podcast, go here slash Robert Kelly and become a become a supporter of the show. You get unended episodes of YKWD. No commercials. You guys are always a big there. There's so many commercials, dude. There's no commercials over there. So that's what you're looking for. It's not even a price of a cup of coffee and you support the show that you love so much. Also, you can extra episode of YKWD. We put all kinds of extra content up there. And you're getting
Starting point is 01:01:57 a call during Kelly, the J.O.P. So go slash Robert Kelly, become a supporter of the podcast today. And don't forget my special, all right, October 8th, it's out, Robert Kelly, or just plain old Robert Kelly My special Robert Kelly Killbox is out and available. Please go pick it up, support it. I'm very proud of it. It's awesome. I'm so proud that Louis CK, one of the greatest comics directors, writers of our time actually chose to do it. It's an epic moment for me in my career. I hope you enjoy it. And the only way you're going to see it
Starting point is 01:02:39 is if you go there and buy it and then you own it. And it's awesome. So check it out. Tell me what you think. I hope you enjoy it. Bye bye. Hey guys, thanks for tuning into the YKWD. I want you to do me a favor. If you love the podcast, go here slash Robert Kelly and come and become a supporter of the show. You get unlimited episodes of YKWD. No commercials. You guys are always a bit there. There's so many commercials dudeWD, no commercials, you guys are always a bit, there are so many commercials, there are, there are, there's no commercials over there. So that's what you're looking for. It's not even a price of a cup of coffee and you support the show that you love so much. Also you can extra episode of YKWD. We put all kinds of extra content up there and you get a call during Kelly, the J.O.P. So go slash Robert Kelly become a supporter of the podcast today.
Starting point is 01:03:27 And don't forget my special alright October 8th it's out Robert Kelly or just plain old Robert Kelly my special Robert Kelly Killbox is out and available. Please go pick it up, support it. I'm very proud of it. It's awesome. I'm so proud that Louis CK, one of the greatest comics, directors, writers of our time actually chose to do it.
Starting point is 01:03:56 It's an epic moment for me in my career. I hope you enjoy it. And the only way you're gonna see it is if you go there and buy it and then you own it. And it's awesome. So check it out. Tell go there and buy it and then you own it and It's awesome. So check it out. Tell me what you think. I hope you enjoy it. Bye-bye. I never saw that It's you know, I mean, my people do what they do. Yeah, it is not it's not fucking funny to some people But it wasn't it wasn't pretty intense Yeah, I mean, I it was more of a one woman show us a stand
Starting point is 01:04:26 It's just not stand-up comedy. She didn't they passed it off a stand-up comedy. You see that special where the guy had a conveyor belt of things going around and he was Picking him up making jokes about him or something the car top No, it was it was on a conveyor belt. He's like who's a Spanish guy, huh? It was on a conveyor belt. He's like, who's a Spanish guy? Huh? I love those. That thing. Fucking mall.
Starting point is 01:04:47 It's all rice. It's all rice. It's come. No, it isn't. Not when you find a good one. That one is as good. Dude, it comes around. They charge you by the color of plates.
Starting point is 01:04:55 I look like a dishwasher. I love that place. What old you get to eat? Like, it's all rice though. When I went to one of those places. Stop being an old Jewish grandmother. It's all rice Don't go there Just not a lot of how you in the fish. Yeah, you don't get them much fish in the spinny ones
Starting point is 01:05:16 My Jessica Kirshon What turn around then do it I'm so done You gotta turn what turn around and then do it No, you're all great both are gonna be a skanker. Yes. Yeah, you're going all three. Yeah, there's gonna be really fun I am excited. We're trying to get in the cold ago. I fucking try to get the hotel you told me and this all sold out Where's Dan? Oh, don't say it here. What room are you? Who? They're not putting you up. They're putting me up, but just bunch of hotel.
Starting point is 01:05:51 I doesn't matter. How many times have I been being my room, you know? Playing off in the day, no. I go out and out. Dude, you're 65. You're gonna, yeah, a lot. No, I'm never in my room. I'm fucking active, man.
Starting point is 01:06:02 All right, an active. I worked out today. Me too. Yeah. What did you do? I did try something. I'm fucking active, man. All right, and active. I worked out today. Me too. Yeah. What did you do? I did tricep. I did trice and buys. Don't do those the same day.
Starting point is 01:06:11 Why? I'm going to tell you a good thing. They're not complimentary muscles. But here's what you can do. You want to do a double A. You want to do two exercise at once, one and a half. Okay, when you're doing chess, talking to the microphone. You're doing buys.
Starting point is 01:06:24 So you're doing one. You're doing trice. One, one, yeah, trice. You're doing one, you're doing shit. One and a half. Okay, when you're doing chess, talking to the microphone, you're doing buys. So you're doing one, what, yeah, tries, you're doing what you're doing, one and a half. That doesn't mean you, when you know, I, I just, I just mean, when you're doing back, you're doing buys. That's right. So you're doing one and a half. And then later you could do the buy and try separately. Yeah. Am I right or? Yeah, you're right. Let's hug. I'm going to go to that blowhole place and do some buys. If you know what I'm saying. Thank you, ring out. That was good. I, that's what it meant for me to chew on.
Starting point is 01:06:50 That's why they don't make you. What would you say, Jew? What? Oh, I do. Why? Yeah, I do. Why you out, man, it's fucking rushes, Shana. It's young Kipper.
Starting point is 01:07:00 Oh, yeah, that's a really good one. Because I wanted to give you a gift for young people. Oh, thank you very much. That's the only reason I came in. What's a really high hole holiday red is the real what? Oh I can't I hole holiday I Texas earlier right you just call him red though. It's like a high holiday red. I he said I Text her. No wait, where is it I go? I texted her. Wait, where is it? I go. If you had a set of so I text was if you have any openings tonight around 10, you know,
Starting point is 01:07:33 let me know in one of the clubs. Yeah. And then she never got back to me. So I wrote, okay, thanks. See you then. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha I think the Newest religion is buried. No, that's bullshit. So you guys, first of all, I fucking buried two people. Second of all. What? In your backyard? No, let the family, can you see it, it's a murder? No, before I got my mom and my dad.
Starting point is 01:08:14 My mom and my mom is dead. Yeah, that's the New Season of landscaping with Rich. Yeah, that's why the defadils came in so lush. Yeah, that's why your trees died in the front, because your dead body is a club owner that won't use you. Just having enough trees. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:29 Yeah. Yeah. We got questions. Any questions for Voss, please type in the stats. Yeah, we got questions for you guys. I'm so excited about this, can't you guys? Me too. It is gonna be fun because I feel like for me,
Starting point is 01:08:43 I'm over the, what the fuck is this gonna be fun because what kind I feel like for me I'm over the what the fuck is this gonna be thing. I know yeah Christine and fucking Rebecca and Lewis. They take care of us. Yeah. And all the staff take care. They're so fucking good to us. And the fans are fucking luscious. Yeah. So I'm I'm just ready to have it. What do you have? Every Dahmer? It's the best festival. It's, well, I like just for that.
Starting point is 01:09:10 It's the best one that lets me know. Yeah, how'd you say? It's the best festival that lets Mike and I. I think I can skank fish. I'm gonna tell him about you two. Thanks. You just did it. Yeah, he already did.
Starting point is 01:09:24 He was a good fan. I was there for him. Yeah, I was there for him There for me Yeah, did we do something? We just hung out To some what do you mean? mean. Yeah. Yeah. I didn't follow you on the show that I did years ago with Jorado. Were you on that one? Yes. And was it Norton too? Yeah, you replaced. What's his name? No, I was host. No, I didn't know. That's crazy. No, wasn't Louis on that too? No, the first one I was
Starting point is 01:09:57 just if you're out though, Louis, DiPolo. Wow. That's a, a towel. Yeah. Jim Jeffrey. Oh, no, Jorado hosted. Jorado wasn't on it. It was actually those, everybody towel, and Jim Jeffrey. Oh no, Gerardo hosted it. Gerardo wasn't on it. It was actually those, everybody else but Gerardo. Now who else is the person who casted that? Because those are the people where you're a great Lauren Tarrin. Oh, Lauren Tarrin picked that line up. Of course you know.
Starting point is 01:10:16 I mean, it was first, those are not the fat of mine where I put on weight and like everybody got shirts, like swag and my shirt didn't fit. I remember putting it on. You still have it? No, I fuck a threw it out of so man. Story of retribution that would be if you put on like the O7 nasty show shirt.
