Robert Kelly's You Know What Dude! - Mike Vecchione | "This is Something, This is Nothing"

Episode Date: July 31, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hoy es un día de eso de no saber cómo va a acabar el día. Donde nadie pregunta de dónde viene, sino por qué no te viene. Y una ronda es el tiempo que pasa entre no conocernos, y no creer olvidarnos. Hoy es un día de eso que Madrid nos lia. Hoy es un día de eso que Madrid nos encuentra. Maú, la vida es más vida cuando nos encontramos. Encuentra los bares de Madrid la dicción especial de Madrid nos lia. Un número de mao, a Madrid. en todos tus dispositivos. Pluto TV, ven a verlo sin pagar nunca. Solicitita tu beca en fundación He's back again. Old school, back in the day. We're all starting before them all. I'm feeling like I can die you this.
Starting point is 00:01:26 This podcast is so fun and crazy. And there's no rules. Shut up! You're ruining this! Break the bar, damn it! I'm sorry. It's not any podcast. This is an NPR.
Starting point is 00:01:36 That's the podcast done. Is there any better show? This is the original. The original. You know what, dude? Here at JFL, oh, that feels so good. Why are these not more in use? Why are these not gifts to everybody? The Chinese fan, I mean, it's a weapon, stick it in somebody's eye,
Starting point is 00:02:04 and then flap it. Oh, that feels so good. When I want YKWD fans, can we get these made just so that at my shows, I just want to see a bunch of people. That was a funny one. That was a funny one, Bob. What's up everybody? Robert Kelly here live from Montreal, JFL, just for laughs. I am on the nasty show. I'm closing that bitch. I think it's my first time closing. I've hosted, I've closed the first half. I've done a million of them. I think it's my first time closing the motherfucker. And I'm excited. I'm having a blast. I have a good crew on there. We have Just the lineup's awesome big J's up here. He's two doors down We were doing more tummy time last night. If you don't know what tummy time is you're gonna watch the other episode and
Starting point is 00:02:58 You'll know what it is Me and Josh still tummy time watching YouTube videos of shitty comedians So bad. It's terrible. What's up Shepherd? What's up, Mack? What's up Lou? Lou What's up, Nikki? How you doing? I'm good. How are you? Oh, look at that energy is just always right answer. Sorry. It's just so pumping you just I Love it your energy is just it makes me want to fucking plow a field
Starting point is 00:03:32 Mush how you doing speaking of energy how are you? I'm great and you know what's doing great? Who our guests? Hey, I got a great guest today I'm very excited to have an had them a while. Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for Mike Vecchio, the Italian stallion. And we've been mushed. Can't get that fucking cure. I mean, Jesus Christ, they set it up perfectly. Allian stallion and it still takes fucking five seconds. How is it up there? Ali and Stallion and it still takes fucking five seconds. How is it up there?
Starting point is 00:04:07 Hang on, I gotta turn you up. I can't hate you. You know what, dude? If you know what, dude? No, what, dude? It's suck. You know what, dude? It's, uh, it's fucking great, dude. I'm having such a blast. I was thinking about this, you know, when I first got the nasty show,
Starting point is 00:04:28 it was so overwhelming, you know, Louis, a towel, Nictipolo, Jim Jeffries, you know. And then everyone after that was fucking crazy, line up. And now it's like I'm so, I don't know if it's relaxed in my life for a happy where I'm at and confident in my skills. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:50 You know, I, they were like, I just looked, I'm headlined in the nasty show and I didn't even realize it. I'm going up last. And I'm like, yeah, it's like when you, when you want something, you're afraid of it. When you're ready for it, it just happens. Yeah. It doesn't even, you don't even want it anymore. You don't even mean it's just, it is, you know. Well speaking of being ready for it, I have to,
Starting point is 00:05:09 before we start, I have to compliment you, man. The movie was unbelievable. I didn't get to see it the after party. I think you go to after parties now. It's you just. Yeah. And you go up to your upstate. One of your homes. Upstate. Yeah., go to one of my homes now. Hang on, let's see. Let me just have a little hot. Yeah. I understand that you were summering upstate, and then you went her in the city. And by the city, I mean Paris.
Starting point is 00:05:37 So you didn't come to the after party. I mean, everybody was there. I was congratulating. It was just, and then I was like, where's Bobby? Oh, Bobby doesn't do these anymore. I think, everybody was there. I was congratulating. It was just, and then I was like, where's Bobby? Oh, Bobby doesn't do these anymore. I was like, Bobby doesn't do these anymore. Step away, step away. Bobby doesn't do. And I go, I know him before he was an actor. I knew him before he was like a thespian. Like, remember that, as an else, catch this is something. This is nothing. This is something. This is nothing. This is is something this is nothing this is something this is nothing this is something is nothing
Starting point is 00:06:07 what's more Bobby as a Bobby doesn't have time to speak to you peasants he's been wished away dude okay okay dude listen it is true that it's not about that for me. I was there, I supported Louis and Joe and that, but that whole thing, it's about being on set, it's about finding choices, it's about being with the other actors, doing what we do. That stuff, it actually takes it away from me now.
Starting point is 00:06:47 Like, you know, when, for example, I'm there with my wife and we're in front of Louis and Joe, and the names, they started, the names, at the beginning and the credits. And it was like, you know, Louis CK, well, Joe Lis, well, and then Robert Kelly, well, it was like, that takes away from it from me. You know what I mean? I don't want people to be like,
Starting point is 00:07:11 wow, you got to really, you got to more than me. I don't want that. I don't want that. So I figured if I went to the party, let Joe and Louie have this. Yes. Right? I get it. I mean, you're being very unselfish. Yes. You're very. That or was the herniac surgery I had two days before Right. I get it. I mean, you're being very unselfish. Yes. You're very. That or was the hernia surgery I had two days before that made me have to go home because I was in brutal pain because you suffer for your craft. Is that did you get the surgery because you were preparing for another role?
Starting point is 00:07:43 What's it like to be a patient? Oh, what's it like to be in the look to have that herniac pain? I got an you got an actual surgery because God, Bobby, they energy, the energy that you bring to the to the to the practice. It's, you know, I'm glad that you see this because most comics don't look, they don't see it, they glaze over that, you know what I mean? Yeah, they don't get it. And the fact that you know, they're working, they're chucklehuts, they're working at you.
Starting point is 00:08:16 Oh, I got to fly a Tampa, I got to fly it, I got it, I'm supposed to be in Cedar Rapids. It's like they don't slow down and marinate in the Craft in the craft and the craft to me is is that important right right it is And if I get if you know the surgery I got for my next role, hopefully I didn't get the role yet. I'm just I'm auditioning You have to audition? Well, oh Michael Michael. I'm auditioning. You have to audition? Well, oh, Michael, Michael, I choose to audition. Oh, okay. All right.
Starting point is 00:08:50 You like to be part of the process, then? I like the process that energizes you. Bobby. The prize, I mean, from, from thinking about it, to wanting it, to manifesting it in my reality. Yes. I manifested that role.
Starting point is 00:09:11 Yes. I would say I almost manifested the movie. Yes. I was putting it out there, like, with the walls of lack and delay and now crumble away. I now fulfill my destiny. The movie with Louis and Joe, my close friends, comes to me now by divine right in a perfect way. And then the movie happened.
Starting point is 00:09:34 Yes, right away. Are you drinking a coconut water now? Is that how you hydrate? Because it's got extra, sure, it's $14 a box, but it's still, it's better than regular, water is for regular people, extras. It's not for, yeah, regular, like, regular, like tap water is for background people. I would say, say like this water is for stars, right? And this type of water is for background. And coconut is for both, like, you know, for sure. Probably red for shoot days.
Starting point is 00:10:23 Sure, sure, You need your voice. But all Hollywood aside, it was unbelievable your performance. I already knew, like I already knew you were a great actor first from the scenes in Louis. I'm like, I'm watching you in that and it was some kind of a diner scene. I'm like, God damn it. Bobby isn't a fucking really good actor. You know what I mean? It's like your friends. So you don't know, you know what I mean? You know if your friends are good at, you know, I mean, you're a great comic, but I don't know you're a good actor. So I'm, but I'm watching, I'm watching the show Louis and then
Starting point is 00:10:56 in the diner scene as his brother. I'm like, God damn, fucking Bobby is a really good actor. So I already knew it going into the movie. Keith, Keith set me a text. He goes, it really bugged me. How good you were. He goes, it really made me angry. I had to take him Tylenol. Yeah, dude. It's funny, too, dude. You know, I mean, Joe lists carried a movie.
Starting point is 00:11:22 It's unbelievable. I mean, we'll talk about manifesting it. That guy did it, man. Yeah. He manifested. He put it out there. He's like, now I'm gonna do, because everybody's, we're all trying to, like, in the, it seems like you get caught in the same, you don't even think that's a possibility.
Starting point is 00:11:33 I mean, how many of us actually think that's a possibility? It's like, I'm gonna write and direct a movie. It's like, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Clint Eastwood. What do you, you Clint Eastwood now? Like, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:11:43 Like, you do that. And it's like, he did it. He made it happen. And It's like, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Clint Eastwood, what do you, Clint Eastwood now? Like, you know what I mean? Like, you do that. And it's like, he did it. He made it happen. And it's like, anything is possible. Yeah. Anything is possible if you have a talented multi-millionaire comic friend who knows how to direct and make food films. Anything is possible. If you have a fallen angel that you can pick up and and and help him to his wings heel, you're manifesting, connecting to the right people. I'm connecting to the right people. So how are you doing, dude? We're, what's going on? I did, uh, didn't get Montreal this year. I didn't know. You're at. I didn't get Montreal this year.
Starting point is 00:12:25 I didn't know. You're at the point, like this, this, I look at it too, because I didn't get it a couple of years. It's not, you don't get it. You got it. You're once you're in, you're in. Yeah. Well, we don't get much.
Starting point is 00:12:37 Brendan Sagalo got Montreal. Yeah. Did you get Montreal? You got new faces. Oh, good for him. Good for him. You know, yeah, good for him. Good for him. You know, yeah good for him bad for Fini Diffini not get it
Starting point is 00:12:51 Oh, that's gonna be an awkward podcast that those guys have oh, it's gonna be a great podcast Fini's always one step behind saggalo I mean not when they're walking But yeah, I'm success success with his videos I mean, not when they're walking, but... But... Yeah, but success with his videos. Yeah, Liz texted me the other day. She goes, Fini just got an applause break. I want to stab myself in the neck.
Starting point is 00:13:20 Is there any better comedy community than what we have in New York City right now? I know, man. It's a blend and it brings it all. I thought that Super Bowl between the Eagles and the Patriots was going to be the boiling point, but everybody controlled themselves very well. You guys sat at your table, we sat at our table, And it's just a, it's a meshing of different generations, different places, different hostilities, different time periods.
Starting point is 00:13:51 Like the seller back in the day, people don't remember it, but I came in at the tail end of it when you guys were doing tough crowd, the tail end of tough crowd, when that still was a thing. And you had to go take your beatings, man. Even new people, like, who's this guy? Who's, man. Even new people like, who's this guy? Who's this guy? It was very like, who's this guy?
Starting point is 00:14:08 Who is he? Who is he doing? Is he any good? Does he stink? It's like very confrontational. And that's all gone now. Yeah, now it's, now it's, now it's, now it's, now it's, now it's, now it's say? I said, now it's just pleasant.
Starting point is 00:14:28 Yeah. Nice conversation about making it, which we all love. No, but it's like coming up here now, all the comics, you know, Yoms up here, Big J's Host and Lises up here, I just bumped into Rosebud. A lot of female comedians too, back, back with that tail end that wasn't as many female comedians, funny female comedians as there are now. I mean, the nasty show is half and half.
Starting point is 00:15:03 It's half female half know, half male, which you know, I've never been a part of it. And these brides are killing it, you know what I mean? Funny fucking shit. But it's like I was saying before though, like me and you and all, they just ask us to do it now. We either do Montreal, we don't, we don't get it. they just ask us to do it now. We need the Dumont Rail, we don't, we don't get it. You know? When they give me a year off, I'm not hurt. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:32 You're probably on the road anyway. You're working anyway. But what was that? I did do faces 10 years in. 10 years. I did do faces 10 years in. You know why that was. Yeah, because I had an old face time. They're like, we need an old face for new faces. Different is better. Different, different,
Starting point is 00:15:55 is better. Same, different. This is something. This is something. This is something. This is something this is nothing this is Go get me a double cappuccino Dude I I never did new faces you know that right no. I did not know that oh boy to Jeff singer not like Bob Kelly Jeff singer, you know that guy. He's such a pleasant guy guy. He, you know, he's a superstar in the business. He did not like me, he did not like me. He tried to get me, he would never like want me on Tough Crow either.
Starting point is 00:16:34 Call him, be like, get Bob Kelly on, he'd tell me I wasn't available. I lived in the A U where you make up lies. It's like he's got a christening. Dude, I lived three blocks from where the tape tough crowd. That's hilarious. I mean, literally three blocks away. You're like, you guys know it available. Call me, call me.
Starting point is 00:16:52 What do I do? What do I do? They said you weren't available. I'm like, what do you fight? Dude, I have nothing in my career except this. It's so funny too, because then you guys got all a bump from a tough crowd which was the thing at the time. Everybody, it was not only, I don't know if it was a commercial success of a show, but
Starting point is 00:17:15 all the comics looked at it like, oh my god, this is it, this is the show, man. It was dude, if you look back, a guy started watching them recently dude. They were fucked up I couldn't we'd all be done That was aired today, dude Go back and listen to it. It's it's crazy Crazy it's the first podcast basically the first podcast dude what Colin would say I Mean dude in his monologue the polo Patrice it was Not go what they're on YouTube. I don't even know how they're on YouTube, but they're getting taken
Starting point is 00:17:56 But it was all it was so funny if you if you I rewatch them They're so brutal and uncomfortable Which I love. They have these moments where certain comics would just fucking bomb. Yeah, that's that's rough to bomb there. I'll tell you what, I was, I was best man and big J's wedding. And that was nerve, like doing the speech, doing the wedding speech in front of all of you guys is like, that was nerve wracking.
Starting point is 00:18:29 It's like I'm going to bomb on a very touching emotional speech. Yeah, I'm at the other end of it now because I'm older than you. I'm worried about the funerals of my friends. I'm going to have to speak at Voss's dumb funeral and Bonnie. Bonnie's gonna go up and kill after and get a deal. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, I'm just gonna take a hot one. Yeah. Are you doing skank fest? Yeah. Yeah, you're doing it? I think so, yeah. Oh, that's cool, man.
Starting point is 00:19:08 I'm pretty sure. Yeah, I mean, I know what they're doing it. I'm excited. This one's gonna be great because you know where it's taking place? Yeah, Vegas. No, no, but where in Vegas? Oh, I don't know. No.
Starting point is 00:19:21 I thought about just doubling up and like, do that and then ask to do the common Yeah, Vegas. No, no, but where in Vegas? Oh, I don't know. No. I thought about just doubling up and like do that and then ask to do the comedy seller, but I'm like, do I want to be there for two weeks? Why not? Who gives a fuck? I don't know. Remember hot? Nice?
Starting point is 00:19:38 Doesn't fuck a matter work on your shit? Yeah. That's the one. Why are you chewing gum right now? Sorry, everybody. I'll tell you why, because I had this protein shake, and it tastes like I sucked a mule off. And then I needed something to get it out, but thank you, Moosh. I appreciate you being a good little producer. I mean, passive aggressively, a little bit.
Starting point is 00:20:02 You could have sent a text message to my phone, private message to the thing. You could have fucking called me. What's happening? What's going on? Robbie, it's call out call. You're now, these kids are calling you out and I'm calling Mikey a kid.
Starting point is 00:20:17 He's called, he's called out call to you. They call you out. And then that's the thing from the podcast that Hill posts, it'll go viral. Yeah right and he'll be and but he'll make all the fans. Yes. Yes and I'll wind up onfest is on Fremont Street at the end. So at the one end of the plaza and the hotel and all that shit, you walked out Fremont Street, it was a freaking, it's a freakfest anyways. And at the end, they have all this place with all these little theaters.
Starting point is 00:21:04 I think it was like an old movie theater that never made it, you know, with all the cineplexes inside. Yeah. They ate all that space into usable theater space for shows. So and then there's a whole upstairs outside venue, dude. It's going to be fucking Vegas. Skankfest is going to be crazy. It's going to be fun.