Starting point is 01:10:35 Yeah, I got all my shirts from TV shows and all that shit from back in the day. But our show I think so Rado hosted it. It was me, you Nortonorton and Tiffany Hallish. Oh yeah, yeah. How about that, she was a fan of Alex Roy? She was a Jesus Christ. You gave us all, she's a Jesus Christ. The old color Tiffany, Tiffany Hallish.
Starting point is 01:10:55 Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. I said why? I said why? As in to call children. Not a lot. You said colored. No, no.
Starting point is 01:11:02 She said it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was dark. It was that part out. I thought, leave that part in and hands it. No, he said, oh, she said it was. It was, it was, it was dark. That part out. I thought, leave that part in and hands it. Yeah, yeah. Zoom in on Mike's face. We'll take one of these popsack as I was this way. Yeah, show the vitriol. If he doesn't take that ring out, can it's gone?
Starting point is 01:11:15 What? Oh no. Help me out. Is that, I've been looking at this shirt with the, the reg shirt. Is it, does Lewis have a bullet hole through his head or is that the sword? That was where the swash guy took off took off what do we take the swastika
Starting point is 01:11:26 I forget it a swastika No, that's in tribute to his dad. Swastika. Swastika. Swastika. Remember Chiffney? I joke fucking bomb our swastika. What did Chiffney give us all gifts at the end of the week?
Starting point is 01:11:40 Has it a child like I like Tiffin so to why she was Like, do you remember that? I liked Tiffany. So to why she was, I never met her. And that the whole thing I heard was an exaggeration and bullshit. I bet you did. Yeah. I heard it was a money grab.
Starting point is 01:11:57 I don't know, man. I heard she's frequented, Lil St. James. What's that? Her name's all over the flight. That's same-diiland. That's right. No way. Yeah, all over them. What are you talking about? Dude, go on Reddit.
Starting point is 01:12:08 Just talk to me right now. Articles breaking down Tiffany Addishes and reddit with Jeffrey Epstein on a high love. I do not go on reddit. I've never been. I will never. Never once. Okay. I'll send you some art. That's how you're both still alive. That's how they do it. They just have never been on it once. I went on. I was just too many different cat. you can't figure it out. Oh God bless you. Are you going on it? No, I've had to take a real absence from that about it for about a year but it is it's it's dark. Yeah. Which celebrities to keep your
Starting point is 01:12:39 kid away from? Why are you getting blotchy when you talk about reddit? Just don't go to like the forums. Don't go about was it bad was just don't go to like the forums don't go and like about you don't yeah don't go at anything where they would ever talk about there are cool things there's like life hacks shit and like you know there's there's just a topic yeah you put any comedy based you know if you're like hey I have this hat and I want to dress for it what kind of trench coat do I get but if you ever do something like let's do that I don't know
Starting point is 01:13:04 that's also nowhere you can find that on Reddit. Yeah, absolutely not. Yeah, let's say you do like a, you do the Just For Last and Nasty show, whatever you go up there. Just for hats. Just for hats. You have,
Starting point is 01:13:15 and you have the best set of your life. And you're like, this was truly the best set of my life. But you're like, and I hope other people felt that way too. And then there's a Just For Hat, just for hats, subreddit. And then you go on there and then you'll find the all of the people who think that not only did you not have a good set that you had the worst set
Starting point is 01:13:35 anyone's ever had in the history of comedy. And why would I ever do that? Well, this is a great question. So don't disorganize who cares? You got to go to the subreddits that proved the Boston Marathon bombing was a fake. It was a one-take Hollywood action movie. The guy that got his leg blown off, complete bullshit. He's back walking today.
Starting point is 01:13:54 They were holding a water balloon instead of the tendon. It's nonsense. Yeah, you could find some... Yeah, well, you are a fucking man. I hope when you put Boston, you get your shit kicked out of your next time. I'm the guy who don't like it. Do you not know that that's a real conspiracy? Yes, I do.
Starting point is 01:14:10 Yeah, and also I was kidding about Tiffany Haddish. I have no idea. Oh, really? You just made that up? Yeah, of course. Why not? I don't know, because it's fucking reliable. Oh, yeah, I believe didn't like it.
Starting point is 01:14:19 Well, I told all my friends. She could sue you for that. And also I said, I found it unread it. I didn't say it. I read it. You did say it. I read it unread it. I didn't say it. I read it. I read it on Reddit. You read it on Reddit? It did.
Starting point is 01:14:27 They came up with the name. That's right. Oh, you don't say. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. I have questions for you guys.
Starting point is 01:14:35 I wish that had a better payoff than genuine concern for me. That's for my legal status. You went on stage at a concert and did stand up. What? You heard me. What are you talking about? You went on stage at a concert and did stand up? Who was it?
Starting point is 01:14:52 I didn't do like my material. What? I did do a bit. I did do a bit. He worked out new. So it wasn't a new bit. It was a bit that I didn't, you know, it was a bit for that situation. Okay, it would have been it
Starting point is 01:15:05 The only time I can't say it So Nicole's boyfriend plays in a band great band. Oh, he's such a sexy front man Dude, look a guy who was a Joe's wedding and I walked in and they were both in civis. Yeah, Nicole look What's that they looked regular close? Yeah, like instead of her fucking I teach soccer outfit. She wears all the time I mean, I don't know how you she looked. I mean Nicole look beautiful Nicole, but I Her boyfriend I mean it just looked at him like wow Yeah, fucking looks it every time it gets like purple and misty and it's like dream
Starting point is 01:15:43 Yeah, he cleans up nice. Gorgeous. He gets dirty nice. Oh, dude, when he sweats on stage and does like the hair flick in front of his face, you want to look at his brow. What is it like, a guitar? Placed guitar, lead singer, their fantastic. Probably fingers unbelievable.
Starting point is 01:15:58 You just see how they work. So you sat, you'd look at it. He said I can go up and sing all the small things with the band dude and I went Oh, I mean he's like reaching for the mic You got a assert confidence So he invited you on stage to sing yeah, you were like let me just warm up. Oh, here we go Well look at the bit They don't know who I am
Starting point is 01:16:22 We know they don't nobody does Especially New York these are in his fan. What do you know about the public settle down? Don't get in the street from there you're getting straight your faces getting red that it happened saying that this happened you would do Let me hear all right hit it Let me hear it. Pause pause I hit that's the cold boyfriend is going that's very funny. I fucked up. I can't hear it. Yes Well, I haven't said anything and I said nice to meet you. Hey boss can't hear this. They didn't give me head. Oh, yeah Oh, that's alright. That's alright. I don't want it doesn't matter. I want to eat later
Starting point is 01:17:05 Well, you can eat my dust I got you what am I gonna do pause pause real quick just go up and have to say we're a comedian. He said He said I was a comic you went I'm a comic friend. He said I was a comics. Why went I'm a comic friend. No, I'm a standup comedian. I'm a friend to his. I'm a comic friend. When the fucking crowd made this is terrible. I'm gonna do 45 minutes. Oh, pause. You know, listen, you didn't get it. You didn't get him. You didn't get him. I got them. They all. No, they didn't. Oh, we're gonna need to hear that again Three people left and it was what do you think that was Madison Square Garden? It was embarrassing. There's like 40-50 people at it. Come
Starting point is 01:17:57 Small room, but Look still got them. It sounds talking over everything Which I still got him it sounds talking over everything Pause that's a bit that's a bit do it again Also, look at Chris just staring at him while he's doing I'm giving the tunnel What we Would play We do shows and they're like four people here We we're basically boy-witted to do and I don't know if you've ever like listened to blink and then you know
Starting point is 01:18:25 They like talk in the middle of how they want to fuck their dad and everything That was with like one song we had one song and then it was just Talk about how we want to look he's laughing Stop that's fear left. Yeah, it's fear you can't even get it left Wow, you're gonna be able to get Josh out of Myers show after this God you are a fucking just a disaster no I mean, why would you do that? You are what you look like? What am I gonna show up and I'm just gonna have a lot going up
Starting point is 01:19:03 And I'm just gonna have a lot going up Well, you know, just because there's a state he said fucking no he said no No, I would never that's an experience for me. You have no idea what's about to come Buddy, I'm I'm I'm this you embrace this don't fight it. Don't fight it. I'm not a disaster. That's what you make. That's your bread and butter. You are a disaster. This is a great example of you being a disaster. I Thank you stop said good bit. He said it was me Oh sarcastically, he doesn't like you run that back. Please Nicole. I actually want to hear the good Little nervous I don't know the words that well, but I bet you guys do. A little nervous. Oh yeah. Good fit.
Starting point is 01:20:11 There he is. Yeah. That was... Was that you? Yeah, that's 100%. I'm taking it as a compliment. Yeah, as a compliment. You should take it.
Starting point is 01:20:22 You should take it as a beating and enjoy it Good for the big of beatings Tell me who this reminds you of immediately all the movements Jack black. Yes, Jack black That's very jack black wow I fucked that up Yeah, what are you gonna do get off you yourself? Me myself that get off stage listen, there's a lot of shit. You should have done being up there
Starting point is 01:21:07 You're all jealous you're gonna say me we're not jealous. We're trying to save you Pinching his thighs again Self-harmed to get yourself out of the beating is the best. Oh my god, dude You're gonna look at blow your brains out someday now. Oh, this My God, dude, you're gonna blow your brains out someday now I'll pop this no way if I don't stop what living dreams. That's not a dream. That's a nightmare for all of us Good Oh God You freaked out when the harmony yeah didn't expect it. Yeah You freaked out when the harmony didn't expect it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:49 Who are you? That's that's wait. Can we say it for a second? It takes it. Nobody can carry you home. A forklift. That's a that's a that doesn't take. I mean, you want to talk about. That's a, that's a, that does take, I mean, you want to talk about. That's the best that was. You want to talk about Bobby, you want to talk about confidence. So to the first chorus, give making them sing it.
Starting point is 01:22:14 Instead of, you know, people do like the last chorus. Like he's been, they all know it for years. It's, it, it wasn't for me. It was for them. You're even a fraud when it comes to music. It was in you ran through the do you did you run through this a little bit? Did I fuck up? Did you ran? Did you ran? Did you get the whole fuck? Did you run through this before like did you listen to the music? He's been doing this in his head since he was no
Starting point is 01:22:40 No, I just I know the word. I know I know you said what's it like? Huh? What's it like to go in front of the music audience? They're great. They're very supportive That's why he said he's like to you. Yeah, they say to you. They say they tell you about bits that you're doing that a great they laugh That's new Yeah, that is so cool I'm not a bad guy. I'm not a bad guy. I'm not a bad guy. I'm not a bad guy. I'm not a bad guy. I'm not a bad guy.
Starting point is 01:23:12 I'm not a bad guy. I'm not a bad guy. I'm not a bad guy. I'm not a bad guy. I'm not a bad guy. I'm not a bad guy. I'm not a bad guy. I'm not a bad guy. It's my first time, you know, something. No, just like this. You look like you have Down syndrome.
Starting point is 01:23:28 This is not the first time you've been Down syndrome. I get down syndrome. I get down syndrome. I get down syndrome. I get down syndrome. I get down syndrome. I get down syndrome. I get down syndrome.
Starting point is 01:23:37 I get down syndrome. I get down syndrome. I get down syndrome. I get down syndrome. I get down syndrome. I get down syndrome. I get down syndrome. I get down syndrome. I get down syndrome. I get down like that. Half of the killing I've ever seen.
Starting point is 01:23:45 You know, the Norris. Right in his fit bit, campily. I know. All right, you catch. Shh. The person you love. This is very Jack Black. Get on their lips.
Starting point is 01:23:54 Get on their lips. Bad. It's your first time, you know, you, of course. And I want you to play it down there first. It's the right hand. I make love to their friends. I Spaz what the fuck was that drum thing with the microphone What the fuck was that you low budget Peter Townshin This looks like you're in hell right now like that still right right there
Starting point is 01:24:27 Hell then I don't want to go to heaven Dude can you mind it just a little bit I have to see that stupid drum thing with your microphone Just a little bit right there this perfect I want you to play it down there first, it's gonna be alright now. Haha. I love to their bros. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Dude, you are a fool. I love you, buddy. Never do this again. It's so fun. It's the most fun for us. All righty, buddy. I believe that Brendan's having the absolute time.
Starting point is 01:25:14 I'm having a good time. Yeah. You're wearing Jack Black skin. I mean, first time, I'm fucking believing. You literally became a black person. Well, that's what bothers me Fini is this guy routinely talks about his live music aspirations he's been in a band he's that dude he's whatever and then he's like this is my first time
Starting point is 01:25:35 it was my first time as a front man Richard Priya did Cosby in the beginning yeah. That's thank you. Thank you. Even Bill Cosby did. But it wasn't. Protect you. Oh, he's protecting me. He's saying what I'm thinking. He's saying we're all thinking. He is, but you're not. You're misinterpreting it. No, that's what I'm saying. This is my first time as a Freddie Mercury type, you know, the no good. I had a guitar when I would play. Oh, you can hide behind it. Type you know the no good I had a guitar when I would play you can hide behind it Why are you sick of saying that? Your 20 years Oh, I wish your T cell count was the same
Starting point is 01:26:17 Yeah, you're not good at this What's good? Drums I did guitar and I was the lead. I mean, I wasn't as good as then. That was the whole fucking bit in the beginning. You at wearing a Christmas card. Don't jump in, baby. Because you sleep at home.
Starting point is 01:26:32 That was the whole, I'm watching it. If it was good, I'd be like, dude, this is awesome. I'd hide five, yeah, I'd have you fucking do it. Can I jump in as a new, as a new understander of Brendan? Because Brendan, last night him and I had this at this talk about bits and like reading business. Yeah, it's art art. Kind of. Yeah, we're both close. But we're like about creating content. You have another special coming out of the same time as your other special. This special is like, look at hoodies. What is it?
Starting point is 01:27:01 The first special is doing a special in a hoodie and then for the second one he does the hoodie reverse Upcourt in the pound Cannon is promoting his crowd work special. Yeah, it came out a while ago. Oh, yeah Go check it out. Where is it where can they find it? It's on YouTube. Where was where would it be? I'm view hopefully on it. I hope for you mask What's that what how did this end by the way, they don't know that they don't know you master. I want to get let me get to get a plug. Okay, let me explain with Brendan, because the opening bit, I the only thing that I understood from it is that
Starting point is 01:27:38 you were in a band that liked Blink 182. Yes. You didn't say that you were in as good as this band. You didn't create the context that you were a wannabe musician. No, I know you think you did, but that's not the message that clearly was portrayed to the crowd. Well, I went up. I said, these guys are so fucking good. I have a crush on all you guys. I was in a band.
Starting point is 01:27:58 We weren't that good. Okay. And then we tried to be. Yeah. Yeah. We're the mice someone what And just just look at the sunset Brendan look at the sunset This is a problem with you you get angry and you slash out
Starting point is 01:28:22 You get angry and you lash out. You're sweating. You're sweating. You're screaming pouring down your neck. I'm sorry. I don't feel like I'm sweating. You're sweating. If anything, I'm clammy. Take it out.
Starting point is 01:28:35 Take it out. No sweat. If anything, I'm clammy. Your upper lip is wet. From the water. I play this. Let's go. You. That's me laughing having a good time I'm hoping Wow stop your gay Rock and roll your game Gai is meatloaf, but I wish you could see the spectrum he was wearing underneath that hoodie
Starting point is 01:29:28 I'm gonna pull it up right now and send it to Nicole. I was wearing yeah, yeah, you'll see I got play you look at that Wow is there it I think you did well oh Let the band hear it unselfish acts of me I get off stage That was a little stupid little that was a little like someone I know when it's freaky me out Yeah, I don't look like Dan Lamort, but look at look at when he grabs the microphone look at a real lead singer that No, but look at But look at when he grabs the microphone, look at a real lead singer. That guy. No, but look at how happy.
Starting point is 01:30:06 Look at Brenda. Look how happy that guy is. Look at Brenda. Look at how happy that guy is. Look at Brenda. Look at how happy that guy is. Look at Brenda. Look at Brenda.
Starting point is 01:30:12 Look at how happy that guy is. Look at Brenda. Look at how happy that guy is. Look at Brenda. Look at how happy that guy is. Look at Brenda. Look at Brenda. Look at Brenda.