Starting point is 00:21:22 And every walk. You walk to the strip. Can you walk to the strip, can you walk to the other place? You can, to the main, you do fuck the main strip. I mean, you take a cab, you can't walk to it. But, Fremont streets, the place to be, dude, all the scene is for, they had 25 street lights, they had all the side shows, they had wrongly, all this free shit happened.
Starting point is 00:21:46 It's cheaper than the strip. The strip now is a fucking disco tech for Paris Hilton. It's all bullshit, dude. It's packed traffic, a bunch of assholes at evening gowns and fucking Rolexes, fuck them. I'm telling you, free month street last time I was there, I did the plaza. There's a comedy club in the plaza. Tommy, what's his name, does it from comedy works.
Starting point is 00:22:09 It was the best time I had in Vegas. And then I'm thinking about going over to, I'm thinking about going over to the seller after that and doing the week there too, or at least a half a week. Yeah, that might be the move. That might be the move. Get them to pay for making a little more cash. Yeah, because you're already out there, but then I was asking some people and they were like, yeah, I don't know if I want to be out there for that long. That's true too, but you're so far, that's such a long,
Starting point is 00:22:36 anywhere out west, man, it's such a long, I feel like it's a long flight. The flight is brutal and long and... Well, it's not a fucking Australia,'s a 4.5 off flight. Yeah but it's anything like that I try to go a day early if I can. Right. You try to go to day early but I'm going to uh Italy uh August 3rd, Italy uh Turkey for the troops. Armed Forces Entertainment. Oh that's awesome dude. Yeah so Italy Portugal Italy, Turkey for the troops armed forces entertainment. Oh, that's awesome, dude.
Starting point is 00:23:07 Yeah, so Italy, Portugal and Turkey. Where in Italy? I don't know wherever the base is. I'm not sure it's near Venice, I think, but we go to Turkey and Portugal first, then come back. And then I'm gonna meet Katie over in Rome for Five days. We're gonna just spend five days in Rome. Oh, that's great. You got the hotel and everything all set up. Yeah, yeah, yeah I got the place. I get the place you take your fendinner. Oh
Starting point is 00:23:39 You got it the best cop. Yeah, Liz gave better than Mateo It's I think it's probably Mateo what he gave me to Mateo and Liz gave me this carbon hour place. Yeah. It was the bet it was Kashiya Pepe and carbon hour I already mentioned it. Yeah she I think she mentioned that one because she made all the reservations she made all the tours. We're doing tours like I'm on a schedule when I get there. I know isn't that nuts. You gotta go somewhere with them. They're like my jealous. They gotta discover everything.
Starting point is 00:24:08 You can't just, oh look at it. Oh look at the homemade. The Irish can't do it like that, Bobby. I'm sorry to put you on blast. I'm half Italian. I didn't know that. I knew it. I knew there was a reason.
Starting point is 00:24:24 I knew there was a, but I'll tell you something really about half Italian half Irish. It's such a, it feels like a common thing, but I don't know if I said this before, so I'm sorry to your fans who are probably going to call me out in the comments, but the best wrestlers were always Italian Irish or Italian German. They were always Italian and something else. And the Irish, you need to something to, and I think Metzger has that great joke, you need something to cut your jeans. It's like too much of one thing.
Starting point is 00:24:51 You get hunched out, we, like my family, we are all 100%, we look like little apes, you know, and then my cousin is half Scott Irish and he's like, he's taller than us. His cheekbones are more chiseled than us. It's like, he's like the perfect, because his jeans were cut. The rest of us look like, we're like, yeah, gorillas.
Starting point is 00:25:12 It's like the end of a, the end of a paca-lipto made, made jazel. You know what I mean? You know those little paca-lipto people that knew how to fight and they were scrappy. And then you know those spaniards come over with nice helmets. They're a little taller with blonde hair and blue eyes.
Starting point is 00:25:26 And they plucked a couple of them. And then whoop, there's J-Lo. Oh yeah, yeah. I think Kurt's joke was, Kurt was like, yeah, maybe that's why you maybe get some other races involved. So you don't look like Boyle Ham. Oh. Oh.
Starting point is 00:25:42 Oh. Oh. Oh. Kurt was so good. I'm not sure. You're so good. Everybody. Everybody in your family looks like boiled ham. Mix it up a little. Cut the racism.
Starting point is 00:25:56 Mix it up. God, that's such a good fucking joke. What a great premise. Mix it up. That's awesome. You're going with Katie to Rome. Yeah now when you do the troop thing who you going with? Kyle Acasio, do you know her? No, she's funny. She's good people Carmen Lynch. I know you know her love Carmen Carmen's great and Louis cats who I love I love Louis too. Yeah, man. He's a best. Yeah, that's great, man I mean that's question. Are you doing like one base a day or
Starting point is 00:26:21 Great, man. Well, I mean, that's question. Are you doing like one base a day or? We move pretty fast. I think they were late giving us, I was looking at the plane tickets right before I logged on. But it's like, we move pretty fast. It's like two days in one spot and then you fly. Then two days and then you fly.
Starting point is 00:26:38 And then two days and then you fly. And then we're done. And then it's like we're doing five days just in Rome. But we're going to obviously hustle and get around. I'll tell you what really helps since it speaks to Joe, it speaks to you. And I didn't realize it because I was stupid because I didn't have an, I wasn't an alcoholic but I stopped drinking and really it really opened up a lot in terms of like efficiency during the day, feeling good, getting stuff done. It's like, I didn't think about, you know, you don't realize that when you're drinking.
Starting point is 00:27:09 And like I said, I wasn't like, Dan or Joe, like those guys were like, really alcohol, like they would drink, drink, drink, drink. I just would binge drink, but I can tell you what, man, the difference is on, I can't even believe it. I couldn't, I mean, I'm at so for 36 years, but I could not, but I wouldn't be, I can't even believe it. I couldn't, I mean, I'm a soul for 36 years, but I could not, but I wouldn't be able, I can't imagine having to get up and do radio after drinking all that long and doing drugs
Starting point is 00:27:35 and smoking weed and cigarettes and then just getting up at six to go to radio. I mean, I applaud those fucking. I mean, that's a young man's game, man. I remember I used to, in college, I went home from college and I would go out and get drunk until like three in the morning, crash, and then wake up and go work construction at six. Fuck, man.
Starting point is 00:27:57 Yeah, that was nasty, man. It's just nasty. Like you smell like booze. The other guys you're working with go, you smell like booze. Oh. You just wettin' it out. It was in Florida too. It was just like, you're sweatin' booze, the other guys you're working with go and you smell like booze. And you're just wetting it out. It was in Florida too. It was just like you're sweating booze out.
Starting point is 00:28:09 You know, I look back and I know I was young when I drank alcohol tasted like shit. Yeah. Yeah. Like if you've ever had like an orange soda or a fucking white and black shake. Right back. And then a beer, you're like, the fucking what? Yeah. You know, the only benefit is that if fucking
Starting point is 00:28:36 makes you dizzy and fucked up. Yeah. Yeah, I don't know what that, I remember the feeling like a can of courage, you know, I used to get fucked. I would the feeling like a can of courage, you know, I used to get fucked. I would always be afraid of shit. And then I would drink and my fears would go away and I get cocky. I want to have a stick across my head or in a fucking upside down the bush. Yeah, you immediately lose your inhibitions and it's nuts. But I mean, you did it for far too long.
Starting point is 00:29:05 You caught it early at least. But I mean, like I said, like, it wasn't, it wasn't to the point where it's like, oh, you have a problem, you need to stop. It's just like, hey, man, is this serving you in any way? And that's me to myself. Like during the pandemic, I'm getting hammered on the porch. I'm just getting drunk on the porch.
Starting point is 00:29:18 Like, my girl's inside cooking. I'm like, what am I doing? Like, what exactly am I doing? I'm getting hammered for no reason. I, with no company, I'm not, what am I doing? Like, what exactly am I doing? I'm getting hammered for no reason. I, with no company, I'm not talking to anybody. I'm just blocking people walk by listening to music, getting hammered. Like, what am I getting?
Starting point is 00:29:34 What am I accomplishing here? Phenannas. You didn't go in and hit Katie, did you? Yeah. I'm Neil. I was more passive aggressive. It's like, this is what dinner is. Look, huh?
Starting point is 00:29:51 Huh? This is something. This is something. This is nothing. This is something. This is nothing. Do you learn a few things? She was already pretty.