Starting point is 01:30:19 Look at Brenda. Look at Brenda. Look at Brenda. Look at Brenda. Look at Brenda. Look at Brenda. Look at Brenda. Look at Brenda.. I'm glad you're happy. Thanks, Bobby. Take the earring out of your nose and never do this again. I think the earring out of your nose.
Starting point is 01:30:29 You're a very funny young comedian. Thank you. That was nuts. Oh, when you do it, just be you. Don't be Jack Black. That was my first time doing that. It does in Maddie. You don't have to leave somebody else.
Starting point is 01:30:40 I'm sure you guys did it. You know, like 15 times into fucking, I told the girls, I haven't done this in a while You know maybe like that's that when you come like one second. Well, I've done like karaoke and stuff But nothing like that so you've sang in public in front of people Yeah, and you understood right there that you were being Jack black you a being jack black But he doesn't I'm sure he didn't go up there going. I'm gonna be jack black. That was natural day That's what he said to me though actually before he got on he goes going I'm gonna be Jack black that was natural day. That's what he said to me though Actually before he got on he goes I'm gonna be jack black. Yeah, I know I said
Starting point is 01:31:09 I'm gonna panic and lose my entire essence the second I get handed a microphone I think you do that you become dang cook when you do stand-up now. Yeah, it's a Couple of us. Is that what he does? I don't know. I don't watch him Yeah, it's a good. Only for a couple of months. Is that what he does? I don't know. I don't watch him. You're going to watch his new special?
Starting point is 01:31:27 I went to the store and I said, hey, store. What's up store? You got to say hi to the stores. That was bad. Thank you. And you edited me out of this pocket. Yeah. We got Skankfest coming up.
Starting point is 01:31:39 Feeney is your kid. When did your kid do? Is that right on the plums? Yeah. Like you're kid? Yeah. Like, get A, was ever it on the plants. Yeah, like your kid. Like, when kid A everybody's one to guys. I'm, but no, I'm very happy for you dude. I mean, this is a big step.
Starting point is 01:31:51 I mean, you're finally, you have a kid. He's gonna have a kid. Like a brand new empathy. He is a kid. You know what I mean? Yeah, no. In a way, I've been a parent for quite some time. Yeah, I've been told both of your kids have a chubby aunt.
Starting point is 01:32:05 He calls them Aunt Brendan. Oh, 100%. Yeah. There's no idea what he is. There's no idea what his pronouns are. It's all spectrum. That's what I'll say. Is that what you're saying next?
Starting point is 01:32:15 Ginger's fluid. What did you say? Nothing. Oh, what do you do, buddy? In November 13th. Wow. Oh, what do you do, buddy? November 13th. Wow. Oh, God. The marjoram in the back of your throat.
Starting point is 01:32:30 Oh, I can say. Wow. That was fun. That was fun. You sound like a raccoon. You sound like a raccoon. You sound like a raccoon. You sound like a raccoon.
Starting point is 01:32:38 You sound like a raccoon. You sound like a raccoon. You sound like a raccoon. You sound like a raccoon. You sound like a raccoon. You sound like a raccoon. You sound like a raccoon. You sound like a raccoon. You sound like a raccoon. You sound like a raccoon. You sound like a raccoon. I What you kids We haven't we haven't we haven't bouncing around a couple I'm just I'm just first time I did a podcast One-vicious, but we wear the headphones. Yeah shut up
Starting point is 01:32:56 You know I'm talking to that performance Sing it to you What would Jack Black say in this? Yeah. I'm gonna say it at the end of the video. I'm the one with applause. Oh my god. I am just a tiny golden gun. I got questions for you, fucking nerd.
Starting point is 01:33:16 Do we get any questions for Voss in the chat? Yes. I also would like to get Nicole absolutely right. I did you I Nicole can you be on us with me Nicole Nicole shut your face. How did it make you shut up? Stop talking we got to handle this. This is for you. This is good for you Nicole I'm gonna cast him in something. What? I'm like cement. I'm like cement. I'm like cement. I'm like cement.
Starting point is 01:33:49 Nicole. Yes. What, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, Nicole. Nicole. Okay. Um, yeah, I know this isn't the answer that you guys probably know, but I had a lot of fun. I thought Brendan did a great job. What about your boyfriend? What'd your boyfriend lie to you? What would he like? No, he had a blast too. I think that like Brendan could have done it one of two ways, which is the way that you saw it, or he could have taken it really seriously and been lame about it. And I feel like this was like...
Starting point is 01:34:26 So acting like Jack Black was the best way to do it. I don't know if the best way to do it. Holding onto the Jack Black thing. Now, how do they ask him back yet? They actually want Canon to do it next. Oh! And I'm gonna do it, and I'm gonna sing my little heart out. I would love it if you did the same thing.
Starting point is 01:34:42 You panicked and you just said Jack Black. You did the mic. You did it, you did it, if I get rock. I will. We got questions for you guys. I got to wrap this up. My blood sugar's getting low. My 7000.
Starting point is 01:34:55 Are you eating after this? I don't have a little food. Bobby, my 7000 is coming out. I know that when we release it. Boss has a, let's talk about albums. Guys, you got a seventh fucking album. Seven. Seven.
Starting point is 01:35:07 Yeah, seven. And sparkling clean. So they could play it on more stations. No kidding, really? Chris the clean. Yeah, one curse word. I should take it. What is it?
Starting point is 01:35:16 The N word? I think I said, I'm spright up, Teppel. I think I should, I might as said bitch in it. I don't know. That's it. Yeah. Question though, isn't it topically, it. I don't know. That's it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:25 Question though, isn't it topically, it's gotta be like pure across the board, topically, right? Like no in you, when no no, nothing. No, there's no, there's no sex. How do you do that? What is that? What is that about?
Starting point is 01:35:36 I'm doing it in the 65 years. I have, but what are you talking about? Well, I've seen it. He's filthy. No, I can't, I'm not always filthy. I got fucking seven. Well, one I do my last oh my last bit is I'm saying you're funny my last bit is a bad crowd work guy I
Starting point is 01:35:53 don't know I built off of my clips no it is so where you're from I've been there you know it just dumb answers like these fucking people that try to do crowd work. That just are horrific. You've seen them on the road, are horrific. They're seeing them on Instagram. Oh boy, do we see them on Instagram? I'm looking at it. No, we just watched it. So what's the name of it?
Starting point is 01:36:19 Rich for seven. Seven? Yeah. So you just got tired from naming it. Yeah, are you doing it? I think we were you're spelling like SE and then seven. Yeah, you just got tired from naming it. Are you doing it? I mean, you're spelling like S E and then seven. Oh, it's a V Roman Ubral of V and two ones. I, you know, I only had a bunch of picture of Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman instead of the name.
Starting point is 01:36:36 Well, I was going to we had so many different ideas. Right. So many different ideas, but you know what? It doesn't fucking matter. You just want to get it on. Yeah. Right. You miss the last one You just want to get it on. Yeah. You missed the last one you're gonna make. The power he did when I think. I think I'm gonna do a nightmare story.
Starting point is 01:36:51 Somebody talk while you fucking do your side conversation. You would do it. You would avoid me. He's 65. But I was on your side. I was just making a joke about off of. Well, I know we're not on a bus. You don't know. You of I know we're not on a bus You're literally we're not on a bus
Starting point is 01:37:07 We're literally doing a podcast With a conversation you're like Anyway, I think I we can hear you But you know can't hear us the people Listen it because you're a fucking Muleing quim Brendan does it for the kid Is that a mule and quim.
Starting point is 01:37:26 It's going on my work. That's the hat talking. That's what you got to be happy about, coffee? A little mule and quim, yeah. Is that a real for a road? I'll show you what here in the two four. And that's one more plug. I mean, and Canon are doing a October 21st
Starting point is 01:37:45 Yeah, the rich feel playhouse with the amineca and isabel Hagen is a bellhagen. Yeah, I'm a maybe we'll show I just saw her. I just saw her walking she's looking forward to it. Um, that's a good show I saw that online the rich feels one of my favorite places. I never been I'm excited. It's such a good room for unbelievable And the the fans that come up there, Gray, you guys will sell it out. Get tickets now because Vosha hosting. I'll host it. Yeah. Yamanik is going to kill Isabella's fucking funny. Have you I she worked I worked with her. I had her open for me somewhere. She's really a fucking great joke writer. I just yeah, she's
Starting point is 01:38:20 funny. I was I was confirming it with you. Fuck. She writes great jokes. No, it's funny. I didn, no, I was confirming it with you. Fuck, she writes great jokes. No, she's funny. She's informed them of it. I didn't say that. That's the first moment Boston said that about. No, I didn't say that. I'm a little bit, I just said she's funny.
Starting point is 01:38:33 She writes good jokes. No, she's a good writer. Yeah, and it's a murderer now. And he's a murderer. That's what I hear. I'm telling you, dude. He's funny here. I mean, his last album, what was it called?
Starting point is 01:38:43 Fuck it, what are you wearing? On the shelf. What are you wearing on the show? What are you wearing? What are you wearing? Well, is that your wife? What's it called? What's your wife? I think you're from what? I'm on YouTube and David.
Starting point is 01:38:58 Big J's here next week. Make sure you check it out. Yeah, it's a great show. Check it out. All right. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie.
Starting point is 01:39:10 I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie.
Starting point is 01:39:18 I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. I Jesus Christ. Yeah. I feel the way. I feel the way.
Starting point is 01:39:26 Call him Terrell. I guess we don't matter anymore. Oh, to have the initial comeback show for the for you being gone for all these months. Yeah. And then what is this week for your back? Yeah. That's not too bad. A week force fine.
Starting point is 01:39:41 Hey, he didn't do the tonight show. You just fucking I mean, all you build up. you are building up with your dramatic voice. All I needed was one person. One person. I was about to say that's right. And Brendan cut me off. Yeah. I'm just preparing you for when for the bat for. Go ahead, you're just gonna fuck spider. You're just, you're just gonna island by yourself so yeah, I mean, you're much you on Quillins. What is it? I said anywhere he goes. He's on an island Psych
Starting point is 01:40:12 Ah, yeah, I had you guys on four weeks in you're one of my with the big ones of the month Who's your first guest when you came back? I'm are Nicole. I think it was Israeli Brendan and Colin. We talked, Ron on. Oh, Ron, Hersberg has the exact same head as him. Now, he was on our pocket. Did Ron on put headphones on? Except your tongue is smaller.
Starting point is 01:40:35 Oh, that's a great question. He does a Beethoven tongue. Did Ron on, did Ron on wear headphones for Eurovision? The dog movie Well, he didn't wear them for ours. He was very adamant about not wearing them But I wonder if Bobby made him when I had him I believe I did right? I don't know I feel like he didn't well Well, when we were on when there's three people four people there's a lot of people who should wear your headphones if you can
Starting point is 01:41:01 When there's just for you because you just yeah You'll be about me man. I saw you because you just yap. You'll be in about me, man. I saw you. You're like a squirrel. You're like, yeah, that, huh? What's going on over there? I just have fun with people. Nuts.
Starting point is 01:41:13 You know, I have fun with my friends. Yeah, but learn how to win the radio here. I'll learn how to do it. Stop chatting him. I like baby calf. Makes me feel good. I just know that Brendan is at a a very like it's a distinct precipice where he could snap for reals these And I'm kind of looking forward to it when it undoubtedly have no I don't think during our recording. Yeah, that'll probably
Starting point is 01:41:37 What my thoughts Who said I was pretty funny? Like You wake you were Who does radio with Tom Papa? What's her name? Fortune-femmes there. I show you your transition. You can get to I Wish I want to know I got another question for everybody here, including you boss. Yeah, more hurtful ones.
Starting point is 01:42:08 Rolling. Well, next question, who do you think you are? Yeah. Rolling stone is a list of 70 greatest comedians of 21st century. Uh, garbage. What do you think a number one? Who is number one? There was no idea of the 21st of the 21st century. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:42:26 Chappelle. No, Anna. Who was it? Prior to a prior, right? I don't know. I'm sorry. I produced it to get it. There's prior Nicole doesn't talk to you. But she gets it. 21st century. So since the 2000s, Rolling Stones this year, so he was, he wasn't alive. Brand is a community greatest community who is it i mean twenty first century prior might have died call
Starting point is 01:42:49 side twelve the call well fucking say that i think prior to that i apologize i mean she's just fucking not talking carland had carland died in o seven o eight yeah but prior to Carland dead Carland died in oh Seven oh wait, yeah, but probably are you on a fucking that classic?
Starting point is 01:43:09 Shut up I'm talking to Nicole okay, I mean you fucking She can hear you yeah, but she can't hear me over you. Oh, you're literally just yapping Call what are you gonna fart again? Call what is it tell you when I have it. Why is it taking so long to load? Rolling Stone has 500 articles that are all the same title. But Lou, Lou and the chat knows just ask Lou. Oh my God. I'm asking Lou.
Starting point is 01:43:36 What are you doing? I'm asking Lou. What are you doing? I'm asking Lou. I'm asking Lou. I'm asking Lou. I'm asking Lou. I'm asking Lou.
Starting point is 01:43:44 I'm asking Lou. I'm asking Lou. I'm asking Lou. I'm asking Lou. I'm asking Lou. You're the most fucking hate that we've been doing. How are you feeling? Ask Low. You know what I think she triggers me? My wife does the same thing. They look, I'll be like, what, I gotta talk to you about something. What?
Starting point is 01:44:01 The speed of the fuck up, I gotta go. Yeah, practice it before you gotta go. I just somewhere else. The other really for her. It's not only headed out. All right. All right. Here we go. So what she actually meant. Mayer, what is it? The article is comedy's like comedy movies not stand up. Okay, great. Which is here. Okay, okay, what's number one it's back we're descending order let's start we have to we have to watch a man every night I know you're not going to go through seven oh my god
Starting point is 01:44:34 oh my god oh they're present now I get that number best show was number one the Christopher guests that's pretty I first of all the other one was better than Beston show. Waiting for government was better. I don't know if I liked maybe that was before. I mean, Trump, it's under was what? It was a good way to get at the end of the funny show.
Starting point is 01:44:58 Yeah, but they can't put the best one up there. Because if they put the best one up there, they were getting trouble. Why? I've never even said if they put the best one up there to the loop they were getting trouble. Why? If they said tropical thunder was the best one. Oh, yeah. They would be so much fucked up. That move. Even number two.
Starting point is 01:45:13 They had to pick this alternative non-offensive doesn't hurt anybody's feelings. I didn't see. And it was funny. I mean, I like all those guys. Yeah, it's a great movie. Less than a show's good. Guffman was better. I mean, over that mid- mid 2000, like the Aughts
Starting point is 01:45:25 where it was like anchor man and wedding crashers and all of that. I mean, Brian is just great. That was funny. Bridesmaid. It's funny, but it's like, come on. What do you call out? Keep going. My cousin Vinnie.
Starting point is 01:45:38 Step brothers. Step brothers should have been here. Yeah, that should have been number one. The accuracy. Sure. All hard. Good. Step rather than should have been here at that should be number one the accuracy sure All-card good great movie all of these stack higher than all the ones, but like the walk hard and the other one What is that? Punch trunk love. I like that's the Adam Sandler movie the comedy though. That's a that's like a dramedy isn't it drama? Yeah, I don't watch
Starting point is 01:46:00 Come what's this Tony Erdman fucking English with a little teeth? Sean of the dead. That's a great one. Great move. Are we gonna go through all a hundred? No, just now 10 40-year-old virgin should be above I think most of all of those. What's that just give me 11? What are you kidding me? Are you kidding me? I don't know, but I want to know. Thanks. Give me one more. A spirited.
Starting point is 01:46:25 Shope is that tire. Dodge balls should be above these. In Bruce. In Bruce. In Bruce was not fucking funny. No, not a funny movie. Good movie, but not a funny movie. Alright, let's go.
Starting point is 01:46:35 Thank you. Yeah, it's all bullshit. Yeah, we're almost done. I do the top 100 comics. It's fucking, they'll put in like, uh, uh, uh, camera, internet. No, no, hold on, I went in the good example, Jenna. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, It's fucking they'll put in like Caravan net Do they put in like how the net who's funny as fuck like she's not a stand-up right so they put in They put in actresses or actors that do comedy so that's not the top 100 comics
Starting point is 01:47:01 No, but also the entire point of these articles is to incite debate and discussion. Yeah. So they're doing that on purpose in hopes that we get the real. But they're also doing a very safe. Yeah. Oh, that's very. Yeah. They're making sure that, hey, I guarantee they had 19 meetings where traffic thunder went. Totally. Because if it was a blind thing or you know when nobody's fired it's probably safely at like 42 Yeah, it's one of the funniest movies. Oh, I mean it's up there But that should have been up at the top. I think meet the parents was 2000 right or was that 99? Oh What the fuck am I? Because meet the
Starting point is 01:47:40 Why would you just asking you? I have a fuck do I know a year movies come out. Why do I got a computer in my pocket? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha that you are Hugh Grant and Divine Brown's love child. I don't know who the second guy is, but... Divine Brown, I think, is the prostitute he got caught with? Yes. Oh, that's the best. It's a good one. Is it male prostitute? It's a great question. Was she a guy?