Starting point is 00:30:00 She was a good cook, you know? But she went on TikTok. And she does recipe. She's so smart. Like she's really, I really have respect for intelligence, man. People who are intelligent can really break things down and they can just like take any problem
Starting point is 00:30:13 and kind of just work through it. Like I need experience and I need to fail a bunch of times and I need to really hurt in order to like figure it out and get back. It's like there's all this emotion involved and like failing and like, pop and going back and trying it again. It's like there's all this emotion involved and failing and like, pop and going back and trying it again. It's like smart people are like,
Starting point is 00:30:28 no, okay, this, they just do, they just problem solve it and figure it out. She learns to cook from TikTok recipes and she just makes, she's like, yeah, I tried this from TikTok. I'll eat it all like, this is better than anything I've ever had in my life. It's insane.
Starting point is 00:30:42 Like, how good is this? She's like, yeah, picked it up on TikTok. Yeah. She's basically a gourmet cook from TikTok. What have you have, have you ever tried to do that? I can't. Look, I have a thing, I'm not going to disguise it because I'm doing it in my eye now. But it's, it's a thing where it's like she has, she has better days, smart people have better days because they just go through and solve problems and there's a certain confidence that builds. I have, but at night, the smart people, their big brain turns on
Starting point is 00:31:15 them and goes, you're not enough, why aren't you enough? Why aren't you enough? And then they're up all night. Me, I have the opposite, I have me ha frustrado días, pero a día de noche, me voy a ver el malo de la ciencia y estar bien. No me parece. Con Volotea, la región de Murcia nunca ha estado tan cerca. Espectacularismos, monumentos, rincones de película y un sincín de aventuras desesperan. ¡Fui para! Vuelas desde Madrid, Murcia y a otros destinos que te sorprenderán a partir de 19 euros. Volotea
Starting point is 00:31:48 Tarifa sujeta a disponibilidad, consulta las condiciones en ¿Aye usted que no es Marta es Katie? I'm not a smartest her, no way, no fucking way. And that's not me downing myself. I'm smart in my own way and stuff, but it's like I'm not like her. Like she can, she looks at a problem and figures it out. Right. Yeah, without all the, ah, fucking call somebody and I got to call somebody. And like I think, I don't think you're understood
Starting point is 00:32:22 because you're like that. Like you, like you figure all this stuff out, build your own shed and put things to get. It's like you're never kind of stumped by anything where you're just beating your head against the fucking thing. It's like you just figure it out. Like you're smart. You figure it out. She figures it out. Like I have to go through all of this because I think it's, I don't know if you had a stepfather that was good or you just have a bigger brain or something, but like my father would just fucking melt down.
Starting point is 00:32:50 He would just melt down and it wouldn't get solved. We'd have to call somebody. What do you mean? Like, you mean the TV? The TV was broken. We put a smaller TV on top of the broken TV until we could fix the broken TV. And then my father would tell my brother,
Starting point is 00:33:05 like, get me a hammer. And even at that age, my brother was like, it's a TV, like a hammer is not gonna, this is gonna end badly. And then my father would tap it around and then start to lose it. And then he would do the personification thing where you give the broken TV emotions,
Starting point is 00:33:22 like it's against you, like it's alive. And then he would fucking beat the TV. What are you talking about? He would get mad at the TV. He would get mad at the broke whatever broken object. He would get mad and would give it human characteristics. And he would person knows that that TV is not against you. But he just loo you just unravel. Right. And I'm not sure. I mean God rest his soul. He had a lot of good qualities, but that was that's what I saw growing up.
Starting point is 00:33:54 Right. That's fucking funny, dude. I wish I I want to meet your dad. I'm meltdown too. I'm trying not to melt down because I'm 51 now. Yeah, but how do you do all the shit that you do? Like how do you think you have all this stuff like it's like pretty Not that easy to figure out Everything like my wife said to me one day we went to a bookshelf like a cabinet Store like a furniture store. She wanted this certain bookshelf from Max's room and
Starting point is 00:34:24 there were $800, $900 for these fucking real wood bookshelves. So I looked at it, I looked at the back in the front and I turned it around, I go, I'll build it. And she's like, what? And I was just like, I'll build this. And you can build it. I know exactly what this is.
Starting point is 00:34:42 I went on YouTube, I typed in building a bookshelf. There was some fat dude with an iPhone, and there was these certain things that you use. Like it's a thing you clamp on to the board and it sinks in a hole so you can get the screw in and it goes away. And I didn't even know the fucking name of it, but I just went and bought one.
Starting point is 00:35:03 And then in two days I built this amazing bookshelf, six foot tall. Like she said, the same thing for Max, it goes, I want him to have a science lamp. I want a fold up table, I want shelves inside, I want the top, the sides to be magnet, so we can put magnet stuff on it. So I just went and I learned how to build a box with wood.
Starting point is 00:35:26 And then I put a folding shelf on it and I carved his name in it, max, so that we're open. That's insanity. That's insanity, what you're describing. But first step, I would have been stumped where it's like, I gotta go get this clamp. It's like, I don't know if it's the right clamp.
Starting point is 00:35:42 I don't know what we're doing. Like, what's the, and then I would get the wrong clamp and then it would be like that's, and then it would be a week. And then somebody would go, well, that's the wrong clamp. I was like, well, now I'm back, set back a week, and I'm still have no momentum going into this project. Plus like, get the other things that are happening.
Starting point is 00:36:00 That I need to, there you go. This, this, it's like, yeah, it's problem solving. See everybody shits on math. Everybody goes, why am I doing this? What's the point of math? Like what's the point of math? And it's like, yeah, it's not the actual math that matters. It's the how to go from one step to another step
Starting point is 00:36:19 and get the correct answer. That's what the point of math is. Right, but you could do that. It's this dumber people on YouTube teaching you how to do the thing you want to do. Like, when I wanted to learn about like the woods, I followed these two a fat Jewish guy and a thin Jewish guy with eczema all of his hands. And I just watched their dumb videos. And there were two fucking just shit people in the woods. And I just was like, okay, and I listened to what they said.
Starting point is 00:36:53 And then I went to another one and then another one. And then I went out in the woods. If like, I'm like, if these ex-m-a-fucking little bitters can go out in the fucking woods, I can. I like how this took an anti-Semitic term. But I can't use going to the woods and I'm like, hey, if these, if these are issue fears can go in the woods.
Starting point is 00:37:17 These guys, I think at X amount they're allergic to everything. I could do it. We had to be we had to set up tent by fucking sundown. We couldn't use flashlights. Now, dude, I'm just saying that did take a Boston undercover anti-Semitic turnipologist. You're a politician. That's right. I think we should do now. It's like right when you say the thing apologize for it. Don't wait for it to people to get outraged. Just do it and then, and then when they play the clip, you go, but I apologize right after. And here's my clip.
Starting point is 00:37:53 Yes, of the apology. Yes, I apologize. That did take an anti-Semitic turn. But in a funny way, but I do apologize. No, that's sort of a book of a joke. There's two Jews in a woods. Okay, I'm listening. One of them has an exima, one of them's fat.
Starting point is 00:38:13 Is Ari up there? No, Ari's not up here. It's the 40th anniversary, but it's scaled back a little, dude. Like you didn't even get a welcome bag. Wow. Like, you didn't even get like a notebook or just for laughs hat or whatever. They were like, we don't look at, we've been gone for two years, we don't get the cash for that. Oh, I thought they were, did COVID, like, we're afraid for you to touch anything. Now, they're not that bad with it. Yeah. Yeah, the hotel's, it's a double trees now.
Starting point is 00:38:47 Where was it? Where was it that big lounge and we always to get at bar? We've circle bar, that's gone. Wow. At the restaurant now. It's like a breakfast place. Wow.
Starting point is 00:38:56 Where does everybody hang out? Well, no one's been up here. Everybody's coming up today. So I don't know. I think they might try to take that restaurant and make it a little hangout place. But I don't know. It's kind of not as crazy with people as it usually is. What's the first year back, right? First year back in two years. 40th anniversary. And I think that this this year it's a little scale back but yeah and it's a whole different hotel. This hotel is nuts. The elevators are far, they got one elevator going upstairs,
Starting point is 00:39:33 okay? One of the elevators work and then you get a wait for the other elevators. So it gets nuts. Like there's one elevator that's supposed to bring you have to go up a floor and then go to another elevator. Yeah, I'm going to go up to the next floor. You really got to want to leave your room. Right. You got to want it. Yeah. I've been walking every day.