Starting point is 01:48:15 No, she was a prostitute. No, I know. Wasn't she trends? No, no. It's Eddie Murphy. No, it's Eddie Murphy. I didn't say that. Oh, yeah, it was just a big deal because she was black. Yeah, no, an actor. No, that was back in that. Oh, yeah, that's it was just a big deal. Cause she was black. Yeah, because it got an actor. No, that was back when actors were above everybody.
Starting point is 01:48:29 It was. They were smiling. And they finally caught Hugh Grant. The English up on Mulholland. Yeah, they caught him just pick and he was married to the hot one. The hot kid. He was a little early. And they're like, dude, and he owned it, which I love. He back on it owned it. Yeah. What did he say? Elizabeth Hurley and they're like dude and he owned it which I love yeah came back on it owned it. Yeah What did he say Elizabeth hurley? Yeah, I fuck that bitch. I don't fucking beautiful. I mean, hey, I'm so charming be befuddled That goes in a Benny jet wants to know Fini did you start wearing those silly outfits? Stop to start
Starting point is 01:49:02 What did I maybe it stopped but that says stop. Oh, yeah, sounds like it would be stop What what silly outfit? Yeah, yeah, well during the summer. I was wearing I was wearing my I was the summer Was that what was I saying before it was the most comfortable man in America over the summer? He was wearing button ups and shorts that matched each other like a one these like a two piece It was a two-piece, but they were matching outfits and then it's cruise attire at all times Yeah, yeah, and then and then Louis the two people who made fun of me the most for it were Louis J. Gomez and then Rosebud Baker and then they both started wearing the exact same thing weeks later. Yeah, no, no fucking closet.
Starting point is 01:49:35 Cromo, you know, what's the most weed you ever ate in our nose rings gay? I've eaten between four and 500 milligrams, which crazy again for a lot of people It's not a lot for me that sent me damn near to the hospital, but yeah, it was a lot I think like 200 I was my top and I have pan I had panic attack. What about spaghetti? How many two boxes what day is it? I don't know, dude. I don't know. Like live in Monster.
Starting point is 01:50:08 Listen, we went too long. We should have done an hour, you were perfect. Oh, this is like an old school one. Let's go for three hours. No. Yeah. Why are these so short now? We should have the bumpers back to,
Starting point is 01:50:18 and then it's back and we have like a topic, an Indian kid over there. Mike's been hardcore listening to the old library. They're great. They're really good solid stuff. You should go back to a lot of that. What you mean you getting better guests? I'm a little bit scared about. You can't on that a you three fucking stories.
Starting point is 01:50:34 Yeah. Yeah. Hey, do we got any questions for Vos? Yes, someone wants to know what his favorite role X is. Bobby's I don't have it. It would probably be the art master. I don't have my favorite. Thank you, Bob.
Starting point is 01:50:48 My name is there. That's a cool name. Shut up, time X. What kind of watch is that? That looks nice. This is the Phoenix 7 solar pro. Is that like an expensive launch? That's a $1,500 watch.
Starting point is 01:51:03 That's a nice watch. It lasts for 68 days. Wait, say again. It's the battery that can last for 68 days. Like I have the Apple watch, but you have to charge it every day. So if you don't charge it, you don't have a watch. This lasts forever and it does all my steps.
Starting point is 01:51:19 It does my heart rate. Does the fourth step? That's the best one. He's never gotten to that one. Come on, man. Come on, dude. I'm with you, man. Brandon, you don't need. Stop looking for a comedy father. Oh, God. Graham Father.
Starting point is 01:51:36 Brandon was talking about physical steps and you guys were talking about recovery. I know. But he, he, he's, he's causing a little bit for a dad. Yeah. Right, dad? I know, but he he's he's causing a little bit for a dad. Yeah, right dad I knew it was about recovery, but I don't know what the fourth step is so I was hoping to pick it up via Slash your throat Is it their apologizing one? Apologizing one's last no that's make a man's eight or nine. No, well, step seven Step 10 is make a man's one when wrong and probably a minute.
Starting point is 01:52:07 Yeah, without hurting you guys have a rough go at that. How many people did you have to look in the eyes while they were crying? Was there anyone you didn't do? And you just, there's so many. I know. When I got my life I did it. Everybody really? But there's got to be a bunch of people that you did.
Starting point is 01:52:22 No idea how much you fucking hurt them. And then, my biggest amends was to my parents, to my other. Sure. And, and that amends pretty much came without, I mean, I did stay without saying anything. Just turning my life around and having grandkids for them. And, you know, that's, that's,
Starting point is 01:52:43 that was probably the best thing I ever did for my parents. You know, but you have the actual conversation. Uh, because I don't know, I'm not trying to get into like, well, the woods if that's the way I just apologized. But she had old time or so. I don't think she knew. She was going to hospital. She said to apologize every day. You put like an ad in a channel movie? You know they're remaking, they just made another one of those movies where there's a new movie coming out where there is a woman goes on a date with a guy and she doesn't like how it went so they redo it every thing.
Starting point is 01:53:17 Oh, that Pete Davidson movie. Yeah, the Pete Davidson movie. I was like, that's 51states. The exact plot of, except doesn't the girl ret goes back and doesn't know where it goes. Well, basically that's Groundhog's date. Yeah, exactly. And even the Groundhog, okay,
Starting point is 01:53:30 there's a whole subplot of him dating with him. You know that when I got married in Maui, my fucking... All right, a Maui. Maui, what a wife. I'm a Mara's, are. My wife made me go find the breakfast place that they would go to.
Starting point is 01:53:46 And I kept telling her it was a set. Oh, it doesn't exist. She goes, no, they will have it. We drove around for hours looking for the 51st date hut with some fat Hawaiian woman. And I'm like, it doesn't exist. We're asking people, hey, you know the movie 50 Fright? No, they're like no brada. No, no brada, Owlies. We want to go to a place where they said, we have the right to kick you out for any reason.
Starting point is 01:54:17 It was like a local joint that didn't like people like us in it. And we went in there and I was just uncomfortable the whole time. But I did get spam fried rice. Holy shit. It's good. It's a great to know. No shit. Oh yeah. I got on top. The, um, the resort from forgetting Sarah Marshall is real. Is it? That's a real spot. Well, yeah, you can really build that set. Yeah. All right. Because I was the ocean and I literally told
Starting point is 01:54:41 I go, we just I'm hungry. Let's it doesn't exist You're being a fucking mental patient This is on your honeymoon. Yeah, the second the day after we got married This is at an all-time high, Bobby's like you fucking stupid She busted because I asked guy for directions and He didn't know but I went I She went hang on the car. This is all I saw from the side. I saw this. Did you just give him the hang loose?
Starting point is 01:55:09 She went, you're the hang loose. The shack up, man. For all of the, that's what I think the origin, the trauma you must carry from that must have been the origin of you hating me doing the finger, the point. Oh my God. That goes back to us.
Starting point is 01:55:24 Wow. Did he bite her bites the boy. That is unbelievable. Whoa. I know. I just hate you. Oh, fuck. He's got pointy fingers. Yeah. Yeah. You're the perfect with that. You're the guy that comes into the old West town to go. You're gonna buy your land there, Mr. McGreevy. Mr. McGreevy. Mr. McGreevy. Hey, that river runs for your land,
Starting point is 01:55:47 but it's gonna run through mine. I just got my schematics out. Like, he has a pie blueprint. I'm watching Deadwood. Put it right there. Love, that's what it's called. Yeah, but you know it's a good movie. And you don't know what it is?