Starting point is 00:39:58 I've been walking around this. This city is awesome though. I love it. It is great. It's a great time. Who are some like it's Chappelle there? It's like who are the like main, is there? I'm going to wrestle peduses up here.
Starting point is 00:40:12 Burr is doing the, it's so funny. I remember being up with, here with Burr, I don't know, five, six years ago. Maybe a little longer, maybe seven years ago. And him, me and him sitting out in front and they have those big, like, signs with all the shows and the people on it. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:40:31 And they're beautiful, perfect little headshots. And, uh, and Burr wasn't on the fucking post, like he had his own show. Yeah. And he wasn't even on the fucking. He was like, didn't put my fucking face up here. Didn't put him in the fucking, and he was, I remember, and I was pissed too, because I wasn't even on the fucking. He was like, didn't put my fucking face up here. Didn't put cool, and I remember, and I was pissed too, because I wasn't on it.
Starting point is 00:40:49 And we were doing the cheat show up here. We were doing the cheat thing at the, they have the Transsexual Strip Club, Cleopatra, and we would do our show, we'd do stand-up, and we'd show the movie. Or we'd show the movie, and then do stand-up, and then do a Q&A. It was a cool little show we did.
Starting point is 00:41:15 And then he had his own hour up here. Right. And they didn't have his face on the fuck opposed. That's great. Maui's playing the Bell Center. That's fantastic. Is that fucking crazy? That's a great story man. That's I love those I love that I love the kind of stories because I mean Somebody's in at the door hang on one sec, okay
Starting point is 00:41:38 Like just take over. I'll be right back. Okay, so Mike how are you? Mikey I'll be right back. Okay. So Mike, how are you? Mikey? Mike? Nicole? Hey. Hey. What's up? How are you doing?
Starting point is 00:41:56 What happened to Mike? Did he leave? I don't know. I'm getting concerned. Are you guys in New York? Yes, I am. He might be in Texas. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:42:07 Do you do comedy, Nicole? I do not. I just push the buttons, but having a lot of fun doing that. All right. So you are you in the village? Well, that's where I work, but I'm doing this from home. And I've moved to Jersey City. So. How has that got a funerless in Jersey City? It likes it.
Starting point is 00:42:27 Yeah, it's pretty great. Definitely less expensive. Yeah. A little less spooky from time to time. You got that path that runs on the hour, right? Yeah, yeah, which big fan of that cleaner than the subway, less scary. Where were you living?
Starting point is 00:42:43 I was in Brooklyn. I was in Bushwick and Bedstuy kind of in that area for a few years, but then I came over here. Was it rough? Uh, yeah. I mean, it's even like, weirdly enough, I had less weird experiences than I have outside of even just the seller.
Starting point is 00:43:02 Like I got punched outside the seller the other day. Yeah, you did. Yeah. No, I'm sorry. Like how, how, what happened? That seems like a great, that seems like there's a story there. Not, I mean, I wish there was. I was just walking in some guy carrying a razor scooter
Starting point is 00:43:19 just drilled me in the arm fully unloaded on me. Wow. Yeah, it was crazy. So did he run away or did he stand there and wait for you to fire back? I don't know, because I just kept walking in silence. I didn't know what to do. Which people have told me that was probably
Starting point is 00:43:38 the right thing to do to just not address it and keep going. Otherwise maybe he would have flipped out. But yeah, I just kept walking. And I was like, I'm just not going to turn around. I'm going to keep walking towards this crowd of people. And hopefully he walked by you and punched you in the arm. Yes. Like we were passing each other. Yes. But he just looked like a normal dude. Like he had kind of shoulder length, beachy waves, hair, and sunglasses. Yeah. Like looked like he was probably from Williamsburg.
Starting point is 00:44:06 And then he just punched me. Yeah. You got punched? Yeah. Literally after our show, I left and I got punched. Like I walked outside and got punched. Outside of bends. What did a guy do?
Starting point is 00:44:18 I'm sorry. I just heard this. I'd nothing. I just got punched. Like there's no backcountry in my arm, like shoulder. Did he know you was like, what's up, Nicky? No, he didn't know me. He literally gave me a dead arm in Punch Me.
Starting point is 00:44:36 And you just kept walking? Yeah, I didn't know what to do. I mean, I didn't want to be like, what the fuck? And then him just start unloading on me. But this was in broad daylight also, it was in the middle of the day. Was he a homeless person or a skateboard kid? He didn't look like it. He was carrying a razor scooter.
Starting point is 00:44:53 And he just looked like a normal dude. And then he dropped the scooter and I started to get like a weird energy. And then when I walked past him, he just punched me as hard as he could. They were pretty close. Yeah, nobody said anything. It was very odd, but we were standing pretty close
Starting point is 00:45:10 to each other like a foot away. So I think if I were any farther away from him, it probably would have done some damage. But it was a little kind of like rock-em-sock-em, teeny punch, because we were so close. What do you do? I mean, New York is fucking nuts, man. That's not, especially that area is like,
Starting point is 00:45:29 it's got that, it's got that frantic energy too. That really, like the village is, it has that unstable, like you never know what's gonna happen energy. Yeah, dude, and the homeless, a fucking, you heard what happened to Mike Fanny, the guy opened his car and leaned in did it was like I'm not a threat Like lean that is threatening, but that is true. I hate to point it out to the fans, but that's threatening
Starting point is 00:45:55 I mean, I wish you there On my podcast. I like to talk to the fans like they're just no their low Functioning I go in that and that actually is like, let me make it clear for you guys. That is threatening. Fat JC, I'm sorry for punching you. He had a lot of scooter stress that day. But Nicole, you're an athlete, right? You could have like squared off on them and like, you know, leaned into it. I don't know about that. I played women's lacrosse. So I don't know.
Starting point is 00:46:27 Don't say women's like it's less than men's lacrosse. That's lacrosse. There's no contact in women's. Yeah. And they don't have to wear a helmet, dude. That's how much there's no contact. They just wear goggles in a chest plate. So they're like, well, I'm trying to build you up, Nicole. You train your trained athlete.
Starting point is 00:46:49 I used to be. Yeah. She's no good without the stick. And I got punched by a grown man. Like, I don't know. I appreciate you trying to build me up here. But I'm four foot 11. How old is he, Nicole?
Starting point is 00:47:03 If I had to guess, probably like early 30s. No, I want you to go back and investigate and find out for real. Well, Bobby, I mean, this is where I start because I have an investigatory podcast. I hate, I know it's not plugs, but I have an investigations podcast and I want to look into this.
Starting point is 00:47:20 I think it's probably somebody you dated, Nicole, and that there's some animosity there. And it's like, you saw your lover on the street kind of a thing, and you refuse to acknowledge you. Maybe you've blocked the whole thing out of your mind, but it's still fresh in his mind. You kicking him out. So not that there's any use to hit a woman. Let me make that clear for the bloggers. That's true. If you are going to hit a woman in the shoulder It's probably the best place to hit them right Mike. Yeah walking by with no relationship like maybe he was mad at his girlfriend You resemble her and it's like well, you know if I if I hit my girlfriend people are gonna put that together
Starting point is 00:47:57 I'm gonna end up in jail. So let me just Hit somebody else's girlfriend. Yes. Yeah I mean, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just,
Starting point is 00:48:18 I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I mean, what are you really didn't like I told him about it and then he didn't ask about it until the next day when he was walking out the door. He was like, wait, so you got punched yesterday. What happened? Like it was nothing. Oh my god, I mean, you love because he was trying to show you karate something that you could use to defend yourself, Nicole. Hey Nancy Carrigan, Nikki. He Nancy Carrigan, Nikki. She really got a whack at Wack right now. Did you say, oh, no, I literally said nothing. I didn't even turn to him, which is part because I'm very passive, but also because I was like, if I even
Starting point is 00:49:00 look at this person, he's gonna just deck me, I think. I thought you were really nervous because you could take a punch. Yeah. I thought that's what you were gonna do. I didn't wanna just ask what they were going with it. Hey, Mike. Mike. Yeah. This is something, this is nothing.