Starting point is 01:55:59 I know what it is. It's just of all of the show. Mike has a real hard time watching new programming. So he just watches the same shows over and over again. So the one that he gives it to. And it 15 years ago. I'm gonna start watching MASH. He did bring it up like dude,
Starting point is 01:56:17 you see all the family? Fucking guy. Archie Bunky, you see it? He didn't even watch any movie. Didn't even watch any movie. Didn't even watch any movie. Yeah, the movie stunk. I didn't see it? I don't even know what you're doing. Didn't even have a movie. Yeah, the movie stunk. I didn't see it.
Starting point is 01:56:27 I guess I should stop then. I don't remember. Maybe it was good. Yeah, I also am watching Welcome to Rexham, that show. What is that? That's Rob McElhenny and Ryan Reynolds, soccer team. It's a great documentary.
Starting point is 01:56:39 Yeah. How great is Ryan Reynolds? It's great. Handsome. I love him. He is. Maybe the most attractive, funny person of all great. Handsome. I love him. He's so funny. He is. Maybe the most attractive, funny person of all time. Too quippy in the show.
Starting point is 01:56:48 You think so? He's a little too quippy. I like him, but he's got to do something to documentary. Yeah. You could tell he's like, he's like a sweet guy for sure. He, it's seemingly a good push. He's so rich. He's so rich.
Starting point is 01:57:01 It's insane. When Rob started listing all the businesses he had, you're like tabulating the money in your head and it's fucking like God level insane. But you could tell that he doesn't know much about football. And also like, but wants to, it's very enthusiastic about talking to people about it and gets lost in the conversation almost immediately. But you could tell also that he's fucking
Starting point is 01:57:22 just drooling money out. Is this a true doc? Is this a true doc? Yeah, yeah, true doc. No, I mean, isn't that the whole thing about documentary? I thought you said it was a mock doc. I thought it was a mockumentary. I'm no, it's not a mock. I best in chill.
Starting point is 01:57:37 Oh, I forgot. Anybody see the season of S.I.A. I apologize. I was wrong. Anybody see the season of S.I.A.. What you apologize for the first time in a relationship. It's a problem. You couldn't hear it. Didn't have headphones on. No, I heard you and I and I in inside white. Yeah. What are you going to say? What are you going to say?
Starting point is 01:57:58 Did anybody see the season of city on the hill? No, I heard it's akin to the wire though. It's great. It's great. But the last episode what the final episode you're going wait We went to turn it on again, and that was the final episode. We're going what the fuck? Cliffhanger So just another season Kevin Bacon is so goodness So I on Twitter said you're great
Starting point is 01:58:21 You know, and I think you said thank you Then Bonnie came along and took him for me. Why? What are you talking about? You got a huge talk too. You think he's a Kevin Bacon. How do you never see hollow man? You could see like the infrared dangle. You should call him Kevin Saucer.
Starting point is 01:58:37 He responded and said, thank you. So yeah. And then what did Bonnie? She had a conversation with her. I hate you too. You're fucking camaraderie sticks. Hey, I got, they're so confident though. No, they're so confident.
Starting point is 01:58:50 That's him just needing, hey, help me. The name's going, I got your kid. I got nobody too. He put, I met Brendan at the Boys and Girls Club and just took a shine to him. Yes, that's exactly what it is. I think brother program. Yeah, they had a stanza some heart to heart last night,
Starting point is 01:59:07 and this cocksack is looking out for this fucking lesbian today. Know how much he hurts. Yeah. Well, why'd you call me? I can actually help. You don't answer. Not you.
Starting point is 01:59:16 I wouldn't have you call me. I said when Brandon and Janim, I listen, I saw the Jeffrey Dahmer. I saw the first episode. I haven't be. All right, listen, I saw the Jeffrey Dahmer. I saw the first episode. I haven't read. You watch the whole thing? It's, I watch, I'm watching the whole thing. I got one more episode left.
Starting point is 01:59:31 But it is the first episode. It was like, dude, I don't think I want to feel the way the guy felt, the victim felt that much. Like it's so well shot that you like, I am the fucking guy. and I'm like moving in my jude it's so good. It's fucking nuts. I like what they did with the first step.
Starting point is 01:59:52 I love the dude quick silver. Yeah. What's the actor's name? I don't know. Something. I don't know. He's really good. What is it?
Starting point is 02:00:00 Evan Peter. Evan Peters. Oh man. He's good. We watched two nice go bullet train. That was right. That was so much fun. That guy. John won a train. It's my head. It's entire opinion. No, no, no. As you said, that was well one. I didn't say I love it or hated it. I didn't say I like, but I liked the actor that was
Starting point is 02:00:18 on Atlanta. The black. He's good in it. Hey, boy, everybody was good in that. Not just the black guy to get points. Right. I'm trying to get, you know, the trans person was so good in it. He's good in it. Everybody was good in that. Not just the black guy to get points. He was trying to get points. The trans person was so funny in it too. Oh my God. Brad Pitt was awesome. Yeah, he was guy, the guy from who played Quicks over and the Marvel Avengers was awesome.
Starting point is 02:00:38 He was also in Godzilla. I don't know his name. It was kind of amazing. It was a strange, Michael Shannon was a strange best man. What a great twist. Oh, I love that. I brought Max to see that movie. Great movie. It was a of a strange Michael Shannon was a strange what a great twist. Yeah, I love that I brought Max to see that movie great movie so it was a lot of you know the guy in He's so much
Starting point is 02:00:51 Provivalent That's what I Fuck that so I had parenting Yeah, Max must have been like you're sitting in a seat Five Everything We were up in the woods the next day we're right we got the tickets at the gameplays And he went and got two separate swords. Oh my he came up to anyway
Starting point is 02:01:10 My neck you a slice Skye from one walk empire. Yes, Shannon. Is that his name? Yeah, I wonder who used to whip him Yeah, you may know him as the guy from eight mile. I do this great. He's in Michael Shannon's great and everything Yeah, he was great. He was an excellent. He's in Michael's hands great and everything. Yeah, he was great I was an excellent movie. I mean what a fucking great movie. I love that. That was funny Yeah, even the two British guys said the great you know, well the guy from Atlanta the other guy. Yeah, the chick was good I like I like Brad Pitt's aging looks. He looks like it made me want to grow my air I'm seeing Brad Pitt's with his hair. He has such great long hair. You should do that
Starting point is 02:01:45 And my hair doesn't his is very easy. He's got Let me see here. What is your hair, dude? He's hair without any face out of it right? You took all your hair, my hair is thick, so my mind is thick. It doesn't go backwards like Fini's got old school actor hair. Nicole, can you please isolate Voss's face when he said that in his hand direction? isolate Voss's face when he said that in his hand. Directly. It's such a sweet moment. Really?
Starting point is 02:02:09 You really? Mike can has got a brand new special out. It's called it's called. Mike canons huge. Where you from? Yeah, where you from? What's your name? I'm high.
Starting point is 02:02:19 That's the whole that's the whole just but yeah, I put out two specials and that he's got another special coming out doing I'm drunk a shit Where he goes up relapse really fucking drunk and then he's got another one called licking lullipops where he licks lullipops the whole time Oh, please let him fall dude. Did he just break his fucking? He fall Yeah, the water from his throat came out. The Velcro on his sneaker tripped him. Yeah. Cannon special.
Starting point is 02:02:50 I mean, Cannon, you fucking killing it. I mean, all three. It's great, man. I mean, I've been known to pick them. Yeah. Over the years, and I 100% pick you three. I think you guys are fucking doing great. You're all in the clubs.
Starting point is 02:03:02 You're getting there. I mean, some people have a hard time once in a while. And you'll get through it. Yeah, every once in a while. Fuck yeah, I do too, man. Hey, crazy, we all do. Every comic you know, I don't give a fuck if they're a millionaire, I have bad times.
Starting point is 02:03:17 It's like, what the fuck am I doing? Oh yeah. And then you get through it, you know what I mean? It is what it is. You'll get through it. They get that ring out of you nose. I'll help you if you do that. I'll let you come. You'll get through it. Get that ring out of your nose. I'll help you if you do that. I'll let you come with me on the road.
Starting point is 02:03:28 You get that ring out. All right. Yeah. Sweet. Bananas here I come. Bananas. I open for you Bananas. I won't.
Starting point is 02:03:37 Remember last time, yeah. Yeah, yeah, that was the last time. Yeah, that's fucking times. Oh, I was your last weekend. That guy Grossman doesn't give a fuck about his clubs. I mean, the sound sucks. There's no lighting. At least the bus is to stage in a fucking room.