Starting point is 00:49:20 This is something, this is nothing. It's my favorite thing. What is your new podcast about, by the way? It's investigations. It's a fake investigations podcast. We just do, we investigate certain things in the news, but we make sure that I get the calm. I get people on. I'd love to have you on. I know you're busy. So I try not to pressure my more successful friends, I try not to guilt them into coming on.
Starting point is 00:49:48 But we just go through topics and investigate them, deeply investigate them. Real, like real, I know it's fake, but is it real investigations? It's whatever topics are, what's going on in there. Like we're covering stuff that no one is covering on podcast, baby formula shortage. People have kind of let that go in the news, and that's a point for me. It's like, we go after it.
Starting point is 00:50:12 It's like, why can't women breastfeed? Well, women are astronauts now. They can't get out of the suit to breastfeed, and they get back into the suit and be in space. They can't do two things. We need the baby formula. What's the hold up with the baby formula? Like, we're constantly asking questions. We need the baby formula. What's the hold up with the baby formula? Like we're constantly asking questions. We're going after it.
Starting point is 00:50:27 Well, can I send something your way for maybe your show? You maybe you can start up a little bit now. Choco tacos are getting discontinued. Why? Chocolate tacos? Choco tacos. Oh, that's a brand. Nicole, can you bring up a choco taco?
Starting point is 00:50:47 I'm surprised. Neither of you know what it is. It's like a staple of the ice cream truck, but I'll bring up a picture for you. I know what it is now. It's an ice cream taco. Oh wow. It's a Chaco Taco and they're not making them anymore. There's something up with that.
Starting point is 00:51:05 Who doesn't make a successful treat? Look at it. Well, it's cultural appropriations. You're taking something Mexican and you're profiting off of it. It's appropriations. And a diabetes is pretty Mexican too. Well, Mike's back.
Starting point is 00:51:23 And that's from a suarez. From this Mike is from the suarez cartel. Yes, yes, that's his uncle. His uncle. Hey, that's crazy. I didn't know that even existed. I want to it's they're out of a, I will investigate that. First of all, we have to explain to, I have to explain to my fans what Chaco Taco, they probably know because they overeat. But I like to explain it and then look into it.
Starting point is 00:51:47 But do you know outside of the seller on Westforth right next to the basketball courts, there's a food truck that makes pasta. I'm dying to try it. You gonna try pasta out of a food truck? Yes. Is it fresh pasta? I have no idea.
Starting point is 00:52:01 It's just that they're selling it for like the price that's like 1495 or something. But it's like just you get off a sweaty subway That's not my first inclination. It's like I could go for some rigatoni right now But I do want to try it just I want to give it a shot You know, I did that one night. I'm such a fat bastard one night I left a seller every food truck. I Saw all the way up to 37th Street. I stopped and got something off of that's a show man I'm sorry. I'm sorry to pigeon hold you into like a network thing, but that's a show Bobby eats just you leaving the seller hungry and just hitting every spot that you can and you're taking a little nibble of everything and
Starting point is 00:52:44 Then you're like giving you the thumbs up or like, no, this is terrible. It's like, you know, you're in the, uh, well, the problem with me. Good Montreal. That's something we can't work with. Bobby, I'd like a producer credit, but it's like something that we could network. One bite Bobby. Yes. Oh, there you go. One bite Bobby. That's a great name. One bite Bobby. I take one bite and I say yes or
Starting point is 00:53:12 nay. Right. And then if we want to make it into a movie, you run into Nicole. She or three other guys. And then we go after him. Right. If you want to be like a Charles Bronson type thing. And we beat him with his metal scooter. Not not because he hit Nicole because he's over 13 and he has a metal scooter. Let me tell you, let me ask you questions. And I need your opinion because I don't want to be mad about this. Uh-oh. And then we have questions for you. I have questions for you. I want to do plugs for you. Where are you at, by the way?
Starting point is 00:53:56 Let's do, I like doing plugs in the middle. Like the so people get, at least sneak them in. Where are you at? You get stuck with us. Yeah. I'm in New York right now in my apartment. Nope. Where?
Starting point is 00:54:11 I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. My actor's breathing before you. Where are you going to be? Do you get any plugs? What's your plugs? Your podcast?
Starting point is 00:54:21 What's your podcast? Where is it? Mike Vecchio investigates. MBI, Mike Vecchio investigates. MBI Mike Vecchio investigates. I think MBI will not bring you to it, but Mike Vecchio investigates. We're trying to figure out a different way to market it as my name is hard to spell, but they can, I'm sure it's going to be in the links. I'm sure Nicole will do that. If she knows what's good for right. She won't get it again. Becky on investigates is my podcast and
Starting point is 00:54:46 if you I really need listeners I'd work hard on it and I try to bring guests on the more the up and coming guys people at the seller, you know, because they're just trying to do podcasts and trying to get up and they're not as busy as like our friends who are out like on the road. That's how you get viewers, because you have the new guys on that don't have many viewers. Right. And that's how you get more viewers. Well, we need to give them a platform. Yes.
Starting point is 00:55:16 So, Mike Vekio, investigate, for dates, and I'm an Austin doing a corporate for the Texas Truckersxas truckers association which i can't wait for on the twenty seventh so flying in a little bit early i'm gonna uh... do the texas truckers association fly home and then fly overseas and you do in the troops the truth yeah i mean those are the best shows you'll ever do. I mean, and when I look back on,
Starting point is 00:55:46 hey, what was the bet? It was doing shows for the troops. Right. Nothing like it. When they come up to you after the show. Yeah. And say, thank you. It's the most genuine. Thank you. I've ever gotten in my life. They're just so happy to see American comedy. Right. And laugh. Yeah, they really needed and it's uh, let me clarify for the fans. It's our troops. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. You're doing Turkish troops. You want to do people getting that confused. They're like, um, wait a second.
Starting point is 00:56:21 No, it's our troops. So yeah, that'll be fun. I have an hour that I taped in Nashville where the tale of end of editing directed by Nate Bargazzi and 800 pound gorilla. So it should be out soon. So look for it. We don't have a platform. We're gonna try to sell it.
Starting point is 00:56:36 It's clean. It's, but it's still a good, you know, it's, it's, you're one of the best, man. I was talking to somebody of your technician You're a fucking technician. You're hard work and you remind me of Nate Just Italian instead of a fucking gray-haired redneck. Yeah, very funny And the fact that you got a clean album. It's gonna be everywhere. That's a good You good idea, man. That's great. Needed something, something different. You get to a point where you're like,
Starting point is 00:57:06 okay, I'm just, I'm running out, I need to do something a little bit different. So hopefully it opens up new audience, it'll be a niche, hopefully we can sell it to Netflix if we can't, then it'll be on YouTube. But look for it if you're a fan, a comedy fan, I know your people are hardcore comedy fans. So please look for it, it'll be out hopefully pretty soon,
Starting point is 00:57:27 or at the tail end of editing. So. Yeah, one of the best ones. Don't ever say tail end of anything ever again. Um, just say we're almost done. Yeah. It's done. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:39 The tail end. You know, you know, finishing a new car. you know, doing a custom job on a Chevy, they were at the tail end of this fucking Chevy. So I'm at the gym today, right? Yeah. You go on to the gym a lot. Nice. And I go to the gym and I'm working out, I'm doing my thing and there's a couple of comedians that younger people, I don't know who the fuck they are, but they're younger, right? Right. Right. comedians, they're younger people. I don't know who the fuck they are, but they're younger, right?
Starting point is 00:58:05 Right. And they're on the treadmill. I'm doing weights because you know, I'm a man. And that's what men do. Runners for women. Women and old men. So anyways, I look over this kids on the thing running sweat and I was,
Starting point is 00:58:24 and he just gets off and leaves. Now, wipe down? And I'm like, hey, I lit it the last time, hey, but I didn't catch him. You know? Yeah. So I go over, I grab, I go up to get the stuff and I wipe it down. I get a bunch of baby wipes and I wipe it down.
Starting point is 00:58:41 It's like, so I look over to this other kid. This other shed rule gets off the thing and just walks out. And I was like, hey, and he leaves too, I don't catch him. I'm like, who the fuck raised you? That's parenting. In my eyes, that's fucking your shit parents. Never made you clean up a fucking thing in your life.
Starting point is 00:59:05 Right. You just walk away from shit and expect some minion, some gunga din, some fucking, someone beneath you to clean up you a fucking sweat. And these are the same people that would yell at you during COVID. If you didn't have a mask on, your nose was sticking out. Right. Or you didn't get your fucking stupid booster ooster, right? These are the same people that scream at you during. Now they're the sweat.
Starting point is 00:59:28 Now that you get the okay, you sweat and dribble. Clean your fucking, I'm telling you. Y'all just came in after. I go, if I find these people, I'm going to have to tell them. I'm going to have to vigilante these guys and just go, dude, wipe your sweat up. It's not- You're going to have to- You're going to have to have- Yes, they're younger comics, up. You got a, you got a, you got a, you got a,
Starting point is 00:59:47 you got a, you got a, you got a, you got a, go over to them and go, can I get five minutes? Can I get? What do you think I should not say anything? No, no, no, no, you definitely should say something. Just, I have a curiosity.
Starting point is 01:00:01 I mean, I'm sure they're going to play Kate. They're going to, they're going to be like, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, they're going gonna, you know, because they know you like whatever. They know you so they're gonna be like, probably, you know, very conciliatory about it. But what do you think of the other way where it's like, after you touch anything, you wipe off everything? Yeah, I think you're a psycho too.
Starting point is 01:00:21 Yeah, you're a psycho both ways. A hundred percent, but you sweat on a treadmill for a little bit, you go get the spray bottle, you wipe it down. Right. Nobody needs to touch your, whatever the fuck, whatever you ate and drank and then just came out of your pores,
Starting point is 01:00:38 you're gonna fuck, I don't want that, whatever that is. I don't need, and I'm not a germaphobe, I don't give a shit. Right. I dropped a tomato, I'm gonna tell, and I'm not a germaphobe. I don't give a shit. Right. I dropped the tomato plug and the taro I'm picked it I ate it. Five second rule. Yeah. The five second rule. I'm talking right in the chair spot where most guys masturbate in this position. I mean, there's a there's a lot of gizz on this floor.
Starting point is 01:01:02 Yeah, there's a lot of gizz on the floor, but it just shows that you're not afraid of monkey pox. Maybe that's the most. No, monkey pox. Yeah, come afraid of monkey pox, dude. Yeah, you can't go anywhere with monkey pox, dude. Like COVID, you can sneak out, but like, no, it's just a cold. Monkey pox, you got monkey pox now. Just your fucking bubbled hand.
Starting point is 01:01:24 Yeah, as you're holding the mic, Monkey's part you got monkey pucks now just your fucking bubble hand. Yeah As you as you're holding the mic as you grab the mic all the bubbles pop and splash I got questions for you from the fans right? We're gonna wrap this up Fucking man, it's good to talk. Yeah, I'm in a while. YouTube buddy, and I'm glad I got to congratulate you. It's really a great job, man. Really, the whole project was unbelievable. I thought Tony V was great.
Starting point is 01:01:54 I thought Nick was great. You were unbelievable, and the way it came together was really nice. And the thing is, I know it's been said before, but in the Q&A it was very funny also, because you guys are all hilarious, but you don't see stuff like that in movies anymore. Like, I don't know what the been said before, but in the Q&A it was very funny also because you guys are all whole areas. But you don't see stuff like that in movies anymore. I don't know what the critics are saying, but it's like I was talking to Sarah and Joe because I was in Chicago and they were promoting it in Chicago. And it's like, what's the criticism of the movie? It's
Starting point is 01:02:17 very touching. It's like very heartfelt. It's funny. It's like the only criticism is there weren't enough Marvel superhero characters in it I would have like Iron Man making appearance at the family barbecue Somebody I mean somebody could have flew in right Or swung in or something There wasn't enough Wonder Woman there. No, there was not you're right I got questions for you before we wrap this up. You ready for these? Sure. Okay, we got a couple more right. This is from, do we have names too mush?
Starting point is 01:02:54 We do. Mush is going. Oh, Nick, there you are. Nick, why am I calling mush? Well, does mush go take naps? No, I'm here, but she's the one in charge today. So that's why I was She's the one in charge all the time That hurt didn't it mush I didn't mean that listen this something and then there's nothing All right, do you want to when do we read the names first? Yeah, and then do this, because the questions, I don't wanna step on the questions after,
Starting point is 01:03:29 and then have to go to some anti-climactic names. Here on the podcast, I like to thank all my Patreon members. My Patreon members not only came on board at the beginning of the pandemic, before the pandemic, when I did live from the shed, when I did a tech the shed when I did Tech Talk with Bobby and friends and now of course with the Coffin Kelly and then of the extra YKWD you guys have always supported me. I want to thank you for being a supporter and a new supporter
Starting point is 01:03:58 by mentioning your name right here on the thing and maybe Mike can help me with these names. here on the thing, it maybe Mike can help me with these nicks. Oh, we only got three, that's good. It's, you know, it's dwindling down. There's one name. Her name is Kathy Borsetti, mom. Okay, ready? Aaron Emory. How do I know that guy?
Starting point is 01:04:19 I feel like I know Aaron Emory. Hey, you read one, Mike. Tom Roten. And Ratmuffin. Ratmuffin! Dude, it makes me so happy when they fucking come up with great names. We have the business reads too.
Starting point is 01:04:36 Oh, do I have to? All right, bring those up. Let me do those. Where are they? I email them to you. You're an asshole. You think I'm gonna open an email? Don't you know that I don't do meany things? That's right. Where is it? Businesses. I got it right here. Hey, what? You've heard that guy.
Starting point is 01:04:56 What? I hate you. I hate you much. I hate you. I hate you, mush. It's the guy time you're not podcasting. No, I know. You've heard the guy time's presence is the only podcast network in the world that have injected bono medicine into the penis of paralyzed man for content. But now you probably want to know what other shows are on the network. Network of work checking out. Check this out. Our family Jules, it's an awesome trivia-based drinking game podcast that you can play along right from home.
Starting point is 01:05:36 And it's right there on the Guide Times feed alongside over a dozen other messed up series for you to enjoy. Wherever you get your podcasts, you need to check it out. You need to check it out. Guide time presents. Check out that family juice. That actually sounds fun. I like this network.
Starting point is 01:05:56 They're promoting, they're smart enough to promote on my show on another network. You can't, you can't fuck with these guys. They get me to promote them. And you know what? But I'm happy to promote people who are creating content and doing different shit and doing ballsy fucking stuff and, you know, not talking about silly bullshit. So, good for you guys.
Starting point is 01:06:21 Go check them out. Malik Jemps has an ever growing variety of beautiful tungsten Cambridge rings to fit any style of version of your life. You wanna look gaudy like Rich Voss, like a little Jewish pimp from Jersey. They got your covered. You wanna look sleek, cool.
Starting point is 01:06:40 Well, like Mike Vecchio, like an Italian stoyam, they got that too. You want to shine bright and be noticed, huh? Like Bob Kelly, like Big Bob Kelly, they got you covered. So go to, use promo code YKWD for 15% off your order. You want to attract women like Jim Norton, they got you covered.
Starting point is 01:07:09, that's M-A-L-I-C-G-E-M-S. There you go. All right, listen, you ready for these questions? Yes. All right, now I'm gonna let you go. Thank you for being on for so long, you know, to appreciate it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:29 All right, this is from a Lou. You know, Lou, she's a big fan. Yes, I know Lou, she's awesome. Every time I go to, I've been a Baltimore in a while, but she's just come out in Baltimore. She's Mugubis. She's great. She's one of the best. Mike, did you ever wear an Italian horn necklace?
Starting point is 01:07:46 Yes, but I'll tell you what, that's a great question, Lou. And I did wear it. I don't wear any jewelry because I used to wrestle. I cousins growing up when I was in Ohio. And I would wear a necklace. First of all, I forget to put it on half the time. And then when I did put it on, I'd always get this some kind of a wrestling something match.
Starting point is 01:08:04 And it would just get ripped off and broken. And then when I did put it on, I'd always get this some kind of a wrestling something match and it would just get ripped off and broken and then I would never get it fixed. Dude, it's so true. Max, I got him a gold rope chain. It broke twice. Now it's just in a box. Yeah. It's just 300 bucks. Yeah, no jewelry. No jewelry. It always got torn off, ripped off, somewhat or lost. So I never did it. It was never a jewelry guy, you know. But it was supposed to ward off the evil spirits. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:35 The horn. The horn. Did you, did you believe that? I believe that, yeah. Okay, ready. Here we go. This is to me. Oh, I never get a question.