Starting point is 02:03:54 I mean, the money stinks, too. But I mean, you think you at least put you took a bananas for all that it was. Was a great club. Yeah, that was a big old one. Yeah, the little stage. Yeah, the light, it was fucking amazing. You could crush in that room. Kill it. What's the name of the owners? Harlan and Arlene.
Starting point is 02:04:12 I went out with great, when I worked there one time, Rock came in and did a half an hour. Dude, it was a great one. Well, they banned me. Great club. Great fuck, what'd you say? They banned me. Why?
Starting point is 02:04:23 Because like as I'm walking to stage to feature, they told me to be clean. And I said, no, I was like, no, I didn't get hired for that. Went up, did really well, came off stage. And they were like, they're like, all right, that was unfair. We told you right before the show. But before the next show, we'd like you to be clean. And I was like, no, I was like, I'm not a clean comic. You knew that when you hired me. If you didn't want me, like, you could do that. You said that. The woman or the or the dude, I'm not a clean comic. You knew that when you hired me. If you didn't want me, you could do that. You said that. You said that.
Starting point is 02:04:45 The woman or the, or the dude, I think it was the woman. Was it a niece? And then I came, no, no, Denise is the best. Denise was always super nice to me. And then I got off, did really great the second show. And they emailed my agent and said that it wasn't a performance issue. It was that I did not listen to them.
Starting point is 02:05:00 You have an agent? Yeah, but you did. You take away a, it was my mom. You did the right my mom. I did that at Long Island, that brokerage, the first time I worked there. The guy was like, he walked up slow. It took me seven hours to get there. I had to leave it like, like, 11.30 in the afternoon on a Friday. I'm out there and he goes, you know, you got to be clean, right? I go, absolutely not. It's in my contract that you sign. I have complete freedom over everything that I do. Wait, you want something to be clean?
Starting point is 02:05:30 You can fucking fire me right now, go back to the city, just give me the money to get back. And he went, who, Jimmy? You can, you can, you can, you shut the fuck up. I'm just kidding, I'm literally, in the middle of the story, I mean, I'm all the, like this, and you go. You had an intention. What, Jimmy like this you go you had I'm You mean
Starting point is 02:05:47 It's not a game show you guessed the end. I'll be honest you had my attention until he started asking questions And then maybe cost brings good points now I kind of want to know I got to track because I don't see me I don't know I don't see It wasn't fair. Oh see old guy. I hate you. Well, you got a save you sing at the end Oh see old guy I hate you. Well you got a savey thing at the end. Oh, that's a good that's a good Fin. You got that was good Mike cannon new special called you know what your girlfriend's hot We got branded sagels directed by Nicole C lions. Let's get back to find the Colisey lion crushed it and we got Can't be sagels got nothing. I got school rock coming out on uh... school rock to
Starting point is 02:06:27 and to mind you three and i'm going out what do you got but he anything uh... just uh... oh yeah your thing coming out with a coming out check out the patreon patreon dot com slash scenario pod that's all of our shit it's uh... like exclusive behind the scene stuff we make blogs mean to call just film the a blog. I did an hour at New York that was like,
Starting point is 02:06:47 for the most part, just like... It's improv? Yeah, basically. So it was a crowd work. No. No, it was just coming whatever. Like, you felt it. It was not ready material.
Starting point is 02:06:58 It was ideas. So I like, you put it in that out there and subjecting people to watch. It's a subpar material that you haven't worked on for a couple It's very so this is a first take at your elevator pitch for audiences, but I next podcast have a good one Good it's any what do you get besides awesome hair? But I mean I'm at zany's in Chicago on Thursday. I got to promote some date. All right Check him out. Go check me out.
Starting point is 02:07:25 Are you going to freeform it? Are you going to do? Go. Oh, for the long. I don't know, man. Maybe I'll just sing a little tune. And I won. And I do.
Starting point is 02:07:33 And I know you guys ready. That was great. Wow. Come see me on the road too. I'm at the Indiana go LA Cleveland, New Jersey. All of Chicago. Come out. My can comedy.
Starting point is 02:07:44 What do you got outside of Vegas? I'll also be going back to Vegas in January for the seller and then I'll be in Indianapolis as well, but playing the sell of Vegas. Yeah, I thought we were gonna do that together. Oh, I hope we are. I don't know who's wow SD hook job. That's good. Yeah, you know, I'm part owner, right? I do. Yeah, can you make sure that we all do it together? Yeah, I would love to have you guys there. I would love to have anybody I know there with me. Yeah, if I go out with you, maybe. Yeah. And then I'll be Indianapolis. I got the at Helium there. I'll be also. And then and go on my social media and I am Mikefini
Starting point is 02:08:17 I'm making fun videos that people seem to enjoy so watch those and twitch. FTV session wife, fresh maker. I check it out. You see my video got a million views. Which one on Instagram? Which one, which video? The one about the Chicago, whatever guy? I thought you'd like that. Because you like those. I don't know what your fucking name is.
Starting point is 02:08:35 Because you like, I don't know. I don't know. Because you like, you get your dick card a million. You got a little million? On a crowd work moment, huh? No, crowd work. It was a crowd work moment. It was just from my TikTok. Yeah, and it went on
Starting point is 02:08:47 Then it went fucking bullist. Wait, what do you do? It was stupid. It was dumb. I went like, yeah, where your friend Chicago? You had a beard. I don't know what the fuck it was. Oh, yeah, you said what did you say the line was you said you look like a fuck I remember that it was funny. I think I like what do you got a brand new album? Seventh album from Mr. Rich Falls. That was so funny if it was the eighth. It's just name seven. That would be good. And seven.
Starting point is 02:09:12 Wow, now I know how many I feel. My specials coming out, no good over it. You got a special an in album? Yeah. What's your special? Comics and Anonymous, the one I taped at 12 Step Kick, called Comic Connoisse. No, no, no, no. I was so, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no But I what else I said shout out Bonnie's not here. I'm back. I'm at the
Starting point is 02:09:46 Rio at the end of October. You're right. Okay. I don't know. Go to Rich Vos. I'll come ahead. We're all good field. Richfield playhouse. Oh, we're going to play out October 21st. I have a new website made. I had one. I had a new one made. You know, the world wide web. Whoa. I wish we could go back. I wish we go back and see Voss's first website. It was the worst website. He has 404 error. Yeah, little Voss heads just bubbling up in the corner.
Starting point is 02:10:11 Like this. That's good. Oh, that's good. Hi, why don't we go at that pick? Man, you look like a cool dude. Oh, so you've been doing that since the beginning. Rich Voss, four, five, you've been doing that since the beginning. No, just two of them.
Starting point is 02:10:21 Five, five, and seven. Oh, it's a great one. I like your website. Still empty inside the room. When I saw Hamilton, that's fun. All right, listen, we got to wrap this up. You guys check out Robert Kelly, but before you do that, if you're watching this on YouTube,
Starting point is 02:10:37 please hit the subscribe button, just hit it, hit the like, leave some comments. Let us know if you like this nose ring on Brendan. You don't have to let me know that. No, please let us know. I want to know. I want to. I want to.
Starting point is 02:10:49 Make sure you check out all their stuff. My special is out. It is Robert Kelly Killbox on Please go and purchase it. I really appreciate the support. Make sure you go to Search Robert Kelly live. Robert Kelly, if you want to become a supporter of this
Starting point is 02:11:06 podcast, we hope you enjoy it. Check out of course, New Nikki. New Nikki, what is your thing? Do you want anything about it? Follow you. Sure. My Instagram is Nicole C. Lions. She is the producer of the show of a lot of shows on here. She's kicking ass.
Starting point is 02:11:21 Of course, Mike at Mike V. Suarez and at jokes,. Congratulations, Joe, on marrying that beautiful girl. It was a fun time. I hope to see you soon. You guys are the best fans in the world. So that's it. We'll see you at Skankfest. Next week we'll be back. You know what? Third later. Con Volotea, la región de Murcia nunca ha estado tan cerca, espectacularismos, monumentos, rincones de película y un sincindia aventuras des esperan. ¡Fliparás! Vuelades de Madrid, Amurcia y a otros destinos que te sorprenderán a partir de 19 euros. Volotea. Tarifa sujetas a disponibilidad. Consulta las condiciones en you

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