Starting point is 01:08:46 Fahid Alaqwa Teenatana. Wow. Alaqwa Antana. To Bobby, Bill Burr once mentioned a cigar you gave him that he thinks is the best cigar he had. Do you know the brand? Do you know the brand? Fuck! I don't know if that's a true story.
Starting point is 01:09:14 Was it... Koyo is the best cigar I think he's ever had. But then there's another one called a... I believe a platinum From this company that is another holy shits a guy so I don't know the answer to that question mr. Fahad ala Kwan Tatiana I Here you go from Nathan Cohen you ready and 200 To 500 words describe Dan Sayet Soda-Naked.
Starting point is 01:09:49 I actually, this is going to be hard for people to believe, but I've actually never seen Dan Soda-Naked. We did live in a confined space, but we respected each other's bathroom privileges. So when he went into the bathroom, he would come out with a towel, go to his room. I would come out with a towel, go to my room. We never saw each other naked. I know that's hard to believe, but we didn't. Even with girls, like when we were dating, we'd bring girls in and like there was never any co-mingling or intermixing, but he's got a great build. I'll
Starting point is 01:10:21 tell you that much. He's got a couple of tattoos, which I love. What are the tattoos? I didn't know he had tattoos. Yeah, he had tattoos. He has a nice, someone who shows. He fell from a Scooby Doo on one arm. He's got some kind of Colorado something. And I just saw him last night.
Starting point is 01:10:37 And every time I see him now, I just want to grab him. I miss that guy, man. I freaking loved living with him. I mean, I mean, I lived with them for 10 years. And it was one of those things where it was like, I was, you know, when we moved out, people, I was telling people the seller and they're like, did you cry?
Starting point is 01:10:55 I was like, yeah, I cried and we both cried in each other's arms when we moved out. I say it serious and they go, oh, well, that, you know, well, you guys, you live together for a long time. They started by saying, did she cry? I was like, yeah, actually we cried in each other's arms
Starting point is 01:11:11 and they go, oh, well, you know, you guys, friends, you know. That's a thank you, John. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I asked, kind of a thing. That's a new generation. If that was my generation, you would have kicked out of the cell. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 01:11:30 Look at his cry baby. I see it at the table. Look at this thing. We got to go to cry baby. We got to go to cry baby. We got to go to cry baby. All right, here we go. We got one more question for you coming in.
Starting point is 01:11:44 Hot. Land in hot. Landon DS. What a good name, huh? That is a great name. It's dangerous. Nice to land in what you name? Landon. Wow. And DS too. Fuck it. Pretty much do whatever you want now. What's your best drunk Nate Bergazzi story? Good question. Oh my God, that is a good one.
Starting point is 01:12:10 Cause I got one. My favorite one is... I mean, I gotta think, because the Joe DeRosa one is pretty funny. You know the Joe DeRosa one? No, what's that? He got drunk and he was like a Joe was at the bar and Joe was like getting stuff.
Starting point is 01:12:32 So Nate went to the bar and was like, I don't get it. He's telling Joe like, I don't get it. And Joe's like, what are you talking about? He's like, your whole thing, I don't get it. And Joe was like, kinda about? He's like, your whole thing. I don't get it. And Joe was like, kind of hurt by it's like, because I don't think Joe was that drunk, but Nate was hammered. So I was like, I don't, I don't know what you're doing up there. I don't get it. It made me laugh so hard. And then those guys are friends and we're all friends. So it's not
Starting point is 01:13:01 anything, you know, whatever. But it's like, I don't even get what you're doing. You're just angry at everybody. Yeah, when about McNuggets, I don't know what that is. It's just funny. It's just so funny. Like, I remember my drunk. It's like, I was, went to Nate's birthday. It was, it was at brother Jimmy's in the city. Yeah. I showed up and I just ended up getting hammered. Just hammered.
Starting point is 01:13:30 And to the point where everybody was gone, and it's like me and the girl I was dating at the time, we were just hammered and I was just dancing at the bar. Like it was like, we were the only him, Laura, me, and my girl were the only ones left. And I was just like, really going hard at the bar. And it wasn't even like a disco like that. And I was like, music, hammered. There was music. Yeah, there was music. But I was,
Starting point is 01:13:55 I was like, I just go, it's one of those were, I'll just go stop by for a drink. It's like, you stop by for a drink and then you just get annihilated. And then they, you know, you're just like, yeah. and then just get annihilated and then they could, you know, you're just like, yeah. Yeah, Nate's funny, man. He's so quick. I remember one time he came to New York, this, he was on my podcast a bunch,
Starting point is 01:14:16 and then he came to New York and he didn't, he didn't call me or anything, but I, I called him up and I was like, you know, what the fuck man? You come to New York, you don't even fucking call me, he goes, Bobby, you don't even know my daughter's last name. I was like, I know you fucking daughter's last name. Fuck off, he goes, what is it? And I was like, and then I just hung up. What was it, Nantaski?
Starting point is 01:14:50 What's your name again? No. You don't know. You know my daughter's last name? Yeah. No, her first name, I'm sorry. Sorry. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:15:03 I fucked up the joke. I sucks. He goes, he goes, I don't know, you know my daughter's name, you don't even know my daughter's name. I was like, fuck you, I know her, go fuck yourself. And I was just sitting there, he goes, what is it? And I was like, I'm trying to Google it, but that's what Google wasn't as good as it is now. And I was like, Napar Gatsy daughter, right, and driving.
Starting point is 01:15:23 I just hung up. And then I called them back like a day later. And I was like, Napar Gatsy daughter, right, and driving. I just hung up, and then I called them back like a day later, and I found it, and I just, I said it. What is it, fucking, fuck it. What is your name? Fuck it. I can say it, because it's a, can we say kids and games later? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:15:40 Fuck it, you don't need to say it. Yeah, I want to say it because I don't want to. I mean, we're all in the game, but women and children off limits, Bobby. I think so. Some people don't think so, but I think so. Yeah. I think so.
Starting point is 01:15:55 It's not like we kill civilians, we kill our own. Yeah, it's the fucking mob, and a lot of people don't think that this is the mob, but it's the fucking mob. And when they start going after children and women are children, it's like, you know what, you ran out of funny. You ran out of funny.
Starting point is 01:16:13 You don't know what funny is, you ran out of it. Yeah. You had to go from fucking civilians then you're just a murderer. You're just a serial killer. Yeah, you're a serial killer. You're not in serial killer. Yeah, you're a serial killer. You're not in this thing of ours. You're not in this thing of ours.
Starting point is 01:16:28 You're going after your punching women on the street, you're sweating all over treadmills. Ah! You're not cleaning up after yourself? Now, you don't know good friends, kids, first names. Scumbag. I listen, Vecchio, go check out Vecchio, check out his new podcast, go see him live and number one go by his album or go listen to his album or watch his album when he comes
Starting point is 01:16:52 out. He is by far one of the number one comics going right now. New York City is proud to have him. He is one of the best and he's one of the most respected guys out there right now. Know that. And one of the nicest guys too. I love you buddy. I love you too buddy. Thanks for having me on man. Have fun and yeah, hit me up when you get back. I don't know if you have like a used to have those barbecues. I'll figure out a way to get up there man if you have one. Yeah, now let you know we're going to have
Starting point is 01:17:23 one before it gets too cold back in the house when I I get back from my New Hampshire place in September so nice All right, buddy mush. I love you check out Mike Vswaris. He'll be with me at Versani's on August fourth fifth and sixth Mr. Mr. Mike Calta and Then of course new Nikki thanks for doing such a good job. I'll be, I'm just for laughs, Hassanis, Azbury at the end.
Starting point is 01:17:51 Azbury Park, I'll be there on the 25th, and then I'll be in Cincinnati at the Bruha, fundraiser on the 27th, Lafactory Chicago with, oh yeah, I'm gonna be on Chicago, Lafactory Chicago, McKenry Theater, and Montchock Theater. Chicago with oh yeah, I'm gonna be on Chicago. I'm laughing at the fact we're Chicago McKenry Theater and Montchock Theater. I'm gonna be all these theaters I got coming up in September.
Starting point is 01:18:13 So please check out my day to and robacalive on Instagram. You guys the best, we'll see you next week on You Not What The. next week on You Now What The...

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